




每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1. 下列关于细胞结构的描述,不正确的是A. 细胞膜具有选择透过性B. 细胞核是遗传信息库C. 线粒体是能量转换器D. 细胞壁是细胞的骨架2. 光合作用中,光能被转化为化学能的场所是A. 叶绿体B. 线粒体C. 核糖体D. 高尔基体3. 下列关于遗传物质的描述,正确的是A. DNA是遗传物质B. RNA是遗传物质C. 蛋白质是遗传物质D. 糖类是遗传物质4. 下列关于生态系统的描述,不正确的是A. 生态系统包括生物部分和非生物部分B. 生态系统中的能量是流动的C. 生态系统中的物质是循环的D. 生态系统中的生物是相互独立的5. 下列关于酶的描述,不正确的是A. 酶是生物催化剂B. 酶具有高效性C. 酶是蛋白质D. 酶的活性不受温度影响6. 下列关于基因突变的描述,正确的是A. 基因突变是可逆的B. 基因突变是不可逆的C. 基因突变是有益的D. 基因突变是有害的7. 下列关于细胞分裂的描述,不正确的是A. 细胞分裂是细胞增殖的方式B. 细胞分裂包括有丝分裂和减数分裂C. 细胞分裂是无性生殖的方式D. 细胞分裂是细胞生命周期的一部分8. 下列关于细胞分化的描述,不正确的是A. 细胞分化是细胞发育的过程B. 细胞分化是细胞形态和功能的改变C. 细胞分化是细胞数量的增加D. 细胞分化是细胞生命周期的一部分9. 下列关于植物激素的描述,不正确的是A. 植物激素是植物体内产生的微量物质B. 植物激素对植物生长发育有显著影响C. 植物激素是植物的营养物质D. 植物激素是植物生长发育的调节物质10. 下列关于动物激素的描述,不正确的是A. 动物激素是动物体内产生的微量物质B. 动物激素对动物生长发育有显著影响C. 动物激素是动物的营养物质D. 动物激素是动物生长发育的调节物质(以下题目略)二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1. 细胞膜主要由____、____和____组成。

2016.12---2017.1上海高考生物一模 - 虹口

2016.12---2017.1上海高考生物一模 - 虹口


每小题只有一个正确选项)1.下列关于生物体内有机物的叙述正确的是A.脂质不参与生命活动的调节B.蛋白质是生物体主要的能源物质C.核酸是生物体储存遗传信息的物质D.糖类不参与细胞识别和免疫调节2.图1是洋葱鳞叶表皮细胞示意图,其中含自由水量最多的部位是A.①B.②C.③D.④3.人体自身一般不能合成,必须由食物供给的是A.糖原B.胰岛素C.维生素B D.核酸4.下列化合物中,属于组成蛋白质的氨基酸是A.①②③④B.①②③C.①②D.②④5.有关病毒的叙述错误的是A.非细胞生命体B.以复制的方式繁殖C.在细胞内增殖,在细胞外代谢D.引发乙肝和艾滋病的病原体都是病毒6.颤藻和水绵都是绿色丝状水生生物,将它们放在同一块载玻片上染色后用光学显微镜的高倍镜观察,确认丝状物是水绵的依据是A.叶绿体B.线粒体C.高尔基体D.核糖体7.下列关于微生物传染病的说法正确的是①进入人体内的病原菌,定居的位置具有高度的专一性②某种微生物传染病的易感人群人数越多群体免疫力越强③流感病毒因为容易发生变异而使疫苗种类多且有效性高④隐性感染能够获得对该病的免疫力A.①②B.③④C.①④D.②③8.病毒侵入人体后,机体在特异性免疫应答过程中不会发生的是A.巨噬细胞吞噬和处理病毒B.浆细胞分裂并产生抗体C.T淋巴细胞增殖分化形成记忆细胞D.致敏T细胞使靶细胞裂解死亡9.与副交感神经兴奋无关的生理功能是A.胆汁分泌增加B.胃肠蠕动加快脑C.支气管扩张D.瞳孔缩小10.在牛蛙的脊髓反射实验中,剥除脊蛙右后肢脚趾皮肤,再将其浸入0.5%HCl中,结果无屈腿反射,原因是破坏了图2中结构A.①B.②C.③D.④图211.图3中字母表示细胞中所含的基因,每个基因不在同一条染色体上,X、Y、Z中含4个染色体组的是A.X B.X、YC.Y D.Z12.图4为人的性染色体简图。





一、选择题1.下列关于淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质和核酸4种分子的叙述,正确的是A.都能被相应的酶水解B.都是水溶性物质C.都含C、H、O、N四种元素D.都是人体细胞中的能源物质2.图1为核苷酸的模式图,下列相关说法正确的是①A.DNA与RNA单体的不同,表现在①和②两处B.AMP的结构与图1类似③②C.③在病毒中共有4种图1 D.植物体内的③有8种,②有2种3.图2显示来自同一人体的4种细胞,下列叙述正确的是成熟图2 红细胞A.4种细胞中的DNA含量相同B.因为各细胞中携带的基因不同,所以形态、功能不同C.虽然各细胞大小不同,但细胞中含量最多的化合物相同D.虽然各细胞的生理功能不同,但吸收葡萄糖的方式相同4.下列关于ATP的叙述,正确的是A.ATP分子中的“A”指腺嘌呤B.ATP分子中含有三个高能磷酸键C.有氧呼吸的各个阶段都能产生ATP D.ADP转化为ATP时要消耗水5.图3为光合作用暗反应阶段的示意图,下列叙述正确的是ATP 2C3 NADPH A.一部分被还原的C3在相关酶的催化作用下,可再形成C5 B.CO2可直接被NADPH还原,再经过一系列的变化形成糖类CO2 C.CO2的固定实质上是将ATP中的化学能转变为C3中的化学能C5 图3 (CH2O) D.光照强度强变弱时,短时间内C5含量会升高6.图4表示呼吸作用过程中葡萄糖分解的两个途径。

酶1、酶2和酶3依次分别存在于A.线粒体、线粒体和细胞质基质B.线粒体、细胞质基质和线粒体C.细胞质基质、线粒体和细胞质基质D.细胞质基质、细胞质基质和线粒体酶2 CO 和HO 葡萄糖酶1 丙酮酸酶3 乳酸图4 22 7.下列关于实验现象与结果的分析错误的是A.组织切片上滴加苏丹Ⅲ染液,显微观察有橘红色颗粒说明有脂肪B.组织样液中滴加班氏试剂,不产生砖红色沉淀说明没有还原性糖C.洋葱表皮细胞滴加蔗糖溶液后,发生质壁分离说明细胞有活性D.在颤藻和水绵细胞的比较观察中,滴加碘液是为了寻找细胞核8.人体内能源物质包括糖类和一些非糖物质。



虹口区 2016 年高三英语一模试卷及答案虹口区 2015 学年度第一学期期终教课质量监控测试高三英语试卷2016.1第 I 卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1.A. In a library. B. In a theater.C. In a cinema.D.In a classroom.2.A. 40 dollars. B. 30 dollars. C. 20 dollars.D. 10 dollars.3.A. Doctor and nurse. B. Cashier and customer.C. Dentist and patient.D. Conductor and passenger.4.A. The weather was miserable all day. B. The trip was really a hard one.C. They had a wet and cold trip.D. They were not caught in the rain.5.A. She is popular with children. B. She has always been popular.C. She had a surprising party.D. She wassurprised at the party.6. A. Engineering. B. Business.C. Education.D. Manufacturing.7. A. He needs some change. B. He seldom counts his money.C. He doesn’thave that much cash.D.He owes the woman twenty dollars.8. A. Jack is clever. B. Tom is reliable.C. Tom is honest.D.Jack is dependable.9. A. Heavy jackets are now on sale. B.She is waiting for winter to arrive.C. It’s hard to get a heavy jacket.D.She needs a warm jacket.10. A.He will continue his work on vacation. B. Papers piled while he was on vacation.C. He has too much work to do.D. He has madehis vacation plans.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possibleanswers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11through 13are based on the following passage.11. A. Last night. B. At the age of 20.C. At the age of 9.D. A couple of weeks ago.12. A. Because she liked it at their age. B.C. Because it was a fun story.D. Because it was a Disney film.13. A. Romeo and Juliet. B. A love story between two dogs.C. Different dogs and different lives.D. Children and dogs.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Britain. B. France. C. Spain.D. Sweden.15. A.Children were invited to meet Harry Potter’ s magic mother.B. The book was first available to readers on the Internet.C. J. K. Rowling has had an interview on the Internet.D. The book first arrived in China in early June, 2003.16. A. To develop their love for the country. B. To get ready for a military parade.C. To gain some military knowledge.D. To learn to protect themselves.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blueberry Restaurant Reservation FormName Caroline__17__Time8:30, __18__ nightNumber of People SevenPhone Number__19__Special Request__20__ dishesBlanks 21 through 24 are based on thefollowing conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Grand City FairWhat is the fair famous The __21__ and Fleafor?Market.How do people feel when They feel they arethey are in the Flea__22__.Market?How does the fair get most By producing __23__of its power supply?itself.How is the business during There is an increase inthe Christmas sale?both __24__.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: Read the following two passages.Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.(A)Accidents happen almost everywhere every day. Some accidents are not serious and some really are. We read about such accidents nearly every day in thenewspapers. And people usually think that accidents take place only on the roads or highways until they (25)______ come across accidents in their homes or even at work places. As a matter of fact, home accidents are just as common as those we see and hear on the roads, some of (26) ______ cause even much more serious consequences.Because very few home accidents are reported, people come to think that there are few accidents that happen in homes.There (27) ______ (be) many serious cases where people fall to their deaths from high-rise flats so far. In most cases, children and women often fall over while (28) ______ (step) down the stairs. Old people may slip onwet floors, getting badly hurt or even killed, if theyare not careful.Nowadays there are a lot of modern electrical appliances at home (29) ______ ______ rice cookers, micro waves and washing machines, which make life easy for the modern housewives.These appliances can kill people (30) ______ they are used in the proper way. Gas stoves used for cooking are also dangerous if they are not properly used. They may cause burns or, inmore serious cases, even fires.But all such accidents (31) ______ be stopped if we are careful and follow simple rules of safety. For example, it is unwise for people to try repairing their own electrical appliances if they do not know how to repair them. Therefore, it is safer and more reliable (32)______ people getthem repaired by an electrician.(B)A study of English learning problems was carriedout among a total of 106 foreign students. It showsthat nearly all these students considered (33) ______ (understand) spoken English, especially in the first few weeks, to be their biggest problem on arrival. This was followed by speaking or communicating. Writing then increased as a big problem as students discovered difficulties in writing papers that they (34) ______ (expect) to hand in. And at the same time, reading remained as a significant problem.The information (35) ______ (gain) helped us in determining where special attention should be paid to in our course. Although many students have chosen to join the course with a reasonable motivation, we considered it important to note (36) ______ seemed to encourage interest. Nearly all the students have experienced some kind of grammar-based English teaching or teacher-centered English learning in their own country.It would be self-defeating (37) ______ (use) the same method, especially if it has failed in the past or it is too complicated to follow or imitate, (38) ______ it might reduce motivation and interest. Therefore a different method may help because it is different.(39)______ variety of activities was also regardedas a way of maintaining or increasing motivation and interest. Several years ago we had the first timetable that operated throughout the course of English learning, but we soon found that both the students and the teachers lost interest by about half-way through the ten weeks. This led us to a major re-think, and we had to explore a much (40) ______ (effective) way of English learning, so finally we brought it into line with the expressedlanguage needs of the students.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. wanderedB.applicationsC.intellectual D.occurred EextraordinaryF. objectivesG. relativelyH. releaseI.threatening J. accomplished K. completelyJohn Nash, a Nobel Prize winner and mathematical genius whose struggle with mental illness was documented in the Oscar-winning film “ A Beautiful Mind” , was killed in a car accident on Saturday. He was 86.The accident __41__ when the taxi Nash was traveling in ran into another car on the New Jersey Turnpike. Neither of the two drivers involved in the accident underwent life-__42__ injuries.At Princeton, Nash published a 27-page essay about the field of game theory, which led to __43__ in economics, international politics, and evolutionary biology. His signature solution found that competition among two opponents is not necessarily governed by zero-sum logic. Two opponents can, for instance, each achieve their maximum __44__ through cooperating with the other, or gain nothing at all by refusing to cooperate. This simple understanding is now regarded as one of the most important social science ideas in the 20th century, and a proof to his almost unique __45__ gifts.But in the late 1950s, Nash began a slide into mental illness and each therapy failed to cure him, and for muchof the next three decades, Nash __46__ freely on the Princeton campus, scratching his hands on empty blackboards and staring blankly ahead in the library. Robert Wright remembers Nash as “ somemath genius that went crazy ”who wore colorful shoes and quietly watched people. His mental illness removed him __47__ from his work. By the time Nash was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994, he hadn’publishedt a paper in 36 years.But like a child cured of a terrible dream by the switch of a light, Nash recovered from his illness seemingly by choosing not to be sick anymore. Five years later, the __48__ of the film “A Beautiful Mind ”, based on Sylvia Nasar ’ s 1998 book of the samename,expanded Nash’ s 49__ life story to an international audience. He continued to work, travel, and speak at conferencesfor the rest of his life.It ’temptings to wonder what Nash might have __50__, had mental illness not robbed him of so many productive years. “ Becausetheideas I had about super natural beings came to me the same way that my mathematical ideas did, ”said Nash. “SoI took them seriously. ”III.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Why girls do better at school than boys?For centuries, boys were top of the class. Butthese days, that no’ longers the case.A new study by the OECD, a club of mostly __51__ countries in Europe and North America, examined how15-year-old boys and girls performed at reading, mathematics and science. Boys still get somewhat better __52__ at maths and physics, and in other science courses the genders are roughly __53__. But when it comes to the students who really struggle and suffer at school, the difference is __54__: boys are 50% more likely than girls to fall short of basic standards in all three areas.__55__, why are girls performing better at school than their male classmates?First, girls read more than boys. Reading proficiency ( 娴熟) is the basis upon which all other learning is built. When boys don’ tdo well in reading, their __56__ in other school subjects suffers too.Second, girls spend much more time on their homework and out-of-class learning. __57__, girls spend five and a half hours per week doing homework while boys spend a little less than four and a half hours. Researchers suggest that doing homework __58__ by teachers is linked to better accomplishment in maths, reading and science. Boys, it appears, spend more of their free time in the __59__ world; they are 17% more likely to play cooperative online games than girls every day. They also use the internet more.Third, peer __60__ plays a role. A lot of boys decide early on that they are just too cool for school. They adopt a so-called concept ofmasculinity( 男子气派 ) that includes a disregard for __61__, which means they ’ re more likely to be rude and noisy in class. Teachers markthem down for this. In anonymous(匿名的 ) tests, boys perform better. In fact, the gender gap in reading __62__ by a third when teachers don’knowt the gender of the pupil they are marking.So what can be done to close this gap? Getting boys to do more homework and cut down on screen-timewould help. And offering boys a __63__ to readnon-fiction would help too: they ’ re keener on comics newspapers. But most of all, abandoning gender stereotypes(旧模式 ) would __64__ all students. Thus, boys in all countries with the best schoolsread much better than girls. As we know, girls in Shanghai, Singapore and Seoul are good at mathematics, and they __65__ boys from anywhere else in the world.51. A. B. wealthy C. regular D. miserable backward52. A. B. C. guidance D.scores directions evaluation53. A. B. reliable C. relevant D. equalpractical54. A. B. vague C. obvious D. logicalstable55. A. B. C. Similarly D. Instead However Therefore56. A. B. C. D.behaviour comment preparation performance57. A.In B.On C. On the D.Inbrief average contrary addition58. A. B. C. assigned D. approved researched designed59. A. B. realistic C. future D. artificialvirtual60. A. B. contact C. D. pressure relationship responsibility61. A. B. C. adults D. peersexperts authorities62. A. B. widens C. narrows D. forms develops63. A. B. task C. favour D. resource chance64. A. B. harm C. satisfy D. benefit influence65. A. B. C. overcome D. challenge advance overtakeSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passageyou have just read.(A)In job interviews, we’ reoften asked about our strengths and weaknesses. And, as a matter of fact, most of us know automatically how to respond.Common wisdom tells us to use faux weaknesses, which means things that are strengths described as negatives and turned into positives. You might even be able to change your weakness into a skill for a job you not fully qualified for.In America, in a championship game you areunlikely to see athletes showing weakness. If the athletes become hurt in this game, they will hide their injuries—they don’ want their competitors to know their weak spots. But there is absolutely no need for us to act likethis in business affairs.At work and in business, you can have shortcomings because these can be overcome and turned into strengths. The only fatal thing is to not realize that all your weaknessescan be made strong. Of course, to make up for shortcomings, you must first be aware of what your weaknesses really are.Have you ever wondered what has happened whenyou interview for a job you ’ re fully qualified for, but i goes to someone who doesn ’ t seem to be qualified at all?How would that person get the job when he had none ofthe qualifications listed in the job ad?That applicant figured out the businesspain pointthat is seldom, if ever, mentioned in the job ad, and thenhow to address it. He didn ’ t talk about how he met ea of the requirements on the job ad. He had none of the qualifications. He asked questions instead. He askedprobing (打听的 ) questions to learn more about the business pain. By doing so, this less-qualified person soon learned that the hiring managers needed something different from what was listed in the job ad.Not accepting the job ad as an unquestionable truth is the key. There is no reason to think that hiring managers actually know what they need when they write job ads. They may need someone completely differentfrom what they describe. That is why you can get a job that you ’ re not qualified for.66. The underlined word “faux”in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to“______”.A. incorrectB. illogicalC. falseD. imaginary67. What exactly does the author advise you to do when you are a weak candidate for a job?A. Don’ task questions if you think you are a weak candidate.B. Ask questions about the job until you find you have something to offer.C. Don ’ t let your interviewer know your weaknesses but tell him your strengths.D. Ask questions according to the job descriptionto see if you can be a qualified candidate.68.Why does the author think an applicant can get a job that he ’ s not qualified for?A.Because hiring managers may change theirmind in the job interview.B.Because hiring managers may actually need someone who can ask questions.C.Because the applicant may not know that he actually has the required qualifications.D. Because hiring managers may not know what they actually need when writing the ad.69.What is the passage mainly talking about?A.You can change you weaknesses into strengths in job interviews.B. Don’t expose your weaknessesbut show your strengths in job interviews.C. Find out the business pain point not mentioned in the job ad in job interviews.D. Hiring managers usually don’ t know what qualifications they really need.(B)TFK ExtrasTIME For Kids has teamed up with a number of respected partners to bring you programs that will help inspire you and your students. Featuringgames, contests and lively activity suggestions, our partner programs will add a wealth of possibilitiesto your classroom.Penguin GroupOrdinary People Change The World!Penguin Group and TFK havepartnered together to help teachersshow their students how they can makethe world a better place. Based on theinspiring lives of historic figuresincluding Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks,Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein,this fascinating program takes a look atthe real life stories of ordinary youngpeople who grew up to becomeextraordinary adults!Download the classroom posterprovided below.Classroom Poster: You Can Be a Hero,too.Star Wars RebelsJoin the Rebellion!Experience the Disney XD show Star Wars Rebels to get your students excited about exploration, teamwork, and science.Inside the program’ s student guide you ’ll discover classroom resources, such asa board game, a word scramble, and facts about the moon and lunar eclipses(月蚀 ). Plus:Background about the Star Wars Rebels characters illustrates how teamworkcan help students accomplish even the toughest missions. Download thestudent guide below.TFK Extra: Join the Rebellion!Ultimate SpidermanEvery Great Story Starts with a Hero!TIME For Kids teamed up with thecreators of Disney XD ’s, Ultimate Spiderman, to encourage kids to takethe initiative and become everyday heroes. This four page student magazine includes interestingtidbits(花边新闻 ) about the creation andevolution of the Marvel Comics superhero character Spider-Man, as well asfacts of interesting real-life spiders.Students are also encouraged to solve achallenging “ Spider-Cycle ”maze (迷宫 ) and uncover a mystery clue hiddenwithin a “ Spider Search ” puzzle.TFK Extra: Every Great Story Startswith a Hero!The Mysterious IslandDiscover Your Island of Ideas!TIME For Kids has partnered with thecreators of the film The MysteriousIsland to introduce creativity andimagination through the “ Island ofIdeas ”program. The Teacher ’Guidesprovides discussion starters, in-classactivities and fourreproducibles(复制道具 ) that will help lead students on adiscovery adventure. The poster frontencourages students to solve mysteriousclues that will lead them to the UltimateMysterious X. Students will enjoyuncovering the treasure of ideas thatawait them in this program.Classroom Poster: Discover YourIsland of Ideas!70. Penguin Group and TFK have partnered together to______.A. show students the inspiring lives of historic figuresB. make the world a better place for teachers and studentsC.provide teachers with some useful materialsand informationD.help students know that ordinary people can change the world71.To accomplish the exciting program Star Wars Rebels, students need to ______.A. complete a tough missionB. have the spirit of rebellionC. have the spirit of cooperationD. explore the moon and lunar eclipses72.What’ sthe chief purpose of the magazine Ultimate Spiderman?A.To encourage kids to learn about facts of interesting real-life spiders.B.To activate kids to become everyday heroes in real life.C.To tell interesting tidbits about the creation and evolution of Spider-Man.D.To solve a challenging “ Spider-Cycle ”maze and uncover a mystery clue.73.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Mysterious Island is a film made by TIME ForKids and its partner.B.The “ Islandof Ideas ”program aims to cultivate creativity and imagination.C.Teacher ’ sGuide includes students ’discussions, activities and reproducibles.D.Ultimate Mysterious X encourages students to uncover the treasure of ideas.(C)Mapping AntarcticaAntarctica was on the map longbefore anyone ever laid eyes on it.Nearly 2,400 years ago, ancientGreek philosophers such asAristotle believed that a greatcontinent must exist at the bottomof the world. They thought it was needed to balance out the continents at the top of the world. In the 1500s, mapmakers often included a fanciful continent they referred to as Terra Incognita (Latin for “ unknownland ” ) at the bottom of their maps. But it was not until the 1800s ---- after explorers had sighted and set foot on Antarctica ---- that mapmakers got down to the business of really mapping the continent, which is one-and-a-half times the size of the U.S..While the coastline could be mapped by ships sailing around the continent, it took airplanes ---- and later, satellites ---- to chart Antarctica’ sinteriorvast (内陆). That job continues today. And it is a job that canstill require a mapmaker, or cartographer, to put on boots and head out into the wild.Cole Kelleher is familiar with that.He is a cartographer with the PolarGeospatial Center (PGC), which isbased at the University ofMinnesota and has a staff atMcMurdo Station. PGC teamed upwith Google to use the company’ sTrekker technology to capture images of Antarctica forthe Internet giant ’populars feature, Street View. A Trekker camera, which is the size of a basketball, is set about two feet above a backpack. The camera records images in all directions. “ Itweighs about 50 pounds. I was out for two and a half days, hiking 10 to 12 hours each day, ” says Kelleher. It was hard work, but really an incredible experience. According” to Kelleher there are plans to use the technology to create educational apps for museums.The PGC staff at McMurdo Station provides highly specialized mapmaking services for the U.S. Antarctic Program. For one project, Kelleher used satellite imagesto map huge cracks in the ice. That helped a team of researchers know whether they could safely approach their field camp on snowmobiles. Another recent project was to help recover a giant, high-tech helium (氦气 ) balloon used to carry scientific instruments high intothe atmosphere. These balloons are launched in Antarctica because there is no danger that they will hurt anyone when they fall back down to Earth. Usingsatellite images, Kelleher and colleaguescreated mapsof where the balloon could be found.Antarctica may no longer be Terra Incognita, but it still holds countless mysteries. Cartographers and the maps they make will continue to be essential in helping scientists unlock those secrets.74. From the passage, we can infer that Antarctic was on the map in the 1500s when ______.A. mapmakers knew it was much larger than the U.S.B. Aristotle named the continent Terra IncognitaC. no one had ever seen or been to the continentD.it was such an interesting continent as wasoften referred to75.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A.It needs much work for the mapmakers to head out into the wild.B.The interior can only be mapped by planes and satellites.C. It is relatively easy to map Antarctica ’coastlineby ships.D. Antarctic is a vast but still mysterious continent.76. The Polar Geospatial Center (PGC) works with Google initially ______.A. to capture images of Antarctica for Street ViewB. to test the company ’ s Trekker technologyC. to create educational apps for museumsD. to hike for an incredible experience77.The fourth paragraph mainly talks about ______.A.satellite images which are used to map huge cracks in the iceB.a high-tech helium balloon for carrying scientific instrumentsC.how to safely approach the researchers ’field camp and the balloonD.the specialized mapmaking services providedby the PGC staffSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.When did you last visit a shopping mall? In many places, the answer would be “ last weekend.”Some people go even more often. Why? Shopping malls offer goods and services all in one place: food, clothing, things for their houses, entertainment, even medical services. So, are they one of the highlights of modern civilization? Environmental activists would say no and would go even further, arguing that consumer behavior is causing a huge environmental disaster. They cause consumers’ignorance of the side effect of their shopping ---- urban sprawl (延伸 ).Social scientists agree that patterns of development have changed the landscape a lot. Before 1950, most people lived in towns or cities and either walked to work or took public transportation. Only very wealthy people had automobiles. Farmers lived in rural areas or far-away villages and came into town only when they needed things they couldn ’producet themselves.If you staredat the landscape you would see towns surrounded by the countryside.Now automobiles become affordable and people are quick to make use of them. Ambitious workers could live in suburbs, just outside cities, which have started to grow rapidly. As long as there is lots of cheap land there, no one pays much attention to the usage of that land. Malls, fast food restaurants, cinemas, and such spread out in large, flat buildings. These one-storey buildings and their parking lots take up too much space. Many farmers think they are better off selling their land than growing crops. No one has realized once the land is built up in urban sprawl, the good farming land will be ruinedforever. There is no way to preserve it.Only in recent years have people come to miss the old way of life as they have looked into the problems of unconditional growth. Now people realize that urban sprawl has come with serious environmental problems. The bad effects that sprawl brings about include air and water pollution, loss of agricultural land, traffic jams, and so on. Many scholars think it ’times to analyze the problems better so we can develop proper policies to control further sprawl. Some think the best way to do is to educate citizens.(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS)78. What does the underlined word “ They”refer to inthe first paragraph?79.In the past, farmers in the countryside only went totowns or cities to ______.80.Besidesthe mobility made possible by automobiles,what other two factors have led to the unconditional growth?81.Now people come to realize the importance ofprotecting environment and dealing with the serious problem brought about by ______.第 II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1、说服她不再网购是没有任何作用的。








每小题只有一个正确答案)1.下列物质中,不属于脂质的是……………………………………………………()A.磷脂B.脂肪C.纤维素D.胆固醇2.用班氏试剂鉴定还原性糖时,溶液的颜色变化过程为…………………………()A.淡蓝色→棕色→红黄色B.无色→淡蓝色→棕色C.红黄色→淡蓝色→棕色D.棕色→绿色→棕色3.下列哪一组物质的基本组成单位相同…………………………………………()A. 植物的纤维素和生长素B. 动物的糖原和抗体C. 人的胰岛素和性激素D. 细菌的核区DNA和质粒4.右图为细胞膜的亚显微结构模式图。

下列叙述不正确的是……………………()A.b构成了细胞膜的基本骨架B.细胞膜的流动性与c、d均有关C.d的种类和数量越多,细胞的功能越复杂D.a在细胞的内侧,具有细胞识别的功能5.某多肽分子结构如下图所示,该多肽分子中的肽键数和氨基酸种类为……()A.2 个、1 种B.2 个、2种C.3个、2种D.2个、3种6.在信使RNA分子结构中,相邻的碱基G与C之间是通过什么结构连接而成…()A.3个氢键B.—脱氧核糖—磷酸基—脱氧核糖—C.—核糖—磷酸基—核糖—D.—磷酸基—核糖—磷酸基—7.保护生物多样性的三个层次中,最核心的并关系其他两个层次存亡的是…()A.遗传多样性B.物种多样性C.生物群落多样性D.生态系统的多样性8.现代进化理论认为,突变和基因重组为生物进化提供了原材料,下列变异现象不属于此类变异范畴的是………………………………………………………………()A.无籽西瓜B.白眼果蝇种群中出现了红眼C.21三体综合征D.无籽番茄9.实验中,从菠菜叶中提取叶绿素体中色素的常用试剂是………………………()A.蒸馏水B.无水乙醇C.1%NaCl D.3%HCl10.右图为有关细胞分裂的概念图,下列说法正确的是…………………………()A.①过程中无纺锤体和染色体出现,不发生DNA复制B.②过程中,染色体与核DNA分子在数目上具有平行关系C.②过程有利于维持亲子代细胞遗传物质的稳定性D.③过程中具有2个细胞周期,精原细胞以②或③的方式增殖11.下列关于物质转运出入细胞的方式,正确的是………………………………()A.神经递质穿过突触后膜的方式是主动运输B.只有在主动运输时,才会发生载体蛋白与被运输物质结合而改变形状的现象C.胞吞和胞吐是细胞最重要的吸收或排出物质的方式D.渗透作用的方向就是水分子从浓度低的一侧进入浓度高的一侧12.右图为细胞核结构模式图,下列有关叙述不正确的是…()A.①主要由DNA和蛋白质组成,在细胞分裂不同时期呈不同状态B.②是产生核糖体、mRNA和合成蛋白质的场所C.③在细胞周期中发生周期性变化,其主要成分是磷脂和蛋白质D.蛋白质可由核孔进入细胞核,而mRNA正好相反13.下表为某培养基的配方,有关叙述正确的是……………()A.此培养基属通用培养基,可以鉴别出大肠杆菌B.能在此培养基上生长的大肠杆菌,拟核上有青霉素的基因C.此培养基可以用于选育转基因大肠杆菌菌种的基因工程的操作过程中D.此培养基可以用来检测自来水中细菌含量是否符合饮用水标准14.右图为人工培养的肝细胞中DNA含量随时间变化的曲线,培养中所有细胞都处于细胞周期的同一阶段。

上海高三生物第一学期期末考试试卷含答案 精校打印版

上海高三生物第一学期期末考试试卷含答案 精校打印版



每小题只有一个正确选项)(一)1分题(共8题)1.下列有关生命科学发展历史的描述,不正确的是()A. 17世纪显微镜的发明,使生命科学的研究进入了细胞水平B. 在生命科学发展的早期,主要采用描述法和实验法对生物体的结构进行观察和记录C. 孟德尔用豌豆杂交实验揭示了生物遗传的基本规律D. DNA双螺旋结构模型的提出,使生命科学的研究进入到分子水平2.下列物质不在核糖体上合成的是()A. 麦芽糖酶B. 核糖核酸C. 胰岛素D. 载体蛋白3. 洋葱根尖细胞有丝分裂的分裂期中,每个细胞内DNA分子数和染色体数不同的时期是()A. 前期和中期B. 中期和后期C. 中期和末期D. 后期和末期4. 在下列细胞的结构中,不可能产生CO2的是()A. 豌豆细胞的细胞质基质B. 人体细胞的线粒体C. 乳酸菌的细胞质基质D. 酵母菌的细胞质基质5. 将一株植物在黑暗环境中放置48小时,然后将一片叶的主脉切断(如图)在阳光下照射4小时,将此叶片脱色处理后,再用碘液处理,结果a部呈棕褐色,b部呈蓝色。

这个实验证明了光合作用需要()A. 光B. CO2C. 水D. 叶绿素6. 下列现象中,最能说明植物生长素低浓度促进生长,高浓度抑制生长“两重性”现象的是()A. 茎的向光性和背地性B. 顶端优势C. 根的向地性和向水性D. 含羞草的小叶受刺激立即下垂7. 能够识别抗原的细胞是()①吞噬细胞②T细胞③B细胞④记忆细胞⑤浆细胞⑥致敏T细胞A. ①②③④⑥B. ②③④⑤⑥C. ②③④⑤D. ①②③④⑤8. 下列哪项不是基因工程中经常使用的用来运载目的基因的载体()A. 细菌质粒B. 噬菌体C.动植物病毒D.细菌核区的DNA(二)2分题(共20题)9. 下列叙述中,哪项是淀粉、纤维素和糖元的共同特征()A.都是细胞内储存能量的主要物质B.都含有C、H、O、N 4种元素C.基本组成单位都是五碳糖D.基本组成单位都是六碳糖10. 大豆根尖细胞所含的核酸中,含有碱基A 、G 、C 、T 的核苷酸种类数共有( ) A. 4 B. 5 C.7 D.811. 从某腺体的细胞中,提取出附着有核糖体的内质网,放入含有放射性标记的氨基酸的培养液中。



虹口区2016-2017学年度第一学期期终教学质量监控测试高三英语试卷第 I 卷 (共100分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow.C. Next week.D. Next month.2. A. She doesn’t play tennis well. B. She likes other sports as well.C. She is an enthusiastic tennis player.D. She is a professional athlete.3. A. At a paint store. B. At an oil market.C. At a science museum.D. At a gallery.4. A. Work in the yard B. Buy some wood.C. Go to the bookstoreD. Take a walk.5. A.A taxi driver. B. A passenger.C. A car cleaner.D. A mechanic.6. A. Call a repairman. B. Get out the paper stuck.C. Turn to her colleague for help.D. Restart the machine.7. A. There are not enough gardens. B. Parking areas are full before 10:00.C. Parking areas are closed after10:00.D. All classes begin at 10:00.8. A. The presentation will begin atnoon.B. She’ll present her work to the man.C. She’d like to invite the man for lunch.D. She suggests working on the presentation at 12:00.9. A. The dormitory hours. B. The problem with the rules.C. The door number of the dormitory.D. The time to open the dormitory.10. A. The chairs didn’t need to bepainted.B. He doesn’t like the color of the chairs.C. The park could have avoided theproblem.D. The woman should have been more careful.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken onlyonce. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Worried. B. Surprised. C. Satisfied. D. Uninterested.12. A. It spoiled Joann a’s reputation.B. It copied her ideas without permission.C. It bought Joann a’s dishwashers.D. It wanted to share the dishwasher market.13. A. A successful business case. B. Joann a’s waterless laundry.C. A case against a global company.D. The worldwide dishwasher market.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Footprints. B. Food. C. Living insects. D. Orange seeds.15. A. Don’t touch animals under any circumstances.B. Don’t take away any natural objects from the park.C. Don’t leave litter in the park or throw any off the boat.D. Don’t transport animals from one island to another.16. A. To protect the guide’s interest. B. To improve the unique environment.C. To ensure a trouble-free visit.D. To get rid of illegal behaviors.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. Writing a book. B. Preparing a lecture.C. Searching for references.D. Reading comedies18. A. Make his topic more specific. B. Make a complete reading list.C. Read at least six books.D. Read some Hollywood comedies19. A. Hollywood in the 1930s and 1940s.B. 20th-century Hollywood comedies.C. Comedies in the 1930s and 1940s.D. Golden Age Hollywood comedies.20. A. Student and teacher. B. Reader and librarian.C. Customer and shop assistant.D. Two strangers reading in the libraryII. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Wedding in the United StatesWeddings in the United States vary as much as the people do. There are church weddings with a great deal of fanfare; there are weddings on mountain tops with guests (21) _____ (seat) on the rocks and even barefooted; and there have been weddings on the ocean floorwith oxygen tanks for the guests. But many weddings, (22) _____ _____ _____ or how they are performed,include certain traditional customs.Before a couple is married, they become engaged. And then invitations are sent to those who live nearby, their close friends and their relatives who live far away. When everything is ready, then comes (23) _____ (exciting) moment of all.The wedding itself usually lasts between 20 and 40 minutes. The wedding party is walking through the aisle of the church as the Wedding March (24) _____ (play). The bride carrying a bouquet (花束) enters last with her father who will “give her away”. The groom enters the church from a side door. When the wedding party is gathered by the altar (圣坛), the bride and groom exchange vows. (25) _____ is traditional to use the words “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part”. (26) _____ (follow) the vows, the couple exchange rings. Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old custom.(27) _____ the ceremony there is often a party called a “reception”, which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlywed.The car in (28) _____ the couple leaves the church is decorated with balloons, streamer and shaving cream. The words “Just Married” are painted on the trunk or back window to tell people (29) _____ they are married. Now comes the last step of the wedding ceremony. As a tradition, the bride and the groom (30) _____ run to the car under a shower of rice thrown by the wedding guests. When the couple drives away from the church, friends often chase them in cars, honking (鸣喇叭) and drawing attention to them. And then the couple go on their honeymoon.Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Why Aren’t Women Happier?Why aren’t women happier these days?That’s the question raised by a thought-provoking study, The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness, __31__ last month. The research showed that over the past 35 years women’s happiness has declined, both __32__ to the past and relative to men even though the lives of women in the US have improved in recent decades by most __33__ measures.The research, by University of Pennsylvania economists Stevenson and Wolfers, and made __34__ by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found the decline in happiness to be widespread among women across a variety of demographic(人口统计的) groups. The researchers, for instance, measured similar declines in happiness among women who were single parents and married parents, “__35__ doubt on the hypothesis (假设) that trends in marriage and divorce, single parenthood or work/family __36__ are at the root of the happiness declines among women,” they wrote.One theory for the decline in happiness is that expectations for workplace and general advancement were raised too high by the women’s movement and women might feel __37__ for not “having it all,” as a Los Angeles Times columnist recently put it.The researchers acknowledge that’s a __38__:“If the women’s movement raised women’s expectations faster than society was able to meet them,” the paper says, “they would be more likely to experience __39__ in their lives.” But they add things could change for the better: “As women’s expectations move into adjustment with their experiences, this decline in happiness may reverse.”Readers, why do you think women are unhappier than in the past? Do you think that ifexpectations for “having it all” were __40__ to “move into adjustment with experiences,” women might be happier?III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.A Cashless SocietyThere is nothing worse than feeling around in your pocket trying to find some small change to pay for a newspaper or a coffee. So it’s good to know that new __41__ is making cash -- banknotes and coins -- a thing of the past, turning us into a cashless society.Today, many of us already use credit and debit cards for __42__ transactions (交易) so there’s no need to carry around huge amounts of money. And now it’s __43__ to make contactless payments using tap-and-go cards which are regular bankcards but with a built-in chip. The card reader __44__ a radio signal and, when you bring the card close to the reader, the chip picks up the signal to make the payment.__45__money this way or spending on “plastic” -- an informal name for a credit card -- can put you at risk of fraud (诈骗). Criminals try to steal cards, or the information on them, to make __46__ online or in shops, which, as a result, adds too much difficulty to the police’s detective work. __47__, contactless payment is capped -- in the UK the limit is £30. And, if someone does go on a crazy spending with your card, your bank covers you against the loss. Also, the __48__ of chip and PIN technology has even been helping businesses by cutting the time people spend at the cashier’s in shops and has led to a(n) __49__ in fraud.But, if getting your bankcard out seems like too much trouble, there’s now a __50__ using wearable technology -- something you can wear that include computer and electronic technologies. Kenneth Cukier, economist and technology expert, says “this is __51__ for people who don’t want to take their card out of their wallet, or use their phone, or usetheir watch. People are going to be making more purchases more of the time -- __52__ for small-valued goods.”And, although our mobile phones are another way of making payments, BBC reporter Kate Russell says that when this is __53__ you can use the fingo-pay (指纹支付) system which “reads the unique maps of veins under the surface of your finger.” The trick is remembering which finger you __54__ with in the bank -- that’s when good old-fashioned cash might save the day! What do you __55__ to use when you buy something?41. A. experiment B. evidence C. technology D. analysis42. A. financial B. equal C. economical D. moderate43. A. definite B. possible C. formal D. legal44. A. work out B. makes out C. gives out D. sends out45. A. Refunding B. Depositing C. Paying D. Withdrawing46. A. bargains B. purchases C. preparations D. troubles47. A. Similarly B. Meanwhile C. Furthermore D. However48. A. introduction B. contact C. cooperation D. extension49. A. rise B. drop C. change D. increase50. A. question B. reason C. concept D. solution51. A. reserved B. provided C. intended D. chosen52. A. particularly B. specially C. simply D. purposefully53. A. inexact B. unnecessary C. impractical D. inconvenient54. A. cancelled B. registered C. tested D. restricted55. A. attempt B. demand C. prefer D. aimSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)You are checking your emails when you start daydreaming about where to go on your summer holiday. This reminds you to compare the cost of local gyms. Then you suddenly decide to look up some place for your birthday party.You may think you are browsing the Internet in a slightly absent-minded manner. You are, in fact, “wilfing”. According to a survey for a financial website, almost seven in ten Internet users admit to the newly named habit. The study of 2400 people carried out by YouGov found that more than a quarter of Internet users wilf ---- a rough acronym of What Was I Looking For? ---- for two days every month.Pete Cohen, GMTV’s resident life coach and motivator, said, “Stopping yourself wilfing takes a mixture of planning and willpower. These days there are all manners of website attracting our attention. Internet users need to set themselves a specific surfing goal and a time limit to keep on track.”Shopping in the online activity is most likely to make users wilf. Men are more likely to admit to being wilfers than women. A third of the men questioned said the habit had damaged their relationship with a partner. The good news is that wilfing is a habit people tend to grow out of. Internet users aged 55 or over were three times less likely to wilf than those aged under 25.Jason LIoyed, from moneysupermarket,said, “The Internet was designed to make it easier for people to access the information they need quickly and conveniently. Although people log on with a purpose, they are now being offered so much choice and online distractions that many forget what they are there for, and spend hours aimlessly wilfing instead. It’simportant that people do not allow unnecessary online distractions to get in the way when surfing in the Internet, as it can affect productivity in the workplace and relationship at home.”Are you a wilfer, lost in the Internet?56. The underlined word “acronym” in Para. 2 most probably means ______.A. a phenomenon that makes people daydreamB. a summary of the book “What Was I Looking For?”C. an expression meaning taking people’s attention awayD. a word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase57. What is an efficient way to stop wilfing according to the passage?A. Stopping taking a mixture of planning and willpower to keep on track.B. Trying to focus on different subjects at the same time.C. Trying to set a surfing goal and a time limit.D. Logging on the Internet all the time.58. It can be concluded from paragraph 4 that ______.A. men are less likely to be wilfing than womenB. wilfing damages the relationship between partnersC. as you grow older, you’ll become more and more wilfingD. one third of Internet users will be wilfers lost on the Internet59. What can be called “wilfing” according to the passage?A. You spend hours aimlessly surfing the Internet every day.B. You suddenly decide to look up some information about clothes.C. You are accessing the information you need quickly and conveniently.D. You are browsing some of your emails which haven’t been checked for months.(B)Shanghai Disneyland: Attractions and TipsWelcome to a never-before-seen world of wonder where you can arouse the magical dream within your heart. This is Shanghai Disneyland, a fun experience filled with creativity, adventure and thrills for Guests of all ages! Set your sights on Enchanted Storybook Castle -- the largest Disney castle on the planet -- and then get ready to explore as you discover 6 unique and unforgettable lands: Mickey Avenue, Gardens of Imagination, Fantasyland, Adventure Isle, Treasure Cove and Tomorrowland.Opening HoursMonday -- Thursday: 09:00 -- 21:00Jun -- SeptFriday -- Sunday: 08:00 -- 22:00Sunday -- Friday: 10:00 -- 19:00Oct -- DecSaturday: 09:00 -- 20:00Ticket BookingVisitors can book tickets on the official website or mobile app of the park or by calling 400-180-0000 / 86-21-31580000. They can also follow the official Wechat account ShangHaiDisneyResort to book a ticket. Of course,tickets can be bought at the entrance, but theremay be a long queue. Visitors need to showpassports or ID cards to book tickets and enter.Five Things You S houldn’t MissTRON Lightcycle Power RunPirates of the Caribbean Battle for the Sunken Treasure“Mickey’s Storybook Express” ParadeEnchanted Storybook CastleBroadway-style show The Lion KingSpecial RecommendationThe cartoon characters Judy and Nick in Zootopia, the animated movie whose box office hit $1 billion globally in 2016, will be added to Disney’s signature “Mickey’s Storybook Express” Parade, said Robert Ige r, the president and CEO of Walt Disney.Things to RememberOnly well-packaged food and water are allowed.Selfie sticks, large tripods, folding chairs, and large luggage are banned.Visitors above 16 should not be dressed in cartoon, movie and comic costumes.Disney Fastpass tickets for free can save you from waiting in a long queue.Comfortable sneakers are strongly recommended for a long walk during the day.Animals are not allowed to enter as well, excluding guide dogs.60. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A. Enchanted Storybook Castle is a must-see sightB. Broadway-style show The Lion King is a 3D movieC. “Mickey’s Storybook Express” Parade earns $1 billion in 2016D. Pirates of the Caribbean Battle for the Sunken Treasure is an animated movie61. What day is supposed to be the busiest day according to the passage?A. Thursday.B. Friday.C. Saturday.D. Sunday.62. It can be concluded from the last part of the passage that ______.A. blind people are not allowed to visit the landsB. visitors can only eat and drink at certain placesC. cartoon costumes and uncomfortable sneakers are bannedD. Disney Fastpass tickets can help visitors enter the lands fast(C)A group of college students is hoping to place a satellite powered only by water into an orbit (轨道) around the moon.The students are from Cornell University inthe state of New York. They are taking part ina competition called the Cube Quest Challenge.It is a program of NASA, the American spaceagency. The Cornell team is called the CisLunarExplore rs. The word cislunar means “betweenthe e arth and the moon.”The challenge is simple: to design, buildand deliver “flight-qualified, small satellites.”NASA officials say the satellites must be able to perform “advanced operations near and beyond the moon.”Ten teams are taking part in the competition. But the CisLunar Explorer satellites are different. They are the only ones using water to power their spacecraft.The idea for a water-powered vehicle came from Mason Peck, who works at Cornell University. He once worked as NASA’s chief technologist. He has always wanted to usesomething other than rockets to push spacecraft beyond earth. “A lot of the mass we send into orbit these days is in the form of rockets -- the only way we get anything into space,” he said, in a Cornell press release. “But what if we could use what’s already there? If we could do that, if we could re-fuel spacecraft while they’re already in space...”The spacecraft is shaped like the English letter L. It measures about 30 centimeters in length, and the two pieces are connected. Water is stored in the lower part of the satellite. The sun will separate the water into two elements: hydrogen and oxygen. When one combines hydrogen and oxygen with a spark (火花), an explosion results. This provides a forward movement, known as thrust.The CisLunar Explorer team has an unusual way to guide its spacecraft. The idea is to copy how old-time sailors used the moon, sun and stars to fix their position on the oceans. The satellite is equipped with cameras. The cameras will take pictures of the sun, the earth and the moon and compare their positions and their sizes. Based on where the sun, moon and earth are at any given time, the CisLunar Explorers will do the mathematics to find their position.The competition is being held in four parts. The Cornell team has been among the top three competitors during parts one and two. The winners of the third stage will be announced in about a month. The final three winners will be announced in early 2017. They will get to ride on NASA’s space launch system in early 2018.63. The essential part of the competition “the Cube Quest Challenge” is ______.A. to launch a satellite to take a watery flight to the moonB. to design, build and deliver a small and flight-qualified satelliteC. to place a satellite powered only by water into an orbit around the moonD. to make the satellite perform advanced operations near and beyond the moon64. What does Mason Peck want to do at Cornell University according to the passage?A. To stop using rockets for the sake of safety.B. To use something already in space as power.C. To try using water in space to push spacecraft.D. To design a water-powered vehicle to push spacecraft.65. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A. there is a lot of rubbish of rockets and satellites in the orbit these daysB. a water-powered satellite will soon be sent into the orbit around the moonC. the explosion of the combination of hydrogen and oxygen provides powerD. the team members of the CisLunar Explorers are the students of Mason Peck66. What would be the best title of the passage?A. A Spacecraft Powered by WaterB. A Water-Powered Flight to the MoonC. A Competition for Water-Powered SatelliteD. A Design of Water-Powered Space JourneySection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.The Good of GardeningDo you have a hobby that helps you relax and unwind? For some people, there is no better way to relieve pressure than spending time in the garden. This small private area of green space can be their place of calm.__67__. A survey conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society, found that 82% of people in the UK said that gardening makes them happier. It also found that 70% of them, given the choice, would prefer to spend their working day in the garden with just 9% opting for an office.For those with green fingers, the pleasure of gardening comes from getting out in the fresh air, in all weathers and communing with nature -- even if there are a few too many worms! It can also be seen as a sort of digital-detox -- time away from technology. __68__.Dr Christopher Lowry, a neuroscientist at the University of Colorado, injected a bacterium commonly found in soil into mice to see what affection this would have on them. __69__. When we dig in soil we absorb this bacterium through our lungs or cuts in our skin, so Dr Lowry concluded that since the mice seemed happier when treated with soil bacteria, it’s likely we would be, too.__70__. There’s evidence that recovering alcoholics who have been given the opportunity to plant, grow, and even sell their produce, have managed to stop their addictive habits. Scot Stephenson, for example, got dismissed from school and started a vocationalqualification in gardening. He says, “I got my NVQ level 2 which is my first qualification and enjoye d it ever since.”Whatever the reason, there are many therapeutic benefits to getting your hands dirty, doing some physical hard work and then watching your garden grow. Does this sound like your idea of fun?IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Are You Ready for Your Exam?So, it’s the exam time again -- have you done the necessary work to get good marks? Sleeping with the textbook under the pillow (枕头) in the hope that knowledge will be magically absorbed into your brain as you sleep doesn’t work. The best strategy is to space your practice out, rather than cram(死记硬背) it all together. It means hit the books early!In an article in the British newspaper The Guardian, Tom Stafford, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Sheffield, UK, advises: “If you organi ze five hours of study into one hour a day, you’ll remember more than if you study for five hours on one day.”Don’t rely on memory alone -- get pen and paper and start working. Students who can test themselves in advance will be better at getting back material from their memory and learn that material in the long run. John Dunlosky, Professor of Psychology at Kent State University in the US, suggests that “you start by reading a textbook using your favourite highlighter (荧光笔) and favourite colours, but then you go back and make flashcards of all the critical concepts and instead of just rereading those, you basically try to test yourselves on them.”Good revision should give you confidence, but if you are still anxious, there’s no harm in indulging (放任) in a personal routine. In Japan, it seems to be a tradition for students to eat Katsudon before a test. This is a warm bowl of rice topped with egg and a deep-fried pork cutlet. The name of the dish reminds people of the word ‘katsu’, meaning ‘winning’.For some students in South Korea, the key to success is not washing their hair before sitting an exam because they believe they could wash all the knowledge out of their head. And in different parts of the world there are always those who swear by their ‘lucky underwear’.The bottom line is that you need to study, sleep well on the eve of the test, eat a nutritious meal, drink plenty of water and believe that your efforts will pay off. Good luck in your exam!(请将答案写在答题纸上)第II卷(共40分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.一、干吗不去看场电影轻松一下自己?(Why)二、全市所有的公园都应付市民免费开放。



2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试考生注意:1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。

2. 本考试分设试卷和答题纸。

试卷包括两部分,第一部分全部为选择题,第二部分为综合 题,包括填空题、选择题和简答题等题型。

3•答卷前,务必用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔在答题纸正面清楚地填写姓名、准考证号,并将 核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上,在答题纸反面清楚地填写姓名。

4•作答必须全部涂或写在答题纸上, 在试卷上作答一律不得分。

选择题的作答必须用 2B 铅 笔涂在答题纸上相应的区域,综合题的作答必须用钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔写在答题纸上与试 卷题号对应的位置。


每小题只有一个正确答案) 1.SARS 病毒可以通过口腔分泌物进行传播,这种传播途径属于 A.媒介物传播B.空气传播C.病媒传播D.接触传播2•在电子显微镜下,放线菌和霉菌中都能观察到的结构是 A.核糖体和质膜B.线粒体和内质网C.核糖体和拟核D.线粒体和高尔基体3•将紫色洋葱鳞叶外表皮细胞置于30%蔗糖溶液数分钟后,结果如图1所示,紫色分部的区域和影响色素分布的结构分别是A. ①和细胞膜B. ①和细胞膜、液泡膜C. ②和细胞膜、液泡膜D. ②和细胞膜、液泡膜、细胞壁 4•多肉植物鸡冠掌通常利用落叶上长出的不定芽繁殖,这种繁殖类型是2016上海生命科学试卷A. 出芽生殖B. 营养繁殖C. 分裂生殖D. 有性生殖5•下列关于测量蚕豆叶下表皮保卫细胞颤长度的实验操作,错误的是A. 从低倍镜转到高倍镜时,两眼必须从显微镜侧面注视B. 从低倍镜转到高倍镜时,轻轻地转动物镜使高倍镜到位C. 从低倍镜视野中,需将进一步放大观察的物像移至视野中央D. 测量细胞长度时,应尽量使目镜测微尺与被测细胞平行并重叠6•诺贝尔奖得主屠呦呦在抗疟药物研发中,发现了一种药效高于青蒿素的衍生物蒿甲醚,结构如图2。

下列与蒿甲醚的元素组成完全相同的物质是A. 纤维素B.胰岛素C.叶绿素D.甲状腺素7. 经过灯光刺激与食物多次结合,建立狗唾液分泌条件反射后,下列操作不能使该反射消退的是A. 灯光刺激+食物B.仅食物C.声音刺激+食物D.仅灯光刺激8. 在果蝇唾液腺细胞染色体观察实验中,对图3中相关结构的正确描述是A. 图3表示一条染色体的显微结构B. 箭头所指处由一个DNA 分子构成图3C. 染色体上一条横纹代表一个基因D. 根据染色体上横纹的数目和位置可区分不同种的果蝇 9•在正常情况下,进餐后血糖浓度会相应升高。



虹口区2015学年度第一学期期终教学质量监控测试 高三化学 试卷 2016.1 考生注意: 1.本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。

2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求;所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上;做在试卷上一律不得分。

3. 答题前,考生务必在答题纸上用钢笔或圆珠笔清楚填写姓名、准考证号,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。

4. 答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。

相对原子质量:H-1C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 Al-27 Cl-35.5 Fe-56 选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1.下列化学用语正确的是 A.氯化氢的比例模型:B.Cl-的结构示意图:C.氯乙烯的结构简式:CH2=CHClD.HClO的电子式: 2.下列化学变化与氧化还原反应无关的是 A.粮食酿醋 B.铁片镀锌 C.盐酸除铁锈 D.铝制品钝化 3.实验室常用CS2溶解硫磺(S8)或白磷(P4),下列推测错误的是 A.CS2是非极性分子B.CS2的沸点高于CO2 C.CS2不能在空气中燃烧D.CS2能证明非金属性S>C 4.下列物质中,阳离子与阴离子的个数比等于2∶1的是 A.Na2CO3溶液B.H2S气体 C.NaHSO4固体 D.Na2O2固体 5.欲使Ca(OH)2悬浊液变澄清,可以选择加入的试剂是 A.CaCl2浓溶液B.NaOH浓溶液 C.浓溶液D.MgCl2浓溶液 二、选择题(本题共36分,每小题3分,每题只有一个正确选项) A.氯水 B.氢硫酸 C.烧碱 D.绿矾 7.X、Y、Z是相邻主族的短周期元素,原子序数依次增大,三种元素原子的最外层电子数之和等于18,其中Y、Z同周期。

下列说法正确的是 A.离子半径:Y<ZB.非金属性:X>Z C.离子还原性:Y>ZD.气态氢化物热稳定性:Z<X 8.关于图示装置的说法正确的是A.闭合K,B.闭合K,C.闭合K,D.闭合K,析氢腐蚀9.下图分别表示红磷、白磷燃烧时的能量变化,下列说法中正确的是 A.白磷比红磷稳定 B.白磷燃烧产物比红磷燃烧产物稳定 C.1mol白磷转变为红磷放出2244.7kJ的热量 D.红磷燃烧的热化学方程式:4P(s)+5O2(g)→P4O10(s)+2954 kJ 10.互为等电子体的物质具有相似的结构特征和化学性质。





2.第一大题必须用2B 铅笔涂写在答题纸上相应区域内与试卷题号对应的位置。





本卷g 均取10m/s 2。



)1.下列关于物理学家贡献的叙述中,符合物理学史实的是( )(A )伽利略发现了单摆的周期公式(B )奥斯特发现了电磁感应现象(C )库仑通过扭秤实验得出了电荷间相互作用的规律(D )牛顿通过斜面理想实验得出了维持运动不需要力的结论2.如图所示,弹簧振子在M 、N 之间做简谐运动。

以平衡位置O 为原点,建立Ox 轴,向右为x 轴正方向。

若振子位于N 点时开始计时,则其振动图像为( ) 3.如图所示,一偏心轮绕垂直于纸面的轴O 匀速转动,a 和b 是轮上质量相等的两个质点,则偏心轮转动过程中a 、b 两质点( )(A )角速度大小相同 (B )线速度大小相同(C )向心加速度大小相同 (D )向心力大小相同4.中国宋代科学家沈括在《梦溪笔谈》中最早记载了地磁偏角:“以磁石磨针锋,则能指南,然常微偏东,不全南也。


上海市虹口区2016届高三上学期月考生物试卷(12月份) 含解析

上海市虹口区2016届高三上学期月考生物试卷(12月份) 含解析


16平方毫米的正方形,视野中正方形的面积为( )A.2.4平方毫米B.8平方毫米C.36平方毫米D.400平方毫米2.下列各组化合物所含化学元素种类相同的一组是()A.丙酮酸、脂肪酸、乳酸 B.肌糖原、肝糖原、抗原C.胰岛素、性激素、秋水仙素D.葡萄糖、核糖、肽聚糖3.蓝细菌(蓝藻)与酵母菌的相同之处是()A.都有拟核 B.均能进行需(有)氧呼吸C.都有线粒体D.均能进行光合作用4.下列关于生物类别的叙述正确的是()A.细菌包括真细菌、古细菌和放线菌三类B.幽门螺旋杆菌和霉菌都是原核生物C.酵母菌和黏菌都是真核生物D.衣原体和支原体属于类病毒5.糖蛋白普遍存在于细胞膜上.如果将细胞培养在含药物X的培养基中,发现细胞无法使蛋白原形成糖蛋白,则此药物可能作用于下列结构中的()A.核糖体B.内质网C.高尔基体 D.细胞膜6.如图为细胞中某生理作用部分过程的概念简图,关于此图的解释,正确的是()①该生理作用是光反应②乙处为线粒体基质③X是ATP④H+不一定来自丙酮酸⑤此图所示过程发生在线粒体内膜.A.①③B.②③⑤C.②③④⑤ D.①③④⑤7.由m个氨基酸构成的一个蛋白质分子,含n条肽链,其中z条是环状多肽.该蛋白质分子中有的肽键数为( )A.m﹣z+n B.m﹣n﹣z C.m﹣n+z D.m+z+n 8.下列关于生物体内有机物的叙述正确的是()A.脂质不参与生命活动的调节B.蛋白质是生物体主要的能源物质C.核酸是生物体储存遗传信息的物质D.糖类不参与细胞识别和免疫调节9.下列感受器中属于化学感受器的是( )A.人类皮肤感受器B.蝮蛇颊窝C.飞蛾的触角D.鱼类侧线10.下列操作必需在严格无菌条件下进行的是( )A.称量牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基的各种成分B.利用平板划线法接种大肠杆菌C.用酒精擦拭双手D.溶化牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基的各种成分11.下面图对有关实验结果曲线所表示的生物学意义的叙述错误的是()A.从图中O2%与呼吸速率的关系可知a、b可分别代表酵母菌和乳酸菌B.从图可知对生长发育影响程度大且持续时间长的是生长激素C.从图中日照长度与植物开花前的时间关系可知,缩短光照时间可促使B种植物提前开花D.从图中生长素浓度对植物芽生长的促进作用可知,A~B段生长素浓度对根的生长起促进作用12.如图显示了人体内能源物质的代谢途径,大写字母代表物质,其中物质Z直接参与了过程①,下列叙述不正确的是()A.X是葡萄糖B.Y是丙酮酸C.Q是甘油D.Z可以是氨基酸脱去氨基的碳链13.如图所示是研究DNA复制方式的实验,根据这些实验结果进行的推论,正确的是( )①丙是转入14N培养基中复制一代的结果②乙是转入14N培养基中复制二代的结果③出现丁的结果至少需要60分钟④戊图表示复制三代后不再具有15N标记DNA.A.①④B.①③C.②③D.①②③14.依据如图所示的三羧酸循环运行原理判断:在有氧呼吸过程中,每分子葡萄糖能使三羧酸循环运行( )A.一次B.二次C.三次D.六次15.人体细胞之间的通讯多数是通过信号分子传递的.有些信号分子作用于细胞表面的受体,有些则作用于胞内受体.生物学上将细胞外与膜受体结合的信息分子称为第一信使,由其转换而来的细胞内信号则称为第二信使.如图所示,下列有关叙述错误的是()A.细胞表面膜受体的化学本质为糖蛋白B.神经递质和绝大多数激素都是第一信使C.第二信使通过调控细胞核内基因的翻译过程发挥作用D.第一信使与膜受体结台体现了细胞膜的信息交流功能16.图1是将含有生长素的琼脂块放在切去尖端的胚芽鞘一侧,一段时间后,测定胚芽鞘弯曲的情况(弯曲角度用α表示);图2是生长素浓度对胚芽鞘生长的作用示意图.下列相关叙述正确的是()A.只用图1实验即可证明生长素有促进生长的作用B.琼脂块中生长素浓度不同,但可能形成相同的αC.琼脂块中生长素浓度为d时,胚芽鞘向左侧弯曲D.琼脂块中生长素浓度为b点时,α具有最大值17.如图所示酵母菌呼吸作用与氧气浓度的关系.下列说法正确的是()A.B点为酵母菌无氧呼吸最弱点B.C点时酵母菌无氧呼吸与有氧呼吸的速率相等C.AC段表示酵母菌仅进行无氧呼吸D.阴影部分面积表示酵母菌无氧呼吸产生的CO2量18.如图为脂蛋白结构图,下列关于脂蛋白的叙述正确的是()①图中X为磷脂,与蛋白质等共同构成亲水性微粒;②图中Y含量相对少于胆固醇与胆固醇酯时,脂蛋白密度增高;③HDL进入肝细胞后被溶酶体小囊泡消化,血液胆固醇含量降低;④VLDL主要在小肠细胞产生,主要运输Y至肝脏储存.A.①②③B.②③④C.①③④D.①②④19.某同学欲测定植物叶片叶绿体的光合作用速率,做了如图所示实验.在叶柄基部作环剥处理(仅限制叶片有机物的输入和输出),于不同时间分别在同一叶片上陆续取下面积为1cm2的叶圆片烘干后称其重量,测得叶片的叶绿体光合作用速率=2y﹣z﹣x/6[g/(cm2h)](不考虑取叶圆片后对叶片生理活动的影响和温度微小变化对叶生理活动的影响).则M处的实验条件是()A.下午4时后将整个实验装置遮光3小时B.下午4时后将整个实验装置遮光6小时C.下午4时后在阳光下照射1小时D.晚上8时后在无光下放置3小时20.如图甲、乙是人的心脏跳动一次产生血压的工作模式图,图丙是血管内壁造影模式图,图丁是主动脉扩张程度的前后对照.则下列关于血压的叙述正确的有( )①在血管l至4中,舒张压主要针对1、4血管壁的压力而言②图丙血管内壁的粥样增厚.可能的原因之一是该患者低密度脂蛋白含量过高③2、3血管壁的压力愈高,动脉管壁的扩张会发生图丁的变化④3血管弹性下降,收缩压将升高,舒张压将下降⑤从图甲到图乙,收缩压逐渐减少,舒张压逐渐增大.A.一项B.两项C.三项D.四项21.在“观察植物细胞的质壁分离和复原的实验中,对紫色洋葱鳞片叶外表皮临时装片进行了三次观察(如图所示).下列有关叙述正确的是( )A.第一次观察时容易看到紫色大液泡和较大的无色细胞质基质区域B.第二次观察时可以发现细胞质壁分离首先发生在细胞的角隅处C.吸水纸的主要作用是吸除滴管滴加的多余液体,以免污染镜头D.为了节约实验时间,通常可以省略第一次显微观察步骤22.如图坐标曲线中的1表示最适温度时反应物浓度与酶的关系,如果将反应温度略微升高或向反应混合物中再加入少量同样的酶,变化后的曲线最可能的分别是( )A.2、4 B.3、2 C.4、2 D.3、423.ATP是细胞中重要的高能磷酸化合物.下列有关ATP的叙述,错误的是()A.线粒体合成的ATP可在细胞核中发挥作用B.无氧呼吸能产生ATP,但没有[H]的生成过程C.在有氧与缺氧的条件下细胞质基质中都能形成ATPD.植物根细胞吸收矿质元素离子所需的ATP来源于呼吸作用24.如图表示具有生物活性的蛙坐骨神经﹣腓肠肌标本,神经末梢与肌细胞的接触部位类似于突触,称“神经﹣肌接头”.下列叙述错误的是( )A.“神经﹣肌接头”处可发生电信号与化学信号的转变B.电刺激①处,肌肉会收缩,灵敏电流计指针也会偏转C.电刺激②处,神经纤维上的电流计会记录到电位变化D.神经纤维上兴奋的传导方向与膜内的电流方向相同25.某研究小组测定了多个不同双链DNA分子的碱基组成,根据测定结果绘制了DNA分子的一条单链与其互补链、一条单链与其所在DNA分子中碱基数目比值的关系图,下列正确的是()A.B.C.D.26.研究发现,人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)携带的RNA 在宿主细胞内不能直接作为合成蛋白质的模板.依据中心法则(如图),下列相关叙述错误的是()A.合成子代病毒蛋白质外壳的完整过程至少要经过④②③环节B.侵染细胞时,病毒中的蛋白质不会进入宿主细胞C.通过④形成的DNA可以整合到宿主细胞的染色体DNA上D.科学家可以研发特异性抑制逆转录酶的药物来治疗艾滋病27.若H7N9禽流感病毒侵入人体,机体在免疫应答过程中不会发生的是()A.吞噬细胞摄取和处理病毒B.T细胞合成并分泌淋巴因子C.浆细胞进行分裂并分泌抗体D.B细胞增殖分化形成记忆细胞28.下列关于基因工程技术的叙述,正确的是( )A.切割质粒的限制性核酸内切酶均特异性地识别6个核苷酸序列B.全过程都在细胞外进行的C.载体质粒通常采用抗生素合成基因作为筛选标记基因D.抗虫基因即使成功地插入到植物细胞染色体上也未必能正常表达29.如图表示四种微生物培养物(①~④)在添加利福平前后的细胞内RNA含量.由此可以判断古细菌和酵母菌可能是()A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④30.如图是人体体温调节机制示意图.下列有关叙述正确的是( )A.下丘脑是调节体温的主要中枢,温觉感受器只分布于皮肤B.当处于寒冷环境时,以物理方式①②和代谢方式③④⑤调节体温C.当处于炎热环境中,皮肤温觉感受器通过中枢调节皮肤血管收缩,减少热量吸收D.当出现皮肤的立毛肌收缩,骨骼肌非自主颤栗,则产热增加,此时正常人体的散热同时在增加二、综合题(90分)31.回答下列关于微生物和酶的问题.高温淀粉酶在大规模工业生产中有很大的实用性.研究者从热泉中筛选了高效产生高温淀粉酶的嗜热菌,其筛选过程如图1所示.(1)嗜热菌属于古细菌,下列对嗜热菌的描述正确的是(多选)A.嗜热菌因生活在极端环境下,故为古细菌B.嗜热菌的蛋白质、核酸等物质能耐高温,但不耐高压C.嗜热菌对青霉素不敏感,原因是细胞壁的组成不同D.嗜热菌含有核糖体、线粒体等细胞器(2)①过程称为,②过程是为了.(3)嗜热菌属于古细菌,下列对嗜热菌的描述正确的是(多选)A.嗜热菌因生活在极端环境下,故为古细菌B.嗜热菌的蛋白质、核酸等物质能耐高温,但不耐高压C.嗜热菌对青霉素不敏感,原因是细胞壁的组成不同D.嗜热菌含有核糖体、线粒体等细胞器(4)①过程称为,②过程是为了.(5)Ⅰ号培养基称为(按功能分);该培养基中除了加入淀粉外,还需加入另一种重要的营养成分的是.A.琼脂B.葡萄糖C.硝酸铵D.碳酸氢钠(6)Ⅰ号培养基和Ⅱ号培养基图采用了不用的接种方式,分别为、.一般对配制的培养基采用高压灭菌,其中“高压”是为了.在高温淀粉酶运用到工业生产前,需对该酶的最佳温度范围进行测定.图2中的曲线①表示酶在各种温度下酶活性相对最高酶活性的百分比.将酶在不同温度下保温足够长的时间,再在酶活性最高的温度下测其残余酶活性,由此得到的数据为酶的热稳定性数据,即图2中的曲线②.(7)根据图2中的数据,判断该酶使用的最佳温度范围是.A.40℃一50℃B.50℃一60℃C.60℃一70℃D.70℃﹣80℃(8)据图2判断下列叙述错误的是.A.该酶只能在最佳温度范围内测出活性B.曲线②35℃数据点是在80℃时测得的C.曲线①表明80℃是该酶活性最高的温度D.曲线②表明该酶的热稳定性在70℃之后急剧下降.32.回答下列有关内环境的问题.(1)图中,A~D为新陈代谢相关的四大系统,E为皮肤.其中B为系统,C为系统(2)图中①②③为体液组成成分,其中属于内环境的是,当体液中的尿素经肾脏进入尿液排出时,葡萄糖、氨基酸等营养物质并未随尿液排出,主要的原因是.(3)即便在寒冷的冬天,人体也在不断的散热,图中可进行散热的字母编号有.(4)某人因饮食不当,B中胆固醇偏高,并有两类脂蛋白的含量异常,这两类脂蛋白可能出现的异常是.(5)血脂升高,易引起血压的持续升高.正常人在血压升高时,上的压力感受器传入冲动的频率增高,到达心血管中枢后,(填交感或副交感)神经兴奋,作用于,使血压下降.33.回答有关神经调节的问题:兴奋性是指细胞接受刺激产生兴奋的能力.为探究缺氧时间对中枢神经细胞兴奋性的影响,研究人员先将体外培养的大鼠海马神经细胞置于含氧培养液中,测定单细胞的膜电位和阈强度(引发神经冲动的最小电刺激强度),之后再将其置于无氧培养液中,重复上述测定,结果如图1和图2.(图中“对照”的数值是在含氧培养液中测得)(1)膜电位水平是影响细胞兴奋性水平的因素之一,图1中膜电位是以细胞膜的侧为参照,并将该侧电位水平定义为0mV.据图分析,当膜电位由﹣60mV变为﹣65mV时,神经细胞的兴奋性水平.(2)依据图2可知,在缺氧处理20min时,给予细胞25pA强度的单个电刺激(能/不能)记录到神经冲动,判断理由是.(3)在含氧培养液中,细胞内ATP主要在合成.在无氧培养液中,细胞内ATP含量逐渐减少,对细胞通过方式跨膜转运离子产生影响,可能的原因是.34.回答生物体的物质变化和能量转换的问题为了探究不同光照处理对植物光合作用的影响,科学家以生长状态相同的某种植物为材料设计了A、B、C、D四组实验.各组实验的温度、光照强度和CO2浓度等条件相同、适宜且稳定,每组处理的总时间均为135s,处理结束时测定各组材料中光合作用产物的含量.处理方法和实验结果如下:A组:先光照后黑暗,时间各为67.5s;光合作用产物的相对含量为50%B组:先光照后黑暗,光照和黑暗交替处理,每次光照和黑暗时间各为7。

上海市虹口区2016届高三上学期期末教学质量诊断(一模)语文试题 含解析

上海市虹口区2016届高三上学期期末教学质量诊断(一模)语文试题 含解析







(节选自谢冕《永远的校园》)1.文中加点字注音正确的一项是().(2分)(1)燕.园(2)潜.意识A.(1)yàn(2)qiǎn B.(1)yàn(2)qián C.(1)yān(2)qián D.(1)yān(2)qiǎn 2.文中画线词语含有错别字的一项是()。

(2分)A.夙缘B.溢发C.梦萦D.不单3.联系上下文,填入第②段空格处恰当的一项是( ).(2分)A.虽却只B.虽却更C.既又更D.既又只4.概括“这小小校园却让所有在这里住过的人终生梦绕魂牵”的理由。





2016年上海市虹口区高考生物一模试卷一、选择题(共60分.每小题只有一个正确选项)1.下列关于淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质和核酸4种生物分子的叙述,正确的是( ) A.都能被相应的酶水解B.都是水溶性物质C.都含C、H、O、N这4种元素D.都是人体细胞中的能源物质2.如图为核苷酸的模式图,下列相关说法正确的是( )A.DNA与RNA单体的不同,表现在①和②两处B.AMP的结构与图1类似C.③在病毒中共有4种D.植物体内的③有8种,②有2种3.如图显示来自同一人体的4种细胞,下列叙述正确的是( )A.4种细胞中的DNA含量相同B.因为各细胞中携带的基因不同,所以形态、功能不同C.虽然各细胞大小不同,但细胞中含量最多的化合物相同D.虽然各细胞的生理功能不同,但吸收葡萄糖的方式相同4.下列关于ATP的叙述,正确的是( )A.ATP分子中的“A”指腺嘌呤B.ATP分子中含有三个高能磷酸键C.有氧呼吸的各个阶段都能产生ATPD.ADP转化为ATP时要消耗水5.如图为光合作用暗反应阶段的示意图,下列叙述正确的是( )A.一部分被还原的C3在相关酶的催化作用下,可再形成C5B.CO2可直接被NADPH还原,再经过一系列的变化形成糖类C.CO2的固定实质上是将ATP中的化学能转变为C3中的化学能D.光照强度由强变弱时,短时间内C5含量会升高6.如图表示呼吸作用过程中葡萄糖分解的两个途径.酶1、酶2和酶3依次分别存在于( )A.线粒体、线粒体和细胞质基质B.线粒体、细胞质基质和线粒体C.细胞质基质、线粒体和细胞质基质D.细胞质基质、细胞质基质和线粒体7.下列关于实验现象与结果的分析错误的是( )A.组织切片上滴加苏丹Ⅲ染液,显微观察有橘红色颗粒说明有脂肪B.组织样液中滴加班氏试剂,不产生砖红色沉淀说明没有还原性糖C.洋葱表皮细胞滴加蔗糖溶液后,发生质壁分离说明细胞有活性D.在颤藻和水绵细胞的比较观察中,滴加碘液是为了寻找细胞核8.人体内能源物质包括糖类和一些非糖物质,下列相关叙述不合理的是( )A.甘油在肝脏中转变为丙酮酸后加入糖代谢途径B.氨基酸转氨基作用后才能加入到三羧酸循环中C.当体内糖类供应不足时氨基酸发生脱氨基作用D.剧烈运动时脂肪供能需要以脂肪酶催化为基础9.如图示叶绿体中部分结构和反应过程,a~h代表物质,①、②代表有关液体.下列叙述正确的是( )A.a、g分别表示NADP+和H2OB.f、h将在②中参与三羧酸循环C.该膜结构为叶绿体内膜D.较强光照下,①处pH最小,c流入②时实现能量的转换10.用平板划线法或稀释涂布平板法都可以纯化大肠杆菌.二者的共同点有( )①可以用相同的培养基②都要使用接种针进行接种⑧都需要在火焰旁进行接种④都可以用来计数活菌.A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④11.若某人尿量为正常人的数倍,还经常口渴饮水,则此人可能发生功能障碍的部位是如图中的( )A.①B.②C.③D.④12.下列有关血压的叙述,正确的是( )A.交感神经兴奋,主要降低收缩压B.心输出量增加,主要升高舒张压C.血管管腔变小,主要降低收缩压D.血液粘滞度增加,主要升高舒张压13.根据如图人体器官模型,分析下列说法正确的是( )A.如器官为肝脏,则饭后血糖浓度A处低于B处B.如器官为小肠,则饭后乳糜微粒浓度A处高于B处C.如果器官为肾脏,则尿素的浓度A处高于B处D.如果器官为胰腺,则饭后胰岛素浓度A处高于B处14.通常情况下,人体组织细胞的细胞内液与组织液的生理指标最接近的是( )A.Na+浓度B.渗透压C.K+浓度D.O2浓度15.乙肝疫苗的有效成分是乙肝病毒的一种抗原.接种该疫苗后人体会产生相应抗体,该抗体( )A.由T淋巴细胞产生 B.可与多种抗原结合C.可裂解抗原细胞D.可被蛋白酶水解16.用去除脑保留脊髓的蛙进行实验,破坏左后肢的部分结构,观察双侧后肢对刺激的曲腿反应,结果如表:刺激部位反应破坏前破坏后左后肢左后肢收缩右后肢收缩左后肢缩右后肢左后肢收缩右后肢收缩左后肢缩上述结果表明,反射弧被破坏部分可能是( )A.感受器B.感受器和传入神经C.传入神经和效应器 D.效应器17.下丘脑中有体温调节中枢,正常人在寒冷环境中体温调节中枢兴奋,能引起( )A.产热量大于散热量 B.皮肤冷觉感受器兴奋C.肾上腺素分泌增加 D.皮肤血管扩张汗液增多18.有三个均表现为低甲状腺激素的病人,他们分别患有甲状腺、垂体和下丘脑功能缺陷症.给这些病人及健康人静脉注射促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH),注射前30min和注射后30min分别测定每个人的促甲状腺激素(TSH)浓度,结果如表:TRH浓度(mU/L)健康人病人甲病注射TRH前<10 <10 <注射TRH后10﹣40 10﹣40 <下列对实验结果的分析中正确的是( )A.病人甲的垂体功能缺陷,该类病人体内的TRH浓度较高B.病人乙的下丘脑功能缺陷,应直接注射TRH进行治疗C.病人丙的甲状腺功能缺陷,注射TRH或TSH都不能治愈D.TRH是由下丘脑分泌、垂体释放的一种激素19.种牛痘可防止感染天花,原因是( )A.牛痘中含有类似天花的抗体 B.牛痘中含有类似天花的抗原C.牛痘中含有天花的抗原 D.牛痘中含有天花的抗体20.经X射线照射的紫花香豌豆品种,其后代中出现了几株开白花植株,下列叙述错误的是( )A.白花植株的出现是对环境主动适应的结果,有利于香豌豆的生存B.X射线不仅可引起基因突变,也会引起染色体变异C.通过杂交实验,可以确定是显性突变是隐性突变D.观察白花植株自交后代的性状,可确定是否是可遗传变异21.如图为“性状分离比的模拟实验”中的用具,其中黑白小球分别代表的是( )A.显性基因和隐性基因B.雌配子和雄配子C.雌性生殖器官和雄性生殖器官D.含不同基因的精子或卵细胞22.果蝇的长翅(V)对残翅(v)为显性,纯合的长翅幼虫在25℃条件下培育成的成体果蝇为长翅,但在37℃条件下培育成的成体果蝇为残翅.下列叙述正确的是( )A.纯合长翅果蝇幼虫在37℃条件下培育成的残翅性状是不能稳定遗传的B.果蝇的长翅和残翅性状是由环境温度决定的C.在37℃条件下果蝇的长翅突变成了残翅D.若要鉴定37℃条件下培育成的残翅果蝇的基因型,可将其与纯合长翅果蝇交配23.一个基因型为AaX b Y的精原细胞,在减数分裂过程中,由于染色体分配紊乱,产生了一个AAaX b的精子,则另外三个精子的基因型分别是( )A.aX b,Y,Y B.aX b,aY,Y C.AX b,aY,Y D.AAaX b,Y,Y24.如图显示某种生物体细胞中的两对染色体及其基因,下面不属于该细胞染色体畸变结果的是( )A.B.C.D.25.细胞分裂和细胞分化过程中,必然发生的事件是( )①伴随蛋白质合成②伴随基因丢失③细胞数量改变.A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.①②③26.人类男性经减数分裂产生的精子中,染色体数可表示为22+X或22+Y.下列就这23条染色体源自其双亲的说法正确的是( )A.常染色体来自母方,X染色体来自父方B.常染色体来自母方,Y染色体来自父方C.常染色体随机来自父方或母方,X染色体来自父方D.常染色体随机来自父方或母方,Y染色体来自父方27.原发性低血压是一种人类的遗传病.为了研究其发病率与遗传方式,正确的方法是( )①在人群中随机抽样调查并计算发病率②在人群中随机抽样调查研究遗传方式③在患者家系调查并计算发病率④在患者家系中调查研究遗传方式.A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④28.用豌豆进行遗传实验时,正确的操作是( )A.自交时,须在开花前除去母本的雄蕊B.自交时,须在开花前除去母本的雌蕊C.杂交时,须在开花前除去母本的雄蕊D.杂交时,须在开花前除去母本的雌蕊29.研究发现,胰岛素必须与细胞膜上的胰岛素受体结合,才能调节血糖平衡.如果人体组织细胞膜缺乏该受体,则可能导致( )A.细胞减缓摄取血糖,血糖水平过高B.细胞减缓摄取血糖,血糖水平过低C.细胞加速摄取血糖,血糖水平过高D.细胞加速摄取血糖,血糖水平过低30.Qβ噬菌体的遗传物质(QβRNA)是一条单链RNA.当噬菌体侵染大肠杆菌后,QβRNA 立即作为模板翻译出成熟蛋白、外壳蛋白和RNA复制酶(如图所示),然后利用该复制酶复制QβRNA.下列叙述正确的是( )A.QβRNA的复制需经历一个逆转录过程B.QβRNA的复制需经历形成双链RNA的过程C.一条QβRNA模板只能翻译出一条肽链D.QβRNA复制后,复制酶基因才能进行表达二、综合题(一)回答有关细胞结构和功能的问题31.如图为真核细胞内蛋白质合成过程示意图,其中途径一形成的蛋白质可分泌到细胞外,途径二形成的蛋白质可转运至膜围成的细胞器和细胞核.[]内填序号,横线上填文字.(1)结构①②③都具有的化学成分是__________.结构①特有的化学成分是__________.(2)新转录产生的mRNA经一系列加工后穿过细胞核上的__________ 转运到细胞质中,mRNA 与__________结合进行蛋白质的合成.(3)若合成的蛋白质为丙酮酸脱氢酶,则该酶的合成是通过如图中的途径__________完成的,合成后被转运到[__________]__________ 发挥作用.(4)通过途径一合成的蛋白质可能有__________(多选).A.胰岛素 B.ATP合成酶 C.免疫球蛋白 D.DNA连接酶(5细胞质中合成的蛋白质进入细胞核后发挥的功能有__________、__________.三、综合题(二)回答有关植物光合作用和呼吸作用的问题。

上海市虹口区2016届高三3月分层练习生命科学试题B卷(一)生物试题 含解析

上海市虹口区2016届高三3月分层练习生命科学试题B卷(一)生物试题 含解析

满分150分时间为120分钟一、单选题1.下列生命科学研究中,中国科学家直接参与的有几项?( )①细胞学说的提出②结晶牛胰岛素合成③酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸合成④克隆羊多利培育⑤人类基因组计划A.2项B.3项C.4项D.5项【答案】B【解析】①细胞学说是由德国科学家施莱登和施旺提出的,没有中国科学家参与,①错误;②结晶牛胰岛素是由我国科学家首次合成的,②正确;③酵母丙氨酸转移核糖核酸是由我国科学家合成的,③正确;④克隆羊多利是英国科学家培育而成的,没有我国科学家参与,④错误;⑤人类基因组计划是由美国、英国、法国、德国、日本和我国科学家共同参与的,⑤正确。





【考点定位】显微镜的使用3.下列关于细胞的叙述中,正确的项数是( )①能光合作用的细胞一定是植物细胞②没有大液泡的细胞一定是动物细胞③有细胞壁的细胞可能不是植物细胞④有两个中心粒的细胞一定处于分裂期⑤有细胞结构的生物,其遗传物质一定是DNA⑥能进行光合作用的细胞一定能进行呼吸作用A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5【答案】B【解析】①蓝藻是能光合作用的细胞,但是蓝藻不是植物细胞,①错误;②根尖分生区细胞没有大液泡,所以没有大液泡的细胞不一定是动物细胞,②错误;③有细胞壁的细胞可能不是植物细胞,如细菌细胞,③正确;④动物细胞和低等植物细胞,在分裂间期,中心体的两个中心粒各自产生一个新的中心粒,有两个中心粒的细胞不一定处于分裂期,④错误;⑤细胞结构的生物,其遗传物质一定是DNA,⑤正确;⑥凡是活细胞都能进行呼吸作用,能进行光合作用的细胞一定是活细胞,一定能进行呼吸作用,⑥正确.【考点定位】细胞的结构与功能4.对下图各曲线所表示的生物学意义的叙述中,正确的是()A.甲图可表示光照强度与光合作用强度的关系B.乙图可表示二氧化碳浓度与光合作用强度的关系C.丙图可表示乳酸菌细胞呼吸时氧气浓度与二氧化碳生成量的关系D.丁图可表示氧气浓度与人体红细胞吸收葡萄糖的关系【答案】A【解析】乙图为双峰曲线,表示出现了光合午休现象,由于光照过强,温度过高,植物的蒸腾作用过强,而使植物气孔部分关闭的现象,故应表示为光照强度与光合作用强度之间的关系,B错误;乳酸菌无氧呼吸是乳酸发酵,不存在二氧化碳的释放,故氧气浓度为0时,二氧化碳为0,C错误;人体红细胞吸收葡萄糖的方式为协助扩散,不消耗ATP,D错误。

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虹口区2015学年度第一学期期终教学质量监控测试高三生命科学 试卷 2016.1(本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟)考生注意:本试卷全部由机器阅卷。



每小题只有一个正确选项)1.下列关于淀粉、脂肪、蛋白质和核酸4种分子的叙述,正确的是A .都能被相应的酶水解B .都是水溶性物质C .都含C 、H 、O 、N 四种元素D .都是人体细胞中的能源物质 2.图1为核苷酸的模式图,下列相关说法正确的是A .DNA 与RNA 单体的不同,表现在①和②两处B .AMP 的结构与图1类似C .③在病毒中共有4种D .植物体内的③有8种,②有2种3.图2显示来自同一人体的4种细胞,下列叙述正确的是A .4种细胞中的DNA 含量相同B .因为各细胞中携带的基因不同, 所以形态、功能不同C .虽然各细胞大小不同,但细胞中含量最多的化合物相同D .虽然各细胞的生理功能不同,但吸收葡萄糖的方式相同 4.下列关于ATP 的叙述,正确的是A .ATP 分子中的“A ”指腺嘌呤B .ATP 分子中含有三个高能磷酸键C .有氧呼吸的各个阶段都能产生A TPD .ADP 转化为ATP 时要消耗水 5.图3为光合作用暗反应阶段的示意图,下列叙述正确的是 A .一部分被还原的C 3在相关酶的催化作用下,可再形成C 5 B .CO 2可直接被NADPH 还原,再经过一系列的变化形成糖类 C .CO 2的固定实质上是将ATP 中的化学能转变为C 3中的化学能 D .光照强度由强变弱时,短时间内C 5含量会升高 6.图4表示呼吸作用过程中葡萄糖分解的两个途径。

酶1、酶2和酶3依次分别存在于A .线粒体、线粒体和细胞质基质B .线粒体、细胞质基质和线粒体C .细胞质基质、线粒体和细胞质基质D .细胞质基质、细胞质基质和线粒体7.下列关于实验现象与结果的分析错误的是A .组织切片上滴加苏丹Ⅲ染液,显微观察有橘红色颗粒说明有脂肪B .组织样液中滴加班氏试剂,不产生砖红色沉淀说明没有还原性糖① ③ ② 图1 图2 成熟红细胞葡萄糖丙酮酸CO 2和H 2O 乳酸酶1 酶2 酶3 图4图3 A 2C 3C 52CO 2d+e 光a b+c f g+c h c c ① ② C .洋葱表皮细胞滴加蔗糖溶液后,发生质壁分离说明细胞有活性 D .在颤藻和水绵细胞的比较观察中,滴加碘液是为了寻找细胞核 8.人体内能源物质包括糖类和一些非糖物质。

下列相关叙述错误的是A .甘油在肝脏中转变为丙酮酸后加入糖代谢途径B .氨基酸转氨基作用后才能加入到三羧酸循环中C .当体内糖类供应不足时氨基酸发生脱氨基作用D .剧烈运动时脂肪供能需要以脂肪酶催化为基础9.图5示叶绿体中部分结构和反应过程,a ~h 代表物质,①、②代表有关液体。

下列叙述正确的是A .a 、g 分别表示NADP +和H 2O B .f 、h 将在②中参与三羧酸循环 C .该膜结构为叶绿体内膜D .较强光照下,①处pH 最小,c 流入②时实现能量的转换 10.用平板划线法或稀释涂布平板法纯化大肠杆菌时①可以用相同的培养基 ②都需要使用接种针进行接种 ③都需要在火焰旁进行接种 ④都可以用来计数活菌 A .①② B .③④ C .①③ D .②④ 11.若某人尿量为正常人的数倍,还经常口渴饮水,则此人可能发生功能障碍的部位是图6中的 A .① B .② C .③D .④12.下列有关血压的叙述,正确的是A .交感神经兴奋,主要降低收缩压B .心输出量增加,主要升高舒张压C .血管管腔变小,主要降低收缩压D .血液粘滞度增加,主要升高舒张压 13.根据图7人体器官模型,分析下列说法正确的是A .如器官为肝脏,则饭后血糖浓度A 处低于B 处B .如器官为小肠,则饭后乳糜微粒浓度A 处高于B 处C .如果器官为肾脏,则尿素的浓度A 处高于B 处D .如果器官为胰腺,则饭后胰岛素浓度A 处高于B 处14.通常情况下,人体组织细胞的细胞内液与组织液的生理指标最接近的是A .Na +浓度B .渗透压C .K +浓度D .O 2浓度15.乙肝疫苗的有效成分是乙肝病毒的一种抗原。

接种该疫苗后人体会产生相应抗体,该抗体A .由T 淋巴细胞产生B .可与多种抗原结合C .可裂解抗原细胞D .可被蛋白酶水解图5 图6 ① ②③ ④器官 AB 血液流出 血液流入 图716.用去除脑保留脊髓的蛙进行实验,破坏左后肢的部分结构,观察双侧后肢对刺激的曲腿反应,结果如表1:上述结果表明,反射弧被破坏部分可能是A .感受器B .感受器和传入神经C .传入神经和效应器D .效应器 17.下丘脑中具有体温调节中枢,正常人在寒冷环境中体温调节中枢兴奋能引起A .产热量大于散热量B .皮肤冷感受器兴奋C .肾上腺素分泌增加D .皮肤血管扩张 18.有三个均表现为低甲状腺激素的病人,他们分别患有甲状腺、垂体和下丘脑功能缺陷症。

给这些病人及健康人静脉注射促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH),注射前30 min 和注射后30 min 分别测定每个人的促甲状腺激素(TSH)浓度,结果如表2:下列对实验结果的分析中正确的是A .病人甲的垂体功能缺陷,该类病人体内的TRH 浓度较高B .病人乙的下丘脑功能缺陷,应直接注射TRH 进行治疗C .病人丙的甲状腺功能缺陷,注射TRH 或TSH 都不能治愈D .TRH 是由下丘脑分泌、垂体释放的一种激素 19.种牛痘可防止感染天花,原因是A .牛痘中含有类似天花的抗体B .牛痘中含有类似天花的抗原C .牛痘中含有天花的抗原D .牛痘中含有天花的抗体20.经X 射线照射的紫花香豌豆品种,其后代出现了几株开白花植株。

下列叙述错误的是A .白花植株的出现是对环境主动适应的结果,有利于香豌豆的生存B .X 射线不仅可引起基因突变,也会引起染色体畸变C .通过杂交实验,可以确定是显性突变还是隐性突变D .观察白花植株自交后代的性状,可确定是否是可遗传变异21.图8为“性状分离比的模拟实验”中的用具,其中黑白小球分别代表的是A .显性基因和隐性基因B .雌配子和雄配子C .雌性生殖器官和雄性生殖器官D . 含不同基因的精子或卵细胞 22.果蝇的长翅(V )对残翅(v )为显性,纯合的长翅幼虫在25℃条件下培育成的成体果蝇为长翅,但在37℃条件下培育成的成体果蝇为残翅。

下列叙述正确的是A .纯合长翅果蝇幼虫在37℃条件下培育成的残翅性状是不能稳定遗传的甲 乙表1表2图8B .果蝇的长翅和残翅性状是由环境温度决定的C .在37℃条件下果蝇的长翅突变成了残翅D .若要鉴定37℃条件下培育成的残翅果蝇的基因型,可将其与纯合长翅果蝇交配 23.一个基因型为AaX b Y 的精原细胞,在减数分裂过程中,由于染色体分配紊乱,产生了一个AAaX b 的精子,则另外三个精子的基因型分别是 A .aX b ,Y ,Y B .aX b ,aY ,Y C .AX b ,aY ,Y D .AAaX b ,Y ,Y 24.图9显示某种生物体细胞中的两对染色体及其基因,下面不属于该细胞染色体畸变结果的是A .B .C .D . 25.细胞分裂和细胞分化过程中,必然发生的事件是①伴随蛋白质合成 ②伴随基因丢失 ③细胞数量改变 A .①② B .①③ C .②③ D .①②③26.人类男性经减数分裂产生的精子中,染色体数可表示为22+X 或22+Y 。

下列就这23条染色体源自其双亲的说法正确的是A .常染色体来自母方,X 染色体来自父方B .常染色体来自母方,Y 染色体来自父方C .常染色体随机来自父方或母方,X 染色体来自父方D .常染色体随机来自父方或母方,Y 染色体来自父方27.原发性低血压是一种人类的遗传病。

若研究其发病率与遗传方式,正确的方法是①在人群中随机抽样调查并计算发病率 ②在人群中随机抽样调查研究遗传方式 ③在患者家系中调查并计算发病率 ④在患者家系中调查研究遗传方式A .① ②B .② ③C .③ ④D .① ④ 28.用豌豆进行遗传实验时,正确的操作是A .自交时,须在开花前除去母本的雄蕊B .自交时,须在开花前除去母本的雌蕊C .杂交时,须在开花前除去母本的雄蕊D .杂交时,须在开花前除去母本的雌蕊29.研究发现,胰岛素必须与细胞膜上的胰岛素受体结合才能调节血糖平衡,如果人体组织细胞膜缺乏该受体,则可能导致A .细胞减缓摄取血糖,血糖水平过高B .细胞减缓摄取血糖,血糖水平过低C .细胞加速摄取血糖,血糖水平过高D .细胞减加速取血糖,血糖水平过低 30.QB 噬菌体的遗传物质(QBRNA )是一条单链RNA ,当噬菌体侵染大肠杆菌后,QBRNA 立即作为模板翻译出成熟蛋白、外壳蛋白和RNA 复制酶(如图10),然后利用该复制酶复制QBRNAAABbABbABba Bb Aa a bQBRNA 成熟蛋白外壳蛋白RNA 复制酶A aBb图9图10A .QBRNA 的复制需经历一个逆转录过程B .QBRNA 的复制需经历形成双链RNA 的过程C .一条QBRNA 模板只能翻译出一条肽链D .QBRNA 复制后,复制酶基因才能进行表达二、综合题(90分)(一)回答有关细胞结构和功能的问题(10分)图11为真核细胞内蛋白质合成过程示意图,其中途径一形成的蛋白质可分泌到细胞外,途径二形成的蛋白质可转运至膜围成的细胞器和细胞核。

[ ]内填序号,横线上填文字。



32.新转录产生的mRNA 经一系列加工后穿过细胞核上的_________ 转运到细胞质中,mRNA 与_______结合进行蛋白质的合成。

33.若合成的蛋白质为丙酮酸脱氢酶,则该酶的合成是通过图11中的途径_________完成的,合成后被转运到 [ ]_________ 发挥作用。


A .胰岛素B .ATP 合成酶C .免疫球蛋白D .DNA 连接酶 35.细胞质中合成的蛋白质进入细胞核后发挥的功能有_______________、______________。



将黑藻放在特定的实验装置内,研究温度对光合作用与呼吸作用的影响(其余的实验条件处于理想状态),实验以CO 2的吸收量与释放量为指标,结果如表3所示。

图11表3④ 途径一 途径二温度(℃) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 光照下吸收CO 2(mg/h ) 1.00 1.75 2.50 3.15 3.75 3.53 3.10 黑暗中释放CO 2(mg/h )0.500.751.251.752.253.003.5036.根据表中数据,在图12坐标中绘出不同温度下光合作用吸收CO 2的直方图。
