
一份Common ___周一发布的报告显示,青少年和儿童的阅读兴趣正在减少。
”According to the report。
pleasure reading levels among children aged 2-8 have remained consistent。
凯文老师,2018年上海高考英语试卷真题(翻译中译英)[全文5篇]第一篇:凯文老师,2018年上海高考英语试卷真题(翻译中译英) 2018年上海高考英语试卷真题(翻译/中译英)TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.他们中谁可能担任过排球教练?(may)参考译文:Which one of them may have coached a volleyball team?Which one of them may have acted as a volleyball coach?2.我看到他换上徒步鞋,走向草坪。
(make for)参考译文:I saw him put on his walking shoes and make for the lawn.I saw him change into hiking boots and make for the lawn.3.妈妈给自己设闹钟六小时响一次,以提醒她为宝宝量体温。
(reminder)参考译文:Mom sets the alarm clock to ring every six hours as a reminder for herself to take the baby’s temperature.Mom sets the alarm clock,ringing every six hours,as a reminder to take her baby’s temperature.4.在这个村庄,他们吃饭只吃八分饱,但这个健康的饮食习惯最开始是为了解决食物短缺。
(until)参考译文:People in this village usually have their meals until they are eight full, but this healthy eating habits originally aimed to/intended to solve/deal with the shortage of food.In this village, people usually have their meals until they are eight full, but this healthy eating habits originally aimed to/intended to solve/deal with the shortage of food.第二篇:凯文老师,2018年上海高三高考英语一模试卷(中译英1) 2018届上海市各区高三英语一模试题分类汇编:中英翻译2018年上海市虹口区高三英语一模试卷 V.TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.熬夜大大影响健康。

(optimistic)I am optimistic about the result of the game /match.73. 许多人把迟到看作是一个小问题,其实不然。
(think)Many people think of being late as a small problem, but in fact it’s not./it can have serious consequences.74.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的困惑,使开车打电话成为可能。
(…it…)Driverless technology solves people's puzzle and makes it possible to make a phone call /talk on the phone while driving.75. 人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力了仍一事无成,而是碌碌无为却以平凡可贵安慰自己。
(...not...but...)The most horrible/terrible/ dreadful/ fearful/ frightening/frightful thing that can happen in your life is not that you achieved/accomplished nothing even though you tried, but that you do nothing at all/give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary.崇明72. 何不利用这宜人的天气出去野餐呢?(advantage)73. 当你对情况一知半解时,不要随意发表见解。
(knowledge)74. 到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物?(it)75. 人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。

最新-2018年、2018年上海各区高三英语一模、二模翻译大全精品上海各区2018年高三英语一模试题分类汇编:翻译汇编(宝山)85. 班长昨天班会课没来。
(absent)86. 为了赶上其他同学,他正在努力改正自己学习中的坏习惯。
(cure)87. 毫无疑问,老师挑你作业里的毛病是为了帮助你取得更大的进步。
(fault)88. 虽然已筋疲力尽,他们还是继续搜寻事故中的幸存者。
(tire)89. 我们只有面对现实,认真分析形势,才能找到解决问题的办法。
(Only )85. The monitor was absent from/ the class meeting /yesterday/yesterday’s class meeting.86. In order to/To catch up with other students, /he is trying to /cure himself of bad habits /in hisstudy.87. There is no doubt that /the teacher finds fault with your homework/exercises /in order to/so asto/to help you/ make greater progress.88. Although (they were) tired out, /they still continued to /search for the survivors/in the accident.89. Only by /facing the reality /and analyzing the situation seriously /can we find /the solution to the problem.(崇明)1. 请尽快对我们的计划作出评论。
(comment)2. 今天下午我太累了,就取消了和Smith先生的约会。
高中英语 2009-2018年上海高考一二模和真题高频单词翻译-教师版

2009-2018上海高考一二模和真题高频单词翻译❖ A1.虽虽虽虽虽虽虽应应应应虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽(available)Although all kinds of information are available online, it is no easy job to tell which is true.2.很多边远学校没有图书馆,以致一些孩子没有读过课本以外的任何书籍。
(available)Libraries are not available in many remote schools so that some children have never read any book(s) except textbooks.3.虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽(available)With the advanced science and technology available, (Because the advanced science and technology is available,) the police all over the world/ in different countries can catch/ find out criminals/ bring the criminals to justice faster and more easily.4.重要的是目前这个免费配送服务向全体顾客开放。
(available)What matters is that the current free delivery service is available to all the customers.5.虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽(available)In the biology laboratory (lab), the professor highlighted (focused on) the materials available for the experiment.6.虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽虽(access)Do keep your password safe, or others can have access to the important information stored in your computer.7.寒暑假期间,我们学校的各类体育设施向市民开放。

【2018-宝山区-二模】IV. Summary Writing71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) ofthe passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Screen-addicted teens are unhappyA new study explored the link between adolescent life satisfaction and screen time.Researchers found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices -- playing computergames, using social media, texting and video chatting -- were less happy than those who investedmore time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, andface-to-face social interaction.Total screen avoidance doesn't lead to happiness either. The greater unhappiness among thosewith no screen exposure could be due to several factors, Twenge, the leading researcher said. “could be that they are left out of the social scene of high school, that it’s very difficult to friendships in high school these days without texting at all or being on soc ial media.” It is alsopossible that those kids are outliers, Twenge said —teens with special needs or in specialeducation, or those whose screens have been taken away from them by parents.The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use. The happiest teens used digitalmedia a little less than an hour per day. But after a daily hour of screen time, unhappiness risessteadily along with increasing screen time, the researchers report in the journal Emotion."Make effort to spend no more than two hours a day on digital media, and try to increase theamount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face and exercising -- two activities reliablylinked to greater happiness." Twenge said."By far the largest change in teens' lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount oftime they spent on digital media, and the following decline in in-person social activities andsleep," the leading researcher said. "The arrival of the smartphone is the most reasonableexplanation for the sudden decrease in teens' psychological well-being."Researchers found Teens who spent less time in front of screens and more time in non-screenactivities were happier. But totally avoiding/breaking away from screens can be unpleasant.Limited use of digital media along with non-screen activities works better. The arrival ofsmartphones brings about teens’ negative psychological effects.【2018-崇明区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of thepassage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Do Smartphones Make Us Smarter?Should teachers allow cellphones in a classroom? A recent study on the way smartphonesdisturb learning might help explain the issue. Researchers published findings showing howstudents were affected by their phones in the classroom. They explored the differences in studentperformance in four situations: open phone use allowed, phones allowed in the classroom butcould not be used, no phones in the classroom and a no-instruction control group. After watchinga 20-minute video, students took a short quiz. The result was that the students in a room withoutany cellphones performed significantly better on the test. Scientists believe the way we attachourselves to our phones could be the problem.Smartphones have become so strongly established in society that many people are lostwithout them. We are now in an age when many people can’t imagine life without a phone. There is even a name for the anxiety caused by not having one—nomophobia, which is the powerfulfeeling people get when they don’t have signal, their battery is about to die, or they are separated from their phones. Their fear of missing out on important information or connections can have acontrolling effect on their lives and can divide their attention from other important things likelearning.So does information technology help or block the way we think? In the past, people relied heavily on specific knowledge and knew who in their circle of friends would be most likely toknow things in different subjects. Now, our friend with all the information is the Internet. Indications are that people don’t remember information as well if they know they can use a computer or phone to recall it quickly. So it may be more difficult to move information from the Internet into our long-term memory.all bad. Reports show that But the impact of being exposed to so much information isn’tfrequent Internet use can strengthen fast-paced problem solving and can speed up the ability to spot patterns in a lot of data.Researchers recently found smartphones influenced learning. For one thing, smartphones have become an essential part of life, without which people feel at a loss, thus distracting their attention from learning. For another, people rely so heavily on smartphones that their long-term memory can be affected. However, having access to a large amount of information also benefits people in some aspects. (60 words)【2018-奉贤区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The sharing economy has grown in recent years to include everything from apartment sharing to car sharing to community tool sharing.Since 2009, a new form of the sharing economy has been emerging in neighbourhoods throughout the US and around the world –Little Free Libraries. The libraries are boxes put in neighbourhoods from which local people can take out and put in books. Little Free Libraries comein all shapes and sizes. Some libraries also have themes, focusing on books for children, adults or tour guides.In 2009, Tod Bol built the first Little Free Library in the Mississippi River town of Hudson,Wisconsin, to honour his mother, who loved reading. When he saw the people of his communitygathering around it, exchanging conversation as well as books, he knew he wanted to take hissimple idea further.Since then, his idea has become a movement, spreading from state to state and country tocountry. According to , there are now 18,000 of the little boxes around theworld, found in each of the 50 US states and 70 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.The Internet has helped to spread Little Free Libraries. But an Atlantic article said that theyare something different in a world of e-reader downloads. The little wooden boxes arerefreshingly physical and human. When you open the door of the box, chance and yourneighbours’ tastes determine what you’ll find. You might find a graphic novel, a cookbook or atour guidebook.main appeal. “A g irl For many people, this sense of discovery is Little Free Libraries’ walking home from school might pick up a graphic novel that gets her excited about reading; aman on his way to the bus stop might find a book of poetry that changes his view on life,”The Atlantic article. “Every book is a potential source of inspiration.”71.Little Free Libraries, composed of all sizes of boxeswith various themes, have sprung up inneighborhoods across the world. Tod Bol established the first one to honor his mother fond ofreading. After that, the idea spread internationally online. Different from e-reader downloads,books inside the wooden boxes can make readers excited or change their views etc. by inspiringthem.【虹口区-高三英语-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of thepassage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.71. Clearly if we are to participate in the society in which we live, we must communicate withother people. A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person basis by thesimple means of speech. If we travel in buses, buy things in shops, or eat in restaurants, we are。

【2018-宝山区-二模】IV. Summary Writing71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Screen-addicted teens are unhappyA new study explored the link between adolescent life satisfaction and screen time. Researchers found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices -- playing computer games, using social media, texting and video chatting -- were less happy than those who invested more time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, and face-to-face social interaction.Total screen avoidance doesn't lead to happiness either. The greater unhappiness among those with no screen exposure could be due to several factors, Twenge, the leading researcher said. “It could be that they are left out of the social scene of high school, that it’s very difficult to carry on friendships in high school these days without texting at all or being on social media.” It is also possible that those kids are outliers, Twenge said — teens with special needs or in special education, or those whose screens have been taken away from them by parents.The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use. The happiest teens used digital media a little less than an hour per day. But after a daily hour of screen time, unhappiness rises steadily along with increasing screen time, the researchers report in the journal Emotion."Make effort to spend no more than two hours a day on digital media, and try to increase the amount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face and exercising --two activities reliably linked to greater happiness." Twenge said."By far the largest change in teens' lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount of time they spent on digital media, and the following decline in in-person social activities and sleep," the leading researcher said. "The arrival of the smartphone is the most reasonable explanation for the sudden decrease in teens' psychological well-being."Researchers found Teens who spent less time in front of screens and more time in non-screen activities were happier. But totally avoiding/breaking away from screens can be unpleasant. Limited use of digital media along with non-screen activities works better. The arrival of smartphones brings about teens’ negative psychological effects.【2018-崇明区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Do Smartphones Make Us Smarter?Should teachers allow cellphones in a classroom? A recent study on the way smartphones disturb learning might help explain the issue. Researchers published findings showing how students were affected by their phones in the classroom. They explored the differences in student performance in four situations: open phone use allowed, phones allowed in the classroom but could not be used, no phones in the classroom and a no-instruction control group. After watching a 20-minute video, students took a short quiz. The result was that the students in a room without any cellphones performed significantly better on the test. Scientists believe the way we attach ourselves to our phones could be the problem.Smartphones have become so strongly established in society that many people are lost without them. We are now in an age when many people can’t imagine life without a phone. There is even a name for the anxiety caused by not having one—nomophobia, which is the powerful feeling people get when they don’t have signal, their battery is about to die, or they are separated from their phones. Their fear of missing out on important information or connections can have a controlling effect on their lives and can divide their attention from other important things like learning.So does information technology help or block the way we think? In the past, people relied heavily on specific knowledge and knew who in their circle of friends would be most likely to know things in different subjects. Now, our friend with all the information is the Internet. Indications are that people don’t remember information as well if they know they can use a computer or phone to recall it quickly. So it may be more difficult to move information from the Internet into our long-term memory.But the impact of being exposed to so much information isn’t all bad. Reports show that frequent Internet use can strengthen fast-paced problem solving and can speed up the ability to spot patterns in a lot of data.Researchers recently found smartphones influenced learning. For one thing, smartphones have become an essential part of life, without which people feel at a loss, thus distracting their attention from learning. For another, people rely so heavily on smartphones that their long-term memory can be affected. However, having access to a large amount of information also benefits people in some aspects. (60 words)【2018-奉贤区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The sharing economy has grown in recent years to include everything from apartment sharing to car sharing to community tool sharing.Since 2009, a new form of the sharing economy has been emerging in neighbourhoods throughout the US and around the world – Little Free Libraries. The libraries are boxes put in neighbourhoods from which local people can take out and put in books. Little Free Libraries come in all shapes and sizes. Some libraries also have themes, focusing on books for children, adults or tour guides.In 2009, Tod Bol built the first Little Free Library in the Mississippi River town of Hudson,Wisconsin, to honour his mother, who loved reading. When he saw the people of his community gathering around it, exchanging conversation as well as books, he knew he wanted to take his simple idea further.Since then, his idea has become a movement, spreading from state to state and country to country. According to , there are now 18,000 of the little boxes around the world, found in each of the 50 US states and 70 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.The Internet has helped to spread Little Free Libraries. But an Atlantic article said that they are something different in a world of e-reader downloads. The little wooden boxes are refreshingly physical and human. When you open the door of the box, chance and your neighbours’ tastes determine what you’ll find. You might find a graphic novel, a cookbook or a tour guidebook.For many people, this sense of discovery is Little Free Libraries’ main appeal. “A girl walking home from school might pick up a graphic novel that gets her excited about reading; a man on his way to the bus stop might find a book of poetry that changes his view on life,” said The Atlantic article. “Every book is a potential source of inspiration.”71.Little Free Libraries, composed of all sizes of boxeswith various themes, have sprung up in neighborhoods across the world. Tod Bol established the first one to honor his mother fond ofbooks inside the wooden boxes can make readers excited or change their views etc. by inspiring them.【虹口区-高三英语-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.71. Clearly if we are to participate in the society in which we live, we must communicate with other people. A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person basis by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses, buy things in shops, or eat in restaurants, we arelikely to have conversations where we give information or opinions, receive news or comment and very likely have our views challenged by other members of society.Face-to face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of current society. Two things, above others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry. Firstly, inventiveness has led to advances in printing, telecommunications, photography, radio and television. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the transmission and reception of communications so that local news often takes a back seat to national news, which itself is often almost eclipsed (失去优势) by international news.No longer is the possession of information restricted to a wealthy minority. In the last century the wealthy man with his own library was indeed fortunate, but today there are public libraries. Forty years ago, people used to go to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a program that is being channeled into millions of homes.Communication is no longer merely concerned with the transmission of information. The modern communication influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information, education and entertainment. The printing, broadcasting and advertising industries are all involved with informing, educating and entertaining.The passage talks about some changes of communication. First, the art of mass communicationcommunication. Second, the possession of information belongs to the masses, not wealthy minority only. Third, modern communication is crucial to people’s lifestyle and broadens people’s horizons. (59ws)【2018-黄浦区-高三二模】IV.Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The Dangerous Downsides of PerfectionismIn one of my earliest memories, I’m drawing. I don’t remember what the picture is supposed to be, but I remember the mistake. My marker slips, an unintentional line appears and my lip trembles. The picture has long since disappeared. But that feeling of deep frustration, even shame, stays with me.That’s the thing about perfectionism, a crucially self-defeating way to move through the world. It makes you better at your career and relationships and life in general. Culturally, we often see perfectionism as a positive.But the disadvantage of perfectionism isn’t just that it holds you back from being your most successful, productive-self. Perfectionistic tendencies have been linked to a long list of clinical issues: depression, social anxiety disorder, eating disorders, and most damaging of all, suicide (自杀).“Based upon the 60-odd studies that we’ve done, the higher the perfectionism is, the more psychological disorders you’re going to suffer,” says York St John University’s Hill. “Factors often labeled ‘healthy’ perfectionism, like striving for excellence, aren’t actually perfectionism at all. They’re just conscientiousness (尽职尽责)—which explains why people with those tendencies often have different results in studies. Perfectionism isn’t interpreted by working hard or setting high goals. It’s that critical inner voice.”Take the student who works hard and gets a poor mark. If she tells herself, “I’m disappointed, but it’s okay; I’m still a good person overall,” that’s healthy. If the message is, “I’m a failure. I’m not good enough,” that’s perfectionism.Perfectionists can make smooth sailing into a storm, a brief ill wind into a category-five hurricane.Eventually, the behaviours perfectionists adapt, actually, do make them more likely to fail.Many of us believe perfectionism is a positive. But researchers are finding that it is nothing short of dangerous, leading to a long list of health problems and failure in study or life. Besides, perfectionism is different from conscientiousness in that the former is connected with being particular about oneself.(50 words)【2018-嘉定区-高三二模】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The Conflict of the OrdersThe types of people who served as officials in the Roman government changed over time. These changes stemmed from the attempts of common people to more rights. The struggles became known as the Conflict of the Orders.In the early republic, Romans were divided into two classes of people: patricians and plebeians. Patricians were powerful landowners who controlled the government. As nobles, they inherited their power. Plebeians, who made up most of the population, were mainly farmers and workers. For many years, plebeians had few rights. They could vote, but they were barred from holding most public offices. Plebeians could not even know Roman laws because laws were not written down. In court, a judge stated and applied the law, but only patricians served as judges.Over time, plebeians increased their power through demand and strikes. They gained the right to join the army, hold government office, form their own assembly, and elect leaders. In one of their greatest victories, they forced the government to write down the laws of the Roman Republic. In about 450,B.C. the Romans engraved their laws on tablets called the Twelve Tables. The laws were placed in the Forum, the chief public square, for all to view.The first plebeians were appointed to the government in the late 400s B.C. After 342 B.C., a plebeian always held one of the consul positions. By about 300 B.C. many plebeians had become so powerful and wealthy themselves that they joined with patricians to form the Roman nobility. From that time on, the distinction between patricians and plebeians was not as important. Membership in the nobility was still very important, however, since government officials were not paid a salary, only wealthy nobles could afford to hold office. Thus, the nobles still controlled the republic.Romans was made up of two classes: patricians and plebeians. Patricians, the nobles, inherited power and controlled the government while plebeians, the common people, who used to have few rights, gradually gained various rights through struggles. From 300 B.C., the distinction between them was less obvious as many plebeians became nobles, and Rome was still controlled by nobles.【2018-金山区-高三二模】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.As technology grows, many university instructors are finding ways to guide online learning platforms into their classrooms. Programs such as Blackboard, WebCT and Moodle allow teachers to post reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes and quizzes for students to complete outside of class. While posting lessons online can be friendly to students' communication styles and easily accessible, they also cause disadvantages.One disadvantage is that it may encourage students to depend on technology in the classroom. Instead of physical textbooks, many now bring cellphones to access materials during class discussions. While electronic devices can be valuable learning tools, they also can lead to distractions from learning, such as social networking and online games. It is extremely difficult for students being exposed to multiple electronic tasks to focus or remember key information.A second disadvantage is that online lessons open up potential for cheating. Many instructors require students to complete quizzes, post within discussion groups or submit major assignments online. As a result, there are some students having someone else complete their assignments. A contributing factor is that online assignments are best suitable for those self-motivated, self-directed students. Students who struggle with organization and completing assignments may find it easy to cheat online.In spite of these disadvantages, educators can take steps to make sure students use online lessons responsibly. If instructors are uncomfortable with electronic devices in the classroom, they can require students to print out assignments and readings to reference during sessions. To prevent cheating, teachers can use online assignments as a supplement to traditional in-class work, or create open-ended assignments rather than using assignments like multiple-choice quizzes that have only one right answer. Being familiar with what the platform looks like from a student perspective also can help instructors avoid potential pitfalls.Introducing online learning platform to university classrooms has two disadvantages: students’ dependence on technology in the classroom and possibility for cheating. However, educators can find solutions to the problems. Furthermore, students can be asked to take paper files in class and be given supplementary online homework or open-ended assignment. Teachers’ familiarity with the platform is helpful. (56words)【2018-静安区-二模】Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.African elephants are in trouble. Their numbers have fallen violently from as many as ten million a hundred years ago to as few as 400,000 today. Losses are largely from poaching(偷猎)for the illegal ivory trade, and also because of the smaller living space for elephants, as people open up land for farming and development.Killing some elephants to help save the species is one suggested strategy for preserving them. Here’s the thinking:Invite rich hunters to pay generous fees to shoot specified numbers of elephants, and use that money as sources for various conservations.Some people claim that trophy hunting can provide generous financial support for people to conserve and restore wild elephant numbers, protect wildlife from poaching, and to help give local communities a boost in economy. Doing that, the theory goes, poor villagers won’t need to poach elephants to feed their families.To look into the new business closely, the trophy hunting industry does not provide significant benefits to the communities where it occurs. Across Africa, there are only about 15,000 hunting-related jobs created by the business—a tiny number, especially considering that the six main game-hunting countries alone have a population of nearly 150 million.Besides that, it is true the total income from trophy hunting is substantial. Take an unnamed area for example, the total income to wild conservancies from trophy hunting, amounted to $165,000. Six years later, this is expected to increase almost tenfold to $1,330,000. Yet after various kinds of processing fees and expenses are reduced, the local communities make an average of only ten cents a hectare (25 cents an acre) from trophy hunting. The return is so small that it justly explains locals’ lack of interest in preserving hunting areas and their continued poaching.African elephants are endangered with greatly reduced numbers due to unlawful poaching and shrinking habitat. Trophy hunting, legal elephant shooting for conservation fund, is considered a solution. According to some, it helps maintain elephant population and benefits local economy. However, it turns out the business employs few people and hunt fee trickling down to local villagers and communities is minimal.【2018-闵行松江区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Quiet Virtue: The ConscientiousThe everyday signs of conscientiousness (认真尽责)—being punctual, careful in doing work, self-disciplined, and scrupulous (一丝不苟的) in attending to responsibilities—are typical characteristics of the model organizational citizen, the people who keep things running as they should. They follow the rules, help out, and are concerned about the people they work with. It’s the conscientious worker who helps newcomers or updates people who return after an absence, who gets to work on time and never abuses sick leaves, who always gets things done on deadline.Conscientiousness is a key to success in any field. In studies of job performance, outstanding effectiveness for almost all jobs, from semi-skilled labor to sales and management, depends on conscientiousness. Among sales representatives for a large American car manufacturer, those who were most conscientious had the largest volume of sales.Conscientiousness also offers a buffer (缓冲) against the threat of job loss in today’s constantly changing market, because employees with this quality are among the most valued. For the sales representatives, their level of conscientiousness mattered almost as much as their sales in determining who stayed on.But conscientiousness in the absence of social skills can lead to problems. Since conscientious people demand so much of themselves, they can hold other people to their own standards, and so be overly judgmental when others don’t show the same high levels of model behavior. Factory workers who were extremely conscientious, for example, tended to criticize co-workers even about failures that seemed unimportant to those they criticized, which damaged their relationships.When conscientiousness takes the form of living up to expectations, it can discourage creativity. Success in creative professions like art or advertising calls for a balance between wild ideas and conscientiousness. Without enough conscientiousness to follow through, people become mere dreamers, with nothing to show for their imaginativeness.Conscientiousness is the feature of model organizational employees and keeps the company functioning successfully.Conscientiousness has both advantages and disadvantages.With conscientiousness, employees give outstanding performance, so they are less likely to be jobless.Meanwhile, conscientious people without social skills tend to have tense relationships with their fellow workers and conscientiousness can also damage creativity.【2018-浦东区-高三二模】Ⅳ. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Every time there is a mass shooting, the debate surrounding guns tends to flare up in America. The abuse of guns has been a serious problem in the US all along, but why doesn’t the US government just dismiss owning guns privately?The right to own a gun and defend oneself is central to American society. As early as the 1600s, when the first Europeans set foot on the continent of North America, they had to face a lot of dangers. They could only rely on themselves. Therefore, guns played a significant role in self-defense. Guns were also important in America’s Independent War and the Civil War.Secondly, the American founding fathers believed that gun ownership was necessary for a truly free country. If the government distrusts the people and disarms them, then that government no longer represents the people. The Second Amendment to the US Constitution specifies that the American people cannot be deprived of the“right to keep and bear arms.”So the sale and purchase of firearms are legal in the United States according to law.The importance of guns is also derived from the role of hunting in American culture. In the nation’s early years, hunting was essential for food and shelter. Today, guns are a vital part of hunting, which remains very popular as both a sport and a way of life in many parts of the country. People spend time with friends, sharing the pleasure that the sport brings.For those reasons, when critics say guns mean violence, they miss a large part of the picture, and they misrepresent the complex nature of America’s diverse gun culture. Most people who own guns privately, are actually part of the gun culture. They have rational and thoughtful reasons to own and use guns.The US government doesn’t ban guns for the following reasons. Firstly, guns serve as a means of self-defense. Besides, the possession of a gun is a symbol of freedom. Finally, guns are important because hunting is still popular in people’s life as a sport. Despite the disputes,Americans are entitled to the use of guns.【2018-普陀区-二模】IV. Summary Writing 10%Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Better Memory Causes BoredomA new study shows that the better your short-term memory, the faster you feel fed up and decide you’ve had enough. The findings appear in the Journal of Consumer Research.Noelle Nelson, assistant professor of marketing and consumer behavior at the University of Kansas School of Business. She and her colleague Joseph Redden at the University of Minnesota tried to think outside the lunch box. “Something that was interesting to me is that some people get tired of things at very different rates. When you think about pop songs on the radio, some people must still be enjoying them and requesting them even after hearing them a lot. But a lot of other people are really sick of those same songs.” The difference, the researchers supposed, might have to do with memories of past consumption.The researchers tested the memory capacity of undergraduates. The students then viewed a repeating series of three classic paintings…like The Starry Night, American Gothic, and The Scream…or listened and re-listened to a series of three pop songs…or three pieces of classical music. Throughout the test, the participants were asked to rate their experience on a scale of zero to ten. And the better a participant scored in the memory test, the faster they got bored.“We found that people with larger capacities remembered more about the music or art, which led to them getting tired of the music or art more quickly. So remembering more details actually made the participants feel like they’d experienced the music or art more often.” The findings suggest that marketers could cope with our desire for their products by figuring out ways to distract us and keep us from fully remembering our experiences. We could also trick ourselves into eating less junk food by recalling the experience of a previous snack. As for kids easily bored, just tell them to forget about it—it might help them have more fun.A study shows if a person has a good short-term memory he is likely to feel bored quickly. Assuming memories of past experience may influence the different rates at which some people feel fed up, two researchers conducted a test, relating students’ memory capacity to their performance, and got the result. The findings may apply to marketing, self-controlling and educating.【2018-青浦区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Ban the Bag!Standing in line at the grocery store last week, I watched the woman in front of me buy a tube of toothpaste. As the clerk placed her purchase in a plastic bag, I couldn’t help wondering how long it would take for that bag to end up in the trash.Then I noticed the big purse the woman was carrying and wondered why she had needed a plastic bag at all.People have come to rely on plastic bags as everything from shopping bags for groceries to trash-can bags. Although plastic bags can be recycled, only about one percent of those used in the United States are. Instead, after helping people transport items from one place to another, most are thrown away. They end up in landfills, where it can take a plastic bag up to a thousand years to decay. Some bags end up elsewhere in the environment, sticking to trees and fences, blocking rivers and oceans, or floating along city sidewalks.Plastic bags harm the environment in several ways. First, they break down into particles that pollute our soil and water. Because most plastic bags are made of polyethylene, a product derived from crude oil (原油) or natural gas, they waste nonrenewable resources. Plastic bags can also harm animals. Scientists estimate that more than one million sea animals, including whales, seabirds, and turtles, die each year from intaking or becoming stranded in plastic.People all over the world are starting to recognize the problems associated with plastic bags.Countries such as China, South Africa, Switzerland, and Uganda are taking action and banning the bags. Other nations, including Italy and Ireland, have been trying to restrict the use of plastic bags by taxing them. In the United States more and more communities are ridding themselves of plastic bags. Now more and more people are also purchasing inexpensive, reusable bags and using them when they shop.If we all take this simple step, we can be a part of a “green” revolution.Plastic bags are widely applied in day-to-day deals, but very few of them are properly recycled, harming the environment greatly. They could pollute or waste resources and cause harm to animals. Thankfully, many countries have become aware of the seriousness, limiting or banning the use of them. More individuals are joining in the campaign for an environmentally-friendly。
2018 高中高考英语全国卷 2 阅读理解 完形填空 文章翻译.ppt

number of activities from canoeing to wild
camping on Dartmoor. Learn rock climbing and
work as a team, and enjoy the great outdoor
户外冒险 让自己走出你的舒适空间,发现新的个人品 Mr.
利的一家经核准的青年旅馆过夜,有导游的 陪同的牛津地区电影拍摄地游览,在牛津的 基督城郊外野餐,然后返回Exeter前,在 CeWelw上划船穿过大学公园。
Member of
staff 职员
Miss Drake
Miss Drake
21. Which activity will you choose if you
Activity 活动
Description 描述
Ps Studio, shop stop to buy
Potter(POT) picnic, stay overnight in an approved Youth
Hostel in Streatley-on -Thames, guided tour of
decorations...Learn skills and leave with modern
and unusual textiles.
手工达人 四天以纺织品为中心的产品设计活动。用回 Mrs. Goode £30
垫子和装饰品…学习技巧并且 离开时带走摩
want to go camping?
【2018年】高三英语 上海市第二次模拟试题及参考答案

)II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.On paper alone you would never guess that I grew up poor and hungry.These years my (21)____(recent) annual salary was over $700,000.I am a Truam National Security Fellow and a term member at the Council on Foreign Relations. My publisher has just released my latest book series on quantitative finance in worldwide distribution.(22) ____of it feels like enough.I feel(23)____I am wired(极度紧张的)for a permanent salary of fight or flight,waiting for the other shoe to drop, or the metaphorical week when I don’t eat.I’ve chosen not to have children, partly because(24)____any success-I still don’t feel I have a safety net.I have a huge minimum checking account balance in mind before I would ever consider having chidren If you knew me personally,you(25)____ get glimpses of stress,self-doubt,anxiety,and depression.In my childhood,I spent a lot of my time (26)____pondering basic questions. Where will my next meal come from?Will have electricity tomorrow?I (27)____(acquaint) with the embarrassment of my mom trying to hide our food stamps at the grocery store checkout.Iremember panic setting in as early as age 8,at the prospect of a perpetual uncertainty about everything in life, from food to clothes to education.I knew that the life I was living couldn’t be normal.I just wasn’t sure(28)____it was that wrong with the tiny microcosm I was borninto.As an adult I thought I’d figured that out.I’d always thought my upbringing had made me wary and cautious, in a “lessons learned”kind of way.Over the past dacades, though,that marrative(29) ____(evolve). We’ve learned that stresses(30)____(associate)with poverty have the potential to change our biology in ways we hadn’t imagined.It can reduce the surface area of your brain,shorten your telomeres and lifespan,increase your chances of obesity,and make you more likely to take outsized risks.Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.magnetB.scheduledC.idealD.forwardE.touringF.envisionedG.architecture H.dramaticI.physical J.tentativelyK.headquartersDream Works Animation Bringing Broadway to ShanghaiDream Works Animation chief Jeffrey Katzenberg’s quest to build what he hopes will be China’s answer to New York’s Broadway has taken a big step____.Construction workers have begun work on the foundation of a 13-level tower that will be the new ____of Oriental Dream Works and linked to a large to a large,X-shaped IMAX cinema complex via a pathway____as an extended red carpet.The waterfront development is____to open in late 2017 on a choice parcel south of Shanghai’s historic Bund district.The Oriental Dream Works movie studio will have room for 500-plus animators,up from the company’s current 250 employees,and will be at the ____heart of the complex.Situated on the grounds of a shuttered cement factory, the complex will have five major live performance venues with 8,500 seats in total,including a 3.000-seat facility houses in a dome where cement was once mixed.In addition to hosting international touring productions of musicals and dramas,the Dream Center is visualized as a____for pop, rock and jazz concerts; sporting events such as mixed material arts and motorbike racing;fashion shows and awards ceremonies;and conferences,art fairs and____exhibitions.Planning is also underway for a Lego Discovery Center and an attraction____called the Kung Fu Panda Experience.The complex is designed by New York____film Kohn Pedersen Fox.Associates,which is behind the massive Hudson Yards redevelopment project on Manhattan’s West Side.The IMAX theater,meanwhile, will have eight to nine screens and presumably be the ____venue to host premiers of productions form Oriental DreamWorks----though it won’t be ready in time for the studio’s first effort,”Kung Fu Panda3”,scheduled for release in January.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.When Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin returned from the moon,their cargo included nearly fifty pounds of rock and soil,which were packed in an aluminum box with seals designed to maintain the ____surface’s low-pressure environment.But back at Johnson Spance Center,in Houston,scientists discovered that the seals had been____—by moon dust.Lunar dust is fine,like a powder,____it cuts like glass.It’s formed when meteoroids crash on the moon’s surface,heating rocks and dirt____them to fine particles.Since there’s no wind or water to smooth____edges,the tiny grains are sharp and sharp and jagged,and cling to nearly everything.“The invasive____of lunar dust represents a more challenging engineering design issue,as well as a____issure for settlers,than does radiation,”wrote Harrison(Jack) Schmitt,an Apollo 17 astronaut,in his 2006 book,”Return to the Moon.” The dust sullied spacesuits and ate away layers of moon boots.Over the____of six Apollo missions, not one rock box ____its vacuum seal. Dust followed the astronauts back into their ships,too.According to Schmit,it smelled like gunpowder,where particles are bound to the moon by gravity,but are so sparse that they____collide.In the nineteen-sixties,Surveyor probes filmed a glowing cloud floating just above the lunar surface during ter,Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan,while orbiting the moon,recorded a ____phenomenon at the sharp line wherelunar day meets night,called the terminator.Cernan____a series of pictures illustrating the changing dustscape;streams of particles popped____the ground and levitatel,and the resulting cloud came into sharper focus as the astronauts’ orbiter approached daylight. ____there’s no wind to form and sustain the clouds,their origin is something of a mystery.It’s presumed that they’re made of dust,but no one fully understands how or why they do their thing.41. A.solar B.narC.dustyD.mysterious42. A.destroyed B.stainedC.changedD.redesigned43. A.because B.howeverC.butD.so44. A.adapting B.reducingC.tailoringD.shaping45. A.soft B.hardC.roughD.flat46. A.nature B.speedC.degreeD.troops47. A.intelligence B.healthC.fundD.future48. A.moment B.situationC.courseD.program49. A.installed B.lostC.foundD.maintained50. A.coats B.affectsC.protectsD.crusts51. A.frequently B.violentlyC.gentlyD.rarely52. A.strange B.similarmonD.different53. A.sketched B.describedC.receivedD.copied54. A.out B.inC.offD.down55. A.Although B.WhereverC.UnlessD.SinceSection CDirections: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A.Thewriter’s festival is more than an event celebrating authors,it also celebratesthe power of literature and the power of you,the reader.B.Storieshave been around since time began.C.But heargued sexual pleasure is too fleeting and betrayal too common,and while friendship was better italways ended with death.D.A 2013study found reading literary fiction can help you become more empathetic.E.It isno coincidence that Apollo was the god of medicine as well as poetry.F.They remind us of the university and timelessness ofemotions,helping us better understand our own.The understanding that literature can comfort,console and heal has been around since the second millennium Bc,____.As a bibliotherapist,I’m internsted in the therapeutic value stories have to offer us,particularly during times of stress.Here the intent around reading is different;the value of the story lies solely in our emotional response to it.One of the greatest arguments for using literature as therapy was posited by the Renaissance essayist Michel de Montaigne,who believed there were three possible cures for loneliness:have a lover,have friends and readbooks.____.Therefore,the only therapy that could endure through life was the companionship of literature.Why were the ancient Greeks and Romans right to suppose literature heals the soul?Why did Montaigne trust we could endure loneliness through a lifelong relationship with books?Why,despites all the distractions of modern life,do booksstill get published and writers’festival events get sold out?The answer lies in the power of stories.____.They tell us what it is to be human,give us a context for the past and aninsight towards the future.A narrator’s voice replaces our stressed,internal monologue and takes us out of our life and into the world of a story.Paradoxically,we think we are escaping ourselver but the best stories take us back deeper into our interior worlds.Freud,who believed the “reading cure” came before the “talding cure”,once wrote that wherever he want he discovered a poet had been there before.It is difficult to access emotional language and this is why we have writes,____What stories have shaped you?It’s a question reflecting on,as this shaping is often subconscious.The act of making it conscious will allow your future reading to perhaps have a different intent;you will be “reading” your life from now on,allowing you to live it more fully and better understand it.IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Learn from mistakesThe best way to learn something is to make mistakes first.Thomas Edison.who invented the light bulb,told his colleagues:”Of the 200 light bulbs that didn’t work,every failure told me something I was able to incorporate into the next attempt.” Benjamin Franklin, the US statesman and statesman and scientist once said:”I haven’t failed.I have had 10,000 ideas that didn’t work.”Both these people understood that failures and false starts are the condition of success.In fact, a surprising number of everyday bojects had their beginnings in a mistake or a misunderstanding.Post0-it-notes,packets of crisps and even bread are all unexpected inventions.In 2600 BC, a tired Egyptian slave invented bread when the dough rose during his sleep.And crisps were first cooked by a chief in the USA when a customer complained that his fried potatoes were not thin enough.In 1958 Spencer Silver was trying to develop a strong adhesive when he accidentally invented a very weak glue instead.His colleague,Art Fry,decided to use it six years later,in 1974,to hold his bookmarks in his books and the post-it note was invented.Successful businesspeople have often made big,expensive mistakes in their past.When an employee of IBM made a mistake that cost the company $600,000,Thomos Watson,the chairman,was asked if he would fire the man.”Of course not,”he replied.”I have just spent $600,000 training him.I am not going to let another company benefit from experience.”The important thing to remember is that you need to learn fromr your mistakes.If you don’t,then there is no sense in making them.”I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72.你怎么能指望在合作的过程中依靠一个言而无信的人?(expect)73.只有在自然灾害发生的时候,人们才会真正了解到大自然的威力。

【2018-宝山区-二模】IV. Summary Writing71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) ofthe passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Screen-addicted teens are unhappyA new study explored the link between adolescent life satisfaction and screen time.Researchers found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices -- playing computergames, using social media, texting and video chatting -- were less happy than those who investedmore time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, andface-to-face social interaction.Total screen avoidance doesn't lead to happiness either. The greater unhappiness among thosewith no screen exposure could be due to several factors, Twenge, the leading researcher said. “could be that they are left out of the social scene of high school, that it’s very difficult to friendships in high school these days without texting at all or being on soc ial media.” It is alsopossible that those kids are outliers, Twenge said —teens with special needs or in specialeducation, or those whose screens have been taken away from them by parents.The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use. The happiest teens used digitalmedia a little less than an hour per day. But after a daily hour of screen time, unhappiness risessteadily along with increasing screen time, the researchers report in the journal Emotion."Make effort to spend no more than two hours a day on digital media, and try to increase theamount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face and exercising -- two activities reliablylinked to greater happiness." Twenge said."By far the largest change in teens' lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount oftime they spent on digital media, and the following decline in in-person social activities andsleep," the leading researcher said. "The arrival of the smartphone is the most reasonableexplanation for the sudden decrease in teens' psychological well-being."Researchers found Teens who spent less time in front of screens and more time in non-screenactivities were happier. But totally avoiding/breaking away from screens can be unpleasant.Limited use of digital media along with non-screen activities works better. The arrival ofsmartphones brings about teens’ negative psychological effects.【2018-崇明区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of thepassage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Do Smartphones Make Us Smarter?Should teachers allow cellphones in a classroom? A recent study on the way smartphonesdisturb learning might help explain the issue. Researchers published findings showing howstudents were affected by their phones in the classroom. They explored the differences in studentperformance in four situations: open phone use allowed, phones allowed in the classroom butcould not be used, no phones in the classroom and a no-instruction control group. After watchinga 20-minute video, students took a short quiz. The result was that the students in a room withoutany cellphones performed significantly better on the test. Scientists believe the way we attachourselves to our phones could be the problem.Smartphones have become so strongly established in society that many people are lostwithout them. We are now in an age when many people can’t imagine life without a phone. There is even a name for the anxiety caused by not having one—nomophobia, which is the powerfulfeeling people get when they don’t have signal, their battery is about to die, or they are separated from their phones. Their fear of missing out on important information or connections can have acontrolling effect on their lives and can divide their attention from other important things likelearning.So does information technology help or block the way we think? In the past, people relied heavily on specific knowledge and knew who in their circle of friends would be most likely toknow things in different subjects. Now, our friend with all the information is the Internet. Indications are that people don’t remember information as well if they know they can use a computer or phone to recall it quickly. So it may be more difficult to move information from the Internet into our long-term memory.all bad. Reports show that But the impact of being exposed to so much information isn’tfrequent Internet use can strengthen fast-paced problem solving and can speed up the ability to spot patterns in a lot of data.Researchers recently found smartphones influenced learning. For one thing, smartphones have become an essential part of life, without which people feel at a loss, thus distracting their attention from learning. For another, people rely so heavily on smartphones that their long-term memory can be affected. However, having access to a large amount of information also benefits people in some aspects. (60 words)【2018-奉贤区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The sharing economy has grown in recent years to include everything from apartment sharing to car sharing to community tool sharing.Since 2009, a new form of the sharing economy has been emerging in neighbourhoods throughout the US and around the world –Little Free Libraries. The libraries are boxes put in neighbourhoods from which local people can take out and put in books. Little Free Libraries comein all shapes and sizes. Some libraries also have themes, focusing on books for children, adults or tour guides.In 2009, Tod Bol built the first Little Free Library in the Mississippi River town of Hudson,Wisconsin, to honour his mother, who loved reading. When he saw the people of his communitygathering around it, exchanging conversation as well as books, he knew he wanted to take hissimple idea further.Since then, his idea has become a movement, spreading from state to state and country tocountry. According to , there are now 18,000 of the little boxes around theworld, found in each of the 50 US states and 70 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.The Internet has helped to spread Little Free Libraries. But an Atlantic article said that theyare something different in a world of e-reader downloads. The little wooden boxes arerefreshingly physical and human. When you open the door of the box, chance and yourneighbours’ tastes determine what you’ll find. You might find a graphic novel, a cookbook or atour guidebook.main appeal. “A g irl For many people, this sense of discovery is Little Free Libraries’ walking home from school might pick up a graphic novel that gets her excited about reading; aman on his way to the bus stop might find a book of poetry that changes his view on life,”The Atlantic article. “Every book is a potential source of inspiration.”71.Little Free Libraries, composed of all sizes of boxeswith various themes, have sprung up inneighborhoods across the world. Tod Bol established the first one to honor his mother fond ofreading. After that, the idea spread internationally online. Different from e-reader downloads,books inside the wooden boxes can make readers excited or change their views etc. by inspiringthem.【虹口区-高三英语-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of thepassage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.71. Clearly if we are to participate in the society in which we live, we must communicate withother people. A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person basis by thesimple means of speech. If we travel in buses, buy things in shops, or eat in restaurants, we are。
2018全国二卷英语真题翻译 答案

ASummer ActivitiesStudents should read the list with their parents/carers and select two activities they would like to do. Forms will be available in school and online for them to indicate their choices and return to school. Before choices are finalised parents/carers will be asked to sign to confirm their child’s choices.21. Which activity will you choose if you want to go camping?A. OUT.B. WBP.C. CRF.D. POT.22. What will the students do on Tuesday with Mrs. Wilson?A. Travel to London.B. See a parade and fireworks.C. Tour central Paris.D. Visit the WWI battlefields.23. How long does Potty about Potter last?A. Two days.B. Four days.C. Five days.D. One week.一个夏季活动学生应与家长/护理人员一起阅读清单,并选择两项他们想做的活动。

长宁1. 看,十年前种的那棵树现在长得多高了呀!(how)2. 你看上去很疲惫,为什么不回家好好睡一觉呢?(tired)3. 普遍认为在公共场合大声说话是粗鲁的,应该避免。
(It)4. 二十一世纪以来,许多发达国家采取措施尽可能地吸引中国游客以拉动经济增长。
(promote)5. 只有设定明确的人生目标并为之不遗余力地奋斗,才能实现你成为有用之才的梦想。
(Only)1. Look, how tall the tree (that was) planted ten years ago is now!2. You look very tired, and/ so why don’t you/ not go home and have a good sleep?3. It is generally thought/ considered/ believed that talking loudly in public (places) is rude and should be avoided.4. Many developed countries have been taking measures/ steps/ action to attract as many Chinese tourists as possible to promote economic growth since the 21st century.5. Only by setting clear goals/ aims in life and sparing no effort/ making everyeffort to work on it/ and working on it with all efforts can you realize your dream of being a useful person/ make your dream of being a useful person come true.奉贤1. 18岁意味着你要对自己的言行负责了。

【2018-宝山区-二模】IV. Summary Writing71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Screen-addicted teens are unhappyA new study explored the link between adolescent life satisfaction and screen time. Researchers found that teens who spent more time in front of screen devices -- playing computer games, using social media, texting and video chatting -- were less happy than those who invested more time in non-screen activities like sports, reading newspapers and magazines, and face-to-face social interaction.Total screen avoidance doesn't lead to happiness either. The greater unhappiness among those with no screen exposure could be due to several factors, Twenge, the leading researcher said. “It could be that they are left out of the social scene of high school, that it’s very difficult to carry on friendships in high school these days without texting at all or being on soc ial media.” It is also possible that those kids are outliers, Twenge said —teens with special needs or in special education, or those whose screens have been taken away from them by parents.The key to digital media use and happiness is limited use. The happiest teens used digital media a little less than an hour per day. But after a daily hour of screen time, unhappiness rises steadily along with increasing screen time, the researchers report in the journal Emotion."Make effort to spend no more than two hours a day on digital media, and try to increase the amount of time you spend seeing friends face-to-face and exercising -- two activities reliably linked to greater happiness." Twenge said."By far the largest change in teens' lives between 2012 and 2016 was the increase in the amount of time they spent on digital media, and the following decline in in-person social activities and sleep," the leading researcher said. "The arrival of the smartphone is the most reasonable explanation for the sudden decrease in teens' psychological well-being."Researchers found Teens who spent less time in front of screens and more time in non-screen activities were happier. But totally avoiding/breaking away from screens can be unpleasant. Limited use of digital media along with non-screen activities works better. The arrival of smartphones brings about teens’ negative psychological effects.【2018-崇明区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Do Smartphones Make Us Smarter?Should teachers allow cellphones in a classroom? A recent study on the way smartphones disturb learning might help explain the issue. Researchers published findings showing how students were affected by their phones in the classroom. They explored the differences in student performance in four situations: open phone use allowed, phones allowed in the classroom but could not be used, no phones in the classroom and a no-instruction control group. After watching a 20-minute video, students took a short quiz. The result was that the students in a room without any cellphones performed significantly better on the test. Scientists believe the way we attach ourselves to our phones could be the problem.Smartphones have become so strongly established in society that many people are lost without them. We are now in an age when many people can’t imagine life without a phone. There is even a name for the anxiety caused by not having one—nomophobia, which is the powerful feeling people get when they don’t have signal, their battery is about to die, or they are separated from their phones. Their fear of missing out on important information or connections can have a controlling effect on their lives and can divide their attention from other important things like learning.So does information technology help or block the way we think? In the past, people relied heavily on specific knowledge and knew who in their circle of friends would be most likely to know things in different subjects. Now, our friend with all the information is the Internet. Indications are that people don’t remember information as well if they know they can use a computer or phone to recall it quickly. So it may be more difficult to move information from the Internet into our long-term memory.But the impact of being exposed to so much information isn’t all bad. Reports show that frequent Internet use can strengthen fast-paced problem solving and can speed up the ability to spot patterns in a lot of data.Researchers recently found smartphones influenced learning. For one thing, smartphones have become an essential part of life, without which people feel at a loss, thus distracting their attention from learning. For another, people rely so heavily on smartphones that their long-term memory can be affected. However, having access to a large amount of information also benefits people in some aspects. (60 words)【2018-奉贤区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The sharing economy has grown in recent years to include everything from apartment sharing to car sharing to community tool sharing.Since 2009, a new form of the sharing economy has been emerging in neighbourhoods throughout the US and around the world –Little Free Libraries. The libraries are boxes put in neighbourhoods from which local people can take out and put in books. Little Free Libraries come in all shapes and sizes. Some libraries also have themes, focusing on books for children, adults or tour guides.In 2009, Tod Bol built the first Little Free Library in the Mississippi River town of Hudson,Wisconsin, to honour his mother, who loved reading. When he saw the people of his community gathering around it, exchanging conversation as well as books, he knew he wanted to take his simple idea further.Since then, his idea has become a movement, spreading from state to state and country to country. According to , there are now 18,000 of the little boxes around the world, found in each of the 50 US states and 70 countries in Europe, Africa and Asia.The Internet has helped to spread Little Free Libraries. But an Atlantic article said that they are something different in a world of e-reader downloads. The little wooden boxes are refreshingly physical and human. When you open the door of the box, chance and your neighbours’ tastes determine what you’ll find. You might find a graphic novel, a cookbook or a tour guidebook.For many people, this sense of discovery is Little Free Libraries’ main appeal. “A girl walking home from school might pick up a graphic novel that gets her excited about reading; a man on his way to the bus stop might find a book of poetry that changes his view on life,” said The Atlantic article. “Every book is a potential source of inspiration.”71.Little Free Libraries, composed of all sizes of boxeswith various themes, have sprung up in neighborhoods across the world. Tod Bol established the first one to honor his mother fond of reading. After that, the idea spread internationally online. Different from e-reader downloads, books inside the wooden boxes can make readers excited or change their views etc. by inspiring them.【虹口区-高三英语-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.71. Clearly if we are to participate in the society in which we live, we must communicate with other people. A great deal of communicating is performed on a person-to-person basis by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses, buy things in shops, or eat in restaurants, we arelikely to have conversations where we give information or opinions, receive news or comment and very likely have our views challenged by other members of society.Face-to face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of current society. Two things, above others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry. Firstly, inventiveness has led to advances in printing, telecommunications, photography, radio and television. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the transmission and reception of communications so that local news often takes a back seat to national news, which itself is often almost eclipsed (失去优势) by international news.No longer is the possession of information restricted to a wealthy minority. In the last century the wealthy man with his own library was indeed fortunate, but today there are public libraries. Forty years ago, people used to go to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a program that is being channeled into millions of homes.Communication is no longer merely concerned with the transmission of information. The modern communication influences the way people live in society and broadens their horizons by allowing access to information, education and entertainment. The printing, broadcasting and advertising industries are all involved with informing, educating and entertaining.The passage talks about some changes of communication. First, the art of mass communicationcommunication. Second, the possession of information belongs to the masses, not wealthy minority only. Third, modern communication is crucial to people’s lifestyle and broadens people’s horizons. (59ws)【2018-黄浦区-高三二模】IV.Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The Dangerous Downsides of PerfectionismIn one of my earliest memories, I’m drawing. I don’t remember what the picture is supposed to be, but I remember the mistake. My marker slips, an unintentional line appears and my lip trembles. The picture has long since disappeared. But that feeling of deep frustration, even shame, stays with me.That’s the thing about perfectionism, a crucially self-defeating way to move through the world. It makes you better at your career and relationships and life in general. Culturally, we often see perfectionism as a positive.But the disadvantage of perfectionism isn’t just that it holds you back from being your most successful, productive-self. Perfectionistic tendencies have been linked to a long list of clinical issues: depression, social anxiety disorder, eating disorders, and most damaging of all, suicide (自杀).“Based upon the 60-odd studies that w e’ve done, the higher the perfectionism is, the more psychological disorders you’re going to suffer,” says York St John University’s Hill. “Factors often labeled ‘healthy’ perfectionism, like striving for excellence, aren’t actually perfectionism at all. They’re just conscientiousness (尽职尽责)—which explains why people with those tendencies often have different results in studi es. Perfectionism isn’t interpreted by working hard or setting high goals. It’s that critical inner voice.”Take the student who works hard and gets a poor mark. If she tells herself, “I’m disappointed, but it’s okay; I’m still a good person overall,” that’s healthy. If the message is, “I’m a failure. I’m not good enough,” that’s perfectionism.Perfectionists can make smooth sailing into a storm, a brief ill wind into a category-five hurricane.Eventually, the behaviours perfectionists adapt, actually, do make them more likely to fail.Many of us believe perfectionism is a positive. But researchers are finding that it is nothing short of dangerous, leading to a long list of health problems and failure in study or life. Besides, perfectionism is different from conscientiousness in that the former is connected with being particular about oneself.(50 words)【2018-嘉定区-高三二模】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.The Conflict of the OrdersThe types of people who served as officials in the Roman government changed over time. These changes stemmed from the attempts of common people to more rights. The struggles became known as the Conflict of the Orders.In the early republic, Romans were divided into two classes of people: patricians and plebeians. Patricians were powerful landowners who controlled the government. As nobles, they inherited their power. Plebeians, who made up most of the population, were mainly farmers and workers. For many years, plebeians had few rights. They could vote, but they were barred from holding most public offices. Plebeians could not even know Roman laws because laws were not written down. In court, a judge stated and applied the law, but only patricians served as judges.Over time, plebeians increased their power through demand and strikes. They gained the right to join the army, hold government office, form their own assembly, and elect leaders. In one of their greatest victories, they forced the government to write down the laws of the Roman Republic. In about 450,B.C. the Romans engraved their laws on tablets called the Twelve Tables. The laws were placed in the Forum, the chief public square, for all to view.The first plebeians were appointed to the government in the late 400s B.C. After 342 B.C., a plebeian always held one of the consul positions. By about 300 B.C. many plebeians had become so powerful and wealthy themselves that they joined with patricians to form the Roman nobility. From that time on, the distinction between patricians and plebeians was not as important. Membership in the nobility was still very important, however, since government officials were not paid a salary, only wealthy nobles could afford to hold office. Thus, the nobles still controlled the republic.Romans was made up of two classes: patricians and plebeians. Patricians, the nobles, inherited power and controlled the government while plebeians, the common people, who used to have few rights, gradually gained various rights through struggles. From 300 B.C., the distinction between them was less obvious as many plebeians became nobles, and Rome was still controlled by nobles.【2018-金山区-高三二模】Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.As technology grows, many university instructors are finding ways to guide online learning platforms into their classrooms. Programs such as Blackboard, WebCT and Moodle allow teachers to post reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, lecture notes and quizzes for students to complete outside of class. While posting lessons online can be friendly to students' communication styles and easily accessible, they also cause disadvantages.One disadvantage is that it may encourage students to depend on technology in the classroom. Instead of physical textbooks, many now bring cellphones to access materials during class discussions. While electronic devices can be valuable learning tools, they also can lead to distractions from learning, such as social networking and online games. It is extremely difficult for students being exposed to multiple electronic tasks to focus or remember key information.A second disadvantage is that online lessons open up potential for cheating. Many instructors require students to complete quizzes, post within discussion groups or submit major assignments online. As a result, there are some students having someone else complete their assignments. A contributing factor is that online assignments are best suitable for those self-motivated, self-directed students. Students who struggle with organization and completing assignments may find it easy to cheat online.In spite of these disadvantages, educators can take steps to make sure students use online lessons responsibly. If instructors are uncomfortable with electronic devices in the classroom, they can require students to print out assignments and readings to reference during sessions. To prevent cheating, teachers can use online assignments as a supplement to traditional in-class work, or create open-ended assignments rather than using assignments like multiple-choice quizzes that have only one right answer. Being familiar with what the platform looks like from a student perspective also can help instructors avoid potential pitfalls.Introducing online learning platform to university classrooms has two disadvantages: stu dents’ dependence on technology in the classroom and possibility for cheating. However, educators can find solutions to the problems. Furthermore, students can be asked to take paper files in class and be given supplementary online homework or open-ended a ssignment. Teachers’ familiarity with the platform is helpful. (56words)【2018-静安区-二模】Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.African elephants are in trouble. Their numbers have fallen violently from as many as ten million a hundred years ago to as few as 400,000 today. Losses are largely from poaching(偷猎)for the illegal ivory trade, and also because of the smaller living space for elephants, as people open up land for farming and development.Killing some elephants to help save the species is one suggested strategy for preserving them. Here’s the thinking:Invite rich hunters to pay generous fees to shoot specified numbers of elephants, and use that money as sources for various conservations.Some people claim that trophy hunting can provide generous financial support for people to conserve and restore wild elephant numbers, protect wildlife from poaching, and to help give local communities a boost in economy. Doing that, the theory goes, poor villagers won’t need to poach elephants to feed their families.To look into the new business closely, the trophy hunting industry does not provide significant benefits to the communities where it occurs. Across Africa, there are only about 15,000 hunting-related jobs created by the business—a tiny number, especially considering that the six main game-hunting countries alone have a population of nearly 150 million.Besides that, it is true the total income from trophy hunting is substantial. Take an unnamed area for example, the total income to wild conservancies from trophy hunting, amounted to $165,000. Six years later, this is expected to increase almost tenfold to $1,330,000. Yet after various kinds of processing fees and expenses are reduced, the local communities make an average of only ten cents a hectare (25 cents an acre) from trophy hunting. The return is so small that it justly explains locals’ lack of interest in preserving hunting areas and their continued poaching.African elephants are endangered with greatly reduced numbers due to unlawful poaching and shrinking habitat. Trophy hunting, legal elephant shooting for conservation fund, is considered a solution. According to some, it helps maintain elephant population and benefits local economy. However, it turns out the business employs few people and hunt fee trickling down to local villagers and communities is minimal.【2018-闵行松江区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Quiet Virtue: The ConscientiousThe everyday signs of conscientiousness (认真尽责)—being punctual, careful in doing work, self-disciplined, and scrupulous (一丝不苟的) in attending to responsibilities—are typical characteristics of the model organizational citizen, the people who keep things running as they should. They follow the rules, help out, and are concerned about the people they work with. It’s the conscientious worker who helps newcomers or updates people who return after an absence, who gets to work on time and never abuses sick leaves, who always gets things done on deadline.Conscientiousness is a key to success in any field. In studies of job performance, outstanding effectiveness for almost all jobs, from semi-skilled labor to sales and management, depends on conscientiousness. Among sales representatives for a large American car manufacturer, those who were most conscientious had the largest volume of sales.Conscientiousness also offers a buffer (缓冲) against the threat of job loss in today’s constantly changing market, because employees with this quality are among the most valued. For the sales representatives, their level of conscientiousness mattered almost as much as their sales in determining who stayed on.But conscientiousness in the absence of social skills can lead to problems. Since conscientious people demand so much of themselves, they can hold other people to their own standards, and so be overly judgmental when others don’t show the same high levels of model behavior. Factory workers who were extremely conscientious, for example, tended to criticize co-workers even about failures that seemed unimportant to those they criticized, which damaged their relationships.When conscientiousness takes the form of living up to expectations, it can discourage creativity. Success in creative professions like art or advertising calls for a balance between wild ideas and conscientiousness. Without enough conscientiousness to follow through, people become mere dreamers, with nothing to show for their imaginativeness.Conscientiousness is the feature of model organizational employees and keeps the company functioning successfully.Conscientiousness has both advantages and disadvantages.With conscientiousness, employees give outstanding performance, so they are less likely to be jobless.Meanwhile, conscientious people without social skills tend to have tense relationships with their fellow workers and conscientiousness can also damage creativity.【2018-浦东区-高三二模】Ⅳ. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Every time there is a mass shooting, the debate surrounding guns tends to flare up in America. The abuse of guns has been a seriou s problem in the US all along, but why doesn’t the US government just dismiss owning guns privately?The right to own a gun and defend oneself is central to American society. As early as the 1600s, when the first Europeans set foot on the continent of North America, they had to face a lot of dangers. They could only rely on themselves. Therefore, guns played a significant role in self-defense. Guns were also important in America’s Independent War and the Civil War.Secondly, the American founding fathers believed that gun ownership was necessary for a truly free country. If the government distrusts the people and disarms them, then that government no longer represents the people. The Second Amendment to the US Constitution specifies that the American people cannot be deprived of the“right to keep and bear arms.”So the sale and purchase of firearms are legal in the United States according to law.The importance of guns is also derived from the role of hunting in American culture. In the nation’s early years, h unting was essential for food and shelter. Today, guns are a vital part of hunting, which remains very popular as both a sport and a way of life in many parts of the country. People spend time with friends, sharing the pleasure that the sport brings.For those reasons, when critics say guns mean violence, they miss a large part of the picture, and they misrepresent the complex nature of America’s diverse gun culture. Most people who own guns privately, are actually part of the gun culture. They have rational and thoughtful reasons to own and use guns.The US government doesn’t ban guns for the following reasons. Firstly, guns serve as a means of self-defense. Besides, the possession of a gun is a symbol of freedom. Finally, guns are important because hunting is still popular in people’s life as a sport. Despite the disputes,Americans are entitled to the use of guns.【2018-普陀区-二模】IV. Summary Writing 10%Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Better Memory Causes BoredomA new study shows that the better your short-term memory, the faster you feel fed up and decide you’ve had enough. The findings appear in the Journal of Consumer Res earch.Noelle Nelson, assistant professor of marketing and consumer behavior at the University of Kansas School of Business. She and her colleague Joseph Redden at the University of Minnesota tried to think outside the lunch box. “Something that was intere sting to me is that some people get tired of things at very different rates. When you think about pop songs on the radio, some people must still be enjoying them and requesting them even after hearing them a lot. But a lot of other people are really sick o f those same songs.” The difference, the researchers supposed, might have to do with memories of past consumption.The researchers tested the memory capacity of undergraduates. The students then viewed a repeating series of three classic paintings…like The Starry Night, American Gothic, and The Scream…or listened and re-listened to a series of three pop songs…or three pieces of classical music. Throughout the test, the participants were asked to rate their experience on a scale of zero to ten. And the better a participant scored in the memory test, the faster they got bored.“We found that people with larger capacities remembered more about the music or art, which led to them getting tired of the music or art more quickly. So remembering more details actually made the participants feel like they’d experienced the music or art more often.” The findings suggest that marketers could cope with our desire for their products by figuring out ways to distract us and keep us from fully remembering our experiences. We could also trick ourselves into eating less junk food by recalling the experience of a previous snack. As for kids easily bored, just tell them to forget about it—it might help them have more fun.A study shows if a person has a good short-term memory he is likely to feel bored quickly. Assuming memories of past experience may influence the different rates at which some people feel fed up, two researchers conducted a test, relating students’ memory capacity to their performance, and got the result. The findings may apply to marketing, self-controlling and educating.【2018-青浦区-二模】IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Ban the Bag!Standing in line at the grocery store last week, I watched the woman in front of me buy a tube of toothpaste. As the clerk placed her purchase in a plastic bag, I couldn’t help wondering how long it would take for that bag to end up in the trash.Then I noticed the big purse the woman was carrying and wondered why she had needed a plastic bag at all.People have come to rely on plastic bags as everything from shopping bags for groceries to trash-can bags. Although plastic bags can be recycled, only about one percent of those used in the United States are. Instead, after helping people transport items from one place to another, most are thrown away. They end up in landfills, where it can take a plastic bag up to a thousand years to decay. Some bags end up elsewhere in the environment, sticking to trees and fences, blocking rivers and oceans, or floating along city sidewalks.Plastic bags harm the environment in several ways. First, they break down into particles that pollute our soil and water. Because most plastic bags are made of polyethylene, a product derived from crude oil (原油) or natural gas, they waste nonrenewable resources. Plastic bags can also harm animals. Scientists estimate that more than one million sea animals, including whales, seabirds, and turtles, die each year from intaking or becoming stranded in plastic.People all over the world are starting to recognize the problems associated with plastic bags.Countries such as China, South Africa, Switzerland, and Uganda are taking action and banning the bags. Other nations, including Italy and Ireland, have been trying to restrict the use of plastic bags by taxing them. In the United States more and more communities are ridding themselves of plastic bags. Now more and more people are also purchasing inexpensive, reusable bags and using them when they shop.If we all take this simple step, we can be a part of a “green” revolution.Plastic bags are widely applied in day-to-day deals, but very few of them are properly recycled, harming the environment greatly. They could pollute or waste resources and cause harm to animals. Thankfully, many countries have become aware of the seriousness, limiting or banning the use of them. More individuals are joining in the campaign for an environmentally-friendly。

2018届高三英语二模汇编——翻译1、2018黄浦二模Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 他一直提醒自己不要对他人太苛刻。
(hard)73. 正如歌中所唱,没有人可以随随便便成功。
(reason)74. 在业余时间,汤姆通过替在外出差的人遛狗来赚取零用钱。
(spend)75. 这家以牛排为特色的饭店很受欢迎,你至少要提前两周定座。
(feature)答案:72. He keeps reminding himself not to be (too) hard on others.73. Just as the song goes: no one will succeed without a reason.74. Tom spends his spare time walking dogs for those on business trips to earn pocket money.75. The restaurant, which features steaks, is so popular that you have to reserve a table/ seat at least two weeks in advance.2、2018普陀二模72.比起节食,我宁愿多做运动来减肥。
(happiness)答案:72. I prefer to do more sports rather than go on a diet to lose weight./I prefer doing more sports to going on a diet to lose weight.73. His lack of cooperation consciousness/ awareness accounted for/ resulted in/ brought about/ caused / contributed to his failure in the election last month.That he lacked cooperation consciousness was the reason why he lost the election last month.74. If problems arise during the experiment, communicate with the laboratory assistants in time, please.75. What we saw and what we heard/ What we experienced during the Spring Festival made us deeply understand/ fully aware that millions of ordinary people are the greatest and that happiness is achieved through hard work.3、2018徐汇二模1. 这次春游为同学们提供了放松的机会。

(popular)Going out for a holiday is increasingly popular.2.寒暑假期间,我们学校的各类体育设施向市民开放。
(access)All kinds of sports facilities are access to the citizens during the winter and summer holidays.3.智能手机给人们生活带来了许多便捷,但其负面影响不容小觑。
(despite)Despite much convenience brought by smart phones, we can’t ignore their negative impacts.4.我们坚信:一个更加和谐的社会将会建成,人民安居乐业,物质和精神方面都将得到满足。
(where)We firmly believe that a more harmonious society will be built, where people will live and work in peace and contentment, both material and spiritual aspects will be satisfied.1. 这次春游为同学们提供了放松的机会。
(provide)The Spring outing provided students with an opportunity for relaxation.2. 缩小贫富差距是政府面临的主要挑战之一。
(face)Reducing\narrowing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.3. 只有充分利用有限的时间, 才能适应快节奏的现代生活。

(optimisticI am optimistic about the result of the game /match.)(73. 许多人把迟到看作是一个小问题,其实不然。
thinkMany people think of being late as a small problem, but in fact it's not./it can haveserious consequences.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的困惑,使开车打电话成为可能。
(…it…)74.Driverless technology solves people's puzzle and makes it possible to make a phone call /talk on the phone while driving.人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力了仍一事无成,而是碌碌无为却以平凡可贵安慰自己。
75.(...not...but...)The most horrible/terrible/ dreadful/ fearful/ frightening/frightful thing that canhappen in your life is not that you achieved/accomplished nothing even though youtried, but that you do nothing at all/give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just. ordinary崇明72. 何不利用这宜人的天气出去野餐呢?(advantage)73. 当你对情况一知半解时,不要随意发表见解。
(knowledge)74. 到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物?(it)75. 人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。
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(optimistic)I am optimistic about the result of the game /match.73. 许多人把迟到看作是一个小问题,其实不然。
(think)Many people think of being late as a small problem, but in fact it’s not./it can have serious consequences.74.无人驾驶技术解决了人们的困惑,使开车打电话成为可能。
(…it…)Driverless technology solves people's puzzle and makes it possible to make a phone call /talk on the phone while driving.75. 人生中最可怕的不是你即使努力了仍一事无成,而是碌碌无为却以平凡可贵安慰自己。
(...not...but...)The most horrible/terrible/ dreadful/ fearful/ frightening/frightful thing that can happen in your life is not that you achieved/accomplished nothing even though you tried, but that you do nothing at all/give up and tell yourself it is precious to be just ordinary.崇明72. 何不利用这宜人的天气出去野餐呢?(advantage)73. 当你对情况一知半解时,不要随意发表见解。
(knowledge)74. 到底是什么促使你放弃了这么稳定的工作,来到这个偏远地区保护野生动物?(it)75. 人工智能正以如此快的速度改变着整个世界,你很难预测未来的生活究竟会是什么样子。
(So)72. Why not take advantage of the agreeable weather and go out for a picnic? (1+1+1)73. When you have a limited/foggy knowledge of the situation, don’t express youropinions casually/randomly. (2+1)74. What was it that made you give up such a stable job and come to the remote areato protect wild animals? (1+1+1+1)75. So quickly is artificial intelligence changing the whole world that it is hardfor you to predict what life will be like in the future. (1+2+1+1)奉贤72. 与家人外出度假日益受到人们的推崇。
(popular)73. 寒暑假期间,我们学校的各类体育设施向市民开放。
(access)74. 智能手机给人们生活带来了许多便捷,但其负面影响不容小觑。
(despite)75. 我们坚信:一个更加和谐的社会将会建成,人民安居乐业,物质和精神方面都将得到满足。
(where)71. Going on a holiday with their family members is becoming more andmore/increasingly popular with people.72.The citizens have access to all kinds of sports facilities in our school during summer and winter vacations.73.Despite the great convenience smart phones have brought about to people’s life, its side effects can’t be ignored.74.We firmly believe a more harmonious society will be built, where people will live and work happily and they will be satisfied with their life physically and mentally.虹口72. 应该采取措施阻止新病毒的蔓延。
(stop)73. 在澳大利亚期间,他养成了每天和父母视频通话的习惯。
(habit)74. 与成年人相比,年轻人更容易犯错误是因为他们不够成熟,缺少经验。
(likely)75. 近年来,电子白板系统应高效灵活地运用于课堂教学的想法已被广泛接受,难道不是吗?(idea)1.Measures/ Steps/action(s) should be taken to stop new viruses (from) spreading.2.He developed/ formed/got into the habit of making video calls with his parentsduring his stay in Australia.pared with adults, young people are more likely to make mistakes for theirimmaturity and lack of experience.4.In recent years, the idea that electronic whiteboard system should be applied to classroom teaching efficiently and flexibly has been widely accepted, hasn’t it? (同位语从句可以后移;副词也可提前)黄浦72. 他一直提醒自己不要对他人太苛刻。
(hard)73. 正如歌中所唱,没有人可以随随便便成功。
(reason)74. 在业余时间,汤姆通过替在外出差的人遛狗来赚取零用钱。
(spend)75. 这家以牛排为特色的饭店很受欢迎,你至少要提前两周定座。
(feature)72. He keeps reminding himself not to be (too) hard on others.73. Just as the song goes: no one will succeed without a reason.74. Tom spends his spare time walking dogs for those on business trips to earn pocket money.75. The restaurant, which features steaks, is so popular that you have to reservea table/ seat at least two weeks in advance.嘉定72. 他在会议上提出的建议值得三思。
(worth)73. 法律和政策应该适应我们不断发展的社会需求。
(adapt)74. 绝不能任由困难打倒你,因为你永远不知道你离成功有多么近。
(account)75. 父母竭力庇护孩子免受问题的困扰,甚至代替他们做重要的决定,这将不利于孩子的健康成长。
72. The suggestion he put forward at the meeting is worth giving a second thought.73. Laws and policies should adapt to the developing needs of our society.74. On no account can you let any difficulties discourage/ beat you, for you cannever tell how close you may be to success.75. Parents try to shelter / protect their children from problems and even makeimportant decisions for them, which will do harm to / be harmful to /be bad for the growth of their children.金山72. 多参加志愿者活动,它能使你成为更好的人。
(and)73. 随着收入的提高,人们开始追求更高品质的生活方式。
(pursue)74. 自从新的地铁建成以来,人们不再骑自行车上班了。
(Rarely)75. 大多数市民在网上高度赞扬这个主意,因为它不仅有助于传播信息,而且还提高了人们保护孩子的意识。
(speak)72. Take part in more volunteer activities, and it can make you a better person.73. With improving incomes, people have begun to pursue higher-quality lifestyles.74. Rarely have people ridden their bikes to work anymore since the new underground was built.75. Most citizens speak highly of the idea online (on the Internet), because it notonly helps to spread information, but also raises people’s awareness of protecting children.静安72.听到学校篮球队赢球的消息,我们都很兴奋。