
釉小皮(enamelcutic le):是指覆盖在新萌出的牙表面的一层有机薄膜,一经咀嚼即易被磨去,但在牙颈部仍可见残留。

primary epithelial band原发性上皮带:胚胎第6周,口腔上皮细胞增生(基底细胞增生),在未来牙槽突区,依据颌骨外形形成的一马蹄形上皮带。
dental lamina牙板:胚胎第7周,口腔上皮细胞增生,在未来牙槽突上,原发性上皮带继续向深层生长,其舌腭侧分裂的上皮板。
dental bud 牙蕾牙板末端上皮增生形成的一团细胞,形状如花蕾。
Successional tooth buds 继承性牙蕾在乳牙牙板的舌侧分化出恒牙的牙蕾。
Dental papillae 牙乳头成釉器凹陷的部分围绕的间充质部分。
Dental sac / dental follicle牙囊:牙囊是包绕成釉器和牙乳头的外胚间叶组织。
保护营养牙萌出动力tooth germ牙胚:由牙板细胞增生形成的产生牙体牙周组织的器官,包括成釉器、牙乳头和牙囊组成。
cevical loop颈环:也可称为颈圈,牙胚成釉器中内釉上皮和外釉上皮的相连处。
enamel knot釉结:是在牙胚中央,内釉上皮局部的增厚,往往与釉索相连续。
enamel cord釉索:是由釉结向外釉上皮走行的一条细胞条索,似乎将成釉器一分为二。
enamel niche釉龛:是由于片状的牙板向内凹形成腔隙,内充满结缔组织。
reduced enamel epithelium缩余釉上皮:釉质发育完成后,成釉细胞、中间层细胞和星网状层与外釉上皮细胞结合,形成一层鳞状上皮覆盖在釉小皮上,称为缩余釉上皮.enamel cuticle釉小皮:在牙冠形成后,成釉细胞变短,细胞器的数量减少,在釉质表面分泌一层无结构的有机物薄膜覆盖在牙冠表面上,称为釉小皮。

口腔组织病理学英文名词联合merge P 7融合fuse P 7唇裂cleft lip P 9面裂facial cleft P 9成釉器enamel organ P23牙乳头dental papilla P23牙囊dental sac P23成釉细胞ameloblast P26成牙本质细胞odontoblast P28缩余釉上皮reduced dental epithelium P35釉梭enamel spindle P50釉丛enamel tufts P50釉板enamel lamellae P50绞釉gnarled enamel P52釉小皮enamel cuticle P53牙本质dentin P55牙本质小管dentinal tubule P57生长线incremental line P59牙髓pulp P64成牙本质细胞odontoblast P64牙骨质cementum P70牙龈gingival P74结合上皮junctional epthelium P76牙周膜periodontal membrance P80牙槽骨alveolar bone P87牙槽突alveolar process P87唾液saliva P103 腮腺parotid gland P112下颌下腺submandibular gland P112 舌下腺sublingual gland P113 小涎腺minor salivary gland P114 龋病dental caries P143 釉质龋enamel caries P152 牙本质龋dentine caries P159 牙骨质龋cementum caries P163 牙髓炎pulpitis P165 牙体吸收tooth resorption P173 根尖周炎periapical periodontitis P175牙龈病gingival diseases P183龈增生gingival hyperplasia P186奋森龈炎Vincent gingivitis P188牙周炎periodontitis P190疱vesicle P206斑macule P208皲裂rhagade P207白斑leukoplakia P208红斑erythroplakia P211扁平苔藓lichen planus P213慢性盘状红斑狼疮chronic discoid lupus erythematosus P215天疱疮pemphigus P217良性粘膜类天疱疮benign mucous membrane pemphigoid P219复发性阿弗他溃疡recurrent aphthous ulcer P220 涎腺异位displacement of salivary galnd P260 涎石病sialolithiasis P264坏死性涎腺化生necrotizing sialometaplasia P265 舍格伦综合征Sjogren syndrome P265 多形性腺瘤pleomorphic adenoma P273 腺淋巴瘤adenolymphoma P279 腺样囊性癌adenoid cystic carcinoma P288 粘液表皮样癌mucoepidermoid carcinoma P287 牙源性囊肿odontogenic cyst P301 牙源性角化囊性瘤keratocystic odontogenic tumor P322 含牙囊肿dentigerous cyst P301萌出囊肿eruption cyst P303鳃裂囊肿branchial cleft cyst P309甲舌管囊肿thyroglossal tract cyst P310 粘液囊肿mucocele P311成釉细胞瘤ameloblastoma P314牙源性钙化上皮瘤calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor P320 牙源性钙化囊性瘤calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor P328 牙瘤odontoma P327 混合性牙瘤complex odontoma P327 组合性牙瘤compound odontoma P327 牙源性腺样瘤adenomatoid odontogenic tumor P321 血管瘤hemangioma P341牙龈瘤epulis P344疣状癌verrucous carcinoma P3502。

口腔英语常用词汇Alveolarbone牙槽骨carcinoma of maxillary sinus上颌窦癌carcinoma of tongue舌癌cellulitis of the floor of the mouth口底蜂窝织炎cementum牙骨质dental arch牙弓dental crown牙冠dental defect牙体缺损dental necrosis牙坏死dental sac牙囊dentin牙本质enamel牙釉质endodontics牙体牙髓病学extraction拔牙术fascial space infection间隙感染fluoride氟化物fracture of maxillary上颌骨骨折gum,gingiva牙龈herpetic stomatitis疱疹性口炎infraorbital space眶下间隙jaw颌骨leukoplakia白斑lichen planus扁平苔藓local anesthesia局麻mucous cyst粘液囊肿odontoclasis牙折oral candidiasis口腔念珠菌病oral hygiene口腔卫生oral pathology口腔病理学oral surgery口腔外科orthodontics正畸学osteomyelitis of the jaws颌骨骨髓炎pediatric dentistry口腔儿科学periodontal ligament牙周韧带periodontal membrane牙周膜periodontics牙周病学prosthodontics修复学pterygomandibular space翼颌间隙public-health dentistry口腔预防医学pulp exposure牙髓暴露pulpectomy牙骨摘除术pulpitis牙髓炎pyogenic osteomyelitis化脓性骨髓炎radiation osteomyelitis放射性骨髓炎radicular syst根端囊肿recurrent aphthae复发性口疮root canal therapy根管治疗root of tooth牙根sublingual gland syst舌下腺囊肿sublingual space舌下间隙submasseteric space嚼肌间隙submaxillary space颌下间隙tartar牙石temporomandibular joint颞颌关节thrush鹅口疮tooth decay龋齿tooth replantation牙再植术torsion of teeth牙扭转alveolar abscess牙槽脓肿ameloblastoma造釉细胞瘤apical infection根尖感染apical syst根尖囊肿branchial cleft cyst肋裂囊肿carcinoma of buccal mucos颊粘膜癌carcinoma of gingiva牙龈癌carcinoma of lip唇癌caries龋齿circumvallate papillae轮廓乳头crown fracture冠折deciduous teeth乳牙dental impaction牙阻生dental plaque菌斑dental root fracture根折denticulus,denticle髓石dentoalveolar abscess牙槽脓肿drug-induced gingivitis药物性龈炎epulis龈瘤filiform papillae丝状乳头fistula apicalis根尖瘘管foliate papillae叶状乳头fungiform papillae菌状乳头gingival abscess牙龈脓肿gingivitis牙龈炎gingivitis in leukemia白血病龈炎injury of teeth牙损伤juvenile periodontitis青少年牙周炎luxated tooth牙脱位lymphoepithelial lesions淋巴上皮病missing tooth牙脱失mixed dentition混合牙列mixed tumor of salivary gland涎腺混合瘤mumps流行性腮腺炎nevi色素痣occlusion咬合palate腭paradontoma牙周膜瘤parageusia味觉异常paraglossa舌肿paraglossia舌下炎paralalia出语障碍,构音倒错parotitis腮腺炎periapical abscess根尖脓肿periapical disease根尖周病pericoronitis冠周炎periodontitis牙周炎permanent teeth恒牙pulp horn髓角root resorption牙根吸收sebaceous cyst皮脂囊肿sialolithiasis涎石病sublinguitis舌下腺炎teeth牙齿thyroglossal tract cyst甲状舌管囊肿tongue舌tooth migration牙移动tooth replacement牙复位toothache牙痛口唇Lips:对称symmetry,颜色color,湿润度moisture,紫绀cyanosis,疱疹herpes.粘膜Mucosa:颜色color,色素沉着pigmentation,溃疡ulceration.齿龈Gums:齿龈脓漏pyorrhea,出血bleeding,齿龈炎gingivitis,齿龈肿胀swelling of gums.舌Tongue:颜色color,乳头萎缩papillary atrophy,溃疡ulceration,扁斜deviation,运动movement,舌苔coating.无齿的edentulous,牙齿数目number present,口腔卫生欠佳或良好hygiene pooror good,牙根roots,齿髓炎pulpitis,假牙false teeth,龋齿caries,失去的牙齿missing teeth,修补牙齿dental repair牙冠crowns, 装桥术bridgework,镶嵌inlay,充填filling口臭Halitosis(fetor oris; foul or badbreath)基础医学Basic Medicine人体解剖与组织胚胎学Human Anatomy,Histology and Embryology免疫学Immunology病原生物学Pathogenic Organisms病理学与病理生理学Pathology andPathophysiology麻醉学Anesthesiology急诊医学Emergency Medicine口腔医学Stomatology口腔基础医学Basic Science ofStomatology口腔临床医学Clinical Science ofStomatology公共卫生与预防医学Public Health andPreventive Medicine中医学Chinese Medicine中医基础理论Basic Theories of ChineseMedicine中医临床基础Clinical Foundation ofChinese Medicine中医医史文献History and Literature ofChinese Medicine方剂学Formulas of Chinese Medicine中医诊断学Diagnostics of ChineseMedicine中医内科学Chinese Internal Medicine中医外科学Surgery of Chinese Medicine中医骨伤科学Orthopedics of ChineseMedicine中医妇科学Gynecology of ChineseMedicine中医儿科学Pediatrics of ChineseMedicine中医五官科学Ophthalmology andOtolaryngoloy of Chinese Medicine针灸推拿学Acupuncture andMoxibustion and Tuina of Chinesemedicine民族医学Ethnomedicine中西医结合医学Chinese and WesternIntegrative Medicine中西医结合基础医学Basic Discipline ofChinese and Western Integrative中西医结合临床医学Clinical Discipline ofChinese and Western IntegrativeMedicine药学Pharmaceutical Science药物化学Medicinal Chemistry药剂学Pharmaceutics生药学Pharmacognosy药物分析学Pharmaceutical Analysis微生物与生化药学Microbial andBiochemical Pharmacy药理学Pharmacology中药学Science of ChinesePharmacologyoral anesthesiology, oral anesthetics 口腔麻醉学...experimental stomatology 实验口腔医学...oral and maxillofacialsurgery 口腔颌面外科学dentition n.齿系(齿列、牙列等),牙齿的加工;出牙,长牙口腔oral cavity龋齿,骨疡dental caries =tooth decay牙周病学periodontal disease脓溢pyorrhea齿龈alveolar ridge舌叶,舌面前部blade舌背dorsum舌前的Front硬腭hard palate牙槽脓溢Pyorrhea alveolaris marginal periodontitis牙周脓溢paradental pyorrhea去除局部刺激后,仍因牙周袋深而不断排脓垢性牙槽溢脓Schmutz pyorrhea局部卫生情况不良所致,有牙周袋形成的牙周溢脓拔牙extraction = surgical removal牙龈上皮gingival epithelium结合上皮junctional epithelium洁治术oral prophylaxis结合牙concrescence of tooth角质化细胞Keratinocytes。
口腔组织病理学 :牙周组织

与牙以半桥粒形式结合 增龄变化
釉质——釉牙骨质界——牙骨质——牙根 意义
1.半桥粒形式薄弱,牙周炎时结合上皮根方增殖,易形 成深牙周袋;同时由于炎症刺激,出现上皮钉突。
2.致病因素去除后,可重建新附着。 3.结合上皮更新迅速,使衰老细胞和细菌脱落。 4.结合上皮间的连接可被细菌代谢产物削弱,上皮通透
(epithelium of attachment gingiva) 龈谷上皮(epithelium of gingival col )
▪ 胶原纤维束
牙周组织/牙龈/组沟的衬里上皮,从结合上 皮冠方延伸到游离龈顶部。
牙周组织(periodontal tissues)
oral pathology
牙周组织(periodontal tissues)
牙龈 (gingiva) 牙周韧带 (periodontal ligament) / 牙周膜 (periodontal membrane) 牙槽骨 (alveolar bone) 牙骨质(cementum)
▪ 胶原纤维(主纤维束五组) ▪ 弹力纤维 耐酸纤维Oxytalan
▪ 成纤维细胞 ▪ 成牙骨质细胞 ▪ 上皮剩余 ▪ 成骨细胞 ▪ 破骨细胞和破牙骨质细胞 ▪ 防御细胞 ▪ 牙周膜干细胞
附着龈(attached gingiva)
龈乳头(gingival papilla) / 牙间乳头 (interdental papilla) 龈谷(gingival col)

《口腔组织病理学》名词解释整理1、神经嵴(neural crest)12、外胚间叶(ectomesenchyme)组织或外间充质 23、鳃弓(branchial arch)34、鳃沟(branchial groove)45、咽囊(pharyngeal pouch)46、颈窦(cervical sinus)47、额鼻突(frontonasal process)68、上颌突(maxillary process)69、口凹或原口oral pit or stomadeum)即原始口腔610、口咽膜(orapharyngeal membrane)611、拉特克囊(Rathke pouch)612、嗅板或鼻板olfactory placode or nasal placode)713、鼻凹(nasal pit)或嗅窝714、中鼻突(medial nasal process)715、侧鼻突(lateral nasal process)716、球状突(globular process)717、联合(merge)718、融合(fuse)719、鼻鳍(nasal fin)720、唇裂(cleft lip)921、面裂(facial cleft)922、原发腭(primary palate)923、继发腭(secondary palate)924、侧腭突(lateral palate process)925、切牙管(incisive canal)或鼻腭管(naso-palatal canal)1126、腭裂(cleft palate)1227、颌裂(cleft jaw)1328、侧舌隆突lateral lingual prominence/swelling)1329、奇结节(tuberculum impar)1330、联合突(copula)1331、界沟(sulcus terminalis)1432、甲状舌管(thyroglossal duct)1433、舌盲孔(foramen cecum)1434、分叉舌(bifid tongue)或舌裂35、第一鳃弓软骨Meckel’s cartilage或下颌软骨)1736、原发性上皮带(primary epithelial band)2337、前庭板2338、牙板(dental lamina)2339、成釉器(enamel organ)2340、牙乳头(dental papilla)2341、牙囊(dental sac)2342、蕾状期(bud stage)2343、帽状期(增殖期)(cap stage)2344、外釉上皮细胞(outer enamal epithelium)2445、内釉上皮细胞(inner enamal epithelium)2446、星网状层(stellate reticulum)2447、钟状期(bell stage)2448、成釉细胞(ameloblast)2649、终棒(terminal web)2650、颈环(cervical loop)2651、中间层(stratum intermedium)2652、釉结(enamal knot)2753、釉索(enamal cord)2754、釉龛(enamal niche)2755、成牙本质细胞(odontoblast)2856、Serre上皮剩余2957、分泌型成牙本质细胞(secretory odontoblast)3158、静止型成牙本质细胞(resting odontoblast)3159、罩牙本质(mantle dentin)3160、基质小泡(matrix vesicle)3261、球间牙本质3262、前期牙本质(predentin)3263、赫特威希(Hertwing)上皮根鞘3264、釉质形成(amelogenesis)3265、釉原蛋白(amelogenin)3266、托姆斯突(Tomes process)3367、釉小皮3568、缩余釉上皮(reduced dental epithelium)3569、赫特威希上皮根鞘(Hertwing’s epithelial root sheath)3670、上皮隔3671、马拉瑟上皮剩余(Malassez epithelia rest)3872、引导管(gubernacular canal)4173、乳恒牙的交替(shedding)4374、釉质(enamel)4675、釉原蛋白(amelogenin)4776、非釉原蛋白(non-amelogenins)4777、蛋白酶(proteninases)4778、釉柱(enamel rod)4879、釉质牙本质(enamel-dentinal junction,EDJ)5080、釉梭(enamel spindle)5081、釉丛(enamel tufts)5082、釉板(enamel lamellae)5083、横纹(cross striations)5184、釉质生长线(incremental line)又名芮氏线(lines of Retzius)5285、牙面平行线(perikymata)5286、绞釉(gnarled enamel)5287、施雷格线(Schreger line)5288、无釉柱釉质(rodless enamel)5389、釉小皮(enamel cuticle)5390、釉面横纹(perikymata)5391、Tomes突凹(Tomes process pits,TPP)5392、牙本质(dentin)5593、牙髓牙本质复合体(pulpo-dentinal complex)5594、牙本质磷蛋白(dentin phosphoproteins,DPP或phosphophoryn)5595、牙本质涎蛋白(dentin sialoprotein,DSP)5696、牙本质小管(dentinal tubule)5797、成牙本质细胞突起(odontoblastic process)5798、牙本质细胞突周围间隙(periodontoblastic space)5899、限制板(lamina limitans)58100、管周牙本质(peritubular dentin)58101、管间牙本质(interbular dentin)59102、球间牙本质(interglobular dentin)59103、生长线(incremental line)又称埃布纳(von Ebner)线59104、欧文线(Owen line)59105、托姆斯颗粒层(Tomes granular layer)60106、前期牙本质(predentin)60107、原发性牙本质(primary dentin)60108、继发性牙本质(secondary dentin)60109、科尔夫(Korff)纤维60110、罩牙本质(mantle dentin)60111、透明层(hyaline layer)60112、髓周牙本质(circumpulpal dentin)60113、磨损(abrasion,attrition)61114、楔状缺损(wedge shaped defect)61115、修复性牙本质(reparative dentin)又称第三期牙本质(tertiary dentin)或反应性牙本质(reaction dentin)61116、死区(dead tract)62117、骨样牙本质(osteodentin)62118、透明牙本质(transparent dentin)又称硬化性牙本质(sclerotic dentin)62 119、神经传导学说(direct innervation theory)63120、转导学说(transduction theory)63121、流体动力学说(hydrodynamic theory)63122、牙髓(pulp)64123、乏细胞层或称Weil层(the zone of weil) 64124、髓核(pulp core)64125、成牙本质细胞(odontoblast)64126、树突状细胞(dendritic cells)66127、牙骨质(cementum)70128、无细胞牙骨质(acellular cementum)71129、类牙骨质(cementoid)71130、细胞牙骨质(cellular cementum)72131、穿通纤维(perforating fiber)或称沙比纤维(Sharpey’s fiber)72 132、釉质牙骨质界(enamelo-cemental junction)72133、牙本质牙骨质界dentino-cemental junction)72134、牙龈(gingiva)74135、游离龈(free gingiva)74136、龈沟(gingiva sulcus)74137、附着龈(attached gingiva)75138、游离龈沟(free gingiva groove)75139、点彩75140、牙间乳头(interdental papilla)也称龈乳头75141、龈谷(gingival col)75142、牙龈结合(dentogingival junction)75143、牙龈上皮(gingival epithelium)75144、龈沟上皮(salcular epithelium)76145、结合上皮(junctional epithelium)76146、龈牙组(dentogingival group)79147、牙槽龈组(alveologingival group)79148、环形组(circular group)79149、牙骨膜组(dentoperiosteal group)79150、越隔组(transseptal group)79151、牙周膜(periodontal membrane)80152、牙周韧带(periodontal ligament)80153、牙槽嵴组(alveolar crest group)81154、水平组(horizontal group)82155、斜行组(oblique group)82156、根尖组(apical group)82157、根间组(interradicular group)82158、弹力纤维(elastin fibers)83159、牙槽骨(alveolar bone)87160、固有牙槽骨(alveolar bone proper)87161、硬骨板(lamina dura)87162、口腔黏膜(oral mucosa或oral mucous membrane) 91 163、固有层(lamina properia)91164、角质细胞(kerationocyte)92165、基底层(stratum basale)92166、棘层(stratum spinosum)92167、颗粒层(stratum granulosum)92168、角化层(stratum corneum)93169、黑色素细胞(melanocyte)95170、朗格汉斯细胞(Langerhans cell)95171、梅克尔细胞(Merkel cell)95172、黏膜下层(submucosa)97173、咀嚼黏膜(masticatory mucosa)97174、腭皱襞(palatine rugae)98175、被覆黏膜(lining mucosa)98176、白线(linea alba)99177、福代斯斑(Fordyce spot)99178、特殊黏膜(specialized mucosa)99179、丝状乳头(filiform papilla)100180、菌状乳头(fungiform papilla)100181、轮廓乳头(vallate papilla)100182、叶状乳头(foliate papilla)101183、舌滤泡(lingual follicle)101184、舌隐窝(lingual crypt)101185、唾液(saliva)103186、唾液腺(salivary glands)103187、分泌单位(secretory unit)103188、腺泡(acinus)104189、浆液性腺泡(serous acinus)104190、酶原颗粒(zymogen granule)104191、黏液性腺泡(mucous acinus)105192、混合性腺泡(mixed acinus)105193、浆半月(半月板)(demilune)105194、闰管(intercalated duct)107195、分泌管(secretory duct)107196、纹管(striated duct)107197、排泄管(excretory duct)108198、肌上皮细胞(myoepithelial cell)108199、腮腺(parotid gland)112200、腮腺导管(Stensen’s duct)112201、杯状细胞(goblet cell)112202、下颌下腺(submandibular gland)112203、下颌下腺主导管(Warton duct)112204、舌下腺(sublingual gland)113205、舌下腺主导管(Bartholin duct)113206、小涎腺(minor salivary gland)114207、舍格伦综合征(Sjogren syndrome)114208、颞下颌关节temporo-mandibular join,TMJ)118 209、下颌颏突(condyle)118210、纤维性关节表面带fibrous articular surface)118 211、多细胞带(cellular rich zone)118212、纤维软骨带(fibrocartilaginous zone)119213、钙化软骨带(zone of calcified cartilage)119214、关节盘(the intrarticular disc)119215、关节囊(articulating capsule)121216、滑膜(synovial membrane)121217、少牙(hypodontia)125218、无牙(adontia)125219、少汗外胚层发育不良(hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia)126220、多生牙(supernumerary teeth,hyperdontia)126221、锁骨头颅发育不良(cleidocranial dysplasia)126222、正中牙(mesiodens)126223、副磨牙(paramolar)126224、远中磨牙(distomolar)126225、附加牙(supplemental teeth)126226、巨牙(macrodontia)126227、小牙(microdontia)126228、双生牙(gemination)127229、融合牙(fusion)127230、结合牙(concrescence)127231、畸形舌侧尖(lingual cusp deformity)也称鹰爪尖(talon cusp),前牙的牙外突(dens evaginatus of anterior teeth) 128232、畸形中央尖(central cusp deformity)也称牙外突(dens evaginatus) 129 233、牙内陷(dens invaginatus)129234、畸形舌侧窝(lingual fossa deformity)129235、牙中牙(dens in dente)129236、釉珠(enamel pearls)129237、弯曲牙(dilacerations)130238、牛牙症(Taurodontism)130239、釉原蛋白(amelogenins)131240、釉蛋白(enamelins)131241、成釉蛋白(ameloblastin)131242、釉丛蛋白(tuftelin)131243、釉质形成不全(enamel hypoplasia)131244、釉质矿化不全(hypomineralized enamel)131245、Turner牙(Turner teeth) 132246、先天性梅毒牙(congenital syphilis)133247、氟牙症(dental fluorosis)又称斑釉(mottled enamel),氟斑牙133 248、釉质形成缺陷(amelogenesis imperfecta)134249、早萌(premature eruption)140250、胎生牙(natal teeth)140251、新生牙(neonatal teeth)140252、过早脱落(premature loss)141253、乳牙滞留(persistence of deciduous teeth)141254、牙阻生(impaction of teeth)141255、牙变色(disoloration of teeth)141256、四环素牙(tetracycline stained teeth)142257、龋病(dental caries) 143258、化学细菌学说(chemico-bacterial theory)又称化学寄生学说(chemico-parasitic theory),酸原学说(acidogenic theory) 144259、蛋白溶解学说(proteolytic theory) 145260、蛋白溶解-螯合学说(proteolysis-chelation theory) 145261、三联因素学说three primary factors theory)146262、菌斑(bacterial plaque) 146263、获得性薄膜(accquired pellicle)也称唾液薄膜(salivary pellicle) 147 264、急性龋(acute caries)又称猛性龋(rampant caries) 151265、慢性龋(chronic caries) 151266、静止性龋(arrested caries) 151267、窝沟龋(pit and fissure caries)152268、平滑面龋(smooth surface caries)152269、根龋(root caries)152270、釉质龋(enamel caries)152271、透明层(translucent zone)154272、暗层(dark zone)154273、病损体部(body of the lesion)154274、表层(surface zone)154275、牙本质龋(dentin caries) 159276、透明层(translucent zone)又称硬化层160277、脱矿层(zone of demineralization)161278、细菌侵入层(zone of bacterial invasion)161279、坏死崩解层(zone of destruction)163280、牙骨质龋(cementum caries)163281、牙髓-牙本质复合体pulpo-dentinal complex) 165牙髓炎(pulpitis) 165 282、逆行性牙髓炎(retrograde pulpitis) 166283、牙髓充血(pulp hyperemia) 167284、可复性牙髓炎(reversible pulpitis) 167285、急性浆液性牙髓炎(acute serous pulpitis)168286、急性化脓性牙髓炎(acute supurative pulpitis)也称不可逆性牙髓炎(irreversible pilpitis)168287、慢性牙髓炎(chronic pulpitis)169288、慢性闭锁性牙髓炎(chronic closed pulpitis)169289、慢性溃疡性牙髓炎(chronic ulcerative pulpitis)169290、慢性增生性牙髓炎(chronic hyperplastic pulpitis)170291、牙髓息肉(pulp polyp)170292、残髓炎(residual pulpitis)171293、牙髓变性(pulp degeneration)170294、成牙本质细胞空泡性变(vacuolar degeneration of the odontoblastic layer )170295、牙髓钙化(pulp calcification)170296、髓石(pulp stone)170297、弥散性钙化(disseminated calcification)170298、牙髓网状萎缩reticular atrophy of the pulp)172299、牙髓纤维性变(pulp fibrosis)172300、牙髓坏死(pulp necrosis)172301、牙髓渐进性坏死(pulp necrobiosis)172302、引菌作用(anachoresis)172303、牙体吸收(tooth resorption)173304、牙内吸收(internal tooth resorption)173305、特发性吸收(idiopathic resorption)173306、牙外吸收(external tooth resorption)174307、根尖周炎(periapical periodontitis)175308、急性根尖周炎acute periapical periodontitis176309、蜂窝织炎(cellulitis)177310、急性浆液性根尖周炎(acute serous periapical periodontitis)177311、急性牙槽脓肿(acute alveolar abscess)177312、慢性根尖周chronic periapical periodontitis)177313、根尖周肉芽肿(periapical granuloma)178314、致密性骨炎(condensing osteitis)179315、慢性根尖周脓肿(chronic periapical abscess)又称慢性牙槽脓肿(chronic alveolar abscess) 180316、牙周病(periodontal diseases)183317、炎症(inflammation)183318、营养不良(dystrophy)183319、萎缩(atrophy)183320、肿瘤(neoplasia)183321、牙菌斑性牙龈病(dental piaque-induced gingival disease)184322、非牙菌斑性牙龈病(non-plaque-induced gingival lesions)184323、慢性龈炎(chronic gingivitis)185324、边缘性龈炎(marginal gingivitis)185325、黏性放线菌(actinomyces viscosus,Av)185326、牙龈二氧化碳嗜纤维菌(capno gingivitis)185327、龈增生(gingival hyperplasia)186328、青春期龈炎(pubertal gingivitis)186329、妊娠期龈炎(pregnancy gingivitis)186330、激素性龈炎(steroid hormone-influenced gingivitis)186331、药物性龈炎(medication-influenced gingivitis ) 186332、维生素C缺乏性龈炎(vitamin C deficient gingivitis)186333、伴白血病性龈炎(gingivitis with leukemia)又称白血病性龈增大(gingivitis enlargement associated with leukemia)187334、急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎(acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis)的同义名有急性坏死性龈炎(acute necrotizing gingivitis),奋森龈炎(Vincent gingivitis),梭螺菌龈炎(fusospirochetal gingivitis),战壕炎(trench mouth)188335、336、遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病(hereditary gingivitis fibromatosis)其同义名为:先天性家族性纤维瘤病(congenital familial fibromatosis),遗传性龈增生(hereditary gingivitis hyperplasia)以及特发性龈增生(idiopathic gingivitis hyperplasia)等188337、浆细胞龈炎(plasma cell gingivitis)同义的名词又称浆液性龈口炎或变态反应性龈炎189338、剥脱性龈病损(desquamative lesion of gingivitis)190339、牙周炎(periodontitis)190340、细菌性生物膜(dental plaque biofilm)190341、龈袋(gingivitis)又称假性牙周袋200342、骨上袋(supragingival pocket)200343、骨内袋(intrabony pocket)200344、咬合创伤(occlusal trauma)202345、过度角化(hyperkeratosis)也称角化亢进205346、过度正角化(hyperorthokeratosis)205347、过度不全角化(hyperparakeratosis)205348、角化不良(dyskeratosis)205349、棘层增生(acanthosis)206350、上皮异常增生(epithelial dysplasia)206351、上皮萎缩(epithelial atrophy)206352、海绵形成(spongiosis)206353、基底细胞空泡性变及液化(vaculation and liquefaction of hasal cell)206 354、气球样变(ballooning degeneration)206355、网状变性(reticular degeneration)206356、细胞凋亡(cell apoptosis)206357、棘层松解(acantholysis)206358、疱(vesicle)206359、大疱(bulla)206360、糜烂(erosion)207361、溃疡(ulcer)207362、皲裂(rhagade)207363、假膜(pseudomembrane)207364、斑(macule)208365、丘疹(papule)208366、嗜碱性变(basophilic degeneration)208367、痂(crusts)208368、白斑(leukoplakia)208369、红斑(erythroplakia)也称增殖性红斑(erythroplasis),红色增殖性病变(erythroplastic lesion),是1911年奎来特(Queyrat)提出,因此也称奎来特红斑211370、均质型红斑(homogenous erythroplakia)211371、间杂型红斑(interspersed erythroplakia)211372、颗粒型红斑(granular erythroplakia)211373、白色海绵状斑痣(white sponge nevus)也称白皱折病(white folded disease )211374、白色水肿(leukoedema)212375、口腔黏膜下纤维化oral submucous fibrosis)212376、扁平苔藓(lichen planus,LP)213377、胶样小体(colloid body)或称civatte小体214378、类天疱疮扁平苔藓(lichen planus pemphigoides,LPP)214379、慢性盘状红斑狼疮(chronic discoid lupus erythematosus)215380、盘状红斑狼疮(DLE)215381、深在性红斑狼疮(LEP)215382、亚急性皮肤型红斑狼疮(SCLE)215383、系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)215384、红斑狼疮综合征(LES)215385、新生儿红斑狼疮(NLE)215386、狼疮带(lupus band)216387、黏膜良性淋巴组织增生病(benign lymphoadenosis of mucosa)216 388、天疱疮(pemphigus)217389、Nikolsky征阳性218390、良性黏膜类天疱疮(benign mucous membrane pemphigoid)又称瘢痕性类天疱疮219391、复发性阿弗他溃疡(recurrent aphthous ulcer,RAU)也称复发性阿弗他口炎(recurrent aphthous stomatitis,RAS),复发性口腔溃疡220392、白塞综合征(Behcet syndrome)又称眼、口、生殖器三联综合征(oculo-oral-genital syndrome),土耳其医生Behcet(1937) 221393、复发性坏死性黏膜腺周围炎(periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens,PMNR)又称腺周口疮、复发性瘢痕性阿弗他口炎、口腔神经性溃疡221394、多形性渗出性红斑(erythema multiforme exsudativum)也称多行红斑222395、Stevens-Johnson综合征222396、韦格纳肉芽肿(Wegener granulomatosis)222397、疱疹性口炎(herpetic stomatitis)也称为单纯性疱疹(herpes simplex)223 398、念珠菌病(candidiasis)224399、白色念珠菌(candida albicans)224400、结节病(sarcoidosis)225401、Kreim试验225402、肖曼小体(Schauann bodies)225403、肉芽肿性唇炎(cheilitis granulomatosa)226404、梅-罗综合征(Melkersson-Rosenthal)226405、腺性唇炎(cheilitis glandularis)226406、良性游走性舌炎benign migratory glossitis)227407、舌乳头炎(lingual papillitis)227408、舌淀粉样变(amyloidosis)227409、口腔黑斑(oral melanoplakia)228410、艾滋病的全称获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS) 229411、人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV) 229412、口腔念珠菌病(oral candidiasis)229413、口腔毛状白斑(oral hairy leukoplakia,OHL)229414、HIV牙龈炎(HIV-gingivitis)230415、坏死性龈炎(necrotizing gingivitis) 230416、HIV牙周炎(HIV-periodontitis)230417、口腔卡波西肉瘤(oral Kaposi sarcoma,KS)231418、非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin lymphoma)231419、颌骨骨髓炎(osteomyelitis of jaws)232420、急性化脓性骨髓炎(acute suppurative osteomyelitis)232421、新生儿上颌骨骨髓炎(neonatal maxillitis)232422、死骨(sequestrum)232423、颌骨慢性化脓性骨髓炎(chronic suppurative osteomyelitis)232424、慢性骨髓炎伴增生性骨膜炎(chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis)又称为Garre’骨髓炎(Garre’s osteomyelitis)、Garre’慢性非化脓性硬化性骨炎(Garre’s chronic nonsuppurative sclerosing ostitis)或骨化性骨膜炎(periostitis ossificans)233425、慢性局灶性硬化性骨髓炎(chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis)又称为致密性骨炎(condensing osteitis)233426、结核性骨髓炎(tuberculous osteomyelitis)234427、颌骨放射性骨髓炎(radiation osteomyelitis)又称为放射性骨坏死(osteoradionecrosis)234428、巨颌症(cherubism)又称家族性颌骨纤维异常增殖症(familial fibrous dysplasia of the jaws)、家族性颌骨多囊性病(familial mulitilocular cystic disease of jaws)235429、甲状旁腺功能亢进(hyperparathyroidism)236430、甲状旁腺素(parathyin,PTH)236431、原发性(primary)236432、继发性(secondary)236433、遗传性(hereditary)236434、纤维结构不良(fibrous dysplasia,FD)237435、朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis)又称朗格汉斯细胞病(Langerhans cell disease)、组织细胞增多症X(histiocytosis X)或嗜酸性细胞肉芽肿(eosinophilic granuloma)等238436、嗜酸性肉芽肿238437、汉-许-克病Hand-Schuller-Christian disease239438、勒-雪病(Latterer-Siwe disease)239439、图顿巨细胞(Touton giant cell)240440、巨细胞肉芽肿(giant cell granuloma)240441、骨瘤(osteoma) 241442、Gardner综合征242443、骨软骨瘤(osteochondroma)242444、Maffucci综合征243445、软骨肉瘤(chondrosarcoma,CHS)244446、透明细胞软骨肉瘤(clear cell chondrosarcoma,CCCHS) 245447、骨样骨瘤(osteoid osteoma)246448、成骨细胞瘤(osteoblastoma)246449、骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma)247450、成纤维性肿瘤:骨促结缔组织增生性纤维瘤(desmoplastic fibroma of bone,DMPF)248451、尤文肉瘤(Ewing’s sarcoma)249452、原始神经外胚层肿瘤(primitive neuroectodermal tumor,PNET)249 453、浆细胞瘤(plasmacytoma)也称为骨髓瘤(myeloma)250454、巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor,GCT)250455、颞下颌关节紊乱病(temporomandibular disorder,TMD)253456、蚓状小体(vermiform bodies)254457、骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)254458、类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)255459、髁突增生(condylar hyperplasia)又称髁突肥大460、滑膜软骨瘤病(synovial osteochondromatosis)461、色素性绒毛结节性滑膜炎(pigmented villonosdular synovitis)257462、涎腺发育异常(development alanomalies of salivary gland)259463、涎腺先天性缺失(congenital absence of salivary gland)259464、副涎腺(accessory salivary gland)259465、涎腺炎(sialadenitis)260466、急性涎腺炎(acute sialadenitis)又称急性化脓性腮腺炎(acute pyogenic parotitis)261467、慢性涎腺炎(chronic sialadenitis)261468、慢性复发性涎腺炎(chronic recurrent parotitis)469、涎腺结核(tuberculosis of salivary gland)262470、涎腺放线菌病(actinomycosis of salivary glands)262471、流行性腮腺炎(epidemic parotitis,mumps)262472、巨细胞包涵体病(cytomegalic inclusion disease)又称涎腺病毒病(salivary virus disease)263473、涎石病(sialolithiasia)又名涎腺管结石(salivary duct stone)264474、慢性硬化性颌下腺炎(chronic sclerosing sialadenitis of submandibular gland)264475、坏死性涎腺化生(necrotizing sialometaplasia)476、舍格伦综合征(Sjogren syndrome)265477、干燥综合征(sicca syndrome)265478、口腔干燥症(xerostomia)266479、480、涎腺症(sialadenosis)又称变性型涎腺肿大症(degenerative)、涎腺退行性肿大(degenerative swelling of salivary gland)267481、涎腺囊肿(salivary gland cyst)268482、涎腺导管囊肿(salivary duct cyst)268483、淋巴上皮囊肿(lymphoepithelial cyst)268484、多形性腺瘤(pleomorphic adenoma)273485、腺管样结构274486、肌上皮结构274487、黏液样组织和软骨样组织274488、肌上皮瘤(myoepithelioma)275489、基底细胞腺瘤(basal cell adenoma)277490、Warthin瘤又称腺淋巴瘤(adenolymphoma)、淋巴囊腺瘤(cystadenolymphoma)、淋巴乳头囊腺瘤(papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum)279491、嗜酸性腺瘤(oxyphilic adenoma)又称大嗜酸粒细胞腺瘤(oncocyticadenoma)、大嗜酸粒细胞瘤(oncocytoma)280492、皮脂腺腺瘤(sebaceous adenoma)281493、导管乳头状瘤(ductal papilloma)282494、囊腺瘤(systadenoma)284495、腺泡细胞癌(acinic cell carcinoma)285496、黏液表皮样癌(mucoepidermoid carcinoma)也称为混合性表皮样和黏液分泌性癌(mixed epidermoid and mucus secreting carcinoma)287497、腺样囊性癌(adenoid cystic carcinoma)又称圆柱瘤(cylindroma)288 498、腺性(筛状)型[glandular(cribriform)type]289499、管状型(tubular type)289500、充实型(solid type)289501、多形性低度恶性腺癌(polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma)290 502、上皮-肌上皮癌(epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma)291503、非特异性透明细胞癌(clear cell carcinoma,not otherwise specified)292 504、囊腺癌(cystadenocarcinoma)293505、多形性腺瘤癌变(carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma)又称良性混合瘤中的癌(carcinoma arising in a benign mixed tumor)、良性混合瘤癌变(carcinoma ex benign mixed tumor)、多形性腺瘤中的癌(carcinoma arising in a pleomorphic adenoma)、恶性混合瘤(malignant mixed tumor)、癌在多形性腺瘤中(carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma)295506、涎腺导管癌(salivary duct carcinoma)294507、非特异性腺癌(adenocarcinoma,not otherwise specified)294508、鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma)296509、涎腺小细胞癌(small cell carcinoma of the salivary glands)296510、大细胞癌(large cell carcinoma)298511、淋巴上皮癌(lymphoepithelial carcinoma)298512、假性囊肿(pseudocyst)300513、牙源性囊肿(odontogenic cyst)301514、含牙囊肿(dentigerous cyst)又称滤泡囊肿(follicular cyst)301515、婴儿龈囊肿(gingival cyst of infants)又称新生儿牙板囊肿(dental lamina cyst of the newborn)302516、成人龈囊肿(gingival cyst of adults)302517、发育性根侧囊肿(lateral periodontal cyst)303518、萌出囊肿(eruption cyst)303519、腺牙源性囊肿(glandular odontogenic cyst)又称牙源性产黏液囊肿(mucus producing cyst)或涎腺牙源性囊肿(sialo-odontogenic cyst)304520、根尖周囊肿(radicular cyst)304521、残余囊肿(residual cyst)304522、透明小体(Rushton body)305523、牙旁囊肿(paradental cyst)305524、鼻腭管(切牙)囊肿[nasopalatine duct(incisive canal)cyst]305525、鼻唇(鼻牙槽)囊肿【nasolabial(nasoalveolar)cyst】306526、球状上颌囊肿(globlo-maxillary cyst)306527、下颌正中囊肿(median mandibular cyst)307528、动脉瘤性骨囊肿(aneurysmal bone cyst)307529、单纯性骨囊肿(simple bone cyst)又可称为外伤性骨囊肿(traumatic bone cyst)、孤立性骨囊肿(solitary bone cyst)和出血性骨囊肿(hemorrhagic bone cyst)等308530、静止性骨囊肿(static bone cyst)308531、皮样或表皮样囊肿(dermoid or epidermoid cyst)309532、鳃裂囊肿(branchial cleft cyst)又称为颈部淋巴上皮囊肿(cervical lymphoepithelial cyst)309533、甲状舌管囊肿(thyroglossal tract cyst)310534、口腔畸胎样囊肿(oral teratoid cyst)又称为异位口腔胃肠囊肿(heterotopic oral gastrointestinal cyst)310535、黏液囊肿(mucocele)311536、外渗性黏液囊肿mucous extravasation cyst)311537、潴留性黏液囊肿(mucous retention cyst)311538、舌下囊肿(ranula)又称蛤蟆肿312539、牙源性肿瘤(odontogenic tumor)313540、成牙组织(tooth-forming tissue)313541、成釉细胞瘤(ameloblastoma)314542、实性或多囊型成釉细胞瘤(solid or multicystic ameloblastoma)是经典的骨内型成釉细胞瘤(classic intraosseous ameloblastoma)315543、滤泡型(follicular pattern)316544、极性倒置(reversed polarity)316545、丛状型(plexiform pattern)316546、棘皮瘤型(acanthomatous type)316547、颗粒细胞型(granular cell type)316548、基底细胞型(basal cell type)317549、角化成釉细胞型(keratoameloblastoma)又称为乳头状角化成釉细胞型(papilliferous keratoameloblastoma)317550、骨外或外周型成釉细胞瘤(extraoseous or peripheral ameloblastoma)317 551、促结缔组织增生型成釉细胞瘤(desmoplastic ameloblastoma)317552、单囊型成釉细胞瘤(unicystic ameloblastoma)先后称壁性成釉细胞瘤(mural ameloblastoma)、囊肿源性成釉细胞瘤(cystogenic ameloblastoma)、囊型成釉细胞瘤(cystic ameloblastoma)和丛状单囊型成釉细胞瘤(plexiform unicystic ameloblastoma)等553、Vickers-Gorlin标准319554、牙源性鳞状细胞瘤(squamous odontogenic tumor) 319555、牙源性钙化上皮瘤(calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor)又称Pindborg 瘤556、牙源性腺样瘤(adenomatiod odontogenic tumor)321557、牙源性角化囊性瘤(keratocystic odontogenic tumor)322558、成釉细胞纤维瘤(ameloblastic fibroma)325559、成釉细胞纤维牙本质瘤(ameloblastic fibrodentinoma)326560、成釉细胞纤维-牙瘤(ameloblastic fibro-odontoma)326561、牙瘤(odontoma)327562、错构瘤(hamartoma)327563、发育畸形(malformation)327564、混合性牙瘤(complex odontoma)327565、组合性牙瘤(compound odontoma)327566、牙源性钙化囊性瘤(calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor)328567、影细胞(ghost cell)328568、牙本质生成性影细胞瘤(dentinogenic ghost cell tumor)329569、牙源性纤维瘤(odontogenic fibroma)329570、外周性牙源性纤维瘤(peripheral odontogenic fibroma)330571、牙源性黏液瘤(odontogenic myxoma)又称黏液瘤(myxoma)或黏液纤维瘤(myxofibroma)330572、成牙骨质细胞瘤(cementoblastoma)又称真性牙骨质瘤(true cementoma)331573、牙源性癌574、转移性(恶性)成釉细胞瘤【metastasizing(maligant)ameloblastoma】332 575、牙源性肉瘤(odontogenic sarcoma)335576、骨化纤维瘤(0ssifying fibroma)336577、骨结构不良(osseous dysplasias)337578、婴儿黑色素神经外胚瘤(melanotic neuro-ectodermal tumor of infancy)338 579、乳头状瘤(papillomas)339580、乳头状增生(papilliferous hyperplasia)340581、纤维上皮息肉(fibro-epithelial polyp)341582、血管瘤(hemangioma)341583、毛细血管瘤(capillary hemangioma)341584、婴儿血管瘤(hemangioma of infancy)342585、海绵状血管瘤(cavernous hemangioma)342586、动静脉性血管瘤(arteriovenous hemangioma)343587、牙龈瘤(epulis)344588、血管性龈瘤(vascular epulis)344589、先天性龈瘤(congential epulis)346590、嗜酸性淋巴肉芽肿346591、淋巴管瘤(lymphangioma)347592、颗粒细胞瘤(granular cell tumor)347593、神经鞘瘤(neurinoma)348594、口腔黏膜色素痣(pigmented naevus)又称黑色素细胞痣(melanocytic naevus)、痣细胞痣(nevocellular naevus)348595、口腔癌是指发生在口腔黏膜的鳞状细胞癌,亦称口腔粘膜癌,约占口腔恶性肿瘤的90%。

2010口腔整理口腔组织病理学英文名词联合merge P 7:面部突起之间的沟会随着面突的生长而变浅、消失,此过程称为面突联合。
融合fuse P 7 :面部发育过程中,面部突起和突起之间在生长过程中发生表面的外胚层相互接触、破裂、退化、消失,此谓面突的融合。
唇裂cleft lip P 9:在上唇是球状突和上颌突未联合或部分联合所致,常伴有颌裂、腭裂;两侧球状突中央部分未联合或部分联合形成上唇正中裂;两侧下颌突在中线处未联合则形成下唇裂。
面裂facial cleft P 9 :上颌突与下颌突未联合或部分联合将发生横面裂,裂隙可自口角至耳屏前,较轻微者可为大口畸形;如联合过多则形成小口畸形。
成釉器enamel organ P23:起源于口腔外胚层,是牙胚的一部分,经过蕾状期、帽状期(外釉上皮、星网状层、内釉上皮)、钟状期(外釉上皮、星网状层、中间层、内釉上皮),最终发育成釉质。
牙乳头dental papilla P23:是未分化的间充质细胞,也是牙胚的一部分,最终发育为牙髓和牙本质,是牙成型的重要因素。
牙囊dental sac P23:起源于外胚间叶组织,是牙胚的一部分,最终形成牙骨质、牙周膜、固有牙槽骨。
成釉细胞ameloblast P26:是成釉器中的内釉上皮中的内釉细胞分化而来,呈高柱状,在分泌活动开始前细胞器重先定位(核远离基底膜,Gc靠近基底膜,RER 增多,Mit集中到靠近中间层),对釉质的形成有很重要的作用。
成牙本质细胞odontoblast P28:是由牙乳头外层细胞在内釉上皮的诱导下分化而成的高柱状细胞,一般有分泌型和静止型以及中间过渡型三种类型,主要功能是形成牙本质,细胞核远离基底层,ER、GC、Mit发达,相连细胞间有连接复合体(桥粒、缝隙连接、紧密连接)。

《口腔组织病理学》名词解释整理1、神经嵴(neural crest)12、外胚间叶(ectomesenchyme)组织或外间充质 23、鳃弓(branchial arch)34、鳃沟(branchial groove)45、咽囊(pharyngeal pouch)46、颈窦(cervical sinus)47、额鼻突(frontonasal process)68、上颌突(maxillary process)69、口凹或原口oral pit or stomadeum)即原始口腔610、口咽膜(orapharyngeal membrane)611、拉特克囊(Rathke pouch)612、嗅板或鼻板olfactory placode or nasal placode)713、鼻凹(nasal pit)或嗅窝714、中鼻突(medial nasal process)715、侧鼻突(lateral nasal process)716、球状突(globular process)717、联合(merge)718、融合(fuse)719、鼻鳍(nasal fin)720、唇裂(cleft lip)921、面裂(facial cleft)922、原发腭(primary palate)923、继发腭(secondary palate)924、侧腭突(lateral palate process)925、切牙管(incisive canal)或鼻腭管(naso-palatal canal)1126、腭裂(cleft palate)1227、颌裂(cleft jaw)1328、侧舌隆突lateral lingual prominence/swelling)1329、奇结节(tuberculum impar)1330、联合突(copula)1331、界沟(sulcus terminalis)1432、甲状舌管(thyroglossal duct)1433、舌盲孔(foramen cecum)1434、分叉舌(bifid tongue)或舌裂35、第一鳃弓软骨Meckel’s cartilage或下颌软骨)1736、原发性上皮带(primary epithelial band)2337、前庭板2338、牙板(dental lamina)2339、成釉器(enamel organ)2340、牙乳头(dental papilla)2341、牙囊(dental sac)2342、蕾状期(bud stage)2343、帽状期(增殖期)(cap stage)2344、外釉上皮细胞(outer enamal epithelium)2445、内釉上皮细胞(inner enamal epithelium)2446、星网状层(stellate reticulum)2447、钟状期(bell stage)2448、成釉细胞(ameloblast)2649、终棒(terminal web)2650、颈环(cervical loop)2651、中间层(stratum intermedium)2652、釉结(enamal knot)2753、釉索(enamal cord)2754、釉龛(enamal niche)2755、成牙本质细胞(odontoblast)2856、Serre上皮剩余2957、分泌型成牙本质细胞(secretory odontoblast)3158、静止型成牙本质细胞(resting odontoblast)3159、罩牙本质(mantle dentin)3160、基质小泡(matrix vesicle)3261、球间牙本质3262、前期牙本质(predentin)3263、赫特威希(Hertwing)上皮根鞘3264、釉质形成(amelogenesis)3265、釉原蛋白(amelogenin)3266、托姆斯突(Tomes process)3367、釉小皮3568、缩余釉上皮(reduced dental epithelium)3569、赫特威希上皮根鞘(Hertwing’s epithelial root sheath)3670、上皮隔3671、马拉瑟上皮剩余(Malassez epithelia rest)3872、引导管(gubernacular canal)4173、乳恒牙的交替(shedding)4374、釉质(enamel)4675、釉原蛋白(amelogenin)4776、非釉原蛋白(non-amelogenins)4777、蛋白酶(proteninases)4778、釉柱(enamel rod)4879、釉质牙本质(enamel-dentinal junction,EDJ)5080、釉梭(enamel spindle)5081、釉丛(enamel tufts)5082、釉板(enamel lamellae)5083、横纹(cross striations)5184、釉质生长线(incremental line)又名芮氏线(lines of Retzius)5285、牙面平行线(perikymata)5286、绞釉(gnarled enamel)5287、施雷格线(Schreger line)5288、无釉柱釉质(rodless enamel)5389、釉小皮(enamel cuticle)5390、釉面横纹(perikymata)5391、Tomes突凹(Tomes process pits,TPP)5392、牙本质(dentin)5593、牙髓牙本质复合体(pulpo-dentinal complex)5594、牙本质磷蛋白(dentin phosphoproteins,DPP或phosphophoryn)5595、牙本质涎蛋白(dentin sialoprotein,DSP)5696、牙本质小管(dentinal tubule)5797、成牙本质细胞突起(odontoblastic process)5798、牙本质细胞突周围间隙(periodontoblastic space)5899、限制板(lamina limitans)58100、管周牙本质(peritubular dentin)58101、管间牙本质(interbular dentin)59102、球间牙本质(interglobular dentin)59103、生长线(incremental line)又称埃布纳(von Ebner)线59104、欧文线(Owen line)59105、托姆斯颗粒层(Tomes granular layer)60106、前期牙本质(predentin)60107、原发性牙本质(primary dentin)60108、继发性牙本质(secondary dentin)60109、科尔夫(Korff)纤维60110、罩牙本质(mantle dentin)60111、透明层(hyaline layer)60112、髓周牙本质(circumpulpal dentin)60113、磨损(abrasion,attrition)61114、楔状缺损(wedge shaped defect)61115、修复性牙本质(reparative dentin)又称第三期牙本质(tertiary dentin)或反应性牙本质(reaction dentin)61116、死区(dead tract)62117、骨样牙本质(osteodentin)62118、透明牙本质(transparent dentin)又称硬化性牙本质(sclerotic dentin)62 119、神经传导学说(direct innervation theory)63120、转导学说(transduction theory)63121、流体动力学说(hydrodynamic theory)63122、牙髓(pulp)64123、乏细胞层或称Weil层(the zone of weil) 64124、髓核(pulp core)64125、成牙本质细胞(odontoblast)64126、树突状细胞(dendritic cells)66127、牙骨质(cementum)70128、无细胞牙骨质(acellular cementum)71129、类牙骨质(cementoid)71130、细胞牙骨质(cellular cementum)72131、穿通纤维(perforating fiber)或称沙比纤维(Sharpey’s fiber)72 132、釉质牙骨质界(enamelo-cemental junction)72133、牙本质牙骨质界dentino-cemental junction)72134、牙龈(gingiva)74135、游离龈(free gingiva)74136、龈沟(gingiva sulcus)74137、附着龈(attached gingiva)75138、游离龈沟(free gingiva groove)75139、点彩75140、牙间乳头(interdental papilla)也称龈乳头75141、龈谷(gingival col)75142、牙龈结合(dentogingival junction)75143、牙龈上皮(gingival epithelium)75144、龈沟上皮(salcular epithelium)76145、结合上皮(junctional epithelium)76146、龈牙组(dentogingival group)79147、牙槽龈组(alveologingival group)79148、环形组(circular group)79149、牙骨膜组(dentoperiosteal group)79150、越隔组(transseptal group)79151、牙周膜(periodontal membrane)80152、牙周韧带(periodontal ligament)80153、牙槽嵴组(alveolar crest group)81154、水平组(horizontal group)82155、斜行组(oblique group)82156、根尖组(apical group)82157、根间组(interradicular group)82158、弹力纤维(elastin fibers)83159、牙槽骨(alveolar bone)87160、固有牙槽骨(alveolar bone proper)87161、硬骨板(lamina dura)87162、口腔黏膜(oral mucosa或oral mucous membrane) 91 163、固有层(lamina properia)91164、角质细胞(kerationocyte)92165、基底层(stratum basale)92166、棘层(stratum spinosum)92167、颗粒层(stratum granulosum)92168、角化层(stratum corneum)93169、黑色素细胞(melanocyte)95170、朗格汉斯细胞(Langerhans cell)95171、梅克尔细胞(Merkel cell)95172、黏膜下层(submucosa)97173、咀嚼黏膜(masticatory mucosa)97174、腭皱襞(palatine rugae)98175、被覆黏膜(lining mucosa)98176、白线(linea alba)99177、福代斯斑(Fordyce spot)99178、特殊黏膜(specialized mucosa)99179、丝状乳头(filiform papilla)100180、菌状乳头(fungiform papilla)100181、轮廓乳头(vallate papilla)100182、叶状乳头(foliate papilla)101183、舌滤泡(lingual follicle)101184、舌隐窝(lingual crypt)101185、唾液(saliva)103186、唾液腺(salivary glands)103187、分泌单位(secretory unit)103188、腺泡(acinus)104189、浆液性腺泡(serous acinus)104190、酶原颗粒(zymogen granule)104191、黏液性腺泡(mucous acinus)105192、混合性腺泡(mixed acinus)105193、浆半月(半月板)(demilune)105194、闰管(intercalated duct)107195、分泌管(secretory duct)107196、纹管(striated duct)107197、排泄管(excretory duct)108198、肌上皮细胞(myoepithelial cell)108199、腮腺(parotid gland)112200、腮腺导管(Stensen’s duct)112201、杯状细胞(goblet cell)112202、下颌下腺(submandibular gland)112203、下颌下腺主导管(Warton duct)112204、舌下腺(sublingual gland)113205、舌下腺主导管(Bartholin duct)113206、小涎腺(minor salivary gland)114207、舍格伦综合征(Sjogren syndrome)114208、颞下颌关节temporo-mandibular join,TMJ)118 209、下颌颏突(condyle)118210、纤维性关节表面带fibrous articular surface)118 211、多细胞带(cellular rich zone)118212、纤维软骨带(fibrocartilaginous zone)119213、钙化软骨带(zone of calcified cartilage)119214、关节盘(the intrarticular disc)119215、关节囊(articulating capsule)121216、滑膜(synovial membrane)121217、少牙(hypodontia)125218、无牙(adontia)125219、少汗外胚层发育不良(hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia)126220、多生牙(supernumerary teeth,hyperdontia)126221、锁骨头颅发育不良(cleidocranial dysplasia)126222、正中牙(mesiodens)126223、副磨牙(paramolar)126224、远中磨牙(distomolar)126225、附加牙(supplemental teeth)126226、巨牙(macrodontia)126227、小牙(microdontia)126228、双生牙(gemination)127229、融合牙(fusion)127230、结合牙(concrescence)127231、畸形舌侧尖(lingual cusp deformity)也称鹰爪尖(talon cusp),前牙的牙外突(dens evaginatus of anterior teeth) 128232、畸形中央尖(central cusp deformity)也称牙外突(dens evaginatus) 129 233、牙内陷(dens invaginatus)129234、畸形舌侧窝(lingual fossa deformity)129235、牙中牙(dens in dente)129236、釉珠(enamel pearls)129237、弯曲牙(dilacerations)130238、牛牙症(Taurodontism)130239、釉原蛋白(amelogenins)131240、釉蛋白(enamelins)131241、成釉蛋白(ameloblastin)131242、釉丛蛋白(tuftelin)131243、釉质形成不全(enamel hypoplasia)131244、釉质矿化不全(hypomineralized enamel)131245、Turner牙(Turner teeth) 132246、先天性梅毒牙(congenital syphilis)133247、氟牙症(dental fluorosis)又称斑釉(mottled enamel),氟斑牙133 248、釉质形成缺陷(amelogenesis imperfecta)134249、早萌(premature eruption)140250、胎生牙(natal teeth)140251、新生牙(neonatal teeth)140252、过早脱落(premature loss)141253、乳牙滞留(persistence of deciduous teeth)141254、牙阻生(impaction of teeth)141255、牙变色(disoloration of teeth)141256、四环素牙(tetracycline stained teeth)142257、龋病(dental caries) 143258、化学细菌学说(chemico-bacterial theory)又称化学寄生学说(chemico-parasitic theory),酸原学说(acidogenic theory) 144259、蛋白溶解学说(proteolytic theory) 145260、蛋白溶解-螯合学说(proteolysis-chelation theory) 145261、三联因素学说three primary factors theory)146262、菌斑(bacterial plaque) 146263、获得性薄膜(accquired pellicle)也称唾液薄膜(salivary pellicle) 147 264、急性龋(acute caries)又称猛性龋(rampant caries) 151265、慢性龋(chronic caries) 151266、静止性龋(arrested caries) 151267、窝沟龋(pit and fissure caries)152268、平滑面龋(smooth surface caries)152269、根龋(root caries)152270、釉质龋(enamel caries)152271、透明层(translucent zone)154272、暗层(dark zone)154273、病损体部(body of the lesion)154274、表层(surface zone)154275、牙本质龋(dentin caries) 159276、透明层(translucent zone)又称硬化层160277、脱矿层(zone of demineralization)161278、细菌侵入层(zone of bacterial invasion)161279、坏死崩解层(zone of destruction)163280、牙骨质龋(cementum caries)163281、牙髓-牙本质复合体pulpo-dentinal complex) 165牙髓炎(pulpitis) 165 282、逆行性牙髓炎(retrograde pulpitis) 166283、牙髓充血(pulp hyperemia) 167284、可复性牙髓炎(reversible pulpitis) 167285、急性浆液性牙髓炎(acute serous pulpitis)168286、急性化脓性牙髓炎(acute supurative pulpitis)也称不可逆性牙髓炎(irreversible pilpitis)168287、慢性牙髓炎(chronic pulpitis)169288、慢性闭锁性牙髓炎(chronic closed pulpitis)169289、慢性溃疡性牙髓炎(chronic ulcerative pulpitis)169290、慢性增生性牙髓炎(chronic hyperplastic pulpitis)170291、牙髓息肉(pulp polyp)170292、残髓炎(residual pulpitis)171293、牙髓变性(pulp degeneration)170294、成牙本质细胞空泡性变(vacuolar degeneration of the odontoblastic layer )170295、牙髓钙化(pulp calcification)170296、髓石(pulp stone)170297、弥散性钙化(disseminated calcification)170298、牙髓网状萎缩reticular atrophy of the pulp)172299、牙髓纤维性变(pulp fibrosis)172300、牙髓坏死(pulp necrosis)172301、牙髓渐进性坏死(pulp necrobiosis)172302、引菌作用(anachoresis)172303、牙体吸收(tooth resorption)173304、牙内吸收(internal tooth resorption)173305、特发性吸收(idiopathic resorption)173306、牙外吸收(external tooth resorption)174307、根尖周炎(periapical periodontitis)175308、急性根尖周炎acute periapical periodontitis176309、蜂窝织炎(cellulitis)177310、急性浆液性根尖周炎(acute serous periapical periodontitis)177311、急性牙槽脓肿(acute alveolar abscess)177312、慢性根尖周chronic periapical periodontitis)177313、根尖周肉芽肿(periapical granuloma)178314、致密性骨炎(condensing osteitis)179315、慢性根尖周脓肿(chronic periapical abscess)又称慢性牙槽脓肿(chronic alveolar abscess) 180316、牙周病(periodontal diseases)183317、炎症(inflammation)183318、营养不良(dystrophy)183319、萎缩(atrophy)183320、肿瘤(neoplasia)183321、牙菌斑性牙龈病(dental piaque-induced gingival disease)184322、非牙菌斑性牙龈病(non-plaque-induced gingival lesions)184323、慢性龈炎(chronic gingivitis)185324、边缘性龈炎(marginal gingivitis)185325、黏性放线菌(actinomyces viscosus,Av)185326、牙龈二氧化碳嗜纤维菌(capno gingivitis)185327、龈增生(gingival hyperplasia)186328、青春期龈炎(pubertal gingivitis)186329、妊娠期龈炎(pregnancy gingivitis)186330、激素性龈炎(steroid hormone-influenced gingivitis)186331、药物性龈炎(medication-influenced gingivitis ) 186332、维生素C缺乏性龈炎(vitamin C deficient gingivitis)186333、伴白血病性龈炎(gingivitis with leukemia)又称白血病性龈增大(gingivitis enlargement associated with leukemia)187334、急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎(acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis)的同义名有急性坏死性龈炎(acute necrotizing gingivitis),奋森龈炎(Vincent gingivitis),梭螺菌龈炎(fusospirochetal gingivitis),战壕炎(trench mouth)188335、336、遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病(hereditary gingivitis fibromatosis)其同义名为:先天性家族性纤维瘤病(congenital familial fibromatosis),遗传性龈增生(hereditary gingivitis hyperplasia)以及特发性龈增生(idiopathic gingivitis hyperplasia)等188337、浆细胞龈炎(plasma cell gingivitis)同义的名词又称浆液性龈口炎或变态反应性龈炎189338、剥脱性龈病损(desquamative lesion of gingivitis)190339、牙周炎(periodontitis)190340、细菌性生物膜(dental plaque biofilm)190341、龈袋(gingivitis)又称假性牙周袋200342、骨上袋(supragingival pocket)200343、骨内袋(intrabony pocket)200344、咬合创伤(occlusal trauma)202345、过度角化(hyperkeratosis)也称角化亢进205346、过度正角化(hyperorthokeratosis)205347、过度不全角化(hyperparakeratosis)205348、角化不良(dyskeratosis)205349、棘层增生(acanthosis)206350、上皮异常增生(epithelial dysplasia)206351、上皮萎缩(epithelial atrophy)206352、海绵形成(spongiosis)206353、基底细胞空泡性变及液化(vaculation and liquefaction of hasal cell)206 354、气球样变(ballooning degeneration)206355、网状变性(reticular degeneration)206356、细胞凋亡(cell apoptosis)206357、棘层松解(acantholysis)206358、疱(vesicle)206359、大疱(bulla)206360、糜烂(erosion)207361、溃疡(ulcer)207362、皲裂(rhagade)207363、假膜(pseudomembrane)207364、斑(macule)208365、丘疹(papule)208366、嗜碱性变(basophilic degeneration)208367、痂(crusts)208368、白斑(leukoplakia)208369、红斑(erythroplakia)也称增殖性红斑(erythroplasis),红色增殖性病变(erythroplastic lesion),是1911年奎来特(Queyrat)提出,因此也称奎来特红斑211370、均质型红斑(homogenous erythroplakia)211371、间杂型红斑(interspersed erythroplakia)211372、颗粒型红斑(granular erythroplakia)211373、白色海绵状斑痣(white sponge nevus)也称白皱折病(white folded disease )211374、白色水肿(leukoedema)212375、口腔黏膜下纤维化oral submucous fibrosis)212376、扁平苔藓(lichen planus,LP)213377、胶样小体(colloid body)或称civatte小体214378、类天疱疮扁平苔藓(lichen planus pemphigoides,LPP)214379、慢性盘状红斑狼疮(chronic discoid lupus erythematosus)215380、盘状红斑狼疮(DLE)215381、深在性红斑狼疮(LEP)215382、亚急性皮肤型红斑狼疮(SCLE)215383、系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)215384、红斑狼疮综合征(LES)215385、新生儿红斑狼疮(NLE)215386、狼疮带(lupus band)216387、黏膜良性淋巴组织增生病(benign lymphoadenosis of mucosa)216 388、天疱疮(pemphigus)217389、Nikolsky征阳性218390、良性黏膜类天疱疮(benign mucous membrane pemphigoid)又称瘢痕性类天疱疮219391、复发性阿弗他溃疡(recurrent aphthous ulcer,RAU)也称复发性阿弗他口炎(recurrent aphthous stomatitis,RAS),复发性口腔溃疡220392、白塞综合征(Behcet syndrome)又称眼、口、生殖器三联综合征(oculo-oral-genital syndrome),土耳其医生Behcet(1937) 221393、复发性坏死性黏膜腺周围炎(periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens,PMNR)又称腺周口疮、复发性瘢痕性阿弗他口炎、口腔神经性溃疡221394、多形性渗出性红斑(erythema multiforme exsudativum)也称多行红斑222395、Stevens-Johnson综合征222396、韦格纳肉芽肿(Wegener granulomatosis)222397、疱疹性口炎(herpetic stomatitis)也称为单纯性疱疹(herpes simplex)223 398、念珠菌病(candidiasis)224399、白色念珠菌(candida albicans)224400、结节病(sarcoidosis)225401、Kreim试验225402、肖曼小体(Schauann bodies)225403、肉芽肿性唇炎(cheilitis granulomatosa)226404、梅-罗综合征(Melkersson-Rosenthal)226405、腺性唇炎(cheilitis glandularis)226406、良性游走性舌炎benign migratory glossitis)227407、舌乳头炎(lingual papillitis)227408、舌淀粉样变(amyloidosis)227409、口腔黑斑(oral melanoplakia)228410、艾滋病的全称获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS) 229411、人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV) 229412、口腔念珠菌病(oral candidiasis)229413、口腔毛状白斑(oral hairy leukoplakia,OHL)229414、HIV牙龈炎(HIV-gingivitis)230415、坏死性龈炎(necrotizing gingivitis) 230416、HIV牙周炎(HIV-periodontitis)230417、口腔卡波西肉瘤(oral Kaposi sarcoma,KS)231418、非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin lymphoma)231419、颌骨骨髓炎(osteomyelitis of jaws)232420、急性化脓性骨髓炎(acute suppurative osteomyelitis)232421、新生儿上颌骨骨髓炎(neonatal maxillitis)232422、死骨(sequestrum)232423、颌骨慢性化脓性骨髓炎(chronic suppurative osteomyelitis)232424、慢性骨髓炎伴增生性骨膜炎(chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis)又称为Garre’骨髓炎(Garre’s osteomyelitis)、Garre’慢性非化脓性硬化性骨炎(Garre’s chronic nonsuppurative sclerosing ostitis)或骨化性骨膜炎(periostitis ossificans)233425、慢性局灶性硬化性骨髓炎(chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis)又称为致密性骨炎(condensing osteitis)233426、结核性骨髓炎(tuberculous osteomyelitis)234427、颌骨放射性骨髓炎(radiation osteomyelitis)又称为放射性骨坏死(osteoradionecrosis)234428、巨颌症(cherubism)又称家族性颌骨纤维异常增殖症(familial fibrous dysplasia of the jaws)、家族性颌骨多囊性病(familial mulitilocular cystic disease of jaws)235429、甲状旁腺功能亢进(hyperparathyroidism)236430、甲状旁腺素(parathyin,PTH)236431、原发性(primary)236432、继发性(secondary)236433、遗传性(hereditary)236434、纤维结构不良(fibrous dysplasia,FD)237435、朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(Langerhans cell histiocytosis)又称朗格汉斯细胞病(Langerhans cell disease)、组织细胞增多症X(histiocytosis X)或嗜酸性细胞肉芽肿(eosinophilic granuloma)等238436、嗜酸性肉芽肿238437、汉-许-克病Hand-Schuller-Christian disease239438、勒-雪病(Latterer-Siwe disease)239439、图顿巨细胞(Touton giant cell)240440、巨细胞肉芽肿(giant cell granuloma)240441、骨瘤(osteoma) 241442、Gardner综合征242443、骨软骨瘤(osteochondroma)242444、Maffucci综合征243445、软骨肉瘤(chondrosarcoma,CHS)244446、透明细胞软骨肉瘤(clear cell chondrosarcoma,CCCHS) 245447、骨样骨瘤(osteoid osteoma)246448、成骨细胞瘤(osteoblastoma)246449、骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma)247450、成纤维性肿瘤:骨促结缔组织增生性纤维瘤(desmoplastic fibroma of bone,DMPF)248451、尤文肉瘤(Ewing’s sarcoma)249452、原始神经外胚层肿瘤(primitive neuroectodermal tumor,PNET)249 453、浆细胞瘤(plasmacytoma)也称为骨髓瘤(myeloma)250454、巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor,GCT)250455、颞下颌关节紊乱病(temporomandibular disorder,TMD)253456、蚓状小体(vermiform bodies)254457、骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)254458、类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)255459、髁突增生(condylar hyperplasia)又称髁突肥大460、滑膜软骨瘤病(synovial osteochondromatosis)461、色素性绒毛结节性滑膜炎(pigmented villonosdular synovitis)257462、涎腺发育异常(development alanomalies of salivary gland)259463、涎腺先天性缺失(congenital absence of salivary gland)259464、副涎腺(accessory salivary gland)259465、涎腺炎(sialadenitis)260466、急性涎腺炎(acute sialadenitis)又称急性化脓性腮腺炎(acute pyogenic parotitis)261467、慢性涎腺炎(chronic sialadenitis)261468、慢性复发性涎腺炎(chronic recurrent parotitis)469、涎腺结核(tuberculosis of salivary gland)262470、涎腺放线菌病(actinomycosis of salivary glands)262471、流行性腮腺炎(epidemic parotitis,mumps)262472、巨细胞包涵体病(cytomegalic inclusion disease)又称涎腺病毒病(salivary virus disease)263473、涎石病(sialolithiasia)又名涎腺管结石(salivary duct stone)264474、慢性硬化性颌下腺炎(chronic sclerosing sialadenitis of submandibular gland)264475、坏死性涎腺化生(necrotizing sialometaplasia)476、舍格伦综合征(Sjogren syndrome)265477、干燥综合征(sicca syndrome)265478、口腔干燥症(xerostomia)266479、480、涎腺症(sialadenosis)又称变性型涎腺肿大症(degenerative)、涎腺退行性肿大(degenerative swelling of salivary gland)267481、涎腺囊肿(salivary gland cyst)268482、涎腺导管囊肿(salivary duct cyst)268483、淋巴上皮囊肿(lymphoepithelial cyst)268484、多形性腺瘤(pleomorphic adenoma)273485、腺管样结构274486、肌上皮结构274487、黏液样组织和软骨样组织274488、肌上皮瘤(myoepithelioma)275489、基底细胞腺瘤(basal cell adenoma)277490、Warthin瘤又称腺淋巴瘤(adenolymphoma)、淋巴囊腺瘤(cystadenolymphoma)、淋巴乳头囊腺瘤(papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum)279491、嗜酸性腺瘤(oxyphilic adenoma)又称大嗜酸粒细胞腺瘤(oncocyticadenoma)、大嗜酸粒细胞瘤(oncocytoma)280492、皮脂腺腺瘤(sebaceous adenoma)281493、导管乳头状瘤(ductal papilloma)282494、囊腺瘤(systadenoma)284495、腺泡细胞癌(acinic cell carcinoma)285496、黏液表皮样癌(mucoepidermoid carcinoma)也称为混合性表皮样和黏液分泌性癌(mixed epidermoid and mucus secreting carcinoma)287497、腺样囊性癌(adenoid cystic carcinoma)又称圆柱瘤(cylindroma)288 498、腺性(筛状)型[glandular(cribriform)type]289499、管状型(tubular type)289500、充实型(solid type)289501、多形性低度恶性腺癌(polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma)290 502、上皮-肌上皮癌(epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma)291503、非特异性透明细胞癌(clear cell carcinoma,not otherwise specified)292 504、囊腺癌(cystadenocarcinoma)293505、多形性腺瘤癌变(carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma)又称良性混合瘤中的癌(carcinoma arising in a benign mixed tumor)、良性混合瘤癌变(carcinoma ex benign mixed tumor)、多形性腺瘤中的癌(carcinoma arising in a pleomorphic adenoma)、恶性混合瘤(malignant mixed tumor)、癌在多形性腺瘤中(carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma)295506、涎腺导管癌(salivary duct carcinoma)294507、非特异性腺癌(adenocarcinoma,not otherwise specified)294508、鳞状细胞癌(squamous cell carcinoma)296509、涎腺小细胞癌(small cell carcinoma of the salivary glands)296510、大细胞癌(large cell carcinoma)298511、淋巴上皮癌(lymphoepithelial carcinoma)298512、假性囊肿(pseudocyst)300513、牙源性囊肿(odontogenic cyst)301514、含牙囊肿(dentigerous cyst)又称滤泡囊肿(follicular cyst)301515、婴儿龈囊肿(gingival cyst of infants)又称新生儿牙板囊肿(dental lamina cyst of the newborn)302516、成人龈囊肿(gingival cyst of adults)302517、发育性根侧囊肿(lateral periodontal cyst)303518、萌出囊肿(eruption cyst)303519、腺牙源性囊肿(glandular odontogenic cyst)又称牙源性产黏液囊肿(mucus producing cyst)或涎腺牙源性囊肿(sialo-odontogenic cyst)304520、根尖周囊肿(radicular cyst)304521、残余囊肿(residual cyst)304522、透明小体(Rushton body)305523、牙旁囊肿(paradental cyst)305524、鼻腭管(切牙)囊肿[nasopalatine duct(incisive canal)cyst]305525、鼻唇(鼻牙槽)囊肿【nasolabial(nasoalveolar)cyst】306526、球状上颌囊肿(globlo-maxillary cyst)306527、下颌正中囊肿(median mandibular cyst)307528、动脉瘤性骨囊肿(aneurysmal bone cyst)307529、单纯性骨囊肿(simple bone cyst)又可称为外伤性骨囊肿(traumatic bone cyst)、孤立性骨囊肿(solitary bone cyst)和出血性骨囊肿(hemorrhagic bone cyst)等308530、静止性骨囊肿(static bone cyst)308531、皮样或表皮样囊肿(dermoid or epidermoid cyst)309532、鳃裂囊肿(branchial cleft cyst)又称为颈部淋巴上皮囊肿(cervical lymphoepithelial cyst)309533、甲状舌管囊肿(thyroglossal tract cyst)310534、口腔畸胎样囊肿(oral teratoid cyst)又称为异位口腔胃肠囊肿(heterotopic oral gastrointestinal cyst)310535、黏液囊肿(mucocele)311536、外渗性黏液囊肿mucous extravasation cyst)311537、潴留性黏液囊肿(mucous retention cyst)311538、舌下囊肿(ranula)又称蛤蟆肿312539、牙源性肿瘤(odontogenic tumor)313540、成牙组织(tooth-forming tissue)313541、成釉细胞瘤(ameloblastoma)314542、实性或多囊型成釉细胞瘤(solid or multicystic ameloblastoma)是经典的骨内型成釉细胞瘤(classic intraosseous ameloblastoma)315543、滤泡型(follicular pattern)316544、极性倒置(reversed polarity)316545、丛状型(plexiform pattern)316546、棘皮瘤型(acanthomatous type)316547、颗粒细胞型(granular cell type)316548、基底细胞型(basal cell type)317549、角化成釉细胞型(keratoameloblastoma)又称为乳头状角化成釉细胞型(papilliferous keratoameloblastoma)317550、骨外或外周型成釉细胞瘤(extraoseous or peripheral ameloblastoma)317 551、促结缔组织增生型成釉细胞瘤(desmoplastic ameloblastoma)317552、单囊型成釉细胞瘤(unicystic ameloblastoma)先后称壁性成釉细胞瘤(mural ameloblastoma)、囊肿源性成釉细胞瘤(cystogenic ameloblastoma)、囊型成釉细胞瘤(cystic ameloblastoma)和丛状单囊型成釉细胞瘤(plexiform unicystic ameloblastoma)等553、Vickers-Gorlin标准319554、牙源性鳞状细胞瘤(squamous odontogenic tumor) 319555、牙源性钙化上皮瘤(calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor)又称Pindborg 瘤556、牙源性腺样瘤(adenomatiod odontogenic tumor)321557、牙源性角化囊性瘤(keratocystic odontogenic tumor)322558、成釉细胞纤维瘤(ameloblastic fibroma)325559、成釉细胞纤维牙本质瘤(ameloblastic fibrodentinoma)326560、成釉细胞纤维-牙瘤(ameloblastic fibro-odontoma)326561、牙瘤(odontoma)327562、错构瘤(hamartoma)327563、发育畸形(malformation)327564、混合性牙瘤(complex odontoma)327565、组合性牙瘤(compound odontoma)327566、牙源性钙化囊性瘤(calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor)328567、影细胞(ghost cell)328568、牙本质生成性影细胞瘤(dentinogenic ghost cell tumor)329569、牙源性纤维瘤(odontogenic fibroma)329570、外周性牙源性纤维瘤(peripheral odontogenic fibroma)330571、牙源性黏液瘤(odontogenic myxoma)又称黏液瘤(myxoma)或黏液纤维瘤(myxofibroma)330572、成牙骨质细胞瘤(cementoblastoma)又称真性牙骨质瘤(true cementoma)331573、牙源性癌574、转移性(恶性)成釉细胞瘤【metastasizing(maligant)ameloblastoma】332 575、牙源性肉瘤(odontogenic sarcoma)335576、骨化纤维瘤(0ssifying fibroma)336577、骨结构不良(osseous dysplasias)337578、婴儿黑色素神经外胚瘤(melanotic neuro-ectodermal tumor of infancy)338 579、乳头状瘤(papillomas)339580、乳头状增生(papilliferous hyperplasia)340581、纤维上皮息肉(fibro-epithelial polyp)341582、血管瘤(hemangioma)341583、毛细血管瘤(capillary hemangioma)341584、婴儿血管瘤(hemangioma of infancy)342585、海绵状血管瘤(cavernous hemangioma)342586、动静脉性血管瘤(arteriovenous hemangioma)343587、牙龈瘤(epulis)344588、血管性龈瘤(vascular epulis)344589、先天性龈瘤(congential epulis)346590、嗜酸性淋巴肉芽肿346591、淋巴管瘤(lymphangioma)347592、颗粒细胞瘤(granular cell tumor)347593、神经鞘瘤(neurinoma)348594、口腔黏膜色素痣(pigmented naevus)又称黑色素细胞痣(melanocytic naevus)、痣细胞痣(nevocellular naevus)348595、口腔癌是指发生在口腔黏膜的鳞状细胞癌,亦称口腔粘膜癌,约占口腔恶性肿瘤的90%。

2010口腔整理口腔组织病理学英文名词联合merge P 7:面部突起之间的沟会随着面突的生长而变浅、消失,此过程称为面突联合。
融合fuse P 7 :面部发育过程中,面部突起和突起之间在生长过程中发生表面的外胚层相互接触、破裂、退化、消失,此谓面突的融合。
唇裂cleft lip P 9:在上唇是球状突和上颌突未联合或部分联合所致,常伴有颌裂、腭裂;两侧球状突中央部分未联合或部分联合形成上唇正中裂;两侧下颌突在中线处未联合则形成下唇裂。
面裂facial cleft P 9 :上颌突与下颌突未联合或部分联合将发生横面裂,裂隙可自口角至耳屏前,较轻微者可为大口畸形;如联合过多则形成小口畸形。
成釉器enamel organ P23:起源于口腔外胚层,是牙胚的一部分,经过蕾状期、帽状期(外釉上皮、星网状层、内釉上皮)、钟状期(外釉上皮、星网状层、中间层、内釉上皮),最终发育成釉质。
牙乳头dental papilla P23:是未分化的间充质细胞,也是牙胚的一部分,最终发育为牙髓和牙本质,是牙成型的重要因素。
牙囊dental sac P23:起源于外胚间叶组织,是牙胚的一部分,最终形成牙骨质、牙周膜、固有牙槽骨。
成釉细胞ameloblast P26:是成釉器中的内釉上皮中的内釉细胞分化而来,呈高柱状,在分泌活动开始前细胞器重先定位(核远离基底膜,Gc靠近基底膜,RER 增多,Mit集中到靠近中间层),对釉质的形成有很重要的作用。
成牙本质细胞odontoblast P28:是由牙乳头外层细胞在内釉上皮的诱导下分化而成的高柱状细胞,一般有分泌型和静止型以及中间过渡型三种类型,主要功能是形成牙本质,细胞核远离基底层,ER、GC、Mit发达,相连细胞间有连接复合体(桥粒、缝隙连接、紧密连接)。

Aalveolar bone 牙槽骨alveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿ameloblastoma 造釉细胞瘤改善ameliorative 尖的apical apicesapical infection 根尖感染apical syst 根尖囊肿Bbranchial cleft cyst 肋裂囊肿生物机械的biomechanicalCcarcinoma of maxillary sinus 上颌窦癌carcinoma of tongue 舌癌抗压强度compressive strength cellulitis of the floor of the mouth 口底蜂窝织炎cementum 牙骨质carcinoma of buccal mucosa 颊粘膜癌carcinoma of gingiva 牙龈癌carcinoma of lip 唇癌caries 龋齿crown fracture 冠折colony 菌落牙石calculus 龈谷col 真皮corium刮治curettage 氢氧化钙calcium hydroxideDdental arch 牙弓dental crown 牙冠dental defect 牙体缺损dental necrosis 牙坏死dental sac 牙囊dentin 牙本质deciduous teeth 乳牙dental impaction 牙阻生decomposition 分解disintegration 崩解dental plaque 菌斑dental root fracture 根折denticulus,denticle 髓石dentoalveolar abscess 牙槽脓肿diet 食物drug-induced gingivitis 药物性龈炎糖尿病diabetes碎屑debris鸠尾固位devetail retentionEenamel 牙釉质endodontics 牙体牙髓病学extraction 拔牙术epulis 龈瘤etiology 病因学渗出物exuate 恶化exacerbation平衡equilibrium脱落exfoliation丁香油酚eugenol 摘除extirpationFfiliform papillae 丝状乳头fissure 裂隙circumvallate papillae 轮廓乳头foliate papillae 叶状乳头fungiform papillae 菌状乳头颊(唇)舌向faciolingualfistula apicalis 根尖瘘管fascial space infection 间隙感染filamentous 丝状的侧壁固位friction wall retentionfluoride 氟化物fracture of maxillary 上颌骨骨折Ggum, gingiva 牙龈gingival abscess 牙龈脓肿glucose 葡萄糖gingivitis 牙龈炎gingivitis in leukemia 白血病龈炎肉芽granulation固位沟groove retentionHherpetic stomatitis 疱疹性口炎增生的,增值的hyperplastic 赫氏上皮根鞘Hertvig’s root shea th Iinfraorbital space 眶下间隙injury of teeth 牙损伤嵌塞impaction 局部缺血ischaemia邻间的interproximal骨内的intraosseous 损害insult 器械操作instrumentationJjaw 颌骨juvenile periodontitis 青少年牙周炎Lleukoplakia 白斑lichen planus 扁平苔藓local anesthesia 局麻luxated tooth 牙脱位lymphoepithelial lesions 淋巴上皮病骨硬板lamina duraMmucous cyst 粘液囊肿missing tooth 牙脱失mumps 流行性腮腺炎mandibular下颌骨的mucopolysaccharide 黏多糖mixed dentition 混合牙列mixed tumor of salivary gland 涎腺混合瘤干尸化mummification mesenchymal 间质的命令的,强制地mandatory 咀嚼压力masticatory stressNnevi 色素痣Oodontoclasis 牙折ora candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病oral hygiene 口腔卫生oral pathology 口腔病理学oral surgery 口腔外科osseous骨的,骨性的,骨状的,有关骨的orthodontics 正畸学osteomyelitis of the jaws 颌骨骨髓炎occlusion 咬合闭塞根管obliteration Ppediatric dentistry 口腔儿科学periodontal ligament 牙周韧带periodontal membrane 牙周膜periodontics 牙周病学prosthodontics 修复学pterygomandibular space 翼颌间隙public-health dentistry 口腔预防医学pulp 牙髓pulp exposure 牙髓暴露pulpectomy 牙骨摘除术pulpitis 牙髓炎息肉polyp平整planing 预后prognosispyogenic osteomyelitis 化脓性骨髓炎palate 腭paradontoma 牙周膜瘤parageusia 味觉异常paraglossa 舌肿paraglossia 舌下炎paralalia 出语障碍,构音倒错parotitis 腮腺炎periapical abscess 根尖脓肿periapical disease 根尖周病pericoronitis 冠周炎periodontitis 牙周炎permanent teeth 恒牙pulp horn 髓角papillae乳头Rradiation osteomyelitis 放射性骨髓炎radicular syst 根端囊肿recurrent aphthae 复发性口疮reticular 网状的阻射radiopaqueroot canal therapy 根管治疗root of tooth 牙根root resorption 牙根吸收消失,消退resolution 免除remission修复物restoration 分支ramificationSsublingual gland syst 舌下腺囊肿sublingual space 舌下间隙submasseteric space 嚼肌间隙submaxillary space 颌下间隙sebaceous cyst 皮脂囊肿sialolithiasis 涎石病sublinguitis 舌下腺炎压迫strangulation 沟sulcus 龈上的supragingival 龈下的subgingival骨上的supraosseous 洁,刮治scaling 固定splinting残余部分stumpTtartar 牙石temporomandibular joint 颞颌关节thrush 鹅口疮tooth decay 龋齿tooth replantation 牙再植术torsion of teeth 牙扭转teeth 牙齿thyroglossal tract cyst 甲状舌管囊肿tongue 舌tooth migration 牙移动tooth replacement 牙复位toothache 牙痛抗张强度tensile strengthAB病因学etiology 病因发病机理pathogenesis 颊面粘膜buccal mucosa暴露exposure with 必要性desirability 闭塞根管obliterationC初期incipient 参数parameter 成牙本质细胞odontoblast 成纤维细胞fibroblast操作manipulate 创伤性traumatic 触诊palpation 唇的labial 唇面labial surface重建reinstitute 除去eliminate from 残余部分stump 侧壁固位friction wall retention D 达到fufil 丁香油酚eugenol 倒充填术apicectomy retrograde fillingE恶化exacerbation 鄂的palate 腭面palatine surfaceF 精细的fine 反复remission 附近in the vicinity of 妨碍hamper 固定fixation分支ramificationG钙化calcified 沟sulcus 骨硬板lamina dura 骨内的intraosseous骨上的supraosseous 固定splinting 刮治curettage 改善ameliorative冠coronal 根尖孔apical foramen 干尸化mummification 根管root canal固位沟groove retention 根尖刮治术periapical curretageH缓冲buffering 后来的,继后的subsequent 赫氏上皮根鞘Hertvig’s root sheath糊剂pasteJ碱alkali 基质matrix 间质的mesenchymal 尖的apical apices局部缺血ischaemia 嵴crest 洁,刮治scaling 检查clinical examination胶原纤维collagen fiber 结缔组织connective tissue 进程proccess into间隙保持器space maintainer 继发龋recurrent caries 咀嚼压力masticatory stress颊(唇)舌向faciolingual 鸠尾固位devetail retention 假如providede that尖牙canine teeth 颊面buccal surfaceK可培养的cultivatable 孔foramen 嵌塞impaction 可行性feasibility 可逆的reversible 抗压强度compressive strength 抗张强度tensile strengthL邻间的interproximalM 免除remission 美容的,美学的esthetic 命令的,强制地mandatoryN内毒素endotoxinOP平衡equilibrium 平整planing 排水drainage 评价,评估assementQ球菌cocci 氢氧化钙calcium hydroxide 器械操作instrumentation 切牙incisor teeth R肉芽granulationS漱口rinse susceptibility 易感性渗出物exuate 收缩shrikage失调disharmony 髓腔pulp cavity 散布diffusion 失活devitalize碎屑debris 损害insult 生物机械的biomechanical 双尖牙bicuspid tooth舌面lingual surfaceT碳水化合物carbonhydrate 糖尿病diabetes 探查probing唾液腺体salivary glands 粘膜表面mucosal surface脱落exfoliationUVW网状的reticularX息肉polyp 消失,消退resolution 显著的notable 限制confine 修复物restoration Y优势的predominant 厌氧的anaerobic牙髓的pulpal易感性susceptibility致龋的cariogenic 牙髓炎pulpitis 压迫strangulation 龈炎gingivitis牙石calculus 牙周炎periodontitis 龈上的supragingival 龈下的subgingival龈谷col 圆的rounded 炎症渗出物inflammatory exudate 预后prognosis牙周膜periodontal membrane 牙周牙槽骨periapical bone牙髓切断术pulpotomy 预约appointment 牙髓摘除术pulpectomy牙半切tooth hemisectionZ中和netralization 增生的,增值的hyperplastic 真皮corium 主诉chief complaint 诊断diagnosis 治疗treatment 治疗学的,治疗的therapeutic正牙学的orthodontic 摘除extirpation 障barrier 阻射radiopaque轴髓的axio-pulpalPs:白璧微瑕,提几个错误:根尖囊肿apical syst误apical cyst正鸠尾固位devetail retention误dovetail retention正根端囊肿radicular syst 同样应为cyst。


神经脊(neural crest):神经褶的顶端与周围外胚层交界处。
咽囊(pharyngreal pouch):与腮沟相对应的腮弓的内侧是原始咽部,其表面衬覆的内胚层上皮向侧方增生呈囊样,形成与腮沟相对应的浅沟,称咽囊。
口咽膜(orapharyngeal membrane):口凹的深部与前肠相接,两者之间有一薄膜。
拉特克囊(Rathke pouch):约在胚胎第3周末,在口咽膜前方的口凹顶端正中出现一个囊样内陷。
鼻板/嗅板(nasal placode/olfactory placode):额鼻突的末端两侧的外胚层上皮出现椭圆形局部增厚区,称鼻板或嗅板。
鼻凹(nasal pit)/嗅窝:鼻板由于细胞增生,边缘隆起,特别是在其外侧缘,隆起更明显,使鼻板中央凹陷,称面突联合(merge):随面部进一步发育,突起之间的沟就会随着面突的生长变浅、消失,称面突联合。
鼻鳍(nasal fin):上颌突和球状突融合处开始时为两个突起上皮的接触,形成的结构称鼻鳍。

口腔组织病理学名词解释(An explanation of the terms of oralhistopathology)1. ecto mesenchymal: the head and face most of the connective tissue from neural crest cells, neural crest cells because they originate from the ectoderm, so these connective tissue called ecto mesenchymal tissues or mesenchymal.2. branchial arch: when the embryo is fourth weeks old, the primary pharyngeal mesenchymal cells proliferate rapidly, forming a symmetrical 6 dorsal column with a symmetrical dorsal horn, which corresponds to the 6 pairs of the aortic arch arteries, called the branchial arch.3.: a shallow trench between the pharyngeal branchial arch on the surface adjacent to the side that branchial, medial and branchial arch corresponding to the original surface of the pharynx, lined by endoderm epithelium with cystic hyperplasia of the laterally, forming a shallow trench should be opposite branchial groove, called pharyngeal pouch.4. concave: in the nose, the maxillary process and the mandibular process of the central formation of depression, known as the mouth of the mouth or mouth, that is, the original oral cavity.5.: oropharyngealmembrane stomodeal deep and connected with a film that foregut, oropharyngealmembrane apart between the two, this film from the prochordal plate early embryo, consisting of two layers inside and outside. At the end of the fourth week of the embryo, the oropharynx membrane ruptures.6. fusion: in the process of facial development, the facial ectoderm and the process of growth occur in the process of surface ectoderm contact, rupture, degradation and disappearance, which is called the fusion of facial processes.7. joint: the process of facial protuberance will become shallow and disappear with the growth of facial process. This process is called facial protrusion.8., the original palate: under the olfactory pit, the bulbous protrusion is constantly proliferating to the oral side during the process of combining with the contralateral bulbous protrusion and the maxillary process. The protrusion is called the palatal protrusion. The anterior palatine process will form the maxillary and maxillary incisors.9. nodules: at fourth weeks of embryo, the inner mesenchyme of the mandible is constantly proliferating, forming 3 bulging processes. The two symmetrical eminence on both sides of the tongue is larger, called the lateral lingual eminence, and it is a small protuberance at the midline of the lateral lingual eminence, called the singular nodule. After the nodules are covered by the lateral lingual protuberance, only a small part of the anterior tongue of the foramen is formed, or it degenerates and disappears without forming any structure.10.Meckel cartilage: also called first branchial arch cartilage or mandibular cartilage. Bar cartilage bars in the left and right first branchial arches, respectively. During development, the posterior end of the mandibular cartilageexpands to form a hammer cartilage; the anterior part of the mandibular cartilage also forms the anterior and lower jaw ligaments, and the rest of the cartilage disappears.1. primary belt: embryonic fifth weeks, in the alveolar area in the future, deep ecto mesenchymal tissue induced epithelial hyperplasia, started only at specific points on the mandibular arch on local epithelial hyperplasia, epithelial thickening quickly connect to each other in accordance with the shape of a horseshoe shaped jaw formed on the belt. Known as the primary belt.2. plates: in the seventh week of the embryo, the primary upper belt continues to grow deep and divides into two: the epithelial plate that grows toward the buccal (LIP) direction is called the vestibular plate, and the epithelial plate on the lingual (palatal) side is called the dental plate.3. epithelial septum: the epithelial root sheath continues to grow, leaving the crown about 450 degrees toward the pulp direction, forming a disk like structure. This part of the epithelium is called the epithelial septum. The epithelial septum is surrounded by an open pore to the pulp, which is the apical foramen of the future.4. epithelial root sheath: root starts to occur, the inner enamel and outer enamel epithelium hyperplasia in the cervical loop, growth to apical direction, and reticular layer and the middle layer cells do not appear in the hyperplastic epithelium. These hyperplastic epithelia form a double layer called the epithelial root sheath.5. neck ring: the inner enamel epithelium is connected with the outer enamel epithelium and is called the cervical ring. It plays an important role in the formation of the epithelial root sheath.6. enamel junction: in the middle of the tooth germ, the local thickening of the inner enamel epithelium and the enamel knot play an important role in the morphogenesis of the teeth, and may be the signal center for regulating cell differentiation and tooth morphogenesis.7. reduced enamel epithelium: enamel after ameloblasts, middle layer cells and stellate reticulum and the outer enamel epithelium, forming a layer of squamous epithelium covering the enamel cuticle, called the reduced enamel epithelium (reduced dental epithelium). When the teeth erupt into the mouth, the reduced enamel epithelium forms the junctional epithelium of the gum at the neck of the tooth.8. guide tube: when the tooth germ meets the direction of the joint, the tooth capsule surrounding the tooth germ is connected with the lamina propria of the oral mucosa through connective tissue cord. This structure is called the guide cord. In the dry skull of the baby, the pores of the connective tissue line are visible on the lingual side of the primary teeth, referred to as the "guide tube". When the permanent teeth erupt, the bone absorption soon leads to the widening of the guide tube and becomes the bone channel for the eruption of teeth.1. inter ball dentin: the dentin is mainly spherical andcalcified and consists of many calcium globules. In the absence of dentin calcification, the calcified globules leave a number of calcified stroma known as inter - dentin, where the dentin tubules are passed, but there is no periodontal dentin structure. The inter - dentin is mainly seen near the crown of tooth and the dentin border,The distribution of teeth along the growth line, size, irregular shape, and its edge is concave, much like the gap between many spheres.2. prophase dentin: there is always a layer of mineralized dentin between the odontoblast and mineralized dentin, called pre dentin. The initial dentin is generally 10~12 m thick. The teeth of the developing teeth become slower than those of the developing teeth, so the anterior dentin of the former is thinner than the latter. The boundary between the early dentin and mineralized dentin is clear, irregular shape shows calcified globules.3. reparative dentin: also referred to as third - phase dentin or reactive dentin. When the enamel surface is damaged by wear, acid etching and caries, the deep dentin is exposed, and the dentin cells are stimulated by varying degrees, and some of them are denatured. Pulp deep undifferentiated cells can be moved to the place and the degeneration of cells to differentiate into odontoblasts, and odontoblasts and still function together with the secretion of dentin matrix, and mineralization, called reparative dentin.4. secondary dentin: the development of the tooth root, theocclusal relationship between the teeth and the pair of teeth, the secondary dentin is formed after the tooth is formed. Secondary teeth have been reported to have secondary dentine formation. Secondary dentin is essentially an age-related change in dentin, and its formation rate is slower.5. duct dentin: located between the periodontal dentin. There are more collagen fibers in it, basically collagen type I, which is arranged around the tubules and arranged in a network, and it is perpendicular to the tubules, and the mineralization is lower than that of the periodontal dentin.6.: To observe the peritubular dentin dentin section disc under microscope, can be clearly seen around the odontoblast processes of interstitial and rest, annular transparent tapes, called peritubular dentin, which constitutes the dentinal tubule wall. The periodontal dentin is highly mineralized and contains very little collagen fibrils.7. cover: the first formed close to the dentin enamel and cementum layer of primary dentin, the collagen fibers were mainly from incompletely differentiated into secretory odontoblasts Korff (Korff) and collagen fiber, arranged in parallel tubular. The crown tooth is called the dentin.8.: when the transparent dentin dentin under wear and slow development of caries after stimulation, in addition to the formation of reparative dentin, may also cause the dentinal tubules of odontoblast processes occur degeneration, degeneration after mineral salt calm and mineralization of closed tubules, which can prevent the outside stimulation ofafferent pulp at the same time, the collagen fiber tube week can also occur degeneration. Because of the refraction of tubules and surrounding stroma was no significant difference, so in the slices are transparent and are called transparent dentin.9. (dentin) transparent layer: the first formed close to the enamel and cementum layer of primary dentin, the collagen fibers were mainly from incompletely differentiated into secretory odontoblasts Korff (Korff) and collagen fiber, arranged in parallel tubular. In the crown, the dentin is called the dentin, and the root is called a transparent layer with a thickness of about 5~10 M.10. tomes granular layer: in tooth profile grinding in a layer of granular non mineralized area inside the transparent layer of root dentin, called tomes granular layer.11., dead zone: because of wear, acid etching or caries, such as heavier stimulation, so that the tubules of the odontoblast cell gradually evolved, and decomposition, filled with air inside the tube. Under transmission light microscopy, this part of the dentin is black, called the dead zone. This region is less sensitive and is common in narrow medullary angles. The periphery of the dead zone is surrounded by a transparent dentin, and the restored dentin at the proximal end of the bone is visible.1. color: pink color attached gingiva, resilient, surface is orange peel, there are many punctate depressions called stippling. Stippling can enhance gingival resistance tomechanical friction, but in inflammatory edema, the surface can disappear and become bright color.2. main fibers: the collagen in the periodontal ligament is synthesized by fibroblasts, which are synthesized by extracellular polymerization, and they are deposited into large fiber bundles and arranged in a certain direction, which is called the main fiber.3. epithelial remnant: in the periodontal ligament, the small epithelial cords or epithelial masses are seen in the fibrous spaces adjacent to the root surface, parallel to the root surface, also known as the Malassez epithelial remnant. This is the root development stage on the residual epithelial root sheath epithelial cells. Under light microscopy, the cells were smaller, cubic or oval, with less cytoplasm and basophilic staining. The basement membrane of the electron microscope showed that the cells were separated from the matrix of the periodontal ligament. The adjacent cells were connected by desmosomes, and the cytoplasm contained a large number of actin filaments and a large number of ribosomes. Normally, the epithelium remains quiescent and, when stimulated by inflammation, epithelial proliferation becomes the source of jaw cysts and odontogenic tumors.FourBundle bone: because there are a large number of exogenous collagen fibers embedded, so the inherent alveolar bone, also known as the bundle bone.5. (alveolar bone) through fiber: proper alveolar bone and periodontal ligament were adjacent side plate layers, which embedded in the periodontal membrane fiber is a penetrating fiber, its direction and vertical bone plate or a certain angle, inherent in alveolar bone through fiber cementum in wear through the crude fiber.1.. Acquired membranes: also called salivary membranes, which are formed by the selective adsorption of saliva glycoproteins on the tooth surface. Its thickness is about 30~60 mu m, it can be formed in 20 minutes after cleaning and polishing of tooth surface. It is stable in 1~2 hours.2.: the bacterial plaque is not mineralized by sediment, bacteria, and bacterial salivary glycoprotein extracellular polysaccharide (mainly glucan and fructan) plaque matrix composed, which also contains a small amount of exfoliated epithelial cells, white blood cells, food etc.. Bacterial plaque is a microbial ecological environment. Bacteria grow, develop, reproduce and decline in this environment. They are complex metabolic activities. They are complex biofilms arranged in space.3. demineralization: loss of mineral ions and dissolution of hydroxyapatite crystals4. remineralization: the mineral ions re deposit and the crystals re form5.: static caries caries process, because the environment changes, the tooth surface easy to clean, the lesions in contactwith saliva, the disease slows down, the final is in stationary state, no further progress trend, this is a static dental caries. It can be seen in enamel caries, dentin caries and root caries. The quiescent caries is shallow, with a large and shallow outer surface, and is hard and Tan due to the deposition of mineral salts and pigments in the saliva. Microscopically, the surface of the dentinal tubules is in a neat section with remineralization on the surface, and there is a reparative dentin on the side of the medullary cavity.6.: undermining caries fissure caries lesion is not starting from the bottom, but a ring around the progress of fissure wall, and along the direction of long axis of enamel rod extends to depth, when disease progression over the nest ditch bottom, side wall of mutual integration. Because the arrangement of enamel columns near the pit and fissure is concentrated at the bottom of the pit, the formation of caries and morphology is consistent with the arrangement of the glaze columns.Noun interpretation1. dental pulp network atrophy: because the pulp blood supply is insufficient, the pulp tissue has the varying size vacuolar gap, which is full of the liquid. The dental pulp cell is reduced, the odontoblast, the blood vessel and the nerve disappear, and the pulp has a fibrous reticular formation, which is called pulp reticular atrophy.2. calcoid: Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis is more common in children and adolescents, often occur in primary molars or first molars. The affected teeth have larger puncture holes,large apical pores and abundant pulp blood supply, which makes the inflammatory pulp tissue increase in polyp form, and the perforation is prominent through the perforation of the pulp, which is also called dental pulp polyp.3. pulp calcification: refers to the pulp tissue due to malnutrition or tissue degeneration, and on this basis, calcium salts deposited by the formation of unequal sizes of calcified mass. There are two forms of pulp calcification. One is called intramedullary. It is seen in the pulp chamber, and the other is called diffuse calcification. The calcification is mostly scattered in the root canal.4. pulp fiber changes: because the pulp blood supply is insufficient, the pulp cell, the blood vessel, the nerve atrophy reduces or vanishes, the fiber ingredient increases. Thick collagen fibers parallel to the long axis of the pulp or showing a homogeneous, red stained glassy degeneration known as pulp fibrosis. More common in the pulp of the elderly.5. pulpitis: pulp hyperemia, if the removal of the cause, such as dental caries or wedge-shaped defects such as timely treatment, the pulp can be restored to normal state of congestion. So the pathological hyperemia pulp called pulpitis.6. residual pulpitis: chronic pulpitis is a special type of residual pulpitis occurred in inflammation remains in the pulp tissue of root canal. Residual pulpitis often occurs in months or even years after mummification of pulp, followed by the failure of the bone marrow with a broken pulp. When the pulpis plasticized or incomplete, the root canal in the root canal treatment may be secondary to residual pulpitis.7. internal resorption: refers to the absorption from the inner wall of the pulp cavity toward the surface of the tooth. Internal resorption may be due to certain stimuli and the pulp is replaced by inflammatory granulation tissue. Odontoblast and prophase dentin destroy and lose barrier function. The release of prostaglandins and interleukin in inflammatory granulation tissue activates osteoclasts and leads to absorption from the inner wall of the medullary cavity from the inside to the outside.。

1.胎生牙(natal tooth)-- 在出生时或出生后2-3个月即萌出的乳牙。
2.额外牙(多生牙)(supernumerary teeth)-- 正常牙数之外多生的牙。
3.先天性缺额牙(无牙症)(congenital anodontia)-- 指根本未曾发生的牙。
4.巨牙(macrodontia)-- 牙体积超过正常范围与牙列中其他牙明显不对称,叫做巨牙。
5.融合牙(fuse teeth)-- 多系牙发育期间两牙胚融合在一起发育而成,其融合部位的牙本质是相连的。
6.双生牙(geminated teeth)-- 系由一个内向的凹陷将一个牙胚不完全分开而形成,通常为完全或不完全分开的牙冠,有一个共同的牙根和根管。
7.结合牙(concrescence of teeth)-- 指两个发育完成之后的牙借增生的牙骨质结合在一起。
8.牙内陷(dens invaginatus)-- 系呀发育期间成釉器过度卷叠或局部过度增殖,深入到牙乳头中,牙发育后呈囊状深陷畸形。
9.畸形舌侧窝(lingual fossa deformity)-- 为牙内陷的一种较轻的发育畸形,表现为牙舌侧窝呈囊状深陷。
10.畸形舌侧尖(lingual cups deformity)-- 为牙内陷的一种发育畸形。
11.畸形中央尖(central cups deformity)-- 指牙牙合面中央窝伸出一个额外的牙尖。
12.釉珠(enamel pearl)-- 为局限性釉质增生过长的小球形团块。
13.牙本质发育不全症(dentonogensis imperfecta)-- 又称遗传性乳光牙本质(hereditary opalescent dentine)是一种常染色体显性遗传性疾病,表现为牙本质发育异常。

10.Meckel: 软骨也称第1鳃弓软骨或下颌软骨。
又称外胚间叶细胞,神经嵴细胞是特殊的多能干细胞13. 甲状舌管:奇结节和联合突之间中线处的表面内胚层上皮,沿中线向深部增生至甲状软骨处,形成上皮条索称之。

1.外胚间叶/外间充质/外胚间充质(ectomesenchyme):头面部的的大部分结缔组织都来自于神经嵴细胞,由于它们起源于外胚层的神经嵴细胞,所以这些结缔组织又称外胚间叶组织或外间充质.2.鳃弓(branchial arch):胚胎第4周时,原始咽部的间叶细胞迅速增生,形成左右对称的背腹走向的6对柱状隆起,与6对主动脉弓动脉相对应,称鳃弓。
3.咽囊(pharyngeal pouch):相邻的鳃弓之间有浅沟,在体表侧者称鳃沟,与之相对应的鳃弓的内侧是原始咽部,其表面衬覆的内胚层上皮向侧方增生呈囊样,形成与鳃沟相对应的浅沟,称咽囊。
4.颈窦(cervical sinus):第二鳃弓生长速度较快,向尾端生长覆盖了第二、三、四鳃沟和三、四、五对鳃弓并与颈部组织融合。
5.拉特克囊(Rathke pouch):胚胎第三周末,口咽膜前方口凹顶端正中出现一个囊样凹陷,称拉特克囊。
8.唇裂(cleft lip):多见于上唇,是球状突和上颌突未联合或部分联合所致,单、双侧均可发生,单侧较多。
9.腭裂(cleft palate):口腔常见畸形,一侧侧腭突和对侧侧腭突及鼻中隔未融合或部分融合的结果,单、双侧均可发生,常伴唇裂、颌裂。

口腔生理学术语AAbductors - muscle taking a limb or the jaw away from the body.Acetyl choline - Aneurotransmitter substance found at all cholinergic synapses including those of motoneurones at the neuromuscular junction.Acini - the secreting units of a gland. Each acinus is a sack-like structure, lined by secreting cells. The sack opens out into a tubule.Acute necrotising ulcerative gingivitis -abbreviated to ANUG- a painful and destructive infection of the gingiva caused by a shift in the normal balance of bacteria in the gingival sulcus, in which fusobacteria and spirochaetes become dominant.Adapt- to modify in response to change. When used in regard to evolution, it means that some structure or behaviour of an organism may over time, appear to change in response toa new threat or opportunity in the environment. The bacterium which causes tuberculosis has developed certain strains which have adapted to the antibiotics used to treat the disease which is now becoming more difficult to treat.Adductors - muscle bringing a limb or the jaw towards the body.Adhesion - to form a chemical bond of attachment between two surfaces (see Ligand and lectin).Adrenalin - see epinephrine.Aerobic respiration -a type of respiration which requires oxygen and in which glucose is broken down to release energy in a series of steps. The end products are carbon dioxide and water. Step 1;glucose is broken down to pyruvic acid in the cell cylasm with the release of 4 hydrogen atoms. Step 2; pyruvic acid is oxidised to acetylcoenzyme A (acetyl CoA), with the release of 4 further hydrogen atoms. Step 3; In the KREB cycle, 16 atoms of hydrogen are released. At all stages the hydrogen atoms are used to form the high energy molecule adenosine triphospate (ATP) via the electron transport system . See also Anaerobic respiration .Affected dentine - dentine which has been demineralised by acids in advance of invading caries bacteria. A distinction is made between affected dentine and infected dentine, because affected dentine is able to remineralise and should not be removed during cavity preparation.Aggregate - clumps or collections of small particles or bacteria .Alkaline phosphatase - an enzyme which removes phosphate groups from organic compounds at an alkaline pH. It is found in high concentrations in matrix vesicles which are about to form new bone mineral. Alkaline phosphatase activity is a good indicator of bone formation.Alveolar bone - bone which develops around the roots of the teeth to hold them firmly in place. See gomphosis. If the teeth are extracted, the alveolar bone resorbs away. Alveolar bone consists of both trabecula and cortical types of bone.Ameloblasts- cells which differentiate from ectoderm and secrete enamel during tooth development.Amino acids - building blocks of proteins containing a carboxyl group (COOH) and an amino group(NH2) both attached to the same carbon atom . The difference between the 20 common amino acids lies in the nature of a side chain the "R" group. Each amino acid, has a code of three adjacent nucleotides on the DNA molecule. Amino acids are joined together by peptide bonds to form polypeptides and proteins.Amorphous calcium phosphate - a non crystalline form of apatite which may form as much as30% of bone mineral.Amygdala- part of the limbic system, which seems to provide the emotional assessment of a new sensation with the memory of a similar sensation.Anaerobic respiration - the first step in the production of ATP is to break down glucose. This process of glycolysis is a 10 step series of reactions leading finally to the smaller molecule pyruvate. The energy derived from this process is a hydrogen ion and an electron, which are both placed onto the carrier molecule as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH+). As the pyruvate and NAD H+ are produced they could move into the mitochondria, for the nextstage of aerobic respiration, provided oxygen is available. If there is no oxygen, NAD H H+ is used in a process of substrate phosphorylation to form ATP. But the pyruvate builds up. It is then converted to lactic acid and removed to the liver. If lactic acid is not removed fast enough it causes muscle weakness and pain. Anaerobic glycolysis does not produce a high yield of energy. There are still high energy bonds remaining in the pyruvate and there is no benefit from the large yield of ATP made possible by the electron transport system in the mitochondriaAngiogenesis - the development of blood vessels - a key event in embryology and healing.Ankylosis - bony fusion of the two surfaces of a joint to each other, which prevents movement. Ankylosis of the tooth root to its bony socket may causes root resorption.Antibacterial - inhibiting the growth of bacteria.Antibodies -are proteins called immunoglobulins which circulate in the blood and body fluids. They bind specifically to antigens that have induced them. Antibodies are able to inactivate bacterial toxins, viruses and help phagocytes to engulf whole bacteria. They have a vital role to play in the bodies immune response to foreign proteins.Antigens - proteins, usually foreign, which cause the bodies defense system to produce anantibody. Antigens may be food proteins, bacteria ,viruses or protozoa or cells from another individual(transplant).Antrum - a hollow cave or SINUS, inside the maxillary bone which is lined by respiratory epithelium.Apatites- a family of calcium phosphate salts which are found in hard tissues like bone, teeth and shells.Apoptosis - death of a cell which is programmed by a set of specific genes. Apoptosis of chondrocytes allows osteoblasts to attach to their calcified matrix, and the epithelial cells forming webs between the fingers to die.Articular - one of the bones which together with the quadrate bones and the dentary, made/make up a reptile's jaw. In mammals the quadrate bone is incorporated into the middle ear as the malleus.Artificial mouth - a laboratory device for keeping bacteria growing in a controlled environment It allows for observing bacteria and their growth under different experimental conditions.Ascorbic acid - or Vitamin C is a dietary requirement for the proper formation of collagen. Deficiency causes scurvy.ATP - adenosine triphosphate - ATP is a convenient packet of energy used by both animals and plant cells. The energy in ATP is stored in its three negatively charged phosphate groups which are held close together, in spite of their repulsion for each other. This energy, multiplied many hundreds of thousand of times, for each cell is able to move our muscles, transport molecules across membranes and power all the cells other energy requirements. Once the energy has been used the ATP molecule now only has two phosphate groups. It needs energy now from either aerobic or anaerobic respiration to charge it up again, a process known as phosphorylation. Large stores of ATP are not kept as it is highly reactive. The long term storage of energy in animals is in carbon rich molecules, such as glycogen or fatty acids. In plants energy is stored as starch.Attachment, see epithelial-attachmentAutocrine; cell messengers which are produced by the cell itself and regulate the expression of genes .Autonomic nervous system - controls routine body functions such as gut activity, respiration, blood pressure and heart rate. There are two main divisions the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic system.Axon - the extension of a nerve cell, as a thin tube which may be as long a metre or a few shortmicrons in length. The axon, like the cell body is able to depolarise and carry impulses along its length. The impulses from one axon to another nerve cell are transmitted at a synapse. Axons may be myelinated or unmeyelinated, and they may vary in diameter. Thicker, myelinated axons transmit impulses faster than thins unmeyelinated axons.口腔生理学术语(Basal lamina - a term used to describe the different layers which make up the basement membrane. These different layers of the basement membrane, the lamina lucida and lamina densa are only visible with electron microscopy. Into the lamina dense collagen fibres of the lamina propria are anchored. And on the epithelial side are anchored bundles of tonofilaments from the hemi-desmosomes which anchor the basal epithelial cells to the basement membrane.Basement membrane - a thin sheet of proteins held together by type IV collagen. On this sheet epithelial cells attach with hemi-desmosomes. All epithelia, whether simple cuboidal cells such as found in the salivary glands, or endothelial cells lining capillaries or thick stratified squamous epithelia of the skin, are all anchored to a basement membrane.Benign- not harmful. In the sense of tumours, not malignant. When referring to parasites, quite harmless.Biofilm - a layer of microorganisms on a surface which is kept constantly wet. Dental plaque is an oral biofilmBiosurfactants - products of bacteria which increase the hydrophilic nature of a surface so as to allow for better adhesion.Blood clotting - one of three key processes in haemostasis, the prevention of blood loss. After three minutes of rupture of a small blood vessel, the entire cut is filled with a blood clot. After an hour, the clot has retracted inside the vessel making the plug even more effective. Within a few more hours, fibroblasts have moved into the clot, followed by capillary -forming endothelial cells. Within 10 days the clot is replaced by fibrous scar tissue. Clotting takes place in three steps. 1. In response to damage to the blood vessel prothrombin activator is formed. 2 this activator converts prothrombin into thrombin. 3.The thrombin acts as an enzyme converting fibrinogen into fibrin threads which adhere to the damaged walls of the blood vessel, trap platelets, blood cells and plasma to form a clot.Blood groups - blood cells from different people do not always have the same cell surface antigens. A transfusions of blood whose antigens do not match the recipient evokes an immune response and the donor cells are broken down. Two of the common blood groups are the A,B,O group and the Rh group. The blood group antigens are glycoproteins or glycolipids.Bolus - a piece of food which is being chewed to break it down into small pieces.Bone membrane - a theoretical membrane separating the fluid surrounding bone crystals from the fluid of the surrounding connective tissue. The membrane would be formed by theendosteum.Bone morphogenic proteins (BMP) - part of the cytokine family of transforming growth factors. BMP have a powerful ability to cause differentiation of stem cells into osteoblasts and to initiate bone formation.Bradykinin - one of several substances, all known as kinins, which cause vasodilation and increased capillary permeability, both events associated with inflammation.Buffers - chemical which are able to keep the pH of a solution within a normal range, neither acid nor alkali. Salivary buffers are important in reducing the progress of caries by neutralising plaque acids.Buttress- an arch shaped support, used by builders of bridges and churches in the days before steel.口腔生理学术语(C)Calcium-binding proteins - proteins which have the ability to store calcium ions and to bind onto calcium in the hydroxyapatite of the enamel surface.Calculus - a hard deposit of calcified plaque which is found around the neck of the tooth. When it is above the free gingival margin (supra-gingival) it is white and chalky. When it is below (sub-gingival) it is dark and hard.Candidiasis - an infection caused by Candida albicans, a normal commensal of the mouth; also called "thrush";Capsule - a fibrous casing surrounding an organ or gland; also a coating for some bacteria which protects them, from the bodies immune system. It is only the variety of Pneumococcus sp. which has a capsule which is able to pass the immune barrier and cause pneumoniaCaries - the demineralisation, and breakdown of tooth structure by plaque acids.Cariogenic - likely to cause caries. Sugar is cariogenic because it supports the growth of plaqueCarious plaque - types of plaque which are associated with caries .Carnivorous - an animal whose diet consists of animal tissue.CEJ - see cemento-enamel junction.Cell junctions - sites on the cell membrane where cells attach to neighbouring cells. There are three main types. 1. adhering junctions, which anchor cells to each other to resist separation. They may form a belt of adhesions between cells (as between muscle cells) or spot attachments like desmosomes which hold epithelial cells together. 2. tight junctions have no space between the membranes and allow no leakage between cells. They are found between cells of a secreting glands and between endothelial cells of blood vessels to prevent fluid leaking out. 3. gap junctions are channels which allow transfer of small molecules like ions, sugars and amino acids, between cells.Cemento-enamel junction- the junction between the enamel covering the crown of the tooth and the cementum covering its root. Often referred to as the CEJ.Cementoblasts - cells of mesenchyme origin, induced by proteins from cells of ectodermal origin, to form a layer of cementum around the roots of teeth.Cementum - a thin layer of bone-like material covering the roots of teeth and sometimes the enamel surface, containing both extrinsic and intrinsic fibres.Central nervous system - the brain and spinal cord. The nerves which leave the spinal cord and brain comprise the peripheral nervous system.Chemotaxis - the movement of cells in response to chemical messengers. The movement of neutrophils and macrophages into damaged tissues is brought about by signals released by damaged tissues, and bacterial products.. The term applies to the movement of any organism attracted by a specific chemical, which may be a suitable nutrient.Cholinergice - cell receptors specific for the neurotransmitter acetyl choline. Cholinergic receptors are found at neuromuscular junctions of muscle fibres and at all the synaptic junctions of the parasympathetic nervous system. They are also found at the pre- ganglionic synapse of the sympathetic nervous system.Chondroitin sulphate - the major glycosaminoglycan of cartilage , the other being keratan sulphate.Chromosomes - structures in the nucleus of a cell which appear visible during cell division. Each chromosome (humans have 24) is a tightly coiled string of DNA wound round a protein.Clearance - the removal by swallowing, of substance in the mouth. Clearance is dependent on the completeness of swallowing and the rate of flow of saliva.Clones - a family of cells, or organisms, which are all identical to a single parent. They are produced by asexual reproduction. When a B lymphocytes has recognised a foreign antigen, it provides millions of identical daughter cells in order to produce the specific antibodies in large quantities.Clotting - see blood clottingCode - the code of nucleotides is written in "words" of three letters using an"alphabet" of four "letters". These four components of the code are adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.Collagen - the most common protein found in the body. It has a fibrous structure and makes up the main organic component of bone and dentine, and the fibres of tendons and ligaments.Collagenase - an enzyme produced by fibroblasts which breaks down collagen fibres. The fibroblast recycles the component amino acids, and secretes new collagen fibres. This process of remodelling occurs throughout life. Osteoclasts also secrete collagenases in order to remove bone matrix. Several bacteria are able to secrete collagenases and are thus able to break down and penetrate through collagen fibres in the periodontal ligament.Colonies - communities of organisms which have taken up residence in a habitat .Competency - the ability of a cell to respond to messengers which could cause it to differentiate into a more specialised cell. Some cells, like pericytes remain competent throughout life, whereas others, such as the oral epithelium, are only able to form an tooth bud during the 12th to 16th week of foetal development.Composite - a material made from two or more different types of material which contribute different properties. For example bone is a combination of a resilient fibres of collagen in a brittle matrix (hydroxyapatite).Compressive strength - ability to withstand a crushing force.Condylar process - the vertical extension of the mandible which ends in the condyle head, the moveable part of the temporomandibular joint.Connective tissue - one of the four main types of collections of cells (tissues) which consists of cells in a matrix of ground substance and fibres. Some connective tissues support structures like blood vessels and glands. Others are more structural, like bone, tendons and cartilage.Contralateral - the opposite side as distinct from ipsilateral. Often used to refer to the teeth, joint or muscles on the opposite side from the chewing side.Coronoid process - the vertical extension of the mandible anterior to the condyle to which the temporal muscle attaches.Cortical-bone - the outer layer of bone which is dense and made up of lamellae.Covalent bond - a strong bond between atoms formed by sharing outer electrons. When anatom has 8 outer electrons it is stable. Those which naturally have 8, like neon and argon gasses are quite unreactive. The carbon atom has 4 outer electrons and therefore needs 4 extra electrons to be stable. Four hydrogen atoms make a good partnership for carbon,(CH4, C2 H6 ... etc) hence hydrocarbons,(saturated with hydrogen atoms) are quite stable, insoluble and unreactive. One oxygen atom (outer shell has 6 electrons) and two hydrogen atoms (H2O) also makes a stable arrangement, although not as stable as the hydrocarbon, family as the water molecule is a little unbalanced, providing hydrogen bonds and other unusual properties of biological importance, such as its ability to hold other molecules in a solution.Cusps - peaks or raised areas of a tooth which usually fit into a fossa on the opposing tooth.Cytokines -chemical messengers that allow neighbouring cells to communicate with each other. They are paracrine messages as distinct from endochrine or hormonal messengers. There are several main families of cytokines including growth factors , neurotransmitters, , lymphokines and many others. The method of communication involves detection of the chemical message, a ligand , by receptor proteins (for example an integrin on the cell membrane of the receiving cell. The result of the message is a shift in the level of gene expression or the expression of new genes and altered cell behaviour. Cytokines are complex as they sometimes inhibit and/or facilitate the actions of each other.Cylasm - the contents of the cell, not including thenucleus.Cytoskeleton - a system of fine filaments which cross the cell in all directions, helping toand keep or change its shape. There are three main types of filaments; in order of decreasing size they are, microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments.Cytotoxins - products released by bacteria which are toxic to other living cells.口腔生理学术语(D)Darwinian medicine - an approach to the treatment of infective diseases which takes account of the co-evolution between the host and its parasite.Deciduous - from the Latin "falling" it applies both to trees which lose their leaves in winter and teeth which are lost to make way for the permanent set.Demineralisation - reduction in amount of mineral in tissue. This reduction occurs when the crystals of apatite are dissolved, usually in an acid environment.Dental abscess- an abscess around the apex of a tooth due to spread of infection from the pulp .Dental papilla - the condensation of dental mesenchyme which provides the stem cells from which ondontoblasts, cementoblasts and osteoblasts will form the pulp-dentine, cementum andalveolar bone of the tooth socket.Dentary - one of several bone which together made up the lower jaw in early reptiles. During evolution the other bones, the articular and quadrate bones, became part of the inner ear, and the dentary became the single the mandible of mammals.Dentine - a hard material like bone which forms the root and inner core of the crown of teeth. Unlike bone, dentine has fine tubules which contain the elongated process of odontoblasts, the dentine forming cells.Dentine-pulp - a term used to describe the unity between dentine and pulp, and to view it as one integrated tissue.Depolarisation - all cells have a slight difference in electrical potential between the inside and outside of the cell membrane. This difference is called a membrane potential and is due to a greater number of sodium ions (positively charged) outside the cell than inside. This imbalance is maintained by a membrane pump which pushes sodium ions out of the cell. Another pump also pushes potassium ions into the cell so there should be no difference in the balance of positive ions. But the potassium ions leak back out again, so there is always a potential difference across the membrane. Nerve cells have the ability to depolarise or reverse the membrane potential so that the inside is positive and outside negative. This reversal is short lived and is soon corrected, but it is long enough to influence the adjacent parts of the membrane and to be carried, like a wave, all the way along a nerve axon to the next nerve where it reaches a synapse The reversal is caused by a sudden opening of cell membrane gates which allow a flood of sodium ions into the cell. This flood causes the inside to become positive, but the gates are soon shut and potassium gates opened, which allows potassium ions to flood out and restore the membrane potential. This can all happen several times in one second, but after a while there is no flood, and the sodium pump has to get to work to build up enough pressure for the depolarisation to work again.Dermatan sulphate - a glycosaminoglycan found in skin, tendon, blood vessel and heart valves.Desmosomes -one of the types of cell junctions by which cells join or communicate with each other. Desmosomes consist of a round plaque of protein, desmoplakin on the cell membrane. Into the plaque are attached fine filamanents which are part of the cell's cytoskeleton. So the plaque is attached to the skeleton of the cell. Where the filaments enter the plaque the are so dense as to be visible with a light microscope. They are then called tonofilaments. The plaque of one cell adheres to the plaque of another. This system of joining cells is designed to resist mechanical separation, so we see desmosomes joining epithelial cells which hold tightly to each other. If epithelium is processed for histology, some shrinkage occurs and the epithelial cells separate from each other, except where the desmosomes hold them together. The pulled out tags of cell membrane give these cells a star-like shape, and so they are called the stellate cells.Desquamation - the detachment of cells from the surface of an epithelium.Dextrans - polysaccharides made by bacteria. They have a slimy consistency and contribute to the sticky nature of plaque.Differentiate - change in the pattern of genes expressed by a cell resulting in altered function, from a more primitive parent cell to a more specialised group of daughter cells.Diphyodont - only two sets of teeth, one deciduous and one permanent (from "di" = two,"phyo+ = generation and "dont" =teeth). See also polyphyodontDisplacement - of a tooth refers to its movement within the confines of the tooth socket. A tooth can be displaced more easily when forced in a lateral direction than when forced into the socket. Continual or frequent displacement of a tooth may lead to it repositioning itself in the socket.DNA - Deoxyribosenucleic acid - a complex nucleic acid molecule which is used by cells to store genetic material as genes which control the structure of proteins and hence influencing all enzyme reactions. DNA is coiled in a single closed loop in procaryotes, but coiled round other proteins to form a chromosome, and stored in the nucleus of eucaryotesDuct - a tube which carries a secretion onto the surface of skin or mucosa.口腔生理学术语(E)Ecological balance - astable balance in the numbers of each species in an ecosystem. In the ecosystem of the mouth this balance is brought about by competition and cooperation between the different organism and the hosts defences which tend to control population size.Ecosystem - a stable environment in which live a large number of different forms of life, each affecting the other. Example are a forest, desert, tidal area, soil, oral cavity, gut.Ectoderm - the outer of the three cell layers which form, as the clump of early embryonic cells begins to differentiate. The ectoderm will form the epidermis of the skin and the nervous system. The other two layers are the mesoderm and the endoderm.Ectomesenchyme - a name given to dental MESENCHYME which reflects its partly ectodermal origin.Eicosanoids - are a class of hormones which are all made from phospholipids. They include prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leucotriens.Elastic fibres -are long, thin, ribbons-like fibres, sometimes even sheet-like. They are composedof a central core of elastin, a rubbery protein, surrounded by glycoprotein microfilaments. Elastin is found all over the body but particularly in the walls of blood vessels and in our vocal chords.Electron - the negatively charged elements of an atom which circle the nucleus. If an electron is lost the atom becomes a relatively positively charged ion. It has been ionised .Electron Transport System- Hydrogen ions produced during the 3 preparatory steps of aerobic respiration are carried by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). The hydrogen ion plus one electron form NADH, which is taken to the electron transport system. This transport system is run by a series of 5 molecules. The first, removes the two electrons from NADH,( one comes from the hydrogen atom, leaving behind a hydrogen ion). These two electrons, bounce from the first molecule in the transport system to the second, third, forth and then last one, cytochrome oxidase, which finally places the electrons onto oxygen gas O2. The electron rich oxygen atoms are attractive to the hydrogen ions and they combine to form water. (Oxygen in the process of aerobic respiration acts therefore as an electron acceptor). In the process of bouncing "downhill" the electrons have released sufficient energy to power up a small battery. This battery has been made by pumping hydrogen ions out of the inner membrane of the mitochondria. The collection of hydrogen ions outside, piles up and their electrical pressure mounts. They want to get back across the membrane, and are allowed, one at a time to pass back through the enzyme ATP synthase. This enzyme sits like a water wheel in the cell membrane, turned by the passage of hydrogen ions. Its turning wheel builds an ATP molecule in every turn. The wheel may be going at about 200 revolutions per second, powering the synthesis of an ATP molecule with each turn. ATP formed in this way takes a while but can be sustained to fuel the body during aerobic exercise. When the demand for power exceeds this rate, the cells have to rely on anaerobic respiration.Electrostatic - a force generated by differences in electric charge of two particles.Enamel prisms - rod-like bundles of hydroxyapatie crystals which are orientated at right angles to the tooth surface. Each prism can be traced from the outside of the enamel all the way to the dentine junction.Enamel - the outer layer hard layer which covers the dentine around the crown of a tooth. Enamel consists of closely packed crystals of hydroxyapatite with very little organic material. A recognisable unit of structure in enamel is the enamel prism.Enameloid - a type of enamel found in fish and reptiles in which the enamel prisms are haphazardly arranged; in contrast enamel prism are parallel to each other and orientated at right angle to the tooth surface.Endocrine glands - the secretion passes into the blood stream, like insulin, epinephrine.Endoderm - the inner of the three cell layers which form, as the clump of early embryonic cells。
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口腔组织病理学名词英汉对照口腔组织病理学名词英汉对照第一章口腔颌面部发育branchial arch 鳃弓branchial groove 鳃沟cervical sinus 颈窦cleft jaw 颌裂cleft lip 唇裂cleft palate 腭裂copula 联合突ectomesenchyme 外胚间充质epithelial-mesenchymal transformation 上皮间充质转化facial cleft 面裂foramen cecum 盲孔frontonasal process 额鼻突fuse 融合globular process 球状突holoprosencephaly 前脑单脑室畸形hypobranchial eminence 腮下隆起incisive canal 切牙管lateral lingual prominence/swelling 侧舌隆突lateral nasal process 侧鼻突lateral palatal process 侧腭突lingula 下颌小舌maxillary process 上颌突Meckel's cartilage 第1鳃弓软骨或下颌软medial nasal process 中鼻突merge 联合nasal fin 鼻鳍nasal pit 鼻凹naso-palatal canal 鼻腭管neural crest 神经嵴odontogenic or tooth forming 成牙性olfactory placode or nasal placode 嗅板或鼻板oral pit 口凹orapharyngeal membrane 口咽膜patterning 模式发育pharyngeal pouch 咽囊primary palate 原发腭Rathke pouch 拉特克囊retinoic acid syndrome,RAS 维甲酸综合征secondary palate 继发腭stomatodeum 原口sulcus terminalis 界沟symphyseal cartilages 中缝软骨thyroglossal duct 甲状舌管tuberculum impar 奇结节第二章牙的发育ameloblast 成釉细胞ameloblastin 成釉蛋白amelogenesis 釉质形成amelogenins 釉原蛋白bell stage 钟状期bone sialoprotein, BSP 骨涎蛋白bud stage 蕾状期cap stage 帽状期cervical loop 颈环dental lamina 牙板dental papilla 牙乳头dental pulp 牙髓dental sac 牙囊dentin phosphoprotein, DPP 牙本质磷蛋白dentin sialophosphoproteins, DSPP 牙本质涎磷蛋白dentin sialoprotein, DSP 牙本质涎蛋白developing apical complex,DAC 发育期根端复合体enamel cord 釉索enamel knot 釉结enamel matrix serine protease1 酸蛋白酶1 enamel niche 釉龛enamel organ 成釉器enamel spindle 釉梭epithelial root sheath 上皮根鞘eruption pearls 上皮珠gubernacular canal 引导管inner enamel epithelium 内釉上皮层KLK4 激肽释放酶4 kallikrein4,lateral lamina 侧板Malassez epithelial rest 马拉瑟上皮剩余mantle dentin 罩牙本质matrix vesicle 基质小泡maturation stage 成熟期non amelogenins 非釉原蛋白non-collagenous protein, NSPs 非胶原蛋白odontoblast 成牙本质细胞odontoblastic process 成牙细胞突osteocalcin, OCN 骨钙素osteoprotein, OPN 骨桥蛋白outer enamel epithelium 外釉上皮层predentin 前期牙本质preodontoblast 前成牙本质细胞presecretory stage 分泌前期primary enamel knot 原发釉结primary epithelial band 原发性上皮带reduced dental epithelium 缩余釉上皮secondary enamel knot 继发釉结secretory stage 分泌期stellate reticulum 星网状层stratum intermedium 中间层terminal web 终棒tooth eruption 牙萌出tooth germ 牙胚tufetlin 釉丛蛋白vestibular lamina 前庭板第三章牙体组织abrasion, attrition 磨损acellular afibrillar cementum, AAC 无细胞无纤维牙骨质acellular cementum 无细胞牙骨质acellular extrinsic fiber cementum, AEFC 无细胞外源性纤维牙骨质acellular intrinsic fiber cementum, AIFC 无细胞固有纤维牙骨质ameloblastin 成釉蛋白amelogenins 釉原蛋白biglycan 双糖链蛋白聚糖biglycan 双糖链蛋白聚糖cariostatic potential 耐龋潜能cellular cementum 细胞牙骨质cellular intrinsic fiber cementum, CIFC 有细胞固有纤维牙骨质cellular mixed stratified cementum, CMSC 有细胞混合性分层牙骨质cementoid 类牙骨质cementum adhesion protein 牙骨质黏附蛋白cementum growth factor 牙骨质生长因子cementum 牙骨质circumpulpal dentin 髓周牙本质cross striations 横纹dead tract 死区decorin 核心蛋白聚糖decorin 核心蛋白聚糖dendritic cells 树突状细胞dental tissues 牙体组织dentin matrix protein-1,DMP1 牙本质基质蛋白-1dentin phosphoproteins,DPP或phosphophoryn 牙本质磷蛋白dentin sialophosphoproteins 牙本质涎磷蛋白dentin sialoprotein,DSP 牙本质涎蛋白dentin 牙本质dentinal tubule 牙本质小管dentino-cemental junction 牙本质牙骨质界direct innervation theory 神经传导学说enamel caps 釉帽enamel cuticle 釉小皮enamel lamellae 釉板enamel rod sheath 釉柱鞘enamel rod 釉柱enamel spindle 釉梭enamel tufts 釉丛enamel 釉质enamel-dentinal junction,EDJ 釉质牙本质界enamelin 釉蛋白enamelo-cemental junction 釉质牙骨质界Enamelysin 釉质溶解蛋白focal holes, FH 灶性孔glycosaminoglycans 糖胺聚糖gnarled enamel 绞釉hyaline layer 透明层hydrodynamic theory 流体动力学说incrementa1 1ine 生长线incremental lines 生长线interglobular dentin 球间牙本质intertubular dentin 管间牙本质intratubular dentin 管内牙本质lamina limitans 限制板long period incremental line 长期生长线macrophages and 巨噬细胞mantle dentin 罩牙本质matrix metalloproteinases 20,MMP20 基质金属蛋白酶20 micropores 微孔neonatal line 新生线non-amelogenins 非釉原蛋白odontoblast 成牙本质细胞odontoblastic process 成牙本质细胞突起osteodentin 骨样牙本质osteonectin 骨连接素osteopontin 骨桥蛋白parietal layer of nerves 神经壁层perforating fiber 穿通纤维perikymata 釉面横纹periodontoblastic space 成牙本质细胞突周间隙peritubular dentin 管周牙本质predentin 前期牙本质primary curvature 初级弯曲primary dentin 原发性牙本质proteinases 蛋白酶pulp core 髓核pulp proper 固有牙髓pulp 牙髓pulpo-dentinal complex 牙髓牙本质复合体reaction dentin 反应性牙本质remodeling 重塑reparative dentin 修复性牙本质reversal line 反转线rodless enamel 无釉柱釉质Schreger line 施雷格线sclerotic dentin 硬化性牙本质secondary dentin 继发性牙本质serine proteinases, kallikrein-4 丝氨酸蛋白酶Sharpey's fiber 沙比纤维short time incremental line 短时生长线tenascin 腱蛋白tertiary dentin 第三期牙本质the zone of Weil Weil层Tomes' granular layer 托姆斯颗粒层transduction theory 转导学说transparent dentin 透明牙本质tropocollagen 原胶原tuftelin 釉丛蛋白undifferentiated mesenchymal cell 未分化间充质细胞wedge shaped defect 楔状缺损第四章牙周组织alveolar bone proper 固有牙槽骨alveolar bone 牙槽骨alveolar crest group 牙槽嵴组alveolar process 牙槽突alveologingival group 牙槽龈组apical group 根尖组attached gingival 附着龈bundle bone 束骨cancellous supporting bone 松质骨circular group 环行组collagen fibers 胶原纤维compact supporting bone 密质骨cribriform plate 筛状板dentogingival group 龈牙组dentogingival junction 牙龈结合dentoperiosteal group 牙骨膜组elastin fibers 弹力纤维free gingival groove 游离龈沟free gingival 游离龈gingiva mesenchymal stem cells 牙龈间充质干细胞gingival col 龈谷gingival epithelium 牙龈上皮gingival sulcus 龈沟gingival 牙龈haversian system 哈弗系统horizontal group 水平组interdental papilla 牙间乳头interradicular group 根间组interstitial lamella 称间骨板junctional epithelium 结合上皮lamina dura 硬骨板oblique group 斜行组perforating fibers 穿通纤维periodontal ligament stem cell,PDLSC 牙周膜干细胞periodontal ligament,PDL 牙周韧带salcular epithelium 龈沟上皮sharpey's fiber 沙比纤维transseptal group 越隔组第五章口腔粘膜anchoring fibril 锚纤维attachment plaque 附着斑basement membrane zone 基底膜区basement membrane 基底膜cornified envelope 角化包膜cytokeratin 细胞角蛋白desmocollins 桥粒胶蛋白desmogleins 桥粒芯蛋白desmoplakins 桥粒斑蛋白Ebner gland 埃伯纳腺epithelial pegs, rete pegs 上皮钉突epithelial ridges, rete ridges 上皮嵴filiform papilla 丝状乳头foliate papilla 叶状乳头Fordyce spot 福代斯斑fungiform papilla 菌状乳头involucrin 总苞蛋白keratiocyte 角质细胞lamina densa 密板lamina lucida 透明板lamina properia 固有层lamina propria 固有层lamina reticularis 网板Langerhans cell 郎格汉斯细胞linea alba 白线lingual crypt 舌隐窝lingual follicle 舌滤泡lining mucosa 被覆黏膜loricrin 兜甲蛋白masticatory mucosa 咀嚼黏膜maturing population 成熟细胞群melanocyte 黑色素细胞melanophage 噬色素细胞Merkel cell 梅克尔细胞nidogen 巢蛋白oral mucosa,oral mucous membrane 口腔黏膜orthokeratinization 正角化palatine rugae 腭皱襞parakeratinization 不全角化perlecan 基底膜聚糖plakoglobin 桥粒斑珠蛋白plectin 网蛋白profilagrin 纤丝聚集蛋白原progenitor population 前体细胞群red lip,vermilion 唇红siderophage 噬铁细胞small proline-rich proteins 小富脯蛋白specialized mucosa 特殊黏膜stratum basale 基底层stratum corneum 角化层stratum germinativum 生发层stratum granulosum 颗粒层stratum spinosum 棘层submucosa 黏膜下层taste bud 味蕾tonofilament 张力细丝vallate papilla 轮廓乳头第六章涎腺acinus 腺泡actin 肌动蛋白antiproteolytic protein 抗蛋白溶解蛋白Bartholin's duct 舌下腺主导管basic secretory unit,salivon 基本分泌单位basket cell 篮细胞carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶crystalloids 晶样体demilune 半月板dense body 致密小体excretory duct 排泄管excretory units 排泄单位exocytosis 胞吐goblet cell metaplasia 杯状细胞化生gustin 味觉素holocrine-type secretion 全浆分泌intercalated duct 闰管merocrine 局浆分泌minor salivary gland 小唾液腺mixed acinus 混合性腺泡mucous acinus 黏液性腺泡muramic acid 胞壁酸myoepithelial cell 肌上皮细胞myofilament 肌微丝myosin 肌球蛋白oncocytic metaplasia 大嗜酸粒细胞化生oncocytoma 大嗜酸粒细胞瘤oncocytosis 大嗜酸粒细胞增多症oxiphilic adenoma 嗜酸性腺瘤parotid gland 腮腺polymeric immunoglobulin receptor,pIgR 多聚体免疫球蛋白受体primitive pluripotential salivary duct cells 原始多潜能唾液腺导管细胞proline-rich protein 富脯氨酸蛋白saliva 唾液salivary glands 唾液腺secretory duct 分泌管serous acinus 浆液性腺泡Sj?gren syndrome 舍格伦综合征squamous metaplasia 鳞状化生Stensen's duct 腮腺导管sublingual gland 舌下腺submandibular gland 下颌下腺succinyl dehydrogenase 琥珀酰脱氢酶tyrosine-rich protein 富酪氨酸蛋白Wharton's duct 下颌下腺主导管zymogen granule 酶原颗粒第七章颞下颌关节articular eminence 关节结节articular zone 关节表面带articulating capsule 关节囊calcified cartilage zone 钙化软骨带condyle 髁突fibrocartilaginous zone 纤维软骨带glenoid fossa 关节窝proliferative zone 增殖带synovial membrane 滑膜temporomandibular joint,TMJ 颞下颌关节the intrarticular disc 关节盘第八章牙发育异常adontia 无牙amelogenesis imperfecta 釉质形成缺陷症central cusp deformity 畸形中央尖cervical enamel extension 颈部釉质延伸cleidocranial dysplasia 锁骨颅骨发育不全症concrescence 结合牙congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒congenital syphilitic teeth 先天性梅毒牙dens evaginatus of anterior teeth 前牙的牙外突dens evaginatus 牙外突dens in dente 牙中牙dens invaginatus 牙内陷dental fluorosis 氟牙症dentin dysplasia 牙本质结构不良dentin dysplasia type I I型牙本质结构不良dentin dysplasia type II II型牙本质结构不良dentinogenesis imperfecta type II 牙本质形成缺陷症II型dilacerations 弯曲牙discoloration of teeth 牙变色distomolar 远中磨牙enamel agenesis 釉质不形成enamel hypoplasia 釉质形成不全enamel opacities 釉质混浊症enamel pearls 釉珠fusion 融合牙germination 双生牙ghost teeth 阴影牙hemifacial hyperplasia 半面过度增生hereditary hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 少汗外胚层发育不良hereditary opalescent dentin 遗传性乳光牙本质hypercementosis 牙骨质过度增生hypocementosis 牙骨质发育不全hypodontia 少牙hypomineralized enamel 釉质矿化不全hypophosphatasia 低磷酸酯酶症impaction of teeth 牙阻生lingual cusp deformity 畸形舌侧尖lingual fossa deformity 畸形舌侧窝macrodontia 巨牙mesiodens 正中牙microdontia 小牙mottled enamel 斑釉natal teeth 胎生牙noenatal teeth 新生牙non-fluoride enamel opacities 非氟性釉质混浊症paramolar 副磨牙persistence of deciduous teeth 乳牙滞留premature eruption 早萌premature loss 过早脱落regional odontodysplasia 区域性牙发育不良retarded eruption 延迟萌出shell-teeth 壳状牙supernumerary teeth, additional teeth, hyperdontia 多生牙supplemental teeth 附加牙talon cusp 鹰爪尖Taurodontism 牛牙症tetracycline stained teeth 四环素牙Turner teeth Turner 牙第九章龋病A. naeslundii 内氏放线菌A. viscosus 黏性放线菌acidogenic theory 酸原学说acquired pellicle 获得性薄膜Actinomyces 放线菌属acute caries 急性龋arrested caries 静止性龋bacterial plaque 菌斑biofilm 生物膜body of the lesion 病损体部cementum caries 牙骨质龋chemico-bacterial theory 化学细菌学说chemico-parasitic theory 化学寄生学说chronic caries 慢性龋dark zone 暗层dental caries 龋病dentin caries 牙本质龋enamel caries 釉质龋L. acidophilus 嗜酸乳杆菌L. casei 干酪乳杆菌L. fermentus 发酵乳杆菌Lactobacilli 乳杆菌属Mutans Streptococci 链球菌属pit and fissure caries 窝沟龋proteolysis-chelation theory 蛋白溶解,螯合学说proteolytic theory 蛋白溶解学说rampant caries 称猛性龋root caries 根龋S. mitis 轻链球菌S. mutans 变形链球菌S. sanguis 血链球菌S. sobrinus 远缘球菌salivary pellicle 唾液薄膜smooth surface caries 平滑面龋smooth surface caries 平滑面龋surface zone 表层three primary factors theory "三联因素"学说translucent zone 透明层translucent zone 透明层zone of bacterial invasion 细菌侵入层zone of demineralization 脱矿层zone of destruction 坏死崩解层第十章牙髓病leukotriene, LT 白三烯interleukin, IL 白细胞介素residual pulpitis 残髓炎vacuolar degeneration of the odontoblastic layer 成牙本质细胞空泡变性acute suppurative pulpitis 急性化脓性牙髓炎acute serous pulpitis 急性浆液性牙髓炎acute pulpitis 急性牙髓炎reversible pulpitis 可复性牙髓炎chronic closed pulpitis 慢性闭锁性牙髓炎chronic ulcerative pulpitis 慢性溃疡性牙髓炎chronic pulpitis 慢性牙髓炎chronic hyperplastic pulpitis 慢性增生性牙髓炎disseminated calcification 弥散性钙化retrograde pulpitis 逆行性牙髓炎prostaglandin, PG 前列腺素pulp stone 髓石idiopathic resorption 特发性吸收Endotoxin 细菌内毒素internal tooth resorption 牙内吸收pulp degeneration 牙髓变性pulp degeneration and necrosis 牙髓变性坏死pulp hyperemia 牙髓充血pulp calcification 牙髓钙化pulp necrosis 牙髓坏死pulp necrobiosis 牙髓渐进性坏死reticular atrophy of the pulp 牙髓网状萎缩pulp polyp 牙髓息肉pulp fibrosis 牙髓纤维性变pulpitis 牙髓炎tooth resorption 牙体吸收external tooth resorption 牙外吸收anachoresis 引菌作用tumour necrosis factor,TNF 肿瘤坏死因子transfer growth factor, TGF 转化生长因子第十一章根尖周炎acute alveolar abscess 急性牙槽脓肿acute periapical periodontitis 急性根尖周炎acute serous periapical periodontitis 急性浆液性根尖周炎acute suppurative periapical periodontitis 急性化脓性根尖周炎cellulites 蜂窝织炎chronic alveolar abscess 慢性牙槽脓肿chronic periapical abscess 慢性根尖周脓肿chronic periapical periodontitis 慢性根尖周炎chronic suppurative periapical periodontitis 慢性化脓性根尖周炎condensing osteitis 致密性骨炎endotoxin 内毒素interleukin, IL 白细胞介素lipoteichoic acids 磷脂壁酸peplidoglyans 肽葡聚糖periapical condensing osteoitis 根尖周致密性骨炎periapical cyst 根尖囊肿periapical granuloma 根尖肉芽肿periapical granuloma 根尖周肉芽肿periapical periodontitis 根尖周炎prostaglandin, PG 前列腺素transfer growth factor, TGF 转化生长因子tumor necrosis factor, TNF 肿瘤坏死因子第十二章牙周组织病abcesses of the periodontium 牙周脓肿Actinobacillus actinomycetem comitans,Aa 放线共生放线杆菌actinomyces viscosus,Av 黏性放线菌acute necrotizing gingivitis 急性坏死性龈炎acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 急性坏死性溃疡性龈炎adhesion 黏附aggregation 聚集aggressive periodontitis 侵袭性牙周炎atrophy 萎缩Bcteroides forsythus,Bf 福赛斯类杆菌becteroides melaninogenicus 中间型产黑色素拟杆菌capno gingivalis 牙龈二氧化碳嗜纤维菌cellular adhesion molecules,CAM 细胞黏附分子chronic gingivitis 慢性龈炎chronic periodontitis 慢性牙周炎coaggregation 共聚collagenase 胶原酶collagenase 胶原酶colloid body 胶样小体congenital familial fibromatosis 先天性家族性纤维瘤病degeneration 变性dental plaque biofilm 牙菌斑生物膜dental plaque-induced gingival disease 牙菌斑性牙龈病desquamative lesion of gingival 剥脱性龈病损developmental or acquired deformities and conditions 发育性或获得性异常及其状况Diabetes 糖尿病diffuse atrophy of alveolar bone 牙槽骨弥漫性萎缩Down Syndrome Down综合征dystrophy 营养不良ecogenetics 生态遗传学epithelial attachment 上皮附着fusospirochetal gingivitis 梭螺菌龈炎gingival cleft 龈裂gingival col 龈谷gingival crevicular fluid, GCF龈沟液gingival diseases 牙龈病gingival enlargement associated with leukemia 白血病性龈增大gingival hyperplasia 龈增生gingival pocket 龈袋gingival recession 牙龈退缩gingival sulcus 牙龈沟gingivitis with leukemia 伴白血病性龈炎hereditary gingival fibromatosis 遗传性牙龈纤维瘤病hereditary gingival hyperplasia 遗传性龈增生human leukocyte antigen, HLA 人类白细胞抗原hyaluronidase 透明质酸酶hyperkeratosis of palms and soles-premature periodontal destruction of teeth syndrome 掌跖角化-牙周破坏综合征idiopathic gingival hyperplasia 特发性龈增生idiopathic plasma cell gingivostomatitis 特发性浆细胞龈口炎inflammation 炎症inter-cellular adhesion molecules-1,ICAM-1 细胞间黏附分子-1 interferon-γ,IFN-γ 干扰素-γinterleukin,IL 白细胞介素intrabony pocket 骨内袋junctional epithelium 结合上皮lipopolysaccharedes,LPS 脂多糖marginal gingivitis 边缘性龈炎matrix metalloprotinases,MMPs 基质金属蛋白酶medication-influenced gingivitis 药物性龈炎metalloproteinases 金属蛋白酶mucin 黏蛋白necrotizing periodontal diseases 坏死性牙周病neoplasia 肿瘤non-plaque-induced gingival lesions 非菌斑性牙龈病损occlusal trauma 咬合创伤oral salivary glands 口腔涎腺osteoblast,OB 成骨细胞osteoclast defferentation factor,ODF 破骨细胞分化因子osteoclast,OC 破骨细胞osteoporoterin,OPG 骨保护因子papillary gingivitis 牙龈乳头炎periodontal degeneration 牙周变性periodontal diseases 牙周病periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic diseases 反应全身疾病的牙周炎periodontitis associated with endodontic lesions 伴有牙髓病变的牙周炎periodontitis 牙周炎periodontosis 牙周症plasma cell gingivitis 浆细胞龈炎Porphyromonas gingivalis,P.g 牙龈卟啉单胞菌pregnancy gingivitis 妊娠期龈炎presenile atrophy 早老性萎缩pressure side 压迫侧proteinases 蛋白酶pubertal gingivitis 青春期龈炎receptor activator of NF-κB ligand,RANKL 破骨细胞核因子κB受体活化因子配基receptor activator of NF-κB,RANK 破骨细胞核因子κB受体活化因子saliva 唾液secondary occlusal trauma 继发性咬合创伤senile atrophy 老年性萎缩steroid hormone-influenced gingivitis 激素性龈炎supragingival pocket 骨上袋susceptibility 易感性T.maltophilum 嗜麦芽糖密螺旋体tension side 张力侧tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase,TIMP 金属蛋白酶的抑制剂trauma 创伤traumatic occlusion 创伤性咬合trench mouth 战壕口炎Treponema 密螺旋体属TNF-α 肿瘤坏死因子-α tumor necrosis factor-α,vascular cell adhesion molecules-1,VCAM-1 血管细胞黏附分子-1 Vincent gingivitis 奋森龈炎vitamin C deficient gingivitis 维生素C缺乏性龈炎第十三章口腔粘膜病acantholysis 棘层松解acanthosis 棘层增生acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS 获得性免疫缺陷综合征amyloidosis 舌淀粉样变antinuclear antibody,ANA 抗核抗体apoptosis 凋亡ballooning degeneration 气球样变basophilic degeneration 嗜碱性变Behcet syndrome 白塞综合征benign lymphoadenosis of mucosa 黏膜良性淋巴组织增生病benign migratory glossitis 良性游走性舌炎benign mucous membrane pemphigoid 良性黏膜类天疱疮bulla 大疱candida albicans 白色念珠状菌candidiasis 念珠菌病cell apoptosis 细胞凋亡cheilitis granulomatosa 肉芽肿性唇炎chronic discoid lupus erythematosus 慢性盘状红斑狼疮colloid body 胶样小体crusts 痂dyskeratosis 角化不良epithelial atrophy 上皮萎缩epithelial dysplasia 上皮异常增生erosion 糜烂erythema multiforme exsudativum 多形渗出性红斑erythroplakia 红斑erythroplasia 增殖性红斑erythroplastic lesion 红色增殖性病变geographic tongue 地图舌granular erythroplakia 颗粒型红斑herpes simplex 单纯性疱疹herpetic stomatitis 疱疹性口炎HIV-gingivitis HIV牙龈炎homogenous erythroplakia 均质型红斑human immunodeficiency virus,HIV 人免疫缺陷病毒hyper- orthokeratosis 过度正角化hyperkeratosis 过度角化hyperparakeratosis 过度不全角化interspersed erythroplakia 间杂型红斑leukoedema 白色水肿leukoplakia 白斑lichen planus, LP 扁平苔藓lichen planus pemphigoides, LPP 类天疱疮样扁平苔藓lupus band 狼疮带macule 斑melanophages 噬黑色素细胞necrotizing gingivitis 坏死性龈炎non-Hodgkin lymphoma 非霍奇金淋巴瘤oculo-oral-genital syndrome 眼、口、生殖器三联综合征oral candidiasis 口腔念珠菌病oral hairy leukoplakia,OHL 口腔毛状白斑oral Kaposi sarcoma,KS 口腔卡波西肉瘤oral melanoplakia 口腔黑斑oral submucous fibrosis 口腔黏膜下纤维化papule 丘疹pemphigus 天疱疮periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens,PMNR 复发性坏死性黏膜腺周围炎potentially malignant disorder 潜在恶性病变precancerous lesion 癌前病变precancerous lesions of oral mucosa, PLOM 口腔黏膜癌前病变premalignant condition of oral mucosa, PCOM 口腔黏膜癌前状态programmed cell death 程序化细胞死亡pseudomembrane 假膜recurrent aphthous stomatitis, RAS 复发性阿弗他口炎recurrent aphthous ulcer,RAU 复发性阿弗他溃疡reticular degeneration 网状变性rhagade 皲裂sarcoidosis 结节病spongiosis 海绵形成ulcer 溃疡vaculation and liquefaction of basal cell 基底细胞空泡性变及液化vesicle 疱Wegener granulomatosis 韦格内肉芽肿white folded disease 白皱折病white sponge nevus 白色海绵状斑痣第十四章颌骨疾病acute suppurative osteomyelitis 急性化脓性骨髓炎aggressive osteoblastoma 侵袭性成骨细胞瘤brown tumor 棕色瘤cherubism 巨颌症chondroma 软骨瘤chondrosarcoma, CHS 软骨肉瘤chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis 慢性局灶性硬化性骨髓炎chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis 慢性骨髓炎伴增生性骨膜炎chronic suppurative osteomyelitis 颌骨慢性化脓性骨髓炎clear cell chondrosarcoma,CCCH S 透明细胞软骨肉瘤condensing osteitis 致密性骨炎conventional osteosarcoma 普通型骨肉瘤dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma 未分化软骨肉瘤desmoplastic fibroma of bone,DMPF 骨促结缔组织增生性纤维瘤enchondromatosis 内生软骨瘤病eosinophilic granuloma 嗜酸性细胞肉芽肿Ewing's sarcoma 尤文肉瘤familial fibrous dysplasia of the jaws 家族性颌骨纤维异常增殖症familial mulitilocular cystic disease of jaws 家族性颌骨多囊性病Fibrous dysplasia,FD 纤维结构不良Garré's chronic nonsuppurative sclerosing ostitis Garré慢性非化脓性硬化性骨炎Garré's osteomyelitis Garré骨髓炎giant cell granuloma 巨细胞肉芽肿giant cell lesions of the jaws 颌骨巨细胞病变giant cell reparative granuloma 巨细胞修复性肉芽肿ground-glass appearance 磨玻璃样Hand-Schuller-Christian disease 汉-许-克病high grade surface osteosarcoma 高级别表面骨肉瘤high-turnover state 骨改建亢进histiocytosis X 组织细胞增生症Xhyperparathyroidism 甲状旁腺功能亢进Langerhans cell disease 朗格汉斯细胞病Langerhans cell histiocytosis 朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症Letterer-Siwe disease 勒-雪病low grade central osteosarcoma 低级别中心骨肉瘤mesenchymal chondrosarcoma,MCHS 间叶性软骨肉瘤myeloma 骨髓瘤osteoblastoma 成骨细胞瘤osteochondroma 骨软骨瘤osteoid osteoma 骨样骨瘤osteoma 骨瘤osteomyelitis of jaws 颌骨骨髓炎osteoradionecrosis 放射性骨坏死osteosarcoma 骨肉瘤parosteal osteosarcoma 骨旁骨肉瘤periosteal osteosarcoma 骨膜骨肉瘤periostitis ossificans 骨化性骨膜炎peripheral giant cell granuloma 周围性巨细胞肉芽肿plasmacytoma 浆细胞瘤primary chondrosarcoma 原发性软骨肉瘤primitive neuroectodermal tumor, PNET 原始神经外胚层肿瘤radiation osteomyelitis 颌骨放射性骨髓炎secondary osteosarcoma 继发性骨肉瘤small cell osteosarcoma 小细胞骨肉瘤telangiectatic ostersarcoma 毛细血管扩张型骨肉瘤Touton giant cell 图顿巨细胞tuberculous osteomyelitis 结核性骨髓炎tunneling resorption 穿凿性吸收第十五章颞下颌关节病condylar hyperplasia 髁突增生diffuse type giant cell tumour of tendon sheath 弥漫型腱鞘巨细胞瘤eburnation 象牙化loose body 游离体osteoarthritis,OA 骨关节炎osteoarthrosis 骨关节病osteophytic lipping 骨赘性唇状突pannus 血管翳pigmented villonodular synovitis, PVNS 色素性绒毛结节性滑膜炎rheumatoid arthritis,RA 类风湿性关节炎rheumatoid nodule 类风湿性小结synovial chondromatosis 滑膜软骨瘤病temporomandibular disorder, TMD 颞下颌关节紊乱病vermiform bodies 蚓状小体vertical cleft or tangentical cleft 垂直或水平方向裂隙villous projection 绒毛状突起第十六章涎腺非肿瘤性疾病与涎腺肿瘤aberrant salivary gland 迷走唾液腺accessory salivary gland 副唾液腺acinic cell adenocarcinoma 腺泡细胞腺癌acinic cell adenoma 腺泡细胞腺瘤acinic cell carcinoma 腺泡细胞癌acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS 获得性免疫缺陷综合征actinomycosis of salivary glands 唾液腺放线菌病acute pyogenic paratitis 急性化脓性腮腺炎acute sialadenitis 急性唾液腺炎adenocarcinoma,not otherwise specified 非特异性腺癌adenoid cystic carcinoma 腺样囊性癌adenolymphoma 腺淋巴瘤adenomatoid hyperplasia of mucous glands 黏液腺腺瘤样增生adenomatosis of minor salivary glands 小唾液腺腺瘤病adenomyoepithelioma 腺肌上皮瘤aplasia of salivary gland 唾液腺发育不全basal cell adenoma 基底细胞腺瘤basal cell adenoma, canalicular type 小管状型基底细胞腺瘤basal reserve cell theory 基底储备细胞理论canalicular adenoma 小管状腺瘤carcinoma arising in a benign mixed tumour 良性混合瘤中的癌carcinoma arising in a pleomorphic adenoma 多形性腺瘤中的癌carcinoma ex benign mixed tumour 良性混合瘤癌变carcinoma ex lymphoepithelial lesion 淋巴上皮病变癌变carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma 多形性腺瘤癌变carcinoma in pleomorphic adenoma 癌在多形性腺瘤中chromogranin A 嗜酪素Achronic recurrent parotitis 慢性复发性腮腺炎chronic sclerosing si aladenitis 慢性硬化性唾液腺炎chronic sialadenitis 慢性唾液腺炎clear cell adenocarcinoma 透明细胞腺癌clear cell adenoma 透明细胞腺瘤clear cell carcinoma 透明细胞癌clear cell carcinoma, not otherwise specified 非特异性透明细胞癌clear cell oncocytoma 透明细胞大嗜酸粒细胞瘤comedo carcinoma 粉刺状癌congenital absence of salivary gland 唾液腺先天性缺失cribriform salivary carcinoma of excretory ducts 排泄管筛状唾液腺癌crystalloids 晶样体cylindroma 圆柱瘤cystadenocarcinoma 囊腺癌cystadenolymphoma 淋巴囊腺瘤cystadenoma 囊腺瘤cystic duct adenoma 囊性导管腺瘤cytomegalic inclusion disease 巨细胞包涵体病degenerative sialosis 变性型唾液腺肿大症degenerative swelling of salivary gland 唾液腺退行性肿大development anomalies of salivary gland 唾液腺发育异常developmental anomalies of ducts 导管发育异常developmental lingual salivary gland depression 发育性舌侧下颌唾液腺陷入displacement of salivary gland 唾液腺异位ductal papilloma 导管乳头状瘤ductoacinar unit 导管腺泡单位epidemic parotitis,mumps 流行性腮腺炎epidermoid carcinoma 表皮样癌epidermoid papillary adenoma 表皮样乳头状腺瘤epi-myoepithelial island 上皮肌上皮岛epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma 上皮-肌上皮癌glycogen-rich adenocarcinoma 富含糖原腺癌glycogen-rich adenoma 富含糖原腺瘤high-grade salivary duct carcinoma 高度恶性唾液腺导管癌high-grade transformation 高级别恶性转化HIV-associated salivary disease AIDS病病毒相关性唾液腺疾病human immunodeficiency virus,HIV 人类免疫缺陷病毒hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma 玻璃样透明细胞癌hybrid tumors 杂交瘤intraductal papillary hyperplasia 导管内乳头状增生intraductal papilloma 导管内乳头瘤inverted ductal papilloma 内翻性导管乳头状瘤Kuttner's tumour Küttner瘤large cell carcinoma 大细胞癌large cell undifferentiated carcinoma 大细胞未分化癌lobular carcinoma 小叶癌low-grade papillary adenocarcinoma of the palate 腭低度恶性乳头状腺癌lymphoeithelioma-like carcinoma 淋巴上皮瘤样癌lymphoepithelial carcinoma 淋巴上皮癌lymphoepithelial cyst 淋巴上皮囊肿malignant lymphoepithelial lesion 恶性淋巴上皮病变malignant mixed tumour 恶性混合瘤malignant papillary cystadenoma 恶性乳头状囊腺瘤malignant pleomorphic adenoma 恶性多形性腺瘤mixed epidermoid and mucus secreting carcinoma 混合性表皮样和黏液分泌性癌mixed tumour 混合瘤monomorphic adenoma 单形性腺瘤monomorphic adenoma, canalicular type 小管状型单形性腺瘤mucoepidermoid carcinoma 黏液表皮样癌mucoepidermoid tumor 黏液表皮样瘤mucusproducing adenopapillary[non-epidermoid] carcinoma 产黏液乳头状腺癌multicellular theory 多细胞理论myoepithelioma 肌上皮瘤necrotizing sialometaplasia 坏死性唾液腺化生neuroendocrine carcinoma 神经内分泌癌non-invasive carcinoma 非侵袭性癌oat cell carcinoma 燕麦细胞癌obstructive electrolyte sialadenitis 阻塞性电解质性唾液腺炎oncocytic cystadenoma 大嗜酸粒细胞囊腺瘤oncocytoma 大嗜酸粒细胞瘤oncotytic adenoma 大嗜酸粒细胞腺瘤oxyphilic adenoma 嗜酸性腺瘤papillary cystadenocarcinoma 乳头状囊腺癌papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum 淋巴乳头状囊腺瘤paraneoplastic syndromes 瘤外综合征pleomorphic adenoma 多形性腺瘤pluripotential unicellular reserve cell theory 多能单储备细胞理论polyarteritis 多动脉周围炎polycystic parotid gland 多囊腮腺polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma 多形性低度恶性腺癌polymyositis 多发性肌炎psammoma bodies 砂粒体radiant impair 放射线损伤salivary duct carcinoma 唾液腺导管癌salivary duct cyst 唾液腺导管囊肿salivary duct stone 唾液腺导管结石salivary gland cyst 唾液腺囊肿salivary gland virus disease 唾液腺病毒病sclerosing polycystic adenosis 硬化性多囊性腺病sebaceous adenoma 皮脂腺腺瘤semipluripotential bicellular reserve cell theory 半多能双储备细胞理论serous cell adenocarcinoma 浆液细胞腺癌serous cell adenoma 浆液细胞腺瘤sialadenitis 唾液腺炎sialadenoma papilliferum 乳头状唾液腺瘤sialadenosis 唾液腺症sialolithiasis 涎石病Sjǒgren syndrome 舍格伦综合征small cell anaplastic carcinoma 小细胞间变癌small cell carcinoma of the salivary glands 唾液腺小细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma 鳞状细胞癌static bony cavity 静止骨腔synaptophysin 突触素syringocystadenoma papilliferum 乳头状汗腺瘤terminal duct carcinoma 终末导管癌tubelo-acinae-comples 小管-腺泡复合体tuberculosis of salivary glands 唾液腺结核undifferentiated carcinoma with lymphoid stroma 伴有淋巴样间质的未分化癌undifferentiated carcinoma 未分化癌Warthin tumour without lymphoid stroma 无淋巴样间质的Warthin瘤Xerostomia 口干症第十七章口腔颌面部囊肿aneurysmal bone cyst 动脉瘤性骨囊肿botryoid odontogenic cyst 葡萄状牙源性囊肿branchial cleft cyst 鳃裂囊肿cervical lymphoepithelial cyst 颈部淋巴上皮囊肿dental lamina cyst of the newborn 新生儿牙板囊肿dentigerous cyst 含牙囊肿dermoid or epidermoid cyst 皮样或表皮样囊肿epithelial cysts of the jaws 颌骨上皮性囊肿epithelial plaque 上皮斑eruption cyst 萌出囊肿follicular cyst 滤泡囊肿gingival cyst of adults 成人龈囊肿gingival cyst of infants 婴儿龈囊肿glandular odontogenic cyst 腺牙源性囊肿globlo-maxillary cyst 球状上颌囊肿heterotopic oral gastrointestinal cyst 异位口腔胃肠囊肿inflammatory collateral cyst 炎症性根侧囊肿lateral periodontal cyst 发育性根侧囊肿mandibular infected buccal cyst 下颌感染性颊囊肿median mandibular cyst 下颌正中囊肿mucocele 黏液囊肿mucous extravasation cyst 外渗性黏液囊肿mucous retention cyst 潴留性黏液囊肿mucus producing odontogenic cyst 牙源性产粘液囊肿Nasolabial (Nasoalveolar) Cyst 鼻唇(鼻牙槽)囊肿Nasopalatine Duct (Incisive Canal) Cyst 鼻腭管(切牙管)囊肿odontogenic cyst 牙源性囊肿oral lymphoepithelial cyst 口腔淋巴上皮囊肿paradental cyst 牙旁囊肿plunging ranula 潜突型囊肿pseudocyst 假性囊肿radicular cyst 根尖囊肿ranula 舌下囊肿residual cyst 残余囊肿Rushton body 透明小体sialo-odontogenic cyst 涎腺牙源性囊肿simple bone cyst 单纯性骨囊肿static bone cyst 静止性骨囊肿teratoid cyst 口腔畸胎样囊肿thyroglossal tract cyst 甲状舌管囊肿第十八章牙源性肿瘤acanthomatous type 棘皮瘤型adenoameloblastoma 腺样成釉细胞瘤adenomatoid odontogenic tumor 牙源性腺样瘤ameloblastic carcinoma - primary type 成釉细胞癌,原发型ameloblastic carcinoma - secondary type (dedifferentiated) 成釉细胞癌,继发型(去分化)ameloblastic carcinoma 成釉细胞癌。