2、旋转[dial]钮,选择33 号菜单(rpt mod)
3、按[band(set)]键,然后旋转[dial]钮,在rpt-、rpt+、rpt off间选择需要的频差
4、按[band(set)]键存储设置,然后按住[band(set)]键0.5 秒退出菜单进入正常操作
3 超级频道按键(1-5)
按住其中任意一键保持2 秒钟,当前机器中所有数据将存入指定的超级频道组。
4 [mhz(pΒιβλιοθήκη i)]键 在vfo模式,按此键机器以1mhz 步进频率调谐。
5 [tone(hm/rv)]键
1、按住[band(set)]键0.5 秒进入菜单
2、旋转[dial]钮,选择35 号菜单(rx mod)
2、旋转[dial]钮,选择11 号菜单(dimmer)
3、按[band(set)]键,然后旋转[dial]钮,选择合适的亮度设置dim1、dim2、dim3 或dim off(不照明)
4、按[band(set)]键,将设置存入机器,然后按住[band(set)]键0.5 秒退出菜单,进入正常操作。
一. 设定频率
1. 在主机上设定
(1) 打开电源
(2) 按(V/M.MW)键进入VFO(频率)状态;
(3) 短按(BAND.SET)键设定您将使用的频段,如144段或430段或850段;
(4) 旋转频道旋钮来设定您要使用的频率,短按一下(MHz.PRI)键,将直接调整频率显示小数点前的数字。
不许公开此说明书(因为一方涉及到厂商的版权问题,另一方面本人水平有限)BG7IUT 翻译2003年10月18日调频:开机,旋转DIAL键可以按事先设定好的步进来调整当前操作波段的频率,顺时针方向可以使频率向高的方向步进,逆时针方向可以使频率向低的方向步进。
扫描:在VFO模式下,按住BAND 键一秒并用顶部旋纽进行向上或向下扫描。
在FNB-82Li电池(3.7V)工作下,144MHz高功率时1.5W输出,低功率时0.1W输出;430MHz高功率时1.0W 输出,低功率时0.1W输出。
在外接电源(6.0V)工作下,144MHz 高功率时3W输出,低功率时0.3W输出;430MHz高功率时2.0W 输出,低功率时0.3W输出。
激活锁定功能如下:按住H/L键一秒进入设定模式用顶部旋纽DIAL键选择菜单#25(LOCK)按H/L键进行入设定,然后用顶部旋纽DIAL键选择:KEY(锁定按键),DIAL (锁定旋纽),K+D(锁定按键和旋纽),PTT(锁定发射键),K+P (锁定按键和发射键),D+P(锁定旋纽和发射键),ALL(锁定所有键)。
该产品采用液压驱动技术强制性拦截,承重、抗撞能力强,操作简便、灵活,液压传动,动作平稳、快捷、噪声低,通行能力强,安全可靠, 承载能力强、升降平稳等优点。
(按用户要求增设)安全提示:★本产品只能用于一些规定的场所. 如果用于一些没有明确说明的场所,会对本产品造成损坏并可能产生危险;★如果由于不正确使用或者使用频率超过规定的范围造成的损坏,通八洲不承担责任;★不能将设备安装在可燃(爆)气体附近,易燃(爆)气体会对设备有一定的安全隐患;★如果在安装SN-LD/LB系列产品或以及相应的附件时不遵守安装事项,并由此造成变形等后果,通八洲将不会对此负责;★必须遵守安装所在地有效的现行条例,在系统上做连线时,必须先切断电源;确定做好设备接地;★不能对SN-LB/LD自动系统做任何形式上的更改;安装人员须给予使用者技术方面必要的支持和培训,包括在紧急状况下的手动操作;★在设备运动动作时,不允许人靠近设备;使用者禁止通过任何方式进行维修,必须联系有维修资格的人;★任何在使用说明中没有被清楚标出的项目是不被允许的。
目录一、概述 (1)1、路障机系统组成 (1)2、外形尺寸 (1)3、主要技术参数 (1)二、工作原理 (2)1、路障机主机架 (2)2、液压系统 (2)3、电气控制系统 (2)4、功能介绍 (2)5、产品特点 (2)6、接线示意图说明 (2)三、安装须知 (3)1、线材用量 (3)2、接线示意图 (3)四:施工示意图 (4)1、地基挖坑 (4)2、排水系统 (4)3、排水方法 (4)4、施工示意图 (4)五、安装、调试 (4)1、安装位置 (4)2、管线连接 (4)3、整机测试运行 (4)4、路障机加固 (5)六、路障机使用方法 (5)七、使用与保养 (5)1、日常使用与保养 (5)2、500小时保养 (5)3、3500小时保养 (6)八、常见故障及其排除 (6)常见故障原因和排除方法见表5-1 (6)本说明书为公司最新产品的使用说明书,公司保留对产品的改进和说明书的更新而不另行告知的权利。
YAESU VX-2R中文使用说明书及写频软件
![YAESU VX-2R中文使用说明书及写频软件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/297fb1dc50e2524de5187e62.png)
YAESU VX-2R中文使用说明书及写频软件本文来自: 中国业余无线电家园网站作者: BG1LZN日期: 2007-6-22 18:46 阅读: 2371人打印收藏大中小YAESU, 说明书, 软件, 中文YAESU VX-2R使用说明书调频:开机,旋转DIAL键可以按事先设定好的步进来调整当前操作波段的频率,顺时针方向可以使频率向高的方向步进,逆时针方向可以使频率向低的方向步进。
Yaesu VX-R2说明书
![Yaesu VX-R2说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e9b1fce6376baf1ffd4fad5e.png)
Yaesu VX-R2说明书Yaesu VX-2R。
为了方便大家的使用,在此给大家简单的介绍一下YAESU VX-2R的一些基本操作和基本功能使用。
7、 [KE YBEEP]―键盘提示音开关选项。
請使用高質量的 50 歐姆同軸電纜做為饋線來連接本機和天 線。如果饋線質量低劣,安裝天線的所有努力就將東流。頻率越 高 , 饋 線 對 信 號 的 損 耗 就 越 大 。 8 米 (25’) 長 的 同 軸 電 纜 在 29MHz 時損耗是 1/2dB, 在 446MHz 時,對信號的損耗就是 6dB。根據您的安裝位置(車載安裝還是基地安裝)仔細選擇饋 線和饋線的長度(車載安裝時,饋線要短而柔軟)。
FP-1030A 交流電源變換器(30A)
FT8900R 操作手冊 中文版 由 BD2CM/孫繼利編譯
選件是否可得,根據情況不同而不同。有的是某一地區的標 準配件,某些,在一定地區可能根本不供應。請諮詢您的經銷 商。非 YAESU 指定配件,可能會造成本機損壞,也會使本機質 保失效。
1. 本 FT-8900R 操作手冊中文版由 BD2CM/孫繼利根據原機所 配英文版操作手冊編譯而成,供全球講中文的火腿朋友免費 使用。
2. 您有權以任何方式對本操作手冊中文版進行分發,但您必須 注明由 “BD2CM/孫繼利編譯”,並且不得用於商業用途。
3. 如果涉及著作權,請即聯繫。 4. 排版儘量採用中文格式。部分無法用中文格式的地方採用英
FT-8900R 是一種電子設備,也是一個射頻干擾源。您需要 遵守各種安全方面的要求。以下這些技巧適用於任何有完美設計 的業餘電臺。
不要讓沒經過訓練的孩子操作機器或玩弄開線。 各種連接線一定要用絕緣膠帶紮成線把,以避免短路。 不要沿門框,或在潮濕的地方下線,以避免意外短路。 當機器處於發射狀態時,不要站在天線的正前方。不要將天 線的輻射方向正對著有人或寵物等經常走動的地方。 做為車台安裝時,最好將天線安裝到車的頂部,以便安裝牢 固並使輻射波遠離路上的人。 當您停車使用時(如,在停車場),如果有人經過,請減小 發射功率。 車輛行進時,不要將兩個耳朵都帶上耳機。 車輛行進時,不要用雙音頻撥號。不管是自動撥號還是手動 撥號,都要將車停在路邊再進行撥號。
为了方便大家的使用,在此给大家简单的介绍一下YAesuVx-2R 的一些基本操作和基本功能使用。
八重洲说明书瓦超坚固,防水,三波段镁金属外壳手持机业余无线电中一棵闪亮的星!Y AESU VX-7R拥有令人激动的坚固,防水,等特性.拥有VX-7R,你就拥有了最好的手持机.性能参数:频率覆盖: 接收0.5-999Mhz 发射50/144/430业余波段双VFO同时接收,V-V/U-U/V-U/Gen-Ham输出功率: 5瓦AM短波接收及气象频率500个存储信道3米水深半小时防水能力镁金属外壳1300mAh高能Li离子电池CTCSS/DCS编解码器Arts?通信圈外提示支持WIRES互联网中转全彩色LED收发指示灯频谱显示可选SU-1气压高度计VX-7R开频步骤:1 打开电池。
2 打开黑色的垫板(在写有警告"warning"的正上方)。
3 对于Mars/Cap开频:断开焊点5。
4 对于全段开频:断开焊点4。
5 装上垫板/电池。
6 同时按下[4]、[Band]和[V/M]键开机。
VX-7R开频后:1 全段开频:TX: 40.000Mhz - 224.995Mhz & 300Mhz - 579.995Mhz2 Mars/Cap开频:TX: 50Mhz - 54Mhz 140Mhz - 174Mhz & 222Mhz - 225Mhz & 420Mhz - 470Mhz.欧州C2版: 工厂设置: 2+3+4+5,断开4即可。
欧州B1版: 工厂设置: 2+4+5+7,断开4。
欧州B2版: 工厂设置: 2+4,断开4。
美国A2版: 工厂设置: 1+2+3+6+7+8。
(900MHz Blocked)断开4:全段发射。
Y AESU VX—7R功能设置设置模式VX—7R的设置模式可以对本机的大量参数进行设定,请按照下面的步骤进行:1、按黄色【MON\F】键,再按【0\SET】键进入设置模式2、旋转顶部的【DIAL】旋纽,选择需要设置的菜单项目3、通过按压【MAIN】、【SUB】键调整或选择所需要调整的菜单的参数4、设置完成后,按发射键【PTT】确定并退出设置模式注意:有些菜单的激活需要在调整参数前按【BAND\BND DN】键进入“我的菜单”快捷键设置“我的菜单”键允许你快捷地调出某个菜单选项,【TX\PO\LK】键担当了这个角色。
八重洲FT-1907R设置说明书1 Apo自动关机.激活止自动关机功能.半小时1.3.5.8.停止2 ar bepars哗声提示.在arts使用时可选择哗声. 当前状态长期停止.当前状态时3 ar int.选择arts投票间隔时间在期间.25秒15秒.25秒4 ars自动中继差转.激活停止知道中继差转功能激活停止激活5 bcol繁忙信道禁发射.激活停止繁忙信道禁发射功能.激活停止.停止6 beep操作音.激活停止按键哗声功能.Ky+scn off. Ky+scn7 bell响铃.可选择ctcss dcs epcs接收振铃1,3,5,8连续停止.停止8 bnk lnk.选择存储体为存储体连接扫描。
9 ..10 Clk sft.转移cpu钟频.激活停止.停止11 Cwid.激活停止cw标识符在arts操作期间.激活停止.停止12 CWTRNG.激活停止CW训练功能和选择传送摩斯MORSE码速率.4W-13W,15-17,20-24,30-40,OFF.OFF13 DCVLT输入直流显示14 DCSCD.设定DCS数字哑音码.104个数字哑音码.02315 DCSRV.激活停止反向DCS数字哑音译码.激活停止.停止16 DIMMER.设置面板光亮度17 DTAM.激活停止DTMF自动拨号功能.人工自动.人工18 DTDLY.设定DTMF自动拨号延迟发射功能.50,250,450,750,1000ms.5019 DTSET.加载DTMF自动拨号存储20 DTSPD.设定DTMF自动拨号传送速率.50,100ms。
50ms21 EDGBEP.激活停止频带边缘提示音当扫描.激活停止.停止22 INTCD.选择问访号码用于WIRES操作.DTMF0-DTMF9,DTMFa-DTMFf.DTMF123 IN.选择互联网链接连接方式.SRG,FRG.SRG24 INTAM.激活停止DTMF自动拨号功能当互联网链接连接方式.激活停止.停止25 .26 LOCK.选择锁功能.键盘锁,转盘锁,兼+转盘,禁发射锁,键+禁发射,转盘+发射,全部,停止.停止27 MCGAIN.话筒增益调节.LVL1-LVL9.LVL528 MEMSCN.可选择记忆扫描模式.TAG1,TAG2,ALLCH.ALLCH29 MWMD.可选择信道存储方式.下一个,最低位置.下一个30 NMSET.编程一个AIPHA,NUMERIC标签为记忆信道31 OPNMSG.可选择激活时显示文字.DC,MSG,OFF.DC32 PAGER.激活,停止CTCCSS哑音码寻呼和译码功能.激活停止.停止33 PAGABK.激活,停止响应CTCSS哑音码寻呼和译码功能.激活停止.停止34 APGCDR.接收选呼码在CTCSS哑音码寻呼和译码功能. 05-4735 APGCDT选定发射选呼码在CTCSS哑音码寻呼和译码功能. 05-4736 PRGP137 PRGP238 PRGP339 PRGP440 PSWD.编入及设定密码功能. .OFF41 RESUME.选择信道之停留时间当扫描受信时.BUSY,HOLD,3SEC,5SEC,10SEC.BUSY42 RFSQL.可调节RF静噪门限水平.S1-S9orOFF.OFF43 RPT.设置中继差转方式.-RPT,+RPT,SIMP.SIMP44 RVRT.激活停止优先信道恢复功能.激活停止.停止45 S SRCH.选择聪明的查询打扫方式.单一,连续.单一46 SHIFT.设定中继差转间隔.000-9995.06047 SKIP选择记忆扫描方式.跳越,净,停止.停止48 SPLIT.激活停止CTCSS,DCS编译码分离.激活停止.停止49 SQLTYP.选择哑音编码,译码模式.TONE,TSQL,DCS,RVTN,OFF.OFF50 STEP.设定频率步进.5,10,125,15,20,25,50,100,.12551 TEMP显示实时机内温度52 TNFREQ.设定CTCSS哑音码(hz).50个标准CTCSS哑音码.100(hz)53 TOT.次发射时限.1m3m5m10Moff.3M54 TSMUT.激活停止寻找扫描哑音频时接收话音输出.激活停止.激活55 TSSPD.选择扫描亚音频速度.快速,慢速.快速56 VFOSCN.选择可调频率模式宽带.1mhz,2m,5m,全频带.全频带57 WXALT.激活,停止天气信道提示功能.激活,停止.停止58 WXVOL.天气信道提示话音输出.标准音量,最高音量.标准音量59 WNDV.话筒GAIN,DEVIATION和接收器带宽的减少.宽,窄.宽。
八重洲、建设伍系列电台中继设置方法详细八重洲系列,建伍系列电台中继设置方法详细~1.车台:八重州FT-18071,按手咪P2键键立一个新的频率2,输入下行频率438.5003,长按主机面板上的" MHZ SET "键进入菜单4,旋转DIAL旋钮到43项点" MHZ SET "键进入,旋转旋钮调出下差(减号)5,点"DIAL"键返回菜单,旋到46项,点" MHZ SET "键进入,将下差调成56,点"DIAL"键返回菜单,旋到49项,点" MHZ SET "键进入,选TONE(打开哑音)7,点"DIAL"键返回菜单,旋到52项,点" MHZ SET "键进入,将哑音调成88.58点" MHZ SET "键返回,长按MW D/MR键保存.八重州FT-78001,按手咪P2键键立一个新的频率2,输入下行频率438.5003,长按主机面板上的"BAND SET"键进入菜单4,旋转旋钮到33项点"BAND SET"键进入,旋转旋钮调出下差(减号) 5,点"BAND SET"键返回菜单,旋到39项,点"BAND SET"键进入,将下差调成56,点"BAND SET"键返回菜单,旋到42项,点"BAND SET"键进入,选ENC(打开哑音) 7,点"BAND SET"键返回菜单,旋到44项,点"BAND SET"键进入,将哑音调成88.5 8点"BAND SET"键返回,长按手咪P2键保存.八重州FT-88001,按手咪P2键键立一个新的频率2,输入下行频率438.5003,长按主机面板上的"SET"键进入菜单4,旋转旋钮到33项点"DIAL"键进入,旋转旋钮调出下差(减号)5,点" SET"键返回菜单,旋到36项,点"DIAL"键进入,将下差调成56,点" SET"键返回菜单,旋到41项,点"DIAL"键进入,选ENC(打开哑音)7,点" SET"键返回菜单,旋到40项,点"DIAL"键进入,将哑音调成88.58点" SET"键返回,长按手咪P2键保存.八重州FT-89001,按手咪P2键键立一个新的频率2,输入下行频率438.5003,长按主机面板上的"SET"键进入菜单4,旋转旋钮到33项点"DIAL"键进入,旋转旋钮调出下差(减号)5,点" SET"键返回菜单,旋到36项,点"DIAL"键进入,将下差调成56,点" SET"键返回菜单,旋到40项,点"DIAL"键进入,选ENC(打开哑音)7,点" SET"键返回菜单,旋到39项,点"DIAL"键进入,将哑音调成88.58点" SET"键返回,长按手咪P2键保存.艾可慕IC-2720①打开电源,按住[PWR]1秒钟开机。
除了在50、144、430MHz段收发功能外,还提供有0.3瓦的222MHz段的QRP收发功能,以及AM(MF)、FM广播段,HF 全段,V/U段,VHF AM航空段,商用和应急呼叫频率的信号接收功能。
还具有Y AESU的ARTS TM功能(自动可通联指示功能)。
建议您通读本手册以了解此款Y AESU最新手持机的激动人心的功能。
控制部件和连接口屏幕上的图标和指示和键盘功能AM 自动关机启动L3 L1 铃声报警启动 DTMR 静音功能启动 声控发射 高放前端衰减启动 省电功能启动 低电告警图标意义DW :双频接收(双频守候)功能启动 键盘已锁 中转差频方向 下差(减差) 上差(加差) 异频(上下差,加减差) TSQ :CTCSS/DCS 操作T :哑音编码 TSQ :哑音解码 DCS (编码静噪)操作 T·D :发射:哑音编码,接收:DCS 解码 D·T :发射:DCS 编码,接收:哑音解码 D :DCS 编码开启功能键 输入频率数字”1” 输入频率数字”2” +按住此键(不松)异频收发时,翻转收发频率输入频率数字”4” 输入频率数字”5” +按住此键(不松)开启互联网连接 输入频率数字”7” 输入频率数字”8”+按住此键(不松)+按住此键(不松)输入频率数字输入频率数字设置下方频率为工作波段(发射频率)+按住此键(不松)输入频率数字VFO状态和频道状态转换+配件和选件配件:FNB-80LI 电池块NC-72B/C 电池充电器拆装方便的腰带夹手提绳天线操作手册质保卡选件:1、CSC-88 软保护套2、CD-15 快速充电器(需要NC-72B/C)3、FBA-23 装两节5号电池的电池盒(电池不提供)4、FNB-80LI 电池块(7.4V/1300mAh)5、E-DC-5B 加有噪声滤波器的直流电源线6、NC-72B/C 电池充电器7、E-DC-6 直流电连接线(只有电线和插头)8、CT-91 话筒连接线9、VC-27 耳麦10、MH-57A4B 手持话筒扬声器11、CMP46A 防水手持话筒声声器12、CN-3 BNC接转SMA接口转接头13、SU-1 气压传感器单元选配件是否可得,根据情况不同而不同。
YAESU 八重洲FT-252中文使用手册
![YAESU 八重洲FT-252中文使用手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/06cdd699cc22bcd126ff0c38.png)
VHF 调频对讲机
日本东京品川区东品川 2-5-8 号天王洲 PACKSIDE BUILDING 邮编 : 140-0002
中国上海自由贸易试验区西里路 55 号 5F1007B 邮编 : 2............................................................1 配件和选购件......................................................2 控制和连接..........................................................3 顶面板和前面板..............................................3 LCD.................................................................4 配件安装..............................................................5 天线安装..........................................................5 安装 FNB-124LI 电池..................................5 电池充电..........................................................6 低电量显示......................................................6 皮带夹安装 / 拆卸......................
Swisher 20020 Road Buster 砾车说明书
![Swisher 20020 Road Buster 砾车说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/68168dbb7e192279168884868762caaedd33ba21.png)
Read and follow all Safety Precautions and Instructions before operating this equipment .OWNER’S MANUAL1602 CORPORATE DRIVE, WARRENSBURG, MISSOURI 64093****************************************************************MODEL NO.STARTING SERIAL #:L11526000120020Manufacturing quality lawn care equipment since 1945Safety Assembly OperationService and Adjustment Repair PartsIMPORTANTModel 20020 shownROAD BUSTERGRA VEL GRADERLIMITED WARRANTYTABLE OF CONTENTS WARRANTY (2)SAFETY (3)TOWING (4)MAINTENANCE/STORAGE (5)TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER (6)ASSEMBLY..........................7-8POWER AND CHARGING..............9-10 PARTS BREAKDOWN.................11-13 DECALS/MAINTENANCE LOG (14)SPECIFICATIONS..…………………..15-16The manufacturer’s warranty to the original consumer purchaser is: This product is free from defects in materials and workmanship for the period's shown below beginning from the date of purchase by the original consumer purchaser. We will repair or replace, at our discretion, parts found to be defective due to materials or workmanship. This warranty is subject to the following limitations and exclusions:Materials and Workmanship 3 YearsCommercial Use The warranty period for this product when used for commercial or rentalis limited to 1 year from the date of original purchase.Limitation This warranty applies only to products which have been properlyassembled, adjusted, and operated in accordance with the instructionscontained within this manual. This warranty does not apply to anyproduct of Swisher that has been subject to alteration, misuse, abuse,improper assembly or installation, shipping damage or to normal wear ofproduct.Exclusions Excluded from this warranty are normal wear items, normal or routineadjustments, and normal or routine maintenance.In the event you have a claim under this warranty,you must return the product to an authorized service dealer. All transportation charges,damage,or loss incurred during transportation of parts submitted for replacement or repair under this warranty shall be borne by the purchaser.Should you have any questions concerning this warranty,please contact us toll-free at1-800-222-8183.The model number,serial number,date of purchase, and the name of the authorized Swisher dealer from whom you purchased the splitter will be needed before any warranty claim can be processed.THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT APPLY TO ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES ARE LIMITED TO THE SAME TIME PERIODS STATED HEREIN FOR ALL EXPRESSED WARRANTIES.Some states do not allow the limitation of consequential damages or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last,so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights, which vary from state-to-state.This is a limited warranty as defined by the Magnuson-Moss Act of1975.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSThis Safety Alert Symbol indicates important messages in this manual.When you see this symbol, carefully read the message that follows and bealert to the possibility of personal injury.Read this manual completely. This machine can amputate hands, feet, and throw objects. Failure to observe the following safety instructions could result in serious injury or death.∙Read and understand the manual. Learn to operate this equipment in a safe manner. Familiarize yourself with all of the controls in a safe environment before starting to work with this machine.∙DO NOT under any circumstances alter this Grader. This equipment was designed and engineered in accordance with operating instructions. Altering this equipment, or using this equipment in such a way as to circumvent its design capabilities and capacities, could result in serious injury or fatality andWILL VOID THE WARRANTY.∙Allow ONLY responsible adults who have read this manual to operate this machine. NEVER allow children to operate this machine.∙NEVER operate or allow someone to operate this equipment while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication. Being coherent is essential for safety.∙NEVER use grader for any other purpose than grading non-public roadways/driveways. Any other use can result in injury. Your grader is a precision piece of power equipment, not a toy. Therefore,exercise extreme caution at all times.∙ALWAYS wear protective gear such as safety goggles, steel-toed shoes, and a helmet if on an ATV/UTV.∙BEFORE towing, be certain that the grader is securely attached to the towing vehicle and that the support leg is secured in the towing positions.∙NEVER allow persons to ride on grader. DO NOT carry any cargo on your grader other than weight that is secured on the main frame weight tray provided.∙ALWAYS watch for traffic of any kind when near or around roadways.∙ALWAYS shut the towing vehicle off and apply the emergency brake if applicable, before getting off to service grader.∙ALWAYS use grader only when sufficient lighting/daylight is present.∙NEVER operate the grader on slopes greater than 15°.∙NEVER attempt to work on the electric motor or electrical devices yourself. Contact customer service and they will find a qualified service center.∙ALWAYS check working parts on grader before each use for worn or broken parts that would need replaced.∙ONLY use manufacturer-recommended replacement parts.TOWING SAFETY∙Be sure support jackstand is in the travel position and the coupling is secure. This must also be retracted so not to interfere while towing. Retract jackstand by removing pin,pivoting up, and replacing pin.∙Never exceed 15 MPH while towing your grader. Be extra cautious when travelingover rough terrain.∙Always be careful while backing your grader. You could jackknife your grader if not careful. Array∙See tire and wheel specifications for PSI while towing.∙Be aware of the extra length of grader while turning,parking, crossing intersections, and in all driving situations.∙OPERATION INSTRUCTIONSPOSI-LOCK COUPLERADJUST COUPLER LOCKING PRESSURE ON BALL BEFORE USE. PLACE HANDLE IN LOCKEDPOSITION WITH BALL IN COUPLER. TIGHTEN LOCKNUT AGAINST TENSION SPRING SO THATCOUPLER IS NOT LOOSE ON BALL. CORRECT ADJUSTMENT WILL ALLOW HANDLE TO BE RELEASED WITH MODERATE PRESSURE APPLIED TO HANDLE.TO OPEN, PULL UP ON COUPLER HANDLE AND ROTATE FORWARD. PLACE COUPLER ON BALL WHEN BALL IS COMPLETELY NESTED IN BALL SOCKET, ROTATE COUPLER HANDLE BACKWARD UNTIL HANDLE IS IN LOCKED POSITION.AFTER TOWING, CHECK COUPLER FOR TIGHTNESS ON BALL. ALWAYS CHECK TIGHTNESS BEFORE TOWING. BE SURE COUPLER HANDLE IS IN LOCKED POSITION.WARNING:NEVER EXCEED WEIGHT CAPACITY. ALWAYS USE CORRECT BALL SIZE, MAKING SURE BALL IS COMPLETELY INSERTED INTO COUPLER. LOCK COUPLER HANDLE SECURELY BEFORE TOWING. ALWAYS CHECK FOR DAMAGES AND REPLACE IF DAMAGED. AVOID SHARP TURNS AND STEEP VERTICAL ANGLES WHEN TOWING.When storing the grader always lower the grader to which the scarifiers contact the ground and the actuator is relieved of carrying any load. It is not recommended to ever leave the grader stored with the actuator holding the weight of the unit.It is recommended to use the jackstand provided to raise and lower the unit when connecting and disconnecting from vehicles. DO NOT try and lift the weight of the grader by yourself when uncoupling, it may cause injury.INTENDED USE / RECOMMENDED VEHICLESThe grader is intended to refinish non-public driveways or roadways consisting of primarily gravel and or rock. Be aware of your surroundings and what is beneath the ground you intend to use the grader on. ALWAYS avoid large rocks, embedded obstacles, and buried utilities such as gas, electric, or phone lines.A minimum of a500 cc ATV/UTV or a 20 HP /500 lb. garden tractor is required to pull the grader and Four-wheel or all wheel drive is always recommended when available on the vehicle to gain maximum traction to ensure best performance.Understand that the amount of ground engagement with the scarifiers depends strongly on the type of vehicle you are using and media make up that you are refinishing. The looser the media and the more traction from vehicle allows more ground engagement and the lighter the vehicle and more hard packed the media allows less engagement.It is recommended to start with minimum engagement (1/4”-1/2”) when beginning to refinish an area, and as the ground loosens increase the depth of engagement on scarifiers.The grader design allows the operator to add weight to the unit if necessary to break up the ground when pulled with an adequate vehicle. The weight area is located in the main frame section on the unit on either side of the actuator mount. Any additional weight should not exceed 100 lbs and should always be secured within the weight area by any means possible.MAINTENANCE & STORAGEFig. 1 Fig. 2The rear blade on the grader can be used in several positions depending on the work you are doing.In fig. 1 the blade is free floating and only restrained by the a pin in the last pin position. This allows the blade to swing freely and the weight of the blade helps level and smooth loose media. In fig 2 the blade is pinned in the upright position and the grader can act as a scrapping blade when scarifiers are raised up away from media.TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER The grader comes equipped with a remote control to raise and lowerthe unit by electric actuator. The remote has two buttons, one toextend and one to retract the actuator. Follow the directionsbelow to activate the remote once battery is installed.1)Once receiver is plugged into a power source, with theremote in hand hold down the button on the receiver boxuntil a GREEN LED light comes on solid.2)Once the GREEN LED is solid hold down one of the buttonson the remote for approximately one second and verify theGREEN LED light flashes momentarily when button ispressed.3)Repeat this process but with the opposite button on theremote4)Once both signals have been sent to the receiver the LEDlight on the receiver should turn solid RED. This meansyour transmitter and receiver are now paired.5)Press the IN and OUT button as needed.To turn off the wireless system press the button on the receiver boxonce and ensure there is no longer a LED light on.LED Indicator LightSteady RED –The system is active and ready to use.Flashing RED during use –The battery or power source is low.RED light is off –The wireless remote control is turned off, or notactive.Replacing batteriesIf the indicator light on the handheld remoteflashes during use, the batteries arelow and should be replaced.1)Remove the two screws from thehandheld remote located on the backof the remote.2)Separate the top and bottom sectionsof the remote using a flat head screwdriver or similar device.3)Remove the old batteries and disposein accordance with localenvironmental regulations.4)Insert (2) new A23 style alkalinebatteries as shown with the positiveterminals facing the switches. Do notmix old and new batteries.5)Join the top and bottom sectionsmaking sure they snap together andrubber seal remains intact.6)Secure with the two screws.Battery LocationScrewsOUTINASSEMBLYThis grader has been mostly assembled at the factory. Refer to uncrating and assembly instructions below to complete the final assembly steps. Refer to the drawings and part lists should it become necessary to disassemble the unit for repair or replacement of parts. Inspect all components for damage. If you believe you have a damaged part please contact customer service immediately at 1-800-222-8183.TOOLS REQUIRED: (2) ¾” WRENCH OR SOCKET, (2) 1 ¼” WRENCHES/SOCKETS OR LARGE CRESCENT WRENCHES HAMMER, CROW BAR/PRY BAR, WIRE CUTTERS, GLOVES AND PROTECTIVE EYEWEAR RECOMMENDED WARNING: Exercise extreme caution, as parts are very heavy. Sufficient persons or mechanical handling equipment should be used.Step 1: Carefully remove top,sides, and ends of crate withhammer and pry bar.Step 2: Remove the ball couplerassembly #1 from within the frameassembly and install it on to the tongueassembly with the NB577 (bolts) #2and NB281 (nuts) #3 provided.STEP 1STEP 2Step 4: Once the two main frame assemblies are fastened, install the 20008TK height indicator bracket #1 over the actuator #4 and slide towards front of unit. While holding actuator up run NB132 bolt #5 through frame, 20008TK #1, 19942TK #2, actuator, then through second spacer and opposite side of bracket. Capture the bolt with the NB281 nut #3 provided.ASSEMBLY CONTINUEDSHOWN BELOW IN FIG. 2 IS THE PROPER ASSEMBLY OF HEIGHT INDICATOR AND ACTUATOR.Fig. 2Step 3: Remove main tongue assembly from crate and bolt both frame ends #1 to the inside of main frame rail sides using (2) 11431 bolts #2 and (2) 13997 nuts #3 provided. Tighten hardware snug but do not lock completely, allow frame assemblies to hinge.STEP 3STEP 4Supplying Power to the GraderThe grader is supplied with two power leads. The remote power lead (20038) isdesigned to be attached to your ATV/UTV or other vehicles 12V battery. The onboard power lead (20039) is designed to hook up to a battery installed directly on the grader. Both power leads plug directly into the grader wiring harness but only one can be used at a time. The 20039 harness requires (2) NB524 nuts and (2) NB690 bolts to fasten to battery posts. These are located in the parts bag.Caution: Always be sure to install RED wire of lead to Positive side of battery and BLACK wire of lead to the negative side of battery. ALWAYS disconnect negative (black) lead from battery first and install negative (black) last when reconnecting to battery.Caution: Always be sure to secure the remote lead to tongue of grader and vehicle so not to drag on ground or become tangled in unit.*Below is a visual of all harnesses and where the connections attach.NOTE: Grader does not come supplied with a battery but has the option of installing an onboard battery. The unit is designed to use a 12 V U1 or U1 deep cycle battery. Any other style of battery may not mount on unit correctly or allow unit to function properly.Maintaining Battery: It is very important to recharge a battery after each use or if completely drained, and also recommended to install a battery tender (charger) on to the battery when not in use. IT IS NOT recommended to charge a battery at more than a 10 amp rate for extended periods of time.19972 Main Harness20039 H a r n e s s20038 R e m o t e H a r n e s sIN/OUT SwitchRelaysPower SourceActuatorReceiver BoxPower Source ConnectionConnects to 12V Battery30 AMP FUSEWIRING SCHEMATICITEM NO.PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY.17365Coupler - 2" Ball1 2NB281Nut - Nyloc 1/2-13 ZY4 3NB577Bolt - 1/2-13 X 3 1/2 GR5 ZY4 419958TK Weldment - Hitch, Grader; Txt Blk1 519477TK Plate - Support, Kickstand Txt Blk2 6NB272Washer - SAE Flat 3/8 ZY Carbon Steel4 7NB182Nut - Nyloc 3/8-16 ZY4 819974Battery - Box, Grader1 9NB100Bolt - Carriage, 1/4-20 X 6 GR52 10NB180Nut - Nyloc 1/4-202 11NB274Washer - SAE Flat 1/4 ZY2 12NB281Nut - Nyloc 1/2-13 ZY1 1319942TK Spacer - .515"ID X 1"OD X .500", Txt Blk2 1419957Actuator - 12VDC, 20:1, ACME 6", 1500#1 15NB577Bolt - 1/2-13 X 3 1/2 GR5 ZY1 1619946TK Weldment - Main Tongue, Grader; Txt Blk1 1719179Jackstand1 1812447Ubolt - SQ , 3/8-16X2.437 X 3 Lg GR 5 ZY2 1919962TK Plate - Hitch, Latch; Txt Blk2LATCH PIN OPTION (Latch pin plates included in parts bag)ITEM NO.PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY.119971Tire -13 X 650-6 3/4 ID Smooth2 2NB195Washer - 13/16 X 1 1/4 X 1/8 ZY; Mild2 3NB126Pin - Cotter, 1/8 X 1, Crbn Stl Ext Prng2 415177Bent Pin - W/ Hair Pin 1/2OD X 3.5, ZP1 5NB132Bolt -1/2-13 X 4 HCC GR5 ZY1 619944TK Plate - Rake, Grader, Txt Blk1 7NB121Nut - Jam Lock, 1/2-13 2-Way Gr A8 820057Bolt - Carriage, 1/2-13 X 1 1/2 GR5 ZY8 911431Bolt - 3/4-10 X 2 GR8 ZY4 1010501Bolt - Carriage 3/8-16 X 1 1/4 GR5 ZY14 1119941TK Plate - Outer Skid, Grader, Txt Blk2 1219940TK Plate - Inner Skid, Grader, Txt Blk2 13NB280Nut - 2 Way Lock 3/8-16 ZY & Wax Gr A14 14NB127Pin - Hair, #39 (A155H) ZY Std6 1519943TK Scarifier - 4140 Rc28-32, Txt Blk6 1620051Pin - Clevis, Std 3/8 X 1 1/4 ZY6 1719929TK Weldment - Main Frame, Txt Blk1 1819945TK Bracket - Rake Hinge, Grader; Txt Blk2 19NB281Nut - Nyloc 1/2-13 ZY1 2019961TK Spacer - .750 ID X 1 OD X 1.250, Txt Blk2PARTS BREAKDOWNHEIGHT INDICATORITEM NO.PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY.119858Button - Plastic, Top2219857Button - Plastic, Bottom23NB281Nut - Nyloc 1/2-13 ZY1420008TK Bracket - Height Indicator Txt Blk1519942TK Spacer - .515"ID X 1"OD X .500", Txt Blk26NB577Bolt - 1/2-13 X 3 1/2 GR5 ZY1 ELECTRICAL CONTROLSITEM NO.PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY.1NB524Nut - Serr Flange, 1/4-20 Grade 5 ZY2215749Electrical - 12V 30 AMP Relay23NB690Bolt - Serr Flange, 1/4-20 X 3/4 GR5 ZY2419978Switch - DPDT, 30A, On-Off-On MOM15NB250Bolt - 1/4-20 X 3/4 GR5 ZY2622255Remote - Wireless, Grader17NB180Nut - Nyloc 1/4-202SAFETY DECALSReplace decals immediately if damaged.2006820082 The operation of any grader can produce foreign objects to bethrown into the air, resulting in severe eye damage. Alwayswear certified safety glasses or wide-vision safety gogglesover spectacles before and while operating such a machine.MAINTENANCE LOGDate of Service Service Performed NotesSPECIFICATIONSDimensionsLength95"Width50"Weight380lbsShipping Dim.51.5" X 51.5" X 24"Shipping Weight460lbsWorking DimensionsWorking Width50"Max. Teeth Ground Clearance10"Grading Depth Range1-10"2" max. ground engagement recommended with ATV/UTV Total Scarifier Adjustment9"MaterialFrame Welded 3/8" Steel & TubeScarifiers Hardened 1/2" SteelHardware Minimum Grade 5TowingRecommended Towing Vehicle Minimum 500cc ATV/UTV 4X4 DesiredHitch Style2" Ball Coupler and Hitch Pin both StandardMiscellaneousActuator1500 # Industrial Remote Controlled LinearTires/Wheels13 X 650-6 3/4 ID SmoothPower Source12V U1 Deep cycle battery recommendedSWISHER HISTORYBack before electricity came to rural Missouri Max Swisher was producing lawn mowers from his mother’s chicken house. Max never liked to mow grass. He installed a gearbox on his family’s lawn mower creating a self-propelled unit. By tying one end of a rope to the mower and the other end to a tree in the center of the yard the mower circled the tree, shortening the rope and guiding the mower in concentric circles. Max enjoyed relaxing under a shade tree while his invention did all the work.Max had designed his first self-propelled rotary lawn mower to do his dirty work for him. Neighbors noticed his new invention and began asking him to make more. Today, 60 years later, Swisher is still producing innovative lawn and garden and ATV/UTV equipment designed to give us all more “relaxing in the shade” time.Swisher products have been featured nationally on television programs such as Regis and Kathie Lee and seen in publications like ATV Magazine, Country Journal, Popular Mechanics Magazine and others. In January 2000 Popular Mechanics Magazine named Max’s zero turning radius riding mower one of the 20th century’s top household inventions.Swisher offers value and function in its products to meet your grounds maintenance needs.CELEBRATING OVER 70 YEARS OF INNOVATIONSINCE 1945OWNER’S MANUALMODEL NO.20020HOW TO ORDERREPAIR PARTS:GRA VELGRADERROADBUSTEREach Grader has its own serial number.All Grader parts listed herein may be ordered directly from Swisher, your nearest Swisher dealer, or from our website.WHEN ORDERING PARTS, PLEASE HAVE THEFOLLOWING INFORMATION AVAILABLE:* PRODUCT –SWISHER GRADER* SERIAL NUMBER -_______________* MODEL NUMBER -_______________* ENGINE MODEL NUMBER -_______________* TYPE -_______________* PART NUMBER* PART DESCRIPTIONTELEPHONE -1-800-222-8183FAX -1-660-747-8650SWISHER1602 CORPORATE DRIVEWARRENSBURG, MO 64093 SWISHER。
RCP2 ROBO Cylinder 商品说明书
![RCP2 ROBO Cylinder 商品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7378c1b89f3143323968011ca300a6c30c22f109.png)
RCP2 ROBO Cylinder163RCP2-RA2CAppendixP.5Model numberLead(mm)Maximum payloadMaximum pushing force (N)Stroke(mm)Horizontal (kg)Vertical (kg)25 to Actuator Speci cationsLead and PayloadsI N TNotes on Selection(1) Since the RCP2 series use a pulse motor, the load capacity decreases at high speeds.Check in the Speed vs. Load Capacity graph to see if your desired speed and load capacity are supported. (2) The load capacity is based on operation at an acceleration of 0.05G. 0.05G is the upper limit of the acceleration.In addition, the horizontal load capacity is based on the use of an external guide. If an external force is exerted on the rod from a direction other than the motion of the rod, the detent may become damaged. (3) See page A-71 for details on push motion.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o mRCP2 ROBO CylinderRCP2-RA2CMiniMiniMiniRod TypeTable/Arm/Flat Type Linear Servo TypeGripper/Rotary TypeClean-roomTypeSplash-Proof TypePulse MotorServo Motor (24V)Servo Motor (200V)Linear Servo MotorStandarStandarStandarControlle IntegrateControlle IntegrateCable joint * The RA2C is not available in non-motor end configuration, due to its construction.(*1) Connect the motor and encoder cables here. (See page A-59 for details on cables.)(*2) After homing, the rod moves to the ME, therefore, please watch for any interference with surrounding objects. ME : Mechanical endSE : Stroke endview* This is for the single-axis PSEL. C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ŀ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ŀ H y d r a u l i c ŀ P n e u m a t i c ŀ E l e c t r i c a l ŀ M e c h a n i c a l ŀ (800) 426-5480 ŀ w w w .c m a f h .c o m。
PLM4000轮式破碎机(8P02)使用维护说明书目 录破碎机使用安全说明 (2)前 言 (3)一、PLM4000破碎机简介 (4)1结构特点 (4)2与转载机的连接 (4)3外廓尺寸 (4)二、主要技术特征及配套设备 (5)1.主要技术特征 (5)2.配套设备 (5)三、主要零部件功能、结构特点及安装维护 (6)1.破碎箱 (6)2.破碎轴组 (6)3.破碎槽 (8)4.动力部 (8)5.喷雾系统、出口、入口防尘帘 (11)四、吊装与运输 (13)五、运转 (14)1.试运转前的准备 (14)2.破碎机的试车 (14)3.破碎机的使用 (14)4.破碎机的维护 (15)六、工具 (16)七、服务承诺 (16)破碎机使用安全说明注意:本套井下输送设备是按照给定的地质条件和要求,设计制造而成,并符合国家煤炭设备各项安全条例。