draft resolution模联决议草案




模联四大文件立场文件(position paper)、工作文件(working paper)、决议草案(draft resolution)、修正案(amendment)。

除此之外还有两种特殊的文件,其一是意向条(page),其二是指令草案(Draft Directive)。

一、立场文件Position Paper(PP)立场文件,是表明一国在某一特定问题上的基本观点和立场的文件。



二、工作文件Working Paper(WP)工作文件是代表们在游说和结盟之后,在各自立场文件基础上综合他国立场和要求,草拟出的针对问题的看法以及初步解决办法。



三、决议草案Draft Resolution(DR)决议草案是按照联合国决议文件形式起草的对该议题的解决办法。









修正案分为:友好修正案( Friendly Amendment)、非友好修正案( Unfriendly Amendment )五、意向条Page意向条实际上就是与会各方之间用来沟通的“小信件”。

Draft resolution样本

Draft resolution样本

Draft Resolution (决议草案)样本Committee: Commission on Information RegulationTopic: International Newsflow ImbalanceSignatory(附议国-模联上应尽量争取更多的附议国签名):Realizing the need for all sovereign nations to maintain their integrity and still play an active role in the international system,1. Recommends that a three-level information interchange system be established on the national, regional, and international levels to ameliorate the current problems of newsflow imbalance, to operate as follows:a. Each regions’member nations will report their national information and receive the information of other nations in their region from the regional level of this interchange system;b. Nations will decide the character of the newsflow media best suited to the need of their sovereign territory, be this printed, audio, oraudio-visual;c. Regional News Gathering Agencies will serve to gather information from the nations in their region, and these boards will have no editorial discretion and will serve to forward all information to the International Board;2. Urges the establishment of the University of International Communications, which will be based inGeneva, Switzerland, with the following aims:a. The University and branches will be established with the express purpose of bringing together world views(注:决议草案的内容主要是关于如何解决大会讨论的问题,提出来的措施方案要力求精准,明确,细致,可执行力高。



决议草案1.起草国:泰国,菲律宾,老挝附议国:中国,马来西亚,尼泊尔安全理事会,回顾其所有相关决议,尤其是2008年4月15日第1808号决议(S/RES/1808),严正关切2008年8月8日格鲁吉亚与俄罗斯在南奥塞梯及其周边地区发生的军事冲突,铭记不断升级的军事冲突已经造成的无辜平民死难以及财产损失等人道主义危机,强烈谴责任何可能造成人道主义局势继续动荡的行为;重申《联合国宪章》第二条第四款“联合国所有会员国不得使用威胁或武力,侵害任何国家之领土完整或政治独立”;再次重申安理会第1808号决议行动性条款第一条,“重申所有会员国承诺维护格鲁吉亚在国际公认疆界内的主权、独立和领土完整;注意到第29届国际奥林匹克运动会正在北京举行,因此强调格鲁吉亚和俄罗斯遵守《奥林匹克休战协议》的必要性;强调格鲁吉亚与俄罗斯双方尽快结束军事冲突的重要性;坚信在联合国格鲁吉亚特派团和独联体维和部队的密切协调将在稳定南奥塞梯区域安全局势中发挥关键作用;充分相信该地区争端的和平妥善解决需要考虑南奥塞梯人民的意愿,格鲁吉亚的国家利益以及更加深刻的国际和平以及安全秩序;欢迎欧洲安全与合作组织对当地和平进程的推进,欣见在安理会各成员国的努力下,格鲁吉亚与俄罗斯已决定重回谈判桌,新的停火协议达成指日可待;1. 敦促俄罗斯与格鲁吉亚立即实行停火,具体要求为:i) 停火期间暂时由联派团与独联体维和部队维护争议地区的和平;ii) 共识达成之前不允许双方以任何理由继续交火;iii) 一旦停火期间再次发生武装冲突,将追究上述责任并对责任方进行国际制裁;2. 决定建立战时缓冲区,双方于即日起72小时内撤回8月6日战前位置,并保持足够的缓冲距离,保证双方军事势力的隔离;3. 又决定将南奥塞梯的维和任务暂时交由联格团和独联体维和部队负责,有以下附加条件:i) 如有恶性军事冲突再次发生,允许联合国派遣调查团进入该地区进行调查,ii) 调查结果公布后,由联格团明确责任认定,并以正式书面报告形式公示,iii) 俄方接受由欧洲安全与合作组织推荐,并由联合国认定的观察员进入安全区;4. 建议迅速恢复格鲁吉亚、南奥塞梯、阿布哈兹、俄罗斯的四方会谈,并将每一次会谈成果及时向安理会报告,允许联合国代表旁听记录四方会谈的重要会议,并且:i) 追求长期和平及高加索地区问题的最终解决是四方会谈的一贯目的,这是俄方作为会谈方所作的承诺与保证,ii) 俄方默认欧安组织成员可以与四方会谈中任一方接触,充分了解会议动向;5. 赞同建立健全武器运输检察机制旨在加大监督杀伤性武器进入冲突地区的渠道与数量,提高运输武器透明度,避免过程中造成不必要的损失与误会,呼吁各国适当削减格鲁吉亚冲突地区的进攻性武器运输;6. 欣见美国同意暂缓与格鲁吉亚现行签订的安全合作协议,并在该协议到期后12个月内不同格鲁吉亚缔结任何军事安全合作协议,但对于已经存在的合作协议,其余国家不应干涉,并且欣见俄罗斯承诺不向阿布哈兹和南奥塞梯等地区输入和部署进攻性武器;7. 要求严正调查国际间武器运输走私行为并予以严厉的制裁;8. 敦促格鲁吉亚将已获得的大规模杀伤性武器上交联格团,但同时联格团必须登记。



决议草案(模联)第一篇:决议草案 (模联)决议草案1.2 委员会:联合国大会议题:应对非国际性武装冲突起草国:俄罗斯、埃塞俄比亚、中国、玻利维亚、乌克兰、叙利亚、苏丹、巴西、秘鲁、印度尼西亚、印度、海地、柬埔寨、阿富汗、洪都拉斯、古巴、肯尼亚、科特迪瓦、老挝、也门、塞尔维亚、伊朗、格鲁吉亚、爱尔兰、文莱、阿尔巴尼亚、约旦、索马里、冈比亚、塞内加尔、安哥拉、黎巴嫩、沙特、巴基斯坦、刚果布、尼泊尔、阿联酋、黑山、阿尔及利亚、东帝汶、朝鲜、刚果金、尼加拉瓜、科特迪瓦、马里、摩尔多瓦、罗马尼亚附议国:吉尔吉斯斯坦、希腊、马尔代夫、塞拉利昂、莫桑比克、利比亚、南非联合国大会,回顾近些年在伊拉克、阿富汗、达尔富尔地区、卢旺达等地出现的战争混乱状态及其调节过程中遇到的诸多问题,深信非国际性武装冲突对人类和对文明的存续造成威胁,因此规范应对非国际性武装冲突已迫在眉睫,回顾《日内瓦公约》第二附加议定书及共同第三条、《罗马规约》第八条、联合国宪章第二条第(三)(四)(五)款、《世界人权宣言》、《防止种族灭绝国际公约》、《消除对妇女的一切歧视公约》以及《儿童权利公约》和有关规定,承认目前国际社会对上述文书的具体落实程度还远远不够,需要切实加强有关机构的作用效力,以便更好地落实,还承认目前国际社会对于发生非国际性武装冲突的国家的援助没有很好的规范,认识到对此进行合理合法的规范是当务之急,注意到前南斯拉夫国际刑事法庭和卢旺达国际刑事法庭提出的有关非国际性武装冲突的界定和解决的新思,充分肯定这些方案并要进行进一步创新以便使其方法得到更广泛推广,认为在应对非国际性武装冲突方面,国际社会必须制定有效的界定、预防、应对、善后机制,以确保国际在非国际性武装冲突中有更高的效率并将损失降低,殷切希望各国团结一致建立以联合国为中心的非国际性武装冲突的全球合作体制,呼吁要加强联合国与区域性组织的协调与合作,以便更好地应对非国际性武装冲突,根据《联合国宪章》、《日内瓦公约》及其相关议定书采取措施,第一条完善对于非国际性武装冲突的界定:(一)依据武装对抗双方中非政府武装团体的身份进行界定;(子)申明若其中非政府武装团体为恐怖组织,则该冲突不应为非国际性武装冲突;(丑)申明若其中非政府武装团体为宗教组织;(甲)若该国为定有国教的、政教合一的国家,且该冲突的影响仅限于本国之内,则应属于非国际性武装冲突;(乙)若该国家未定有国教但宗教信仰自由,则该冲突仅视其是否影响到他国同宗教教徒,界定其所属;(丙)若该宗教武装团体为国际极端宗教组织支持下发生武装冲突的,则该冲突应为国际性武装冲突;(寅)申明若其中非政府武装团体为雇佣兵团,则该冲突不应为非国际性武装冲突;(卯)申明若其中非政府武装团体处于外国势力的实际控制之下,并以之达成其国际性目的,则该冲突不应为非国际性武装冲突;(二)依据冲突影响程度进行界定;(子)申明若该冲突涉及到他国主权,则该冲突不应为非国际性武装冲突。











1. 这个小组由学生代表、家长代表和老师代表共同组成。


2. 监督小组的任务就是定期检查食堂的食材采购情况,要像侦探一样,确保食材新鲜、安全、多样。



1. 每周制定不同的菜单,要有中国的八大菜系轮着来(今天川菜的麻婆豆腐,明天鲁菜的糖醋鲤鱼,多棒啊),也要有西餐的一些经典菜品,像意大利面、汉堡包之类的(当然是健康版的啦)。


2. 根据季节变化调整菜品。



1. 重新评估同学们的食量,尤其是考虑到不同年级、不同性别的差异。



2. 提供加餐选项,比如水果、酸奶或者小点心。



1. 定期组织厨师参加厨艺培训,学习新的烹饪技巧和菜品制作。



决议草案(Draft Resolution)是在一份或多份工作文件的基础上形成的包含对于所讨论议题的实质性解决方案与具体措施的书面提案。












决议草案的条款分为序言性条款(Perambulatory Clauses)和行动性条款(Operative Clauses)两类:在序言性条款中,每一条款要以动名词形式开头,动名次下加下划线,同时每一条款以逗号结束;在行动性条款中,每一条款要以动词第三人称单数开头,同时该动词应以斜体显示,每一条款以分号结束,最后一个条款以句号结束。

行动性条款是决议草案最重要的部分,决议草案行动性条款的语言也有如下一些特点:首先,每一条款都表达一个单独且完整的意思;其次,每一条款以动词第三人称单数开头,条款的主语是该委员会,如联合国安全理事会(UNSC);再次,决议草案行动性条款的句型主要有两种,一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+由that引导的宾语从句”,另一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+国家+to do(动词不定式)”。

模拟联合国会议中决议草案的写法 (1)

模拟联合国会议中决议草案的写法 (1)









决议草案的条款分为序言性条款(Perambulatory Clauses)和行动性条款(Operative Clauses)两类:在序言性条款中,每一条款要以动名词形式开头,动名次下加下划线,同时每一条款以逗号结束;在行动性条款中,每一条款要以动词第三人称单数开头,同时该动词应以斜体显示,每一条款以分号结束,最后一个条款以句号结束。

行动性条款是决议草案最重要的部分,决议草案行动性条款的语言也有如下一些特点:首先,每一条款都表达一个单独且完整的意思;其次,每一条款以动词第三人称单数开头,条款的主语是该委员会,如联合国安全理事会(UNSC);再次,决议草案行动性条款的句型主要有两种,一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+由that引导的宾语从句”,另一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+国家+to do(动词不定式)”。



以下为一篇决议草案范例:1、何为决议草案?工作文件格式和内容上的加工和完善需要投票,所以为“草案”投票通过即成为正式决议2、决议草案的形成综合各方和WP的观点起草:起草国(sponsors)一国或多国起草国不能起草或附议其他DR寻求附议:附议国(signatories)并不意味着支持或反对,而是认为值得讨论所有代表国的20%起草国不能成为附议国一国可成为多个草案的附议国提交主席团审核主席通过、编号并印发全场动议介绍起草国解释草案的主要内容和意义,时限3分钟其他代表提问(针对草案语法的3个问题)回到发言名单动议磋商3、决议草案的起草草案标题委员会 Committee议题 Topic决议草案编号(主席团负责) Number起草国和附议国名单 Country List草案正文——一个完整的长句序言性条款 Preambulatory clauses行动性条款 Operative clauses序言性条款阐述议题的基本情况和影响陈述议题的重要性与必要性回顾已采取过的行动(决议、条约、国际行动、发言、见解)概念界定(关键词、问题核心部分)格式每一款以一动词开头(现在分词),斜体,逗号结尾行动性条款——草案的实质部分列举解决问题的措施和建议每个条款以动词开头(第三人称单数),斜体,分号结尾每条款只能包含一个建议或想法要有逻辑顺序(阿拉伯数字,英文字母,罗马数字)最后条款以句号总结4、理想的决议草案格式准确、无误语言通顺流畅、正式官方、无语法错误一定要解决议题里头的所有(或大多数)的争端条款必须是现实的、有技巧性的、实质性的在不同阵营的国家中找出最佳平衡点决议草案1.1联合国安全理事会朝鲜核问题起草国:英国、美国`附议国:中国、法国、俄罗斯安全理事会,回顾其以往各项相关决议,包括第825(1993)号决议、第1540(2004)号决议、尤其是第1695(2006)号决议,以及2006年10月6日的主席声明(S/PRST/2006/41),重申核、生物和化学武器及其运载工具的扩散对国际和平与安全构成威胁,严重关切朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(朝鲜)声称已于2006年10月9日进行一次核武器试验,这一试验对《不扩散核武器条约》和旨在加强防止核武器扩散全球机制的国际努力构成的挑战,以及对该区域内外的和平与稳定造成的危险,表示坚信应该维护防止核武器扩散的国际机制,并回顾,根据《不扩散核武器条约》,朝鲜不能具有核武器国家的地位,痛惜朝鲜宣布退出《不扩散核武器条约》并谋求发展核武器,还痛惜朝鲜已拒绝无条件地重返六方会谈,认可中国、朝鲜、日本、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦和美国于2005年9月19日发表的《共同声明》,根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,并根据第四十一条采取措施,第一条谴责朝鲜声称于2006年10月9日进行的核试验,公然无视安理会各项相关决议,尤其是第1695(2006)号决议和2006年10月6日的主席声明(S/PRST/2006/41),其中包括这一试验将招致国际社会的普遍谴责并将明显威胁国际和平与安全;第二条要求朝鲜不再进行任何核试验或发射弹道导弹;第三条要求朝鲜立即收回其退出《不扩散核武器条约》的宣告;第四条还要求朝鲜重返《不扩散核武器条约》和国际原子能机构(原子能机构)的保障监督,并强调《不扩散核武器条约》所有缔约国都需要继续履行其条约义务;第五条决定朝鲜应以完全、可核查和不可逆的方式放弃所有核武器和现有核计划,严格按照《不扩散核武器条约》对缔约方适用的义务和国际原子能机构(原子能机构)保障监督协定的条款和条件(IAEA INFCIRC/403)行事,并向原子能机构提供超出这些规定范围的透明措施,包括让原子能机构接触它要求和认为需要接触的人员、文件、设备和设施;第六条又决定朝鲜应以完全、可核查和不可逆的方式放弃现有的其他所有大规模杀伤性武器和弹道导弹计划;第七条决定所有会员国应防止经由本国领土或本国国民,或使用悬挂本国国旗的船只或飞机,直接或间接向朝鲜提供、销售或转让下列物项,不论它们是否源于本国领土;第八条吁请所有会员国自本决议通过之日起三十天内向安全理事会报告为有效执行上文规定而采取的步骤;第九条吁请朝鲜立即无条件地重返六方会谈,努力迅速落实中国、朝鲜、日本、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦和美国于2005年9月19日发表的《共同声明》;第十条决定继续积极处理此案。

决议草案 Draft_Resolution

决议草案 Draft_Resolution

决议草案(Draft Resolution)决议草案是各国在会议中经过磋商与合作,最终对议题中的问题提出的解决办法。





格式:●草案标题(序号有主席团给出):委员会(Committee):议题(topic):起草国(Sponsors):附议国(Signatories):●正文:DR的正文部分可以看作是一段长句,由作状语的序言性条款(preambulatory clauses)和作谓语的行动性条款(operative clauses)组成。


▲序言性条款一般用现在分词或一些形容词开头,并用下划线标注,如Reaffirming(重申),Recalling(回顾),Deeply concerned(深度关注)等;▲行动性条款以动词第三人称单数开头,主语是该委员会,用斜体标注,如The Security Council…Stresses(强调), Condemns(谴责),Urges(敦促)等;▲行动性条款每一条要用序号分列各个条款,序号层次依次为阿拉伯数字、小写英文字母、小写罗马数字内容:序言性条款内容可以参考BG中的介绍,涉及:1)联合国宪章;2)联合国在该问题上通过的决议或条约;3)联合国机构就此问题发表过的言辞;4)国家政府或非政府组织对此问题的立场;5)对问题现状的大致阐述。





决议草案格式【篇一:决议草案、工作文件(格式)】草案标题 draft resolution 1.? (居中)委员会committee:议题topic:起草国sponsor(s):复议国signatories:(必须达到出席国家总数的五分之一)!!注意:复议国复议一个决议草案不代表同意该草案,而是认为该草案值得讨论,所以不要盲目拒绝复议!!序言性条款perambulatory clauses(居中)(可以不写出来这行) xxxxxx,xxxxxx,行动性条款operative clauses(居中)(可以不写出来这行)xxxxxx;xxxxxx.开头动词斜体啊。

决议草案的起草草案标题委员会 committee议题 topic决议草案编号(主席团负责) number起草国和附议国名单 country list草案正文——一个完整的长句(the security council, we the people of the united nations……)序言性条款 preambulatory clauses行动性条款 operative clauses序言性条款阐述议题的基本情况和影响陈述议题的重要性与必要性回顾已采取过的行动(决议、条约、国际行动、发言、见解)概念界定(关键词、问题核心部分)格式每一款以一动词开头(现在分词),斜体,逗号结尾affirming, emphasizing, recognizing, ……行动性条款——草案的实质部分列举解决问题的措施和建议每个条款以动词开头(第三人称单数),斜体,分号结尾每条款只能包含一个建议或想法要有逻辑顺序(阿拉伯数字,英文字母,罗马数字)最后条款以句号总结工作文件工作文件的形成游说和结盟形成观点(对问题的认识及解决措施)起草提交主席团审核主席通过、编号并印发全场动议讨论3、工作文件的起草起草国:一国或多国附议国:不需要格式:无固定格式(文章,观点罗列,决议……),但在大多数情况下,工作文件主要由数条具体措施组成。



决议草案及修正案写作指导一.决议草案Draft Resolution决议草案是按照联合国决议文件形式起草的对该议题的解决办法,是会议中提出的工作文件的加工和完善。



















模拟联合国英文组决议草案第一篇:模拟联合国英文组决议草案Draft Resolution 1.2 Committee: The Economic and Social CouncilTopic: The Reform of International Monetary System Sponsors: UK, France, Germany, Australia Signatories: China, BrazilThe Economic and Social Council, Due to a liquidity shortfall in the United States banking system, the financial crisis of 2007-2010 contributed to the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth, substantial financial commitments incurred by governments, and a significant decline in economic activity.Both market-based and regulatory solutions have been implemented or are under consideration, while significant risks remain for the world economy over the 2010–2011 periods.The members of ECOSOC committees have worked together with urgency and determination to translate their agreement into action.In April, 2009, a prudent statement delivered in London Summit comprises of such practices and plans as restoring growth and jobs, strengthening financial supervision and regulation and global financial institutions, ensuring a fair and sustainable recovery for all and so forth.At the meantime, IMF received an additional $850 billion of resources to support growth in emerging market and developing countries.The Seoul Summit in 2010, deepening the consensus of the London Summit, has emphasized the significance of considering development as a long-term topic in G20 and of international cooperation.In order to restore the economic growth and rebuild trust, however, we shall focus on the reform of international monetary system.Firstly,financial regulation and supervision are major concerns of the new monetary system;booming the economy, meanwhile, is the problem we now confronting with;and mulitiplorization of currency becomes the trend in international monetary system.This draft resolution aims at bettering international monetary system through three fundamental ways.To that end we claim the following points practical and crucial:1, Strengthening the supervision and regulation of international monetary system;(a)Constructing a flexible monetary system;(i)Undertake macroeconomic policies to ensure ongoing recovery and sustainable growth and enhance the stability of financial markets, in particular moving toward more market-determined exchange rate systems, enhancing exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying economic fundamentals, and refraining from competitive devaluation of currencies.Advanced economies, including those with reserve currencies, will be vigilant against excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates.These actions will help mitigate the risk of excessive volatility in capital flows facing some emerging countries;(ii)Reform international financial institution.IMF shall better reflect the changes in the world economy through greater representation of dynamic emerging markets and developing countries.These comprehensive quota and governance reforms will enhance the IMF’s legitimacy, credibility and effect iveness, making it an even stronger institution for promoting global financial stability and growth.(iii)Add core elements of a new financial regulatory framework, including bank capital and liquidity standards, as well as measures to better regulate and effectively resolve systemically important financial institutions,complemented by more effective oversight and supervision.This new framework will ensure a more resilient financial system by reining in the past excesses of the financial sector and better serving the needs of our economies.(b)Strengthen global financial safety nets;(i)Strengthen global financial safety nets, which help countries cope with financial volatility by providing them with practical tools to overcome sudden reversals of international capital flows.(ii)Continue to monitor and assess ongoing implementation of the commitments made today and in the past in a transparent and objective way.We hold ourselves accountable.What we promise, we will deliver.(iii)Better reflect the perspective of emerging market economies in financial regulatory reforms;strengthen regulation and oversight of shadow banking;further work on regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets;improve market integrity and efficiency;enhance consumer protection;pursue all outstanding governance reform issues at the IMF and World Bank;and build a more stable and resilient international monetary system, including by further strengthening global financial safety nets.We will also expand our MAP based on the indicative guidelines to be agreed.2.Booming the global economy;(a)Fighting protectionism and promoting trade and investment;(i)Keeping markets open and liberalizing trade and investment as a means to promote economic progress for all and narrow the development gap.These trade and investment liberalization measures will help the Framework objectives for strong, sustainable and balanced growth, and must be complemented by our unwavering commitment to resist protectionism in all its forms.(ii)Call on relevant international agencies to coordinate a collective multilateral response tosupport trade facilitation;and to support measures to increase the availability of trade finance in developing countries,(b)Creating more jobs;Improve the development of employable skills matched to employer and labor market needs in order to enhance the ability to attract investment, create decent jobs and increase productivity.We will support the development of internationally comparable skills indicators and the enhancement of national strategies for skills development.(c)Accelerating the development of the emerging market;Continuing the dynamic process aimed at enhancing the voice and representation of emerging market and developing countries, including the poorest, through a comprehensive review of the quota formula by January 2013 to better reflect the economic weights;and through completion of the next general review of quotas by January 2014.3.Establish a diversified international currency reserve system;(a)Consolidate the status of Euro.Eastern Europe, Southern Europe and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea can peg the currency with the euro and even join the euro in the future.(b)Study the creation of “regional monetary units” and have made an agreement to regard the creation of regional currency units as one of the long-term goals to promote regional integration.(i)Rationally design of the process of RMB exchange rate system reform, based on the Asia-Pacific region to achieve the internationalization of RMB.(ii)Promote the internationalization of the yen.(c)The Latin American can use ruble in the area.4.Underlines that further decisions will be required, should additional measures be necessary;5.Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.湖南大学第三届模拟联合国大赛英文组第二篇:模拟联合国决议草案1泉州师范学院模拟联合国大会决议草案决议草案委员会:经济与社会理事会议题:加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,促进世界和谐起草国:俄罗斯中国澳大利亚印度尼西亚叙利亚刚果伊拉克德国阿根廷马来西亚巴西墨西哥南非沙特阿拉伯附议国:菲律宾朝鲜经社理事会回顾1991年联合国大会通过的46/182号决议,要求加强在人道主义领域内的行动,并为此设立了人道主义事务部,还回顾其历年通过的有关决议,特别是2009年3月31日第64/6号、2008年7月25日第62/322号、2009年7月22日第64/84号决议,强调人道主义和救灾援助是建立在平等友好的基础上的,深信人道主义援助与救灾行动对于维护国际社会和谐稳定的重要意义,确保国际社会对灾害和紧急情况作出及时、连贯一致和协调的反应,并协助从紧急救济到复原与发展的顺利过渡,同意制订和推行联合国系统及其合作伙伴人道主义问题的共同政策,动员和协调人道主义紧急状况的援助,谴责一切附带政治性条款的人道主义援助与救灾措施的行为,认为联合国应发展和调动联合国加快提供国际人道主义援助的能力,泉州师范学院模拟联合国大会决议草案促进减少灾害风险,宣传人道主义问题,提供紧急状况和自然灾害的及时信息,以促进全球人道主义援助,重申在复杂紧急情况和自然灾害局势中提供人道主义援助的所有行为体都应推动和充分遵守人道、中立、公正和独立的人道主义原则,欣见于2008 年6月3日至5日在罗马举行世界粮食保障问题高级别会议,并指出执行其结果,包括关于人道主义援助的内容,认识到紧急情况、恢复和发展之间的明确关系,并重申提供紧急援助的方式应迅速、有执行力并且有助于复兴和长期发展,以保证救济工作平稳地过渡为恢复和发展工作,注意到1949年的《日内瓦公约》及相关的1977年《附加议定书》以及2005年关于新增特殊标志的《第三附加议定书》所组成的“国际人道法”所做的呼吁:“无论是作为个人,还是通过政府或各种组织,我们都可以对遵守国际人道法做出重要贡献。

模拟联合国Draft Resolution范例

模拟联合国Draft Resolution范例

Draft ResolutionCommittee: Human Rights CouncilSignatories: Angola Azerbaijan Canada Chile China Cuba Egypt France Gabon Germany Ghana India Indonesia Italy Madagascar Malaysia Pakistan Qatar Republic of Korea Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom ZambiaHuman Rights Council,Deeply convinced that children’s rights, high on the list of essential human rights in the first international human rights agreement- the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, should be guaranteed globally to the largest extent,Recognizing the ultimate importance of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (1989), Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (1999), and the reports A World Fit for Children (2002) and The End of Child Labor-Within Reach (2006) and its role on the eradication of child labor,Urging all countries to sign and ratify the above mentioned conventions and other instruments of the framework to prevent and abolish child labor,Remembering the paramount contribution given by different cultures, religions and civilizations to the establishment of the legal framework against Child Labor and recognizing the need to interpret these legal instruments based in such diversity,Taking into consideration that countries have different economical, social and cultural backgrounds and such difference influence policies and results in each state,Aware noting also that universal education for children in a community based approach is the main form to achieve universal eradication of child labor,Welcoming all regional initiatives to improve the current situation of children all around the world,Bearing in mind noting with concern the deleterious effects of the recent financial crisis on the child labor problem,Fully aware that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor,To act under the guidance of United Nations, as well as the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights, minimum age convention and the worst forms of child labor convention, etc,A.Takes into consideration that countries have different economical, social, and culturalbackgrounds and may have different standards more suitable for the problems in theirown territory, the signatories of this working paper suggest that the resolution include aclause reminding the paramount role of national response to child labor and the respectfor states sovereignty;B.Advocates the creation of specific minimum working age standards instead of auniversal one;C.Proposes to divide countries in different categories and international organizationsshould play a more important role to supervise the child labor issue world wide; And theMinimum Age Convention No;138 which was adopted in 1973 should also be taken asreference;D.Decides to make different standards accordingly to the different forms of child labor;For the worst forms of child labor, as mentioned in the Convention No;182, we shouldset the age standard as is the adult’s age according to the nation’s law; And then for theless severe forms such as manufacturing and farming, Fully believing that the specificages various from different countries and regions, standard cannot only be the numbers,however there is a common sense that the 20 year old can be the upper limit; Andcombining the fact that the children( under 20 ) is overburdened by the heavy work,there will be a objective definition of the child labor age;E. Recommends establishing the definition formula :the work is fit for the child of the age<fact age≤the work is do harm for the children’s physical and mental health;that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor and that the entire world faces one of its most intense economical crisis that may affect millions of children, the signatories recommended that the resolution should include clauses that drawattention of countries and international organizations to the current crisis’ impact on theissue of child labor:economy might have on fragile economies and as a consequence the risk of worseningthe child labor problem,B.recommend that the most developed countries reiterate their commitment tointernational funds, financial aid and child labor abolition projects in order to avoidfurther deterioration on the conditions of children all over the world, especially on theleast developed countries,C.further proclaim the necessity to maintain worldwide awareness programs against childlabor and the fundamental role played by children's rights,D.calls upon all states to turn the commitments into concrete actions , gradually andeffectively eliminating child labor that jeopardize the children physical mental andspiritual health, their education;7. Insists that the elimination of child labor can’t be achieved without a proper financial help from developed countries, the signatories propose to set a new loan section called “CLEOL”(child labor elimination-oriented loan):A.The function of this section is to lend low-interest money to the countries suffering childlabor,B.The fund should be run under the management of UNICEF and the supervision of UNsupervising body; The money comes from developed countries donated by a certainproportion of its GDP annually,C.The amount of money one country can borrow from this loan should be directedconnected with the country’s child labor elimination; What’s more, a certain proportionof the money one country borrow should be invested on education with the rest of themoney being used by the country’s will,D.The reduction of child labor of a country will be measured by human right council’sannual report;8. Decides to tackle poverty, and creating decent work for adults;9. Recommends to support the Fund "Class of 2015: Education for All", in order to provide more children in poverty chances to continue their education;10. Proclaims that strengthening the supervision on child labour using of the multi-national companies is more than necessary:A.recommend that the multi-national cooperations should comply to the domestic lawsprudently,B.recommend that the third party organisations should take special investigation on thelabour using status on multi-national cooperations,C.recommend governments to set up more effective and harsh laws and regulations torestrict the multi-national cooperations to use child labour,D.recommend to provide subsidies and tax cutting policies for the cooperations whicheradicate the child labour using in their manufacture;11. Decides to establish clear stipulations for countries giving out and receiving donations or programs stand by the comprehensive funding system, which are:A.emphasize countries giving their donations should have promised on non-violations onstates sovereignty and obey related laws in the international society,B.emphasize countries receiving donations are those insufficient in facilities and economyand lacking of national law structures;12. Proclaims the entities of supervisions on use of donations go to international organizations rather than local governments;child labor's conditions, safety standards and basic rights, the global union movement is calling for additional regulation of international trading laws as well as proper supervision on run of multinational corporations, including the following suggestions:A.set up the rules of world trade overseen and enforced by the World Trade Organization(WTO) should include some rules stipulating the banning of child labor,B.prohibit trafficking or sale of girls and women for sexual exploitation, sexual abuse oreven transplantation of organs which inhumanly violate the basic rights of the victimsare forbidden and deserves strict punishment,C.recommend organizations like ILO get more data and statistics in those “hidden” areassuch as domestic servants, on farms or with home-based out-workers on child labors,D.suggest media be given more inspective and supervisory legitimacy to do its job inrevealing situations on trafficking, sexual exploitation and other illicit use of child laborwhich also can stimulate related departments to solve them under such public pressure,E.require that National laws or regulations or the competent authority shall prescribe theregisters or other documents which shall be kept and made available by the employer;such registers or documents shall contain the names and ages or dates of birth, dulycertified wherever possible, of persons whom he employs or who work for him and whoare less than 18 years of age,F.call on campaigns on specific industries,G.recommend accounting for the fact that it's hard to take on the whole global economy,so just work industry by industry; People suffering in those industries can unit to maketheir voice heard to the employers of MNCs and improve working conditions orpayments;14. Proclaims that improvement in the educational system, such as universal education for all children, has considerably diminished the child labor in countries that adopted such policies, the Human Rights Council should highly encourage the adoption of such policies;Education of parents:A.Recognizes the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for theupbringing and development of the child, while change attitude of viewing towardsgender;B.Requires that render appropriate assistance to parents and legal guardians in theperformance of their child-rearing responsibilities and ensure the development ofinstitutions, facilities and services for the care of children;C.Requests enhancement of parents’ specific training that will provide the poor with someworking skills; In this way, the poor country can create advanced methods of operation,deploying human resources in a reasonable way, setting up efficient organization andenhancing management of work force of fixed number and therefore productionefficiency of work force is increased;Education of the young15. Recommends that primary education should be free, compulsory, well-resourced, relevant and nearby; In fact, it is much easier to monitor school attendance than to inspect factories and workshops;16. Reiterates the right of accessing the equal education should be guaranteed for both boys and girls;17. Encourages the development of different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, make them available and accessible to every child, and take appropriate measures such as the introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of need18. Calls upon setting up special funds for education to be used mainly for assisting outlying and poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups in enforcing compulsory education there;19. Recommends carrying out extensive social mobilization to play the roles of non-governmental organizations, communities, and the mass media under the guidance of UN and UNICEF to improve the education and medical training standard;20. Advocates exchange programs on technology and social science between developed and developing countries, which can not only give the children in poor countries more and better opportunities to gain knowledge and training skills but also urge great power to send more volunteers and technology in the poor areas;21. Decides to arm the children with consciousness of law and self-protection such as requiring education and paying so that they can defend themselves such as delivering their plea in the form of a petition to U;N;22. Recommends providing programs aiming at equipping adults from countries, such as those in Africa, where children are traditionally regarded as the main economic source of the family, with practical skills for a particular job in order to get their own jobs to support the family in place of their children;23. Calls for documenting and evaluating all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “good practice”;24. Calls for special Education and training for females——girls and womenA.strongly recommend the recognition of the rights of potential victims of sexualexploitation, such as but not limited to:B.recommend raising their ideological and moral standards of basic human rights;Especially the right to personal dignity facing with sexual exploitation,C.recommend setting up special school for training of females to help them become bettereducated and acquire more legal, moral and cultural awareness and working skills,D.proclaim the right to seek all kinds of counsel including demonstration and mentalcompensations as seen fit in national law,E.proclaim the right to pursue information and justified approach to protect their own legalrights;Education of the public25. Aims at reaching a broad social consensus among people in which everyone:A.raise awareness of hazardous situation of child labor and form an atmosphere of publicsupervision and report to help the media protect fighting for the rights of child labor,B.pay more attention to the rights of child labor in order to help protect and guaranteethem,C.enhance sense of law and concept of rule by law,D.Emphasize the need for negotiation of gender equality in the basic infrastructuralbuilding by promoting initiatives in conflict resolutions, as well as to implementmechanisms on peace agreements;26. Recommends proposing mutual-beneficial programs, in which the developed countries will have the advantage of employing elites from all over the world working for them, and the developing countries can improve both the quality of their compulsory education and their citizens:A.recommend launching the program is called OEP(Overseas Education Project);Thedeveloped countries are supposed to come to the aid since the elementary education inthe Third World; The aids shall cover the aspects of exchanging students and teachers,infrastructure and teaching methods; In high schools or universities, those countries willchoose their best students to have further studies in the developed countries; They maystay abroad or return to their motherlands after graduation;27. Requests handle of large scale of desolation caused by child labor by utilizing the following methods for rehabilitation and social integration:A.create and support medical facilities available for testing on sexually transmitteddiseases and surgeries accidental injuries in working in the form of temporary short termemergency clinics for fast and immediate victims services,B.add training in judiciary, police, religious leaders on repercussions of trafficking andsale children for sexual services and how to assist victims,C.develop incentives for attorneys to defend victims of trafficking and child labor,D.demand repercussions and disciplinary acts for those who commit trafficking and childlabor,E.support economic livelihood for victims such as primary technological training andsupport empowerment of females such as to create easily outreach programs in order tocreate a safe environment for victims to report and recover form sufferings;28. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:A.recommend the assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinationalcorporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing childlabor,B.call for the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;29. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Committee, including ILO and UNICEF, could be set up tocoordinate the oversight work in the mechanism;,B.recommend strengthening the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UNprovides the general standards and practical paradigm; Special inspectors would be sentby UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports;30. Further recommends ratifying and implementing ILO Convention n; 138 on the minimum age of work and the ILO Convention n; 182 on the worst forms of child labor;31. Further proclaims the importance to ensure that national legislation is harmonised with international child labour standards, articulate mandates and measures for their full implementation, monitor law enforcement especially with regard to the elimination of the worst forms of child labour (as per ILO 182) –provide for periodic progress reporting and make findings available to the public in general;32. Decides to develop comprehensive training programs for the judiciary on child sensitive approaches to handling childr en’s complaints and testimonies;33. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:carry out assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinational corporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing child labor:A.establish monitoring of the enforcement of domestic laws and international conventions,B.establish the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;34. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Mechanism, connecting ILO and UNICEF, plus theinternational non-governmental organization, could be set up to coordinate the oversight work in the mechanism,B.recommend the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UN provides the generalstandards and practical paradigm, special inspectors would be sent by UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports,C.recommend NGOs act as important supplement, and they should also conduct specificassessment and supervision and submit their reports to make up the part that may be neglected;35. Decides to act the following measures to strengthen Border Surveillance:A.develop and implement common tools and applications for border surveillance at EUlevel:B.research and development to improve the performance of surveillance tools,mon application of surveillance tools,mon pre-frontier intelligence picture;36. Recommends interlinking and streamlining existing surveillance systems and mechanisms at Member States level:A.provide the essential border surveillance infrastructure at national level,B.set up communication network between the national coordination centres,C.support to neighbouring third countries for the setting up of border surveillanceinfrastructure;37. Recommends establishing creation of a common monitoring and information sharing environment for the EU maritime domain:A.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for border control andinternal,B.set up security purposes covering the Mediterranean Sea, the southern Atlantic Oceanand the Black Sea,C.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for the whole EUmaritime domain;38. Decides to establish a coordinating body to monitor trends and the impact of violence on children and handle/monitor complaints from children victims of violence in the workplace;39. Decides to improve research methodology and involve children to reveal all hidden forms of violence against children in the work place, especially in domestic work, on family farms and enterprises and in the tourist industry;40. Decides to document and evaluate all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “goodpractice”;41. Uses the Concluding Observations of the CRC Committee as benchmarks for performance and publish a “barometer” report;42. Decides to review national and regional child labour laws to address violence and sexual abuse in the workplace, including domestic child work;43. Decides to take adequate legislative measures to ensure the explicit prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse of children under criminal law;44. Proclaims that child victims of sexual exploitation and abuse are not criminalized or penalized;45. Implements appropriate policies and programmes for the prevention, recovery and social reintegration of child victims, in accordance with the Declaration and Agenda for Action and the Global Commitment adopted at the 1996 and 2001 World Congresses against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children;46. Urges to carry out gender awareness campaigns to combat sexual exploitation;47. Recommends carrying out policy responses to address the causes of child labour, paying particular attention to the situation of girls;48. Decides to make immediate actions to tackle the worst forms of child labour;49. Recommends paying greater attention to the education and skills training needs of adolescent girls - a key action point in tackling child labour and providing a pathway for girls to gain Decent Work as adults;。



• 行动性条款 实质性部分,具 行动性条款部分是整个决议草案的实质性部分 实质性部分 体列举了解决问题的措施和建议 解决问题的措施和建议。 解决问题的措施和建议 行动性条款的每一款表达一个独立且完整的想法。以 一个动词开头,中文开头动词下加下划线 动词下加下划线,英文开头动 动词下加下划线 动 词使用第三人称单数,斜体 斜体。每款以分号 分号结尾,最后一 词使用第三人称单数 斜体 分号 款结尾处用句号结束全文 用句号结束全文。 用句号结束全文 这些条款应该按照正确的逻辑顺序予以排列并且用 阿拉伯数字进行标注。如果某一款需要更进一步的解释, 可以在该款下分条款逐一说明,格式不变,用英文字母 或罗马数字进行标注。
Reminding all nations of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognizes the inherent dignity, equality and inalienable rights of all global citizens, Reaffirming its Resolution 33/1996 of 25 July 1996, which encourages Governments to work with UN bodies aimed at improving the coordination and effectiveness of humanitarian assistance, Noting with satisfaction the past efforts of various relevant UN bodies and nongovernmental organizations, Stressing the fact that the United Nations faces significant financial obstacles and is in need of reform, particularly in the humanitarian realm,



模拟联合国会议文件写作1.工作文件 Working Paper (WP)代表在会议进行期间,在各自立场文件的基础上,综合草拟出针对某一或若干问题的看法和观点,以及解决办法。







2.决议草案 Draft Resolution (DR)按照联合国决议文件格式起草的对该议题的解决办法,未通过表决的决议。









格式严格,包括:标题 (Heading)、序言条款 (Preambulatory Clauses)、行动性条款 (Operative Clauses)。

3.修正案 Amendment修正案分为友好修正案以及非友好修正案;友好修正案(Friendly Amendment):原决议草案的全部起草国都赞成(需要在友好修正案的附议国中签字)该修改意见,该修正案就成为友好修正案。





SAMPLE DRAFT RESOLUTIONDraft Resolution CIR/INI/1.1Committee: Commission on Information Regulation Topic: International Newsflow ImbalanceSponsor: France, Federation of Russia, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Romania Signatories: People’s Republic of China, Angola, Benin, Germany, Spain The Economic and Social Council, Recalling its Resolution A/36/89 of 16 December 1981, “The Declaration on Fundamental Principles Concerning the Contribution of the Mass Media to Strengthening Peace and International Understanding,”Recognizing that the problem of newsflow imbalance is that two-way information among countries of a region is either nonexistent or insufficient and information exchanged between regions of the world is inadequate,Realizing the need for all sovereign nations to maintain their integrity and still play an active role in the international system,1. Recommends that a three-level information interchange system be established on the national, regional, and international levels to ameliorate the current problems ofnewsflow imbalance, to operate as follows:a. Each regions’member nations will report their national information and receive the information of other nations in their region from the regional level of this interchange system;b. Nations will decide the character of the newsflow media best suited to the need of their sovereign territory, be this printed, audio, or audio-visual;c. Regional News Gathering Agencies will serve to gather information from the nations in their region, and these boards will have no editorial discretion and will serve to forward all information to the International Board; 2. Urges the establishment of the University of International Communications, which will be based in Geneva, Switzerland, with the following aims:a. The University and branches will be established with the express purpose of bringing together world views and facilitating the transfer of technology;b. All member nations of the United Nations will be equally represented at the University;c. Incentives will be offered to students of journalism and communications at the University to returnto their countries to teach upon completion of instruction;d. The instructors of the regional education centers will be comprised of a multi-partisan coalition of educators from throughout the world;3. Calls for the continued use of funds from the International Program for the Development of Communications, Special Account, The United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the UN Development Programme, and other sources of funding including national governments and private donors;4. Recommends that the distribution of funds be decided by the International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC).。



模联决议草案范文英文The Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation of the United Nations where students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. Here is a draft resolution for a MUN committee:PreambleWHEREAS the international community faces numerous challenges that require a collaborative approach to address global issues;RECOGNIZING the importance of sustainable development and the need for equitable access to resources and opportunities;CONSIDERING the role of the United Nations in promoting peace, security, and human rights;NOW, THEREFORE, we, the representatives of the nations gathered at the Model United Nations, hereby resolve to:Article 1: Promotion of Sustainable Development1. We commit to the implementation of sustainable development goals that prioritize the well-being of people and the planet over short-term economic gains.2. We encourage member states to integrate environmental,social, and economic considerations into their nationalpolicies and strategies.Article 2: Access to Education1. We recognize the right to education as a fundamental human right and commit to improving access to quality education for all, regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic status.2. We call upon developed nations to support educational initiatives in developing countries through financial and technical assistance.Article 3: Climate Change Mitigation1. We acknowledge the urgency of climate change and its adverse effects on the environment and human societies.2. We resolve to adopt and promote policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing theresilience of communities to climate impacts.Article 4: Protection of Human Rights1. We reaffirm our commitment to the universal protection of human rights, including the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and association.2. We urge all member states to enact and enforce lawsthat safeguard these rights and to hold violators accountable.Article 5: Strengthening International Peace and Security1. We emphasize the importance of peaceful resolution of conflicts and the role of diplomacy in preventing the escalation of disputes.2. We support the United Nations' efforts in conflict prevention, peacekeeping, and post-conflict reconstruction.Article 6: Support for Refugees and Displaced Persons1. We express our solidarity with refugees and displaced persons and acknowledge the challenges they face.2. We pledge to enhance support for host countries and to facilitate the integration of refugees into their new communities.Article 7: Enhancing Global Health Initiatives1. We recognize the global nature of health challenges and the need for a coordinated international response.2. We support the establishment of global health programs that focus on disease prevention, access to healthcare, and the development of vaccines and treatments.Article 8: Conclusion1. We call upon all member states to actively participatein the implementation of this resolution and to report ontheir progress at future Model United Nations sessions.2. We believe that through collective action and a shared commitment to these principles, we can build a more peaceful, just, and sustainable world.This draft resolution is intended to serve as a starting point for discussion and negotiation within the MUN committee, with the goal of reaching a consensus that reflects thediverse perspectives of the participating nations.。



模联决议草案格式【篇一:模联决议草案范例】决议草案决议草案(draft resolution)是在一份或多份工作文件的基础上形成的包含对于所讨论议题的实质性解决方案与具体措施的书面提案。












决议草案的条款分为序言性条款(perambulatory clauses)和行动性条款(operative clauses)两类:在序言性条款中,每一条款要以动名词形式开头,动名次下加下划线,同时每一条款以逗号结束;在行动性条款中,每一条款要以动词第三人称单数开头,同时该动词应以斜体显示,每一条款以分号结束,最后一个条款以句号结束。

行动性条款是决议草案最重要的部分,决议草案行动性条款的语言也有如下一些特点:首先,每一条款都表达一个单独且完整的意思;其次,每一条款以动词第三人称单数开头,条款的主语是该委员会,如联合国安全理事会(unsc);再次,决议草案行动性条款的句型主要有两种,一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+由that引导的宾语从句”,另一种是“动词第三人称单数形式+国家+to do(动词不定式)”。













决议草案开头格式委员会:xxx议题:xxx起草国:xxx、xxx、xxx附议国:xxx、xxx、xxx决议草案示范委员会: ___粮食及农业组织议题:能源危机下的粮食短缺起草国:喀麦隆、印度、肯尼亚、中国附议国: 埃塞俄比亚、委内瑞拉、美国、几内亚、巴西、索马里、韩国、 ___、刚果民主 ___回顾历年通过的有关决议《关于世界粮食安全的国际约定》以及xx年7月25日通过的A/60/154号决议;意识到由于发展中国家人口增长过快,许多国家缺粮问题日益严重;遗憾地看到目前很多极端贫穷的国家粮食短缺和饥饿问题十分严重,导致了政治和经济不稳定;强调经济发达的大国对经济落后国家帮助的重要性;深信 ___世界粮农组织在全球贫弱人口的粮食供应中发挥重要作用;感谢发达国家对发展中国家的技术支持与帮助,同时也欢迎国际人道主义组织对发展中的地区提供帮助。

第一条呼吁世界关注贫困国家,关注贫困人口的粮食供应问题;第二条强调亚非拉组织对粮食炼能计划持反对态度;第三条建立平等、互利共赢的组织,通过合作实现各国的共同发展:1)建议采取的措施:i. 完善各国的农业生产结构,更好更快地发展各国农业;ii.化解内部的骚乱,缓和中东地区国家内部的政治纷争,调节各国的矛盾;iii.加强组织成员国间技术的交流,建立技术共享平台,以实现共赢;iiii.推行计划生育政策,推行晚婚晚育政策,限制人口增长,降低对谷物等紧张资源的消费;iiiii.共同商定成员加入或退出。

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Draft ResolutionCommittee: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific---ESCAPTopic:The progress of Economic Integration in the Asia-Pacific Regio nSponsor: Burma, China, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Russia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Uzbekistan, KazakhstanSignatories: Indonesia, Iran, Bengal,Recognizing the need for the crucial role of governmental conversation on settling the problem,Recalling attention paid to the development economyEmphasizing the solutions to lower the barriers on the economic integrationCalling for the better cooperation of financial measures to areasRegarding the collaboration between developing countries and developed countries, as well as complementation of shortage exist on current organizationsRealizing the importance of cooperation between different organizations on economic integrationConsidering the important about economic integration1: Measures about education on economic development:a) Calls that developed countries can offer more chances to developing countries’students to attend good schools, like Russia, China and other countries which have better education resources.b) Emphasizes that promote teaching and examination resources communication between developed countries and developing countries .c) Appeals that developing countries can increase the teachers and exchange students to have better communication.d) Calls upon that set high-price scholarship for exchange students , Students who have good grades will be taught by fantastic teachers . They will have shocked ability to create wealth .e) Encourages that developed countries will set up lots of after –school activities to broaden students` horizon, such as MUN, tourism and any other practical activities. students will promote local economic industry’s development during the time they live in other countries , not only for developed countries but also developing countries.f) Considers that settle an international organization and strict institutions to deal with the issues in the education communication .g) Encourages that all the exchange students and teachers can promote countries` economy they live in by consuming. Of course . It will promote economic integration .2、Measures about technology on economic integrationa) Calls that different countries will have “study abroad” project. It will from the complementary advantages of science and technology.b) Encourages that increasing the scientific research funding.d) Emphasizes that bringing in some advanced technology from developed countries.e)Appeals that having technical cooperation with foreign countries, having technical cooperation with foreign countries .technology people can visit factories each other and put forwar d advice.f) Considers that in the economic integration technology is a roll for “resource sharing”.3、the balance of tariffs problems between different countriesa) Emphasizes that eliminate the economic barriers as far as possible, to zero import an export goods can make the market become more and more widely.b) Considers that all kinds of market main body have equal rights、equal opportunity. Guarantee “the rights of know” and participation rights of each country.c) Appeals that broaden the market rules, we should complete the law system , strengthen the market behavior regulation. Make some feasible law system on it.d) Emphasizes that strengthen “The open economy of the securities market”, and make it standardized.e) Calls that put “The Market diversification” into practice. Broaden the development space and establish a complete system about property.f) Considers the luxuries, like gem, we want to increase tariff for this kind of product.g) Considers the high-end technology products, we look forward to decreasing and controlling tariff in one hundred percent.h) Confirms the farm produce, this kind of goods should according to the local countries development current situation to decide weather change tariff.4、Measures on agricultural economica) Considers that Asia Agriculture based on traditional agriculture. So, solve irrigation problems become a mainly mission. So exchange the water resources technology between developed countries and developing countries.b) Emphasis that developing country can structure the sustainable economy development model. Also, we hope that the developed countries can provide more advanced cultivation techniques and more experience of reducing natural disaster.c) Considers that there is obvious conflict between population growth and agricultural land reduction. So , countries should develop a recycling based agriculture model.5、Solutions to improve infrastructurea) Calls upon strengthen the infrastructure in different aspects.i) Emphasis that strengthen the ship transport infrastructure, which should contains Harbors, seaports and marinas host watercraft, and consist of components such as piers, wharf, docks andso on.ii) Considers that improving the road and rail construction. Build the several international railways in the Asia-Pacific region,iii) Emphasis the construction on public utility, which refers to the set of services provided by gov ernment and others: electricity, natural gas, water, and sewage, broadband internet services,iv) Considers the importance of pipeline construction project, build the petroleum and natural gas industries,v) Encourages the countries to developing the airport construction,b) Considers the kinds of different “soft” infrastructure.i)Calls upon the states strengthen “soft” infrastructure, such as the financial system, the educati on system, the health care system, the system of government, and law enforcement, as well as eme rgency services,c) Advocates the infrastructure asset management.i) Considers the elaboration of an Asset Management Plan,ii) Strengthens the managements in assets and facilities,iii) Improves the infrastructure investments in governments and social,d) Requests the developed countries to give the support to developing countries.i) Calls upon the developed countries can give the technical and fund support to the developing countries for their infrastructure,ii) Calls the developed countries can increase infrastructure projects sin the developing countries.6 S olutions to the problem of transportationa) Appeals that proved financial assistance and technical support to developing countries in transport sector.b) Emphasizes that strengthening the friendly cooperation between different transportation business in various countries holding the exchange and cooperation between different countries.c) Calls that establish comprehensive transportation axis.d) Considers synthesize national conditions, achieve transport interaction.e) Encourages that quicken the process of modernization of transport industry.f) Considers that through the government investment and social investment to achieve the rationalization of structure.7、C omplement current regulation on economya) Considers that economic regulations required by the economic regulations required by the micromanagement ,administrative intervention rather than the real macroeconomic regulation and control .b)Emphasizes that make insurance regulation, safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the applicant and the issue make environmental protection regulations, only with this, can we promote the construction of ecological civilization, and promote the sustainable development of economy and society.8、Energy cooperation is essential for economic integration developmenta) Calls upon build on a foundation of organization to help the lacking of energy countries (bilateral free trade zones of transnational resources cooperation).b) Calls enhance cooperation on exploring and searching between the developing countries and developed countries in resource.c) Appeals the decrease of the tax rate of resources product to enhance the resource exchanged) Emphasizes the cooperation with present organization like OPEC, exchange experience in energy cooperation.9、Advantages of APEC:a)Emphasizes that promoting regional trade and investment liberalization, strengthen economic and technical cooperation between members.b) Considers through voluntary non-binding promises and members,c) Considers the resolution is to pass all the consensus, and performed by the members voluntarilyd) Emphasizes that strengthen the cooperation, stable the Asia-Pacific relationship, lay solid foundation for realizes the integration of the Asia-Pacific region.10、Barriera) Considers the diversity of generalized the differences. Such as the development of economic the difference between religion, culture, social system leads to uneven development.b) Considers that APEC members in both developed countries and developingcountries ,thus on the question of tariff cuts ,internal contradiction is more and more obvious.d) Considers for accepting new members. The more members in the difficult to form a collective action plan and the harder to reach a consensus ,which will lead to liberalization process slowed d own.11 L earn experience from other organizationa) Calls upon the sharing status with each other.b) Emphasizes the exemption from customs duties in some commodities, promote tradedevelop together.C) Considers the clear division of labor ,so that increase of efficiency to solve problem.12. S olutions to territory conflictsa) Calls suspend the conflict between countries who exit conflict about territory.b) Calls upon send the problems to UN for a judgment.c) Encourages the cooperation on conflict part, and explore this part together.。
