dc-dc XR8505 5V3A车充 规格书




APPROVAL SHEET(承认书)FORTRAVEL CHARGER(旅充)ANFUNET HOLDING CO.,LTD/安富利集团有限公司Room 33 ,level 3.,Shatin Centre ,2-16 Wang Pok St .,shatin,NT.H.KTel:(852)25668109 Fax:(852)22345811E-mail:EL@ Website: China Factory:ANFUNET TECHNOLOGIES (SHENZHEN) CO.,LTD/深圳市安富利显示技术有限公司Tel:86-0755-******** Fax:86-0755-********1. Apply Scope(适用范围)This specification shall be applied to car charger 5V/1.5A本规格适用于5V/1.5A旅充。

2. INPUT REQUIREMENTS(输入要求)Regular input voltage/额定输入电压:AC100-AC240VRating frequency/额定输入频率:50HZ/60HZInput current/输入电流:0.3Arms MAX(at regular input voltage£ rating output current) 最大电流0.3A(额定输入电压及输入电流)3. INRUSH CURRENT(浪涌电流)40A max at 240V ac input for a cold start at 25℃.在冷机25℃时开机输入240V AC 最大浪涌电流40A.4. STANDBY-POWER CONSUMPTION(能量消耗)This S.M.P.S standby power consumption 0.8W Max.这个电源供应器空载时最大功耗最大0.8 W5. Output Characteristics(输出特性)Output Voltage /输出电压.No load voltage /空载输出电压:DC5.0V-5.4VFull load voltage /满载输出电压:DC 4.5V-5.3 VRated Output Current (额定输出电流)±10%The output current will be performed from 1.5A(额定输出电流1.5A )Rated Power (额定功率)±10%The rated power is7.5Watts.(输出功率7.5Watts )Protection (保护)Short Circuit Protection (短路保护)The charger is protected that a short happened between the output terminals and shall not result in a fire hazard, any damage to this Charger and will be normal operation automatically while the short is removed.(输出短路后不损坏该制品,短路恢复正常输出,)6. Mechanical Features(外形尺寸图)欧规外壳(不带灯孔不印字)尺寸:41.5mm*70mm*44.5mm7. Rating Label Drawing(标贴纸图)8. The DC line size diagram(DC线尺寸图) (1) DC2.59. Packing Drawing(装箱图)。



意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则会导致人员死亡 , 严重的人身伤害,或
严重的设备损坏。 警告! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致人员死亡 , 严重的人身伤害,
或严重的设备损坏。 警示! 意味着如果安全预防措施被忽视,则可能导致轻微的人身伤害或设备损坏。
本条特别适用于对装置的损坏及可能对被保护设备的损坏。 警告! 为增强或修改现有功能,装置的软硬件均可能升级,请确认此版本的使用手册和您手中的产品 兼容。 警告! 电气设备在运行时,这些装置的某些部件可能带有高压。不正确的操作可能导致严重的人身伤 害或设备损坏。 只有具备资质的合格专业工作人员才允许对装置或在装置临近工作。工作人员需熟知本手册中 所提到的注意事项和工作流程,以及安全规定。 特别注意,一些通用的工作于高压带电设备的工作规则必须遵守。如果不遵守可能导致严重的 人身伤亡或设备损坏。 警告! 曝露端子 在装置带电时不要触碰曝露的端子等,因为可能会产生危险的高电压。 残余电压
RCS-9785C/D GPS 时钟同步装置 说明书
RCS-9785C/D GPS 时钟同步装置
前言 使用产品前,请仔细阅读本章节!
本章叙述了使用产品前的安全预防建议。在安装和使用时,本章内容必须全部阅读且充分理解。 忽略说明书中相关警示说明,因不当操作造成的任何损害,我公司不承担相应负责。 在对本装置做任何操作前,相关专业人员必须仔细阅读本说明书,熟悉操作相关内容。 操作指导及警告 本手册中将会用到以下指示标记和标准定义:
RCS-9785C/D GPS 时钟同步装置
前言........................................................................................................................................i 目录..................................................................................................................................... iii 第 1 章 概述 ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 应用 ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 功能 ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 特点 ....................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 订货选型 ................................................................................................................ 2 1.5 产品执行标准 ......................................................................................................... 2 第 2 章 技术参数 ............................................................................................................... 3 2.1 通用技术参数 ......................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 电气参数 ...................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 机械特性 ...................................................................................................... 3 2.1.3 环境条件参数 .............................................................................................. 4 2.1.4 对时接口参数 .............................................................................................. 4 2.1.5 型式试验参数 .............................................................................................. 5 2.2 时间同步参数 ......................................................................................................... 6 2.2.1 1PPS 脉冲.................................................................................................... 6 2.2.2 1PPM 脉冲 ................................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 1PPH 脉冲 ................................................................................................... 7 2.2.4 IRIG-B DC 码 ............................................................................................... 7 2.2.5 IRIG-B AC 码 ............................................................................................... 7 2.2.6 串口对时报文 .............................................................................................. 7 2.2.7 GPS 接收模块 .............................................................................................. 8 2.2.8 北斗接收模块 .............................................................................................. 8 2.2.9 内部守时时钟 .............................................................................................. 8 2.3 认证 ....................................................................................................................... 8 第 3 章 工作原理 ................................................................................................................ 9 第 4 章 硬件描述 ............................................................................................................... 11



IMAX B6 充电器中文说明书一.充电器参数:—电压值:DC11.0-18.0V 选配AC100-240, -50/60HZ 12V DC 5A 适配器—最大充电功率:50W—最大放电功率:5W—充电电流值:0.1-5.0A—放电电流值:0.1-1.0A—单个电池的电流:300mah/cell—镍氢/镍镉电池个数:1-15cell—锂离子/聚合物级数:1-6节(注:支持Li-Fe电池,即A123)—PB电池电压:2-20V二.按键功能Batt. Type / Stop按钮:电池种类以及停止按钮,接电后即可使用该按钮在主菜单中进行切换,充电时可随时按此键停止;Dec. / Inc.< Status >按钮:减小以及增加按钮,设置各种数值时Dec.是减小,Inc.是增加,充电时按这两个按钮以浏览电池不同信息;Start / Enter按钮:开始以及确定按钮。

三.操作说明接通电源,即显示主菜单此时可以按Batt. Type / Stop 按钮,在主要的几个菜单中进行切换,它们是:1)Program SelectLiPo BATT对锂电池系列进行充放电的主菜单2)Program SelectMiMH BATT对镍氢电池进行充放电的主菜单3)Program SelectNiCd BATT对镍镉电池进行充放电的主菜单4)Program SelectPb BATT对蓄电池进行充放电的主菜单5)Program SelectSave Data保存设定数据菜单6)Program SelectLoad Data加载数据菜单7)User SetProgram->使用者设定菜单四、锂电池充放电1.)充电开机后显示主菜单:Program SelectLiPo BATT按Start / Enter按钮确定屏幕显示LiPo CHARGE*.*A *.*V(*S)这个是锂电充电,非平衡充,不推荐所以要继续.(适用于不带平衡端子的锂电池)按Inc. >,屏幕显示:LiPo BALANCE*.*A *.*V(*S)这个就是锂电平衡充电功能了,我们模型基本要用的就是平衡充电,所以要在这里进行操作,如下:按Start / Enter,A前面的数字闪烁按Dec. <或者Inc. >改变改数值大小,这个是充电电流选择,锂聚合物电池最多不可超过1c,也就是4400mah电池最高用4.4a,2200mah 电池最高用2.2a,这样类推;建议保守点用0.5c,即4400mah电池用2.2a,依此类推Dec. <减小该数值,Inc. >增加该数值按Start / Enter,V(*S)前面的数字闪烁按Dec. <或者Inc. >改变改数值大小,这个是选择电池额定电压,为3.7的倍数,车用电池一般为7.4v,即2S(每3.7v=1S)长按Start / Enter,出现如下屏幕:Battery CheckWait…如果电池连接不正确,则显示:CONNECTION BREAK如连接正确,则显示:上行:R: *SER S: *SER(说明一下:R: *SER是指充电器自动检测到的电池节数,S: *SER是你设置的电池节数,如果数值不等,请不要开始充电,以免损坏电池)下行:CANCEL(STOP)与CONFIRM(ENTER)来回切换此时按Start / Enter开始充电,按Satt. Type / Stop取消充电,返回设置界面充电界面:Li*S *.*A *.**VCHG ***:** *****第一行:锂电节数,即时充电电流,即时电池总电压第二行:充电指示,充电耗时,充进的电量充电指示:充电时显示CHG , 充满之后显示:FULL***充电过程中可随时按Batt. Type / Stop按钮停止充电***充电过程中壳随时按Start / Enter按钮改变充电电流,改变后记得再次确认即可***充电过程中可随时按 Inc. > 观看各节电池单独电压***充电过程中可随时按 Dec. < 观看各设定参数2.)放电在对锂电池系列进行充放电的主菜单中继续按Inc. > ,屏幕显示如下界面:LiPo DISCHARGE*.*A *.*V(*S)按Start / Enter,选择\放电功能,操作方法跟充电一样,设置好放电电流和放电截至电压即可,电压为3的倍数级增减,7.4v锂电请设为6.0V(2S)***注意:必须同时接上放电接头以及平衡充电接头,方可进行对锂电的充放***补充:LiPoCHARGE / LiPo FAST CHG具体作用,适用于不带平衡端子的锂聚合物电池充电/锂聚合物快速充电,对于有平衡端的电池不建议使用。

XL1507 150KHz 40V 3A开关电流降压型DC-DC转换器说明书

XL1507 150KHz 40V 3A开关电流降压型DC-DC转换器说明书

150KHz 40V 3A开关电流降压型DC-DC转换器XL1507特点⏹ 4.5V到40V宽输入电压范围⏹输出版本固定5V和ADJ可调⏹输出电压1.23V到37V可调⏹最大占空比100%⏹最小压差1.5V⏹固定150KHz开关频率⏹最大3A开关电流⏹内置功率三极管⏹高效率⏹出色的线性与负载调整率⏹EN脚TTL关机功能⏹EN脚迟滞功能⏹内置热关断功能⏹内置限流功能⏹内置二次限流功能⏹TO252-5L封装应用⏹LCD电视与显示屏⏹数码相框⏹机顶盒⏹路由器⏹通讯设备供电描述XL1507是一款高效降压型DC-DC转换器,固定150KHz开关频率,可以提供最高3A输出电流能力,具有低纹波,出色的线性调整率与负载调整率特点。






图1.XL1507封装150KHz 40V 3A 开关电流降压型DC-DC 转换器 XL1507引脚配置EN GND SW VINFB 12345TO252-5LMetal Tab GND图2. XL1507引脚配置表1.引脚说明引脚号 引脚名称 描述1 VIN 电源输入引脚,支持DC4.5V~40V 宽范围电压操作,需要在VIN 与GND 之间并联电解电容以消除噪声。

2 SW 功率开关输出引脚,SW 是输出功率的开关节点。

3 GND 接地引脚。

4 FB 反馈引脚,通过外部电阻分压网络,检测输出电压进行调整,参考电压为1.23V 。

5 EN使能引脚,低电平工作,高电平关机,悬空时为低电平。

150KHz 40V 3A 开关电流降压型DC-DC 转换器 XL1507方框图EA1.23V ReferenceGNDFB3.3V 1.23VEA COMPOscillator 150KHz3.3V Regulator Start UpLatchCOMP2COMP1DriverThermal ShutdowninENSW220mV 200mV44m ΩCurrent LimitR2R1=2.5K5V R2=7.6KADJ R2=0 R1=OPENSwitch图3. XL1507方框图典型应用XL1507-5.0CIN 470uf 35VC1 105330uf 35VD1 L1 33uh/3A+12VLOAD13524GNDVINFBSWEN ON OFF 5V/3ACOUT 1N5820图4. XL1507系统参数测量电路(12V-5V/3A )150KHz 40V 3A 开关电流降压型DC-DC 转换器 XL1507订购信息产品型号 打印名称封装方式包装类型 XL1507-ADJE1 XL1507-ADJE1 TO252-5L 2500只每卷 XL1507-5.0E1 XL1507-5.0E1TO252-5L2500只每卷XLSEMI 无铅产品,产品型号带有“E1”后缀的符合RoHS 标准。

同步降压DC-DC cx8505

同步降压DC-DC cx8505

一、 概述是一款单芯片的同步降压稳压器。

在输入电压范围内可提供持续的3A 负载电流,采用的电流控制模式有快的瞬态响应和不间断的过流检测,具有软启动、低压保护、过温保护、过流保护等功能,在待机模式下电流仅为0.3μA 。

二、 应用领域分布式电源系统 网络系统 笔记本电脑三、 特点3A 输出电流、4A 峰值电流输入电压范围4.75V~ V内部集成功率MOSFET 开关管 输出电压在0.925V ~20V 间可调 高达95%的效率 可调整的软启动时间四、 极限参数名称 符号 参数 输入电压 V IN -0.3V开关节点电压 V SW 21V充电电压 V BS V SW - 0.3~V SW +6V其它管脚 -0.3V ~6V 焊接温度 260°C 储存温度–65°C ~ +150°CCX850530~30VIC源厂 贺 137 2557 1873五、 典型工作条件名称 符号 参数 输入电压 V IN 4.75V ~ V输出电压 V OUT 0.925V~20V 环境温度T–40°C ~ +85°C六、 内部框图七、 管脚定义管脚 名称 描述 1 BS 上管驱动栅极输入端,在BS 和SW 之间连接一个0.01μF 或更大的电容,充电升压后为上管(N 沟道MOSFET )提供驱动。

2 IN 电源输入端。

为IC 和降压稳压器提供4.75V~18V 的电源,在输入和地之间接一个合适大小的旁路电容,减少输入到IC 的噪声。

3 SW 功率开关管输出端。

这个开关节点为输出提供能量,将LC 滤波器连接在SW 和输出端。

注意需要BS 和SW 之间的升压电容驱动开关管。

4 GND 地。

5 FB 反馈输入端。

输出端经过电阻分压后提供给FB 的输入,通过这个采样反馈来调节输出电压,反馈端的比较点为0.925V 。

6 COMP 补偿端。

在COMP 和地之间的串联RC 网络被用来补偿系统的闭环控制,一些情况下需要在COMP 和地之间再加一个电容。

ENERMAX Revolution XT 860W 850W 800W 750W 电源手册说明书

ENERMAX Revolution XT 860W 850W 800W 750W 电源手册说明书

o w e r S u p p l y S e r i e sPower Supply Series80 PLUS® GOLD87to93percenteffi***************************************®Goldcertified.Dynamic Hybrid Transformer TopologyTechnological breakthrough topology using a staged dynamic transformer array for extremely high efficiency with the most durable and stable output at any load.ErP Lot 6 ready!Help systems to meet EU eco-design directive ErP/EuP Lot 6 (<1W in standby mode) due to improved, high-efficient 5V standby(+5Vsb) circuitry.ZERO LOAD DesignSupports energy saving modes of current and future CPU & GPU generations (C6 & Hybrid Mode) due to ZERO LOAD Design (no minimum load).Multi-Rail-DesignStable and safe power supply thanks to up to four high-performance and massive 12V rails each with separated over current protection (OCP). Extremely low ripple noise.Rock StableDC-to-DC converter for minimum energy losses and maximum efficiency as well as best possible and most stable voltage regulation at dynamic and cross loading.Intel ATX12V v2.3Compliant with latest desktop power supply design guide. Full support of most current CPU: Intel® Core 2 Duo™ / Quad™ / Extreme™ / Core i7™ / i5™ / i3™, “Sandy Bridge“ and AMD® Athlon™ II X2 / X3 / X4 Phenom™ II X2 / X3 / X4 / X6, …Bulldozer™“ or “Llano™“.Fit4Server*Compliant with latest server power supply standard SSI PSDG and downward compatible with EPS12V v2.92, v2.8. Full support of most current CPU Intel® Core™ Extreme™ / i7™ / i5™ / i3™, Xeon™ and AMD® Opteron™. * only ERV850EWT-G and ERV1000EWT-GDXXI ready!Full support of most current DX11 graphics cards due to minimum two 6+2P (8P) PCI-E connectors.Full graphics powerSupports SLI™ and CrossFireX™ systems.Future ready and flexibleAll-round modular cable management. 10/12P sockets for possible connector changes of upcoming high-performance CPU and graphics card generations.Air Cooling by EnermaxIntegrated 13.9cm fan with patented Twister Bearing Technology ensures efficient and ultra silent cooling and long lifetime(100,000 hours MTBF).550W/650W/750W/850W/1000W50W/650W/750W/850W/1000W550W/650W/750W/850W/1000PFeatures5FeaturesCables & ConnectorsSpeedGuardUltra silent and powerful cooling performance thanks to the advanced and intelligent fuzzy logic fan speed control with min. 300 or 500 RPM up to max. 1,000 or 1,200 RPM (depending on the model).HeatGuardKeeping PSU fan running for 30-60 seconds after shut down to dissipate the remaining system heat and prolonging system lifetime.SafeGuardIndustry-leading multiple protection circuitry of OCP , OVP , UVP , OPP , OTP , SCP & SIP .CordGuardFixing the AC cord tightly to avoid accidental shutdowns of your PC.Non-stop @ 50°CNon-Stop industrial class performance at 50°C ambient.High-quality Japanese CapacitorsHighest Enermax quality standards for leading stability and maximum durability. 105°C Japanese electrolytic capacitors without exception.Worldwide Compatibility100-240V AC* input with automatic adjustment and up to 99% active Power Factor Correction (PFC) for global usage.* ERV1000EWT -G: 115-240VENERGY STAR 5.0 ready!Support computer system to meet ENERGY STAR 5.0 standard.Dimensions (W x H x D)550/650W: 150mm x 86mm x 160mm750/850/1000W: 150mm x 86mm x 175mmWarranty 5 years vendor warranty.ERV 550AWT -GERV 650AWT -GERV 750AWT -GERV 850EWT -GERV 1000EWT -G(f)=fixed cables; (m)=modular cablesModular cabelERVERV ERV ERV ERV Cables & ConnectorsSpecificationsERVERV ERV ERV ERVThe latest graphics cards and processors are equipped with energy-saving functions that work extremely efficient at low load aswell as in idle mode.These energy saving functions are a big challenge for power supplies. Only few can work stable at loads below 1W. They shut down or react with an unstable power supply. Enermax power supplies with ZERO LOAD Design are well prepared for the energy saving modes of modern graphics cards and processors. Even at a load below 1W, they can provide rock stable voltages.(so-called Deep Power Down): At idle mode, modern multi-core processors can reduce the voltage nearly to 0V by shutting down unused processor cores.During idle mode or simple 2D operation, modern graphicscards switch all operations to the mainboard GPU. The internal graphics card processor shuts down.CPU C6-State ZERO LOAD DesignDynamic Hybrid Transformer Topology (DHT)All current options for further improvement of the PSU DC stage have been exhausted. For this reason, PSU manufacturers focus on thedevelopment of more efficient AC technologies. With the so-called “Dynamic Hybrid Transformer Topology” Enermax made the breakthrough: It is based on three pathbreaking innovations:ADBCUp to 93% Efficiency@ 230VSafeGuardHeatGuardPSU LoadingPSU E ciencySeconds°CSystemTemperatureLeading Technology for highestefficiency.Keeping PSU fan running for 30-60 secondsafter shut down to dissipate the remainingsystem heat.Mehrfacher Schutzmechanismus(OCP, OVP, UVP, OPP, OTP, SCPund SIP).Certifications & StandardsModular Sockets & 12V-DistributionFor modular cables of graphicscards, CPUs or RAM.For modular cables of hard disk oroptical disk drives or peripherals.For modular cables of hard disk oroptical disk drives or peripherals. 550W / 650W750W / 850W / 1000W。

移动电源应用 方案 规格书 5V1A 5V2A

移动电源应用 方案 规格书  5V1A  5V2A

述 ............................................................................................................................................................ 2 1 特性........................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 管脚分配................................................................................................................................................ 2 3 引脚说明................................................................................................................................................ 2 4 功能模块图............................................................................................................................................ 3 5 功能描述................................................................................................................................................ 4





三、电气参数1、输入:90-250V AC,50/60Hz 80mA;2、输出:5VDC 500MA,最大2A;3、空载功耗:0.2W MAX;4、充电满载功耗:5W MAX;5、电池充饱率:≥90%。

四、环境条件1、使用环境:温度:0-40℃湿度:≤95%;2、存储环境:温度: -25~+60℃湿度:≤85%;3、工作时本体温度:充电时壳体表面温度≤50℃,电池表面温度≤45℃。


六、可靠性能参数1.输入特性 (3)1.1额定输入电压 (3)1.2输入电压范围 (3)1.3输入频率 (3)1.4输入频率范围 (3)1.AC输入电流 (3)1.6峰值输入电流 (3)1.7效率 (3)2.输出特性 (3)2.1输出额定电压 (3)2.2输出电压 (3)2.3额定输出电流 (4)2.4额定功率 (4)2.5 LED 指示功能) (4)2.6充电器输出电压/电流特性图..........................2.7输出纹波、噪音 (4)2.8输出电流纹波、噪音 (4)2.9启动延时 (4)2.10关断时延 (4)2.11过冲 (4)2.12电流倒灌 (4)2.13保护 (4)2.13.1过压保护 (4)2.13.2过流保护........................................................................ ..............(4)2.13.3短路保护........................................................................ ......... .. (4)3.信赖性项目 (4)3.1静电 (4)3.2高压测试 (4)3.3绝缘电阻 (4)3.4泄漏电流 (4)3.5温升 (4)3.6连续工作时间 (5)3.7平均无故障时间............................................................................... .(5)3.8 EMI标准..................................................................................................5.4.环境要求 (5)4.1工作温度 (5)4.2储藏温度 (5)4.3工作湿度 (5)4.4储藏湿度 (5)5.机械要求 (5)5.1尺寸 (5)5.2重量 (5)5.3USB 接口类型 (5)5.4跌落试验 (5)5.5振动试验 (5)5.6插拔实验 (5)6.机械性能 (6)6.1外观 (5)6.2外壳材质 (6)7.环境性能 (5)7.1低温工作实验 (5)7.2高温工作实验 (6)7.3低温存储 (6)7.4高温存储 (6)7.5恒温恒湿工作) (6)1.输入特性1.1额定输入电压额定输入交流100V~240V。

SilverStone Strider Gold S 750W 850W 全模块 ATX 电源说明书

SilverStone Strider Gold S 750W 850W 全模块 ATX 电源说明书

SilverStone Strider GoldST85F-GSST75F-GSATX12V / EPS 12V Switching Power SupplyWith Active PFC80Plus GoldPS/2This specification describes the requirements of 750W,850Watts switching power supply with an stretch ATX form-factor and EPS 12V, +5V standby voltage,remote on/off control, full range line input capability and forced air cooling characteristics.1.1 AC input requirementsThe input voltage, current, and frequency requirements for continuous operation are stated below.ParameterVin( Full range ) Vin Frequency Iin(750W)Iin(850W)Min.9047Nom.100---24060-----5010-------511-----5.5Max.26463UnitVACrmsHzArmsArms1. AC INPUTT able 1 AC Input Line RequirementsPower factor correction (PF)>0.90 at full load.ST85F-GS / ST75F-GS1.2 Inrush current regulationThe power supply must meet inrush requirements for any rated AC voltage, during turn on at any phase of AC voltage, during a single cycle AC dropout condition, during repetitive ON/OFF cycling of AC, and over the specified temperature range (T op). The peak inrush current shall be less than the ratings of its critical components (including input fuse, bulk rectifiers, and surge limiting device).Note:1.Voltage tolerance is requied at main connector and S-ATA connector(if used)2.Output transient response tested DC voltage regulation range +5V,+12V,+3.3V ±5%1.Maximum continuous total DC output power should not exceed 750W.2.Maximum continuous combined load on +3.3VDC and +5VDC outputs shall not exceed 150W.3.Maximum combined current for the +12V outputs shall be 62A(744W).4.When +12V is load to 28A , -12V minimum load is 0.02A.5.Peak total DC output power should not exceed 800W.6.Peak power can be supported for 12 second.2.1 DC voltage regulation 2.2 Load ranges2.2.1: SST-ST75F-GS Load Range 2. DC OUTPUTParameter +3.3V +5V +12V -12V +5VSBRange +/-3%+/-3%+/-3%+/-10%+/-5%Min +3.20+4.85+11.64-13.20+4.75Nom.+3.30+5.00+12.00-12.00+5.00Max +3.40+5.15+12.36-10.80+5.25Unit Volts Volts Volts Volts VoltsParameter +3.3V +5V +12V -12V +5VSBMin(optional) 2225620.33.5Unit Amps Amps Amps Amps Amps2.3 Output Ripple2.3.1 Ripple regulation 2.3.2 DefinitionThe ripple voltage of the outputs shall be measured at the pins of the output connector when terminated in the load impedance specified in figure 1. Ripple and noise are measured at the connectors with a 0.1uF ceramic capacitor and a 10uF electrolytic capacitor to simulate system loading. Ripple shall be measured under any condition of line voltage, output load, line frequency,operation temperature.1.Maximum continuous total DC output power should not exceed 850W.2.Maximum c.ontinuous combined load on +3.3VDC and +5VDC outputs shall not exceed 150W.3.Maximum combined current for the +12V outputs shall be 70A(840W).4.When +12V is load to 28A , -12V minimum load is 0.02A.5.Peak total DC output power should not exceed 900W.6.Peak power can be supported for 12 second.2.2.2: SST-ST85F-GS Load Range Parameter +3.3V +5V +12V -12V +5VSBMin 0.50.3100.1Nom.-----Max 2225700.33.5Unit Amps Amps Amps Amps AmpsParameter +3.3V +5V +12V -12V +5VSBRipple&Noise505012012050Unit mVp-p mVp-p mVp-p mVp-p mVp-pST85F-GS / ST75F-GS2.3.3 Ripple voltage test circuitFigure 1. Ripple voltage test circuit2.4 OvershootAny overshoot at turn on or turn off shall be less 10% of the norminal voltage value,all outputs shall be within the regulation limit of section 2.0 before issuingthe power good signal of section EfficiencyPower supply efficiency typical 87% for 750W 850W normal voltage at full load onall outputs.2.6 Remote ON/OFF controlWhen the logic level "PS-ON" is low, the DC outputs are to be enabled.When the logic level is high or open collector, the DC outputs are to be disabled.3.0 PROTECTION3.1 Over current protectionThe power supply shall have current limit to prevent the +3.3V,+5V,and +12V1,+12V2 outputs from exceeding the values shown in the following T able.If the current limits are exceeded the power supply shall shutdown and latch off.SST-ST75F-GSVoltage +12V +5V+3.3V Over Current Limit (Iout limit) 65A minimum; 95A maximum 28A minimum; 45A maximum 24A minimum; 40A maximumSST-ST85F-GSVoltage +12V +5V+3.3V Over Current Limit (Iout limit)72A minimum; 105A maximum 28A minimum; 45A maximum 24A minimum; 40A maximum3.2 Over Temperature ProtectionThe power supply will be protected against over temperature conditions caused by loss of fan cooling or excessive ambient temperature.In an OTP condition the PSU will shutdown.When the power supply temperature drops to within specifide limits,the power supply shall restore power automatically.The OTP circuit must have built in hysteresis such that the power supply will not oscillate on and off due to temperature recovering condition.3.3 Over-power protectionThe power supply will be shutdown and latch off when output power within 110~180%of rated DC output.Note: Assurance machine can work at low voltage,full load won't damage machine.3.4 Under voltage protectionIn an under voltage fault occurs, the supply will latch all DC outputs into a shutdown state when +12V,+5V & +3.3V outputs under 85% of it's maximum value.3.5 Over voltage protectionThe over voltage sense circuitry and reference shall reside in packages that are separate and distinct from the regulator control circuity and reference.No single point fault shallbe able to cause a sustained over voltage condition on any or all outputs.The supply shall provide latch-mode over voltage protection as defined in T able.output+12 VDC +5 VDC +3.3 VDC Minimum135.53.6Nominal1564Maximum1775UnitVoltsVoltsVoltsST85F-GS / ST75F-GS3.6 Short circuitAn output short circuit is defined as any output impedance of less than 0.1 ohms.The power supply shall shut down and latch off for shorting the +3.3 VDC,+5 VDC,or+12 VDC rails to return or any other rail. Shorts between main output rails and +5VSB shall not cause any damage to the power supply. The power supply shall either shut down and latch off or fold back for shorting the negative rails.+5VSB must be capable of being shorted indefinitely,but when the short is removed,the power supply shall recover automatically or by cycling PS_ON#.The power supply shall be capable of withstanding a continuous short-circuit to the output without damage or overstress to the unit.3.7 No load operationNo damage or hazardous condition should occur with all the DC output connectors disconnected from the load.The power supply may latch into the shutdown state.4. TIMING4.1 Signal timing drawingFigure 2. is a reference for signal timing for main power connector signals and rails.Figure 2. PS-OK Timing Sequence(1) T3: Power good signal turn on delay time (100ms~500ms)(2) T4: Power good signal turn off delay time (1ms min)(3) T2: Rise time (0.1~70ms)(4) T6: Hold up time4.2 Hold up timeWhen the power loss its input power, it shall maintain 17ms in regulation limit at normal input voltage. ( T ested at 75% of maximum load and 100-240VAC input ).6.1 Underwriters Laboratory (UL) recognition.The power supply designed to meet UL 1950.7.5 VOLTAGE DIPS – RN 61000 – 4 - 11 20047.6 RADIATED SUSCEPTIBILTY – EN 61000 – 4 – 3 20067.7 CONDUCTED SUSCEPTIBILTY – EN 61000 – 4 - 6 20087.8 VOLTAGE FLUCTATION - EN 61000 – 3 – 3 20087.9 EN61000-3-2 harmonic current emissions.If applicable to sales in Europe, the power supply shall meet the requirements of EN 61000-3-2 Class D and the Guidelines for the Suppression of Harmonics in Appliances and General Use Equipment Class D for harmonic line current content at full-rated power.7.1 ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE (ESD) - EN 61000 – 4 - 2 20087.2 ELECTRICAL FAST TRANSIENT / BURST ( EFT/B) – EN 61000 – 4 - 4 20107.3 SURGE – EN 61000 – 4 - 5 20057.4 POWER FREQUENCY MAGNETIC FIELD – EN 61000 – 4 - 8 20096.2 The power supply must bear the German Bauart Mark from TUV.T emperature Relative Humidity0 to 40 C10 to 90%, non-condensingO5.1 Operation 5. ENVIRONMENT6. SAFETY7. ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC)T emperature Relative Humidity -20 to 60 C5 to 95%, non-condensingO5.2 Shipping and Storage Operating Storage 10,000FT max 50,000FT max5.3 AltitudeST85F-GS / ST75F-GS7.10 EN55022 Class B Radio interference (CISPR 22).7.11 FCC Part 15, Subpart J class B 115VAC operation.8. MTBF9. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 8.1 MTBF (mean time between failures) calculationThe demonstrated MTBF shall be 100,000 hours of continuous operation at 25oC,at 80% load, and nominal line. The MTBF of the power supply be calculated in accordance with MIL-HDBK-217F . The DC FAN is not included.9.1 Physical Dimension150 mm (W) × 86 mm (H) × 150mm (D)9.2 Connectors M/B 24PIN connector Orange Blue Black Green Black Black Black White Red Red Red BlackSignal +3.3V -12VDC COM PS-ON COM COM COM N/C +5VDC +5VDC +5VDC COMPin 131415161718192021222324Pin 123456789101112Signal +3.3V +3.3V COM +5VDC COM +5VDC COM PWRGOOD +5Vsb +12V +12V +3.3V Orange Orange Black Red Black Red Black Grey Purple Yellow Yellow OrangeATX 12V 4PIN (4+4PIN EPS 12V in split mode)SATA connectorBlack BlackSignal GND GNDPin 12Pin 34Signal +12V +12VYellow YellowOrange Black Red Black YellowSignal+3.3V COM +5V COM +12VPin 543214PIN peripheral connector (HDD) 4PIN floppy connector (FDD)Yellow Black Black RedSignal+12V COM COM +5VDCPin 1234Pin 1234Signal +5VDC COM COM +12VRed Black Black YellowEPS 12V 8PIN connectorYellow Yellow Yellow YellowSignal+12V +12V +12V +12VPin 5678Pin 1234Signal COM COM COM COMBlack Black Black BlackST85F-GS / ST75F-GS 8PIN PCI Express connectorYellow Yellow YellowBlack sense1Signal+12V+12V+12VCOMPin1234Pin5678SignalCOMCOMCOMCOMBlackBlackBlackBlack6PIN PCI Express connectorYellow Yellow Yellow Signal+12V+12V+12VPin123Pin456SignalCOMCOMCOMBlackBlackBlack。
















随机配件:(相关示意图)MID 主机5V 2A直流充电器快速入门指南保修卡USB 连接线硬件规则:开机和关机:﹡开机:按住电源键,系统将进入开机过程,如下所示:开机Logo启动过程中…系统已经启动,正在进入Android系统:﹡关机:长按电源键,弹出设备选项,选择关机,如下所示:点击确认就可以安全关机。


MORNSUN LS08-13BxxSS系列AC DC电源说明书

MORNSUN LS08-13BxxSS系列AC DC电源说明书

8W,DIY AC/DC converterRoHSFEATURES●Ultra-wide 85-305VAC and 100-430VDC input voltage range ●Accepts AC or DC input (dual-use of same terminal)●Operating ambient temperature range:-40℃~+85℃●Multi-application available,flexible layout ●High power density,high reliability●Low power consumption,green power●Output short circuit,over-current protection●Designed to meet IEC/EN/UL62368safety standards (Pending)●Designed to meet IEC/EN/UL60335safety standardsLS08-13BxxSS series is one of Mornsun’s highly efficient green power AC-DC Converter series.They feature ultra-wide wide input rangeaccepting either AC or DC voltage,high efficiency,low power consumption and CLASS II reinforced insulation.All models are particularly suitable for industrial control,electric power,instrumentation and smart home applications which don’t have high requirement for dimension.A variety of EMC external circuits meet the needs of multiple industries.Input SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit Input Voltage Range AC input 85--305V AC DC input100--430VDC Input Frequency 47--63HzInput Current 115V AC ----0.3A 277V AC ----0.15Inrush Current115V AC --15--277V AC--30--Recommended External Input Fuse 1A,slow-blow,requiredHot PlugUnavailableOutput SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitOutput Voltage Accuracy 0%-100%load 3.3V output --±1.5±3%Other output--±1±2Line Regulation Rated load --±0.5±1Load Regulation 0%-100%load--±1±1.5Ripple &Noise *20MHz bandwidth (peak-to-peak value)--80150mV Temperature Coefficient --±0.02--%/°C Short Circuit Protection Hiccup,continuous,self-recoveryOver-current Protection ≥110%Io,self-recoveryMinimum Load----%Note:*The “parallel cable”method is used for ripple and noise test,please refer to AC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information.Selection GuideCertificationPart No.Output PowerNominal Output Voltage and Current (Vo/Io)Efficiency at 230V AC(%)Typ.Capacitive Load(µF)Max.CE/UL/CB (Pending)LS08-13B03SS 5.28W3.3V/1600mA 701500LS08-13B05SS8W 5V/1600mA 741500LS08-13B09SS 9V/880mA 751000LS08-13B12SS 12V/670mA 76680LS08-13B15SS 15V/530mV 77470LS08-13B24SS24V/330mA79330General SpecificationsItem Operating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitIsolation Test Input-output Electric Strength Test for1min.,(leakage current<5mA)3000----VACOperating Temperature-40--+85℃Storage Temperature-40--+105Storage Humidity----95%RHPower Derating -40℃~-25℃ 2.67----%/℃+55℃~+85℃ 2.5----85V AC-100VAC1----277V AC-305V AC0.54----Safety Standard IEC/EN/UL62368,IEC/EN/UL60335 Safety Certification IEC/EN/UL62368(Pending) Safety CLASS CLASS IIMTBF MIL-HDBK-217F@25°C>300,000h Mechanical SpecificationsCase Material44.50x24.00x15.00mmWeight11g(Typ.)Cooling method Free air convectionElectromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)Emissions CECISPR32/EN55032CLASS A(Recommended circuit1,4)CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B(Recommended circuit2,3) RECISPR32/EN55032CLASS A(Recommended circuit1,4)CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B(Recommended circuit2,3)Immunity ESD IEC/EN61000-4-2Contact±6KV Perf.Criteria B RS IEC/EN61000-4-310V/m perf.Criteria AEFTIEC/EN61000-4-4±2KV(Recommended circuit1,2)perf.Criteria BIEC/EN61000-4-4±4KV(Recommended circuit3,4)perf.Criteria B SurgeIEC/EN61000-4-5line to line±1KV(Recommended circuit1,2)perf.Criteria BIEC/EN61000-4-5line to line±2KV(Recommended circuit3,4)IEC/EN61000-4-5line to line±4KV(Recommended circuit4)perf.Criteria B CS IEC/EN61000-4-610Vr.m.s perf.Criteria A Voltage dips,shortinterruptions and voltagevariations immunityIEC/EN61000-4-110%,70%perf.Criteria BProduct Characteristic CurveNote:①With an AC input between85-100VAC/277-305VAC and a DC input between100-120VDC/390-430VDC,the output power must be derated as per temperature derating curves;②This product is suitable for applications using natural air cooling;for applications in closed environment please consult factory or one of our FAE.Additional Circuits Design ReferenceLS series additional circuits design referenceLS08series additional components selection guidePart No.FUSE(required)C1required)C2(required)L1(required)C3(required )C4CY1(required )LS08-13B03SS 1A/300V22µF/450V470µF/16V(solid-state capacitor) 4.7µH 150µF/35V 0.1µF/50V1.0nF/400V ACLS08-13B05SS LS08-13B09SS 220µF/16V(solid-state capacitor)100µF/35V LS08-13B12SS LS08-13B15SS 470uF/35V 47µF/35VLS08-13B24SS220uF/35VNote:1.C1:input capacitors,C2:output storage capacitors,they must be connected externally.2.We recommend using an electrolytic capacitor with high frequency and low ESR rating for C3(refer to manufacture’s datasheet).Combined with C2,L1,they form a pi-type filter circuit.Choose a capacitor voltage rating with at least 20%margin,in other words not exceeding 80%.C4is a ceramic capacitor,used for filtering high frequency noise.A suppressor diode (TVS)is a recommended to protect the application in case of a converter failure and specification should be 1.2times of the output voltage.Immunity design circuits for referenceEmissions design circuits for referenceCLASS ⅢCLASS ⅣCLASS ACLASS BEnvironmental Application EMC SolutionLS series environmental application EMC solution selection tableRecommendedcircuit Application environmental Typical industryInput voltagerangeEnvironment temperature Emissions Immunity 1Basic applicationNone85~305V AC -40℃~+85℃CLASS A CLASS Ⅲ2Indoor civil environment Smart home/Home appliances(2Y)-25℃~+55℃CLASS BCLASS ⅢIndoor general environment Intelligent building/Intelligentagriculture 3Indoor industrial environment Manufacturing workshop -25℃~+55℃CLASS B CLASS Ⅳ4Outdoor general environmentITS/Video monitoring/Charging point/Communication/Securityand protection-40℃~+85℃CLASS ACLASS ⅣOutdoor harsh environmentOn-line power meter Communication base station-40℃~+85℃CLASS A>CLASS ⅣSurge:line to ground ±4KV EFT:CLASS ⅣElectromagnetic Compatibility Solution--Recommended Circuit1.Recommended circuit 1——Basic applicationrecommended circuit 1Application environmentalAmbient temperature rangeImmunity CLASSEmissions CLASSBasic application-40℃~+85℃CLASS ⅢCLASS AComponentRecommended valueR112Ω/3W LDM4.7mH2.Recommended circuit 2——Indoor civil /Universal system recommended circuits for general environmentRecommended circuit 2Application environmentalAmbient temperature rangeImmunity CLASSEmissions CLASS Indoor civil /general -25℃~+55℃CLASS ⅢCLASS BComponentRecommended valueR112Ω/3W CY1(CY2) 1.0nF/400V ACLCM 3.5mH LDM 0.33mH CX0.1µF/310VAC FUSE (required)1A/300V ,slow-blowNote:In the home appliance application environment,the two Y capacitors of the primary and secondary need to be externally connected (CY1/CY2,value at 2.2nF/400VAC),which can meet the EN60335certification.In other industries,only one Y capacitor is needed.3.Recommended circuit 3——Universal system recommended circuits for indoor industrial environmentRecommended circuit 3Application environmental Ambienttemperature rangeImmunity CLASSEmissions CLASSIndoor industrial-25℃~+55℃CLASS ⅣCLASS BComponentRecommended valueMOV S14K350C1450V/22uF CY1 2.2nF/400V AC CX 0.1µF/310V ACLCM 3.5mH LDM 0.33mH R112Ω/3WFUSE (required)2A/300V ,slow-blow4.Recommended circuit 4——Universal system recommended circuits for outdoor general/harsh environmentRecommended circuit 4Application environmental Ambienttemperature rangeImmunity CLASSEmissions CLASSOutdoor general environment-40℃~+85℃CLASS ⅣCLASS AComponentRecommended valueMOV S14K350C1450V/22uF LDM 4.7mH R112Ω/3WFUSE (required)2A/300V ,slow-blowApplication environmental Ambient temperaturerangeImmunity CLASS EmissionsCLASSOutdoor harsh environment -40℃~+85℃>CLASSⅣSurge:line to ground±4KVEFT:CLASSⅣCLASS AComponent Recommended valueMOV S20K350C1450V/33uF(Surge protection priority)LDM 4.7mHR133Ω/5WFUSE(required) 6.3A/300V,slow-blow5.For additional information please refer to application notes on . LS08-13BxxSS Dimensions and Recommended LayoutNote:1.For additional information on Product Packaging please refer to .Packaging bag number:58220032;2.External electrolytic capacitors are required to modules,more details refer to typical applications;3.This part is open frame,at least6.4mm safety distance between the primary and secondary external components of the module isneeded to meet the safety requirement;4.Unless otherwise specified,parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%,nominal inputvoltage(115V and230V)and rated output load;5.In order to improve the efficiency at light load,there will be audible noise generated,but it does not affect product performance andreliability;6.Module required dispensing fixed after assembled;7.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our company corporate standards;8.We can provide product customization service,please contact our technicians directly for specific information;9.Products are related to laws and regulations:see"Features"and"EMC";10.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001and related environmental laws and regulations,and shall be handled byqualified units.Mornsun Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Huangpu District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。

RT8509 3A, 14V Step-Up DC-DC Converter 说明书

RT8509 3A, 14V Step-Up DC-DC Converter 说明书

RT8509®©Copyright 2018 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Ordering InformationNote :Richtek products are :❝ RoHS compliant and compatible with the current require-ments of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.❝ Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.Pin ConfigurationWDFN-10L 3x3(TOP VIEW)3A, 14V Step-Up DC-DC ConverterGeneral DescriptionThe RT8509 is a high performance switching boost converter that provides a regulated supply voltage for active matrix thin film transistor (TFT) liquid crystal displays (LCDs).The RT8509 incorporates current mode, fixed-frequency,pulse width modulation (PWM) circuitry with a built in N-MOSFET to achieve high efficiency and fast transient response.The RT8509 has a wide input voltage range from 2.8V to 14V. In addition, the output voltage can be adjusted up to 24V via an external resistive voltage divider. The maximum peak current is limited to 3.5A (typ.). Other features include programmable soft-start, over voltage protection, and over temperature protection.The RT8509 is available in a WDFN-10L 3x3 package.Features●90% Efficiency●Adjustable Output Up to 24V●2.8V to 14V Input Supply Voltage ●Input Supply Under Voltage Lockout ●Fixed 1.2MHz Switching Frequency ●Programmable Soft-Start ●V OUT Over Voltage Protection ●Over Temperature Protection ●Thin 10-Lead WDFN Package●RoHS Compliant and Halogen FreeApplications●GIP TFT LCD PanelsMarking InformationH4= : Product CodeYMDNN : Date CodeTypical Application CircuitSS VIN VSUP LXLXOUT L1Package TypeQW : WDFN-10L 3x3 (W-Type)RT8509Lead Plating SystemG : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free)RT8509©Copyright 2018 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Functional Block DiagramLXSS GNDRT8509©Copyright 2018 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Electrical CharacteristicsRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)●Ambient T emperature Range -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- −40°C to 85°C ●Junction T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−40°C to 125°CAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)●LX, VSUP to GND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to 28V ●VIN, EN to GND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to 16.5V ●Other Pins to GND --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−0.3V to 6.5V ●Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25°CWDFN-10L 3x3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.429W ●Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)WDFN-10L 3x3, θJA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------70°C/W WDFN-10L 3x3, θJC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.2°C/W ●Junction T emperature -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150°C●Storage T emperature Range --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------−65°C to 150°C ●Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec.)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------260°C ●ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)HBM (Human Body Model)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2kV MM (Machine Model)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200VRT8509©Copyright 2018 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed “Absolute Maximum Ratings ” may cause permanent damage to the device. These arestress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.Note 2. θJA is measured under natural convection (still air) at T A = 25°C with the component mounted on a high effective-thermal-conductivity four-layer test board on a JEDEC 51-7 thermal measurement standard. θJC is measured at the exposed pad of the package.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution is recommended.Note 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.RT8509©Copyright 2018 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Boost Reference Voltage vs. Input Voltage11. Voltage (V)B o o s t R e f e r e n c e V o l t a g e (V)Boost Current Limit vs. Input Voltage2345672468101214Input Voltage (V)B o o s tC u r r e n t L i m i t (A )Typical Operating CharacteristicsBoost Efficiency vs. Load Current5060708090100B o o s t E f f i c i e n c y (%)Boost Efficiency vs. Load Current5060708090100B o o s t E f f i c i e n c y (%) (°C)B o o s t R e f e r e n c e V o l t a g e (V )90010001100120013001400-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)B o o s t F r e q u e n c y (k H z )RT8509©Copyright 2018 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Application InformationThe RT8509 is a high performance step-up DC-DC converter that provides a regulated supply voltage for panel source driver ICs. The RT8509 incorporates current mode,fixed frequency, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) circuitry with a built in N-MOSFET to achieve high efficiency and fast transient response. The following content contains detailed description and information for component selection.Boost RegulatorThe RT8509 is a current mode boost converter integrated with a 24V/3.5A power switch, covering a wide V IN range from 2.8V to 14V. It performs fast transient responses to generate source driver supplies for TFT LCD display. The high operation frequency allows use of smaller components to minimize the thickness of the LCD panel.The output voltage can be adjusted by setting the resistive voltage-divider sensing at the FB pin. The error amplifier varies the COMP voltage by sensing the FB pin to regulate the output voltage. For better stability, the slope compensation signal summed with the current sense signal will be compared with the COMP voltage to determine the current trip point and duty cycle.Soft-StartThe RT8509 provides soft-start function to minimize the inrush current. When powered on, an internal constant current charges an external capacitor. The rising voltage rate on the COMP pin is limited from V SS = 0V to 1.24V and the inductor peak current will also be limited at the same time. When powered off, the external capacitor will be discharged until the next soft-start time.The soft-start function is implemented by the external capacitor with a 5μA constant current charging to the soft-start capacitor. Therefore, the capacitor should be large enough for output voltage regulation. A typical value for soft-start capacitor is 33nF . The available soft-start capacitor range is from 10nF to 100nF.If C SS < 220pF , the internal soft-start function will be turned on and period time is approximately 1ms.OUT REF REF R1V = V x 1, where V = 1.25V (typ.)R2⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭The recommended value for R2 shoul d be at least 10k Ωwithout some sacrificing. Place the resistive voltage divider as close as possible to the chip to reduce noise sensitivity.Loop CompensationThe voltage feedback loop can be compensated with an external compensation network consisting of R3. Choose R3 to set high frequency integrator gain for fast transient response and C1 to set the integrator zero to maintain loop stability. For typical application, V IN = 5V,V OUT = 13.6V, C OUT = 4.7μF x 3, L1 = 4.7μH, while the recommended value for compensation is as follows :R3 = 56k Ω, C1 = 1nF.Over Current ProtectionThe RT8509 boost converter has over current protection to limit the peak inductor current. It prevents large current from damaging the inductor and diode. During the On-time,once the inductor current exceeds the current limit, the internal LX switch turns off immediately and shortens the duty cycle. Therefore, the output voltage drops if the over current condition occurs. The current limit is also affected by the input voltage, duty cycle, and inductor value.Over Temperature ProtectionThe RT8509 boost converter has thermal protection function to prevent the chip from overheating. When the junction temperature exceeds 155°C, the function shuts down the device. Once the device cools down by approximately 10°C, it will automatically restart to normal operation. To guarantee continuous operation, do not operate over the maximum junction temperature rating of 125°C.Inductor SelectionThe inductance depends on the maximum input current.As a general rule, the inductor ripple current range is 20%to 40% of the maximum input current. If 40% is selectedOutput Voltage SettingThe regulated output voltage is shown as the following equation :RT8509©Copyright 2018 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.where η is the efficiency of the converter, I IN(MAX) is themaximum input current, and I RIPPLE is the inductor ripple current. The input peak current can then be obtained by adding the maximum input current with half of the inductor ripple current as shown in the following equation :PEAK IN(MAX)I 1.2 x I =Note that the saturated current of the inductor must be greater than I PEAK . The inductance can eventually be determined according to the following equation :2IN OUT IN 2OUT OUT(MAX)OSC x (V )x(V V )L 0.4 x (V )xI x f η-=where f osc is the switching frequency. For better system performance, a shielded inductor is preferred to avoid EMI problems.Diode SelectionSchottky diodes are chosen for their low forward voltage drop and fast switching speed. When selecting a Schottky diode, important parameters such as power dissipation,reverse voltage rating, and pulsating peak current should all be taken into consideration. A suitable Schottky diode's reverse voltage rating must be greater than the maximum output voltage and its average current rating must exceed the average output current. Last of all, the chosen diode should have a sufficiently low leakage current level, since it will increase with temperature.Output Capacitor SelectionThe output ripple voltage is an important index for estimating chip performance. This portion consists of two parts. One is the product of the inductor current with the ESR of the output capacitor, while the other part is formed by the charging and discharging process of the output capacitor. As shown in Figure 1, ΔV OUT1 can be evaluated based on the ideal energy equalization. According to the definition of Q, the Q value can be calculated as the following equation :IN L OUT IN L OUT IN OUT OUT1OUT OSC111Q x I I I I I I 222V 1x xC x V V f ⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫=+∆-+-∆- ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦=∆where f OSC is the switching frequency, and ΔI L is the inductor ripple current. Bring C OUT to the left side to estimate the value of ΔV OUT1 according to the following equation :OUTOUT1OUT OSC D x I V x C x f η∆=where D is the duty cycle and η is the boost converter efficiency. Finally, taking ESR into account, the overall output ripple voltage can be determined by the following equation :OUTOUT IN OUT OSC D x I V I x ESR x C x f η∆=+The output capacitor, C OUT , should be selected accordingly.TimeFigure 1. The Output Ripple Voltage without theContribution of ESRInput Capacitor SelectionLow ESR ceramic capacitors are recommended for input capacitor applications. Low ESR will effectively reduce the input voltage ripple caused by switching operation. A 10μF capacitor is sufficient for most applications.Nevertheless, this value can be decreased for lower output current requirement. Another consideration is the voltage rating of the input capacitor which must be greater than the maximum input voltage.OUT OUT(MAX)IN(MAX)IN RIPPLE IN(MAX)V x I I =x V I = 0.4 x I ηas an example, the inductor ripple current can be calculated according to the following equations :RT8509©Copyright 2018 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.Thermal ConsiderationsThe junction temperature should never exceed the absolute maximum junction temperature T J(MAX), listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings, to avoid permanent damage to the device. The maximum allowable power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, the PCB layout, the rate of surrounding airflow,and the difference between the junction and ambient temperatures. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated using the following formula :P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) − T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance.For continuous operation, the maximum operating junction temperature indicated under Recommended Operating Conditions is 125°C. The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, θJA , is highly package dependent. For a WDFN-10L 3x3, the thermal resistance, θJA , is 70°C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-7 high effective-thermal-conductivity four-layer test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25°C can be calculated as below :P D(MAX) = (125°C − 25°C) / (70°C/W) = 1.429Wfor a WDFN-10L 3x3 package.The maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for the fixed T J(MAX) and the thermal resistance, θJA . The derating curves in Figure 2 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.Figure 2. Derating Curve of Maximum Power DissipationLayout ConsiderationsFor high frequency switching power supplies, the PCBlayout is important to get good regulation, high efficiency and stability. The following descriptions are the guidelines for better PCB layout.❝ For good regulation, place the power components asclose as possible. The traces should be wide and short enough especially for the high current output loop.❝ The feedback voltage divider resistors must be near thefeedback pin. The divider center trace must be shorter and the trace must be kept away from any switching nodes.❝ The compensation circuit should be kept away from thepower loops and be shielded with a ground trace to prevent any noise coupling.❝ Minimize the size of the LX node and keep it wide andshorter. Keep the LX node away from the FB.❝ The exposed pad of the chip should be connected to astrong ground plane for maximum thermal consideration.Figure 3. PCB Layout GuidePlace C 2 as close to VIN as possible.close to the IC as possible. The traces should be wide and short, especially for the high-current loop.The compensation circuit Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )W-Type 10L DFN 3x3 PackageRichtek Technology Corporation14F, No. 8, Tai Yuen 1st Street, Chupei CityHsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C.Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.。



Quick Charge™ 3.0 Car Charger, Dual PortManual841031.0 INTRODUCTIONThis product is a high-performance car charger equipped with two USB output ports, one supports 5V/2.4A smart charging, and another is compliant with Qualcomm ® Quick Charger ™ 3.0 technology. With this car charger, it is feasible for you to charge any devices (eg: digital cameras, PDAs, mobile phones, USB accessories) in your car when it is in necessity. Two devices can be charged at the same time. It is helpful and convenient in a long time journey or a business trip.2.0 FEATURES•Allows the 12 -24VDC of input voltage • 2 USB ports with different output:✧ USB1: 5V/2.4A, with intelligent IC detect output requirements of your device automatically✧USB2: Intelligent integrated circuit equipped measures output andautomatically adjusts power outputs of 3~6.5V/3A, 6.5~9V/2A, and9~12V/1.5A for charging fast and safety.•Compliant with Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0, charging speed is four times faster than normal charger.•Accurate limited current output and over current protection.•Over load protection and short circuit protection.•Over temperature protection with auto-recovery.•Select precision electrical components, fire lane version, and imported file-resistant plastic materials.•Light, smart and convenient to use.3.0SPECIFICATIONSInput/OutputInput 12~24V DCInput Plug Cigarette LighterOutput USB1(Smart):5V DC2.4AUSB2 (QC 3.0): 3~6.5V/3A, 6.5~9V/2A,9~12V/1.5AOutput Port 2USB A/FPerformanceRipple And Noise ≤200mVEfficiency ≥80%ProtectionOver Current Protection YesOverload Protection YesShort Circuit Protection YesOver Temperature Protection YesMechanicalColor White/BlackSize 30.1x68.3mmWeight 29.38gEnvironmentOperating Temperature Range0~30°CStorage Temperature Range -20~60°COperating Relative Humidity 30~90%RH.Storage Relative Humidity 10~90%RH.Certification CE,FCCOtherMTBF 50000HoursNOTE:1)More than 98% electronic products on the market can be charged via USB12)Charging speed is four times faster than the normal when charged via USB24.0PACKAGE CONTENTSBefore attempting to use this unit, please check the packaging and make sure the following items are contained in the shipping carton:•Main unit × 1•User Manual × 15.0CONNETION DIAGRAM6.0OPERATIONOperation Procedure1.Plug the USB car charger into the car cigarette lighter, and LED light turns blue.2.Plug the USB connector of the USB cable into the car charger's output interface,then plug the other end of the USB cable into the electronic devises (such as mobile phone, MP3, camera series).3.Please pull the car charger out after the electronic devises are fully charged.Operation Notes1.Please plug the car charger after starting the car.2.Please pull the car charger out after use or car flameout.Note: Our products have protection functions, and the two tips above are suggestions just for safety.3.Do not use the car charger with electronic products which own over-chargingspecifications, so as to avoid any problems caused by specification mismatching.4.Car charger will be a little overheated in the use process, and it's a normalphenomenon under the normal room temperature of less than 65 degree Celsius.5.When the car charger stops working under over-current, over-temperature orshort-circuit protection, please unplug the device after it automatically returns to work. Please check whether the device is compatible with this charger.6.Do not place or storage the car charger close to fire, such as stove, candles etc.7.Do not place or storage the car charger soak into liquid, such as swimming pool,bathtub, etc.8.Do not wash the car charger with corrosive cleaner.9.If the car charger cannot work properly, please contact the store or distributor inyour area.Hereby ASSMANN Electronic GmbH, declares that this device is in compliance with the requirements of Directive 2014/30/EU and the Directive 2011/65/EU for RoHS compliance. The complete declaration of conformity can be requested by post under the below mentioned manufacturer address.Warning:This device is a class B product. This equipment may cause some radio interference in living environment. In this case, the user can be requested to undertake appropriate measures to prevent interference.Assmann Electronic GmbHAuf dem Schüffel 358513 LüdenscheidGermany。



Input (AC Adaptor)Input Frequency Output(1)Output(2)Battery TypeSpecifications Dimensions Nominal capacity Nominal voltageInternal resistance of the batteries Protect the IC program Reset modeCharge and discharge at the same timeCharging mode Standby current Power display Working Voltalge Working Frequency Standy power Charging time Full voltageOvercharge protection voltageHigh Temperature ProtectionOutput portDischarge interface Output(1) current Output(2) current Discharge modeDischarge termination voltage Discharge protection voltage Overcurrent protection Transfer EfficiencySurface working Temperature Short-circuit protectionHigh Temperature ProtectionDimensions WeightOperating ambient temperature Storage TemperatureSafetyEMCEnvironmental protectionStandard OptionalAccessoriesWorking environmentProduct SpecModel No: AP1218 Version: V1.0Charge for Android phone and smart phon;Support for iPad, iPhone ,iPod series and tablet 。















五、功能框图图1.内部框图六、管脚定义VCC LX BST ISEN-ISEN+COMP/ENFB图2.管脚结构七、电气参数注1:器件对ESD很敏感。


八、典型应用Vin图3. CX8519典型应用电路九、封装外形十、功能描述CV/CC模式控制CX8519提供CV/CC功能。




Product Specification产品规格书名称/Name:汽车启动移动电源Automobile starting power 型号/Model:编制/Author:审核/Review:核准/Approval:日期/Date:客户确认Customer Confirmation签名Signature日期DateCatalogue目录1.Scope适用范围 (3)2.Model型号 (3)3.Cell Specification电芯规格 (3)4.Protective Circuit保护电路部分 (4)5Specification产品规格 (4)6.Show Battery电量指示状态 (6)7.Mechanical Characteristics and Safety Test机械特性及安全测试 (6)8.Performance Criteria性能测试 (8)9.Function diagram功能说明示意图 (9)10.9.Electrical Block Diagram/PCB Design电气方框图/PCB设计图 (10)11.Product size chart产品尺寸结构图 (11)12.Product Parts List产品配件清单 (12)13.Charge Description充电说明 (12)14.Warning and Caution警告和注意 (12)15.Others其它事项 (14)16.Version Change Record版本变更记录 (15)1.Scope适用范围This specification describes the basic performance,technical requirement,testing method,warning and caution of the Automobile starting power which supplied by*****.本规格书规定了汽车启动电源的基本性能、技术要求、测试方法及注意事项。

CX8505 车充芯片

CX8505 车充芯片

DESCRIPTIONThe WS5203 is a monolithic synchronous buck regulator. The device integrates 100mΩMOSFETS that provide 3A continuous load cur-rent over a wide operating input voltage of 4.75V to 30V. Current mode control provides fast transient response and cycle-by-cycle cur-rent limit.An adjustable soft-start prevents inrush current at turn-on. In shutdown mode, the supply cur-rent drops below 1 μA.This device, available in an 8-pin ESOP pack-age, provides a very compact system solution with minimal reliance on external components. FEATURESz 3A Output Currentz Wide 4.75V to 30V Operating Input Range z Integrated100mΩ Power MOSFET Switches z Output Adjustable from 0.925V to 20Vz Up to 95% Efficiencyz ProgrammableSoft-Startz Stable with Low ESR Ceramic Output Capaci-torsz Fixed 300KHz Frequencyz Cycle-by-Cycle Over Current Protectionz Input Under Voltage Lockoutz Thermally Enhanced 8-Pin SOIC Package APPLICATIONSz Distributed PowerSystemsz NetworkingSystemsz Set-topBoxz LCDTV/Monitorz Notebook or Mini-BookPACKAGE REFERENCEPart number Package TemperatureWS5203 SOP8–20° C to +85° CABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (1)Supply Voltage (V IN).......................-0.3V to 30V Switch Voltage (V SW)...................–1V to V IN + 0.3V Bootstrap Voltage (V BS) .. .Vsw-0.3V to V SW + 6V Enable/UVLO Voltage (V EN)............–0.3V to +6V Comp Voltage (V COMP) .....................–0.3V to +6V Feedback Voltage (V FB) ..................–0.3V to +6V Junction Temperature ........................... +150°C Lead Temperature ................................. +260°C Storage Temperature...............–55°C to + 150°C Recommended Operating Conditions(2)Input Voltage (V IN) ....................... 4.75V to 30V Output Voltage (V SW) ..................... 0.925 to 20V Operating Temperature...................–20°C to +85°C Thermal Resistance(3)θJA θJCSOIC8N.....................................50.... 10... °C/W Notes:1) Exceeding these ratings may damage the device.2) The device is not guaranteed to function outside of itsoperating conditions.3) Measured on approximately 1” square of 1 oz copper.WS5203ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV IN = 12V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.ParameterConditionMin TypMax Units Shutdown Supply Current V EN ≤ 0.3V0.3 3.0 µA Supply Current V EN ≥ 2.6V, V FB = 1.0V 1.3 1.5 mA Feedback Voltage4.75V ≤ V I N ≤ 30V 0.9000.925 0.950V Feedback Overvoltage Threshold 1.1 V Error Amplifier Voltage480 V/V Error Amplifier Transconductance Δ I C = ±1 0μA800 µA/V High-Side Switch-On Resistance 100 m Ω Low-Side Switch-On Resistance100m Ω High-Side Switch Leakage V EN = 0V, V SW = 0V110 µA Upper Switch Current Limit 2.0 2.5 A Lower Switch Current Limit0.9A COMP to Current Sense Transconduc- tance4.0 А/V Oscillator Frequency350400 450KHz Short Circuit Frequency V FB = 0V 150KHz Maximum Duty Cycle V FB = 0.8V90 % Minimum On Time120 nS EN Shutdown Threshold Voltage V EN Rising1.11.52.0V EN Shutdown Threshold Voltage Hys- terisis200mVEN Lockout Threshold Voltage 2.22.5 2.7V EN Lockout Hysterisis210mV Input UVLO Threshold Rising V IN Rising3.804.20 4.40V Input UVLO Threshold Hysteresis210 mV Soft-start Current V SS = 0V 6.5 µA Soft-start PeriodC SS = 0.1μF15 ms Thermal Shutdown 4160°CNote:4) Guaranteed by designWS5203APPLICATIONPIN FUNCTIONSPin #NameDescription1 BSHigh-Side Gate Drive Boost Input. BS supplies the drive for the high-side N-ChannelMOSFET switch. Connect a 0.01 μF or greater capacitor from SW to BS to power the high side switch.2 INPower Input. IN supplies the power to the IC, as well as the step-down converter switches. Drive IN with a 4.75V to 30V power source. Bypass IN to GND with a suitably large capacitor to eliminate noise on the input to the IC. See Input Capacitor .3 SW Power Switching Output. SW is the switching node that supplies power to the output. Connect the output LC filter from SW to the output load. Note that a capacitor is requiredfrom SW to BS to power the high-side switch. 4 GND Ground.5 FB Feedback Input. FB senses the output voltage to regulate that voltage. Drive FB with a resistive voltage divider from the output voltage. The feedback threshold is 0.925V. SeeSetting the Output Voltage . 6 COMP Compensation Node. COMP is used to compensate the regulation control loop.Connect a series RC network from COMP to GND to compensate the regulation controlloop. In some cases, an additional capacitor from COMP to GND is required. SeeCompensation Components. 7 EN Enable Input. EN is a digital input that turns the regulator on or off. Drive EN high toturn on the regulator, drive it low to turn it off. Pull up with 100k Ω resistor for automatict t8 SSSoft-Start Control Input. SS controls the soft-start period. Connect a capacitor from SS to GND to set the soft-start period. A 0.1μF capacitor sets the soft-start period to 15ms. To disable the soft-start feature, leave SS unconnected.2A 2A 2A30WS5203OPERATIONFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe WS5203 is a synchronous rectified, current-mode, step-down regulator. It regulates input voltages from 4.75V to 30V down to an output voltage as low as 0.925V, and supplies up to 3A of load current. The WS5203 uses current-mode control to regulate the output voltage. The output voltage is measured at FB through a resistive voltage di-vider and amplified through the internal trans- conductance error amplifier. The voltage at the COMP pin is compared to the switch current measured internally to control the output voltage.The converter uses internal N-Channel MOSFET switches to step-down the input voltage to the regu-lated output voltage. Since the high side MOSFET requires a gate voltage greater than the input voltage, a boost capacitor connected between SW and BS is needed to drive the high side gate. The boost capaci-tor is charged from the internal 5V rail when SW is low.When the WS5203 FB pin exceeds 20% of the nominal regulation voltage of 0.925V, the over volt-age comparator is tripped and the COMP pin and the SS pin are discharged to GND, forcing the high-side switch off.Figure 1 – Functional Block Diagram150/400KH zWS5203APPLICATION INFORMATIONCOMPONENT SELECTIONSetting the Output VoltageThe output voltage is set using a resistive volt-age divider from the output voltage to FB (see Typical Application circuit on page 1). The volt-age divider divides the output voltage down by the ratio:Where V FB is the feedback voltage and VOUT is the output voltage.Thus the output voltage is:R2 can be as high as 100k Ω, but a typical valueis 10k Ω. Using the typical value for R2, R1 is determined by:For example, for a 3.3V output voltage, R2 is 10k Ω, and R1 is 26.1k Ω. Table 1 lists recom-mended resistance values of R1 and R2 for standard output voltages.Where V OUT is the output voltage, V IN is the input volt-age, f S is the switching frequency, and ΔI L is the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current.Choose an inductor that will not saturate under the maximum inductor peak current. The peak inductor current can be calculated by:Where I LOAD is the load current.The choice of which style inductor to use mainly de-pends on the price vs. size requirements and any EMI requirements.Optional Schottky DiodeDuring the transition between high-side switch and low-side switch, the body diode of the lowside power MOSFET conducts the inductor current. The forward voltage of this body diode is high. An optional Schot-tky diode may be paralleled between the SW pin and GND pin to improve overall efficiency. Table 2 lists example Schottky diodes and their Manufacturers.InductorThe inductor is required to supply constant cur-rent to the output load while being driven by the switched input voltage. A larger value inductor will result in less ripple current that will result in lower output ripple voltage. However, the larger value inductor will have a larger physical size, higher series resistance, and/or lower saturation current. A good rule for determining the induc-tance to use is to allow the peak-to-peak ripple current in the inductor to be approximately 30% of the maximum switch current limit. Also, make sure that the peak inductor current is below the maximum switch current limit. The inductance value can be calculated by:Input CapacitorThe input current to the step-down converter is dis-continuous, therefore a capacitor is required to supply the AC current to the step-down converter while maintaining the DC input voltage. Use low ESR ca-pacitors for the best performance. Ceramic capacitors are preferred, but tantalum or low-ESR electrolytic capacitors may also suffice. Choose X5R or X7R di-electrics when using ceramic capacitors. Since the input capacitor absorbs the input switching current itrequires an adequate ripple current rating. The RMS current in the input capacitor can be estimated by:WS5203Compensation ComponentsWS5203 employs current mode control for easycompensation and fast transient response. The sys-tem stability and transient response are controlled through the COMP pin. COMP pin is the output of the internal transconductance error amplifier. A series capacitor-resistor combination sets a pole-zero com-bination to control the characteristics of the control system.The DC gain of the voltage feedback loop is given by: Where V FB is the feedback voltage, 0.925V; A VEA is the error amplifier voltage gain; G CS is the cur-rent sense transconductance and R LOAD is the loadresistor value. The system has two poles of importance. One is due to the compensation capacitor (C3) and the outputresistor of the error amplifier, and the other is due to the output capacitor and the load resistor. Thesepoles are located at:Where G EA is the error amplifier transconductance. The system has one zero of importance, due to the compensation capacitor (C3) and the compensationresistor (R3). This zero is located at:The system may have another zero of importance, if the output capacitor has a large capacitance and/or a high ESR value. The zero, due to the ESR and ca-pacitance of the output capacitor, is located at:In this case (as shown in Figure 2), a third pole set bythe compensation capacitor (C6) and the compensa-tion resistor (R3) is used to compensate the effect ofthe ESR zero on the loop gain. This pole is located at:The worst-case condition occurs at V IN 2V OUT , where I CIN I LOAD /2. For simplification, choose the input capacitor whose RMS current rating greater than half of the maximum load current. The input capacitor can be electrolytic, tantalum or ceramic. When using electrolytic or tantalum capacitors, a small, high quality ceramic capacitor, i.e. 0.1μF, should be placed as close to the IC as possible. When using ceramic capacitors, make sure that they have enough capacitance to providesufficient charge to prevent excessive voltage rippleat input. The input voltage ripple for low ESRcapacitors can be estimated by:Where C IN is the input capacitance value.Output Capacitor The output capacitor is required to maintain the DC output voltage. Ceramic, tantalum, or low ESR electrolytic capacitors are recommended. Low ESR capacitors are preferred to keep the output voltage ripple low. The output voltageripple can be estimatedby:Where C O is the output capacitance value and R ESR is the equivalent series resistance (ESR) value of the output capacitor. In the case of ceramic capacitors, the impedance at the switching frequency is dominated by the capacitance. The output voltage ripple is mainly caused by the capacitance. For simplification, theoutput voltage ripple can be estimated by:In the case of tantalum or electrolytic capacitors, the ESR dominates the impedance at the switching frequency. For simplification, the output ripple can beapproximated to:The characteristics of the output capacitor also affectthe stability of the regulation system. The WS5203optimized for a wide range of capacitance and ESR values.WS5203The goal of compensation design is to shape the converter transfer function to get a desired loop gain. The system crossover frequency where the feedback loop has the unity gain is important. Lower crossover frequencies result in slower line and load transient responses, while higher crossover frequencies could cause system insta-bility. A good rule of thumb is to set the cross-over frequency below one-tenth of the switching frequency.To optimize the compensation components, thefollowing procedure can be used.1. Choose the compensation resistor (R3) to set the desired crossover frequency. Determine the R3 value by the following equation:Where f C is the desired crossover frequency which is typically below one tenth of the switch-ing frequency. 2. Choose the compensation capacitor (C3) to achieve the desired phase margin. For applica-tions with typical inductor values, setting the compensation zero, f Z1, below one-forth of thecrossover frequency provides sufficient phase margin.Determine the C3 value by the following equa-tion:Where R3 is the compensation resistor. 3. Determine if the second compensationcapacitor (C6) is required. It is required if the ESRzero of the output capacitor is located at less than half of the switching frequency, or the following rela-tionship is valid:If this is the case, then add the second compensationcapacitor (C6) to set the pole f P3 at the location of the ESR zero. Determine the C6 value by the equation:External Bootstrap DiodeIt is recommended that an external bootstrap diode be added when the system has a 5V fixed input or thepower supply generates a 5V output. This helps im-prove the efficiency of the regulator. The bootstrapdiode can be a low cost one such as IN4148 orBAT54.Figure 2—External Bootstrap DiodeThis diode is also recommended for high duty cycleoperation when output voltage (V OUT >12V)applicationsWS5203WS52033030WS5203WS5203WS5203PACKAGE INFORMATIONESOP8WS5203。



--承 认书SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVALSwitching power Supply /开关电源客 户: CUSTOMER: 产品描述:ESCRIPTION: Input:100~240V AC 50/60Hz Output:5V DC 3A 机种型号:OUR MODEL NO:WYT-019 英规 样品编号: 日期: SAMPLE NO:DATE:2013-03-09 产品颜色:SAMPLE COLOR:Black WhiteManufacturer/制造商业务/SALES核准/APPROVED BY设计/DESIGNED BY地址:中国广东省深圳市宝安区西乡勒竹角村鸿竹雍启科技园B 栋5楼Add: 5F Building B, Hongzhu Yongqi Industrial Zone, Lezujiao,Xixiang, Baoan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China电话:6/7 传真:5APPROV AL SIGNATURE/客户确认核准/APPROVED BY审核/CHECKED BY检测/TESTED BY型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-09样品编号/SAMPLE No:版本目录/Rev. List版本/Rev. 日期/Date 描述/ Description 制订/DesignTable of contents1、描述/ DESCRIPTION (3)2、输入特性/INPUT CHARACTERISTICS (3)3、输出特性/OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS…………………………………………………….…….. …4-54、保护功能/PROTECTION FUNCTION (5)5、环境要求/ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMET……………………………….………………………..5~66、安全及EMI要求/SAFETY AND EMC REQUIREMENT (6)7、结构参数/MECHANICAL REQUIREMENT (7)8、线材/CORD (8)9、铭牌附图/LABEL.................................................................................. (9)10、包装说明/PACKING.......................................................................... . (10)11、测试报告/ELECTRICAL TEST REPORT (11)12、安规证书/ SAFETYCERTIFICATE………………………………………………………………12-16型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-09样品编号/SAMPLE No:1、描述/ DESCRIPTION:本规格书适应于WYT-019型号的开关电源.The purpose of the document is to specify the functional requirements of a 15W switching power supply.2、输入特性/INPUT CHARACTERISTICS:2.1输入电压/Input Voltage:额定电压/Rated Voltage:100~240Vac调整范围/Variation Range:90-264Vac2.2输入频率/Input Frequency:额定频率/ Rated Frequency: 50/60Hz.调整频率/Variation Frequency:47-63Hz2.3输入电流/Input Current:当输入交流电压为额定值的下限电压负载满载时,最大输入交流电流0.3A.0.3Amps max At any input voltage and rated, DC output rated load.2.4浪涌电流/Inrush Current:当输出为额定负载,环境温度为25℃,输入240Vac冷态起机时无损坏.When the output of the rated load,the ambient temperatureis 25℃,input from 240Vac cold machine without damage to.2.5AC漏电流/Ac Leakage Current:当输入电压240Vac时,最大漏电流为0.25mA.0.25mA Max.At240Vac input.型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-09样品编号/SAMPLE No: 3、输出特性/OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS:3.1输出功率/Power output电压Voltage最小负载Min. Load额定负载Rated. Load峰值功率Peak输出功率Output power5Vdc 0.01A 3A15W 3.2负载特性,调整率/Combined Load/Line Regulation电压Voltage 最小负载Min. Load额定负载Rated. Load线性调整Line Regulation负载调整Load Regulation5Vdc 0.01A 3A±2% ±5%3.3纹波和噪音Ripple and Noise:测试条件: 当115/230Vac输入电压时,使用示波器带宽为20MHz连接到充电器的输出端,同时输出端并联一个47uF的电解电容和一个0.1uF的瓷片电容.At 115/230Vac input voltage,the ripple and noise are as follows when measure with Max.Bandwidth of 20MHz and Parallel 47uF/0.1uF,crossed connected at testing point.电压最大纹波/最大噪音Voltage Ripple and Noise(Max.)+5V dc 200mV p-p3.4启动延迟时间/Turn on delay time:当输入115Vac和输出最大负载时,最大启动时间为3S.3Second Max.at 115Vac input and output Max.load.3.5上升时间/Rise time:当输入115Vac和输出最大负载时最大时间为40 mS.40 mS Max.at 115Vac input and output Max load.3.6保持时间/Hold up time:当输入115Vac 和输出最大负载时,最小保持时间为5 mS .5 mS Min.at 115Vac input and output Max.Load.3.7效率/Efficiency:当115/230Vac输入电压时,1/4,1/2,3/4和满载计算平均效率,最小64%64%, At 115/230Vac input voltage,1/4,1/2,3/4 and full load calculation average efficiency.型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-09样品编号/SAMPLE No:3.8过冲/Overshoot:在电源开启或关闭的时候,最大15%.15% Max.When power supply at turn or turn off.4、保护功能/PROTECTION FUNCTION:4.1短路测试/Short circuit test:该电源供给器在短路解除时能正常工作恢复.The power supply will be auto recovered when short circuit faults remove.4.2过流保护/Over current Protection:过流故障排除后,电源将自动恢复正常工作.The power supply will be auto recovered when over current faults remove.5、环境要求/ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMET:5.1 工作温度/Operating Temperature:0℃-40℃,满载,正常工作.0℃ to 40℃,Full load, Normal operation.5.2 储藏温度/Storage Temperature:-20℃ to 80℃带外壳/With package5.3工作湿度/Relative Humidity:5%(0℃)~90%(40℃),72小时,满载,正常工作.5%(0℃)~90%(40℃)RH,72Hrs,Full load, Normal operating.5.4 振动/Vibration:1. 测试标准:国际电工电子委员会Operating: IEC 721-3-3 3M35~9Hz,A=1.5mm加速度(9~200Hz,Acceleration 5m/S2)2. 运输/Transportation:IEC 721-3-2 2M25-9Hz,A=3.5mm9~200Hz,加速度Acceleration=5m/S2200~500Hz,加速度Acceleration=15m/S2型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-09样品编号/SAMPLE No:3. 轴向振动/Axes,10 cycles per axis.在测试过程中不能出现永久性的损坏.No permanent damage may occur during testing.在电源开启和关闭后,样机能够恢复到最初条件.The SAMPLE has to restore to its original situation after power off/on..5.5 跌落试验/DroppingPacked:插墙式跌落高度为1米、桌面式跌落高度为760mm;1M for wallmount type and 760mm for desktop type as above described.测试台面是厚13mm的夹木板,离地面高19-20mmThe horizontal surface consists of hardwood at least 13mm thick, mounted on two layers of plywood each 19mm to 20mm thick, all supported on a concrete or equivalent non-resilient floor.6、安全及EMI要求/SAFETY AND EMI REQUIREMENT:6.1 安全: 符合标准CNS13438(95);CNS14336(94)Safety:accord with CNS13438(95);CNS14336(94)6.2 高压测试(HI-POT TEST)输入端对输出端:1000V交流3秒钟漏电流≤5mAINPUT TO OUTPUT 1000V AC/5m A /3SEC6.3 EMI标准/EMI STANDARDMeets the Limits of/测试符合<1>.Fcc part15 class B rules<2>.EN60950 class B rules<3>.GB9254-1998,GB17625.1-2003型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-097、结构参数/MECHANICAL REQUIREMENT:7.1 外壳/Enclosure:外壳尺寸:The power supply size:7.2 输入线/Input Connector:2Pin EU插脚/Two pin input plug of EU外壳尺寸:75*40*30英规型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-098、CORD/线材规格2468 20AWG 1.2M DC 2.5*0.7*10 直头型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-099、铭牌/LABEL:型号/Our model:WYT-019客户/Customer:日期/Date:2013-03-0910、包装说明/PACKING:1、小PE袋包装机身(封口)2、大PE袋装入相同数量包装好的产品(数量依据产品大小而定)3、再将大PE袋装入外箱(数量一致,工字封箱)。







技术参数:输入:DC12V-24V(内置保险丝2A);输出:5-6V/DC 500mA( MAX)产品认证:CE 、FC认证(车载充电器)奥舒尔车B21(黑)/B22【品名】OZIO奥舒尔车用手机充电器/五合一USB车载充电器B21【品牌】OZIO奥舒尔【型号】B21【重量】约120克【配件】5个通用转换头(2个诺基亚\1个摩托罗拉\1个三星\1个索尼爱立信)、1个烟插头充电器、1个USB数据线【技术参数】输入参数:12V-24V(内置保险丝)输出参数:5V-6V充电电流:500mA外形尺寸:150*130mm产品认证:CE,E-MAKE,RoHS,FCC【特性】1.国际USB标准接口输出。

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The XR8505 is a monolithic synchronous xR85053A 27V Synchronous Buck ConverterFeatures General Descriptionz 3A Output Currentz Wide 4.5V to 27V Operating Input Range z Fixed 340KHZ Frequencyz Integrated Power MOSFET switches z Output Adjustable from 0.925V to 0.8Vin z Up to 93% Efficiencyz Programmable Soft-Startz Stable with Low ESR Ceramic OutputCapacitorsz Cycle by Cycle Over Current Protection z Short Circuit Protectionz Input Under Voltage Lockout z Package : ESOP-8Lbuck regulator. The device integrates 90 m MOSFETS that provide 3A continuous load current over a wide operating input voltage of 4.5V to 27V. Current mode control provides fast transient response and cycle-by-cycle current limit. An adjustable soft-start prevents inrush current at turn on.Applicationsz Distributed Power Systems z Networking Systemsz FPGA, DSP, ASIC Power SuppliesGreen Electronics/ AppliancesTypical Application Circuit深圳市轩荣芯科技有限公司x R8505Pin AssignmentsSS EN COMP FBBS VIN SW GNDESOP-8LPin Descriptions3A 27V Synchronous Buck ConverterBlock DiagramFB SS COMP EN VINBSSWGNDAbsolute Maximum Ratingsabsolute maximum rating conditions for long periods may affect device reliability.)3A 27V Synchronous Buck Converter3A 27V Synchronous Buck Converter Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Min Max UnitInput Supply Voltage 4.5 27 (1) V Operating Junction Temperature -20 +125 (2) °C (Note (1): Operating the IC over this voltage is very easy to cause over voltage condition to VIN pin, SW pin, BS pin & EN pin)(Note (2): If the IC experienced OTP, then the temperature may need to drop to <125 degree C to let the IC recover.)Electrical Characteristics(V IN = 12V, T A= 25°C unless otherwise specified.)Note: *Guaranteed by design, not testedxR8505 application circuit, 3.3V/3A output with EN functionxR8505 application circuit, 3.3V/3A output.xR8505Application DescriptionNote: C2 is required for separate EN signal.3A 27V Synchronous Buck ConverterOutput Voltage SettingV Figure1. Output Voltage Setting Figure 1 shows the connections for setting the output voltage. Select the proper ratio of the twofeedback resistors R1 and R2 based on the output voltage. Typically, use R2 10K Ω anddetermine R1 from the following equation:Table1- Recommended Resistance ValuesInductor SelectionThe inductor maintains a continuous current to the output load. This inductor current has a ripplethat is dependent on the inductance value: higher inductance reduces the peak-to-peak ripple current. The trade off for high inductance value is the increase in inductor core size and seriesresistance, and the reduction in current handling capability. In general, select an inductance valueL based on the ripple current requirement:where V IN is the input voltage, V OUT is the output voltage, f SW is the switching frequency, I OUTMAX is the maximum output current, and K RIPPLE is the ripple factor. Typically, choose K RIPPLE = ~ 30% tocorrespond to the peak-to-peak ripple current being ~30% of the maximum output current.With this inductor value, the peak inductor current is IOUT • (1 + K RIPPLE / 2). Make sure that this peak inductor current is less than the upper switch current limit. Finally, select the inductor coresize so that it does not saturate at the current limit. Typical inductor values for various outputvoltages are shown in Table 2. V OUT 1.0V 1.2V 1.5V 1.8V 2.5V 3.3V 5V 9VL 4.7uH 4.7uH 10uH 10uH 10uH 10uH 10uH 22uHTable 2. Typical Inductor Values (1)Input CapacitorThe input capacitor needs to be carefully selected to maintain sufficiently low ripple at the supply input of the converter. A low ESR Electrolytic (EC) capacitor is highly recommended. Since large current flows in and out of this capacitor during switching, its ESR also affects efficiency.When EC cap is used, the input capacitance needs to be equal to or higher than 100uF.The RMS ripple current rating needs to be higher than 50% of the output current. The input capacitor should be placed close to the VIN and GND pins of the IC, with the shortest traces possible. The input capacitor can be placed a little bit away if a small parallel 0.1uF ceramic capacitor is placed right next to the IC.When Vin is >15V, pure ceramic Cin (* no EC cap) is not recommended. This is because the ESR of a ceramic cap is often too small, Pure ceramic Cin will work with the parasite inductance of the input trace and forms a Vin resonant tank. When Vin is hot plug in/out, this resonant tank will boost the Vin spike to a very high voltage and damage the IC.Output CapacitorThe output capacitor also needs to have low ESR to keep low output voltage ripple. In the case of ceramic output capacitors, R ESR is very small and does not contribute to the ripple. Therefore, a lower capacitance value can be used for ceramic capacitors. In the case of tantalum or electrolytic capacitors, the ripple is dominated by R ESR multiplied by the ripple current. In that case, the output capacitor is chosen to have sufficiently low ESR.For ceramic output capacitors, typically choose two capacitors of about 22uF. For tantalum or electrolytic capacitors, choose a capacitor with less than 50mOptional Schottky DiodeDuring the transition between high-side switch and low-side switch, the body diode of the low side power MOSFET conducts the inductor current. The forward voltage of this body diode is high. An optional Schottky diode may be paralleled between the SW pin and GND pin to improve overall efficiency. Table 3 lists example Schottky diodes and their Manufacturers.Stability CompensationC COMP2 is needed only for high ESR output capacitorFigure 2. Stability CompensationThe feedback loop of the IC is stabilized by the components at the COMP pin, as shown in FigureThe dominant pole P1 is due to C COMP1:The second pole P2 is the output pole:The first zero Z1 is due to R COMPand C COMP1:And finally, the third pole is due to R COMP and C COMP2(if C COMP2 is used):The following steps should be used to compensate the IC:STEP1. Set the crossover frequency at 1/10 of the switching frequency via R COMP:But limit R COMP to 10KΩ maximum. More than 10 KΩ is easy to cause overshoot at power on.(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)STEP2. Set the zero fZ1 at 1/4 of the crossover frequency. If R COMP is less than 10K Ω, the equation for C COMP is:STEP3. If the output capacitor’s ESR is high enough to cause a zero at lower than 4 times the crossover frequency, an additional compensation capacitor C is required. Thecondition for using C COMP2 is:1≥×××fs R C ESR OUT πAnd the proper value for C COMP2 is:Though C COMP2 is unnecessary when the output capacitor has sufficiently low ESR, a small value C COMP2 such as 100pF may improve stability against PCB layout parasitic effects.Table 4 Component Selection Guide for Stability CompensationVin Range(V) Vout, (V) Ccomp2,Inductor, (uH)5 – 12 1.0 22uF x2Ceramic2.4 6.8 none 4.75 – 15 1.2 3 6.2 none4.7 5 – 15 1.8 6.23 none 10 5 – 15 2.5 8 2.2 none 10 5 – 15 3.3 10 2.2 none 10 7 – 15 5 10 2.2 none 105 – 12 1.0 470uF/ 6.3V/ 120m Ω10 10 680 105 – 15 1.2 5 – 23 1.8 5 – 27 2.5 5 – 27 3.3 7 – 275(10)(11)(12)3A 27V Synchronous Buck ConverterxR85053A 27V Synchronous Buck Converteresting VS Compensation Valuex R8505Typical Performance Characteristics(Vin=12V, Io=0 mA, Temperature = 25 degree C, unless otherwise specified)Light Load Operation (No load) Heavy Load Operation (3A Load) Vin=12V, Iin=8.2 mA, Vout=3,3V Vin=12V, Vout=3,3VStartup Vin=12V, Vout=3.3V, Iout=1Athrough Vin. through Enable.Short Circuit Protection Vin=12V3A 27V Synchronous Buck ConverterxR85053A 27V Synchronous Buck ConverterxR8505Package Information(All Dimensions in mm)ESOP-8LSymbolDimensions In Millimeters Min Max A 1.35 1.75A1 0.05 0.25B 0.31 0.51C 0.17 0.25D 4.70 5.10E 3.70 4.10e 1.27BSCH 5.80 6.20L 0.40 1.27θ 0˚ 8˚D1 3.10REFE1 2.21REF3A 27V Synchronous Buck Converter。
