

2014年5月第46卷 第3期外语教学与研究(外国语文双月刊)Foreign Language Teaching and Research(bimonthly)May 2014Vol.46No.3外语课堂教学中的问题与若干研究课题上海外国语大学 束定芳 提要:长期以来,我国外语课堂教学理论研究薄弱,一直缺乏科学、合理、有效的外语课堂教学评估标准。
关键词:外语、课堂教学、存在问题、研究课题 [中图分类号]H319 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1000-0429(2014)03-0446-10 外语学习过程中,课堂教学具有重要作用。

目录 结论 呼唤具有中国特色的外语教学理论(一)我国外语教学存在的问题1.理论研究薄弱2.师资质量不高3.教学 资源匮乏4.教学理念落后5.应试倾向明显6.权、钱干扰严重(二)外语教学理论研究的主要内容和范围(三)外语 教学理论研究的若干重要课题1.本体论研究2.实践论研究3.方法论研究4.教师发展研究第一章 当代外语教学 理论研究中的几个重要发展趋势第一节 从研究如何教到研究如何学(一)学习者个人差异的研究(二)学习过程的研 究第二节 语言使用研究和学习者语言使用能力的培养第三节 传统外语教学方法和教学内容的反思和回归第四节
精彩书摘 第二节 外语教学与相关学科 (一)外语教学所涉及的重要因素和学科 由于语言的特殊性,几乎可以这 样说,任何学科的知识都有可能对语言教学产生影响。这里我们所说的外语教学所涉及的因素与学科仅指与外语教 学密切相关并直接产生影响的因素和学科。 外语教学的主要内容是语言和语言使用,如何教语言必然涉及到人 们对人类语言和语言活动本质的认识。因此,把人类语言和语言活动作为主要研究对象的语言学、社会学和人类学 就成了外语教学的重要相关学科。其中,担负着对人类语言进行描写、分析和解释任务的语言学更是外语教学相关 学科中的一门关键学科。语言学分支学科之一的心理语言学由于其研究的重点是人类语言习得和使用过程中的心理 机制,因而与外语教学有着更为特殊的紧密关系。 外语教学作为一种教学活动,它既是教育学的研究对象,但 由于其本身的特殊性,又对教育学有着特殊的要求。一个国家的语言政策、外语教育行政管理,以及师资培训、大 纲制定、教材编写、外语测试等都对外语教学活动的成败有着重要的影响。
前言 改革开放以来,我国的外语教学界积极引进西方的外语教学理论和方法,并结合我国特殊的外语教学环境,编写了 具有中国特色的、适合不同层次学校外语教学的教学大纲和教材,并针对国外新的教学理论和教学方法研究成果, 积极探索适合中国国情的外语教学方法,取得了引人注目的成就。但是,整体而言,我国的外语教学理论研究的水 平还处于一个较低的层次,许多工作在教学第一线的教师对教学理论还比较陌生,加上受各种条件的限制,外语教 师参加理论进修和进行学术交流的机会较少。这在很大程度上限制了外语教师的视野,影响了外语教学实践水平的 发挥和外语教学质量的提高。 我们知道,与其他学科和母语教学相比,外语教学有着非常特殊的教学环境、教 学对象和教学目标,因而需要我们设计出适合外语教学规律的教学方法。因此,外语教学理论研究的任务就是要研 究外语教学和其它课程,尤其是同母语教学相比所具有的特殊规律,探讨外语教与学的最佳途径。 外语教学理 论研究首先要搞清楚的一个问题是,外语学习与母语习得过程相比到底有什么不同的地方?要搞清这个问题,又必 须弄清语言是什么、学习一种语言意味着什么的问题。所有这些都涉及到语言和语言教学的本质特征的问题,因此 属于本体论的层次。 在充分了解了外语教学的特殊规律的基础上,外语教学理论研究应该对外语教学活动的具 体实施原则和方法进行描述。其中包括教学大纲的制定、教材的编写、课堂教学的组织、教学效果的评估和测试等 等。我们把这些问题的研究称作实践论层次。 第三层次的研究属于方法论层次,主要是对外语教学实践的途 径、方法和技巧等问题进行讨论和探索。既要从理论层次描述外语教学具体实施的原则和步骤,还要对课堂教学的 具体方法和技巧提出建议。

浅析语法翻译法、情景法和听说法摘要: 语法翻译法、情景法和听说法是3种非常重要的外语教学方法, 对我国外语教学产生了深远影响。
但每种教学方法都有其不同的理论基础, 都有其各自的优点和缺点。
将从背景、理论与模式等方面对此3 种教学方法进行分析与讨论, 以便能对我国的外语教师有一定的启示作用。
关键词: 语法翻译法; 情景法; 听说法在外语教学理论研究中, 有关教学法的讨论非常多, 关于不同的教学法的优缺点的争论也非常热烈。
众所周知, 教学法会直接影响到我们的教学效果, 两种不同的教学法可能会导致完全不同的教学效果, 所以怎样才能探究到一种合理、有效的外语教学法是所有外语研究者、教师和学习者都非常关注的问题。
外语教学法是一门研究外语教学的学科, 它既要有一定理论基础, 又要密切联系教学实践, 同时更要贯穿于整个教学过程给予一定的规范和指导。
长期以来, 众多的专家、学者和教师一直在不断的进行尝试和探索, 他们依托重要的外语教学理论, 借鉴和吸取国外的有效教学法, 同时又充分结合中国的外语教学现状, 试图找到一种最为行之有效的教学方法。
于是, 有关各种教学法的讨论与比较纷纷呈现。
其中, 语法翻译法、情景法和听说法都对我国的外语教学产生了重要的影响, 本文将从背景、理论与模式等方面对此三种教学法进行阐述。
1 语法翻译法、情景法和听说法1 . 1 产生背景语法翻译法起始于18 世纪晚期的欧洲, 在外语教学史上具有悠久的历史, 同时也是我国外语教学史上使用范围最广, 而又最具有生命力的教学方法之一。
在18 世纪, 教学的主要目的就是学习书面拉丁语, 阅读文学作品, 而这正是语法翻译法的特点之一。
语法翻译法最早是由德国学者麦丁格( J o h a n n V al e n t i n M e i d i n g er ) 和费克( J oha nn Ch r i sti a n F i c k )倡导并提出的。
在我国早期的大学英语教学中, 主要也是采用了此种教学法。
束定芳 外语课堂教学的目标与评估

(一)目前外语课堂教学存在的问题 (二)外语课堂教学的目标与功能 (三)外语课堂教学的形式和结构 (四)课堂教学的有效性:我们如何评估? 结束语
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
教学目标模糊,教学内容偏离学生需求 依然是以教师为中心 教学过程缺乏创新,过度依赖多媒体 教师语言能力和综合素质亟待提高 生搬硬套教学理论 课堂、课外学习相互割裂
外语课堂中,我们要鼓励学生用所学语言去学习和探索其 他东西。学生到课堂上来展示的内容不仅是语言本身,而 是知识性的或技能性的东西。学生课堂展示的内容和方式 需要不断尝试和改进。例如,如果我们课堂中讨论的主题 是世博会,老师就可以引导学生从不同方面去思考,通过 互联网或图书资料去查证本届世博会和以前的有何不同。 学生如果能提出新观点,或者从已有的各种材料中总结提 炼出某一观点,那不但锻炼了他的语言运用能力,同时也 提高了他的学习和探索能力。
在内容方面,课堂学习不能和课外学习毫无关联。 课外学习应该是课堂教学的自然延伸我们在安排课 外拓展任务时最好和某一阶段的教学目标以及教材 中的主题结合起来,这样一方面是对课堂教学的拓 展,另一方面也可以将课外学习的内容锁定在老师 能操控的范围之内。当然,特别优秀的学生可以突 破限制,但大部分学生的课外学习应该处于老师的 视野和可控范围之内。
任务的目的性与针对性 任务的大小与周期性 真实世界任务与教学(pedagogical)任务 课外任务与课内任务 集体任务与个人任务 任务的效果评估
1.课堂教学目标是否明确,是否体现了课程要求 2.课堂教学是否能很好地与课外学习衔接 3.外语课堂教学是否能合理平衡分配知识讲解与语言实 践之间的关系 4.课堂活动(任务)是否有利于培养学生的兴趣?是否 有利于培养学生的自主学习能力?是否有利于语言实践能 力的提高?是否有利于探究性学习的能力的提高?……

从一项调查看教材在外语教学过程中的地位与作用□束定芳 张逸岗提要:本文以一次有关教材在外语学习过程中的作用和使用情况的问卷调查为基础,分析外语教材在外语教学过程中应有的地位和作用,讨论在中国的特殊语言环境中,外语教材的编写、使用的原则和方法。
关键词:教材;外语学习;作用Abstract:Drawing on a questionnaire2based survey of the role of textbooks in the learning and teaching of a foreign language in Chinese universities,the authors of this paper discuss the nature of textbooks and their roles in the pro2 cess of learning a foreign language for Chinese learners.The paper also touches upon issues concerning the principles and methodology of foreign language textbook writing in the Chinese context.K ey w ords:textbook;foreign language learning;role中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1004-5112(2004)02-0056-09一、一项有关外语教材的调查1.调查对象与调查内容为了了解教师和学生对外语教材在学生学习外语过程中的作用以及现行外语教材使用情况的看法,我们在2001年4月对部分英语专业的老师和学生进行了问卷调查。


)1.理解“Knowing a language well does not necessarily mean that you can teach the language well”or”Teaching is an art as well as a science” 答案在page1 第二段(12年的面试考过)2.Approach Method Technique 的定义3.The structural view The functional view The interactional view4. Linguistics Sociolinguistics Psycholinguistics Applied Linguistics5.缩略词FLT (foreign language teaching)ELT (English language teaching)6.几种大纲:Structural syllabus structural-situational syllabus notion-functional syllabusPs.第一章中出现的其他重要的概念,因为在后面会有详述,所以暂不归纳在第一章。
2.1 有什么样的语言观就有什么样的语言教学观。
进一步了解The structural view 和The functional view1.“Syntagmatic relations” and “paradigmatic relations” 定义(P14)2012年真题考过2.根据功能学派,语言三大功能:descriptive,expressive,and social补充语言学中的语言功能:informative ,interpersonal ,performative,emotive ,phatic ,recreational, meta lingual (语言学教程p10-13) interpersonal 12年真题考过3.了解五种大纲:Grammatical or structural ,Functional-notional,Situational,Skill-based ,T opic-based4.H.D Brown 的二语学习的12条原则。

3.认识到学习者之间存在差异,其性格、动机和学习风格等都影响课堂表现4.母语习得研究证实了学习者学习过程中的积极主动作用外语教学中考虑的重点不再是“该教什么”,而是1.促进习得的条件是什么; 2.如何在课堂上创造这些条件对学习者的研究包括 1.学习者个体差异的研究; 2.学习过程的研究学习者个体差异:年龄,性别,语言潜能,动机,认知风格,性格等关键期假说:儿童大脑有一个逐渐成熟,功能逐渐固定化的过程。

实用英语教学法教程徐锦芬笔记第四章全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Chapter Four: Classroom Management in Practical English TeachingIn the fourth chapter of the Practical English Teaching Method Tutorial by Xu Jinfen, classroom management is discussed as a crucial aspect of effective teaching. This chapter offers practical strategies for maintaining discipline, engaging students, and creating a positive learning environment in the English language classroom.One key point emphasized in this chapter is the importance of establishing clear expectations and routines from the very beginning of the school year. By setting and consistently reinforcing rules and procedures, teachers can create a structured and orderly classroom environment that promotes learning.Xu Jinfen also highlights the significance of building positive relationships with students. By showing care, respect, and interest in their well-being, teachers can establish trust andrapport with their students, leading to a more conducive learning atmosphere.In terms of classroom management techniques, Xu Jinfen suggests using a variety of strategies to keep students engaged and on task. These may include using a mix of instructional methods, incorporating technology into lessons, and providing opportunities for active participation and collaboration.Furthermore, the chapter discusses how to handle discipline issues effectively, such as addressing misbehavior promptly and consistently, using positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior, and providing clear consequences for infractions.Overall, the fourth chapter of Xu Jinfen's Practical English Teaching Method Tutorial offers a comprehensive guide to classroom management in the English language classroom. By implementing the strategies and techniques outlined in this chapter, teachers can create a positive and productive learning environment that fosters student growth and success.篇2Chapter Four: Teaching Methods in Practical English TeachingIn Chapter Four of the textbook "Practical English Teaching Methods" by Xu Jinfen, the focus is on various teaching methods that can be used effectively in the classroom. This chapter delves into the importance of using a variety of techniques to engage students and enhance their learning experience.One of the key teaching methods discussed in this chapter is the Communicative Approach. This approach emphasizes the importance of communication in language learning and encourages students to actively participate in real-life situations. Teachers using this method focus on creating opportunities for students to practice speaking, listening, reading, and writing in authentic settings.Another teaching method highlighted in this chapter is Task-Based Learning. This method involves giving students specific tasks to complete that require the use of language skills. By engaging in tasks such as role-plays, debates, or group projects, students are able to apply their language knowledge in a meaningful way and develop their communication skills.The chapter also explores the use of Technology in the classroom. With the advancement of technology, teachers now have access to a wide range of digital tools and resources that can enhance language learning. From interactive websites toeducational apps, technology can be used to engage students, provide additional practice, and facilitate communication in the target language.Additionally, the chapter discusses the importance of incorporating Cultural Content into English language teaching. By exposing students to different aspects of English-speaking cultures, teachers can help students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the language. This can include discussing cultural customs, traditions, literature, music, and more.Overall, Chapter Four of "Practical English Teaching Methods" offers valuable insights into a variety of teaching methods that can be employed to enhance language learning in the classroom. By incorporating these techniques into their teaching practice, educators can create engaging and effective lessons that help students develop their language skills and cultural awareness.篇3Chapter Four: Communicative Language TeachingIn the fourth chapter of Xu Jinfen's Practical English Teaching Method, the focus is on communicative language teaching (CLT).This approach to language teaching emphasizes the importance of communication and interaction in language learning. Instead of focusing solely on grammar rules and vocabulary memorization, CLT encourages students to communicate meaningfully in various real-life situations.One of the key principles of CLT is the belief that language is best learned when it is used for authentic communication. This means that students should have opportunities to use the language they are learning in realistic and meaningful ways. In CLT classrooms, teachers often create tasks and activities that require students to interact with each other, solve problems, and negotiate meaning in order to achieve a specific goal.Another important aspect of CLT is the focus on developing students' communicative competence. This includes not only their ability to use grammar and vocabulary correctly, but also their ability to communicate effectively in different social and cultural contexts. CLT encourages students to develop their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in order to become competent and confident communicators in English.In order to implement CLT effectively, teachers must create a classroom environment that is conducive to communication. This may involve using authentic materials such as newspapers,magazines, and videos, incorporating group work and pair work activities, and providing opportunities for students to engage in discussions and debates on topics of interest to them.Overall, CLT is a student-centered approach to language teaching that places a strong emphasis on communication and interaction. By providing students with opportunities to use English in meaningful ways, CLT helps them develop the skills and confidence they need to communicate effectively in real-life situations.。

版权所有 文责自负*本文根据作者在 英语课堂教学研讨会 上的即兴发言改写。
作者简介:束定芳,教授,博士,博士生导师,研究方向:认知语言学,外语教学理论论外语课堂教学的功能与目标*束定芳(上海外国语大学科研处,上海 200083)摘 要:本文讨论外语课堂教学的基本功能和目标。
关键词:外语;课堂教学;功能;目标中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-6038(2011)01-0005-04外语课堂教学是外语教学实施过程中最重要的一环。
目前的现状是:许多新教师走进课堂前,并不知道外语课应该如何上,只能 摸着石头过河 。
国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要 (2010)指出,学校教育要 注重学思结合。

现代外语教学简答题补充(束定芳)1. What principles should be followed when setting teaching objectives for a text?1) Specific: Teaching aims are supposed to be specified instead of being sweeping or too general so that students can take actions purposefully.2) Measurable: Teaching aims should be qualitative and behavioral, and the efficiency of teaching is available so that it is comparatively easy for both teachers and students evaluate their learning process and achievement.3) Attainable: The goals can be within learners’ capacity so that they are able to cope with it but find it challenging. Teachers should avoid setting goals that are too high or too low, which might damage their confidence and motivation.4) Relevant: There is a correlation between teaching aims and each stage of the lesson planning. Lesson objectives can be achieved through these relevant learning activities.5) Time-bound: Focus on limited time of teaching and the period of goal reallzation. Try to keep every learning activity to your planned timings so that we can complete each lesson with a time limit.2. Autonomous learningIt is also called student-centered learning which relates to the change in focus from the teacher to the students or from the teaching to learning. This is based on a constructivist theory of learning that each individual student constructs their own understanding based on their prior knowledge and learning experiences. To develop autonomous learning, we should meet the following conditions:1) attitude: learners have a more positive attitude towards their own learning, which means taking more responsibility for their learning and devoting themselves to learning.2) capacity: learners should cultivate ability and strategies of learning in order to complete their learning tasks independently.3) environment: learners are supposed to be a plenty of opportunities to practice the ability of being responsible for their own learning, such as self-study center.3. The pedagogic implication of learner strategies1) Learning a foreign language is an active process. The learner’s prior knowledge and existing foreign language knowledge have an important influence on the foreign language development at any stage. Teachers must be good at guiding students using the these knowledge to acquire new knowledge and consolidate the prior knowledge.2) Guide students’ learning strategies. Learning strategy is associated with language learning ability, so making full use of them can improve learners’ language learning ability.3) Communicative strategies are part of the general communicative competence of human beings. Excessive use of communicative strategies will affect normal communication and foreign language learning.So foreign language teachers should help learners to use communication strategy appropriately based on the research of the learners’ communication strategy.4. The role of grammar in language teaching and learningGrammar is an organized rule system that defines how words are combined or changed to form acceptable units of meaning within a language. It is also the ability that emphasizes developing learners’ ability to use the language to do things, rather than simply storing the language knowledge1) The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable students to use it proficiently. Studying grammar is one approach to achieve this goal. Grammar constitutes an intergral part of the language learning, which is helpful to further learning.2) In foreign language learning, knowledge is the foundation of ability. Learning grammar is conducive to cultivate students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and enhance learner proficiency and accuracy and facilitate the internalization of its syntactic system.3) Grammar is the general rule of language structure, which will guide language use and help students’ further foreign language learning. Grammar helps students master a good understanding of the nature and characteristics of language.4) Grammar can explain the structure of the language. In order to develop the ability of autonomous learning, learners have to master language knowledge so as to guide the autonomic learning5) Grammatical competence is essential for communication. Language becomes a communicative tool because of its systematicness that is reflected in its grammar rules. Sharwood Smith sees grammar teaching as a short cut to communicative ability.5. The relationship between culture and language1) Language is part of culture. Culture is the knowledge acquired through socialization, while language is a knowledge system acquired by human’s special language ability triggered by language environment. Therefore, language is a part of culture.2) Language is the carrier of culture. Language vocabulary is the most significant tool which carries cultural information and reflects human being’s social life, that is, the so-called culturally-loaded words. The structures of sentence, discourse and text in language also reflect the thinking mode and thinking habit of the nation to some extent.3) Language is the base of the language. Language cannot exist without culture, and each language is adapted to a particular culture. The the language structure, language communication mode, the discourse rhetoric principles etc. are influenced even restricted by its culture to a large extent.6. The relationship between classroom learning and extracurricular learningLearning a foreign language requires the efforts of both classroom learning and extracurricular learning. We can not guarantee that students will receive enough appropriate input just in classroom teaching, so extracurricular learning is essential.1) There should not be any clear boundaries between classroom learning and extracurricular learning.Extracurricular learning is an integral component of students’ foreign language learning.2) Classroom learning makes students prepared for extracurricular learning. Classroom learning provides students with guidance and thus improve their ability and efficiency in extracurricular learning. We should treat extracurricular learning as a natural extension and complement ofclassroom learning.3) Extracurricular learning can facilitate classroom learning. On the one hand, contents and methods learned in the classroom can be consolidated and practiced in extracurricular learning; on the other hand, through a large number of language practice, students can achieve a higher language level.4) The content of extracurricular learning includes both learning and interaction. During extracurricular learning, students can make full use of the language materials and have more opportunities to communicate with classmates, friends, netizens. Therefore they can learn new, useful communication strategies.Of course, there should be an appropriate degree of monitoring and the materials of extracurricular learning should be at the right level. Furthermore, students should have opportunities to share their learning experience, which will motivate them greatly.7. Implication for teaching assessment in the new curriculum1) Highlight the dominant position of core competence in academic evaluation and respect the evaluation of students development and growth.2) Highlight the main position of students in evaluation and pay attention to the overall development and progress of students.3) Pay attention to the process of classroom teaching and implement the various evaluations through English activities.4) Pay attention to the diversity and the rationality of evaluation methods and carry out the formative assessment effectively.8. The characteristics and advantages of Network-based foreign language teaching1) To a great extent, the Internet can promote the real and meaningful communication activities, which is the basic condition of foreign language learning, so language learning is more meaningful.2) If we extend the classroom to the network, we can make a breakthrough in the quality and quantity of communication activities. The powerful function of the network can make classroom communication paralleled with the real society, providing real and meaningful communicative activities.3) The Internet makes the classroom infinitely extended and more open, without the limitation of time, space and fixed organizational structures. This is helpful for students to learn more flexibly and cultivate autonomous learning ability as well as to teach them according to their ability and aptitude.4) Network-based foreign language teaching is based on learning theories, such as constructivism and collaborative learning, adopting comprehensive foreign language teaching methods.5) It reflects the modern educational view. In the network-based foreign language teaching, the teacher’s role has become a coordinator and consultant in students’ learning process; while the students become the center of class, completing tasks with the help of the teacher.9. The relationship between network-based language teaching and traditional classroom teachingClassroom foreign language teaching is characterized by planned organization, lineararrangement and presentation of educational content, relatively fixed teaching time, and mainly controlled by teachers. But as a teaching mode with a long history, it has obvious advantages. 1) Foreign language teaching in classroom has accumulated a lot of experience and formed relatively mature theories and ideas after hundreds years of research and practice. Its scientific and reliable nature are widely recognized, so it won’t disappear because of network-based foreign language teaching.2) The interactions between teacher and students and among students in classroom teaching, are the most direct and natural, which is an important condition for language learning. This face-to face communication cannot be replaced by chatting on the Internet.3) Classroom teaching is generally based on the syllabus and lesson plan. In the organization and management of teachers, good classroom order and high learning efficiency can usually be maintained. While in network-based language, it may be more difficult to achieve this.All in all, the classroom foreign language teaching is unreplaceable because of its characteristics. The two kinds of teaching have their own advantages, so the ideal approach is to allow two modes coexist, and where possible, integrate them wisely.。

网络外语教学的特点和优势可以归纳为:1)因特网在很大程度上能够促进真实、有意义的交际活动的进行,从而使学习者的外语学习更有意义: 2)在因特网上,学习者能够直接接触目的语的文化和语言,这不仅有利于外语交际能力的提高,而且也能促进跨文化交际能力的培养; 3)因特网使课堂无线延伸,网络外语教学是一个开放的环境,没有时间和空间的限制,也没有固定的组织结构; 4)网络外语教学以建构主义、探究式学习和协作学习等学习理论为基础,多采用任务法、项目法、内容法等综合型外语教学方法; 5)网络外语教学充分体现了以学生为主体,以学习为中心,以任务为基础的现代教育理念。

现代外语教学复习资料绪论我国外语教学存在的问题:(P2-P5)1. theoretical researches are weak2. teachers' faculty is not strong3. schools are short of teaching resources4. teaching concepts lag behind the society5. education is mainly exam-oriented6. the interference related to power and money is serious第二章1.外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38)ontology: essential characteristics of language itself and language teaching 2.语言的本质特点:1). the most important tool to communicate2). a linguistic system made up of various subsystems3). a tool to think and a carrier for culture4). require special physiological basis2.外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38)② positivism: principles of foreign language teachinga. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. cognitive principled. cultural principlee. affective principle外语教学研究的三个层次:(P32-P38)③ methodology: organization, strategies and methods of foreign language teaching存在的问题:a. exclusivenessb. one-sidednessc. intricacy第三章1.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52)② intelligence:a. take different steps to students of different level of intelligenceb. general intelligence → communicationhigher intelligence → form2.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52)③aptitude:a. phonetic coding abilityb. grammatical sensitivityc. inductive sensitivity3.外语学习者的生理和认知因素:(P46-P52)④cognitive style:a. field dependenceb. field independence4. 外语学习者的情感因素:(P52-P55)①motivation and attitude:a. Brown: global motivationsituational motivationtask motivationb. Gardner and Lambert: integrative motivationinstrumental motivation②personality:extrovert vs. introvert5. 对教学的启示:a. strengthen students' merits in different occasionsb. change students of different personality to the contrary6. 理想的外语学习者:(P55-P56)(二语习得P122)a. group dynamicsb. use the target languagec. attend to meaning rather than to formd. use of study techniquese. the early stages of grammatical developmentf. analytic skillsg. integrative motivation/ task motivationh . take risksi. adapt to different learning conditions7. EA的一般步骤:(P62)(二语习得P52)a. a corpus of language is seletedb. the errors in the corpus are identifiedc. the errors are classifiedd. the errors are explainede. the errors are evaluated8. EA的作用:(P62)a. recognize which stages are students in/ how much contents are remainedb. evidence of how the learners learn or aquire languagec. a means used to aquire language/ a means used to inspect the essence of the language9.EA的局限性:(P64-P65)a. it's difficult to define and distinguish errorsb. lack of a common standard to classify errorsc. it's difficult to distinguish avoidence from errors10. 中介语的特点:(P66)a. openb. flexiblec. systematic11. 中介语构建的手段:(P67)a. language transferb. overgeneralization of target language rulesc . transfer of trainingd. trategies of L2 learninge. strategies of L2 communication12. 成功的外语学习者所采用的五大策略:(P71)a. participate language learning positively by searching and ultilizing favourable learning environmentb. set language as a system of formsc. set language as a tool to communicated. accept and deal with the affective needs during the learning processe. expand and revise the foreign language system by inferencing and monitoring.13. 学习者策略对外语教学的启发:(P83)a. guide students to make the best use of existing knowledgeb. make the best use of learning strategies to improve language learning abilitiesc. help learners use communicative strategies correctly第四章1. CLT的理论基础:(P89-P90)a. theories of language communication:a system made up of basic unitsfundamental function is communicationthe language structure reflect the function and communicative uasge the basic units of language are showed in the communicative functions of discourese rather than just grammatical rules and structural characteristics②learning theories:communicative principletask principlemeaningful principle2. 语法编写的原则:(P103)a. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. contrastive principled. cognitive principle3. 词汇教学的原则:(P108-P109)a. systematic principleb. communicative principlec. cultural principled. cognitive principlee. affeive principle3. 影响听力的重要因素:(P111-P115)a. the characteristics of listening materials (speed/pause/hesitation)b. the characteristics of the speakers (sex/authority of the speaker)c. the characteristics of the tasksd. the charateristics of the learnerse. the charateristics of the process4. 外语阅读和母语阅读不同特点的比较:(P118-P119)a. the positive transfer has its limits/ language rules and pragmatic principleb. the shortcomings of the abilities and skills on mother-tongue reading influence the process of positive transfer and the improvement of reading abilities in foreign languagec. affective factors also influence the process of reading5. 语言和文化的关系:(P128-P129)a. language is a part of cultureb. langauge is the carrier of culturec. culture is the base of language6. 文化导入的必要性和重要意义:(P130)a. cultural knowledge and accommodation ability are important parts of communicative competenceb. communicative competence is the essential base and method to acquire further cultural languagec. adapt to the requirements of special positions7. 文化导入的重要原则:(P132-P133)a. practical principleb. stage principlec. accommodation principle8. 文化导入的主要方法:(P133-P134)a. annotationb. fusionc. practiced. comparisone. specifically explanation第五章1. 课程设计的阶段:(P136)a. fact-findingb. the theory and practical evidence of course design and syllabus designc. make the goals to plans, recognize the aims and contentsd. prepare the materials and compile the textbook2. 教材编写的原则:(P144)a. authentic principleb. gradual principlec. interesting principled. diverse principlee. modern principlef. practical principle3. 合格的外语教师应具备的素质:(P151)a. solid professional knowledge and skillsb. abilities of classroom management and implementc. good characters and delightful personalitiesd. systematic knowledge of modern languagee. considerable knowledge of foreign language acqu isition theoriesf. knowledge of foreign language teaching4. 外语教学的实施的主要过程:(P155)a. needs analysisb. curriculum designc. material developmentd. classroom instructionf. course evaluation5. 传统课堂教学模式(PPP)的不足:(P156-157)a. teaching model is teacher-centredb. the result of PPP model is exam-oriented educationc. students haven't received enough inputd. mislead students to a worry learning way6. 课堂教学最基本目标:(P159-162)a. cultivate students' interestsb. provide authentic language inputc. help students use learning strategies which are benefit to foreignlanguage learningd. help students overcome the difficulties during the learning process7. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170)a. 测试目的:aptitude testachivement testdiagnostic testproficiency testexit testb. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170)②测试的方法和方式:direct testingindirect testing③测试题型:a. discrete-point testingb. integrative testingc. 外语测试的类型:(P167-170)④考试成绩判别的标准:norm-referenced testingcriterion-referenced testing⑤判卷标准:a. subjective testingb. objective testing8. 效度(test validity):(P170)a. whether the test can test what it meant to exactlyb. content validityc. criterion-related validityd. construct validitye. face validity9. 信度(test reliability):(P172)a. whether the result of the test are reliableb. test itselfc. marking of papers第六章1. 外语教学法的主要流派:(P180-P206)a. The Oral Approach and the situational Language Teachingb. The Audiolingual Meathodc. Communicative Approachd. Total Physical Responsee. The Silent Wayf. Community Language Learningg. The natural Approachh. Suggestopedia2. 任务型教学的原则:(P209-P210)a. interactive principleb. authentic in linguistic materialsc. process principled. emphasize the improvement made by learners' experiencef. classroom language learning is related to language application outside the class3. 任务型教学的优点:(P221)a. reflect new ideas about language learning and teachingc. shorten the distance between class and lifed. it aims at cultivating students' learning capacity/ cooperative learning4. 任务型教学的局限性:(P221-P222)a. the recognition of language learning is extremeb. the randomness of task selectingc. the limitation of application scoped. instead special tests of whether the tasks have been accomplished。

130· ·教学·信息 课程教育研究 Course Education Ressearch 2017年第12期基于翻转课堂教学模式下的初中物理教学研究李晓智( 湖南省郴州市北湖区万华路第十五中学 423000)【摘要】随着课改的深入推进,越来越多的学校和教师开始尝试运用新的教学模式,其中翻转课堂模式就受到了广大教师和学生的青睐和认可。
【关键词】翻转课堂 初中物理 导学微视频【中图分类号】G633.7 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)12-0130-02何为“翻转课堂”?这里的“翻转”主要是针对传统课堂的翻转,传统课堂教学模式一般都是“先教后学”,学生的主动性不强,课堂教学效率不高。
对于初中物理翻转课堂教学来说,主要是把握好两个关键点:课前准备(教师设计资料、分层教学易出现的几个问题刘柏清(福建省漳平第三中学 364400)【摘要】在分层教学的过程中,教师打破一切按课本行事的传统做法,以《初中英语课程标准》为指南,以分层教学为指导,以学生需求为根本,灵活地采用多种教学方法,运用真实语音材料,组织以学生为中心的课堂教学,培养学生的自主学习能力,但在实践过程中会出现新的问题,教师需在探索中前进。
【关键词】英语 分层 问题【中图分类号】G632 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)12-0130-01第二节教法在实施分层教学的过程中,为了全面提高各级别学生的语言运用能力、跨文化交际能力、评判性思维能力,培养他们的文化意识和国际视野,教师们在教学方法上狠下功夫,在继承传统的教学模式基础上,将任务式、研究型等教学理念融合在一起,努力引导学生成为课堂的主体。

4、现代语言教学深入阶段(70年代以后):交际教学法 (美国的弗斯、乔姆斯基等等)
Thank you~
强调听说教学,有助于培养学生的听说能力。 注重模仿、朗读和熟记等实践练习。有利于培养正确的语
音、语调和培养外语语感,有助于培养学生的语言熟练技 巧,有助于培养语言习惯。
重视直观教学。使用实物、图画、手势、动作等各种直观 教具进行外语教学,使学生易理解、掌握语言材料和组织 思维,活跃课堂气氛,吸引学生的注意力,激发学习积极 性。
随着资本主义的发展,国际政治、经济形势 发生了重大变化,各国之间的交流需要进一 步增强,现代语言的教学日益受到重视。到 19世纪五、六十年代,在西欧一些国家已经 酝酿着一场外语教学的革新运动,其矛头直 指“语法翻译法”。
国际语音学会的成立和国际音标的制定对推 动“直接法”的形成和发展起到巨大的作用。
外语词汇教学方法可根据不同的教 学目的和特点分为两类:
1 直接的词汇教学 词汇教学明确作为教学目的(语音/意义/用法/讲解/
比较语言学 实验(语言)心理学 联想主义心理学 语言习得理论 教育理论