



Part A Reading aloudExercise. I know I should. But I don't particularly enjoy it, and I never seem to make much progress. So I wanted to find out whatI should be doing, how much and why. I have been meeting scientists who arechanging our view of exercise. They discovered that we all respond to exercisein very different ways. And I’ve looked at some extraordinary new research,which suggests we can get many of the health benefits of exercise from justthree minutes a week. And research is also showing us how, without breaking asweat, we can all live healthier and longer lives. (60")Part B:Role Play角色:你是Mary。


生词:candidate 候选人;opportunity 机会1.对你来说竞选中最困难的部分是什么?(What was the most difficult part inelection for you?)It was a challenging process. For me, themost difficult part was the speech that every candidate had to make to thewhole school. You know, I am not good at speaking in public. I spent a wholeweek preparing for it. It turned out to be a great success.2.为什么你想当学生会主席?(Why do you want to be the president of thestudent union?)I think it’s a great opportunity for me tolearn to be a leader. You know, if one wants to succeed in his future work,leadership is very important.What’s more, I want to make the s tudent unionand organization providing more support for the students.3. 你打算如何改进学生会的工作?(How do you plan to improve the work ofstudent union?)I am going to reorganize the departments ofthe student union because there is no clear division of work among thedepartments. Also, the student union should carry out more interestingactivities.1.When did Tom start preparing for the selection?(At the beginning of last term.)2.H ow many members were there in Tom’s team?(There were three members.)3. What was the result of Tom’s speech in the election?(It turned out to be a great success.)4. What is important for one’s future success?(Leadership. )5.Why will Tom reorganize the departments of the student union?(Because there is no clear division of work among the departments.)Part C:RetellingShoe Repairer and the Violin梗概:地震后,Tom从音乐学校辍学。



英语胜经高考英语听说考试角色扮演的备考策略■广东省惠州市惠阳高级中学实验学校刘文听说考试Part B角色扮演要求考生观看一段大约两分钟的片段(仅一遍),明确自己拟要扮演的角色以及要完成的任务。














与艺考生谈听说考试之 模仿朗读和角色扮演
(视频时长:40分钟) • 通过本课学习,你将会:1.知道考试的题型特点;
2.了解Part A & B 重难点; 3.知道如何高效记笔记。 • 为了达到目标,你需要:1.选择个目标,你能够:1.记笔记的效率更高;
学情特点: 的老犯人聊起过,说他此生最得意的事情是将一个银行家的妻子与情人杀死在床上,因为一次他去她情人家偷东西,他醒过来了,让他没偷成心里很不爽,找机会干掉他,那天正
好杀死一对在床上,听说她丈夫还是个银行家,最后还因此替他背了黑锅,终身进了监狱。天哪,这 整部片子比较压抑,可能因为是讲述在监狱里发生的事情吧,但看完后心情却久久不能平静,那样的荡气回肠,那样的震憾人心!一个年轻有为的银行家安迪,因为与妻子发生口 角气跑了妻子,而当天妻子与她的情人双双被枪杀在床上,他成为最有杀人动机的嫌疑犯,加上口吐莲花的律师,就这样,一个年轻有为的银行家被送了肖申克监狱。在监狱里发 生了许多的事情,先是被老犯人们打赌,第一晚谁会扛不住最先哭泣,最有权威的老犯人阿瑞看他白白净净,瘦瘦弱弱的样子,押了他两盒烟的赌注,第一次就让阿瑞输了赌注。
艺考生英语复习实情简析 他收入,尽量免税,并将非法所得通过一个虚拟的人进行洗钱,当然,这一切只有他一个人知道。在监狱中,他因为冒死替狱友争取到了啤酒,从而赢得了狱友们的尊重和友谊,
从那些无所不能的狱友们弄到一把铁捶和一张明星的海报。一年又一年的监狱生活,带走了 他年轻英俊的面孔,在监狱中一呆就是十九年。片中还放到老的图书保管员,在监狱中整整呆了五十年,当他被刑满出狱时,他却拿起刀子想杀人,因为他想留在监狱,他已经习 惯了在监狱里的生活,因为在那里他是那样受人尊敬,而外面是他非常陌生和恐惧的世界。在监狱里五十年的他,现在已经没有了杀人的勇气,连最后的勇气都已经磨灭了,他被 放了出去,外面有许多的汽车,他不习惯,外面没有了亲人,没有了朋友,这一切他都不习惯,最后,他选择自杀,结束掉已经获得自由的身体,连同已经被体制化了失去自由的 内心!这件事对安迪和阿瑞都是一个不小的震憾!失去身体的自由并不可怕,可怕的这样的体制,让心也没有了希望,没有了欲望,到最后就会彻底的绝望!为了打发无聊的时间 ,监狱中,安迪还带了一个学生,一个年轻人,从不识字开始,一点一点的教他,直到他完成高考所有的课程,在一次闲聊中,他告诉,说曾经在另一个监狱里,听一位火爆脾气

广东高考英语听说考试 第一部分Part A 模仿朗读 教学课件:第二部分Part B 角色扮演 教学课件6

广东高考英语听说考试 第一部分Part A 模仿朗读 教学课件:第二部分Part B 角色扮演 教学课件6

二 语言学习
现在听录音,检查你的答案。 1. Question: What language has the woman been learning for two years? French. Answer: _________________________ 2. Question: How often does the woman have class? a week. Answer: Twice _________________________
一 旅游与交通
现在听录音,检查你的答案。 3.你上次去旅行是什么时候? When was the last time you went traveling? 4.你们打算坐火车还是飞机去旅行? Do you plan to go traveling by train or by plane?
一 旅游与交通
听 力 原 文 :
二 语言学习
M: Yeah. First, how many French friends do you have? Language learning happens in real life — not just in the classroom. W: I don’t have any French friends. The only people I often speak French to are my classmates and my teacher. M: So, are you surprised that your conversation today didn’t go so well? W: I guess not. What other tips can you give me? M: Practice your vocabulary with small cards.


3) 情态动词+主语+谓语 我们应该把会议延迟到下周一吗? Should we postpone the meeting to next Monday?
4) Have/Has+主语+过去分词 你征求他的意见了吗? Have you asked him about his opinion?
2. Special Questions(特殊疑问句)
He was on a business trip to consult their customers about prices.
Computer: “Last year, our company sent me there to
consult our customers about prices.” Notes: Last Y consult custs abt prices
1)这个人是做什么的? What does the man do? What’s the man’s job?
2)这件事情是何时发生的? When/At what time did it happen/take place?
3)买这些书你花了多少钱? How much did the books cost? How much did you spend on the books?
Because he is busy with his company.
Computer: “He has some business with his company.” Notes: business with com.
Question 3:
- How is the climate in Singapore? It is warm and wet.


3. Some places on the earth don’t get much rain, but they still don't become deserts.
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演ppt课 件下载
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演ppt课 件下载
Let's have a try
1. About seventy percent of the surface of the earth is covered by the oceans.
which is used for keeping plants warm when the outside temperature is low.
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演ppt课 件下载
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演ppt课 件下载
Does she go to school by bike(↗ )or on foot(↘ )?
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演ppt课 件下载
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演ppt课 件下载
Let's have a try
1. I have to prepare for my exam tomorrow. 2. Do you want to leave or stay? 3. Is the girl in a red dress your sister? 4. There are many animals in the zoo, such as lions, tigers and pandas.
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与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演ppt课 件下载


4. Question: When did the man invite the gardener?
Answer: _Y_e_s_te_r_d_a_y_. ________________
二 家庭、朋友与周围的人
5. Question: Why is the man so happy at the end of the conversation?
Answer: _F_o_r_n_e_a_rl_y_s_e_v_e_n_y_e_a_rs_.______
2. Question: Where was the man born? Answer: _I_n_S_e_a_t_tl_e_, _W__as_h_i_n_gt_o_n_._____
一 个人情况
原 M: OK. First, I was born in Seattle, Washington.
文 :
W: You were born in the capital of the USA?! M: No. The capital is Washington, D.C., which is
very far away from Seattle. Anyway, my
W: David, I just realized something.
M: Oh? Sounds interesting. What did you realize?
听 W: We have known each other for nearly seven
力 years.
原 M: Let me see…three years of middle school and
enjoy? 5. Question: Why doesn’t the man want to ask the



2019年广东高考英语听说考试A,B,C,D及答案2019广东省高考英语听说考试(A题)Part A Reading aloudAt the heart of being human is our culture, and something that goes hand in hand with human culture is our ability to co-operate. But co-operation in the chimp world is a fragile thing. Chimps will co-operate, but only for selfish ends. Human children did something that no other ape will do. In that small act of sharing, they reveal something that really does lie at the heart of what it is to be human. It's a tiny but profound difference between us and the other apes, and it's a way of thinking that underpins our ability to co-operate and create human culture. (70'')Part B Role Play角色:你是Mary。


生词:fragrance 香味1. 谁经常参加茶文化的讲座呢?Who often took part in the lectures on Chinese tea culture?答:All the customers who bought tea from our tea house were invited. Usually around percent of our customers would attend the lectures. This is a very impressive number.2. 你们也邀请其他人吗?Did you invite other people, too?答:Yes, of course. We also invited tea shop owners in the neighborhood and anyone interested in Chinese tea culture to attend the lectures. The main topics included the history of Chinese tea, different types of tea, the correct ways of making tea, etc. The tea shop has been offering these lectures since it was founded in 2011.3. 哪个讲座给你留下的印象最深?Which lecture impressed you most?答:The lecture on the history of tea impressed me most. The lecturer was a university professor of Chinese history. He told us when Chinese began to drink tea, and how Chinese tea became famous all over the world. He pointed out that tea was an important exported product in ancient China, because it was in great demand among foreign consumers.1. Where did Tom work when he was in Hangzhou?答:He worked in a Chinese tea house.2. On what days did Tom work in the tea house?答:On Mondays, Fridays and Sundays.3. What was the percentage of customers attending the lectures?答:60 percent.4. What were the main topics of the lectures?答:The main topics included the history of Chinese tea, different types of tea, the correct ways of making tea, etc.5. Why was tea an important exported product in ancient China?答:Because it was in great demand among foreign consumers.PART C:Retelling你将听到一段独白,独白播两遍。


my swimming test M: Congratulations! I saw you swim in the pool every day.
W: I really don’t have talent for swimming. Practice is my only way to pass the test.
me 40 minutes from home to school every morning and every afternoon because of the traffic jam. (111words)
50 minutes from school to home
Question 1: What is Jane’s good news?
1. How are you getting on with your roommates?
2. Is it easy to get along with your roommates?
3. What happened recently?
Question 2: How much time does Jane spend on her way
home in the afternoon?
1. 你和你的室友相处得如何? How do you get along with your roommates?
Not very well. My roommates never clean the dormitory. They leave dirty clothes and socks everywhere. Sometimes I find someone’s dirty socks and jeans on my bed. I really can’t bear it any longer. (34 words)


Role play
Barbara Shen
以吻封笺 Sealed with a kiss tho we gonna say goodbye for the summer baby I 1__________ you this I'll 2_________you all my love everyday in a letter sealed with kiss yes it's gonna be a cold 3_______summer but I'll fill the 4__________ I'll send you all my dreams(love) everyday in a letter sealed with a kiss I'll see you in the 5____________

III. Practice Winston Churchill
Where and when was he born ? What was he ? What was he famous for ? What did he do in World War II ? What was his hobby? Why was he great in British history? When did he die ?
1.Did he see the accident when passing by ? 2.Where was the great man born ? 3.How much die you pay for it ? 4.Have you ever wirtten for a magazine ? 5.The little girl ate nothing today, did she ? 6.The travelers visited the palace, didn’t they ? 7.Which is your favorite event ?



• 8. 这种数码相机多少钱? • How much is this kind of digital camera? • 9.你为何如此热爱音乐? • Why are you so fascinated in music? • 10. 他年轻时爱好是什么? • What was his hobby when he was young?
2019届高考听说考试 考前串讲—— Part B Role Play How to ask three correct questions?
4 注意事项
2 评分标准 1考试题型
4 注意事项 3 提问技巧 2 评分标准 1 考试题型
题序 A B C 题型 模仿朗读 角色扮演 故事复述 总 计 换算成高考总分 (原始得分*0.25) 题量 1 1 1 3 赋分 20 16 24 60 15 约30 分钟 时间 约30 分钟
4 注意事项 3 提问技巧 2 评分标准 1 考试题型
• 2. Part B 评分标准: 满分16分(共8题,即三问五答),评分从
提问部分:重在考查正确使用英语的能 力,语言分大于信息分
4 注意事项 3 提问技巧 2 评分标准 1 考试题型
• 6.我们和小孩讨论一下这个问题, 好不好? (三模) • We and children discuss this problem, OK? • 中式英语,直译 • Should we talk about this with the kids? ( √ ) • Let’s talk about this with the kids, shall we (is it OK)? ( √ )



一 常见的疑问句式
3. 数字计算 How much will something cost? How long does/will/did it take to do something? How many books does somebody have? How far is a certain place away from another place? How often does/will/did somebody do something? How soon will something happen/take place?
如:情景介绍:女士和男士谈论即将来临的面试 预测:关键词
interview When will you have the interview? How will you go there? Are you prepared for /nervous about it?
题型说明 :
1.观看一段大约两分钟的无英文字幕的视频。 技巧:重点听取涉及的人物、事物、时间和行为等 有关信息,并适当做笔记。 2.看完视频之后首先根据中文提示,用英语提出三 个问题,计算机将回答考生的提问。 技巧:(1).中文翻译成英文,注意①是一般疑问 句还是特殊疑问句的提问,而且选择正确的疑问词。 ②句子的语法结构正确。 (2). 记录计算机的回答。
三 周围的环境
1. 你以前住在学校附近吗? 2. 你妈妈多久去一次杂货店? 3.学校附近有个公园,是吗? 4.昨天你在网上买了什么? 5.你知道图书馆什么时候可以借书吗? 6.从这儿到邮局怎么走,向左还是向右? 1. Did you use to live near the school? 2. How often does your mother go to the grocery store? 3. There is a park near the school, isn’t there? 4. What did you buy online yesterday? 5. Do you know when we can borrow books from the library? 6. How can I get to the post office from here, by turning left or right?



口语要求考生根据题示进行口头 表达。考生应能:
(1)询问或传递事实性信息, 表达意思和想法;
(2)做到语音、语调自然; (3)做到语言运用得体; (4)使用有效的交际策略。
A节 模仿朗读
要求考生观看一段大约一分钟 的片断,然后考生开始模仿训练: 先阅读文字稿,再对照文字稿听 录音。完成训练之后考生开始模 仿朗读:考生对照片断的字幕朗 读,要求考生的语音、语调和语 速尽可能与片断保持一致。
4.五答的答案信息与视频对话及三问与机 答的对话究竟有什么样的秘密关系?
要求考生掌握并能运用英语语 音、词汇、语法基础知识以及 所学功能意念和话题,要求词 汇量为3500个词左右。
2.语言运用 听力要求考生听懂所熟悉话题
(1)理解主旨和要义; (2)获取具体的、事实性信息; (3)对所听内容做出推断; (4)理解说话者的意图、观点和 态度。
内容:由于全球升温导致冰川加速融化,很可能会消失。 长度:视频文字长度为103 个词。视频时间约1分钟。
• 生词:共有5个生词,其中,
• 派生词有prediction(预言,预测),previously(以 前,预先),concentration (浓缩,集中) 等3个;
观看——阅读——听录音——朗 读(录音)
Part A Reading Aloud
In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.


与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演(共47 张PPT)
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演(共47 张PPT)
Let's have a try
—Yes, I like it a lot(↘ ). 3. 特殊疑问句的语调:一般用降调,句首的疑问词一般重读。 例:What are you doing(↘ )?
Who can solve the puzzle(↘ )? 4.选择疑问句的语调:在几项选择中,前面的用升调,最后用降调。 例:Do you choose to leave(↗ )or stay(↘ )?
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演(共47 张PPT)
1. 陈述句的语调:陈述句表示陈述一件事时用降调。
例:My mother is cooking(↘ ). She works hard(↘ ).
2. 一般疑问句的语调:一般疑问句用升调,回答用降调。 例:—Do you like reading novels(↗ )?
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演(共47 张PPT)
与艺考生谈模仿朗读和角色扮演(共47 张PPT)
Let's have a try
1. About seventy percent of the surface of the earth is covered by the oceans.
2. The problems caused by air pollution can be solved, but a lot of work needs to be done.
1. About seventy percent of the surface of the earth is covered by the oceans.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
--- Yes-no questions
1. Do you have other problems?
2. Can you say something about English people?
3. Do you think I need to take some medicine?
Discovering the rules
2 1
Take notes
Understand and memorize
1. 理解+脑记忆 2. 速记
Let’s have a try. Role play
情景介绍 角色:你是Mary。 任务:1)与父亲谈论开车问题; 2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。
Raising three questions 1. 我为什么不能与朋友们一起开车? Why can’t I drive with my friends?
Questions: 1. What news did you tell your father?
I got my driving license.
2. Where did your mother say you could drive to?
3.How did your father go to school when he was young?
4. 我为什么不能与朋友们一起 开车?
Why can’t I drive with my friends?
How do you get along with your roommates?
Who influenced you most?
Discovering the rules
Role play
Raising questions
1. 你还有别的困难吗? Do you have other problems? 2. 你能说说英国人吗? Can you say something about English people? 3. 你觉得我需要吃药吗? Do you think I need to take some medicine?
2 题出自对话录音, ____ 3 题出自三问电脑回答。 ____
Yes-no questions or wh- questions?

五问部分答案的信息点涉及 到哪些方面?
How long is Dr. Brown’s course? --- Three months.
How many people do you need to work with? --- Five.
5. Why can’t I drive with my friends? 6. Who influenced you most? 7. How do you get along with your roommates?
Wh- questions = 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句
对话长度,一问一答____ 4-5 个回合
The answers to the 5 questions
Brief answers are preferred.
Content 02
C Tennis.
Three months.
New technology.
The Internet.
A monitor.
At the beginning of the 19th century.
1 2 3 4
How long was Mary on holiday?
When did the new term begin?
What kind of suits should you take? Why does Mary advise you to take something light? What present did Mary suggest for the hostess if you are invited to dinner?
When did football begin to be played …? --- At the beginning of the 19th century.
五问部分的答案信息点 涉及到哪些方面?
How long/ how many/ when Why
Where How
What / who
Role play 情景介绍 角色:你是Mary。 任务:1)与父亲谈论开车问题; 2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。
30 seconds
words and expressions Predict
Role play
30 seconds
Words and expressions Predict
Discuss with your group members and choose 5 questions for each test.
Group work
CompetБайду номын сангаасtion
1 2 3 4
What is Jane’s good news?
How much time does Jane spend on her way home in the afternoon? What does Jane find on her bed sometimes? Why is Jane grateful to her roommates? Who does the teacher advise to clean the dormitory first?
2. 我真的需要这些规则吗? Do I really need these rules? / Are these rules necessary for me? 3. 这些规则有什么用处? What are these rules for? / What’s the use of these rules?
By bike.
4. What’s the danger of driving long distances?