



























食品工业在 我国国民经济 中占 有很 大的部分 . 但是全球及我国接 连不断地 发生恶性食品安全事故在不 断地提醒着我们关注食 品安全 . 食品的种植 、 养殖 、 加工 、 包装 、 贮藏 、 运输 、 销售 、 消费等活动都有国家 强制的标准和要求 . 如果我们相关的企业能够在各个环节 中加强质量 管理 . 是不存在 可能损 害或威胁人体健康 的有害物质导致消费者死亡 或者危及消费者及 其后代 的隐患 的 食品加工企业是吉林 省经济 中非常具有活力和发展后劲的经济力 量 近年来 , 吉林省食 品加工企业迅速发展 . 已经成为县 区经济的 “ 主 角” . 在推动县区经济发展 、 安置就业等方面发挥着不可替代的作用 但 是在市场竞争 日趋激烈的形势下 . 吉林省食品加工企业整体竞争力不强 的弱点也暴露得很 明显 . 与全国和其他省份相 比较差距逐渐扩大 . 已引 起普遍关注和重视 因此在吉林省食品加工企业 中实施全面质量管理有 着非常重要的意义 . 可以提升吉林省食 品加工企业 的整体竞争力 的产品感到满意 顾客的满意已成为企业追求的永恒主题 . 1 9 8 7 年美 国商务部设立马尔科姆 . 鲍德 里奇国家质量奖 . 把顾 客满 意置于重要 的地位 L a w r e n c e 等建议 . 当外部环境的不确定性很大时 . 企业应强调 对顾客的关注, 也就是顾客至上的反 映 对于食 品行业 . 顾客至上显得 更加重要 . 如果不能让顾客至上这一 主 旨在企业深入人心 . 那 么食 品 安全问题将会一直是 困扰企业发展的关键 因素 3 - 2 提高企业食 品生产技术研发能力 食品生产企业 的技术研发 是质量安全 的关键食 品加 工过程 中的 加工技术与加工工艺 : 如分离 、 干燥 、 发酵 、 清洗 、 杀菌 、 腌制 、 熏制 、 烘 烤等 . 均 对食 品质量安全存 在不同程度的影响 . 生 产技 术与工艺的不 断改进与升级 , 对食品安全 问题的改善有着 显著效果 。 国际研究表 明, 农 产品加工的研究开发投人 占销售收入的 比重在 l %以下难 以生存 . 占l %~ 2 %可勉强维持生存 . 达到 3 %以上才具有竞争力 3 _ 3 建立 P D C A循环 根据戴 明循环是质量管理持续改进模型 . 建立 4个循环 反复的步 骤: 一是以部门为单位 , 建立 P( P 1 a n ) 周、 月、 年工 作计划及人员安排 , 报上一级审批 : 二是计划报 上级主管审批 后实施( D0 1 . 实施过程遇 到 与计划 冲 突 .应分析 改进 :_ 一是 对实施 效果 以月为 周期进 行检 讨 ( C h e c k ) , 期 间遇到 内审 、 管理评审 、 外部检查 ( 如检验检 疫部 门年度 考 核1 口 . 以合并进行 : 四是根据各种对管理评价进行改进和优化( Ac t ) , 此 过程通常采用 自下而上进行 . 原 因是越往 上需要修订越少 , 如果先修 改上级的必然牵涉下级修改 . 会导致 工作量大





















食品企业管理 概述
1.2.1 食品企业管理的概念 食品企业管理,就是由食品企业的管理人员或管理机构对 食品企业的经营活动过程进行计划、组织、领导和控制, 以提高经济效益,实现以营利为目的的活动的总称。
1 计划职能
管理 职能
2 组织职能 3 领导职能
4 控制职能
食品企业管理 的原理与方法
1.3.1 食品企业管理的原理
管理 原理
1 (1)整体性观点。 (2)开放性观点。 (3)动态性观点。 (4)综合性观点。
2 人本原理 (1)能级原则。 (2)动力原则。
3 效益原理 (1)效用最大化原则。 (2)效益最优原则。
4 80/20原理
1.1.4 现代企业制度
1 产权清晰
现代企 业制度 特征
2 权责明确 3 政企分开
4 管理科学
1.1.4 现代企业制度
现代企 业制度 内容
1 现代企业产权制度 1)产权 2)产权制度 3)现代企业产权制度
2 现代企业组织制度 1)股东大会 2)董事会 3)监事会 4)经理
3 1)现代企业领导制度 2)现代企业劳动人事制度 3)现代企业财务制度 4)现代企业破产制度
1 法律方法
管理 方法
2 行政方法 3 经济方法4 教育方法5 数学方法
案 例
项目1 食品企业管理
任务1 食品企业
任务2 食品企业管理概 述
任务3 食品企业管理 的方法



食品加工厂质量管理制度第一章质量管理体系概述 (3)1.1 质量管理目标 (3)1.1.1 质量管理目标的定义 (3)1.1.2 质量管理目标的内容 (3)1.1.3 质量管理体系文件的概述 (3)1.1.4 质量管理体系文件的内容 (3)1.1.5 质量管理体系文件的编制和管理 (4)第二章原材料质量控制 (4)1.1.6 采购计划与需求分析 (4)1.1.7 供应商选择与评价 (5)1.1.8 采购合同管理 (5)1.1.9 原材料验收 (5)1.1.10 原材料储存 (5)1.1.11 原材料质量检验 (5)1.1.12 原材料质量改进 (5)第三章生产过程质量控制 (6)第四章产品质量控制 (7)1.1.13 产品标准制定 (7)1.1.14 质量检验 (7)1.1.15 质量改进原则 (8)1.1.16 质量改进方法 (8)1.1.17 质量改进实施 (8)1.1.18 质量追溯概念 (8)1.1.19 质量追溯体系 (8)1.1.20 质量追溯实施 (9)第五章食品安全控制 (9)1.1.21 概述 (9)1.1.22 食品安全管理体系的基本要素 (9)1.1.23 食品安全管理体系的建立与实施 (10)1.1.24 概述 (10)1.1.25 食品安全风险监测的主要内容 (10)1.1.26 食品安全风险监测的方法 (10)1.1.27 概述 (10)1.1.28 食品安全处理的原则 (11)1.1.29 食品安全处理的主要任务 (11)第六章质量检验与监测 (11)第七章质量问题处理 (12)1.1.30 概述 (12)1.1.31 质量问题分类 (13)1.1.32 问题发觉 (13)1.1.33 问题分析 (13)1.1.35 问题反馈 (13)1.1.36 加强质量管理 (14)1.1.37 优化工艺流程 (14)1.1.38 提升设备水平 (14)1.1.39 加强供应商管理 (14)1.1.40 加强顾客服务 (14)第八章质量培训与教育 (14)1.1.41 质量意识培训的重要性 (14)1.1.42 质量意识培训内容 (15)1.1.43 质量意识培训方式 (15)1.1.44 质量管理体系培训的目的 (15)1.1.45 质量管理体系培训内容 (15)1.1.46 质量管理体系培训方式 (15)1.1.47 质量技能培训的意义 (15)1.1.48 质量技能培训内容 (16)1.1.49 质量技能培训方式 (16)第九章质量考核与奖惩 (16)1.1.50 概述 (16)1.1.51 指标设置原则 (17)1.1.52 制定考核标准 (17)1.1.53 确定考核周期 (17)1.1.54 收集考核数据 (17)1.1.55 实施考核评估 (17)1.1.56 奖励措施 (17)1.1.57 惩罚措施 (17)1.1.58 奖惩原则 (17)1.1.59 奖惩实施 (18)第十章质量管理体系内部审核 (18)1.1.60 内部审核的定义与目的 (18)1.1.61 内部审核流程的步骤 (18)1.1.62 内部审核结果的分类 (18)1.1.63 内部审核结果处理方法 (18)1.1.64 改进措施的制定 (19)1.1.65 改进措施的实施 (19)1.1.66 改进措施的评价 (19)第十一章质量管理体系认证与监督 (19)1.1.67 质量管理体系认证概述 (19)1.1.68 质量管理体系认证的条件及流程 (19)1.1.69 认证后的监督 (20)1.1.70 认证后的维护 (20)第十二章质量管理信息化 (21)1.1.71 系统建设背景 (21)1.1.72 系统建设目标 (21)1.1.74 质量数据分析方法 (22)1.1.75 质量数据分析应用 (22)1.1.76 信息安全概述 (22)1.1.77 信息安全措施 (22)第一章质量管理体系概述1.1 质量管理目标1.1.1 质量管理目标的定义质量管理目标是组织在质量方面所追求的预期成果,它是质量管理体系的核心内容,反映了组织对质量的承诺和追求。




二、组织与管理1. 设立质量安全管理部门,并明确其职责和权力;2. 质量安全管理部门负责制订和修订相关质量安全管理制度,并进行内部培训;3. 设立质量安全管理委员会,负责对企业质量安全管理工作的监督和指导;4. 建立质量安全管理档案,包括质量安全管理制度、培训记录、检查记录等;5. 定期对质量安全管理制度进行评估和修订。

三、人员管理1. 严格落实人员岗前培训制度,对从业人员进行相应的技能培训和质量安全知识培训;2. 实行健康体检制度,定期对从业人员进行健康检查;3. 对从业人员进行岗位责任和职业道德培训,强调食品质量安全意识;4. 建立奖惩制度,对从业人员的质量安全工作进行考核,并给予奖励或处罚;5. 提供必要的防护设施和个人防护用品,确保从业人员的工作环境安全。

四、设备管理1. 公司应配备适用的设备,确保设备的正常运行和维修保养;2. 对设备进行定期的检修和保养,确保设备的正常工作;3. 配备符合食品生产加工要求的设备,如温度计、计量器等;4. 对设备进行定期的检验和校准,确保其准确性和可靠性。

五、原料采购和入库管理1. 配备专门的原料采购人员和质量检验人员,确保采购的原料符合相关标准;2. 与供应商建立稳定的合作关系,确保供应商的质量安全管理体系;3. 对每批原料进行质量检验,并记录相应的检验结果;4. 采用先进的原料入库管理系统,确保原料的准确入库和标识;5. 对不合格的原料及时处理和追溯。

六、生产加工管理1. 根据产品的特性制定相应的生产加工工艺流程和标准作业规程;2. 确保生产加工过程的严格控制和记录,包括温度、时间、工艺参数等;3. 建立原料使用记录,确保原料的使用数量和追溯;4. 对产品进行质量检验,确保产品符合相关标准;5. 进行生产环境和设备的消毒和清洁工作;6. 建立产品追溯体系,保证产品的可追溯性。


排时间,二是致力外界贡献,三是重视发挥长处, 四是集中少数领域,五是作出有效决策。
(四)有效的管理者的8个思维 规则
(五)工业企业经理必须要做的五 项工作
1 制定目标; 2 组织; 3 激励与沟通; 4 衡量; 5 培养他人(包括自己)。
——职业经理人是以担任管理职务为 职业的专业人才。从本职而言,职业经理 人是以其专业管理能力,协助企业拥有者 执行经营管理职责的人,其对于工业企业 的运作能力,必须使委托他的股东们能够 获得高度的信赖感与应有的回报。
做到把握事物的发展趋势。要求干部具备 很强的分析判断和推理能力。联想推理尤 其重要。 四是胆魄修炼——一个胆小如鼠的人很难 想象他能是一个称职的领导干部,当领导 就是不断战胜困难,才能取得一步一步的 成功
这是对赏罚问题的要求。关键要学会把握 一个“度”。 六是作风修炼——良好的作风可以使人具 有强烈的感染力,吸引追随者。
6、协调经理——创造出一个团结一致的整体 7、专家经理——在专业问题上对其他经理提



食物生产管理制度食物生产管理制度的主要内容包括:1. 原料采购管理原料是食品生产的基础,采购的原料质量直接影响到产品的质量和安全。



2. 生产加工管理生产加工是食品生产的核心环节,要保证食品安全和产品质量,需要建立严格的生产加工管理制度。


3. 贮存运输管理食品在贮存和运输过程中容易受到污染和变质,因此贮存运输管理至关重要。


4. 销售管理食品销售是食品生产的最终环节,建立良好的销售管理制度能够提高产品市场竞争力、满足客户需求、确保产品安全。


为了制定完善的食物生产管理制度,企业需要做好以下工作:1. 了解法律法规和标准要求食品生产受到严格的法律法规和标准要求,企业需要了解相关的法规和标准,制定符合要求的管理制度。

2. 根据实际情况制定制度每个企业的情况不同,制定的管理制度也应该根据实际情况进行调整,不能生搬硬套。

3. 建立监督检查机制制定了管理制度之后,需要建立相应的监督检查机制,定期对各项规定进行检查,及时发现问题并加以整改。

4. 做好员工培训员工是执行管理制度的主体,企业应该对员工进行相关的培训,使他们能够严格执行管理制度。

5. 确保持续改进食品生产技术日新月异,企业需要不断改进和完善管理制度,以适应市场和技术的变化。





课程名称:成本管理报告题目:食品行业全面质量管理学号: 12241073姓名: 杨苗苗班级: 会计1201班任课教师: 孙贺捷授课学期: 2014 2015学年第二学期目录食品行业中的全面质量管理概述 (2)全面质量管理的应用与分析 (3)福建省尤溪绿源食品有限公司全面质量管理应用 (3)糕点厂的全面质量管理应用 (4)哇哈哈饮料厂的全面质量管理应用 (5)小结 (6)食品行业中的全面质量管理概述1.全面质量管理全面质量管理是指企业中所有部门、所有组织、所有人员都以产品质量为核心,把专业技术,管理技术,数理统计技术等集合在一起,建立起一套科学、严密、高效的质量保证体系,控制生产全过程中所有影响质量的因素,以优质的工作和经济的办法为消费者提供满意产品的全部活动。













食品工业企业诚信管理体系(CMS)建立及实施要求Establishment and implementation requirements of credit management systemsfor food industry enterprises目次前言...................................................................... m 言.............................................................. V 1 范围2规范性引用文件 (1)3术语和定义 (1)4 诚信管理体系要求 ......................................................... 4.1 原则4.2诚信方针 (2)4.3策划 (3)4.4实施与运行 (4)4.5检查和改进 (5)4.6刚介与声明 (6)引言诚信是食品工业企业的基本要求,《中华人民共和国食品安全法》和《中华人民共和国食品安全法实施条例》对食品工业企业的诚信体系建设提出了要求,也明确了食品工业企业应遵循的诚信原则。



食品工业企业在建立和实施诚信管理体系时,应以质量诚信为主线,以防范失信风险为重点,建立和实施诚信制度,形成企业诚信教育机制、诚信因素识别机制、体系运行机制、自查自纠改进机制、征信评价机制和失信惩戒公示机制,将诚信理念体现在企业的发展战略中,并遵循图1所示的运行模式, 与其他管理体系相融合(如质量管理体系、危害分析与关键控制点体系和良好生产规范等),并建立必要的诚信档案。

食品工业企业诚信管理体系专题讲义(ppt 34页)

食品工业企业诚信管理体系专题讲义(ppt 34页)
温家宝说:“这些恶性的食品安全事件足以表明,诚信的缺失、 道德的滑坡已经到了何等严重的地步。一个国家,如果没有 国民素质的提高和道德的力量,绝不可能成为一个受人尊敬 的国家”。“现在影响社会进步的,最大的两个方面一是社 会诚信,一是政府的公信力。这两方面解决好了,我们社会 就会向前大大迈进一步”。
今年的全国政协、人大会议上,“食品安全问题”成为民生 关注的焦点。在政府工作报告中,将建立社会诚信体系和保 障食品安全长效机制列为今后重点工作之一。
民以食为天,食以安为先。食品是人类赖以生存和发展的基本 生活资料,食品安全关系国计民生。
传统食品安全问题: 由微生物污染引起的食物中毒和其他食源性疾病被公认为
2009年12月,工业和信息化部等10部委联合发布了《食品工业 企业诚信体系建设工作指导意见》,全面推进食品工业企业诚 信体系建设工作正式启动。指出“用3年左右时间,初步建立 起比较完善的食品工业企业诚信管理体系、诚信信息征集和披 露体系、诚信评价体系和政府部门协同推动、行业协会组织实 施、食品企业积极参与、诚信责任有效落实的食品工业企业诚 信体系运行机制。”(三大体系一套机制)
不同点: 一、背景不同
1、法律要求 诚信是食品工业企业的基本要求,《中华人民共和国食品安全
法》、《中华人民共和国食品安全法实施条例》对食品工业企 业的诚信体系建设提出了要求,也明确了食品工业企业应遵循 的诚信原则。 2、政府推动 2009年5月,国务院办公厅下发《轻工业调整和振兴规划》,指 出要“加强食品工业企业诚信体系建设。通过政府指导、行业 组织推动和企业自律,加快建立以法律法规为准绳、社会道德 为基础、企业自律为重点、社会监督为约束、诚信效果可评价、 诚信奖惩有制度的食品工业企业诚信体系。(体系性质)



食品工业企业诚信管理体系1 范围本标准规定了食品工业企业建立及实施诚信管理体系的总则、诚信方针、策划、运行、检查和改进、管理评审和声明。

本标准适用于有下列愿望的食品工业企业:a) 建立、实施、保持和持续改进诚信管理体系;b) 确保符合其发布的诚信方针;c)通过下列方式证实对本标准的符合:——管理评审和自我声明;——外部对其自我声明的确认;——外部对其诚信管理体系评价。


2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。



GB/T 19000 质量管理体系基础和术语GB/T 24001 环境管理体系要求及使用指南GB/T 31880 检验检测机构诚信基本要求GB/T 31950 企业诚信管理体系3 术语和定义GB/T 19000 、GB/T 24001、GB/T 31880和GB/T 31950界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。


〔GB/T31880-2015 ,定义3.2〕3.2诚信因素aspect of integrity一个组织的活动、产品或服务中能与诚信发生相互作用的要素。

3.3食品工业企业诚信管理体系Food industry enterprises integrity management system (IMS)制定和实施食品工业企业诚信方针和诚信目标,并进而实现这些目标的一系列相互关联的要素的集合。


4 诚信管理体系要求4.1 总则食品工业企业应根据本标准的要求建立、实施、保持和持续改进诚信管理体系。

4.2 方针食品工业企业最高管理者应确定诚信方针,确保其满足:a)与诚信有关的法律、法规、标准和其他要求;b)食品工业企业生产、服务、安全和保障的要求;c)失信预防和持续改进;d)为诚信目标提供框架;e)形成文件,付诸实施;f)传达到相关人员;g)能为社会公众所获取。





一、企业制度1.1 建立和完善企业组织管理制度,明确岗位职责、工作流程和工作规范,确保工作流程的科学化、规范化和流程化。

1.2 制定健康、安全、环保等有关规章制度,对涉及到员工生活和工作区域的安全、卫生及环保问题进行严格管理。

1.3 强化食品安全控制,建立健全食品检测、检验、监控和追溯体系,确保生产的食品符合国家相关标准和法规及企业内部要求。

二、生产设施2.1 建设符合GMP标准的厂房及生产设施,确保生产设备的完好性和生产环境的良好状态。

2.2 对生产设施进行周密的日常维护和定期检修,确保设施和设备的正常运转和安全使用。

2.3 对生产设施进行科学布局和有效利用,充分利用场地资源和设施空间,提高生产效率和经济效益。

三、原材料采购和管理3.1 制定科学、合理的原材料采购计划,选择安全、优质的原材料供应商,并与供应商签订合同,达成质量标准和安全保障协议。

3.2 对原材料进行检验,收货时要按照合同质量要求验货,确保合格原材料进入生产。

3.3 建立原材料管理台账,对原材料进行追溯和记录,确保原材料来源可追溯,出现问题可以及时定位和解决。

四、生产流程控制和检测4.1 在产品生产的每个环节,制定相应的质量控制点和检测点,对产品进行严格的质量控制和检测,保证产品达到相关要求。

4.2 按照标准程序进行生产操作,加强对每道工序的监控和操作指导,保证生产流程规范、稳定、安全。

4.3 定期对生产线进行清洁和消毒处理,保证生产环境卫生、无菌。

五、产品包装和储存5.1 制定严格的产品包装质量标准和包装作业程序,保证包装的规范、卫生和安全。

5.2 对产品储存区域进行规范化管理,保持储存区域的干燥、清洁和温度适宜。

5.3 对储存产品进行分类,建立档案资料,定期对产品进行清理、检查和定期更替,保证储存产品的质量安全。




























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Unit OneWho Makes It to the TopWhat does it take to succeed in American business? Opinions vary widely. Given approximately equal qualifications and circumstances, some claim the success factor is largely a matter of luck - being in the right place at the right time. Others speak of utter devotion to work, combined with a degree of ruthlessness. Far-out theories abound. One "expert" maintains that it's undoubtedly a matter of how much education your mother had.To get a better perspective* on who makes it to the top - and why – I interviewed four men who should know - management consultants and executive recruiters for some of the biggest corporations in the country. Here are their informed opinions.Thomas A. Buffum, bead of the executive recruiting firm of Thomas A. Buffum Associates in Boston: "We hear about new technology making engineers obsolete. In the same way, new methods of management can make executive obsolete. The men who rise the highest and stay there are those who never stop growing and learning. These flexible Fellows seldom stall7 on the corporate ladder or get shaken off.‖"A key test of this flexibility comes at the time of a merger or acquisition. Can you adapt to the new management: framework - do things 'their way?' or are you so used to your old methods that you'll resent any changes?‖"The men who can truly answer ‗yes‘ to the first question and 'no' to the second are the ones who never find themselves "between jobs'".Charles Ferguson, another consultant, agrees: "How to cope with change - that's the key to success or failure for many business men.‖“Changes come in several forms. One is the constant flux of the job itself, because of shifting conditions in the company and the industry. The late 1960‘s offered case after agonizing case of brash young go - go entrepreneurs who put together littering conglomerates that they had no idea how to manage. Once the requirements of the job changes from pyramiding to mature management of an existing entity, they could cope no longer. A different set of skills was needed.‖"Executives must be able to handle change in broad segments of industry, society, and government. But perhaps the change that's most challenging of all is that within themstlves. Many things cause 'executive metamorphosis –family or financial change, declining health, age, burnout from overwork, perhaps even a certain complacency at having attained many of life's goals. But the executive who realizes he's changing is the one who will be able to handle it.‖William B. Beeson, manager of executive recruitment for Lawrence - Leiter &. Company in Kansas City, looked at it in another way: ―It has been said of everyone from Robert McNamara to Edward Carlson (the president of an airline) that their rise to the top of their companies came largely because they were at the right place at the right time. There may be some truth in that, but the question is why they were in the right place. I think their own career decisions must have had a lot to do with it.‖"Have you ever drawn up an honest balance sheet on yourself - really put down what you‘re good at on one side, and what you're not so good at on the other? It isn't easy. Those weaknesses are hard to admit. But if you'll make this painful self-analysis at least once every six months, you'll be in a better position to focus your energies toward the kind of position that will make you successful and happy.To make it big, executives must possess four basic skills:First, drive. Business success takes an unusual amount of energy. A successful executive - almost by definition - is a striver. According to one industry psycholo Giest, 86.5 percent of top managers have a higher activityLevel than the average middle manager. Top men get tensewhen they are not striving."Second people sense. Some say being able to judgePeople is more important than a high IQ. The skill can beinstinctual. but in most cases it's painstakingly learned. "Third, communications ability. An executive gets things down through other people. That means his communications must come through loud and clear. Different executives make themselves understood in different ways. Some transmit ideas best face to face; others are masters of the telephone call; still others are persuasive writers. One way or another, they all communicate clearly. ""Fourth, calm under pressure, or as Hemingway put it, 'grace under pressure. 'No businessman will get very far if he chokes up"."An example: One unusually able vice —president blew a chance for the presidency because he froze while making an important product presentation to the chairman. The company had invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in research and development, and tooling up for production would take millions. With so much at stake, the chairman had a great many hard questions. Despite thorough knowledge of the subject, the vice-president became just a little unsure under questioning. A few months later, when the president's job became vacant, someone else was chosen to Fill it.‖And finally, John W. Silver, an executive recruiter in Milwaukee, puts it on a more basic level. "What it takes is guts,‖ he says. "And, most of all, guts in dealing with subordinates. Time after time, our executive search people have been told, 'We realized long ago that Phil had to be replaced, but we didn't want to hurt his feelings.' Or, ‗We just couldn't bring ourselves to do it.' "The executive who is marked for success sets high standards for himself - and also for other people. If someone doesn't measure up after a proper trial period, he replaces him."It was said of one successful executive, ‗He can't tolerate people who don't pull their weight. His philosophy is that he doesn't care who your friends are - can you produce?' That's not bad. If you insist on top performance from your subordinates, they'll insist on top performance from their subordinates, and so on down the table of organization. That's the kind of attitude an executive had better have - if he plans to survive. "Notesqualification: sth. which modifies , restricts, or limitsruthlessness: cruelness; without pity; showing no mercyfar-out: extremely unconventional; very advanced, ahead of its timeperspective: apparent relation between different aspects of a problemexecutive recruiter: people responsible for hiring administrative personnelobsolete: no longer used: out of date stallstall: come to a stop or standstillmerger: a joining of two or more companies or firmsacquisition: gaining for oneself by skill or ability, by one's own efforts or behaviourresent: feel bitter, or angry atbetween jobs: out of a jobflux: continual changebrash: hasty and too bold, especially from lack of experiencego-go: energeticentrepreneur: a person who starts a businessconglomerate: industrial group, industry associationpyramiding: process in which several companies are combined under one companymetamorphosis: a sharp and profound changeburnout: exhaustion from overworkcomplacency: a feeling of self-satisfactionRobert McNamara: a former president of the Ford Motor Company who later served as U. S Secretary of Defense and president of the World Bank, McNamara earned a reputation for efficiency and knowhow in business and government.make it big: become very successfulstrive: (strove, striven) make great effortstransmit: pass or hand on; send onchoke up: fill, partly or completely, a passage, space, etc. that is usually clearfreeze: (froze, frozen) become speechless or motionlessinvest: put money intool up: equip a plant, etc. with the necessary tools, etc.; prepareat stake: in danger of being lostguts: courage; endurancesubordinate: person in less important position; person working under anothermeasure up: reach a certain standardpull one's weight: do one's share of the work or take one's share of responsibilityUnit TwoThe Key to ManagementIf I had to sum up in one word the qualities that make a good manager, I'd say that it all comes down to decisiveness. You can use the fanciest computers in the world and you can gather all the charts and numbers, but in the end you have to bring all your information together, set up a timetable, and act.And I don't mean act rashly. In the press, I'm sometimes described as a flamboyant leader and a hip-shooter, a kind of fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants operator. I may occasionally give that impression, but if that image were really true, I could never have been successful in this business.Actually, my management style has always been pretty conservative. Whenever I‘ve taken risks, it's been after satisfying myself that the research and the market studies supported my instincts. I may act on my intuition - but only if my hunches are supported by the facts.Too many managers let themselves get weighed down in their decision - making, especially those with too much education. I once said to Philip Caldwell, who became the top man at Ford after I left: "The trouble with you, Phil, is you went to Harvard, where they taught you not to take any action until you've got all the facts. You've got ninety—five percent of them, but it's going to take yon an other six months to get that last five percent. And by the time you do, your facts will be out of date because the market has already changed. That's what life is all about - timing."A good business leader can't operate that way. It's perfectly natural to want all the facts and to hold out for the research that guarantees a particular program will work. After all, if you're about to spend $ 300 million on a new product, you want to be absolutely sure you're on the right track. .That's fine in theory, but real life just doesn't work that way. Obviously, you're responsible for gathering as many relevant facts and projections as you possibly can. But at some point you've got to take that leap of faith. First, because even the right decision is wrong if it's made too late. Second, because in most cases there's no such thing as certainty. There are times when even the best manager is like the little boy with the big dog waiting to see where the dog wants to go so he can take him there.What constitutes enough information for the decision-maker? It's impossible to put a number on it, but clearly when you move ahead with only 50 percent of the facts the odds are stacked against you. If that's the case, you had better be very lucky - or else come up with some terrific hunches. There are times when that kind of gamble is called for, but it's certainly no way to run a railroad.At the same time, you'll never know 100 percent of what you need. Like many industries these days, the car business is constantly changing. For us in Detroit, the great challenge is always to figure out what's going to appeal to customers three years down the road. I'm writing these words in 1984, and we're already planning our models for 1987 and 1988. Some how I have to try to predict what's going to sell three and four years from now, even though I can't say with any certainty what the public will want next month.When you don't have all the facts, you sometimes have to draw on your experience. Whenever I read in a newspaper that Lee lacocca likes to shoot from the hip, I say to myself: "Well, maybe he's been shooting for so long that by this time he has a pretty good idea of how to hit the target. "To a certain extent, I've always operated by gut feeling. I like to be in the trenches. I was never one of those guys who could just sit around and strategize endlessly.But there's a new breed of businessmen, mostly people with MBAs, who are wary of intuitive decisions. In part, they're right. Normally, intuition is not a good enough basis for making a move. But many of these guys go to the opposite extreme. They seem to think that every business problem can be structured and reduced to a case study. That may be true in school, but in business there has to be somebody around who will say: "Okay, folks, it's time. Be ready to go in one hour. " When I read historical accounts of World War II and D-Day25, I'm always struck by the same thought: Eisenhower almost blew it because he kept vacillating. But finally he said; "No matter what the weather looks like, we have to go ahead now. Waiting any longer could be even more dangerous. So let's move it!"The same lesson applies to corporate life. There will always be those who will want to take an extra month or two to do further research on the shape of the roof on a new car. While that research may be helpful, it can wreak havoc on your production plans. After a certain point, when most of the relevant facts are in, you find yourself at the mercy of the law of diminishing returns.That's why a certain amount of risk - taking is essential. I realize it's not for everybody. There are some people who won't leave home in the morning without an umbrella even if the sun is shining. Unfortunately, the world doesn't always wait for you while you try to anticipate your losses. Sometimes you just have to take a chance - and correct your mistakes as you go along.Back in the 1960s and through most of the 1970s, things didn't matter as much as they do now.In those days the car industry was like a golden goose. We were making money almost without trying. But today, few businesses can afford the luxury of slow decision-making whether it involves a guy who's in the wrong job or the planning of a whole new line of cars five years down the road.Despite what the textbooks say, most important decisions in corporate life are made by individuals, not by committees. My policy has always been to be democratic all the way to the point of decision. Then I become the ruthless commander. "Okay, I've heard everybody," I say. "Now here's what we're going to do. "You always need committees, because that's where people share their knowledge and intentions. But when committees replace individuals - and Ford these days has more committees than General Motors - then productivity begins to decline.To sum up; nothing stands still in this world. I like to go duck hunting, where constant movement and change are facts of life. You can aim at a duck and get it in your sights, but the duck is always moving. In order to hit the duck, you have to move your gun. But a committee faced with a major decision can't always move as quickly as the events it's trying to respond to. By the time the committee is ready to shoot, the duck has flown away.Notecome down to: (can) be reduced to; mean in essencefancy: complexflamboyant: showy, given to displayhip-shooter: a person who acts rashlyfly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants: [slang] fly an airplane by feel and instinct rather than with the help of the instrumentssatisfy: persuadehunch: an intuitive feeling or guessweigh down: overburden; depressThat's what life Is all about – timing: The most important thing in life is choosing the right moment for action to get the desired results. One can hardly accomplish anything if he fails to respond to events in good time.hold out for: demand firmlyon the right track: thinking or working correctly; moving in the right directionrelevant: connected with what is being discussedprojection: an estimate of what will happenBut at some point you've got to take that leap of faith. Bur at a certain point of time you have to act on your faith, taking the plunge, so to speak, without worrying about the risks involved.odds: chances, probabilitiesstack the cards (chances, odds) against: make it unlikely for (sb.) to succeeds; put (sb.) in a position of disadvantageDetroit: a large commercial and industrial city in southeastern Michigan. Being headquarters for General Motors, Chrysler, and American Motors corporations and with the Ford Motor Company in nearby Dearborn. Detroit is nicknamed "Motor City" and considered the motor capital of the world.shoot from the hip: speak or act in an impulsive and reckless mannergut feeling: [slang] intuitive feelingtrench: long, narrow ditch dug in the ground, esp. as a protection for soldiers against gunfire strategize: make strategies or plansMBA: abbre. for Master of Business Administration ,.Wary: cautious, carefulcase study: an intensive analysis of an individual unit, esp. as an exemplary model of medical, psychological, or social phenomenaD-Day: June 6, 1944, the day of the Allied landing on the beaches of Normandy (a region in northwestern France on the English Channel) against the Germans in World War II Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1890-1969) American General and the thirty—fourth president of the United states (1953-1961). In December, 1943 Eisenhower was named Supreme Allied Commander. In this position he directed the cross—channel invasion of France that began on June 6, 1944.blow it: make a mess of itvacillate: waver; hesitate; be uncertain betweenmove it: make a move, begin to take actionwreak: inflicthavoc: widespread destruction; disorder or chaosthe law of diminishing returns: the law that above a certain level increasing the amount of labor, advertising or other increasing the amount of labor, capital, advertising, or other expenditures used to produce a commodity does not cause a proportionate increase in the amount producedIn those days the car industry was like a golden goose. The legendary golden goose laid a golden egg every day, but it was killed by its greedy owner in the hope of getting all the gold at once. The simile is used here to mean that in those days it was easy for the car industry to yield a big profit.General Motors: The General Motors Corporation is the No. 1 manufacturer of cars in the United States. The corporation consists of 37 semiautonomous divisions and the General Motors Overseas Operations Division. It is the result of an amalgamation 1908 of several motor companies.。
