用英文介绍家乡安徽 PPT
Places of Interest
Anhui Cuisine
• Location: In eastern China
• Capital city: Hefei
• The Yangtze River and Huai River flow through it
Places of Interest
Mount Huangshan
Mount Tianzhu
Chaohu Lake
Xidi Village
Tunxi Old Street
Old Tippler’s Pavilion
Mount Huangshan——One of the China's most beautiful and impressive
Tofu 豆腐
Earth Pot Chicken
Huainan Beef Sou 淮南牛肉汤
Gourmet Map of Anhui
One of the eight great traditions of Chinese cuisine Pay more attention to the taste, color of dishes and
——Xu Xiake
Mount Huangshan——sunrise,absurd stones,sea of clouds,peaks
Places of Interest
The scenery of Anhui(安徽风景英文PPT)
zoological species, for which
it has been listed as a World Natural and Culturalction of Mount Langya
1 2 3
Mount Huangshan
The introduction of Mount Huangshan Mount Huangshan, located in southern Anhui Province, is located in southern Anhui Shexian, Yixian County and Xiuning County border. An area of about 1200 square kilometers, of which the essence of scenic area of about 154 square kilometers. Here, a thousand peaks show, the top of the light at an altitude of 1800 meters above the ground, pulling pole,majestic scenery.
A Village in Chinese Painting
The village has nice scenery - simple but elegant, a fine mixture of old houses, green hills and
clear creeks. Hongcun
Village has always enjoyed the name "a village in the Chinese painting".
by SangGuoqing
The Location of AnHui
Mymhy ohommeetotwonwn
AN HUI is in the eastern of China, there is famous of beautiful scenery and all kinds of culture .
Mount Tianzhu
JiuHua Mountain is one of the four scared mountains of Chinese Buddhism
The celebrities of Anhui
The celeb桐ri城tie三s o祖f Anhui
姚鼐 学习交流PPT
刘大櫆 9
(安徽绩溪) (安徽肥东) (安徽定远) (安徽宿州)
Minister of Education
袁贵仁 (安徽蚌埠固镇)
祖海 解晓东
the stars of Anhui
The national AAAAA scenic spot
There are lots of mountains, such as Yellow Mountain , JiuHua Mountain and so on.
英文介绍我的家乡安徽Anhui Province is a beautiful and culturally rich province located in the eastern part of central China. It is situated in the Yangtze River Delta region and boasts a long history dating back to over 2,000 years. The capital city is Hefei, which is also the economic, cultural, and educational center of the province.One of the most fascinating aspects of Anhui Province is its natural beauty. It features many famous mountains, rivers, and lakes, including Huangshan Mountain and the Xin'an River. Huangshan or Yellow Mountain is considered one of the most beautiful scenic spots in China. Its rugged peaks, steep cliffs, and beautiful sunrises continue to inspire artists, poets, and photographers from around the world.Apart from its natural beauty, Anhui Province has a rich cultural heritage. This is reflected in its architecture, folk customs, arts, and crafts. Anhui is home to the Huizhou culture, which emerged during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Huizhou style of architecture, characterized by its elegant simplicity, exquisite carvings, and gray bricks, can still be seen in the ancient towns of Hongcun and Xidi.The province is also famous for its cuisine, which is known for its unique flavors and cooking techniques. Some of its most famous dishes include Li Hongzhang Stewed Pork, Braised Turtle with Ham, and Fried Bamboo Shoots with Bacon.In recent years, Anhui Province has undergone rapid development, transforming into one of China's most prosperous and dynamic regions. Its strategic location, abundant natural resources, and strong cultural heritage have made it an attractive destination for domestic and foreign investment.In conclusion, Anhui Province is a fascinating place to visit, with its stunning natural scenery, rich cultural heritage, delicious cuisine, and dynamic economy. It is a must-see destination for anyone interested in exploring the best of China.。
Hometown scenery 家乡风景
• 位于安徽省合肥市南门外包河中的香花墩小洲上,是包河 公园的主体古建筑群,与逍遥津、明教寺合称为合肥三大 名胜古迹。包公祠正门的门楼并不显赫,青砖黑瓦,飞檐 翘角,就像宋代一户普通人家,平淡而朴实,只是门前凸 起的石鼓,门楣上“包孝肃公祠”五个金字,彰显着包公 曾经的地位。这“孝肃”二字,是宋仁宗赐给他的谥号, 是对他身前美德的嘉奖。他是一个孝子,父母身体欠安, 他便在前端水送药,极尽孝道,一度弃官不做。据《庐州 府志》记载:“香花墩,在城东南门外濠中,是包公青少 年读书处,本为公祠,蒲苇数重,鱼凫上下,长桥径渡, 竹树阴翳。”另据碑文记载:包河小洲上原有一座小庙, 明朝弘治元年(公元1488年),庐州知府宋鉴(字克明) 见小洲环境风景幽雅,遂将小庙拆除,改建为“包公书 院”,并改洲名为“香花墩”。1539年,御史杨瞻把“包 公书院”易名为“包 公祠”。
如今,这里已辟为。园内不仅完整地保存一座曹魏大将 张辽的衣冠冢,还有一尊横刀跃马的张辽塑像;东吴孙权 败阵的飞骑桥也在园内恢复重建,更丰富了逍遥津的内涵 意境。
• 大蜀山是合肥近郊唯一的一座大山,距合肥市中心约10公里,面积 8500亩,海拔284米,。大蜀山系大别山余脉,山势东南高,西北低, 呈椭圆形 ,由于地壳运动而抬生,主要为辉长岩组成,其属基性岩。 若岩石矿物中有大的结晶体,称辉绿玢岩。据《尔雅-释山》讲“蜀” 是“独”的意思,因大蜀山无岗阜连属,只是孤单单的一座山,所以 叫蜀山。又据《庐州府志》记载:“有蜀僧于此结庐,偶思乡水以锡 卓地,泉汩汩而出,尝之有瞿塘峡味,因名为蜀井”。所以又有人说 蜀山是以此而名的。大蜀山旧有开福寺、龙子冢、渊济龙庙、水井等 古迹。随着时代的变迁,这些宫殿寺庙早已荡然无存,但蜀山、淝水 风光清幽,仍然是庐州的象征。据《庐州府志》记载:蜀山树茂林密, 青竹吐翠,历史上许多文人墨客留下了脍炙人口的诗词。古人评蜀山 为“春山艳冶如笑,夏山苍翠欲滴,秋山明净如故,冬山惨淡如卧。” 而蜀山的四季景色,尤以冬令雪景为最美,每逢瑞雪飞降,登临在山 峰旁的雪霁亭眺望,茫茫雪海,银装素裹,艳阳白雪,相映成辉。东 眺合肥城区,恰如虚幻世界,琼楼玉宇,北望蜀山湖,又似白茫茫中 晶莹剔透的一方明镜。古人熊敬有诗赞美说:“晓起俄惊霁景开,高 山头白势崔巍,卷帘为爱琼瑶湿,一片寒光入座来。”正是这些对蜀 山雪后放晴景色的描写,使“蜀山雪霁”被列为古“庐州八景”之一。
The Wonders of Anhui: A Province of Endless CharmNestled between the verdant hills of the Yangtze River and the historical plains of Central China, Anhui is a province that exudes a timeless beauty and profound cultural significance. From its breathtaking natural landscapes to its rich historical heritage, Anhui offers an enticing tapestry of experiences for travelers and locals alike.Natural WondersThe province is renowned for its stunning natural beauty. The Huangshan Mountains, also known as the Yellow Mountains, stand as a symbol of Anhui's natural grandeur. Their jagged peaks, lush forests, and cascading streams make for a breathtaking sight. In addition, the九华山(Jiuhua Mountain), a sacred Buddhist site, boasts serene temples and stunning vistas. The gentle waters of the Yangtze River and the Anhui segment of the Grand Canal also contribute to the province's serene natural ambiance.Rich HistoryAnhui boasts a rich and diverse history that dates back thousands of years. Ancient villages like Xidi and Hongcun preserve traditional architecture and cultural practices, providing a window into the past. These villages, along with other historical sites like the Anhui Provincial Museum, house numerous artifacts that tell the story of Anhui's vibrant history and civilization.Cultural VibrancyThe cultural landscape of Anhui is equally as captivating. Traditional arts like Chinese opera, calligraphy, and painting thrive in the province, reflecting its deep-rooted cultural heritage. Anhui's cuisine is also a delight, offering a range of savory dishes that are influenced by its geographical location and historical trade routes.Warmth and HospitalityThe people of Anhui are known for their warmth and hospitality. They pride themselves on their generosity and kindness, making visitors feel welcome in this charming province. Whether it's a stay in a traditional guesthouse or a chat with a local over a cup of tea, the friendly and welcoming nature of Anhui's people makes for an enriching experience.ConclusionIn conclusion, Anhui is a province that offers an unforgettable blend of natural wonders, rich history, cultural vibrancy, and warmth. Its diverse attractions and captivating landscapes make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking to immerse themselves in the essence of China. From its rolling hills and serene rivers to its ancient villages and vibrant cities, Anhui trulyembodies the beauty and charm of this ancient and storied land.。
The Guests-greeting pine(迎 客松)
Yellow Mountain
Celestials bask in boots(仙人晒靴)
Fairy harps(仙女弹琴)
黄 山 冬 雪
山 温 泉
Jiuhua Mount is one of the four sacred mountains of Chinese Buddhism. It is located in Qingyang County in Anhui province and is famous for its rich landscape and ancient temples 。
Cuisines of ANHUI
Anhui cuisine is one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China. It is derived from the native cooking styles of the Huangshan Mountains region in China and is similar to Jiangsu cuisine。 Anhui cuisine is known for its use of wild herbs, from both land and sea, and simple methods of preparation. Braising and stewing are common techniques. Frying and stir-frying are used much less frequently in Anhui cuisine than in other Chinese culinary traditions。
Xiaogang Village, located east of Fengyang County, Anhui Province, the birthplace of China's rural reform. "China's top ten villages, historical and cultural village in Anhui Province" reputation. Before it is a poor village. In 1978, eighteen farmers at great risk of life
Zui Weng Pavilion(亭子)
Zui Weng Pavilion is located in the southwestern city Chuzhou Langya foothills Taoranting with Beijing, Changsha love late Pavilion, Hangzhou pavilion known as the "four famous pavilions in China. " Anhui Province is one of the famous monuments, great essayist Ouyang Xiu Song written masterpieces as "Drunkard Pavilion" is written Citing.
XiaoGang Village
and death set in the land contract responsibility to press a red handprint on the book, creating a "small gang spirit ", beginning the prelude to China's reform and opening up.
The rapid develpment city ——Hefei
It has other two names —— Luzhou (庐州)& Luyang(庐 阳). The characteristic drama in Hefei is the Drama of Lu(庐剧).
Chu Zhou
3 4
Hongcun in Yi County(黟县宏村)
Hongcun has an architectural complex of Hui. And they are the symbol of Hui Architecture (徽派建筑) has an architectural complex of Hui.
Anhui Province
Short Introduction
Anhui is in the the middle east of China. With the area of 139.7 square kilometre, however, it has the population of 68,620,000.
Huangshan is a natural city in China. It has seven counties. People all over the world are amased by the beautiful landscope in Huangshan. Now let me introduce some of the beautiful sceneries.
Wandong Langyashan is the first spot, 48km from the capital of six dynasties,Nanjing,Hefei,the provincal capital 130km,has always enjoyed ,”after the Coalition of Penglai Mountain “reputation.
Yixing belongs to Jiangsu city of Wuxi Province, is located in the south of Jiangsu The first city in West Taihu The ancient called Yixing Jing Yi, Yang Xian
Shanjuan cave mentioned before the seat of Zhu Ling Cun, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is the legendary love story. The annual Lunar New Year in March twenty-eight, is the legendary Zhu Yingtai love death, is a butterfly lovers day. Shanjuandong mountain butterfly, the butterfly activities once a year in spring and summer held.
——Wu Guanzhong
Wu Guanzhong in 50 to 70 years, is committed to the landscape painting creation, exploration and nationalization of oil painting. He tried to take the European paintings depict natural vivid painting, delicate colors and China traditional artistic spirit and aesthetic ideal together.
介绍安徽的英语English:Anhui, a province in eastern China, is known for its rich history, stunning natural landscapes, and cultural heritage. It is home to the famous Huangshan Mountain, a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its striking granite peaks, hot springs, and ancient pine trees. Anhui is also renowned for its picturesque villages, such as Hongcun and Xidi, which are well-preserved examples of traditional Huizhou architecture. The province is also the birthplace of the world-famous Chinese martial art, Tai Chi, and is a significant center for traditional Chinese medicine. Anhui's cuisine is another notable aspect, with local delicacies such as hairy crab, bamboo shoots, and smoked preserved meat. With its abundant natural beauty, historical sites, and rich cultural traditions, Anhui offers visitors a glimpse into the diverse and captivating essence of China.中文翻译:安徽省是中国东部的一个省份,以其丰富的历史、令人惊叹的自然风景和文化遗产而闻名。
OabZrrmnheihdaeesugptdhapernoaoy.gwy,lylziozIni:hulgkouanooalekrnnw,ewgatzhthdhieeyeankhnfynadioesouwhhuawtsihzekiareted I knew the fish were happy.i knew it form my feelings standing on this bridge. ╮(╯_╰)╭
Zhuangzi:And you are not me how do you know I don’t know the fish are happy? (ˇˍˇ)
Huizi:of course I am not you,and I don’t know what
you think;but I do know that you’re not a fish ;and
Welcome to my hometown
By Wei Mengfan
法学院 知产122 凡
In the north of Anhui A small county Northern latitude: 32°56′~33°29′ East longitude: 116°15′~116°49′
What a joyful feeling he had as fluttered about~\(≧▽≦)/~
.He completely forgot that he was ZhuangZi.Soon he realized that that proud butterfly was really ZhuangZi who dreamed he was a butterfly,Or was it a butterfly who dreamed he was ZhuangZi?Maybe the butterfly was ZhuangZi?This is what is meant by the “transformation of things”
Jiu Hua Mountain
The places of interest in Shandong Provience
mother river of China
Yellow River
Tlevation :4675 meters The second-longest river in China and the sixth-longest in the world
The Beauty of Hometown
Brief Introduction:
• It is located in the east of China, east to Jiang su; west to Hubei, Henan; south to Jiangxi ;north to Shang dong. The Yangtze River , Huai River flows through Anhui.
• Abbreviation: Wan(皖) • Location: In eastern China • Capital city: Hefei
The Places of Interest
the monkey view sea
XiDi-HongCun Hui-style Architecture Hongcun is a village in
Yi county,near the southwest slope of Mount Hangshan ,the village became a
UNESCO World Heritage site in 2000.
Jiu Hua Mountain
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The national AAAAA scenic spot
world cultural heritage ------Hongcun
One of the five largest fresh water-lake in China
The Location of AnHui
Mymhy ohommeetotwonwn
AN HUI is in the eastern of China, there is famous of beautiful scenery and all kinds of culture .
There are lots of mountains, such as Yellow Mountain , JiuHua Mountain and so on.
五岳归来不看山, 黄山归来不看岳
World Natural and Cultural Heritage
Mount Tianzhu
JiuHua Mountain is one of the four scared mountains of Chinese Buddhism
The biggest being fourth generation China theme park
--------Anhui Wuhu
Fu Li roast chicken ( 符离集烤鸡)中国四大名鸡之一
珠 城 蚌 埠
It is a pity that I couldn`t buy these for you!
Pear Garden
Pear Garden
Pear Garden
Pear Garden
my classmates
The celebrities of Anhui
The celeb桐ri城tie三s o祖f Anhui 方 苞 姚鼐 刘大櫆
(安徽绩溪) (安徽肥东) (安徽定远) (安徽宿州)
Minister of Education
霸 王 别 姬
垓 下 古 战 场
“榆抱桑”“浣发 池” 浣发池: 虞姬于此取水濯 发
榆桑: 虞姬所化
榆树和桑树像同根所 发, 见 证项羽和虞姬凄 美的爱情。
起源于安徽的 黄梅戏
四宝之乡饱眼福,今生之喜在皖南 ------日本一画家