



返老还童中英文对照(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)There is always something that I should remember for the rest of my life.总有一些事情是我需要铭记一生的。

"You could be mad as a mad dog at the way things can swear and curse the fates,but when it comes to the end,you have to let go.你可以像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平你可以诅咒命运但是等到最后一刻到来之时你还得平静的放手而去。

For what it's worth, it's never too late, or in my case, too early, to be whoever you want to be.There's no time limit, stop whenever you want.You can change or stay the same.There's no rules to this thing.We can make the best or the worst of it.I hope you make the best of it.I hope you see things that startle you.I hope you feel things you never felt before.I hope you meet people with a different point of view.I hope you live a life you're proud of.If you find that you are not,I hope you have the strength to start all over again.“一件事无论太晚或者对于我来说太早,都不会阻拦你成为你想成为的那个人,这个过程没有时间的期限,只要你想,随时都可以开始,要改变或者保留原状都无所谓,做事本不应该有所束缚,我们可以办好这件事却也可以把它搞砸,但我希望最终你能成为你想成为的人。



《返老还童》影评篇一:返老还童影评《返老还童》:自然主义史诗! (2009-01-06 17:32:19) 转载标签:奥斯卡电影好莱坞明星返老还童布拉德皮特凯特布兰切特史诗时间娱乐▼ 分类:毒舌非影评家小毕的个人评分:95分(A)《返老还童》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)与其说是一部魔幻的传记或浪漫的史诗,倒不妨看成是一篇散文,形散而神不散。













《返老还童》是《本杰明·巴顿奇事》的英文原版书,其英文原文为"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button",以下是一段《返老还童》的中英对照全译本:



英文:The life of Benjamin Button begins in reverse. He is born looking like an old man, wrinkled and tottering towards the end of his life. As time passes, he becomes increasingly younger, eventually turning into a baby and passing away in the warmth of someone's arms.




看完这些经典英文电影你的口语听力会有大幅提升哦!高考落下了帷幕,高一高二的同学也迎来暑假,大家放松归放松,也千万不要只顾着玩把英语丢掉哦~今天小编就为大家推荐一些适合中学生观看的英文电影,大家不仅可以利用暑假重温经典,还可以在轻松娱乐的环境中提高英语口语水平,一起来看看吧~《阿甘正传》Forrest Gump也许你从未看过这部电影,但是你一定听说过这句话“Life was like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are gonna get.”(人生就像一盒巧克力, 你永远不知道下一颗是什么味道)这是电影《阿甘正传》中最经典的一句台词。

电影改编自美国作家温斯顿.格卢姆于1986年出版的同名小说,描绘先天智障的小镇男孩弗瑞斯特.甘自强不息,最终“傻人有傻福”(stupid is as stupid does)地得到上天眷顾,在多个领域创造奇迹的励志故事。


《雨人》Rain Man影片名为《雨人》,其实与雨并无关系,而是讲述了一个关于亲情的故事,影片中,男主发现父亲将遗产留给了患自闭症的哥哥,便计划骗取这笔财富,并计划利用哥哥超强的记忆力去赌博赢钱,但在此过程中,血缘的亲情打破了原有的疏离,真挚动人的手足之情取代了男主原先只求一己利益的私心。


而故事究竟为什么叫《雨人》,小简老师就不剧透了,看了这部电影你就会知道!《西雅图夜未眠》Sleepless in Seattle《西雅图夜未眠》是一部经典爱情电影,男主山姆在妻子去世后心如死水,与儿子杰一起在西雅图过着平静的生活。









关键词:多重主题;情感;荣誉;梦想;精神危机 F・司各特・菲茨杰拉德(1896-1940),美国著名小说家,兼具诗人和梦想家的独特气质,为美国的爵士时代吟唱了一曲华丽的挽歌。





一、作品故事梗概《本杰明・巴顿奇事》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,1922)是菲茨杰拉德短篇小说中的早期作品,故事贯穿主人公本杰明・巴顿的一生。




本杰明巴顿奇事深层解读《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)是一部2008年上映的美国奇幻爱情电影,由大卫·芬奇执导,布拉德·皮特和凯特·布兰切特主演。



















本杰明·巴顿奇事(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)影评

本杰明·巴顿奇事(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)影评

本杰明·巴顿奇事(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)影评《本杰明·巴顿奇事》是一部令人难以忘怀的电影,它给我带来了许多感触和共鸣。



















生命的意义——《返老还童》音乐赏析影片简介片名:The Curious Case of Benjamin Button译名:返老还童/本杰明·巴顿奇事导演:大卫·芬奇(David Fincher)主要演员:布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett蒂尔达·斯温顿Tilda SwintonLance E. Nichols The Preacher茱莉亚·奥蒙德Julia Ormond杰森弗·莱明 Jason Flemyng音乐法国作曲家亚历山大·德斯普拉负责了电影的配乐工作,他起用荷里活交响乐团(Hollywood Studio Symphony)87人团队在索尼配乐舞台(Sony Scoring Stage)进行录音。


国际版预告片则采用了歌曲〈A Moment of Greatness〉。

其中一个电视广告出现了Arcade Fire的〈My Body is A Cage〉,某些广告就有APM音乐流动电影合集《Cinematic Emotions & Drama》的歌曲〈The Return〉;还有一些在电影《逃狱三王》出现过的歌曲,包括〈Didn't Leave Nobody But the Baby〉和〈I'll Fly Away〉,都是出自不同的录音版本。

电影终结时重现了班杰明学过的钢琴乐曲,那是斯科特·乔普林的圆舞曲〈Bethena: A Concert Waltz〉。




齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报No.6,2018Genera.No.1652018年第6期(总第165期)Journal of Qiqihar Junior Teachers ’College一、引言菲茨杰拉德是20世纪美国著名作家,“迷惘的一代”作家中具有代表性的一员,主持翻译《菲茨杰拉德作品全集》的吴建国教授说:“在美国现代小说家中,他是仅次于福克纳和海明威的第三号人物”[1]。











Jacob Tolano· 饰演· Martin Gateau
Ed Metzger· 饰演· Teddy Roosevelt 凯特· 布兰切特· 饰演· Daisy 芳妮· A· 钱勃丝· 饰演· Dorothy Baker Donna DuPlantier· 饰演· Blanche Devereux Earl Maddox· 饰演· Man at Train Station 杰森· 弗莱明· 饰演· Thomas Button
飓风正在侵袭美国新奥尔良,一位病危的老妇睁开 了她的睡眼。老妇名叫戴茜(凯特· 布兰切特饰),她叫 女儿凯若琳(朱莉娅•奥蒙德饰)为她阅读一本日记。这 本日记的作者叫本杰明•巴顿(布拉德•皮特饰)。本杰明 出生在第一次世界大战停战之时,但生来便像个老人 的他被父亲当作怪物,被遗弃在了养老院。本杰明在 养老院与老人们一起生活。但谁都没有想到,本杰明 逆向发育——越活越年轻!也许“越活越年轻”是某 些人的梦想,但真正这样成长的本杰明却有了别人无 法理解的烦恼与快乐。穿越半世纪的世界变革,本杰 明身处其中,感受别人感受不到的感受。 为何母亲会让自己念这本日记?本杰明•巴顿此人 与母亲有什么关系?凯若琳陷入了深深的疑惑与好奇 之中。
• 每个人都试图理解生命的含义, • 每个人都妄想要抓住时间! • 每个人都想说如果,每个人都想 着以后会发生什么! • 每个人.....每个人..... • 本杰明 起初人们都以为他会很 快的死掉,但是他活了很长的时 间,黛西 他以为确定他以后会是 一个舞者谁知道出了车祸! 本知道他最后会变成孩子,但是 他最后真的变成了孩子! 谁知道以后会怎么样呢?
返老还童是人们美好的愿望,世人,又有 几人能够达到?但是假如真的能返老还童, 你愿意吗?真的可以长生不死,你愿意吗?



you can not
Began to lose memory Became younger and younger
Later years
Benjamin enrolled in Yale College
Turned over control of his company to his son Enrolled at Harvard University
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
The author Character relationship
General plots
Beautiful Sentences
The author

Sept. 24, 1896 –Dec. 21,1940

Cherish your life, seize the day and be yourself.
No matter what you are and how you life, enjoy yourself.
What a sad and unimaginable life when get old with your deepest lover!

An American author of novels and short stories( paradigm writings of the Jazz Age).
“Lost Generation”(迷惘的一代) of the 1920s. His short stories that treat themes of youth and promise along with despair and age.























本杰明巴顿奇事电影观后感英文版两百字全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1I recently watched the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and oh boy, it was so amazing! The story is about a man named Benjamin Button who is born old and ages backward. How cool is that?The movie really made me think about life and how precious it is. Benjamin's journey through life was so unique and it taught me to appreciate every moment, no matter how old or young I am. The way the movie showed the passage of time was so powerful and touching.The love story between Benjamin and Daisy was so sweet and heartwarming. It made me believe in true love and that age is just a number. Their bond was so strong and it showed me the importance of cherishing the people we love.The special effects in the movie were mind-blowing. The makeup and CGI used to make Brad Pitt look older and younger were so realistic. I couldn't believe my eyes! It really added to the magic of the story.Overall, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is amust-watch movie. It made me laugh, cry, and feel all the feels. It reminded me to live life to the fullest and appreciate every moment. I highly recommend watching it if you haven't already. Go on, give it a try! You won't regret it.篇2Wow! I just watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and it was so cool! I never knew you could be born old and get younger as you grow up. It was super interesting to see how Benjamin's life was so different from everyone else's.Benjamin had such an unusual life. He started off as an old man, but he got to experience so many different things as he grew younger. It was sad to see him leave the people he loved as he got younger and younger, but it was also really cool to see him do all these amazing things that most people never get to do.The movie made me think about how we all age differently. Some people get old really quickly, while others stay young at heart no matter how many birthdays they have. It's important to appreciate every stage of life and make the most of the time we have.I also loved how the movie showed us that love is timeless. Even though Benjamin and Daisy's lives went in different directions, their love for each other never changed. It was so sweet to see them finally come together at the end, even if it was just for a little while.Overall, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was an awesome movie that made me think about life in a whole new way. It taught me to cherish the moments I have, no matter how fast time seems to be going. I can't wait to watch it again and see what new things I notice the next time!篇3Title: My Feelings after Watching "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"Hey guys! Today I want to talk to you about this super cool movie I watched called "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". It's about this guy named Benjamin who ages backwards – how crazy is that?!I was super amazed by the special effects in the movie. They made Benjamin look really old and then young again, it was so cool! I couldn't believe how they made him look like he was getting younger and younger as the movie went on.But it wasn't just about the special effects – the story was also really touching. Benjamin goes through so many different things in his life and it made me think about how important it is to appreciate every moment we have. It's like the movie was saying that life is precious and we should cherish every moment we have with the people we love.One of my favorite parts of the movie was when Benjamin meets Daisy. Their love story is so sweet and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I think it's really important to appreciate the people we love and to never take them for granted. Benjamin's story reminded me of that.Overall, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was an amazing movie that made me think about life in a whole new way. It made me appreciate the people in my life even more and reminded me to cherish every moment. I would definitely recommend this movie to all of you – it's definitely amust-watch!Well, that's all from me for now. Thanks for listening guys, and I'll see you next time! Bye!篇4Oh hi guys! So, I just watched this super cool movie called "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and I gotta tell you, it was so awesome! Like, seriously, it was mind-blowing!The movie is about this dude named Benjamin Button who is born old and then gets younger as he gets older. I know, crazy right? But that's what makes this movie so interesting! It's like, whoa, how can someone be born old and then turn into a little baby? It's so cool to see how Benjamin's life goes backwards, it's like nothing I've ever seen before!And the special effects in this movie are just amazing! Like, you can totally tell that they put a lot of effort into making Benjamin look old and then young and stuff. It's like, how did they even do that? It's so cool!But what really got me was the message of the movie. Like, even though Benjamin is living his life backwards, he still goes through all the same stuff as everyone else. He falls in love, he loses people he cares about, he goes through all the ups and downs of life. It's like, no matter how weird your life is, you're still gonna have the same feelings and experiences as everyone else. That's deep, man.Overall, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a super cool movie that you should definitely check out. It's got anawesome story, amazing special effects, and a really deep message. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and get ready to be amazed!篇5I watched the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" with my mom yesterday, and oh boy, it was so cool! This movie is about a man named Benjamin Button who was born as an old man and ages backward. Isn't that crazy?I really liked how the movie showed Benjamin's life from the time he was a little old man to when he was a baby. It was so interesting to see how he goes through all the stages of life in reverse. The special effects were so cool, especially the scenes where Benjamin looked really old or really young.The story itself was really touching too. Benjamin's love story with Daisy was so romantic, even though they had to face so many ups and downs because of their different ages. It made me think about how love can overcome anything, even time itself.One thing that really stuck with me was the theme of appreciating every moment in life. Benjamin's unique situation made him see the world in a different way, and it made me thinkabout how we should all cherish the time we have and make the most of every day.Overall, I really enjoyed watching "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." It was funny, sad, and heartwarming all at the same time. It made me think about life in a new way, and I think that's pretty special for a movie to do. I can't wait to watch it again with my friends and talk about all the cool parts.篇6"Wow, have you guys watched the movie The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? It's soooo cool! I can't believe how Benjamin Button grows younger as he gets older. It's like, super weird but also kinda magical!I loved how the movie showed us that no matter how different we are, we can still find love and happiness. Benjamin had such a unique life, but he still found his soulmate in Daisy. Their love story is just so sweet and touching.The movie made me think about how we should cherish every moment in life and appreciate the people around us. Benjamin's journey reminded me that time is precious and we should make the most out of it.Also, the special effects in the movie were amazing! I couldn't believe how they made Brad Pitt look so different in each stage of Benjamin's life. It was like watching a real-life time-lapse!Overall, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a movie that teaches us valuable lessons about life, love, and time. It's definitely a must-watch for everyone, no matter how old you are. I'm so glad I watched it, and I can't wait to re-watch it again with my friends!"篇7Wow, I just watched the movie "Benjamin Button" with my family and it was so cool! It's about this guy named Benjamin who was born old and ages backwards, how crazy is that? I couldn't believe it when I saw him as a little old man, haha!One thing I really liked about the movie was how it showed how Benjamin's life was so different from everyone else's. He got to experience things in a totally unique way, like falling in love with Daisy and watching her grow old while he got younger. It was so touching to see how their relationship changed over time.The special effects in the movie were amazing too, like when they made Benjamin look really old or really young. It was likemagic! And the story was so emotional, I cried so many times during the movie. It made me think about how precious life is and how we should cherish every moment.I also loved how the movie made me think about what it means to grow old and how we should appreciate all the experiences we have, no matter how old we are. It's important to live life to the fullest and not take anything for granted.Overall, "Benjamin Button" was a really great movie that made me laugh, cry and think about life in a whole new way. I would definitely recommend it to all my friends, it's amust-watch for sure!篇8Wow! "Bedtime Stories" is such a cool movie! I just watched it and I can't wait to tell you all about it!The story is about a guy named Benjamin who works at a hotel owned by his dad. He's super creative and has all these fun bedtime stories that he tells his niece and nephew. But then, something really crazy happens - the stories start coming true in real life! Like, when he says it's raining gumballs, gumballs actually fall from the sky! It's so awesome!Benjamin realizes that whatever he says in his bedtime stories actually happens the next day, so he starts telling all these cool and crazy stories to make his life more exciting. He goes on all these crazy adventures and even falls in love with this girl at the hotel. It's so sweet!But then, things start getting out of control and his stories start causing problems. He has to figure out how to fix everything before it's too late. It's so intense!I loved watching "Bedtime Stories" because it's funny, exciting, and really magical. It made me believe that anything is possible if you just let your imagination run wild. I think it's important to dream big and never give up on your dreams, just like Benjamin did in the movie. It's such a cool message!I totally recommend watching "Bedtime Stories" if you wanta fun and heartwarming movie that will make you believe in the power of imagination. It's a blast!篇9Title: My Thoughts on the Movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button"Hey guys, guess what? I just watched this really cool movie called "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and I just had to tell you all about it! It was so awesome and totally blew my mind!So, the movie is about this guy named Benjamin Button who is born old and ages backwards. Can you believe that? It's like he's living his life in reverse! I thought it was so crazy but also really interesting to watch.Throughout the movie, we see Benjamin go through all these different stages in his life, from being an old man to a little kid. It was so fascinating to see how he experiences life in such a unique way. I felt so many different emotions while watching him grow younger and younger. It made me think about how we all age and change over time.But what really got me was the love story between Benjamin and Daisy. They have such a special bond that lasts throughout their lives, even though they are going in opposite directions. It was so sweet and touching to see how their love transcends time and space.Overall, I really enjoyed watching "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." It made me think about life and love in a whole new way. It's definitely a movie that will stick with me for a long time. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to seesomething different and thought-provoking. You won't be disappointed!Thanks for listening to my thoughts, guys. I can't wait to watch more great movies and share my reviews with you all. Stay curious and keep watching awesome films!篇10Title: My Feelings After Watching 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'Hey guys! Today I want to share with you my feelings after watching the movie 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. It was such an amazing movie and I loved every minute of it! Let me tell you all about it.First of all, the main character, Benjamin Button, is so cool! He was born as an old man and as he grew older, he actually started to get younger! How crazy is that? It was so interesting to see how his life unfolded and how he dealt with his unique situation.I also really liked the love story between Benjamin and Daisy. It was so sweet and touching. Even though they had to face so many obstacles because of their age difference, their love neverwavered. It was really inspiring to see how they were willing to fight for their love no matter what.The cinematography in the movie was also stunning. The way they portrayed the different time periods and how Benjamin aged backwards was done so well. It really added to the magic and wonder of the story.Overall, 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' is a movie that will make you laugh, cry, and ponder about life. It teaches us to cherish every moment and to appreciate the people we love. It's a truly heartwarming and thought-provoking film that I highly recommend everyone to watch.So, if you haven't seen it yet, go check it out and let me know what you think! I promise you won't be disappointed. Until next time, bye guys!。





关键字:《本杰明·巴顿奇事》;生与死;爱情;剧本;导演;叙事;拍摄;声音;色彩;特效;剪辑;主题Abstract: Movie "The curious of Benjamin Button" as a excellent work which won the 2009 Oscar best film, by talking an unusual life of Benjamin's, showed the fleeting beauty and desire, profoundly reveals the eternal life and death proposition. This article decribed the script and the director of the work, narration and shooting style, sound and color, special effecacy and editing as well as the theme of the performance of its in-depth analysis.Key word: 《The curious of Benjamin Button》; live and die ; love ; script ; direct ; narration ; shooting style ; sound ; color ; special effecacy ; editing ; theme如果人生能够逆行,生命会是什么模样? 人们渴望的“返老还童”,是否真的像想象一样美好?电影《本杰明·巴顿奇事》就为我们展现了一幅从暮年到婴孩的长长画卷。



《奇风岁月》的英文版名为The Curious Case of Benjamin Button。









2452020年48期总第540期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS汉译《本杰明·巴顿奇事》的奇幻再现文/程 晗因素的关系,如原作者、译者和读者等。


2. 《本杰明·巴顿奇事》的翻译策略。








比如,“hearty contempt”中“hearty”是个褒义词,意思是“发自内心的,肺腑的”,但译为口语化的汉语程度词“老大不屑地”。






“the Wandering Jew”译为“永世流浪的犹太人”,中文译本也简单说明了犹太人的宗教一、奇幻小说《本杰明·巴顿奇事》(The Curious Caseod Benjamin Button )的特点小说描绘了主人公本杰明完整的一生,从生到死贯穿全文。



本杰明·巴顿奇事电影英语观后感英文回答:The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 2008 American fantasy drama film directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Taraji P. Henson, Julia Ormond, Jason Flemyng, and Mahershala Ali. The film is based on the 1922 short story of the same name by F. Scott Fitzgerald.The story follows the life of Benjamin Button (Pitt), who is born in New Orleans in 1918 with the body of an 80-year-old man. As he ages in reverse, he meets and falls in love with Daisy Fuller (Blanchett), a woman who is born on the same day as him and ages normally.The film explores themes of love, loss, and the meaning of life. It is a poignant and moving story that celebrates the beauty and fragility of human existence.The performances in the film are all excellent, withPitt and Blanchett giving particularly strong performances. The film is also beautifully shot and directed, withFincher creating a visually stunning film that perfectly captures the film's themes.The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a must-see film for fans of drama, fantasy, and romance. It is a film that will stay with you long after the credits have rolled.中文回答:《本杰明·巴顿奇事》是2008年上映的一部美国奇幻剧情片,由大卫·芬奇执导,布拉德·皮特、凯特·布兰切特、塔拉吉·P·汉森、朱莉娅·奥蒙德、杰森·弗莱明和马赫沙拉·阿里主演。



本杰明·巴顿奇事电影英语观后感英文回答:I recently watched the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and it left a deep impression on me. The film tells the extraordinary story of Benjamin Button, a man who is born with the appearance and physical attributes of an old man and ages backwards. Throughout the movie, we witness Benjamin's unique journey through life, as he experiences the joys and challenges of growing younger.One aspect of the film that struck me was the theme of time and aging. Benjamin's reverse aging process raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of time and how it affects our lives. It made me reflect on the passage of time and how we often take it for granted. The movie reminded me to cherish every moment and make the most of the time we have.Furthermore, the film explores the concept of identityand self-acceptance. Benjamin struggles with his appearance and the way others perceive him, but eventually learns to embrace his uniqueness. This theme resonated with me personally, as it reminded me of the importance of self-acceptance and embracing our individuality, regardless of societal expectations.The cinematography in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is stunning. The film beautifully captures the different time periods and settings, from the early 1900s to the present day. The attention to detail and the visual effects used to portray Benjamin's aging process were truly remarkable. It added an extra layer of depth to the storytelling and made the movie visually captivating.The performances in the film were exceptional. BradPitt portrayed Benjamin Button with such grace and vulnerability, capturing the complexities of thecharacter's journey. Cate Blanchett also delivered a powerful performance as Daisy, Benjamin's love interest. The chemistry between the two actors was palpable and added to the emotional depth of the story.Overall, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that explores themes of time, aging, and self-acceptance. It left me contemplating the nature of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. The performances and cinematography were outstanding, making it a truly memorable movie experience.中文回答:最近我看了电影《本杰明·巴顿奇事》,它给我留下了深刻的印象。



Benjamin returned to the United States after World War II. He was out of childhood age, childhood dream lover Daisy who was a dancer with successful career and infinite charm appeared again in his life. After mature communication, they spend a few years together with happiness. Finally, he left the Dasiy to the growth of the daughter.
I'm blind in the one eye, I can't hardly hear, I get twitches and shakes out of nowhere, I lose my line of thought, but you know what? God keeps reminding me I‘m lucky to be alive. 我瞎了一个眼睛,几乎听不见晨间喧嚣,动不动就抽搐,总是 丢三落四,上帝却依然扔下闪电来提醒我,能够活着已经是桩幸 运的事了。 There is always something that I should remember for the rest of my life. 总有一些事情是我需要铭记一生的。 You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went, You can swear, curse the fates, regret everything you ever did but when it comes to the end, You have to let it go. 你可以像疯狗那样对周围的一切愤愤不平。你可以诅咒命运, 但是等到最后一刻到来之时,你还得平静的放手而去。
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Mr Button...! 巴顿先生...!
Thomas! 汤马斯!
Thomas, wait! 汤马斯,等等!
Hey, what are you doing there!? What do you have there? 嗨!你去哪里? 你在那儿干嘛呢! 96 00:11:34,489 --> 00:11:36,850 The air is sweet. 外面空气不错
I'm sorry if I offended anybody. 如果冒犯了诸位,我诚心致歉
I hope you enjoy my clock. 我希望你们喜欢我得钟表
Mr Cake was never seen again. 后来凯克先生就音信全无了
Some say he died of a broken heart. 有些人说他死于一颗破碎的心...
Our father was there the day it opened. 建成的那天我得父亲就在那里,
He said that... 他说当时还有个大号团在演奏... 23 00:02:48,791 --> 00:02:51,291 a tuba band was playing.
They had the finest clockmaker in all of the South 整个南部最好的钟表匠造了那台大钟...
Mom, it's not exactly... 妈妈,这本日记不完全是...
Just the sound of your voice, darling. - 听你得声音就足够了... - 好的
It's dated "April 4th, 1985." 这里标记着"1985年四月四日
It says, "New Orleans." 新奥尔良..."
I'm finding it harder to keep my eyes open. 我感觉眼镜很难睁开...
My mouth's full of... cotton. 嘴里像塞满了棉花...
There, there, miss Daisy. You will scratch yourself to ribbons. 放松点,黛西夫人,你这样做会把衣服撕烂的
I hope I haven't disappointed you. 我希望我没有让你失望,妈妈
You couldn't disappoint me. 哦宝贝,你永远不可能让我失望
Well, I... 恩..我只是...
I know I don't have much to show for myself. 我知道没有多少语言 可以表达自己的想法...
You look very handsome tonigh, miss Queenie. 你今晚格外美丽,奎尼小姐
Handsome as I ever seen you. 比以往我见到你得任何时刻都美丽万分 99 00:11:48,610 --> 00:11:52,050 The brown matches your eyes. -Oh, hush! - 你棕色的衣服和你的眼睛很般配 - 行了吧你!
The suitcase. 我的手提箱...
There's a diary. 里面有一本日记...
This? - 这个?
Could you read it to me, dear? -Is this what you wanna do? - 能...把它读给我吗? - 这样就可以了?
I tried to read it a hundred different times... 我无数次尝试去读...
A friend told me that... 一个朋友告诉我...
she never had a chance to say goodbye to her mother. 她永远没有机会跟她妈妈说再见了
I wanted to tell you... - 其实我想... - 我知道...
how much I'm gonna miss you. Mom. 我想告诉你我以后会多么想念你...
where he would be with them when their time came. 他们最终将会和他们的孩子共同安息于此
Mr Cake worked on his clock, 凯克先生又重新投身于他的钟表...
laboring to finish. ...直到完工
It was a morning to remember. 这是一个值得纪念的早晨
What are you looking at, Caroline? -The wind, mom. - 你在看什么呢,卡罗琳? - 外面的风,妈妈
They say a hurricane is coming. 他们说有一场飓风要来
I feel like I'm on a boat... drifting. 我感觉自己像在船上...漂浮着...
This is my last will and testament. 这是我最后的遗嘱
I don't have much to leave, few possessions, no money really. 我没有留下什么, 只有一点点身外之物,也没有什么
I will go out of this world the same way I came in, 我将像我当初来到这个世界那般离开
That's enough! All of you! Get away from her! 我受够了!你们所有人,都离开她!
I came as quickly as I could. The streets are filled with people. 我尽我所能最快地赶回来了, 街道上全是人...
You ain't no slouch yourself. 你今天也不赖
Hambert's back in town. He came home legless... Hambert先生刚刚回来...
but he home... I know you was sweet on him one time... 他回来时没有腿了,但是无论如何他总算回来了 我知道你以前挺喜欢他的
alone and with nothing. All I have is my story. 孑然一身并且一无所有... 而我仅有的就是我得故事,
I'm writing it now while I still remember it. 在我记忆尚存之时将它书写下来
My name is Benjamin. Benjamin Button. 我得名字是本杰明。本杰明,巴顿
Some say he went to sea... 有些人说他去了海上...
Excuse me, do you mind if I make a call? 很抱歉,我能去打个电话吗?
Somebody's watching my little boy. -Sure. 有人在看着我的小孩呢 当然可以
They prayed God would keep him out of harm's way. 他们向上帝祈求使他们的孩子远离危险
For months, he did nothing but work on that clock. 而后的几个月,他除了做钟表 没有做其他任何事情
One day a letter came. 直到有一天,一封信翩然而至
might stand and come home again. 便可能重新站起来,返回家乡...
Home to farm, 一个可以为之耕耘的家... 并有自己的孩子
have children,
to live long, full lives. 享受完整的人生...
Perhaps my own son might come home again. 也许我得儿子就会再次回家
to build that glorious clock.
His name was 他的名字是... ... 盖图先生.
Mr Gateau. 凯克先生...
Mr Cake.
He was married to a Creole of Evangeline Parish 他嫁给了伊文格琳县的一个混血
Mr Gateau, done for the night, went up alone to bed. 到了晚上,盖图先生孤身一人走向卧室
And their son came home. 之后他们的孩子终于回家了
They burried him in a family plot 他们把孩子葬在了家庭墓园中,
Can I do anything for you, mom? Make anything easier? 我能为你做点什么吗,妈妈? 让你感觉轻松一些?
Oh, sugar. There is nothing left to do. 噢...甜心 实在没有什么需要做得了...
It is what it is. 一切都没什么变化...
Oh, Caroline. 卡洛琳...
Are you afraid? -I'm curious. - 你害怕吗,妈妈? - 我...很好奇...
What comes next... 接下来将发生什么?
They buiБайду номын сангаасt that train station in 1918. 他们在1918年修建的那个火车站