Demonstrative pronouns
this, that
Demonstrative pronouns are used to point out specific things or ideas. For example, "This is my book" or "That is a good idea".
They can also be used with other words, such as "next" or "last".
Fractional words
Summary: Fractional words are used to express part of a whole, such as "half", "quarter", "third".
They are usually written as two separate words, such as "one half" or "two thirds".
Fractional words can also be written as symbols, such as 1/2 or 2/3.
Indefinite pronouns
somebody, anyone, something, anything
Indefinite pronouns are used when the specific identity of the subject or object is not known or does not matter. For example, "Somebody left their keys on the table" or "Anybody can apply for the job".
尽管名词通常以e,c,l,n或r结尾,但这不代表结尾字母是它们就可以确凿地表明一个单词是形容词,仅能 通过其在句子中的功用才能确认。
形容词没有转调的情况,也不会同其修饰的名词保持一致。形容词既可以在名词前也可以在名词后。用在名 词后的情况更频繁。"Adjectives preceding a noun tend to suggest that what they express is an essential feature of the noun concept and not merely a feature distinguishing the present representative of the noun concept from others." [p. 13, §33]然而,简短的形容词如bon,parve,alte, etc.,会出现在名词前边作为节 律之用或个人偏好。
Nouns derived from Nouns名词派生名词 Adjectives derived from Nouns名词派生形容词 Verbs derived from Nouns and Adjectives名词和形容词派生动词 Nouns derived from Adjectives形容词派生名词 Adjectives derived from Adjectives形容词派生形容词 Derivations from Verbs动词的派生 General Prefixes通用前缀 Technical Prefixes (modifying nouns and adjectives) (NOTE:the Interlingua Grammar, pp.78ff [ §161], lists a number of affixes, many derived from Greek (a few from Latin), which may also be used in word building and which are similar to their use in English and many of the west European languages, especially in technical and scientific compounds.
开发术语 numeration
![开发术语 numeration](
开发术语 numeration 是一个非常重要的概念。
在本文中,我们将从多个角度深入探讨 numeration 的内涵和应用。
[1] 我们需要了解 numeration 的基本含义。
Numeration 是数字的表示方式,它可以是十进制、二进制、八进制或十六进制等。
了解不同的 numeration 对于我们理解数字在不同领域的应用具有重要意义。
[2] 我们需要探讨 numeration 在计算机科学中的应用。
在计算机中进行加减乘除运算时,我们需要根据不同的 numeration 进行对应的计算规则。
另外,计算机内存中的数据存储也是基于特定的 numeration 进行的。
深入理解 numeration 对于我们理解计算机工作原理和编程语言具有重要意义。
[3] 接下来,我们需要探讨 numeration 在算法和数据结构中的应用。
不同的 numeration 会导致不同的算法和数据结构选择。
在排序算法中,不同的 numeration 可能会导致不同的排序效率和稳定性。
深入理解 numeration 对于我们选择合适的算法和数据结构具有重要意义。
[4] 我们还需要探讨 numeration 在现实生活中的应用。
深入理解 numeration对于我们更好地处理日常生活和工作中的数字事务具有重要意义。
c语言nums用法 -回复
![c语言nums用法 -回复](
以下是一些常见的nums用法实例,其中n代表数组的长度:1. 声明和初始化在声明和初始化数组时,可以使用以下语法:数据类型数组名[元素个数] = {元素1, 元素2, ... 元素n};例如:int nums[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};这样就创建了一个包含5个整数的数组,每个元素分别为1,2,3,4和5。
2. 访问数组元素要访问数组中的元素,可以使用下标运算符[]。
例如,要访问nums数组中的第一个元素,可以使用以下语法:int x = nums[0];这将把nums数组中的第一个元素(索引为0)赋给变量x。
3. 修改数组元素可以通过下标运算符来修改数组中的元素。
例如,要将nums数组中的第二个元素更改为10,可以使用以下语法:nums[1] = 10;这将把nums数组中的第二个元素(索引为1)的值更改为10。
4. 数组的遍历遍历数组是一种常见的操作,用于访问并处理数组中的所有元素。
以下是一个遍历nums数组并打印每个元素的示例:for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {printf("d ", nums[i]);}这个循环从数组的第一个元素开始,通过递增索引直到最后一个元素。
numel在matlab中的用法标题:numel 在 Matlab 中的用法嘿,朋友!今天来跟你唠唠 Matlab 里一个超有用的函数——numel !咱先来说说 numel 是干啥的。
那怎么用这个神奇的 numel 呢?别慌,我给你一步步道来。
第一步,打开你的 Matlab 软件。
比如说,咱们搞一个简单的向量 A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 。
第三步,这时候 numel 就要登场啦!输入 numel(A) ,然后按下回车键。
嘿,你马上就能看到结果,告诉你这个向量 A 里一共有 5 个元素。
我跟你说,我有一次啊,正在用 numel 计算一个超级复杂的数据结构,心里那个紧张啊,就怕算错了。
结果一敲回车键,答案出来的那一瞬间,我就像中了彩票一样兴奋!再比如说,你弄一个二维数组 B = [1 2; 3 4] ,然后输入 numel(B) ,它就能告诉你这个二维数组里总共的元素个数是 4 。
这里要注意哦,如果你的数据结构是个多维的,比如说三维、四维,numel 照样能给你把总数数清楚。
假如你有一个矩阵 C ,是 3 行 4 列的,里面全是数字。
你输入 numel(C) ,它就能一下子告诉你这里面总共有12 个元素。
记住啦,使用 numel 的时候,就把它当成你的得力小助手,只要把你要数的东西扔给它,它就能给你一个满意的答案。
好啦,朋友,相信你已经掌握了 numel 在 Matlab 中的用法啦!快去试试吧,让 numel 帮你在数据的世界里轻松数数!。
e.g. three balloons fourteen mice
one boy two girls three books five bags seventeen kittens (小猫) eighteen ants (蚂蚁)
II. Cardinal Numerals
2. separation between hundreds and tens
hundred and ten are usually separated by “and” e.g. 110—one hundred and ten 1,250—one thousand, two hundred and fifty 2,001—two thousand and one
II. Cardinal Numerals
II. Cardinal Numerals
5. Million
1,000,000--one million
2,200,324—two million, two hundred
thousand, three hundred and twenty-four
3,000,000—three million 3,324,234—three million, three hundred and
注意:数字后一般写最后的两个字母 如 1st 2nd 4th , 1st June, 2nd July, 3rd August 等
III. ordinal number
1.Definition . indicates position or order in relation to other numbers.
1st –first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth
语法词典,粒粒老师给大家推荐两个,一个是系统全面的“红宝书”<Grammar in use>,一个是DK出版社的画图讲语法。
1. Grammar in Use这本书自1985年出版以来,全世界销量过千万册,被国内很多人称为语法“红宝书”。
是英国人Raymond Murphy,他自己在欧洲教英语十七年,所以这本书的编写也是专门针对ESL的学习来设计的,比较适合我们国内的情况。
在亚马逊上,这本书销量很高,而且很多人也大方给出了五星好评!红宝书共覆盖 115个语法单元,每个单元重点讲解一个语法点。
比如下面介词 in 的介绍,就包含了常见搭配,in + 时间,in + 地点,in+未来时间等,最后针对in 和 to 这两个常见介词还做了对比。
Grammar in use 系列一共三本,大部分的语法点是重合的,但是例句和练习的难度会逐步上升,适合不同水平的学习者。
2. English for everyoneDK出版社这套语法书并不厚重,最突出的特色是画图讲语法。
如果输入的字符数组或字符串无法转换为数值,则num函数会返回一个NaN(Not a Number)。
4)以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,如: a. maths,politics,physics等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单 数。 b. news 是不可数名词。 c. the United States,the United Nations 应视为单数。 The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是 1945年组建起来的。 d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。 "The Arabian Nights" is a very interesting story-book. <<一千零一夜>>是一本非常有趣的故事书。
物质名词 a. 当物质名词转化为个体名词时。 比较: Cake is a kind of food. 蛋糕是一种食物。 (不可数) These cakes are sweet. 这些蛋糕很好吃。 (可数) b. 当物质名词表示该物质的种类时,名词可数。 This factory produces steel. (不可数) We need various steels. (可数) c. 当物质名词表示份数时,可数。 Our country is famous for tea. 我国因茶叶而闻名。 Two teas, please. 请来两杯茶。
3) 有些原有s结尾的名词,作定语时,s保留。 如:goods train (货车) arms produce 武器生产 customs papers 海关文件 clothes brush衣刷 4) 数词+名词作定语时,这个名词一般保留单数形式。 如:two-dozen eggs 两打/(二十四个鸡蛋) a ten-mile walk 十里路 two-hundred trees 两百棵树 a five-year plan 一个五年计划
grammar知识点总结Grammar is a set of rules and principles that govern the use of language. It includes the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, as well as the rules for using punctuation and capitalization. Understanding grammar is essential for effective communication, as it helps to ensure that our messages are clear, concise, and accurate. In this summary, we will cover the key aspects of grammar, including parts of speech, sentence structure, and common grammatical errors.Parts of SpeechOne of the fundamental concepts in grammar is the classification of words into parts of speech. This classification helps us to understand how words function in sentences and how they relate to one another. There are eight main parts of speech:1. Noun: A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. Examples include "dog," "city," "book," and "happiness."2. Pronoun: A pronoun is a word that can take the place of a noun. Examples include "he," "she," "it," and "they."3. Verb: A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. Examples include "run," "eat," "sleep," and "is."4. Adjective: An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. Examples include "red," "tall," "beautiful," and "smart."5. Adverb: An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. It usually answers the questions "how," "when," "where," or "to what extent." Examples include "quickly," "often," "here," and "very."6. Preposition: A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence. Examples include "in," "on," "under," and "between."7. Conjunction: A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses. Examples include "and," "but," "or," and "because."8. Interjection: An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses strong emotion or surprise. Examples include "wow," "oh," "ouch," and "bravo."Understanding the parts of speech is important for building and analyzing sentences. For example, identifying the verb in a sentence can help us understand the action being performed, while recognizing the adjectives and adverbs can paint a clearer picture of the noun they are describing.Sentence StructureIn addition to understanding the parts of speech, it is essential to grasp the basic structure of a sentence. Sentences are made up of clauses, and each clause contains a subject and a predicate. The subject is the person, place, thing, or idea that the sentence is about, and the predicate is the action or state of being that the subject is performing or undergoing.There are four main types of sentences based on their structure:1. Simple Sentence: A simple sentence consists of one independent clause. It has a subject and a predicate, and it expresses a complete thought. For example, "She sings beautifully."2. Compound Sentence: A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) or a semicolon. For example, "She sings beautifully, and she plays the guitar."3. Complex Sentence: A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. The dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. For example, "Although she sings beautifully, she is nervous on stage."4. Compound-Complex Sentence: A compound-complex sentence consists of two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. For example, "She sings beautifully, and she plays the guitar, but she gets nervous when people watch her."Understanding sentence structure is crucial for constructing clear and coherent sentences. It helps us to ensure that our writing is grammatically correct and easy to understand. Common Grammatical ErrorsDespite our best efforts, it is easy to make grammatical mistakes when writing or speaking. Some common grammatical errors include:1. Subject-Verb Agreement: This error occurs when the subject and the verb do not agree in number. For example, "The team are playing" should be "The team is playing" because "team" is a singular noun.2. Misplaced or Dangling Modifier: A misplaced modifier is a word or phrase that is not placed near the word it is modifying, which can cause confusion or ambiguity. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that does not have a clear subject to modify. For example, "Running quickly, the finish line was crossed" should be "Running quickly, she crossed the finish line."3. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement: This error occurs when the pronoun does not agree with its antecedent in number, gender, or person. For example, "Everyone should do their best" should be "Everyone should do his or her best" to ensure agreement.4. Double Negative: Using two negatives in a sentence can create confusion and ambiguity. For example, "I don't know nothing" should be "I don't know anything."5. Comma Splice: A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined with a comma but no coordinating conjunction. For example, "I like to read, I also enjoy writing" should be "I like to read, and I also enjoy writing."Avoiding these common grammatical errors can greatly improve the clarity and effectiveness of our communication.ConclusionIn summary, grammar is a set of rules and principles that govern the use of language. Understanding grammar is essential for effective communication, as it helps to ensure that our messages are clear, concise, and accurate. Key aspects of grammar include the classification of words into parts of speech, the basic structure of sentences, and common grammatical errors. By mastering these aspects of grammar, we can improve our writing and speaking skills and become more effective communicators.。
1. 变量变量是用于存储数据的容器,可以在程序运行过程中改变其值。
例如:整数 a字符串 name布尔类型 isTrue2. 常量常量是指在程序运行过程中其值不能被改变的数据。
在M语言中,常量的声明格式为:const 常量类型常量名 = 值。
例如:const 整数 MAX_NUM = 100const 字符串 NAME = "M语言"二、数据类型M语言中有多种数据类型,包括整数、浮点数、布尔类型、字符串等。
1. 整数类型在M语言中,整数类型用于表示整数值,包括正整数、负整数和零。
2. 浮点数类型浮点数类型用于表示带有小数部分的数值。
3. 布尔类型布尔类型用于表示真或假的值。
4. 字符串类型字符串类型用于表示文本数据。
在M语言中,字符串使用双引号括起来,例如:"Hello, World!"。
1. 算术运算符M语言支持常见的算术运算符,包括加法、减法、乘法、除法和取模运算。
例如:加法:用+表示,例如:a + b。
减法:用-表示,例如:a - b。
乘法:用*表示,例如:a * b。
除法:用/表示,例如:a / b。
取模:用%表示,例如:a % b。
2. 关系运算符关系运算符用于比较两个值的大小关系,返回布尔类型的结果。
常用的关系运算符有:等于:用==表示,例如:a == b。
第四章习题4.2.1:考虑上下文无关文法: S->S S +|S S *|a 以及串aa + a*(1)给出这个串的一个最左推导S -> S S *-> S S + S *-> a S + S *-> a a + S *-> aa + a*(3)给出这个串的一棵语法分析树习题4.3.1:下面是一个只包含符号a和b的正则表达式的文法。
它使用+替代表示并运算的符号|,以避免和文法中作为元符号使用的竖线相混淆:rexpr→ rexpr + rterm | rtermrterm→rterm rfactor | rfactorrfactor→ rfactor * | rprimaryrprimary→a | b1)对这个文法提取公因子2)提取公因子的变换使这个文法适用于自顶向下的语法分析技术吗?3)提取公因子之后,原文法中消除左递归4)得到的文法适用于自顶向下的语法分析吗?解1)提取左公因子之后的文法变为rexpr→ rexpr + rterm | rtermrterm→rterm rfactor | rfactorrfactor→ rfactor * | rprimaryrprimary→a | b2)不可以,文法中存在左递归,而自顶向下技术不适合左递归文法3)消除左递归后的文法rexpr -> rterm rexpr’rexpr’-> + rterm rexpr’|εrterm-> rfactor rterm’rterm’-> rfactor rterm’|εrfactor-> rprimay rfactor’rfactor’-> *rfactor’|εrprimary-> a | b4)该文法无左递归,适合于自顶向下的语法分析习题4.4.1:为下面的每一个文法设计一个预测分析器,并给出预测分析表。
可能要先对文法进行提取左公因子或消除左递归(3)S->S(S)S|ε(5)S->(L)|a L->L,S|S解(3)①消除该文法的左递归后得到文法S->S’S’->(S)SS’|ε②计算FIRST和FOLLOW集合FIRST(S)={(,ε} FOLLOW(S)={),$}FIRST(S’)={(,ε} FOLLOW(S’)={),$}③构建预测分析表(5)①消除该文法的左递归得到文法S->(L)|aL->SL’L’->,SL’|ε②计算FIRST与FOLLOW集合FIRST(S)={(,a} FOLLOW(S)={ ),, ,$}FIRST(L)={(,a} FOLLOW(L)={ ) }FIRST(L’)={,,ε} FOLLOW(L’)={ ) }③构建预测分析表习题4.4.4 计算练习4.2.2的文法的FIRST和FOLLOW集合3)S→S(S)S|ε5)S→(L)|a,L→L,S|S解:3)FIRST(S)={ ε,( } FOLLOW(S)={ (,),$ }5)FIRST(S)={ (,a } FOLLOW(S)={ ),,,$ }FIRST(L)={ (,a } FOLLOW(L)={ ),, }习题4.6.2为练习4.2.1中的增广文法构造SLR项集,计算这些项集的GOTO函数,给出这个文法的语法分析表。
常见短语搭配:1、english grammar英语语法:英语中用于构建句子和表达意义的规则和结构。
2、grammar and vocabulary语法和词汇:语言学习中的两个重要方面,语法是指语言的结构和规则,词汇是指语言中的单词和短语。
3、generative grammar生成语法:一种以一组规则的形式描述一种语言的语法句子的方法,也称为转换语法。
4、grammar school中学:一所强调拉丁语和希腊语,为上大学做准备的中学。
5、universal grammar普遍语法:一种研究普遍原则的学科,这些原则被认为是所有语言的语法现象的基础,同时也被视为人类天生学习语言的能力的一部分。
1、He elucidated a point of grammar.
2、He has a good grasp of German grammar.
3、She was marked down because of poor grammar.
语言学第四单元课后答案 syntax 树状图 the s rule
![语言学第四单元课后答案 syntax 树状图 the s rule](
syntax1. Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences.a) The old lady suddenly left.Det A N Qual Vb) The car stopped at the end of the road.Det N V P Det N P Det Nc) The snow might have blocked the road.Det N Aux Aux V Det Nd) He never appears quite mature.N Qual V Deg A2. The following phrases include a head, a complement, and a specifier. Draw the appropriate tree structure for each.a) full of peopleAPA P Nfull of peopleb) a story about a sentimental girlNPNP PPDet N P NPDet A Na story about a sentimental girlc) often read detective storiesVPQual V NPA Noften read detective storiesd) the argument against the proposalsNPNP PPDet N P NPe) move towards the windowVPV PPP Det Nmove towards the window3. Draw phrase structure trees for each of the following sentences.a) The jet landed.InflP(=S)NP Infl VPDet N Pst VThe jet landedb) Mary became very ill.InflP(=S)NP Infl VPN Pst V APDeg AMary became very illc) What will you talk aboutCPNP C SN Infl NP Infl VPVP NPV P Nd) The apple might hit the man.SNP VPDet N Aux V NPDet NThe apple might hit the manORInflP(=S)NP Infl VPDet N V NPDet NThe apple might hit the mane) He often reads detective stories.SNP VPN Qual V NPA NHe often reads etective storiesORInflP(=S)NP Infl VPPresN Qual V NPA NHe often reads etective stories4. The following sentences contain modifiers of various types. For each sentence, first identify the modifier(s), then draw the tree structures.a) A frightened passenger landed the crippled airplane.InflP(=S)NP Infl VPDet A N Pst V NPDet A NA frightened passenger landed the crippled airplaneb) A huge moon hung in the black sky.InflP(=S)NP Infl VPDet A N Pst V PPP NPDet A NA huge moon hung in the black skyc) An unusual event occurred before the meeting.InflP(=S)NP Infl VPDet A N Pst V PPP NPDet NAn unusual event occurred before the meetingd) A quaint old house appeared on the grassy hill.InflP(=S)NP Infl VPDet A NP Pst V PPA N P NPDet A NA quaint old house appeared on the grassy hill5. The following sentences all contain conjoined categories. Draw a tree structure for each of the sentences.a) Jim has washed the dirty shirts and pants.InflP(=S)NP VPN Aux V NPDet A NPN CON NN Infl V NPDet A NPN CON NJim has washed the dirty shirts and pants b) Helen put on her clothes and went out.SNP VPN VP CON VPVP NP V AdvV P Det NHelen put on her clothes and went outORInflP(=S)NP Infl VPN Pst VP CON VPVP NP V AdvV P Det NHelen put on her clothes and went outc) Mary is fond of literature but tired of statistics.SNP VPN VP CON VPVP NP VP NPV A P N V A P NN Pres VP CON VPVP NP VP NPV A P N V A P NMary is fond of literature but (is) tired of statisticsd) The detective went out and the mysterious man came in.SS CON SNP VP NP VPDet N V Adv Det A N V AdvThe detective went out and the mysterious man came ine) Crusoe knows that spring will come and the snow will melt.SNP VPCPN V C SS CON SNP VP NP VPN Aux V Det N Aux VCrusoe knows that spring will come and the snow will melt6. The following sentences all contain embedded clauses that function as complements of a verb, an adjective, a preposition or a noun. Draw a tree structure for each sentence.a) You know that I hate war.SNP VPCPN V C SNP VPNPN V NOR CPC InflP(=S)NP Infl VPCPN Pres V C SNP VPN V NPNYou know that I hate warb) He said that Tom asked whether the class was over.SNP VPCPN V C SNP VPCPN V C SNP VPDet N VL AHe said that Tom asked whether the class was overc) Gerry can’t believe the fact that Anna flunked the English exam.SNP VPN VP NPCPAux Neg V NP C SDet N NP VPN V NPDet A Nd) Chris was happy that his father bought him a Rolls-Royce.SNP VPCPN VL A C SNP VPDet N V NP NPN Det NChris was happy that his father bought him a Rolls-Roycee) The children argued over whether bats had wings.SNP VPCPDet N VP C SV P NP VPN V NPNThe children argued over whether bats had wings7. Each of the following sentences contains a relative clause. Draw the deep structure and the surface structure trees for each of the sentences.a) The essay that he wrote was too long.Deep structureCPC SNP VPDet N CP V APC S Deg PNP Infl VPN V NPNThe essay he wrote that was too longSurface StructureCPC SNP VPDet N CP V APC S Deg PNP NP Infl VPN N Pst V NPNThe was too longb) The dog that he keeps bites.Deep structureCPC SNP VPDet N CP VC Infl SPres NP VPN V NPNThe dog he keeps that bitesSurface StructureCPC SNP VPDet N CP VC SNP NP Infl VPN N Pres V NPNThe dog bitesc) Herbert found the man she loved.Deep structureCPC SNP VPN Infl V NPCPDet N C SNP Infl VPNPN VNHerbert found the man she loved whoSurface StructureCPC SNP VPN Infl V NPCPDet N SCNP Infl VPNP NPN VN N Herbert found thed) The girl whom he often quarrels with majors in linguistics.Deep structureCPC SNP VPDet N CP V PPP NPC Infl SNNP VPPPN Qual VP NPV P NThe girl he often quarrels with whom majors in linguisticsSurface StructureCPC SNP VPDet N CP V PPP NPC SNNP NP Infl VPPPN N Qual VP NPV P NThe girl majors in linguistics8. The derivations of the following sentences involve the inversion transformation. Give the deep structure and the surface structure trees for each of these sentences.a) Would you come tomorrowDeep structureCPC SVPNP AdvPN Infl V Advyou would come tomorrowSurface structureCPC SVPNP AdvPInflN Infl V Advcome tomorrowb) Can you pass me the newspaperDeep structureCPC SVPNP NP NPN Infl V N Det Nyou can pass me the newspaperSurface structureCPC SVPInfl NP NP NPN Infl V N Det Npass me the newspaperc) Should the students report the incidentDeep structureCPC SVPNP NPDet N Infl V Det Nthe students should report the incidentSurface structureCPC SVPInfl NP NPDet N Infl V Det Nreport the incidentd) What did you eat for lunchDeep structureCPC SVPNP PPNP NPN Infl V PN Nyou did eat what for lunchSurface structureCPNP C SVPInfl NP PPNP NP N N Infl V PN Nfor lunche) Who should this be reported toDeep structureCPC SVPNP PPVP NPN Infl V V PNthis should be reported to whomSurface structureCPNP C SVPN Infl NP PPVP NPN Infl V V PNf) What was Helen bringing to the partyDeep structureCPC SVPNP PPNP NPN Infl V PN Det NHelen was bringing what to the partySurface structureCPNP C SVPN Infl NP PPNP NPN Infl V PN Det Nto the party。
主谓不一致通常是由于主语和谓语动词的词性不一致所导致的。例如,“The book is written by him.”这句话中,主语“The book”是单数,而谓语动词“written”是被
动语态,应该与主语保持一致,使用“is written”。
语音识别技术的普及将使得语音输入成为新的输入方式,对Grammar的要求也将随之提 高,需要更加准确和流畅的语言表达。
随着全球化的不断深入,不同语 言和文化之间的交流将更加频繁 ,对Grammar的要求也将更加严
使用正确的语法和词汇来 表达意思,使听者能够理 解。
避免过多的停顿和重复, 保持口语表达的流畅度。
注意语音语调的变化,使 口语表达更加自然和生动 。
在翻译过程中,要确保原文的意思得 到准确传达。
考虑到不同文化背景,使译文更加符 合目标语言的文化环境。
全球化背景下,跨文化和跨语言 的交流将更加频繁,Grammar 将更加注重不同语言和文化之间
人工智能技术的不断发展将推动 Grammar的智能化和自动化, 提高语言运用的效率和准确性。
• Grammar基本概念 • 最新Grammar规则 • Grammar的实际应用 • 如何提高Grammar技能 • 常见Grammar错误分析 • Grammar的未来发展
提供英文数字,让学生转换成中文表达,例如:“four”转换成“四”,“five”转换成“五”,“six” 转换成“六”等。
"The store carries various items, etc." (means "and so on") or "There are many different types of animals, i.e., dogs, cats, and birds." (means "in other words")
提供数字,让学生转换成英文表达, 例如:“35”转换成“thirty-five” 。
Multiple choice exercises
提供句子或图片,让学生从多个选项 中选择正确的数字单词或短语,例如 :“How many apples are in the bag? A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six”。
as 6:30 PM or 3:45 AM.
They are also used to express dates, such as 7/30/2023 or
Numerals can be used to indicate someone's age, for
example, "She is 25 years old."
(e.g., first, second, third).
The importance of learning numerals
Numerals are essential for basic arithmetic and
三、构造不以0开头的无符号奇数的文法方法3.1 方法一:直接定义一种简单的方法是直接定义一个文法规则,如下所示:::= 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9这个文法规则中,表示不以0开头的无符号奇数。
3.2 方法二:递归定义另一种方法是通过递归定义来构造不以0开头的无符号奇数的文法。
::= ::= 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 ::= | ε在这个文法规则中,由和组合而成,表示奇数的个位数。
以下是一些应用场景的举例:4.1 数据加密与验证在加密和验证算法中,需要生成一些随机的数值,这些数值必须满足特定的规则。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Unit 4 Numerals
Collective Numbers 6 a half dozen / half a dozen 12 a/one dozen 20 a/one score 144 a/one gross
表示“多于,大于”某个数目: 表示“多于,大于”某个数目:above, odd, over, more than, or more 1. Average temperatures are never above 32 degrees Fahrenheit, even in summer. 即使在夏季, 华氏度。 即使在夏季,平均气温也不会超过32华氏度。 华氏度 2. In what thirty odd weeks we can just pretend that this never happened. 个星期,我们就可以假装这从来没有发生过。 需要三十多个星期,我们就可以假装这从来没有发生过。 3. We stayed there for over three hours. 小时。 我们在那里呆了三个多小时。 4. The first automobile was invented more than 200 years ago. 第一辆汽车是在200多年前发明的。 年前发明的。 第一辆汽车是在 5. Some children even watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturday. 在星期六,有些孩子甚至看八个 小时的电视. 在星期六 有些孩子甚至看八个多小时的电视
trillion billion million thousand
百万) (万亿) (十亿) (百万) 万亿) 十亿)
Unit 4 Numerals
3,245 675,098 65,100,000 876,320,000 32,431,000,000 96.5万 万 52亿 亿 5千亿 千亿 45,000
Unit 4 Numerals
分数 分数(vulgar fractions)
1/8 (one eighth) (a/one quarter) 1/3 (one third) 3/5 (three fifths) (one half) 3 (three and a half) – NOTE: a half instead of one half 13 (thirteen and three quarters) 5 1/3 (five and a third) 97/43 (ninety-seven over forty-three)
Unit 4 Numerals
小数 小数(decimal fractions)
0.125 (point one two five) 0.86 (point eight six) 1.75 (one point seven five)ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้0.03 (point zero three) 2.35 (two point three five)
Welcome To
College English Grammar
Unit 4
Unit 4 Numerals
thousand, million, billion, trillion 千,万,亿 thousand:
1 thousand = 1千 千 10 thousand = 1万 万 100 thousand = 10万 万
305万 万 360万 2180万 万 万 320亿 4600亿 39.6亿 亿 亿 亿 5885亿 4万亿 7.8万亿 亿 万亿 万亿
Unit 4 Numerals
3,245: 三千二百四十五 675,098:六十七万五千零九十八 : 65,100,000:六千五百一十万 : 45,000:四万五千 : 876,320,000:八亿七千六百三十二万 : 32,431,000,000: 三百二十四亿零三千一百万 96.5万:965,000 万 305万:3,050,000 万 360万:3.6 million 万 2180万:21.8 million 万 52亿:5.2 billion 亿 320亿:32 billion 亿 4600亿:460 billion 亿 39.6亿:3.96 billion 亿 5千亿:500 billion 千亿: 千亿 5885亿:588.5 billion 亿 4万亿 4 trillion 万亿: 万亿 7.8万亿:7.8 trillion 万亿: 万亿
Unit 4 Numerals
三. 倍数比较的表示法
1. Jack跑的速度是Jim的3倍(比Jim快2倍)。 跑的速度 快 倍 Jack runs three times as fast as Jim. = Jack runs three times faster than Jim. 2. 亚洲有欧洲的4倍大(比欧洲大 倍)。 比欧洲大3倍 Asia is four times as big as Europe. = Asia is four times larger than Europe. = Asia is four times the size of Europe. 3. This box is six times as light as that box. = This box is six times lighter than that box. = This box is six times the weight of that box. 这个盒子的重量 )。 这个盒子比那个盒子轻5/6 (这个盒子的重量是那个盒子的1/6)。 4. 他们的飞机数是我们的2倍。 They have twice as many planes as we have. = They have twice the number of our planes.
1 trillion 10 trillion 100 trillion = 1万亿 兆 万亿/1兆 万亿 = 10万亿 兆 万亿/10兆 万亿 = 100万亿 万亿/100兆 万亿 兆
Unit 4 Numerals
trillion, billion, million, thousand
2 , 340 , 671 , 098 , 433
Unit 4 Numerals
2. The driver demanded double the usual fare. 的车费( 司机要了比平常多1倍的车费(司机要的车费是平常的2 倍)。 3. He has paid three times the usual price. 他付了正常价格3 的钱( 他付了正常价格 倍的钱(比正常价格多2倍)。 4. Their grains have tripled (trebled) this year. 今年他们的粮食增加了2倍。 5. His salary is treble mine. 她的薪水是我的三倍(比我多2倍)。 6. Five times two is ten. 5的2倍是 倍是10. 的 倍是
Unit 4 Numerals
三. 倍数比较的表示法 5. I have half as many books as she has. 我的书只有她的一半。 6. Mary has half as much money again as John. Mary的钱是 的钱是John的1倍半(1.5倍)。 的钱是 的 倍半( 7. I have as much wine again as you. 我所有的酒是你的2倍。 8. 3比2多一半(1.5倍)。 比 多一半( Three is half as much again as two. 9. 4是2的2倍(比2大1倍)。 Four is as much again as two. 10. This wheel turns as fast again as that one. 这个轮子比那个轮子转动快1倍。
Unit 4 Numerals
既可以表示增加,也可以表示减少。增加相当于“ 一. 既可以表示增加,也可以表示减少。增加相当于“乘”,减 少相当于“ 不包括基数: 少相当于“除”。不包括基数:
1. The machine improves the working conditions and raises efficiency four times. 这台机器改善了生产条件, 这台机器改善了生产条件,并使工效提高到4倍(=提 高了3倍)。 2. Production costs have dropped four times. 生产成本降低了3/4(降低到1/4)。 倍的表示法: 二. 2倍,3倍的表示法: 倍 倍的表示法 1. You are twice her age. 你比她的年龄大1倍(你的年龄是她的2倍)。
Unit 4 Numerals
Unit 4 Numerals
表示“少于,小于”某个数目:below, under, 表示“少于,小于”某个数目: less than, or less
1. The temperature plunged below freezing. 温度骤降至冰点以下。 2. 摄氏零上(下)十三度 Thirteen degrees above(below)zero Centigrade. 3. He finished the test under two hours. 的时间完成了考试。 他用了不到两小时的时间完成了考试。 4. Even under the best conditions, we couldn't finish in less than three days. 即使在最好的情况下, 完成。 即使在最好的情况下,我们也无法在少于三天的时间内完成。 5. I earn no less than my neighbors do. 我挣的钱一点也不比我们邻居的少。 6. River banks often also have clay about one meter or less under the surface. 也经常会发现粘土。( 在河岸地表下一米或不到一米的地方也经常会发现粘土。(一米上下) 7. We can more or less give you some help. 给你们一些帮助。 我们可以或多或少给你们一些帮助。