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Unit8. I’ll help clean up the city parks. 一.Phrases:

1.在户外工作或去外面工作work outside

2.清理,打扫clean up

3.帮助做某事help to do sth.

4.帮助某人做某事help sb.do sth./help sb. to do sth./help sb.with sth.

5.分发,发放give out/hand out

6.使…高兴起来,使…振作起来cheer(me) up

7.生病的孩子sick children/sick kids

8.在课后学习活动中in an after-school study program

9.清洁日Clean-Up Day 10.想出think up/come up with/think of

11.推迟,推延put off


Clean-Up Day is only two weeks from now.=two weeks away=in two weeks’time 13.写下来write down 14.张贴/搭建/抬头/举手put up

15.打电话给…call up sb.=call sb.=phone sb.=ring up sb.

16.成立,建立set up/establish/start 17.自愿做某事volunteer to do sth. 18.自愿用…做某事

volunteer sth. to do sth.(eg.They volunteer their time to help people.)

19.花某人…时间做某事It takes sb. some time to do sth./

sb. take some time to do sth./sb. spend time doing/in doing/ on sth.

20.某事花费某人…时间sth. takes sb. some time.

21.使…充分发挥作用,好好利用…put sth. to good use

22.没有充分利用…,滥用…put sth. to bad use

23.小学elementary school /primary school

24.初中junior high school (美)junior middle school(英)

25.高中senior high school(美) senior middle school (英)


27.不但,而且not only…but also…

(eg.1.Not only the students but also the teacher likes playing games.

Not only the teacher but also the students like playing games.

3.Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do.)

28.用完sb. use out of sth./use sth. up

29.与…相象take after/look like/be similar to

30.修理fix up/repair /mend 31.赠送give away/donate

32.算出,制定出/产生结果work out 33.建一个笔友网站make a pen pal website 34.闲逛,消遣hang out 35.谢谢某人thank sb.

36.因…而谢谢某人thank sb. for sth./doing sth

37.感激某事appreciate sth. 38.帮助某人摆脱困境help sb. out

39.马上at once/ right away

40.寄(送)给某人某物send sb.sth./ send sth. to sb.

41.用…把…装满fill…with…(Lucky has filled my life with pleasure.)

42.无家可归的人们homeless people

43.是…的家be home to … 44.极大的奉献a majior commitment

45.在课后管理中心in the after-school care center

46.热线直播中心a call-in center

47.残疾人disabled people 48.动物助手Animal Helpers

48.计划打算做…plan on doing sth/plan to do sth

50.制定一个计划make a plan 51.训练一支足球队coach a soccer team

52.用完,用光run out of /run out


1.He looks sad. Let’s cheer him up.

2.We’re going to set up a food bank to help hungry prople.

3.We need to come up with some ideas.

4.We can’t put off making a plan.

5.I take after my father.

(=I look like my father./I am similar to my father.)

6.Your parents must be proud of you.

7.He has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who don’t have bikes.

8.She puts this love to good use by woking in after-school care center .

9.Not only did he come, but also he was very happy.

10.Not only he but also I am (be)good at English.

11.Either you or she has to attend the important meeting.

12.Both he and his brother like pop music.

13.She came up with ideas for making money.

14.She put up signs asking for singing jobs.
