CH2 HFSS仿真原理与使用方法

求函数u→求系数a 连续→离散 函数→代数 (2)加权残数法:。
0, i j ui , u j 0, i j
u, v u vdV
函数通过内积形成泛函,即从矢量 函数空间到标量函数空间的映射。
1 Lu g, 2 Bu q
u近似解:u aiui
注意:HFSS的背景通常 默认为理想导体
2.2 HFSS仿真类型与过程
The four solution types:
Using HFSS, select type of solution needs to calculate: 1. Driven Modal: S-matrix of incident and reflected powers of WG modes. 2. Driven Terminal: S-matrix of terminal voltages and currents. 3. Eigen-mode: resonant frequency and fields at a particular resonance. 4. Transient: Calculating problems in the time domain.
四、HFSS 边界条件
激励设置在端口(Port)处; HFSS有8中激励形式; 选择合适的激励; 常用波端口激励。
六、HFSS 材料设置
3. HFSS的场求解
N 1 2 E k0 r E 0 E aiWi 注:四面体元内ai不为零 i 1 r 权函数 W j 1 2 E k0 rW j E dV 0, j 1, 2,..., N V W j 作内积 r

常用的微带带通滤波器有平行耦合微带线滤波器、发夹型滤波器、1/4波长短路短截线滤波器、交指滤波器等形式以及微带线的EBG (电磁带隙)、DGS(缺陷地结构)等新结构形式。
02平行耦合带通滤波器结构与模型的创建平行耦合带通滤波器原理平行耦合单元由两根相互平行且有一定间距的微带线组成,其结构图包括介质层、接地层和微带线如图 3.3 所示。
图中每根微带线的宽度和厚度分别为为W 和t;两根微带线的间距为S;介质层厚度和介电常数分别为h 和Er。
平行耦合带通滤波器的相对带宽BW 与中心频率、上边频和下边频有关,而奇模和偶模特征阻抗由低通滤波器参数g、滤波器输入输出端口特征阻抗Zo和耦合单元组成。

.《微波技术与天线》HFSS仿真实验报告实验二印刷偶极子天线设计专业通信工程年级2011 级姓名毛佳雯学号1116428042指导老师评分一、仿真实验内容和目的使用HFSS设计一个中心频率为 2.45GHz的采用微带巴伦馈线的印刷偶极子天线,并通过HFSS软件Opitmetrics模块的参数扫描分析功能对印刷偶极子天线的一些重要结构参数进行参数扫描分析,分析这些参数对天线性能的影响。
三、建模和仿真步骤1、新建 HFSS 工程,添加新设计,设置求解类型:Driven Modal。
创建长方体,名称设为 Substrate,材质为 FR4_epoxy,颜色为深绿色,透明度为0.6。
3、创建上层金属部分1)创建上层金属片,建立矩形面,名称 Top_Patch,颜色铜黄色。
画矩形面,名称 Dip_Patch,颜色铜黄色。
3)创建三角形斜切角,创建一个三角形面,把由矩形面 Top_Patch 和 Dip_Patch 组成的90 折线连接起来。
4、创建下表面金属片1)创建下表面传输线 Top_patch_1。
2)创建矩形面 Rectangle1。
3)创建三角形 polyline2。
2)设置辐射边界条件,材质设为 air。
7、求解设置:求解频率(Solution Frequency)为 2.45GHz,自适应网格最大迭代次数(Maximum Number of Passes):20,收敛误差(Maximum Delta S)为 0.02。

在第一节的单腔仿真学习中我们得到了一个单腔的 两个谐振频率。 其中 f1=0.90344GHz, f2=4.6452GHz 计算值f2为仿真的高次模。
实际测试时发现在仿真的高次模f2=4.64GHz之前约200-300MHz处出现谐 波,即在4.3GHz处出现谐波。
右击工程窗口的“Optimetrics”选项,选择“Add”-“Optimizaion…”。 在弹出的对话框中点击“Add”按钮,再点击“Calculation”按钮。
在弹出的对话框中选择 “S11”和“dB”,点 击“Insert Quantity Into Expression”按 钮,再在“name”栏输 入变量名字“mm1”。 同样的方法输入变量 “mm2”为“dB(S21).
(2)在HFSS中建立低通模型,按照下表的参数设置建立圆柱体1-7,再将 七个圆柱体联合成一个模型“Cylinder1”。设置其材料为“PEC”
Axis Cylinder1 0,0,0
Radius R0
Height 7mm
说明 低通两端50欧姆传输线
Cylinder3 Cylinder4 Cylinder5 Cylinder6 Cylinder7
为了更清晰的说明低通的仿真过程,我用一个五级的低通来 进行演示。
(1)运行Ansoft Designer软件 (2)点击插入电路设计“Insert Circuit Design”图标,见右图 (3)在出现的Layout对话框中点 击“None”,出现一个新的电路模 型图标。

在HFSS中,"IE"是指Integral Equation(积分方程)的缩写。
1. 创建模型:首先需要创建几何模型,可以通过绘制几何体、导入CAD文件等方式。
2. 定义材料:对于模型中的不同区域,可以定义不同的材料属性。
3. 设置求解器:在HFSS中,可以选择IE求解器进行求解。
4. 定义边界条件:在IE方法中,需要定义边界条件来描述场
5. 设置激励:在HFSS中,可以选择不同的激励方法对模型进
6. 运行求解器:设置完模型、材料、边界条件和激励后,可以

HFSS 高频仿真软件操作指南目录第一章创建工程 Project一、前期准备第二章创建模型 3DModeler一、绘制常见规则形状二、常用操作三、几种常见天线第三章参数及条件设置(材料参数、边界条件和激励源等) Setting一、设置材料参数二、设置辐射边界条件三、设置端口激励源四、特定边界设置第四章设置求解项并分析 Analyze一、设置分析Add Solution Setup二、确认设置并分析Validation Check Analyze All第五章查看结果 Results一、3D极化图(3D Polar Plot)二、3D直角图(3D Rectangular Plot)三、辐射方向图(Radiation Pattern)四、驻波比(VSWR)五、矩阵数据(Matrix Date)第一章创建工程一、前期准备1、运行HFSS后,左侧工程管理栏会自动创建一个新工程:Project n 。
由主菜单选File > Save as,保存到一个方便安全的文件夹,并命名。
(命名可包括下划线、字母和数字,也可以在Validation Check之前、设置分析和辐射场之后保存并命名)2、插入HFSS设计由主菜单选Project > Insert HFSS Design 或点击图标,(大口径的由主菜单选Project > Insert HFSS-IE Design)则一个新的项目自动加入到工程列表中,同时会出现3D画图窗口,上侧出现很多画图快捷图标。
3、选择求解类型由主菜单选HFSS > Solution Type(求解类型),选择Driven Model或Driven Terminal(常用)。
注:若模型中有类似于耦合传输线求耦合问题的模型一定要用DrivenTerminal,Driven Model适于其他模型,不过一般TEM模式(同轴、微带)传输的单终端模型一般用Driven Terminal分析。

hfss仿真实验报告HFSS仿真实验报告引言:HFSS(High Frequency Structure Simulator)是一款电磁仿真软件,广泛应用于高频电磁场分析和设计。
实验步骤:1. 建立模型:根据实验需求,首先在HFSS中建立相应的电磁场模型。
2. 设置边界条件:在模型建立完成后,需要设置边界条件,即模型与外界的交互方式。
3. 定义材料特性:根据实际材料的电磁特性,对模型中的材料进行定义和设置。
4. 设定激励源:在模型中添加激励源,即对电磁场进行激励的源头。
5. 运行仿真:完成上述设置后,即可运行仿真。

N o 16 D ec1
文章编号: 167226413 (2009) 0620040203
基于H F SS 的微带天线设计与仿真
来雪梅, 王代华, 张 哲
(中北大学, 山西 太原 030051)
摘要: 针对专用冲击波测试系统中微带天线的特性要求, 利用仿真软件H FSS 建立天线模型, 并对模型进行仿 真优化, 得到了最佳的天线参数。同时为该系统设计了中心频率为214 GH z的微带天线, 采用矢量网络分析仪 对天线的各参数进行了实测, 实测结果与仿真结果吻合, 验证了设计的有效性。 关键词: 微带天线; H FSS 软件; 仿真 中图分类号: TN 82 文献标识码: A
仿真曲线吻合较好。设计的天线在2149 GH z处的反射 系数达到- 31 dB、V SW R 值为1109、输入阻抗为Z in= 471293+ 6107j , 说明了本设计的有效性。
图 6 实测的V SW R 曲线图
图 4 仿真得到的史密斯圆图
图 5 实测的反射系数曲线图
4 结论 讨论了微带天线的设计原理, 根据天线尺寸的计
的波长为125 mm。综合考虑天线设计参ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ及环境适应
性要求, 最终选定介质基板厚度h= 018 mm , Εr= 414, 材料为 FR 4。 贴片和接地板材料为铜, 铜箔的厚度为
T , 其电导率为Ρ= 1157×107 s m。由式 (1) 可得: W ≤
38 mm。该值是微带天线宽度的最大值, 经过仿真、优
算公式, 分析了不同尺寸参数对微带天线的性能影响。 设计了中心频率为214 GH z的微带天线, 利用H FSS 软 件建立天线模型, 得出了天线特性的仿真曲线。 采用 矢量网络分析仪对设计的天线进行实测, 实测曲线与

hfss耦合器仿真设计范例-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在HFSS耦合器仿真设计范例这篇文章中,我们将介绍HFSS耦合器的原理和仿真设计步骤。
HFSS(High Frequency Structure Simulator)是一种电磁场仿真软件,广泛应用于高频电磁场仿真领域。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以包括以下信息:文章结构部分的主要目的是介绍整篇文章的组织方式,以及各个章节的内容概述。

物理光学法 PO
© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 7, 2014
1 2 3 4 电磁仿真算法概述 HFSS算法演变历程 各算法特点与应用 ( FEM, IE, PO, FEM-IE, PEM, Transient & HPC ) 在线 Q & A
HFSS 电磁仿真算法
• 有限元法 Finite Element Method
• • • • HFSS 主模块 有效处理复杂材料与几何结构 体网格,体积内场完全求解 可得到频域和时域求解结果
• 积分方程法 Integral Equations
• • • • HFSS-IE 选项模块 高效求解开放辐射和散射问题 面网格,仅求解表面电流 结构主要是金属时效果更好
把经典电磁学理论形式化、 系统化,把前人互补相关的 观测、实验、和电学、磁学 、光学的方程,融合成一个 自洽的理论,即麦克斯韦方 程组。麦克斯韦在电磁学上 取得的的成就被誉为继艾萨 克· 牛顿之后,“物理学的第
詹姆斯· 克拉克· 麦克斯韦 1831-1879
© 2014 ANSYS, Inc.
May 7, 2014
HFSS 更新历史
v13 v12
• 2009.09
v2014 R15
• 2013.12
• 3D Layout
• HPC增强
• 多功能 • 多层级 • 易用性

同介绍CST一样,先来讲讲有关HFSS的小故事:HFSS全称 high frequency structural simulator,其创始人是卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)大学教授Prof. Zoltan J. Cendes,他在加拿大麦吉尔大学(McGill University)念的硕士和博士,重点研究基于有限元的电磁计算。
1973年博士毕业后,他入职美国纽约通用公司,干了六年后回到母校麦吉尔大学当副教授,1982年转到卡内基梅隆大学担任教授,1984年创立了Ansoft公司(Analysis Software简称)。
1988年,鼎鼎有名的惠普公司(HP, Hewlett-Packard Corporation)找到他们进行合作,签订合同,要求Ansoft负责开发出一款电磁仿真软件,即HFSS,产品成熟后转交HP进行销售,Ansoft公司从中获得版权收益(注此时Ansoft公司很小很小,市场份额几乎为零,此举极有利于公司发展壮大)。

HFSS的基本界面什么是仿真模型?导入模型?Import From a File•HFSS和CST都可以从其它软件导入2D或3D图形。
Import From a File•HFSS手工绘制仿真模型?HFSS的画线菜单Draw Geometry•Basic Geometry–Line –Face –SolidHFSSCSTDraw Geometry•Transform–Line->Face–Face->solid旋转结构-螺旋的建模1. 定义要旋转的截面定义整个螺旋的圈数和高度NOTE: 旋转方向依赖右手法则5. 删掉刚才选的虚拟截面,按(D)拉伸生成扭曲波导选择面= -5 度基本3D 结构汇总方块圆柱圆环椭圆柱球体圆锥拉伸旋转Boolean (HFSS)•BooleanGeometry Transform (HFSS)•Transform–Arrange–Duplicate–Scale结构变换-窗口详解结构变换-效果举例四次平移依XOY平面镜像布尔运算(CST)两物体“相交”(立方体和圆球)布尔运算-操作步骤现以立方体“减”圆球为例,来说明布尔运算的操作步骤1. 原始两不同材料物体 5. 回车确定Working Coordnate System•Working CS(HFSS)工作坐标系-概述CST MWS中有两套坐标系统1. 全局坐标系(X,Y,Z)全局坐标系工作坐标系-应用举例(1)现用一立方体上倾斜圆柱的创建过程来举例说明WCS的用法1. 全局坐标系下的立方体3. 激活WCS,选中顶面工作坐标系-应用举例(2)5. 选中顶点 6. 让WCS与顶点对齐续工作坐标系-应用举例(3)12. 最终效果9. 将WCS沿V轴旋转30°10. 在WCS 下创建圆柱11. 在Overlap提示框中将二者相加Draw Equation Based CurveDraw Equation Based Surface由解析曲线生成旋转体1) 执行宏命令2)enter your functionFor xxx = 1.5 To 10 STEP 0.53) 使用捕捉功能对解析曲线闭合4) 由线到面5) 旋转analytic_curves.modFillet the selected EdgeChamfer the selected Edge倒角1. 原始物体 4.b 设置倒角半径5. 最终结果4.a 设置倒角宽度Objects->Chamfer Edges渐变操作选择要连接的2个面,以说明:不平行也可以操作掏空“掏空”功能对很多物体(如波导,喇叭,抛物面天线等)的建模都极为方便1. 原始物体2. 分别选中前后两个面参数化建模•在HFSS和CST中都可以参数化建模。

一、HFSS 原理总结HFSS (High Frequency Structure Simulator)1)基于电磁场有限元方法(FEM )2)可对任意三维波形进行全波分析求解3)自适应网格剖分技术(一般情况下自适应网格剖分足以得到较为精确的数值,如果自己设定的话,可针对需要特别精确结果的位置)求解原理1)将结构划分为有限元网格(自适应网格剖分)2)在每一个激励端口处计算与端口具有相同界面的传输线所支持的模式 3)假设每次激励一个模式,计算结构内部全部电磁场模式 4)由得到的反射两和传输量计算广义S 矩阵散射参量S 计算1)基本计算:OL OL Z Z Z Z S +-=,Z L 输入阻抗,Z o 输出阻抗.2)S 参数是就端口的反射波而言定义的。
S 参数常用于特高频和微波频率,因为在这类高频条件下,电压和电流很难直接测定。
S 参数矩阵方程定义为其中是端口k 上的入射波,是端口k 上的反射波,一般规定和与功率的平方根有关,因此二者与波电压有关,定义如下:其中是每一个端口基准阻抗构成的对角矩阵,是的按元素的(element —wise )复共轭矩阵,和分别是每一个端口电压和电流的列向量,且若假设每一个端口上的基准阻抗均相等,则定义可简化:其中是每一端口的特性阻抗.3)若在端口1加入射功率波,由其引起的出射波一部分会出现在端口1(),另一部分会出现在端口2();同理,端口2加入射功率波,由其引起的出射波一部分会出现在端口1(),另一部分会出现在端口2().端口1的两股出射波之和为,端口2的两股出射波之和为.不过还存在一种特殊情况:按照S参数的定义,若端口2终端接入的负载阻抗与系统阻抗相等(端口2匹配),那么由最大功率传输定理,会被完全吸收,这使得等于零。

HFSS仿真耦合器使用说明一.软件安装1.打开\HFSS92\Max文件夹,运行autorun,选择install HFSS进行安装。
选择菜单file>new,从project菜单选择insert HFSS design。
选择菜单HFSS>solution type,点选第一项Driven Model。
选择菜单3D Modeler>Units。
选择View> Fit All>Active View或者按ctral+D键,在窗口内预览全部图形。
选择View> Fit All>Active View或者按ctral+D键,在窗口内预览全部图形。
选择View> Fit All>Active View或者按ctral+D键,在窗口内预览全部图形。

利用Ansoft HFSS-IE 设计Ka波段低副瓣抛物反射面天线文章来源: ANSYS 2011中国用户大会优秀论文录入: 点击数: 628【摘要】本文仿真设计了一种工作于Ka 波段的低副瓣抛物反射面天线,该天线采用馈源前置式单反射面形式。
馈源采用E 面扇形喇叭天线,利用先进的三维电磁场仿真软件Ansoft HFSS v12 首先对馈源进行了仿真与优化设计,得到了满足技术指标要求的结构参数。
在此基础上,利用Ansoft HFSS 与HFSS-IE 协同设计了所要求的抛物反射面天线。
此外,通过整个设计过程以及软件仿真结果也直接证明了HFSS-IE 计算的准确性以及快速实用性,对于大口径反射面天线的设计具有一定的指导价值。
1 引言单反射面天线是指用一个反射面来获得所需方向图的天线系统,其中抛物反射面天线是最经典,用的最多的一种形式。
抛物面由抛物线绕其轴线oz 旋转一周形成;馈源可以采用多种形式,如带反射板的短偶极子[2],缝隙天线,喇叭天线等,且馈源视在相位中心应放置于抛物面的焦点F上。
图1 抛物反射面天线组成及其几何参数一般地,仿真设计抛物反射面天线时大都采用基于几何光学法(PO)的软件,常用的比如FEKO、GRASP 等。

HFSS电磁仿真最简单教程Ansoft HFSS Tutorial:StriplineDr.Ryan S.AdamsMarch12,2008This tutorial introduces the interface of Ansoft’s HFSS,and walks the student through an example problem ofcreating,simulating and evaluating the response of a standard stripline structure.1Starting HFSSAt UNCC,the HFSS application resides on a Linux based server by the name of“hertz”which is part of the Recon?gurable Computing System(rcs).The best way to access this server is through the Mosaic system.1.1Logging Into Mosiac Linux ServerWhen you are logged in to one of the Mosaic windows computers,you?rst need to log in to Exceed Linux.This is done by selecting the start menu=>All Programs=>MOSAIC XP =>Unix Connectivity=>Exceed Linux,as shown in Figure1.1.This should bring you to a screen that looks something like Figure1.1.In the box,lxs-sm1and lxs-sm2are identical linux servers that are maintained by Mosaic.Highlight whichever one you prefer and click OK.You should then be presented with a login screen for Red Hat Enterprise Linux5;use your normal Mosaic login ID and password to login to the linux server.1.2Logging into the Recon?gurable Computing System Network At this stage,you should be looking at a linuxdesktop(probably with a red background).To log in to the RCS network,start from a command prompt.To do this,right click anywhere on the desktop and click“Open Terminal”in the pop–down menu that appears.In the terminal that appears perform the following commands:1.type ssh-C-Y rcs you should now be prompted to log into the rcs system–do not use your mosaic password,use your rcs password instead.2.type ssh-C-Y hertz you should now be prompted to log into hertz–use thesame password that you used to log into the rcs network.3.type hfss and wait a few moments for the gui to appear.1Figure1:Path in Windows Mosaic to access Exceed Linux servers.Figure2:Selecting a Linux server.Note:The?rst time you log into hfss,it will prompt you for certain?le/doc/457015781ed9ad51f01df261.html e the defaults and follow the prompts until the gui appears.You may?nd yourself back at a command prompt.If this happens,just retype hfss and the gui should come up.2The HFSS InterfaceThe main HFSS interface is shown in Figure2,which illustrates the main components of the gui.They are summarized as follows:3D Modeler Window This is the area where you create the model geometry.This window consists of the model view area(or grid)and the history tree as shown in Figure2.The history tree documents the actions that have been taken in the model view area,and provides an alternative way to select objects in the model view area.Project Manager with Project Tree The project manager window displays details about all open HFSS projects.Each project ultimately includes a geometric model,its boundary conditions and material assignments,and?eld solution and post processing information.An expanded view of the project manager is shown in Figure2Properties Window The properties window consists of two tabs.The command tab displays information about an action selected in the history tree that was performed to either create an object or modify an object.The attribute tab displays information about the material and display properties of a selected object.Progress Window This window is used when a simulation is running to monitor the solution’s progress.Message Manager This window displays messages associated with a project’s devel-opment(such as error messages about the design’s setup)3Setting up HFSSBefore you can use HFSS for the?rst time,there are a couple of items that need to be con?gured for e?cient and accurate operation.1.On the Tools menu,select Options=>General Options...,click the Default Units taband ensure that Length is set to mm.Click OK.2.On the Tools menu,select Options=>HFSS Options...,ensure the Include ferritematerials check box is checked.Click the Solver tab,set the number of Processors to 4,Desired RAM Limit(MB)to6000and the Maximum RAM Limit(MB)to8000.Click OK.You should now be ready to use HFSS.WindowProjectManagerwithProjectTree MessageManagerWindowPropertyWindowFigure 3:Main screen of HFSS.4An Example:A Simple Stripline CircuitTo begin to appreciate the functionality of this simulation tool,we will create and simulate a simple stripline transmission line.Before we can begin to work through the simulation,we need to design the circuit on paper.We wish to design a 50? stripline transmission line that is 10cm long using te?on ( r =2.08,tan δ=0.0004).The overall material thickness we’ll choose to be 1cm.Therefore,√eprZ ?=72.11<120and the following equation should be used to compute the trace width of this transmission line:W b =30π√ r Z ??0.441.(1)With our choice of material thickness,W =0.866cm.Now that we have the geometry completely de?ned,we are ready to open HFSS and build the model.We’ll do this in the 3D modeler window.4.1Creating the DielectricThe ?rst component of the geometry that we’ll draw is the dielectric.This is a solid rectangle of te?on,which can be drawn by selecting Draw =>box in the ?le menu.To make the box the correct size,you can either1.input the x ,y ,z coordinates of each component of the box into the appropriate ?eldsat the bottom of the 3D model window,orTree Model ViewAreaFigure4:3D Modeler Window,which consists of the model view area and the history tree.2.click randomly in the3D model window three times to create a box and edit the sizein the properties box.To do this,click the command tab in the properties box and input the correct start position,andxsize,ysize and zsize for our box.For our stripline circuit,we want to box to be200mm in the x-direction,40mm in the y-direction and10mm in the z-direction.The box should start at the location(-100mm, -20mm,-5mm)with XSize=200mm,YSize=40mm and ZSize=10mm.The material parameters are set by clicking on the attribute tab in the properties window.Click on the block that says Vacuum and a window should open titled“Select De?nition.”Highlight Te?on in the materials list and click OK.If you wish to change the color or transparency of the box you may also do so in the attribute tab.At this point,the box should cover the entire screen.To view the entire box,click the button with a picture of a magnifying glass with a white square in the middle.This button “?ts all the contents in the view.”All that remains is to create the center trace of the stripline.4.2Creating the Center TraceWe will create the center trace as an in?nitesimally thin strip.To do this,we select Draw =>rectangle in the?le menu.We can de?ne the size and location of the rectangle in the same manner as for the dielectric above.Our strip widthis8.66mm,and1000mm long,so the position is(-100,-8.66/2,0)and XSize=200mm,YSize=8.66mm.Since the trace has no thickness,we do not apply any material attributes to it.We will make it into a conductor using the boundary conditions.Figure5:Project Manager window illustrating the boundery conditions,excitation,etc.of the current model.4.3Boundary ConditionsThe following boundary conditions must be applied to this device:Perfect E boundary on the top of the dielectric(simulates a metal layer)Perfect E boundary on the bottom of the dielectric(simulates a metal layer)Perfect E boundary on the trace(simulates a metal layer)Radiation boundary on the long sides of the dielectric(simulates the material extending to innity in that direction)To apply these boundary conditions,right click in the3D modeler window and click“Select Faces”.Now,select the top face,bottom face and the strip using the control key.Note:to select faces beneath what you can see,click the face you want and press the“b”key until the desired face is selected.With these three items selected,right click in the“white–space”of the3D modeler window and highlight“Assign Boundary,”and click“Perfect E...”.Click OK. Next,select the long sides of the dielectric using the control key.Right click in the white–space of the3D modeler window and highlight“Assign Boundary,”andclick“Radiation...”Click OK.To check that the boundaries are created correctly,expand the“Boundaries”item in the Project Tree,and you shouldsee“PerfE1”and“Rad1”or similar.Highlight PerfE1,and you should see hash marks indicating which regions of the model apply to this boundary. Highlight Rad1to see the same information for the radiation boundary.4.4ExcitationsWe will create a“Waveport”excitation at each end of the circuit.To do so,we perform the following steps:1.Select the face of the nearest end of the circuit2.right click in the3D modeler window and select Assign Excitation=>Wave Port.3.Click Next4.Under“Integration Line,”click the word None,and select New Line...5.In the3D modeler window,click the center of the bottom of the selected face(a trianglewill appear)6.Click the center of the trace7.Clck Next8.Click FinishThe same steps should be performed to create a wave port at the other end of the circuit.4.5AnalysisPerform the following steps to set up the analysis options:1.Right click on Analysis in the Project Tree,and select“Add Solution Setup”2.Under the General tab:(a)Set the solution frequency to20GHz(b)Set the maximum number of passes to30(c)Set maximum Delta S to0.013.Under the Options tab:(a)Set the Maximum Re?nement per pass to20%(b)Set the Order of Basis Functions to Second OrderPerform the following steps to set up the frequency sweep:1.Under the Analysis item in the Project Tree,right-click on Setup12.Select Add Frequency Sweep...3.Set start frequency to1GHz4.Set stop frequency to20GHz5.Set step size to0.25GHz6.Click OK4.6Final Checks and Running the SimulationSelect HFSS=>Validation Check...to ensure the project is prepared for simulation(click close).Save the project by clicking on the save icon at the top of the screen.Right-click setup1under Analysis in the project tree,select Analyze to begin the sim-ulation.At this point the progress window should show the progress of the simulation, beginning with the mesh generation.4.7Simulation ResultsTo view the results of the simulation,perform the following steps:1.Right click on the results item in the Project Tree2.Click Create Modal Solution Data Report=>Rectangular Plot3.Under the trace tab,select the?rst S-Parameter that you wish to view and click NewReport4.Add additional S-Parameters by highlighting them and clicking Add Trace5.Click Close。

HFSS天线仿真操作步骤画激励面点选矩形框1 设置边界条件1 选择某个需要设成地的面,然后2 设为地平面(打钩)注:辐射单元也需要设置,但不需要在无线地的选项中打钩。
2 设介质选择好某个体,Box1.在下面的菜单中有“Material”项目。
选“Add Material”,又弹出一个菜单将原介电常数数值1修改为4.5后点“OK”则该处改为2.65点“确定”3 设置金属化孔重新选择某个面:“Edit”“Select”“By Nane”弹出菜单选择金属化通孔,点“OK”点框图中的“vacuum”(真空)弹出一个菜单移动滑动条到出现“copper”双击,确定。
4设置激励端口选“Wave Port”,弹出一个菜单。
选“下一步”点“None”,弹出下拉菜单,选“New Line”出现下面菜单设电场方向从下底板拉到上底板,但方向必须是垂直的为保证是垂直的,dx必须为0. 回车后弹出菜单点“下一步”出现下面菜单选择选完成。
5 创建辐射边界1 选2 输入合适数值3 输入合适数值4 回车确定5 辐射边界的一个面必须和激励面是一个面。
点右键,选“View”“Hide Selection”6 选择步进值点“放大镜”符号弹出一个菜单设置步进值点,弹出下面菜单:点“确定”,弹出下面菜单:修改几个数值:8 运行中心频率选“4G”打开“Setup1”下面的“Sweep1”修改步进值为“0.01”10输出曲线1 用左键点击“Results”弹出下拉菜单:选第一个“Create Report”(创建报告)弹出一个菜单点“OK”,弹出一个菜单:选“Done”即可输出曲线12 表面电流分布的输出1 选择要分析电流的那个面点右键,选“Fields”,“E”“Mag_E”,弹出一个菜单选“Done”,即可显示结果。

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反射面天线设计新方法向胜昭ANSYS高级应用工程师天线设计指标①天线扫描方式②天线工作频率③天线增益④天线尺寸限制⑤天线重量要求⑥天线波束覆盖⑦天线副瓣电平⑧天线极化形式⑨天线驻波……决定天线采用什么样的形式具体实现反射面?反射面天线应用分类反射面天线解决方案•“高增益、低副瓣、相控阵”反射面天线•难点:–Electrically Large–High Accuracy (Low sidelobe, shelter)–High complexity(Active match, complicated shelter)Electrically Large高阶有限元+迭代法矩阵求解器场到场链接(Data Link )混合阶网格剖分(Mixed Element Order)区域分解法(DomainDecomposition Method) 曲面共形网格剖分(Curvilinear Meshing )…HFIE (高频积分方程法)混合全波分析PO 混合……Dish antennaSingle Cell-ADKHigh AccuracyUnit Cell-FloquetSystem-cosimulationFinite Array-HPC……High complexity------Variety of methodsHigh complexity•解决策略:–HFSS–HPC (DDM –domain decomposition method)–HFSS-IE–HFSS + HFSS-IE (Datalink)–FE-BI (Hybrid Method)–PO (Might as well add HFSS-IE)1. 反射面天线的HFSS仿真2 meter (40λ)精确可靠,快速易用•成熟可靠的有限元电磁场求解技术(适应性好,编程难度大)•自动化的共形网格生成,保持结构的细节特性•独有的自适应网格剖分•自动迭代给出满足精度要求的结果初始网格自适应加密后的网格三维高频结构全波仿真工具HFSSHFSS 1. 反射面天线HFSS仿真●6GHz solve frequency●2 meter dish (40λ)●11,280 cubic λvolume●CP circular horn feed●Ran two cases:Single 128GB, 8 core2 meter (40λ)1. 反射面天线HFSS仿真6 hours 53minutes tocompleteadaptive pass 194GB of RAMFell back to the direct solver!2. HPC仿真反射面天线2 meter (40λ)•Distributes mesh sub-domains to network of processors•Distributed memory parallel technique •Significantly increases simulation capacity–64-bit meshing•Highly scalable to large numbers of processors •Multi-processor nodes can be utilizedHPC distributes mesh subdomains to networked processors and memoryHPC for HFSSHPC 的使用123456782. HPC 仿真反射面天线•6GHz solve frequency •2 meter dish (40λ)•11,280 cubic λvolume •CP circular horn feed•Ran two cases:Seven mixed machines, 28cores, 72GB2 meter (40λ)ANSYS Test Computers Used1) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc01)2) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc02)3) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc03)4) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc05)5) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc11)6) 4 cores, 16GB (sjc09)7) 4 cores, 16GB (falcon)Total of 7 computers.28 cores, 72GB of RAM.Assembled list of standard workstations to be used for HPC2. HPC 仿真反射面天线Case II: Mixed Machines DDMSplit into 22 domains on the first pass 5 domains not used yet2. HPC 仿真反射面天线< 20 minutes to completeadaptive pass 1(21x faster than single machine)No core using more than 2GBTotal memory use is 1/3 of single machineUsing 22/27 domainsCP sourcePlotting currents2. HPC 仿真反射面天线(Pass 1)2. HPC仿真反射面天线Using 27/27 domains25 minutes to completeadaptive pass 2No core using more than 2GBCP sourcePlotting currents(Pass 2)3. 反射面天线的HFSS-IE仿真∫∫∫HFSS-IE•IE, what is it?– A 3D Method of Moments (MoM) I ntegral E quation technique•Automated results with accuracy–Effective utilization of automated adaptive meshing technique from HFSS –Employs A daptive C ross A pproximation (ACA) technique for larger simulation –Implemented as a new design type in the HFSS desktop•Utilization of results from HFSS as a linked source–Link can include effects of backwards scattering to the source geometry3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真Cavity backed dipole sourceParabolic dish parameterized such that the focus is always at the originPEC support struts, parameterized to change along with the parabolic dishPhase center of the source is set at the focus.3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真●HFSS-IE 可以使用的激励有三种:Lumped port terminalincident wave●HFSS-IE 不用设置辐射边界50λDiameter---0.25λstarting Mesh15GHz; 1meter (50λ) diameter reflector; Crossed dipole source and struts96,778 triangles 2 passes 6.06GB RAM 1 hr 23 min solve 37 min FF calc.2 hr TOTAL run time3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE 仿真Elapsed time here does not include patterncalculation time. Requested only 2D cuts for this model which reduced FF calc. time < 2 hours (not shown in profile).342,731 triangles 2 passes 24.7GB RAM13 hr 50 min solve 2 hr FF calc.16 hr TOTAL run time30GHz; 1meter (100λ) diameter reflector; Crossed dipole source and struts 3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE 仿真100λDiameter---0.25λstarting MeshCould reduce FF calc. time by only requesting 2D cuts.947,548 triangles 1 pass71.3 GB RAM26 hr 49 min solve 10 hr FF calc.37 hr TOTAL run time60GHz; 1meter (200λ) diameter reflector; Crossed dipole source and struts3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真200λDiameter---0.25λstarting Mesh3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真•Simulated three reflector electrical diameters:Adaptive PassesRAMSolve Time (hh:mm)FF Calc. Time (hh:mm)TOTAL Run Time(hh:mm)50λ2 6.1GB 01:2300:37**02:00100λ224.7GB 13:4302:00*15:43200λ171.3GB26:4910:04**36:53*Just 2D cuts at Phi=0, 45, 90 with 0.125 deg theta resolution **3D and 2D sphere calculations3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真Surface currents when the source is not at the focus of the parabola. Note the current disruptions at the struts.50λdiameter dish•Turned ON adaptive meshing for just 2 total passesλ/4λ/8 λ/10 λ/12 λ/20 3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE 仿真Reflector with Struts –WITH Adaptive Meshing4.反射面天线:HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink•15个脊波导角锥馈源•偏馈反射面:下边长6395mm 上边长4428mm ,高4393mm •仿真频率:2GHz 到4GHz4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink •HFSS-IE和HFSS的数据链接•全自动,使用方便•高精度,场到场直接数据链接4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink •反射面上的电流分布和网格剖分•由于仅有1,7,8角锥馈电,因而呈现左右非对称性4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink•HFSS-IE自动读入HFSS仿真得到的馈源辐射场•只需计算反射面,无需在整个空间求解也可以读入外部馈源远场数据5. FEBI仿真反射面天线FEBI——Hybrid Finite Element-Integral Equation MethodFinite Elements vs. Integral Equations •Integral Equation Based Method –HFSS-IE –Efficient solution technique for open radiation and scattering –Surface only mesh and current solution Airbox not needed to model free space radiationAirbox required tomodel free space radiation•Finite Element Based Method –HFSS–Efficient handle complex materialand geometries–Volume based mesh and fieldsolutionsThis Finite Element-Boundary Integral hybrid method leverages the advantagesof both methods to achieve the most accurate and robust solution for radiatingand scattering problemsConformal radiationvolume with IntegralEquations FEBI的使用Image Source: 5. FEBI仿真反射面天线•Reflector with supporting struts–FE-BI can be created so that it is conformal to entire geometry –Very small FEM volume needed with conformal FE-BI compared to ABC boundaryABCFE-BIBoundary TypeTotal RAM (GB)ABC 45FE-BI1325 Lambda Reflector5. FEBI仿真反射面天线•Reflector with multiple FE-BI domains–Majority of solution volume can be removed between reflector and feed –Volumes enclosed with FE-BI are fully coupled•Backscatter from reflector will influence input impedance of feed1meter10λ1meter 20λ1meter 30λFrequencyMemory Required3 GHz2GB FrequencyMemory Required6 GHz 10GB FrequencyMemory Required9GHz 30GB5. FEBI仿真反射面天线•Antennas1号位:合成孔径雷达(10-20GHz);3号位:卫星通信天线10.95GHz 为接受、14GHz为发射);5号位:GPS 天线——两个(1.575GHz);8号位:C 波段全向天线支架(BLOS:beyond-line-of-sight 超视距,4.8GHz)准确频率数据可以估计。
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反射面天线设计新方法向胜昭ANSYS高级应用工程师天线设计指标①天线扫描方式②天线工作频率③天线增益④天线尺寸限制⑤天线重量要求⑥天线波束覆盖⑦天线副瓣电平⑧天线极化形式⑨天线驻波……决定天线采用什么样的形式具体实现反射面?反射面天线应用分类反射面天线解决方案•“高增益、低副瓣、相控阵”反射面天线•难点:–Electrically Large–High Accuracy (Low sidelobe, shelter)–High complexity(Active match, complicated shelter)Electrically Large高阶有限元+迭代法矩阵求解器场到场链接(Data Link )混合阶网格剖分(Mixed Element Order)区域分解法(DomainDecomposition Method) 曲面共形网格剖分(Curvilinear Meshing )…HFIE (高频积分方程法)混合全波分析PO 混合……Dish antennaSingle Cell-ADKHigh AccuracyUnit Cell-FloquetSystem-cosimulationFinite Array-HPC……High complexity------Variety of methodsHigh complexity•解决策略:–HFSS–HPC (DDM –domain decomposition method)–HFSS-IE–HFSS + HFSS-IE (Datalink)–FE-BI (Hybrid Method)–PO (Might as well add HFSS-IE)1. 反射面天线的HFSS仿真2 meter (40λ)精确可靠,快速易用•成熟可靠的有限元电磁场求解技术(适应性好,编程难度大)•自动化的共形网格生成,保持结构的细节特性•独有的自适应网格剖分•自动迭代给出满足精度要求的结果初始网格自适应加密后的网格三维高频结构全波仿真工具HFSSHFSS 1. 反射面天线HFSS仿真●6GHz solve frequency●2 meter dish (40λ)●11,280 cubic λvolume●CP circular horn feed●Ran two cases:Single 128GB, 8 core2 meter (40λ)1. 反射面天线HFSS仿真6 hours 53minutes tocompleteadaptive pass 194GB of RAMFell back to the direct solver!2. HPC仿真反射面天线2 meter (40λ)•Distributes mesh sub-domains to network of processors•Distributed memory parallel technique •Significantly increases simulation capacity–64-bit meshing•Highly scalable to large numbers of processors •Multi-processor nodes can be utilizedHPC distributes mesh subdomains to networked processors and memoryHPC for HFSSHPC 的使用123456782. HPC 仿真反射面天线•6GHz solve frequency •2 meter dish (40λ)•11,280 cubic λvolume •CP circular horn feed•Ran two cases:Seven mixed machines, 28cores, 72GB2 meter (40λ)ANSYS Test Computers Used1) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc01)2) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc02)3) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc03)4) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc05)5) 4 cores, 8GB (sjc11)6) 4 cores, 16GB (sjc09)7) 4 cores, 16GB (falcon)Total of 7 computers.28 cores, 72GB of RAM.Assembled list of standard workstations to be used for HPC2. HPC 仿真反射面天线Case II: Mixed Machines DDMSplit into 22 domains on the first pass 5 domains not used yet2. HPC 仿真反射面天线< 20 minutes to completeadaptive pass 1(21x faster than single machine)No core using more than 2GBTotal memory use is 1/3 of single machineUsing 22/27 domainsCP sourcePlotting currents2. HPC 仿真反射面天线(Pass 1)2. HPC仿真反射面天线Using 27/27 domains25 minutes to completeadaptive pass 2No core using more than 2GBCP sourcePlotting currents(Pass 2)3. 反射面天线的HFSS-IE仿真∫∫∫HFSS-IE•IE, what is it?– A 3D Method of Moments (MoM) I ntegral E quation technique•Automated results with accuracy–Effective utilization of automated adaptive meshing technique from HFSS –Employs A daptive C ross A pproximation (ACA) technique for larger simulation –Implemented as a new design type in the HFSS desktop•Utilization of results from HFSS as a linked source–Link can include effects of backwards scattering to the source geometry3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真Cavity backed dipole sourceParabolic dish parameterized such that the focus is always at the originPEC support struts, parameterized to change along with the parabolic dishPhase center of the source is set at the focus.3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真●HFSS-IE 可以使用的激励有三种:Lumped port terminalincident wave●HFSS-IE 不用设置辐射边界50λDiameter---0.25λstarting Mesh15GHz; 1meter (50λ) diameter reflector; Crossed dipole source and struts96,778 triangles 2 passes 6.06GB RAM 1 hr 23 min solve 37 min FF calc.2 hr TOTAL run time3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE 仿真Elapsed time here does not include patterncalculation time. Requested only 2D cuts for this model which reduced FF calc. time < 2 hours (not shown in profile).342,731 triangles 2 passes 24.7GB RAM13 hr 50 min solve 2 hr FF calc.16 hr TOTAL run time30GHz; 1meter (100λ) diameter reflector; Crossed dipole source and struts 3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE 仿真100λDiameter---0.25λstarting MeshCould reduce FF calc. time by only requesting 2D cuts.947,548 triangles 1 pass71.3 GB RAM26 hr 49 min solve 10 hr FF calc.37 hr TOTAL run time60GHz; 1meter (200λ) diameter reflector; Crossed dipole source and struts3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真200λDiameter---0.25λstarting Mesh3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真•Simulated three reflector electrical diameters:Adaptive PassesRAMSolve Time (hh:mm)FF Calc. Time (hh:mm)TOTAL Run Time(hh:mm)50λ2 6.1GB 01:2300:37**02:00100λ224.7GB 13:4302:00*15:43200λ171.3GB26:4910:04**36:53*Just 2D cuts at Phi=0, 45, 90 with 0.125 deg theta resolution **3D and 2D sphere calculations3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE仿真Surface currents when the source is not at the focus of the parabola. Note the current disruptions at the struts.50λdiameter dish•Turned ON adaptive meshing for just 2 total passesλ/4λ/8 λ/10 λ/12 λ/20 3. 反射面天线HFSS-IE 仿真Reflector with Struts –WITH Adaptive Meshing4.反射面天线:HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink•15个脊波导角锥馈源•偏馈反射面:下边长6395mm 上边长4428mm ,高4393mm •仿真频率:2GHz 到4GHz4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink •HFSS-IE和HFSS的数据链接•全自动,使用方便•高精度,场到场直接数据链接4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink •反射面上的电流分布和网格剖分•由于仅有1,7,8角锥馈电,因而呈现左右非对称性4. 反射面天线HFSS-IE&HFSS--Datalink•HFSS-IE自动读入HFSS仿真得到的馈源辐射场•只需计算反射面,无需在整个空间求解也可以读入外部馈源远场数据5. FEBI仿真反射面天线FEBI——Hybrid Finite Element-Integral Equation MethodFinite Elements vs. Integral Equations •Integral Equation Based Method –HFSS-IE –Efficient solution technique for open radiation and scattering –Surface only mesh and current solution Airbox not needed to model free space radiationAirbox required tomodel free space radiation•Finite Element Based Method –HFSS–Efficient handle complex materialand geometries–Volume based mesh and fieldsolutionsThis Finite Element-Boundary Integral hybrid method leverages the advantagesof both methods to achieve the most accurate and robust solution for radiatingand scattering problemsConformal radiationvolume with IntegralEquations FEBI的使用Image Source: 5. FEBI仿真反射面天线•Reflector with supporting struts–FE-BI can be created so that it is conformal to entire geometry –Very small FEM volume needed with conformal FE-BI compared to ABC boundaryABCFE-BIBoundary TypeTotal RAM (GB)ABC 45FE-BI1325 Lambda Reflector5. FEBI仿真反射面天线•Reflector with multiple FE-BI domains–Majority of solution volume can be removed between reflector and feed –Volumes enclosed with FE-BI are fully coupled•Backscatter from reflector will influence input impedance of feed1meter10λ1meter 20λ1meter 30λFrequencyMemory Required3 GHz2GB FrequencyMemory Required6 GHz 10GB FrequencyMemory Required9GHz 30GB5. FEBI仿真反射面天线•Antennas1号位:合成孔径雷达(10-20GHz);3号位:卫星通信天线10.95GHz 为接受、14GHz为发射);5号位:GPS 天线——两个(1.575GHz);8号位:C 波段全向天线支架(BLOS:beyond-line-of-sight 超视距,4.8GHz)准确频率数据可以估计。