7) When he read articles, he always has a dictionary at hand. 8) The construction of the dam got under way before any environmental
impact assessment had been done.(without…)
case. 3) I was the last one to expect that my case would develop into one of the
most famous trials in American history. 4) “This is a completely inappropriate jury, too ignorant and partial.”
I felt great sympathy for Bryan for being ignored by the spectators, who pushed by him to shake Darrow’s hand.
2. Translation A. 1) I didn’t expect that I would get involved in this dispute. 2) You must involve yourself in this work if you want to learn something. 3) Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the US although racial
The Background Information
Alice Walker Beauty in Truth .flv
Who is Alice Walker? Let me tell you…
The story riches its cliБайду номын сангаасax at the moment when Dee,the elder daughter,wants the old quilts only to be refused flatly by her mother , who intends to give them to Maggie,the younger one.
about the quilts
• In the story, Walker uses quilts to symbolize a bond b etween women. The quilt in that article has become t he main metaphor of American cultural identity. Thus, the quilt represents culture and heritage. The charac ters‟ views on the quilt form the basis of their views o n culture and heritage. „Everyday Use‟ may seem lik e a story of choice of a Mother between values of sup erficiality or practicality as exemplified by the traits of two daughters Dee and Maggie, respectively. Howev er, upon closer inspection, you will see that the story i s actually an exploration of the idea of heritage applic able to African-Americans.
高级英语第4课 The trial that rocked the world
III. Background Knowledge: 2. American governing system
Legislature: parliament--Congress and Senate Executive: the president and his administration Judicial: the Federal Supreme Court
VI. Detailed Study:
resolutely adhered to what he had said at the meeting.
to the four cardinal / fundamental principles
VI. Detailed Study:
have your dictionary on hand / within reach / at hand when you study.
be on hand at 12 sharp.
Pleaseቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱI
have a great deal of important work on hand.
VI. Detailed Study:
The post office is close at hand.
VI. Detailed Study:
12. reassure: comfort and make free from fear, stop worrying often by saying sth. kind or friendly
involve other people in your mistakes. are all involved, whether we like it or not.
高级英语 Unit4 Nettles PPT
• when they first met,she was eight and he was nine. They have a period of happy time when Mike's father worked for her family, such as, they climbed into the cab when it rained. They played the game of war,she made weapons for Mike,and her name was called by Mike. Mike's father's job was all finished.Mike's father would leave the farm and move to another place for the new job, Mike would of course leave with his father.
《纽约客》(The New Yorker),1925年创刊,周刊,美国纽 豪斯家族属下的康德· 纳斯特出版公司主办。综合文艺类刊物, 内容涉及政治观察、人物介绍、社会动态、电影、音乐戏剧、 书评、小说、幽默散文、艺术、诗歌等方面。该刊强调精品 意识,注重刊物质量,编辑方针严肃认真。 《纽约客》原为 周刊,后改为每年42期周刊加5个双周刊。从创刊伊始, 《纽约客》就特意表明,该杂志面向那些能够欣赏其幽默和 深入报道的读者。它将纽约市作为杂志的中心,使得这个城 市的网络,这个城市对戏剧、电影、博物馆的宠爱都成为一 种具有吸引人的商品。
• Marriage and divorce are both common experiences. In Western cultures, more than 90 percent of people marry by age 50. Healthy marriages are good for couples’ mental and physical health. They are also good for children; growing up in a happy home protects children from mental, physical, educational and social problems. However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. The divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher.
成人自考教材 高级英语 Lesson 4 第四课 课件
• 美国人感到,在他们置身于自己的老年或 亲朋好友的老年之中以前,要想出老年时 的状况是很困难的。 • propelled into=pushed into • midst n.中间 prep.在...中间
• Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle.
• I'm really looking forward to our vacation
• look forward to doing sth
• The elderly are described respectfully as "senior citizens","golden agers","our elders" • 老人被称为“年长的公民”,“金龄人”, “我们的长者”。 • senior • adj. 地位较高的, 高级的, 年长的, 资深的 • n. 上司, 年长者, 长辈, 大四学生
• 死亡是富有戏剧性的一次性危机,而老年 则是一天天,一年年都在与强大的外在的 社会经济力量与内在心理因素抗争,是一 种苦乐参半,逐渐适应自己老年个性与生 活的过程。
• confrontation正视;对抗;对诊法;对质;比较; 自我对质;面对 • 形容词: confrontational 名词: confrontationist • Banks often enter into confrontation. • 银行之间经常形成对抗局面。 • China always advocates dialogue and opposes confrontation in the Field of human rights. • 中国在人权问题上一贯主张对话,反对对 抗。
56、死去何所道,托体同山阿。 57、春秋多佳日,登高赋新诗。 58、种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。晨兴 理荒秽 ,带月 荷锄归 。道狭 草木长 ,夕露 沾我衣 。衣沾 不足惜 ,但使 愿无违 。 59、相见无杂言,但道桑麻长。 60、迢迢新秋夕,亭亭月将圆。
❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
VI. Detailed Study:
8. bring about: cause
have brought about great changes in our lives.
VI. Detailed Study:
9. involve: to cause sb. to become connected or concerned
VI. Detailed Study:
7. nominee: a person who has been named officially for election to a position, office, honour, etc.
Nobel Prize nominee / a presidential nominee
witnesses testify / give evidence in the law court. One witness testified that he had seen the prisoner ran out of the bank after it had been robbed.
The She
doctor reassured the sick man about his health. won't believe it in spite of all our reassurance.
VI. Detailed Study:
cf: assure: try to cause to believe or trust in sth.; promise
I. Aims and contents of Teaching:
高级英语课件Unit 4
Paragraph 4
rut: deep narrow marks or tracks left in soft ground by the wheel of a vehicle rutted roads: roads with deep, narrow marks made by the wheels of vehicles E.g.: be in a rut 墨守成规,一成不变 墨守成规,
Paragraph 7
foray: literally means “a sudden attack into an enemy area by a small number of soldiers to damage or seize arms, foot, etc.” etc.” E.g.: The soldiers went on a foray at the command of the officer. make a foray on a town
Language Learning
Paragraph 3 perennial: lasting through the whole year; lasting forever or for a long time E.g.: the perennial snow fields The perennial blue jeans a perennial invalid the perennial problems of isolation in old age
Unit 4 The invisible poor
Getting information 2. Understanding structure Function of transitional words
• 6) His own family: On September 12, 1953, Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier were married • They had three children--Caroline; John, Jr., whom his father called John-John; and Patrick Bouvier, who lived but a few days.
• Kennedy received only 18, 574 more votes than Nixon – • a fraction of 1 percent of the total vote.
Visiting Ireland
His last day in Texas on Nov. 22nd, 1963
• Style of the speech: • figures of speech, e.g. antithesis.
• the appropriate use of words , parallel and balanced structures, repetition of words and phrases,
• The eldest: Joseph died in WWⅡ • The second: John
• • • •
Games, • The ex- mother-in-law of Arnold Schwarzenegger
F. Kennedy The fourth: died in an air crash The seventh: candidate, assassinated The eldest girl: mental problem The fifth: Eunice: Special Olympics
高级英语第四课 Everyday Use
Date of Birth: Birthplace: Parents: Marriage:
February 9, 1944 Eatonton, Georgia Willie Lee and Minnie Lou Grant Walker, who were sharecroppers Mel Leventhal, a Jewish Civil Rights activist/ lawyer Rebecca born in 1969
II. Discourse Analysis
Structure Para 1 – 2: Para 3 – 16: Maggie and I Are waiting for Someone Important The Relationship among Dee, Maggie and ―I‖ ―I‖: a large, big-boned woman with rough, manworking hands Dee: ―No‖ is a word the world never learned to say to her Maggie: a homely, weak and shy girl Para 17 – 82 Meeting with Dee Para 17 - 20 Dee came with her new boyfriend and new name Para 21 - 43 The Name: Dee Para 44 - 82 The Argument on Grandma‘s Quilts
I. Background
3. Career 1983 received the Pulitzer Prize for The Color Purple (1982) 1984 started her own publishing company, Wild Trees Press
高级英语 第三版 1 第四课教学PPT
III. Background Knowledge:
Bible New Testament: the distinctive Christian portion of the Bible Gospel: Greek word for good news. the first four books of the New Testament.
work on hand.
VI. Detailed Study:
All his old friends will be on hand / present to see Jack receive the medal of honour.
I want you to be at hand / near during my interview with the boss of the company.
VI. Detailed Study:
8. bring about: cause Scientists have brought about great changes in our lives.
VI. Detailed Study:
9. involve: to cause sb. to become connected or concerned Don't involve other people in your mistakes. We are all involved, whether we like it or not.
VI. Detailed Study:
cf: assure: try to cause to believe or trust in sth.; promise The captain assured the passengers that there was no danger.
• In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, a critic and writer on economics, with whom she set up the Hogarth Press in 1917. Their home became a gathering place for a circle of artists, critics, and writers known as the Bloomsbury group. • As a novelist Woolf’s primary concern was to represent the flow of ordinary experience.
To the Lighthouse
• 整部小说贯穿着对社会的嘲讽,对主要人物,特 别是有时显得忧郁悲观的兰姆西先生则不无同情 。小说记载了兰姆西一家(8个孩子)和四个朋友 (老处女画家丽莉· 布里斯寇,年长的科学家威廉· 班克斯,渴望当教授的维阿尔斯· 坦斯雷,及最后 成为诗人的卡米歇尔)在苏格兰北部希伯里德斯 海域小岛度假,以及小说开始就提及的到小岛附 近灯塔一游,而直到十年以后小说结尾时的游览 计划成行的话题。小说中通过人物的内心活动展 示了他们各自的性格及在生活中的位置。
The Voyage Out, 1915 《出海》 Night and Day, 1919 《日夜》
Jacob’ s Room, 1922 《雅各的房间》 Mrs. Dalloway, 1925 《黛洛维夫人》 To the Lighthouse, 1927 《到灯塔去》 Orlando, 1928 《奥尔兰多》 The Waves, 1931 《海浪》 The Years, 1937 《年月》 Between the Acts, 1941 《幕与幕之间》
人教版高中英语unit4课件Unit 4 of the People's Education Press High School English textbook is focused on the theme of "Making the world a better place". This unit covers various topics related to global issues, such as environmental protection, poverty alleviation, and international cooperation. In this unit, students will learn vocabulary and grammar related to these topics, as well as practice their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills.The unit begins with a reading passage about the importance of environmental protection and the role that individuals can play in preserving our planet. Students will learn new words and phrases related to environmental issues, such as "sustainable development", "carbon footprint", and "green energy". They will also practice their reading comprehension by answering questions about the passage and discussing their thoughts on the topic in small groups.Following the reading passage, students will work on a grammar lesson that focuses on modal verbs and their uses in expressing possibility, necessity, and permission. They will practice using modal verbs such as "can", "could", "shall", "should", "must", and "may" in sentences related to environmental protection and other global issues.In the listening and speaking activities of this unit, students will listen to recordings of native speakers discussing environmental problems and solutions, then practice speaking about their own ideas for making the world a better place. They will also work on developing their listening skills by answering questions and summarizing information from the recordings.In the writing activities of this unit, students will write essays and articles about global issues such as poverty, education, and healthcare. They will learn how to structure their writing, use appropriate vocabulary and grammar, and express their opinions clearly and convincingly.Overall, Unit 4 of the People's Education Press High School English textbook provides students with a comprehensive understanding of global issues and challenges them to think critically about how they can contribute to making the world a better place. Through a combination of reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities, students will develop their English language skills while also gaining knowledge and awareness of important global issues.。
Dee – 肤浅的
(4) 物件用途
Para. 53: use churn top as a centerpiece for the alcove table,
think of something artistic to do
with the dasher Para. 68: they’re priceless
• (1)过分强调黑人意识、黑人权力、黑人
• 花哨、浅薄的非洲文化寻根
• (2)排斥黑人的美国文化传统 • 在美国文化传统方面的无知与排斥
Black Power Movement
• “Black Power” is a political slogan which expresses a range of political goals, from defense against racial oppression, to the establishment of separate social institutions and a self-sufficient economy (separatism). • The earliest known usage of the term is found in a 1954 book by Richard Wright titled Black Power. (“黑人权力”术语最初见于理查德· 赖特在 1954年出版的研究非洲政治的著作《黑人权力》)
Dee - 羞耻(落后、无知、贫穷)
Para. 11
Para. 10
Maggie - 相依为命、难以割舍
Lesson Four Die as You ChooseText:Para.1law on在……方面制定法律(正式)dodge: v. avoiddodge to left and right东躲西闪You’d better set off earlier in order to dodge the rush-hour. dodge the rush-hourdodge military servicedodge awkward questionseuthanasia: mercy-killingPara.2establishment: organizationcome to light: expose to public, reveal, uncover暴光languish: 缺乏活力,憔悴,饱受煎熬v. languish in/under sth. = suffer fromlanguish in poverty饱受贫穷的折磨languish under an iron controlforbid: ban; prohibitgo over重新Para.3bizarre: strange, uncommon, odd, ridiculous, peculiarclaim to do sth.声称做某事This is an unclaimed dog. 这是一只没人认领的狗。
at one’s request在某人的要求下vote on/for/against sb./sth.polemical: controversial, arguable有争议性的proponent支持者—opponent反对者in circumstancesPara.4yet=howevermacabre: gruesome adj.可怕的in privateon purpose: deliberately, intentionally有目的地,故意地consent(agree)同意/dissent不同意price:cost 代价Q 1: Yes.Q 2: Because it’s not permitted, it is taboo.Para.5prolong the throes延长痛苦throes pl. severe pain or suffering痛苦in the throes of (doing) sth.distinction between A and B A与B之间的区别hold out:remain;go on; continueQ 3: The distinction between killing and letting die. Yes.Q 4: A living will is a will in which the dying patient requests to die by refusing any medical treatment to prolong life.Para.6Culpable:受指责的--- blameless 无可责备的omit省略 v. –omission n. neglectThis sentence can be omitted in this text.take sth. as example把……作为一个例子stand: be in a position处于……位置gain from sth.=benefit from sth.从……获利No pays!No gains!不劳不获beat 痛揍/跳动/打倒某人beat sb. black and bluegive sb. a good beatingMy heart is beating fast.hit瞄准一点打I thrown a stone at the bird, but I didn’t hit it.hit sb. on the head 打中某人的头blow打击My father’s death is a big blow to me.strike撞到strike a match(划火柴)The clock strikes twelve.The village is stricken by an earthquake.fall unconscious: faintwithhold: v. hold sth. back, restrain拒绝给予,保留withhold one’s consent/agreement拒绝同意condemn: blame责备Para.7terminal: destinationformulate: stipulate规定swear one’s oathrule out 把……明确排除在外,禁止做……rule out: forbid, ban 划去, 排除, 取消The possibility cannot be ruled out.Para.9be appointed被任命为She is appointed class president. 她被任命为班长。
高级英语第四课Inaugural formal speech made by a person on taking office Sovereign self-governingSubversion destroyingInvectiveabusive languageinvoke call forthprescribe order or directtribulation great difficulty or troubleadversary an enemycivility polite behaviourengulf swallow upheed pay attention toshield person or thing that protectsasunder apart in direction or positionbelabour set upon with too much talkeradicater put an end to; destroyobserve celebratealmighty all-powerfusymbolize representundoing destructionpermit consentcommit pledgehost multitudealliance associationcast throwprey victimaggression invasionoutpace surpassanew once moretestimony evidenceinspection examinationthe sense of right and wrong consciencethe largest or greatest number, amount, etc maximumdrawn up ready for battle embattledto express clearly and exactly formulatethat which has been or may be inherited heritageto take an oath swearthe quality of being generous generosityany public place in which discussions take place forumformal written order in the name of a court of law, government, or other authority, directing a person to do or not to sth writto do away with completely abolisheither half of the celestial sphere as divided by the ecliptic, the celestial equator,or the horizonhemispherea group of persons gathered together for a common reason, as for a legislative, religious, educational, or social purpose assemblyto confer with another or others in order to come to terms or reach an agreement negotiatethe act of suspecting something, especially something wrong, on little evidence or without proofsuspicionto keep in perfect or unaltered condition; maintain unchanged preserveto call together summonfeelings of devoted attachment and affection loyaltybe delighted rejoicea conscientious or concerted effort toward an end; an earnest attempt endeavorardent, often selfless affection and dedication devotionsomething promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon blessingthe act or an instance of seeking or pursuing something; a search quest to release or loose from or as if from a leash unleash to give warning to alarmfree or almost free from change, variation, or fluctuation; uniform steadyto have meaning or importance signifydeeply earnest, serious, and sober solemna solemn, formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge, often calling on God or a sacred object as witness oatha person from whom one is descended; an ancestor forebearan adversary; an opponent foe。
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• 美国机能主义心理学家先驱詹姆斯创造出意识流 (stream of consciousness)这个词,用来表示意识 的流动特性:个体的经验意识是一个统一的整体 ,但是意识的内容是不断变化的从来不会静止不 动。 • 詹姆斯提出的“意识流”概念,强调了思维的不 间断性,即没有“空白”,始终在“流动”;也 强调其超时间性和超空间性,即不受时间和空间 的束缚,因为意识是一种不受客观现实制约的纯 主观的东西,并被他们借用、借鉴,从而进入文 学领域,作用于作家的创作,从而导致“意识流 ”文学的产生。
【整部小说以斯蒂芬凌乱无章、恍惚迷离 的意识流开始,又以莫莉长达40多页的没有 标点的、滔滔不绝的意识流结束】
• 英国小说家、批评家维吉尼亚· 伍尔芙也是一位著 名的意识流作家和意识流小说的奠基者。她在对 一些意识流小说家的创作进行总结、借鉴的基础 上,丰富、发展了意识流文学的表现手法,并对 它进行理论阐发。1919年,伍尔芙发表了第一部 意识流小说《墙上的斑点》。作品通过一个妇女 看到墙上一个模糊不清的斑点而引起无限联想的 意识流动过程,揭示人类在世界的丰富和易于变 化。
Stream of Consciousness
• Stream of consciousness, as a term, was first used by William James, the American philosopher and psychologist, in his book The Principles of Psychology (1890). Widely used in narrative fiction, the technique was perhaps brought to its highest point of development in Ulysses (1922) and Finnegan's Wake (1939) by the Irish novelist and poet James Joyce. Other exponents of the form were American novelist William Faulkner and British novelist Virginia Woolf.
A Room of One’s Own
• A Room of One’s Own(1929)was Virginia Woolf’s feminist declaration, pointing out the inferior position of woman in the patriarchal society. She suggests for gifted women, she need a room of her own and a fixed income to make a decent living by herself.
• 男女平等 • Men and women are equal. • 妇女能顶半边天 • Women can hold half the sky.
Women'ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Rights
• • • • • • • • to vote ; to hold public office; to work; to enjoy fair wages or equal pay; to own property; to receive education; to enter into legal contracts; to have marital, parental and religious rights
COLLECTIONS OF ESSAYS, literary commentaries
A Room of One’s Own , 1929 《一间自己的房间》 Moments of Being, 1941, 《存在的瞬间》
Mrs. Dalloway
• Mrs. Dalloway The story is about a day in the life of a London society hostess, Clarissa, who’s preparing for a party. The themes she explores are the nature of personal identity, memory and consciousness, the passage of time, and the tensions between the forces of life and death. She gives a very lyrical response to the fundamental question, 'What is it like to be alive?' The novel also features her rich expression of the 'interior monologue' and offers a subtle critique of society recovering in the aftermath of the first world war.
To the Lighthouse
• 整部小说贯穿着对社会的嘲讽,对主要人物,特 别是有时显得忧郁悲观的兰姆西先生则不无同情 。小说记载了兰姆西一家(8个孩子)和四个朋友 (老处女画家丽莉· 布里斯寇,年长的科学家威廉· 班克斯,渴望当教授的维阿尔斯· 坦斯雷,及最后 成为诗人的卡米歇尔)在苏格兰北部希伯里德斯 海域小岛度假,以及小说开始就提及的到小岛附 近灯塔一游,而直到十年以后小说结尾时的游览 计划成行的话题。小说中通过人物的内心活动展 示了他们各自的性格及在生活中的位置。
The Voyage Out, 1915 《出海》 Night and Day, 1919 《日夜》
Jacob’ s Room, 1922 《雅各的房间》 Mrs. Dalloway, 1925 《黛洛维夫人》 To the Lighthouse, 1927 《到灯塔去》 Orlando, 1928 《奥尔兰多》 The Waves, 1931 《海浪》 The Years, 1937 《年月》 Between the Acts, 1941 《幕与幕之间》
• 下午5点:布卢姆为维护犹太人尊严与无赖 据理力争
• 晚上8点:夏日黄昏的 海滩,布卢姆邂逅少 女格蒂,心中暗生情 愫
• 晚上10点:布卢姆探 望病人再次遇见斯蒂 芬 • 下半夜:布卢姆陪斯 蒂芬到了一家通宵营 业的马车夫棚,两人 谈得相当投机
结尾: 斯蒂芬与布卢姆—在彼此身上找到了精神 慰藉 莫莉—对丈夫感到愧疚,决定再给丈夫一 次机会
• In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, a critic and writer on economics, with whom she set up the Hogarth Press in 1917. Their home became a gathering place for a circle of artists, critics, and writers known as the Bloomsbury group. • As a novelist Woolf’s primary concern was to represent the flow of ordinary experience.
• In 1941, as England entered a second world war, and at the onset of another nervous breakdown she feared would be permanent, Woolf drowned herself in the river near her house in Richmond.
The Bloomsbury Group
• The Bloomsbury Group was a group of writers, intellectuals, philosophers and artists who held informal discussions in Bloomsbury in London during the first half of the twentieth century. Their work deeply influenced literature, aesthetics, criticism, and economics as well as modern attitudes towards feminism, pacifism, and sexuality. Its best known members were Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes, Sigmund Freud, E. M. Forster, Gertrude Stein, James Joyce, Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot and Lytton Strachey.
• 上午8点:布卢姆的生活现状
• 上午10点:布卢姆寻找着自己的精神 安慰 • 上午11点:布卢姆参加葬礼,引发了 很多回忆和联想
• 中午:布卢姆与斯蒂芬以及斯蒂芬的 妹妹相遇
• 下午1点:布卢姆在饭馆遇到熟人弗林
• 下午2点:布卢姆穿行在大街小巷,看到了 自己认识的形形色色的人们 • 下午4点:布卢姆尾随博伊兰到酒吧
• 1882-1941, English novelist, critic and essayist • Born and brought up in an upper-middle-class, socially active, literary family. • Was educated at home, becoming a voracious reader of the books in her father’s extensive library. • Experienced her first bout of mental illness after her mother’s death and suffered from bipolar disorder, mania-depression illness, for the rest of her life.