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半系动词 词汇
感官性 系动词 主观判断 系动词
状态变化 系动词
look, sound, smell, taste, feel etc.
+ adj. + like + n.
( 特殊: feel )
seem, appear, turn out, prove, happen etc.
状态持续 系动词
keep, remain, stay, lie etc.
+ adj.
+ n.
一般现 在或过 去时
feel 作系动词的用法
❖ 1. 表”某物体给人的感觉”,只用一般现在或过 去时
Silk feels soft.
❖ 2. 表”主语自身的感觉”, 用于各种时态
------ How are you today? ------ Oh, I haven’t felt as ill as I do now for a long time. I’m feeling a little better today.
Choose the best answer
1. The water _____ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels
Choose the best answer
It appears/seem that she will win.
3. “状态变化”类: 表示主语从一种 状态变化成另一种状态。
常见的有: become, turn, grow, go, come, fall, get 等。 例如: Put the fish in the fridge, or it will go bad in hot weather.
系动词一般现 +(to be) adj./ n. 在或过去时
+ to do sth.
不定式可用各 种形式
become, turn, grow, get, go, come, fall, etc.
+ adj.
+ n. 注意记忆 惯用搭配
现在\过去\ 将来\进行\ 完成时
系动词主动表被 动 不定式可主动或 被动
4. “状态持续”类:表示主语持续某种 状态。
常见的有: remain(依然),keep(保持), stay(保持),lie (呈…状态,置于), continue(继续、仍旧)等。例如:
—Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? —It will stay fresh for several days. The population growth in China remains a problem. The book lay open on. the desk.
dress. .
2. “主观判断”类: 包括 seem(似乎是), appear(似乎、显得),prove(证明是), turn out (结果是, 证明是) 等.
He appears/seem to be very friendly with us. They appear/seem to have misunderstood me.
Choose the best answer
4. ----I was wondering if we could go skating on the weekend.
----_____ good.
C.Sounding D.Sounds
As time went on, his theory proved (to be) true.
.Байду номын сангаас
Choose the best answer
1. His method should be popularized; it ___ practical. A. proves B. is proved C. has been proved D. was proved
2. To everybody’s great surprise, the fashionable young lady ____ to be a thief. A. found out B. proved out C. put out D. turned out
连系动词(即系动词)用于连接主语和 表语,说明主语的状态,性质,特征或 身份。表语通常由名词、形容词,或相 当于名词或形容词的词或短语等充当, 说明主语是什么或怎么样。
常见的系动词是be,它的变化形式为: am/is/are/was/were . 除了 be 动词, 其他的系动词(半系动词)大致可 分为四类:
Everything turned out (to be) well.
He seems to know everything.
I happened to be standing next to him when he fell.
They appear/seem to have misunderstood
1.“感觉”类:与五种感觉器官相关的动 词.常见的有: look(看起来),
2. feel(摸上去),smell(闻起来) , 3. taste(尝起来),sound(听起来)等。 4. 例如:
5.What he says sounds (like) a good idea. 6.Those oranges taste good. 7.She looks much younger in her red
2. He shook his head ______ and looked ____ when he was told the bad news.
A.sadly; sadly B.sad; sad
C.sadly; sad
D. sad; sadly
Choose the best answer
3. I love to go to the forest in summer. It ____ good to walk in the forest or sit in the shade of trees. A. does B. feels C. gets D. makes