耐克广告赏析 英文
广告海报赏析作文模板英文英文:When it comes to analyzing an advertisement poster, there are several key elements that one must take into consideration. First and foremost, the overall design and layout of the poster plays a crucial role in capturing the attention of the audience. A well-designed poster will make use of eye-catching colors, bold fonts, and clear images to draw the viewer in.Another important aspect of an advertisement poster is the message it conveys. A successful poster will have a clear and concise message that is easy for the viewer to understand. This message should be communicated through both the visual elements of the poster and the text.One example of a successful advertisement poster is the Nike "Just Do It" campaign. The poster features a simple yet powerful message that encourages viewers to take actionand pursue their goals. The design of the poster is also effective, with the use of bold black and white colors anda striking image of an athlete in motion.Overall, a successful advertisement poster must have a strong and clear message, be visually appealing, and effectively capture the attention of the audience.中文:当谈到分析广告海报时,有几个关键要素必须要考虑。
描述一个令你印象深刻的广告英语作文I still remember an advertisement that left a deep impression on me. It was a Nike commercial titled "Dream Crazy" featuring Colin Kaepernick. The ad not only promoted the brand but also highlighted social issues such as racial inequality and activism.我仍然记得一则让我印象深刻的广告。
The commercial starts with powerful visuals of athletes in action, accompanied by Kaepernick's voice narrating an inspiring message about overcoming adversity and pursuing dreams. The use of dramatic music and impactful imagery creates a sense of empowerment and motivation for viewers.广告以运动员在行动中的强烈视觉开始,科林·卡培尼克的声音配上激励人心的信息,讲述了战胜逆境、追求梦想的故事。
What struck me the most about this advertisement was its boldness in addressing controversial issues. By featuring Kaepernick, a polarizing figure known for his activism, Nike took a stand on social justice and made a statement about the importance of standing up for what you believe in.这则广告最让我印象深刻的是它勇敢地处理有争议的议题。
耐克是第一个聘请名人代言进行推广的运 动品牌,事实证明这种营销方式的成功。耐克利 用青少年崇拜、模仿体育明星的心理行为特点, 用乔丹进行广告宣传,创造了营销的奇迹。 1、同代言人一起成长发展
再见,see you again
在过去10年里 ,乔丹从体育市场上收入3.5 亿美元,但乔丹效应收益最大的是耐克。
1985年,耐克推出以乔丹命名的子品牌, 每年都推出新款乔丹鞋,从1代到18代,并将继 续。每一双卖出去的乔丹鞋中,乔丹都有一定比 例的提成。
2、让代言人成为品牌、产品与消费者之间的感 情纽带
代言人的个性、气质与影响力范围必须与品牌个性、 气质与发展相一致,这样消费者才பைடு நூலகம்把代言人与品牌看为 一体。
NIKE这个名字,在西方人的眼光里 很是吉利,易读易记,很能叫得响。耐 克商标象征着希腊胜利女神翅膀的羽毛, 代表着速度,同时也代表着动感和轻柔。 耐克公司的耐克商标,图案是个小钩子, 造型简洁有力,急如闪电,一看就让人 想到使用耐克体育用品后所产生的速度 和爆发力。首次以“耐克”命名的运动 鞋,鞋底有方形凸粒以增强稳定性,鞋 身的两旁有刀形的弯勾,象征女神的翅 膀。
足球: 伊瓜因 c罗、鲁尼、托雷斯、法布雷加斯、皮克、伊涅斯塔、拉
1. Just Do It.(耐克)“Just Do It”是耐克公司自1988年以来一直使用的广告标语。
耐克的创意总监Dan Wieden 于1988年的奥林匹克运动会期间想出了这个标语,并引用美国就任总统的Roosevelt关于“信仰、勇气和毅力”的名言。
2. Because You're Worth It.(欧莱雅)“Because You're Worth It”是欧莱雅公司于1970年代创造的广告标语。
该标语的灵感来自欧莱雅的创始人伊万娜·亚度尔(Eugène Schueller)的女儿贝蒂纳(Bettina),她曾经在一次会议上向多数女性说:“你们每个人都值得这些美好的东西。
” 该标语体现了女性的价值和尊重,并深深吸引了女性市场。
3. Think Different.(苹果)“Think Different”的中文意思是“与众不同的思考”,是苹果公司在1997年推出的广告词。
这个标语是由苹果公司的手机部门领导者丹·桑德斯(Dan Sanders)创造的,表达了苹果公司通过创新、激情和非传统的方法不断挑战自己的奋斗精神。
4. The Ultimate Driving Machine.(宝马)“宝马,终极驾驶机器”是宝马公司历史上最著名的商标之一。
对nike广告语just do it的理解
对nike广告语just do it的理解
对"just do it"这句话的理解可以有多种方式。
1. 动手去做:这句话鼓励人们积极行动,不要犹豫或拖延,而是勇敢地去追求自己的目标和梦想。
2. 克服困难:这句话暗示了征服困难和克服挑战的精神。
3. 越过自己的极限:这句话鼓励人们超越自己的舒适区,超越自己的能力和潜力,挑战自己的极限。
以下是几个经典的广告文案:1. Just Do It.这句广告词是耐克品牌的传奇标语,从1988年开始使用至今,一直深入人心。
2. Write the future.这句广告语是2010年南非世界杯耐克广告的主题语,他包含了对未来的美好期许和挑战。
3. I am not a role model.这是1990年耐克广告明星塞尔基奥·马格利奥尼打出的审视社会思潮的广告。
4. Break your own records.这句广告语来自于一组沉浸在科技创新中的广告,呼吁人们去创造新的记录,提醒他们:不断超越自我,不断突破自己的最优成绩。
Comments on “A Nike Commercial f or Sneakers”1.Case description:A Nike television commercial which was acted by star LeBron James was broadcast on many Chinese channels. Since it was broadcast, Chinese had had a debate on this case. Lots of people were dissatisfied with the advertisement. Because the advertisement, named “Chamber of Fear”, shows some Chinese people and dragons which is sacred and inviolable are defeated by a foreigner, James. China authorities immediately inform all TV stations about the ban of banning the advertisement which containssome contents that violate the Chinese national dignity.2.Analysis of case:The Nike advertisement is aimed at the Chinese market, soin order to attract Chinese audiences, they add a large number of Chinese cultural elements.It is creative and novel, it tells teenagers that they should go ahead and challenge them when they have difficulties. It is a positive advertisement. But it is banned by China. In the advertisement, the kung fu master, many girls in traditional Chinese clothes, even a pair of dragons, which represent Chinese culture, are all defeated by James. So Chinese anger the result that the foreigner wins. It implies China is a weak nation. Maybe the producer only wants to make it closer to the life of Chinese, but he does not know Chinese culture and use Chinese symbols incorrectly.3.Influence:The ban has causeda big influence. For the advertisement company, he spends one hundred million in making it. But it has been banned to broadcast. So they don’t achieve their purpose of publicity.The company should try to avoid controversial topics that involve politicsAs a star, this advertisement has damaged James's reputation and let him leave a bad impression on people. So a star should choose a good advertisement or the TV show carefully.4.Summary:In cross-cultural advertising communication activities, we should promote the positive culture, especially to pay attention to their national feelings. If the actor is Yao Ming, the advertisement will be approved by most of the audience. So you should comprehend other nation’s culture before you make advertisement.。
Initially(最初), Nike had no direct competitors because there was no single brand which could compete directly with Nike’s rang of sports and non-sports oriented gear until Reebok(锐步) came along in the 1980s.
That’s all. Thank you.
Ps:锐步国际公司在全球范围内以Reebok、Rockport、 CCM、JOFA、KOHO和Greg Norman等品牌设计、销售和 分销运动鞋、健身鞋、休闲鞋、运动服装和设备,并以
Polo RalphLauren品牌设计、销售和分销鞋类产品。
Speed Explosiveness God wing
耐克的标志代表着文明之初胜利女神鼓舞 智勇双全的战士厮杀沙场的精神。
Nike produces a wide range of sports equipment. Their first products were track running shoes(田径跑鞋) and basketball shoes. They currently also make jerseys for a wide range of sports including track & field(田径), football, baseball, tennis, soccer, lacrosse(橄榄 球), cricket(曲棍球), and golf.
• 耐克将其产品的定位瞄准“年轻而物质化 的人群”。当然,他也为沃尔玛之类的折 扣店生产鞋。
1. "A diamond is forever." - De Beers 这句话通过隐喻将钻石比作永恒的爱情,表达了钻石的珍贵和不可摧毁。
2. "The world's favorite airline." - British Airways 这句话通过隐喻将英国航空比作世界上最受欢迎的航空公司,强调其受欢迎程度和优质服务。
3. "A Mars a day helps you work, rest and play." - Mars 这句话通过隐喻将Mars巧克力比作一天中的必需品,强调其能量和满足感。
4. "The taste of success." - Coca-Cola 这句话通过隐喻将可口可乐比作成功的味道,强调其品质和价值。
5. "The most powerful brand name in the world." - Nike 这句话通过隐喻将耐克比作世界上最强大的品牌,强调其影响力和地位。
广告语翻译赏析的英文作文英文:When it comes to translating and appreciating advertising slogans, it's important to consider thecultural and linguistic nuances of both the source language and the target language. A good advertisement slogan should not only be catchy and memorable, but also culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate for the target audience.For example, the famous Nike slogan "Just Do It" is a simple and powerful statement that has resonated with consumers around the world. When translating this slogan into Chinese, it's important to capture the essence of the message while also considering the linguistic and cultural differences. A literal translation of "Just Do It" into Chinese would not have the same impact, so the slogan was adapted to "只管去做" (zhǐ guǎn qù zuò), which conveys a similar sense of determination and action.Another example is Coca-Cola's slogan "Open Happiness." When translating this slogan into Spanish, it was adaptedto "Destapa la Felicidad," which literally means "uncork happiness." This adaptation not only captures the essenceof the original slogan, but also incorporates a cultural reference to the act of opening a bottle, which is a common way to enjoy a Coca-Cola in many Spanish-speaking countries.In the process of translating and appreciating advertising slogans, it's also important to consider theuse of language play, such as puns and wordplay, which may not always be directly translatable. For example, the McDonald's slogan "I'm lovin' it" relies on the contraction "lovin'" to create a catchy and informal tone. When translating this slogan into other languages, it'simportant to find an equivalent expression that conveys the same sense of informality and enthusiasm.In conclusion, translating and appreciating advertising slogans requires a deep understanding of both the sourceand target languages, as well as the cultural nuances thatshape the effectiveness of a slogan. A successful translation not only captures the essence of the original slogan, but also resonates with the target audience in a culturally and linguistically appropriate way.中文:谈到翻译和欣赏广告语,重要的是要考虑源语言和目标语言的文化和语言细微差别。
耐克用过的历史角度的经典广告语重要的,不是这双鞋It's not about the shoes而是知道要往何处前进It's about knowing where you going却没忘记自己来自哪里not forgeting where you started而是拥有面对失败的勇气It's about having with courage to fail遭受打击却依然坚定not breaking when you are broken发挥所有潜力taking everything you've been given 成就更出色的自己and make something betterlearn how to win学习胜利if you really want it只要心够决everything to your fire将所有燃烧成激情all the pain所有痛苦failures失败criticisms批评glory荣耀take the ball出手夺球take the lash出手绝杀you can do anything you want to你可以做到任何事重要的,是荣耀来临前的努力It's about work before glory以及内心深处的信念in what's inside of you无关个人是否相信It's doing what they say you can重要的,真的不是这双鞋It's not about the shoes而是穿上他之后的你It's about what you do in they勇敢做你自己It's about being who you are born to be。
介绍一个好的广告并详细介绍英语作文English:One great advertisement that stands out is Nike's "Just Do It" campaign. This campaign is not only memorable but also inspirational. It features powerful and emotional content that truly resonates with its audience. The use of famous athletes and celebrities, combined with uplifting music and strong visuals, creates a sense of empowerment and motivation. The messaging is clear and impactful, urging people to push their limits and strive for greatness. The “Just Do It” campaign e ffectively captures the essence of the Nike brand and embodies the idea of determination, perseverance, and success.Chinese:一个出色的广告是耐克的“Just Do It”活动。
它展示了强大而情感丰富的内容,真正 resonates与它的受众。
“Just Do It” 活动有效地捕捉了耐克品牌的本质,并体现了决心、毅力和成功的理念。
Just Do It全新耐克“Just Do It”广告深刻诠释了运动的无限力量。
本片获得了来自世界不同领域顶级运动员的鼎力加盟,包括篮球巨星科比、飞人刘翔、法网冠军李娜、女子沙排健将薛晨、张希,及国内顶级滑板选手Johnny Tang。
nike广告作文英文英文:Nike is a brand that has always been known for its powerful and inspiring advertisements. From their "Just Do It" slogan to their iconic swoosh logo, Nike has established itself as a brand that empowers athletes and inspires people to push themselves to their limits.One of my favorite Nike advertisements is their "Find Your Greatness" campaign. This campaign features a young boy named Nathan who is shown running through the streets, pushing himself to his limits, and ultimately achieving his goals. The ad is both inspiring and relatable, as it shows that greatness can be found in anyone, regardless of their age or ability.Another Nike advertisement that I love is their "Dream Crazy" campaign, featuring Colin Kaepernick. This ad is powerful because it not only encourages people to dream bigand pursue their passions, but it also addresses important social issues such as racial injustice and police brutality. Nike took a bold stance by featuring Kaepernick, who had been blacklisted by the NFL for protesting during the national anthem, but it ultimately paid off as the ad received widespread praise and support.Overall, Nike's advertisements are not only visually stunning, but they also have a powerful message that resonates with people of all ages and backgrounds. Whetherit's inspiring people to push themselves to their limits or addressing important social issues, Nike continues to be a brand that empowers and inspires.中文:Nike一直以来都以其强大和激励人心的广告而闻名。
耐克广告作文英文英文:Nike is a brand that has always been known for its innovative and inspiring advertisements. From "Just Do It"to "Find Your Greatness," Nike's ads have always been ableto motivate and inspire people to push themselves to the limit. One of my favorite Nike ads is the "Unlimited You" campaign.The "Unlimited You" campaign features numerous athletes, including Serena Williams, LeBron James, and Neymar Jr., pushing themselves to their limits and breaking barriers. The tagline, "Unlimited You," encourages viewers to push past their limits and reach their full potential. The ad is not just about sports, but about life. It reminds us thatwe are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to.What I love about this ad is how it uses real-life examples to inspire people. It shows that even the greatestathletes in the world have to push themselves to be the best. It also reminds us that we all have the potential to be great, no matter what our background or circumstances may be. The ad is a great example of how Nike uses itsbrand to inspire people to be their best selves.中文:耐克一直以来以其创新和鼓舞人心的广告而闻名。
下面是小编带来的关于耐克广告词英文的内容,欢迎阅读!耐克广告词英文(最新篇)重要的,不是这双鞋its not about the shoes而是知道要往何处前进its about knowing where you going却没忘记自己来自哪里 not forgeting where you started而是拥有面对失败的勇气its about having with courage to fail遭受打击却依然坚定 not breaking when you are broken发挥所有潜力taking everything youve been given成就更出色的自己and make something better重要的,是荣耀来临前的努力its about work before glory以及内心深处的信念in whats inside of you无关个人是否相信its doing what they say you can重要的,真的不是这双鞋its not about the shoes而是穿上他之后的你its about what you do in they勇敢做你自己its about being who you are born to be耐克广告词英文(经典篇)if you really want it只要心够决you'll push back pain就能征服痛苦use it利用它control it控制它if you really want it只要心够决living your dreams实现你的梦想if you really want it只要心够决learn from the fails从挫折中学习learn how to win学习胜利if you really want it只要心够决everything to your fire将所有燃烧成激情all the pain所有痛苦failures失败criticisms批评glory荣耀take the ball出手夺球take the lash出手绝杀you can do anything you want to你可以做到任何事if you really want it耐克广告词英文(热门篇)詹姆斯在nike广告中的一句广告词让人们对他过目难忘:youd better bring(你最好全心关注),cause i’ll bring every i’ve got it (因为我会全力以赴) 是什么让人变得了不起是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军或是当选状元秀年度新人最年轻得8000总得分前锋还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛如果在22岁前,你就做到这一切这些都很了不起但是,这一些都会过去你在乎的是赢得未来what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a mill frame? what about being named mr basketball of ohio 3 times in a roll? what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym? maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points,leading your team into the final, first time in our history, what if you did all that before age of 22, all those things been great, that’s what happened.,and what you care about, is what you havent done yet!。
1987年耐克公司把流行音乐和运动营销相结合,将披头士(Bea tles)的音乐注入耐克运动鞋的广告中,造成轰动。
其"JUST DO IT "(尽管去做)的广告语所倡导的叛逆和我行我素的文化风行全世界。
自身的英语研究专家却告诫我们“JUST DO IT”要慎用,他的本意其实是一句粗口,文雅一点就是“干他”的意思,“JUST DO IT”实则脱胎于美国。
“I CAN”已成中文毫无疑问是“我行”“我可以”的意思,这时一种自信,一种展示自我能力的象征。
运动员是活力,洋气,力量的代表‘I CAN’用简短的文字,充分表示了这种力量。
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Interesting Fact
Parody of Nike ad
• Whats your vision of cool?
•When you see this ad what emotion strikes you?
•Will this ad effect your decision to buy Nike?
•This photo makes me angry and sad when I see it. You look at the product like Nike and you think they are cool shoes that are stylish and comfy, but nobody looks at the lives of those who make them. It make me sad because this photo gives me inside on those peoples life, not making much money at all. • I will definetely think twice before I buy Nike. I don’t want to fund this shoe if the people who make them struggle to make a living.
Interesting Fact.
• Rhetorical Vision by: Wendy Hesford has a shocking picture that is also appart of the Parody of Nike campaign. It states every shoe Nike sells that Nike makes $250 and the sweatshop makes 83 cents.
Parody of Nike ad.
By: Maeghann Alexander
Parody of Nike ad.
You’re running because you want that raise, to be all you can be, but it’s not easy when you work sixty hours a week making sneakers in a Indonesian factory and your friends disapear when they ask for a raise. So think globally before you decide it’s so cool to wear Nike.
Parody of Nike ad.
• I completely agree with this campaign. It has made me do some serious thinking about my vision of cool. The shoes might look cool on the outside but the story behind them makes me not want to wear them.
In my opinion the girl isn’t wearing shoes because she is going against Nike. She is not going to promote something that is so selfish.
Parody of is important because it sends a message. It makes us think of our vision of cool. It ask us to look at the difference between the laborer and the fit person. It gives us incite on the people who make these “cool” shoes.
Adbusters campaign “aniti sneakers”
Proportion matters:
•Did you notice how her feet are in the foreground while her body is in the background? •Some words are bold are different colors. These are the important words the words that makes us think. •The girl in this ad is barefoot. Why is she not wearing shoes? Is this for a reason?
• Adbuster challenges Nikes vision of “cool”. • Key concepts in this picture being running, work, and being cool. • Do you agree with Adbusters campaign do you think they are making a difference on peoples outlooks about Nike?