
英语人力资源管理50题1. In a company, the process of identifying and attracting potential employees is called _____.A. recruitmentB. selectionC. trainingD. development答案:A。
2. The department responsible for managing employees' performance and providing feedback is _____.A. HRB. FinanceC. MarketingD. Operations答案:A。
3. The term used to describe the knowledge, skills, and abilities that an employee brings to a job is _____.A. job descriptionB. job specificationC. competencyD. Workload答案:C。
选项A“job description”是工作描述,详细说明了工作的职责和任务。

一、选择:(10小题,每小题1分)1、A_____is a citizen of one country,working in a second country,and employ by an organization headquartered in a third country.A. Third-country nationalB. Host-country nationalC. Parent-country nationalsD. Repatriate2、A_____is an employee working for a firm in an operation who is a citizen of the country where the operation is located,but the headquarter for the firm is in another country.A.Third-country nationalB. Host-country nationalC. Parent-country nationalsD. Repatriate3、_____refers to the policies and practices related to managing people in an internationally oriented organization.A. Global human resource managementB. Cultural managementC. Global organizations’staffingpensation management4、Which of the following belongs to retirement security benefits?A. Severance payB. Time-off benefitsC. Unemployment compensationD. Pension plans5、Which of the following doesn’t belong to executives?The_____.A. CEOB. PresidentC. Senior vice-presidentD. Mid-manager6、A pay_____is a collection of date on compensation rates for working performing similar jobs in other organizations.A.SystemB. SurveyC. GradeD. Range7、Which of the following is an inappropriate rater of an employee’s performance?A.his/her supervisorB. His/her peerC.his/her customerD. his friend8、Dd9、Which of the following activities belong to compensation and benefits practices?A.TrainingB. SelectionC.recruitmentD. Job evaluation10、Which of the following activities does not belong to staffing practices?A.SelectionB. RecruitmentC. Employee developmentD. Job description11、Compensation and benefits practices include all but____.pensation planB. BenefitsC. Retirement planD. Termination12、HRM has three major roles in organizations.They are administrative role,operational role and____.A.Staffing roleB.strategic roleC. Diversity managementD. Conflict management13、The job characteristics model developed by Hackman and Oldham identifies five important design characteristics of jobs,of which____affect the meaningfulness of work.A.task identity, variety, and autonomyB.Variety, task identity, and feedbackC.Task identity, task significance, autonomyD.Variety, task identity, and task significance14、Action decisions in surplus conditions include all but____.A.Attrition and hiring freezeB. Early retirement buyoutsC. LayoffsD. Recalling employee15、Action decisions with shortage of employee include all but____.A.Work overtimeB. Recalling previous employeesC. RecruitmentD. Hiring freeze16、____are the external supply pool from which employers attract employees.A. Labor distributionB. Labor demandC. Labor LawD. Labor markets17、Which of the following is the disadvantage of internal recruiting?A.InbreedingB. Increasing moraleC.Lower costD.better assessment of abilities18、Which of the following is the disadvantage of external recruiting?A.Increasing moraleB.InbreedingC. Longer adjustment or orientation timeD. Bringing in new blood19、Which of the following does not belong to internal recruiting methods?A.College and university recruitingB. Job posting systemC. Current employee referralsanizational databases20、Which of the following belong to external recruiting methods?A. Employment agenciesB. Current employee referralsC. Promotions from withinD. Transfers21、Which of the following is not the advantage of Internet recruiting?A. Time consumingB. Costing savingC. An expanded pool of applicantsD. No geographic constrains22、Which of the following belong to personality tests?A. The Big Five personality traitsB. Physical ability testsC. Cognitive ability testsD.Psychomotor tests23、Behavioral interview and situational interview belong to____which use a set of standardized questions asked of all applicants.A. Structured interviewsB. Unstructured interviewsC. Stress interviewsD. Nondirective interview24、In interviewing,the interview should avoid to ask such questions as____.A. Those that are not job relatedB. Those about the applicant’s work experienceC. Those about the applicant’s educationD. Those about his interest25、In the interview,the interviewer should try to avoid____.A.Snap judgments,negative emphasis,halo effect,and stereotypingB.Snap judgments,negative emphasis halo effect,and structured interviewC.Snap judgment,halo effect,and unstructured interviewD.Halo effect structured interview and less structured interview26、The strategic training process include four phases:____.A.Design-assessment-delivery-evaluationB.Assessment-design-delivery-evaluationC.Delivery-delivery-assessment-evaluationD.Evaluation-assessment-design-delivery27、There are different individual learning styles,which include____.A.Visual leaning ,auditory learning,and distant learningB.Auditory learning,tactile learning,and transferring learningC.Tactile learning,visual learning,and transferring leaningD.Auditory learning, visual learning,and tactile learning28、The broadest labor market component is the ____made up of all individuals who are available for selection.A. Labor force populationB. Labor marketC. Applicant populationD. Individuals selected29、The____is a subset of the labor force population that is available for selection using a particular recruiting approach.A. Applicant populationB. Applicant poolC. Individuals selectedD. Labor force population30、The ____consists of all persons who are actually evaluated for selection.A. Applicant poolB. Applicant populationC. Labor force populationD. Labor markets31、____is a type of structured interview that is composed of questions about how applicants might handle specific job situations.A. Situational interviewB. Behavior interviewC. Stress interviewD. Structured interview32、In the ____interview,applicants are asked to give specific examples of how they have performed a certain task or handled a problem in the past.A. behavioralB. situationalC. stressD. less structured33、____interview is a special type of interview designed to create anxiety and put pressure on the applicant to see how the person responds.A. StressB. BehavioralC. SituationalD. Structured二、填空:1、Broadbanding is the practice using fewer pay grades with much broader ranges than in traditional compensation systems.2、Benchmark jobs are jobs found in many other organizations and performed by several individuals who have similar duties that are relatively stable and require similar KSAs.3、The Point method is the most widely used job evaluation method,is more sophisticated than the ranking and classification methods.4、Human capital is the total value of human resource to the organization,sometimes also referred to an intellectual capital.It is composed of the people in the organization and their5、Job description are the documents that14、Performance appraisal is the process of evaluation how well employees perform their jobs when compared to a set of standards and then communicating that information to those employees.15、Procedural justice is the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make decisions about employees,including their pay.16、Of the Big Five personality traits,conscientiousness has been found to be related to job success across most organizations and occupations.17、Work sample tests require an applicant to perform a simulated job task that is part of the target job.18、Psychomotor tests measure a person’s dexterity,hand-eye coordination,arm-hand steadiness,and other factors.19、Physical ability test measure individual’s abilities such as strength,endurance,and muscular movement.20、Cognitive ability tests measure an individual’s thinking,memory,reasoning,and verbal and mathematical abilities.21、Many interviewers make a decision on the job suitability of applicants within the first two to four minutes of the interview and spend the rest of the interview looking for evidence to support it.This is called snap judgments.22、In a selection interview,a single negative characteristics may bar an individual from being accepted.This is called negative emphasis.23、On-the-job training is the most common type of training at all levels in an organization.The employee is placed into the real work situation and shown the job and the tricks of the trade by an experienced employee or the supervisor.三、判断:1.A multinational corporation may evolve into a global organization as operations in various countries become more integrated.√2.A global organization may evolve into a multinational corporation as operations in various countries become more foreign.×3.Few HR professionals question that there are important cultural differences between nations that might influence the effectiveness of GHRM.×4.One widely used way to classify and compare cultures was developed by Geert Hofstede,who classified cultural differences in at least five dimensions.√5.An employee stock ownership plan is designed to give employee stock ownership in the organization for which they work.√6.Employee stock options give employees a fixed number of shares of company stock.×mon organizational incentive systems include profit sharing,stock option,and piece-rate system.×8.The drawbacks of team-based incentive include too much focus on what is best individually and may block or inhibit performance of other individuals with whom the employee is competing.×9.The major advantages of the factor -comparison method are its difficulty and complexity,and it is time-consuming to establish anddevelop.×10.The point method of job evaluation requires evaluations to qualify the value of the elements of a job.×11.Job evaluation is designed to ensure the internal equity of the pay system,whereas pay survey is designed to ensure the external competitiveness of the pay system.√12.A pay structure include pay grades and minimum-to-maximum pay ranges.√13.Accurate job descriptions and job specification s are only used in job evaluation,not in pay survey.×14.In compensation,procedural justice can be described as the procedural fairness in the process of determining base pay for jobs,allocating pay increases.and measuring performance.√15.Intrinsic rewards include psychological and social effects of compensation,including monetary rewards.×16.Extrinsic rewards are tangible,including monetary and non-monetary forms.√17.Tangible compensation includes direct and indirect compensations.The most common forms of indirect compensation are base pay and benefits.×18.In performance appraisal interview,it is necessary that both parties agree in all areas.×19.To tie performance to salary or promotion issues is appropriate in performance appraisal interview.×20.Management by objectives(MBO) specifies the performance goals that an individual and her or his manager agree to try attain within an appropriate length of time.√21.22.Human relations training is the training which focuses on the development of the human relations skills a person needs to work well with others.√23.A multinational corporation is one in which an organization has operating units only located in its own country.×24.The orientation and training that expatriates and their families receive before departure do not affect the success of the overseas assignment at all.√25.Job enlargement is increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibilities for planning,organizing,controlling,or evaluating the job.×26.Forced distribution is to rate employees on the basis of some organizationally determined,preexisting distribution of categories.√27.Task identity,feedback and task significance of a job can affect the psychological state of the job incumbent by letting him/her experience responsibility.×28.Skill variety ,task identify and task significance of a job can make the job holder experience meaningfulness of his job.√29.Job fair,professional websites,and employer websites are all E-recruiting methods.×30.Individual incentives reward all members equally on the basis of group output,cost savings,or quality improvement.×31.Job enlargement is not an approach for design,but for job analysis.×32.Many interviewers make a decision on the job suitability of applicants within the first two to four minutes of the interview and spend the rest of the interview looking for evidence to support it.This is called halo effect.×pensation system in organizations must not be linked to organizational objectives and strategy.×34.Extrinsic rewards include praise for completing a project or meeting performance objectives.×35.External recruitment may cause possible morale problems of internal candidates.√36.The job characteristics model identifies six important design characteristics of jobs.×37.Off-site development techniques give individuals opportunities to get away from the job and concentrate solely on what is to be learned.√38.A multinational corporation is one i n which an organization hasoperating units located in foreign countries.√39.Evaluation of training can be done at four levels;reaction,learning,behavior,and results.√40.Internal recruiting many cause “political”infighting for promotion.√41.External recruiting can bring new “blood”and new perspective for the organization.√42.External recruiting may cause the problems of inbreeding.×43.Shorter“adjustment”or orientation time for employees recruited from internal sources.√44.Job-site development techniques give individuals opportunities to get away from the job andconcentrate solely on what is to be learned.×45.Re-recruiting former employees is an internal recruiting method.√46.Promotion and transfers belong to external recruiting method.×47.College and university recruiting is an internal recruiting source.×48.Newspapers,magazines,television,radio and employment agencies are all media source.×49.Executive search firms tend to concentrate their efforts on higher-level managerial positions.√50.Employment agencies primarily deal with higher-level managerial positions.×51.By using internet recruiting,employers may get more unqualifiedapplicants because of broader exposure.√52.An employee stock option is designed to give employees stock ownership in the organization for which they work.×53.The process of shifting an employee from job to job is job rotation.√54.Repatriation occurs when an employee has completed his/her foreign assignments.√55.In expatriation,an organization prepares and sends global employees to their foreign assignments.√四、配对:Advantage 优势Application form 申请表Applicant pool 申请人/团体Applicant population 申请人口(人数)Applicant tracking system 申请人管理系统(申请人跟踪系统)Attrition 人员损耗减缩人员Autonomy自主Background investigation 背景调查Base pay system 基本工资制度Base pay 基本工资Benchmark 基准Benefits 福利Big Five personality traits 五大人格特质Career placement office 就业指导中心Cognitive ability test 认知能力测试Collectivism 集体主义Commitment 承诺Compensation plan 薪酬方案Current employee referral 当前员工推荐Delphi technique 德尔菲法Demographics 人口统计Demotion 降级Disadvantage 劣势Distance learning 远程学习Diversity 多样性Downsize 裁员Early retirement buyout 提早退休买断Economic factor 经济因素Employee referrals 员工推荐Employee stock option 员工股票购买权Environment scanning 环境扫描E-recruiting 电子招聘Executive perquisites 行政特权Executive search firm 猎头公司Expatriation 移居外国External hire 外部雇佣External supply 外部供给Inbreeding 近亲繁殖Individualism 个人主义Intellectual capital 智慧资本Internal assessment 内部评价Internal supply 内部供给Interview 面试Job analysis 工作分析Job board 工作台Job Characteristics Model 工作特性Job description 工作描述Job design 工作设计Job enlargement 工作扩大化Job enrichment 工作丰富化Job evaluation 工作评价Job placement 工作配置Job rotation 工作轮换Job opening 工作空缺Job specification 工作范围Job transfer 工作转移Knowledge worker 知识工作者Judgment method 判断方法KSAs 知识,技能,才能Labor force population 劳动力人口Labor market 劳动力市场Layoff 失业Organizational capabilities inventory 组织能力库存Organizational restructuring 组织结构调整Orientation 定位Outplacement services 职业服务Parent-country national 外派人员Pay survey 薪酬调查Pension plan 养老计划Performance management 绩效管理Performance standard 绩效标准Personality test 人格测试Person-job fit 个人工作匹配Physical ability test 体能测试Physical resource 物力资源Pre-employment screening 录用前的筛选Power distance 权利差距Professional website专业网站Profit sharing 利润分享Promote 被提升者Psychomotor test 精神运动测试Questionnaire 调查法Ranking 地位等级Realistic job preview 现实工作预览Recognition 识别,承认Recruitment招聘Realistic job preview 实际岗位演习Repatriation 认识识别承认酬劳Recruitment 招聘Repariation 归国Retirement plan 养老金计划Selection 选择Sales commission销售佣金Team orientation 团队导向Technological change 科学技术进步Telecommuting 远程办公Termination 终结终止Tine-off benefits 时间效益Training needs assessment 培训需要评估360°feedback 360度反馈Turnover 人员流失Work force availability 劳动力可用性Work-life balance工作生活平衡Work sample test 工作样本测试。

Multiple Choice Questions1. (p. 4) _____ refers to a company's ability to maintain and gain market share in its industry.B. Competitiveness竞争力2.(p. 4) _____ refers to the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance.C. Human resource management(人力资源管理)3. (p. 5) Strategic HR management includes all but one of the following. Name the exception(例外).A. Financial planning(财务策划)4. (p. 6) Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of HR departments?D. Production and operations(生产运营)5. (p. 6) Which of the following is NOT a product line of human resources?C. Human capital partner(人力资本)6. (p. 8) Which of the following best describes a cultural steward(文化管理)?C. Facilitates(促进)change.7.. (p. 8) A strategic architect(建筑师)is one who:B. recognizes business trends and their impact on the business.8. (p. 9) Giving employees online access to information about HR issues such as training, benefits, and compensation is known as:C. self-service(自助).9.(p. 9) The practice of having another company (a vendor, third-party provider, consultant) provide services traditionally associated with the administrative role of HR is known as:C. outsourcing(外包业务).10. (p. 10) Traditionally, the HRM department was primarily(根本上)a(n):D. administrative expert(行政专家).11. (p. 11) Which of the following statements (陈述)about evidence-based (基于证据的)HR is FALSE?B. It emphasizes that HR is being transformed from a broad corporate competency to a specialized, stand-alone function in which human resources and line managers build partnerships to gain competitive advantage.12. (p. 12-13) Which one of the following statements about the HR profession is FALSE?A. A college degree(大学文凭)is required of HR specialists(技术专员), but not of generalists(一般技术员).13. (p. 13) All of the following competitive challenges faced by companies will increase the importance of human resource management EXCEPT: C. the political challenge(政治挑战).14.(p. 14) _____ refers to the ability of a company to survive (生存) and succeed in a dynamic(动态的)competitive environment.C. Sustainability(可持续性)15. (p. 14) Sustainability(可持续性)includes all of the following EXCEPT:A. expanding into foreign markets(扩大到国外市场).16. (p. 19) Which of the following statements about intangible assets(无形资产)is FALSE?B. They are less valuable than physical assets(实物资产).17. (p. 20)Tacit knowledge(隐形知识)is an example of _____ capital.C. human18. (p. 21) Which of the following is NOT true of knowledge workers(知识工人)?D. They contribute to the company through manual labor(体力劳动)and intellectual labor.19. (p. 21)Empowering(授权)is defined as:B. giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding(关于)all20.(p. 22) A(n) _____ contract describes what an employee expects to contribute and what the company will provide to the employee for these contributions.C. psychological(精神上的)21. (p. 25) All of the following are examples of alternative work arrangements EXCEPT:B. current labor force.22. (p. 27) The balanced scorecard(平衡记分卡):B. uses indicators(指标)important to the company's strategy.23. (p. 27) The balanced scorecard(平衡计分卡)presents a view of (观察)company performance from the perspective of:D. its employees, customers, and shareholders(股东).24. (p. 28) According to the financial perspective(财政观点)of the balanced scorecard, which of the following questions should be answered?D. How do we look to shareholders?25. (p. 28) Increasingly, companies are trying to meet shareholder and general public demands that they be more socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible. Thus, companies are recognizing the importance of:D. social responsibility(社会责任).26. (p. 154) An organization needs to create a fit between its organizational design and all of the following EXCEPT its:B. products and services(产品和服务).27. (p. 155) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding job design and job analysis?A. Job design and job analysis have extensive overlap(大量重叠).28. (p. 155) _____ focuses on analyzing existing jobs to gather information for other human resource management practices, whereas _____ focuses on redesigning existing jobs to make them more efficient or more motivating to jobholders.A. Job analysis; job design29. (p. 155) Which of the following refers to the process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service prior to(在。

一、选择:(10小题,每小题1分)1、A_____is a citizen of one country,working in a second country,and employ by an organization headquartered in a third country.A. Third-country nationalB. Host-country nationalC. Parent-country nationalsD. Repatriate2、A_____is an employee working for a firm in an operation who is a citizen of the country where the operation is located,but the headquarter for the firm is in another country.A.Third-country nationalB. Host-country nationalC. Parent-country nationalsD. Repatriate3、_____refers to the policies and practices related to managing people in an internationally oriented organization.A. Global human resource managementB. Cultural managementC. Global organizations’staffingpensation management4、Which of the following belongs to retirement security benefits?A. Severance payB. Time-off benefitsC. Unemployment compensationD. Pension plans5、Which of the following doesn’t belong to executives?The_____.A. CEOB. PresidentC. Senior vice-presidentD. Mid-manager6、A pay_____is a collection of date on compensation rates for working performing similar jobs in other organizations.A.SystemB. SurveyC. GradeD. Range7、Which of the following is an inappropriate rater of an employee’s performance?A.his/her supervisorB. His/her peerC.his/her customerD. his friend8、Dd9、Which of the following activities belong to compensation and benefits practices?A.TrainingB. SelectionC.recruitmentD. Job evaluation10、Which of the following activities does not belong to staffing practices?A.SelectionB. RecruitmentC. Employee developmentD. Job description11、Compensation and benefits practices include all but____.pensation planB. BenefitsC. Retirement planD. Termination12、HRM has three major roles in organizations.They are administrative role,operational role and____.A.Staffing roleB.strategic roleC. Diversity managementD. Conflict management13、The job characteristics model developed by Hackman and Oldham identifies five important design characteristics of jobs,of which____affect the meaningfulness of work.A.task identity, variety, and autonomyB.Variety, task identity, and feedbackC.Task identity, task significance, autonomyD.Variety, task identity, and task significance14、Action decisions in surplus conditions include all but____.A.Attrition and hiring freezeB. Early retirement buyoutsC. LayoffsD. Recalling employee15、Action decisions with shortage of employee include all but____.A.Work overtimeB. Recalling previous employeesC. RecruitmentD. Hiring freeze16、____are the external supply pool from which employers attract employees.A. Labor distributionB. Labor demandC. Labor LawD. Labor markets17、Which of the following is the disadvantage of internal recruiting?A.InbreedingB. Increasing moraleC.Lower costD.better assessment of abilities18、Which of the following is the disadvantage of external recruiting?A.Increasing moraleB.InbreedingC. Longer adjustment or orientation timeD. Bringing in new blood19、Which of the following does not belong to internal recruiting methods?A.College and university recruitingB. Job posting systemC. Current employee referralsanizational databases20、Which of the following belong to external recruiting methods?A. Employment agenciesB. Current employee referralsC. Promotions from withinD. Transfers21、Which of the following is not the advantage of Internet recruiting?A. Time consumingB. Costing savingC. An expanded pool of applicantsD. No geographic constrains22、Which of the following belong to personality tests?A. The Big Five personality traitsB. Physical ability testsC. Cognitive ability testsD.Psychomotor tests23、Behavioral interview and situational interview belong to____which use a set of standardized questions asked of all applicants.A. Structured interviewsB. Unstructured interviewsC. Stress interviewsD. Nondirective interview24、In interviewing,the interview should avoid to ask such questions as____.A. Those that are not job relatedB. Those about the applicant’s work experienceC. Those about the applicant’s educationD. Those about his interest25、In the interview,the interviewer should try to avoid____.A.Snap judgments,negative emphasis,halo effect,and stereotypingB.Snap judgments,negative emphasis halo effect,and structured interviewC.Snap judgment,halo effect,and unstructured interviewD.Halo effect structured interview and less structured interview26、The strategic training process include four phases:____.A.Design-assessment-delivery-evaluationB.Assessment-design-delivery-evaluationC.Delivery-delivery-assessment-evaluationD.Evaluation-assessment-design-delivery27、There are different individual learning styles,which include____.A.Visual leaning ,auditory learning,and distant learningB.Auditory learning,tactile learning,and transferring learningC.Tactile learning,visual learning,and transferring leaningD.Auditory learning, visual learning,and tactile learning28、The broadest labor market component is the ____made up of all individuals who are available for selection.A. Labor force populationB. Labor marketC. Applicant populationD. Individuals selected29、The____is a subset of the labor force population that is available for selection using a particular recruiting approach.A. Applicant populationB. Applicant poolC. Individuals selectedD. Labor force population30、The ____consists of all persons who are actually evaluated for selection.A. Applicant poolB. Applicant populationC. Labor force populationD. Labor markets31、____is a type of structured interview that is composed of questions about how applicants might handle specific job situations.A. Situational interviewB. Behavior interviewC. Stress interviewD. Structured interview32、In the ____interview,applicants are asked to give specific examples of how they have performed a certain task or handled a problem in the past.A. behavioralB. situationalC. stressD. less structured33、____interview is a special type of interview designed to create anxiety and put pressure on the applicant to see how the person responds.A. StressB. BehavioralC. SituationalD. Structured二、填空:1、Broadbanding is the practice using fewer pay grades with much broader ranges than in traditional compensation systems.2、Benchmark jobs are jobs found in many other organizations and performed by several individuals who have similar duties that are relatively stable and require similar KSAs.3、The Point method is the most widely used job evaluation method,is more sophisticated than the ranking and classification methods.4、Human capital is the total value of human resource to the organization,sometimes also referred to an intellectual capital.It is composed of the people in the organization and their5、Job description are the documents that14、Performance appraisal is the process of evaluation how well employees perform their jobs when compared to a set of standards and then communicating that information to those employees.15、Procedural justice is the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make decisions about employees,including their pay.16、Of the Big Five personality traits,conscientiousness has been found to be related to job success across most organizations and occupations.17、Work sample tests require an applicant to perform a simulated job task that is part of the target job.18、Psychomotor tests measure a person’s dexterity,hand-eye coordination,arm-hand steadiness,and other factors.19、Physical ability test measure individual’s abilities such as strength,endurance,and muscular movement.20、Cognitive ability tests measure an individual’s thinking,memory,reasoning,and verbal and mathematical abilities.21、Many interviewers make a decision on the job suitability of applicants within the first two to four minutes of the interview and spend the rest of the interview looking for evidence to support it.This is called snap judgments.22、In a selection interview,a single negative characteristics may bar an individual from being accepted.This is called negative emphasis.23、On-the-job training is the most common type of training at all levels in an organization.The employee is placed into the real work situation and shown the job and the tricks of the trade by an experienced employee or the supervisor.三、判断:1.A multinational corporation may evolve into a global organization as operations in various countries become more integrated.√2.A global organization may evolve into a multinational corporation as operations in various countries become more foreign.×3.Few HR professionals question that there are important cultural differences between nations that might influence the effectiveness of GHRM.×4.One widely used way to classify and compare cultures was developed by Geert Hofstede,who classified cultural differences in at least five dimensions.√5.An employee stock ownership plan is designed to give employee stock ownership in the organization for which they work.√6.Employee stock options give employees a fixed number of shares of company stock.×mon organizational incentive systems include profit sharing,stock option,and piece-rate system.×8.The drawbacks of team-based incentive include too much focus on what is best individually and may block or inhibit performance of other individuals with whom the employee is competing.×9.The major advantages of the factor -comparison method are its difficulty and complexity,and it is time-consuming to establish anddevelop.×10.The point method of job evaluation requires evaluations to qualify the value of the elements of a job.×11.Job evaluation is designed to ensure the internal equity of the pay system,whereas pay survey is designed to ensure the external competitiveness of the pay system.√12.A pay structure include pay grades and minimum-to-maximum pay ranges.√13.Accurate job descriptions and job specification s are only used in job evaluation,not in pay survey.×14.In compensation,procedural justice can be described as the procedural fairness in the process of determining base pay for jobs,allocating pay increases.and measuring performance.√15.Intrinsic rewards include psychological and social effects of compensation,including monetary rewards.×16.Extrinsic rewards are tangible,including monetary and non-monetary forms.√17.Tangible compensation includes direct and indirect compensations.The most common forms of indirect compensation are base pay and benefits.×18.In performance appraisal interview,it is necessary that both parties agree in all areas.×19.To tie performance to salary or promotion issues is appropriate in performance appraisal interview.×20.Management by objectives(MBO) specifies the performance goals that an individual and her or his manager agree to try attain within an appropriate length of time.√21.22.Human relations training is the training which focuses on the development of the human relations skills a person needs to work well with others.√23.A multinational corporation is one in which an organization has operating units only located in its own country.×24.The orientation and training that expatriates and their families receive before departure do not affect the success of the overseas assignment at all.√25.Job enlargement is increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibilities for planning,organizing,controlling,or evaluating the job.×26.Forced distribution is to rate employees on the basis of some organizationally determined,preexisting distribution of categories.√27.Task identity,feedback and task significance of a job can affect the psychological state of the job incumbent by letting him/her experience responsibility.×28.Skill variety ,task identify and task significance of a job can make the job holder experience meaningfulness of his job.√29.Job fair,professional websites,and employer websites are all E-recruiting methods.×30.Individual incentives reward all members equally on the basis of group output,cost savings,or quality improvement.×31.Job enlargement is not an approach for design,but for job analysis.×32.Many interviewers make a decision on the job suitability of applicants within the first two to four minutes of the interview and spend the rest of the interview looking for evidence to support it.This is called halo effect.×pensation system in organizations must not be linked to organizational objectives and strategy.×34.Extrinsic rewards include praise for completing a project or meeting performance objectives.×35.External recruitment may cause possible morale problems of internal candidates.√36.The job characteristics model identifies six important design characteristics of jobs.×37.Off-site development techniques give individuals opportunities to get away from the job and concentrate solely on what is to be learned.√38.A multinational corporation is one i n which an organization hasoperating units located in foreign countries.√39.Evaluation of training can be done at four levels;reaction,learning,behavior,and results.√40.Internal recruiting many cause “political”infighting for promotion.√41.External recruiting can bring new “blood”and new perspective for the organization.√42.External recruiting may cause the problems of inbreeding.×43.Shorter“adjustment”or orientation time for employees recruited from internal sources.√44.Job-site development techniques give individuals opportunities to get away from the job andconcentrate solely on what is to be learned.×45.Re-recruiting former employees is an internal recruiting method.√46.Promotion and transfers belong to external recruiting method.×47.College and university recruiting is an internal recruiting source.×48.Newspapers,magazines,television,radio and employment agencies are all media source.×49.Executive search firms tend to concentrate their efforts on higher-level managerial positions.√50.Employment agencies primarily deal with higher-level managerial positions.×51.By using internet recruiting,employers may get more unqualifiedapplicants because of broader exposure.√52.An employee stock option is designed to give employees stock ownership in the organization for which they work.×53.The process of shifting an employee from job to job is job rotation.√54.Repatriation occurs when an employee has completed his/her foreign assignments.√55.In expatriation,an organization prepares and sends global employees to their foreign assignments.√四、配对:Advantage 优势Application form 申请表Applicant pool 申请人/团体Applicant population 申请人口(人数)Applicant tracking system 申请人管理系统(申请人跟踪系统)Attrition 人员损耗减缩人员Autonomy自主Background investigation 背景调查Base pay system 基本工资制度Base pay 基本工资Benchmark 基准Benefits 福利Big Five personality traits 五大人格特质Career placement office 就业指导中心Cognitive ability test 认知能力测试Collectivism 集体主义Commitment 承诺Compensation plan 薪酬方案Current employee referral 当前员工推荐Delphi technique 德尔菲法Demographics 人口统计Demotion 降级Disadvantage 劣势Distance learning 远程学习Diversity 多样性Downsize 裁员Early retirement buyout 提早退休买断Economic factor 经济因素Employee referrals 员工推荐Employee stock option 员工股票购买权Environment scanning 环境扫描E-recruiting 电子招聘Executive perquisites 行政特权Executive search firm 猎头公司Expatriation 移居外国External hire 外部雇佣External supply 外部供给Inbreeding 近亲繁殖Individualism 个人主义Intellectual capital 智慧资本Internal assessment 内部评价Internal supply 内部供给Interview 面试Job analysis 工作分析Job board 工作台Job Characteristics Model 工作特性Job description 工作描述Job design 工作设计Job enlargement 工作扩大化Job enrichment 工作丰富化Job evaluation 工作评价Job placement 工作配置Job rotation 工作轮换Job opening 工作空缺Job specification 工作范围Job transfer 工作转移Knowledge worker 知识工作者Judgment method 判断方法KSAs 知识,技能,才能Labor force population 劳动力人口Labor market 劳动力市场Layoff 失业Organizational capabilities inventory 组织能力库存Organizational restructuring 组织结构调整Orientation 定位Outplacement services 职业服务Parent-country national 外派人员Pay survey 薪酬调查Pension plan 养老计划Performance management 绩效管理Performance standard 绩效标准Personality test 人格测试Person-job fit 个人工作匹配Physical ability test 体能测试Physical resource 物力资源Pre-employment screening 录用前的筛选Power distance 权利差距Professional website专业网站Profit sharing 利润分享Promote 被提升者Psychomotor test 精神运动测试Questionnaire 调查法Ranking 地位等级Realistic job preview 现实工作预览Recognition 识别,承认Recruitment招聘Realistic job preview 实际岗位演习Repatriation 认识识别承认酬劳Recruitment 招聘Repariation 归国Retirement plan 养老金计划Selection 选择Sales commission销售佣金Team orientation 团队导向Technological change 科学技术进步Telecommuting 远程办公Termination 终结终止Tine-off benefits 时间效益Training needs assessment 培训需要评估360°feedback 360度反馈Turnover 人员流失Work force availability 劳动力可用性Work-life balance工作生活平衡Work sample test 工作样本测试。

人力资源专业英语一、人力资本治理:(Human Resource Management ,HRM)人力资本经理:( human resource manager)高等治理人员:(executive)职业:(profession)道德标准:(ethics)操作工:(operative employees)专家:(specialist)人力资本认证协会:(the Human Resource Certification Institute,HRCI) 二、外部情形:(external environment)内部情形:(internal environment)政策:(policy)企业文化:(corporate culture)目标:(mission)股东:(shareholders)非正式组织:(informal organization)跨国公司:(multinational corporation,MNC)治理多样性:(managing diversity)三、工作:(job)职位:(posting)工作分析:(job analysis)工作说明:(job description)工作规范:(job specification)工作分析筹划表:(job analysis schedule,JAS)职位分析问卷查询拜望法:(Management Position Description Questionnaire,MPDQ) 行政秘书:(executive secretary)地区办事经理助理:(assistant district service manager)四、人力资本筹划:(Human Resource Planning,HRP)计策筹划:(strategic planning)经久趋势:(long term trend)需求推测:(requirement forecast)供给推测:(availability forecast)治理人力贮备:(management inventory)裁减:(downsizing)人力资本信息体系:(Human Resource Information System,HRIS)五、雇用:(recruitment)职员申请表:(employee requisition)雇用方法:(recruitment methods)内部晋升:(Promotion From Within ,PFW)工作通知布告:(job posting)告白:(advertising)职业介绍所:(employment agency)专门事宜:(special events)练习:(internship)六、选择:(selection)选择率:(selection rate)简历:(resume)标准化:(standardization)有效性:(validity)客不雅性:(objectivity)规范:(norm)录用分数线:(cutoff score)精确度:(aiming)营业常识测试:(job knowledge tests)求职面试:(employment interview)非构造化面试:(unstructured interview)构造化面试:(structured interview)小组面试:(group interview)职业爱好测试:(vocational interest tests)会议型面试:(board interview)离职缘故和应聘缘故(一)现在跳槽已是一个专门广泛的现象,缘故是多种多样的。

Chapter 1: The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management Multiple Choice1.The basic functions of management include all of the following except_____.a.planninganizingc.motivatingd.leadinge.staffing(c; moderate; p. 4)2.The management process is made up of _____ basic functions.a.threeb.fourc.fived.eighte.ten(c; moderate; p. 4)3.Which basic function of management includes establishing goals andstandards, developing rules and procedures, and forecasting?a.planninganizingc.motivatingd.leadinge.staffing(a; easy; p. 4)4.What specific activities listed below are part of the planning function?a.giving each subordinate a specific taskb.recruiting prospective employeesc.training and developing employeesd.developing rules and procedurese.all of the above(d; moderate; p. 4)5.Celeste spends most of her time at work setting goals and standards anddeveloping rules and procedures. Which function of management doesCeleste specialize in?a.planninganizingc.motivatingd.leadinge.staffing(a; easy; p. 4)6.Which basic function of management includes delegating authority tosubordinates and establishing channels of communication?a.planninganizingc.motivatingd.leadinge.staffing(b; easy; p. 4)7.What specific activities listed below are part of the organizing function?a.giving each subordinate a specific taskb.recruiting prospective employeesc.training and developing employeesd.developing rules and procedurese.all of the above(a; moderate; p. 4)8.Which basic function of management includes selecting employees,setting performance standards, and compensating employees?a.planninganizingc.motivatingd.leadinge.staffing(e; easy; p. 4)9.What specific activities listed below are part of the staffing function?a.giving each subordinate a specific taskb.maintaining moralec.recruiting prospective employeesd.developing rules and procedurese.both b and c(c; moderate; p. 4)10.Which basic function of management includes setting standards such asales quotas and quality standards?a.planninganizingc.controllingd.leadinge.staffing(c; easy; p. 4)11.What specific activities listed below are part of the controlling function?a.giving each subordinate a specific taskb.recruiting prospective employeesc.training and developing employeesd.developing rules and procedurese.checking to see how actual performance compares with standards(e; moderate; p. 4)12._____ is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensatingemployees, and attending to their labor relations, health and safety, andfairness concerns.a.Human Resource Managementbor Relationsc.Industrial Psychologyanizational Behavioranizational Health and Safety Management(a; easy; p. 4)13.Human resource management is _____.a.the concepts and techniques used to control people at workb.the process of organizing work activitiesc.the process of identifying countries with cheaper labor costs andrelocating jobs to those countriesd.the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensatingemployees, and attending to their labor relations, health and safety,and fairness concernse.all of the above(d; moderate; p. 4)14._____ is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and togive orders.a.Leadershipb.Authorityc.Delegationd.Managemente.Responsibility(b; easy; p. 6)15._____ are authorized to direct the work of subordinates.a.Line managersb.Staff managersc.Leadersd.Advisory board memberse.All of the above(a; easy; p. 6)16._____ are responsible for assisting and advising line managers in areaslike recruiting, hiring, and compensation.a.Human resource managersb.Staff managersc.Line managersd.EEO officerse.Board members(a; easy; p. 6)17.Effective human resource management could include all of the followingresponsibilities except _____.a.placing the right person in the right jobb.training employeesc.controlling labor costsd.protecting employees’ healthe.all are responsibilities necessary for effective human resourcemanagement(e; moderate; p. 6)18.Human resource managers generally exert _____ within the humanresources department and _____ outside the human resources department.a.line authority; implied authorityb.staff authority; line authorityc.line authority; staff authorityd.functional control; authoritarian controle.staff authority; specific authority(a; difficult; p. 7)19.Line managers respect the knowledge human resource managers have inareas such as testing and affirmative action. Consequently, humanresource managers can influence line managers through _____.a.line authorityb.functional controlc.implied authorityd.explicit authoritye.human capital(c; moderate; p. 7)20.Which of the following responsibilities do human resource managersfulfill in their role as employee advocates?a.establish guidelines for how management should be treatingemployeesb.provide support for employees contesting unfair practicesc.represent employees’ interests as appropriated.all of the abovee.none of the above(d; moderate; p. 7)21.All of the following are examples of human resource job duties except_____.a.recruiterb.equal employment opportunity coordinatorc.financial advisorpensation managerbor relations specialist(c; moderate; p. 7)22.Which of the following job titles indicates a position in human resources?a.recruiterb.job analystc.training specialistd.EEO coordinatore.all of the above(e; easy; p. 7)23.Which of the following tasks related to recruiting and hiring is nottypically handled by HR staff?a.specify necessary job qualificationsb.develop pool of qualified applicantsc.conduct initial screening interviewsd.administer testse.explain benefits packages(a; easy; p. 8)24.The expertise of human resource departments became indispensable withthe _____.a.emergence of union legislation in the 1930sb.passing of equal employment legislationc.increase of women in the workforced.movement of jobs to countries with cheaper labor costse.both a and b(e; moderate; p. 9)25._____ refers to the tendency of firms to extend their sales, ownership,and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad.a.Expansionb.Market developmentc.Globalizationd.Export growthe.Diversification(c; easy; p. 10)26.Most people who are classified as nontraditional workers are _____.a.contingent workersb.independent contractorsc.job sharingd.working multiple jobse.caring for an elderly parent(b; difficult; p. 12)27.Which of the following is a type of nontraditional worker?a.contingent workersb.part-time workersc.people working in alternative work arrangementsd.people with multiple jobse.all of the above(e; moderate; p. 12)28.Jason Jackson takes on various projects as an independent contractor. Heworks on several projects for a variety of companies. When a project iscomplete, he moves on to another project, often with a different company.Jason is a type of _____.a.contingent workerb.collateral workerc.managerd.consultante.none of the above(a; moderate; p. 12)29.Sarah Smith and her mother, Anne, share one flight attendant job atJetBlue airlines. Sarah and Anne could be classified as _____.a.flex-time workersb.contingent workersc.nontraditional workersd.traditional workerse.none of the above(c; easy; p. 12)30.What term refers to the knowledge, education, training, skills, andexpertise of a firm’s workers?a.human resourcesb.human capitalc.intangible assetsd.knowledge assetse.intellectual property(b; moderate; p. 13)31.Which of the following demographic issues represents a challenge forhuman resource managers?a.increasingly diverse workforceb.aging workforcec.increasing use of contingent workersd.both a and be.all of the above(d; moderate; p. 13)32.The proportion of women in the workforce is projected to _____.a.increase significantly over the coming decadeb.decrease as more women decide to stay home with childrenc.stop growingd.increase at a decreasing ratee.decrease at an increasing rate(c; difficult; p. 13)33.Over the next few years, employers may face a severe labor shortagebecause _____.a.there are fewer people entering the job market than there are retiringbaby boomersb.one-third of single mothers are not in the labor forcec.Hispanics will represent 11% of the civilian labor forced.people are living longere.all of the above(a; difficult; p. 13)34.What tactic will employers likely have to take to fill openings left byretiring employees?a.instituting flexible work hoursb.providing elder carec.hiring more womend.rehiring retireese.lowering the retirement age(d; difficult; p. 13)35. A _____ is a company’s plan for how it will balance its internal strengthsand weaknesses with external opportunities and threats in order tomaintain a competitive advantage.a.SWOT analysisb.mission statementc.strategyd.tactice.scorecard(c; easy; p. 13)36.The performance of human resource departments is evaluated based on_____.a.measurable evidence of efficiencyb.measurable evidence of effectivenessc.anecdotal evidenced.qualitative measures of successe.both a and b(e; moderate; p. 14)37.Quantitative performance measures used by human resource managers toassess operations are called _____.a.ratiosb.benchmarksc.metricsd.gradese.goals(c; moderate; p. 14)38.The _____ metric can be used as a measurement to show improvements tosavings in recruitment and retention costs.a.absence rateb.cost per hirec.HR expense factord.human capital ROIe.time to fill(b; moderate; p. 15)39.Which metric indicates the cost of health care per employee by providingthe per capita cost of employee benefits?a.HR expense factorb.human capital ROIc.health care costs per employeed.human capital value addede.revenue factor(c; moderate; p. 15)40.The _____ metric views human resource expenses in relation to the totaloperating expenses of the organization.a.HR expense factorb.human capital ROIc.health care costs per employeed.human capital value addede.revenue factor(a; moderate; p. 15)41._____ are a useful tool for determining why employees are leaving anorganization.a.BNA Turnover Reportsb.Exit interviewsc.Benchmarksd.HR portalse.Turnover rates(b; easy; p. 15)42.Which of the following human resource practices can be useful inreducing workers’ compensation cost per employee?a.safety trainingb.disability managementc.safety incentivesd.all of the abovee. a and b only(d; moderate; p. 15)43.Which metric views employees as capital rather than as an expense?a.time to fillb.training investmentc.HR expense factord.revenue factore.none of the above(d; difficult; p. 15)44.The _____ measures the rate at which employees leave the company.a.turnover costsb.turnover ratec.time to filld.cost per hiree.absence rate(b; moderate; p. 15)45.When managers use metrics to assess performance and then developstrategies for corrective action, they are performing the _____ function of management.a.planningb.leadingc.staffingd.controllinganizing(d; difficult; p. 4)46.The term _____ means contributing in a measurable way to achieving thecompany’s strategic goals.petitive advantageb.achievement successc.value creationd.success metrice.none of the above(c; moderate; p. 16)47.Managers use a(n) _____ to measure the HR function’s effectiveness andefficiency in producing employee behaviors the company needs to achieve its strategic goals.a.metricb.HR Scorecardc.benchmarkd.high performance work systeme.MBO format(b; easy; p. 16)48.Metrics can be compared against _____ to evaluate an organization’sperformance.st year’s metricpetitor’s metricc.survey datad.national standarde.all of the above(e; easy; p. 16)49.The Revenue Factor is equal to _____.a.revenue divided by the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE)b.total days elapsed to fill requisitions divided by the number hiredc.revenue minus operating expense minus compensation and benefit costdivided by the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE)d.HR expense divided by the total operating expensee.advertising plus agency fees plus employee referrals plus travel costsof applicant plus relocation costs plus recruiter pay and benefitsdivided by number of hires(a; difficult; p. 15)50.The HR expense factor is equal to _____.a.revenue divided by the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE)b.total days elapsed to fill requisitions divided by the number hiredc.revenue minus operating expense minus compensation and benefit costdivided by the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE)d.HR expense divided by the total operating expensee.advertising plus agency fees plus employee referrals plus travel costsof applicant plus relocation costs plus recruiter pay and benefitsdivided by number of hires(d; difficult; p. 15)51.The cost per hire is equal to _____.a.revenue divided by the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE)b.total days elapsed to fill requisitions divided by the number hiredc.revenue minus operating expense minus compensation and benefit costdivided by the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE)d.HR expense divided by the total operating expensee.advertising plus agency fees plus employee referrals plus travel costsof applicant plus relocation costs plus recruiter pay and benefitsdivided by number of hires(e; moderate; p. 15)52.The human capital value added is equal to _____.a.revenue divided by the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE)b.total days elapsed to fill requisitions divided by the number hiredc.revenue minus operating expense minus compensation and benefit costdivided by the total number of full-time equivalents (FTE)d.HR expense divided by the total operating expensee.advertising plus agency fees plus employee referrals plus travel costsof applicant plus relocation costs plus recruiter pay and benefitsdivided by number of hires(c; difficult; p. 15)53.What metric evaluates retention efforts by an organization?a.turnover costsb.turnover ratec.cost per hired.absence ratee.both a and b(e; easy; p. 15)54.Firms can use the _____ as a benchmark for the cost per hire metric.a.BNA Job Absence Reportb.EMA/ Cost Per Hire Staffing Metrics Surveyc.Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Reportd.BNA Turnover Reporte.None of the above(b; easy; p. 15)55.Firms can use the _____ as a benchmark for the time to fill metric.a.BNA Job Absence Reportb.EMA/ Cost Per Hire Staffing Metrics Surveyc.Employer Costs for Employee Compensation Reportd.BNA Turnover Reporte.None of the above(b; difficult; p. 15)56.The concise measurement system used by companies to show thequantitative standards the firm uses to measure HR activities, employeebehaviors resulting from the activities, and the strategically relevantorganizational outcomes of those employee behaviors is called a(n) _____.a.evaluation systemb.HR scorecardc.appraisal systemd.evaluation benchmarke.annual report(b; moderate; p. 16)57.When seeking to improve the workers’ compensation cost per employeemetric, human resource managers should analyze _____.a.types of injuriesb.injuries by departmentc.injuries by job typed.changes in injuries over timee.all of the above(e; easy; p. 15)58.In which area must HR managers be proficient in order to perform well intoday’s environment?a.HR proficienciesb.business proficienciesc.leadership proficienciesd.learning proficienciese.all of the above(e; moderate; p. 16)59.Marshall wants to report the value of the knowledge, skill, andperformance of the organization’s workforce. To illustrate how employees add value to an organization, Marshall should utilize the _____ metric.a.revenue factorb.human capital value addedc.training investmentd.HR expense factore.intangible assets(b; moderate; p. 15)60.Of the four categories of proficiencies necessary for HR managers, whichone refers to traditional knowledge and skills in areas such as employeeselection, training, and compensation?a.HR proficienciesb.business proficienciesc.leadership proficienciesd.learning proficienciese.staffing proficiencies(a; moderate; p. 17)61.Of the four categories of proficiencies necessary for HR managers, whichone refers to knowledge of strategic planning, marketing, production, andfinance?a.HR proficienciesb.business proficienciesc.leadership proficienciesd.learning proficienciese.staffing proficiencies(b; moderate; p. 17)62.Of the four categories of proficiencies necessary for HR managers, whichone refers to the ability to work with and lead management groups?a.HR proficienciesb.business proficienciesc.leadership proficienciesd.learning proficienciese.staffing proficiencies(c; moderate; p. 17)63.Susan Holmes is an HR manager for a Fortune 500 company. The MBAdegree she earned prior to taking this position has been helpful to herbecause it prepared her to better understand the role of strategic planning, marketing, production, and finance in creating a profitable organization.Which category of proficienc y has Susan’s MBA prepared her for?a.HR proficienciesb.business proficienciesc.leadership proficienciesd.learning proficienciese.staffing proficiencies(b; moderate; p. 17)64.Morgan is particularly good at staying abreast of new technologies andpractices affecting human resources management. Which proficiency isMorgan skilled in?a.HR proficienciesb.business proficienciesc.leadership proficienciesd.learning proficienciese.staffing proficiencies(d; moderate; p. 17)65.Which of the following types of laws does not affect the decisions ofhuman resource managers?a.equal employment lawsb.occupational safety and health lawsbor lawsd.advertising regulationse.all of the above affect the decisions of human resource managers(d; difficult; p. 17)66._____ set guidelines regarding how the company writes its recruiting ads,what questions its job interviewers ask, and how it selects candidates fortraining programs or evaluates its managers.a.Equal employment lawsb.Occupational safety and health lawsbor lawsd.Advertising regulationse.Fairness in Employment regulations(a; moderate; p. 17)67._____ set guidelines regarding safety practices at work.a.Equal employment lawsb.Occupational safety and health lawsbor lawsd.Advertising regulationse.Fairness in Employment regulations(b; moderate; p. 17)68.Which of the following HR activities may be outsourced to specialistservice providers?a.administration of 401 (k) pension plansb.employee assistance/ counseling plansc.retirement planningd.background checkse.all of the above(e; moderate; p. 19)panies may use a(n) _____ to provide employees with a single accesspoint or gateway on a company’s intranet to all human resourceinformation.a.databaseb.HR portalc.data warehoused.ASPe.URL(b; easy; p. 21)70.Anheuser-Busch streamlined its annual benefits package enrollments bydigitizing and aggregating the former paper benefits reports, electronicspreadsheets, and benefit summaries and providing the materials at asingle location on the company intranet. Anheuser-Busch is using a(n)_____.a.databaseb.HR portalc.data warehoused.customer relationship management systeme.outsourcing model(b; moderate; p. 21)True/ False71.Staff managers are authorized to direct the work of subordinates and aredirectly in charge of accomplishing the organization’s basic goals. (F;easy; p. 6)72.Human resource managers are generally staff managers. (T; easy; p. 6)73.Staff managers are always someone’s boss. (F; moderate; p. 6)74.In small organizations, line managers may carry out all personnel dutieswithout the assistance of a human resource staff. (T; moderate; p. 6)75.Human resource managers assist in hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding,counseling, promoting, and hiring employees. (T; easy; p. 6)76.When human resource managers make sure employees can contest unfairpractices, they are carrying out an innovator role. (F; easy; p. 7)77.The division of human resource responsibilities for line managers and staffmanagers varies from organization to organization. (T; moderate; p. 7) 78.As firms seek to keep costs down, there has been a shift to using moretraditional workers. (F; easy; p. 12)79.With the aging of its workforce, America is facing a demographic shift assignificant as the massive entry of women into the workforce that began in the 1960s. (T; moderate; p. 13)80.As baby boomers retire from the workforce, there will be more peopleentering the labor pool than leaving it. (F; easy; p. 13)81.Ratios are quantitative performance measures used to assess operations.(F; moderate; p. 14)82.The HR Scorecard is a concise measurement system which shows thequantitative standards the firm used to measure the effectiveness andefficiency of human resource activities. (T; moderate; p. 16)83.Human resource management creates value for an organization byengaging in activities that produce the employee behaviors the companyneeds to achieve its strategic goals. (T; moderate; p. 16)84.Unlike other divisions, such as research and development, in anorganization, the HR function is not evaluated on the extent to which itcreates value for the company. (F; easy; p. 16)85.The absence rate is focused on more than any other metric used in an HRScorecard. (F; easy; p. 15)86.Human capital ROI reports the return on investment ratio for employees.(T; easy; p. 15)87.The revenue factor shows employees as an expense rather than as capital.(F; moderate; p. 15)88.The time to fill metric illustrates the efficiency of the firm’s recruitingfunction. (T; moderate; p. 15)89.The training investment factor measures the total training cost for allemployees taken as a whole. (F; moderate; p. 15)90.The acronym FTE used in many of the HR metrics stands for foreign ortemporary employees. (F; easy; p. 15)91.Turnover rate and turnover costs can both be improved with retentionefforts. (T; easy; p. 15)92.HR should seek to increase the workers’ compensation cost per empl oyeeby eliminating such practices as disability management. (F; moderate; p.15)93.The most important proficiency of the four highlighted in the text forhuman resource managers is law proficiency. (F; moderate; p. 16)94.Equal employment laws lay out what a supervisor can and cannot say anddo when dealing with labor unions. (F; moderate; p. 17)95.The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is intended to curb erroneous corporate financialreporting. (T; moderate; p. 18)96.Because of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act , HR managers must now review andapprove a firm’s financial statements. (F; moderate; p. 18)97.Human resource managers can complete professional certification examsto earn the SPHR or PHR certificates. (T; easy; p. 18)98.ASP is a special wireless technology used to synchronize variouselectronic tools like cellular phones and PCs and facilitate employeeaccess to employer online HR services. (F; moderate; p. 20)99.Ethical issues such as workplace safety, security of employee records,comparable work, and employee privacy rights are all related to humanresource management. (T; moderate; p. 18)100.HR portals represent a form of outsourcing. (F; moderate; p. 21)Essay/ Short Answer101.What are the five basic functions of management? Explain some of the specific activities involved in each function. Is one function moreimportant for human resource management? (easy; p. 4)Answer: The five basic functions are planning, organizing, staffing,leading, and controlling. Planning activities include establishing goals andstandards, developing rules and procedures, and developing plans andforecasting. Organizing activities include giving specific task assignmentsto subordinates, establishing departments, delegating authority tosubordinates, and establishing channels of authority and communication.Staffing activities include determining what type of people should be hired, recruiting prospective employees, and setting performance standards.Leading activities include maintaining morale and motivating subordinates.Controlling activities include setting standards such as sales quotas, andquality standards and taking corrective action as needed. Staffing is thefunction most readily related to human resource management. However,HR managers actually perform all 5 functions.102.Explain the difference between line authority and staff authority. What type of authority do human resource managers have? (moderate; p. 6)Answer: Authority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work ofothers, and to give orders. Line managers are authorized to direct the workof subordinates and are directly in charge of accomplishing theorganization’s basic goals. Staff managers are authorized to assist andadvise line managers in accomplishing these basic goals. Human resourcemanagers are usually staff managers because they are responsible forassisting and advising line managers in areas like recruiting, hiring, andcompensation. However, human resource managers do have line authority within their own department.103.Human resource managers carry out three distinct functions. List and explain the three functions. (moderate; p. 7)Answer: The three functions include a line function, a coordinationfunction, and a staff or service function. HR managers exert line authority within the HR department because they direct the activities of the peoplein that department. HR managers also coordinate personnel activities. Inthe service function, HR managers assist in hiring, training, evaluating,rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing employees. They alsoadminister benefit programs and help line managers comply with EEO,occupational health and safety, and labor laws.104.Explain the meaning of the term nontraditional worker. Provide an example. (easy; p. 12)Answer: Nontraditional workers include those who hold multiple jobs, orwho are contingent or part-time, or people working in alternative workarrangements, or who work as independent contractors.105.The United States is becoming an hour-glass society. Explain how this change could negatively affect the labor supply and the retirement system.(difficult; p. 13)Answer: The hour-glass metaphor is used to describe a society whosepopulation is wider in older residents and in children but thinner forpeople in the workforce. When drawn, the shape resembles an hour-glass.As baby boomers retire, the shape of the American population moreclosely resembles an hour-glass. There are fewer people to take the jobsthat baby boomers left behind. This creates two problems. First, the laborpool is smaller. This creates more demand for retirees, foreign labor, andyounger workers. Second, it means that there are fewer people workingand supplying funds to the social security system. This threatens theviability of the system funding the retirement of the baby boomers. 106.Identify five metrics used to evaluate HR performance. (moderate, p. 15) Answer: There are several possible answers including cost per hire,absence rate, human capital ROI, human capital value added, HR expense factor, health care costs per employee, revenue factor, time to fill, training investment factor, turnover costs, turnover rate, and workers’compensation cost per employee.。

专业英语试卷样题(师)一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Behavior modeling2. Employee leasing3. Factor comparison system4. Graphic rating-scale method5. Panel interview6. Replacement charts7. Selection8. Vesting9. Team leader training10. Profit sharing11. 心理支持12. 技能工资13. 网上培训14. 关键工作15. 工作扩大化二、单项选择(每题2分,共20分)1. Executives or managers who coach, advise, and encourage employees of lesser rank are called .A. ProtégésB. teachersC. mentorsD. role models2. As an appraiser, you should try to do all of the following except .A. minimize criticismB. change the person, not the behaviorC. focus on solving problemsD. be supportive3. Individuals working internationally need to know as much as possible about all of the following host-country characteristics except .A. social and business etiquetteB. cultural values and prioritiesC. political structure and current playersD. cultural trends4. Questions contained in structured job interviews should be based on .A. job analysisB. job designC. job specializationD. job utilization5. Outplacement services are .eful methods of attracting individuals into a careerB.designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhereC.rarely given to executive employeesD.vital parts of any career management system6. Which of the following is not a core skill that is critical for success abroad?.A. Physical fitness and mental maturityB. Effective delegate skillsC. Prudent decision-making skillsD. Cultural adaptability7. If your primary objective for a performance appraisal is to give employees dev elopmental feedback, which of the following appraisal methods should you use?.A. Trait methodB. Results methodC. Behavior methodD. Attitudinal method8. Compensation programs that compensate employees for the knowledge they pos sess are known as .A. skill-based pay plansB. performance-based pay plansC. merit-based pay plansD. seniority-based pay plans9. To implement a successful program in basic and remedial training, managers sh ould do all of the following except .A. explain to employees why training will help them in their jobse a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lecturesprogressC.provide feedback on employees’ goalsD.relate the training to the employees’ 10. Which of the following is not true of self-ratings of performance? .A. They are beneficial when managers seek to increase the employee’s involveme nt in the review processB. Critics argue that self-ratings are more lenientC. Research has shown that self-ratings are as valid as, if not more valid than, te st scoresD. They are free of most biases that other rating sources may have三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)(一)The promotion and development of performance management processes by HR can make an important contribution to knowledge management, by providing for behavioral expectations which are related to knowledge-sharing to be defined, andensuring that actual behaviors are reviewed and, where appropriate, rewarded by fi nancial or non-financial means. Performance management reviews can identify wea knesses and development needs in this aspect, and initiate personal development pl ans, which are designed to meet these needs.One starting point for the process could be the cascading of corporate core val ues for knowledge-sharing to individuals, so that they understand what they are ex pected to do to support those core values. Knowledge sharing can be included as an element of a competency framework, and the desired behavior would be spelt out and reviewed. For example, positive indicators such as those listed below coul d be used as a basis for agreeing competency requirements and assessing the exte nt to which they are met. The following are examples of positive behavior in me eting competency expectations for knowledge-sharing:. Is eager to share knowledge with colleagues;. Takes positive steps to set up group meetings to exchange relevant informa tion and knowledge;. Builds networks which provide for knowledge sharing;. Ensures as appropriate that knowledge is captured, codified, recorded and d isseminated through the intranet and/or other means of communication.Hansen et al(1999) mention that at Ernst & Young, consultants are evaluated at performance reviews along five dimensions, one of which is their ‘contribution to and utilization of the knowledge asset of the firm’. At Bain, partners are eval uated each year on a variety of dimensions, including how much direct help they have given colleagues.1.The best title for this article is .A. Knowledge-sharingB. Performance management reviewsC. Performance management processesD. Performance management for knowledge workers2. The following are examples of positive behavior in meeting competency expect ations for knowledge-sharing except .A. Is reluctant to share knowledge with colleaguesB.Takes positive steps to exchange relevant information and knowledgeC. Builds networks which provide for knowledge sharingD. Ensures as appropriate that knowledge is captured, codified, recorded and disse minated through some means of communication3.Which of the following is not mentioned by Hansen et al? .A. At Bain, direct help that partners have given colleagues will be evaluated.contribution to the knowledge asset of the fir B. At Ernst & Young, consultants’ m will be evaluated.C. At Bain, partners are eager to share knowledge with colleagues.D. At Ernst & Young, consultants are evaluated at performance reviews along five dimensions.4. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A. Performance management processes by HR can make little contribution to kno wledge management.B. The cascading of corporate core values for knowledge-sharing to individuals co uld be one starting point for the performance management process.C. Knowledge-sharing can’t be included as an element of a competency framewor k.D. Taking positive steps to exchange relevant information and knowledge isn’t an example of positive behavior in meeting competency expectations for knowledge-s haring.5. According to the passage, p erformance management processes b y HR can make an important contribution to knowledge management through the following measu res except .A. by providing for behavioral expectations which are related to knowledge-sharin g to be definedB. by ensuring that actual behaviors are reviewedC. by ensuring that actual behaviors are rewarded by financial or non-financial me ansD. by building networks which provide for knowledge sharing(二)"T-group" stands for "training group," which is not a very helpful descrip tion. It is also referred to as sensitivity training, group dynamics, and group relations training. T-group has three aims:1. To increase sensitivity-the ability to perceive accurately how others are reacting to one's behavior.2. To increase diagnostic ability-the ability to perceive accurately the state of relationships between others.3. To increase action skill-the ability to carry out the skillful behavior required by the situation.In a T-group, the trainer will explain the aims of the program and may encourage discussion and contribute his or her own reactions. But he or she does not take a strong lead and the group is largely left to its own device s to develop a structure that takes account of the goals of both the member s of the group and the trainer provides a climate where the group members are sufficiently trusting of one another to discuss their own behavior. Theyor expressing their reaction to one another.do this by giving “feedback” Member may not always accept comments about themselves, but as the T-gr oup develops they will increasingly understand how some aspects of their be havior are hidden to them and will, therefore, be well on the way to an in crease in sensitivity, diagnostic ability, and action skill.Follow-up studies have noted three principle areas of change following the attendance of trainees at an external T-group laboratory:1. Increased openness, receptivity, and tolerance of differences.2. Increased operational skill in interpersonal relations, with overtones of increased capacity for collaboration.3. Improved understanding and diagnostic awareness of self, others, and interactive processes in groups. T-groups have been attacked because of the possibility of negative or detrimental effects. But none of the follow-up studies has detected any significant problems. Amore valid basis for doubt is that it has been difficult to prove that they have been cost effective for organizations who have usedthem on company or have strongly supported external programs.This criticism could be leveled at any other form of group training or, in deed, most off-the-job training. The degree to which it can be invalidated w ill depend on the effectiveness of the training design and of the trainer.T-group laboratories in their purest form are unlikely ever to become a major part of company training programs, but the group dynamics approach has valid uses in the modified forms.1. This article might most likely be extracted from the paper about .A.human resource planningB.performance evaluationC.international human resource managementD.training and development2. "T-group" is referred to as the following except .A.sensitivity training,B.on-the-job trainingC.group dynamicsD.group relations training3. The author of this passage would most likely agree that .A. In a T-group, the trainer will take a strong lead.B. In a T-group, members may always accept comments about themselves.C. In a T-group, the trainer should provide a climate where the group mem bers are sufficiently trusting of one another to discuss their own behaviors.D. In a T-group, members don’t e xpress their reaction to one another.4.According to the passage, which of the following can’t change the attenda nce of trainees at an external T-group laboratory? .A. poor effectiveness of the training designB. improved understanding and diagnostic awareness of self and othersC. increased openness, receptivity, and tolerance of differencesD. increased operational skill in interpersonal relations5. From this passage, w e can infer that .A. T-group laboratories are likely be used as a major part of training progr ams by company.B. There is no criticism on T-group laboratories.C. If T-group laboratories are modified well, it has also valid uses.D. T-group laboratories have no use for company.四、写作(共20分)某公司欲招聘一位会计主管(chief accountant),需要人力资源管理部门为其编制一份职位说明书(Job Description),假如公司总经理要求你来完成这项工作,请你用英文完成以下职位说明书。

Chapter2Exam Questions1. From an EEO perspective, "male" is considered a(n)A. protected classification.B. p rotected group.C. u nprotected classification.D. u nprotected group.Answer: B2. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on one'sA. race.B. age.C. d isability.D. A ll of the aboveAnswer: A3. Which of the following statements regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1991 is true?A. E mployers may be charged with punitive and compensatory damages.B. C ompared to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the 1991 Act makes discriminationclaims more difficult to prove.C. It states that mixed motive decisions are lawful.D. All of the aboveAnswer: A4. The terms "accommodation" and "undue hardship" are associated with ____________discrimination. (57)A. raceB. sexC. disabilityD. all types ofAnswer: C5. The legal term for intentional discrimination isA. d isparate treatment.B. d isparate impact.C. b iased treatment.D. p remeditated treatment.Answer: A6. An employer refuses to hire any women for the job of construction worker. Mary Jones'application is thus automatically rejected. If Mary were to sue this company for sex discrimination, which approach should she use in order to establish a prima facie case?A. c ompany policyB. d iscriminatory remarksC. M cDonnell-Douglas TestD. f our-fifths ruleAnswer: A7. An employer must demonstrate a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for itsemployment decision in order to rebut a prima facie case of discrimination established under the ___________ approach.A. c ompany policyHuman ResourceManagement and Competitive AdvantageB. d iscriminatory remarksC. McDonnell-Douglas TestD. f our-fifths ruleAnswer: C8. An employer must demonstrate the business necessity or job-relatedness of itsemployment decision in order to rebut a prima facie case of discrimination established under the ___________ approach.A. c ompany policyB. d iscriminatory remarksC. M cDonnell-Douglas TestD. f our-fifths ruleAnswer: D9. An employer must demonstrate that its employment decision was based on a bona fideoccupational qualification in order to rebut a prima facie case of discrimination established under the ___________ approach.A. c ompany policyB. d iscriminatory remarksC. M cDonnell-Douglas TestD. f our-fifths ruleAnswer: A10. A TV station employs two people to co-anchor the news -- Bill and Jennifer. Accordingto a recent viewer survey, Jennifer is unpopular because she is unattractive; the man is considered attractive and is quite popular. The station fires Jennifer because she is so unpopular; they are still looking for a replacement. Jennifer sues for sex discrimination.What is the most likely outcome? (60)A. T he station would win because its decision to fire Jennifer was based onattractiveness, not sex.B. T he station would win because Jennifer would not be able to demonstrate a primafacie case under the McDonnell-Douglas Test.C. J ennifer would win because the decision to fire her was sexist.D. J ennifer would win because viewer opinion is not a good criterion for judgingpopularity.Answer: A11. An owner of a Japanese restaurant hires only Japanese servers. A rejected non-Japaneseapplicant sues for national origin discrimination. Which of the following defenses should the employer use to justify its policy?A. a ll or nearly allB. a uthenticityC. p roprietyD. s afetyAnswer: B12. The BFOQ defense has been most successfully used in cases of ___________discrimination.A. r aceB. s exC. n ational originHuman Resource Managementand Competitive Advantage, 3D. a geAnswer: D13. When selecting a candidate, an employer subjectively combines information gatheredfrom interviews, reference checks, and employment tests. This process produces an overall score for each candidate; the candidate with the highest score is selected.If the employer were sued because this selection process had a disparate impact on blacks, the Civil Rights Act of 1991 states that the employer must demonstrate the job-relatedness ofA. the interviews.B. the reference checks.C. the employment tests.D. all three selection devices.Answer: D14. The implementation of affirmation action consists of two steps: __________ and__________.A. E EO review/EEO implementationB. a ffirmative action analysis/affirmative action implementationC. d iscriminatory cause/anti-discriminatory stepsD. u tilization analysis/affirmative action plansAnswer: D15. The preferential treatment of a protected group isA. l egal under any circumstances.B. l egal under any circumstances, but only if given to minorities.C. l egal, but only if engaged in as part of a bona fide AA program.D. n ever legal.Answer: C16. _____________ training attempts to make employees aware of their biases orstereotyped views regarding various minority groups and then teach them ways to overcome these biases in their day-to-day dealings with such individuals. (46)A. s ensitivityB. a ffirmative actionC. d iversityD. r ace relationsAnswer: C17. Which of the following statements about older workers is true? (47)A. Y oung managers often feel uncomfortable directing their work.B. O ne of the skills most affected by the aging process is speed/accuracy of movement.C. C ompanies can sometimes solve age-related performance problems by placing olderworkers in jobs that rely less on physical prowess and more on maturity and experience.D. A ll of the aboveAnswer: D18. A program that allows employees to work at home is called (48)A. a work-at-home program.B. j ob sharing.Human ResourceManagement and Competitive AdvantageC. t elecommuting.D. h ome deportation.Answer: C19. Which of the following trends is now occurring regarding the nature of work? (49)A. T here is a major shift in the type of work being performed -- from service tomanufacturing.B. T he length of the average work day is increasing.C. T he number of blue collar jobs is rapidly rising.D. L iteracy training is on the increase.Answer: D20. "Merger mania" is leading to (50)A. i ncreased voluntary turnover.B. i ncreased employee commitment.C. d ecreased union representation.D. All of the above.Answer: A21. Which of the following reasons accounts for the current trend towards downsizing?(51)A. d ecreased demand for a company's products or servicesB. technological advancesC. o rganizational restructuringD. A ll of the aboveAnswer: D22. Research has found that the economic benefits resulting from downsizing (52)A. h ave exceeded expectations.B. h ave met expectations.C. h ave failed to meet expectations.D. N one of the above: No such research has been conducted.Answer: C23. Which of the following practices does the book recommend in order to reestablishmorale following a massive layoff? (53)A. T he management team should draft a new corporate mission statement whichconveys the organization's new vision and goals in an optimistic way.B. G ive the surviving workers a large pay raise, as a show of good faith.C. G ive the surviving workers more vacation time during the first year following thelayoff.D. A ll of the aboveAnswer: A24. The quality assurance method used by companies has traditionally been aimed at (54)A. e rror prevention.B. e rror detection.C. e rror minimizing.D. e rror standardization.Answer: B25. Total quality management employs which of the following management practices? (55)A. w ork teamsB. u se of quality inspectorsHuman Resource Managementand Competitive Advantage, 5C. f lexible work schedulesD. a utocratic management stylesAnswer: A。

人力资源管理专业英语(第二版)参考答案.Unit 1Key to the exercisesII. Read the following terms and match each with its proper definition.1. o)2. d)3. e)4. b)5. f)6.g)7. l)8. m)9. n) 10. c) 11. h) 12. a)13. i) 14. j) 15. k)III. Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrases from the list below.1.arose from2. are concerned about3. As a result of4. refersto1.as a means to 6. collaborate with 7. were deprived of 8. willtranslate9.was charged with 10. are predisposed to 11. be weeded out 12.associated withIV. Determine whether the following statements are True or False.1. F2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. F8. T9. T 10 FV. Translate the following sentences into English with the phrases given.1.General Electric has recently developed some internal training initiatives, whichother companies have difficulty matching.puter industry rose to power in the United States since the early 1980s.3.As the competition intensifies worldwide, human resource management isgrowing in importance to the average Chinese enterprises.4.HR functions today have gone well beyond the activities of the old-time personneldepartments5.The government solicited all parties concerned to propose solutions to theproblem of noise pollution.6.China’s economic mechanism is still in transition from planne d economy tomarket economy.7.To be maximally effective, the Company is going to spend $3,500,000 onemployee training.8.High technology has had a far-reaching impact on the economic development ofall countries in the world over the past two decades.9.At the Annual General Meeting, the president called on the workers to voice theirconcerns about the prospects of the company.10.It seems that the soaring tuition didn’t constrain young people from rushing tostudy abroad.VI. Translate the following passage into Chinese.公司也提供康复和健身计划帮助员工减缓压力并增进健康。

《人力资源管理专业英语》试卷一、Translate the following terms from Chinese into English. (1'×10=10')1.绩效管理2.职位分析3.劳动力短缺4.内部招聘5.认知能力测试6.交叉培训7.薪资水平8.人力资源规划9.外包10.公平理论二、Translate the following terms from English into Chinese.(1'×10=10')1.Career planning2.employment relations3.training and development4.Employing temporary workers5.Personnel policies6.Personality inventories7.Employee readiness characteristics8.The comparative approachpensation and benefits10.Human resource management三、Fill in the following blanks with the words or phrases listed below.Change the form where necessary.(2'×15=30')1.Any declines in the national economy will generate a labor temporarily, especiallyin the heavy industries.2.In human resource recruitment, it is hard for employers to the gender discrimination.3.Some recruiters tend to the negative aspects of the open positions in the company.4.To convince applicants doubtful of the firm’s strength, human resource recruiting team needs toprovide information.5.For an organization that aims at improving its competitiveness, it often some employeesand hires new ones.6.Human resource recruitment does not mean carefully among qualified applicants.7.Warning people about potential risks will hopefully them to likely failures inthe new project.8.Many firms have been using attractive salary packages or stock options toapplicants to enter their companies.9.funds are needed to support the company’s recruitment, particularly the interviewsconducted at several major cities.10.We have to work out a detailed recruitment plan that can all possible problemsarising in the execution process.11.The newly started investment company substantial losses during the stock market crash.12.All staff members are for the employers to renew their contracts with acceptable terms.13.It should be the basic right for employees to their employment relationship withtheir company according to the contracts.14.Recruiters can help from universities or colleges that have free message boards topost their recruiting ads.15.The financial crisis has brought about a world wide in the demand for investment bankers.四、Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C,D.(2'×10=20')1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the ev aluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC.The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvement6. HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve theseobjectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing五、 Reading comprehension.(3'×10=30')(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:1.The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can bepromoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.2.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from whichdifferent sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supplyin these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps canbe taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from.A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:anizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.2.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and management training needs.3.Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.4.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.5.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.6.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.7.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs.8.Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.9.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations andresults or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.人力资源管理专业英语试卷答案及评分参考一、Translate the following terms from Chinese into English. (1'×10=10')1.performance management2.job analysisbor shortage4.internal recruiting5.cognitive ability test6.cross-training7.pay level 8.human resource planning9.outsourcing 10.equity theory二、Translate the following terms from English into Chinese.(1'×10=10')1.职业生涯规划2.员工关系3.培训与开发4.雇佣临时性员工5.人事政策6.个性清单7.员工准备就绪的特点8.比较法9.薪酬与福利 10.人力资源管理三、Fill in the following blanks with the words or phrases listed below. Change the form where necessary.(2'×15=30')1.surplus2.redress3.downplay4.credible5.dislocates6.discriminating7.inoculate8.lure9.ample10.circumvent11.incurred 12.appealing 13.terminate 14.solicit15.slump四、Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C,D.(2'×10=20')1.B2.D3.C4.A5.B6.B7.A8.A9.B10.C五、Reading comprehension.(3'×10=30')1.C2.B3.D4.A5.C6.D7.B8.A9.B10.C。

《人力资源管理专业英语》试卷一、Translate the following terms from Chinese into English. (1'×10=10')1.绩效管理2.职位分析3.劳动力短缺4.内部招聘5.认知能力测试6.交叉培训7.薪资水平8.人力资源规划9.外包10.公平理论二、Translate the following terms from English into Chinese.(1'×10=10')1.Career planning2.employment relations3.training and development4.Employing temporary workers5.Personnel policies6.Personality inventories7.Employee readiness characteristics8.The comparative approachpensation and benefits10.Human resource management三、Fill in the following blanks with the words or phrases listed below.Change the form where necessary.(2'×15=30')1.Any declines in the national economy will generate a labor temporarily, especiallyin the heavy industries.2.In human resource recruitment, it is hard for employers to the gender discrimination.3.Some recruiters tend to the negative aspects of the open positions in the company.4.To convince applicants doubtful of the firm’s strength, human resource recruiting team needs toprovide information.5.For an organization that aims at improving its competitiveness, it often some employeesand hires new ones.6.Human resource recruitment does not mean carefully among qualified applicants.7.Warning people about potential risks will hopefully them to likely failures inthe new project.8.Many firms have been using attractive salary packages or stock options toapplicants to enter their companies.9.funds are needed to support the company’s recruitment, particularly the interviewsconducted at several major cities.10.We have to work out a detailed recruitment plan that can all possible problemsarising in the execution process.11.The newly started investment company substantial losses during the stock market crash.12.All staff members are for the employers to renew their contracts with acceptable terms.13.It should be the basic right for employees to their employment relationship withtheir company according to the contracts.14.Recruiters can help from universities or colleges that have free message boards topost their recruiting ads.15.The financial crisis has brought about a world wide in the demand for investment bankers.四、Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C,D.(2'×10=20')1. The process of helping redundant employees to find other work or start new careers is .A.replacementB.outplacementC.releaseD.downsizing2. focus the ev aluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively.A. The group order rankingB. Written essayC.The individual rankingD. Critical incidents3. The plan should include plans for attracting good candidates by ensuring that the organization will become an ‘employer of choice’.A. outplacementB. evaluationC. recruitmentD.training4. Organizational and corporate plans indicate the direction in which the organization is going.A. goalsB.resourceC.resultD.process5. aims to broaden experience by moving people from job to job or department to department.A.Job analysisB. Job rotationC.Job satisfactionD.Job involvement6. HR planning is .A. a technique that identifies the critical aspects of a jobB. the process of determining the human resources required by the organization to achieve its strategic goalsC. the process of setting major organizational objectives and developing comprehensive plans to achieve theseobjectivesD. the process of determining the primary direction of the firm7. Career development programs benefit organizations in all of the following ways except .A.Giving managers more control over their subordinatesB.Giving managers increased skill in managing their own careersC.Providing greater retention of valued employeesD.Giving an increased understanding of the organization8. The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers is known as the .A. labor marketB. regionC. recruiting areaD. supply region9. A set of standards of acceptable conduct and moral judgment is known as .A. moralesB. ethicsC. rulesD. legislation10. Hiring someone outside the company to perform tasks that could be done internally is known as .A. outplacementB. contractingC. outsourcingD. employee leasing五、 Reading comprehension.(3'×10=30')(一)The context for obtaining the people required will be the labor markets in which the organization is operating which are:1.The internal labor market- the stocks and flows of people within the organization who can bepromoted, trained, or re-deployed to meet future needs.2.The external labor marker- the external local, regional, national and international markets from whichdifferent sorts of people can be recruited. There are usually a number of markets, and the labor supplyin these markets may vary considerably. Likely shortages will need to be identified so that steps canbe taken to deal with them, for example by developing a more attractive ‘employment proposition’.As part of the human resource planning process, an organization may have to formulate ‘make or buy’ policy decisions. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to recruit people at a junior level or as trainee, and rely mainly on promotion from within and training programs to meet future needs. A ‘buy’ policy means that more reliance will be placed on recruiting from outside- ‘bringing fresh blood into the organization’. In practice, organizations tend to mix the two choices together to varying degrees, depending on the situation of the firm and the type of people involves. A highly entrepreneurial company operating in the turbulent conditions, or one which has just started up, will probably rely almost entirely on external recruitment. When dealing with knowledge workers, there may be little choice—they tend to be much more mobile, and resourcing strategy may have to recognize that external recruitment will be the main source of supply. Management consultancies typically fall into this category. Firms which can predict people requirements fairly and accurately may rely more on developing their own staff once they have been recruited.1. A ‘make’ policy means that organization prefers to promote people from.A. regional labor marketB. national labor marketC. internal labor marketD. international labor market2.According to the passge, management consultancies .A.are less mobile than people at a junior levelB.should be recruited from external labor marketC.should be promoted from within the organizationD.are not knowledge workers3. If a firm can predict people requirements fairly accurately, it may not .A.develop their own staffB.formulate training programsC.promote people from within the organizationD.rely more on recruiting from outside4. ‘Make or buy’ policy decision is a part of .A.human resource planningB.training and developmentC.performance appraisalD.job analysis5.The best title of this passage is .A.The organizational context of human resource planningB.Aims of human resource planningC.The labor market context for human resource planningD.Limitations of human resource planning(二)Wlaters (1983) identifies nine sources of information which help to identify training priorities. These are:anizational goals and corporate plans which indicate the direction in which the organization is going and, therefore, major training priorities.2.Human resource and succession planning which provides information on future skill requirements and management training needs.3.Personnel statistics on, for example, labor turnover, which highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.4.Exit interviews which might suggest deficiencies in training arrangements.5.Consultation with senior managers which obtains opinions on training needs from key decision makers.6.Data on productivity, quality and performance which show where there are any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends, and therefore suggest training needs.7.Departmental layout changes which provide information about future developments and related training needs.8.Management requests for training which set out perceived needs.9.Knowledge of financial plans which determine whether the funds will be available for training, and may encourage fresh approaches if resources are limited.Two other sources not directly mentioned by Walters are plans for introducing new technology or developing IT systems, and marketing plans which indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services, use different selling techniques or operate in new territories.1.According to Wlaters, is (are) major training priorities.A.human resource and succession planningB. personnel statisticsC. exit interviewsD. organizational goals and corporate plans2. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .A. the direction in which the organization is goingB. future skill requirements and management training needsC. deficiencies in training arrangementsD. any gaps between expectations and results or negative trends3. The following sources of information which help to identify training priorities are mentioned by Wlaters except .A. marketing plansB. departmental layout changesC. data on productivity, quality and performanceD. consultation with senior managers4.According to the passage, the following statements are true except .A. Departmental layout changes provide information about future developments and related training needs.B. Exit interviews highlight HR issues which might be addressed by training.C. Data on productivity, quality and performance show where there are any gaps between expectations andresults or negative trends.D. Marketing plans indicate where new skills are required to market new products or services.5.The main topic about this passage is illustrating .A. sources of information which provide information on management training needsB. sources of information of major training prioritiesC. sources of information which help to identify training prioritiesD. sources of information which provide information about future developments and related training needs.人力资源管理专业英语试卷答案及评分参考一、Translate the following terms from Chinese into English. (1'×10=10')1.performance management2.job analysisbor shortage4.internal recruiting5.cognitive ability test6.cross-training7.pay level 8.human resource planning9.outsourcing 10.equity theory二、Translate the following terms from English into Chinese.(1'×10=10')1.职业生涯规划2.员工关系3.培训与开发4.雇佣临时性员工5.人事政策6.个性清单7.员工准备就绪的特点8.比较法9.薪酬与福利 10.人力资源管理三、Fill in the following blanks with the words or phrases listed below. Change the form where necessary.(2'×15=30')1.surplus2.redress3.downplay4.credible5.dislocates6.discriminating7.inoculate8.lure9.ample10.circumvent11.incurred 12.appealing 13.terminate 14.solicit15.slump四、Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C,D.(2'×10=20')1.B2.D3.C4.A5.B6.B7.A8.A9.B10.C五、Reading comprehension.(3'×10=30')1.C2.B3.D4.A5.C6.D7.B8.A9.B10.C。

Review Exercises1.True/False Questions.(10×1.5=15 points)2.Multiple Choice Questions (10×1.5=15 points)3.Essay Questions (3×10=30 points)4.Case Analysis (2×20=20 points)Essay Questions:1. Describe the roles played by line managers and human resource professionals with respect to HRM. P7-8(1) HR professionals typically assume the four areas of responsibility:❖Establish HRM procedures❖Develop/choose HRM methods❖Monitor/evaluate HR practices❖Advise/assist managers on HRM-related matters(2) Line managers dir ect employees’day-to-day tasks.From an HRM perspective, line managers are the main people responsible for:❖Implementing HRM practices❖Providing HR professionals with needed input2. What are the 16 HRM practices that enhance a firm’s competitive advantage suggested by Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer ? P12❖Employment security Selectivity in recruiting❖High wage Incentive pay❖Employee ownership Information sharing❖Participation and empowerment Teams and job redesign❖Training and development Cross-utilization and cross-training❖Symbolic egalitarianism Wage compression❖Promotion from within Long-term perspective❖Measurement of practices Overarching philosophy3. Discuss how job analysis lays the foundation for HRM practices that lead to competitive advantage.P45-46(1)Laying the foundation for recruitment and selection practice(2)Laying the foundation for Training and development programs(3)Laying the foundation for performance appraisal forms(4)Laying the foundation for compensation decisions……..4. Understand how a firm’s human resource management practices can help it gain a competitive advantage. P11 P12-175.Explain why and how HRP activities are conducted?P39 第3题(1)WhyThe aim of HRP is to ensure that people are available with the appropriate characteristics and skills when and where the organization needs them.(2) How: HRM consists of the following activities❖Demand forecasting❖Supply forecasting❖An HR plan is derived by combining the results of supply and demand forecasts made for each organizational job group.6. Why is the internal supply of labor not static? How can organizations keep track of their internal supply of labor?7. Explain how realistic job previews (RJPs) operate. Why do they appear to be an effective recruitment technique?(1) How to use(operate)RJPs P79❖Include descriptive information(starting salaries,average length of time to promotion,hours of work)and judgmental information(aspects that satisfy and dissatisfy employees)❖Avoid giving candidates all possible information❖The relative emphasis you give to positive and negative information should reflect the actual balance of positive-negative factors found in the environment.(2)RJPs improve retention rates P65-668. What are the pros and cons of recruiting applicants internally and externally?内部招聘的优点1)选任时间较为充裕,了解全面,能做到用其所长,避其所短。
人力资源管理英语复习题(1)—— HRM Basics

复习题(1)——Human Resource Management BasicsI. Review the following terms and match the definitions with the corresponding terms.displacement; outsourcing; outplacement; attitude surveys; wellness program; psychological contract; bottom line; decentralization; empowerment; downsizing; expatriate; power distance; reverse discrimination; Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ); affirmative action; disparate treatment; adverse impact; business necessity;a)an organization’s use of an outside organization for a broad set of services.b)the expectation that employers and employees have about each otherc)the line in a financial statement that shows net income or lossd)the planned elimination of large numbers of personnel designed to enhanceorganizational effectivenesse)making employees more involved in their jobs by increasing their participation indecision makingf)an employee who is sent by a company in one country to manage operations in adifferent countryg)one of Hofsted’s cultural dimensions concerning how a culture deals withhierarchical power relationships and the unequal distribution of powerh) a condition that may exist when a person is denied an opportunity because ofpreferences given to protected-class individuals who may be less qualifiedi)situation that exists when protected class members are treated differently fromothersj)situation that exists when there is a substantial under-representation of protected-class members as a result of employment decisions that work to their disadvantagesk) a characteristic providing a legitimate reason why an employer can exclude persons on otherwise illegal bases of considerationl) a process in which employers identify problem areas, set goals, and take positive steps to guarantee equal employment opportunities for people in a protected class. II. Fill out the blanks with proper terms.1.Human Resource Management is the design of formal systems in an organizationto ensure use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.2.Major HR management functions include: job analysis and design, recruitmentand selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, _________, ________, and support for strategy.3.For effective HR management, HR department should cooperate with _________.Sometimes, the division of human resource management responsibilities between them is obscure.4.The most important EEO law –Title VII of the Civil Rights Act–prohibitsdiscrimination in employment practices based on .5.When disparate treatment or _____________ occurs, the employer should provethe __________ or ___________ of its employment practices, otherwise it will be charged with discrimination.6.According to the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, adverse impact occurs when theselection rate for a protected class is less than ________ of the rate for the class with the highest selection rate. the two categories of sexual harassment: __________ and ____________.8.Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination against qualifiedindividuals with a disability because of the disability. Qualified individuals are one who can perform the essential functions of a job with or without _________________.9.____________ occurs when employers fail to use reasonable care in hiring anemployee who then commits a crime while working at the organization.10.Programs designed to remedy employees’ occupational safety and health problemsare called __________ and programs implemented to prevent illness and improve overall employee health levels are called ______________.11.E mployees hired to supplement an organization’s permanent work force are called______________.12.The nature of the employment relationship can be viewed as a ________________between employers and employees.13.When a company realizes that it needs to downsize its scale of operations, its firsttask is to examine alternatives to layoffs. These methods include: _____________, _______, and ______________.14.The key factors that HR professionals should consider in determining which HRstrategies will have a positive impact on firm performance: organizational strategies, ___________, organizational characteristics, and _________________.15.The most distinctive organizational strategies: _______________ and _________.16.The features of an organization’s characteristics can be broken down into fivemajor categories: the production process, __________, overall managerial philosophy, organizational ________ and organizational ________.III. Answer the following questions.1.Explain the function of human resource management.2.What groups of people are protected by EEO laws? Explain.3.What are common occupational safety and health problems? Explain measures toprevent and remedy these problems.4.Explain some major trends of HRM environment changing and the correspondingchallenges confronting HR managers.5.Explain how can workforce diversity be an asset to a company.6.Illustrate the strategic HR planning process and explain.7.How to manage labor surplus effectively?IV. Translation1. English → ChineseThe term “glass ceiling”describes the phenomenon of women rising to certain hierarchical levels in corporations and then being unable to advance any higher, despite their qualifications and abilities to do so. While gender is not explicitly stated as a reason for these individuals’inability to advance, gender-related issues and perceptions prevent their ongoing prowess; hence, gender acts as an invisible, or “glass”, barrier.Among the strategies suggested for “cracking”the glass ceiling are for women managers to be consistently outstanding in their work, to act as advocates for each other within the organization, and to recognize the exceptional pressures caused by work and family demands and demand that the organization adapt to these pressures. Legislation such as the CIVLE RIGHTS ACT OF 1991 has also been promoted as having a positive effect in removing barriers to advancement.2. Chinese → English裁员是指有计划的工作职位和工作数量的削减。

key termspension planscientific managementtask designcollective bargainingstaffoperational (line) departments job designhealth-care benefits organizational restructuring participative managementjob enrichment displacementHuaman Resource Management DisciplineIntranetOutsourcingOutplacementLabor law compliance Record keeping Unemployment compensation Benefits administrationJob descriptionExecutive compensaton Incentive payJob evaluationVacation-leave administration Retirement planProfit sharingStock planEmployee assistance program Relocation serviceSelf-serviceAttitude surveysLabor relationsWellnessPasychological contractJob postingPayroll administrationLine managerCost-benefit utility Occupational diseaseStress-related illnessesAdvancement systemTermination for causeReduction in forceSelection processTake bribesDemand kickbacksTake bribesDemand kickbacksReference checksBottom lineStrategic Human Resource ManagementHuman resource planningJob analysisBenefits administrationEmployee trainingPersonnel record keepingLegislative complianceLabor relationsJust-in-time inventory controlTotal quality managementCareer opportunitiesEmployment securityHR professionalQuality circlesOrganizational performanceDecentralizedEmpowermentHuman resource information systemMass-production systemEntrepreneurshipOrganizational learningPublic relationsDiversity managementEconnomies of scaleHuman resource planningHuman resource planning processHuman resource planning investigatingEmployee surplusDownsizingRequirement forecastLong-term trendQualifications inventorySkill inventorySuccession planningPromotionStaffingRecruitingEnvironmental scanningWork-force demographicsPerformance appraisalJobPositionOccupationTasksDutiesJob elementsJob analysis processJob analysis information sourcesJob familyCompensationJob designJob specificationPerformance standardsWork samplingQuestionnaire methodInterview methodObservation methodParticipant diary\logs methodTranslate the following sentences into English with the words/phrases given.1、通用电气公司近年来推出的企业内部培训计划令其他公司望尘莫及。

中央民族大学成人教育学院___年第 ___学期
____级人力资源管理___班____年第 ___ 学期期末考试英语(A卷)答案
1—5:C A D B D 6—10:B A C A C 11—15:B B D C C
16-20:C B A A D 21-25:B C D A D 26-30:B D D C
31-35:DBCDA 36—40:CDDBA 41—45:ABCCD 46—50:CCCDA
(一)51:Cold weather sharpens the pain in my knee.
52:I try to avoid going shopping on Saturday.
53:She preferred making her own clothes instead of buying them in the shops.
54:I’m not accustomed to being treated like this.
55:Thank you for your advice,I’ll bear it in mind.

Chapter 2: Equal Opportunity and the LawMultiple Choice1.Every time you advertise a job opening, interview, test or select a candidate orappraise an employee, you should be aware of:a.equal employment opportunity lawb.anti-discrimination lawc.criminal lawd.both a and be.both a and c(d; moderate)2.The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution states, “no person shall bedeprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law.〞a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(b; moderate)3.The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution makes it illegal for any state to“make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.〞a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(e; moderate)4.Which Amendment to the US Constitution is generally viewed as barringdiscrimination based on sex, national origin, or race?a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(e; moderate)5.In the US, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based onall of the following characteristics except _____.a.raceb.sexual orientationc.colord.religione.national origin(b; moderate)6.In the US, the _____ made it unlawful to discriminate in pay on the basis ofsex when jobs involve equal work, require equivalent skills, effort, and responsibility, and are performed under similar working conditions.a.Title VIIb.Equal Pay Actc.Executive Order (US President)d.Age Discrimination in Employment Acte.13th Amendment to the US Constitution(b; moderate)7.Which of the following factors is not an acceptable basis for different pay forequal work under the US Equal Pay Act?a.genderb.seniority systemc.merit pay systemd.quality of productione.all are unacceptable factors(a; moderate)8.The US EEOC guidelines define sexual harassment as:a.unwelcome sexual advancesb.requests for sexual favorsc.verbal sexual conductd.physical sexual conducte.all the above(e; moderate)9. In the US, when is sexual harassment a violation of sex harassment law?a.when such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interferingwith a person’s work performanceb.when such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating,hostile, or offensive work environmentc.when a crime of violence is motivated by genderd.both a and be.all of the above(d; moderate)10. In the US, _____ exists when an employer treats an individual differentlybecause that individual is a member of a particular race, religion, gender, or ethnic group.a. Disparate treatmentb. Disparate impactc. Unintentional discriminationd. Adverse impacte. Prima facie(a; easy)11. In the US, _____ refers to the total employment process that results in asignificantly higher percentage of a protected group in the candidate population being rejected for employment, placement, or promotion.a.disparate treatmentb.disparate impactc.unintentional discriminationd.adverse impacte.prima facie(d; easy)12. In the US, employers primarily use bona fide occupational qualification(BFOQ) as a defense against charges of discrimination based on _____.a.raceb.sexual orientationc.aged.gendere.all of the above(c; easy)13. In the US, religion may be used as a BFOQ if _____.a. a religious organization requires employees to share its religionb.an employer does not want to honor an employee’s religious holidaysc.hiring a person to teach in a nondenominational schoold.all of the abovee.none of the above(a; moderate)14. Which of the following characteristics could serve as a BFOQ depending onthe nature of the job requirements?a.ageb.genderc.national origind.religione.all of the above(e; easy)15. Organizations can measure diversity by using _____.a.equal employment hiring metricsb.employee attitude surveysc.management and employee evaluationsd.focus groupse.all of the above(e; moderate)16. Diversity management includes the following step(s):a.provide strong leadershipb.assess the situationc.provide diversity trainingd. a and be.a, b and c17. In providing strong leadership in diversity management, the CEO of acompany musta.take a personal interestb.become the role modelc.talk to every workerd. a and be.a, b and c(d; moderate; )18. In a company, the tools to measuring diversity include the following:a.equal employment hiring and retention metricsb.employee attitude surveyc.employee evaluationd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)19. The objectives of diversity training include the following:a.make employees aware of value differencesb.build self esteem of the different ethnic groupsc.create a friendly atmosphere in the companyd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)20. In Australia, employees are protected against discrimination at the workplaceby laws at the:a.federal levelb.state levelpany leveld. a and be.all of the above(d; moderate)21. In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employermay complain to the:a.Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissionb.Ministry of Laborc.Prime Ministerd.Parliamente.All of the above(a; easy)22. In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers the following:a.work situationb.non-work situationc.special situationd. a and be.a, b and c(d; easy)23. In Hong Kong, the Equal Opportunities Commission provides employers witha code of practice on:a.job advertisementsb.job titlespensationd.promotione.all of the above(e; moderate)24. In Indonesia, under the employment law, pregnant women have the followingrights:a.they cannot be dismissedb.they can return to their job after maternity leavec.they can have six months of maternity leaved. a and be.a, b and c(d; moderate)\25. In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits the following:a.discrimination based on nationalityb.discrimination based on creedc.discrimination based on social statusd. a and be.a, b and c(e; easy)26. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices encourages self-regulation on the part of employers in:a.recruitmentb.selectionc.appraisald.traininge.all of the above(e; easy)27. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices recommendsthat employers should not discriminate employees based on:a. raceb. religionc. aged. gendere. all of the above(e; easy)28. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is recommendedby:a. Singapore National Employers Federationb. Singapore Business Federationc. National Trades Union Congressd. The governmente. a, b, and c(e; moderate)29. Candidates for employment should be selected based on the following:a.meritb.experiencec.capabilityd. a and be.a, b, and c(e; easy)30. Selection criteria should be consistently applied to the following aspect(s) ofemployment:a.recruitmentb.trainingc.appraisald. a and be.a, b, and c(e; easy)31. In South Korea, the Labor Standards Act prohibits employers fromdiscrimination against workers by:a.genderb.nationalityc.religiond.social statuse.all of the above(e; easy)32. In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, it isrecommended that companies with over 300 workers should have a minimum ____ percent of their workers in the above-55 age group.a.Threeb.Fivec.Tend.Fifteene.Twenty(a; moderate)33. In Malaysia, under the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling ofSexual Harassment at the Workplace, the Ministry of Manpower has:a.special division to deal with harassment casesb.the power to jail any person accused of sexual harassmentc.the power to fine any person accused of sexual harassmentd.the power to compensate the victim of sexual harassmente.all of the above(a; easy)34. In Thailand, under the Labor Protection Act, women may:a.sue employers for passing sexist remarksb.sue colleagues for passing sexist remarksc.seek compensation from the governmentd. a and be.none of the above(d; easy)True/ False35.Managers in non-U.S. companies must be aware of equal employmentopportunity laws in the US and in countries where they do business. (T; easy) 36.U.S. citizens working overseas for U.S. companies do not have the same equalemployment opportunity protection as those working within U.S. borders. (F;easy)37.In the U.S., equal employment opportunity laws were only introduced a fewyears ago. (F; easy)38.Managing diversity means maximizing diversity’s pot ential advantages whileminimizing the potential barriers that can undermine the functioning of a diverse workforce. (T; easy)39.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because oflegal requirements. (T; easy)40.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because ofglobalization. (T; moderate)41.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because ofchanges in workforce demographics. (T; moderate)42.In most countries, the workforce consists of people from different ethnic origins.(T; moderate)43.Global companies actively recruit and maintain a diverse workforce to tap thetalents from different ethnic groups (T; moderate)44.Managing diversity implies that companies are exploiting workers fromdifferent ethnic groups (F; difficult)45.Managing diversity involves only compulsory management action. (F;moderate)46.Managing diversity involves only voluntary management action. (F; moderate)47.Managing diversity involves both compulsory and voluntary management action.(T; moderate)48.Managing diversity involves more than just employing workers of differentethnic origins. (T; difficult)49.In most countries, there are laws to prevent discrimination at the workplace (T;easy)50.Diversity management training should include inter-group conflict managementskills. (T; moderate)51.In diversity management practices, supervisors must be trained to deal withinter-group conflict. (T; moderate)52.Training foreign workers in their own language will help them to be moresensitive to ethnic differences. (T, difficult)53.Teaching foreign workers how to speak English will help them to be moresensitive to other cultures. (T; difficult)54.Having employees from different backgrounds helps the company to understanddifferent customer preferences. (T; moderate)55.Having employees from different ethnic groups helps the company to project amulti-cultural image. (T; moderate)56.It is expensive to maintain a multi-cultural workforce. (F; moderate)57.Workplace diversity makes strategic sense. (T; easy)58.Equal employment opportunity is the same as affirmative action. (F; moderate)59.Equal employment opportunity means giving every person an equal chance toget a job. (T; easy)60.The objective of affirmative action is to eliminate past effects of pastdiscrimination. (T; moderate)61.Affirmative action implies giving privileges to some protected groups. (T;difficult)62.Managing diversity is voluntary. (T; moderate)63.Affirmative action programs are mandatory. (T; moderate)64.In Australia, there are laws to ensure that only Australians are not discriminatedagainst in the workplace. (F; easy)65.In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employermay complain to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. (T;easy)66.In Australia, non-Australian employees are not protected against discrimination.(F; difficult)67.In Hong Kong, advertisements that specify gender or marital status are barred.(T; moderate)68.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance deals only with discriminationbased on the grounds of sex. (F; moderate)69.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance deals with discriminationbased on the grounds of sex, marital status and pregnancy. (T; moderate)70.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers only work situations.(F; moderate)71.In Hong Kong, it is illegal to have different titles for men and women doing thesame work. (T; moderate)72.In Hong Kong, the Family Status Ordinance protects persons who areresponsible for taking care of their family members. (T; moderate)73.In Hong Kong, the Equal Employment Commission has to power to investigatenon-compliance with the law. (T; easy)74.In Indonesia, there are no anti-discrimination laws for female employees. (T;easy)75.In Indonesia, as there are no anti-discrimination laws, employers may dismisspregnant workers. (F; moderate)76.In Japan, the Equal Employment Opportunity Law provides equality inopportunities concerning recruitment, payment, promotion and training between male and female workers. (T; easy)77.In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits only discrimination in wages andwork hours. (F; moderate)78.Singapore is a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural society. (T; easy)79.In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices helps employersto promote responsible employment practices. (T; easy)80.In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is issued by the81.In Singapore, employers may be jailed for not complying with the Code ofResponsible Employment Practices. (F; difficult)82.In Singapore, workers may sue their employers under the Code of ResponsibleEmployment Practices. (F; difficult)83.In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, all companiesmust employ some workers in the above-55 age group. (F; moderate)84.In South Korea, under the Employment Promotion Act for the Handicapped, allcompanies must employ some handicapped workers. (F; moderate)85.In South Korea, the Labor Standard Act prohibits employers fromdiscrimination against workers by gender, nationality, religion or social status.(T; easy)86.In Malaysia, the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling of SexualHarassment at the Workplace provides a mechanism for redress. (T; moderate) 87.In Malaysia, the Ministry of Human Resources has a special division to handlesexual harassment cases. (T; moderate)88.In Malaysia, the government encourages trade unions to include sexualharassment clauses in the collective agreements. (T; easy)89.In Thailand, women are protected under the Labor Protection Law. (T;moderate)90.In Thailand, women workers may sue their colleagues for making sexist remarksat the workplace. (T; moderate)91.In order to attract the best candidates, employers should adopt non-discriminatory HR practices. (T; easy)92.Employers should apply non-discriminatory criteria only for some aspects ofemployment. (F; easy).93.Criteria and terms of employment should be made known to all employees. (T;moderate)94.There are business situations where a person’s race may be a requirement for t hejob. (T; difficult)95.There are business situations where a person’s national origin may be arequirement for the job. (T; difficult)Chapter 2: Equal Opportunity and the Law Essay/ Short Answer96.What are the five sets of voluntary organizational activities that support thesuccess of a diversity management program? (moderate)Answer: The activities are to provide strong leadership, assess the situation, provide diversity training and education, change culture and management systems, and evaluate the diversity management program.97.Several Asian countries have introduced anti-discrimination laws that make itunlawful to treat a person unfairly because of certain attributes. Give two examples.Answer: In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits discrimination in wages, work hours and other labor conditions because of nationality, creed or social status. In South Korea, its Labor Standard Act prohibits employers from discrimination against workers by gender, nationality, religion, or social status.98.What is the purpose of introducing the Code of Responsible EmploymentPractices in Singapore?Answer: To help employers promote responsible employment practices regardless of race, religion, age, gender, marital status, disability or factors which are not relevant to the job.99.In some business situati ons, a person’s race, nationality or religion may be arequirement for a job. Give some examples.Answer: a) When the employee is recruit to deal with clients of a specific language group. b) When the employee has to handle food or products that are not permitted by some religions (e.g. Muslims are not allowed to handle pork;Hindus do not eat beef).29。

Multiple Choice Questions1. (p. 4) _____ refers to a company's ability to maintain and gain market share in its industry.B. Competitiveness竞争力2.(p. 4) _____ refers to the policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes, and performance.C. Human resource management(人力资源管理)3. (p. 5) Strategic HR management includes all but one of the following. Name the exception(例外).A. Financial planning(财务策划)4. (p. 6) Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of HR departments?D. Production and operations(生产运营)5. (p. 6) Which of the following is NOT a product line of human resources?C. Human capital partner(人力资本)6. (p. 8) Which of the following best describes a cultural steward(文化管理)?C. Facilitates(促进)change.7.. (p. 8) A strategic architect(建筑师)is one who:B. recognizes business trends and their impact on the business.8. (p. 9) Giving employees online access to information about HR issues such as training, benefits, and compensation is known as:C. self-service(自助).9.(p. 9) The practice of having another company (a vendor, third-party provider, consultant) provide services traditionally associated with the administrative role of HR is known as:C. outsourcing(外包业务).10. (p. 10) Traditionally, the HRM department was primarily(根本上)a(n):D. administrative expert(行政专家).11. (p. 11) Which of the following statements (陈述)about evidence-based (基于证据的)HR is FALSE?B. It emphasizes that HR is being transformed from a broad corporate competency to a specialized, stand-alone function in which human resources and line managers build partnerships to gain competitive advantage.12. (p. 12-13) Which one of the following statements about the HR profession is FALSE?A. A college degree(大学文凭)is required of HR specialists(技术专员), but not of generalists(一般技术员).13. (p. 13) All of the following competitive challenges faced by companies will increase the importance of human resource management EXCEPT: C. the political challenge(政治挑战).14.(p. 14) _____ refers to the ability of a company to survive (生存) and succeed in a dynamic(动态的)competitive environment.C. Sustainability(可持续性)15. (p. 14) Sustainability(可持续性)includes all of the following EXCEPT:A. expanding into foreign markets(扩大到国外市场).16. (p. 19) Which of the following statements about intangible assets(无形资产)is FALSE?B. They are less valuable than physical assets(实物资产).17. (p. 20)Tacit knowledge(隐形知识)is an example of _____ capital.C. human18. (p. 21) Which of the following is NOT true of knowledge workers(知识工人)?D. They contribute to the company through manual labor(体力劳动)and intellectual labor.19. (p. 21)Empowering(授权)is defined as:B. giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding(关于)all20.(p. 22) A(n) _____ contract describes what an employee expects to contribute and what the company will provide to the employee for these contributions.C. psychological(精神上的)21. (p. 25) All of the following are examples of alternative work arrangements EXCEPT:B. current labor force.22. (p. 27) The balanced scorecard(平衡记分卡):B. uses indicators(指标)important to the company's strategy.23. (p. 27) The balanced scorecard(平衡计分卡)presents a view of (观察)company performance from the perspective of:D. its employees, customers, and shareholders(股东).24. (p. 28) According to the financial perspective(财政观点)of the balanced scorecard, which of the following questions should be answered?D. How do we look to shareholders?25. (p. 28) Increasingly, companies are trying to meet shareholder and general public demands that they be more socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible. Thus, companies are recognizing the importance of:D. social responsibility(社会责任).26. (p. 154) An organization needs to create a fit between its organizational design and all of the following EXCEPT its:B. products and services(产品和服务).27. (p. 155) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding job design and job analysis?A. Job design and job analysis have extensive overlap(大量重叠).28. (p. 155) _____ focuses on analyzing existing jobs to gather information for other human resource management practices, whereas _____ focuses on redesigning existing jobs to make them more efficient or more motivating to jobholders.A. Job analysis; job design29. (p. 155) Which of the following refers to the process of analyzing the tasks necessary for the production of a product or service prior to(在。
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一、选择:(10小题,每小题1分1、A is a citizen of one country,working in a second country,and employ by an organization headquartered in a third country.A. Third-country nationalB. Host-country nationalC. Parent-country nationalsD. Repatriate 2、A is an employee working for a firm in an operation who is a citizen of the country where the operation is located,but the headquarter for the firm is in another country.A. Third-country nationalB. Host-country nationalC. Parent-country nationalsD. Repatriate 3、refers to the policies and practices related to managing people in an internationally oriented organization.A. Global human resource managementB. Cultural managementC. Global organizations’ staffingpensation management4、Which of the following belongs to retirement security benefits?A. Severance payB. Time-off benefitsC. Unemployment compensationD. Pension plans5、Which of the following doesn’ t belong to executives?The .A. CEOB. PresidentC. Senior vice-presidentD. Mid-manager6、A pay is a collection of date on compensation rates for working performing similar jobs in other organizations.A. SystemB. SurveyC. GradeD. Range7、Which of the following is an inappropr iate rater of an employee’ s performance?A. his/her supervisorB. His/her peerC.his/her customerD. his friend8、Dd9、Which of the following activities belong to compensation and benefits practices?A. TrainingB. SelectionC.recruitmentD. Job evaluation10、Which of the following activities does not belong to staffing practices?A. SelectionB. RecruitmentC. Employee developmentD. Job description11、Compensation and benefits practices include all but .A. Compensation planB. BenefitsC. Retirement planD. Termination12、HRM has three major roles in organizations.They are administrativerole,operational role and .A. Staffing roleB.strategic roleC. Diversity managementD. Conflict management13、The job characteristics model developed by Hackman and Oldham identifies five important design characteristics of jobs,of which affect the meaningfulness of work.A. task identity, variety, and autonomyB. Variety, task identity, and feedbackC. Task identity, task significance, autonomyD. Variety, task identity, and task significance14、Action decisions in surplus conditions include all but .A. Attrition and hiring freezeB. Early retirement buyoutsC. LayoffsD. R ecalling employee 15、Action decisions with shortage of employee include all but .A. Work overtimeB. Recalling previous employeesC. RecruitmentD. Hiring f reeze16、are the external supply pool from which employers attract employees.A. Labor distributionB. Labor demandC. Labor LawD. Labor markets17、Which of the following is the disadvantage of internal recruiting?A. InbreedingB. Increasing moraleC.Lower costD.better assessment of abilities18、Which of the following is the disadvantage of external recruiting?A. Increasing moraleB.InbreedingC. Longer adjustment or orientation timeD. Bringing in new blood19、Which of the following does not belong to internal recruiting methods?A.College and university recruitingB. Job posting systemC. Current employee referralsanizational databases20、Which of the following belong to external recruiting methods?A. Employment agenciesB. Current employee referralsC. Promotions from withinD. Transfers21、Which of the following is not the advantage of Internet recruiting?A. Time consumingB. Costing savingC. An expanded pool of applicantsD. No geographic constrains22、Which of the following belong to personality tests?A. The Big Five personality traitsB. Physical ability testsC. Cognitive ability testsD.Psychomotor tests23、Behavioral interview and situational interview belong to which use a set of standardized questions asked of all applicants.A. Structured interviewsB. Unstructured interviewsC. Stress interviewsD. Nondirective interview24、In interviewing,the interview should avoid to ask such questions as .A. Those that are not job relatedB. Those about the applicant’ s work experienceC. Those about the applicant ’ s educationD. Those about his interest25、In the interview,the interviewer should try to avoid .A. Snap judgments,negative emphasis,halo effect,and stereotypingB. Snap judgments,negative emphasis halo effect,and structured interviewC. Snap judgment,halo effect,and unstructured interviewD. Halo effect structured interview and less structured interview26、The strategic training process include four phases: .A. D esign-assessment-delivery-evaluationB. A ssessment-design-delivery-evaluationC. Delivery-delivery-assessment-evaluationD. Evaluation-assessment-design-delivery27、There are different individual learning styles,which include .A. Visual leaning ,auditory learning,and distant learningB. Auditory learning,tactile learning,and transferring learningC. Tactile learning,visual learning,and transferring leaningD. Auditory learning, visual learning,and tactile learning28、The broadest labor market component is the made up of all individuals who are available for selection.A. Labor force populationB. Labor marketC. Applicant populationD. Individuals selected 29、The is a subset of the labor force population that is available for selection using a particular recruiting approach.A. Applicant populationB. Applicant poolC. Individuals selectedD. Labor force population 30、The consists of all persons who are actually evaluated for selection.A. Applicant poolB. Applicant populationC. Labor force populationD. Labor markets 31、is a type of structured interview that is composed of questions about how applicants might handle specific job situations.A. Situational interviewB. Behavior interviewC. Stress interviewD. Structured interview 32 、In the interview,applicants are asked to give specific examples of how they have performed a certain task or handled a problem in the past.A. behavioralB. situationalC. stressD. less structured33、interview is a special type of interview designed to create anxiety and put pressure on the applicant to see how the person responds.A. StressB. BehavioralC. SituationalD. Structured二、填空:1、Broadbanding is the practice using fewer pay grades with much broader ranges than in traditional compensation systems.2、Benchmark jobs are jobs found in many other organizations and performed by several individuals who have similar duties that are relatively stable and require similar KSAs.3、The Point method is the most widely used job evaluation method,is more sophisticated than the ranking and classification methods.4 、Human capital is the total value of human resource to theorganization,sometimes also referred to an intellectual capital.It is composed of the people in the organization and their5、Job description are the documents that14、Performance appraisal is the process of evaluation how well employees perform their jobs when compared to a set of standards and then communicating that information to those employees.15、Procedural justice is the perceived fairness of the process and procedures used to make decisions about employees,including their pay.16、Of the Big Five personality traits,conscientiousness has been found to be related to job success across most organizations and occupations.17、Work sample tests require an applicant to perform a simulated job task that is part of the target job.18、Psychomotor tests measure a person ’ s dexterity,hand-eye coordination,arm- hand steadiness,and other factors.19、Physical ability test measure individual ’ s abilities such asstrength,endurance,and muscular movement.20、Cognitive ability tests measure an individual ’ s thinking,memory,reasoning,and verbal and mathematical abilities.21、Many interviewers make a decision on the job suitability of applicants within the first two to four minutes of the interview and spend the rest of the interview looking for evidence to support it.This is called snap judgments.22、In a selection interview,a single negative characteristics may bar an individual from being accepted.This is called negative emphasis.23 、On-the-job training is the most common type of training at all levels in an organization.The employee is placed into the real work situation and shown the job and the tricks of the trade by an experienced employee or the supervisor.三、判断:1. A multinational corporation may evolve into a global organization as operations in various countries become more integrated.√2. A global organization may evolve into a multinational corporation as operations in various countries become more foreign.×3. Few HR professionals question that there are important cultural differences between nations that might influence the effectiveness of GHRM. ×4. One widely used way to classify and compare cultures was developed by Geert Hofstede,who classified cultural differences in at least five dimensions. √5. An employee stock ownership plan is designed to give employee stock ownership in the organization for which they work.√6. Employee stock options give employees a fixed number of shares of company stock.×7. Common organizational incentive systems include profit sharing,stock option,and piece-rate system.×8. The drawbacks of team-based incentive include too much focus on what is best individually and may block or inhibit performance of other individuals with whom the employee is competing.×9. The major advantages of the factor -comparison method are its difficulty and complexity,and it is time-consuming to establish anddevelop. ×10. The point method of job evaluation requires evaluations to qualify the value of the elements of a job.×11. Job evaluation is designed to ensure the internal equity of the paysystem,whereas pay survey is designed to ensure the external competitiveness of the pay system.√12. A pay structure include pay grades and minimum-to-maximum pay ranges. √13. Accurate job descriptions and job specifications are only used in job evaluation,not in pay survey.×14. In compensation, procedural justice can be described as the procedural fairness in the process of determining base pay for jobs,allocating pay increases.and measuring performance.√15. Intrinsic rewards include psychological and social effects of compensation,including monetary rewards.×16. Extrinsic rewards are tangible,including monetary and non-monetary forms. √17. Tangible compensation includes direct and indirect compensations.The most common forms of indirect compensation are base pay and benefits.×18. In performance appraisal interview,it is necessary that both parties agree in all areas.×19. To tie performance to salary or promotion issues is appropriate in performance appraisal interview.×20. Management by objectives (MBO specifies the performance goals that an individual and her or his manager agree to try attain within an appropriate length of time.√21.22. Human relations training is the training which focuses on the development of the human relations skills a person needs to work well with others.√23. A multinational corporation is one in which an organization has operating units only located in its own country.×24. The orientation and training that expatriates and their families receive before departure do not affect the success of the overseas assignment at all. √25. Job enlargement is increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibilities for planning,organizing,controlling,or evaluating the job.×26. Forced distribution is to rate employees on the basis of some organizationally determined,preexisting distribut ion of categories.√ 27. Task identity,feedback and task significance of a job can affect the psychological state of the job incumbent by letting him/her experience responsibility. ×28. Skill variety ,task identify and task significance of a job can make the job holder experience meaningfulness of his job.√29. Job fair,professional websites,and employer websites are all E-recruiting methods.×30. Individual incentives reward all members equally on the basis of group output,cost savings,or quality improvement.×31. Job enlargement is not an approach for design,but for job analysis.×32. Many interviewers make a decision on the job suitability of applicants within the first two to four minutes of the interview and spend the rest of the interview looking for evidence to support it.This is called halo effect. ×33. Compensation system in organizations must not be linked to organizational objectives and strategy.×34. Extrinsic rewards include praise for completing a project or meeting performance objectives.×35. External recruitment may cause possible morale problems of internal candidates. √36. The job characteristics model identifies six important design characteristics of jobs.×37. Off-site development techniques give individuals opportunities to get away from the job and concentrate solely on what is to be learned.√ 38. A multinational c orporation is one i n which an organization hasoperating units located in foreign countries.√。