图文解详说WIN7下安装PADS 2007




1.打开PADS2007文件包,找到"Crack"文件夹并打开,如果发现该文件夹里有"LICENSE.TXT"文本文件,先将其删除,再双击"MentorKG.exe"可执行文件,此时会自动生成一个"LICENSE.TXT"文本文件,在此留着待用;如果发现该文件夹里没有"LICENSE.TXT"文本文件,就直接双击"MentorKG.exe"可执行文件生成;2.返回"PADS2007"文件包,双击"autorun.exe"可执行文件;在打开的界面中选中"Install PADS Products"并打开;在出现的对话框中选择“OK”;再等待:3.在出现主标题为"PADS2007 Setup"的界面中选中"Node-locked using Hardware key or Ethemet"项,单击"Next ";在出现的"Enter License File"对话框中的''License File Path"中填入第一步中"LICENSE.TXT"文本文件所在的存储路径;之后,点击"Next";在出现的下一级对话框中选中"Add a licensed option"项,单击"Next";之后会有一个软件安装路径对话框,此时可以根据自己的需要更改安装路径,也可以使用默认路径安装;4.在出现的主标题为"Mentor Graphics Install"界面中单击"Install Products"选项;再在出现的对话框中选择"Agree";5.接下来将会出现两个需要填写的路径,一个是PADS2007的"Select a source location"(软件原程序所在路径),一个是"Select a target location"(软件安装到的那里的路径);在Select a source location 下填入PADS2007软件源程序所在的存储路径;第二个Select a target location可以根据自己的需要更改,也可以使用默认路径;之后按"Next";6.在接下来的"Product Selection"中的"Select the product for the chosen platform"中使用默认选项"Windows";在PADS2007文件夹下选择要要安装的文件,一般选择"PADS Layout"、"PADS Logic"、"PADS Router"、"Analog Simulation"、'"Design Exchange"、"HyperLynx V7.7"、"Libraries"项;之后选择"Next";再按"Install";等待;7.在出现的副标题为"Installation Completed"的界面中选择"At a later time"并单击"Done";之后在出现的"Installation Complete"界面下单击"Done"。



关于在win7旗舰版上无法安装CAD2007 关于在win7旗舰版上无法安装CAD2007经亲自试验,问题已解决。




Windows Registry Editor Version 5. 00[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Sof tware\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Exp1ore r\Shell Folders]”!Do not use this registry key"="Use the SHGetFolderPath orSHGetKnownFolderPath function instead""AppData"二hex (2) : 25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00,41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c ,00, 52, \00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, 00, 00"Cache"二hex (2) : 25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00,4f, 00, 46, 00 ,49, 00, 4c, \,00, 66, \00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41,00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61,00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c, 00,4c, 00, \73, 00, 6f00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73, 00, 5c, 00, 54, 00,65, 00, \6d, 00, 70, 00, 6f, 00, 72, 00, 61, 00, 72, 00, 79, 00, 20, 00, 49, 00, 6e, 00, 74, 00, 65,00, 72, \00, 6e, 00, 65, 00, 74, 00, 20, 00, 46, 00, 69, 00, 6c, 00, 65, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00"Cookies"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 4 9, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00,41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c,00, 52, \00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00,6f, 00, \73, 00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73 ,00, 5c, \00, 43, 00, 6f, 00, 6f, 00, 6b, 00, 69, 00, 65, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00"Desktop"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00,4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 46, 00, 61,00, 76, 00, 6f, 00, 72, 00, 69, 00, 74, 00, 65,00, 73, \73, 00, 6f4f, 00, 46, 00, 49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 44, 00, 65, 00, 73, 00, 6b, 00, 74, 00, 6f, 00, 70, 00, 00 ,00"Favorites"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00 ,49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 46, 00, 61,00, 76, 00, 6f, 00, 72, 00, 69, 00, 74, 00, 65,00, 73, \"History"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46,00, 00, 0000, 49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c,00, 4c, \00, 6f, 00, 63, 00, 61, 00, 6c, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00, 6f, 00, 73, 00 ,6f, 00, \ coefficient not greater than 1・3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groupswithin the area up to half an hour, 1一hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1・ 5 hours between any two groups of core areas;Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent ・ 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ・・・ 3.1.1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape characteristics of the city in Yibin. According toforecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2. 1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urban land is around 210km2・ Figure 2・6一1 2050 figure 2.7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economic development trends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and infrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 75, 00, 73, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 00, 00external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable.Accessibility : Central built-up area road network density of about7. 0km/km2: bus line density of 3~4 km/km2, bus transfer66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73, 00, 5c, 00, 48,00, 69, \00, 73, 00, 74, 00, 6f, 00, 72, 00, 79, 00, 00, 00"LocalAppData*=hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, \49, 00, 4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61,00, 5c, \00, 4c, 00, 6f, 00, 63, 00, 61, 00, 6c, 00, 00, 00Pictures"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49,\00, 4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 50, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 74, 00, 75, 00, 72, 00, 65, 00,73, 00, \ 00, 00"MyMusic"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00,49, 00, \My4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 75, 00, 73, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 00, 00Video"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00,49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 56, 00, 69, 00, 64, 00, 65, 00, 6f, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00” {374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}"二hex (2) : 25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, \ 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49, 00, 4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 44, 00, 6f, 00, 77 ,00, 6e, \00, 6c, 00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 64, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00"NetHood"二hex (2) : 25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46,00, 49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00,41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c ,00, 52, \00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00 ,6f, 00, \73,00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73 ,00, 5c, \00, 4e, 00, 65, 00, 74, 00, 77, 00, 6f, 00, 72, 00, 6b, 00, 20, 00, 53, 00, 6& 00, 6f, 00 ,72, 00, \74,00, 63, 00, 75, 00, 74, 00, 73, 00, 00, 004c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 44, 00, 6f, 00, 63, 00, 75, 00, 6d, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 74,00, 73, \00, 00, 00Video"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00,49, 00, \"Personal"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46 ,00, 49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 44, 00, 6f, 00, 63, 00, 75, 00, 6d, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 74,00, 73, \00, 00, 00,/PrintHood,,=hex(2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c ,00, 52, \00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00,6f, 00, \73,00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73,00, 5c, \00, 50, 00, 72, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 74, 00, 65, 00, 72, 00, 20, 00, 53, 00,6& 00, 6f, 00 ,72, 00, \74,00, 63, 00, 75, 00, 74, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city,s main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.3 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent・ 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ・・・ 3・ 1・ 1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape,/PrintHood,,=hex(2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49, 00, \characteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2・ 1 million people in the center of Yibincity, urban land is around 210km2・ Figure 2. 6一 1 2050 figure 2・ 7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economic development trends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and infrastructure networks,transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking,realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable・Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about 7.0km/km2: bus line density of 3-4 km/km2, bus transfer"Programs"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46,00, 49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c,00, 52, \00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00,6f, 00, \73, 00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73,00, 5c, \"Recent z,=hex (2) : 25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49, 00, 4c, \00, 53, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 72, 00, 74, 00, 20, 00, 4d, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 75, 00, 5c, 00,50, 00, \72, 00, 6f, 00, 67, 00, 72, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00"Recent z,=hex (2) : 25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49, 00, 4c, \00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41,00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61,00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c, 00,52, 00, \6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00, 6f ,00, 73, \00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73, 00 ,5c, 00, \52,00, 65, 00, 63, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 74, 00, 00, 00"SendTo"=hex(2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 0 0, 49, 00, 4c, \00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41,00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61,00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 5c, 00 ,52, 00, \6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00, 6f ,00, 73, \00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73, 00 ,5c, 00, \53,00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 54, 00, 6f, 00, 00, 00"StartMenu"二hex (2) : 25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49, \00, 4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00 ,5c, 00, \00, 73, 00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00,73, 00, \□c, 00, 53, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 72, 00, 74, 00, 20, 00, 4d, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 75, 00, 00,0052, 00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72 ,00, 6f, \"Startup"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00,4 9, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, oc,00, 52, \00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, oc, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00,6f, 00, \73, 00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73,00, 5c, \00, 53, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 72, 00, 74, 00, 20, 00, 4d, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 75, 00, 5c, 00,50, 00, \72,00, 6f, 00, 67, 00, 72, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 73, 00, 5c, 00, 53, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 72,00, 74, \,00, oc, \□c, 00, 53, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, 72, 00, 74, 00, 20, 00, 4d, 00, 65, 00, 6e, 00, 75, 00, 00,0000, 75, 00, 70, 00, 00, 00"Templates"二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00,46, 00, 49, 00, \4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, oc, 00, 41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00, oc,00, 52, \00, 6f, 00, 61, 00, 6d, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 67, 00, oc, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00,6f, 00, \73,00, 6f, 00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73,00, oc, \00, 54, 00, 65, 00, 6d, 00, 70, 00, 6c, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 65, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.3 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate ofaround 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent・ 3rd chapter, Yibin city,traffic situation and General ・・・ 3・ 1・ 1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present main railway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shape characteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision 2050 population will reach 2・ 1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urbanland is around 210km2・ Figure 2・6一1 2050 figure 2.7 land useplanning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development ofbus rapid transit construction and socio-economictrends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and developmentinfrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system・ Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable・Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about7. 0km/km2; bus line density of 3-4 km./km2, bus transfer"CDBurning〃二hex (2) :25, 00, 55, 00, 53, 00, 45, 00, 52, 00, 50, 00, 52, 00, 4f, 00, 46, 00, 49 ,\00, 4c, 00, 45, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00, 41, 00, 70, 00, 70, 00, 44, 00, 61, 00, 74, 00, 61, 00,5c, 00, \4c, 00, 6f, 00, 63, 00, 61, 00, 6c, 00, 5c, 00, 4d, 00, 69, 00, 63, 00, 72, 00, 6f, 00, 73,00, 6f, \00, 66, 00, 74, 00, 5c, 00, 57, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 6f, 00, 77, 00, 73, 00, 5c, 00,42, 00, \75, 00, 72, 00, 6e, 00, 5c, 00, 42, 00, 75, 00, 72, 00, 6e, 00, 00, 00"Fonts"二hex (2) :25, 00, 77, 00, 69, 00, 6e, 00, 64, 00, 69, 00, 72, 00, 25, 00, 5c, 00 ,46, 00, 6f, \00, 6e, 00, 74, 00, 73, 00, 00, 00coefficient not greater than 1.3; High efficiency: control 1 hour travel time between any two points within the various groups within the area up to half an hour, 1-hour access to the airport, 45min reached the city's main traffic hub, external highway for half an hour with the main channels connecting bus 1.3 hours between any two groups of core areas; Intensive: 2030 transit share rate of around 35%, 2050 bus sharing rate of 45% per cent・ 3rd chapter, Yibin city, traffic situation and General ・・・ 3・ 1・ 1 city traffic status 1, external transport passenger and cargo traffic in Yibin city, traffic at the present mainrailway, highway, waterway and air four modes of passenger and freight transport, thereand cultural heritage, highlighting the cultural taste and shapecharacteristics of the city in Yibin. According to forecasts, vision2050 population will reach 2. 1 million people in the center of Yibin city, urban land is around 210km2・ Figure 2・6一1 2050 figure 2.7 land use planning in the Center City, Yibin city development requires the development of bus rapid transit construction and socio-economictrends, Yibin city coordination, supporting urban space layout and developmentinfrastructure networks, transport organized, internal and external traffic hub smoothly linking, realizing sustainable development of Yibin city integrated transportation system. Concrete can be summarized as, accessible, efficient, intensive and sustainable・ Accessibility: Central built-up area road network density of about 7. 0km/km2; bus line density of 3-4 km./km2, bustransfer。




到SP2 POWERLOGIC中的相同网络不能用黑体字来显示出来,都给使用带来了很大的不便,看了2007的这个版本已经处理了这两个BUG,又重新回到稳定的状态!目前正在使用中看有没有什么新的问题。

已经用这个软件做了几个PCB了,现将所遇到的情况与大家交流一下!新增的功能:1、当你在非正常模式下操作,会弹出框蚋闾崾荆幌笠郧埃缭谧呦咦刺≡ 挥蟹从Γ衷诰陀辛颂崾究颍梢匀米约褐雷约捍砦笤谀睦铮?/p>2、POWERPCB中增加PIN显示功能,这一点和PROTEL差不多了,便于方便查询。


经过又多次测试,有时候不同步的时候,进行铺铜,也会出现错误;2、在同步的时候在PCB中进行了选择,然后连带进主LOGIC后会出现错误退出现象;3、在LAYOUT的时候,如果想对元件进行重新编排脚的时候,RENAME NUMBER显示灰色,要你去对元件进行修改才可以的!这一点极其不方便;4、现在版本的LIB文件,在PADS2007中不支持直接打开,必须通过导入导出才能库的使用,很不方便!5、这一次又多了个2013的问题,这是以前很少遇到的问题,提示说数据库有问题,主要出现在两个PCB文件拷贝封装的时候。

6、前些天又发现了一个致命的问题,竟然出现用PAGE UP和PAGE DOWN出现不能放大和缩小的问题,真是晕呀,但是用放大缩小键却可以的!到目前还没有找到解决的办法!7、也是个很严重的问题,就是你制定的走线规则会发生变化,不知道在什么情况下,他就会回到原来默认的状态下。



PADS2007教程(三) ——原理图和 PCB封装建立关联
这次我们将教程一中的原理图封装和教程二中的PCB封装进行关联。 如教程所述,进入到原理图封装编辑界面。 1)打开Library Manager,File->library,并按下Parts按钮,如图:
图一 库管理对话框 2)选中要编辑的元件,单击Edit按钮,出现下图编辑界面(以74HC14为例):Fra bibliotek3)单击
图二 原理图编辑界面 (Edit Electrical),弹出Part Information for Part对话框,找到PCB Decals子项,进行相应的配置,如图三:
图三 导入PCB封装选项 单击OK确定,保存! 于此这个74HC14的封装基本搞定了!当然还有很多细微的地方,我们这里就闲言不絮了!



PADS2007系列教程――PADS RouterPADS Router 教程目录第一节:PADS Router 操作界面指南(User Interface)第二节:设计规则指南(Assign Constraints)第三节:设计准备指南(Preparing a Design)第四节:元件摆放指南(Placing Components)第五节:动态走线指南(Creating Traces with Interactive Routing) 第六节:高速走线指南(Creating High-speed Traces)第七节:PADS Router 自动走线指南(Autorouting)第八节:设计规则检查指南(Checking Design Rule Violation)启动PADS Router如果现在PADS Logic 程序还没有运行,可以通过在Windows 2000 或WindowsXP 环境下的启动程序菜单中的开始/程序/Mentor Graphics SDD/PADS2007/System Design 选择PADS Logic,使其运行。





第一节:PADS Router操作界面指南(User Interface)PADS Router 的操作界面注重易用和实效性。

当你使用PADS Router 进行设计时,操作界面与其他的Windows 应用程序相似,尤其是PADS Layout。


PADS2007 系列教程 ――PADS Logic

PADS2007 系列教程  ――PADS Logic

PADS2007系列教程――PADS Logic(原PowerLogic)比思电子有限公司HK +852-******** SZ 755-88859921 SH 21-51087906 BJ 10-51665105PADS Logic教程简介欢迎使用PADS Logic教程。

本教程由比思电子有限公司(KGS Technology Ltd.)编写,本公司是Mentor (以前的 Innoveda-PADS) PADS(以前的PowerPCB)产品、APLAC 的射频和微波仿真工具、DpS 的电气图CAD系统PCschematic 在中国的授权代理商。





本教程描述了PADS Logic的各种功能和特点、以及使用方法。

这些功能包括:·如何在PADS Logic中使用工作区(Working Area)。

·如何在PADS Logic的元件库中定义目标库(Library)。





·如何定义设计规则(Design Rules)。





增强的 PADS Configuration (配置文件),安装 安装和配置文件方面做了增强,主要针对 DxDesigner/PADS 客户,包括更容易的 PADS configuration 文件的设置和 PADS projects 的创建. 在 ViewPCB, 创建一个 PADS Project 会初始化 Netlist (网表) 格式/Vendor 到 PADS 2007 和 PCB Configuration File (配置文件) 到 pads2007.cfg. 工具菜单中添加了 DxDesigner Link, 可以被用于传送网表到 PADS Layout 和在 PADS Layout 之间做交叉探测. 所有 PADS 产品 ECO 方面的增强 ECOGEN 在 PADS Layout 2006 中更新了,包括了设计规则的比较.使用命令行切换到 ECOGEN 可用激活这个新功能,也可以 在 Logic, Layout 和 DxDesigner 中通过对话框选项来使用此功能.和以前的版本一样,在这个版本中,可以作为独立执行,也 可以嵌入到 PADS Layout, PADS Logic 和 DxDesigner. 也添加了针对 net class 和 pin-pair group 比较的支持.但是,当前在 DxDesigner 或 PADS Logic 中,还不支持 pin-pair groups. PADS Layout 设计规则的不同子集,被不同的 flows 所支持.ECOGEN 可以被配置为允许这些不同的子集被每一个 flow 支持. 所有的规则类型和层次等级都是可以配置的. DxD to PADS flow -- 支持的层次等级是:Default, Net Class, 和 Net rules. 支持的规则类型是 General 和 Diff-pair 但是不包括 Conditional. DxD flow 不支持层的设置规则,因此走线中层的设置和 Diff-Pair 规则是不支持的. PADS Logic to Layout flow – 支持的层次等级是:Default, Net Class, 和 Net rules. 支持的规则类型是 General, Conditional, 和 Diff-pair. Logic flow 支持规则类型中层的设置. 字母数字混合管脚号的增强 在 PADS 库, PADS Logic 和 PADS Layout 中,现在都支持使用字母数字混合的管脚号. 在 DxD to PADS flow 中,去除了 DxDesigner 中需要处理 PADS 的字母数字混合管脚号的特殊问题.字母数字混合的管脚号之间的交叉参考和 footprint pins 会保 存在 Part Decal (footprint) 本身,而不是 Part Type. 这也使创建元件的过程简单化了,用户不必担心管脚的序号分配问题. 文件锁定 所有 PADS 产品都添加了文件锁定的功能:第一个打开设计文件的用户会成为这个文件的拥有者;这个设计文件对其他用户变 为读取和写入是锁定的.如果一个设计文件被一个用户打开,那么其他用户尝试打开它时,系统都会以只读模式打开设计文 件,并显示一个信息——文件已经在使用,锁定不能被编辑.信息中包括设计文件的拥有者名称,以及拥有者使用的 PC 名 称. 设计拥有者打开设计文件时,其他用户不能更新设计文件."Save"命令是不能使用的,但是"Save As"命令可以使用.比 如,用户可以保存被打开的设计文件为另一个文件(这个文件就不是锁定的). GUI 自定义 用户可以自定义工具栏,菜单栏,下拉菜单和快捷菜单,也可以使用自定义对话框,指定自定义键盘和鼠标快捷键.用户也可 以不需要使用自定义对话框,按下 Alt 键并拖动需要的按钮,来重新安排工具栏按钮.所有自定义状态都会保存在当前的工作 区域.也允许用户改变工具栏,菜单,快捷键等的全部设置,因为重新启动软件时,自定义的工作区域会自动导入.







PADS2007系列教程――高级封装设计(原PowerPCB)比思电子有限公司HK +852-******** SZ 755-88859921 SH 21-51087906 BJ 10-51665105目录第一节-建立Die封装第二节 – 建立BGA模板第三节 – 建立封装的Substrate第四节 – 定义层和设计规则第五节 – 建立wire bond扇出第六节 – 编辑Wire Bond Pads第七节 – 连接网络表第八节 – 无网络表的连接第九节 – 使用布线向导第十节 – 添加泪滴第十一节 – 建立Die flag和电源环第十二节 – 连接Power和Ground焊盘第十三节 – 建立灌铜区域第十四节 – 创建Wire Bond图第十五节 – 创建Wire Bond报告第一节建立Die封装在这一章节,你将使用Die Wizard 向导定义一个die元件的参数结构。



打开 start up 文件菜单File > New使用 Start-up 文件:1. 在 Set Start-up File 对话框中,选择PBGAtutorial.stp。

提示:如果 Set Start-up File 对话框没有出现,在File菜单中选择Set Start-upFile进入选择。

或者将对话框中的Don’t display again选项勾去除,下次新建文件时将显示此对话框。

2. 点击OK按钮。

输入die数据参数工具条BGA 按钮 > Die Wizard 按钮如果没有类似GDSII或者ASCII格式的电子数据,你可以使用参数结构去构造一个die 元件的定义。



PADS 2007 学习目录一、PADS显示地....................................................................................................................... - 2 -二、PADS开窗........................................................................................................................... - 3 -三、规则检查.............................................................................................................................. - 7 -四、蛇形走线及删除.................................................................................................................. - 9 -五、GERBER文件的生成....................................................................................................... - 12 -六、不同PCB板的位置定位复制粘贴 .................................................................................. - 20 -七、同PCB板的位置定位 ...................................................................................................... - 21 -八、PCB同属性值元件的选定 ............................................................................................... - 23 -九、PCB生成BOM ................................................................................................................. - 24 -十、PCB生成图纸 ................................................................................................................... - 38 - 十一、PCB生成贴片程序 ....................................................................................................... - 43 -一、PADS显示地1.快捷命令:PO2.显示成片地:Tools Pour Manager3.选:Hatch选项卡选Start执行地框图二、PADS开窗快捷键:无1.先打开Drafting Toolbar工具2.选择所需要的开窗层Solder Mask Top顶层阻焊层3.选择好层之后,在Drafting Toolbar工具盒中的Copper工具。






现在你的PADS2007,已经被安装了的虚拟光驱识别,变成这个图标了,呵呵!第二步:在解压的文件夹里面拷贝复制Crack文件夹到本地磁盘目录*:C\第三步:在C盘打开CRACK,运行MentorKG.exe文件生成License.txt 文件双击这个图标,就可以出现下面安装界面了:点第四项: Install License Server 先安装生成License.Dat许可文件!选第一项 Typical典型安装方式,然后“Next”… …运行刚刚MentorKG.exe 文件生成License.txt 文件”的位置,然后一直Next...“Next”… …将会在目录C:\Flexlm 下生成License.dat 文件License.dat 文件安装完成!再回到安装主菜单,点第一项安装Install PADS Products… …关闭杀毒软件和防火墙!点“OK”… …稍等几秒弹出检查选择第三项,然后“Next”… …装完后先别运行安装完软件后再安装 License 文件选择日常工作文件存放目录PADS Projects,点击“Next”… …安装程序会自动弹出一些窗口,不于理睬等待安装窗口弹出选择第一项开始安装软件,点“Install Products”… …点“Agree”同意许可协议… …继续NEXT“Select a source location:”选择软件安装源路径,“Select a target location:”选择安装软件到电脑的路径,然后“Next”… …选择想要安装的组件,在PADS LAYOUT,PADS LOGIC,PADS ROUTER打钩,只安装常用组件要400M 左右,然后“Next”… …“Install”开始安装… …需要10分钟的样子。

PADS2007 layout设置和基本操作步骤1

PADS2007 layout设置和基本操作步骤1

Pour outline:显示为 Copper Pour区的框线; Hatch outline:显示为所 有的填充影线,总效果为 填充后的整块铜皮
PADS Layout学习
下文将要学习PADS Layout软件的一些设置和操作步骤.
PCB设计的目的是能够量产的产品. 从产品的角度看,在保证PCB设计图电气性能正确的 前提下,还要充分考虑此设计图对后续PCB生产、SMT/DIP 组装、和整机组装测试是否有无不利的影响。
1.线宽 2.最少连接线数目 3.Pad 形状选择 Round圆形/Square方形 /Rectangle长方形/Ooal 椭圆
正交连接 对角连接 填满连接 不连接
使走线元件的焊盘成热焊盘 显示平面层/分割的花孔指示标志 自动移除孤立的铜皮 自动移除违背规则的花孔连接线
BackSpace 在连线时每按一次BackSpace键就可以 删除当前位置前一个拐角 Esc 按键盘上Esc键退出当前操作模式。 M 相当于按鼠标右键 Spacebar 按键盘上的空格键相当于按鼠标工键 Tab 循环捕捉
1.Options参数设置.(Tools/Options) 2.Rules参数设置. (Setup/Design Rules) yer Definition参数设置(Setup/Layer Design) 4. Pad Stacks参数设置(Setup/ Pad Stacks) 5.Set Origin参数设置(Setup/ Set Origin) 6.Display Colors参数设置(Setup/ Display Colors)





首先,不想死的一定要注意以下两个“不”:一“不”:不要双击autorun.exe安装二“不”:不要双击setup.exe安装如果不执行以上两个“不”,后果将很严重,你的电脑重启后会死机蓝屏,即使进入安全模式后也无法删除那导致蓝屏的FLEXid8 Driver及加密狗(Mentor用于防盗版用加密软件),一般来说,在XP下,会有个提示,询问你是否装加密狗之类的,当然这时你可以选择否。




软件下载地址:/content?cid=46DDA6E5A1575663BC54242306CDE57 427B1D6AA#com_anchor安装步骤:1、解压安装包,经验证安装包不可解压到有中文名字的文件夹下,否则安装出错。




10、安装过程中,弹出下图对话框,选择第三项“At a later time”后,点击“Done”11、当出现下图界面后,点击“Done”,程序安装完成。

PADS2007 layout设置和基本操作步骤1

PADS2007 layout设置和基本操作步骤1

1.一原点为参考点移动 2.以光标位置为参考点移动 3.以中心点为参考点移动 推荐:选择’3’. 1.移动过程中执行鼠线最短 2.移动结束后执行鼠线最短 3.不进行最短计算 也可以使用Ctrl+m执行最短 化操作 元件在布局时: Automatic:自动分 开不会重叠. Prompt:元件重叠 时提示 Off: 关闭排挤功能 1.保持信号线和元 件名称;2.包含没 有连接的走线;3. 在拐角处添加倒角 Diagonal:45度倒角 Arc:圆弧倒角 Auto Miter:画线过 程中自动添加倒角
Ctrl+A Ctrl+B Ctrl+C Ctrl+D Ctrl+E Ctrl+F Ctrl+G Ctrl+I Ctrl+K Ctrl+L Ctrl+M Ctrl+Q Ctrl+R Ctrl+S Ctrl+V Ctrl+X Ctrl+Y Ctrl+Z Ctrl+Alt+C Ctrl+Alt+D 置窗口 Ctrl+Alt+G 置窗口 Ctrl+Alt+J 选择全部 以板框为界整体显示当前设计 复制 刷新 移动 翻转 建立结合 任意角度旋转 建立组 排列元件 长度最短化 查询与修改 以45°角为单位旋转 存盘 粘贴 剪切 扩展 取消操作 显示颜色设置 打开Setup/Preference下的Design设 打开Setup/Preference下的Global 设 增加跳线 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 打开在线帮助 增加走线 动态走线模式 锁定层对 选择管肢对 选择网络 选择半自动走线 打开或关闭鼠标移动压缩 锁定绝对与相对协调 结束记录


工作区域的原点或坐标 (0, 0) 点, 是用一个大的白点表示。 当你开始PADS Layout
为了移动原点,选择设置/设置原点(Setup/Set Origin),在工作空间的某处按一下鼠
1. 在工具条中选择缩放(Zoom)方式图标 。
2. 在新的视图区域的中心按鼠标。
· 按鼠标左键即可取景(Pan)和放大(Zoom in)。
· 按鼠标右键即可取景(Pan)和缩小(Zoom out)。
3. 按缩放(Zoom)图标 ,结束缩放(Zoom)方式。
Window 菜单工具条命令。在使用过程中,你可以使用这两种方式。
注意: 你同时只能打开一个工具盒(Toolboxes)( 、 、 、 或 )。
直接命令(Modeless Commands)和热键(Shortcut Keys)
窗口的滚动条同样是有效的。参考在线帮助(On-line Help)以便得到更多有关取景
PADS Layout 与 PADS Logic取景(Pan)和缩放(Zoom)操作相似。可以参照
PADS Logic中的操作介绍。
尺寸标注工具盒(Automatic Dimensioning Toolboxes)
ECO工具盒(ECO Toolboxes)
BGA工具盒(BGA Toolboxes)



PADS Layout 2007 中文教程(第一部分)编著:Coolbor Xie目 录第一章 PADS Layout快速入门 (1)第一节创建板框(Create a board outline) (1)第二节导入网表、散开元件(Import a netlist and disperse parts) (1)第三节设置设计规则(Setup design rules) (1)第四节设置栅格(Set grids) (2)第五节放置元件 (2)第六节布线和未布导线(Route and unroute traces) (3)一、使用基本布线编辑器(the basic route editor)进行布线: (3)二、使用动态布线编辑器(the dynamic route editor)进行布线: (3)三、使用动态自动布线器进行布线: (3)第七节创建平面层(Create plane layers) (3)一、创建CAM平面: (3)二、创建分隔/混合(Split/Mixed)平面: (4)第八节检查规则冲突(Check for rule violations) (4)第九节标注设计(Annotate the design) (5)一、自动尺寸标注 (5)二、有选择地尺寸标注 (5)第十节生成报告(Generate reports) (5)一、生成标准报告 (5)二、生成基本报告(Basic report) (5)第十一节输出设计(Output the design) (5)第二章启动 (7)第一节启动PADS Layout (7)一、启动选项(Start-up Options) (7)二、添加启动选项到一个新的PADS Layout程序文件夹项目 (8)三、添加启动选项到新的PADS Layout桌面快捷图标 (8)第二节直接命令(Modeless Commands) (9)第三章用户界面 (13)第一节项目浏览器(Project Explorer) (13)一、对象类型(Object Types) (13)二、一级对象组(Primary Object Groups) (14)三、二级对象组(Secondary Object Groups) (14)四、选择对象(Selecting Objects) (15)五、分类对象(Sorting Objects) (15)六、自定义规则(Custom Rules) (15)七、创建二级组(Creating a Secondary Group) (16)八、添加对象到二级组(Adding Objects to a Secondary Group) (16)九、删除二级组(Deleting a Secondary Group) (16)十、重命名二级组元素(Renaming Secondary Group Elements) (17)十一、分割项目浏览器视图(Splitting the Project Explorer View) (17)第二节自定义PADS Logic和PADS Layout的默认设置 (17)一、PADS Logic的默认设置 (17)二、PADS Layout的默认设置 (17)三、修改PADS Layout的默认启动条件 (18)四、修改PADS Layout的默认启动文件 (18)第三节缩放到板大小(Board Extents) (18)第四章输出窗口(Output window) (19)第一节状态标签(Status Tab) (19)第二节宏标签(Macro Tab) (19)一、创建宏(Creating Macros) (20)二、管理宏(Managing Macros) (20)三、播放宏(Playing Back Macros) (21)四、调试宏脚本(Debugging Macro Scripts) (22)五、重放Sessions(Replaying Sessions) (22)六、使用带宏的命令行开关(Using Command Line Switches with Macros) (23)七、运行Bug Log Test(Running the Bug Log Test) (24)八、运行Bug Media Wizard(Running the Bug Media Wizard) (25)九、用宏语言访问帮助(Accessing Help on the Macro Language) (25)第三节 Basic脚本编辑器 (25)一、管理脚本(Managing Scripts) (26)二、创建脚本(Creating Scripts) (27)三、运行脚本(Running Scripts) (28)四、调试脚本(Debugging Scripts) (29)五、使用宏语言访问帮助(Accessing Help on the Basic Language) (30)第四节管理Session Logs (30)一、Session Log (30)二、在状态(Status)标签浏览页(Navigating Pages in the Status Tab) (30)三、过滤状态(Status)标签显示(Filtering the Status Tab Display) (30)四、在状态(Status)标签搜索文本(Searching Text in the Status Tab) (31)五、打印Session Log消息(Printing Session Log Messages) (31)六、显示和打印报告(Displaying and Printing Reports) (31)七、将PADS Router Session Log保存到文件(Saving a PADS Router Session Log to File) (31)八、清除session log显示(Clearing the Session Log Display) (31)第五节打开一个已经在使用的文件(Opening a File That is Already in Use) (32)第五章自定义 (33)第一节 PADS界面 (33)一、自定义工具栏和快捷菜单(Customizing Toolbars and Shortcut Menus) (33)二、自定义快捷菜单(Customizing Shortcut Menus) (34)三、创建自定义命令和菜单(Creating Custom Commands and Menus) (35)四、创建自定义菜单(Creating a Custom Menu) (36)五、添加项目到工具栏和菜单(Adding Items to Toolbars and Menus) (37)六、移动工具栏和菜单上的项目(Moving Items on Toolbars and Menus) (37)七、从工具栏和菜单移除项目(Removing Items from Toolbars and Menus) (37)八、分配快捷键到宏(Assigning Shortcut Keys to Macros) (39)九、自定义屏幕外观(Customizing the Appearance of the Screen) (40)第二节组织窗口(Organizing Windows) (41)一、显示窗口(Showing Windows) (41)二、隐藏窗口(Hiding Windows) (41)三、从当前视图分离窗口(Detaching Windows from the Current View) (42)四、将窗口粘附到当前视图(Attaching Windows to the Current View) (42)第一章 PADS Layout快速入门使用PADS Layout进行设计的一般步骤如下:1、创建板框(Create a board outline)2、导入网表、散开元件(Import a netlist and disperse parts)3、设置设计规则(Setup design rules)4、设置栅格(Set grids)5、放置元件(Place parts)6、布线和未布导线(Route and unroute traces)7、创建平面层(Create plane layers)8、检查规则冲突(Check for rule violations)9、标注设计(Annotate the design)10、生成报告(Generate reports)11、输出设计(Output the design)第一节创建板框(Create a board outline)板外框用绘图工具创建,绘图工具位于绘图工具盒。

PADS Layout 2007中文教程

PADS Layout 2007中文教程

目 录第一章 PADS Layout快速入门 (1)第一节创建板框(Create a board outline) (1)第二节导入网表、散开元件(Import a netlist and disperse parts) (1)第三节设置设计规则(Setup design rules) (1)第四节设置栅格(Set grids) (2)第五节放置元件 (2)第六节布线和未布导线(Route and unroute traces) (3)一、使用基本布线编辑器(the basic route editor)进行布线: (3)二、使用动态布线编辑器(the dynamic route editor)进行布线: (3)三、使用动态自动布线器进行布线: (3)第七节创建平面层(Create plane layers) (3)一、创建CAM平面: (3)二、创建分隔/混合(Split/Mixed)平面: (4)第八节检查规则冲突(Check for rule violations) (4)第九节标注设计(Annotate the design) (5)一、自动尺寸标注 (5)二、有选择地尺寸标注 (5)第十节生成报告(Generate reports) (5)一、生成标准报告 (5)二、生成基本报告(Basic report) (5)第十一节输出设计(Output the design) (5)第二章启动 (7)第一节启动PADS Layout (7)一、启动选项(Start-up Options) (7)二、添加启动选项到一个新的PADS Layout程序文件夹项目 (8)三、添加启动选项到新的PADS Layout桌面快捷图标 (8)第二节直接命令(Modeless Commands) (9)第三章用户界面 (13)第一节项目浏览器(Project Explorer) (13)一、对象类型(Object Types) (13)二、一级对象组(Primary Object Groups) (14)三、二级对象组(Secondary Object Groups) (14)四、选择对象(Selecting Objects) (15)五、分类对象(Sorting Objects) (15)六、自定义规则(Custom Rules) (15)七、创建二级组(Creating a Secondary Group) (16)八、添加对象到二级组(Adding Objects to a Secondary Group) (16)九、删除二级组(Deleting a Secondary Group) (16)十、重命名二级组元素(Renaming Secondary Group Elements) (17)十一、分割项目浏览器视图(Splitting the Project Explorer View) (17)第二节自定义PADS Logic和PADS Layout的默认设置 (17)一、PADS Logic的默认设置 (17)二、PADS Layout的默认设置 (17)三、修改PADS Layout的默认启动条件 (18)四、修改PADS Layout的默认启动文件 (18)第三节缩放到板大小(Board Extents) (18)第四章输出窗口(Output window) (19)第一节状态标签(Status Tab) (19)第二节宏标签(Macro Tab) (19)一、创建宏(Creating Macros) (20)二、管理宏(Managing Macros) (20)三、播放宏(Playing Back Macros) (21)四、调试宏脚本(Debugging Macro Scripts) (22)五、重放Sessions(Replaying Sessions) (22)六、使用带宏的命令行开关(Using Command Line Switches with Macros) (23)七、运行Bug Log Test(Running the Bug Log Test) (24)八、运行Bug Media Wizard(Running the Bug Media Wizard) (25)九、用宏语言访问帮助(Accessing Help on the Macro Language) (25)第三节 Basic脚本编辑器 (25)一、管理脚本(Managing Scripts) (26)二、创建脚本(Creating Scripts) (27)三、运行脚本(Running Scripts) (28)四、调试脚本(Debugging Scripts) (29)五、使用宏语言访问帮助(Accessing Help on the Basic Language) (30)第四节管理Session Logs (30)一、Session Log (30)二、在状态(Status)标签浏览页(Navigating Pages in the Status Tab) (30)三、过滤状态(Status)标签显示(Filtering the Status Tab Display) (30)四、在状态(Status)标签搜索文本(Searching Text in the Status Tab) (31)五、打印Session Log消息(Printing Session Log Messages) (31)六、显示和打印报告(Displaying and Printing Reports) (31)七、将PADS Router Session Log保存到文件(Saving a PADS Router Session Log to File) (31)八、清除session log显示(Clearing the Session Log Display) (31)第五节打开一个已经在使用的文件(Opening a File That is Already in Use) (32)第五章自定义 (33)第一节 PADS界面 (33)一、自定义工具栏和快捷菜单(Customizing Toolbars and Shortcut Menus) (33)二、自定义快捷菜单(Customizing Shortcut Menus) (34)三、创建自定义命令和菜单(Creating Custom Commands and Menus) (35)四、创建自定义菜单(Creating a Custom Menu) (36)五、添加项目到工具栏和菜单(Adding Items to Toolbars and Menus) (37)六、移动工具栏和菜单上的项目(Moving Items on Toolbars and Menus) (37)七、从工具栏和菜单移除项目(Removing Items from Toolbars and Menus) (37)八、分配快捷键到宏(Assigning Shortcut Keys to Macros) (39)九、自定义屏幕外观(Customizing the Appearance of the Screen) (40)第二节组织窗口(Organizing Windows) (41)一、显示窗口(Showing Windows) (41)二、隐藏窗口(Hiding Windows) (41)三、从当前视图分离窗口(Detaching Windows from the Current View) (42)四、将窗口粘附到当前视图(Attaching Windows to the Current View) (42)第一章 PADS Layout快速入门使用PADS Layout进行设计的一般步骤如下:1、创建板框(Create a board outline)2、导入网表、散开元件(Import a netlist and disperse parts)3、设置设计规则(Setup design rules)4、设置栅格(Set grids)5、放置元件(Place parts)6、布线和未布导线(Route and unroute traces)7、创建平面层(Create plane layers)8、检查规则冲突(Check for rule violations)9、标注设计(Annotate the design)10、生成报告(Generate reports)11、输出设计(Output the design)第一节创建板框(Create a board outline)板外框用绘图工具创建,绘图工具位于绘图工具盒。



PADS Layout 2007 中文教程(第二部分)编著:Coolbor Xie目 录第六章库操作 (1)第一节管理库(Managing Libraries) (1)一、创建和修改库(Creating and Modifying Libraries) (1)二、设置库的有效性和查找选项(Setting Library Availability and Search Options) (2)三、管理库属性(Managing Library Attributes) (3)四、从所有库显示属性(Displaying Attributes From All Libraries) (4)五、导入和导出库(Importing and Exporting Libraries) (4)六、报告库内容(Reporting Library Contents) (5)七、通配符和表达式(Wildcards and Expressions) (5)第二节创建元件类型(Creating Part Types) (6)一、设置元件信息(Setting Part Information) (6)二、设置元件信息——常规(Setting Part Information – General) (6)三、添加、删除和修改逻辑系列(Adding, Deleting, and Modifying Logic Families) (7)四、设置元件信息——PCB封装(Setting Part Information - PCB Decals) (8)五、设置元件信息——门(Setting Part Information – Gates) (9)六、设置元件信息——引脚(Setting Part Information - Pins) (10)七、设置元件信息——属性(Setting Part Information – Attributes) (12)八、设置元件信息——连接器(Setting Part Information – Connectors) (13)九、设置元件信息——引脚映射(Setting Part Information - Pin Mapping) (14)第三节创建封装(Creating Decals) (14)一、使用PCB封装编辑器(Using the PCB Decal Editor) (14)二、启动PCB封装编辑器(To Start the PCB Decal Editor) (15)三、在封装编辑器中自定义默认颜色和层(Customizing Default Colors and Layers in the Decal Editor) (15)四、在PCB封装编辑器中打开封装(Opening a Decal in the PCB Decal Editor) (15)五、保存封装(Saving a Decal) (16)六、自动创建封装(Creating Decals Automatically) (16)七、手动创建封装(Creating Decals Manually) (23)八、创建焊盘(Creating Pad Stacks) (31)第四节编辑封装(Editing Decals) (40)一、修改项目(Modifying an Item) (40)二、取消铜箔与端点的关联(To Unassociate Copper with Terminals) (40)三、修改端点属性(Modifying Terminal Properties) (40)四、修改端点编号属性(Modifying Terminal Number Properties) (40)五、修改引脚焊盘属性(Modifying Pin Pad Stack Properties) (40)六、移动端点(To Move a Terminal) (41)七、移动端点编号(To Move a Terminal Number) (41)八、交换端点编号(To Swap Terminal Numbers) (41)九、重新编号端点(To Renumber a Terminal) (41)十、删除端点(To Delete a Terminal) (42)十一、分配JEDEC引脚(To Assign JEDEC Pinning) (43)十二、移动封装名(To Move a Decal Name) (43)十三、修改封装名属性(Modifying Decal Name Properties) (43)十四、修改属性(To Modify an Attribute) (43)十五、对标签进行操作(Working with Labels) (43)十六、修改封装级禁止区(Modifying Decal-level Keepouts) (45)十七、将修改的封装和元件保存到库(Saving Modified Decals and Parts to Libraries) (45)十八、焊盘大小和焊盘(Pad Sizes and Pad Stacks) (45)第五节管理过孔(Managing Vias) (46)一、添加过孔焊盘(To Add a Via Pad Stack) (46)二、编辑过孔焊盘(To Edit a Via Pad Stack) (46)三、删除过孔焊盘(To Delete a Via Pad Stack) (47)四、使用钻孔对设置对话框(Using the Drill Pairs Setup Dialog Box) (47)五、设置钻孔对(To Set Up Drill Pairs) (47)六、控制阻焊和助焊(Controlling Solder Mask and Paste Mask) (48)第六章库操作在这一章,主要介绍关于管理库的信息,如:如何创建器件类型(part type)和封装(decal)、如何修改封装、如何创建过孔,以及如何控制器件的阻焊(solder mask)和助焊(paste mask)。

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WIN7系统安装PADS 2007 教程
2、运行“D:\PADS 2007\msi_setup.exe”
3..单击“Install Products”



12..破解:运行D:\PADS 2007\Crack\MentorKG.exe 得到文件“LICENSE.TXT”,双击打开该文件,并另存为LICENSE.DAT


14、下面两图,为PADS Layout和PADS Logic的工作界面。
