EX4200VC 配置向导

1.查看MAC地址进入系统后,在插上网线(网卡1)的情况下,双击桌面右下角的本地连接小图标,在出现的网络连接页面中双击,在本地连接状态页面(如图1)中单击”支持”后进入该页面(图2), 在支持页面中单击后出现的页面中就是MAC 地址。
图1图22.配置IP地址拨下网线,双击桌面右下角的本地连接图标,在出现的网络连接页面中双击图标出现本地连接属性页面(如图3),在该页面中双击后出现Internet 协议(TCP/IP)属性页面(如图4),在该页面中单击使用下面的IP地址,在下面的文本框中输入正确的IP地址、子网掩码和网关地址(例如图5),输入完成按“确定”退出各页面,并插上网线。
图62.新建连接如果在业务技能练习等情况下需要用到多个Telnet连接的,可以在桌面双击图标,出现连接向导后输入连接名称,例如“核心业务2”,输入完成选择后进入下一个页页,在该页面中只需更改仿真类型,在仿真类型一栏的下拉菜单中选择XENIX 后再单击,该步中只需输入IP址址即前置机地址,输入完成后再点选,这步中无需做任何更改直接即可,完成后可以在桌面上看到新的“核心业务2”连接。
Sun Fire X4500 伺服器作業系統安裝指南说明书

Sun Fire™X4500 伺服器作業系統安裝指南Sun Microsystems, Inc.文件號碼 820-1153-102007 年 4 月,修訂版 B請將本文件的意見傳送到:/hwdocs/feedback請回收Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.版權所有。
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Now with ArrayQuiCk STaRT GuiDEW W W.L O R E X C C T V.C O MSystem Contents:PaCkaGE CONTENTS, iNSTaLLaTiON GuiDE, NaViGaTiON & CONTROLSTimeunder 30 minutes under 15 minutes under 60Hand ToolsHardwareSkills - IntermediateadvancedSkills - AdvancedIntermediate advanced☠ aTTENTiON:Broadband router and computers are required for local and remote monitoring iNSTRuCTiONS:for detailed setup information, please refer to your user’s manual.SOFTWaREREQuiREMENTS:for Lorex client software requirements, please refer to Lorex client software ☠ aTTENTiON:*number of channels,cameras and hard drive capacity may vary by model. check your MOUSE:LEFT BUTTON• Double click in viewing mode to display camera in RECOMMENDED FOR EaSY uSE aND NaViGaTiONRECOMMENDED FOR uSE FROM a DiSTaNCE*STEP 1 - SET uP YOuR MONiTOR FiRSTconnect the first camera to the cH1 input. follow the same steps to connect the additional cameras.CONNECT CaMERaS TO THE MONiTOR:connect one end of the ethernet cable to one of the router’s (not included) Lan ports and the other end to monitor’s network port located at the bottom of the monitor. see picture below showing a generic Lan/wan connection.CONNECT THE ETHERNET CaBLE:connect the mouse to the ps2 port of the monitor.CONNECT THE MOuSE:WAN (WIDEAREA NETWORK)LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK)TO YOUR COMPUTERTO YOUR MONITORBACK OF THE ROUTER SHOWNMOuSE CONTROL aVaiLaBLE1. Connect the Female BNC end of the supplied 60’ extension cable to the camera. Connect the male Power end of the extension cable to the camera.2. Connect the Female end of the supplied 60’ extension cable to an open BNC camera input on the back of the System. Connect the female Power end of the extension cable to one of end of the 4 in one power adaptor.1connect one end of the power adaptor to the monitor, the other end to an electrical outlet. this unit powers on once it is plugged in to the power outlet.CONNECT POWER CaBLE:IMPORTANT NOTE: The ends of the extension cable are NOT the same - one end has a Male power port, and the other has a Female power port. Before permanently running the Camera Extension Cable, make sure that the cable has been oriented between the Camera and the unit correctly34521. access the main menu setup screens, and navigate to the main menu - externaL device - tcp/ip setup - ip setup option.2. record the mac address of your system. this information is necessary for the ddns setup process.3. confirm that the dHcp mode is set to automatic. this will allow your system to lease an ip address from your router. if the system is not set to automatic, change the setting in the dHcp setup menu and click detect ip.4. the ip port is 50000 by default.STEP 2 - SET uP LOCaL ViEWiNG ON YOuR PCRETRiEVE SYSTEM iNFORMaTiON:RECORD THE iP aND MaC aDDRESSES iN THE SECTiON BELOW:note: the system will lease networking information from your router. if you wish to set your information manually, then set the dHcp mode to manuaL. please consult your Hardware manual for further menu options.insert the Lorex cLient 2.2 software cd into your local computer’s cd rom drive and proceed with the installation.iNSTaLL SOFTWaRE:(on your local computer for local viewing)follow the installation screens to complete Lorex client 2.2 software installation.LOREX CLiENT 2.2 SOFTWaRE:(on your local computer for local viewing)for Lorex client software requirements, please refer to the software user manual.12345123close the cd menu screen. a Lorex client icon will appear on your desktop.LOREX CLiENT 2.2 SOFTWaRE:(on your local computer for local viewing)double-click the Lorex cLient 2.2 software icon on your desktop to run the program.RuN THE LOREX CLiENT 2.2 SOFTWaRE:(on your local computer)4THIS STEP RELATES TO REMOTE VIEWING OVER THE LAN (LOCAL AREA NETWORK)STEP 2 - SET uP LOCaL ViEWiNG ON YOuR PCCONTiNuEDCongratulations! Youhave completed Stepsuccessfully. You cannow view and playbackimages on your localcomputer over the LocalArea Network (LAN).5ADMIN681. once you see the registered site, press the save button.2. click the oK button. you will be asked to key in the user id andpassword.user id: By default is adminpassword: Leave it blankLOREX CLiENT 2.2 iRS SETuP - REGiSTERiNG SiTE(on your local computer for local viewing)129123457STEP 3 - SET uP iNTERNET REMOTE SECuRiTY MONiTORiNGvisit /support to view tHe router configuration guideCOMPLETE NEW aCCOuNT iNFORMaTiON:1. for product License select the L15Ld420 / L17Ld420 series from the drop down menu.2. for product code enter the monitor’s mac address (recorded in step 2, section 1).3. for urL reQuest enter a unique urL name (e.g. tomsmith). note: urL name should not be more than 15 characters.12312345STEP 3 - SET uP iNTERNET REMOTE SECuRiTY MONiTORiNGENTER DDNS SET-uP ON YOuR SYSTEM:6• set the ddns enaBLe to on• domain - enter the ddns domain name from the registration email sent to you(e.g. )• user name - enter the user name from the registration email sent to you (e.g. tomsmith)• password - By default is left blank• ddns status - indicates the status of ddns connection.• click on register - this will register your system with Lorex ddns. if the information you haveENaBLE DDNS SETTiNGS:788follow the installation screens to complete Lorex client 2.2software installation.LOREX CLiENT 2.2 SOFTWaRE:(on your remote computer)123459close the cd menu screen. a Lorex client icon will appear on your desktop.LOREX CLiENT 2.2 SOFTWaRE:(on your remote computer for remote viewing)double-click the Lorex cLient 2.2 software icon on your desktop to run the program.RuN THE LOREX CLiENT 2.2 SOFTWaRE:(on your local computer)10CONTiNuEDSTEP 3 - SET uP iNTERNET REMOTE SECuRiTY MONiTORiNGCONTiNuEDCongratulations! You have completed Step successfully. You can now view and playback images on your remote computer over the internet.click on the “registering site” button to add a new site to your system.LOREX CLiENT 2.2 iRS SETuP - REGiSTERiNG SiTE(on your remote computer for remote viewing)1. once you see the registered site, press the save button.2. click the oK button. you will be asked to key in the user id and password. user id : By default is admin password : Leave it blankLOREX CLiENT 2.2 iRS SETuP - REGiSTERiNG SiTE(on your remote computer for remote viewing)121. click the H.264 viewer screen (as shown in the picture) and press the connect button to connect to the remote Live site.ViEW CaMERaS REMOTELY:(on your remote computer for remote viewing)123451112131415RECOMMENDED TiPStilt the monitor up to loacte your monitor’s connections.LOCaTE MONiTOR CONNECTiONS:DiSPLaY CONFiGuRaTiON / FuNCTiON iCONSthe system provides a storage calculator to calculate the amount of recording time available on your Hard drive, based on the system recording settings.click on the menu icon to enter main menu. on the main menu, click on the record menu. on the record menu, click onrecord set up.RECORD SETuP (storage calculator):1. [QuaLity]: set up the recording picture qualityQuality level: normal / High / Highest. data size of image in paL system is a little bigger than ntsc system, but the total recording time is same.2. [frame rate]: adjust recording frame rate.3. [pre aLarm record]: displays the amount of time included from the pre recording (in seconds).4. [Hdd remaining]: indicates Hdd capacity remaining by size (gB). / indicates total Hdd capacity (gB).5. [remain time]: indicates Hdd capacity remains by time. (d- days, H- hours, m- minutes).1234510formatting tHe new Hard drive:the new Hard drive must be formatted. if a new Hard drive is detected, the system will prompt you to format the drive. please refer to the system’s user manual for Hdd installation.HDD iNSTaLLaTiON:the system comes with a pre-installed Hard drive, however the unit will work with a replacement single sata Hard drive (up to 500gB).note: make sure that the system is off and the power cable has been disconnected before changing the Hard drive. for detailed instructions, check the user’s manual.TiP ON CaMERa MOuNTiNG:note: test the cameras prior to selecting a permanent mounting location by temporarily connecting the cameras and cables toyour system.RECOMMENDED TiPS CONTiNuEDnote: you must have an active internet connection to the system to be able to perform remote viewing or playback. remote access is dependant on your connection speed, internet traffic and other network factors - the speed is normally 1~2 fps (frames per second). this may impact the audio and ptZ functions.for faster playback, it is recommended to download previously recorded video using the backup function and play it back using Backup player 2.2 software - refer to the user manual for details. regardless of the network playback speed, video is being recorded on your system in real time, and can be viewed when you are at the system or through the backup player.TiP ON REMOTE ViEWiNG aND PLaYBaCk OVER THE iNTERNET (WaN):11 LOREX CLiENT 2.2 iNTERNET REMOTE SOFTWaRE (iRS)1. LOREX iRS SETuPsetting up irs is necessary in order to use the H.264 viewer.2. LOREX H.264 ViEWERremote monitoring software recommended for internet remote monitoring. H.264 video compressiontechnology allows for efficient data transfer over the internet. you can view your system remotely whileconsuming less bandwidth.3. LOREX SEaRCHsearch for recorded data to playback from a remote location.4. LOREX BaCkuPcreate a backup of your recorded data from a remote location.5. LOREX PLaYERplayback data that has been backed up either from the system using a usB thumbdrive or from thebackup software.6. LOREX REMOTE SETuPconfigure the system remotely (e.g. change recording settings or schedules).1PRODuCT SuPPORT it’s all on the Web for detailed setup information, please refer to your user’s manual. for additional information about determining your ip address, configuring your router, and port forwarding, please visit our website /support and clickconsumer guides section or view guides from the cd included with your system.emailsupport:*********************toll free technical support :north america: 1-888-42 Lorex (1-888-425-6739)toll free technical support :international (outside of north america): +800-425-6739-0(example: from the uK, dial 00 instead of +)Lorex international website - 。
Sun Server X2-4安装指南说明书

Sun Server X2-4(以前称为Sun Fire X4470 M2)安装指南(适用于Linux操作系统)文件号码E37954–012012年9月版权所有©2012,Oracle和/或其附属公司。
如果将本软件或相关文档交付给美国政府,或者交付给以美国政府名义获得许可证的任何机构,必须符合以下规定:ERNMENT END USERS:Oracle programs,including any operating system,integrated software,any programs installed on the hardware,and/or documentation,delivered to U.S. Government end users are"commercial computer software"pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations.As such,use,duplication,disclosure,modification,and adaptation of the programs,including any operating system,integrated software,any programs installed on the hardware,and/or documentation,shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs.No other rights are granted to the ernment.本软件或硬件是为了在各种信息管理应用领域内的一般使用而开发的。

4200软件发卡器配置手册目录一、操作流程(配置流程) (1)二、操作步骤(配置步骤) (1)三、适用型号 (2)四、变更记录 (2)五、关于海康威视 (1)一、操作流程(配置流程)1)4200 系统配置2)进入卡片管理,添加卡片测试二、操作步骤(配置步骤)1. 4200 系统配置(DS-K1F100-D8、DS-K1F100-D8E 免驱动)将发卡器接入4200所在PC客户端,打开4200—系统配置—可视对讲—读卡器类型。
2. 进入卡片管理,添加卡片测试正常情况下能刷出卡号,异常情况下无法刷出卡号,此时可以重启下4200。
海康威视在中国大陆拥有32家省级业务中心/一级分公司,在境外有38 个分支机构(截止2018年9月30日)。
海康威视产品和解决方案应用在150 多个国家和地区,在G20杭州峰会、北京奥运会、上海世博会、APEC会议、德国纽伦堡高铁站、韩国首尔平安城市等重大项目中发挥了极其重要的作用。

在服务器选项里面的“组织”下选“编码设备”选项菜单中点选添加设备,添加你DVR或者NVR的IP地址在点选流媒体服务器选项,添加流媒体服务器,其中的IP 地址是添加你要做转发服务器的电脑或者是服务器的IP地址。
Dell Xcelerator 用户指南说明书

If you need additional help or require information that is not included in this guide, visit the Dell Support website or call 1-800-BUY-DELL
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. © 2007 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks used in this text:
Dell Xcelerator is a registered trademark of Dell Inc. Microsoft, Windows, DirectShow, and DirectX are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows XP and Windows Vista are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
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VMware ESX4.1 安装配置指南Version. 1.0Henry·Sun目录第一章安装VMware vSphere ESX 4.1 (3)2.1服务器准备 (3)2.1.1磁盘准备 (3)2.1.2 CPU准备 (3)2.2 安装VMware vSphere ESX 4.1 (3)第二章安装vCenter Server 4.1 (12)2.1 操作系统准备 (12)2.2 安装vCenter Server 4.1 (12)2.3 安装VMware vSphere Converter 4.1 (16)第三章vCenter配置 (19)3.1 添加主机 (19)3.2 新建集群 (21)第四章VMware网络配置 (24)第五章存储配置 (26)第一章安装VMware vSphere ESX 4.12.1服务器准备2.1.1磁盘准备本次安装VMware vSphere ESX 4.1使用的物理服务器为两台DELL R710服务器,该款服务器标配两块146GB的SAS硬盘,为保证系统安全,现将该服务器两块硬盘做成RAID1磁盘整列,互相做镜像,这样任意一块硬盘故障不会影响系统运行。
磁盘准备的方法是,检查服务器电源连接正常后,启动服务器,在系统检测到RAID卡的时候,根据服务器荧幕上的提示按下相应的键盘按键,进入RAID 卡的设置界面,选择RAID1,然后将两块硬盘加入到RAID1分组中,确认退出,重启服务器。
2.1.2 CPU准备DELL R710服务器的CPU高级设置里面很多高级功能默认是没有启用的,所以安装VMware vSphere ESX 4.1前,需要对DELL CPU高级选项进行设置,其中最重要的是打开Intel CPU的VT功能。
打开服务器电源,按下F10键,进入DELL R710服务器BIOS设置界面,选择CPU高级设置,将所有高级功能从disable改为enable,保存退出,重新启动服务器。

存储服务器默认用户名为admin 密码:12345 。
NETGEAR ReadyNAS 4200 安装和基本配置指南说明书

Guide d'installationInstallation et configuration de baseVeuillez suivre les instructions ci-dessous pour installer votre ReadyNAS 4200 NETGEAR.Durée approximative de l'installation : 20 minutes.Remarque: Ces instructions sont rédigées pour une configuration équipée de disques gérée en mode X-RAID2 par défaut. Une unité sans disque nécessite l'installation des disques etl'initialisation du RAID avant de continuer. Consultez la page /hcl pour obtenir une liste des disques pris en charge. Reportez-vous au Manuel de l'utilisateur pour obtenir des instructions sur l'installation des disques et la configuration RAID. Avertissement: Selon les disques installés, le poids de l'unité peut dépasser 36 kg. Vous pouvez demander une assistance pour le déplacement de l'unité.Installation de l'utilitaire RAIDar1. Installez l'utilitaire RAIDar à partir du CD fourni avec le produit. Vous trouverez, sur leCD d'installation, l'utilitaire RAIDar pour Windows, MAC et Linux. Branchement de l'unité et connexion1. Lors de la configuration de l'unité, connectez le port Ethernet LAN1 du ReadyNAS à votreréseau et allumez-le. Le démarrage prend environ une minute. Par défaut, l'adresse IP est obtenue via DHCP. Une fois trouvée, l'adresse IP s'affiche dans la zone d'état.2. Exécutez l'utilitaire RAIDar afin qu'il détecte l'unité et toutes les autres unités sur le mêmesous-réseau.Conseil: Dans votre serveur DHCP, réservez l'adresse IP attribuée à votre ReadyNAS afin qu'il utilise toujours cette même adresse. Ainsi, les unités mappées fonctionnent demanière homogène sur n'importe quel système d'exploitation. 3. Cliquez sur le bouton Setup (Configuration) relatif àRAIDar pour ouvrir une session de navigationFrontView avec l'unité. L'écran de connexion s'ouvre.Le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe par défaut sontrespectivement admin et netgear1. La paged'accueil de l'assistant de configuration s'affiche.Exécution de l'assistant deconfigurationL'assistant de configuration vous explique comment configurer les paramètres de base etpartager les fichiers.Remarque: Si vous souhaitezdésactiver l'assistant deconfiguration, assurez-vous deconfigurer les alertes et les adressesélectroniques, de modifier le mot depasse admin et d'indiquer unequestion pour la récupération dumot de passe.1. Par défaut, l'assistant deconfiguration est activélorsqu'il est connecté à l'unité.Cliquez sur Next (Suivant)pour utiliser l'assistant.2. Sous l'onglet Clock (Horloge),vous pouvez modifier ouaccepter le fuseau horaire,l'heure et les options NTPparamétrées par défaut.Cliquez sur Next (Suivant)pour continuer.3. Sous l'onglet Alerts (Alertes),indiquez au moins une adresseélectronique pour recevoir lesalertes du système. Cliquez surNext (Suivant) pour continuer.4. Sous l'onglet Ethernet 1,acceptez ou modifiez lesparamètres de l'adresse IP.Cliquez sur Next (Suivant)pour continuer.5. Sous l'onglet Global Settings (Paramètres globaux), vous avez la possibilité de modifierle nom d'hôte de l'unité. Par ailleurs, si vous optez pour une configuration IP statique,vous devrez configurer la passerelle et les paramètres DNS (vous n'avez pas besoin demodifier ces paramètres si vous utilisez l'unité dans sa configuration DHCP par défaut).Cliquez sur Next (Suivant) pour continuer.6. Sous l'onglet Admin Password (Mot de passe admin), modifiez le mot de passe dusystème et indiquez une question de récupération, sa réponse et une adresseélectronique. Veuillez noter ces modifications. Cliquez sur Next (Suivant) pour continuer.7. Sous l'onglet Security Mode (Mode de sécurité), sélectionnez l'option « User »(Utilisateur) par défaut qui permet de contrôler l'accès aux partages en fonction descomptes clients ou de groupe. FrontView essaiera de détecter le premier nom de groupede travail présent sur le réseau. Dans le cas contraire, « VOLUME » sera le nom pardéfaut du groupe de travail. Indiquez le nom du groupe de travail auquel votre unitédoit se connecter. Reportez-vous au Manuel de l'utilisateur du ReadyNAS 4200 pourobtenir des instructions d'installation ACS. Cliquez sur Next (Suivant) pour continuer.8. Sur la page Accounts (Comptes), cliquez sur Add User (Ajouter un utilisateur). Ajoutezun nouvel utilisateur et un mot de passe d'utilisateur. Cliquez sur Next (Suivant) pourterminer la procédure d'installation avec l'assistant. Reportez-vous au Manuel del'utilisateur du ReadyNAS 4200 pour obtenir des instructions complètes sur laconfiguration de comptes.Remarque: Reportez-vous au Manuel de l'utilisateur pour obtenir des instructionscomplémentaires concernant la configuration d'options telles que la sauvegarde, les serveursde contenu multimédia, les imprimantes, le VLAN ou les comptes d'utilisateur et les quotas.ReadyNAS™ 4200 NETGEAR®Ce symbole a été apposé conformément à la directive européenne 2002/96 sur la mise au rebut des équipements électriques et électroniques (directive WEEE - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). En cas de mise au rebut de ce produit dans un Etat membre de l'Union européenne, il doit être traité et recyclé conformément à cette directive.© 2010 par NETGEAR, Inc. Tous droits réservés. NETGEAR et le logo NETGEAR sont des marques déposées de NETGEAR, Inc. aux Etats-Unis et/ou dans d'autres pays. Les autres marques ou noms de produits sont des marques commerciales ou des marques déposées de leurs détenteurs respectifs. Ces informations sont susceptibles d'être modifiées sans préavis.Février 2010Accès à votre stockage partagéVous remarquerez que ces protocoles de partage de fichiers sont activés par défaut : CIFS, AFP (annoncé sur Bonjour et AFP), HTTP/S. FTP , NFS, iSCSI et Rsync sont pris en charge mais ne sont pas activés par défaut.Reportez-vous au Manuel de l'utilisateur du ReadyNAS 4200 pour obtenir des instructions concernant l'accès aux partages à partir de système d'exploitation Linux ou Unix, le mappage de lecteurs et d'autres options de partage de fichiers, notamment la prise en charge d'un seul langage pour les noms de fichiers tels que ceux qui utilisent des caractères Unicode ou idéographiques.Accès aux partages à partir d'un ordinateur exploitant Windows1. Pour afficher une liste de partages sous Windows, cliquez sur Browse (Parcourir) dansRAIDar ou bien saisissez \\<adresse_ip> ou \\<nom_d'hôte> dans la barre d'adresse.2. Lorsque vous y serez invité, saisissez le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe pour vousconnecter au ReadyNAS. Windows Explorer affichera le contenu de partage du ReadyNAS.Accès aux partages depuis MAC OS X1. Pour accéder au même partage sur AFP avec OS X, ouvrez Finder et recherchez un nomd'hôte ReadyNAS dans la section SHARED (PARTAGE). 2. Cliquez sur le nom d'hôte pour afficher les partages.Astuces et précautions d'emploiPour un fonctionnement optimal, suivez ces directives.•Mise sous/hors tensionLa mise sous tension de l'unité peut nécessiter environ une minute. Pour mettre l'unité hors tension, appuyez deux fois sur le bouton d'alimentation situé à l'avant de l'unité. Cette méthode permet une mise hors tension en bonne et due forme. Pour d'autres options concernant la mise hors tension, reportez-vous au Manuel de l'utilisateur du ReadyNAS 4200.•VentilationDouze disques haute vitesse et de grande capacité produisent une quantité de chaleur considérable. Veillez à ne jamais obstruer la grille de ventilation.•Utilisation d’une alimentation protégée (Onduleur avec batterie de secours)L’utilisation d’un onduleur protège votre unité et permet une mise hors-tensionautomatique en cas de coupure de courant. Pour en savoir plus sur l’utilisation d’un onduleur, consultez le Manuel de l'utilisateur du ReadyNAS 4200.•Affichage d'informations d'état dans FrontViewLa barre située en bas de l'utilitaire de configuration FrontView affiche des voyants d'état à code de couleurs permettant d'en savoir plus sur la connexion à des groupes de travail, les disques, le ventilateur, la température et l'ASI (le cas échéant). Doublecliquez sur le voyant d'état pour afficher les détails correspondant à l'élément.•Redondance et extensionLe ReadyNAS 4200 est livré avec 6 disques ou plus et préconfiguré avec X-RAID2 à double redondance, afin de protéger vos données en cas de défaillance simultanée de deux disques, tout en vous permettant d'accroître votre capacité à la volée. Pouraugmenter votre capacité X-RAID2, il vous suffit d'ajouter un nouveau disque avec une capacité égale ou supérieure au disque existant ; si les emplacements pour disques sont tous pleins, il est possible de remplacer les disques existants par des disques de plus grande capacité afin d'augmenter verticalement votre stockage. Les disques, qu'ilssoient neufs ou de remplacement peuvent être ajoutés ou remplacés à chaud, un par un, en cours de fonctionnement du ReadyNAS. Il convient d'attendre que le nouveau disque soit complètement synchronisé avant de remplacer ou d'ajouter un autre disque. Utilisez FrontView pour savoir où en est le processus en cours ; par ailleurs, vous recevrez un message d'alerte pour vous indiquer que le processus de synchronisation est terminé.Assistance techniqueNous vous remercions d'avoir choisi les produits NETGEAR.Après l'installation de votre appareil, notez le numéro de série inscrit sur l'étiquette de votre produit. Il vous sera nécessaire pour enregistrer votre produit à l'adressegear.fr/support/ Vous devez être enregistré pour utiliser notre service d'assistance téléphonique. Nous vous recommandons vivement de procéder à l'enregistrement sur notre site Web.Visitez le site gear.fr/support/ pour obtenir des mises à jour de produits et consulter le support Web.Pour en savoir plus sur l'installation, la configuration et l'utilisation de votre produit, reportez-vous au manuel de l'utilisateur du ReadyNAS 4200. Le CD qui vous a été livré avec l'unité contient un lien vers le manuel de l'utilisateur.。

EX3200/4200系列交换机Virtual-Chassis配置手册云南汉祥科技目录Virtual-Chassis设置............................................ - 3 -1.VC知识.................................................... - 3 -2.VC组建立(VCP堆叠线).................................... - 4 -3.扩充VC组交换机........................................... - 5 -4.VC组建立(UpLink链路) ..................................... - 6 -4.1交换机的关系如下:................................... - 6 -4.2配置步骤............................................. - 7 -4.3显示配置............................................. - 7 -5.VC组切换.................................................. - 7 -Virtual-Chassis设置1.VC知识EX4200交换机支持灵活的Virtual Chassis(虚拟机框)。
每台EX4200通过背后面板有两个告诉的VCP虚拟交换机端口(Virtual Chassiss port),每个端口可以提供32Gbps的全双工带宽,当交换机组成一个环,则每台交换机可以提供64Gbps的全双工带宽,因为两个端口是同时独立工作。
dell xps-420 用户指南说明书

Dell Xcelerator™ 具有以下功能: 1. 減輕電腦需要大量使用 CPU 的活動,讓 DVD 燒錄與影像分享作業在幕後進行。 2. 執行將 MPEG-2 視訊轉譯至 MPEG-4 的工作。 3. 將高畫質 MPEG-2 視訊短片轉譯至 MPEG-2 或 MPEG-4 標準畫質的視訊。 4. 將 MPEG-2 視訊短片的碼率轉換成低位元率,以燒錄至 DVD、CD 或其他媒體。 5. 於 Windows XP 及 Windows Vista 下運作。 6. 支援 32 與 64 位元系統。
註 : 以下格式專指視訊檔案;Dell Xcelerator™非輸出裝置。
支援的視訊輸入格式 支援的輸入解析度 [SD]: 支援的輸入解析度 [HD]: 支援的視訊輸出格式 支援的輸出解析度 [SD]:
MPEG-2 (MP/ML)、MPEG-2 (MP/HL) NTSC:720x480; PAL:720x576 HDTV:1080-30i、720-30p、720-60p MPEG-2 (MP/ML); MPEG-4 (SP、ASP) NTSC:720x480、320x240、368x208 PAL:720x576、320x288; 320x240、368x208
0.35 公尺 10-pin MOLEX 28 AWG 28 AWG YT545 (1-800-W W W-Dell)
輸入電壓 (電流)
+5V (0.45A)
註 : 此電壓經由 USB 匯流排接頭匯入。
重新安裝硬體驅動程式 常見問題與解決方法 診斷 取得說明
l 此裝置不會造成危害性的干擾。 l 此裝置必須承受任何接受到的干擾,包括可能會造成非期望操作表現的干擾。

EX4200/3200交换机命令配置手册目录1交换机基础知识 (6)1.1认识J UNIPER交换机 ............................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2J UNOS操作系统基础 (6)1.2.1 交换机配置模式 (6)1.2.2 交换机配置结构 (7)1.2.3 TAB和空格键的使用 (10)1.2.4 用户模式和配置模式show的区别 (11)1.2.5 如何将配置转换成set命令 (14)1.2.6 commit和rollback (14)1.3EX交换机命令菜单结构 (16)2操作指导 (28)2.1通过CONSOLE线连接交换机 (28)2.2 SYSTEM系统参数配置 (30)2.2.1 设置root密码 (30)2.2.2 设置主机名 (30)2.2.3 设置DNS服务器 (30)2.2.4 设置日期时间 (31)2.2.5 设置NTP服务器 (31)2.2.6 开启远程Telnet登陆服务 (31)2.2.7 开启远程Ftp服务 (31)2.2.8 开启远程ssh登陆 (32)2.2.9 开启远程http登陆服务 (32)2.2.10 添加/删除用户 (32) 添加用户 (32) 修改用户类别 (33) 修改用户密码 (33) 删除用户 (33)2.2.11 用户权限设置 (33)2.3VLAN配置 (34)2.3.1 VLAN配置步骤 (35)2.3.2 VLAN配置规范要求 (35)2.3.3 添加VLAN (35)2.3.4 修改端口VLAN (37)2.3.5 删除VLAN (37)2.3.6 配置VLAN网关IP (38)2.4.2 如何设置Trunk (38)2.4.3 允许/禁止VLAN通过Trunk (39)2.5端口配置 (39)2.5.1 端口配置规范要求 (39)2.5.2 修改端口速率 (39)2.5.3 修改端口工作模式 (39)2.5.4 修改端口为L3模式 (40)2.5.5 修改端口为L2模式 (40)2.6生成树配置 (40)2.6.1 STP配置实例 (41)2.6.2 RSTP配置实例 (42)2.6.3 MSTP配置实例 (45)2.7端口捆绑 (48)2.7.1 端口捆绑步骤 (48)2.7.2 L2端口捆绑 (49)2.7.3 L3端口捆绑 (50)2.8ECMP负载均衡配置 (50)2.9路由协议配置 (51)2.9.1 静态路由配置 (51) 添加静态路由 (51) 删除静态路由 (52) 调整静态路由优先值 (52) 设置备份静态路由 (52) 指定静态路由下一跳端口 (52)2.9.2 OSPF配置 (52) OSPF配置步骤 (52) OSPF配置实例 (55) OSPF路由过滤 (57)2.10端口镜像 (58)2.10.1 端口输入输出流量镜像 (58)2.10.2 带过滤条件的端口镜像 (59)2.11端口MAC地址限制 (60)2.12端口广播风暴控制 (60)2.13VRRP配置 (60)2.13.3 如何切换VRRP (61)2.14BFD配置 (61)2.14.1 OSPF中配置BFD (62)2.14.2 静态路由中配置BFD (62)2.15交换机F IREWALL限制功能 (62)2.15.1 限制IP地 (62)2.15.2 限制MAC地址 (63)2.16V IRTUAL-C HASSIS设置 (63)2.17VC知识 (64)2.17.1 如何建立VC组 (65)2.17.2 如何扩充VC组交换机 (66)2.17.3如何利用uplink链路组成VC (67)2.17.4 如何对VC组进行切换 (69)2.18SNMP配置 (69)2.19S YSLOG配置 (70)2.20 MULTI-VRF配置 (71)2.21 MULTI-VRF OSPF配置 (72)3交换机维护操作 (72)3.1交换机启动和关闭 (73)3.1.1 重新启动 (73)3.1.2 关闭 (73)3.2配置备份和恢复 (73)3.2.1 配置备份 (73)3.2.2 配置恢复 (74)3.3如何升级交换机OS (75)3.4如何恢复出厂设置 (75)3.5密码恢复 (75)3.6日常维护命令 (77)3.6.1 查看序列号show chassis hardware (77)3.6.2 查看硬件show chassis hardware (77)3.6.3 查看软件版本show version (77)3.6.4 查看CPU show chassis routing-engine (77)3.6.5 ping命令 (77)3.6.6 查看设备告警信息show chassis alarms (77)3.6.7 查看详细的硬件温度及状态信息show chassis environment (77)3.6.8 查看接口VRRP状态信息show vrrp (77)3.6.9 收集CASE需要的信息request support information (78)4如何获取技术支持 .......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

iVMS-4200客户端用户手册UD.6L0102D0310A01 1前言非常感谢您购买我公司的产品,如果您有什么疑问或需要请随时联系我们。
•网络硬盘录像机、混合型网络硬盘录像机、视频服务器、NVR、IP Camera和IP Dome等统一称为设备。
0200001030509目录前言 (i)目录 (ii)1. iVMS-4200简介 (1)1.1.功能概述 (1)1.2.运行环境 (1)2. 预览设备 (2)2.1.用户登录 (2)2.2.设备管理 (3)2.2.1. 编码设备添加 (3)2.2.2. 设备修改和删除 (6)2.2.3. 远程配置 (7)2.3.分组 (8)2.3.1. 分组添加 (8)2.3.2. 分组管理 (9)2.3.3. 通道管理 (11)2.4.预览 (12)2.4.1. 图像预览 (12)2.4.2. 预览抓图、录像和即时回放 (13)2.4.3. 云台控制 (14)2.4.4. 打印抓图文件 (16)2.4.5. 邮件发送抓图文件 (17)2.4.6. 电子放大 (17)2.4.7. 其他功能 (18)2.5.轮巡预览 (19)3. 录像配置及回放 (20)3.1.录像配置 (20)3.1.1. 设备本地录像 (20)3.1.2. 录像高级配置 (21)3.1.3. 抓图高级配置 (21)3.2.录像回放 (22)3.2.1. 远程回放 (22)4. 事件管理 (29)4.1.监控点事件 (29)4.1.1. 移动侦测 (29)4.1.2. 视频遮挡报警 (31)4.1.3. PIR报警 (32)4.1.4. 视频丢失 (32)4.2.报警输入事件 (33)4.3.设备事件 (34)5. 日志管理 (36)5.1.日志搜索 (36)5.2.日志过滤 (37)5.2.1. 按过滤条件过滤 (37)5.2.2. 按关键字过滤 (38)5.3.日志备份 (39)6. 软件配置 (40)6.1.用户管理 (40)6.2.系统配置 (41)6.2.1. 常用 (41)6.2.2. 文件 (41)6.2.3. 键盘和摇杆 (42)6.2.4. 报警声音 (42)6.2.5. 电子邮件 (43)7. 存储服务器 (44)7.1.存储服务器添加 (44)7.2.存储服务器配置 (44)8. 流媒体服务器 (46)8.1.流媒体服务器添加 (46)8.2.流媒体服务器配置 (47)9. 解码上墙 (48)9.1.解码设备 (48)9.1.1. 解码设备添加 (48)9.1.2. 设备修改和删除 (48)9.2.电视墙管理 (48)9.2.1. 电视墙配置 (49)9.2.2. 电视墙操作 (51)10. 电子地图 (54)10.1.地图编辑 (54)10.2.热点编辑 (55)10.3.热区编辑 (56)10.4.预览地图 (57)11. Web客户端 (59)11.1.预览设备 (60)11.1.1. 设备添加 (60)11.1.2. 预览 (60)11.2.录像配置及回放 (61)11.2.1. 录像配置 (61)11.2.2. 回放 (61)12. 其他功能 (62)12.1.多屏显示 (62)12.2.辅屏预览 (63)13. 常见问题解答 (64)iVMS-4200 用户手册 1 iVMS-4200简介1. iVMS-4200简介1.1. 功能概述软件iVMS-4200是为嵌入式网络监控设备开发的软件应用程序,适用于嵌入式网络硬盘录像机、混合型网络硬盘录像机、网络视频服务器、NVR、IP Camera、IP Dome、PCNVR和解码设备以及视音频编解码卡,支持实时预览、远程配置设备参数、录像存储、远程回放和下载、报警信息接收和联动、电视墙解码控制、电子地图、日志查询等多种功能。

C-Power5200/4200异步控制系统用户手册 目录目录1 C-Power5200/4200控制系统介绍 (1)1.1 系统组成 (1)1.2 ANVB3S主控制板 (1)1.3 Led控制中心软件(LedCenter) (1)2 控制卡接口和指示灯 (2)2.1 电源接口 (2)2.2 显示屏接口 (2)2.3 功能扩展接口 (2)2.4 通信接口 (3)2.4.1 网口 (3)2.4.2 串口 (3)2.5 指示灯 (4)3 设置 (5)3.1 硬件参数设置 (5)3.1.1 硬件参数设置方法和步骤 (5)3.1.2 硬件参数详细描述 (6) 通信参数 (6) 显示屏基本参数 (7) 显示屏扫描参数 (8) 其它设置 (9)3.2 软件设置 (9)4 附件 (13)4.1 C-Power5200/4200控制卡尺寸和孔位 (13)C-Power5200/4200异步控制系统用户手册 1-系统介绍 1 C-Power5200/4200控制系统介绍1.1 系统组成C-Power 新5200系列控制系统主要由以下部分组成:A. ANVB3S 主控制板:直接控制LED 显示屏体的节目显示和管理功能,可选配ANVN网络扣板。
B. LED 控制中心软件(英文名:LedCenter ):LED 控制系统配套软件,LedCenter控制中心通过计算机的网口或串口与ANVB3S 主控制板相连。
C. 其他配套附件:连接在主控制板上,实现一些特殊功能,例如:光敏探头、温度探头、湿度探头附件等等。
1.2 ANVB3S 主控制板图1 示意图(ANVB3S VER.B)控制中心软件()LED 控制中心是专业LED 控制系统配套软件。
Dell EMC PowerSwitch S4200-ON系列设置指南说明书

Dell EMC PowerSwitch S4200-ON Series Set-up GuideNotes, cautions, and warningsA NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoidA WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.Copyright © 2017 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.Chapter 1: About this guide (4)Related documents (4)Information Symbols (4)Chapter 2: Site preparations (6)Site selection (6)Cabinet placement (6)Rack mounting (7)Switch ground (7)Fans and airflow (7)Power (7)Storing components (7)Chapter 3: S4200-ON Series Installation (8)Unpack (8)Rack or cabinet installation (9)ReadyRails installation (9)1U Tool-less mount installation (10)Two-post flush-mount installation (11)Two-post center-mount installation (12)Four-post threaded installation (13)S4200-ON Series switch installation (14)1U front-rack installation (14)Optics installation (16)Switch power-up (16)After switch installation (16)Chapter 4: Specifications (17)Chassis physical design (17)Chapter 5: Support (19)Contents3About this guideThis guide provides site preparation recommendations, step-by-step procedures for rack mounting and desk mounting, inserting modules, and connecting to a power source.To avoid electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage, wear grounding wrist straps when handling thisOnly trained and qualified personnel can install this equipment. Read this guide before you install and power up thisThis equipment contains optical transceivers, which comply with the limits of Class 1 laser radiation.When no cable is connected, visible and invisible laser radiation may be emitted from the aperture of the optical Topics:•Related documents •Information SymbolsRelated documentsFor more information about the S4200-ON Series (S4248FB-ON and S4248FBL-ON), see the following documents.●OS10 Enterprise Edition Release Notes●OS10 Enterprise Edition User Guide●S4200-ON Series Installation Guide●Dell Open Networking Hardware Diagnostic GuideFor the most recent documentation, visit the support site: /support.Information SymbolsThe Note icon signals important operational information.The Caution icon signals information about situations that could result in equipment damage or loss The Warning icon signals information about hardware handling that could result in injury.14About this guideThe ESD Warning icon requires that you take electrostatic precautions when handling the device.About this guide52Site preparationsThe S4200-ON Series (S4248FB-ON and S4248FBL-ON) is suitable for installation as part of a common bond network (CBN).You can install the switch in:●Network telecommunication facilities●Data centers●Other locations where the National Electric Code (NEC) appliesFor more information about the S4200-ON Series specifications, see Specifications.Topics:•Site selection•Cabinet placement•Rack mounting•Switch ground•Fans and airflow•Power•Storing componentsSite selectionInstall your equipment in restricted access areas. A restricted access area is one where service personnel can only gain access using a special tool, lock, key, or other means of security. The authority responsible for the location controls access to the restricted area.Ensure that the area where you install your switch meets the following safety requirements:●Near an adequate power source. Connect the switch to the appropriate branch circuit protection according to your localelectrical codes.●Environmental—switch location—continuous temperature range is from 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F).●Operating humidity is from 5 to 85 percent noncondensing, continuous.●In a dry, clean, well-ventilated, and temperature-controlled room, away from heat sources such as hot cooling vents or directsunlight.●Away from sources of severe electromagnetic noise.●Positioned in a rack or cabinet, or on a desktop with adequate space in the front, back, and sides for proper ventilation andaccess.●Install the switch in Information Technology Rooms in accordance with Article 645 of the National Electrical Code and NFPA75.For more information about switch storage and environmental temperatures, see Specifications.Cabinet placementInstall the S4200-ON Series (S4248FB-ON and S4248FBL-ON) switch only in indoor cabinets designed for use in a controlled environment.Do not install the switch in outside cabinets. For cabinet placement requirements, see Site selection.The cabinet must meet minimum size requirements. Airflow must be in accordance with the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) standard. Ensure that there is a minimum of 5 inches (12.7 cm) between the intake and exhaust vents and the cabinet wall.6Site preparationsRack mountingWhen you prepare your equipment rack, ensure that the rack is grounded. Ground the equipment rack to the same ground point the power service in your area uses. The ground path must be permanent.Switch groundDell EMC recommends grounding your switch. Use the S4200-ON Series switch in a CBN.Fans and airflowFan installation is done as part of the factory install based on stock keeping unit (SKU) type. The S4200-ON Series has SKUs that support the following configurations:●AC PSU with fan airflow from the I/O to the PSU—normal●AC PSU with fan airflow from the PSU to the I/O—reverse●DC fan unit with airflow from the I/O to the PSU—normal●DC fan unit with fan airflow from the PSU to the I/O—reverseBe sure to order the fans suitable to support your site’s ventilation. Use a single type of airflow fan in your switch. Do not mix reverse and normal airflows in a single switch.For proper ventilation, position the switch in an equipment rack or cabinet with a minimum of 5 inches (12.7 cm) of clearance around the exhaust vents. The fan speed varies based on internal temperature monitoring. The switch never intentionally turns off the fans.PowerTo connect the switch to the applicable power source, use the appropriate power cable. An AC power cable is included with the switch.When installing AC or DC switches, follow the requirements of the National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA 70, where applicable. The switch is powered-up when the power cable is connected between the switch and the power source.Always disconnect the power cable before you service the power supply slots. The switch hasOn the AC switch, use the power supply cable as the main disconnect device. Ensure that theModule power is software controlled. You do not see module LEDs when the switch powers up in ONIE.Storing componentsIf you do not install your S4200-ON Series switch and components immediately, properly store the switch and all optional components following these guidelines:●Storage location temperature must remain constant. The storage range is from -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F).●Store on a dry surface or floor, away from direct sunlight, heat, and air conditioning ducts.●Store in a dust-free environment.ESD damage can occur when components are mishandled. Always wear an ESD-preventive wrist or heel groundSite preparations7S4200-ON Series InstallationTo install the S4200-ON Series (S4248FB-ON and S4248FBL-ON), complete the installation procedures in the order presented in this section.ESD damage can occur if components are mishandled. Always wear an ESD-preventive wrist or heel ground strap Topics:•Unpack •Rack or cabinet installation •ReadyRails installation •1U Tool-less mount installation •Two-post flush-mount installation •Two-post center-mount installation •Four-post threaded installation •S4200-ON Series switch installation •1U front-rack installation •Optics installation •Switch power-up •After switch installationUnpackBefore unpacking the switch, inspect the container and immediately report any evidence of damage.When unpacking the S4200-ON Series switch, make sure that the following items are included:●One S4200-ON Series (S4248FB-ON or S4248FBL-ON) switch ●One RJ-45 to DB-9 female cable ●Two sets of rail kits, no tools required ●Two PSUs ●Five fan units ●Two country- and region-specific AC power cords ●S4200-ON Series Set-up Guide ●Safety and Regulatory Information ●Warranty and Support Information 1.Place the container on a clean, flat surface and cut all straps securing the container.2.Open the container or remove the container top.3.Carefully remove the switch from the container and place it on a secure and clean surface.4.Remove all packing material.5.Inspect the product and accessories for damage.38S4200-ON Series InstallationRack or cabinet installationYou may either place the switch on a rack shelf or mount the switch directly into a 19" wide, EIA-310- E-compliant rack.Rack mounting includes four-post, two-post, round threaded holes, or square holes. The ReadyRails system is provided for 1U front-rack and two-post installations.The ReadyRails system includes two separately packaged rail assemblies. To begin installation, separate each rail assembly by sliding the inside rail out of the outside rail.This guide is a condensed reference. Read the safety instructions in your Safety, Environmental, andinformation booklet before you begin.The illustrations in this section are not intended to represent a specific switch.Do not the use the mounted ReadyRails as a shelf or a workplace.Rack mount safety considerations●Rack loading—Overloading or uneven loading of racks may result in shelf or rack failure, possibly damaging the equipmentand causing personal injury. Stabilize racks in a permanent location before loading begins. Mount the components starting at the bottom of the rack, then work to the top. Do not exceed your rack’s load rating.●Power considerations—Connect only to the power source specified on the unit. When you install multiple electricalcomponents in a rack, ensure that the total component power ratings do not exceed the circuit capabilities. Overloaded power sources and extension cords present fire and shock hazards.●Elevated ambient temperature—If you install the switch in a closed rack assembly, the operating temperature of the rackenvironment may be greater than the room ambient temperature. Use care not to exceed the 45°C maximum ambient temperature of the switch.●Reduced air flow—Do not compromise the amount of airflow required for safe operation of the equipment. Install theequipment in the rack so that the equipment constantly has the correct amount of airflow surrounding it.●Reliable earthing—Maintain reliable earthing of rack-mounted equipment. Pay particular attention to the supply connectionsother than the direct connections to the branch circuit, for example: use of power strips.●Do not mount the equipment with the fan panel facing in the downward position.ReadyRails installationTo easily configure your rack for switch installation, use the ReadyRails rack mounting system provided.You can install the ReadyRails system using the 1U tool-less square-hole method or one of three possible 1U threaded round-hole methods. The tooled installation methods include two-post flush mount, two-post center mount, or four-post threaded mount. To begin installation, separate each rail assembly by sliding the inside rail out of the outside rail.For more installation instructions, see the installation labels attached to the rail assembly.S4200-ON Series Installation91U Tool-less mount installation1.Face the ReadyRails flange ears facing outward. Place one rail between the left and right vertical posts. Align and seat theback flange rail pegs in the back vertical post flange.The center extractions show how the pegs appear in both the square and nonthreaded round holes.10S4200-ON Series InstallationFigure 3. 1U tool-less installation2.Align and seat the front flange pegs in the holes on the front side of the vertical post.Be sure that the rails click into place and are secure.3.Repeat this procedure for the second rail.4.To remove each rail, pull on the latch release button on each flange ear and unseat each rail.Two-post flush-mount installationFor more installation instructions, see the installation labels attached to the rail assembly.1.For this configuration, remove the latch castings from the front side of each ReadyRails assembly, item 1.To remove the two screws from each front flange ear on the switch side of the rail and remove each latch casting, usea Torx screwdriver. Retain the latch castings for future rack requirements. It is not necessary to remove the back flangecastings.S4200-ON Series Installation11Figure 4. Two-post flush-mount installation2.Attach one rail to the front post flange with two user-supplied screws, item 2.3.Slide the plunger bracket forward against the vertical post and secure the plunger bracket to the post flange with twouser-supplied screws, item 3.4.Repeat this procedure for the second rail.Two-post center-mount installation1.Slide the plunger bracket rearward until it clicks into place and secure the bracket to the front post flange with twouser-supplied screws, item 1.12S4200-ON Series InstallationFigure 5. Two-post center-mount installation2.Slide the back bracket towards the post. Secure it to the post flange with two user-supplied screws, items 2 and3.3.Repeat this procedure for the second rail.Four-post threaded installation1.Remove the latch castings from each end of the ReadyRails assemblies. To remove the two screws each latch casting, use aTorx driver.Retain the latch castings for future rack requirements.S4200-ON Series Installation13Figure 6. Four-post threaded installation2.For each rail, attach the front and back flanges to the post flanges with two user-supplied screws at each end.S4200-ON Series switch installationFor the 1U two-post configurations, slide the switch into the rails in the same manner as the four-post configurations.1U front-rack installationConfigure the rails that are attached to the switch.1. For more information, see the installation instruction labels on the rail.Attach the inner switch rails to the S4200-ON Series switch.Line up the rail with the mounting heads and attach the rail to the chassis. Slide the rail back until it locks into place. The following shows the detail of the front standoff with the locking tab:14S4200-ON Series InstallationFigure 7. Switch rail attachment2.After you install both rails, line them up on the ReadyRails. Slide the switch in until it is flush with the front of rack.About three inches before you fully insert your switch, the rail locking feature engages to keep the switch from inadvertentlysliding out and falling.S4200-ON Series Installation15Do not the use the mounted Ready-Rails as a shelf or a workplace.3.Tighten the two thumb screws and rack screws.To remove the chassis from the rack or cabinet, press in the two side-release bars on the chassis at the same time and slide the chassis forward.Optics installationWhen working with optical fibers, follow all warning labels and always wear eye protection. Never1.Position the optic so it is in the correct position.The optic has a key that prevents it from being inserted incorrectly.2.Insert the optic into the port until it gently snaps into place.When you cable the ports, be sure not to interfere with the airflow from the small vent holes above and belowSwitch power-upSupply power to the S4200-ON Series (S4248FB-ON and S4248FBL-ON) switch after you mount it in a rack or cabinet.Reinspect your switch before power up. Verify the following:●The equipment is properly secured to the rack. Dell EMC recommends properly grounding the switch.●The ambient temperature around the unit, which may be higher than the room temperature, is within the limits specified forthe S4200-ON Series, see Specifications.●There is sufficient airflow around the unit.●The input circuits are correctly sized for the loads and that you use sufficient overcurrent protection devices.●All protective covers are in place.●Blank panels are installed if you do not install optional modules.Do not power up the switch if you did not install a fan module.A US AC power cable is included for powering up an AC power supply. You must order all other power cablesESD damage can occur if components are mishandled. Always wear an ESD-preventive wrist or heel ground strapPower up sequenceWhen the switch powers up, the fans immediately come on at high speed. The fan speed slows as the switch continues to boot up.After switch installationTo configure your switch, after you have securely installed and powered on the S4200-ON Series (S4248FB-ON andS4248FBL-ON) switch, see your open network installation environment (ONIE)-compatible operating system documentationat . For more information about working with the ONIE environment, see your switch documentation at/support.16S4200-ON Series Installation4Specifications This section lists the S4200-ON Series (S4248FB-ON and S4248FBL-ON) switch specifications.Operate the product at an ambient temperature not higher than 113°F—45°C.Lithium Battery Caution: There is a danger of explosion if the battery is incorrectly replaced.Topics:•Chassis physical designChassis physical designTable 1. Chassis physical designParameter SpecificationsHeight 1.72 inches (44 mm)Width17.1 inches (434 mm)Depth18.2 inches (462 mm)PSU/fan tray handle: 1.57 inches (40 mm)Chassis weight with factory-installed components22 lbs (2* PSUs)9.98 kg (2* PSUs)Rack clearance required Front: 5 inches (12.7 cm)Back: 5 inches (12.7 cm)Table 2. Environmental parametersTable 2. Environmental parameters (continued)Parameter SpecificationsMaximum thermal output600 W = 2047 BTU/HrMaximum operational altitude10,000 feet (3,048 meters)Maximum non-operational altitude39,370 feet (12,000 meters)Shock Dell EMC Spec SV0115Table 3. AC power requirementsParameter SpecificationsPower supply100–240 VAC 50/60 HzMaximum current draw per system6A/5A at 100/120V AC 3A/2.5A at 200/240V AC Maximum power consumption600 WattsTypical power consumption300 WattsTable 4. DC power requirementsParameter SpecificationsMinimum and maximum input voltage range−40.5, –60V DC, 15A MaxMaximum power consumption600 WattsStart up VDC39.0 ± 1.5 VStart off VDC37.5 ±1.5 V18Specifications5Support The support site provides documents and tools to help you effectively use your equipment and mitigate network outages. Through the support site you can obtain technical information, access software upgrades and patches, download available management software, and manage your open cases. The support site provides integrated, secure access to these services.To access the support site, go to /support/. To display information in your language, scroll down to the bottom of the web page and select your country from the drop-down menu.●To obtain product-specific information, enter the 7-character service tag, known as a luggage tag, or 11-digit express servicecode of your switch and click Submit.To view the chassis service tag or express service code, pull out the tag or enter the show chassis command from the CLI.●To receive more technical support, click Contact Us. On the Contact Information web page, click Technical Support.To access switch documentation, go to /manuals/.To search for drivers and downloads, go to /drivers/.To participate in community blogs and forums, go to /community.Support19。
eView MD204L V4 说明书

目录第一章产品概述 (1)1.1功能 (1)1.2一般规格 (1)1.3各部分名称 (2)1.4外型尺寸及安装方法 (4)第二章编辑软件TP200 (5)2.1 TP200基本概述 (5)2.2编辑用户画面 (5)2.3保存工程 (29)2.4下载画面 (30)2.5 导入旧工程 (30)第三章操作方法 (32)3.1联机通讯 (32)3.2切换画面 (32)3.3系统口令 (32)3.4修改数据 (33)3.5开关量控制 (34)第四章与PLC的连接方法 (35)4.1三菱FX系列 (35)4.2西门子S7-200系列 (36)4.3欧姆龙C系列 (36)4.4施耐德NEZA/TWIDO系列 (37)4.5 台达DVP系列 (38)4.6松下FP系列 (38)4.7 LG Master-K CNet系列 (39)4.8 LG系列 Modbus 协议 (40)4.9 LG Master-K 120S 编程口通讯 (41)4.10 FACON永宏系列 (41)4. 11 光洋S系列 (42)4.12 ECOSTEP 系列 (43)4.13 AB Micrologix系列 (44)4.14 MODBUS RTU/ASCII/EMERSON/RTU EXTEND (45)4.15 MODBUS SERVER (46)4.16 eView自由协议 (47)4.17 SAIA PCD S-BUS协议 (48)4.18 VIGOR PLC (49)4.19 EMERSON EC20系列PLC (49)4.20 KEYENCE KV系列PLC (50)eView TP200 V4.0.0 组态软件Release Note (51)附录1:自由协议文档 (56)附录2:其它注意事项 (58)第一章产品概述1.1功能MD204L是一个小型的人机界面,主要与各类PLC(或带通信口的智能控制器)配合使用,以文字或指示灯等形式监视、修改PLC内部寄存器或继电器的数值及状态,从而使操作人员能够自如地控制机器设备。

技术文件技术文件名称:Juniper交换机配置指南技术文件编号:版本:<V1.1>共49 页拟制戴翔审核[单击此处键入审核者]会签[单击此处键入会签者1][单击此处键入会签者2][单击此处键入会签者3][单击此处键入会签者4]标准化[单击此处键入标准化者]批准[单击此处键入批准者]修改记录目录1 引言 (5)1.1编写目的 (5)1.2内容简介 (5)1.3预期的读者和阅读建议 (5)2 术语、定义和缩略语 (5)2.1术语、定义 (5)2.2约定 (5)2.3缩略语 (6)3 认识EX4200 (7)3.1EX4200在组网中的位置 (7)3.2EX4200主要功能 (7)3.3交换机面板、指示灯 (8)3.3.1前后面板 (8)3.3.2LCD面板按键 (9)3.3.3指示灯 (10)4 认识JUNOS (12)4.1J UNOS简介 (12)4.2配置模式 (12)4.3配置结构 (13)5 开局配置指南 (14)5.1准备配置脚本 (14)5.2串口连接 (15)5.3堆叠配置 (16)5.4导入交换机脚本 (17)5.5修改基本配置 (18)5.6基本测试 (18)6 交换机配置命令 (19)6.1用户模式配置 (19)6.2系统参数配置 (20)6.2.1配置主机名 (20)6.2.2配置时区 (20)6.2.3配置root用户密码 (20)6.2.4配置用户 (21)6.2.5配置telnet/ftp/ssh服务 (21)6.2.6配置syslog (21)6.2.7配置NTP (22)6.2.8配置PoE (22)6.3端口配置 (22)6.3.1配置端口二层属性 (23)6.3.2配置端口三层属性 (23)6.3.3配置端口速率和工作模式 (23)6.4聚合组配置 (23)6.4.1配置聚合组数量 (24)6.4.2配置聚合组端口 (24)6.4.3配置聚合组属性 (24)6.4.4配置负荷分担算法 (25)6.5V LAN配置 (25)6.5.1配置Vlan端口 (25)6.5.2配置Vlan属性 (25)6.6路由配置 (25)6.6.1配置静态路由 (25)6.7安全配置 (26)6.7.1配置广播风暴选项 (26)6.7.2配置访问控制列表 (26)6.8生成树协议配置 (26)6.9其他选项配置 (26)6.9.1配置BFD (26)6.9.2配置VRRP (26)7 常用操作技巧 (27)7.1修改和删除命令 (27)7.2问号的使用 (27)7.3T AB、空格键的使用 (28)7.4S HOW命令的使用 (28)7.5管道符号的使用 (29)7.6将配置转换为SET形式 (30)7.7保存和回滚命令 (30)8 常用操作维护 (31)8.1管理口连接登陆 (31)8.2重启和关闭交换机 (32)8.3密码恢复 (33)8.4恢复出厂设置 (33)8.5配置备份 (34)8.6端口镜像 (35)9 脚本模板解析 (36)1 引言1.1 编写目的本文通过详细描述Juniper交换机(EX4200)的主要功能、操作使用和配置命令、配置规范,以及在NGHLR组网中的配置指南,指导用服现场工程实施。
Excel DCOM配置

安装过程中遇到的3个问题,的解决方法1.检索 COM 类工厂中 CLSID 为 {00024500-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 的组件失败,原因是出现以下错误: 80070005 拒绝访问。
(异常来自 HRESULT:0x80070005(E_ACCESSDENIED))。
/s/blog_603e393e01014an8.html/art/14909891:在服务器上安装office的Excel软件.2:在"开始"->"运行"中输入dcomcnfg.exe启动"组件服务"3:依次双击"组件服务"->"计算机"->"我的电脑"->"DCOM配置"4:在"DCOM配置"中找到"Microsoft Excel 应用程序",在它上面点击右键,然后点击"属性",弹出"Microsoft Excel 应用程序属性"对话框5:点击"标识"标签,选择"交互式用户"6:点击"安全"标签,在"启动和激活权限"上点击"自定义",然后点击对应的"编辑"按钮,在弹出的"安全性"对话框中填加一个"NETWORK SERVICE"用户(注意要选择本计算机名),并给它赋予"本地启动"和"本地激活"权限.7:依然是"安全"标签,在"访问权限"上点击"自定义",然后点击"编辑",在弹出的"安全性"对话框中也填加一个"NETWORK SERVICE"用户,然后赋予"本地访问"权限.2.如果接着出现错误8000401a,可取消交互式用户,添加一个administratrs组或Power User 或者User的新帐号,写进去,可暂时解决此问题。
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1. 首先要将组建VC的交换机恢复出厂设置,通过 load factory default 实现,之后要重新设定root用户的密码:set system root-authentication plain-text-password:
2. 选择一台交换机,配置:
2.1 目前这些上联模块是万兆和千兆都支持的模块,默认情况下是万兆的,只有第一和第三个口可用。
在配置模式下 # set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 sfpplus pic-mode 1g
然后 commit 执行
在> request system reboot 进行重启
2.2 重启之后在配置模式下:
#Set virtual-chassis member-id 0 master-priority 255
在> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port X
Pic-slot 1 指是上联模块,port号如果是千兆上联则从0到3,如果是万兆上联则port0 和port1。
3 配置第二台4200
#set system root-authentication plain-text-password:
# set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 sfpplus pic-mode 1g
然后 commit 执行
# Set virtual-chassis member-id 0 master-priority 255
这里要注意在加入VC之前,每台设备都是master 0 这个数字编号是VC系统自己分配的,当加入VC后会自动进行变更,此时还是配置master 0
> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port X
这时,配置已经完成,将光跳连接好,设备会自动选举VC master,自动变更member id,需要等待几十秒。
show virtual-chassis
Member ID Status Serial No Model priority Role ID Interface
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt BP020******* ex4200-48t 255 master 1 vcp-255/1/0
2 vcp-255/1/1
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt BP020******* ex4200-48t 128 Backup 0 vcp-255/1/0
2 vcp-255/1/1
4. 在不连线的情况下按照同样的方法配置第三台交换机,配制方法与内容和第二台完
#set system root-authentication plain-text-password:
# set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 sfpplus pic-mode 1g
然后 commit 执行
# Set virtual-chassis member-id 0 master-priority 255
这里要注意在加入VC之前,每台设备都是master 0 这个数字编号是VC系统自己分配的,当加入VC后会自动进行变更,此时还是配置master 0
> request virtual-chassis vc-port set pic-slot 1 port X
show virtual-chassis
0 (FPC 0) Prsnt BP020******* ex4200-48t 255 Master 1 vcp-255/1/0
2 vcp-255/1/1
1 (FPC 1) Prsnt BP020******* ex4200-48t 128 Backup 0 vcp-255/1/0
2 vcp-255/1/1
2 (FPC 2) Prsnt BP020******* ex4200-48t 128 Linecard 1 vcp-255/1/0
0 vcp-255/1/1
新加入的交换机会自动变为member 2 即FPC2,状态正常后应为:Prsnt,优先级变为128,状态为线卡。
5 目前VC已经建立完成,可以将三台4200看做一台模块化整体交换机。
> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item Version Part number Serial number Description
Chassis BP020******* Virtual Chassis
FPC 0 REV 18 750-021254 BP020******* EX4200-48T, 8 POE CPU BUILTIN BUILTIN FPC CPU
PIC 0 BUILTIN BUILTIN 48x 10/100/1000 Base-T PIC 1 REV 04 711-026017 CH020******* 4x GE SFP+
Xcvr 0 REV 01 740-011614 C09F02532 SFP-LX10
Xcvr 1 REV 01 740-011614 C09D14000 SFP-LX10
Xcvr 2 REV 01 740-011614 C09F02928 SFP-LX10
Power Supply 0 REV 04 740-020957 AT0509230042 PS 320W AC
Fan Tray Fan Tray
FPC 1 REV 18 750-021254 BP020******* EX4200-48T, 8 POE CPU BUILTIN BUILTIN FPC CPU
PIC 0 BUILTIN BUILTIN 48x 10/100/1000 Base-T PIC 1 REV 04 711-026017 CH020******* 4x GE SFP+
Xcvr 0 REV 01 740-011614 C09F02601 SFP-LX10
Xcvr 1 REV 01 740-011614 C09F02411 SFP-LX10
Xcvr 2 REV 01 740-011614 C09F02636 SFP-LX10
Power Supply 0 REV 04 740-020957 AT0509238885 PS 320W AC
Fan Tray Fan Tray
FPC 2 REV 18 750-021254 BP020******* EX4200-48T, 8 POE CPU BUILTIN BUILTIN FPC CPU
PIC 0 BUILTIN BUILTIN 48x 10/100/1000 Base-T PIC 1 REV 04 711-026017 CH020******* 4x GE SFP+
Xcvr 0 REV 01 740-011614 C09D14492 SFP-LX10
Xcvr 1 REV 01 740-011614 C09F02397 SFP-LX10
Xcvr 2 REV 01 740-011614 C09F18019 SFP-LX10
Xcvr 3 REV 01 740-011614 C09F02520 SFP-LX10
Power Supply 0 REV 04 740-020957 AT0509238561 PS 320W AC
Fan Tray Fan Tray
6. 修改每个member的优先级都改为255,确保切换时状态稳定。
#set virtual-chassis member 1 mastership-priority 255
# set virtual-chassis member 2 mastership-priority 255
# set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 sfpplus pic-mode 1g
# set chassis fpc 1 pic 1 sfpplus pic-mode 1g
# set chassis fpc 2 pic 1 sfpplus pic-mode 1g
# set virtual-chassis no-split-detection
# set chassis redundancy graceful-switchover
request system reboot all-members。