
第三章集合和矩阵3.1 集合3.1.1 集合概念集合没有确定的概念。
若元素a是集合A的一个元素,则表示为a A∈,读作元素a属于集合A;若元素a不是集合A的一个元素,则表示为a A∉,读作a不属于集合A。
1. 列举法当集合是有限集合时,可以列出集合的所有元素,用逗号隔开各元素,并用花括号把所有元素括起来。
例如:S1={a, b, c, d, e, f},S2={a, b, b, c, d, e, f},S3={ d, e, a, b, c, f}上述三个集合S1、S2和S3是相同集合,尽管有重复元素。
例如,S1={a, b,{ c, d, e, f }}集合S1包含元素a, b和{ c, d, e, f }。
因为{ c, d, e, f }是集合S1中的元素,故可记为:{}∈。
,,,c d e f A以上给出的集合实例都是有限集合。

离散数学(第⼆版)课后习题答案详解(完整版)习题⼀1.下列句⼦中,哪些是命题?在是命题的句⼦中,哪些是简单命题?哪些是真命题?哪些命题的真值现在还不知道?(1)中国有四⼤发明.答:此命题是简单命题,其真值为 1.(2)5 是⽆理数.答:此命题是简单命题,其真值为 1.(3)3 是素数或 4 是素数.答:是命题,但不是简单命题,其真值为1.(4)2x+ <3 5 答:不是命题.(5)你去图书馆吗?答:不是命题.(6)2 与3 是偶数.答:是命题,但不是简单命题,其真值为0.(7)刘红与魏新是同学.答:此命题是简单命题,其真值还不知道.(8)这朵玫瑰花多美丽呀!答:不是命题.(9)吸烟请到吸烟室去!答:不是命题.(10)圆的⾯积等于半径的平⽅乘以π.答:此命题是简单命题,其真值为 1.(11)只有6 是偶数,3 才能是2 的倍数.答:是命题,但不是简单命题,其真值为0.(12)8 是偶数的充分必要条件是8 能被3 整除.答:是命题,但不是简单命题,其真值为0.(13)2008 年元旦下⼤雪.答:此命题是简单命题,其真值还不知道.2.将上题中是简单命题的命题符号化.解:(1)p:中国有四⼤发明.(2)p: 是⽆理数.(7)p:刘红与魏新是同学.(10)p:圆的⾯积等于半径的平⽅乘以π.(13)p:2008 年元旦下⼤雪.3.写出下列各命题的否定式,并将原命题及其否定式都符号化,最后指出各否定式的真值.(1)5 是有理数.答:否定式:5 是⽆理数. p:5 是有理数.q:5 是⽆理数.其否定式q 的真值为1.(2)25 不是⽆理数.答:否定式:25 是有理数. p:25 不是⽆理数. q:25 是有理数. 其否定式q 的真值为1.(3)2.5 是⾃然数.答:否定式:2.5 不是⾃然数. p:2.5 是⾃然数. q:2.5 不是⾃然数. 其否定式q 的真值为1.(4)ln1 是整数.答:否定式:ln1 不是整数. p:ln1 是整数. q:ln1 不是整数. 其否定式q 的真值为1.4.将下列命题符号化,并指出真值.(1)2 与5 都是素数答:p:2 是素数,q:5 是素数,符号化为p q∧,其真值为 1.(2)不但π是⽆理数,⽽且⾃然对数的底e 也是⽆理数.答:p:π是⽆理数,q:⾃然对数的底e 是⽆理数,符号化为p q∧,其真值为1.(3)虽然2 是最⼩的素数,但2 不是最⼩的⾃然数.答:p:2 是最⼩的素数,q:2 是最⼩的⾃然数,符号化为p q∧? ,其真值为1.(4)3 是偶素数.答:p:3 是素数,q:3 是偶数,符号化为p q∧,其真值为0.(5)4 既不是素数,也不是偶数.答:p:4 是素数,q:4 是偶数,符号化为? ∧?p q,其真值为0.5.将下列命题符号化,并指出真值.(1)2 或3 是偶数.(2)2 或4 是偶数.(3)3 或5 是偶数.(4)3 不是偶数或4 不是偶数.(5)3 不是素数或4 不是偶数.答: p:2 是偶数,q:3 是偶数,r:3 是素数,s:4 是偶数, t:5 是偶数(1)符号化: p q∨,其真值为1.(2)符号化:p r∨,其真值为1.(3)符号化:r t∨,其真值为0.(4)符号化:? ∨?q s,其真值为1.(5)符号化:? ∨?r s,其真值为0.6.将下列命题符号化.(1)⼩丽只能从筐⾥拿⼀个苹果或⼀个梨.答:p:⼩丽从筐⾥拿⼀个苹果,q:⼩丽从筐⾥拿⼀个梨,符号化为: p q∨ .(2)这学期,刘晓⽉只能选学英语或⽇语中的⼀门外语课.答:p:刘晓⽉选学英语,q:刘晓⽉选学⽇语,符号化为: (? ∧∨∧?p q)(p q) .7.设p:王冬⽣于1971 年,q:王冬⽣于1972 年,说明命题“王冬⽣于1971 年或1972年”既可以化答:列出两种符号化的真值表:合命题可以发现,p 与q 不可能同时为真,故上述命题有两种符号化⽅式.8.将下列命题符号化,并指出真值., 就有;(1)只要, 则;, 才有;(3)只有, 才有;(4)除⾮, 否则;(5)除⾮(6)仅当.答:设p: , 则: ; 设q: , 则: .(1);(2);;(3);(4);(5);(6);(7).答:根据题意,p 为假命题,q 为真命题.(1);(2);(3);(4).答:根据题意,p 为真命题,q 为假命题.(1)若2+2=4,则地球是静⽌不动的;(2)若2+2=4,则地球是运动不⽌的;(3)若地球上没有树⽊,则⼈类不能⽣存;(4)若地球上没有⽔,则是⽆理数.12.将下列命题符号化,并给出各命题的真值:(1)2+2=4 当且仅当3+3=6;(2)2+2=4 的充要条件是3+3 6;(3)2+2 4 与3+3=6 互为充要条件;(4)若2+2 4,则3+3 6,反之亦然.答:设p:2+2=4,q:3+3=6.(1)若今天是星期⼀,则明天是星期⼆;(2)只有今天是星期⼀,明天才是星期⼆;(3)今天是星期⼀当且仅当明天是星期⼆;(4)若今天是星期⼀,则明天是星期三.答:设p:今天是星期⼀,q:明天是星期⼆,r:明天是星期三.(1)刘晓⽉跑得快,跳得⾼;(2)⽼王是⼭东⼈或者河北⼈;(3)因为天⽓冷,所以我穿了⽻绒服;(4)王欢与李乐组成⼀个⼩组;(5)李欣与李末是兄弟;(6)王强与刘威都学过法语;(7)他⼀⾯吃饭,⼀⾯听⾳乐;(8)如果天下⼤⾬,他就乘班车上班;(9)只有天下⼤⾬,他才乘班车上班;(10)除⾮天下⼤⾬,否则他不乘班车上班;(11)下雪路滑,他迟到了;(12)2 与4 都是素数,这是不对的;(13)“2 或 4 是素数,这是不对的”是不对的.答:q:⼤熊猫产在中国.r:太阳从西⽅升起. 求下列符合命题的真值:(1)(2)(3)(4)解:p真值为1,q 真值为1,r 真值为0.(1)0,(2)0,(3)0,(4)116.当p,q 的真值为0,r,s 的真值为1 时,求下列各命题公式的真值:(1)(2)(3)(4)解:(1)0,(2)0,(3)0,(4)117.判断下⾯⼀段论述是否为真:“ 是⽆理数.并且,如果3 是⽆理数,则也是⽆理数.另外,只有6 能被2 整除,6 才能被4 整除.”解:p: 是⽆理数q: 3 是⽆理数r:是⽆理数s: 6 能被2 整除t:6 能被 4 整除符号化为: ,该式为重⾔式,所以论述为真。

第一章:基本概念和原理1.1 命题逻辑习题1:命题逻辑的基本符号有哪些?它们的含义是什么?答:命题逻辑的基本符号包括命题变量、命题联结词和括号。
1.2 集合论习题1:什么是集合?集合的基本运算有哪些?答:集合是由一些确定的对象组成的整体,这些对象称为集合的元素。
第二章:数理逻辑2.1 命题逻辑的推理习题1:什么是命题逻辑的推理规则?列举几个常用的推理规则。
2.2 谓词逻辑习题1:什么是谓词逻辑?它与命题逻辑有何区别?答:谓词逻辑是一种扩展了命题逻辑的逻辑系统,它引入了谓词和量词。

每当P和Q的真值相同时,则(P↔Q)的真值 为“T”,否则(P↔Q)的真值为“F”。
▪ 春天来了当且仅当燕子飞回来了。 ▪平面上二直线平行,当且仅当这二直线不相交。 ▪2+2=4当且仅当雪是白色的。 (两者没有关系,但是确实命题)
举例: (a)P:王华的成绩很好 Q:王华的品德很好。 则PΛQ:王华的成绩很好并且品德很好。 (b P:我们去种树 Q:房间里有一台电视机 则PΛQ:我们去种树与房间里有一台电视机。 (c) P:今天下大雨 Q:3+3=6 则PΛQ:今天下大雨和3+3=6
3.析取词(或运算) (1)符号“∨” 设P、Q为二个命题,则 (P∨Q)称作P与Q的“析取”,读作: “P或Q”。
(a)P:我拿起一本书 Q:我一口气读完了这本书 P→Q:如果我拿起一本书,则我一口气读完了这本书。 (b)P:月亮出来了 Q:3×3=9 P→Q:如果月亮出来了,则 3×3=9。(善意推定)
5.双条件联结词(“等价”词、“同”联结词、 “等同”词) (1)符号“↔”设P、Q为二个命题,则P↔ Q读作:“P当且仅当Q”,“P等价 Q”,“P是Q的充分必要条件”。 (2)定义(见真值表):
(4)P,Q中,P、Q的地位是平等的,P、Q 交换位置不会改变真值表中的值。
6.命题联结词在使用中的优先级 (1)先括号内,后括号外 (2)运算时联结词的优先次序为: ¬ Λ → ↔ (由高到低) (3)联结词按从左到右的次序进行运算
¬P∨(Q∨R)可省去括号,因为“V”运算是可结合的。 ( ¬P∨Q)∨R可省去括号,因为符合上述规定 而P→(Q→R)中的括号不能省去,因为“→”不满足结合律。

5. 网络流模型:网络流模型是研究流动网络的数学方法,主要包括最大流、最小割等问题。

q:派小李去开会.则命题:“派小王或小李中的一人去开会" 可符号化为:(p q) (p q)。
(2)设A,B都是命题公式,A B,则A B的真值是T。
在命题逻辑中,命题:“刘平不但不聪明,而且不用功”可符号化为:p q .(4)设A , B 代表任意的命题公式,则蕴涵等值式为A B A B。
" 可符号化为: p q 。
(6)设A , B 代表任意的命题公式,则德摩根律为(A B)Û A B)。
”可符号化为: (p q)(p q) .(8)设,P:他聪明;Q:他用功。
" 可符号化为:P Q .(9)对于命题公式A,B,当且仅当 A B 是重言式时,称“A蕴含B”,并记为A B。
(10)设:P:我们划船.Q:我们跑步.在命题逻辑中,命题:“我们不能既划船又跑步.”可符号化为:(P Q) 。
(11)设P,Q是命题公式,德·摩根律为:(P Q)P Q) 。
”可符号化为:P Q .(13)设p:小王是100米赛跑冠军。
在命题逻辑中,命题:“小王是100米或400米赛跑冠军.”可符号化为:p q。
(14)设A,C为两个命题公式,当且仅当A C为一重言式时,称C可由A逻辑地推出。
二.判断题1.设A,B是命题公式,则蕴涵等值式为A B A B。
()2.命题公式p q r是析取范式。
( √ )3.陈述句“x + y > 5”是命题。

离散数学模拟题及部分答案(英⽂)Discrete Mathematic TestEditor: Jin PengDate: 2008.5.6Discrete Mathematic Test (Unit 1) (2)Discrete Mathematic Test (Unit 2) (8)Discrete Mathematic Test (Unit 3) (13)Discrete Mathematic Test 1 (17)Discrete Mathematic Test 2 (22)Appendix1 Answer to Discrete Mathematic Test(Unit 1) (26)Appendix2 Answer to Discrete Mathematic Test 2 (31)Discrete Mathematic Test (Unit 1)In this part, you will have 15 statements. Make your own judgment, and then put T (True) or F (False) after each statement.1. Let A, B, and C be sets such that A∪B=A∪C, then B=C. ( )2. Let A and B be subsets of a set U, and A B, then A△B=A Band A∩B’=. ( ) 3. Let p a nd q and r be three statements. If ~pú~q ≡ ~pú~r, then q and r have the same value. ( )4. Let A, B be sets such that both AíB and A?B is possible. ( )5. Let p and q be two statements, then (p?~q) ?((~pú~q)(p?~q)) is a tautology.( ) 6.Let A, B be sets, P(A) is the power set of A, then P(A B)=P(A)P(B). ( )7. Let A, B, and C be sets, then if A?B,BíC,then AíC. ( )8. Let A, B be sets, if A={?}, B=P(P(A)), then {?}?B and{?}íB. ( )9. Let x be real number, then x?{x}{{x}} and {x}í{x}{{x}}. ( )10. Let A, B, and C be sets, then A(B∪C) = (A B) ∪(A C). ( )11. If A={x}∪x, then x?A and xíA. ( )12. (x)(P(x)∧Q(x))and (x)P(x) ∧(x)Q(x) are equivalent. ( )13. Let A and B be sets, then A×(B C)=(A×B) (A×C). ( )14. The argument formula (púq)? (r s), (sút)?w╞ p?w is valid. ( )15. (x)(P(x) ?Q(x))and (x)P(x) ? (x)Q(x) are equivalent. ( )Part II (1 Foundations: Sets Logic, and Algorithms , 85 Scores)1. (8 points)What sets so each of the Venn diagrams in following Figure represent?2. (8 points)Let U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}. Let A={1,5,6,9,10,15} and B={5,6,8,9,12,13}. Determine the following: Find a. SA b. SA’ c. SB d. SA∩B .3. (8 points) A class of 45 students has 3 minors for options, respectively A, B and C. A is the set of students taking algebra, B is the set of students who play basketball, C is the set of students taking the computer programming course. Among the 45 students, 12 choose subject A, 8 choose B and another 6 choose C. Additionally, 9 students choose all of the three subjects.What is the at least number of students do not taking the algebra course and the computer programming course and playing basketball?4. (8 points)Find a formula A that uses the variables p and q such that A is true only when exactly one of p and q is true.5. (8 points)Prove the validity of the logical consequences.Anne plays golf or Anne plays basketball. Therefore, Anne plays golf.6. (9 points)Prove the validity of the logical consequences.If the budget is not cut then prices remain stable if and only if taxes will be raised. If the budget is not cut, then taxes will be raised. If price remain stable, then taxes will not be raised. Therefore, taxes will not be raised.7. (8 points) (1) What is the universal quantification of the sentence: x2 +x is an even integer, where x is an even integer? Is the universal quantification a true statement?(2) What is the existential quantification of the sentence: x is a prime integer, where x is an odd integer? Is the existential quantification a true statement?8. (12 points)Symbolize the following sentences by using predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives.(1) Any nature number has only one successor number.(2) For all x,y N, x+y=x if and only if y=0.(3) Not all nature number x N, it exist a nature number y N, such that x≤y.9. (8 points)Show that x(~F(x)∨A(x)),x(A(x) →B(x)),x F(x)|= x B(x)10. (8 points)In the bubble sort algorithm, if successive elements L[j] and L[j+1] are such that L[j]>L[j+1], then they are interchanged, that is, swapped. Therefore, the bubble sort algorithm may require elements to be swapped. Show how bubble sort sorts the elements 7 5 6 3 1 4 2 in increasing order. Draw figures.Discrete Mathematic Test (Unit 2)Part I (T/F questions, 15 Scores)In this part, you will have 15 statements. Make your own judgment, and then put T (True) or F (False) after each statement.1.Let A and B be sets such that any subsets of A B is a relation from A to B. ( )2. Let R={(1,1),(1,2),,(3,3) ,(3,1) ,(1,3)} be relations on the set A={1,2,3}then R is transitive. ( )3. Let R={(1,1),(2,2),(2,3),(3,3)} be relations on the set A={1,2,3}then R is symmetric.( ) 4. Let R be a symmetric relation. then Rn is symmetric for all positive integers n.( ) 5. Let R and S are reflexive relations on a set A then maybe not reflexive.( ) 6. Let R={(a,a),(b,b),(c,c) ,(a,b) ,(b,c)} be relations on the set A={a,b,c}then R is equivalence relation. ( )7. If R is equivalence relation,then the transitive closure of R is R. ( )8. Let R be relations on a set A,then R maybe symmetric and antisymmetic. ( )9. If and are partition of a given set A,then ∪ is also a partition of A.( )10.Let R and S are equivalence relations on a set A, Let ψ be the set of all equivalence class of R,and ? be the set of all equivalence class of S, if R≠S, then ψ∩? =Φ. ( ) 11. Let (S,) be a poset such that S is a finite nonempty set,then S has ninimal element,and the elements is unique. ( )12. Let R and S are relations on a set A,then MR∩S MR∧MS. ( )13. If a relation R is symmetric .then there is loop at every vertex of its directed graph.( ) 14. A directed graph of a partial order relation R cannot contain a closed directed path other than loops. ( ) 15. The poset,where P(S) is the power set of a set S is not a chain. ( )Part II (1 Foundations: Sets Logic, and Algorithms , 85 Scores)1. (8 points) Let R be the relation {(1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 1)}, and let S be relation {(2, 1), (3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 2)}. Find S R.and R3.2. (8 points)Determine whether the relations represented by the following zero-one matrices are partial orders.3. (8 points)Determine the number of different equivalence relations on a set with three elements by listing them.4. (8 points)Let R ={ (a , b)∈A| a divides b }, where A={1,2,3,4}. Find the matrix MR of R. Then determine whether R is reflexive, symmetric, or transitive.5. (8 points)Determine whether the relation R on the set of all people is reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, and/or transitive, where (a, b) R if and only ifa) a is taller than b.b) a and b were born on the same day.c) a has the same first name as b.6. (8 points) Define a equivalence relations on the set of students in your discrete mathematics class .Determine the equivalence classes for these equivalence relations.7. (10 points) Let R be the relation on the set of ordered pairs of positive integers such that if and only if . Show that R is an equivalence relation.8. (8 points) Answer the following questions for the partial order represented by the following Hasse diagram.9. (9 points) Let R be the relation on the set A={a,b,c,d} such that the matrix of R isfind(1) reflexive closure of R.(2) symmetric closure of R.(3) transitive closure of R.10. (10 points)(1)Show that there is exactly one greatest element of a poset, if such an element exists.(2) Show that the least upper bound of a set in poset is unique if it exists.Discrete Mathematic Test (Unit 3)Part I (T/F questions, 15 Scores)In this part, you will have 15 statements. Make your own judgment, and then put T (True) or F (False) after each statement.1. There exist a simple graph with four edges and degree sequence 1,2,3,4. ( )2. There are at least two people whith exactly the same number of friends in any gathering of n>1 people.. ( )3. The number of edges in a complete graph with n vertices is n(n-1). ( )4. The complement of graph G is not possible a subgraph of G. ( )5. Tthat any cycle-free graph contains a vertex of degree 0 or 1.( )6. The graph G, either G or its complement G’, is a connected graph. ( )7. Any graph G and its complement G’ can not be isomorphic ( )8. An Eulerian is a Hamiltonian graph,but a Hamiltonian graph is not An Eulerian .( ) 9. If every member of a party of six people knows at least three people ,prove that they can sit around a table in such a way that each of them knows both his neighbors. ( )10. A circuit either is a cycle or can be reduced to a cycle. ( )11. A graph G with n vertices .G is connected if and only if G is a tree. ( )12. A connected graph is a circuit if the degree of each vertex is 2. ( )13.A circuit either is a cycle or can be reduced to a cycle. ( )14.For any simple connected planar gragh G that X (G) 6. ( )15. .The sum of the odd degrees of all vertices of a graph is even. ( )Part II (1 Foundations: Sets Logic, and Algorithms , 85 Scores)1. (10 points) Does there exist a simple graph with degree sequence 1,2,3,5? Justify you answer.2. (10 points) Suppose there are 90 small towns in a country. From each town there is a direct bus route to a least 50 towns. Is it possible to go from one town to ant other town by bus possibly changing from one bus and then taking another bus to another town?3. 10 points) Find the number of distinct paths of length 2 in graphs K5.4. (5 points Draw all different graphs with two vertices and two edges.5. (10 points) Determine where the graphs in Figure 1 have Euler trails.If the graph has an Euler trail, exhibit one.6.(10 points) Use a K-map to find the minimized sum-of-product Boolean expressions of the expressions.xyzw+xyzw’+xyx’w’+xy’zw’+x’yzw+x’yzw’+x’y’z’w’+x’y’z’w7. (10 points) Insert 5, 10, and 20, in this order, in the binary search tree of following Figure. Draw the binary search tree after each insertion.8.(8 points) Does there exist a simple connected planar graph with 35 vertices and 100 edges?9. (10 points) Let G be a simple connected graph with n vertices. Suppose the degree of each vertex is at lease n 1. Does it imply the existence of a Hamiltonian cycle in G?Discrete Mathematic Test 1Part I (T/F questions)Directions: in this part, you will have 15 statements. Make your own judgment, and then put T (True) or F (False) after each statement.1. Let A and B be nonempty sets .Then A?B if and only if A-B=?. ( )2. Let A and B be nonempty sets. If B≠Φ,then A-B? A. ( )3. “Is Hangzhou a beautiful city?” This sentence is a statement. ( )4. Let P and Q and R be three statements.if P∧Q≡P∧R,then Q and R have the same value.( ) 5. Let P and Q be two statements.then (~p∨~q)→(p→~q) is not a tautology.( )6. (x)(P(x)∧Q(x))and (x)P(x) ∧(x)Q(x) are equivalent. ( )7. Let A and B be sets.any subset of A×B is a relation. ( )8.Let A={ 1,2,3}and R=={<1, 1>, <2, 2>, <1, 3>, <3, 1>, <2, 3>},so R is an equivalence Relation on A. ( ) 9.Let R be a relationon set A.then R is an equivalence Relation on A if and only ifR??R. ( ) R10. R is an equivalence Relation on A.R- equivalence class is not a partition of A .( )11.If a mathematical system has an identity,so the cayley table has no equalLines. ( ) 12. Let A be a nonempty set.then Φis identity of (ρ(A),∩). ( ) 13.The sum of the odd degrees of all vertices of a graph is even. ( )14. Any graph G and its complement G’can not be isomorphic.( )15. A graph G with n vertices .G is connected if and only if G is a tree. ( )Part Ⅱ ( set questions)Directions: in this part,you need to provide solutions for question 16~17 based on the16.Let A,B,and C be sets.Prove A∩(B-C)=(A∩B)-(A∩C).17. A class of 40 students has 3 minors for options, respectively A, B and C. Among the 40 students, 15 choose subject A, 10 choose B and another 6 choose C. Additionally, 5 students choose all of the three subjects. Our question is at least how many students do not choose any subject.Part Ⅲ ( LOGIC questions)Directions: in this part, you need to provide solutions for question 17~19 based on the theory of knowledge logic .18.Show that ~(P∧~Q),~Q∨R ,~R |= ~PPart Ⅳ ( Relations and Posets questions)Directions: in this part,you need to provide solutions for question 20-22 based on the theory of knowledge relations and posets.20.Let A={1,2,3,4},R={(1,2),(2,3),(3,1) }, L={(1,4),(2,2),(3,3),(4,3)},find the transitiv closures of the relations LR .21.Let {A1, A2, A3………An}be a partition of a given set X.Difine a relation R on S asfollows:For all a,b∈X,(a,b) ∈R if and only if there exists Ai such that a,b∈Ai.Prove R is an equivalence relation on X.。

离散数学练习题(含答案)题目1. 对于集合 $A={1,2,3,...,10}$ 和 $B={n|n是偶数,2<n<8}$,求 $A \cap B$ 的元素。
2. 存在三个可识别的状态A,B,C。
置换群 $S_3$ 作用在状态集上。
定义四个动作:$α: A → C, β: A → B, γ: C→ A, δ: B→ C$。
确定式子,描述 $\{α,β,γ,δ\}$ 的乘法表。
3. 证明 $\forall n \in \mathbb{N}$,合数的个数不小于$n$。
4. 给定一个无向带权图,图中每个节点编号分别是$1,2,...,n$,证明下列结论:a. 如果从节点$i$到$j$只有一条权值最小的路径,则这条路径的任意子路径都是最短路径。
b. 如果从节点$i$到$j$有两条或两条以上权值相等的路径,则从$i$到$j$的最短路径可能不唯一。
答案1. $A \cap B = \{2,4,6\}$。
2. 乘法表:3. 对于任意$n$,我们可以选择$n+1$个连续的自然数$k+1,k+2,...,k+n,k+n+1$中的$n$个数,其中$k \in \mathbb{Z}$。
4.a. 根据题意,从$i$到$j$只有一条权值最小的路径,即这条最短路径已被确定。
b. 如果从节点$i$到$j$有多条权值相等的路径,则这些路径权值都是最短路径的权值。

离散数学及其应用第2版课后练习题含答案1. 引言《离散数学及其应用》是一本经典的离散数学教材,是计算机科学和数学专业的必修课程。
2. 答案解析第一章习题 1.11.给定一组七个数字 {1, 3, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12},请给出这组数字的中位数。
答案:中位数为 4。
2.给出两个整数 a 和 b 的三进制表示: a = 111011,b = 101101。
求 a + b。
答案:a + b = 1011000。
答案:令两个奇数分别为 2n + 1 和 2m +1,则有:(2n + 1) × (2m + 1) = 4nm + 2n + 2m + 1 = 2(2nm + n + m) + 1,即奇奇数的积还是一个奇数。
习题 1.21.证明:如果一个整数 n 能同时被 2 和 3 整除,则它也能被 6 整除。
答案:首先,n 能同时被 2 和 3 整除,则分别有 n = 2k 和 n = 3m。
联立方程组 2k = 3m,得 k = (3/2)m。
因此,n = 2k = (3m/2) × 2 = 3m× (2/2) = 6m,可以被 6 整除。
2.求 10010 的八进制表示。
答案:将 10010 转换为四位一组的二进制数,得 0010 0100。
将 0010 和 0100 分别转换为八进制数,得 2 和 4。
因此,10010 的八进制表示为 24。
3.已知 547a5 是 11 的倍数,求 a 的值。
答案:根据 11 的倍数的规律,将 547a5 中的奇数位数字相加,再将偶数位数字相加,然后将两个和的差求出来: (5 + 7 + a) - (4 + 5) = 13 + a - 9 = a + 4。
因为547a5 是 11 的倍数,所以 a + 4 也必须是 11 的倍数。

1、求非负整数的组合:解:用递归的方法,从某一非负整数 n 始,可以求出 n所有组合。
对 n每一位数,都有两种可能性,可以选择或不选择该位数,每次可以有 2^n不同的组合。

例如,有这样一道习题:设集合 A ={1, 2, 3},B ={2, 3, 4},求 A ∪ B 和A ∩ B。
答案是:A ∪ B ={1, 2, 3, 4},A ∩ B ={2, 3}。
我们可以设“今天下雨”为 P,“我去公园”为 Q,那么这个命题可以符号化为P → ¬Q。
假设有这样一道题:一个无向图有 10 个顶点,每个顶点的度都为 6,求这个图的边数。
根据顶点度数之和等于边数的两倍这个定理,我们可以计算出边数为 30。
例 1:设集合 A ={x | x 是小于 10 的正奇数},B ={x | x 是小于 10 的正偶数},求 A B。

《离散数学》题库答案一、选择或填空(数理逻辑部分)1、下列哪些公式为永真蕴含式?( )(1)?Q=>Q→P (2)?Q=>P→Q (3)P=>P→Q (4)?P∧(P∨Q)=>?P答:(1),(4)2、下列公式中哪些是永真式?( )(1)(┐P∧Q)→(Q→?R) (2)P→(Q→Q) (3)(P∧Q)→P (4)P→(P∨Q)答:(2),(3),(4)3、设有下列公式,请问哪几个是永真蕴涵式?( )(1)P=>P∧Q (2) P∧Q=>P (3) P∧Q=>P∨Q(4)P∧(P→Q)=>Q (5) ?(P→Q)=>P (6) ?P∧(P∨Q)=>?P答:(2),(3),(4),(5),(6)4、公式?x((A(x)→B(y,x))∧?z C(y,z))→D(x)中,自由变元是( ),约束变元是( )。
答:x,y, x,z5、判断下列语句是不是命题。
( )(1)北京是中华人民共和国的首都。
(2) 陕西师大是一座工厂。
(3) 你喜欢唱歌吗? (4) 若7+8>18,则三角形有4条边。

1-1,1-2(1) 解:a) 是命题,真值为T。
b) 不是命题。
c) 是命题,真值要根据具体情况确定。
d) 不是命题。
e) 是命题,真值为T。
f) 是命题,真值为T。
g) 是命题,真值为F。
h) 不是命题。
i) 不是命题。
(2) 解:原子命题:我爱北京天安门。
(3) 解:a) (┓P ∧R)→Qb) Q→Rc) ┓Pd) P→┓Q(4) 解:a)设Q:我将去参加舞会。
Q (R∧┓P):我将去参加舞会当且仅当我有时间和天不下雨。
c) 设Q:一个数是奇数。
(5) 解:a) 设P:王强身体很好。
P∧Qb) 设P:小李看书。
P∧Qc) 设P:气候很好。
P∨Qd) 设P: a和b是偶数。
P→Qe) 设P:四边形ABCD是平行四边形。
Q :四边形ABCD的对边平行。
PQf) 设P:语法错误。
(P∨ Q)→ R(6) 解:a) P:天气炎热。
P∧Qb) P:天气炎热。
P∧Rc) R:天正在下雨。
R∨Sd) A:刘英上山。
A∧Be) M:老王是革新者。
M∨Nf) L:你看电影。
┓L→┓Mg) P:我不看电视。
P∧Q∧Rh) P:控制台打字机作输入设备。
P∧Q1-3(1)解:a) 不是合式公式,没有规定运算符次序(若规定运算符次序后亦可作为合式公式)b) 是合式公式c) 不是合式公式(括弧不配对)d) 不是合式公式(R和S之间缺少联结词)e) 是合式公式。
离散数学 课件 the_whole_exercises_from_chapter_1_to_chapter_4-discrete_mathematics

《离散数学》布置的课后作业习题解答作者:黄海平第一次布置的作业:P8 1-1,1-2习题(1) 指出下列语句哪些是命题,哪些不是命题,如果是命题,指出它的真值。
a) 离散数学是计算机科学系的一门必修课。
命题,Tb) 计算机有空吗? 不是命题c) 明天我去看电影。
命题,根据主体情况可能为T 或者F d) 请勿随地吐痰! 不是命题e) 不存在最大质数。
命题,Tf) 如果我掌握了英语、法语,那么学习其它欧洲语言就容易得多。
命题,Tg) 9+5≤12 命题,Fh) x=3 不是命题i) 我们要努力学习。
不是命题,是陈述句,但是没有真假值(3) 设P 表示命题“天下雪”,Q 表示命题“我将去镇上”,R 表示命题“我有时间”,以符号形式写出下列命题。
a) 如果天不下雪和我有时间,那么我将去镇上。
()P R Q ⌝∧→b) 我将去镇上,仅当我有时间时。
Q R →c) 天不下雪。
P ⌝d) 天下雪,那么我不去镇上。
P Q →⌝(5) 将下列命题符号化。
a) 小李一边看书,一边听音乐。
P: 小李看书。
Q: 小李听音乐。
P Q ∧d) 如果a 和b 是偶数,则a+b 是偶数。
写法一: P: a 和b 是偶数。
Q: a+b 是偶数。
P Q →写法二: P: a 是偶数。
Q: b 是偶数。
R: a+b 是偶数。
P Q R ∧→f) 停机的原因在于语法错误或程序错误。
P: 停机。
Q: 语法错误。
R: 程序错误。
P Q R ∨P12 1-3习题(5) 试把原子命题表示为P 、Q 、R 等,然后用符号译出下列各句子。
a) 或者你没有给我写信,或者它在途中丢失了。
P: 你给我写信。
Q: 信在途中丢失了。
P Q ⌝∨ 或者 ()P R ⌝⌝d) 如果你来了,那末他唱不唱歌将看你是否伴奏而定。
P: 你来了。
Q: 他唱歌。
R: 你伴奏。
()P R Q →(7) 用符号形式写出下列命题。


例 1:设集合 A ={1, 2, 3, 4},B ={3, 4, 5, 6},求 A ∪ B 和 A∩ B。
解:A ∪ B ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6},A ∩ B ={3, 4}集合的运算包括并集、交集、差集等。
知识点:集合的基本运算规则1、交换律:A ∪ B = B ∪ A,A ∩ B =B ∩ A2、结合律:(A ∪ B) ∪ C = A ∪(B ∪ C),(A ∩ B) ∩ C = A ∩ (B ∩ C)3、分配律:A ∩ (B ∪ C) =(A ∩ B) ∪(A ∩ C),A ∪(B ∩C) =(A ∪ B) ∩ (A ∪ C)二、关系关系是集合元素之间的某种联系。
例 2:设集合 A ={1, 2, 3},R 是 A 上的关系,R ={(1, 1),(1, 2),(2, 2),(2, 3),(3, 3)},判断 R 是否具有自反性、对称性和传递性。
解:R 具有自反性,因为对于 A 中的每个元素 a,都有(a, a) ∈ R;R 不具有对称性,因为(1, 2) ∈ R 但(2, 1) ∉ R;R 具有传递性,因为(1, 2) ∈ R 且(2, 3) ∈ R ,同时(1, 3) ∈ R 。
知识点:1、自反关系:对于集合中的每个元素 a,都有(a, a) ∈ R 。
2、对称关系:若(a, b) ∈ R ,则(b, a) ∈ R 。
3、传递关系:若(a, b) ∈ R 且(b, c) ∈ R ,则(a, c) ∈ R 。
例 3:设函数f: R → R ,f(x) = x^2 ,求 f(-2),f(0),f(3)。

离散数学(Discrete Math)
数学所研究的对象根据它们的取值分为: 连续的,如长度、温度、面积等。 离散的,如商店商品,学生所学课程等。
离散数学是研究离散对象的结构以及它们 之间相互关系的一门数学学科。
因为计算机不论硬件还是软件都属于离散 结构,所以所应用的数学必是离散数学。
注意: 感叹句、祈使句、疑问句都不是命题。 陈述句中的悖论以及判断的结果不惟一确
例1 下列句子中那些是命题? (1) 北京是中华人民共和国的首都. (2) 2 + 5 =8.
(3) x + 5 > 3.
(4) 你会开车吗? (5) 2050年元旦北京是晴天. (6) 这只兔子跑得真快呀! (7) 请关上门! (8) 我正在说谎话.
要求掌握基本概念、基本原理,培养学 生用离散数学的观点去分析解决计算机 科学及工程应用中所遇到的问题,努力 提高逻辑推理和抽象思维的能力。
数理逻辑 (第二、三章)
计算机科学的基础,应熟练掌握将现实生活中的条件 化成逻辑公式,并能做适当的推理,这对程序设计、 数字电路等课程是极有用处的。
离散数学是计算机学科的专业基础课, 通过介绍离散数学的基本理论、基本 思想和基本方法,使学生掌握学习后 继课程,如数据结构、数据库、网络、 人工智能等必备的基础知识和基本技 术,得到一个较好的数学训练,为从 事计算机科学技术领域的工作打下一 个扎实的理论基础。
真命题 假命题 真值不确定 疑问句 真值确定, 但未知 感叹句 祈使句 悖论

1.List all subsets of {JA V A, PASCAL, C++}2.Prove that if A ⊆ B and C ⊆D, then A ∩ C ⊆B ∩ D3.A, B and C are sets, prove or disprove the following statements.(1) If A – B = A – C, then B = C(2) If A⨯ B = A⨯ C, A ≠∅, then B = C4.Write each of the following statements in terms of propositional variables, predicates,quantifiers and logical connectives. You can choose any propositional variables and predicates freely.(1) If I like the course or the teacher, I will attend the class. (Statement and its negation)(2) For all students of our school, someone studies hard and has good score; someonestudies hard and has not good score.5.Prove that the following is a tautology using truth table(1) ~()p p q⇒⇒(2) (()())()p q q r p r⇒∧⇒⇒⇒6.Let A and B are square matrices. Show that if AB=BA, then (AB)n=A n B n1. Let A={a,b,c,d,e}, a relation R on A is {(a,b), (b,b), (b,c), (b,d), (c,d), (d,d), (d,e), (e,d)}.(1) Give the digraph and matrix of relation R;(2) Compute R2, reflexive closure r(R) and symmetric closure s(R).2. Let A= {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5}, and the diagram of a relation R on A is shown in Fig.1.Fig. 1(1)Give the in-degree and the out-degree of each vertex(2)Find R∞ for the relation R using Warshall’s algorithm.3. Let S Z+ and A=S×S. Define the following relation R on A(a,b) R (a′,b′) if and only if ab′ = a′b(1) Show that R is an equivalent relation;(2) Let S={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, compute the equivalent class [(2,4)].1. Let f(n)= 3n 3-5n 2+8 and g(n)=n 3 be defined for positive integer n. Show that f and g have the same order.2. Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} , and let121 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6,3 4 1 2 6 5 2 3 1 5 4 6p p ⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭Compute(1)11p -(2) 212()p p p 3. Let function f(x, y)=( x+3y, 2x+y), (x, y) in R×R, prove that f is bijection.1. Determine the Hasse diagram of the relation on A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} whose matrix is shown below.1 0 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 0 1 1 10 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 1⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭2. Find two different topological sorting of the poset whose Hasse diagram is shown in Fig. 2.Fig. 23. Let A be a finite nonempty poset with partial order ≤.(1) Show that A has at least one maximal element;(2) Is there a greatest element for all possible A? If not, show a counterexample.4. Let A={2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 120}, R is the relation of divisibility on A.(1) Draw the Hasse diagram of the poset <A, R>;(2) Find all the minimal elements, the maximal elements, the least element and the greatest element of the poset <A, R> if they exist;(3) Let B = {2, 4, 6}, find the upper bound, the lower bound, the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound of B if they exist.Chapter 7 & 81.Construct the tree of the algebraic expression( 7 + (6 - 2) ) – ( x- (y - 4) )e Fleury’s algorithm to produce an Euler circuit for the graph in Fig. 3Fig. 3e the labeling algorithm (Ford-Fulkerson’s) to find a maximum flow for the followingtransport network in Fig. 1. Use of figures is required to show the variety of flows during the procedure.Fig.1 transport networke Kruskal’s algorithm to find a minimal spanning tree of graph in Fig. 2. The sequence ofedges-selecting is ordered to be shown up.C D。

第二章习题 1. 填空(1))(x A ,)(y B (2)))()((x A x C x →∀ (3)))()((y B x A x →∀(4))),()()((y x H y F x F y x ⌝→∧∀∀ (5)))()((x G x F x ⌝∧∃ (6)T(7))),(),((z y Q y x P y ∧∀,),(),(z y Q y x P ∧,),(y x P (8)))()((!x P x Q x ∧∃ ))()((!!x P x Q x ∧∃ (9)x y ,和z(10)))()((y R x Q x →∀,))(Z )(Q (x x x ∧∃,))()(R )(Q (x Z x x x ⌝∧∧∃ 2.选择题(1)B (2)B (3)A (4)B (5)C (6)C (7)B (8)B (9)B (10)D (11)C (12)A 3.下列哪些是谓词公式解:公式(1)—(8)均为谓词公式。
4.在谓词逻辑中将下列命题符号化 (1)有些汽车比所有火车都跑得慢;解:令)(x A :x 是汽车,)(x B :x 是火车,),(y x C :x 比y 跑得慢。
符号化为)))),()((()((y x C y B y x A x →∀∧∃ (2)会叫的狗未必会咬人;解:令)(x A :x 会叫,)(x B :x 是狗,)(x C :x 会咬人符号化为))()()((x C x B x A x ⌝∧∧∃ (3)存在最小自然数解:令A (x ):x 是自然数,B (x,y ):x 小于y 符号化为),()(()((x y B y A y x A x ⌝→∀⋂∃(4)对于每个实数都存在比它大的有理数解:令A (x ):x 是实数,B (x ):x 是有理数,R (x,y ):x 比y 大 符号化为),()(()((x y R y B y x A x ⋂∃→∀(5)每个自然数都有唯一的后继 解:令A (x ):x 是自然数,B (x,y ):x 是y 的后继 符号化为),()((!)((x y B y A y x A x ⋂∃→∀) (6)没有以0为后继的自然树解:令A (x ):x 是自然数,B (x,y ):x 是y 的后继 符号化为),0()((x B x A x ⋂⌝∃(7)存在唯一的偶实数解:令A (x ):x 是偶数,令B (x ):x 是素数 符号化为)()((!x B x A x ⋂∃(8)没有即是奇数也是偶数的数解:令A (x ):x 是奇数,令B (x ):x 是偶数 符号化为)()((x B x A x ⋂⌝∃(9)天下乌鸦一般黑解:令A (x ):x 是乌鸦,令B (x ):x 是黑的 符号化为)()((x B x A x →∀(10)一个数是素数当且仅当它只能被1和它自身整除解:;:)(;:),(;.:),(B ;.:)(是实数相等与整除被是素数x x D y x y x C y x y x x x A 符号化为:)))),()1,(()),()((()((x y C y C y x B y D y x A x ∨→∧∃↔∀ 5、利用所给定命题和谓词,将下列诸命题符号化。

DEF: An ordered r-selection from a set S (“traditional” name: r-permutation) is a sequence of r objects from S.
NOTATION: The number of ordered r-selections is denoted P(n, r) in many undergraduate level textbooks, perpetuating the era in which it was difficult to typeset its value, which is DEF: An unordered r-selection from a set S (“traditional” name: r-combination) is a subset of r objects from S. NOTATION : The number of unordered r-selections is denoted C(n, r) in many undergraduate level textbooks, perpetuating the era in which it was difficult to typeset the binomial coefficient
Example 4.3.3: The number of 5-card draw poker hands in a 52-card deck equals
Example 4.3.4: The number of different possible flushes in a 5-card poker hand equals
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1.List all subsets of {JA V A, PASCAL, C++}
2.Prove that if A ⊆ B and C ⊆D, then A ∩ C ⊆B ∩ D
3.A, B and C are sets, prove or disprove the following statements.
(1) If A – B = A – C, then B = C
(2) If A⨯ B = A⨯ C, A ≠∅, then B = C
4.Write each of the following statements in terms of propositional variables, predicates,
quantifiers and logical connectives. You can choose any propositional variables and predicates freely.
(1) If I like the course or the teacher, I will attend the class. (Statement and its negation)
(2) For all students of our school, someone studies hard and has good score; someone
studies hard and has not good score.
5.Prove that the following is a tautology using truth table
(1) ~()
p p q
⇒⇒(2) (()())()
p q q r p r
6.Let A and B are square matrices. Show that if AB=BA, then (AB)n=A n B n
1. Let A={a,b,c,d,e}, a relation R on A is {(a,b), (b,b), (b,c), (b,d), (c,d), (d,d), (d,e), (e,d)}.
(1) Give the digraph and matrix of relation R;
(2) Compute R2, reflexive closure r(R) and symmetric closure s(R).
2. Let A= {a1, a2, a3, a4, a5}, and the diagram of a relation R on A is shown in Fig.1.
Fig. 1
(1)Give the in-degree and the out-degree of each vertex
(2)Find R∞ for the relation R using Warshall’s algorithm.
3. Let S Z+ and A=S×S. Define the following relation R on A
(a,b) R (a′,b′) if and only if ab′ = a′b
(1) Show that R is an equivalent relation;
(2) Let S={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}, compute the equivalent class [(2,4)].
1. Let f(n)= 3n 3-5n 2+8 and g(n)=n 3 be defined for positive integer n. Show that f and g have the same order.
2. Let A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} , and let
121 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6,3 4 1 2 6 5 2 3 1 5 4 6p p ⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭
p -
(2) 212()p p p 3. Let function f(x, y)=( x+3y, 2x+y), (x, y) in R×R, prove that f is bijection.
1. Determine the Hasse diagram of the relation on A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} whose matrix is shown below.
1 0 1 1 10 1 1 1 10 0 1 1 10 0 0 1 00 0 0 0 1⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭
2. Find two different topological sorting of the poset whose Hasse diagram is shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2
3. Let A be a finite nonempty poset with partial order ≤.
(1) Show that A has at least one maximal element;
(2) Is there a greatest element for all possible A? If not, show a counterexample.
4. Let A={2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 120}, R is the relation of divisibility on A.
(1) Draw the Hasse diagram of the poset <A, R>;
(2) Find all the minimal elements, the maximal elements, the least element and the greatest element of the poset <A, R> if they exist;
(3) Let B = {2, 4, 6}, find the upper bound, the lower bound, the least upper bound and the greatest lower bound of B if they exist.
Chapter 7 & 8
1.Construct the tree of the algebraic expression
( 7 + (6 - 2) ) – ( x- (y - 4) )
e Fleury’s algorithm to produce an Euler circuit for the graph in Fig. 3
Fig. 3
e the labeling algorithm (Ford-Fulkerson’s) to find a maximum flow for the following
transport network in Fig. 1. Use of figures is required to show the variety of flows during the procedure.
Fig.1 transport network
e Kruskal’s algorithm to find a minimal spanning tree of graph in Fig. 2. The sequence of
edges-selecting is ordered to be shown up.
C D。