介绍qtl及标记辅助选择等基本的概念Euphytica (2005)


QTL 定位方法---

QTL 定位方法---

QTL 定位方法分子标记技术和数量遗传学的发展,使得分子遗传学与数量遗传学相互渗透和融合,从而形成了一个新的研究领域—分子数量遗传学(Molecular Quantitative Genetics)。

分子数量遗传学研究的内容,就是借助分子标记,采用适当的统计分析方法明确QTL 在染色体上的位置及其效应。

而QTL 定位的原理是:利用适当的分离群体,构建较高密度的、分布较均匀的、覆盖全基因组的分子标记连锁图。

根据遗传连锁的基本遗传学原理,对分离群体中单株的标记基因型和性状的表型值进行一定的统计分析,将决定数量性状的QTL 定位在分子标记连锁图中。

目前,QTL 定位的方法主要有单标记分析法(Edwards et al, 1987),区间作图法(Lander and Botstein, 1989)和复合区间作图法(Zeng, 1994)等。

单标记法(Single marker analysis)是最简单的分析标记与性状关联的方法,包括以标记为基础的分析方法(Marker-based analysis, MBA)和以性状为基础的分析方法(Trait-based analysis, TBA,Lebowitz et al., 1987)。


对于一个作图群体而言,任意标记位点具有三种基因型(F2群体)或两种基因型(回交群体、重组自交系、双单倍体系),分析每一基因型个体的数量性状均值的差异,并进行F 测验,当F 测验显著时,则表明该标记位点可能与一个或多个QTL 连锁。

利用这种方法进行的数量性状分析,既简单又符合QTL 定位的基本统计原理,且不需要完整的分子标记连锁图,是定位QTL 的最为有效方法。

但不足之处是不能准确估计QTL 的位置,且往往会低估其遗传效应。

以性状为基础的分析方法的原理是假定因选择而使数量性状的高表型个体中的QTL 增效等位基因和低表型个体中的QTL 减效等位基因的频率增加,当QTL 的等位基因与某一标记基因连锁时,会因相互关联而导致高、低表型个体间标记基因频率的差异。



QTL的名词解释在遗传学领域中,QTL是一个非常重要的专业术语,代表着“数量性状位点”(Quantitative Trait Locus)。




1. QTL的概念和基础知识QTL最早由进化遗传学家于20世纪80年代提出,它是一种指示数量性状遗传变异的遗传位点。




2. QTL研究与遗传学QTL的发现和定位通过建立家系图谱和对数量性状进行遗传分析而得出。



3. QTL研究与基因组学随着高通量测序技术的发展,分子标记已经成为QTL研究的重要工具。



4. QTL研究与生物技术QTL研究也受益于生物技术的进展。




5. QTL的应用QTL的发现对农业、畜牧业和医学等领域具有重要意义。











利用分子标记进行遗传连锁分析,可以检测出QTL,即QTL定位(QTL mapping)。




之后,随着分子标记技术的不断发展以及许多物种中分子连锁图谱的相继建成,全世界出现了研究QTL的热潮,每年发表有关QTL 研究的论文数量几乎呈指数增长(图5.1),显示了该研究领域的勃勃生机。



图5.11986~1998年期间国际上每年发表有关QTL研究的论文的数量. 数据从英国BIDS信息系统检索得到第一节数量性状基因的初级定位QTL定位就是检测分子标记(下面将简称为标记)与QTL间的连锁关系,同时还可估计QTL的效应。


这些群体可称为初级群体(primary population)。















综上所述,QTL是指染色体细胞上可以影响某一特定量化性状的位点,利用QTL可以获得更多的基因结构信息,这有助于我们深入理解植物的遗传和生理机制,也有助于提高农作物的产量和质量,QTL 的研究也可以应用于其他生物,用于研究特定疾病的发生等。



作物QTL定位方法与技术作物QTL定位的方法主要有传统连锁分析、基因芯片 技术和深度学习等。连锁分析通过群体遗传学手段,鉴定两个或多个基因位点 间的连锁关系,进而确定控制性状的QTL。基因芯片技术利用基因组wide的标 记分布,对大量基因位点进行同时检测,高效地定位QTL。深度学习则利用神 经网络等算法,自动化学习和识别数据中的特征,实现对QTL的精准定位。
自然群体是指在没有人为干预下自然形成的群体,如野生种、地方品种、自然 变异群体等。这些群体通常具有丰富的遗传变异和复杂的遗传结构,对于研究 作物的适应性、抗逆性和产量等性状的遗传基础非常有用。此外,自然群体还 可以用于发现和克隆稀有或特殊的QTL。
随着基因组学技术的发展,基于基因组的作图群体越来越受到重视。这种群体 可以通过重测序技术获得大量的SNP(单核苷酸多态性)标记,并利用这些标 记构建高密度的遗传图谱。这种图谱可以用于精细定位和克隆QTL,以及研究 基因组中的结构变异和非编码区基因组。
(1)数据采集:收集作物的基因型和表型数据。基因型数据可以通过高通量 测序技术获得,而表型数据则可以通过田间试验和室内分析等方法获得。
(2)作图:利用作图软件将基因型和表型数据组装成图,以展示它们之间的 关系。常用的作图软件包括QTL Cartographer、QTL IciMapping等。
QTL是指作物基因组中控制数量性状的基因座位,它们可以通过影响表型变异 来影响作物的农艺性状。QTL通常分为两类:主效QTL和微效QTL。主效QTL是 指对表型变异起主要作用的QTL,而微效QTL则是指对表型变异起较小作用的 QTL。

QTL 定位方法---

QTL 定位方法---

QTL 定位方法分子标记技术和数量遗传学的发展,使得分子遗传学与数量遗传学相互渗透和融合,从而形成了一个新的研究领域—分子数量遗传学(Molecular Quantitative Genetics)。

分子数量遗传学研究的内容,就是借助分子标记,采用适当的统计分析方法明确QTL 在染色体上的位置及其效应。

而QTL 定位的原理是:利用适当的分离群体,构建较高密度的、分布较均匀的、覆盖全基因组的分子标记连锁图。

根据遗传连锁的基本遗传学原理,对分离群体中单株的标记基因型和性状的表型值进行一定的统计分析,将决定数量性状的QTL 定位在分子标记连锁图中。

目前,QTL 定位的方法主要有单标记分析法(Edwards et al, 1987),区间作图法(Lander and Botstein, 1989)和复合区间作图法(Zeng, 1994)等。

单标记法(Single marker analysis)是最简单的分析标记与性状关联的方法,包括以标记为基础的分析方法(Marker-based analysis, MBA)和以性状为基础的分析方法(Trait-based analysis, TBA,Lebowitz et al., 1987)。


对于一个作图群体而言,任意标记位点具有三种基因型(F2群体)或两种基因型(回交群体、重组自交系、双单倍体系),分析每一基因型个体的数量性状均值的差异,并进行F 测验,当F 测验显著时,则表明该标记位点可能与一个或多个QTL 连锁。

利用这种方法进行的数量性状分析,既简单又符合QTL 定位的基本统计原理,且不需要完整的分子标记连锁图,是定位QTL 的最为有效方法。

但不足之处是不能准确估计QTL 的位置,且往往会低估其遗传效应。

以性状为基础的分析方法的原理是假定因选择而使数量性状的高表型个体中的QTL 增效等位基因和低表型个体中的QTL 减效等位基因的频率增加,当QTL 的等位基因与某一标记基因连锁时,会因相互关联而导致高、低表型个体间标记基因频率的差异。



精选F遗传连锁图谱和纤维品质性状Q T L定位 Ting Bao was revised on January 6, 20021编号NO:河北农业大学本科毕业论文论文题目 BC1F2遗传连锁图谱和纤维品质性状QTL定位学生姓名唐冰川学号10213 成绩学院农学院专业班级农学0902 指导教师姓名张艳指导教师职称讲师材料目录:1、任务书(1)份2、开题报告(含文献综述)(1)份3、指导教师评阅书(1)份4、答辩记录表(1)份5、论文正文(1)份6、其它材料河北农业大学本科毕业论文任务书学院:农学院教师姓名:张艳职称:讲师2012 年 5 月 4 日农学院农学专业唐冰川学生:现把 2012-2013 学年,第二学期的毕业论文安排下达给你,你本学期承担的毕业论文任务如下:1、依据本任务书中论文题目、目的意义、可行性分析的内容完成开题报告。





教师签字:2012 年 5 月 3日河北农业大学本科毕业论文开题报告题目:BC1F2遗传连锁图谱和纤维品质性状QTL定位学院:农学院学生姓名:唐冰川专业:农学班级学号: 10213指导教师姓名:张艳指导教师职称:讲师2012年 6 月5 日河北农业大学本科毕业论文指导教师评阅书学生姓名:唐冰川学号:10213专业班级:农学0902 所在学院:农学院论文题目:BC1F2遗传连锁图谱构建和纤维品质性状QTL定位河北农业大学本科毕业论文答辩评分表河北农业大学2013届本科毕业论文答辩记录表所在学院:农学院专业班级:农学0902班时 2013年6月6日河北农业大学本科毕业论文(设计)题目:BC1F2遗传连锁图谱构建和纤维品质性状QTL定位学院:农学院专业班级:农学0902班学号: 10213学生姓名:唐冰川指导教师姓名:张艳指导教师职称:讲师二O一三年六月六日BC1F2遗传连锁图谱构建和纤维品质性状QTL定位唐冰川农学0902指导教师:张艳摘要:本研究利用海陆杂交BC1F2群体进行遗传连锁图谱构建,190对SSR引物共产生262个多态性位点,其中208个位点被定位到30个遗传连锁群。





































这些等位基因对该数量遗传性状形成的作用微小,所以也称为微效基因(minor gene),它们在染色体上的位置称为数量性状基因座(quantitative trait loci,QTL)。

目前随着QTL 研究的深入,不仅丰富和发展了数量遗传学的内容,成为新兴的分子数量遗传学的主体,也必将对畜禽的育种改良起到极大的推动作用,从而开创动物育种的新纪元。

2.分子标记辅助选择(MAS)2.1 相关概念Stam(1986)提出通过限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP),可对生物有机体的基因组进行标记,利用标记基因型能非常准确地估计数量性状的育种值,以该育种值为基础的选择,称为标记辅助选择(marker assisted selection,MAS)。

Lander 和Thompson(1990)定义标记辅助选择,为把分子遗传学方法和人工选择相结合达到性状(traits)最大的遗传改进,人们进一步将MAS定义为以分子遗传学和遗传工程为手段,在连锁分析的基础上,运用现代育种原理和方法,实现性状最大的遗传改进。



2010年9月2010,32(3):369-373中国油料作物学报Ch inese journal of o il crop sc iences完备区间作图法定位大豆含油量QTL 及标记辅助选择姚 丹,王丕武*,闫 伟,张 扬,曲 静,张 君(吉林农业大学,吉林长春130118)摘要:以高油大豆吉农18和高蛋白大豆吉育47杂交后获得的F 2及F 2 3衍生群体为材料,采用QTL Ici-M app i ng v2.2完备区间作图法在F 2及F 3群体中共检测到7个高含油量QTL ,分布于4个遗传连锁群,可解释3.60%~20.98%的遗传变异。

Sa tt636在10份大豆材料中的标记辅助选择检测,发现其符合度最高为83.33%。

关键词:大豆;油分含量;QTL 定位;标记辅助选择中图分类号:S565.103 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-9084(2010)03-0369-07M arker assistant selection and soybean oil content by QTL locationusing inclusive co m posite i n tervalm appingYAO D an ,WANG Pi-wu *,YAN W e,i Z HANG Y ang ,QU Jing ,Z HANG Jun(J ili n Agricultural University,Changchun 130118,China)Abst ract :The F 2and F 2 3soybean seg regating populati o ns deri v ed fr o m a cross ,wh ich w as Ji n ong18w ith high o il con tent and Jiyu47w ith high pr o te i n conten,t w ere used forQTLs m arkers for o il trai.t Seven high o il con tentQTLs w ere se lected by usi n g i n cl u sive co m posite i n terval m app i n g m ethod .They distributed into four genetic li n kage groups and could exp lain 3.60%to 20.98%genetic variations .I n 10soybean lines ,m arker satt636had a testi n g confor m ance as h i g h as 83.33%and had po tentia l in m o lec u lar m arker assisted breed i n g .K ey w ords :Soybean ;O il conten;t QTL l o cation ;M ar ker assistan t selecti o n 收稿日期:2010 03 22基金项目:吉林省科技厅重大项目(20060202);吉林农业大学校内青年启动基金(2009-2011)作者简介:姚 丹(1977-),女,吉林长春人,讲师,博士研究生,主要研究大豆遗传转化及分子育种*通讯作者:王丕武(1958-),男,吉林长春人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事大豆遗传育种研究,E -m ai:l p ei w uw@yahoo 大豆和其它农作物一样,大部分重要的经济性状如蛋白、油分、产量等都是由多基因控制的数量性状,易受环境条件影响。

















通过QTL定位技术,可以找到控制植物产量和品质的关键基因,为提高作物产量和品质提 供理论依据。
利用QTL定位技术,研究动物生长性状的相关基因,有助于提高动 物的生长速度和生产效益。
通过QTL定位技术,可以找到与动物繁殖性状相关的基因,为动物 繁殖育种提供分子标记辅助选择。
QTL定位精度是指通过QTL定位方法确定QTL位置的准确性。重组率越高,QTL与遗传标记之间的距离越短,定 位精度越高。
统计推断是指根据样本数据和概率模型,对未知参数或假设进行估计或验证的过程。在QTL定位中, 统计推断用于估计QTL的位置和效应大小。
将QTL定位与关联分析相结合,可以更全面地揭示基因 变异与表型变异之间的关系。
将QTL定位与功能基因组学相结合,有助于深入了解QTL 的功能和作用机制。
QTL定位就是通过统计学方法,将数量性状与 基因组中的特定区域关联起来,从而确定控制 该数量性状的基因在基因组中的位置。
通过QTL定位,可以了解控制特 定数量性状的基因及其变异等位 基因,从而揭示其遗传机制。
QTL定位可以为育种提供重要信 息,帮助育种家针对特定性状进 行选择和改良,提高育种效率和 准确性。
增加遗传标记的密度可以提高QTL定 位的精度和分辨率,但同时也增加了 实验成本和数据处理难度。QTL互Fra bibliotek与复杂性状研究




QTL(Quantitative Trait Loci)是指定位于染色体上的控制数量性状的基因或基因组区域。



















分子标记 基因定位
数量性状基因座 (QTL)
肉用性状: 体重、日增重、相对-绝对增重、屠宰性能、 料肉比等
蛋用性状: 开产日龄、开产蛋重、开产体重、300日龄产 蛋量,月产蛋量、蛋品质性状等

不同分子标记座位所反映的群体杂合度具有较大 的差异,具有较大选育潜力。
四川不同地方鸡种群有较大遗传差异,表现出不 同的遗传距离。
SH 0.4462
图1 不同鸡种群聚类模式图(数字表示相对遗传距离)

QTL 定位方法及其在番茄品质性状研究中的应用

QTL 定位方法及其在番茄品质性状研究中的应用

QTL 定位方法及其在番茄品质性状研究中的应用番茄Lycopersicon esculentum Mill 是一种世界性的重要作物据联合国粮农组织统计, 2005 年全世界番茄栽培面积为455.1 万hm2总产量达12 501.6 万t 我国的栽培面积为130.5 万hm2占世界总面积的28.7% 总产量为3 164.4 万t 占世界总产量的25.3%[1]与此同时番茄育种也获得了显著的发展在抗病抗逆和品质育种等方面从理论到实践都取得了很大进展这一方面是因为番茄作为一种重要的蔬菜作物一直是蔬菜育种的重点研究对象另一方面是由于番茄作为一种模式植物在生理生化遗传及分子生物学方面得到了比其他蔬菜作物更广泛更深入更系统的研究特别是随着分子标记技术的迅速发展和完整的遗传连锁图谱的建立人们能够将数量性状分解成易为遗传育种工作者操作的单个位点即QTL quantitativetrait loci 进行研究现从番茄品质育种应用的角度就QTL 定位方法及其在番茄品质育种中的应用作简要概述1 QTL 定位的主要方法QTL 定位是通过分析整个染色体组的DNA 标记和数量性状表型值的关系将QTL 逐一定位到连锁群体的相应位置并估计其遗传效应一般步骤包括选择具有相对性状的纯系进行杂交获得适宜的作图群体构建遗传连锁图谱检测分离世代群体中每一个体的标记基因型和数量性状值分析标记基因型和数量性状值的相互关联确定QTL 在染色体上的相对位置估计QTL 的有关遗传参数。

在QTL 定位研究时首先要建立作图群体要选择目标性状表现差异大和亲缘关系较远的材料作亲本以保障目标性状在遗传群体中分离明显其次要建立高密度的连锁图标记间平均距离小于15 20 cm 最后要选择适宜的统计分析方法利用分子标记正确进行QTL 定位及其效应的估计主要依赖于QTL 定位的统计模型和分析方法20 世纪80 年代以来先后发展了20 多种QTL定位的统计方法应用比较广泛的有以下几种1.1 单标记分析法单标记分析法是最简单的分析标记与性状关联的方法它利用每个标记位点不同基因型间的性状均值差异以传统的单因素方差分析法测验被研究的数量性状在标记基因型间的差异显著性如果差异显著说明控制该数量性状的QTL 与标记有连锁对于一个作图群体而言任意标记都具有3种基因型F2 群体或 2 种基因型回交群体重组自交系双单倍体系分析每一基因型个体的数量性状均值的差异进行 F 测验当 F 测验显著时则表明该标记位点可能与一个或多个QTL 连锁单标记分析法简便直观适应性强早期的QTL 定位研究多采用此法比如在1991 年Tanksley[2]就通过单标记分析法对番茄杂交后代中受环境因素影响的数量性状进行了分析国艳梅等运用SSR 等分子标记方法通过单标记分析法对位于第4 条染色体上的控制番茄果实颜色性状的12个QTL 进行了定位[1]1.2 区间作图法由于单标记分析法存在不能确切估计QTL 的可能位置和容易出现假阳性等问题1989 年Lander 和Botstein 首次提出了基于两个标记的区间作图方法[3]其主要贡献是建立了QTL 定位的基本框架使得能够在整个基因组上搜索QTL 的位置区间作图法是以一元回归模型和正态分布的极大似然函数为基础借助于完整的分子标记连锁图谱来计算基因组的任一相邻标记之间是否存在QTL 的似然函数比值的对数LOD 值根据染色体上各点的LOD 值可以描绘出一个QTL 在该染色体上存在与否的似然图谱当LOD 值超过某一给定的临界值时即表明存在一个QTL 其置信区间为对应于峰两侧各下降 1 个LOD 值的图谱区间1992 年Haley [4]和Martinez 等[5]对Lander 和Botstein 提出的区间作图法作了一些改进提出了区间作图的回归分析方法回归分析法同Lander和Botstein 的极大似然作图法相比两者的结果相似但回归分析法的计算量大大减少因而由Haley等提出的区间作图的回归分析法一度成为研究QTL 定位的标准方法而被广泛接受如刘杨等利用区间作图法在番茄的第 5 条染色体上检测到 1 个与始花节位有关的QTL[6]安静等利用区间作图法在辣椒的第 4 条染色体上检测到 2 个与抗疫病有关的QTL[7]但区间作图法也存在一些不足如一次只能使用两个标记进行检验不能充分利用其他分子标记信息当一条染色体上存在多个QTL 时其定位结果将会有偏差等1.3 复合区间作图法针对区间作图法存在的问题Zeng 等[8]提出了把多元线性回归与区间作图结合起来的复合区间作图法此法仍然采用区间作图法中QTL 似然图谱来显示QTL 的可能位置及显著程度但此法结合了区间作图法和多元回归特点的一种QTL 作图方法其遗传假设是数量性状受多基因的控制该方法拟合了其他遗传标记即在对某一特定标记区间进行检测时将与其他QTL 连锁的标记也拟合在模型中以控制遗传背景效应Rodolphe 和Lefort 在1993 年结合区间作图法提出了一种利用整个基因组上的标记进行全局检测的多标记模型[9]他们证明染色体上不同类型效应的参数分解是相互独立的与一个标记相关联的效应估计值只与侧邻标记的同类型效应相关进而提出用区间作图法对一条染色体进行检测的同时在模型中保留其他染色体标记以减少剩余误差但是他们提出的模型不能提供QTL 数目位置和效应的准确估计而由Zeng 等提出的把多元回归与区间作图结合起来的复合区间作图法运用检测区间以外的标记控制背景遗传效应提高了发现和定位QTL 的灵敏度和精确性因而被广泛应用如张智等利用复合区间作图法构建了一张包含112 个AFLP 标记的番茄分子遗传连锁图谱并检测到了个与抗灰霉病有关的QTL 郭绍贵等利用复合区间作图法在西瓜的第1 2 3 5 14 15 19 等染色体上总共检测到了18个与可溶性固形物有关的QTL[10] 1.4 基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法是把控制背景遗传变异的分子标记效应归为随机变量使其不会影响对QTL 位置和效应的无偏估计此方法用随机效应的预测方法获得基因型效应以及基因型与环境互作效应然后再用区间作图法进行遗传主效应及基因型与环境互作效应的QTL 定位与分析该方法的遗传假定是数量性状受多基因控制它将群体均值及QTL 的各项遗传效应看作为固定效应而将环境QTL 与环境分子标记等看作为随机效应朱军于1998 年[11]提出了基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法1999 年Wang 等[12]开发了可以分析包括加性和加加上位性的各项遗传主效应及其与环境互作效应的计算机件, 适于分析DH 群体即Double Haploid 是指单倍体经过染色体加倍形成的二倍体的群体称为加倍单倍体或双单倍体群体由于基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图法将效应值估计和定位分析相结合既可无偏地分析QTL 与环境的互作效应又提高了作图的精度和效率此外该模型可以扩展到分析具有加加加显显显上位的各种遗传主效应及其与环境互作效应的QTL 利用这些效应的估计值可预测基于QTL 主效应的普通杂种优势和基于QTL 与环境互作效应的互作杂种优势因而具有广泛的应用前景 2 QTL 定位方法在番茄品质性研究中的应用番茄是QTL 定位研究较早的作物早期的QTL 定位方法主要是以传统的单因素方差分析法测验为基础的单标记分析法但是此法无法对QTL准确定位和效应估计而且当染色体上同时存在多个QTL 时可能产生错误判断所以在Lander 和Botstein 提出区间作图法后单标记分析法已很少用于研究区间作图法虽然克服了单标记分析法的诸多缺点但此法并不能排除连锁QTL 的干扰也无法克服QTL 的非加性效应的影响因而由Zeng等提出的复合区间作图法逐步得到采纳该方法融合了区间作图法和多元回归分析的优点有效地排除了区间以外连锁QTL 的干扰减少了剩余方差提高了定位QTL 的灵敏度和精确性目前在番茄QTL 定位研究中以区间作图法和复合区间作图法应用较多2.1 番茄可溶性固形物含量的QTL 定位Paterson 等[13]利用RFLP 标记筛选到一些与可溶性固形物含量相关的QTL 位点并通过区间作图法分析发现了其主效位点位于番茄的第7 染色体上这种方法将发现QTL 的过程和育种实践更紧密地结合在一起并且还可同时对多个性状进行改良从而加快了育种的进程1998 年Bernacchi等[14]运用复合区间作图法和RFLP 标记同时对控制番茄可溶性固形物含量的7 个QTL 进行了定位与改良并且成功地将多毛番茄和醋栗番茄的有益基因导入到普通番茄中得到了一批可溶性固形物含量较对照高6% 22%的材料2.2 番茄红素含量的QTL 定位Chen F Q 等[15]通过区间作图法对来自普通番茄NC84173 和醋栗番茄(L.pimpinellifolium Mill)LA722 的BC1S1 进行分析鉴定出8 个影响番茄红素的QTL 分别位于第1 4 5 6 7 10 和12 条染色体上其中在第1 条染色体上的QTL 为主效效应解释总差异的12.4% 而其他7 个为微效QTL分别解释总差异的 5.2% 8.7% Fulton 等[16]通过复合区间作图法对醋栗番茄和普通番茄的F2 代进行分析发现了5 个QTL 与番茄红素相关其中位于第5 条染色体的lyc 5.1 座位解释了绝大部分的总表现型差异醋栗番茄的等位点lyc 2.1 和lyc 3.1可增加番茄红素2.3 番茄果实颜色的QTL 定位国内外科技工作者已从野生番茄中鉴定了54个与果实颜色有关的QTL 并建立了主效QTL 近等基因系Monforte 等[17]通过区间作图分析方法在多毛番茄(L.hirsutum)第4 染色体末端检测到 1 个增强表面颜色的QTL 和 1 个增强果实内部颜色的QTL 这两个QTL 不与类胡萝卜素生物合成途径中任何已知基因相关可能是影响类胡萝卜素生化合成途径中的遗传调控因子同时他们还定位了 1 个增加果形指数的QTL 2 个减少果实平均质量的QTL 2 个增加可溶性固形物的QTL 国艳梅等[1]通过单标记分析法对果实颜色性状的QTL 定位检测到了12 个控制番茄果实颜色的QTL 和1 个控制番茄红素含量的QTL 2.4 番茄果实酸度和甜度的QTL 定位番茄酸味的差异主要由于pH 值不同总的来说酸对糖的影响比糖对酸的影响大柠檬酸比苹果酸对总酸的影响大Lefort Buson 等[18]通过应用基于最大似然法的区间作图法从70 个RFLP 标记中检测出5 个QTL 与果实的pH 值有关Saliba Colomban V 等[19]在2001 年通过区间作图法检测到位于第2 条染色体的长臂端的与番茄果实甜度相关的QTL Bucheli P 等[20]通过区间作图法在番茄第2 条染色体上定位了1 个与葡萄糖含量增加和谷氨酸含量减少的QTL3 QTL 定位方法的研究展望近年来对作物QTL 的研究发展很快QTL 定位方法在作物新基因源的挖掘[21]农作物遗传育种等方面发挥了很大作用QTL 的定位在相当程度上是依靠计算机辅助软件的统计分析这些软件在分析基因间互作效应方面的能力是有限的所以目前在番茄等一些作物上虽然做到了置信区间在10cM 以下的QTL 精细定位但都是以多种分子标记方法辅助为基础的这样不仅使研究成本大大提高而且需要投入大量的时间与精力造成了许多不必要的浪费因此研究设计高效的QTL 定位方法势在必行包括建立新的作图群体新的统计分析方法以及以一种分子标记方法辅助的QTL 选择等只有这样才能够全面认识和利用植物数量性状基因服务于育种实践加快育种进程番茄品质性状的QTL 定位研究也是如此目前国内关于番茄的QTL 定位研究主要集中于抗病性和果实的外观品质和产量上对于番茄内在品质性状的QTL研究较少而国外早就在进行番茄果实内在品质性状的研究因此研究设计一种高效的QTL 定位方法是我国在番茄品质育种方面赶超世界先进水平的关键所在。


(3) 性状-标记回归(trait-marker regression,TMR)
1、市场营销基本概念 2、电信市场介绍 3、市场分析方法
(1) 临时性群体
包括回交群体、F 及其衍生的F 、F 家系等; 1、市场营销基本概念
2、电信市场介绍 3、市场分析方法
1、市场营销基本概念 2、电信市场介绍 3、市场分析方法
特点是群体内个体间基因型不同,各个体的基因型 杂合;
现象,这类植物构建近等基因系意义不大。 1、市场营销基本概念
2、电信市场介绍 3、市场分析方法
2 自然群体
二、营销人员必备知识 自然群体指具有很长的世代间隔,很高的遗传杂合性和遗 1、市场营销基本概念 2、电信市场介绍 3、市场分析方法
三、 QTL定位必要条件
1、要有高密度的连锁图,标记间平均 距离小于15~20cM
3、选择亲本时尽可能地选择性状表 现差异大和亲缘关系较远的材料
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Euphytica(2005)142:169–196DOI:10.1007/s10681-005-1681-5C Springer2005 An introduction to markers,quantitative trait loci(QTL)mapping and marker-assisted selection for crop improvement:The basic conceptsB.C.Y.Collard1,4,∗,M.Z.Z.Jahufer2,J.B.Brouwer3&E.C.K.Pang11Department of Biotechnology and Environmental Biology,RMIT University,P.O.Box71,Bundoora,Victoria3083, Australia;2AgResearch Ltd.,Grasslands Research Centre,Tennent Drive,Private Bag11008,Palmerston North, New Zealand;3P.O.Box910,Horsham,Victoria,Australia3402;4Present address:Plant Breeding,Genetics and Biotechnology Division,International Rice Research Institute(IRRI),DAPO Box7777,Metro Manila,Philippines; (∗author for correspondence:e-mail:bcycollard@)Received11July2004;accepted2February2005Key words:bulked-segregant analysis,DNA markers,linkage map,marker-assisted selection,quantitative trait loci (QTLs),QTL analysis,QTL mappingSummaryRecognizing the enormous potential of DNA markers in plant breeding,many agricultural research centers and plant breeding institutes have adopted the capacity for marker development and marker-assisted selection(MAS). However,due to rapid developments in marker technology,statistical methodology for identifying quantitative trait loci(QTLs)and the jargon used by molecular biologists,the utility of DNA markers in plant breeding may not be clearly understood by non-molecular biologists.This review provides an introduction to DNA markers and the concept of polymorphism,linkage analysis and map construction,the principles of QTL analysis and how markers may be applied in breeding programs using MAS.This review has been specifically written for readers who have only a basic knowledge of molecular biology and/or plant genetics.Its format is therefore ideal for conventional plant breeders,physiologists,pathologists,other plant scientists and students.Abbreviations:AFLP:amplified fragment length polymorphism;BC:backcross;BSA:bulked-segregant analysis; CIM:composite interval mapping;cM:centiMorgan;DH:doubled haploid;EST:expressed sequence tag;SIM:sim-ple interval mapping;LOD:logarithm of odds;LRS:likelihood ratio statistic;MAS:marker-assisted selection;NIL: near isogenic lines;PCR:polymerase chain reaction;QTL:quantitative trait loci;RAPD:random amplified poly-morphic DNA;RI:recombinant inbred;RFLP:restriction fragment length polymorphism;SSR:simple sequence repeats(microsatellites);SCAR:sequence characterized amplified region;SNP:single nucleotide polymorphism; STS:sequence tagged siteIntroductionMany agriculturally important traits such as yield,qual-ity and some forms of disease resistance are controlled by many genes and are known as quantitative traits(also ‘polygenic,’‘multifactorial’or‘complex’traits).The regions within genomes that contain genes associated with a particular quantitative trait are known as quan-titative trait loci(QTLs).The identification of QTLs based only on conventional phenotypic evaluation is not possible.A major breakthrough in the characteri-zation of quantitative traits that created opportunities to select for QTLs was initiated by the development of DNA(or molecular)markers in the1980s.One of the main uses of DNA markers in agricul-tural research has been in the construction of linkage maps for diverse crop species.Linkage maps have been utilised for identifying chromosomal regions that contain genes controlling simple traits(controlled by a single gene)and quantitative traits using QTL170analysis(reviewed by Mohan et al.,1997).The process of constructing linkage maps and conducting QTL analysis–to identify genomic regions associated with traits–is known as QTL mapping(also‘genetic,’‘gene’or‘genome’mapping)(McCouch&Doerge,1995; Mohan et al.,1997;Paterson,1996a,b).DNA markers that are tightly linked to agronomically important genes (called gene‘tagging’)may be used as molecular tools for marker-assisted selection(MAS)in plant breeding (Ribaut&Hoisington,1998).MAS involves using the presence/absence of a marker as a substitute for or to as-sist in phenotypic selection,in a way which may make it more efficient,effective,reliable and cost-effective compared to the more conventional plant breeding methodology.The use of DNA markers in plant(and animal)breeding has opened a new realm in agriculture called‘molecular breeding’(Rafalski&Tingey,1993).DNA markers are widely accepted as potentially valuable tools for crop improvement in rice(Mackill et al.,1999;McCouch&Doerge,1995),wheat(Eagles et al.,2001;Koebner&Summers,2003;Van Sanford et al.,2001),maize(Stuber et al.,1999;Tuberosa et al., 2003),barley(Thomas,2003;Williams,2003),tuber crops(Barone,2004;Fregene et al.,2001;Gebhardt &Valkonen,2001),pulses(Kelly et al.,2003; Muehlbauer et al.,1994;Svetleva et al.,2003;Weeden et al.,1994),oilseeds(Snowdon&Friedt,2004), horticultural crop species(Baird et al.,1996,1997; Mehlenbacher,1995)and pasture species(Jahufer et al.,2002).Some studies suggest that DNA markers will play a vital role in enhancing global food produc-tion by improving the efficiency of conventional plant breeding programs(Kasha,1999;Ortiz,1998).Al-though there has been some concern that the outcomes of DNA marker technology as proposed by initial stud-ies may not be as effective asfirst thought,many plant breeding institutions have adopted the capacity for marker development and/or MAS(Eagles et al.,2001; Kelly&Miklas,1998;Lee,1995).An understanding of the basic concepts and methodology of DNA marker development and MAS,including some of the termi-nology used by molecular biologists,will enable plant breeders and researchers working in other relevant disciplines to work together towards a common goal –increasing the efficiency of global food production.A number of excellent reviews have been written about the construction of linkage maps,QTL analy-sis and the application of markers in marker-assisted selection(for example:Haley&Andersson,1997; Jones et al.,1997;Paterson et al.,1991a;Paterson, 1996a,b;Staub et al.,1996;Tanksley,1993;Young,1994).However,the authors of these reviews assumed that the reader had an advanced level of knowledge in molecular biology and plant genetics,with the possi-ble exceptions of the reviews by Paterson(1996a,b) and Jones et al.(1997).Our review has been specifi-cally written for readers with only a basic knowledge of molecular biology and/or plant genetics.It will be a useful reference for conventional plant breeders,physi-ologists,pathologists and other plant scientists,as well as students who are not necessarily engaged in applied molecular biology research but need an understanding of the exciting opportunities offered by this new tech-nology.This review consists offive sections:genetic markers,construction of linkage maps,QTL analysis, towards marker-assisted selection and marker-assisted selection.Section I:Genetic markersWhat are genetic markers?Genetic markers represent genetic differences between individual organisms or species.Generally,they do not represent the target genes themselves but act as‘signs’or‘flags’.Genetic markers that are located in close proximity to genes(i.e.tightly linked)may be referred to as gene‘tags’.Such markers themselves do not affect the phenotype of the trait of interest because they are located only near or‘linked’to genes controlling the trait.All genetic markers occupy specific genomic po-sitions within chromosomes(like genes)called‘loci’(singular‘locus’).There are three major types of genetic markers: (1)morphological(also‘classical’or‘visible’)mark-ers which themselves are phenotypic traits or charac-ters;(2)biochemical markers,which include allelic variants of enzymes called isozymes;and(3)DNA (or molecular)markers,which reveal sites of varia-tion in DNA(Jones et al.,1997;Winter&Kahl,1995). Morphological markers are usually visually character-ized phenotypic characters such asflower colour,seed shape,growth habits or pigmentation.Isozyme mark-ers are differences in enzymes that are detected by electrophoresis and specific staining.The major dis-advantages of morphological and biochemical mark-ers are that they may be limited in number and are influenced by environmental factors or the develop-mental stage of the plant(Winter&Kahl,1995). However,despite these limitations,morphological and biochemical markers have been extremely useful to171plant breeders(Eagles et al.,2001;Weeden et al., 1994).DNA markers are the most widely used type of marker predominantly due to their abundance.They arise from different classes of DNA mutations such as substitution mutations(point mutations),rearrange-ments(insertions or deletions)or errors in replication of tandemly repeated DNA(Paterson,1996a).These markers are selectively neutral because they are usu-ally located in non-coding regions of DNA.Unlike morphological and biochemical markers,DNA mark-ers are practically unlimited in number and are not af-fected by environmental factors and/or the develop-mental stage of the plant(Winter&Kahl,1995).Apart from the use of DNA markers in the construction of linkage maps,they have numerous applications in plant breeding such as assessing the level of genetic diver-sity within germplasm and cultivar identity(Baird et al., 1997;Henry,1997;Jahufer et al.,2003;Weising et al., 1995;Winter&Kahl,1995).DNA markers may be broadly divided into three classes based on the method of their detection:(1) hybridization-based;(2)polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based and(3)DNA sequence-based(Gupta et al.,1999;Jones et al.,1997;Joshi et al.,1999;Win-ter&Kahl,1995).Essentially,DNA markers may re-veal genetic differences that can be visualised by us-ing a technique called gel electrophoresis and stain-ing with chemicals(ethidium bromide or silver)or detection with radioactive or colourimetric probes. DNA markers are particularly useful if they reveal differences between individuals of the same or dif-ferent species.These markers are called polymorphic markers,whereas markers that do not discriminate between genotypes are called monomorphic markers (Figure1).Polymorphic markers may also be de-scribed as codominant or dominant.This description is based on whether markers can discriminate between homozygotes and heterozygotes(Figure2).Codomi-nant markers indicate differences in size whereas dom-inant markers are either present or absent.Strictly speaking,the different forms of a DNA marker(e.g. different sized bands on gels)are called marker‘al-leles’.Codominant markers may have many differ-ent alleles whereas a dominant marker only has two alleles.It is beyond the scope of this review to discuss the technical method of how DNA markers are gen-erated.However the advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used markers are presented in Table1.Figure1.Diagram representing hypothetical DNA markers between genotypes A,B,C and D.Polymorphic markers are indicated by ar-rows.Markers that do not discriminate between genotypes are called monomorphic markers.(a)Example of SSR markers.The polymor-phic marker reveals size differences for the marker alleles of the four genotypes,and represent a single genetic locus.(b)Examples of markers generated by the RAPD technique.Note that these mark-ers are either present or absent.Often,the sizes of these markers in nucleotide base pairs(bp)are also provided;these sizes are estimated from a molecular weight(MW)DNA ladder.For both polymorphic markers,there are only two different marker alleles.Section II:Construction of linkage mapsWhat are linkage maps?A linkage map may be thought of as a‘road map’of the chromosomes derived from two different parents(Pa-terson,1996a).Linkage maps indicate the position and relative genetic distances between markers along chro-mosomes,which is analogous to signs or landmarks along a highway.The most important use for linkage maps is to identify chromosomal locations contain-ing genes and QTLs associated with traits of interest; such maps may then be referred to as‘QTL’(or‘ge-netic’)maps.‘QTL mapping’is based on the principle that genes and markers segregate via chromosome re-combination(called crossing-over)during meiosis(i.e. sexual reproduction),thus allowing their analysis in the progeny(Paterson,1996a).Genes or markers that are close together or tightly-linked will be transmitted172Table 1.Advantages and disadvantages of most commonly-used DNA markers for QTL analysis Molecular Codominant (C)markeror Dominant (D)Advantages DisadvantagesReferencesRestrictionC•Robust •Time-consuming,laborious Beckmann &Soller (1986),fragment length •Reliableand expensiveKochert (1994),Tanksley polymorphism •Transferable across •Large amounts of DNA required et al.(1989)(RFLP)populations•Limited polymorphism (especially in related lines)Random D•Quick and simple •Problems with reproducibility Penner (1996),Welsh &amplified •Inexpensive•Generally not transferableMcClelland (1990),polymorphic •Multiple loci from a single Williams et al.(1990)DNA (RAPD)primer possible •Small amounts of DNA required Simple sequence C•Technically simple •Large amounts of time and McCouch et al.(1997),repeats (SSRs)∗•Robust and reliable labour required for production Powell et al.(1996),or ‘microsatellites’•Transferable between of primers Taramino &Tingey (1996)populations •Usually require polyacrylamideelectrophoresis AmplifiedD•Multiple loci •Large amounts of DNA required V os et al.(1995)fragment Length•High levels of•Complicated methodologyPolymorphism (AFLP)polymorphism generated∗SSRsare also known as sequence tagged microsatellite site (STMS)markers (Davierwala et al.,2000;Huettel et al.,1999;Mohapatra et al.,2003;Winter et al.,1999).Figure parison between (a)codominant and (b)dominant markers.Codominant markers can clearly discriminate between homozygotes and heterozygotes whereas dominant markers do not.Genotypes at two marker loci (A and B)are indicated below the gel diagrams.together from parent to progeny more frequently than genes or markers that are located further apart (Fig-ure 3).In a segregating population,there is a mixture of parental and recombinant genotypes.The frequency of recombinant genotypes can be used to calculate re-combination fractions,which may by used to infer the genetic distance between markers.By analysing the segregation of markers,the relative order and dis-tances between markers can be determined–the lower the frequency of recombination between two markers,the closer they are situated on a chromosome (con-versely,the higher the frequency of recombination be-tween two markers,the further away they are situated on a chromosome).Markers that have a recombination frequency of 50%are described as ‘unlinked’and as-sumed to be located far apart on the same chromosome or on different chromosomes.For a more detailed ex-planation of genetic linkage,the reader is encouraged to consult basic textbooks on genetics or quantitative genetics (for example,Hartl &Jones,2001;Kearsey &Pooni,1996).Mapping functions are used to convert recombination fractions into map units called centi-Morgans (cM)(discussed later).Linkage maps are con-structed from the analysis of many segregating mark-ers.The three main steps of linkage map construction are:(1)production of a mapping population;(2)iden-tification of polymorphism and (3)linkage analysis of markers.Mapping populationsThe construction of a linkage map requires a segregat-ing plant population (i.e.a population derived from sex-ual reproduction).The parents selected for the mapping population will differ for one or more traits of interest.Population sizes used in preliminary genetic mapping studies generally range from 50to 250individuals173 Figure3.Diagram indicating cross-over or recombination events between homologous chromosomes that occur during meiosis.Gametes that are produced after meiosis are either parental(P)or recombinant(R).The smaller the distance between two markers,the smaller the chance of recombination occurring between the two markers.Therefore,recombination between markers G and H should occur more frequently than recombination between markers E and F.This can be observed in a segregating mapping population.By analysing the number of recombinants in a population,it could be determined that markers E and F are closer together compared to G and H.(Mohan et al.,1997),however larger populations arerequired for high-resolution mapping.If the map willbe used for QTL studies(which is usually the case),then an important point to note is that the mapping pop-ulation must be phenotypically evaluated(i.e.trait datamust be collected)before subsequent QTL mapping.Generally in self-pollinating species,mapping pop-ulations originate from parents that are both highly ho-mozygous(inbred).In cross pollinating species,the sit-uation is more complicated since most of these speciesdo not tolerate inbreeding.Many cross pollinating plantspecies are also polyploid(contain several sets of chro-mosome pairs).Mapping populations used for mappingcross pollinating species may be derived from a crossbetween a heterozygous parent and a haploid or ho-mozygous parent(Wu et al.,1992).For example,inboth the cross pollinating species white clover(Tri-folium repens L.)and ryegrass(Lolium perenne L.),F1generation mapping populations were successfully de-veloped by pair crossing heterozygous parental plantsthat were distinctly different for important traits asso-ciated with plant persistence and seed yield(Barrettet al.,2004;Forster et al.,2000).Several different populations may be utilizedfor mapping within a given plant species,with eachpopulation type possessing advantages and disadvan-tages(McCouch&Doerge,1995;Paterson,1996a)(Figure4).F2populations,derived from F1hybrids,and backcross(BC)populations,derived by crossingthe F1hybrid to one of the parents,are the simplesttypes of mapping populations developed for selfpollinating species.Their main advantages are thatthey are easy to construct and require only a shorttime to produce.Inbreeding from individual F2plantsallows the construction of recombinant inbred(RI)lines,which consist of a series of homozygous lines,each containing a unique combination of chromosomalsegments from the original parents.The length oftime needed for producing RI populations is the majordisadvantage,because usually six to eight generationsare required.Doubled haploid(DH)populations maybe produced by regenerating plants by the inductionof chromosome doubling from pollen grains,however,the production of DH populations is only possible inspecies that are amenable to tissue culture(e.g.cerealspecies such as rice,barley and wheat).The majoradvantages of RI and DH populations are that theyproduce homozygous or‘true-breeding’lines that canbe multiplied and reproduced without genetic changeoccurring.This allows for the conduct of replicated174Figure4.Diagram of main types of mapping populations for self-pollinating species.trials across different locations and years.Thus both RI and DH populations represent‘eternal’resources for QTL mapping.Furthermore,seed from individual RI or DH lines may be transferred between different laboratories for further linkage analysis and the addition of markers to existing maps,ensuring that all collaborators examine identical material(Paterson, 1996a;Young,1994).Identification of polymorphismThe second step in the construction of a linkage map is to identify DNA markers that reveal differences be-tween parents(i.e.polymorphic markers).It is critical that sufficient polymorphism exists between parents in order to construct a linkage map(Young,1994).In gen-eral,cross pollinating species possess higher levels of DNA polymorphism compared to inbreeding species; mapping in inbreeding species generally requires the selection of parents that are distantly related.In many cases,parents that provide adequate polymorphism are selected on the basis of the level of genetic diversity between parents(Anderson et al.,1993;Collard et al., 2003;Joshi&Nguyen,1993;Yu&Nguyen,1994).The choice of DNA markers used for mapping may de-pend on the availability of characterised markers or the appropriateness of particular markers for a particular species.Once polymorphic markers have been identified, they must be screened across the entire mapping pop-ulation,including the parents(and F1hybrid,if pos-sible).This is known as marker‘genotyping’of the population.Therefore,DNA must be extracted from each individual of the mapping population when DNA markers are used.Examples of DNA markers screened across different populations are shown in Figure5.The expected segregation ratios for codominant and domi-nant markers are presented in Table2.Significant de-viations from expected ratios can be analysed using Table2.Expected segregation ratios for markers in different popu-lation typesPopulation type Codominant markers Dominant markersF21:2:1(AA:Aa:aa)3:1(B:bb) Backcross1:1(Cc:cc)1:1(Dd:dd) Recombinant inbred or1:1(EE:ee)1:1(FF:ff)doubled haploid175 Figure5.Hypothetical gel photos representing segregating codominant markers(left-hand side)and dominant markers(right-hand side)for typical mapping populations.Codominant markers indicate the complete genotype of a plant.Note that dominant markers cannot discriminate between heterozygotes and one homozygote genotype in F2populations.The segregation ratios of markers can be easily understood by using Punnett squares to derive population genotypes.chi-square tests.Generally,markers will segregate in a Mendelian fashion although distorted segregation ra-tios may be encountered(Sayed et al.,2002;Xu et al., 1997).In some polyploid species such as sugarcane, identifying polymorphic markers is more complicated (Ripol et al.,1999).The mapping of diploid relatives of polyploid species can be of great benefit in developing maps for polyploid species.However,diploid relatives do not exist for all polyploid species(Ripol et al.,1999; Wu et al.,1992).A general method for the mapping of polyploid species is based on the use of single-dose restriction fragments(Wu et al.,1992).Linkage analysis of markersThefinal step of the construction of a linkage map in-volves coding data for each DNA marker on each indi-vidual of a population and conducting linkage anal-ysis using computer programs(Figure6).Missing marker data can also be accepted by mapping programs.Although linkage analysis can be performed manu-ally for a few markers,it is not feasible to manually analyze and determine linkages between large numbers of markers that are used to construct maps;computer programs are required for this purpose.Linkage be-tween markers is usually calculated using odds ratios (i.e.the ratio of linkage versus no linkage).This ratio is more conveniently expressed as the logarithm of the ratio,and is called a logarithm of odds(LOD)value or LOD score(Risch,1992).LOD values of>3are typi-cally used to construct linkage maps.A LOD value of 3between two markers indicates that linkage is1000 times more likely(i.e.1000:1)than no linkage(null hypothesis).LOD values may be lowered in order to detect a greater level of linkage or to place additional markers within maps constructed at higher LOD monly used software programs include Map-maker/EXP(Lander et al.,1987;Lincoln et al.,1993a) and MapManager QTX(Manly et al.,2001),which are freely available from the internet.JoinMap is an-other commonly-used program for constructing link-age maps(Stam,1993).176Figure6.Construction of a linkage map based on a small recombinant inbred population(20individuals).Thefirst parent(P1)is scored as an ‘A’whereas the second parent(P2)is scored as a‘B’.Coding of marker data varies depending on the type of population used.This linkage map was constructed using Map Manager QTX(Manly et al.,2001)using the Haldane mapping function.A typical output of a linkage map is shown in Figure7.Linked markers are grouped together into‘linkage groups,’which represent chromosomal segments or entire chromosomes.Referring to the road map analogy,linkage groups represent roads and markers represent signs or landmarks.A difficulty associated with obtaining an equal number of linkage groups and chromosomes is that the polymorphic markers detected are not necessarily evenly distributed over the chromosome,but clustered in some regions and absent in others(Paterson,1996a).In addition to the non-random distribution of markers,the frequency of recombination is not equal along chromosomes (Hartl&Jones,2001;Young,1994).The accuracy of measuring the genetic distance and determining marker order is directly related to the number of individuals studied in the mapping popu-lation.Ideally,mapping populations should consist of177 Figure7.Hypothetical‘framework’linkage map offive chromosomes(represented by linkage groups)and26markers.Ideally,a framework map should consist of evenly spaced markers for subsequent QTL analysis.If possible,the framework map should also consist of anchor markers that are present in several maps,so that they can be used to compare regions between maps.a minimum of50individuals for constructing linkage maps(Young,1994).Genetic distance and mapping functionsThe importance of the distance between genes and markers has been discussed earlier.The greater the distance between markers,the greater the chance of re-combination occurring during meiosis.Distance along a linkage map is measured in terms of the frequency of recombination between genetic markers(Paterson, 1996a).Mapping functions are required to convert recombination fractions into centiMorgans(cM)be-cause recombination frequency and the frequency of crossing-over are not linearly related(Hartl&Jones, 2001;Kearsey&Pooni,1996).When map distances are small(<10cM),the map distance equals the recombi-nation frequency.However,this relationship does not apply for map distances that are greater than10cM (Hartl&Jones,2001).Two commonly used mapping functions are the Kosambi mapping function,which assumes that recombination events influence the oc-currence of adjacent recombination events,and the Haldane mapping function,which assumes no interfer-ence between crossover events(Hartl&Jones,2001; Kearsey&Pooni,1996).It should be noted that distance on a linkage map is not directly related to the physical distance of DNA be-tween genetic markers,but depends on the genome size of the plant species(Paterson,1996a).Furthermore, the relationship between genetic and physical dis-tance varies along a chromosome(Kunzel et al.,2000; Tanksley et al.,1992;Young,1994).For example,there are recombination‘hot spots’and‘cold spots,’which are chromosomal regions in which recombination oc-curs more frequently or less frequently,respectively (Faris et al.,2000;Ma et al.,2001;Yao et al.,2002). Section III:QTL analysisPrinciple of QTL analysisIdentifying a gene or QTL within a plant genome is likefinding the proverbial needle in a haystack.How-ever,QTL analysis can be used to divide the haystack178in manageable piles and systematically search them.In simple terms,QTL analysis is based on the principle of detecting an association between phenotype and the genotype of markers.Markers are used to parti-tion the mapping population into different genotypic groups based on the presence or absence of a particu-lar marker locus and to determine whether significant differences exist between groups with respect to the trait being measured (Tanksley,1993;Young,1996).A significant difference between phenotypic means of the groups (either 2or 3),depending on the marker sys-tem and type of population,indicates that the marker locus being used to partition the mapping population is linked to a QTL controlling the trait (Figure 8).A logical question that may be asked at this point is ‘why does a significant P value obtained for differences between mean trait values indicate linkage between marker and QTL?’The answer is due to recombination.The closer a marker is from a QTL,the lower the chance of recombination occurring between marker and QTL.Therefore,the QTL and marker will be usually be inher-ited together in the progeny,and the mean of the group with the tightly-linked marker will be significantlydif-Figure 8.Principle of QTL mapping (adapted from Young,1996).Markers that are linked to a gene or QTL controlling a particular trait (e.g.plant height)will indicate significant differences when the mapping population is partitioned according to the genotype of the marker.Based on the results in this diagram,Marker E is linked to a QTL because there is a significant difference between means.Marker H is unlinked to a QTL because there is no significant difference between means.The closer the marker is to the QTL of interest,the lower the chance for recombination between marker and QTL.ferent (P <0.05)to the mean of the group without the marker (Figure 9).When a marker is loosely-linked or unlinked to a QTL,there is independent segregation of the marker and QTL.In this situation,there will be no significant difference between means of the genotype groups based on the presence or absence of the loosely-linked marker (Figure 9).Unlinked markers located far apart or on different chromosomes to the QTL are ran-domly inherited with the QTL;therefore,no significant differences between means of the genotype groups will be detected.Methods to detect QTLsThree widely-used methods for detecting QTLs are single-marker analysis,simple interval mapping and composite interval mapping (Liu,1998;Tanksley,1993).Single-marker analysis (also ‘single-point anal-ysis’)is the simplest method for detecting QTLs as-sociated with single markers.The statistical methods used for single-marker analysis include t -tests,analysis of variance (ANOV A)and linear regression.Linear。
