选修六 Unit 3 A healthy life-2020年高考英语一轮复习课本基础知识精炼(人教版)(背诵版)

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选修六Unit 3 A healthy life

I. 根据提示, 用适当单词的正确形式填空:

1. Teaching has put a lot of stress on her and she finds it especially stressful to teach teenager boys. (stress)

2. Mrs. Potter has won a reputation for toughness (tough) and determination on her way to the top.

3. He replied that the UN had passed two major resolutions calling for a complete withdrawal (withdraw).

4. If you should be fired, your health and pension benefits will not be automatically (automatic) cut off.

5. This behaviour may continue for longer than normal under certain abnormal conditions. (normal)

6. The breathless heat of the midsummer night made the elderly breathe with difficulty. (breath)

7. If the Government wants to save the Pound it should start by strengthening (strong) the British economy.

8. Obviously I’d be disappointed(disappoint) if we don’t make it, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

9. According to this country’s law, it is illegal (not legal) to sell tobacco to children under 16.

10. Kelly couldn’t focus his eyes well enough to tell whether the figure was male or female. (male)

11. There was an embarrassed (embarrass) silence, then Gina laughed loudly trying to solve the dilemma.

II. 选择适当的单词,用其正确的形式



1. It is important that an adolescent boy should have an adult to whom he can tell his secrets.

2. Practise the breathing techniques over and over again until they become automatic.

3. Your baby depends on you to look after yourself properly while you are pregnant.

4. She smiled back, then took a packet of cigarettes from her pocket and lit one.

5. The situation is desperate — people here need aid before the severe winter sets in.

6. There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection.

7. An appendix to a book is extra information that is placed after the end of the main text.

8. This material is very thick, and this needle is not strong enough to go through it.

9. Beijing said on Monday that the Human Rights Watch NGO has always been full of prejudice against China.

10. If signed into law, a doctor performing an abortion could be sentenced to 10 to 99 years in prison in US Alabama.

11. There was an awkward moment when she didn’t know whether to shake his hand or kiss his cheek.

III. 认识并熟记下列短语和词组:

1. healthy life 健康的生活

2. have/smoke a cigarette 吸烟(stop/quit smoking 戒烟)

3. alcohol/drug abuse 酗酒/滥用药物;吸毒(abuse of power 滥用职权)

4. under stress 在压力之下(cause stress 造成压力;lay/put stress on 强调)

5. during adolescence 十几岁时

6. ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事(a banned book/film 禁书/禁播影片)

7. at the end of 在……的尽头;在……结尾

8. due to 由于;因为(be due in an hour 预计一小时后到达;be due for sth. 期望得到;be due to do sth. 预定做某事)

9. find it difficult to do sth. 发觉做某事有困难10. a tough decision 艰难的决定(get tough with 以强硬方式处理或对付;be tough on sb.要求严厉,严厉对待)11. addicted to 对……上瘾;沉迷于(physically/mentally addicted 生理上/心理上成瘾)12. after a while 过了一会儿13. accustomed to (doing) sth. 习惯于(做)某事(become/get/grow accustomed to 适应于;习惯于)14. get withdrawal symptoms有断隐症状15. feel bad-tempered and in pain 感到脾气暴躁、痛苦16. mental illness 精神病(get mental / get very angry 非常生气)17. quit school 辍学(quit one’s job 辞掉工作;quit/stop doing sth. 停止做;be quit of sth. 摆脱;了结)18. the harmful effects of smoking 吸烟的危害性(have an effect on 对……有影响;bring/put sth. into effect 实施;落实;come into effect 生效;take effect 生效;开始起作用)19. do terrible damage to 严重侵害20. become/get pregnant 怀孕21. abnormal behavior 反常行为22. become breathless 气喘;喘不过气来23. be taken off … 被从……除名24. be unfit for 不适合;不胜任25. it is time (for sb. ) to do sth. 是(某人)做某事的时候了26. strengthen one’s resolve 坚定决心27. decide on (a day) 确定(一个日期)27. a packet of 一包;一盒29. feel like (doing) 想要(做)30. go for a walk 去散步31. feel nervous and stressed 觉得紧张有压力32. reach for 伸手去拿33. do relaxation exercises 做放松运动34. feel desperate 感觉绝望(没办法)(get/become desperate 变得绝望;be desperate for 渴望;be desperate to do 急切地想做;be desperate with fear 因恐惧而绝望)35. chewing gum 口香糖36. be disappointed about/at/with sth. 对某事失望(be disappointed in sb. 对某人失望;disappointed hope/plan 破灭的希望/计划;t o sb’s disappointment 使某人沮丧的是)37. feel/be ashamed of (doing) sth. 因(做)某事觉得难堪(内疚)(You ought to be ashamed .你应为你的行为感到羞耻。)38. beyond (sb’s) comprehension不能理解;无法理解(listening/reading comprehension 听力/阅读理解测试)39. in spite of 不管;不顾40. take a risk / risks 冒险(at risk 处境危险;有危险;put sb. at risk 将某人置于危险之中;take/run the risk of doing sth. 冒做某事的危险;risk doing sth. 冒险做某事)41. get into (a bad habit) 陷入;染上(坏习惯)42. take pills 服用药丸43. bank robbery银行劫案(attempted robbery 企图抢劫,抢劫未遂;rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人的东西;使某人丧失某物;steal sth. from sb. 偷窃某人的东西)44. chances of survival 生存的机会(fight for survival 为生存而奋斗;survival of the fittest 适者生存)45. have sex with 与……有性行为46. racial prejudice 种族歧视47. in my judgement/opinion 依我看(make a judgement about 对某事作出判断;professional judgement 专业判断)48. feel/be embarrassed about/at 因某事感到尴尬49. make things awkward 使事情变得棘手
