

具体而言,应该从以下几个方面着手:1. 完善教学内容和教学大纲。
2. 创新教学模式和手段。
3. 强化实践教学环节。
4. 加强评估和反馈机制。
具体而言,应该从以下几个方面进行反思和改进:1. 教师队伍建设。
法律 英语 作文

法律英语作文The Importance of Legal English。
Legal English is a specialized language used in thefield of law. It is essential for lawyers, judges, andlegal professionals to have a strong command of legal English in order to effectively communicate and interpret complex legal documents and concepts. In this essay, wewill explore the importance of legal English and its impact on the legal profession.First and foremost, legal English is crucial for ensuring clarity and precision in legal documents. Legal documents, such as contracts, court pleadings, and statutes, are often filled with complex legal terminology andtechnical language. A thorough understanding of legal English is necessary to accurately interpret and draftthese documents. Without a strong grasp of legal English, there is a risk of misinterpretation or ambiguity, whichcan lead to legal disputes and confusion.Furthermore, legal English is essential for effective communication in the legal profession. Lawyers and judges must be able to articulate their arguments and decisions clearly and persuasively. Legal English provides a framework for expressing legal concepts and reasoning in a precise and coherent manner. Additionally, legal English is used in court proceedings, where it is important for all parties involved to understand and communicate effectively in order to ensure a fair and just legal process.Moreover, legal English is essential for international legal practice. In an increasingly globalized world, lawyers and legal professionals often work across borders and collaborate with colleagues and clients from different countries. Legal English serves as a common language for legal professionals to communicate and conduct business on an international scale. It is also the language of choice for international legal agreements and treaties, making it crucial for lawyers to have a strong command of legal English in order to navigate the complexities of international law.In addition, legal English plays a critical role in legal research and scholarship. Legal scholars and researchers rely on legal English to access and analyze legal materials, such as case law, statutes, and legal journals. A solid understanding of legal English is necessary for conducting thorough and accurate legal research, which is essential for the development of legal theory and the advancement of the legal profession.In conclusion, legal English is an indispensable tool for the legal profession. It is essential for ensuring clarity and precision in legal documents, facilitating effective communication, and navigating the complexities of international law. As such, legal professionals must prioritize the development and mastery of legal English in order to excel in their careers and uphold the principles of justice and fairness in the legal system.。

涉外 律师 事务 所 已达 14家 , 我 国真正 能胜 任 海 0 而 事律 师工 作 的也 只有 10多人 . 0 尤其 是在 我 国市场
1 法律英语教学 目标和方 向不 明确
法 律英语 是 面 向高 校 法 学 院 系本 科 学 生 开设 的一 门课 程 , 一般认 为其 目的在 于对英美法 系国家的法律有所 了解 , 并能 借助词典 阅读英语法律文献 . 因此 , 多教师在授 很 课时只是介绍英美国家的法律基础知识 , 强调学生 要熟悉专业术语 的英语单词 , 提高 翻译能 力. 学生
的特点 , 即教材编写 目的不明( 无法适应 我国现今
对法律人才 的需要) 内容面面俱到 , 之空泛 , , 失 不
成体系, 与国外 司法及 国际贸易 实践相 去甚远 , 既 便学生精通教材, 仍远不能应付相关业务的需要 .
3 法律英语教学 中存在的问题与对 策 4 教学改革构想
程, 部分院校甚至设置了法律英语专业 , 以期提高
语教材 , 有的采用出版社发行的教材 , 的采用学 有
校自编教材或任课教师从专业文献 中选编的教材,
能力. 但从总体上说 , 我国法律英语教学实践离现 实的需要还相差甚远. 前我国法律英语教学存在 目
法律英 语 教 学 的 改 革构 想
谢 乒
( 华东交通大学 人文社 会科学学 院, 江西 南昌 301) 303
摘要 : 随着我 国加入 WT O和融入法律全球化 潮流, 中国的 涉外事务迅猛增长 , 法律环境越来越复杂 . 与此 同时 , 外国的律 师事 务所 已经悄 然登 陆中国, 中国律师行业面临着严峻的挑 战 . 因此 , 大量培养既通 外语又精法律的复合 型人 才, 了法 学教 育的 成

S t a r i t n g P o i n t / / Q u Y a n h o n g , Z h a n g Y a n c h e n
Ab s t r a c t Ma n y c o l l e g e s a n d u n i v e r s i t i e s s e t u p l e g a l E n g l i s h
些外来词进行过 系统 的学 习 ,是难懂法律英语其就 的。因 而, 在 美国的法律教 育 中, 法 科学生在 学 习法律 时必须 在 1
自身语言特点 出发 ,结合学 生水平及社会 对法律英语人才 的期许, 尝试对法律 英语教 学改革给 出几点建议 。 关键词 法律英语 教 学 改革 语言特点
总第 2 3 2期 2 0 1 3 年2 月( 上)
| | f 叙 c ‘
Th e Sc i e n c e Ed uc a t i o n . 23 2
F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 f A 1
至2 年 内修完拉丁语 , 考试合格后才有可能 申请学位[ 2 1 。 1 . 3具有大量的法律专门术语 任何一 门学科都有其专业术 语 , 法律 也有法言法语 , 法 律英语专业术语是法律英语 的重要组成因素【 3 ] 。如 a c c u s e d ( 刑事案件 的被告 ) , d e f e n d a n t ( 民事诉讼 的被 告 ) , r e s p o n d e n t ( 答辩人 ) , b u r d e n o f p r o o f ( 举证责任 ) 等。
S u g g e s t i o n s o n t he Te a c h i n g Re f o r m o f Le g a l En g l i s h : Wi t h t h e La n g u a g e F e a t u r e s o f Le g a l En g l i s h a s t h e

对加快我 国的法治建设具有十分重要的意义。本文在分析 专业 为母 语的国家,法律英语 也被视为是一门 “ 外语” 。而我国 目 前 英语教学和专业课双语教学之间关系的基 础上,对 我国高校专 积极推动的双语教学片面强调英语在讲授专业课程 中的使用率 ,
语能力的法 律人才 供不应求。涉 外法律人才 培养 目 标的实现 , 大程度 上取 决于对以 “ 很 法律英语” 为 梁的双语教 学 桥 模式的 理论与实践
的探讨。英美国家的判例法传统决定了 法学专业英语教 学中采用案例教 学法的必要性与必然性。案例教 学是提 高 “ 法律英语”教学质量
和推动法律英语教学改革 的有效措施 ,也是 “ 法律英语”教学改革与发展的必的专业英语应用能力、在职业生 目的、课程设置、教学方法、教材选取、教学评估 等方面作出 涯 中获取和交流专业信息的媒介,其 与法律双语教学 的关系为 : 合理 的安排是 目前亟需解决的问题。
存在着 “ 法律英语 ”无非是 “ 法律 +英语 ”的错误认识。认识 读写能力,而法 学双语教学的 目标是培养有双语 表达能力的法
上 的错误 直接影响了双语教学的质量,尤其是对 法学本科阶段 律职业人 其侧重点是培养学生的涉外法律职业能力。 是否 适宜培养职业性 的双语法律人才至今仍存 在着质 疑。在 法 () 2 教学过程的差别。“ 法律英语”作为一种专门用途英语,
英语 词 语 的 词 义 、语 义 以 及 文 本 的 语 法 结 构 都 逐 渐 发 生 了 一 种 律专业人员相互交流、参 与涉外法 律事务以及了解其他国家法

法律英语学科的作文英文回答:In the realm of legal academia, legal drafting serves as a cornerstone discipline, fostering the development of critical thinking, analytical reasoning, and precision in legal communication. Through the meticulous crafting of legal documents, students gain a profound understanding of the intricacies of the legal system and the art of persuasive advocacy. The ability to draft clear, concise, and effective legal documents is not only a fundamentalskill for legal professionals but also a valuable asset in a wide range of fields that require persuasive communication.Effective legal drafting entails more than simply adhering to grammatical and stylistic conventions. It demands a comprehensive grasp of legal principles, the ability to interpret complex statutes and case law, and the capacity to translate legal concepts into clear andcomprehensible language. Legal drafters must possess the ability to identify the legal and policy issues at stake, analyze relevant information, and present persuasive arguments that effectively convey their clients' positions. They must also be adept at anticipating and addressing potential objections and counterarguments, ensuring that their documents are both legally sound and persuasive.The process of legal drafting often involves collaboration between legal practitioners, such asattorneys and paralegals, with each party contributingtheir specialized knowledge and expertise. Attorneysprovide legal guidance and ensure that the drafted documents align with the client's objectives and the applicable laws and regulations. Paralegals, on the other hand, typically assist with research, document formatting, and other administrative tasks. This collaborative approach ensures that legal documents are not only accurate and legally compliant but also well-organized, easy to navigate, and tailored to the specific needs of the client.The study of legal drafting is not confined to lawschools and legal professionals. It finds broad application in various sectors, including business, government, and academia. Individuals in non-legal fields who possess strong legal drafting skills are highly sought after for their ability to communicate complex information clearly and effectively. This skillset is particularly valuable in fields such as finance, compliance, human resources, and public policy, where the ability to draft persuasive documents can significantly impact decision-making and the management of legal risks.In conclusion, legal drafting remains a vitaldiscipline in legal education and contemporary society. Its importance stems from the critical role it plays in the practice of law, the effective communication of legal concepts, and the broader application of persuasive writing skills across various fields. By mastering legal drafting, individuals not only enhance their legal knowledge and communication abilities but also equip themselves with a valuable skillset that empowers them to navigate the complexities of the legal system and succeed in their professional endeavors.中文回答:法律英语学科的作文是一门重要的学科,培养学生的批判性思维、分析推理能力和法律沟通的准确性。

法律的英文作文模板英文:As a legal professional, I believe that the law plays a crucial role in society. It serves as a framework for maintaining order and protecting the rights of individuals and communities. The law is also a means of resolving disputes and conflicts in a fair and just manner.In my experience, the law can be both complex and nuanced. It requires a deep understanding of legal principles, as well as the ability to apply them to real-world situations. For example, in a recent case I worked on, a client was facing a breach of contract lawsuit. Through careful analysis of the contract terms and negotiationswith the opposing party, we were able to reach a settlement that satisfied both parties and avoided costly litigation.However, the law is not without its flaws. There are instances where it may be unfair or unjust, and it isimportant for legal professionals to recognize and address these issues. For example, there have been cases where the law has been used to perpetuate discrimination or inequality. As legal professionals, it is ourresponsibility to advocate for change and work towards a more just and equitable legal system.Overall, I believe that the law is an essential component of society, but it is up to us as legal professionals to ensure that it is used in a fair and just manner.中文:作为一名法律专业人士,我认为法律在社会中扮演着至关重要的角色。



置, 正是符合新世纪 中国高等教育 发展新方 向的 。
二 、 国法律 英语教 学的现 状及存 在 的诸 多 问题 我
尽 一 份 微 薄 之 力。 关键词 : 法律 英语 ; 涉外 人 才 ; 学 方 法 教 一
第二 , 缺乏统一 、 高质量的教材。 问题 大体反映在两个方 面 : () 1不能直接突出司法实践 , 理论性极强 , 内容枯燥 , 与司法实践
相 去甚远 ,以至于让学生不知道为什 么要学 习这 门课程 ;2 内 ()
WT 0法律等课程进行学 习。
2突出法律英语 的课堂特色 。法律英语 的课堂如何告 别沉 . 闷, 是法律英语教师最头疼的一个 问题 。 法律英语既不能脱离专 业英语教学的整体模式 , 却也不能与普通英语 的教学混为一谈 。 因此进行法律英语教学应注意 :1 以发展语言交 际能力为 目标 ; () () 2 在兼 顾语法能力 、 际能力 与篇章能力全 面发 展的 同时 , 交 在 不同的J ( 喻段 语言结构阶段 、 语言交际 的不 同阶段与专业语 言阶
倾销 、 反补贴 调查等一系列 国际业务活动量也飞速增长Ⅲ 正 因为 。 这个原因 , 练掌握法律英 语的人员成为新世纪的紧缺人才。 熟
2普通 的英 语人才不可 以替代法律英语专业人才 。法 律英 .
第四, 教学效果普遍欠佳。 许多学生在学分修够以后就不再
选修法律英语 , 以很多时候法 律英语 的教学不能贯彻 始终 。 所 即 使修完此课 , 许多学生也如同未 学 , 依然不能够顺利阅读法律 文
容陈旧 , 甚至不能与时代接轨 , 用性 较差 , 实 与国外司法及 国际
法 律英 语 课程设 置 的必要 性
1 . 法律英语人才亟缺 的现状。 中国加入 WT O以后 , 中国需要

分析法律英语课堂教学现状及改进对策Legal English classroom teaching has become an important part of legal education. However, it is not ideal from the current situation. There are several ways to improve the teaching of legal English in the classroom.Firstly, we need to make good use of multimedia tools. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. We can combine pictures and texts to make legal English teaching more attractive and interactive. Additionally, through multi-media technology, students’ learn ing can become more diversified. By using multimedia tools, we can make the difficult legal English concepts easier to understand.In addition, we ought to take full advantage of modern writing technology. Writing technology on legal English classroom teaching can help students to understand the essential elements of a legal document, such as the document’s structure, vocabulary, style, and format. Thus, students can get a clearer picture of the overall structureof a legal document.Moreover, we can also use simulation exercises to help students better understand “how the law works”. Throughthis exercise, students can get a good sense of comprehension of such elements as the methodology and process of legal argument. It also provides students with a platform to apply their own knowledge and understanding in a real-life context.Finally, we should turn the process of learning into a process of exploration. It is essential to emphasize theimportance of self-learning and exploration. We should explore legal English documents and cases with students, discuss issues and problems together, and ask students to think of their own conclusions and answers. This will promote the students’ thinking ability, enhance their creativity, and let them gain satisfaction from their exploration.In conclusion, legal English classroom teaching should be improved by making use of modern multicultural tools, employing modern writing technology, conducting simulation exercises, and encouraging students to explore and make their own conclusions. It is also necessary to combine theory and practice, allowing students to make use of the things they have learned to solve real-life problems.。

随着中国加人世贸组织以及对外开放的不断深人 , 法 律在我国的经济建设 与对外交往 中的重要性 日渐突出。培 养一批既有扎实的法律专业知识和技能,又有娴熟的外语 运用能力的复合型人才已成为当前的紧迫任务。虽然中国 司部早在《 法学教育“ 九五” 发展规划和2010年发展设想》
革教学方式, 也要从根本上改革考试方式。把理论教学和实 验教学放在同等重要的地位 , 成绩各占50 %。把实验教学方 法贯穿于教学制度建设 、 大纲建设、 教学计划 、 教学评估办法、 考核标准的制定之中, 使会计教学评估与学生技能考核挂 钩, 使教学评估与技能考核标准化、 规范化、 制度化。 组织计算 机和会计 面的专业教师, 编写会计模拟标准化试题库 , 并
越多, 并由专业院校向综合性院校发展, 实验模式由一种向多 种扩张和融合, 实验类型由手工向手工与电算化相结合 , 管理
方法由传统的教师给分数管理向现代的教育学、 心理学 、 行为 科学、 激励机制相结合的自 我控制、 我约束的改革发展, 自 使 得会计实验教学从出现到现在已突破了仅仅解决校内学生实 验的单纯目的,而显示出强大的生命力并 日 益扩展自己的作 用领域。 校企间合作 日益广泛地开展 , 为会计实验教学走向社 会化、 产业化开创了广阔的市场发展前景。 会计实验室的社会
制作相应的软件, 在计算机上进行考试, 这样一来, 真正做
到了对学生专业素质的整体考核。 四、 会计实验教学未来发展方向 传统的会计实验教学方式与实验教学手段 ,已越来越不
毕业生的接纳程度高, 这本身就足以说明我们的会计教育效
能是低下的。 三、 会计模拟实验教学改革的对策

法学专业英语教学改革的试验与反思1. 引言1.1 背景介绍法学专业英语教学改革的试验与反思是当前教育领域的热点问题之一。
1.2 研究目的Specifically, our research objectives include investigating the effectiveness of incorporating legal terminology and case studies into English language classes, evaluating the impact of languageproficiency on students' comprehension of legal concepts, and examining the role of technology in facilitating language learning in a legal context. By addressing these research goals, we seek to contribute to the advancement of English education in law programs and offer valuable insights for future curriculum development and instructional strategies.2. 正文2.1 法学专业英语教学现状分析在法学专业英语教学现状分析部分,首先需要考虑到法学专业的特点和学生的实际需求。

关键词 : 法律英语 ; 教学方法; 课程设置
法 律英语 ( ea E gi ) 在英 语 国家 中被 称 为 Lgl nlh , s L gl a gae或 L nu g fh a ea L n u g a g aeo eL w,即法 律语 言 。 t
它有其独特的词法与句法规则 , 而这些规则又是准确 理 解法 律英语 原 文和 书写 法 律英 语 文 书 的关 键 。 由 于法律 英语 不但 具有 复 杂 性 、 确 性 、 重 性 等 独特 准 庄 的语域文体特征 , 而且法律英语除 了词 汇系统差别 外 , 以其 内容 、 又 风格 、 法 、 章 等 表 现 出 与普 通 英 句 篇 语的极大差别 , 这使法律英语的教学具有极强 的专业 性特色。作为培养 国际型法律人才关键课程 的法律 英语 , 然近 年来 在 中 国迅 速 发 展 , 是 关 于法 律 英 虽 但 语教学的研究还十分薄弱 , 如法律英语 的教 学理 诸 念、 教学模式、 课程设计等一 系列理论 问题仍没有得 到解决 , 如何最 大程 度地 发挥 法律英 语教 学在 国际型 法律 人才 培养 中的作用 , 达到 培养 法律领 域需 要 的专 门人 才 的 目的 , 法学教 育者 和英 语教育 者共 同面临 是 的一 个 问题 。 二 、法律英 语教学 中存 在 的 问题 为 改 变 国际 型 、 合 型法 律 人 才 培 养 落后 的 局 复 面, 中国政府着手进行 了一些积极的努力。国家司法 部早在《 法学教育“ 九五” 发展规划和 2 1 00年发展设 想》 中明确提 出“ 重点培养高层次 的复合型 、 向型 外 法律人才和职业型、 应用型法律人才 ” 的教育培养模 式, 第一次对法学素质教育和技能教育提出了新的教 学要求 。与此相呼应 的是高等学校大学外语教学指 导委员会于 19 年制定了新修订后的《 98 大学英语教 学大纲》 。该大纲将原大纲 中规定 的“ 专业阅读 ” 修

习, 不利 于学 生 随学 随练 , 教 师也不 能通 过 练 习随 时较 好 地 了解 和掌 握学 生对教 学 内容 的消化 和 吸
收 情况 。
些 经验教 训 和 收获 与 体 会 , 与 大 家共 同分 享 和
法律 体 系 和 制 度 的 同 时 , 也 曾讲 授过 《 法 律 英
语》 、 法律专业《 国际私法》 双语课程和《 世界法律
体系》 全 英 语 课 程 。期 间 , 也 积 累 了需 要 总结 的
写作方面下功夫。阅渎的专业文献 主要涉及美国 合同法 、 侵权法, 而司法写作上则以国际商事合同 为 主 。授课教 材 当时使 用 的主要是 自选 或 自编教 材, 其好 处在 于较 为灵活 , 授课 老 师可 随时根 据学 生 的需求 及 时穿插 比较 实用 的商法 方 面内容 进行
第 3 3卷 第 3期 2 0 1 4年 6 月
和 田 师 范 专 科 学 校 学 报
Vo 1 . 3 3, No . 3
J u n. , 2 01 4
法律 英 语 教 学 的探 索 与 改进 之路
宋锡 祥
( 上海对外经贸大学法学院 , 上海 2 0 1 6 2 0 )
要: 本 文以法律英语教 学为视 角 , 简要 回顾法律英语教 育的历 程, 积极 尝试丰 富教 学 内容和形 式的
改革并进行 了有益的探 索 , 取得 了一些教 学经验 和体会 。与此 同时。 针对 《 法律 英语》 教 学 中存在 的问题 , 提

第1篇Abstract:This paper analyzes a significant case study in tort law, focusing on the landmark case of Smith v. Johnson. The case revolves around the issue of negligence and its implications on the rights and liabilities of the parties involved. The analysis will delve into the facts of the case, the legal principles applied, and the judgment rendered. It will also discuss the broader implications of the case on tort law principles and its impact on future legal decisions.Introduction:Tort law is a vital branch of the legal system that provides remediesfor individuals who have suffered harm due to the wrongful actions of others. The case of Smith v. Johnson is a classic example of how tort law principles are applied in real-life scenarios. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the case, highlighting the key legal issues and their resolution.Facts of the Case:In Smith v. Johnson, the plaintiff, John Smith, sued the defendant, James Johnson, for negligence. The facts of the case are as follows:1. John Smith was driving his car along a busy highway.2. James Johnson was driving his car in the opposite direction.3. Johnson suddenly swerved into Smith's lane, causing a collision.4. The collision resulted in Smith suffering severe injuries.5. Smith claimed that Johnson's actions were negligent and that he should be held liable for the damages.Legal Principles Applied:The case primarily revolves around the legal principle of negligence, which is a cornerstone of tort law. Negligence is defined as the failureto exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another person. To establish negligence, the plaintiff must prove the following elements:1. Duty of Care: The defendant owed a duty of care to the plaintiff.2. Breach of Duty: The defendant breached that duty of care.3. Causation: The breach of duty caused harm to the plaintiff.4. Damages: The plaintiff suffered actual damages as a result of the harm.Analysis of the Case:The court in Smith v. Johnson applied the principles of negligence to determine whether Johnson was liable for the damages caused to Smith.1. Duty of Care: The court held that Johnson owed a duty of care to Smith as a fellow road user. This duty required Johnson to drive his car with reasonable care to avoid accidents.2. Breach of Duty: The court found that Johnson breached his duty of care by swerving into Smith's lane without any apparent reason. This action was deemed to be reckless and negligent.3. Causation: The court determined that Johnson's breach of dutydirectly caused the collision, which in turn led to Smith's injuries.4. Damages: The court confirmed that Smith suffered actual damages as a result of the collision, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.Based on these findings, the court held Johnson liable for the damages caused to Smith. Johnson was ordered to pay Smith compensation for his injuries and other losses.Broader Implications of the Case:The case of Smith v. Johnson has several broader implications for tort law principles:1. It reinforces the importance of the duty of care in tort law. Road users must drive with reasonable care to avoid accidents and harm to others.2. It highlights the consequences of reckless behavior on the roads. Negligent actions can lead to significant legal liability and compensation for the victims.3. It serves as a precedent for future cases involving negligence claims. Courts will likely follow the principles established in this case when determining liability in similar situations.Conclusion:The case of Smith v. Johnson is a notable example of how tort law principles are applied to resolve disputes between parties. The court's analysis and judgment in this case provide valuable insights into the nature of negligence and its implications on the rights and liabilities of individuals. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of exercising reasonable care in our daily lives to avoid causing harm to others and to protect ourselves from legal liability.第2篇Abstract:This paper aims to analyze a land dispute case from a legal English perspective. By examining the case details, legal terminology, andjudicial reasoning, this study provides insights into the application of legal English in real-life legal disputes. The case discussed involves a land ownership dispute between two parties, highlighting thecomplexities involved in land law and the importance of effective communication in legal proceedings. The paper is structured as follows: an introduction to the case, a detailed analysis of the legal issues, discussion of the legal English terminology used, and a conclusion summarizing the key findings.Introduction:Land disputes are a common occurrence in many jurisdictions, often involving complex legal issues and intricate procedural requirements. The language used in legal proceedings, particularly legal English, plays a crucial role in ensuring that the case is understood and resolved effectively. This paper examines a specific land dispute case to illustrate the application of legal English in real-life scenarios.Case Details:The case involves two parties, Party A and Party B, who are in dispute over the ownership of a piece of land. Party A claims that the land was purchased from Party B's predecessor in title, while Party B contests this claim and asserts that the land was never sold to Party A. The case has been filed in the local court, and both parties have presented their evidence and arguments before the court.Legal Issues:1. Ownership of Land: The central issue in this case is the ownership of the land. The parties are required to establish their respective claims of ownership through evidence and legal arguments.2. Title Deeds: The case involves the examination of title deeds to determine the rightful owner of the land. The court will assess the authenticity and validity of the title deeds presented by both parties.3. Precedent and Jurisprudence: The court will consider relevant precedents and legal principles established in previous cases to determine the outcome of the current dispute.4. Burden of Proof: The party claiming ownership of the land must prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. This requires the presentation of credible evidence and persuasive legal arguments.Legal English Terminology:1. Ownership: "Ownership" is a legal term used to describe the right to possess, use, and dispose of property. In legal English, it is often referred to as "title" or "possession."2. Title Deeds: "Title deeds" refer to the legal documents thatestablish ownership of land. In legal English, these documents are also known as "deeds of conveyance" or "evidence of title."3. Precedent: "Precedent" refers to a previous decision or judgment made by a court that serves as a guide for future cases. In legal English, it is often used in the phrase "case law" or "precedential authority."4. Jurisprudence: "Jurisprudence" refers to the principles and rules developed by the courts in their interpretation and application of the law. In legal English, it is often used in the context of "legal doctrine" or "legal principles."5. Burden of Proof: "Burden of proof" refers to the obligation on a party to prove their case. In legal English, this concept is expressed as "the party has the burden of proof" or "the party must establishtheir case."Judicial Reasoning:The court will carefully consider the evidence and arguments presented by both parties before reaching a decision. The following factors may influence the judicial reasoning:1. Admissibility of Evidence: The court will assess the admissibility of the evidence presented by each party, ensuring that it is relevant, reliable, and legally admissible.2. Legal Principles: The court will apply relevant legal principles and precedents to the facts of the case, considering the arguments and counterarguments presented by the parties.3. Weight of Evidence: The court will weigh the evidence presented by each party, considering its relevance, reliability, and persuasiveness.4. Burden of Proof: The court will determine whether the party claiming ownership has met their burden of proof, taking into account the evidence and arguments presented.Conclusion:The analysis of the land dispute case from a legal English perspective highlights the importance of effective communication and the application of legal terminology in legal proceedings. The case demonstrates the complexities involved in land law and the necessity of a thorough understanding of legal principles and precedents. By examining the case details, legal issues, and judicial reasoning, this study underscoresthe significance of legal English in resolving real-life legal disputes.Keywords: Land dispute, legal English, ownership, title deeds, precedent, jurisprudence, burden of proof, legal terminology.第3篇Abstract:This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the landmark case, Enka Inco. v. Oiltanking Société Anonyme (Oiltanking), which revolves around the enforcement of an international commercial arbitration award. The case highlights the complexities and legal issues surrounding the recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards under the New York Convention (1958). The paper aims to examine the key legal principles involved, the court's reasoning, and the implications of the judgmentfor the international arbitration community.Introduction:International commercial arbitration has emerged as a preferred dispute resolution mechanism for resolving cross-border disputes due to its efficiency, flexibility, and finality. The New York Convention (1958) (hereinafter, "the Convention") plays a crucial role in facilitating the recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards across jurisdictions. The Enka Inco. v. Oiltanking Société Anonyme (Oiltanking) case is a prominent example that illustrates the challenges and complexities faced by parties seeking to enforce arbitration awards.I. Background of the Case:The dispute arose between Enka Inco. (Enka), a Canadian mining company, and Oiltanking, a French company, in relation to the construction of aship unloading facility in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The parties entered into a contract for the construction, and later, the contract was terminated. Following the termination, Enka initiated arbitration proceedings against Oiltanking, seeking damages for the termination.The arbitral tribunal, seated in Paris, rendered an award in favor of Enka, ordering Oiltanking to pay damages amounting to USD 52 million. However, Oiltanking refused to comply with the award, arguing that the enforcement of the award would violate public policy in France. Consequently, Enka applied to the Paris Court of Appeal to enforce the award.II. Key Legal Issues:The case revolves around the following key legal issues:A. Jurisdiction of the French Court:The first issue was whether the Paris Court of Appeal had jurisdiction to enforce the arbitration award. The Convention provides that a court of a Contracting State shall recognize an award made in another Contracting State as final and binding, and shall enforce the award as if it were a final judgment of the court.B. Public Policy Exception:The second issue was whether the enforcement of the arbitration award would violate public policy in France, thereby rendering it unenforceable. Article V(2)(b) of the Convention provides that an award may be refused enforcement if the recognition and enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of the enforcing jurisdiction.III. Court's Reasoning:The Paris Court of Appeal, in its judgment, examined the two key issues raised and rendered the following conclusions:A. Jurisdiction of the French Court:The court held that it had jurisdiction to enforce the arbitration award under the Convention. It reasoned that the award had been made in a Contracting State and that the Convention did not require any additional conditions for the enforcement of the award.B. Public Policy Exception:The court, however, concluded that the enforcement of the award would violate public policy in France. It emphasized that the Convention did not guarantee the enforcement of an arbitration award if it contravened the public policy of the enforcing jurisdiction. The court held that the enforcement of the award would be incompatible with French public policy due to the significant economic and social consequences of enforcing the award.IV. Implications of the Judgment:The judgment in the Enka Inco. v. Oiltanking case has several implications for the international arbitration community:A. Limitations on the Enforcement of Arbitration Awards:The case highlights the limitations on the enforcement of arbitration awards, especially in jurisdictions with strict public policy requirements. It underscores the importance of considering the potential public policy challenges when choosing the seat of arbitration.B. Need for Clarity in Public Policy Exceptions:The judgment calls for a clearer understanding of the public policy exceptions under the Convention. It emphasizes the need forjurisdictions to establish clear and objective criteria for determining whether the enforcement of an arbitration award would violate public policy.Conclusion:The Enka Inco. v. Oiltanking case serves as a crucial precedent for the international arbitration community, illustrating the complexities surrounding the recognition and enforcement of arbitration awards underthe New York Convention. The case emphasizes the importance of considering public policy exceptions and the potential limitations on the enforcement of arbitration awards. It underscores the need for a clearer understanding of the Convention's provisions and the application of public policy exceptions in different jurisdictions. By examiningthis landmark case, the international arbitration community can better navigate the challenges and complexities associated with the enforcement of arbitration awards.。

许多学生学完此课如同未学。 英美法律知识依然如故 , 英文法 律文献借助词典仍不能阅读, 外国专家的法律讲座听不懂, 更 不用说用英语草拟法律文书、参与涉外法律谈判实践活动甚 至最终走出国门了。 三、 法律英语教学改革与完善 对于法律英语教学中存在的这些问题 ,我认为可以在以 下几个方面进行改革和创新来弥补 目前高校法律英语教学的
( 一) 改革课程设置、 加强法律英语教学的体 系化与针时
语的 学生来说, 也是件很困 事, 难的 而法律英语词汇是进一步
性。 法律英语的特殊性和大量的专业词汇, 即使对于母语为英 特点, 建议在大学一、 二年级开设综合性专业英语课, 设置该
课程的主要 目的是帮助学生熟悉并 了解基础的英语法律术
力口 语俱佳、 但遇到法律知识就感到力不从心。 后者法律功底 很深, 但英语语言基础较差, 听力口 语更差。 (三)教材不规范。目 前我国各高校在教学时大体存在着 两种实践:一是选用综合法律英语教材, 二是选择法律专业课 的英语教材。 两种实践各有利弊, 综合性法律英语教材有助于 提高学生的法律英语总体词汇量、 综合阅读与理解能力, 但不
现状 。
法律英语 , 在英语 国家中被称为法律语言 , 在英语 中指 表述法律科学概念 以及诉讼或非诉讼 法律事务时所用 的语 种或某一语种 的部分用语 。法律英语作 为一 门新兴 的专业 英语 , 有别于普通英语教学 , 它是将英语学习融人到涉外法 律活动中去的专业英语教学 。它既重视培养学生扎实的语 言技能,更重视提高学生全方面的应用能力。随着中国人
不足 :
(五)教学效果普遮欠碑, 部分学生只为应付学分及考试,
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基于这种大环境,我们应当清楚地认识到,法律英语教学的目的绝不只是让学生对英美法“有所了解”或“ 借助词典阅读英语法律文献”,而应将其当成低成本培养涉外法律人才行之有效的捷径,注重提高学生的实际应用和操作能力。
可以遴选各个时期有代表性的判例,如关于“Marburyv.Madison”,关于合同法的“Barnes v.Treece”,关于侵权法的“Quinones v.United States”等进行讲解。
[1] 李益军,杨德祥.论法律英语教学法[J].甘肃政法成人教育学院学报,2005,(3).
[2] 刘艺工,屈文生.法律英语教学中应注意思考的几个问题[J].高等理科教育,2003,(6).
[3] 王青梅.法律英语教学模式的探索——以案例教学法为例[J].宁波大学学报:教育科学版,2003,(5).。