最新国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语2》期末试题标准题库及答案(试卷号:3936) 考试说明:本人汇总了历年来该科的试题及答案,形成了一个完整的标准考试题库,对考生的复习和考试 起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。
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《商务英语2》题库一一、交际用增(每小JE 2分,共计10分):选择正魂的语句完成下列对话,弁格答案序号写在答霆纸上。
!• 一 Do we need io (ill in the application form?£. How about your friend• IJ Yan? Docs she work in the same department with you?A. Shr is fig thank you> and you?K She is thnnk you • and she 1II be happy to see you agnin.(L She 15 fine, thnnk you, and she works in the Auditing DepartmentIn most cases• it is the total income rrceivecL A. When do you start to learn Rbout taxable income? B. Why do you want to know taxable income? (:. Whar docs taxable income rrfcr to?h Do you mean that dejjosits and withdrawals are posted to my Account inmirdiately?A. Yest we prtxress ca^h transactions during the working day. Yrs. wr process cgh transactions as soon as they Take place.C. Ycst wc process cash transactions on the second day. 5・一How can people avoid food contamination nowadays?A. The government should set strict rules to standardize the production of food. 氏 People should have balanced food to get different nutrients they need>C ・ I agree with you On this pointe and we should pay more to attention to food safetyeA. Yes. you niuxt.(L YtRw you may.B. Y CJ you need.二•选择填空(每小越2分.共计30分)6-20®:阅读下面的句于.从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能境入空白处的星佳选项,并将答案序号富在签18纸上矿6. I know personal selling is nlso n very effective _____________________ building __________buyers* confidence^A. (or— to B- for— upC. io— wnh7. The profitable sales volume is the volume of salts thnt actually will _______________ buniisessthe most profit.A, earn B・ getC. take8. What's the insurance __________ for the shipment vA. rate B- valueC. ratio9. You should make sure that your password is long enough xo prevent it ______________ beingeasily hacked.A. inB. fromC・ out10. Those enterprises that only seek profits without awareneAs of _______________ protectionare short-sighicd.A. sustainableB. environmenulC. social11. Hix failure __ ______ not working hard enoughsA. resulted in B・ benefited fromC. acted anX2. We arc under the __ ______ to finish the TV commercial before the deadline.A. fire R g"C. sea13. Remember we wnnt to create ・ forwnrd looking im叫<•as well ■・ increase the of owr brnnd.A. nwftrdB. availabilityC. nwarcneMn1 '・N”w wr nrr ublr lo brownc ___________ «hopji in the world in uur own home.A. the mo»t fancyB. (itncie9iC the (nncicfit15. (xmniimpttnn and invr^trncni# mconwhilr. accounted (or 4. 5 and 1 2 prrcrntn«cpoints of fir^t^tpjArtrr growth ________ .A ・ rcnpectfullyB k respectively(\ rchpcrtnblyM ・ ---------- <lu problem is (hr mam impon/int und often the most difficult step in the processA. Define C. Orfininu17. The M W R 、ntopped her property from ______________ . A. !O hr fl (x>dinH B. being flooded C, being noodinR18. A compnny can ndvcrtinc in various woy.. depending on upend* A. how fur B. how longC. how much!9・ _ ___ _ our income i.・____ t nx we should pay.A ・ The higher, the more B. Higher, more C ・ The highest • the moRi20. Our new supply chain __________ by the mm ,欧mem.A ・ h»9 rcnlly been pushed K K AN really pushedC. did really punh三■固读理IW (督小分,共计40分)文内8判断怡出的III 句泉否正翰,正瑜的的期“F :并将答案R庄答皿蛾上。
[2021 年 1 月 3936 国开电大《商务英语 2》期末考试试题及答案 ]2021 年 1 月 3936 国开电大《商务英语2》期末考试一试题及答案一、社交用语 (每题 2 分,共 10 分) 1-5 题:选择正确的语句达成以下对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。
1. ―Your bank is huge!It must have many departments. ― A.It's true.Our bank consists ofmany departments. B.Thank you , our bank is a small one. C.You are kidding!Our bank is a small one. [ 答案 ]A 2. ―You mentioned the term “online banking ”just now.I don ' t quite getit. ―___________________ ―Online computer systems help us providespeedy bank service to customers. A.What do you learn about the term?B.Why do you mention the word?C.What do you mean by that? [答案 ]C3. ―___________________ ―ostIn casesm, it is the total incomereceived. A.When do you start to learn about taxable income? B.Why do you want to know taxable income? C.What does taxable income refer to? [ 答案 ]C 4. ―But in your case, we strongly recommend War Risksand WPA ―________________ A.OK, then please cover bothWar Risks and WPA for us B.Well, that rate is acceptable.Thanks C.But the extra premium is for buyer 's account [答案 ]A 5. ―How can peopleavoid food contamination nowadays? ―___________________ A.People should have balanced food to get different nutrients they need. B.Thegovernment should set strict rules to standardize the production of food. C.I agree with you on this point , and we should pay more toattention to food safety. [ 答案 ]B 二、选择填空 (每题 2 分,共 30 分) 6-20 题:阅读下边的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。
3936国开电大《商务英语2》历年期末考试(第四题翻译)题库(分学期版)|3936国开电大《商务英语2》历年期末考试(第四题翻译)题库(分学期版) 2022年1月试题及答案 31.For the seller, the best terms would be full payment in cash at the time of sale. A.为了卖方利益,最好的条款是在销售时以现金全额付款。
[答案]B 32.Events resulting from a loss of trust are being seen now and then and they affect society in many unfortunate ways. A.因信任缺失导致的事件时有发生,并在多方面严重影响社会。
[答案]A 33.Attracting customers to a business makes the difference between succeeding and failing. A.能否吸引顾客,是企业成功还是失败的区别。
[答案]B 34.We won't entertain your claim unless you have the inspection certification from the modity Inspection Bureau. A.我们不接受索赔,你们有商检局检验证书除外。
1.―Morning, Daniel.Today I'd like to discuss the promotional events of our products with you.―___________________A.I can't agree with you more on that.B.Our customers are satisfied with our products.C.Ok.I think we should draw up a thorough plan.[答案]C2.―Is it possible to find alternative payment.terms for this order?―___________________A.I'm afraid not.We insist on a letter of credit.B.No, I think the price is reasonable.C.I can't be of any help in this respect.[答案]A3.―It seems that the sales volume has not reached our objective.―___________________A.It doesn't really matter.B.It's true.I'm sorry about that.C.Thank you for your cooperation.[答案]B4.―Now shall we move on to the next question?―___________________A.Thank you for your questions on commodity inspection.B.Sure.Let's talk about the time of shipment and payment.C.Importers must have the right to re-inspect goods upon arrival.[答案]B5.―I'm afraid the goods we received yesterday are short of weight.―___________________A.I'm afraid we really couldn't accept that.B.Really?You should check it again.C.I'm sorry to say the shipment didn't turnout to be satisfactory.[答案]C二、选择填空(每小题2分,共30分)6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。
— We would like to get in with the fall publication* if possible.A.Whax product ore we talking flbout?B・ Which edition would you like your advertisement to appear in?C. How much do you phn to spend on advertisement?2.一Your bank is huge! h must have many departmentsA. It true> Our bank consists of many deportmentM-R Thank you# our bank is a small one.C You are kidding! Our bank is a small one-—It will take at least three weeksuA. When will you finish our TV commercial?How long did you finish our TV commercial?C. How soon will you finish our TV commercial?4. — You want to know about the value added tax. don't you?A. Yes. you need to introduce it for me.Yes. I must know everything about it.C. Ycs・ could you give me a brief overview of it?5. — So could you mnke an exception and accept D/P?A> 1 shall tell you frankly it would drastically increase our nsk.K Thanks, we arc inclined tu accept your price.C. Yes. we have alrcaciy tried our best.[择境空小・2分.共甘3。
1. — Ok> what are your initinl thoughts on our computers in China? Is there a market?A. They have the most need for computers.B. 1 om very optimistic about the market opportunities in Chinn.C. Our current agent Agreements are broken up into regions.2. ——Ed like to know what insurance you will cover for your clients.A. Insurance is necessary for our clients.B. 1 suppose A Free of Particular Average Policy.C. Sure, but there is an extra premium for buyer's account3. — Whiit should a healthy diet contain?A< A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutricnts<B・ Wc shouldn't eat too much fast food because it's rich in fat<C. A lo: of food snfety issues hnve been exposed tn the food industry.4. — h there any time requirement far registration?A. Sure. We will register within 30 days after wc receive our business license.B. Of course. We might register within 30 days after we receive our business licenseC. Certainly. Wc should register within 30 days after we receive our business license.5. — I suggest that you conduct a commodity re-inspection in a month.A. I think you should apply for it as soon as possible.R The shipment you ordered will arrive next week.C. That sounds good« hut I'd like to know how much time it will take-二■选择填空(每小85 2分,共计30分)6〜20踞:阅iS下面的句子,从A、B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项.井将答案序号写在答■!纸上.6. Our advertising rates are _________ size and location.A> depended on R put onC・ based onWz _______ the receipt for the ilraftt nnd be Kood enough to overlook our request for n rcmiunncr<A. encircle a encloseC. cnrtch8. h n»Mure> that you are dmling with a ____________ bu»mcM> purtncr.A. iruwtworthy 吐confidentialG mysterious9・ It ij» cvrryone,!i \cn&\ duty to pay tax ___________ t axcti contribute to the country nndcrriiTe bcnrfit» for everyone.A. although whenC. bccsuacIO> W(? rr^rrt to ________ you that your request of commodity inspection hitu not been■acceptnl.A. extend B< informCi nxsureI h I hr qucBtion _________ whether innurAncc Agoinut all rinkn will be nccessnry.A. remainsB. kcepiiC contwini*12. Your kind co-operation _ thia regard will br highly apprcclitctLA> on B* inC. from13. The finished product IN comparable to one thnt has been ______________ edited.A. profitably K probablyC・ professionally14< A Hood advertising progrnm tclli* potential cu^tomcm _____________ .A. why they need the productB. why do they need the productC. why they don f t need the product15» One of the basic function* of A bunk in ___________ ncrvicc* relntrd to the ntorniK andmAnnRement of money.A. provide R to provideC provided16. If customers _________ • there tn D ehnnee that they will be rctninrd for n lon(e tirnrand possibly permuncntiy.A< nMtiiify; B. have Mtisfied(:• are natisficd)?• About ten years agOe we shopped only at local stores in the market place ________________cash.A. used B> usingC. to use18. Now a new world _ to people around the globe through the WorldWide Web.A. has been opened up opened upC open up19> The sandbags stopped her properly from __________ •A. to be floodingB. being floodedC. being flooding20. No matter ________ it rffay lead to. they always pursue the profit maximization.A. where R whitC how三、阅itHIH (朗小曜4分.我计40分)21〜25 ■:阅读对情.从A.H、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案.井粕答案序号写在答《1蛾上.Bob:Wc f vc undcrtAkcn »o many chnnge» over the pant few tnonthtu I'd like to know how things nre shaping up.John: There have certainly been »ame challcngcnt but V d my we f rc on track to hit our tArgcts for the yrnrend.Bobf Where do you think our grcaUMt ftdvtintnge lies in our competition?John: W C'K tnkinK ndvAntngc of the economieh of scole. Wc'vc been able to reduce our price pointe which give# u・ the advnnlaKe over the competition in pricing<Bob: Our new supply chnin hnn really been pushed by the m«nAgcmcnt. We1 re alsvo tbinkifiK About expanding this strategy to other segments of the market-JohntH r a been tough on our competition, they jusit can e t keep up. Not only thatf but our umqucncn%< 独-无二性)finally bring perceived by n wider audience.liubiOur brendth really can ' t be bcnt< Marketing * n nlso been doing excellent job an grttinR that mensRgc out«JnhniOut Bpartawenr line combiner dumhHhy(耐久性〉.uniquenesji nnd comfort • at iin incredibly a((ordnblc price. Can1! beat that!Bobj Wc f rc also taking Advantage of BOCIA I medm. such an the Fncebookt Twitter And other 9oc)al networking tooh to get the messAgc out. It1 n n new territory(钮城). but we need to continue to hone that mesm".John i Social media is an entirely new game. Marketing 1 s brought in some consulting specialistB to help us take advantage o( these new technalogieiu21. How i» the company doing currently?A. Rnther badly.B. Rather wclLC. Moderately welL22. Where docs the grcAtcfi: ndviintAgc lie in rheir competition?A- New marketing schemes B. Wide range of netivitiesuC. Economies of scale.23. What quality of the company in being perceived by a wiclrr nudicncc?A. The company"* quality^ B・ The company f s growth.C The compnny uniqueness.24. What tool is the marketing department uning to get their message out?A. Social media.B. Sportswear.C. Marketing chain.25. Whnt steps hn» the marketing department taken to improve their understanding of social nicdiB?A. It has created rt new job (or social media.Bt h has consulted spme consultnntjuC> It hjis ignored nocial media.26-30 ■: K«短文,从A、H.C三个逸项中匮出一个正琳答案.井将答案序号月在答■!岷上。
1.一We would like to get in with the fall publication,if possible.A.What product are we talking about?B.Which edition would you like your advertisement to appear in?C.How much do you plan to spend on advertisement?2.—Your bank is huge! It must have many departments.A.It’ s true.Our bank consists of many departments.B.Thank you, our bank is a small one.C.You are kidding!Our bank is a small one.3.一lt will take at least three weeks.A.When will you finish our TV commercial?B.How long did you finish our Tv commercial?C.How soon will you finish our TV commercial?4.—You want to know about the value added tax,don't you?一A.Yes.you need to introduce it for me.B.Yes, l must know everything about it.C.Yes,could you give me a brief overview of it?5.—So could you make an exception and accept D/P?一A.I shall tell you frankly it would drastically increase our risk.B.Thanks, we are inclined to accept your price.C.Yes, we have already tried our best.二、选择填空(每小题2分,共30分)6—20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。
— We would like to get in with the fall publication* if possible.A.Whax product ore we talking flbout?B・ Which edition would you like your advertisement to appear in?C. How much do you phn to spend on advertisement?2.一Your bank is huge! h must have many departmentsA. It true> Our bank consists of many deportmentM-R Thank you# our bank is a small one.C You are kidding! Our bank is a small one-—It will take at least three weeksuA. When will you finish our TV commercial?How long did you finish our TV commercial?C. How soon will you finish our TV commercial?4. — You want to know about the value added tax. don't you?A. Yes. you need to introduce it for me.Yes. I must know everything about it.C. Ycs・ could you give me a brief overview of it?5. — So could you mnke an exception and accept D/P?A> 1 shall tell you frankly it would drastically increase our nsk.K Thanks, we arc inclined tu accept your price.C. Yes. we have alrcaciy tried our best.[择境空小・2分.共甘3。
1. — Ok> what are your initinl thoughts on our computers in China? Is there a market?A. They have the most need for computers.B. 1 om very optimistic about the market opportunities in Chinn.C. Our current agent Agreements are broken up into regions.2. ——Ed like to know what insurance you will cover for your clients.A. Insurance is necessary for our clients.B. 1 suppose A Free of Particular Average Policy.C. Sure, but there is an extra premium for buyer's account3. — Whiit should a healthy diet contain?A< A healthy diet should contain all the essential nutricnts<B・ Wc shouldn't eat too much fast food because it's rich in fat<C. A lo: of food snfety issues hnve been exposed tn the food industry.4. — h there any time requirement far registration?A. Sure. We will register within 30 days after wc receive our business license.B. Of course. We might register within 30 days after we receive our business licenseC. Certainly. Wc should register within 30 days after we receive our business license.5. — I suggest that you conduct a commodity re-inspection in a month.A. I think you should apply for it as soon as possible.R The shipment you ordered will arrive next week.C. That sounds good« hut I'd like to know how much time it will take-二■选择填空(每小85 2分,共计30分)6〜20踞:阅iS下面的句子,从A、B.C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项.井将答案序号写在答■!纸上.6. Our advertising rates are _________ size and location.A> depended on R put onC・ based onWz _______ the receipt for the ilraftt nnd be Kood enough to overlook our request for n rcmiunncr<A. encircle a encloseC. cnrtch8. h n»Mure> that you are dmling with a ____________ bu»mcM> purtncr.A. iruwtworthy 吐confidentialG mysterious9・ It ij» cvrryone,!i \cn&\ duty to pay tax ___________ t axcti contribute to the country nndcrriiTe bcnrfit» for everyone.A. although whenC. bccsuacIO> W(? rr^rrt to ________ you that your request of commodity inspection hitu not been■acceptnl.A. extend B< informCi nxsureI h I hr qucBtion _________ whether innurAncc Agoinut all rinkn will be nccessnry.A. remainsB. kcepiiC contwini*12. Your kind co-operation _ thia regard will br highly apprcclitctLA> on B* inC. from13. The finished product IN comparable to one thnt has been ______________ edited.A. profitably K probablyC・ professionally14< A Hood advertising progrnm tclli* potential cu^tomcm _____________ .A. why they need the productB. why do they need the productC. why they don f t need the product15» One of the basic function* of A bunk in ___________ ncrvicc* relntrd to the ntorniK andmAnnRement of money.A. provide R to provideC provided16. If customers _________ • there tn D ehnnee that they will be rctninrd for n lon(e tirnrand possibly permuncntiy.A< nMtiiify; B. have Mtisfied(:• are natisficd)?• About ten years agOe we shopped only at local stores in the market place ________________cash.A. used B> usingC. to use18. Now a new world _ to people around the globe through the WorldWide Web.A. has been opened up opened upC open up19> The sandbags stopped her properly from __________ •A. to be floodingB. being floodedC. being flooding20. No matter ________ it rffay lead to. they always pursue the profit maximization.A. where R whitC how三、阅itHIH (朗小曜4分.我计40分)21〜25 ■:阅读对情.从A.H、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案.井粕答案序号写在答《1蛾上.Bob:Wc f vc undcrtAkcn »o many chnnge» over the pant few tnonthtu I'd like to know how things nre shaping up.John: There have certainly been »ame challcngcnt but V d my we f rc on track to hit our tArgcts for the yrnrend.Bobf Where do you think our grcaUMt ftdvtintnge lies in our competition?John: W C'K tnkinK ndvAntngc of the economieh of scole. Wc'vc been able to reduce our price pointe which give# u・ the advnnlaKe over the competition in pricing<Bob: Our new supply chnin hnn really been pushed by the m«nAgcmcnt. We1 re alsvo tbinkifiK About expanding this strategy to other segments of the market-JohntH r a been tough on our competition, they jusit can e t keep up. Not only thatf but our umqucncn%< 独-无二性)finally bring perceived by n wider audience.liubiOur brendth really can ' t be bcnt< Marketing * n nlso been doing excellent job an grttinR that mensRgc out«JnhniOut Bpartawenr line combiner dumhHhy(耐久性〉.uniquenesji nnd comfort • at iin incredibly a((ordnblc price. Can1! beat that!Bobj Wc f rc also taking Advantage of BOCIA I medm. such an the Fncebookt Twitter And other 9oc)al networking tooh to get the messAgc out. It1 n n new territory(钮城). but we need to continue to hone that mesm".John i Social media is an entirely new game. Marketing 1 s brought in some consulting specialistB to help us take advantage o( these new technalogieiu21. How i» the company doing currently?A. Rnther badly.B. Rather wclLC. Moderately welL22. Where docs the grcAtcfi: ndviintAgc lie in rheir competition?A- New marketing schemes B. Wide range of netivitiesuC. Economies of scale.23. What quality of the company in being perceived by a wiclrr nudicncc?A. The company"* quality^ B・ The company f s growth.C The compnny uniqueness.24. What tool is the marketing department uning to get their message out?A. Social media.B. Sportswear.C. Marketing chain.25. Whnt steps hn» the marketing department taken to improve their understanding of social nicdiB?A. It has created rt new job (or social media.Bt h has consulted spme consultnntjuC> It hjis ignored nocial media.26-30 ■: K«短文,从A、H.C三个逸项中匮出一个正琳答案.井将答案序号月在答■!岷上。
3936国开电大专科《商务英语2》历年 期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库(排序考试版)
![3936国开电大专科《商务英语2》历年 期末考试(第一题交际用语)题库(排序考试版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/486eac5a842458fb770bf78a6529647d2728349f.png)
一 .[内部资料]— I'm planning to go to Canada for further study.[答案]What is your intention after resigning your current job?— .[内部资料]— In most cases, it is the total income received.〔答案]What does taxabl e income refer to?一 . [2019年7月试题]— In most cases, it is the total income received.[答案]What does taxable income refer to?一 . [2020年9月试题]— In most cases, it is the total income received.[答案]What does taxable income refer to?— .[内部资料]— It will take at least three weeks.[答案]How soon wi 11 you finish our TV commercial ? 一 . [2018年1月试题] — It will take at least three weeks.[答案]How soon will you finish our TV commercial? 一 . [2020年7月试题]— It will take at least three weeks.[答案]How soon will you finish our TV commercial?— . [2021年7月试题]— It will take at least three weeks.[答案]How soon will you finish our TV commercial?一 .[内部资料]— It's not bad. I have worked in this bank for two years and I love my current job. [答案]How is everything going?.」内部资料]—Once a week.—Certainly. We should register within 30 days after we receive our business license. [答案]Is there anytime requirement for registration?[答案]How often does your department hold ameeting? — .[内部资料]—We would like to get in with the fall [答案]Which edition would you like your 一 . [2018年1月试题] —We would 1 ike to get in withthe fal 1 [答案]Which edition would you 1 ike your 一 . [2020年1月试题]publication, if possible,advertisement to appear in?publication,advertisement if possible, to appear in?Is there a market? [2020 年1 月试题]—I am very optimistic about the market opportunities in China.[答案]What are your initial thoughts on our computers in China?—As you know, I'm not quite fami 1 iar with how to shop onl ine.[内部资料]— It's a piece of cake! I, 11 show you how to do it.[答案]Firsl of all, you should find a good e-commerce site.—But in your case, we strongly recommend War Risks and WPA.[内部资料][答案]OK, then please cover both War Risks and WPA for us.—But why is it so much higher in this market?[内部资料]•[答案]There are many rich people in this area.—Can we discuss the question of commodity inspection? [2020 年9 月试题][答案]OK. The inspection of goods is particularly important.—Can we discuss the question of commodity inspection? [2021 年7 月试题][答案]OK. The inspection of goods is particularly important.—Can we discuss the question of commodity inspection?[内部资料][答案]OK. As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods is particularly important.—Can we discuss the question of commodity inspection?[内部资料][答案]OK. As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods is particularly important.—Could T suggest we meet to review the issue and propose a mutually satisfactory solution?[内部资料][答案]Sure, we wi 11 try our best jointly to deal with the issue.—Could I suggest we meet to review the issue and propose a mutually satisfactory solution? [内部资料][答案]Sure, we will try our best jointly to deal with the issue.—Do we need to fill in the application form? [2019 年7 月试题][答案]Yes, you must.—Do you mean that deposits and withdrawals are posted to my account immediately? [2019 年7月试题][答案]Yes, we process cash transactions as soon as they take place.—Do you mean that deposits and withdrawals are posted to my account immediately? [2020 年7月试题][答案]Yes, we process cash transactions as soon as they take place.—Do you mean that deposits and withdrawals are posted to my account immediately?[内部资料].[答案]Yes, we process cash transactions as soon as they take place.—Generally speaking, value added tax is mainly charged on the taxable services.[内部资料]-Well, .[答案]whal do you mean by that?—Great! Maybe from now on, I should try to buy goods online.[内部资料][答案]Why not? Go ahead. Just give it a try.—Hi, Wang Li, is that you? Long time no see.[内部资料][答案]Yes, it's been ages. It's nice to see you here.—Hi, Wang Ping, is that you? Haven* t seen you for along time. [2020 年7 月试题][答案]Yes, it's been ages. It's nice to see you here. Have you... ?—How about your friend, Li Yan? Does she work in the same department with you?[内部资料][答案]She is an assistant auditor and works in the Auditing Department.—How about your friend, Li Yan? Does she work in the same department with you?[内部资料][答案]She is an assistant auditor and works in the Auditing Department.—How about your friend, Li Yan? Does she work in the same department with you? [2019 年7 月试题][答案]She is fine, thank you, and she works in the Auditing Department. —How can people avoid food contamination nowadays? [2019 年7 月试题][答案]The government should set strict rules to standardize the production —How can people avoid food contamination nowadays? [2020 年9 月试题][答案]The government should set strict rules to standardize the production —How can people avoid food contamination nowadays?[内部资料][答案]Thai sounds good, but I'd like to know how much time it will take.of food. of food.[答案]The government should —Howe an people avoid food set strict rules to standardize the productioncontamination nowadays? [2021 年7 月试题]of food.[答案]Th。
[答案]C34.Couldyoupleaeconfirmthattheyhaveufficientfundtocoverthiam ountoforderA.能请您确认一下,他们有足够的资金支付这个数量的订单吗B.您能否确认一下,他们有特别的资金支撑这个数量的订单吗C.您可否批准一下,他们有额外的资金为这个数量的订单保险吗[答案]A35.Youhouldbeconfidentwithourproduct,whichenjoyahighpretigeamongthedconumer.A.您需要对我们的产品树立信息,它享受很高的用户声誉。
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最新国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语2》期末试题标准题库及答案(试卷号:3936) 考试说明:本人汇总了历年来该科的试题及答案,形成了一个完整的标准考试题库,对考生的复习和考试 起着非常重要的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。
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《商务英语2》题库一一、交际用增(每小JE 2分,共计10分):选择正魂的语句完成下列对话,弁格答案序号写在答霆纸上。
!• 一 Do we need io (ill in the application form?£. How about your friend• IJ Yan? Docs she work in the same department with you?A. Shr is fig thank you> and you?K She is thnnk you • and she 1II be happy to see you agnin.(L She 15 fine, thnnk you, and she works in the Auditing DepartmentIn most cases• it is the total income rrceivecL A. When do you start to learn Rbout taxable income? B. Why do you want to know taxable income? (:. Whar docs taxable income rrfcr to?h Do you mean that dejjosits and withdrawals are posted to my Account inmirdiately?A. Yest we prtxress ca^h transactions during the working day. Yrs. wr process cgh transactions as soon as they Take place.C. Ycst wc process cash transactions on the second day. 5・一How can people avoid food contamination nowadays?A. The government should set strict rules to standardize the production of food. 氏 People should have balanced food to get different nutrients they need>C ・ I agree with you On this pointe and we should pay more to attention to food safetyeA. Yes. you niuxt.(L YtRw you may.B. Y CJ you need.二•选择填空(每小越2分.共计30分)6-20®:阅读下面的句于.从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能境入空白处的星佳选项,并将答案序号富在签18纸上矿6. I know personal selling is nlso n very effective _____________________ building __________buyers* confidence^A. (or— to B- for— upC. io— wnh7. The profitable sales volume is the volume of salts thnt actually will _______________ buniisessthe most profit.A, earn B・ getC. take8. What's the insurance __________ for the shipment vA. rate B- valueC. ratio9. You should make sure that your password is long enough xo prevent it ______________ beingeasily hacked.A. inB. fromC・ out10. Those enterprises that only seek profits without awareneAs of _______________ protectionare short-sighicd.A. sustainableB. environmenulC. social11. Hix failure __ ______ not working hard enoughsA. resulted in B・ benefited fromC. acted anX2. We arc under the __ ______ to finish the TV commercial before the deadline.A. fire R g"C. sea13. Remember we wnnt to create ・ forwnrd looking im叫<•as well ■・ increase the of owr brnnd.A. nwftrdB. availabilityC. nwarcneMn1 '・N”w wr nrr ublr lo brownc ___________ «hopji in the world in uur own home.A. the mo»t fancyB. (itncie9iC the (nncicfit15. (xmniimpttnn and invr^trncni# mconwhilr. accounted (or 4. 5 and 1 2 prrcrntn«cpoints of fir^t^tpjArtrr growth ________ .A ・ rcnpectfullyB k respectively(\ rchpcrtnblyM ・ ---------- <lu problem is (hr mam impon/int und often the most difficult step in the processA. Define C. Orfininu17. The M W R 、ntopped her property from ______________ . A. !O hr fl (x>dinH B. being flooded C, being noodinR18. A compnny can ndvcrtinc in various woy.. depending on upend* A. how fur B. how longC. how much!9・ _ ___ _ our income i.・____ t nx we should pay.A ・ The higher, the more B. Higher, more C ・ The highest • the moRi20. Our new supply chain __________ by the mm ,欧mem.A ・ h»9 rcnlly been pushed K K AN really pushedC. did really punh三■固读理IW (督小分,共计40分)文内8判断怡出的III 句泉否正翰,正瑜的的期“F :并将答案R庄答皿蛾上。
Dear Sir or MMiim.Wc hnvc received an order for US $ 3 • 200>000 wurih of goodn (rani Delta Co.・ Ltd. • I25A Kusten Avcnuc< New York. I J. S. A< • who hnn given tt> your bnnk MM A reference. Could you plranr confirm thnt they have Mjfficient ftindn h> cover thh amount nnd thnx they hnvc n relinblr crrdil rating?Wr would be niOMt grnteful for your and nny ndvicr you Rive UN will br keptntrictly confidcnTinl.A Htampcd and addrcRncd envelope hxn been included for your rrply> Thnnk you in advance. Sincerely ycurs. John Taylor21. John Taylor*5 company h«s received US$3.2OQ ・OOO worth of goods from Delta Co. • Ltd. 22. The letter it written to a reference bnnk<23. John Taylor wnntn tu know i( Deltu Co, • Lui. i» tru -itworthy ns a corporntc pnrtncr. 24. The ndvicc that the bnnk RIVCI * won*t he kepi in con(idenc<s 25. John TnylorS company hnn paid for the bank's reply.H. To be defined it winhcA to26〜30Bh«)读短文,从AJkC三个地项中选出一个正瑞答案,并将答卷序号耳在答皿峨上. Bu^inm Ethicx Nowndnyne more and more nttenfion in being paid to M Buninr^s Kthics0. But what does it nicMn? Whnt the importance of clhicu in bunincAs?BunincM ethics is not nbout prrMonulify • though n good pcrfionnlity in vnlunblc. Ethio in the primary element mid prrrn|uisiic for n MUCCVSM F U I biiMincMA« No rnatlrr what you do・ you should think of businenft AS a rnnttcr o( integrity. Nowaday«• the slip in pihicn nnd the abncnce of social rrsponnibihty• rspcciAlly intrgnty• have led to a crinin in buttincs»« «crk)UM|y influvnciriK social dcvclopmcnt<E VEIR renuhing from n Ions of truat are being seen now nnd then nnd they offect society in many unfortunntc wny\ M睥1 |>«x)ple know the importance of buntncsn ethic>< but mill wrnc people don f t honor thrrn. We often henr metfia rc|>oris on problem% in bgi心n. such fuhling harmful mAtcrinln to produrtfi< Thenr bchavtorjb CMUAC much dnmngc to conMimcrR# who ”pend money hut do not ger qunlity goodw* esprcinlly when thc^e commodities do great harm to their he/ihh. It is difficult (or people to forget the m时in which some children consumed un««(e milk powder produced by n few nnmoral buMincH^irn« nnd their hcAhh scriout dnituKr AA H reBult. Proplr ran * 1 bror thin kind of brluiyior nnd the husinczz rcjiponaiblr muni br clowcd down and 1 he related pcrnonncl be punished.26. WluiS the primary component (or a proflpcruun buAinraB?A.( rood manAgement*B. Rclioble credit status*C BuMtlCSM ClhiC9«27. What the indurncc of loiiinx intrgnly?A. It hinders social dcvclupment>H・ It worsens the compAny f» reputation.(:• If reduce* people f A truhl hetwcvn each other.28・ Whui in people1 n nttitudc towards huNincn:* ethics?A. All people pny nttcntioti to buHincHB cthirs.H. Loti ol peoplr know itn tmpartftncr hut »omr Mill don11 honor it.C・ Most people Atinch importance to it and follow ih29・ Which of the (ollowmg itemn is NOT mentioned in this passage?A. NowMv thr al)5tfnce of ethics, rspccinlly integrity I UIJI led to n crtnh in buNineMH world.A ManuhcturcS inimornl bchnviurx do littlr hnrm to conjvumcr^C・ Mcdm very importnnt for peoplr to knpw mure about com modi tic A.30. Whit ia the author*B attitude toward immoral behaviors in business?A. Critical.Affirmative^C. Indifferent.四、翱译(每小题4分,共计20分)31〜35JB:英译汉,从AJKC三个选项中选出一个爆佳答案,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。