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亚硝酸盐急性中毒导致高铁血红蛋白血症,慢性中毒有致畸和致癌风险[1]。近年来,研究表明,许多心血管疾病是由于体内一氧化氮(nitric oxide ,NO )不足引起的。流行病学和实验研究表明,富含亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐的食物具有补充血液和组织亚硝酸


在缺氧或酸性环境下,亚硝酸盐可以通过酶或非酶途径被还原为NO ,弥补体内一氧化氮合成酶(NO synthase ,NOS )利用L -精氨酸途径产生NO 的不足,从而发挥降血压、抗动脉硬化和缺血细胞保护作用[2]。亚硝酸盐存在致癌风险,


但人们经过食品、饮水、医药、工业环境接触通常只是摄入少量的亚硝酸盐。为此,笔者回顾近年来有关环境亚硝酸盐暴露与人体健康方面的资料,采用NO 生物学和毒物兴奋理论对文献进行综述。












Harm -Benefit Analysis of Nitrite Relative to Human Health HUANGFU Chao -shen,SHI Qi,LI Yan -hong,et al .Institute of Environmental Medicine ,Center for Environment and Health Engineering,Henan University,Kaifeng,He ’nan 475004,China

Abstract:Nitrite is an endogenous signaling molecule and plays roles in gene expression.It not only functions as diagnostic markers of diseases but also has potential value in cardiovascular disease therapy.Nitrite balances NO homeostasis in human body and promotes cardiovascular function as well.However,environmental nitrite has deleterious effects and cancer risk.This paper delineated the history and recent studies of nitrite,and the cancer risk,health benefits and the future of nitrite -based research via analysis of metabolism of nitrite and NO homeostasis was reviewed.

Key words:Nitrite ;Nitric oxide ;Cancer;Cardiovascular disease
