Put forward及put相关短语
知识点——put forword及put短语辨析

put forward 及put短语辨析 【知识点解析】
(3)把钟、表拨快 He put his watch forward to avoid being late for the meeting. 他把表拨快以免开会迟到。 My watch was slow so I put it forward three minutes. 我的表慢了,因此往前拨了3分钟。
put forward 及put短语辨析 【知识点解析】
(4)put off 推迟(某事);使(某事)延期;脱掉 The meeting has been put off till next Monday. (5)put in花费;安装;插话;(+)正式要求,申请 You must put in a lot of effort to learn a foreign language. (6)put out扑灭;熄灭;关(灯) Do remember to put out the lights when you leave the classroom.
put forward 及put短语辨析
1. He also _________ some signs asking for old bikes.
A. put down B. put up
C. put off
D. put aside
put forward 及put短语辨析
3. Hearing the bell, all the students stopped to_________ their
books, ready to go back home.

put的短语归纳初中1. put on穿上:He put on his shoes and went outside.2. put off推迟:They had to put off the meeting until next week.3. put away放好,收拾:Please put away your toys after you finish playing.4. put up (with)忍受:She can't put up with his constant complaining.5. put out熄灭,扑灭:They managed to put out the fire before it spread.6. put in投入,安装:They put in new windows to improve energy efficiency.7. put together组装,举办:We need to put together a puzzle to see the full picture.8. put forward提出,推荐:He put forward a suggestion for the project.9. put aside预留,储蓄:You should put aside some money for emergencies.10. put off拒绝,推开:She put him off when he asked her out on a date.拓展:11. put out of one's misery解脱某人的痛苦:We had to put our old dog out of his misery.12. put in a good word for代某人说好话:Can you put in a good word for me with the boss?13. put on a brave face坚持乐观:Even though she was scared, she put on a brave face.14. put someone on hold让某人等待:I will put you on hold while I transfer your call.15. put food on the table赚钱养家:He works hard to put food on the table for his family.。

put,go短语专四put短语:1. put on: 穿上(衣物、鞋子等)- She put on her coat and left the house.- He put on his glasses to read the small print.2. put off: 推迟,拖延- The meeting has been put off until next week.- Don't put off doing your homework until the last minute.3. put up with: 容忍,忍受- She can't put up with his constant complaining anymore. - We have to put up with the noise from construction work next door.4. put forward: 提出,提议- He put forward a new idea for the project.- The committee put forward several suggestions for consideration.5. put aside: 留出,存放,搁置- He put aside some money for his vacation.- Let's put the disagreement aside and focus on finding a solution.go短语:1. go on: 发生,进行- The show must go on despite the technical difficulties. - What's going on in the next room?2. go for: 去取得,争取- She decided to go for a run to clear her head.- He will go for the promotion and try his best to get it.3. go ahead: 继续,进行- The project can go ahead as planned.- If you're ready, you can go ahead and start the presentation.4. go back: 回忆,追溯- Let's go back to the beginning and review how this problem started.- He likes to go back to his hometown to visit his family every summer.5. go through: 经历,经受- She went through a difficult time after her breakup. - The company is going through a restructuring process.。

二、put的基本用法1. put作为动词,表示将某物放置在某处。
例如:- She put the book on the table.(她把书放在桌子上。
)- He put his keys in the drawer.(他把钥匙放在抽屉里。
)2. put还可以表示放置自己到某个状态或位置。
例如:- He put himself in a dangerous situation.(他让自己置身于危险之中。
)- She put herself at the top of the list.(她把自己排在首位。
)3. 另外,put也可用于表示某种感觉、印象或影响的施加。
例如:- His actions put her at ease.(他的行动让她感到安心。
)- The shocking news put him into a state of panic.(令人震惊的消息使他陷入恐慌状态。
)三、put的常见搭配1. put forward:提出Put forward意为“提出”或“推荐”,常被用于会议、辩论等场合。
例句:He put forward some interesting ideas during the meeting.(他在会议上提出了一些有趣的想法。
)2. put off:推迟Put off意为“推迟”或“延期”。
例句:They decided to put off the meeting until next week.(他们决定把会议推迟到下周。
)3. put on:穿上Put on意为“穿上”或“戴上”,常用于描述穿衣行为。
例句:She put on her coat and walked out of the house.(她穿上外套走出了房子。

put的短语用法下面是一些常见的"put"短语用法:1. put on:穿上/戴上(衣物、饰品等)- Put on your coat before you go outside.(出门前穿上外套。
)2. put off:推迟/延迟- The meeting has been put off until next week.(会议已经推迟到下周。
)3. put up:搭建/举起/承载- He put up a tent in the backyard.(他在后院搭起了一个帐篷。
)4. put down:放下/写下- Please put down your phone and pay attention.(请放下手机,注意听讲。
)5. put away:收拾/放好(物品)- Don't forget to put away your toys after playing.(玩耍后别忘了收拾好玩具。
)6. put in:安装/投入- We need to put in a new air conditioner in the office.(我们需要在办公室安装一个新的空调。
)7. put out:熄灭/扑灭- They managed to put out the fire before it spread.(他们设法在火势蔓延前扑灭了火源。
)8. put forward:提出/提议- She put forward a new idea during the meeting.(她在会议上提出了一个新的想法。
)9. put aside:放置一边/搁置- Let's put this issue aside for now and focus on the more urgent matter.(我们暂时将这个问题搁置一边,专注于更紧急的事情。
)10. put off:使厌倦/使不喜欢- The constant noise put me off studying.(持续的噪音让我无法专心学习。

下面是一些常见的以"put"开头的短语归纳总结:1. put on:穿上,戴上(衣物、饰品等)例句:She put on her coat and left the house.2. put off:推迟,延期例句:They had to put off the meeting until next week.3. put away:收起,放好(物品)例句:Please put away your toys after playing.4. put up:搭建,安装例句:They are putting up a new fence in their backyard.5. put down:放下,写下例句:He put down his pen and closed the notebook.6. put forward:提出,提议例句:She put forward a suggestion during the meeting.7. put in:安装,投入(时间、精力等)例句:They are putting in a lot of effort to finish the project on time.8. put out:熄灭,扑灭(火)例句:He quickly put out the fire with a fire extinguisher.这只是一小部分以"put"开头的常见短语,还有很多其他用法。
知识点put forword及put短语辨析

put forward 及put短语辨析 【知识点解析】
(4)提名(推荐)某人 We put Lily forward to take part in English competition. 我们推荐李莉参加英语竞赛。 The students put forward new proposals on the running of the college to the College Education Committee. 学生们向学院教育委员会提出了管理学院的建议。 I have put your name forward as the best for the job. 我已提议你为这项工作的最佳人选。
put forward 及put 短语辨析 【知识点解析】 (2)将……提前 The women's final has been put forward to 2:00 p.m. 女子决赛提前到下午两点举行。 We had to put our holiday forward one month. 我们不得不把我们的假期提前一个月。 The warm weather has put the crops forward by a month. 暖和的天气使庄稼早熟了一个月。
put forward 及put 短语辨析 【知识点解析】
二、 put相关短语 : (1)put up张贴;挂起;举起;为(某人)提供食宿 The final exam results will be put up on Friday morning. (2)put down 记下;镇压 I have already put your phone number down in my book. (3)put on 装出;穿上,戴上;打开;增加(体重); 上演;举行;提高(价格) She is not really that sad; she is just putting it on.

二、表示放置或安排某物/某人的用法与搭配短语1. Put something on/in/at当我们要放置(或安排)某物时,我们可以使用如下表达方式:- Put something on:把东西放在一个平面上例如:He put his coffee mug on the table.翻译:他把咖啡杯放在桌子上。
- Put something in:把东西放入一个容器中例如:She put her books in her backpack.翻译:她把书放进背包里。
- Put something at:将东西放在特定位置例如:I put the vase at the corner of the shelf.翻译:我把花瓶放在书架的角落里。
2. Put someone/something + 形容词当我们要描述某人或某物处于特定状态时,可以使用如下用法:- Put someone/something to sleep:使某人、某物入睡例如:The lullaby put the baby to sleep.翻译:摇篮曲使婴儿入睡。
- Put someone/something on hold:将某人、某物暂时搁置例如:They put the project on hold due to budget constraints.翻译:由于预算限制,他们将这个项目暂时搁置。
- Put someone/something in danger:使某人、某物处于危险之中例如:The reckless driving put everyone's lives in danger.翻译:鲁莽的驾驶让每个人的生命都处于危险之中。

Put forward: 提出;提议
Raise: 提出;提起
Propose: 提议;建议
Suggest: 建议;提出
Introduce: 引入;介绍;提出
Bring up: 提出;提及;教育
Lay out: 阐述;摆出;提出
Air: 表达;提出观点
Moot: 提出问题;提议
Advance: 提出;推进
Submit: 提交;呈递;提出
Posit: 假定;提出观点;提出命题
State: 陈述;声明;提出
Articulate: 清晰地表达;阐述;提出
Express: 表达;阐述;提出
Bring out: 提出;揭示;发表
Set forth: 陈述;提出;阐明
Proffer: 提供;提出;献出
Table: 提出;提交;放在议事日程上
Instigate: 煽动;敦促;提出
Advance a proposal: 提出一个提议
Table a motion: 提出一项动议
Bring to the table: 提出;提供
Lay before: 提交;呈现
Initiate: 开始;发起;提出
Prompt: 推动;激发;提出
Urge: 力劝;敦促;提出
Advocate: 拥护;提倡;提出主张
Proclaim: 宣布;声明;提出
Nominate: 提名;推荐;提出候选人

二、put + 名词1. Put on(穿戴)"Put on your coat before you go outside."(在你出去之前穿上你的外套)2. Put down(放下)"She put the book down and stood up." (她放下书站起来)3. Put away(收起/放好)"Please put away your toys after playing." (玩耍后请把玩具收起来)三、put + 介词短语1. Put out(熄灭)"He put out the fire with a fire extinguisher." (他用灭火器将火扑灭了)2. Put off(推迟)"They have put off the meeting until next Monday." (他们将会议推迟到下周一)3. Put forward(提出/建议)"She put forward a great idea during the brainstorming session." (在头脑风暴会议期间,她提出了一个很棒的主意)四、put + 动名词1. Put off(打扫/擦拭)"I need to put off cleaning the house until tomorrow." (我需要把清扫房子的事推迟到明天)2. Put into(付出)"She puts a lot of effort into her work." (她在工作中付出了很多努力)3. Put up with(忍受/容忍)"I can't put up with his constant complaining anymore." (我再也无法忍受他持续不断地抱怨了)五、其他常用搭配1. Put in(插入)"He put in a new SIM card in his phone." (他在手机里安装了一张新的SIM 卡)2. Put on hold(暂时搁置)"They have put the project on hold due to budget constraints." (由于预算限制,他们暂时搁置了这个项目)六、总结Put是一个非常常用和多功能的英语动词,它可以通过与不同的名词、介词短语或动名词组合来表达不同的意思。

2023年put的常见短语put常见英文短语1. put aside 节省(钱、时间);储蓄;把……放在一边He has a little money put aside for a rainy day.他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。
The manager had to put his work aside for a time for an urgent accident.经理不得不暂时搁下手头的工作去处理一件紧急事故。
2. put away 收拾起来;储存(钱);喝掉The boy put the food away in the cupboard after he finished his dinner.小男孩吃完晚饭后把食品放到橱柜里。
3. put back 时钟向后拨;放回原处;拖延Please put the dictionary back where it was.请把字典放回原处。
We had to put the meeting back a week.我们不得不把会议推迟一周。
4. put down 写下;记下;控制Put it down to my account, please.请记在我的帐上。
Its time that the government put down interest rates.政府早该降低利率了。
5. put forward 提出(意见、建议);推荐;把时针向前拨She has decided to put herself forward as a candidate.她已经决定自荐为候选人。
6. put off 延期;推迟Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today.今日事,今日毕。
7. put on 假装;增加;上演(戏剧)Shes by no means really mad; she puts it on in order to gain attention. 她绝不是真的疯了,她只是为了引起人们的`注意才假装的。

1. Put up with这个短语表示容忍或忍受某些事情。
例如:- I can't put up with all the noise from the construction next door.- I don't know how she puts up with her boss's terrible attitude.2. Put onPut on有几个不同的意思,其中最常见的是“穿上”或“戴上”。
例如:- Did you remember to put on your seatbelt?- She put on her jacket before going outside.3. Put off这个短语表示推迟或延迟某事。
例如:- We had to put off the meeting until next week because of scheduling conflicts.- I keep putting off cleaning out my closet.4. Put outPut out也有几个不同的意思,其中最常见的是“熄灭”或“打扰”。
例如:- Can you please put out your cigarette? This is a non-smoking area.- I'm sorry to put you out, but I need to borrow your car for the afternoon. 5. Put away这个短语表示把某物收起来或存放起来。
例如:- Can you please put the dishes away after you've washed them?- I need to put away my winter clothes now that the weather is getting warmer.6. Put inPut in可以表示投入时间或精力去做某事,也可以表示在某物中加入某种成分。

1. Put up withPut up with是一个常用的短语,意思是“忍受,容忍”。
当我们遇到一些不愉快的事情或人时,我们可能需要忍受它们,而put up with就是用来描述这种情况的。
例如:- I can't put up with his constant complaining anymore.- She had to put up with a lot of criticism when she first started her job.2. Put onPut on是另一个常用的短语,意思是“穿上,戴上”。
例如:- Don't forget to put on your coat before you go outside.- She put on her favorite necklace for the party.3. Put offPut off是一个常用的短语,意思是“推迟,延期”。
当我们需要延迟或推迟某件事情时,我们可以使用put off。
例如:- The meeting has been put off until next week.- I keep putting off cleaning my room, but I know I need to do it soon.4. Put awayPut away是一个常用的短语,意思是“收起,放好”。
当我们需要把东西收拾好或放回原处时,我们可以使用put away。
例如:- Can you please put away your toys before dinner?- I need to put away these files before I leave the office.5. Put outPut out是一个常用的短语,意思是“熄灭,扑灭”。

以下是一些put的常见用法及固定搭配:1. Put something (somewhere): 把某物放置在某处(1)Please put the book on the table.(2)He put the money in his pocket.2. Put on: 穿上(衣物、鞋子等)(1)She put on her coat and went outside.(2)Don't forget to put on your seatbelt before driving.3. Put off: 推迟,延迟(1)They put off the meeting until next week.(2)The concert has been put off due to bad weather.4. Put away: 收起,放好(东西)(1)After dinner, she put away the dishes in the cabinet.(2)You should put away your toys before going to bed.5. Put in: 放入,插入(1)He put in a new light bulb in the lamp.(2)Don't forget to put in your contact lenses in the morning.6. Put up: 搭建,建造(1)They are putting up a new building in the city center.(2)We need to put up a tent for our camping trip.7. Put down: 放下,放置(1)The teacher asked the students to put down their pens and listen.(2)Please put the baby gently down on the bed.8. Put forward: 提出(建议、观点等)(1)He put forward a proposal to improve the company's sales.(2)The committee put forward a plan for the renovation of the park.。

He has put forward new peace proposals
Stamps are printed things.The colour will slowly disappear if the stamps are put in the light for a long time.
She put on her coat and went out
The team put on a good show in the competition.
put forward v. 提出;
put in 提出,提交;放入;
put on 穿上;上演;增加;
put into 使进入;把...放进;
put up 提供;建造;举起;
put together ..放在一起
They put forward many valid reasons for not exporting

put forward to后加名词。
put:vt. 放; 安置; 猛推; ⽤⼒插⼊; 将…送往; 使…前往。
forward:adv. 向前地; 向前; 前进; 进展; 向将来; 往后。
Many proposals have been put forward to solve this problem.
New course the reform put forward to teacher's character higher of request.
Therefore, a triangular model of aerodynamic design system is put forward to improve the design system.
At last, an advanced technology is put forward to design automotive torque converter.
And what special ideas would MCM put forward to do with this project?

与put有关的英语短语1. Put up with: to tolerate or endure something or someone that is unpleasant or difficult. Example: I can't believe she puts up with her boss's rude behavior every day.2. Put on: to dress oneself in particular clothing or accessories. Example: Don't forget to put on your jacket before going outside.3. Put off: to postpone or delay something. Example: The meeting has been put off until next week due to a scheduling conflict.4. Put forward: to suggest or propose an idea or plan. Example: He put forward a new marketing strategy that could significantly increase sales.5. Put in: to install or place something in a particular location. Example: We need to put in new light fixtures throughout the house.6. Put out: to extinguish something, especially a fire. Example: She quickly put out the small fire in the kitchen before it could spread.7. Put aside: to save or keep something for a specific purpose or time. Example: I need to put aside some money each month to save for a vacation.8. Put away: to tidy up or store items in their proper place. Example: After dinner, we need to put away the dishes and clean up the kitchen.9. Put through: to connect someone on the telephone or transfer them to another person. Example: Could you please put me through to the customer service department?10. Put down: to criticize or belittle someone or something. Example: It's not fair to constantly put him down just because he has different opinions.11. Put together: to assemble or create by combining different elements or parts. Example: She quickly put together a presentation for the meeting.12. Put the blame on: to attribute responsibility or fault to someone. Example: He always tries to put the blame on others instead of taking responsibility for his actions.13. Put up for sale: to offer something for sale. Example: The homeowner decided to put the house up for sale after receiving a job offer in another city.14. Put up a fight: to resist or defend oneself, usually in a difficult situation. Example: Despite being outnumbered, the soldiers put upa fierce fight.15. Put in an appearance: to make a brief or formal visit or attend an event. Example: She agreed to put in an appearance at the charity gala before heading to her next commitment.16. Put on hold: to delay or temporarily suspend something. Example: The project has been put on hold until we receiveadditional funding.17. Put to the test: to subject something or someone to a test or examination. Example: The new product will be put to the test in a series of rigorous trials.18. Put one's foot down: to assert oneself or take a firm stance. Example: After months of negotiations, he finally put his foot down and refused to compromise any further.19. Put a smile on someone's face: to make someone happy or bring them joy. Example: Her surprise visit really put a smile on his face.20. Put the finishing touches on: to add the final details or make the final adjustments to something. Example: The interior designer put the finishing touches on the room, making it perfect for the clients.。
Put forward及put相关短语

Put forward及put相关短语:如何“提出”put forward1)提出(计划、建议等)They all agreed with the idea which was put forward by Tom. 他们都赞同汤姆提出的建议。
2)将……提前The women’s final has been put forward to 2:00 p.m.女子决赛提前到下午两点举行。
3)把钟、表拨快He put his watch forward to avoid being late for the meeting.他把表拨快以避免开会迟到。
4)提名(推荐)某人We put Lily forward to take part in English competition.我们推荐李莉参加英语竞赛。
(1)p ut up张贴;挂起;举起;为(某人)提供食宿The final exam results will be put up on Friday morning.(2)put down记下;镇压I’ ve already put your phone number down in my book.(3)put on 装出;穿上,戴上;打开;增加(体重);上演;举行;提高(价格)She is not really that sad; she is just putting it on.(4)put off 推迟(某事);使(某事)延期;脱掉The meeting has been put off till next Monday.(5)put in花费;安装;插话;(+)正式要求,申请You must put in a lot of effort to learn a foreign language. (6)put out扑灭;熄灭;关(灯)Do remember to put out the lights when you leave the classroom.(7)put aside储存(钱)备用;把(某事物)撇开不理;不考虑;放下正在做的事;留出(时间)We put aside a few hundred dollars every month for our vacation.(8)put away把……收拾起来(放回原处)Before we leave the office, let’s put these files away.(9)put back使(活动)延迟;把钟、表拨慢;放回原位The big fire could put back the opening date by several weeks.。
put forward的用法总结

put forward的用法总结
"Put forward" 是一个常用的短语动词,通常表示提出、提议或提出观点、建议或想法。
以下是"put forward" 的用法总结:
1. 提出观点/建议/想法:指以口头或书面方式提出一种看法、观点、想法或建议。
- 例如:She put forward a new proposal during the meeting.(她在会议上提出了一个新的建议。
2. 推荐或提名:表示对某人或某事物提名、推荐或提议。
- 例如:They put him forward as the best candidate for the job.(他们推荐他作为这个工作的最佳候选人。
3. 前进、提出或展开:在物理上表示向前移动或提起某物。
- 例如:He put forward his hand to shake mine.(他伸出手和我握手。
4. 时间或日期提前:表示将原计划的时间或日期提前。
- 例如:We decided to put forward the deadline for the project.(我们决定提前项目的截止日期。
总的来说,“put forward” 是一个多功能的短语动词,用于表示提出观点、建议或想法,提名或推荐某人或某事,向前移动或提起某物,或将时间或日期提前。
1/ 1。
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Put forward及put相关短语:
如何“提出”put forward
They all agreed with the idea which was put forward by Tom. 他们都赞同汤姆提出的建议。
The women’s final has been put forward to 2:00 p.m.
He put his watch forward to avoid being late for the meeting.
We put Lily forward to take part in English competition.
(1)p ut up张贴;挂起;举起;为(某人)提供食宿
The final exam results will be put up on Friday morning.
(2)put down记下;镇压
I’ ve already put your phone number down in my book.
(3)put on 装出;穿上,戴上;打开;增加(体重);上演;
She is not really that sad; she is just putting it on.
(4)put off 推迟(某事);使(某事)延期;脱掉
The meeting has been put off till next Monday.
(5)put in花费;安装;插话;(+)正式要求,申请
You must put in a lot of effort to learn a foreign language. (6)put out扑灭;熄灭;关(灯)
Do remember to put out the lights when you leave the classroom.
(7)put aside储存(钱)备用;把(某事物)撇开不理;不考虑;放下正在做的事;留出(时间)
We put aside a few hundred dollars every month for our vacation.
(8)put away把……收拾起来(放回原处)
Before we leave the office, let’s put these files away.
(9)put back使(活动)延迟;把钟、表拨慢;放回原位
The big fire could put back the opening date by several weeks.。