国际交流(一)Words and sentences:1.国际社会the international community2.国务院港澳办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council3.过境签证transit visa4.和睦相处to live with each other in harmony5.互访exchange of visits6.即兴讲话off-the-cuff speech7.记者招待会press conference8.经济合作会议economic cooperation conference9.经济技术交流economic and technical exchanges10.军事交流military exchange11.考察团survey group12.客套话polite formulas13.跨文化交流cross-cultural communication14.礼宾处the Protocol Office15.贸易关系trade relations16.美国驻华大使馆The U.S. Embassy in China17.民间交往non-governmental contact18.民间组织non-governmental organization19.民族文化national culture20.批判地吸收to assimilate criticallySentences:1.现在,我提议为我们两家公司友谊和合作的新阶段干杯!May I now propose a toast to thisnew stage in the friendship and cooperation between our two companies.2.最后,敬请各位为我们日益增进的友谊和商业往来而干杯!In conclusion, I would like toinvite you to join me in a toast to our growing friendship as well as commercial ties.3.中国经济将进一步同亚洲经济走向融合,形成互利、互补、互助的新型合作关系。
—和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题Peace and development remain the theme of the world.—经济全球化趋势深入发展Economic globalization is going to greater depth.—以信息科技、生物科技为主要标志的现代科技进步日新月异At an amazing speed, modern science and technology have been making continuous progress that is marked by the advancement of information technology and bio-technology.—国际产业转移和生产要素流动加快 International industrial transfer as well as the flow of production factors has accelerated.—世界发展不平衡问题日益突出The global problem of uneven development is increasingly salient.—南北差距进一步拉大The gap between the North and South is further widening.—金融风暴时有发生Financial turbulences surface from time to time.—贸易壁垒和保护主义有新的表现Trade barriers and protectionism appear with new manifestations.—我们必须加强国际合作,共同把握机遇,携手应对挑战,推动世界经济平衡有序发展We must strengthen international cooperation to seize opportunities and meet challenges together so as to promote balanced and orderly development of the world economy.—充分利用经济全球化带来的有利条件和机遇,促进世界不同发展模式在竞争比较中取长补短、在求同存异中共同发展Make full use of the favorable conditions and precious opportunities brought about by economic globalization to promote complementarity among competing development models and common development in the spirit of seeking common ground while putting aside differences.—不断为世界经济发展注入新的活力,使世界经济充满活力地向前发展Inject new vitality to the world economy so that it will move forward with full dynamism.—营造公平、稳定、高效的金融环境Create a fair, stable, and efficient financial environment.—营造充足、安全、经济、清洁的能源环境Forge an environment for adequate supply and safe, economical and clean use of energy.—营造公开、公正、合理、非歧视的贸易环境Establish an open, fair, reasonable and non-discriminative trading environment.—在互利互惠、取长补短中实现共赢Achieve a win-win result through securing mutual benefits and recipr ocity and drawing on one another’s successful experiences.—中国将积极落实这些措施China will make vigorous efforts to ensure the delivery of its commitments.—成员国人口占世界总人口的2/3,国内生产总值占世界国内生产总值的90%以上,对外贸易额占世界贸易额的80%Measured by population size, they account for two thirds of the world total; by GDP, over 90 percent, and by foreign trade, 80 percent.—应该在平等互利、求同存异、灵活务实的基础上开展对话Engage in flexible and pragmatic dialogues on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, seeking common ground while shelving differences.—改革开放27年来Since its reform and opening-up 27 years ago—中国社会主义市场经济体制已经初步建立,全方位对外开放格局已经基本形成China has put in place an initial system of socialist market economy and a basic structure of all-dimensional openness.—人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越Chinese people now have a comfortable life, a historic breakthrough from a period of having only their basic needs met.—中国仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口多、底子薄,发展不平衡,资源环境压力突出,人民生活水平还不高China remains the biggest developing country in the world that features huge population, weak economic basis, uneven development, and heavy environmental pressure and the people’s living standards are still notso high.—中国的现代化建设还有很长的路要走,还需要进行长期的艰苦奋斗Modernization in China remains a long and uphill journey that will entail many years of work.—中国已经确定了全面建设小康社会的发展目标China has set the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.—使经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民社会更加殷实We will be able to further develop the economy, improve democracy, advance science and education, enrich culture, foster greater social harmony and upgrade the texture of life for the people.—坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局Continue to pursue economic and social development under the guideline of scientific development.—坚持扩大内需的方针Adhere to the policy of expanding domestic demand.—坚持走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路Adhere to blaze a new trail to industrialization featuring high scientific and technological content, good economic returns, low resources consumption, little environmental pollution and a full display of advantages in human resources.—加快调整经济结构Accelerate economic restructuring.—转变经济增长方式Accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic growth.—提高自主创新能力Enhance our own innovative ability.—不断深化改革开放Make further progress in reform and openness.—促进城乡区域协调发展Facilitate a balanced development between rural and urban areas and among different regions.—加强和谐社会建设Concentrate on building a harmonious society.—切实把经济社会发展转入以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的轨道Bring our economic and social development to the track of sustainable development that is people-centered, all-dimensional and balanced.—顺应人民的愿望和时代的潮流as a response to the wishes of the people and the trend of our times—共同促进世界经济平衡有序发展Promote balanced and orderly world economic development.—共同努力建设一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界Shape a harmonious world featuring enduring peace and common prosperity.— 20世纪,人类创造的物质文明和精神财富,超过了以往任何一个时代In the 20th th century, mankind created material and spiritual wealth unmatched by any other time in history.—令人遗憾的是,人类在这100年中也经历了前所未有的苦难,特别是遭受了两次世界大战的浩劫Regrettably, it was also in these 100 years that humanity experienced unprecedented hardships, particularly the havoc of the two world wars.—世界的历史从来是由世界人民创造和书写的It is always the people of the world that make and write world history.—正义总会战胜邪恶,光明总会战胜黑暗,进步总会战胜落后Justice will inevitably prevail over evil, light over darkness and progress over backwardness.—人类必然会不断地克服艰难险阻,向着美好的未来开拓前进Mankind will undoubtedly keep overcoming difficulties and obstacles, blaze new trails and steadily move forward to a better future.—各国人民走过了不同的历史发展道路,有着不同的文化背景、社会制度和价值观念,延续着不同的社会方式People of different countries have traversed different roads of historical development.—不应让这种多样性成为阻碍各国人民携手共进的隔阂,更不应人为地从中挑起对立和冲突They should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their forward march, still less should they deliberately provoke confrontation andconflict.—时光流逝不可逆转The lapse of time is irreversible.—逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜The passage of time is just like the flow of water, which goes on day and night.—知难而进Move ahead in defiance of difficulties.—顺应时代的要求和世界发展的潮流Meet the needs of the times and follow the tide of world development.—世界各国经济互利合作、相互依存的加深,必将给全球经济增长创造更加美好的前景The development among countries will usher in an even better future for global economic growth.—中华文明源远流长、博大精深的深厚底蕴the long-standing and profound richness of the Chinese civilization—中华民族自强不息、顽强奋进的壮阔历程the grand course of historical development that the Chinese nation has followed with a dauntless and dashing spirit—19世纪中叶以后,由于列强的野蛮侵略和封建统治的腐败无能,中华民族陷入了丧权辱国、民不聊生的悲惨境地From the mid-19th century on, China was reduced to dire misery as the country suffered one humiliating defeat after another and the people languished in poverty and starvation as a result of brutal foreign aggressions and corrupt and incompetent feudal rulers.—内忧外患a fate of agony and woe arising from domestic disturbances and foreign aggressions—新中国建立以来,特别是1978年实行邓小平先生倡导的改革开放政策以来Since 1949, when the New China was proclaimed, and particularly since the implementation of the reform and opening-up program pioneered by Mr. Deng Xiaoping in 1978.—中国的综合国力显著增强,人民生活不断改善The overall national strength of China has increased remarkably and the life of its people improved steadily.— 13亿中国人民正万众一心地在中国特色社会主义道路上开拓前进The 1.3 billion Chinese people are marching of one mind and with a pioneering spirit on the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.—中国已经明确了本世纪头20年的奋斗目标China has set the goal of its endeavor for the first 20 years of this century.—紧紧抓住重要战略机遇期Firmly seize the important strategic opportunities of the time.—全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会for the benefits of over 1 billion Chinese people—不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求Keep meeting their growing material and cultural needs—坚持社会主义市场经济的改革方向Stick to the orientation of carrying out the reform for a socialist market economy.—进一步推动制度创新Step up institutional innovation.—激发全社会的创造活力Intensify reforms aimed at motivating creative vitality of the whole society.—增强经济社会发展的内在动力Increase the inherent dynamics for economic and social development.—着力大力发展循环经济Vigorously develop the cyclic economy.—建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会Build a resource-effective and environment-friendly society.—走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路Blaze a trail of development characterized by higher productivity, comfortable life for the people and sustainable eco-system.—继续稳步开放市场Keep opening up its market.—创新引进外资的形式Find new ways of using foreign capital.—完善有关鼓励和保护外商投资的法律法规Improve legislations and regulations for encouraging and protecting foreign investors.—改革涉外经济管理体制Revamp foreign economic management.—更高水平的小康社会a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard—重申我们对恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则的承诺Renew our commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.—表达维护世界和平、促进共同发展的决心Express our determination to safeguard world peace and promote common development—联合国的成立,是人类为和平与发展而长期努力的结果The UN was founded as a result of humanity’s persistent efforts to seek peace and development.—体现了世界各国人民彼此以善邻之道和睦相处的崇高精神Embody the lofty spirit of people across the world to live together in peace with one another as good neighbors.—承载了国际社会共同促进经济社会发展的美好理想Carry the ideal of the international community to jointly promote economic and social development.— 60年的实践表明1) …, as its 60 years of history has shown, …2) the past 60 years have shown that…—一件具有划时代意义的大事an epoch-making event—人类和平进步事业的一座重要里程碑an im portant milestone in humanity’s cause of peace and progress人类社会沧桑巨变,国际舞台风云变幻(名词)Amid stupendous changes around the world and vicissitudes in the international arena—联合国经历种种考验,走过了不平凡的历程The UN has gone through all kinds of tests and traversed an extraordinary course.—地区动荡不断Regional turmoil continues.—局部冲突时有发生Local conflict takes place from time to time.—普遍诉求universal pursuit—尊重国家主权和领土完整Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.—尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利Respect for i ndividual countries’ right to independently choose their own social systems and paths of development.—世界发展还很不平衡The benefit of development spread rather unevenly in the world.—贫穷和饥饿仍在不少国家肆虐Poverty and hunger ravage not a few countries.—新的世纪为人类社会发展展现了光明前景The 21st century has opened up a bright prospect for the development of humanity.—局部战争和冲突时起时伏Local wars and conflicts keep cropping up.—地区热点问题错综复杂The hotspot issues in some regions remain complicated and thorny.—南北差距进一步拉大The wealth gap between the North and the South continues to widen. —国际恐怖势力、民族分裂势力、极端宗教势力在一些地区还相当活跃International terrorists, ethnic separatists and religious extremists in some parts of the world remain rampant.—环境污染、毒品走私、跨国犯罪、眼中传染性疾病等跨国性问题日益突出Many cross-boundary problems such as environmental pollution, drug trafficking, transnational crimes and deadly communicable diseases have become more salient.—人类实现普遍和平、共同发展的理想还任重道远Our road toward universal peace and common development is a bumpy and challenging one.—我愿就此发表以下几点意见1) I would like to share with you some of my views in this connection.2) In this connection, I would like to share with you my views.—摒弃冷战思维Abandon the Cold War mentality.—树立互信、互利、平等、协作的新安全观Cultivate a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation.—建立公平、有效的集体安全机制Build a fair and effective collective security mechanism.—必须得到切实遵循must be complied with in real earnest—以和平方式,通过协商、谈判解决国际争端或冲突Peacefully settle international disputes or conflicts through consultations and negotiations.—反对侵犯别国主权的行径Oppose acts of encroachment on other countries’ sovereignty.—坚持标本兼治,重在消除根源Work to address both the symptoms and root causes of the problem with special emphasis on eliminating the sources of the menace.—按照公正、合理、全面均衡的原则,实现有效裁军和军备控制Realize effective disarmament and arms control in a fair, rational, comprehensive and balanced fashion.—积极推进国际核裁军进程,维护全球战略稳定Vigorously promote the international nuclear disarmament process and maintain global strategic stability.—发展事关各国人民的切身利益Development has a bearing on the vital interest of the people of all countries.—经济全球化应该使各国特别是广大发展中国家普遍受益,而不应造成贫者愈贫、富者愈富的两极分化Globalization should benefit all countries, developing countries in particular, instead of leading to a more polarized world where the poor become poorer and the rich richer.—积极推动建立健全开放、公平、非歧视性的多边贸易体制Work actively to establish and improve a multilateral trading system that is open, fair and non-discriminatory.—积极促进和保障人权Actively promote and protect human rights.—努力普及全民教育Make universal education available.—实现男女平等Achieve gender equality.—使人人享有平等追求全面发展的机会和权利so as to ensure the enjoyment of equal right and opportunity toall-round development by all—历史文化、社会制度和发展模式的差异不应成为各国交流的障碍,更不应该成为相互对抗的理由Differences in history, culture, social system and mode of development should not become barriers to exchanges between countries, let alone excuses for confrontation.—我们应该尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利We should respect every country’s right to independently choose its own social system and path of development.中国要实现现代化,使人民都过上殷实富裕的生活,还有很长的路要走,需要坚持长期不懈的艰苦努力China still has a long way to go before it realizes modernization and delivers a prosperous life to its people. We expect nothing but a long period of persistent hard work.中国的改革开放已经走过了26个年头26 years have gone by since China began its reform and opening up. — 26年来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化Earthshaking changes have taken place in China.— 中国社会面貌焕然一新,人民生活水平不断提高China’s society has taken on a brand -new look, as the living standards of the people keep improving.经济类经济类. 给...带来机遇和挑战.带来机遇和挑战 present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to 2. 给...带来积极影响.带来积极影响 bring a more positive impact on .... 3. 给予财政资助给予财政资助support financially 4. 有巨大潜力有巨大潜力have huge potential for 5. 开发开发/ 青睐中国市场青睐中国市场 tap / favor the Chinese market 6. 申请专利申请专利apply for a patent 7. 阻碍...的经济发展.的经济发展 handicap (hamper) the economic development 8. 增加农业投入增加农业投入invest more in agriculture 9. 有望达到(上升到)有望达到(上升到)be expected to reach (rise to, be up to) 10. 造成很大压力造成很大压力pose a big pressure on 11. 占领市场10% occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of the market12. 缩小...间的距离.间的距离 narrow the gap between 13. 加快经济发展和结构调整加快经济发展和结构调整speed up economic development and restructuring 14. 夺回失去的市场夺回失去的市场take back lost market 15. 减轻...的负担.的负担 reduce (lighten) the burden of (on) 16. 采取反垄断措施采取反垄断措施take anti-monopoly measures to 17. 加快努力加快努力 speed up efforts to 18. 在...建立分公司.建立分公司 set up branches in19. 促进改革促进改革promote reform 20. 面对可能的压力和竞争面对可能的压力和竞争face possible pressure and competition 21. 充分利用充分利用make full use of 22. 把。
at the gracious invitation of应/承蒙……的盛情邀请to pay a goodwill visit对……进行友好访问远道而来/来自大洋彼岸的朋友friend coming from afar/the other side of the pacific由衷的谢意heartfelt thanks友好款待gracious hospitality正式邀请official invitation出席宴会的贵宾有…I would like to introduce the honored guests attending the banquet…谢谢您亲自专程赶来接待我Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person 您旅途过的如何? How was your journey?我希望您在这里过得愉快I hope you enjoy your stay here我谨代表活动的主办方,对各位的到来表示热烈的欢迎On behalf of the organizer, I wish to extend to a warm welcome to you我以我个人的名义,对你们的盛情款待表示衷心的感谢In the name of myself, I would like to convey my heartfelt appreciation of your gracious hospitality我代表中国政府向贵国人民致以亲切的问候I would like to extend, on behalf of Chinese government, our cordial greetings中国有句古话说:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?As Chinese saying goes, ”Nothing is more delightful than meeting friends coming from afar.”我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对东道主的诚挚邀请,表示真诚的谢意On the behalf of all the members of my mission,I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thans to our host for their earnest invitation.我很荣幸的代表中国中国政府和人民向来日英国的代表团表示热烈的欢迎。
商务口译情景对话双语1. 前言商务口译是一种重要的沟通工具,在国际贸易和商务活动中起到了关键的作用。
2. 情景对话示例情景一:洽谈合作英文原文:A: Good morning, Mr. Wang. I am John from ABC Company.B: Good morning, John. Nice to meet you. I am Wang Li from XYZ Company.A: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr.Wang. Our company is interested in cooperating with XYZ Company.B: That’s great to hear! What kind of cooperation are you looking for?A: We are interested in exploring opportunities for joint ventures in the technology sector.B: That sounds interesting. Can you provide more details about your proposal?A: Certainly. We would like to discuss the possibility of setting up a research and development center together.B: That’s something we have been considering as well. Let’s arrange a meeting to discuss this further.中文翻译:A:早上好,王先生。
常用外交口译词汇(共5篇)第一篇:常用外交口译词汇常用外交口译词汇Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部 Protocol Department 礼宾司 Information Department 新闻司 diplomatic mission 外交代表机构 embassy 大使馆 legation 公使馆consulate-general 总领事馆 consulate 领事馆office of the chargé d'affaires, 代办处military attaché's office, 武官处commercial counsellor's office 商务处press section, information service 新闻处 liaison office 联络处 diplomat 外交家, 外交官 diplomatic rank 外交官衔diplomatic representative 外交代表members of the administrative and technical staff 行政技术人员 ambassador 大使ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全权大使nuncio 教廷大使 internuncio 教廷公使counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor 公使衔参赞chargé d'affaires, 代办chargé d'affasiread interim, 临时代办counsellor 参赞first secretary 一等秘书 second secretary 二等秘书 third secretary 三等秘书attaché, 随员commercial secretary 商务参赞cultural secretary 文化参赞commercial attaché, 商务专员cultural attaché, 文化专员 military attaché, 武官naval attaché, 海军武官air attaché, 空军武官 consul-general 总领事 consul 领事doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps 外交使团团长roving ambassador 巡回大使ambassador-at-large 无任所大使special envoy 特使accredited to...向…派遣的foreign affairs 外交memorandum, aidememoire 备忘录 persona non-grat 不受欢迎的人 de jure recognition 法律承认 commnique 公报announcement 公告, 通告 letter of credence, credentials 国书mutual recognition 互相承认establishment of diplomatic relations 建立外交关系 letter of introduction 介绍书 during one's absence 离任期间 identification card 身份证 statement 声明de facto recognition 事实上承认persona grata 受欢迎的人diplomatic practice 外交惯例diplomatic immunities 外交豁免diplomatic privileges 外交特权diplomatic channels 外交途径diplomatic courier 外交信使diplomatic bag, diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋letter of appointment 委任书certificate of appointment 委任证书exequatur 许可证书 declaration, manifesto 宣扬 letter of recall 召回公文 note 照会verbal note 普通照会 circular note 通知照会 formal note 正式照会 normalization 正常化be appointed ambassador to...被任命为驻…大使to express regret 表示遗憾to sever diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系to resume charge of the office, to return to one's post 返任 to proceed to take up one's post 赴任 to present one's credentials 递交国书to exchange ambassadors 互派大使to resume diplomatic relations 恢复外交关系to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level 建立大使级外交关系to establish consular relations 建立领事关系to assume one's post 就任to take exception to;to object to 提出异议to upgrade diplomatic relations 外交关系升格to make representations to, to take up a(the)matter with 向…交涉 to lodge a protest with 向…提出抗议 to request the consent of...征求…的同意to suspend diplomatic relations 中断外交关系 tea party 茶会an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会 delegation 代表团head of the delegation, leader of the delegation 团长deputy head of the delegation, deputy leader of the delegation 副团长member of the delegation 代表团成员memorial speech 悼词to develop the relations offriendship and cooperation 发展友好合作关系 prosperity and strength 繁荣富强 visit 访问friendly visit, goodwill visit 友好访问 informal visit 非正式访问official visit 正式访问private visit 私人访问state visit 国事访问obituary 讣告questions of common interest;question of common concern 共同关心的问题 state banquet 国宴message of greeting, message of congratulation 贺电 speech of welcome 欢迎词 welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会 cocktail party 鸡尾酒会good health and a long life 健康长寿 profound condolence 深切哀悼 cordial hospitality 盛情接待 the two sides, the two parties 双方 luncheon 午宴message of condolence 唁电 reception 招待会 toast 祝酒词memorial meeting 追悼会to convey one's sympathy 表示慰问 to meet with 会见to review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队 to exchange views 交换意见 to receive 接见to be shocked to learn of 惊悉be of the opinion, to hold, to consider, to maintain 认为 to propose a toast to...提议为…干杯 on the happy occasion of 欣逢on learning with great joy 欣悉 to give a banquet in honour of...宴请… on invitation, upon invitation 应邀 at the invitation of...应…邀请in the company of..., accompanied by...在…陪同下to express one's sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝贺和最好的愿望to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福to take note of...注意到His(Her, Your)Majesty 陛下His(Her, Your)Royal Highness 殿下His(Her, Your)Excellency 阁下His excellency Mr.President and Mme...…总统先生阁下和夫人第二篇:常用外交口译词汇常用外交口译词汇Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部 Protocol Department 礼宾司 Information Department 新闻司 diplomatic mission 外交代表机构embassy 大使馆 legation 公使馆consulate-general 总领事馆 consulate 领事馆office of the chargé d'affaires, 代办处military attaché's office, 武官处commercial counsellor's office 商务处press section, information service 新闻处liaison office 联络处diplomat 外交家, 外交官 diplomatic rank 外交官衔 diplomatic representative 外交代表members of the administrative and technical staff 行政技术人员 ambassador 大使ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全权大使 nuncio 教廷大使 internuncio 教廷公使counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor 公使衔参赞chargé d'affaires, 代办chargé d'affasiread interim, 临时代办counsellor 参赞first secretary 一等秘书second secretary 二等秘书third secretary 三等秘书attaché, 随员commercial secretary 商务参赞 cultural secretary 文化参赞commercia l attaché, 商务专员cultural attaché, 文化专员military attaché, 武官naval attaché, 海军武官air attaché, 空军武官consul-general 总领事 consul 领事doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps 外交使团团长roving ambassador 巡回大使ambassador-at-large 无任所大使special envoy 特使accredited to...向…派遣的foreign affairs 外交memorandum, aidememoire 备忘录 persona non-grat 不受欢迎的人de jure recognition 法律承认commnique 公报announcement 公告, 通告letter of credence, credentials 国书mutual recognition 互相承认establishment of diplomatic relations 建立外交关系letter of introduction 介绍书during one's absence 离任期间identification card 身份证statement 声明de facto recognition 事实上承认persona grata 受欢迎的人diplomatic practice 外交惯例diplomatic immunities 外交豁免diplomatic privileges 外交特权diplomatic channels 外交途径diplomatic courier 外交信使diplomatic bag, diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋letter of appointment 委任书certificate of appointment 委任证书exequatur 许可证书declaration, manifesto 宣扬 letter of recall 召回公文 note 照会verbal note 普通照会 circular note 通知照会 formal note 正式照会 normalization 正常化be appointed ambassador to...被任命为驻…大使to express regret 表示遗憾to sever diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系 to resume charge of the office, to return to one's post 返任to proceed to take up one's post 赴任to present one's credentials 递交国书to exchange ambassadors 互派大使to resume diplomatic relations 恢复外交关系to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level 建立大使级外交关系to establish consular relations 建立领事关系 to assume one's post 就任to take exception to;to object to 提出异议to upgrade diplomatic relations 外交关系升格to make representations to, to take up a(the)matter with 向…交涉to lodge a protest with 向…提出抗议to request the consent of...征求…的同意to suspend diplomatic relations 中断外交关系 tea party 茶会an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会delegation 代表团head of the delegation, leader of the delegation 团长deputy head of the delegation, deputy leader of the delegation 副团长member of the delegation 代表团成员memorial speech 悼词to develop the relations offriendship and cooperation 发展友好合作关系 prosperity and strength 繁荣富强visit 访问friendly visit, goodwill visit 友好访问informal visit 非正式访问official visit 正式访问private visit 私人访问state visit 国事访问 obituary 讣告questions of common interest;question of common concern 共同关心的问题 state banquet 国宴message of greeting, message of congratulation 贺电speech of welcome 欢迎词 welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会cocktail party 鸡尾酒会good health and a long life 健康长寿 profound condolence 深切哀悼cordial hospitality 盛情接待the two sides, the two parties 双方luncheon 午宴 message of condolence 唁电 reception 招待会toast 祝酒词memorial meeting 追悼会to convey one's sympathy 表示慰问 to meet with 会见to review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队 to exchange views 交换意见to receive 接见to be shocked to learn of 惊悉be of the opinion, to hold, to consider, to maintain 认为to propose a toast to...提议为…干杯 on the happy occasion of 欣逢on learning with great joy 欣悉to give a banquet in honour of...宴请…on invitation, upon invitation 应邀 at the invitation of...应…邀请in the company of..., accompanied by...在…陪同下to express one's sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝贺和最好的愿望to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福 to take note of...注意到His(Her, Your)Majesty 陛下His(Her, Your)Royal Highness 殿下His(Her, Your)Excellency 阁下His excellency Mr.President and Mme...…总统先生阁下和夫人第三篇:外交口译词汇第五章外交和军事SECTION I: 英译中1.1外事礼仪Aacknowledge v.承认a gathering permeated with a spirit of cordial friendship 充满亲切友情的聚会a rewarding trip 不虚此行accommodate vt.供给…住宿,招待; vi.适应,配合 add a new page to the history of 给…的历史增加了新的一页agenda n.议程alumnus(alumni);alumna(alumnae)n.校友Bbanquet n.宴会BBQ party n.烧烤会Bon Appetite!int.祝你胃口好!Bon Voyage!int.旅途愉快!buffet n.自助餐buffet reception n.冷餐招待会Ccheek-to-cheek embrace 贴脸拥抱cheers int.干杯closing speech n.闭幕致辞cocktail party n.鸡尾酒会colleague(s)n.同仁commerce ties n.商业关系coexistence n.共存,共处congenial atmosphere n.融洽气氛costume party;masquerade n.化装舞会courtesy call n.礼节性拜会Ddinner / dinner party n.晚宴distinguished guest n.贵宾;佳宾draw to a close 即将结束Eeloquent remark n.雄辩的(动人的)演讲entertain v.招待extraordinary arrangement n.特殊安排;精心安排eye salute n.注目礼Ffarewell ceremony n.欢送仪式feel honored and privileged 感到荣幸feel pleased and honored 感到愉快和荣幸feel proud and honored 感到骄傲和荣幸fellow citizens n.同胞们foreign affairs office n.外事办fulfill one’s ambitions 展鸿图;酬壮志Ggenerous hospitality 盛情款待genuine friendship 真挚友谊give a dinner for a visitor from afar 接风洗尘goodwill visit n.友好访问gracious invitation n.盛情邀请gracious remark n.热情的演讲,评论Guest of Honor n.主宾gun salute n./v.礼炮H heartfelt gratefulness n.由衷的感谢hearty embrace n.热烈拥抱hearty gratitude n.衷心的感谢 heritage n.传统 hospitality n.好客host a farewell dinner for someone 为…饯行host country n.主办国;东道主国家host n.主人I I’ve long heard of you 久仰impromptu speech n.即席讲话in the company of …/ accompanied by… 在…的陪同下inauguration n.开幕式;就职典礼incomparable hospitality n.无比盛情的款待itinerary n.活动日程,路线K, L kind words of welcome n.友好的欢迎词lasting friendship n.长久的友谊long-awaited guest n.盼望已久的客人look back at the past 回顾过去look into the future 展望未来luncheon n.午餐会M, N, O motorcade n.车队nodding acquaintance n.泛泛之交occasion n.场合;时刻opening address n.开幕致辞opening ceremony n.开幕式P pay a return visit v.回拜picnic party n.野餐会propose a toast v.祝酒R receive;play host to v.接待receptionist n.接待员reception n.招待会regard n.尊重;敬意regards n.问候renew old friendships(and establish new contacts)重温旧情S seating arrangement n.席位安排signing ceremony n.签约式sincere gratitude n.真挚的感谢speech of welcome / address of welcome n.欢迎词state banquet n.国宴sworn friend n.刎颈之交T take this opportunity 趁此机会toaster n.祝酒者toast n.祝酒词(结交新友)U unequalled adj.无与伦比的unprecedented adj.前所未有的W warm reception n.热情接待 warm welcome n.热情欢迎 wedding reception n.喜宴welcoming banquet n.欢迎宴会 welcoming ceremony n.欢迎仪式 1.2两国关系 A a resolution n.决议abundant accomplishment n.丰硕的成果accord with /agree with/conform to/meet v.符合acknowledge vt.承认assert v.宣称;维护attempt n./ v.尝试B beckon v.召唤boost v.促进,刺激,增进 bilateral adj.双边的bilateral channels n.双边渠道 bilateral cooperation n.双边合作bilateral diplomatic activities n.双边外交 bilateral relations n.双边关系 bully v.欺侮;以强凌弱 C cast off v.丢弃,摆脱cause n.原因、理想、事业、目标 channel n.渠道channels of dialog n.对话渠道 chaos n.混乱 clash n.冲突coercion n.强迫,高压政治 collapse n.溃败;崩溃 commitment n.承诺,义务 common aspiration n.共同希望common causes n.共同目标;共同理想 common desire n.共同愿望common developmen n.共同发展 common interest n.共同利益 common prosperity n.共同繁荣communiqué n.联合公报community of nations n.国际社会compassion n.同情,怜悯consolidate v.巩固constrain vt.约束;强迫containment n.遏制,遏制政策contradictory;self-contradictory adj.矛盾;自相矛盾convention n.大会;条约;协定;惯例 convergence n.集中counterpart n.相应的、对等的人或物counterproductive adj.起反作用的;反效果的courtesy n.礼貌crisis n.危机;危险期 D dawning n.黎明;开端 decline n./vi.下降;衰落 defy vt./n.挑战;公然挑衅 delay v./ n.耽搁;拖延 decency n.合宜,得体 delightful adj.令人愉快的 deteriorate vt.使恶化;变糟deterioration n.衰败disparity n.不等;不同dispute n./ v.争端diverse adj.多变的diversity n.多样化;气象万千 dominate v.压倒;统治;占优势 E emancipate vt.释放;解放 embody vt.体现embrace v./ n.拥抱;信奉encroach on 侵犯,蚕食encroachment n.侵犯 endeavor n.努力enduring adj.持久的;不朽的 enrich vt.充实equitable adj.公平的;公正的 era n.纪元erupt v.突然爆发 escalation n.升级exacerbate vt.恶化,使…加剧 F flaunt v./n.炫耀;标榜fluctuation n.波动;起伏不定 foil vt.阻挠;挫败formulation n.明确表达;简洁陈述 foundation n.基础;基金会G guarantee n./vt.保证 guidance n.指导gunboat policy(尖船利炮)强权政策 H hamper v.妨碍;牵制harness v 管理,支配,控制 hereby adv.在此hostility n.敌意、敌对状态I ideal arena n.理想的场所,舞台impair v.损害 impetus n.动力 implement n.贯彻in a friendly manner adv.以友好的方式 in a wide range of areas (就)广泛领域 incapacitate v.使不能胜任incentive n.动机;动力 in-depth adj.彻底、深入的 integral adj.整体的international community 国际社会 intervention n.干涉interventionist n./ adj.主张干涉他国内政者 intimidate v.恐吓,威逼 intricacy n.错综复杂 irresistible adj.不可抗拒的 J jeopardize v.危及joint communiqué n.联合公报joint declaration n.联合声明joint efforts n.协力juncture n.时刻、关头;接合点jurisdiction n.权限;管辖权;管辖区域justice n.正义L, M legitimate adj.合法的maintain v.维持;坚持认为make great contribution to 对…有重大贡献 malignant adj.恶性的;致命的 manifold n./ adj.多方面的 meddle v.干涉memorable adj.令人难忘的 mentality n.心理,思维状态 might n.势力,兵力 mighty adj.强大的 mimic vt./adj.模仿mistrust n.不信任;疑心 multilateral adj.多边的 mutual benefit 互利互惠mutual complementarities 互补 mutual confidence 相互信任mutual consultation 共同协商mutual courtesy 礼尚往来mutual promotion 相互促进 mutual respect 相互尊重 mutual supervision 互相监督 mutual trust 相互信任mutual understanding 相互理解 N, O negotiation n.谈判;协商 objective n.目标;目的 obstacles n.干扰;障碍 obstruct n./v.阻碍 origin n.起源;渊源overshadow v.弱化;使…黯然失色 P paralysis n.瘫痪,麻痹partnership n.合作、合伙关系peace-loving adj.爱好和平的perish v.毁灭、死亡permeate v.渗透phenomenal adj.非凡的;杰出的 pioneering adj.开拓性的 pool (efforts)v.协力 potential n.潜力;adj.潜在的 prejudice n.偏见; v.损害prerequisite n.先决条件; adj.首要的,必要的 prescribe v.指示;规定prevailing adj.占优势的;盛行的 prior to 在…之前profound adj.深刻的,意义深远的 proliferation n.扩散promising adj.有前途的,有希望的promote/facilitate/enhance/strengthen/ advance v.加强;促进 prudence n.审慎;慎重 pursue v.追求 R recognition n.承认,认可 reflect v.反映refrain v.节制;制止 regime n.政权,体制 resentment n.不满、怨恨resolutely adv.坚决地;果敢地resolution n.决心;决议respectable adj.可敬的respective adj.分别的,各自的restructure v.重组;体制改革reunification n.统一rhetoric n./adj.修辞;空话 rival n./v.竞争对手rivalry n.竞争;敌对状态 S safeguard v./ n.扞卫 sanction v./ n.制裁score v.取得(成绩、成果…)setback n.挫折;退步 signify v.表征,意味着 solidarity n.团结 sound adj.健全的 source n.来源sponsor n./v.赞助;主办 stability n.稳定 status quo n.现状steadfastly adv.踏实地;坚定地straightforward adj.坦率的;直截了当 strengthen the bond 加强联系;加固纽带 subordinate n./ adj.次要、下属、从属的subsequent adj.后来的,接着发生的,连续的 summit n.峰会;首脑会议symbol / symbolize n./ v象征 T thereby adv.从而threat v./n.威胁,恐吓 trailblazer n.开拓者 trailblazing adj.开拓性 trample n./ v.践踏tranquil adj.安静、宁静的transcend vt.凌驾;超越trans-century adj.跨世纪的transition n.转变、过渡turmoil n.**;冲突tackle v.处理;对付take shape v.成形tense adj.紧张的U undermine v.破坏undesirable adj.不受欢迎的 union n.联盟;工会unswervingly adv.坚定不移地 V vigorous adj.强健的;精力充沛的 volatile adj.不稳定的;多变的 SECTION II: 中译英中国外交1.“走出去”(战略)going global2.安全security, safety3.霸权hegemony4.闭关锁国的过去closed-door past5.闭关政策closed-door policy6.标准criteria7.博大深远extensive and profound8.不对抗non-confrontatio9.不合理irrationality 10.不结盟non-alignment 11.不可克服的困难insurmountable difficulty 12.不平等inequality 13.不懈的努力 unremitting efforts 14.采取具体步骤 undertake concrete step 15.差距gap 16.尝试attempt 17.充满活力dynamism 18.崇高的事业lofty cause 19.崇高理想grand ideal 20.处理分歧address differences 21.穿梭外交shuttle diplomacy 22.打破障碍beak down barriers 23.单边的unilateral 24.单边主义unilateralism 25.邓小平外交思想Deng Xiaoping's diplomatic thoughts 26.低估underestimate / underestimation 27.地方矛盾regional conflict 28.地球村global village 29.地区差异regional disparity 30.地区**(冲突)regional turmoil(conflicts)31.独立自主的和平外交政策independent foreign policy ofpeace32.独立自主原则principles of independence 33.度假外交holiday-making diplomacy 34.对手opponent;rival 35.对外工作external work 36.多边外交multilateral diplomatic activities 37.多边政策multilateralism 38.多极化multi-polarization 39.多极时代multipolar times 40.多极世界multipolar world 41.多极性multi-polarity 42.繁荣prosperity 43.繁荣昌盛flourish 44.仿效imitation 45.分工division of responsibilities 46.分裂活动splittist activities 47.分歧 issues of difference 48.否决权veto right 49.复杂多变的国际形势a complex and volatile international situation 50.复杂化complication 51.复杂性complexity 52.改善,改进ameliorate 53.高层次、全方位的对话high-level and all-directional dialogue 54.高峰论坛summit(forum)55.高级官员senior officials 56.隔阂estrangement 57.各国人民的福祉well-being of all nations 58.公告proclamation 59.公平fairness 60.公正,正义justice 61.共识consensus 62.共赢all-win 63.国家元首head of state 1.国与国state-to-state 2.过渡期the transitional period 3.过分go overboard 4.合法权益the legitimate rights and interests 5.合作关系cooperative relationship 6.和睦关系harmonious relationship 7.和平peace 8.和平方式peaceful means 9.和平共处peaceful coexistence 10.和平外交 peace diplomacy 11.后果;结果 consequence 12.互不干涉内部事务noninterference in each other's internal affairs 13.互不往来non-communication 14.互惠合同reciprocal contract 15.互利合作的伙伴partners of mutual benefit and cooperation 16.怀疑suspicion 17.环太平洋国家the Pacific rim countries 18.缓解(冲突)buffer(conflicts)19.恢复行使主权 resume the exercise of sovereignty(over…)20.回顾过去 in retrospect 21.机制mechanism22.积极防御active defense 积极影响positive impact 基石cornerstone 极大的希望great expectation 集合;凝聚aggregation 肩负shoulder 艰巨任务arduous task 建设性的战略伙伴关系a constructive strategic partnership 交换意见exchange notes 交流观点exchange views 结交新友establish new contacts 竭力仿效emulate 解决分歧resolve differences 进步progress;advancement 举世闻名word-renowned 军事机密military intelligence(secrets)考验test 肯定传统affirm old tradition 框架framework 扩大共识expand the common ground 来之不易hard-won 乐观精神optimism 礼尚往来reciprocity in courtesy;reciprocal(mutual)courtesy 礼仪;行为准则decencies 良好诚意good faith 良好周边环境a favorable climate in areas around china 良知 conscience 两岸关系cross-strait relations 领土完整territorial integrity 领土争端border or territorial disputes 履行国际义务fulfill international obligations 盟国ally;allies 民间外交people-to-people diplomacy 模式mode 摩擦friction 睦邻友好good-neighborliness 睦邻友好关系good-neighbor relationship 排除干扰与障碍remove interferences and obstacles 排他性集团exclusive group 排外主义exclusivism 批准ratify平等互利equality and mutual benefit平等互利原则principle of equality and mutual benefit平等伙伴关系equal partnership平等协商equal consultation 齐心协力concerted effort 歧视discrimination 起积极作用make positive contribution to 千年millennium 前景prospect;future 谴责 condemn 强权外交 power diplomacy 强权政策 power politics75.强制执行enforcement 76.侵犯violate;encroach on;an encroachment on 77.求同存异seek common ground while reserving/shelving/putting aside differences 78.曲折twists and turns 79.屈服yield to 80.趋势trend 81.全方位合作all-round cooperation 82.全面的;全方位的all-round;all-around 83.全面接触comprehensive engagement 84.全面提高all-round improvement 85.全球化globalization 86.全世界the world at large;the world over 87.权利和义务rights and interests 88.让步(make)concessions 89.人道主义者humanitarian 90.融合fusion 91.三边的 trilateral 92.深切哀悼 convey profound condolences to 93.审时度势size up the situation 94.使命mission 95.事业undertaking, cause 96.势头momentum 97.树立共有的乐观精神build shared optimism 98.双边的bilateral 99.双边关系bilateral relations 100.双边合作bilateral cooperation 101.双边渠道bilateral channels 102.双边外交bilateral diplomatic activities 103.双赢局面win-win situation 104.顺利平稳过渡smooth transition of power 105.坦诚深入的candid and in-depth 106.条约 treaty 107.停滞不前halt 108.同等尊严equal dignity 109.突破break-through 110.团结unity 111.外部封锁external blockade 112.外交diplomacy 113.外交惯例diplomatic practice 114.外交豁免权diplomatic immunity 115.外交晴雨表diplomatic barometer 116.外交使节diplomatic envoy 117.外交休兵diplomatic truce 118.完全不信任downright distrust 119.完全平等complete equality 120.顽疾stubborn ills 121.为大众谋利seek a common good 122.维护香港的繁荣与稳定maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong 123.维护正义的 justice-upholding 124.文化交流cultural exchange 125.文化使节cultural ambassador 126.文化摇篮cradle of civilization 127.无情的事实inexorable facts128.无秩序状态disorder 129.现状current state 130.详细谈论elaborate on 131.协调harmonize 132.协定agreement 133.结盟alliance 134.协议protocol 135.协作coordination 136.携手join (our)hands;hand-in-hand 137.新的世界形态 a new world pattern 138.新殖民主义neo-colonialism 139.宣称;维护assert 140.宣告,声明declaration 141.亚太地区the Asia-Pacific region 142.严峻的考验 severe test 143.唁电message of condolences 144.一贯的政策 consistent policy 145.以史为鉴,面向未来 take history as guidance and look into the future 146.意识形态ideology 147.永不屈服never yielding 148.增进increase, strengthen, promote, expand, boost 149.增进了解enhance mutual understanding 150.战略关系strategic relationship 151.战略协作伙伴关系strategic partnership of coordination 152.正常化normalization 153.正确的对外方针correct foreign policy 154.正式访问an official visit 155.政权交接transfer of government 156.政权交接the transfer of government 157.政治对话political dialog 158.政治和道义上的支持political and moral support 159.中长期的合作 medium and long term cooperation 160.中日和平友好条约the Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship 161.种族隔离apartheid;racial segregation 162.种族矛盾racial tension 163.种族歧视racial discrimination 164.着手处理approach(a problem)165.重新评估reevaluation 166.主权国家sovereign states 167.驻军 garrison 168.自决自主self-determination 169.自我封闭self-reclusive 170.最不发达国家Least-developed countries(LDCs)171.和平共处五项基本原则the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence ·--平等互利Equality and mutual benefit ·--互相尊重和主权领土完整mutual respect fo r sovereignty, territorial integrity ·--互不侵犯Non-aggression ·--互不干涉内政Non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries ·--和平共处Peaceful coexistence第四篇:常用外交口译词汇Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部Protocol Department 礼宾司Information Department 新闻司diplomatic mission 外交代表机构embassy 大使馆legation 公使馆consulate-general 总领事馆consulate 领事馆office of the chargé d’affaires, 代办处military attaché’s office, 武官处commercial counsellor’s office 商务处press section, information service 新闻处liaison office 联络处diplomat 外交家, 外交官diplomatic rank 外交官衔diplomatic representative 外交代表members of the administrative and technical staff 行政技术人员ambassador 大使ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary 特命全权大使nuncio 教廷大使internuncio 教廷公使counsellor withthe rank of minister, minister-counsellor 公使衔参赞chargé d’affaires, 代办chargé d’affasiread interim, 临时代办counsellor 参赞first secretary 一等秘书second secretary 二等秘书third secretary 三等秘书attaché, 随员commercial secretary 商务参赞cultural secretary 文化参赞commercial attaché, 商务专员cultural attaché, 文化专员military attaché, 武官naval attaché, 海军武官air attaché, 空军武官consul-general 总领事consul 领事doyen of the diplomatic corps, dean of the diplomatic corps 外交使团团长roving ambassador 巡回大使ambassador-at-large 无任所大使special envoy 特使accredited to...向…派遣的foreign affairs 外交memorandum, aidememoire 备忘录persona non-grat 不受欢迎的人de jure recognition 法律承认commnique 公报announcement 公告, 通告letter of credence, credentials 国书mutual recognition 互相承认establishment of diplomatic relations 建立外交关系letter of introduction 介绍书during one’s absence 离任期间identification card 身份证statement 声明de facto recognition 事实上承认persona grata 受欢迎的人diplomatic practice 外交惯例diplomatic immunities 外交豁免diplomatic privileges 外交特权diplomatic channels 外交途径diplomatic courier 外交信使diplomatic bag, diplomatic pouch 外交邮袋letter of appointment 委任书certificate of appointment 委任证书exequatur 许可证书declaration, manifesto 宣扬letter of recall 召回公文note 照会verbal note 普通照会circular note 通知照会formal note 正式照会normalization 正常化be appointed ambassador to...被任命为驻…大使to express regret 表示遗憾to sever diplomatic relations 断绝外交关系to resume charge of the office, to return to one’s post 返任to proceed to take up one’s post 赴任to present one’s credential s 递交国书to exchange ambassadors 互派大使to resume diplomatic relations 恢复外交关系to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level 建立大使级外交关系to establish consular relations 建立领事关系to assume one’s post 就任to take exception to;to object to 提出异议to upgrade diplomatic relations 外交关系升格to make representations to, to take up a(the)matter with 向…交涉to lodge a protest with 向…提出抗议to request the consent of...征求…的同意to suspend diplomatic relations 中断外交关系 tea party 茶会an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会delegation 代表团head of the delegation, leader of the delegation 团长deputy head of the delegation, deputy leader of the delegation 副团长member of the delegation 代表团成员memorial speech 悼词to develop the relations offriendship and cooperation 发展友好合作关系prosperity and strength 繁荣富强visit 访问friendly visit, goodwill visit 友好访问informal visit 非正式访问official visit 正式访问private visit 私人访问state visit 国事访问obituary 讣告questions of common interest;question of common concern 共同关心的问题state banquet 国宴message of greeting, message of congratulation 贺电speech of welcome 欢迎词welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会cocktail party 鸡尾酒会good health and a long life 健康长寿profound condolence 深切哀悼cordial hospitality 盛情接待the two sides, the two parties 双方luncheon 午宴message of condolence 唁电reception 招待会toast 祝酒词memorial meeting 追悼会to convey one’s sympathy 表示慰问to meet with 会见to review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队to exchange views 交换意见to receive 接见to be shocked to learn of 惊悉be of the opinion, to hold, to consider, to maintain 认为to propose a toast to...提议为…干杯on the happy occasion of 欣逢on learning with great joy 欣悉to give a banquet in honour of...宴请…on invitation, upon invitation 应邀at the invitation of...应…邀请in the company of..., accompanied by...在…陪同下to express one’s sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝贺和最好的愿望to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福to take note of...注意到His(Her, Your)Majesty 陛下His(Her, Your)Royal Highness 殿下His(Her, Your)Excellency 阁下His excellency Mr.President and Mme...…总统先生阁下和夫人新闻热词:“U型衰退”英语怎么说席卷全球的金融危机使世界各国都蒙受了巨大损失,很多国家已陷入经济衰退。
一、开场白1. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning/afternoon/evening. 尊敬的女士们先生们,早上/下午/晚上好。
2. Welcome to the (name of the conference). 欢迎参加(会议名称)。
3. It is my great pleasure to be here today. 很荣幸今天能够在这里。
4. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the participants. 我想向所有参与者表示热烈的欢迎。
二、介绍演讲人1. Now, let me introduce our first speaker. 现在,请允许我介绍我们的第一位演讲人。
2. Our next speaker is Mr./Ms. (name), who is an expert in the field of (topic). 下一位演讲人是(姓名),他/她是(主题领域)的专家。
3. I would like to invite Mr./Ms. (name) to the stage. 我想请(姓名)先生/女士上台。
三、提问与回答1. Do you have any questions? 你们有什么问题吗?2. Please raise your hand if you have a question. 如果你有问题,请举手。
3. Could you please repeat the question? 你能再重复一遍问题吗?4. Thank you for your question. 谢谢你的问题。
国际商务会话中最常用的口译句(220句)1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。
2 You're going out of your way for us, I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。
3 It's just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient of you right now. 如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。
4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。
5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。
6 Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks?我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判?7 So our evenings will be quite full then?那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗?8 We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。
9 We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during the day.我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。
10 That'll put us both in the picture.这样双方都能了解全面的情况。
第三单元会谈口译(Interpreting Conversations )A:欢迎来上海,罗伯茨先生我是上海邮电服务发展公司海外部主任陈天敏。
(Welcome to Shanghai Mr o Roberts. I , m Chen Tianmin, from Shanghai Post and Telecommunication Service Development Companyo I' m director of the company's Overseas Departmento )B: Nice to meet you, Director Chen o I'm very excited to visit your company and of course, to tour around Shanghai and the whole country。
(I' m very happy that you have come all the way from Britain, We are very proud and honored that you will work with us, and be part of our department. I sincerely hope that your visit will be worthwhile and meaningful。
)B: It is indeed my pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished group of people like Director Chen o I have been looking forward to this visit for years. I had a dream that someday I would visit China and work in the beautiful city of Shanghai for a while° I' m very grateful that you have made my dream come true (受到贵公司的友好邀请,来此与陈主任这样杰出的人士合作共事,我深感愉快和荣幸. 我曾梦想有朝一日能访问中国,能在美丽的上海工作一段时间。
口译对话材料 中英文
![口译对话材料 中英文](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8b72273ef56527d3240c844769eae009581ba2bb.png)
B,Our company is looking to expand into international markets, so we need an excellent interpreter to assist us in international business negotiations and communications.A,非常好,你的口译能力很不错。
B,We need an interpreter who can fluently speak English, French, and Spanish, as our business involves multiple countries and requires multilingual communication.A,非常好,你的口译能力确实让人印象深刻。
Modern means of transportation, telecommunication and mass media have shorten the geografical distance of the world. The international community of years to be has grown to be no more than a globle village in which peoples of all nations experience inevitable cultural exchanges and clashes while seeking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship.我赞同这样的看法:当代社会的民族文化不可能在自我封闭的状态下得到发展。
I am with the view that in this modern world, the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation and I believe that different cultures should learn from each other's strength to upset their own weaknesses. Of course, the culture of a nation must uphold its own distinctive national characteristics in its excessive exchanges with other cultures. Cultural exchange, I think, is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign culture but a process of richening each other's national cultures.南方园林中国园林可分为御花园和私家花园两类。
翻译硕士CATTI口译常用词汇分类:国际交流翻译硕士CATTI口译常用词汇分类:国际交流@CATTIaccomplish a quantum leap 取得巨大突破,质的飞跃against the ever-encroaching tide of globalization 对抗全球化潮流(对本地文化)的蚕食Ambassador to China 驻华大使at a great seat of learning 在一个著名的高等学府at an accelerating tempo 与日俱增become inured to hard work 习惯于勤劳工作be mesmerized by 对……才民着迷be peripheral to 对什么来说是外围的,不重要的be set on a new trajectory 步入新轨道be shortlisted to three candidates 最后挑选出三个候选人be up in the air 还没有确定be worthy of preservation 值得保护be wrongheaded 固执的;顽固的Book Information Centre in Beijing 北京图书信息中心brave the wind of change 经受风云变化bumper harvest 大获丰收China Shanghai International Arts Festival 中国上海国际艺术节(China) State Administration of Cultural Heritage 中国国家文物局Chinese Proficiency Test 汉字水平考试circumstance of birth 出身的背景clandestine activities 秘密活动community spirit 集体精神cultural delicacies 美食文化culture coming home 文化回归cutting-edge digital media 一流的数字媒体daunting task 艰巨任务deep cultural and social affinity 深厚的文化与社会关系develop at a breathtaking pace 以惊人的速度发展during rising tides of prosperity 处于繁盛时期encompassing speech 全面的演讲esprit de corps 团体精神ethos 民族精神expatiate upon 详细阐释far-fetched 牵强的,不自然的Foreign Liaison Bureau of Ministry of Culture 中国文化部外联局give a brief rundown 给一个概要give prominence to the key points 突出重点grandest hope 最宏大的愿望have an apt description 恰当描述gain more visibility 提高知名度Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港艺术节in a spirit of mutual respect 本着互相尊重的精神index of quality of life 生活质量指数in full force 用全力in no small measure 在很大程度上International Cultural Industry Fair (ICIF) 国际文化产业博览会International Federation of Translators 国际译者联盟in the aggregate 总体上job befitting one’s education professional training 和自己教育背景和职业培训相符的工作learning without boundaries 学无止境lingua franca 通用语loom large (问题等)日益凸显; 变得突出lure of materialism 物质主义的魅力make indelible contribution 不可磨灭的贡献make one's debut 初次登场,亮相mark the 300-day countdown 300日倒计时mega-selling books 超级畅销的书Memorandum of Understanding on Cultural Exchange 《文化交流惊解备忘录》millenary tradition 几千年的历史overarching goal 中心目标pageant 盛典position paper 意见书,立场报告provocative keynotes 令人激动的主体演讲quintessential piece of classical Chinese architecture 中国古典建筑的典范quote the Chinese ancient adage 引用中国的一句古话retain perspectives 保留观点rigid and old-fashioned program design 古板、常规化的设计节目Royal Opera House in London 伦敦皇家歌剧院rugged path 崎岖不平的道路run-up 事情的预备阶段self-defeating measures 适得其反的措施stand pat 坚持;不改变主张take stock of the situation 估量形势tee up the meeting 安排会议the array of challenge 一系列挑战time-tested friendship 久经考验的友谊touchy-feely 使人动心的;公开表露感情的uplifting moments 令人振奋的时刻virtual Expo 2010 虚拟2010世博会work with full steam 开足马力地;尽力地world's center of gravity 世界的中心The United States is a nation of immigrants, all of whom contrib ute to our society their distinct talents and traditions.美国是一个移民国家,它的发展得益于所有移民独特的才能和传统。
(1)英译汉:1.The role of the United Nations has gained increasing importance since the end of the Cold War. 冷战结束后的联合国起着越来越重要的作用。
2.The increasing prestige is due in part to the fact that the Security Council has escaped the paralysis which resulted from the US-Soviet rivalry during the Cold War, a period when the two superpowers used their veto rights against each other, thereby incapacitating the Security Council. 联合国地位的上升部分是因为安理会摆脱了冷战期间因美苏对抗而出现的瘫痪状态,当时两个超级大国各自使用自己的否决权来反对对方,致使安理会无法正常运作。
3.The West, just as the developing world, has discovered that it needs the United Nations to achieve its objectives.西方世界同发展中国家一样也发现它需要联合国以达到自己的目的。
4.In addition, global problems, including the proliferation of nuclear weapons, rapidly expanding populations, the environment, drugs and refugees, call for the entire international community to pool their efforts to find solutions.此外,包括核武器扩散、人口激增、环境污染、吸毒以及难民在内的全球性问题要求整个国际社会共同努力,携手寻求解决问题的方法。
口译词汇(国际交流你、礼仪祝词)第一篇:口译词汇(国际交流你、礼仪祝词)国际交流(一)Words and sentences:1.国际社会the international community2.国务院港澳办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council3.过境签证 transit visa4.和睦相处 to live with each other in harmony5.互访 exchange of visits6.即兴讲话 off-the-cuff speech7.记者招待会press conference8.经济合作会议economic cooperation conference9.经济技术交流 economic and technical exchanges 10.军事交流military exchange 11.考察团survey group 12.客套话polite formulas 13.跨文化交流 cross-cultural communication 14.礼宾处 the Protocol Office 15.贸易关系 trade relations 16.美国驻华大使馆 The U.S.Embassy in China 17.民间交往 non-governmental contact 18.民间组织 non-governmental organization 19.民族文化national culture 20.批判地吸收 to assimilate criticallySentences: 1.现在,我提议为我们两家公司友谊和合作的新阶段干杯!May I now propose a toast to this new stage in the friendship and cooperation between our two companies.2.最后,敬请各位为我们日益增进的友谊和商业往来而干杯!In conclusion, I would like to invite you to join me in a toast to our growing friendship as well as commercial ties.3.中国经济将进一步同亚洲经济走向融合,形成互利、互补、互助的新型合作关系。
国际商务会话中最常用的口译句(220句)1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。
2 You're going out of your way for us, I believe.我相信这是对我们的特殊照顾了。
3 It's just the matter of the schedule,that is,if it is convenient of you right now. 如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。
4 I think we can draw up a tentative plan now.我认为现在可以先草拟一具临时方案。
5 If he wants to make any changes,minor alternations can be made then.如果他有什么意见的话,我们还可以对计划稍加修改。
6 Is there any way of ensuring we'll have enough time for our talks?我们是否能保证有充足的时间来谈判?7 So our evenings will be quite full then?那么我们的活动在晚上也安排满了吗?8 We'll leave some evenings free,that is,if it is all right with you.如果你们愿意的话,我们想留几个晚上供你们自由支配。
9 We'd have to compare notes on what we've discussed during the day.我们想用点时间来研究讨论一下白天谈判的情况。
10 That'll put us both in the picture.这样双方都能了解全面的情况。
Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗? Don't flatter me. 过奖了。
Big mouth! 多嘴! Sure thing! 当然!I''m going to go. 我这就去。
Never mind. 不要紧。
Can-do. 能人。
Close-up. 特写镜头。
Drop it! 停止! Bottle it! 闭嘴!Don''t play possum! 别装蒜!Break the rules. 反规则。
There is nobody by that name working here. 这里没有这个人。
How big of you! 你真棒! Poor thing! 真可怜!Nuts! 呸;胡说;混蛋 Make it up! 不记前嫌!Watch you mouth. 注意言辞。
Any urgent thing?有急事吗?Don't over do it. 别太过分了。
Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?You want a bet?你想打赌吗?What if I go for you?我替你去怎么样?Who wants?谁稀罕?Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。
Gild the lily. 画蛇添足。
I'll be seeing you. 再见。
I wonder if you can give me a lift?能让我搭一程吗?I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。
Why are you so sure?怎么这样肯定?Is that so?是这样吗?Don't get loaded. 别喝醉了。
Don't get high hat. 别摆架子。
Right over there. 就在那里。
Doggy bag. 打包袋。
That rings a bell. 听起来耳熟。
1. diplomacy [dɪˈpləʊməsi] n. 外交;外交手腕;交际手段。
- 例句:China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace in its diplomacy.(中国在外交中奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。
)2. negotiation [nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃn] n. 谈判;协商;转让。
- 例句:The negotiation between the two countries lasted for several months.(两国之间的谈判持续了几个月。
)3. treaty [ˈtriːti] n. 条约;协议;谈判。
- 例句:The two sides signed a treaty of friendship and cooperation.(双方签署了友好合作条约。
1. economy [ɪˈkɒnəmi] n. 经济;节约;理财。
- 例句:The global economy is facing many challenges.(全球经济正面临许多挑战。
)2. inflation [ɪnˈfleɪʃn] n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张。
- 例句:High inflation can have a negative impact on people's living standards.(高通货膨胀会对人们的生活水平产生负面影响。
)3. revenue [ˈrevənjuː] n. 税收收入;财政收入;收益。
- 例句:The government's revenue mainly comes from taxes.(政府的收入主要来自税收。
1. heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产;传统;继承物;继承权。
- 例句:This ancient building is part of our national heritage.(这座古老的建筑是我们国家遗产的一部分。
谢谢不见其损,日 有所亏 。 62、奇文共欣赞,疑义相与析。
63、暧暧远人村,依依墟里烟,狗吠 深巷中 ,鸡鸣 桑树颠 。 64、一生复能几,倏如流电惊。 65、少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。
1. 演讲稿演讲稿是国际会议、商务交流等场合中常见的口译材料。
2. 会议议程会议议程是国际会议中常见的一种口译材料。
3. 商务文件商务文件是商务交流中常见的口译材料,如商务合同、商业报告等。
4. 新闻报道新闻报道是文化交流中常见的口译材料。
在进行口译工作时,口译员还需要注意以下几点:1. 善于借助辅助工具口译过程中,口译员可以借助辅助工具,如翻译软件、词典和备忘录等,提高口译效率和准确性。
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1 经营之道Business ManagementQ:您好,杰克逊先生。
您在中国已连续工作了三年,您能否谈一下中美两国生意人在商务沟通方式上有何不同之处?Hello,Mr.Jackson.You've been working in China for three years.Can you tell us how you feel about the differences in business communication style between Chinese and American businessmen?A:我很乐意。
With pleasure.I think there are at least two differences in the way of business communication between Chinese and American businesspeople.First,Chinese businessmen tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner,as opposed to the more direct manner of American businesspeople.The Chinese take time to learn iftheir prospective business contacts are really reliable,for example,by inviting them to a party and socializing with them.In contrast,Americans usually act with the "get-down-to-business-first" mentality.Second,the decision-making process of Chinese companies is generally slow and time-consuming.This is because most Chinese companies keep to the "bottom-up,then top-down and then bottom-up" decision-making principle which involves many people at different levels.American companies,on the other hand,usually operate with quick decisions made by the top management.I hope American businesspeople in China will understand these differences in business practices and adjust to the Chinese way.Q:美国式的经营之道在我们中国人看来往往显得咄咄逼人。
您在与中国同事的合作中有无注意到这一点?The American way of doing business often strikes us Chinese as very aggressive.Were you aware of this in your collaboration with your Chinese colleagues?A:这个嘛,我认为,由于我们有着不同的文化传统,所以我们同大部分中国人相比,显得较为直截了当、开门见山。
Well,we are more direct and straightforward than most Chinese,I wouldsay,due to our different cultural traditions.I noticed that a lot of Chinese often avoid saying a clear "no" just to be polite.Sometimes my Chinese colleagues say "yes" not to express agreement,but only to show that they are listening.Q:我们都应该承认这些文化差异,尊重这些差异,以免产生误解,这很重要,不是吗?It is important for all of us to acknowledge and respect these cultural differences in order to avoid misunderstandings,isn't it?A:是的,我认为,理解这些差异是朝着在美国公司和中国公司之间建立稳固的商务关系的方向迈出第一步。
Yes,understanding these differences,I believe,will be a first step toward establishing a firm business relationship between American and Chinese companies.Q:刚才您提到了中国式的决策过程,您认为这种管理模式有无优点?将其与美国式的管理模式相比,您有何看法?You mentioned the Chinese type of decision-making process earlier.Do you see any strength with this type of management and how do you compare it with the American type of management?A:我感到美国式的自上而下的管理方式注重效率,注重员工之间的竞争。
I would say the American-type,or the top-down,management emphasizes efficiency,and competition among workers,while the Chinese-type management gives priority to careful planning and encourages cooperation among workers,and between workers and the management.Thus,while the American-type management often frustrates many workers,the Chinese-type management gives workers a joy of participation and fulfillment,and a sense of pride in their work.Q:谈到员工的工作态度,中国人和美国人在这方面有何不同?Talking about the workers' attitude toward their work,how do the Chinese and the Americans differ in this respect?A;我认为,大多数中国人将工作视为能使自己成为整个团体中的一份子的必不可缺的条件。
I think most Chinese view work as essential for having membership in a community.They believe that work allows them to have the sense of belonging in a community.In other words,work is necessary for them to gain social acceptance in the society.That is why many Chinese managers and employees work so hard to maintain their positions in their companies.Also,they see work as the most important thing in life.That is,they have tried to find the meaning of life through their jobs.While the Chinese work ethic is based on social pressure and community belonging,the American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented.Traditionally,we work because it is the will of God,and we often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.By the way,I'm very impressed by the obvious strong sense of dedication to the jobs among the older Chinese employees.Q:回到我们一开始的话题,您如何评价中美两种不同经营之道的利弊呢?Returning to where we started,how do you comment on the merits and demerits of the two different approaches to business management?A:很难判断孰优孰劣,因为这两种经营方式各有自己的长处与短处,我希望我们两国人民应该互相学习,取长补短。