【英语】 中考英语书面表达易错题经典

【英语】 中考英语书面表达易错题经典
【英语】 中考英语书面表达易错题经典



1.假如你即将在学校英语兴趣小组的活动中发言,请你用英语写一篇发言稿。要点提示如下:(1)几个月前,奶奶晚饭后去跳广场舞(do square dancing)。(2)从那时起,奶奶喜欢上了广场舞。(3)现在,奶奶比以前健康了,有了很多朋友。(4)有些邻居有意见,认为音乐很吵,无法入睡。(5)你认为人们可以跳广场舞,但……



Boys and girls,

I’m very happy to speak here and I’d like to talk about my grandma.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

That’s all. Thank you!

【答案】Boys and girls,

I’m very happy to speak here and I’d like to talk about my grandma.

A few months ago, my grandma went to do square dancing after supper. Since then, she has been in love with square dancing. Now, she is much healthier than before. What’smore, she has a lot of friends. However, some neighbors have a complaint against the people who do square dancing. They think that the music is so loud that they can’t fall asleep at night.

In my opinion, people can do square dancing because it is a good way to keep healthy. But they should think about the feelings of others and they shouldn’t make a lot of noise.

That’s all. Thank you!





1. 时间:6月26日下午3:00.

2. 地点:六楼会议室

3. 活动内容:


参考词汇:look back at , say goodbye to, express thanks to , talk about, take photos..


Boys and girls,

The wonderful middle school life will go to the end._______________________

【答案】Boys and girls,

The wonderful middle school life will go to the end. In the past three years, we have studied and stayed together. Looking back at the days we spend together, how sweet we feel. In order to keep the happy times in our hearts for ever, we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26 next week. The theme of the class meeting is saying goodbye to our middle school life. It will be held in Conference Room on the Sixth Floor.

We are going to have some meaningful activities. To express thanks to our teachers, we each should say a thankful word to our dear teachers. We can chat freely with our classmates and teachers about our plans of the summer vacation. We can even talk about the dreams of our future. Then, we are going to take some photos with our teachers and classmates. In the end, we may give our wishes to each other.

Don't be late! That's all. Thank you!



这篇短文使用了大量的固定句式和短语,为文章增色不少,如In order to,look back at,be going to,have a class meeting,say goodbye to,talk about,the dreams of,take some photos,in the end,each other,be late等。而复杂单句结构In order to keep the happy times in our hearts forever, we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26 next week./ To express thanks to our teachers, we each should say a thankful word to our dear teachers.和Then, we are going to take some photos with our teachers and classmates.的运用,丰富了短文内容,使表达多样化,是本文的亮点。在学习中注意总结牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章表达更有逻辑性,也更富有条理。




参考词汇:近视的 shortsighted





The survey shows that many students have become shortsighted at a very young age. At present, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

【答案】The survey shows that many students have become shortsighted at a very young age. At present, about 70% of the students are shortsighted. Here are some main causes.

Some students may not have enough sleep. Some students spend too much time reading or doing their homework without a rest. Some students even like to watch TV or use computers for a long time.

In order to have good eyesight, we should do eye exercises every day. We can also try to do more sports in our spare time. We should have the good habit of using our eyes.

I think all of us should understand the importance of protecting eyes and try our best to protect them.



这是一篇图表作文。根据题干要求可知,本篇文章主要使用一般现在时写作,人称用第三人称复数和第一人称。内容包括:学生近视原因:1.睡眠不足(not enough)2.长时间看书、做作业、用电脑等(for a long time)防止近视的方法:1.做眼睛保健操,多进行体育活动(eye exercises)2.养成正确的用眼习惯(have the good habit of)个人观点:如:我认为,我们应该了解保护眼睛的重要性,尽最大努力保护我们的眼睛。(I think ???;try one's best to do sth.)。

常用的重点句型和短语有:sb. spend some time doing sth.,in order to do sth.,try to do sth.,the importance of…等。



1. 雾霾的危害

2. 雾霾产生的原因(2个)

3. 应对雾霾的措施(3个)

提示:雾霾 smog poisonous 有毒的

注意:1. 词数110左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

In recent years, many cities in China have been hit by smog frequently, which has aroused great concern among people.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

【答案】In recent years, many cities in China have been hit by smog frequently, which has aroused great concern among people.

Smog has a bad effect on people’s health. Many people, children and the old in particular, suffer from illnesses caused by smog. Consequently, citizens are warned not to go out without wearing masks.

How does it come about? Scientists have found that it is human activity that has caused this. The poisonous matters in the air mainly come as a result of people’s burning coal, drivi ng cars, industry production and so on.

What should we do to stop the situation from worsening? First, cleaner fuels for cars and stricter emission standards for factories are of vital importance. Second, for us individuals, living a green life like going to work or school by public transport is a good choice. Also planting more trees to increase green areas is necessary. I believe every contribution counts. Only if we work together will smog weather disappear completely.






共享单车(shared bikes)在苏州投入使用以来,给人们带来了诸多便利,受到人们的追捧,改变了人们的出行方式,但同时也遇到了一些挑战,是国民素质的‘“照妖镜”,请你根据表格中信息的提示,给《21世纪英文报》写一篇关于共享单车看法的稿件。




Shared bikes are becoming more and more popular in our daily life.

【答案】Shared bikes are becoming more and more popular in our daily life. They have won high praise since they appeared.

Shared bikes have brought us many advantages. They can be seen everywhere so that it's easy for us to get around on shared bikes. Also, riding bicycles not only is good for our health but also can help reduce pollution. What's more, using shared bikes costs so little that we can afford it.

But there are some problems too. Some people can't return shared bikes in time. Sometimes shared bikes take up too much of the road, so they are in our way.

I think we should encourage more people to use shared bikes properly. After all, it's a way of living a green life.



点睛:这是一篇优秀的作文。首先短文内容完整,包含了题目要求的所有信息。短文分成了四段,第一段引出话题共享单车;第二段讲述了共享单车的一些优点;第三段介绍了一些问题;最后一段作者提出了自己的看法。分段叙述使文章的结构清晰,主题明确,有层次性。其次短文中使用了恰当的时态和人称,文章以第三人称、一般现在时态为主,语法规范,用词准确,句式富于变化。例如They can be seen everywhere so that it's easy for us to get around on shared bikes. Also, riding bicycles not only is good for our health but also can help reduce pollution. What's more, using shared bikes costs so little that we can afford it.这几个长句;另外文章中还使用了恰当的连接成分,如Al so, What’s more, But, sometimes, After all等等。正确文章行文连贯、语句通顺、表达流畅。





【答案】One day Lin Tao and Meimei were playing in the garden. They found that a young tree needed watering and it was going to die. So they decided to do something for the young tree. First, Meimei kept the tree straight and pushed the earth hard down with her foot. Then Lin Tao knocked a board into the earth. It said,

“Please take care of trees.” After that, they quic kly got water and watered it carefully. Both of them were working hard. Their teacher, Miss Li, spoke highly of them.

Trees are good for the environment. We should protect them.




的主题。其次短文中使用了正确的时态和人称,文章以一般过去时态为主,谓语动词用了过去式,尤其是注意了不规则动词过去式的形式,如found, kept, got, were, spoke等。语法规范、准确。短文中还使用了较丰富的句型和短语,如They found that a young tree needed watering and it was going to die.这句话中使用了并列句和宾语从句;再如So they decided to do something for the young tree这句话中使用了句型decided to do sth.决定做某事;After that, they quickly got water and watered it carefully. Both of them were working hard. Their teacher, Miss Li, spoke highly of them.这两句话中用了短语after that, speak highly of等等。




提示词语:keep, practice, difficult, give up, proud

提示问题:1. What did you do?

2. How do you feel?

It s important for us to keep trying to achieve our goals.

【答案】It's important for us to keep trying to achieve our goals.I love running and I have kept running for three years.

When I was in Grade 7,I was not good at sports and running was always my headache.I often failed in my running test.In order to catch up with my classmates,I began to practice running every day after school.Sometimes,I was so tired that I really wanted to give up.But I kept telling myself that I could make it.No matter what kind of difficulties I faced,I tried my best to keep running.Now I do much better in running and I'm very proud of myself.I feel more confident and I'm ready for any challenges in the future.





1.本篇要求根据所给材料,用第一人称写初中生活中自己坚持做的一件事,根据提示,描写“What did you do?用一般过去时,描写How do you feel?用一般现在时。书写时要紧扣主题,文句通顺。


3.本例文出彩之处在于用了很多的短语和重点句型。比如:固定搭配、固定句型It's +adj+ for us +to do sth、love doing sth、keep doing 、be good at、 catch up with、be proud of;不

定式in order to;try my best to;状语从句so…that …;比较级do much better in …、feel more confident等;短语多彩、文句表达多样。



注意:1. 词数90左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;



参考词汇:梅西 Messi

Dear classmates,

I’m very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed schools by 2020.

Thank you for your attention.

【答案】Dear classmates,

I’m very excited to hear that China will build 20,000 football-themed schools by 2020.Football has a very long history.It is liked by people all over the world.The World Cup takes place every four years.Playing football has lots of advantages.First,both boys and girls can

take part in it.Second,it helps develop team spirit.What’s more,playing football is good for our health.

I’m a football fan.Messi is my hero.He has a gift for playing football.My dream is to become a famous football player like Messi.I hope China will hold the World Cup some day.

Thank you for your attention.




写作亮点:本文语言精炼,像第二自然段的Football has a very long history. It is liked by people all over the world. The World Cup takes place every four years. it helps develop team spirit. What’s more, playing football is good for our health. 等等句子,简洁,但是句意表达清楚;同时,本文用了被动语态、动名词作主语、不定式作表语等等语法形式,使表达生动;用了first, second等使得短文层次清楚。




3.80-100词。生词提示:electric adj.电

【答案】Last week, our class had a discussion about whether junior students could ride electric bicycles to go to

school.25 students of our class agreed with it, because they said it was convenient for them and it could take

them less time to go to school. But the othe r 35 students didn’t agree with them. They said it was not safe for

the junior students to get to school by electric bicycles, for they were too young. They also said in the morning

the traffic was busy and the students couldn’t ride electric bicycles quic kly.




写作亮点:短文中作者按照题目的要求,给我们介绍了持不同观点的学生各自的理由,结构清晰,要点全面。时态运用正确,书写工整规范。该文中以下几个句子用得很好。Because they said it was convenient for them and it could take them less time to go to school. They also said in the morningthe traffic was busy and the students couldn’t ride electric bicycles quickly.阐述各自观点时,理由也很充分。


10.中央电视台《经典咏流传》节目的播出,再次激发了人们对经典文学作品的阅读热情。读书可以成就更美好的自己,让读书伴随我们成长。请根据以下要点提示,以“Growing up with Reading”为题写一篇英语短文介绍你曾经读过的一本书或—首诗,并建议大家多读书,读好书。



1. 短文应包括以上要点,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯。

2. 文中不得出现自己的真实姓名、学校及地名。

3. 词数:80-100(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

参考词汇:classic 经典作品;open up one’s eyes 开阔眼界;improve oneself 提升自我; be more confident 更自信;responsibility 责任;cooperation 合作。

Growing up with Reading

Have you watched the program Everlasting Classics on CCTV? This program makes us more interested in reading books, especially classics.

【答案】Growing up with Reading

Have you watched the program Everlasting Classics on CCTV? This program makes us more interested in reading books, especially classics. Reading is very important. We can get knowledge through reading. It can not only open our minds, but also make us cleverer and more confident . Our study can be improved if we read more good books.

These days I am reading a book whose title is Jane Eyre, which attracts me a lot. The book's writer is called Charlotte Bronte, who was born in England in 1816.She had two sisters and one brother, but unfortunately their mother died when they were very young. Actually Jane Eyre is a book whose theme is of love. In the story. Jane Eyre lived a hard life, but she was self-confident and perseverant. In her heart, there is always a mind that if you hold a belief and stick to it, you will eventually achieve your dream.


