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Have your parents told you that you'll lose all your teeth if you eat too much chocolate? Chocolate may well taste good, but it has a ___(1)___ bad reputation(名声). However, ___(2)___ you return that box of chocolates you have just been given, here are some facts about chocolate that should cheer ___(3)___ up.

First of all, although chocolate is high ___(4)___ sugar, eating it does not always lead to ___(5)___ bad teeth. This is because it melts quickly in your mouth, ___(6)___ little time for harmful things to attack your teeth. If you brush them regularly, you ___(7)___ have a problem.

You may be wondering about ___(8)___ effect on your skin. Bad skin isn't caused by chocolate itself, but by the milk that it ___(9)___ with. Some people even say ___(10)___ chocolate can help your skin look better, but not everyone believes that's true. And here ___(11)___ some more good news:there's a great deal ___(12)___ caffeine(咖啡因)in a cup of coffee than in ___(13)___ small bar of chocolate, so chocolate won’t ke ep you ___(14)___ at night.

So if you love chocolate, don't worry. Eating a bit ___(15)___ time to time will not do you any harm.

(1)A. pretty B. prettily C. prettier D. prettiest

(2)A. when B. after C. before D. if

(3)A. yourself B. you C. your D. yours

(4)A. with B. on C. at D. in

(5)A. have B. has C. having D. had

(6)A. leaves B. leaving C. left D. to leave

(7)A. won’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. haven’t

(8)A. their B. they C. it’s D. its

(9)A. mixes B. is mixed C. will mix D. mix

(10)A. what B. how C. that D. why

(11)A. is B. are C. was D. were

(12)A. many B. much C. less D. more

(13)A. the B. a C. an D. /

(14)A. awake B. wake C. waking D. woken

(15)A. at B. in C. between D. from


Roy was a rich and clever boy, but nothing could make him happy. One day, his parents bought him a very old mirror from a mysterious old man. Roy looked into the mirror and saw a ___(1)___reflection(映像). He tried smiling, but his reflection remained sad-looking.

Surprised, Roy went of to buy some sweets, toys and a pair of sports shoes. He then came home as ___(2)___ as he could be, and looked into the mirror again, but he still looked sad in it. Roy got ___(3)___ and said to himself, "What a terrible mirror! It doesn't work at all!"Then, he dropped it in a corner.

Later that ___(4)___ he decided to go to the park. On his way, he saw a little girl ___(5)___ so hard. Roy went over to see what happened. The little girl told him that she had ___(6)___ her parents. Roy felt sorry for her and bought her some candies to make her happy. Then, the two children set off to ___(7)___ the girl's parents. After much walking, they finally found her parents, who were so grateful to Roy.

Roy said goodbye to the little girl and her parents and went towards ___(8)___. But seeing it was getting dark, he decided to turn around and go home instead. When he got home, he ___(9)___ a shining light in the corner where he had dropped the mirror. He went over to the mirror and found that the light was coming from his own body, so radiant(光芒四射的)with happiness. Suddenly, Roy understood the secret of that mirror: it could only reflect the true happiness of its owner. He also realized that his true happiness was making ___(10)___ happy.

(1)A. sad B. happy C. anxious D. strange

(2)A. satisfied B. cheerful C. confident D. disappointed

(3)A. nervous B. ashamed C. confused D. annoyed

(4)A,morning B. noon C. afternoon D. evening

(5)A. crying B. complaining C. begging D. shouting

(6)A. left B. lost C. hurt D. forgot

(7)A. look at B. look out C. look after D. look for

(8)A. his home B. her home C. the park D. the shop
