
Somebody 大人物,重要人物
He is really somebody.他真是一个大人物。
If you wanna be somebody,if you wanna go somewhere,You better wake up and pay attention.
VIP=Very Important Person 非常重要的人,大人物,贵宾
Please show your VIP card 请您出示VIP卡。
a big shot 大人物,大亨
Mr. Lee acts like a big shot, but he is only an empty suit.
(empty suit 胸无大志而又缺乏原则的`谋利官僚,虚有其表的行政人员、不学无术的专业人员)
nobody 小人物,无名小卒
小人物日记《The Diary of a Nobody》
He is somebody in his hometown but nobody here.
Small potato 小角色,小人物,小喽啰
联想:couch potato 成天躺著或坐在沙发上看电视的人;极为懒惰的人
He is a small potato in the company.

七年级下册英语U5丅3知识点Unit 5 Lesson 3是七年级下册英语学习中的一节课,本课的主要内容是关于描述名人的语言知识点,下面是本课的详细知识点和解析。
1. Celebrity 名人,名流2. Idol 偶像,粉丝崇拜的对象3. Icon 偶像,形象代表,文化标志4. Star 明星,天才,成功者5. Famous 著名的,有名的6. Memorable 特别值得记忆的7. Admirable 值得敬佩的,令人赞赏的8. Inspiring 激励人心的,鼓舞人心的9. Outstanding 杰出的,出色的10. Remarkable 异乎寻常的,非凡的二、描述名人1. 描述名人外貌在描述名人方面,我们可以从外貌、个性、才华等多个角度进行透彻地描绘,下面是一些描述名人外貌的词汇和短语:1. Appearance 外貌2. Features 特征,脸部特征3. Physique 体格,身材4. Looks 看起来,外表5. Tall 高的6. Short 矮的7. Handsome 俊美的8. Attractive 吸引人的9. Charming 迷人的10. Elegant 优雅的11. Stylish 时尚的12. Gorgeous 华丽的13. Stunning 令人惊艳的14. Lovely 可爱的15. Cute 可爱的,乖巧的2. 描述名人个性和才华除了外貌之外,在描述名人的时候,我们还需要关注其个性和才华,下面是一些可以用来描绘名人个性和才华的词汇和短语。
1. Personality 个性2. Character 性格3. Temperament 气质,性情4. Charisma 领袖气质,吸引力5. Talent 才华,天赋6. Skill 技能,技巧7. Ability 才能,能力8. Intelligence 智力,聪明9. Wisdom 智慧,睿智10. Creativity 创意,创造力三、名人的比较在对于名人进行描述的时候,我们也可以对于不同的名人进行比较,下面是一些可以用来进行名人比较的词汇和短语:1. Better 更好的2. Best 最好的3. Worse 更差的4. Worst 最差的5. Stronger 更强的6. Weaker 更弱的7. Smarter 更聪明的8. Dumber 更愚蠢的9. More creative 更有创意的10. Less creative 更缺乏创意的四、总结通过对Unit 5 Lesson 3的学习,我们对于描述名人的语言知识点有了较为全面的认识。

在英语中,表示一流人物的单词有很多种,以下是其中的一些: 1. Elite:指精英、优秀的人群,常用于形容社会地位、财富、教育水平等高层次的人。
2. Outstanding:指杰出、出众的人,通常用于形容能力、成就、品质等方面非常突出的人。
3. Exceptional:指特别、例外的人,通常用于形容能力、才华、智慧等方面与众不同的人。
4. Genius:指天才、超凡的人,通常用于形容在某个领域或某项技能上表现出色的人。
5. Icon:指偶像、标志性的人物,通常用于形容对某个领域或某种文化具有巨大影响力的人。
6. Celebrity:指名人、名流,通常用于形容在娱乐、体育等领域有一定知名度和影响力的人。
7. Luminary:指杰出的人、才华横溢的人,通常用于形容在某个领域或某项技能上有着卓越表现的人。
8. Titan:指巨人、伟人,通常用于形容在某个领域或某项事业上有着巨大贡献和影响力的人。
9. Master:指大师、高手,通常用于形容在某项技能或领域上达到了极高水平的人。
10. Prodigy:指神童、天才,通常用于形容在年龄较小的情况下就表现出非凡才华的人。

1. 家庭成员:- 父亲:father / dad / daddy- 母亲:mother / mom / mommy / mum- 儿子:son- 女儿:daughter- 爷爷:grandfather / grandpa- 奶奶:grandmother / grandma- 叔叔:uncle- 阿姨:aunt- 哥哥:older brother- 弟弟:younger brother- 姐姐:older sister- 妹妹:younger sister- 兄弟姐妹:siblings / brothers and sisters 2. 家庭关系:- 结婚:get married- 夫妻:husband and wife / couple- 离婚:get divorced- 亲戚:relatives- 爱人:spouse / partner- 孩子:child / children- 孙子:grandson- 孙女:granddaughter- 婚礼:wedding- 家庭聚会:family gathering- 家庭支持:family support- 关爱:care for / love3. 家庭特征:- 幸福的:happy- 和睦的:harmonious- 温馨的:warm- 热闹的:lively- 大家庭:big family- 小家庭:small family- 单亲家庭:single-parent family 4. 描述人物特征的形容词:- 友好的:friendly- 有爱心的:caring- 聪明的:smart- 善良的:kind- 乐观的:optimistic- 大方的:generous- 害羞的:shy- 勇敢的:brave- 有耐心的:patient- 幽默的:humorous5. 描述人物外貌特征的形容词:- 高的:tall- 矮的:short- 苗条的:slim- 胖的:fat- 强壮的:strong- 苍白的:pale- 深色皮肤:dark-skinned- 浅色皮肤:light-skinned- 直的黑发:straight black hair- 卷的棕发:curly brown hair以上是一些常用的英语词汇和表达,用于描述人物家庭和关系。
轻松日记商务职场篇 第226期:大人物

轻松日记商务职场篇第226期:大人物核心句型:You know those bigwigs are really hard to please.你要知道,那些大人物真的很难伺候。
所以,当美国人说"You know those bigwigs are really hard to please."时,他/她要表达的意思就是:"You know those big shots are hard to please."、"You know it's hard to serve those VIPs."。
情景对白:Shirley: Why should I be left holding the baby? You know those bigwigs are really hard to please.雪莉:为什么把这个苦差事留给我干?你要知道那些大人物真的很难伺候。
Jane: Oh, come on! They're VIPs of our company. We all want to know them. You're so lucky!简:噢,别抱怨啦!他们不过我们公司的贵宾啊。
你太幸运了!搭配句积累:①How is your work today?今天工作怎么样?②I really admire at your fortune to serve them.真羡慕你这么幸运,能够接待他们。
③You look so exhausted. What's the matter?你看起来精疲力竭,怎么了?④I was suddenly scrambled when t hey were getting impatient.他们开始不耐烦了,我顿时手忙脚乱。

中考英语写作中“⼈”的表达法相关推荐2016中考英语写作中“⼈”的表达法 ⼤家在写作过程中最常⽤的⼀个单词就是“people”。
下⾯是YJBYS⼩编搜索整理的'关于英语写作中“⼈”的表达法,欢迎参考练习,希望对⼤家备考有所帮助!想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们应届毕业⽣培训⽹! 在作⽂⾥⾯,你经常可以⽤到的表⽰“⼈们”的词汇如下:people,person,individual,human beings,one,those who,population,the public。
那么,这些词汇如何区别,在什么场合下应该选择什么词汇呢? 1) people: 作“⼈”讲时,是集合名词,表复数概念。
说“⼀个⼈”时,不⽤ people。
当表⽰两个以上的⼈时,可⽤ people。
如:twenty people ⼆⼗个⼈。
如:a people ⼀个民族。
There are 56 peoples in China. 2) person: 它泛指 man,woman 或 child 中的任何⼀个,其复数形式是 persons,但⼈们习惯⽤ people 代替 persons。
“⼀个⼈”常译作 a person,⽽需要说明⼀个⼈的性别时,要⽤ a man 或 a woman 来表⽰。
3) human being: ⼀般是⽤来指任何⼈或整个⼈类,不考虑性别(相当于mankind)。
⽐如:1.human beings are the dominant species in this planet. 2.That's one small step for man, but one giant leap for human beings (也可⽤ mankind). 4) individual: 可作名词,表⽰“个⼈”。

1. Elite:精英,表示拥有高超技能或者卓越品质的人。
2. Prodigy:神童,表示天赋异禀的人,通常指在某个领域有非凡的才能和成就。
3. Genius:天才,表示拥有超群智慧和创造力的人,通常指在科学、文学、艺术等领域中有卓越的表现。
4. Master:大师,表示在某个领域中拥有高度技能和经验的人,通常指在艺术、音乐、体育等领域中有卓越的表现。
5. Champion:冠军,表示在竞争中获胜的人,通常指在体育比赛中获得第一名的人。
6. Legend:传奇,表示在某个领域中有着传奇性的人物,通常指在历史上或者现实生活中有着非凡的成就和影响力的人。
7. Icon:偶像,表示在某个领域中备受尊敬和崇拜的人,通常指在娱乐、时尚、体育等领域中有着很高的知名度和影响力的人。
8. Visionary:有远见的人,表示拥有前瞻性思维和创新能力的人,通常指在创业、科技、社会变革等领域中有着非凡的洞察力和领导力的人。
- 1 -。

1) people: 作“人”讲时,是集合名词,表复数概念。
如:twenty people 二十个人。
如:a people 一个民族。
There are 56 peoples in China.2) person: 它泛指 man,woman 或 child 中的任何一个,其复数形式是 persons,但人们习惯用 people 代替 persons。
“一个人”常译作a person,而需要说明一个人的性别时,要用a man 或a woman 来表示。
3) human being: 一般是用来指任何人或整个人类,不考虑性别(相当于mankind)。
比如:1.human beings are the dominant species in this planet. 2.That's one small step for man, but one giant leap for human beings (也可用 mankind).4) individual: 可作名词,表示“个人”。
强调每一个人,相当于“every single person”。
比如:this newly introduced policy is going to have profound influence on individuals.5) one: 不定代词,泛指“一个人”,通常后面跟一种特点,指的是“具备这种特点”的一个人会怎样。
例子:one who refuses criticism from others is unlikely to succeed in life.6) those who: 这两个词通常连用,表示“那些...人”,用法跟one 相似,只不过 one 表单数,those who 表一群人。

“有的⼈”是“⼤⼈物” “没有⼈”是“⼩⼈物”——Somebody和Nobody在中英诗歌中,有许多以“有的⼈”somebody为主题的范例,如臧克家在为纪念鲁迅逝世⼗三周年时创作的《有的⼈》:有的⼈活着他已经死了;有的⼈死了他还活着。
… …《有的⼈》通过迥然不同的两种⼈的形象对⽐,热情讴歌了像鲁迅那样的仁⼈志⼠,有⼒鞭挞了追名逐利的⽆耻之徒。
再如,Shakespeare的Sonnet 91的前四⾏:Some glory in their birth,some in their skill,Some in their wealth,some in their bodies’ force,Some in their garments,though new-fangled ill;Some in their hawks and hounds,some in their horse;------虽然莎翁的⼗四⾏诗中并未运⽤somebody,但从诗的内容上看,some所指与臧诗中的“有的⼈”是相同的,都是对不同情况的罗列,所以,Sonnet 91中的some就是指some people, some persons或者some ones, 都可以⽤somebody (somebodies)来代替。

1、a wise guy骄傲自大的人。
Alic’s all right, I guess, but sometimes he’s such a wise guy.据我看,亚历克这个人还不赖,不过有时候太狂妄自大了。
Who’s the wise guy that took my lunch box? 是哪位机灵的大爷拿走了我的饭盒。
2、a shrinking violet畏首畏尾的人。
George has a very good mind. He would rise fast in th e world if he weren’t such a shrinking violet.乔治很聪明。
3、a backseat driver不在权限范围内而指手划脚的人。
所以我们把那些喜欢在后面老是给开车的人提出不必要的指导和建议的人叫做backseat driver。
One place where you find lots of backseat drivers is in politics.要说指手画脚的人,在政界你可以找到好多。
4、a wet blanket令人扫兴的人。
I’m sorry to be such a wet blanket, but I’m afraid I have to go home now.我使大家扫兴,实在太对不起了。
托福词汇:“big wig大人物”

资料来源:教育优选 /
托福词汇:“big wig 大人物”
无中生有剃光头,头发剃光后又去狂购假发、且购假发成瘾…… 世界上还能有几个像布兰妮这般走极端的?看下面一段外电报道,瞧瞧如何表达“假发”: Britney Spears has become addicted to buying wigs, it has been reported.
The troubled star has allegedly traded her party addiction for
shopping - spending more than $60,000 on wigs, vintage hats, clothes, lingerie, perfume and jewellery in less than a month.
有趣的是,短语“big wig”常用来喻指“大人物”。
其原因是,17世纪人们很流行带假发,那些大人物为了和老百姓区别开来,戴的假发往往比一般人的要大得多,因此他们的“假发”被称为“big wigs”。
随着时间的流逝,bigwig/big wig 就有了“a person of importance”的意思。

Unit 7 SheLooksTallandThin一、核心词汇1. 家庭成员aunt姨;姑;婶;伯母;舅母uncle伯;叔;舅;姑父;姨夫2. 形容词thin瘦的strong强壮的old年老的young年轻的right正确的3. 名词kid小孩friend朋友sport运动woman女人;妇女4.副词fast快;迅速地5.介词in 穿着;戴着6.形容词性物主代词their 他(她、它)们的7. 短语comefrom来自alittle少量;少许二、拓展词汇1. 形容词tall高的short矮的;短的fat胖的friendly友好的big大的small小的long 长的2. 家庭成员grandfather(外)祖父grandmother(外)祖母father爸爸mother妈妈sister姐姐;妹妹brother哥哥;弟弟cousin堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹son儿子daughter女儿nephew侄子;外甥3. 短语befrom来自afew一些三、核心句型1.ShecomesfromtheUSA. 她来自美国。
举一反三:IcomefromChina. 我来自中国。
2.ShespeaksEnglishandshecanspeakalittleChinese. 她说英语,她还能说少许汉语。
举一反三:TheyspeakFrench. 他们说法语。
3.Shelooksverybeautifulinthereddress. 她穿红色连衣裙看起来非常漂亮。
四、了解句型1.Shehastwobigeyes. 她有两只大眼睛。

大人物犹如灯塔小人物好似萤火作文英文回答:Great people are like lighthouses, while ordinarypeople resemble fireflies. In a vast sea of humanity, lighthouses represent beacons of guidance, illuminating the path for countless others with their unwavering light. Fireflies, on the other hand, emit a gentle glow that illuminates their immediate surroundings but has a limited reach. Both serve a purpose, albeit different in scale and impact.Lighthouses are characterized by their monumental presence and unwavering stability. They stand tall, unyielding against the relentless waves of the sea. Their purpose is to guide seafarers, warning them of treacherous shoals and leading them safely towards their intended destinations. They do not seek glory or recognition; rather, they exist to fulfill a selfless mission of providingsafety and direction.Similarly, great people possess an indomitable spirit and a steadfast resolve. They are driven by a higher purpose that transcends personal ambition. They dedicate their lives to uplifting others, serving as guiding lights in the face of adversity. They inspire, motivate, and empower those around them, leaving a lasting legacy that shapes the course of history.In contrast, fireflies are symbols of ephemeral beauty. Their light is gentle, twinkling, and captivating. While they do not possess the far-reaching impact of lighthouses, fireflies bring joy and wonder to those who encounter them. They are a reminder of the beauty and magic that can be found in the most humble of things.Ordinary people, like fireflies, may seem small and insignificant compared to the towering figures of history. However, their contributions, though less visible, are no less valuable. They are the countless individuals who quietly and diligently perform their roles, ensuring the smooth functioning of society. They are teachers, nurses,firefighters, and countless others who make a difference in the lives of those around them.Both lighthouses and fireflies have their place in the tapestry of life. Lighthouses guide us through the stormsof uncertainty, while fireflies illuminate the path with their gentle glow. Great people and ordinary people, eachin their own way, contribute to the collective human experience. By recognizing the value in both, we create a society that is both strong and compassionate, where greatness and humility coexist in harmony.中文回答:伟大的男人就像灯塔,而普通人好比萤火虫。

小人物也可以帮助大人物英语作文简单Small People Can Also Help Big PeopleIn the grand scheme of things, it is often the small, seemingly insignificant actions of ordinary individuals that can have a profound impact on the lives of those around them. These "small people," as they are sometimes called, may not hold positions of power or influence, but their willingness to lend a helping hand, offer a kind word, or simply be present in a moment of need can make all the difference in the world.Consider the story of a young office assistant named Sarah. She had been working at a large accounting firm for just a few months, her days filled with mundane tasks like filing paperwork, making copies, and answering the phone. One day, as she was making her rounds, she noticed the firm's managing partner, Mr. Johnson, looking particularly stressed and overwhelmed. Without hesitation, Sarah approached him and asked if there was anything she could do to help.Mr. Johnson, initially taken aback by the young woman's offer, was touched by her genuine concern. He explained that he was in themidst of preparing for a crucial client presentation, and the pressure was mounting. Sarah, without any prompting, offered to take some of the workload off his hands. She stayed late that evening, helping to organize the presentation materials, proofread the documents, and even provide some creative input on the visual aids.The next day, Mr. Johnson's presentation was a resounding success, and he was quick to give credit to Sarah for her invaluable assistance. From that moment on, he made a concerted effort to involve Sarah in more high-level projects, recognizing her talent and dedication. Over the years, Sarah's contributions to the firm grew, and she eventually rose through the ranks to become a respected senior manager.This story is just one example of how a small act of kindness or helpfulness can have a lasting impact on the lives of others. It's a testament to the power of empathy, compassion, and a willingness to go the extra mile, even when it's not expected or required.Another inspiring example comes from the life of John, a retired schoolteacher living in a small, tight-knit community. John had always been known for his kind heart and his dedication to helping others, but it was during a particularly difficult time in his neighborhood that his true impact became evident.One winter, a heavy snowstorm hit the area, leaving many elderly and disabled residents trapped in their homes, unable to clear the snow and ice from their driveways and sidewalks. John, despite his own advancing age, took it upon himself to organize a team of volunteers to help these neighbors. He went door-to-door, recruiting young people from the community to lend a hand, and together they worked tirelessly to ensure that everyone in need was able to safely access their homes.The gratitude and relief expressed by the recipients of John's efforts was palpable. Many of them had been worried about how they would manage the heavy snow, and John's intervention not only provided practical assistance but also a sense of community and care that had been sorely missed. In the days and weeks that followed, John's actions inspired others to follow his example, and the neighborhood banded together to support one another during the challenging winter season.These stories highlight the profound impact that "small people" can have on the lives of "big people." It's a reminder that true greatness is not always found in positions of power or wealth, but in the simple acts of kindness, compassion, and willingness to help that we can all contribute to the world around us.Of course, it's important to recognize that not every small act ofkindness will lead to a dramatic, life-changing outcome. Sometimes, the impact of our actions may be more subtle, or it may take time to manifest. But that doesn't make them any less valuable or meaningful.Every time we lend a helping hand, offer a word of encouragement, or simply listen to someone in need, we are making a positive difference in the world. We are reminding those around us that they are not alone, that there are people who care, and that even the smallest gestures can have a profound impact.In a world that often seems dominated by the powerful and the influential, it's important to remember that we all have the capacity to be "big people" in our own way. By embracing our roles as "small people" and using our unique talents and resources to make a difference, we can create a ripple effect that can touch the lives of countless others.So, the next time you feel like your contributions are insignificant or that you lack the power to make a real difference, remember the stories of Sarah and John. Remember that even the smallest acts of kindness and compassion can have a lasting impact on the lives of those around us. And never underestimate the power of the "small people" to change the world, one act of service at a time.。

小人物成为大人物的作文英文回答:Becoming a big shot from a nobody is not an easy journey. It requires hard work, dedication, and a little bit of luck. I can say this from my own experience.I used to be just a small-town girl with big dreams. I worked at a local coffee shop, serving customers with a smile every day. But deep down, I knew I wanted more. I wanted to make a name for myself, to become someone important.So I started taking night classes at the community college, studying business and marketing. I worked extra shifts to save up money for a business of my own. And finally, after years of hard work and determination, I opened my own café.At first, it was tough. I was working long hours,dealing with difficult customers, and struggling to make ends meet. But I never gave up. I kept pushing forward, learning from my mistakes, and always striving to do better.And slowly but surely, my café started to gain popularity. People from all over town would come to try my specialty coffees and pastries. I started to getrecognition in the local community, and before I knew it, I was being featured in newspapers and magazines.Now, I can proudly say that I am a big shot in my town. People know me as the owner of the best café in town, andI have even expanded my business to include a small bakery. But I never forget where I came from. I still serve customers with a smile every day, just like I did when Iwas a nobody.中文回答:从一个小人物成为一个大人物并不是一条容易的道路。

大人物与小人物的英语表达大家最熟悉的可能是VIP,这个缩写已经在国内广泛使用,它是指“A person of great importance, or influence, especially a dignitary who commands special treatment. 重要的或有影响的人物,尤指需要特殊对待的高官显贵”。
除此之外,big cheese,big shot,big gun,big wheel,big enchilada 也都可以表示“An important, powerful person; the boss 大人物”,比如:She loves being the big cheese of her company. 她喜欢做公司里的大人物。
Big cheese 据说来源于 big chief。
The big guns in Congress are bound to change the President's bill. 议会里的要员决定修改总统的提案。
You'd better not act like a big shot among your old friends.在老朋友中间,你最好不要充大亨。
Harry was the big wheel in his class. 哈利是他们班上的大人物。
Big wheel是“大轮子”,是在二战后流行起来的,指“公司的头头,政治领袖,有名的博士”,之所以称他们是“大轮子”,是因为他们动力大,所作所为会影响许多人,他们发号施令,别人就得听他们的,就像机器里大轮子带动小轮子一样。
You'll have to get permission from the big enchilada. 你得从老板那儿得到许可。
Enchilada 本意是指“玉米卷饼”,俚语里指“老板,有影响力的人”。

比如,在某些动词后面加上象“-er, -or, etc.”就可以构成名词,表示“从事某种职业的人”或者“某一类的人”。
一、从社会层次、地位、工作职务上来看:1、加“-er ”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示的人物社会地位较低,或从历史上看较低。
例:beginner初学者/新手, driver司机,teacher教师,labourer劳动者,runner跑步者/信使,skier滑雪者,swimmer游泳者,observer观测者/观察员, murderer杀人犯passenger旅客, traveller旅游者,learner学习者/初学者, lover爱好者,worker工人, researcher研究员,printer印刷工,gardener园艺工, owner 主人,wrestler摔交者等。
2、加“-or ”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示的人物社会地位较高,或从历史上看较高。
例:doctor博士或医生, tutor(大学)指导教师/ 助教/ 监护人,director主任,compositor排版师,collector收藏家, instructor教员/指导者。
3、加“-ist ”/ “-an”可表示“人”,这类词多数情况下表示事业有成就或较为特殊的人。
例:artist艺术家, scientist科学家, physicist 物理学家,journalist新闻记者,dentist 牙医, instrumentalist乐器演奏家/ 乐器家, meteorologist气象学家,historian 历史学家, technician技术员, 技师,vegetarian 食素者,也有个别例外,象cyclist骑脚踏车的人, motorcyclist乘机车者。
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大家最熟悉的可能是VIP,这个缩写已经在国内广泛使用,它是指“A person of great importance, or influence, especially a dignitary who commands special treatment. 重要的或有影响的人物,尤指需要特殊对待的高官显贵”。
除此之外,big cheese,big shot,big gun,big wheel,big enchilada 也都可以表示“An important, powerful person; the boss 大人物”,比如:
She loves being the big cheese of her company. 她喜欢做公司里的大人物。
Big cheese 据说来源于 big chief。
The big guns in Congress are bound to change the President's bill. 议会里的要员决定修改总统的提案。
You'd better not act like a big shot among your old friends.
Harry was the big wheel in his class. 哈利是他们班上的大人物。
Big wheel是“大轮子”,是在二战后流行起来的,指“公司的头头,政治领袖,有名的博士”,之所以称他们是“大轮子”,是因为他们动力大,所作所为会影响许多人,他们发号施令,别人就得听他们的,就像机器里大轮子带动小轮子一样。
You'll have to get permission from the big enchilada. 你得从老板那儿得到许可。
Enchilada 本意是指“玉米卷饼”,俚语里指“老板,有影响力的人”。
你听说过big wig么?wig本来指“假发套”,以前欧洲人习惯戴假发,地位越高,假发也就越大,所以 big
还有一个 big fish,大家都听过“a big fish in a small pond 小池塘里的大鱼”这个谚语吧,big fish 就是指“大人物”啦。
她的足迹踏遍酒吧、剧院、宾馆,后来遇到了上校军官贝隆,她才脱颖而出,成为当时阿根廷炙手可热的人物(person of the hour)。
Eva有句话是:“I wanna
be a part of B.A.Buenos Aires, Big Apple”。
这里的big apple也表示大人物,不过它更常用来指纽约。
“大”总是和 big 脱不了关系,所以 Mr. Big,biggie,biggy 都可以表示“大人物”,比如:
She is trying to cultivate all the biggies in Chicago. 她千方百计地和芝加哥的大人物套近乎。
此外,somebody 和 something 都可以表示“(大)人物”,比如:
He is something. 他是个人物。
I wanna be somebody, can you help me? 我想成个人物,你能帮我吗?
“大人物”总是和big 联系在一起,“小人物”自然是和small联系的比较多了。
在美国口语中,small potato指的是“任何无用或无价值的东西”,特别指的是无名气的“小人物”。
它的反义big potato就是“大人物,了不起”了。
A: Why don't you talk to the manager yourself?
B: We are only small potatoes. The manager won't listen to us.
You are a big potato! 你真了不起!
同样的,small beer 也表示“小人物,无足轻重的人/事”,例如:
Don't listen to Henry; he's small beer.
我们说过somebody 和 something 都可以表示“大人物,了不起”,他们的反义词 nobody 和 nothing 则可以表示“小人物,微不足道”,例如:
He is nothing. 他是个小人物。
He is nobody. 他什么也不是。
此外Jack-a-Lent 本意是“小玩偶”,也可以用来表示“小人物”。