
建筑结构- Foundation(地基)- Beam(梁)- Column(柱)- Slab(楼板)- Wall(墙体)- Roof(屋顶)- Staircase(楼梯)- Framing(框架)- Insulation(隔热)- Reinforcement(钢筋)- Shear wall(剪力墙)- Retaining wall(挡土墙)- Truss(桁架)- Scaffolding(脚手架)- Balcony(阳台)建筑材料- Concrete(混凝土)- Brick(砖)- Stone(石头)- Wood(木材)- Steel(钢材)- Glass(玻璃)- Roofing tiles(屋顶瓦)- Plaster(灰泥)- Insulation material(保温材料)- Paint(油漆)- Ceramic tile(瓷砖)- Flooring(地板材料)建筑工艺- Excavation(挖掘)- Formwork(模板)- Reinforcing bar installation(钢筋安装)- Concrete pouring(浇筑混凝土)- Bricklaying(砌砖)- Masonry(砌体)- Plastering(抹灰)- Tiling(贴瓷砖)- Painting(油漆工作)- Electrical wiring(电线安装)- Plumbing(管道安装)- HVAC installation(暖通空调安装)- Finishing(装修)建筑设备- Crane(起重机)- Bulldozer(推土机)- Excavator(挖掘机)- Concrete mixer(混凝土搅拌机)- Scaffolding system(脚手架系统)- Tower crane(塔式起重机)- Scissor lift(剪式升降平台)- Forklift(叉车)- Generator(发电机)建筑测量和规划- Surveying(测量)- Topographic survey(地形测量)- Leveling(水准测量)- Site plan(平面图)- Blueprint(施工图)- Scale drawing(比例图)- Building code(建筑法规)- Zoning regulations(分区规定)- Environmental impact assessment(环境影响评估)- Permit(许可证)- Construction site(工地)这些词汇可以帮助你在建筑技术领域进行交流和理解。

建筑英语词汇大全一、建筑基础词汇1.1 建筑类型(Building Types)•Building: 建筑物•House: 房屋•Office Building: 办公楼•Skyscraper: 摩天大楼•Warehouse: 仓库•Hospital: 医院•School: 学校•Hotel: 酒店•Shopping Mall: 购物中心•Museum: 博物馆1.2 建筑组成(Building Components)•Foundation: 基础•Wall: 墙体•Roof: 屋顶•Floor: 地板•Staircase: 楼梯•Ceiling: 天花板•Window: 窗户•Door: 门•Column: 柱子•Beam: 横梁1.3 建筑结构(Building Structures)•Structure: 结构•Frame: 框架•Wall Structure: 墙体结构•Roof Structure: 屋顶结构•Reinforced Concrete: 钢筋混凝土•Steel Frame: 钢结构•Timber Frame: 木结构•Masonry: 砌体结构二、建筑施工词汇2.1 建筑施工工艺(Construction Techniques)•Excavation: 挖掘•Concrete Pouring: 浇筑混凝土•Formwork: 模板•Reinforcement: 钢筋•Masonry Work: 砌筑工作•Roofing: 屋面施工•Plumbing: 水暖工程•Electrical Wiring: 电气布线•Finishing Work: 室内装饰2.2 施工机械设备(Construction Machinery)•Excavator: 挖掘机•Bulldozer: 推土机•Crane: 起重机•Concrete Mixer: 混凝土搅拌机•Scaffolding: 脚手架•Jackhammer: 打桩机•Generator: 发电机•Welding Machine: 焊接机2.3 施工人员(Construction Personnel)•Engineer: 工程师•Architect: 建筑师•Foreman: 领班•Construction Worker: 建筑工人•Electrician: 电工•Plumber: 水电工•Carpenter: 木工•Painter: 油漆工三、建筑材料词汇3.1 建筑常用材料(Common Building Materials)•Concrete: 混凝土•Brick: 砖块•Steel: 钢材•Wood: 木材•Glass: 玻璃•Tiles: 瓷砖•Cement: 水泥•Asphalt: 沥青•Insulation: 绝缘材料3.2 建筑涂料材料(Building Coating Materials)•Paint: 油漆•Varnish: 清漆•Primer: 底漆•Solvent: 溶剂•Pigment: 颜料•Resin: 树脂•Sealer: 封孔剂•Epoxy: 环氧树脂3.3 建筑装饰材料(Building Decorative Materials)•Wallpaper: 壁纸•Tile: 瓷砖•Laminate: 层压板•Carpet: 地毯•Curtain: 窗帘•Ceiling Tile: 吊顶板•Molding: 装饰线条•Chandelier: 吊灯•Decoration: 装饰品四、建筑项目管理词汇4.1 建筑项目管理流程(Construction Project Management Process)•Planning: 规划•Design: 设计•Budgeting: 预算•Procurement: 采购•Construction: 施工•Quality Control: 质量控制•Project Schedule: 项目进度•Risk Management: 风险管理•Project Closeout: 项目收尾4.2 建筑项目管理人员(Construction Project Management Personnel)•Project Manager: 项目经理•Project Coordinator: 项目协调员•Quantity Surveyor: 工料测量员•Site Supervisor: 现场主管•Contract Administrator: 合同管理员•Safety Officer: 安全员•Quality Inspector: 质量检验员•Stakeholder: 利益相关者以上是一份简要的建筑英语词汇大全,涵盖了建筑基础、建筑施工、建筑材料和建筑项目管理等方面的词汇。

建筑学专业英语词汇大全精心序码汉文名英文名注释01.1 总论01.0001 建筑学architecture01.0002 建筑物building01.0003 人体测量学anthropometry01.0004 人体尺寸human dimensions01.0005 人体舒适human comfort01.0006 人类行为human behavior01.0007 [人因]工效学human factorengineering01.0008 人类群居学ekistics01.0009 环境心理学environmentalpsychology01.0010 人类生态学human ecology01.0011 建筑功能building function01.0012 建筑类型学building typology01.0013 空间构图space configuration01.0014 领域性territoriality01.0015 建筑经济学building economics01.0016 价值工程学value engineering01.0017 费用效益cost effectiveness01.0018 建筑美学architectural aesthetics 01.0019 艺术格调artistic touch01.0020 建筑几何学architectural geometry 01.0021 建筑形态学architecturalmorphology01.0022 建筑形式architectural form01.0023 建筑风格architectural style01.0024 建筑环境architectural environment 01.0025 环境艺术environmental art01.0026 建筑文化architectural culture01.0027 建筑文脉architectural context01.0028 建筑符号学architectural semiotics 01.0029 模式语言pattern language01.0030 建筑设计方法学architecturaldesign methodology01.0031 无障碍设计barrier free design01.0032 古建筑保护historical buildingpresvervation01.0033 风水学fengshui01.0034 建筑科学building science01.0035 建筑气候学building climatology01.0036 建筑物理[学]building physics01.0037 建筑光学building optics01.0038 建筑热学building thermodymamics,building thermology01.0039 建筑声学building acoustics01.0040 太阳能建筑solar building01.0041 建筑工程building engineering 01.0042 建筑标准化buildingstandardization01.0043 建筑模数building module01.0044 模数协调modular coordination01.0045 建筑工业化buildingindustrialization01.0046 工业化建筑体系industrializedbuilding system01.0047 支撑体系support system01.0048 填充体系infill system01.0049 建筑安全building safety01.0050 建筑防灾building disasterprevention01.0051 建筑节能building energyconservation01.0052 减灾学natural disasterprevention01.0053 建筑防火building fire protection 01.0054 建筑抗震building aseismicity01.0055 建筑病理building pathology01.0056 健康建筑healthy building01.0057 建筑综合症synthetic buildingsyndrome,SBS01.0058 建筑保安building security01.0059 防卫性空间defensible space01.0060 建筑性能building performance01.0061 建筑评价building evaluation01.0062 社会影响评价social impactassessment,SIA01.0063 环境影响评价environmental impactassessment,EIA01.0064 建筑测量building surveying01.0065 建筑勘探building geotechnics01.0066 工程施工engineering construction 01.0067 建筑材料building material01.0068 建筑制品building product01.0069 建筑构造architecturalconstruction01.0070 建筑设备系统building servicesystem01.0071 建筑设备building equipment01.0072 建筑设备安装building equipmentinstallation01.0073 建筑设施building facilities01.0074 建筑设施管理building facilitiesmanagement01.0075 建筑装修builidng finishing01.0076 室内装饰interior decoration01.0077 建筑壁画mural01.0078 浅浮雕bas-relief01.0079 建筑维护building maintenance01.0080 建筑修缮building repair01.0081 建筑管理building management01.0082 建筑业building industry01.0083 建筑立法building legislation01.0084 建筑史architectural history01.0085 古典建筑classical architecture01.0086 古典柱式classical order01.0087 古埃及建筑Egyptian arhcitecture01.0088 美索不达米亚建筑Mesopotamianarchitecture01.0089 古希腊建筑Greek architecture01.0090 古罗马建筑Roman architecture01.0091 拜占庭建筑Byzantine architecture 01.0092 罗曼式建筑Romanesque architecture 01.0093 哥特式建筑Gothic architecture01.0094 文艺复兴建筑Renaissancearchitecture01.0095 巴洛克建筑Baroque architecture01.0096 洛可可建筑Rococo architecture01.0097 伊斯兰建筑Islamic architecture01.0098 新艺术运动Art-nouveau Movement01.0099 现代主义modernism01.0100 国际风格International Style01.0101 后现代主义post-modernism01.0102 功能主义functionalism01.0103 构成主义constructivism01.0104 表现主义expressionism01.0105 手法主义mannerism01.0106 折中主义eclecticism01.0107 结构主义structuralism01.0108 新古典主义neoclassicism01.0109 复古主义revivalism01.0110 民族风格national style01.0111 新理性主义neorationalism01.0112 批判地方主义critical regionalism 01.0113 解构主义deconstruction01.0114 反构成主义deconstructivism01.0115 粗野主义brutalism01.0116 文脉主义contextualism01.0117 新陈代谢主义metabolism01.0118 高技术建筑hightech architecture01.0119 乡土建筑vernacular architecture01.0120 有机建筑organic architecture01.0121 国际建筑师协会Union ofInternational Architects, UIA01.0122 亚洲建筑师协会Architects RegionalCouncil Asia, ARCASIA01.0123 中国建筑学会Architectural Societyof China, ASC01.2 建筑类型及组成01.0124 单层建筑single-story building 01.0125 多层建筑multistory building01.0126 高层建筑highrise building, tallbuilding01.0127 超高层建筑super highrisebuilding, supertall building 01.0128 摩天楼skyscraper01.0129 活动房屋mobile house01.0130 建筑队群building group01.0131 裙房podium01.0132 楼层floor01.0133 夹层mezzanine01.0134 底层ground floor01.0135 地下室basement01.0136 半地下室sub-basement01.0137 顶层top floor01.0138 房间room01.0139 走廊corridor01.0140 游廊gallery01.0141 入口entrance01.0142 门斗anteroom01.0143 门厅enrtance hall, vestibule01.0144 接待室reception room01.0145 会议室conference room01.0146 值班室janitor's room01.0147 收发室mail/distribution room01.0148 问询处information desk01.0149 衣帽间coat room, cloak room01.0150 开水间water heater room01.0151 卫生间washroom01.0152 厕所toilet01.0153 浴室bathroom01.0154 电话总机房telephone exchangeroom01.0155 电子计算机房computer room01.0156 广播室broadcasting room01.0157 储藏室storage room01.0158 变电间substation01.0159 锅炉间boiler room01.0160 阳台balcony01.0161 平台terrace01.0162 天井light court01.0163 屋前空地frontage01.0164 居住建筑residential building01.0165 人居human habitat01.0166 住房housing01.0167 独户住宅single family house01.0168 多户住宅multi-family house01.0169 联排式住宅row house, terracehouse01.0170 台阶式住宅stepped house,terraced house01.0171 公寓式住宅apartment house01.0172 板式住宅slab block01.0173 点式住宅point block01.0174 跃层式公寓skip-floor aparment01.0175 外廊式公寓exterior-corridor typeapartmnet01.0176 步行上楼式公寓walk-up apartment01.0177 电梯式公寓elevator apartment01.0178 平房one-story house, bungalow01.0179 农舍cottage01.0180 别墅villa01.0181 庭院式住宅courtyard house01.0182 两层独立公寓maisonette01.0183 宿舍dormitory01.0184 青年公寓youth apartment01.0185 老年公寓house for the elderly01.0186 养老院nursing home01.0187 公共活动室commom room, communityroom01.0188 卧室bedroom01.0189 起居室living room01.0190 书房study01.0191 餐室dining room01.0192 厨房kitchen01.0193 壁柜wall unit, case unit01.0194 吊柜hanging cabinet01.0195 地窖cellar01.0196 教育建筑educational building01.0197 大学建筑university building01.0198 学院建筑institute building,collehe building01.0199 专科学校建筑specail collegebuilding01.0200 中学建筑secondary schoolbuilding01.0201 职业学校建筑professional schoolbuilding01.0202 小学建筑elementary schoolbuilding01.0203 幼儿园kindergarten01.0204 寄宿制托儿所nursery01.0205 全日制托儿所day-care center01.0206 教室classroom01.0207 阶梯教室lecture theater01.0208 电化教室audio-visual classroom01.0209 实验教室laboratory01.0210 美术教室artroom01.0211 音乐教室music room01.0212 劳作教室handicraft room01.0213 实验工厂practice workshop01.0214 儿童活动室children's playroom 01.0215 哺乳室nursing room01.0216 配乳室milk kitchen01.0217 隔离室isolation room01.0218 学生中心students' center01.0219 游戏场地playground01.0220 黑板blackborad01.0221 讲台forum01.0222 文化建筑cultural building01.0223 图书馆library01.0224 博物馆museum01.0225 科技馆science museum01.0226 美术馆art museum01.0227 画廓gallery01.0228 文化中心cultural center01.0229 展览馆exhibition hall01.0230 天文馆planetarium01.0231 水族馆aquarium01.0232 自然博物馆natural history museum 01.0233 青年中心youth center01.0234 妇女中心women's center01.0235 陈列室display room01.0236 展览室exhibition room01.0237 阅览室reading room01.0238 阅览间reading carrel01.0239 微缩图书阅览室microfilm readingroom01.0240 善本图书阅览室rare books readingroom01.0241 文献资料阅览室referenceliterature room01.0242 目录厅catalogue room01.0243 出纳处lending department01.0244 编目室cataloging room01.0245 鉴定室authentication room01.0246 研究室research room01.0247 复印室copying room01.0248 装订室binding room01.0249 书库stack room01.0250 开架管理open stack management01.0251 闭架管理closed stack management 01.0252 书架book shelf01.0253 展览架display shelf01.0254 体育建筑sport building01.0255 体育场stadium01.0256 室内体育场indoor stadium01.0257 体育馆sports hall01.0258 游泳馆swimming hall, natatorium 01.0259 健身房gymnasium01.0260 田径场track field01.0261 足球场football court, soccercourt01.0262 篮球场basketball court01.0263 排球场volleyball court01.0264 手球场handball court01.0265 垒球场softball court01.0266 网球场tennis court01.0267 羽毛球场badminton court01.0268 壁球场squash court01.0269 棒球场baseball field01.0270 射击场shooting range01.0271 射箭场archery01.0272 赛马场race course01.0273 斗牛场bullfighting arena01.0274 自行车赛场velodrome01.0275 滑冰场skating rink01.0276 水上运动场aquatic sport waters 01.0277 冰球场ice hockey rink01.0278 曲棍球场hockey field01.0279 高尔夫球场golf course01.0280 跳伞俱乐部parachute club01.0281 保龄球场bowling club01.0282 桑拿浴室sauna bathroom01.0283 按摩室massage room01.0284 练习场warm-up01.0285 看台grandstand01.0286 活动看台movable stand01.0287 裁判席referee's seat01.0288 运动员席sportsman's seat01.0289 固定座位bleacher01.0290 场地field01.0291 跑道track01.0292 跳高场地high jump runway01.0293 跳远场地long jump runway01.0294 三级跳远场地triple jump runway 01.0295 撑竿跳高场地pole vault runway 01.0296 标枪投掷区javelin throwing zone 01.0297 铅球投掷区hammer throwing zone 01.0298 铁饼投掷区discus throwing zone 01.0299 障碍赛跑道hurdle race track01.0300 跳水池diving pool01.0301 武术场地martial arts ground01.0302 举重场地weightlifting platform 01.0303 摔跤场地wrestling ring01.0304 拳击比赛台boxing ring01.0305 击剑场地fencing area01.0306 游泳池swimming pool01.0307 泳道swimming lane01.0308 跳水台diving platform01.0309 体操台gymnastic floor01.0310 单杠horizontal bar01.0311 双杠parallel bars01.0312 高低杠uneven parallel bars 01.0313 吊环rings01.0314 鞍马vaulting horse01.0315 跳马pommel horse01.0316 自由体操free exercise01.0317 平衡木halancing beam01.0318 篮球架backboard01.0319 球门goal01.0320 记分牌scoreboard01.0321 跳伞塔parachuting tower01.0322 观演建筑theatrical building01.0323 剧院theater, playhouse01.0324 表演艺术中心performing artscenter01.0325 歌剧院opera house01.0326 芭蕾舞剧院ballet theater01.0327 京剧院Beijing opera theater01.0328 木偶剧院puppet play theater01.0329 露天剧场open air theater,amphitheater01.0330 话剧院drama theater01.0331 实验剧场experimental theater01.0332 电影院cinema, movie theater01.0333 全景电影院panoramic cinema01.0334 立体电影院stereophonic cinema01.0335 汽车影院drive-in theater01.0336 音乐厅concert hall01.0337 交响乐厅symphony hall01.0338 独唱独奏厅recital hall01.0339 观众厅auditorium01.0340 座席容量seating capacity01.0341 多用途观众厅multiuse auditorium 01.0342 多媒体演出multimedia performance 01.0343 地面升起rakde floor01.0344 视线sight line01.0345 排距row spacing01.0346 错排座席staggered seating01.0347 纵过道longitudinal aisle01.0348 横过道transverse aisle01.0349 天花反射板ceiling reflector01.0350 池座层orchestra level01.0351 池座前排stall01.0352 楼层挑台balcony01.0353 楼面层tier01.0354 包厢box01.0355 迟到席late-comers' seat01.0356 舞台stage01.0357 箱形舞台proscenium frame stage 01.0358 旋转舞台revolving stage01.0359 凸出舞台thrust stage01.0360 中心舞台arena stage01.0361 活动舞台flexible stage01.0362 基本台main stage01.0363 侧台side stage01.0364 转台turntable01.0365 升降台elevating stage, stagelift01.0366 车台wagon stage01.0367 表演区acting area01.0368 乐池orchestra pit01.0369 台唇apron, forestage01.0370 台口proscenium01.0371 假台口 false proscenium,adjustable proscenium01.0372 大幕front curtain, house tabs 01.0373 防火幕fire curtain01.0374 天幕cyclorama01.0375 边幕wing sets01.0376 声罩acoustic shell01.0377 布景stage scenery01.0378 道具stage property, prop01.0379 银幕film screen01.0380 宽银幕wide film screen01.0381 立体银幕cinemascope screen01.0382 天桥fly gallery01.0383 灯光渡桥traveling lightinggallery01.0384 舞台塔fly tower01.0385 舞台吊杆flybar, barrten01.0386 手动吊杆hand-driven battern01.0387 电动吊杆motorized winch batten 01.0388 单式吊杆single purchasecounterweight batten01.0389 复式吊杆double purchasecounterweight batten01.0390 排烟窗vent window01.0391 舞台灯光stage lighting01.0392 耳光wall-slot lighting01.0393 面光front lighting01.0394 侧光side lighting01.0395 放映室projection booth,projection room01.0396 放映孔projection port01.0397 观察窗observation port01.0398 后台back stage01.0399 化妆室dressing room, make-uproom01.0400 排练厅rehearsal room01.0401 演员休息室green room01.0402 舞台监督室stge manager's room 01.0403 灯光控制室light control room 01.0404 音响控制室sound control room 01.0405 前厅foyer 01.0406 售票处box office01.0407 疏散出口emergency exit01.0408 娱乐建筑recreation building01.0409 娱乐中心recreation center01.0410 舞厅ballroom01.0411 俱乐部clubhouse01.0412 夜总会night club01.0413 舞池dancing floor01.0414 医[疗]卫[生]建筑medical building 01.0415 医院hospital01.0416 综合医院general hospital01.0417 精神医院mental health hospital 01.0418 口腔医院dental hospital01.0419 妇科医院gynaecologic hospital01.0420 妇产医院obstetric hospital01.0421 儿科医院pediatric hospital01.0422 传染医院contagious diseasehospital01.0423 肿瘤医院tumour hospital01.0424 眼科医院ophthalmologic hospital 01.0425 疗养院sanatorium01.0426 急球中心emergency care center 01.0427 康复中心rehabilitation center01.0428 中医院traditional Chinesemedical hospital01.0429 医疗站medical station01.0430 卫生所health center01.0431 防疫站health and quarantinestation01.0432 门诊部outpatient department01.0433 急诊部emergency department01.0434 治疗部examination-treatmentcenter01.0435 理疗部therapeutic department01.0436 化疗部chemical treatmentdepartment01.0437 手术部operationdepartment,surgical suite01.0438 针灸部acupuncture department01.0439 放射部radioactive department01.0440 分娩部delivery department01.0441 住院部ward01.0442 同位素室radioisotope unit01.0443 化验室testing laboratory01.0444 挂号处admitting office01.0445 候诊室waiting lounge01.0446 诊室consulting room01.0447 药房pharmacy01.0448 病房patients' room01.0449 隔离病房isolation ward01.0450 阳光室solaria01.0451 营养厨房dietary kitchen01.0452 手术准备室preparation room01.0453 手术消毒室sterilizing room01.0454 麻醉室anesthesia room01.0455 手术洗涤室scrub-up01.0456 停尸房mortuary01.0457 解剖室autopsy room01.0458 中心供应站central supply01.0459 工业建筑industrial building01.0460 火力发电厂steam power station01.0461 选煤厂coal preparation plant01.0462 炼油厂oil refinery01.0463 液化石油气厂liquid petroleum gasplant, LPG plant01.0464 自来水厂water supply andpurification plant01.0465 钢铁厂iron and steel works01.0466 铝厂aluminium factory01.0467 焦化厂coke plant01.0468 机械厂machine making factory01.0469 汽车厂automobile factory01.0470 拖拉机厂tractor factory01.0471 机车车辆厂locomotive and coachwagon factory01.0472 机床厂machine tool factory01.0473 电机厂electric motor factory01.0474 冷冻机厂refrigerating machinewagon01.0475 锅炉厂boiler making factory01.0476 轴承厂bearing factory01.0477 齿轮厂gear factory01.0478 电镀厂electroplating factory01.0479 电解厂electrolysis tactory01.0480 建筑机械厂building equipmentfactory01.0481 建筑材料厂building materialfactory01.0482 建筑五金厂building hardwarefactory01.0483 建筑陶瓷厂building ceramicsfactory01.0484 水泥厂cement works01.0485 砖瓦厂brick and tile factory01.0486 木材厂woodworking factory01.0487 大理石厂marble factory01.0488 精密仪器厂precision instrumentfactory01.0489 仪器仪表厂instument and meterfactory01.0490 钟表厂clock and watch factory01.0491 眼镜厂spectacles factory 01.0492 化工厂chemical plant01.0493 塑料厂plastics plant01.0494 制药厂pharmaceutical factory01.0495 油漆厂paint factory01.0496 制管厂piping factory01.0497 皮毛加工厂leather factory01.0498 纺织厂textile mill01.0499 针织厂knitting mill01.0500 印染厂dyeing plant01.0501 服装厂tailor shop01.0502 鞋厂shoemaking factory01.0503 工艺美术厂handicraft factory01.0504 印刷厂printing press01.0505 玩具厂toy making factory01.0506 面包厂bakery01.0507 面粉厂flour mill01.0508 食品厂food products factory01.0509 清真食品厂muslem food productsfactory01.0510 豆制品厂bean products factory01.0511 饮料厂beverage01.0512 酿酒厂winery01.0513 啤酒厂brewery01.0514 屠宰厂butchery01.0515 肉类加工厂meat products factory 01.0516 卷烟厂cigarette factory01.0517 茶厂tea factory01.0518 糖厂sugar mill01.0519 厂房factory building01.0520 车间workshop01.0521 堆场storage yard01.0522 原料加工车间raw material handingplant01.0523 治炼车间smelting shop01.0524 铸造车间casting shop01.0525 锻造车间forging shop01.0526 冲压车间drop forging shop01.0527 焊接车间welding shop01.0528 金工车间machine-cutting shop01.0529 木工车间carpentry shop01.0530 加工车间 processing plant01.0531 装配车间assembly plant01.0532 冷拉车间cold-drawing shop01.0533 热处理车间heat-treatment shop01.0534 电镀车间electroplating shop01.0535 电解车间electrolysis shop01.0536 油漆车间painting shop01.0537 机修车间machine repair shop01.0538 中试车间pilot plant01.0539 烧制车间furnace room01.0540 精密车间precision workshop01.0541 洁净车间dust-proof workshop,clearoom01.0542 中央试验室central laboratory01.0543 动力站power plant01.0544 锅炉房boiler house01.0545 煤气发生站gas generating station 01.0546 压缩空气站compressed air station 01.0547 氧气站oxygen station01.0548 乙炔站acetylene generatingstation01.0549 充电站battery recharge room01.0550 仓库warehouse, godown01.0551 总仓库central warehouse01.0552 成品库final product storage01.0553 装卸站台loading platform01.0554 厂前区administration quarter01.0555 生活间changing room, lockerroom01.0556 吊车crane01.0557 汽车地磅truck-weighing platform 01.0558 水塔water tower01.0559 电瓶车库battery car room01.0560 商业建筑commercial building01.0561 百货商店department store01.0562 超级市场supermarket01.0563 自选商场self service store01.0564 购物中心shopping center01.0565 市场market hall01.0566 农贸市场farm product market01.0567 鱼市fishmonger, fish stall01.0568 肉市butcher shop01.0569 禽市poultry stall01.0570 蛋市egg stall01.0571 果市fruit stall01.0572 菜市场vegetable market01.0573 批发商店wholesale store01.0574 零售商店retail store01.0575 专卖店speciality shop01.0576 粮店grain store01.0577 副食店foodstuffs store01.0578 食品店provisions shop01.0579 熟食店delicatessen shop01.0580 点心铺pastry store01.0581 杂货铺grocery01.0582 饭馆restaurant01.0583 饮食店cafeteria01.0584 小吃店snack bar01.0585 快餐店fast food restaurant01.0586 茶馆 tea house01.0587 包子铺stuffed bun house01.0588 食堂canteen 01.0589 中药店traditional Chinsesmedicine store01.0590 西药店drugstore01.0591 布店cloth store01.0592 呢绒绸缎店silk and wool fabricstore01.0593 服装店clothing store01.0594 鞋帽店hat and shoes store01.0595 床上用品店bed linens store01.0596 家具店furniture store01.0597 眼镜店spectacles store01.0598 钟表店clocks and watches store01.0599 文具用品店stationary store01.0600 书店bookstore01.0601 花店flower shop01.0602 服饰店haberdashery01.0603 洗染店laundering and dyeingshop01.0604 干洗店dry cleaning shop01.0605 工艺美术品店arts and caftsstore01.0606 金银手饰店jewelry store01.0607 珠宝店jewelry shop01.0608 照相馆photo studio01.0609 理发店barber shop01.0610 美发廊hair salon01.0611 美容院beauty parlour01.0612 浴堂bath house01.0613 旅馆hotel01.0614 旅店inn01.0615 宾馆guesthouse01.0616 汽车旅馆motel01.0617 银行bank01.0618 储蓄所saving bank01.0619 证券交易所stock exchange01.0620 营业厅shopping hall01.0621 售货区Sales area01.0622 顾客活动区customers' area01.0623 橱窗shop window, show window01.0624 收款柜台cashier01.0625 货架shelf01.0626 货柜counter01.0627 卸货间delivery room01.0628 卸货台delivery platform01.0629 主食加工间staple food processingroom01.0630 副食加工间non-staple foodprocessing room01.0631 主食库staple food storage01.0632 副食库non-staple food storage01.0633 调料库condiment storage01.0634 备餐间pantry, food preparationroom01.0635 食具洗涤消毒间ware washing andsterilizing room01.0636 烧火间firing sector01.0637 冷[藏]库cold storage01.0638 冷藏间refrigerated storage room01.0639 冷冻间freezed storage room01.0640 制冻间ice-mking room01.0641 客房guest room01.0642 套间客房suite01.0643 总统客房presidential suite01.0644 单床间single-bed room01.0645 双床间double room01.0646 休息厅looby, loung01.0647 接待厅reception hall,front desk01.0648 总服务台reception desk01.0649 餐厅dining hall01.0650 中餐厅Chinese restaurant01.0651 西餐厅west restaurant01.0652 咖啡厅coffee house, coffee shop01.0653 风味餐厅speciality restaurant01.0654 宴会厅banquet hall01.0655 多功能厅multi-function hall01.0656 酒巴间bar01.0657 洗手间rest room01.0658 洗衣房laundry01.0659 交通建筑transportain building01.0660 航空港airport01.0661 候机楼air-terminal01.0662 售票厅booking hall01.0663 候机厅departure hall01.0664 行李托运站baggage check-in01.0665 旅客通道passenger concourse01.0666 海关检查处customs examination01.0667 登机口boarding gate01.0668 行李提取站bagggage claim01.0669 停机坪apron01.0670 直升机坪helistop01.0671 指挥塔command tower01.0672 飞机跑道runway01.0673 火车站railway terminal, railwaystation01.0674 汽车客运站bus passenger terminal,bus passenger station01.0675 水路客运站waterway passengerterminal, watermqy passengerstation01.0676 候车室waiting lounge01.0677 行李室luggage room 01.0678 站台railway platform01.0679 站台雨棚platform shed01.0680 灯塔beacon, lighthouse01.0681 汽车库garage01.0682 多层车库multistory garage01.0683 加油站petrol filling station01.0684 汽车修理站car repair pit01.0685 汽车洗车台car wash01.0686 岗亭sentry box01.0687 农业生产建筑farm building01.0688 粮库granary01.0689 筒仓silo01.0690 种子库seed storage01.0691 选种室seed selection room01.0692 粮食加工厂grain processing plant 01.0693 晒场sunning ground01.0694 温室greenhouse01.0695 塑料大棚plastic-cover greenhouse 01.0696 农机站farm machinery station01.0697 保养间maintenance shop01.0698 农具棚agricultural tools shed01.0699 零件库machine parts storage01.0700 农机修理站agricultural machinerepair station01.0701 种马场stallion barn01.0702 役马场military horse harn01.0703 马厩horse stable01.0704 乳牛场dairy farm01.0705 牛舍stanchion barn01.0706 公牛舍bull barn01.0707 犊牛舍calf barn01.0708 挤乳间milking parlour01.0709 牛乳处理间milkhouse01.0710 养鸡场poultry yard01.0711 鸡舍hencoop01.0712 养猪场pig farm, hog lot01.0713 猪舍pigsty01.0714 饲料储存处feed storage01.0715 饲料加工间feed processing plant 01.0716 食槽manger01.0717 饮水池drinking water pool01.0718 人工采精室sperm collection room 01.0719 授精配种室sperm fertilizationroom01.0720 病兽隔离室isolation barn01.0721 兽医站veterinary stastion01.0722 积肥场fertilizer yard01.0723 沼气池biomass pool01.0724 农业服务中心agricultural servicecenter01.0725 办公建筑office building01.0726 多层办公楼multistory office01.0727 高层办公楼office tower01.0728 行政办公楼administrative building 01.0729 专用办公楼special-use officebuilding01.0730 综合性办公楼multiuse officebuilding01.0731 智能办公楼intelligent building,smart building01.0732 单间式布局private office layout 01.0733 大空间布局open landscape layout 01.0734 单走道布局single-corridor layout 01.0735 双走道布局double-corridor layout 01.0736 单外廊布局singleexterior-corridor layout01.0737 双外廊布局doubleexterior-corridor layout01.0738 办公室office room01.0739 设计室design studio01.0740 绘图室driafting room01.0741 档案室file room01.0742 晒图室reproduction room01.0743 图档室drawings and documentsroom01.0744 打字室typing room01.0745 模型室model shop01.0746 公共建筑public building01.0747 国际会议大厦internationalconvertion hall01.0748 国家会议大厦state conventionhall01.0749 市政厅municipal hall, city hall 01.0750 会议厅assembly hall01.0751 礼堂auditorium01.0752 主席台presidium01.0753 同声传译控制室simultaneousinterpretation booth01.0754 翻译室interpreters' room01.0755 监听室monitor room01.0756 扩音控制室broadcasting controlroom01.0757 电视转播室television transmissionroom01.0758 电视转播车television transmissionvehicle01.0759 总指挥室general director's room 01.0760 法院courthouse01.0761 法庭courtroom01.0762 法官室judge's suite01.0763 秘书室law clerk's room01.0764 律师室lawyer's room 01.0765 证人室witness' room01.0766 拘留室detention room01.0767 警察局police station01.0768 派出所police substation01.0769 监狱prison, jail01.0770 牢房prison cell01.0771 接收牢房incarceration cell01.0772 隔离牢房isolation cell01.0773 检查室examination room01.0774 讯问处interrogation room01.0775 看守室guards' room01.0776 瞭望室watchtower01.0777 消防站fire station01.0778 消防车库fire engine room01.0779 训练塔training tower01.0780 通信建筑communication building 01.0781 邮局post office01.0782 电信楼telecommunication building 01.0783 营业柜台clerk counter01.0784 书写台writing counter01.0785 电话间telephone booth01.0786 广播楼broadcasting station01.0787 电视中心television center, TVcenter01.0788 卫星通信地面站satellite groundstation01.0789 录音室recording room01.0790 演播室studio01.0791 微波塔microwave transmissiontower01.0792 电视塔TV transmission tower01.0793 电影制片厂motion picture studio 01.0794 科学建筑science building01.0795 研究中心research center01.0796 试验楼laboratory building01.0797 试验室laboratory room01.0798 物理试验室physics laboratory01.0799 化学试验室chemistry laboratory 01.0800 光学试验室optics laboratory01.0801 声学试验室acoustic laboratory01.0802 混响室reverberationroom01.0803 隔声室soundproof room01.0804 消声室sound attenuation room,anechoic room01.0805 热工试验室thermal sciencelaboratory01.0806 生物试验室biology laboratory01.0807 机械性能试验室mechanicalproperties laboratory01.0808 无菌室bacteria-free room01.0809 计量室metrology room01.0810 天平室balance room01.0811 电子显微镜室electronic microscopyroom01.0812 试验台testing counter01.0813 通风罩ventilation hood01.0814 天文台observatory01.0815 气象台meteorological station01.0816 宗教建筑religious building01.0817 庙temple01.0818 寺buddhist temple01.0819 庵nunnery01.0820 祠shrine01.0821 观taoist temple01.0822 山门temple gate01.0823 大殿main temple hall01.0824 经堂scripture hall01.0825 钟楼bell tower01.0826 鼓楼drum tower01.0827 纪念建筑memorial building01.0828 纪念碑memorial monument01.0829 台座pedestal01.0830 纪念堂memorial hall01.0831 纪念牌坊monumental gateway01.0832 地下建筑underground building01.0833 人防地下室air-raid shelter01.0834 防核尘地下室fallout shelter01.0835 地铁车站subway station, metrostation01.0836 地下商场underground store01.0837 地下窑居underground dwelling01.0838 地下珍宝馆underground treasurechamber01.0839 地下车库underground garage01.0840 地下仓库underground warehouse01.0841 地下金库underground goldtreasury01.0842 地下冷库underground cold storage 01.0843 地下粮仓underground granary01.0844 地下试验室underground testinglaboratory01.0845 生土建筑earth building01.0846 窑居cave dwelling01.0847 夯土房rammed earth construction 01.0848 土筑房earthwork house01.0849 土坯房adobe house01.0850 覆土建筑earth-coveredconstruction01.0851 自行车棚bicycle shed01.0852 围墙fence wall, enclosure wall 01.0853 大门entrance gate, main door01.0854 门房gatehouse 01.3 建筑设计01.0855 设计管理design administration01.0856 建筑法buliding law,buildingordinance01.0857 建筑师注册法architects'registration ordinance 01.0858 职业工程师法professionalengineers' law01.0859 建筑主管机关building authority01.0860 建筑设计院building design institute 01.0861 建筑设计所building design office01.0862 建筑师architecf01.0863 结构工程师structural engineer01.0864 职业工程师professional engineer01.0865 咨询工程师design consultant01.0866 估价师estimator, quantity surveyor 01.0867 设计委托design commission01.0868 设计协议design agreement01.0869 设计合同design contract01.0870 设计义务design liability01.0871 损害义务tort liability01.0872 设计费design fee01.0873 收费标准fee scale01.0874 百分比收费percentage cost fee01.0875 单位面积收费unit area fee01.0876 总额收费lump sum fee01.0877 成本附加费cost plus fee01.0878 资质审查qualification01.0879 注册registration01.0880 执照license01.0881 合伙制设计事务所design partnership 01.0882 设计规范design code01.0883 设计标准design approval01.0884 职业道德守则code of professionalethics01.0885 设计程序design process01.0886 可行性研究feasibility study01.0887 机会研究opportunity study01.0888 建筑策划architectural programming 01.0889 场址选择site selection01.0890 需求预测demand forecasting01.0891 价格分析price analysis01.0892 建筑条件construction conditions01.0893 设计方案design alternative01.0894 劳动定员manpower quota01.0895 实施计划implementation schedule01.0896 投资额investment cost01.0897 运行成本running cost, operatingcost01.0898 资金返本期payback period01.0899 投资返回率 rate of return。

..●房屋各部分 Parts of house 屋面 roof 屋脊 ridge坡屋顶 pitched roof单坡屋顶 pent roof, lean-to roof 人字屋顶 gable roof 四坡顶 hipped roof 屋面排水沟 valley卷材防水屋面 membrane roof 找平层 screed-coat防水层 damp-proof course 泛水 flashing 屋顶层 garret阁楼 penthouse, loft, attic 天台 roof-deck 晒台 drying stage 组合烟囱 chimney stack 屋檐 eave屋面排水 roofing drainage 檐沟,明沟 gutter水落管 down-pipe, downspout 雨棚 canopy, awning 柱廊 colonnade 走廊 corridor 中庭 atrium 山墙 gable 女儿墙 parapet 山花 pediment 隅石砌 quoins阳台 balcony, veranda 阳台栏杆 balustrade阳台栏杆柱 baluster, banister 平台 terrace 台阶 steps 梯子 ladder 梯级 step楼梯 staircase(=step) 楼梯踏步平板 tread 楼梯踏步竖板 riser 楼梯休息平台 landing直角转弯平台 quarter-space landing 梯宽 run of stair 梯高 rise of stair 楼梯扶手 rail, railing 回转梯 corkscrew staircase ,caracole 踏步突沿 nosing 窗子 window百叶窗 blinds, louvers 旋转窗 balance window 平开窗,窗叶 casement 窗扇 sash中旋窗 awning window 上下推拉窗 double-hung window 屋顶通气窗 clerestory 门窗亮子 transom窗框 window frame 窗台 sill ,cill 采光顶 sunroof 天窗 sunlight老虎窗 dormer-window 通风窗 ventlight落地窗 French window 墙壁 wall承重墙 bearing wall 隔间 partition 空心墙 cavity wall防火隔断(分区) compartmentation 剪力墙 shear panel 墙裙 wainscot 窗间墙 pier幕墙 curtain wall 电梯 elevator, lift 自动扶梯 escalator 地板,楼面 floor夹层楼面 entresol ,mezzanine 楼座 balcony 楼板 slab 天花板 ceiling壁炉 andiron ,fireplace ,grate 地下室 basement 防火 fire-cut 防火门 fire door耐热涂料 heat-resisting paints 绝热 heat insulation 门槛 head-rail, sill柱子 column ,post ,pillar 柱头 column cap, head 斜撑 knee brace 悬索 catenary 梁 beam基础梁 grade beam 钢板梁 plate girder 工字梁 I-beam过梁 lintel, lintol, head 椽子 purlin 基础 foundation 碎石垫层 hard core混凝土地基 concrete foundation 基座、柱础 pedestal独立基础 isolated footing 放大基础 spreading footing 条形基础 strip footing 筏式基础 mat foundation 浮筏基础 floating foundation 沉箱基础 caisson化粪池 cesspool, septic tank 伸缩缝 expansion joint 冷桥 thermal bridge 散水 wash, apron披水板 weathering-board 桁架 truss组合桁架 composite truss 框架 framework 模板 formwork 拱券 arch 穹顶 dome 平拱 flat arch筒拱 vault, vaulted roof 半圆穹顶 concha 瓦 shingle, tile 砖 brick瓷砖 ceramic tile 玻璃砖 glass blocks 大理石 marble花岗岩 granite 水磨石 terrazzo 砌块 masonry 混凝土 concrete预制混凝土 pre-cast concrete 钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete 钢筋 steel reinforcement 水泥 cement抹灰,灰泥 plaster, stucco熟石灰 hydrate of lime, slaked-lime 砂浆 mortar抹灰层 floated coat 饰面 finish木砖 grounds, timber brick 石膏 gypsum 石膏板 plaster slab 夹胶玻璃 plyglass胶合板 plywood, clip-board 脚手架 scaffolding 悬臂 cantilever 叠涩,牛腿 corbel遮阳 sun shading ●制图与构图用语草图 sketch, draft 图纸 drawing 施工图 working drawings 工程 project 方案 plan 总图 grid 总平面 site 平面 floor 立面 elevation 正立面 facade 剖面 section 详图 detail门厅上部 upper foyer 比例尺 scale= 透视图,表现图 rendering 透视 perspective轴测 isometric perspective Axonometric projection 轴线 axis建筑面积 floor area, architecture area 相对标高 relative elevation/level 层高,净空 headroom, headway 室内 interior 室外 exterior室内装修 interior decoration 装饰 ornament广场 square, plaza, public square 流线 circulation 解构 deconstruction 空间 space, spatial 比例 proportion 统一 unity 均衡 balance 协调 harmony 尺度 scale 韵律 rhythm 风格 style 功能 function 关系 relationship..●房屋 House高层建筑 high-rise building 社区 housing complex 家舍 house 茅舍 cottage平房 one-story house ,bungalow , plain-house 二楼 two-story house 公寓(建筑) apartment house 公寓(房间) apartment(flat)(英) 别墅 villa花园洋房 garden house 寄宿舍 dormitory(美) 供膳出租房间 board and lodging 出租房间 room for rent(美) 乡村旅舍 country inn 供膳寄宿舍 boardinghouse 大厦 mansions, edifice 大楼 building预制装配式房屋 pre-fabricate house 小木屋 shack 一个单元 one unit 车库 garage报告厅 auditorium, lecture hall 多功能厅 multi-use hall阅览室 browsing room, reading room 茶室 refreshment room 操作间 cab, utility room ●居住 Dwelling 套房 suit主人套房 master suit 门厅,前厅 lobby大厅 hall, main hall 过厅 gallery起居间 living RM ,family RM 聚会厅 gathering RM ,keeping RM 休息厅 lounge, sitting RM 客厅 parlor 衣帽间 cloakroom更衣、衣橱间 walk-in-closet, W.I.C. 厨房 kitchen餐厅 dinning room早餐厅 nook, breakfast room 食品、餐具间 pantry, butlery 浴室,洗手间 bathroom 盥洗室 toilet room卫生间 water closet, W.C . 前室,门厅 foyer 寝室,卧房 bedroom主人房 master bedroom 书斋,书房 study, library 工作室,画室 studio 私室,书斋 den化妆室 boudoir, dressing RM ,powder RM婴儿室 nursery 客房 guestroom 壁厨 closet, ambry 洗衣间 laundry room 地窖 cellar 储藏室 storage 健身房 exercise RM 服务入口 service entry 换鞋处 mud room 游艺室 games room 活动室 activities room 音乐室 music alcove 工人房 maid bedroom 台球室 billiards room 温室 greenhouse ●家具 Furniture方桌 square table 圆桌 round table 长方桌 rectangle table 伸缩桌 extension table 小桌 side table 凳子 stool 有肘的椅子 armchair 摇椅,安乐椅 rocking chair 藤椅 rattan chair 塑料椅 plastic chair 帆布椅 deck chair 折椅 folding chair 沙发 sofa 长椅 couch 桌子,餐桌 table玻璃桌子 glass table 塑料桌子 acrylic table 木制饭桌 wooden-table ●庭院 Yard家宅院 messuage门廊 porch, covered porch 敞廊 loggia前院 front yard(美);forecourt 中院(英) court yard 后院 back-yard(美) 侧院 quiet yard 小庭院 garth天井 patio, patios, hypaethral 花园 garden 树篱 hedge 围场 enclosure 花架 arbor bower 草坪 lawn花坛 flowerbed 灌木 bush, brush 撒水器 sprinkler 假山 rockery亭子,阁楼 pavillion 小径 path 车道 driveway 游泳池 pool 围墙 fence ●前门 Front door会发谐音钟声的门 door chime 警报器 buzzer 门铃 doorbell 门环 doorknocker 窥孔 peephole 门把 knob 门柱 doorjamb 锁眼 keyhole转门 swinging door折门 fold-away (accordion) door●冷暖气 Cooling and heating 电风扇 electric fan煤气暖炉 gas heater (stove)石油暖炉 kerosene heater(=stove) 电暖炉 electric heater(=stove) 暖气片 panel heating 散热器 radiator 冷气机 air cooler空调机 air-conditioner中央暖气 central heating(system) 局部暖气 space heating ●几何名词 直线 line 曲线 curve 圆弧 arc 圆 circle 椭圆 ellipse 三角形 triangle 正方形 square 矩形 rectangle 多边形 polygon 螺旋线 spiral平行六面体 parallelepiped 球体 sphere 半球 hemisphere ●相关专业名称 结构 structure 电气 electric work 给排水 plumbing 暖通 HV AC,Heating/Ventilation/Air Condition 城市规划 city planning ●其他GRC 玻璃纤维增强复合材料 (Glass-fiber Reinforced Composite) PVC 聚氯乙烯建构 tectonic 风格 style古典主义 Classicalism 哥特复兴式 Gothic Revival 巴洛克风格 Baroque 洛可可 Rococo 文艺复兴 Renaissance 帕拉迪奥风格 Palladian 新艺术运动 Art Nouveau 理性主义 Rationalism 折衷主义 Eclecticism 粗野主义 Brutalism 风格主义 Mannerism 构成主义 Constructivism 国际主义风格 International Style 功能主义 Functionalism 表现主义 Expressionism 现代主义 Modernism 新古典主义 Neo-Classicism可持续建筑 Sustainable Architecture。

建筑领域英语专业词汇汇总:建筑基础、施工与工程、建筑技术与设备、环境与可持续性1.建筑基础2.三通一平:Site preparation, including water supply, electricity supply,and road access3.土方工程:Earthwork, including excavation, filling, and leveling4.给排水工程:Water supply and drainage engineering, including pipes,pumps, and reservoirs5.施工与工程6.施工组织:Construction organization, including scheduling, resourceallocation, and management7.工程管理:Project management, including cost, time, and qualitycontrol8.质量与安全:Quality and safety, including inspection, testing, and riskmanagement9.建筑技术与设备10.建筑设计软件:Building design software, such as AutoCAD, Revit, andSketchUp11.数字化技术:Digital technology, including BIM (Building InformationModeling) and CAD12.智能设备:Intelligent devices, such as robots, sensors, and monitoringsystems13.环境与可持续性14.绿色建筑:Green building, including energy-efficient design and useof sustainable materials15.可持续性设计:Sustainable design, emphasizing reduction ofenvironmental impact and use of renewable resources16.海绵城市:Sponge city, a urban planning concept that manages waterresources effectively。

钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)
乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring
水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo
地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope
相对湿度 relative humidity办公室 office
服务用房 service room
换班室 shift room
休息室 rest room (break room)
起居室 living room
浴室 bathroom
施工图 working drawing, construction drawing
竣工图 as built drawing
日照 sunshine
风玫瑰 wind rose
主导风向 prevailing wind direction
天花板 ceiling board
防水层 water-proof course
检查孔 inspection hole
人孔 manhole
吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling
檐板(窗帘盒) cornice
f. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)
混凝土地面 concrete floor
水泥地面 cement floor
机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor
水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring

"A" Book 根簿;地籍册abbreviated tender system 简易招标程序ablution facility 沐浴设施above finished floor level [AFFL] 楼面竣工标高以上absentee landowner 在外土地业权人absentee owner 非自住业主;在外业主absentee principal tenant 非住在楼宇内的主租客;非住在楼宇内的二房东absolute owner 经确定业权的业主absolute priority 绝对优先资格absolute title 经确定的业权abutment 桥台;拱座abutment deformation 桥台变形;拱座变形abutment pressure 桥台压力;拱座压力abutment wall 拱座墙;翼墙;桥座abutting end 邻接端abutting structure 毗邻构筑物accelerated cement 快凝水泥Accelerated Landslip Preventive Measures Project 加速防止山泥倾泻计划acceptable accommodation 适中居所acceptance of tender 采纳投标书acceptance rate [Home Ownership Scheme] 认购率〔居者有其屋计划〕acceptance rate of new allocation 接受新配单位的比率acceptance threshold 认购率下限access 通道;出入口access bend 检修弯管access corridor block 向街走廊式大厦access door 检修门;通道门access for residents 居民通道access ladder 通道竖梯access lane 进出路径access panel 检修门access plug and cap 检修孔塞和孔盖access point 入口处;出入通道处access ramp 入口坡道;斜道;斜通道access road 通路;通道access shaft 竖井通道access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯access step 上落踏板;出入踏板access to the site 地盘出入口;工地出入口access to work 地盘施工处通路;工地施工处通路access tunnel 通道隧道accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶accident loading condition 意外载荷条件accommodation 办公地方;住所;居所;单位Accommodation for Small Households--Assessment of Supply and Demand 小家庭公屋供求评估accommodation generation rate 住户房屋需求衍生率Accommodation Regulations 《政府产业管理及有关事务规例》accommodation value 楼面价Accredited Safety Auditor 检定安全稽核员acetylene regulator 乙炔调节器;“煤表”acoustic lining 隔音板acoustic screen 隔音屏acoustic seal 防声封条acquisition 征用;收购acquisition order 征用令Acquisition Section [Lands Department] 土地征用组〔地政总署〕acquisition team [Lands Department] 土地征用小组〔地政总署〕acre 英亩acrylic coat 丙烯涂料acrylic lacquer 丙烯酸清漆acrylic paint 丙烯漆料;丙烯酸漆acrylic sheet 丙烯酸片;丙烯胶片active corrosion 活性蚀active earth pressure 主动土压力active fault 活断层;活动断裂active recreation area 动态康乐用地active recreation facility 动态康乐设施active to passive ratio 动态与静态设施比例activity area 活动区activity space 活动场地actual building cost 实际造价actual cost rent 实际成本租金actual plot ratio 实际地积比率Ad Hoc Committee on Housing for the Elderly [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 高龄人士住所专责小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕Ad Hoc Committee on Private Domestic Property Ownership by Public Rental Housing Tenants 公屋住户拥有私人住宅物业问题专责小组委员会adapt 改装;改建addition 扩建;加建;加入户籍additional building works 增补建筑工程additional fixture 固定附物additional horizontal force 额外横向力additional premium 补缴地价additional rehousing criterion 附加安置资格additional vent 加设通风口additions policy 加户政策adequate housing 适当居所adequately housed 居住面积足够的;有适当居所的adit 入口;通路;坑道口adjacent building 相邻建筑物adjacent construction 相邻建造物adjacent ground 相邻土地adjacent land 相邻土地adjacent site 相邻地盘adjacent street 相邻街道adjacent unit 相连单位adjoining area 毗邻地区adjoining building 毗邻建筑物adjoining land 毗邻土地adjoining occupier 毗邻占用人adjoining owner 毗邻拥有人adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物adjudication fee 评估契据费用adjusted replacement cost 经调整重置成本administrator of estate 遗产管理人admixture 外加剂;搀和剂advance drainage diversion 前期排水渠改道advance earthwork 前期土方工程;预造土方工程advance letting 提早出租advance possession licence 提前移交土地牌照advance reclamation works 早期填海工程advance works 前期工程;早期工程advanced allocation scheme 提前配屋计划advanced allocation system 提前配屋制度advanced contract 前期合约adverse geological condition 不良地质情况adverse possession 逆权管有adverse title to land 相逆土地业权Advisory Committee on Appearances of Bridges and Associated Structures 桥梁及有关建筑物外观谘询委员会Advisory Committee on Private Building Management 私人楼宇管理谘询委员会Advisory Council on the Environment 环境问题谘询委员会advisory letter [slope maintenance] 劝喻信〔斜坡维修〕Advisory Note on Buried Services 《检查地下设施须知》aerial bracket 天线托架aerial cable 天线电线aerial camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量;空中摄影测量aerial photograph 航摄照片;航空照片aerial photograph interpretation [API] 航空照片判释;航空照片解译aerial photographic survey 航空摄影测量aerial photography 航空摄影;空中摄影aerial survey 航空测量;空中测量aerial view 鸟瞰图;航测图affiliated village 附属乡村;属村affordability criterion 负担能力准则Affordability Schedule 负担能力表affordability threshold 负担能力界限A-frame A形骨架after-repair guarantee 售后修葺保证期age allowance limit 楼龄减额上限age limit 楼龄上限age of entitlement 换地权益龄期age-dating 测年;测定年代Agency Management Scheme 物业代管计划agent for occupier 占用人代理人;租户代理人agent for owner 拥有人代理人;业主代理人agent-managed Home Ownership Scheme estate 由物业管理公司代管的居者有其屋计划屋苑aggregate 砂石;骨料;碎石aggregate abrasion value 石料的耐磨值aggregate grading 砂石级配;骨料级配aggregate impact value 石料的冲击强度值aggregate lime content 砂石的石灰含量;骨料的石灰含量aggregate structure 砂石结构;骨料结构aggregate superficial area 表面总面积aggregate usable floor space 总实用楼面空间aggregate-to-cement ratio 砂石与水泥比例;砂灰比aggregate-to-lime ratio 砂石与石灰比例Agreement and Conditions of Sale 卖地协议及条件agreement for a Government lease 政府租契协议;政府租契合约agreement to surrender 交还土地协议agricultural development area 农业发展区agricultural dwelling house 农地住屋;农舍agricultural land 农地;耕地agricultural lot 农地地段agricultural priority area 农业优先区agricultural resite area 农业用途迁置区agricultural status 农地性质agricultural tenancy 农地租赁;农地租约agricultural use 农业用途agricultural warehouse 农用贮物室air camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机air cooling system 空气冷却系统;风冷系统air curtain 风帘;风闸air curtain fan 风帘风扇air cylinder 气缸;气筒air damper 气闸;调节风门air distribution system 配气系统air distributor 空气分配器air dryer 空气干燥器air duct 风槽;通风管道;气槽air entrained cement 加气水泥;伴水泥air exhaust 排气口air filter 空气过滤器;风隔;隔尘网air filter chamber 空气过滤室air gap 气隙air handling unit 鲜风柜;空气处理装置air inlet louvre 进气百叶窗air inlet port 进气口air intake 进气口;进风口air intake duct 进气槽;进风槽air intake filter 进气过滤器air line strainer 进气管道隔滤器air outlet 出风口air outlet grille 出风口格栅air passage 风道air pipe 通气管;送气管air pressurization system 空气加压系统air quality impact assessment 空气质素影响评估air quality setback 因空气质素而把建筑物后移air reservoir 贮气缸air restrictor 空气节流器air strainer 空气隔滤器;空气滤网air supply outlet 供气出口air survey 航空测量;空中测量air trunking 通风槽air ventilator 空气通风器air void [soil] 空气孔隙;气隙〔泥土〕air-conditioner hood 冷气机遮檐air-conditioning and refrigeration installations [public works category] 空调及制冷装置〔公共工程类别〕Air-Conditioning Inspector 空气调节督察air-conditioning system 空气调节系统air-handling unit room 风柜房airshaft 通风竖井airy dry varnish 风干清漆alarm bell 警钟alarm buzzer 警报器alienate [land] 让与〔土地〕alienation period 让与期;转让期alienation restriction 让与权的限制;转让限制alienation restriction period 让与权的限制期;转让限制期alignment 定线;线向;路线alignment plan [road] 路线平面图alignment survey 定线测量alkali-resisting primer 耐碱底漆"All Services" service [Land Registry] 综合服务〔土地注册处〕alley 巷Allocation and Standards of Vacant Flats Committee [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 空置单位编配及标准事宜小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕allocation condition 分配条件;拨地条件allocation number 拨地编号allocation of flats 编配居住单位allocation plan 拨地图则;批地图allocation range 编配幅度;编配范围allocation standard 编配标准allowable bearing capacity 容许承载力allowable load 容许负载;容许载荷allowable settlement 容许沉降量allowable soil pressure 容许土压力allowable stress 容许应力;预计可承受的压力allowance for corrosion loss 预留锈蚀量alloy steel bar 合金钢筋条alluvial clay 冲积黏土alluvial deposit 冲积土层;冲积物alluvial sand 冲积沙alluvial silt 冲积粉土alluvial soil 冲积土;淤积土alluvium 冲积物;冲积层alteration 改动;改建alteration and addition 改建及加建Alterations, Additions and Improvements Committee 改建、加建暨改善工程委员会alternative route 替代路线altimeter 测高仪aluminium cell ceiling 铝格天花板aluminium panel 铝板aluminium primer 铝粉底漆;“木铝丹”aluminium rope-operated laundry-drying rack 铝质拉绳式晒衣架aluminium tape 铝带aluminium window 铝窗amenities 市容建筑;康乐设施;康乐设备amenity area 美化市容地带amenity planting strip 美化市容种植地带amenity railing 美观栏杆amenity strip 美化市容地带American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土学会American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] 美国试验及材料标准学会amortization 定期终止;摊还;分期摊还amortization area 定期终止区amortization notice 定期终止通知书amortization period 终止期;摊还期ancestral grave 祖坟ancestral hall 祠堂;宗祠ancestral house 祖屋ancestral property 祖业ancestral temple 祠堂;宗祠anchor 锚定杆;锚;锚杆支撑anchor bearing 锚承;锚座anchor bolt 锚栓;“爆炸螺丝”anchor load monitoring 地锚桩基负荷检查anchor maintenance clause 地锚桩基保养条款anchor plate 锚定板anchor rod 锚杆anchor tenant 有名气的商户;可招徕顾客的商户anchor wall 锚定墙anchorage 碇泊处;锚地;锚固anchorage length 锚固长度anchored force 锚固力anchoring strength 锚固强度ancillary accommodation 附属地方ancillary beach use 海滩附带用途ancillary building 附属建筑物ancillary car park 附设停车场ancillary commercial facility 附属商业设施ancillary facilities block 附属设施大厦;服务设施大厦ancillary facility 附属设施;配套设施ancillary office 附属写字楼ancillary premises 附属房产ancillary service 附设服务;附属设备ancillary structure 附属构筑物ancillary works 附属工程andesite 安山岩angle bar 角铁angle bracket 角形托架;角钢撑架;“狗臂架”angle change 角变angle cleat 连接角钢;短角钢angle cutter 角铁切割机angle fillet 角钢嵌条;三角焊缝angle frame 角钢框angle iron bracket 角铁托架;角铁支架angle of inclination 倾角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of repose 静止角;休止角angle of rupture 破裂角angle of shear 剪切角angle of shearing resistance 抗剪角angle probe 斜探头angle strut 角钢撑angular 棱角angular displacement 角位移angular distortion 角度变形angular velocity 角速度anisotropic consolidation 各向不等压固结;各向异性固结annex 附属建筑物annex block 附翼大厦annex restaurant 附连酒楼annex school 附连学校annual contribution to rent 每年拨出的租金津贴annual instalment of premium 按年摊缴的地价annual letting value 年租值annual maintenance programme 每年度保养计划annual rent 每年租金;年租Annual Summary 19XX-19XX [Rating and Valuation Department] 《年报19XX-19XX》〔差饷物业估价署〕anodized aluminium window 电镀膜铝窗;阳极氧化膜铝窗antenna 天线anti-burglary bar 防盗铁栏;防盗铁栅;防盗窗花;“疏子”anti-burglary grille 防盗铁栏;防盗铁栅;防盗窗花;“疏子”Anticipatory Housing Scheme 提早安置计划anticline 背斜;背斜层anti-corrosion paint 防蚀漆;防油anti-creep device 防溜装置anti-desiccant spray 抗干燥喷剂anti-nuisance provision 禁止滋扰规定anti-oxidizing paint 抗氧化漆anti-rust paint 防锈漆anti-siphon bottle trap 反虹吸瓶型气隔anti-siphon P-trap 反虹吸直嘴;反虹吸P形气隔anti-siphon trap 反虹吸气隔anti-siphonage pipe 反虹吸管anti-skid chequer 防滑格纹anti-skid device 防滑装置anti-skid dressing 防滑钢砂anti-skid facility 防滑设施anti-skid material 防滑物料anti-slip 防滑动;防空转;防打滑anti-stripping agent 防剥剂anti-vibration mounting 防震装置anti-vibration spring isolator 弹簧减震器anvil 铁砧apartment 寓所aplite 细晶岩apparent cohesion 表观黏聚力Appeal Panel [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 上诉委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕Appeal Tribunal [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 上诉审裁小组〔香港房屋委员会〕Appeal Tribunal Panel (Buildings) 上诉审裁处(建筑物)appendage 楼外附建物;附加物applicable lease 适用租契application date book 申请日志application for addition 申请加入户籍application for deletion 申请取消户籍application for lease [public housing] 租住公共房屋申请书application number [Home Ownership Scheme] 申请书编号〔居者有其屋计划〕application record 申请记录Applications and Home Ownership Division [Housing Department] 申请及居屋科〔房屋署〕applied covering 外加覆盖物applied load 外施载荷apportion 分摊apportionment of Government rent and premium 地税及补价分摊apportionment of rateable value 应课差饷租值分摊apportionment of rates 差饷分摊Apportionment Section [Lands Department] 地租分摊组〔地政总署〕appraisal of existing structure 现存结构检定;现有楼宇的结构检定appreciation of land value 土地增值approach 进路;引道;入口approach road 进路appropriation 拨地approved concrete mix 认可混凝土拌合料;认可混凝土配合比Approved Contractors for Public Works 认可公共工程承建商Approved Decoration Contractor S ystem 认可装修承办商制度Approved Drainage Authority Area Plan 核准排水监管区图则approved land use zoning plan 核准土地用途分区图则approved layout 核准图则approved list of contractors 认可承建商名册;认可承办商名册Approved List of Decoration Contractors 认可装修承办商名册Approved List of Property Management Agents 认可物业管理公司名册Approved List of Security Guard Contractors 认可护卫员服务承办商名册approved master layout plan 核准总纲发展蓝图approved plan 核准图则;经批准的图则approved purchaser 核准购楼人Approved Specialist Contractors 认可专门承建商approved statutory plan 核准法定图则approved suppliers of materials 认可物料供应商approved town plan 核准城市规划图approved trade list 核准行业一览表appurtenance 从属权;附属物apron 跳板;护板apron area 屋前地台aqua privy 乡村式厕所aqueduct 输水管道aquiclude 阻水层aquifer 含水层aquitard 弱透水层arbour 花棚;凉亭arcade 有盖走廊;商场arcade shop premises 商场店铺arch 拱廊;拱门arch axis 拱轴arch bridge 拱桥arch crown 拱顶arch rib 拱肋arch rise 拱高arching action [soil] 拱作用〔泥土〕architect 建筑师architect's instructions 建筑师指示;建筑师指令Architects Registration Board 建筑师注册管理局Architectural and Associated Consultants Selection Board 建筑及有关顾问遴选委员会Architectural Branch [Architectural Services Department] 建筑设计处〔建筑署〕architectural decoration 建筑装饰architectural drawing 建筑图则architectural feasibility study 建筑设计可行性研究architectural projection 建筑上的伸出物Architectural Services Department [ASD] 建筑署architectural style 建筑风格Architectural Works Conditions 建筑工程规条architectural-led consultant 建筑师主导顾问architrave 框缘;门框线;“口线”area boundary 地区界线area committee [district board] 分区委员会〔区议会〕area covered by definite projects 已列入确定发展计划内的地区area layout plan 地区详细蓝图area number 地区编号area of entitlement 应得面积area of mixed usage 混合用途区;混合用地area weighting 面积加权数arithmetic mean strength 强度平均数armour 护面;护面块体〔防波堤〕armour layer 护面层armour rock 护面块石armoured cable 装甲电缆arrears of rates 差饷欠款arrears of rent 欠缴租金;欠租arrester bed 沙池arris 外角;明角artesian ground water 承压地下水artesian water 承压水;自流水artesian well 科学井artificial slope 人造斜坡artificial splitting 假分户Artisan 技工asbestos abatement 清除石棉asbestos abatement works 石棉清除工程;石棉拆除工程asbestos cement 石棉水泥;“矢泥”asbestos consultant 石棉顾问asbestos fibre 石棉纤维asbestos gasket 石棉垫片Asbestos Management Manual 《石棉管制手册》asbestos plaster 石棉批荡asbestos process 石棉工序asbestos roof 石棉瓦屋顶asbestos supervisors 石棉监工asbestos waste 石棉废料asbestos-containing material 含有石棉的建材as-built drawing 竣工图;竣工图则;楼宇建成后的修订图则as-built utility record 公用设施竣工图as-constructed drawing 竣工图;完工图;竣工图则as-constructed plan 竣工图;完工图;竣工图则aseismatic design 抗震设计as-fitted drawing 装配竣工图ash pit 排渣槽;灰坑Asiatic water closet pan 蹲厕;“厕”asking rent 租金要价asphalt 沥青;柏油asphalt distributor 沥青喷洒机asphalt mix design 沥青配合比设计;沥青混凝土级配asphalt paver 沥青摊铺机;地沥青asphalt roofing 沥青屋面;屋顶铺盖沥青工程;“沥青天面”asphalt tanking 沥青防水层asphalter 沥青工asphaltic coat 沥青涂层asphaltic concrete 沥青混凝土aspiring home-buyer 有意置业人士assembly detail 组装详图;装嵌“样”assessable value [property tax] 应评税价值〔物业税〕;评估价值assessed cost 评估成本assessed market value 评定市值assessed premium 评定补价assessed rent 评定租金assessed tenement 经评估差饷的物业assessment 估价;评估;已估价物业assessment number 估价编号Assessment of Professional Competence [valuation surveyor] 专业评核试〔物业估价测量师〕assessment of rates 差饷估价assessment panel 评估小组assessment review board 评估覆核委员会asset realization 资产变现assets test 资产评审;资产审查assign 转让assign back to 售回予;退回assignee 承让人;受让人assignment 转让;转让契约assignment fee 转让费;顶让费assignment in shares clause 份额转让条款assignment in undivided shares 不分割份数的转让assignment memorial 转让契约备忘录assignment of contract 转让合约assignment of contractual rights 转让合约权利assignment period 转让期assignment right 转让权;顶让权assignment value 转让价值;顶让价值assignor 转让人;出让人assistant village representative 助理村代表assisted home purchase flat 资助自置居所Associate Member, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors [AHKIS] 香港测量师学会会员Associate Member, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors [ARICS] 皇家特许测量师学会会员associated external area 附连的外部地方associated retaining wall 有关挡土墙associated road and drainage works 有关道路及渠务工程associated structure 附连构筑物Association of Consulting Engineers of Hong Kong [ACEHK] 香港顾问工程师协会Association of Government Cartographic Staff 政府制图人员协会Association of Government Land and Engineering Surveying Officers [AGLESO] 政府土地工程测量员协会Association of Government Local Land Surveyors [AGLLS] 政府本地土地测量师协会Association of Government Survey Officers (Estate) 政府产业测量员协会Association of Government Technical and Survey Officers [AGTSO] 政府工程技术及测量人员协会assumed load 假定载荷;计算载荷at grade 同一平面;地面at-receiver mitigation measure 在受污染处采取的减轻污染措施atrium 中庭;门廊A-truss A形桁架at-source mitigation measure 源头减轻污染措施attachment 附件;附属物Attitude Survey on Housing 房屋意见调查auger pile 螺旋桩austenitic stainless steel 奥氏体不锈钢authorized architect 认可建筑师;核准建筑师authorized extension 认可扩建authorized land surveyor 认可土地测量师authorized marine borrow area 认可挖沙区authorized occupant 认可占用人;认可住客Authorized Persons' and Registered Structural Engineers' Disciplinary Board Panel 认可人士及注册结构工程师纪律委员团Authorized Persons' Register [kept by the Building Authority] 认可人士名册〔由建筑事务监督保管〕Authorized Persons Registration Committees Panel 认可人士注册事务委员团authorized structure 认可构筑物;认可搭建物authorized tenant 认可租客authorized works 获授权进行的工程;批准进行的工程automated central vacuum refuse collection system 自动化中央真空垃圾收集系统automated refuse collection system 自动垃圾收集系统Automated Slope Maintenance Hotline Service 《斜坡维修自动热线服务》automatic access control equipment 自动关闸设备Automatic Carpark Control System 自动停车场管理系统automatic central refuse collection system 自动化中央垃圾收集系统automatic control switch 自动控制开关automatic fire alarm system [AFA system] 自动火警警报系统automatic offer 自动配屋办法automatic smoke/heat detection system 烟雾/高热自动感应系统automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器autopay rent collection system 自动转帐收租办法auxiliary feed-water pump 辅助给水泵auxiliary feed-water tank 辅助给水箱auxiliary water pump 辅助水泵available land 可用土地average building land value 平均建筑用地价值average compressive stress 平均压应力average development value 平均发展价值average discounted full market value 十足市值的平均折扣价average flat [Home Ownership Scheme] 平均售价的居屋单位〔居者有其屋计划〕average land value 平均土地价值average strength 平均强度averagely-priced Home Ownership Scheme flat 平均售价的居者有其屋单位award a contract 批予合约axial bearing capacity 轴向承压力axial compression 轴向压缩axial extension test 轴向拉伸测试axial fan 轴流式风扇axial force 轴向力axial load 轴压;轴向载重axial strain 轴向应变axial stress 轴向应力axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度axial tensile test 轴向抗拉测试axial thrust 轴向推力axisymmetric stress 轴向对称应力azimuth 极方位;极方位角back elevation 背面图back inlet gully trap 背入集水沟气隔backdrop manhole 后级沙井;跌级沙井backfill 回填;回填土;回填料backfill material 回填物料;回填料Background Information Form 背景资料表格backing concrete 堤背混凝土backup area 后勤区;后勤用地backup land 后勤土地;预留地baffle wall 遮挡墙bagged concrete 袋装混凝土balance of the purchase price 楼价余额balanced land use pattern 均衡土地用途模式balanced load 平衡载重balancing pipeline 平衡水管balcony 露台balcony bar 露台铁栏balcony concrete coping 露台混凝土盖顶balcony cubicle 露台房间;骑楼房ball-and-socket joint 球窝接头ballast 石碴;道碴;压重物ballot sheet 搅珠结果名单ballot trade 炒筹活动baluster 栏杆柱balustrade 栏杆;扶手bamboo fence 竹篱笆bamboo pole 竹枝bamboo scaffold 竹枝棚架bamboo stake 扶竹bamboo worker 竹棚工band drain 排水肩带;排水板;排水带banned area [livestock keeping] 禁止饲养禽畜地区bar bender 弯铁工;拗铁工bar fixer 铁工bar tendon 钢筋bare patch 秃块bare rock soil slope surface 光秃的土坡面bare rooted plant 裸根植物;不带泥植物;“洗泥胆”植物bare-shell house 几无装修的房屋barrette 方形桩barrier 栅栏;护栏;屏障barrier plate 阻挡板barrier wall 围墙basalt 玄武岩basalt dyke 玄武岩岩墙base 基座base course 路面下层;路基层;承重层base extracted from survey sheet no. X 根据X号测量图绘制base failure of slope 斜坡基底坍塌base frame 基架base insulator 基架绝缘器base line 基准线;基线base plate 底板;垫板base rent 基本租金base slab 底板;平底板base support 底座支架basement 地库;地窖;地下室basement tanking 地库防水层;地库防水工程basement wall 地库墙;地下室墙basic listing criteria [Housing Authority List of Building Contractors] 基本资格准则〔《房屋委员会承建商名册》〕basic map 基本地图Basic Mapping System 基本地图制作系统basic survey sheet 基本测量图basic terms offer 基本条款建议书basin 水槽;水坑;港池basin management 河流流域管理工作batching and mixing plant [concrete] 配料及拌合设备;配料及搅拌设备〔混凝土〕batching plant 混凝土配料机;混凝土配料厂bath tub 浴缸bathing shed 沙滩泳屋batholith 岩基bathroom 浴室bathymetric survey 海深测量batten 板条;木方batter 倾斜batter leader pile driver 斜导架打桩机batter pile 斜桩bay window 凸窗;窗台bazaar 市场Beach Seine Net Licence 近岸浅水围网牌照bead 门窗压条;护条;护角;焊珠beam 梁;横梁;“阵”beam and slab construction 梁板建筑beam and slab structure 梁板结构beam on elastic foundation 弹性基础梁;弹性地基梁beam raising ceremony 上梁仪式bearer 承木;托梁bearing capacity 承载力bearing capacity factor 承载力系数bearing capacity of the ground 土地承载力bearing force 承重能力;承载能力bearing pad 承重垫片;支承垫片bearing pile 承重桩;支承桩bearing pin 支承栓钉bearing plate 承重板;支承板bearing post 支承柱bearing pressure 承压应力bearing stress 承载应力;支承应力bearing surface 承载面;支承面bearing test 承载测试bearing wall 承重墙beating turf 拍打草皮;压实草皮bedding 垫层;层理;“打底”bedding layer 垫层bedding screed 地台砂浆底层bedplate 座板bedrock 基岩;基层岩bedroom 睡房;卧室bed-sit flatlet 厅房两用小单位bed-sit unit 厅房合一小单位bedspace apartment dweller 床位寓所住客bedspace apartment licensing scheme 床位寓所发牌制度Bedspace Apartments Authority 床位寓所监督bedspace lodger 位住客belated registration case 补办登记个案bellout 扩底bellout diameter 扩底直径bellow pot 气囊;气囊筒benching [manhole] 沟槽座〔沙井〕;“马枕”benchmark 水准点;基准点bending moment 弯矩;力矩bending schedule 弯钢筋表bending stiffness 弯曲刚度bending stress 弯曲应力beneficial occupation 使用物业作有价值的用途;实益占用beneficial owner 实益业主;实益拥有人beneficial ownership 实益所有权beneficial use 有价值用途;实益用途beneficiary living 现存受益人beneficiary under the trust 信托受益人Benkelman beam test 贝克曼梁试验benthic seabed grab survey 海底抓斗勘测bentonite 膨润土;皂土;膨土岩bentonite liner 膨润土衬垫berm 斜水级;坡级;截水沟;坡台berm channel 斜水平台渠bermstone 护脚石Besser block 百岁砖best rent 最高租金;最佳租金Better Building Management Campaign 优良楼宇管理活动betterment [real estate] 增值〔不动产〕betterment charge 增值征费better-off tenant 经济条件较佳租户;经济条件较佳住户bevel 斜角;削角;斜面bib cock 弯嘴旋塞;“龙头”bib tap 弯嘴水龙头;“星盆龙头”bid package 整套招标书bidet 下身盆bill of quantities 建筑工料清单;工程量清单;工程量表bill of variations 工程量更改清单Bills of Quantities System 建筑工料清单系统binder 结合料;黏合物binding agent 黏合剂bin-lifting refuse collection system 自动提桶收集垃圾方法binsite 垃圾桶放置处;垃圾桶站biotite 黑云母bit [drill] 钻头bitumen 沥青;柏油bitumen coat 沥青外搪层;沥青外衬bitumen felt 沥青纸bitumen lining 沥青内搪层;沥青衬里bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土bituminous friction course 沥青防滑层bituminous macadam 沥青碎石层〔道路〕bituminous material 沥青材料bituminous materials and aggregates testing 沥青材料及石料试验bituminous primer 沥青底涂料bituminous waterproof membrane 沥青防水膜black spot 环境黑点blackout 电力中断blacksmith 铁工blank flange 盲板凸缘;管口盖板blank gable 无窗山墙blanking plate 封板blast 燃爆;爆破blast cleaning 喷砂清理;爆破清洁blast-furnace slag cement 炉渣水泥blasting by abrasives 磨料喷砂blasting certificate 燃爆证书blasting permit 燃爆许可证blasting site 燃爆工地;爆破工地blasting works 燃爆工程;爆破工程bleed off pipe 溢流管bleed screw 放气螺钉;减压螺钉bleeding 泛油;渗色;泌浆〔混凝土〕;泌水性〔混凝土〕blended cement 混合水泥blending control 混合控制blinding 补路石砂blinding concrete 基础垫层混凝土;地基垫层混凝土blinding layer 基础垫层;地基垫层;“草鞋底”block 大厦;楼宇;厚板;座件block assessment 整体估价;以整幢大厦为一个估价单位;按大厦评估方法Block Crown Lease 集体官契block lease 集体租契;集体契约block letting 整幢出租block licence 集体牌照block plan 楼宇位置图;楼宇平面图block sample 块状样本;块样block tenancy 楼宇集体租赁block type 大厦类别block with structural deficiencies 结构有问题的大厦blockwork 砖工;砖造物blockwork seawall 方块海堤blockwork wall 方块体墙bluff 悬崖boarding house 旅馆boat dweller 艇户boat hoist 吊艇boat mooring zone 船只停泊区boat squatter 水上寮屋居民boatswain's chair 工作吊板bollard 矮柱;护柱bolster 承枕;横撑bolt 插销;螺栓;门闩bona fide mort gage 真正按揭bona fide tender 诚意投标bona fide transaction 真正交易bona fide villager 原籍村民bona vacantia property 无主物业bond 叠砌;黏合;砌合法bond breaker 黏合分隔材料;分隔料bond coat 黏合层;“打底层”bond course 束缚层bond strength 黏合强度bond stress 黏合应力bone-meal 骨粉bonus for completion 竣工奖金;完工奖金booking fee [sale and purchase of premises] 定金〔楼宇买卖〕boom 吊杆booster pump room 增压泵房booster pumping station 增压抽水站booster water pump 增压抽水机;增压水泵borated water storage tank 含硼水贮存箱bore 钻孔;内孔;内径bored pile 螺旋钻孔桩;钻孔灌注桩bored tunnel 钻挖的隧道borehole 钻孔;探土孔;挖孔borehole log 钻孔记录;挖孔记录borehole test 钻孔测试boric acid 硼酸boring 钻探;挖探boring machine 钻探机;镗borrow area 采泥区;采料区;取土区borrow light 透光窗;气窗bottle trap 瓶型气隔bottom dump 经舱底卸置;舱底式卸置bottom flush bolt 底部埋入插销bottom heave 坑底隆起;底鼓;底部隆起bottom layer 底层bottom level 底部标高bottom plate 底板bottom rail 下横档〔栏杆〕;下横栏〔门窗〕bottom-dump barge 开底运泥船boulder 砾石;巨砾;孤石boulder fall 砾石下坠;砾石泻坠boulder fence 防石栏bouldery colluvium 砾石崩积物boundary 界线;边界;界址boundary adjustment 地界调整boundary condition 边界条件boundary identification plan 地界辨认图boundary mark 地界标志;界址标记boundary of works area 施工范围boundary peg 地界栓钉boundary point 地界点boundary rectification 地界修正boundary re-establishment survey 地界重整测量boundary stone 界石boundary survey 地界测量Boundary Tribunal 地界审裁处boundary wall 边界墙box culvert 箱形暗渠;箱形涵洞;盒形排水渠box foundation 箱形基础;箱形地基box girder 箱形主梁;箱形大梁box out 预留箱形凹位box section 方形管;方通brace 撑杆;支撑braced excavation 支撑式挖掘braced structure 受横向支撑的结构;支撑结构bracing 支撑;斜撑;加劲bracing structure 横向支撑结构;支撑结构bracket 托架;支架;撑架branch family 分支家庭branch pipe 支管;分支喉管branch sewer 分支污水管branch village 分支乡村brazing 铜焊;合金焊接breach of lease conditions 违反批租条件;违反批地条件breach of tenancy conditions 违反租赁条件;违反租约规定break line 倾斜变换线;折线break tank room 减压水缸房breaker 轧碎机;碎石机;断路器breakglass unit 警报玻璃箱breaking strain 断裂应变breaking strength 断裂强度;抗断强度breaking stress 断裂应力breaking wave 破碎波breakwater 防波堤breather 通气孔;呼吸器breccia 角砾岩brick 砖brick closer 封口砖;“二寸二”brick course 砖层brick layer 砌砖工brick pier 砖柱brick works 砌砖工程brick-on-edge 侧置砖brick-on-edge wall 侧砖墙brickwork 砖造物;砖工bridge abutment 桥台bridge cable 大桥的钢索bridge crane 桥梁起重机;桥式吊机bridge deck 桥面板;桥板;桥面bridge deck level 桥面bridge deck unit 桥面组件;桥面构件bridge deck works 桥面工程bridge girder 桥主梁;桥大梁bridge pier 桥墩bridge tower 桥塔bridge works 桥梁工程British Standard Code of Practice 英国标准应用守则British Standard Specification 英国标准规格British Standards Institution 英国标准协会brittle failure 脆性损毁;脆性破坏"broad brush" approach 广义划分方法;概括分组方法Broad Long Term Pattern of Port Development 概略的港口长期发展模式brochure price [sale of premises] 售楼说明书上的价格broken joint 错缝接合;顺砖式砌合;顺砌法brown asbestos 褐石棉。

环境设计:environmental design
环境标准:environmental standards
能源保护:energy conservation
主干道:arterial road
辅助道路:collector street
居住面积密度:density of living floor area
居住建筑面积密度:density of residential floor area
居住人口密度:density of registered inhabitants
人口密度:population density
人口分布:population distribution
人口机械增长:population growth from migration
居住密度:residential density
高层高密度:high-rise/high density
高层低密度:high-rise/low density
建筑面积比容积率:FAR - floor area ratio
居住建筑面积:residential floor area
建筑高度:building height。

.';..建筑专业英语词汇a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS 、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY (HARDWARE) 门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE 、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土 Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料 Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉 Timber 木材Metallic Materials 金属材料 Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料 Building Hardware 建五金 Paint 油漆k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 Discipline 专业Conventional Terms 一般通用名词 Architectural Physics 建筑物理Name Of Professional role 职务名称 Drafting 制图a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据 计划建议书 planning proposals 设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes 条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design 工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data 原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段 方案 scheme, draft 草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion 谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study 初步设计 preliminary design 基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design 询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图 as-built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件 日照 sunshine 风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall 雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning 飓风 hurricane 台风 typhoon 旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity 年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature 干球温度 dry bulb temperature 冰冻期 frost period 冰冻线 frost line 冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区 region with heating provision不采暖地区 region without heating provision 绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure 相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称 办公室 office服务用房 service room 换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room) 起居室 living room 浴室 bathroom 淋浴间 shower 更衣室 locker room 厕所 lavatory 门厅 lobby 诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom 走廊 corridor 档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room 车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room 会议室 meeting room 衣柜间 ward robe 暖风间 H.V.A.C room.';..饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room 厨房 kitchen 入口 entrance接待处 reception area 会计室 accountant room 秘书室 secretary room 电气室 electrical room 控制室 control room 工长室 foreman office 开关柜室 switch gear 前室 antecabinet (Ante.) 生产区 production area 马达控制中心 Mcc 多功能用房 utility room 化验室 laboratory room 经理室 manager room 披 屋(阁楼) penthouse 警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚 女儿墙 parapet 雨蓬 canopy 屋脊 roof ridge 坡度 slope 坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt 檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave 檐沟 eave gutter 平屋面 flat roof 坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P) 汇水面积 catchment area 泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage 外排水 exterior drainage 滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage 找平层 leveling course 卷材屋面 built-up roofing 天棚 ceiling 檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board 天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course 检查孔 inspection hole 人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling 檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板) 砖墙 brick wall 砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering 抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board 空心砖墙 hollow brick wall 承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall 纵墙 longitudinal wall 横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall 内墙 internal (interior) wall 填充墙 filler wall 防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window 空心墙 cavity wall 压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth 玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P .C) 遮阳板 sunshade 阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint 沉降缝 settlement joint 抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate 外墙板 cladding panel 复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition 牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney 勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟 地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor 素土夯实 rammed earth 炉渣夯实 tamped cinder 填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill 垫层 bedding course, blinding 面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course 找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course 混凝土地面 concrete floor 水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor 水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring.';..马赛克地面 mosaic flooring 瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring 油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨 石地面 precast terrazzo flooring 硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring 搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring 企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring 防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab) 乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo 地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope 集水沟 gully 集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench 沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate 集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand 电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS &IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE) 门、玻璃、窗及五金件 木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door 镶板门 panelled door 夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door 卷帘门 roller shutter door 弹簧门 swing door 推拉门 sliding door 平开门 side-hung door 折叠门 folding door 旋转门 revolving door 玻璃门 glazed door 密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door 防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket 门框 door frame 门扇 door leaf 门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening 单扇门 single door 双扇门 double door 疏散门 emergency door 纱门 screen door 门槛 door sill 门过梁 door lintel 上冒头 top rail 下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb 槽口 notch木窗 wooden window 钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind)塑钢窗 plastic steel window 空腹钢窗 hollow steel window 固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window 推拉窗 sliding window 气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window 下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver 天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel 钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel 窗扇 casement sash 窗台 window sill窗台板 window board 窗中梃 mullion 窗横木 mutin 窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould 窗帘盒 curtain box 合页(铰链) hinge (butts) 转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge 闭门器 door closer 地弹簧 floor closer 插销 bolt门锁 door lock 拉手 pull 链条 chain门钩 door hanger 碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch 暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener 平板玻璃 plate glass 夹丝玻璃 wire glass 透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass) 防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass 石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass.';..磨光玻璃 polished glass 着色玻璃 pigmented glass 玻璃瓦 glass tile 玻璃砖 glass block 有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯 楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair) 吊车梯 crane ladder 直爬梯 vertical ladder 踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step) 踏步板 tread 档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips) 栏杆 railing (balustrade) 平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole 扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage) 平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading 楼梯平台 stair landing 客梯 passenger lift 货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift 液压电梯 hydraulic lift 自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator 电梯机房 lift mortar room 电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦 红砖 red brick 粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile) 防火砖 fire brick 空心砖 hollow brick 面砖 facing brick 地板砖 flooring tile 缸砖 clinkery brick 马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete 琉璃瓦 glazed tile 脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheet Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石 石膏 gypsum 大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble 花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone 毛石 rubble 蛭石 vermiculite 珍珠岩 pearlite 水磨石 terrazzo 卵石 cobble 砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand 中砂 medium sand 细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土 波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement 硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement 火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement 白水泥 white cement 水泥砂浆 cement mortar 石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar 保温砂浆 thermal mortar 防水砂浆 water-proof mortar 耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar 耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar 沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar 麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar 灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete 轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete 细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete 沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete 泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete 炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料 水刷石 granitic plaster 斩假石 artificial stone 刷浆 lime wash 可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base 喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash 分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned.';..板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉 沥青卷材 asphalt felt 沥青填料 asphalt filler 沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer 沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic 沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum 石棉板 asbestos sheet 石棉纤维 asbestos fiber Timber 木材 裂缝 crack 透裂 split 环裂 shake 干缩 shrinkage 翘曲 warping 原木 log圆木 round timber 方木 square timber 板材 plank 木条 batten 板条 lath 木板 board 红松 red pine 白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine 云杉 spruce 柏木 cypress 白杨 white poplar 桦木 birch 冷杉 fir 栎木 oak 榴木 willow 榆木 elm 杉木 cedar 柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber 胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board 层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber 纤维板 fiber-board 竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料 黑色金属 ferrous metal 圆钢 steelbBar 方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel 型钢 steel section (shape) 槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle 工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam 丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧 hot-rolled 冷轧 cold-rolled 冷拉 cold-drawn 冷压 cold-pressed 合金钢 alloy steel 钛合金 titanium alloy 不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar 变形钢筋 deformed bar 光圆钢筋 plain round bar 钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate 低碳钢 low carbon steel 冷弯 cold bending 钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe 焊接钢管 welded steel pipe 黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe 铸铁 cast iron 生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet 镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire 钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal 锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属 金 gold白金 platinum 铜 copper 黄铜 brass 青铜 bronze 银 silver 铝 aluminum 铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料 聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene 尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) 聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate 聚苯乙烯 polystyrene 丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin 乙烯基酯 vinyl ester.';..橡胶内衬 rubber lining 氯丁橡胶 neoprene 沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint 氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer 防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint 耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint 水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar 环氧树脂 epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金 钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail 螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw 螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt 高强螺栓 high strength bolt 预埋螺栓 insert bolt 胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt 垫片 washer Paint 油漆 底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer 防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint 调和漆 mixed paint 无光漆 flat paint 透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint 磁漆 enamel paint 干性油 drying oil 稀释剂 thinner 焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil 红丹 red lead 铅油 lead oil 腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语 Discipline 专业 建筑 architecture 土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage 总图 plot plan采暖通风 H.V.A.C (heating 、ventilation and air conditioning)电力供应 electric power supply 电气照明 electric lighting 电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply 动力 mechanical power 工艺 process technology 管道 pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词 建筑原理 architectonics 建筑形式 architectural style 民用建筑 civil architecture 城市建筑 urban architecture 农村建筑 rural architecture 农业建筑 farm building 工业建筑 industrial building 重工业的 heavy industrial 轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture 现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings 附属建筑 auxiliary buildings 城市规划 city planning 厂区内 within site 厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type 开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type 模数制 modular system 单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate 承包商 constructor, contractor 现场 site扩建 extension 改建 reconstruction 防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof 防腐 anti-corrosion 防潮 dump-proof 防水 water-proof 防尘 dust-proof 防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume 人流量 pedestrian volume 透视图 perspective drawing 建筑模型 building model建筑物理Architectural Physics 照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination 亮度 brightness 日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting 光强 light intensity 侧光 side light.';..顶光 top light 眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth 辐射 radiation 对流 convection 传导 conduction 遮阳 sun-shade保温 thermal insulation 恒温 constant temperature 恒湿 constant humidity 噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption 露点 dew point 隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称 项目经理 project manager (PM) 设计经理 design manager 首席建筑师 principal architect 总工程师 chief engineer 土木工程师 civil engineer 工艺工程师 process engineer 电气工程师 electrical engineer 机械工程师 mechanical engineer 计划工程师 planning engineer 助理工程师 assistant engineer 实习生 probationer 专家 specialist, expert 制图员 draftsman 技术员 technician Drafting 制图总说明 general specification 工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted图纸目录 list of drawings 平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale ...平面示意图 schematic plan of... ...平剖面图 sectional plan of... 留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes 剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section 立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing 侧立面 side elevation 背立面 back elevation 详图 detail drawings 典型节点 typical detail 节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description 图例 legend 示意图 diagram 草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram 流程示意图 flow diagram 标准图 standard drawing ...布置图 layout of ... 地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing 展开图 developed drawing 模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement 表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标 technical and economical index 建、构筑物一览表 list of buildings and structures 编号 coding 序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns 备注 remarks 等级 grade直线 straight Line 曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line 虚线 dotted line 实线 solid line 影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line 轴线 axis等高线 contour Line 中心线 center Line 双曲线 hyperbola 抛物线 parabola 切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line 园形 round 环形 annular 方形 square 矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram 三角形 triangle 五角形 pentagon 六角形 hexagon 八角形 octagon 梯形 trapezoid 圆圈 circle 弓形 sagment 扇形 sector球形的 spherical 抛物面 paraboloid.';..圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong 面积 area 体积 volume 容量 capacity 重量 weight 质量 mass 力 force 米 meter厘米 centimeter 毫米 millimeter 公顷 hectate牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter 千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot 英寸 inch 磅 pound 吨 ton加仑 gallon 千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension 变尺寸 variable dimension 外形尺寸 overall dimension 展开尺寸 developed dimension 内径 inside diameter 外径 outside diameter 净重 net weight 毛重 gross weight 数量 quantity百分比 percentage 净空 clearance 净高 headroom 净距 clear distance 净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension 开间 bay 进深 depth单跨 single span 双跨 double span 多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation 设计标高 designed elevation 室外地面标高 ground elevation 室内地面标高 floor elevation 柱网 column grid 坐标 coordinate 厂区占地 site area 使用面积 usable area 辅助面积 service area 通道面积 passage area 管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline 排水沟 drain ditch 集水坑 sump pit 喷泉 fountain 地漏 floor drain 消火栓 fire hydrant灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide extinguisher 卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguisher。

建筑英文大全1. 概述建筑是人类文明发展的重要组成部分,是人们居住、工作、学习和娱乐的场所。
2. 建筑材料•Concrete:混凝土•Steel:钢铁•Brick:砖•Wood:木材•Glass:玻璃•Ceramic:陶瓷•Stone:石材•Clay:黏土•Tile:瓷砖•Asphalt:沥青3. 建筑结构•Foundation:基础•Beam:梁•Column:柱•Wall:墙•Roof:屋顶•Floor:地板•Ceiling:天花板•Staircase:楼梯•Balcony:阳台•Elevator:电梯4. 建筑类型•Residential building:住宅建筑•Commercial building:商业建筑•Educational building:教育建筑•Government building:政府建筑•Industrial building:工业建筑•Hospital building:医院建筑•Sports facility:体育设施•Cultural facility:文化设施•Religious building:宗教建筑•Skyscraper:摩天大楼5. 建筑流程•Design:设计•Planning:规划•Construction:建设•Renovation:翻修•Demolition:拆除•Inspection:检查•Permit:许可证•Budget:预算•Project management:项目管理•Quality control:质量控制6. 结论本文档提供了一份建筑英文大全,包括建筑材料、建筑结构、建筑类型和建筑流程等方面的词汇。

建筑专业部分相关英语词汇建筑类型类民用建筑civil architecture工业建筑industrial building居住区residential area坡地住宅stepped hillside house联排住宅terraced house错层式住宅split-level house半独立式住宅semi-detached house公寓apartment, flat多层建筑multi-storey block高层建筑high-rise block商业建筑business premises乡土建筑vernacular architecture本土建筑,地域建筑local architecture绿色建筑green architecture基础设施infrastructure设计过程类可行性研究feasibility study进度表time schedule方案草图preliminary sketch初步设计preliminary design施工设计final design详图设计detail design图纸drawing平面图plan立面图elevation东立面图east elevation南立面图south elevation西立面图west elevation北立面图north elevation横剖面cross section纵剖面longitudinal section轴测图isometric view鸟瞰图bird’s-eye view施工图working drawing总体规划图master plan索引图key, key plan现场质量管理site supervision工程质量管理project supervision验收final approval建筑指标类层高story height居住面积living area建筑占地面积covered area容积率plot ratio覆盖率coverage绿地率ratio of green space人口密度population density居住密度density of settlement建筑元素类走廊corridor, passage挑廊overhanging corridor檐廊eaves corridor回廊cloister凉廊loggia过街楼arcade门斗foyer阁楼attic阳台balcony雨篷canopy自然层floor维护结构envelop enclosure围护性幕墙enclosing curtain wall装饰性幕墙decorative faced curtain wall 落地窗French window百叶窗shutter, louver window起居室living room餐室dining room厨房kitchen浴室bathroom淋浴shower单人卧室single bedroom双人卧室double bedroom备餐室pantry洗衣间laundry贮藏室store room地下室basement半地下室semi-basement永久性顶盖permanent cap螺旋楼梯spiral staircase建筑结构类梁beam, girder圈梁ring beam简支梁suspended beam悬臂梁cantilever beam固端梁fixed-end beam连续梁continuous beam拱arch板slab, plate简支板suspended slab嵌固板fixed-edge slab单向板one-way slab双向板two-way slab肋形板ribbed slab井字形梁板groined slab壳shell柱column墙wall承重墙load bearing wall桁架truss框架framework排架bent frame刚架(刚构)rigid frame桩pile板桩sheet pile结构structure基础foundation地基foundation soil, subgrade, subbase木结构timber structure拱结构arch structure钢结构steel structure砌体结构masonry structure混凝土(砼)结构concrete structure混合结构mixed structure板柱结构slab-column system框架结构frame structure折板结构folded-plate structure壳体结构shell structure悬索结构cable-suspended structure充气结构pneumatic structure拉膜结构tensile structure剪力墙(结构墙)结构shear wall structure 框架-剪力墙结构frame-shear wall structure 筒体结构tube structure悬挂结构suspended structure扩展(扩大)基础spread foundation刚性基础rigid foundation独立基础single footing联合基础combined footing条形基础strip foundation壳体基础shell foundation箱形基础box foundation筏形基础raft foundation桩基础pile foundation沉箱基础caisson foundation管柱基础cylinder pile foundation, cylinder caisson foundation 基床bed, bedding建筑构造类壁纸wall paper墙面砖wall tile地面砖floor tile勒脚,柱础plinth踢脚skirting木踢脚timber skirting榫槽,地槽groove墙槽wall conduit墙基wall footing踢脚skirting凹圆踢脚coved skirting凹形线脚sunk moulding凹缝open joint平缝butt joint伸缩缝expansion and contraction joint沉降缝settlement joint防震缝aseismic joint变形缝deformation joint施工缝construction joint防潮层moisture barrier隔热保温层heat insulation防水water proofing防湿moisture proofing防潮damp proofing隔声sound proofing外墙external wall内墙internal wall隔墙partition wall女儿墙parapet wall踏面tread踢面riser防滑条reeding栏杆railing扶手handrail排水沟drainage ditch护坡slope protection, revetment挡土墙retaining wall建筑材料类钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete现浇混凝土cast-in-situ concrete预制混凝土precast concrete预应力混凝土prestressed concrete 加气混凝土aerated concrete碎石混凝土rubble concrete清水混凝土exposed concrete水泥cement石灰lime水泥砂浆cement mortar石灰砂浆lime mortar石膏gypsum熟石膏plaster of Paris砂sand砾石gravel砖brick空心砌块hollow block混凝土砌块concrete block木材timber瓦roofing tile屋面毡roofing felt钢筋reinforcing steel涂料paint景观设计类广场square水景water feature圆形剧场,露天剧场amphitheatre儿童乐园children’s playground羽毛球场badminton court篮球场basketball court网球场tennis court停车场parking area屋顶花园roof garden, green roof凉亭pavilion花架pergola (比较:宝塔pagoda)行车道carriageway人行道sidewalk自行车道bicycle path国外建筑类多立克柱Doric column爱奥尼亚柱Ionic column科林斯柱Corinthian column古典主义的classical新古典主义的neoclassical拜占庭Byzantine文艺复兴renaissance帕拉迪奥母题Palladian motive 巴洛克baroque洛可可rococo哥特式gothic罗马风Romanesque新艺术运动art nouveau现代主义运动modern movement 现代主义modernism后现代主义post-modernism解构主义deconstructionism邻里单位neighbourhood unit田园城市garden city。

1. building.- 音标:[ˈbɪldɪŋ]- 词性:名词,意为“建筑物;大楼;建筑”。
例如:There are many tall buildings in the city.(城市里有许多高楼大厦。
)2. house.- 音标:[haʊs]- 词性:名词,“房子;住宅”。
例如:My house is near the park.(我的房子在公园附近。
)3. apartment.- 音标:[əˈpɑːtmənt]- 词性:名词,“公寓;房间”。
例如:He lives in a small apartment.(他住在一个小公寓里。
)4. villa.- 音标:[ˈvɪlə]- 词性:名词,“别墅;郊区住宅”。
例如:The rich man has a big villa.(那个富人有一座大别墅。
)5. castle.- 音标:[ˈkɑːsl]- 词性:名词,“城堡;象棋中的车”。
例如:The old castle has a long history.(这座古老的城堡有着悠久的历史。
1. wall.- 音标:[wɔːl]- 词性:名词,“墙;墙壁”。
例如:The wall is painted white.(墙被漆成了白色。
)2. roof.- 音标:[ruːf]- 词性:名词,“屋顶;顶部”。
例如:The roof of the house is made of tiles.(房子的屋顶是用瓦片做的。
)3. floor.- 音标:[flɔː(r)]- 词性:名词,“地板;地面;楼层”。
例如:The floor is made of wood.(地板是木制的。
)4. column.- 音标:[ˈkɒləm]- 词性:名词,“柱;圆柱;柱状物”。
例如:There are several columns in the hall.(大厅里有几根柱子。

建筑专业词汇(精华英汉全集)"A" Book 根簿;地籍册abbreviated tender system 简易招标程序ablution facility 沐浴设施above finished floor level [AFFL] 楼面竣工标高以上absentee landowner 在外土地业权人absentee owner 非自住业主;在外业主absentee principal tenant 非住在楼宇内的主租客;非住在楼宇内的二房东absolute owner 经确定业权的业主absolute priority 绝对优先资格absolute title 经确定的业权abutment 桥台;拱座abutment deformation 桥台变形;拱座变形abutment pressure 桥台压力;拱座压力abutment wall 拱座墙;翼墙;桥座abutting end 邻接端abutting structure 毗邻构筑物accelerated cement 快凝水泥Accelerated Landslip Preventive Measures Project 加速防止山泥倾泻计划acceptable accommodation 适中居所acceptance of tender 采纳投标书acceptance rate [Home Ownership Scheme] 认购率〔居者有其屋计划〕acceptance rate of new allocation 接受新配单位的比率acceptance threshold 认购率下限access 通道;出入口access bend 检修弯管access corridor block 向街走廊式大厦access door 检修门;通道门access for residents 居民通道access ladder 通道竖梯access lane 进出路径access panel 检修门access plug and cap 检修孔塞和孔盖access point 入口处;出入通道处access ramp 入口坡道;斜道;斜通道access road 通路;通道access shaft 竖井通道access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯access step 上落踏板;出入踏板access to the site 地盘出入口;工地出入口access to work 地盘施工处通路;工地施工处通路access tunnel 通道隧道accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶accident loading condition 意外载荷条件accommodation 办公地方;住所;居所;单位Accommodation for Small Households--Assessment of Supply and Demand 小家庭公屋供求评估accommodation generation rate 住户房屋需求衍生率Accommodation Regulations 《政府产业管理及有关事务规例》accommodation value 楼面价Accredited Safety Auditor 检定安全稽核员acetylene regulator 乙炔调节器;“煤表”acoustic lining 隔音板acoustic screen 隔音屏acoustic seal 防声封条acquisition 征用;收购acquisition order 征用令Acquisition Section [Lands Department] 土地征用组〔地政总署〕acquisition team [Lands Department] 土地征用小组〔地政总署〕acre 英亩acrylic coat 丙烯涂料acrylic lacquer 丙烯酸清漆acrylic paint 丙烯漆料;丙烯酸漆acrylic sheet 丙烯酸片;丙烯胶片active corrosion 活性蚀active earth pressure 主动土压力active fault 活断层;活动断裂active recreation area 动态康乐用地active recreation facility 动态康乐设施active to passive ratio 动态与静态设施比例activity area 活动区activity space 活动场地actual building cost 实际造价actual cost rent 实际成本租金actual plot ratio 实际地积比率Ad Hoc Committee on Housing for the Elderly [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 高龄人士住所专责小组委员会〔香港房屋委员会〕Ad Hoc Committee on Private Domestic Property Ownership by Public Rental Housing Tenants 公屋住户拥有私人住宅物业问题专责小组委员会adapt 改装;改建addition 扩建;加建;加入户籍additional building works 增补建筑工程additional fixture 固定附物additional horizontal force 额外横向力additional premium 补缴地价additional rehousing criterion 附加安置资格additional vent 加设通风口additions policy 加户政策adequate housing 适当居所adequately housed 居住面积足够的;有适当居所的adit 入口;通路;坑道口adjacent building 相邻建筑物adjacent construction 相邻建造物adjacent ground 相邻土地adjacent land 相邻土地adjacent site 相邻地盘adjacent street 相邻街道adjacent unit 相连单位adjoining area 毗邻地区adjoining building 毗邻建筑物adjoining land 毗邻土地adjoining occupier 毗邻占用人adjoining owner 毗邻拥有人adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物adjudication fee 评估契据费用adjusted replacement cost 经调整重置成本administrator of estate 遗产管理人admixture 外加剂;搀和剂advance drainage diversion 前期排水渠改道advance earthwork 前期土方工程;预造土方工程advance letting 提早出租advance possession licence 提前移交土地牌照advance reclamation works 早期填海工程advance works 前期工程;早期工程advanced allocation scheme 提前配屋计划advanced allocation system 提前配屋制度advanced contract 前期合约adverse geological condition 不良地质情况adverse possession 逆权管有adverse title to land 相逆土地业权Advisory Committee on Appearances of Bridges and Associated Structures 桥梁及有关建筑物外观谘询委员会Advisory Committee on Private Building Management 私人楼宇管理谘询委员会Advisory Council on the Environment 环境问题谘询委员会advisory letter [slope maintenance] 劝喻信〔斜坡维修〕Advisory Note on Buried Services 《检查地下设施须知》aerial bracket 天线托架aerial cable 天线电线aerial camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量;空中摄影测量aerial photograph 航摄照片;航空照片aerial photograph interpretation [API] 航空照片判释;航空照片解译aerial photographic survey 航空摄影测量aerial photography 航空摄影;空中摄影aerial survey 航空测量;空中测量aerial view 鸟瞰图;航测图affiliated villback elevation 背面图back inlet gully trap 背入集水沟气隔backdrop manhole 后级沙井;跌级沙井backfill 回填;回填土;回填料backfill material 回填物料;回填料Background Information Form 背景资料表格backing concrete 堤背混凝土backup area 后勤区;后勤用地backup land 后勤土地;预留地baffle wall 遮挡墙bagged concrete 袋装混凝土balance of the purchase price 楼价余额balanced land use pattern 均衡土地用途模式balanced load 平衡载重balancing pipeline 平衡水管balcony 露台balcony bar 露台铁栏balcony concrete coping 露台混凝土盖顶balcony cubicle 露台房间;骑楼房ball-and-socket joint 球窝接头ballast 石碴;道碴;压重物ballot sheet 搅珠结果名单ballot trade 炒筹活动baluster 栏杆柱balustrade 栏杆;扶手bamboo fence 竹篱笆bamboo pole 竹枝bamboo scaffold 竹枝棚架bamboo stake 扶竹bamboo worker 竹棚工band drain 排水肩带;排水板;排水带banned area [livestock keeping] 禁止饲养禽畜地区bar bender 弯铁工;拗铁工bar fixer 铁工bar tendon 钢筋bare patch 秃块bare rock soil slope surface 光秃的土坡面bare rooted plant 裸根植物;不带泥植物;“洗泥胆”植物bare-shell house 几无装修的房屋barrette 方形桩barrier 栅栏;护栏;屏障barrier plate 阻挡板barrier wall 围墙basalt 玄武岩basalt *** 玄武岩岩墙base 基座base course 路面下层;路基层;承重层base extracted from survey sheet no. X 根据X号测量图绘制base failure of slope 斜坡基底坍塌base frame 基架base insulator 基架绝缘器base line 基准线;基线base plate 底板;垫板base rent 基本租金base slab 底板;平底板base support 底座支架basement 地库;地窖;地下室basement tanking 地库防水层;地库防水工程basement wall 地库墙;地下室墙basic listing criteria [Housing Authority List of Building Contractors] 基本资格准则〔《房屋委员会承建商名册》〕basic map 基本地图Basic Mapping System 基本地图制作系统basic survey sheet 基本测量图basic terms offer 基本条款建议书basin 水槽;水坑;港池basin management 河流流域管理工作batching and mixing plant [concrete] 配料及拌合设备;配料及搅拌设备〔混凝土〕batching plant 混凝土配料机;混凝土配料厂bath tub 浴缸bathing shed 沙滩泳屋batholith 岩基bathroom 浴室bathymetric survey 海深测量batten 板条;木方batter 倾斜batter leader pile driver 斜导架打桩机batter pile 斜桩bay window 凸窗;窗台bazaar 市场Beach Seine Net Licence 近岸浅水围网牌照bead 门窗压条;护条;护角;焊珠beam 梁;横梁;“阵”beam and slab construction 梁板建筑beam and slab structure 梁板结构beam on elastic foundation 弹性基础梁;弹性地基梁beam raising ceremony 上梁仪式bearer 承木;托梁bearing capacity 承载力bearing capacity factor 承载力系数bearing capacity of the ground 土地承载力bearing force 承重能力;承载能力bearing pad 承重垫片;支承垫片bearing pile 承重桩;支承桩bearing pin 支承栓钉bearing plate 承重板;支承板bearing post 支承柱bearing pressure 承压应力bearing stress 承载应力;支承应力bearing surface 承载面;支承面bearing test 承载测试bearing wall 承重墙beating turf 拍打草皮;压实草皮bedding 垫层;层理;“打底”bedding layer 垫层bedding screed 地台砂浆底层bedplate 座板bedrock 基岩;基层岩bedroom 睡房;卧室bed-sit flatlet 厅房两用小单位bed-sit unit 厅房合一小单位bedspace apartment dweller 床位寓所住客bedspace apartment licensing scheme 床位寓所发牌制度Bedspace Apartments Authority 床位寓所监督bedspace lodger 位住客belated registration case 补办登记个案bellout 扩底bellout diameter 扩底直径bellow pot 气囊;气囊筒benching [manhole] 沟槽座〔沙井〕;“马枕”benchmark 水准点;基准点bending moment 弯矩;力矩bending schedule 弯钢筋表bending stiffness 弯曲刚度bending stress 弯曲应力beneficial occupation 使用物业作有价值的用途;实益占用beneficial owner 实益业主;实益拥有人beneficial ownership 实益所有权beneficial use 有价值用途;实益用途beneficiary living 现存受益人beneficiary under the trust 信托受益人Benkelman beam test 贝克曼梁试验benthic seabed grab survey 海底抓斗勘测bentonite 膨润土;皂土;膨土岩bentonite liner 膨润土衬垫berm 斜水级;坡级;截水沟;坡台berm channel 斜水平台渠bermstone 护脚石Besser block 百岁砖best rent 最高租金;最佳租金Better Building Management Campaign 优良楼宇管理活动betterment [real estate] 增值〔不动产〕betterment charge 增值征费better-off tenant 经济条件较佳租户;经济条件较佳住户bevel 斜角;削角;斜面bib *** 弯嘴旋塞;“龙头”bib tap 弯嘴水龙头;“星盆龙头”bid package 整套招标书bidet 下身盆bill of quantities 建筑工料清单;工程量清单;工程量表bill of vacab 小室;驾驶室cabinet 小室;贮存柜cable channel 电缆沟;电缆槽cable conduit 电缆管cable draw pit 电缆井;电缆沙井cable duct 电缆管道;电缆导管cable laying wagon 电缆敷设车cable percussion boring 钢绳冲击钻探cable route 电缆路线cable supported viaduct 悬索高架桥cable suspension bridge 钢索吊桥cable trench 电缆槽cable trough 电缆坑cable trunk 电缆干线cable tunnel 电缆隧道cable wire 钢索cable-stayed bridge 斜拉桥Cadastral Information System 地籍信息系统cadastral plan 地籍图cadastral record 地籍记录cadastral survey 地籍测量cadastral survey plan index system 地籍测量图索引系统cage structure 笼状构筑物;笼状搭建物caged man 笼屋居民caisson 沉箱;挖孔桩caisson cap 沉箱盖;沉箱帽caisson foundation 沉箱基础;沉箱地基caisson pier 沉箱墩caisson pile 沉箱桩caisson retaining wall 沉箱挡土墙caisson wall 沉箱墙;沉箱挡土墙calcium plumbate primer 铅酸钙底漆California Bearing Ratio 加州承载比caliper measure 测径call for tenders 招标cam 凸轮cam lock 凸轮锁camber 拱度candela [cd] 烛光〔发光强度单位〕canister respirator 罐型防毒面具canopy 檐篷cantilever 悬臂;悬臂梁cantilever beam 悬臂梁;“ 鸡”cantilever bridge 悬臂桥cantilever crane 悬臂吊机cantilever footing 悬臂基脚cantilever foundation 悬臂基础;悬臂地基cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂式板桩墙cantilever slab 悬臂板cantilever support 悬臂支架cantilever walkway 悬臂式行人道cantilevered footpath 悬臂式行人径cantilevered slab canopy 悬臂式平板檐篷Canton tile 红砖cap 护顶;桩帽;柱帽capacity road 高流量的道路cap-block 桩帽capillary fittings 渗锡溶接配件;毛细接合配件;“走锡配件”capillary water 毛细管水capital value of premises 楼宇资本价值capital works 基本建设工程;基建工程Capital Works Committee 工务委员会capital works contract 基本工程合约Capital Works Reserve Fund 基本工程储备基金capitalization of rental income 租金收入转化为资本capitalization rate of profit rent 租值利润的资本转化比率capitalized value of profit rent 租值利润的资本转化值capped concrete core 加帽混凝土芯capping 封顶capping piece 压檐木car assembling use 汽车组装用途car cab 升降机厢car park operator 停车场管理公司car park privatization scheme 停车场私营化计划car park waiver 停车场暂准豁免书car repairing depot 修车场car trade storage yard 汽车贸易存货场car trade use 汽车贸易用途carbon brush 碳刷carbon pile 碳柱carbon ring 碳环carbon steel 含碳钢carbon strip 碳条carbonation depth 碳化深度carbonation front of concrete 混凝土碳化表层carbonation process 碳化过程carborundum strip 金刚砂路带;碳化硅路带caretaker 看守员;管理员cargo handling area 货物装卸区cargo lift 载货升降机cargo working area 货物装卸区carport 车位carrying capacity 运载量;载重量;承载能力Cartographer 制图师cartography 制图学carve out a lot 分割地段case pile 套管桩casement window 竖铰链窗casing 外壳;套管;框〔门窗〕cast iron 铸铁;生铁cast iron conductor 铸铁导管cast iron cover 铸铁盖cast iron pipe 铸铁管cast iron waste pipe 铸铁废水管cast-in anchorage 浇注锚固cast-in fixing bolt 预埋锚栓casting basin 预制件工场;浇灌场casting cycle 浇注期casting yard 预制件工场;浇灌场cast-in-place 灌注;现场浇筑cast-in-place concrete foundation 灌注混凝土基础cast-in-place pile 灌注桩;现浇桩cast-in-situ 现浇;就地浇筑;原地铸造cast-in-situ concrete unit 现浇混凝土组件cast-in-situ pile 现浇桩casual vacancy 空置单位cat ladder 竖梯;便梯;“猫梯”Catalogue of Slopes 斜坡记录册catch 挡片;制止器;扣掣;门扣catch fan 防护栅;斜棚;扇形防护网架catch fence 拦截围墙catch pit 集水井;排水井catch platform 坠台catchment 集水区;顾客来源区;载客范围〔公共交通工具〕catchment area 集水区;集水范围;集水面积catchment channel 引水道catchpit 集水井;聚泥坑;截流井catch-water 引水道catenary wire 吊索catwalk 跳板;轻便梯;轻便栈桥;步桥caulking 嵌缝;堵缝caulking bush 嵌缝衬套caulking material 填隙料causeway 堤道cavern 溶洞;岩洞;洞穴Cavern Project Study 岩洞计划研究cavernous marble 含溶洞大理石caving 下陷;坍陷cavity 中空部分;穴cavity wall 空心墙cease work order 停工令ceiling 天花板ceiling duct 屋顶通气管ceiling height 楼底高度ceiling slab 天花板ceiling suspension hook 天花吊钩cellar 地窖cellular cofferdam 格孔式围堰cellular office 分格式办公室cellular retaining wall 格孔式挡土墙cellular steel sheet pile 格式钢板桩dado 墙裙;护壁;“傍水”daily letting return 每日出租报表damages for non-completion 未能竣工损害赔偿;未能完工损害赔偿damp proof course 防潮层damp proof membrane 防潮表层damper 气闸;调节风门;减震器dangerous building 危楼;危险建筑物dangerous goods store 危险品仓库Dangerous Hillside Notice 危险斜坡通知书Dangerous Hillside Order 危险斜坡修葺令dangerous slope 危险斜坡Dangerous Structure Removal Notice 拆除危险构筑物通知书dangerous terrain 危险地势date for possession [site] 接管日期〔地盘〕date of agreement [agreement for sale and purchase] 协议日期〔买卖合约〕date of assignment 转让契约日期date of first assignment 单位首次售出日期date of instruction 买卖通知书日期date of possession 管有日期datum 基准;基准面datum location 基准地点datum mark 基准记号datum plane 基准面datum station 基准站"dau chung"斗种〔计算新界农地面积的传统单位〕daywork rate 日工单价;计日工作单价D-day 最后迁出期限〔扩展重建计划〕;清拆日期〔清拆小贩摊档〕dead bolt 固定栓dead end [drainage] 死端;封闭尽处〔渠道〕dead load 恒载;静荷载dead shore 顶撑dead-load test 恒载试验;静荷载试验deadlock 单栓锁;单闩锁debris 泥石;岩屑;瓦砾debris flow 泥石流;岩屑流debris flow deposit 泥石流形成的坡积物decantation 迁移;调迁deck 面板;桥面;平台decked nullah 铺面渠declaration of the valuation lists 公布差饷估价册decomposed granite 风化花岗岩decomposed granite soil 风化花岗岩土壤decomposed rock 风化岩decomposed volcanic rock 风化火山岩decompression 减压;卸荷decontrol of rent 解除租金管制decoration 装修;装饰Decoration Handbook 《装修手册》decorative finish 饰面decorative lighting 装饰照明de-designation 撤销指定乡村区dedication of land 拨地deed 契据;契约deed of appropriation 拨地契据deed of assignment 转让契据deed of assignment in escrow 等候履行条件的转让契据deed of covenant 契约deed of equitable mortgage 衡平法上的按揭契据deed of exchange 交换契deed of family arrangement 家庭协议证明书deed of gift 送让契deed of grant 批地契据;批约deed of mutual covenant 公契;公共契约Deed of Mutual Covenant and Management Agreement Clause 公契及管理协议条款deed of partition 分产契deed of reassignment 赎回契据deed of rectification 修正契据deed of release 解除扣押契据;解除责任契据deed of surrender 放弃租住权契据〔租约〕;土地交还契据deed of variation 契据修订书deed poll 分割契据;单边契据deed register 契据登记册deed registration system 契据登记制度deep bore well pump 深钻井泵deep compaction 深层压实deep cut 深挖deep foundation 深层基础;深层地基deep groove 深槽deep piling 深层打桩法deep rotational failure 深圆弧滑动破坏deep seal 深层密封deep sewage collection tunnel 深浚污水收集隧道deep trench excavation 深沟挖掘;深沟开挖deep tunnel intercepting sewer system 地下深层污水截流系统deep vibration compaction 深层振荡式压实deep well water pump 深井水泵deeply weathered 深层风化;深度风化defaulting tenant 欠租租客defect 建筑缺陷;建筑瑕疵defective block 问题公屋;有建筑缺陷的大厦defective building 欠妥的建筑物defective material 有损坏的物料;有问题的物料;不合规格的物料defective slope 有问题的斜坡defective title 有问题的业权defective works 有缺陷的工程;不合规格的工程defects and deficiencies [works] 错漏〔工程〕defects liability certificate 保养证明书;保修证明书defects liability period 保养期;保修期;维修责任期defects monitoring centre 楼宇问题监察中心defects report 楼宇损坏报告defence estate 军用房屋土地defence land 防务用地;军事用地defence land agreement 军事用地协议defence lot 国防地段deferment 押后;推迟;递延项目deferral 押后;推迟;递延项目deferred mortgage arrangement 延缓按揭安排deferred possession area 延迟移交区deferred tax 递延税项defined area 划定地区definitive map 精确地图definitive zoning 划定用途deflection 挠度;变位deflection curve 挠度曲线degree of consolidation 固结度degree of corrosion 蚀程度degree of exposure 日照程度degree of sharing 同屋共住户数dehumidifier 抽湿机dehydrogenation tank 脱氢缸delamination of concrete cover 混凝土保护层层状剥落delayed works 工程延误Deletion Certificate 取消差饷估价证明书delinquent report 转帐失误欠租报表deliver up possession 交回管有权deliver up vacant possession 腾空交回管有权deluge system 密集洒水系统;集水花洒系统Demand for Rates 征收差饷通知书demand note 缴款通知书;缴款单Demand Side Management Programme [electricity supply] 用电需求管理计划demarcation district [D.D.] 丈量约份;约demarcation district lot 丈量约份地段demarcation district plan 丈量约份图则demarcation district sheet 丈量约份地图demise 批租;转管demise charterer 转管租约承租人demographic trend 人口统计动向demolish 拆卸demolition action 清拆行动demolearly redemption [Home Purchase Loan Scheme] 提早清还贷款〔自置居所贷款计划〕early warning system 预早警告系统earth 泥土;地线earth bund 土堤earth copper strap 接地铜织带earth crust 地壳earth electrode 接地极earth embankment 土堤earth fill 填方earth grave 泥坟;土坟earth leakage circuit-breaker 断路器;“水线跳掣”earth loop impedance test 接地阻抗测试earth loop tester 地线系统测验器earth mound 土丘;土墩earth plate 接地板earth pressure 土压力earth pressure at rest 静止土压力earth pressure distribution 土压力分布earth rod 接地棒earth science 地球科学earth tag 接地片earth tape 接地带earthenware drain pipe 排水瓦管earthenware pipe 瓦管;陶管earthfill road embankment 填土路堤earthfill slope 填土斜坡earth-fixed co-ordinate system 地图坐标系统earthing 接地earthing cable 接地线earthing lug 接地线耳earthing system 接地系统earthing terminal 接地终端earth-moving machine 掘土机;动土机earthquake engineering 地震工程earthquake loading 地震荷载earthquake proof construction 抗震工程;抗震建筑earthquake proof foundation 抗震基础;抗震地基earthquake proof joint 防震缝;防震接缝earthquake resistance design 抗震设计earth-retaining structure 挡土构筑物;护土结构earth-retaining wall 挡土墙;护土墙earthwork 土方工程earthwork specifications 土方工程规格easement 地役权;附属建筑物easement in the land 地役eaves 屋檐eaves gutter 檐沟eccentric load 偏心荷载ecologically sensitive area 生态易受破坏地区edge 边缘地带edge beam 边梁edging 镶边effective area 实用面积effective stress 有效应力effective width 实用阔度efficiency index of curing compound 养护药品的效率指标;保养药品的效率指标effluent 污水;废水;流出物effluent discharge 污水排放effluent discharge pipe 污水排放管effluent outfall 污水出口管;污水排放管effluent treatment 污水处理effluent tunnel 污水隧道egress point 出口ejectment 迫迁ejectment of tenant 强迫租客离开elastic beam 弹性梁elastic deformation 弹性变形elastic equilibrium 弹性平衡elastic foundation 弹性基础;弹性地基elastic settlement 弹性沉降elastic support 弹性支座Elderly Citizens Housing Scheme 长者住屋计划Elderly Persons Priority Scheme 共享颐年优先配屋计划electric steam boiler 电热式蒸汽锅炉electric travelling crane 电动起重机electrical contractor 电器承装商electrical cut-off switch 电力截断掣electrical distribution system 配电系统electrical installation drawing 电气布置图electrical installations [public works category] 电器装置〔公共工程类别〕electrical plug 电插头electrical point 电掣位Electrical Reinforcement and Rewiring Programme 加强供电及重铺电力装置计划electrical rising main system 垂直电力总线系统electrical socket outlet 电源插座electrical subcontractor 电业分包商;电气装置分包商electrical supplier 供电商electrical technician 电力工程技术员electrical term maintenance contract 电力工程定期维修合约electrical transformer room 电力变压房electrical wiring 电气布线electrical works 电气工程electrician 电业工匠;电工electricity cable 供电电缆electricity meter box 电表箱electronic distance measurement 电子测距法electronic map 电子地图electronic tilt sensor 电子测倾器electro-thermal damper 电热防火闸element in distress 元件超负荷element of construction 结构单元eletronic distance meter 电子测距仪elevated structure 高架构筑物;高架结构elevation 立面〔建筑物〕;标高;立视图eligibility net 资格网;合资格的家庭数目eligible family 符合资格的家庭eligible tenderer 符合资格的投标者eluvial 渗蚀层embankment 堤;路堤embankment foundation 堤基embayment and channel 港湾和水道emergency access 紧急通道emergency alarm system 紧急警报系统Emergency and Storm Damage Organization [Drainage Services Department] 应急及处理台风损毁组织〔渠务署〕emergency escape 紧急逃生途径emergency exit door 紧急出口门emergency generator 紧急发电机;后备发电机emergency generator room 紧急发电机机房emergency lighting 紧急照明设备Emergency Monitoring and Support Centre [EMSC] [Government Secretariat] 紧急事故监察及支援中心〔政府总部〕Emergency Planning Zone 应急计划区emergency quota [rehousing] 紧急安置配额emergency repair order 紧急维修通知emergency repair team 紧急维修小组emergency vehicular access 紧急车辆通道empty bay 空格;空位emulsion paint 乳胶漆enamel paint 瓷漆enamelled fire clay 釉瓷耐火黏土encapsulation 封补encapsulation of grille panels 把通花砖墙密封enclosed balcony 围封的露台enclosed building 围封式建筑物enclosed harbour 内港enclosed place 围封地方enclosed space of a unit 单位内部的面积enclosed verandah 围封的外廊enclosing external wall 围绕单位的外墙enclosing wall 围墙enclosure 围封部分;围建物;围栏enclosure structurfabric reinforcement 编网钢筋fabricated soil 混合土fabrication 制造;建造;装配fabrication of steel pipe specials [public works category] 特别钢管的制造〔公共工程类别〕fabrication yard 预制件工场facade 面墙;外墙;正面外墙face 饰面face shield 面罩face value of Letter A/B 甲/乙种换地权益书面值facilities of other contractors 其他承建商的设施;其他承办商的设施facing brick 面砖;露面砖;“明口砖”;“见光砖”facing decoration 面层装饰facing stone 面层石;护面石facing tile 饰面瓷砖factor of safety against overturning 抗倾覆安全系数factor of safety against sliding 抗滑安全系数factory estate 工厂大厦;工厂大厦区factory premises 工厂大厦fading of settlement 沉降消减fail-safe system 故障保险系统failure [slope] 崩塌〔斜坡〕failure load 损毁荷载;破坏荷载failure scar 崩塌残痕;崩塌痕fair market rent 公平市值租金fair market value compensation 公平市值补偿fair valuation 公平估价;公平估值fair-faced concrete 原身混凝土;“清水石屎”fair-faced finish 原身终饰;无瑕面fall 下斜;斜度fall from height 从高处坠下falling away 泥土倾泻falling head permeability test 降落水头渗透试验;变水头透水试验fallowed land 休耕地false ceiling 假天花板falsework 脚手架;工作架Families with Elderly Persons Priority Scheme 家有长者优先配屋计划family income 家庭总入息family member 家庭成员family size 家庭人数family size grouping 家庭人数组别family splitting 分户family tree 家系谱fan room 通风机房fanlight 楣窗;“门头窗”farm lot 农场地段farm re-establishment 农业迁置计划farm structure 农场构筑物farmland 耕地fascia 过梁横带〔窗〕fatigue failure 疲劳损毁;疲劳破坏fatigue fracture 疲劳断裂fatigue limit 疲劳极限fatigue loading 疲劳荷载fatigue resistance 抗疲劳强度fatigue strength 疲劳强度fatigue test 疲劳测试faucet hole 水龙头插口fault 断层〔地质〕;断裂fault breccia 断层角砾岩fault zone 断层带;断裂带faulty works 不合规格的工程Feasibility Study for Intensification and Extension of Tseung Kwan O New Town, The 将军澳新市镇增加发展密度和扩展可行性研究feather edge 削边feather edge boarding 薄边板feature wall 特色墙;装饰墙;景观墙Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils [FIDIC] 国际谘询工程师联合会feed pipe [water supply] 供水管feed tank 供水箱feeder road 接驳道路feeding water main 供水喉管feed-water pump 给水泵feed-water treatment reservoir 给水处理池feeler arm 探针臂feldspar 长石feldspar porphyry *** 斑状长石岩墙〔岩脉〕Fellow, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors 香港测量师学会资深会员felt roofing 油毛毡天台工程female plug 插座fence 围栏;围网;栅栏fence wall 围墙fender 保护板;护木;挡板fender pile 防撞桩;护桩fender restraint beam 防撞护梁fender system 防撞系统ferro-prussic print 铁氰蓝图fetch length 风区长度fibre building board 纤维薄板fibre glass 玻璃纤维fibrous mulch 纤维盖土物fibrous plaster 纤维灰泥fiducial mark 柜标field 田地;场地field area statement 田地面积记录field bearing test 现场承载测试;实地承载测试field identification 现场鉴定;实地鉴定field investigation 现场勘察;实地勘察field loading test 现场荷载测试;实地荷载测试field measurement 实地量度field note 外业记录field sheet 外业记录表field survey 实地勘察;实地测量field testing 实地测试;工地测试file 锉;锉刀file dust 锉屑fill 填土;填料;填塞Fill Management Committee 填料管理委员会fill material 填土材料;填料fill placement technique 填筑技术fill platform 填土平台fill resources 填料资源fill slope 填土坡;填土斜坡fill source 填料来源fill stratum 填土层fill structure 填土结构;填土构筑物fill technique 填泥技术filled ground 填土基础;填土地基filler 填料;搀合料;垫板fillet 填角;内圆角;平边条;嵌缝条filter 反滤物;过滤器filter element 过滤器滤心filter layer 过滤层;疏水层filter material 过滤物料filtered water supply 已过滤的自来水final demolition day 最后清拆日期final grading 最后平整final measurement 最终测量结果Final Notice for Rates 差饷最后通知书final set 终凝〔混凝土〕;终锤〔打桩〕final sounding survey 最后海底测深Final Structural Appraisal 最终结构勘测评估报告Final Warning Letter for Building Covenant Extension to Small House Grantee 发给小型屋宇承批人的延长建筑规约限期最后警告书fine aggregate 细砂石;细骨料;石粉fine clay 幼黏土fine dust 粉尘fine gravel 细砾fine sand 细沙fine screening 精筛fines 细粒土finger guard 指形护罩finger plate 指板finger stone 细石finish 终饰;饰面;修整finish material 饰面材料finish paint 面漆finished floor 竣工楼面;修整过的楼面finished level 完工泥面gabbro 辉长岩gabion 填石铁笼gable 山墙gable wall 人字墙;山墙;端墙gallery 桥廊;走廊;坑道galvanized iron 镀锌铁;“铅水铁”galvanized iron pipe with polyvinyl chloride lining 塑料衬里镀锌铁管;内搪胶镀锌铁管galvanized mild steel 镀锌软钢galvanized sheet 镀锌板;“星铁板”galvanized sheet iron 镀锌铁片;镀锌铁皮galvanized steel 镀锌钢gangway 通道gantry 门架;吊架;起重机架gantry crane 龙门式起重机gap gauge 测隙规G-applicant 轮候册申请人garbage chamber 垃圾房garden house lot 花园屋地garden land 花园地garden lot 花园地段gas analyzer 气体分析器gas appliance 煤气用具gas consumption 煤气耗用量gas fitter 气体炉具承装商gas geyser 煤气热水炉gas installation 煤气工程gas main 总煤气管;气体燃料主喉gas meter 气体燃料表;煤气表;石油气表gas pipe 煤气喉管;气体喉管gas port 气口gas premium 气体燃料标金;煤气标金;石油气标金gas riser 煤气竖管;煤气立管Gas Standards Office 气体标准事务处gas-filled thermometer 充气温度计gathering-ground 集水区gauge box 量斗gauze 金属丝网gazette plan 宪报图gazetted area 刊载于宪报上的地区gazetted open space, park and playground 在宪报刊登的游憩用地、公园及游乐场GCO probe GCO轻型动力触探;GCO轻型勘探杆general arrangement 总体布置;总体设计general conditions of tender 投标普通章程General Household Survey 综合住户统计调查general industrial land 一般工业用地general layout plan 总平面图general planning considerations 一般规划考虑因素general rates 一般差饷General Requisition for Particulars of Tenement 一般物业详情申报表general revaluation 全面重估应课差饷租值general shear failure 整体剪切破坏General Specification for Civil Engineering Works 《土木工程一般规格》General Specifications on Material and Workmanship 《物料与造工一般规格说明书》General Squatter Control Survey 全面寮屋登记General Waiting List 公屋总轮候册Generalised Limitations and Engineering Appraisal Map 一般规限及工程评估图gentle dip 缓倾斜genuine home-buyer 真正自住买家GEO Emergency Manual 《土力工程处紧急服务手册》geochemical data 地球化学资料;岩土数据geodetic datum 测地基准点;大地基准Geodetic Datums in Hong Kong 香港大地测量系统geodetic information system 大地信息系统Geodetic Section [Lands Department] 大地测量组〔地政总署〕geodetic survey 大地测量Geodetic Survey Information System 大地测量信息系统Geographic Place Names Board 地名订正委员会geographic reference system 定位查照系统geographical co-ordinate system 地理坐标系统geographical information system 地理信息系统geographical mapping 地理勘察;地理测绘geographical zone 地理分区geogrid 土工格杉geoid 大地水准面geological condition 地质状况geological data computer system 地质资料电脑系统geological map 地质图geological mapping 地质勘察;地质测绘geological memoir 地质报告geological profile 地质剖面geological survey 地质调查geological survey memoir 地质调查报告geological survey plan 地质调查图Geology Society of Hong Kong 香港地质学会geomancer 堪舆师geomembrane 土工膜;隔泥网膜geomorphologic map 地貌图geomorphology 地貌学geophysical exploration 地球物理勘探geophysical survey 地球物理测量geoscience database 地质科学资料库geostatic stress 地应力geosynthetics 土工合成材料geotechnical 岩土;土力geotechnical appraisal 岩土评估;土力评估Geotechnical Area Study Programme 地区岩土研究计划。

建筑专业英语词汇整理大全常用景观英文1.主入口大门/岗亭(车行 & 人行) MAIN ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN )2.次入口/岗亭(车行 & 人行 )2ND ENTRANCE GATE/GUARD HOUSE (FOR VEHICLE& PEDESTRIAN ) 3.商业中心入口 ENTRANCE TO SHOPPING CTR.4.水景 WATER FEATURE5.小型露天剧场 MINIAMPHI-THEATRE6.迎宾景观-1 WELCOMING FEATURE-17.观景木台 TIMBER DECK (VIEWING)8.竹园 BAMBOO GARDEN9.漫步广场 WALKWAY PLAZA10.露天咖啡廊 OUT DOOR CAFE11.巨大迎宾水景-2 GRAND WELCOMING FEATURE-212.木桥 TIMBER BRIDGE13.石景、水瀑、洞穴、观景台ROCK'SCAPE WATERFALL'S GROTTO/ VIEWING TERRACE14.吊桥 HANGING BRIDGE15.休憩台地(低处) LOUNGING TERRACE (LOWER )16.休憩台地(高处) LOUNGING TERRACE (UPPER )17.特色踏步 FEATURE STEPPING STONE18.野趣小溪 RIVER WILD19.儿童乐园 CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND20.旱冰道 SLIDE21.羽毛球场 BADMINTON COURT22.旱景 DRY LANDSCAPE23.日艺园 JAPANESE GARDEN24.旱喷泉 DRY FOUNTAIN25.观景台 VIEWING DECK26.游泳池 SWIMMING POOL27.极可意 JACUZZI28.嬉水池 WADING POOL29.儿童泳池 CHILDREN'S POOL30.蜿蜒水墙 WINDING WALL31.石景雕塑 ROCK SCULPTURE32.中心广场 CENTRAL PLAZAEXERCISE PLAZA34.桥 BRIDGE35.交流广场 MEDITATING PLAZA36.趣味树阵 TREE BATTLE FORMATION37.停车场 PARING AREA38.特色花架 TRELLIS39.雕塑小道 SCULPTURE TRAIL40.(高尔夫)轻击区 PUTTING GREEN41.高尔夫球会所 GOLF CLUBHOUSE42.每栋建筑入口 ENTRANCE PAVING TO UNIT43.篮球场 BASKETBALL COURT 44.网球场 TENNIS COURT45.阶梯坐台/种植槽 TERRACING SEATWALL/PLANTER46.广场 MAIN PLAZA47.森林、瀑布 FOREST GARDEN WATERFALL48.石景园 ROCKERY GARDEN49.旱溪 DRY STREAM50.凉亭 PAVILION51.户外淋浴 OUTDOOR SHOWER52.拉膜构造 TENSILE STRUCTURE53.台阶 STAIR54.高尔夫球车停车场 PARKING ( GOLF CAR )55.健身站 EXERCISE STATION56.晨跑小路 JOGGING FOOTPATH57.车道/人行道 DRIVEWAY/SIDEWALK58.人行漫步道 PROMENADE59.瀑布及跳舞喷泉(入口广场) WATER FALL AND DANCING FOUNTAIN ( ENTRY PLAZA )60.特色入口 ENTRY FEATURE 61.石景广场 ROCKERY PLAZA常用造价英语词汇常用造价英语词汇估算/费用估算:estimate/cost estimate;估算类型:types of estimate; 详细估算:是偏差幅度最小估算,defined estimate;设备估算:equipment estimate; 分析估算:analysis estimate; 报价估算:proposal estimate; 控制估算:control estimate; 初期控制估算:interim control estimate/initial control estimate批准控制估算:initial approved cost核定估算:check estimate首次核定估算:first check estimate二次核定估算:production check estimate人工时估算:man hour estimate 材料费用/直接材料费用:material cost/direct material cost设备费用/设备购置费用:equipment cost/purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用/散装材料购置费用:bulk materialcost/purchased cost of bulk material施工费用:construction cost 施工人工费用:laborcost/construction force cost 设备安装人工费用:labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工安装人工费用:labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额:standard manhours施工人工时估算定额:standard labor manhours标准工时定额:standard hours 劳动生产率:laborproductivity/productivity factor/productivity ratio修正人工时估算值:adjusted manhours人工时单价:manhours rate施工监视费用:cost of construction supervision施工间接费用:cost of contruction indirects分包合同费用/现场施工分包合同费用:subcontract cost/field subcontract cost公司本部费用:home office cost 公司管理费用:overhead非工资费用:non payroll开车效劳费用:cost of start-up services其他费用:other cost 利润/预期利润:profit/expected profit效劳酬金:service gains风险:risk风险分析:risk analysis风险备忘录:risk memorandum 未可预见费:contingency根本未可预见费:average contingency最大风险未可预见费:maximum risk contingency用户变更/合同变更:cilent change/contract change认可用户变更:approved client change待定用户变更:pending client change工程变更:project change内部变更:internalchange批准变更:authoried change强制性变更:mandatory change 选择性变更:optional change内部费用转换:internal transfer认可预计费用:anticipated approved cost涨价值:escalation工程费用汇总报告:project cost summary report工程实施费用状态报告:project operation cost status report 总价合同:lump sum contract 偿付合同:reimbursible contract预算:budget规划专业英语规划词典环境、根底设施、交通运输环境设计( Environmental design )以物质环境质量为根本点,以优良环境是人根本权利与需要为前提土地利用规划。

多功能用房utility room
化验室laboratory room
经理室manager room
披屋(阁楼) penthouse
警卫室guard house
roofing and ceiling
绝对大气压absolute atmospheric pressure
相对湿度relative humidity
general room name
服务用房service room
换班室shift room
休息室rest room (break room)
水磨石嵌条divider strip for terrazzo
地面做2%坡floor with 2% slope
排水沟drainage trench
沟盖板trench cover
活动盖板removable cover plate
集水坑sump pit
硬木毛地面hard-wood rough flooring
企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring
防酸地面acid-resistant floor
钢筋混凝土楼板reinforced concrete slab (r.c slab)
乙烯基地面vinyl flooring
空腹钢窗hollow steel window
固定窗fixed window
平开窗side-hung window
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超全建筑专业英语词汇搜集大整理!全英文出图OK!来源:秦泽倓的日志建筑类常见英语词汇a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据b. DESIGN STAGE 设计阶段c. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件d. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称e. ROOFING & CEILING 屋面及天棚f. WALL(CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)g. FLOOR & TRENCH 地面及地沟h. DOORS 、GLASS、WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件I. STAIRCASE、LANDING & LIFT(ELEVATOR)楼梯、休息平台及电梯j. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦Lime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石Cement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土Facing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料Asphalt (Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉Timber 木材Metallic Materials 金属材料Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属Anti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料Building Hardware 建五金Paint 油漆k. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业Conventional Terms 一般通用名词Architectural Physics 建筑物理Name Of Professional role 职务名称Drafting 制图a. DESIGN BASIS 设计依据计划建议书 planning proposals设计任务书 design order标准规范standards and codes条件图 information drawing设计基础资料 basic data for design工艺流程图 process flowchart工程地质资料 engineering geological data原始资料 original data设计进度 schedule of designb. STAGE OF DESIGN 设计阶段方案 scheme, draft草图 sketch会谈纪要summary of discussion谈判 negotiation可行性研究 feasibility study初步设计 preliminary design基础设计 basic design详细设计 detail design询价图 enquiry drawing施工图 working drawing, construction drawing 竣工图 as built drawingc. CLIMATE CONDITION 气象条件日照 sunshine风玫瑰 wind rose主导风向 prevailing wind direction最大(平均)风速 maximum (mean) wind velocity 风荷载 wind load最大(平均)降雨量 maximum (mean) rainfall雷击及闪电 thunder and lightning飓风 hurricane台风 typhoon旋风 cyclone降雨强度rainfall intensity年降雨量 annual rainfall湿球温度 wet bulb temperature干球温度 dry bulb temperature冰冻期 frost period冰冻线 frost line冰冻区 frost zone室外计算温度 calculating outdoor temperature 采暖地区 region with heating provision不采暖地区 region without heating provision 绝对大气压 absolute atmospheric pressure相对湿度 relative humidityd. GENERAL ROOM NAME 常用房间名称办公室 office服务用房 service room换班室 shift room休息室 rest room (break room)起居室 living room浴室 bathroom淋浴间 shower更衣室 locker room厕所 lavatory门厅 lobby诊室 clinic工作间 workshop电气开关室 switchroom走廊 corridor档案室 archive电梯机房 lift motor room车库 garage清洁间 cleaning room会议室(正式) conference room会议室 meeting room衣柜间 ward robe暖风间 H.V.A.C room饭店 restaurant餐厅 canteen, dining room厨房 kitchen入口 entrance接待处 reception area会计室 accountant room秘书室 secretary room电气室 electrical room控制室 control room工长室 foreman office开关柜室 switch gear前室 antecabinet (Ante.)生产区 production area马达控制中心 Mcc多功能用房 utility room化验室 laboratory room经理室 manager room披屋(阁楼) penthouse警卫室 guard housee. ROOFING AND CEILING 屋面及天棚女儿墙 parapet雨蓬 canopy屋脊 roof ridge坡度 slope坡跨比 pitch分水线 water-shed二毡三油 2 layers of felt & 3 coats of bitumastic 附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt檐口 eave挑檐 overhanging eave檐沟 eave gutter平屋面 flat roof坡屋面 pitched roof雨水管 downspout, rain water pipe)(R.W.P)汇水面积 catchment area泛水 flashing内排水 interior drainage外排水 exterior drainage滴水 drip屋面排水 roof drainage找平层 leveling course卷材屋面 built-up roofing天棚 ceiling檩条 purlin屋面板 roofing board天花板 ceiling board防水层 water-proof course检查孔 inspection hole人孔 manhole吊顶 suspended ceiling, false ceiling檐板(窗帘盒) cornicef. WALL (CLADDING) 墙体(外墙板)砖墙 brick wall砌块墙 block wall清水砖墙 brick wall without plastering抹灰墙 rendered wall石膏板墙 gypsum board, plaster board空心砖墙 hollow brick wall承重墙 bearing wall非承重墙 non-bearing wall纵墙 longitudinal wall横墙 transverse wall外墙 external (exterior) wall内墙 internal (interior) wall填充墙 filler wall防火墙 fire wall窗间墙 wall between window空心墙 cavity wall压顶 coping圈梁 gird, girt, girth玻璃隔断 glazed wall防潮层 damp-proof course (D.P.C)遮阳板 sunshade阳台 balcony伸缩缝 expansion joint沉降缝 settlement joint抗震缝 seismic joint复合夹心板 sandwich board压型单板 corrugated single steel plate外墙板 cladding panel复合板 composite panel轻质隔断 light-weight partition牛腿 bracket砖烟囱 brick chimney勒脚(基座) plinthg. FLOOR AND TRENCH 地面及地沟地坪 grade地面和楼面 ground and floor素土夯实 rammed earth炉渣夯实 tamped cinder填土 filled earth回填土夯实 tamped backfill垫层 bedding course, blinding面层 covering, finish结合层 bonding (binding) course找平层 leveling course素水泥浆结合层 neat cement binding course混凝土地面 concrete floor水泥地面 cement floor机器磨平混凝土地面 machine trowelled concrete floor 水磨石地面 terrazzo flooring马赛克地面 mosaic flooring瓷砖地面 ceramic tile flooring油地毡地面 linoleum flooring预制水磨石地面 precast terrazzo flooring硬木花地面 hard-wood parquet flooring搁栅 joist硬木毛地面 hard-wood rough flooring企口板地面tongued and grooved flooring防酸地面 acid-resistant floor钢筋混凝土楼板 reinforced concrete slab (R.C Slab)乙烯基地面 vinyl flooring水磨石嵌条 divider strip for terrazzo地面做2%坡 floor with 2% slope集水沟 gully集水口 gulley排水沟 drainage trench沟盖板 trench cover活动盖板 removable cover plate集水坑 sump pit孔翻边 hole up stand电缆沟 cable trenchh. DOORS,GLASS,WINDOWS & IRONMONGERY(HARDWARE)门、玻璃、窗及五金件木 (钢)门 wooden (steel) door镶板门 panelled door夹板门 plywood door铝合金门 aluminum alloy door卷帘门 roller shutter door弹簧门 swing door推拉门 sliding door平开门 side-hung door折叠门 folding door旋转门 revolving door玻璃门 glazed door密闭门 air-Tight door保温门 thermal insulating door镀锌铁丝网门 galvanized steel wire mesh door防火门 fire door(大门上的)小门 wicket门框 door frame门扇 door leaf门洞 door opening结构开洞 structural opening单扇门 single door双扇门 double door疏散门 emergency door纱门 screen door门槛 door sill门过梁 door lintel上冒头 top rail下冒头 bottom rail门边木 stile门樘侧料 side jumb槽口 notch木窗 wooden window钢窗 steel window铝合金窗 aluminum alloy window百叶窗 (通风为主) sun-bind, louver (louver, shutter, blind) 塑钢窗 plastic steel window空腹钢窗 hollow steel window固定窗 fixed window平开窗 side-hung window推拉窗 sliding window气窗 transom上悬窗 top-hung window中悬窗 center-pivoted window下悬窗 hopper window活动百叶窗 adjustable louver天窗 skylight老虎窗 dormer window密封双层玻璃 sealed double glazing钢筋混凝土过梁 reinforced concrete lintel钢筋砖过梁 reinforced brick lintel窗扇 casement sash窗台 window sill窗台板 window board窗中梃 mullion窗横木 mutin窗边木 stile压缝条 cover mould窗帘盒 curtain box合页(铰链) hinge (butts)转轴 pivot长脚铰链 parliament hinge闭门器 door closer地弹簧 floor closer插销 bolt门锁 door lock拉手 pull链条 chain门钩 door hanger碰球 ball latch窗钩 window catch暗插销 insert bolt电动开关器 electric opener平板玻璃 plate glass夹丝玻璃 wire glass透明玻璃 clear glass毛玻璃(磨砂玻璃) ground glass (frosted glass)防弹玻璃 bullet-proof glass石英玻璃 quartz glass吸热玻璃 heat absorbing glass磨光玻璃 polished glass着色玻璃 pigmented glass玻璃瓦 glass tile玻璃砖 glass block有机玻璃 organic glassI. STAIRCASE, LANDING & LIFT (ELEVATOR) 楼梯、休息平台及电梯楼梯 stair楼梯间 staircase疏散梯 emergency stair旋转梯 spiral stair (circular stair)吊车梯 crane ladder直爬梯 vertical ladder踏步 step扇形踏步 winder (wheel step)踏步板 tread档步板 riser踏步宽度 tread width防滑条 non-slip insert (strips)栏杆 railing (balustrade)平台栏杆 platform railing吊装孔栏杆 railing around mounting hole扶手 handrail梯段高度 height of flight防护梯笼 protecting cage (safety cage)平台 landing (platform)操作平台 operating platform装卸平台 platform for loading & unloading楼梯平台 stair landing客梯 passenger lift货梯 goods lift客/货两用梯 goods/passenger lift液压电梯 hydraulic lift自动扶梯 escalator观光电梯 observation elevator电梯机房 lift mortar room电梯坑 lift pit电梯井道 lift shaftj. BUILDING MATERIAL WORDS AND PHRASES 建筑材料词汇及短语Bricks and Tiles 砖和瓦红砖 red brick粘土砖 clay brick瓷砖 glazed brick (ceramic tile)防火砖 fire brick空心砖 hollow brick面砖 facing brick地板砖 flooring tile缸砖 clinkery brick马赛克 mosaic陶粒混凝土 ceramsite concrete琉璃瓦 glazed tile脊瓦 ridge tile石棉瓦 asbestos tile (shingle)波形石棉水泥瓦 corrugated asbestos cement sheetLime, Sand and Stone 灰、砂和石石膏 gypsum大理石 marble汉白玉 white marble花岗岩 granite碎石 crushed stone毛石 rubble蛭石 vermiculite珍珠岩 pearlite水磨石 terrazzo卵石 cobble砾石 gravel粗砂 course sand中砂 medium sand细砂 fine sandCement, Mortar and Concrete 水泥、砂浆和混凝土波特兰水泥(普通硅酸盐水泥) Portland cement硅酸盐水泥 silicate cement火山灰水泥 pozzolana cement白水泥 white cement水泥砂浆 cement mortar石灰砂浆 lime mortar水泥石灰砂浆(混合砂浆) cement-lime mortar保温砂浆 thermal mortar防水砂浆 water-proof mortar耐酸砂浆 acid-resistant mortar耐碱砂浆 alkaline-resistant mortar沥青砂浆 bituminous mortar纸筋灰 paper strip mixed lime mortar麻刀灰 hemp cut lime mortar灰缝 mortar joint素混凝土 plain concrete钢筋混凝土 reinforced concrete轻质混凝土 lightweight concrete细石混凝土 fine aggregate concrete沥青混凝土 asphalt concrete泡沫混凝土 foamed concrete炉渣混凝土 cinder concreteFacing And Plastering Materials 饰面及粉刷材料水刷石 granitic plaster斩假石 artificial stone刷浆 lime wash可赛银 casein大白浆 white wash麻刀灰打底 hemp cuts and lime as base喷大白浆两道 sprayed twice with white wash分格抹水泥砂浆 cement mortar plaster sectioned 板条抹灰 lath and plasterAsphalt(Bitumen) and Asbestos 沥青和石棉沥青卷材 asphalt felt沥青填料 asphalt filler沥青胶泥 asphalt grout冷底子油 adhesive bitumen primer沥青玛啼脂 asphaltic mastic沥青麻丝 bitumastic oakum石棉板 asbestos sheet石棉纤维 asbestos fiberTimber 木材裂缝 crack透裂 split环裂 shake干缩 shrinkage翘曲 warping原木 log圆木 round timber方木 square timber板材 plank木条 batten板条 lath木板 board红松 red pine白松 white pine落叶松 deciduous pine云杉 spruce柏木 cypress白杨 white poplar桦木 birch冷杉 fir栎木 oak榴木 willow榆木 elm杉木 cedar柚木 teak樟木 camphor wood防腐处理的木材 preservative-treated lumber胶合板 plywood三(五)合板 3(5)-plywood企口板 tongued and grooved board层夹板 laminated plank胶合层夹木材 glue-laminated lumber纤维板 fiber-board竹子 bambooMetallic Materials 金属材料黑色金属 ferrous metal圆钢 steelbBar方钢 square steel扁钢 steel strap,flat steel型钢 steel section (shape)槽钢 channel角钢 angle steel等边角钢 equal-leg angle不等边角钢 unequal-leg angle工字钢 I-beam宽翼缘工字钢 wide flange I-beam丁( 之)字钢 T-bar (Z-bar)冷弯薄壁型钢 light gauge cold-formed steel shape 热轧 hot-rolled冷轧 cold-rolled冷拉 cold-drawn冷压 cold-pressed合金钢 alloy steel钛合金 titanium alloy不锈钢 stainless steel竹节钢筋 corrugated steel bar变形钢筋 deformed bar光圆钢筋 plain round bar钢板 steel plate薄钢板 thin steel plate低碳钢 low carbon steel冷弯 cold bending钢管 steel pipe (tube)无缝钢管 seamless steel pipe焊接钢管 welded steel pipe黑铁管 iron pipe镀锌钢管 galvanized steel pipe铸铁 cast iron生铁 pig iron熟铁 wrought iron镀锌铁皮 galvanized steel sheet镀锌铁丝 galvanized steel wire钢丝网 steel wire mesh多孔金属网 expanded metal锰钢 managanese steel高强度合金钢 high strength alloy steel Non-Ferrous Metal 有色金属金 gold白金 platinum铜 copper黄铜 brass青铜 bronze银 silver铝 aluminum铅 leadAnti-Corrosion Materials 防腐蚀材料聚乙烯 polythene, polyethylene尼龙 nylon聚氯乙烯 PVC (polyvinyl chloride)聚碳酸酯 polycarbonate聚苯乙烯 polystyrene丙烯酸树酯 acrylic resin乙烯基酯 vinyl ester橡胶内衬 rubber lining氯丁橡胶 neoprene沥青漆 bitumen paint环氧树脂漆 epoxy resin paint氧化锌底漆 zinc oxide primer防锈漆 anti-rust paint耐酸漆 acid-resistant paint耐碱漆 alkali-resistant paint水玻璃 sodium silicate树脂砂浆 resin-bonded mortar环氧树脂 epoxy resinBuilding Hardware 建筑五金钉子 nails螺纹屋面钉spiral-threaded roofing nail环纹石膏板钉 annular-ring gypsum board nail 螺丝 screws平头螺丝 flat-head screw螺栓 bolt普通螺栓 commercial bolt高强螺栓 high strength bolt预埋螺栓 insert bolt胀锚螺栓 cinch bolt垫片 washerPaint 油漆底漆 primer防锈底漆 rust-inhibitive primer防腐漆 anti-corrosion paint调和漆 mixed paint无光漆 flat paint透明漆 varnish银粉漆 aluminum paint磁漆 enamel paint干性油 drying oil稀释剂 thinner焦油 tar沥青漆 asphalt paint桐油 tung oil, Chinese wood oil红丹 red lead铅油 lead oil腻子 puttyk. OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 其它建筑术语Discipline 专业建筑 architecture土木 civil给排水 water supply and drainage总图 plot plan采暖通风 H.V.A.C (heating、ventilation and air conditioning) 电力供应 electric power supply电气照明 electric lighting电讯 telecommunication仪表 instrument热力供应 heat power supply动力 mechanical power工艺 process technology管道 pipingConventional Terms 一般通用名词建筑原理 architectonics建筑形式 architectural style民用建筑 civil architecture城市建筑 urban architecture农村建筑 rural architecture农业建筑 farm building工业建筑 industrial building重工业的 heavy industrial轻工业的 light industrial古代建筑 ancient architecture现代建筑 modern architecture标准化建筑 standardized buildings附属建筑 auxiliary buildings城市规划 city planning厂区内 within site厂区外 offsite封闭式 closed type开敞式 open type半开敞式 semi-open type模数制 modular system单位造价 unit cost概算 preliminary estimate承包商 constructor, contractor现场 site扩建 extension改建 reconstruction防火 fire-prevention防震 aseismatic, quake-proof防腐 anti-corrosion防潮 dump-proof防水 water-proof防尘 dust-proof防锈 rust-proof车流量 traffic volume货流量 freight traffic volume人流量 pedestrian volume透视图 perspective drawing建筑模型 building model Architectural Physics 建筑物理照明 illumination照度 degree of illumination亮度 brightness日照 sunshine天然采光 natural lighting光强 light intensity侧光 side light顶光 top light眩光 glaze方位角 azimuth辐射 radiation对流 convection传导 conduction遮阳 sun-shade保温 thermal insulation恒温 constant temperature恒湿 constant humidity噪音 noise隔音 sound-proof吸音 sound absorption露点 dew point隔汽 vapor-proofName Of Professional role 职务名称项目经理 project manager (PM)设计经理 design manager首席建筑师 principal architect 总工程师 chief engineer土木工程师 civil engineer工艺工程师 process engineer电气工程师 electrical engineer 机械工程师 mechanical engineer 计划工程师 planning engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer实习生 probationer专家 specialist, expert制图员 draftsman技术员 technicianDrafting 制图总说明 general specification工程说明 project specification采用标准规范目录 list of standards and specification adopted 图纸目录 list of drawings平面图 plan局部放大图 detail with enlarged scale...平面示意图 schematic plan of......平剖面图 sectional plan of...留孔平面图 plan of provision of holes剖面 section纵剖面 longitudinal section横剖面 cross (transverse) section立面 elevation正立面 front elevation透视图 perspective drawing侧立面 side elevation背立面 back elevation详图 detail drawings典型节点 typical detail节点号 detail No.首页 front page图纸目录及说明 list of contents and description图例 legend示意图 diagram草图 sketch荷载简图 load diagram流程示意图 flow diagram标准图 standard drawing...布置图 layout of ...地形图 topographical map土方工程图 earth-work drawing展开图 developed drawing模板图 formwork drawing配筋 arrangement of reinforcement表格 tables工程进度表 working schedule技术经济指标 technical and economical index建、构筑物一览表 list of buildings and structures编号 coding序列号 serial No.行和栏 rows and columns备注 remarks等级 grade直线 straight Line曲线 curves曲折线 zigzag line虚线 dotted line实线 solid line影线 hatching line点划线 dot and dash line 轴线 axis等高线 contour Line中心线 center Line双曲线 hyperbola抛物线 parabola切线 tangent Line尺寸线 dimension Line园形 round环形 annular方形 square矩形 rectangle平行四边形 parallelogram 三角形 triangle五角形 pentagon六角形 hexagon八角形 octagon梯形 trapezoid圆圈 circle弓形 sagment扇形 sector球形的 spherical抛物面 paraboloid圆锥形 cone椭圆形 ellipse, oblong 面积 area体积 volume容量 capacity重量 weight质量 mass力 force米 meter厘米 centimeter毫米 millimeter公顷 hectate牛顿/平方米 Newton/square meter 千克/立方米 kilogram/cubic meter 英尺 foot英寸 inch磅 pound吨 ton加仑 gallon千磅 kip平均尺寸 average dimension变尺寸 variable dimension外形尺寸 overall dimension展开尺寸 developed dimension内径 inside diameter外径 outside diameter净重 net weight毛重 gross weight数量 quantity百分比 percentage净空 clearance净高 headroom净距 clear distance净跨 clear span截面尺寸 sectional dimension开间 bay进深 depth单跨 single span双跨 double span多跨 multi-span标高 elevation, level绝对标高 absolute elevation设计标高 designed elevation室外地面标高 ground elevation室内地面标高 floor elevation柱网 column grid坐标 coordinate厂区占地 site area使用面积 usable area辅助面积 service area通道面积 passage area管架 pipe rack管廊 pipeline gallery架空管线 overhead pipeline排水沟 drain ditch集水坑 sump pit喷泉 fountain地漏 floor drain消火栓 fire hydrant灭火器 fire extinguisher二氧化碳灭火器 carbon dioxide extinguisher 卤代烷灭火器 halon extinguisher。