
WORD格式初中英语同义词组1.arrivein/at=getto=reachIarrivedattheairportat10.=Ireachtheairportat10.befine=bewell=beOKI’mfine=I’mwell.=I’mOK.2.befrom=comefromHeisfromChina.=HecomesfromChina.3.bein=beathomeHeisin.=Heisathome.同理:beout=benotathome4.befullof=befilledwithThebottleisfulloforange.=Thebottleisfilledwith orange.5.belatefor=comelateforI’m s o r r y,I’m l a t e forthemeeting.=I’s o m r r y,Icome lateforthemeeting.6.beonavisitto=visitHeisonavisittoChina.=HeisvisitingChina7.beableto=canHewasabletorideabikeattheageof5.=Hecouldride abikewhenhewas5.8.beaway=beout=benotathome如4Heisbusydoinghishomework.=Heisbusywithhis homework.10.bepleased=beglad=behappy Thecoachwaspleasedwiththeirperformance.=The coachwasgladwiththeirperformance.=Thecoachwas happywiththeirpe rformance.11.buysb.Sth.=buysth.for sb Mymotherbuysmeabook.=Mymotherbuysabookfor me.12.beup=getupBeup,Tom!=Getup,Tom.13.catchupwith=keepupwith Icancatchupwithothers.=Icankeepupwithothers.14.catchabus=takeabusCanIcatchabus?/CanItakeabus?15.catchacold=haveacoldOh,no!You’vecaughtacold.=Oh,no!You’vehada cold.einto=stepinto Hecameintotheclassroom.=Hesteppedintothe classroomComedown!That’sdangerous.=Getdown!That’s dangerous.18.dowellin=begoodat Hedoeswellinswimming.=Heisgoodatswimming. 19.dotheshopping=goshoppingI’lldotheshopping.=I’llgoshopping. 20.dropoff=getoff21.enjoydoingsth.=likedoingsth. Ienjoyreading.=Ilikereading.22.haveagoodtime=enjoyoneself Wehadagoodtimeattheparty.=Weenjoyedourselves attheparty.23.falldown=falloffIfelldown.=Ifelloffthebike.24.getthetelephone=answerthetelephone Igotthetelephone.=Iansweredthetelephone.25.givesb.sth.=givesth.tosb.26.givesb.themessage=givethemessagetosb.27.givesb.atalk=giveatalktosb.28.giveaconcert=haveaconcertTheygaveaconcert.=Theyhadaconcert.29.getonwellwithsb.=begoodto Igotonwellwithmyneighbors=I’g m o o d tomy neighbors.30.give⋯acall=give⋯aringIgaveacalltoyou.=Igiveyouaring.31.godown=goalong32.goforaswim=goswimming33.goondoingsth.=goonwithsth.34.goup=goalong35.gotosleep=gettosleep=fallasleep36.havealook(at)=lookat37.haveaswim=goswimming38.havegot=have39.hearfrom=receivealetterfrom=havealetterfrom=getaletterfrom40.helpsbwithsth=helpsbtodosth41.holdameeting=haveameeting42.holdon=waitaminute43.hurryup=bequick44.knockat=knockonstfrom⋯to=befrom⋯to47.lookout=becareful48.lovetodosth=liketodosth49.makeupone’smindtodo=setone’smindtodo50.payfor=spendon51.prefer⋯to=likebetterthan52.ringup=callsb53.sendforsb=asksbtocome54.showsbsth=showsthtosb55.takecareof=lookafter56.takeexercise=dosport57.takeamessage=leaveamessage58.thinkabout=thinkof59.teachoneself=learnallbyoneself60.turnoff=turndown61.turnrightatthe⋯crossing=takethe⋯turningontheright62.walkon=goon63.walkto=goto⋯onfoot64.walkalong=goalong65.atschool=intheschool66.alotof=lotsof68.aquarterpasttwo=twofifteen69.attimes=sometimes70.atlast=intheend=finally71.abit=alittle=afew72.amomentago=justnow73.atonce=rightnow74.atnoon=inthemiddleofaday75.atthatmoment=atthattime=justthen76.atthemoment=atthesametime77.atthedoctor’s=inthedoctor’soffice78.allovertheworld=acrosstheworld=aroundtheworld=intheworld79.amomentlater=lateron80.afterawhile=amomentlater81.allthesame=allthetime82.assoonaspossible=asquickaspossible83.inline=inaqueue84.inthesouthernpartof=inthesouthof85.intheday=inthedaytime86.muchofChina=manyplacesofChina87.morethan=overWORD格式88.nolonger=not⋯anylonger=nomore=notanymore89.notfarfrom=nearto90.NorthChina=thenorthofChina91.ofcourse=certainly92.plentyof=quiteafew=alotof=lotsof=largenumberof=agreatmanyof=agooddealof93.twoandahalfyears=twoyearsandahalf94.getreadyfor=bereadyfor95.soasto=inorderto96.stopsb.fromdoingsth.=keepsb.fromdoingsth.97.becauseof=thanksto98.inmyopinion=Ithink99.bepleasedwith=besatisfiedwith100.inahurry=hurrytodosth.。

arouses——excites成列地, 持续地at stake——in danger危如累卵, 危险attended to——waited on出席者,参加者,在场者capability——ability能力,力量abided by——adhered to坚持, 遵守achieved——attained完成, 达到accumulat e ——build up积累,建立起account——consideration考虑account f or——explain说明, 占, 解决,得分accused of——charged with控告, 谴责, 非难adverse——unf avorable不利的, 敌对的, 相反的alleviated——lessened使(痛苦等)易于忍受,减轻anyhow——anyway无论如何, 总之appalling——dreadful令人震惊的, 骇人听闻的assembled——gathered装配,组合embodie ——include显示,包含an improved——a better改善, 改进asserted——stat ed f i rmly宣称的(尚待证实的)的abrupt——sudden突然的, 陡峭的, 生硬的adverse ——unfavorable不利的,逆的advisable ——wise可取的,聪明的allocated——assigned / distributed分派, 分配annoying——irritating恼人的, 讨厌的allocate——assign分派, 分配a branch——a division枝, 分枝, 分部,分科,部门,abnormal——unusual反常的, 变态的an abundant——a plenti f ul丰富的, 充裕的, anyhow ——anywayaccelerate——step up加速, 促进accumulat e——collect积聚, 堆积abandoned——given up被抛弃的, 自甘堕落的,appalling ——dreadf ul糟糕的,可怕的attend ——go to参加authentically——genuinely确实地, 真正地breaks——beats打破, 违犯, 折断, 削弱,超过ban——f orbid禁止, 取缔bearing——inf luence轴承, 关系, 方面, 意义,barren——bare不生育的,贫瘠的, 没有结果的blend——mix混和(或admix) call——phone给…打电话complete——f inish完成concise——short and clear简明的, 简练的courteous——well-inf ormed有礼貌的, 谦恭的credible——convincing可信的, 可靠的contended——argued斗争, 竞争, 主张converted——changed使转变, 转换使...改变信仰conversation——talk谈话census——count人口普查conscientious——caref ul尽责的consolidated——strengthened加固的;整理过的contaminated——polluted污染collided with——ran into碰撞,冲突compelled——f orced强迫,迫使,强要comprehend——understand领会, 理解, 包括(包含),conf idential——secret秘密的, 机密的cater f or——meet供应伙食, 迎合collaborating——cooperating共同运转的;协作的childish——immature孩子气的, 幼稚的called off——cancelled呼叫, 召集, 称呼concise ——short and clear 简明的consideration——account体谅, 考虑, 需要考虑的事项, 报酬courteous ——respect f ul 有礼貌的,谦恭的coverage——reportage覆盖called me up——telephoned me打电话给我complain——f eel unhappy抱怨, 悲叹, 控诉capabilities——abilities (实际)能力, 性能,credible ——convincing可信的demolished——pulled down毁坏, 破坏, 推翻, 粉碎diligent——hardworking勤勉的, 用功的diverse——varied不同的, 变化多的disorder——confusion扰乱, 使失调, 使紊乱deduced——derived得自densely——compactly浓密地, 浓厚地duplicated——copied复制出的,复写书的depicts——describes描述, 描写def er——postpone推迟, 延期distress——danger使悲痛, 使穷困, 使忧伤deliberately——intentionally故意地demolish——pull dow n拆毁,毁掉,推翻deters——inhibits阻止damaging——harm f ul有破坏性的,损害的,诽谤的deadly——f at al致命的, 势不两立的, 死一般的,decent——honest正派的, 端庄的, (服装)得1体的draf t——f ormulate起草, 为...打样, 设计dimly——f aintly微暗, 朦胧eff ects——results动产, (家庭)财物eligible——qualif i ed符合条件的, 合格的exhaustive——extremely thorough无遗漏的,彻底的, eligible——qualif i ed / entitled符合条件的,合格的endeavoring——trying尽力, 努力eternal——everl asting永恒的,不灭的, 没完没的eventually——f inally最终exhaustive ——extrem ely thorough 透彻的,彻底的exhibit——show展示exhibited——showed展示explored——investigated探险家, 探测者, 探测器extinction——dying out消失, 消灭, 废止, [物]消光extract——take out拔出, 榨取, 吸取f or love or money——at any price无论如何faulty——wrong有过失的, 有缺点的, 不完美的f ostered——cultivated养育, 抚育, 培养, 鼓励framework——skeleton构架, 框架, 结构f inds f ault with——criticizes批评, 责备f inal——last最后的, 临终的,结论性的fascinat ed——intrigued使着迷, 使神魂颠倒gets up——arises发生,出现,站立grasped——took hold of抓住, 抓紧, 掌握, 领会gangsters——violent criminals女匪徒gained——put on得到,增进,获得given up——abandoned放弃gorgeous——lovely华丽的, 灿烂的harness——utilize利用hailed——acclaimed向...欢呼, 致敬, 招呼hazard——danger冒险, 危险, 冒险的事horri f y——terri f y 使恐怖, 恐吓identif y——name认出,说出immediately——right away立即, 马上, 直接地immense ——enormous巨大的in conjunction with——together与…一起inevitable——certain不可避免的, 必然的ingenious——clever机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的intimate——f riendly亲密的isolated——solitary隔离的,孤立的, 单独insist on——demand坚持, 坚决要求investigated——looked into调查, 研究insane——crazy患精神病的, 精神病患者的invaluable——extremely usef ul无价的, 价值无法衡量的looking f or——trying to f ind查找lately——recently近来, 最近last——past越过, 晚于lethal——deadly致命的lawf ul——legal法律许可的, 守法的, lure——attraction引诱limited——small有限的, 狭窄的, 缺乏创见的mildly——gently温和地, 适度地, 略微made up his mind——decided确定的, 坚决的manual——physical手的, 手动的, 手工的, 体力的massive——extensive厚重的, 大块的, 魁伟的mock——laugh at嘲笑, 骗, 挫败, 嘲弄modif y——change更改, 修改motives——reasons动机的,乐旨的minute——slight轻微的, 微小的mighty——very strong有势力的, 强大的, 有力的miraculous——amazing奇迹的, 不可思议的now and then——occasionally偶尔notably——particularly显著地, 特别地numerous——many众多的, 许多的, 无数的obscured——prevent遮挡,挡住occasionally——sometimes有时候, 偶而omitted——f ailed有时候, 偶而operative ——working运作的orthodox——conventional正统的, 传统的, 习惯的outrageous——unacceptable蛮横的, 残暴的, 无耻的outcome——result结果, 成果overtook(overtake的过去时)——passed超过obvious——clear明显的, 显而易见的occurred——happened发生odd——strange奇数的, 单数的, 单只的, 不成对的, planes——aircraf t位面practically——almost几乎, 差不多physician——doctor医师, 内科医师particularly——especi ally独特地, 显著地pressing——urgent紧迫的phase——stage阶段, 状态, 相, 相位porcelain——china瓷器, 瓷prior to——bef ore在前, 居先principal organizers——planners计划者postulated——assumed要求, 假定permitted——allowed许可, 允许, 准许prohibit——ban禁止, 阻止proposed——suggested被提议的provoked——elicited激怒, 挑拨, 煽动, 惹起, 驱使probed——explored (以探针等)探查, 查明poorly——inadequately贫穷地, 贫乏地participated in——took part in参加, 参与,分享preserve——keep保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏previously——bef ore先前, 以前pulled up——stopped拔起, 停下, 阻止puzzle——mystery神秘,谜perceive——notice感知, 感到, 认识到possessed——owned占有, 拥有, 持有, 摆布, 支配persists——continues坚持, 持续quarter——fourth四分之一,方向, 地区, 季度, 一刻钟put up with ——tolerate忍耐quit——give up v.放弃(念头、希望等), 停止realize——know认识到, 了解, 实现, 实行residents——occupants居民remedy——cure治疗, 补救, 矫正, 修缮, rarely——seldom很少地, 罕有地readily——willingly乐意地, 欣然, 容易地realized——f ul f illed认识到, 了解, 实现, 实行regardless——whatever不管, 不顾, 不注意regret——sorry为...感到遗憾, 后悔, 惋惜, regulate——control控制relied on——depended on依靠, 依赖removed——took of f离开的, 远离...的, 与...无关的remainder——rest剩余的, 出售剩书的recommended——suggested被推荐的regulate——control管制, 控制, 调节, 校准restrain——prevent 阻止scatter——separate分散,分离sketched——outlined描画轮廓, 略述speeds——velocities加快, 速飞, 飞跑spurred——encouraged装有马刺的standpoint——point of view观点steadily——continuously稳定地, 有规则地shine——polish照耀, 发光seldom——rarely很少, 不常saf e——secure免受攻击的, 安全的, 可靠的, 有把握的scene——location现场, 场面, 情景, 景色, 发生地点, [戏剧]一场, 布景, 道具布置satisfactorily——accept ably满意地summit——top of the mountain顶点, 最高阶层scared——f rightened恐惧的sensational——exciting令人激动的。


1. Big - Large这两个词都表示“大”的概念,可以互换使用。
例如,可以说:“She has a big house”或者“she has a large house”。
2. Happy - Glad这两个词都表示“高兴”的意思。
可以说:“I'm happy to see you”或者“I'm glad to see you”。
3. Sad - Unhappy这两个词都表示“伤心的”或“不开心的”。
例如,可以说:“He looks sad”或者“He looks unhappy”。
4. Beautiful - Gorgeous这两个词都表示“美丽的”。
例如,可以说:“She is a beautiful woman”或者“She is a gorgeous woman”。
5. Tired - Exhausted这两个词都表示“疲倦的”。
例如,可以说:“I'm tired after a long day at work”或者“I'm exhausted after a long day at work”。
6. Start - Begin这两个词都表示“开始”。
可以说:“Let's start the meeting”或者“Let's begin the meeting”。
7. Help - Assist这两个词都表示“帮助”,可以互换使用。
例如,可以说:“Can you help me with this task?”或者“Can you assist me with this task?”8. Buy - Purchase这两个词都表示“购买”,可以互换使用。

二○○九年一月九日主题词:30万吨光伏玻璃项目备案报告吉安市发展和改革委员会办公室 2009年1月9日印发吉市发改工交字[2009]4号关于江西天元电机制造有限责任公司年产200台兆瓦级低速永磁同步发电机产业化项目备案的通知江西吉安高新技术产业园区经济发展局:报来“关于请求对江西天元电机制造有限责任公司年产200台兆瓦级低速永磁同步发电机产业化项目进行备案登记的报告”(吉高新经发字[2008]17号)收悉。

下面列举一些中文中常用的同义词组并进行分析:1. 爱情 vs. 情爱这两个词都指的是人际关系中的感情,但其重心不同。
2. 办公室 vs. 写字楼这两个词都指的是商业办公建筑,但其区别在于前者更强调的是一种办公场所的功能以及用途;而后者则更强调的是楼房本身的建筑结构和风格。
3. 应用 vs. 运用这两个词都指的是某种知识或技能的实际运用,但其区别在于前者更偏向于具体应用的范畴,比如可以说某种技术被应用于某个领域;而后者则更偏向于运用这种技术的行为。
4. 优美 vs. 美妙这两个词都指的是事物的美好程度,但其区别在于前者着重于外在的美,如听到一首优美的歌曲、看到一幅优美的画作等;而后者则着重于事物的内在美妙感受,比如感觉生活很美妙、心灵的美妙感觉等。
5. 和谐 vs. 协调这两个词都指的是事物之间的关系相互协调一致,但其区别在于前者强调的是事物间的和睦相处,比如和谐的家庭、和谐的社会等;而后者则强调的是事物间按照一个特定的规则、标准或系统依次配合运动。

高中英语同义词100组因为because,since,as,for除了(还)besides,aswellas,inadditionto,apartfrom位于liein,belocated/situatedin分发handout,giveout,distribute独自alone,byoneself,onone'sown经历undergo,experience,gothrough优点advantage,strongpoints,strength感激appreciate,begrateful/thankfultosb免费forfree,fornothing,freeofcharge容纳admit,accommodate,contain,hold,seat适合besuitedto,besuitablefor,befitfor处理dealwith,dowith,copewith,handle,disposeof记住keep/bearsth.inmind,leamsth.byheart充当actas,serveas,workas,functionas确保seetoitthat,makesurethat,ensurethat当心watchout,lookout,takecare,becareful提前aheadoftime,aheadofschedule,inadvance表明indicate,suggest,show,imply,makeclear大约about,some,around,orso,approximately依靠dependon,relyon,bedependenton,counton总计totalto,cometo,amountto,addupto,reach熬夜stayup,situp,beuplate/far/deepintothenight考虑takeaccountof,takesth.intoaccount/consideration建立establish,found,build,create,setup,putup缺点disadvantage,weakpoints,weakness,drawback说服talk/persuadesb.intodoingsth.,persuadesb.todosth.沮丧depressed,discouraged,blue,down,disappointed,upset厌烦beboredwith,befedupwith,betiredof,besickof偶然bychance,byaccident,accidentally,onceinawhile鉴于seeingthat,given(that),consideringsth/that,inviewofsth发生happen,occur,comeabout,takeplace,goon,breakout控制keep/bringsthundercontrol,takecontrolof,havepowerover立即innotime,atonce,rightaway,straightaway,immediately替代replace,standfor,substitutefor,taketheplaceof,represent尽管although,though,eventhough,while,despite,inspiteof,as(倒装)再三repeatedly,againandagain,overandover(again),timeandagain,如果providing(that),provided(that),onconditionthat,supposingthat,giventhat只要aslongas,solongas区分identify,tell/distinguish...from...,tell/distinguishthedifferencebetween...and...首先first,firstly,firstofall,inthefirstplace,tobegin/startwith,foronething总之inshort,inconclusion,toconclude,inaword,tosumup,onallaccounts完成fulfill,accomplish,finish,complete,getthroughwithsth.,gothroughwithsth.重视paymoreattentionto,lay/put/placeemphasison,attachimportance/significanceto疲劳beexhausted,bewornout,betiredout,(legs)giveout,beusedup,berunoutof反对beagainst,oppose,objectto,beopposedto,argueagainst,take(make)astandagainst参加take,attend,joinsb,joinin,takepartin,getinvolvedin,participatein,goinfor赞成befor,favor,infavorof,approveof,onone'sside,arguefor,take(make)astandfor关于about,concerning,involving,regarding,related/relatingto,withrespectto,with/inregardto,inres pectof由于owingto,dueto,onaccountof,thanksto,becauseof,asaresultof,asaconsequenceof导致cause,leadto,resultin,bringabout/on,contributeto,accountfor,givebirthto,giveriseto决不atnotimebynomeansin/undernocircumstancesinnoway/caseonnocondition/account许多agreatmany,alargenumberof,numbersof,manya,plentyof,agreatdealof,alargeamountof,largeamountsof,alotof,lotsof,alargequantityof, largequantitiesof,amassof,massesof喜欢befondof,enjoy,takedelight/pleasurein,beinterestedin,have/take(an)interestin,feellikedoing, beinto,carefor,becrazyabout,bemadabout,bekeenon/about,beaddictedto,behookedon,haveapass ionfor,haveagreatenthusiasmfor,haveanpreferencefor做调查do/conduct/carryoutasurvey/aninvestigation有害于do/causedamageto,beharmfulto,bebadfor致力于bend/devote/apply/commit/offeroneselftodoingsth事实上actually,inreality/truth/effect/fact,asamatteroffact有益于dogoodto,benefit,beofbenefitto,bebeneficialto主要地mainly,chiefly,mostly,largely,primarily,principally开始做goaboutdoing,setaboutdoing,getdowntodoing,setouttodo不得不can'tbutdo,can'thelpbutdo,donothingbutdo,havenochoice/alternativebuttodo尽全力do/tryone'sbest,sparenoeffort,makeeveryeffort,dowhat/allthat/everythingthatsbcan,goallou t,straineverynerve我认为Ithink/guess/believe,Ihold/taketheview/point/ideathat,fromwhereIstand,asfarasI'mconcerne d, personallyspeaking,from/inmypointofview偶然发现comeacross/upon,runinto/across高度评价speakhighlyof,singhighpraisefor,thinkhighlyof解决问题solve/settle/fix/workouttheproblem不能容忍can'tbear/stand/tolerate/putupwith/livewith由…组成consistof,bemadeupof,becomposedof照料,照顾carefor,takecareof,lookafter,attendto,tendto,mind.对…影响affect,influence,haveanimpact/effect/influenceon/upon一点也不notatall,farfrom,nowherenear,anythingbut,notnearly忽然想到sthcometosbsthoccurtosbsbhitonsthsthstrikesb提出问题bringforward/putforward/raise/comeupwith/bringupaproblem禁止…做… forbidsb.todosth.,stop/keep/prevent/ban/prohibitsb.fromdoing有吸引力attract,appealto,beappealingto,beattractiveto,beattractedto帮助某人helpsb.,give/offer/lendsb.ahand,cometoone'shelp/assistance/aid/rescue对…负责beinchargeof,takechargeof,beresponsiblefor,takeresponsibilityfor两个月后intwomonths,twomonthsaway,intwo-monthtime,intwomonths'time把…当成see/view/regard/treat/consider/have/thinkof/lookon/referto/countonsth.(sb.)as 一…就on/upondoing/noun.themoment/instant/minute/second=immediately=directly=instantlyassoonasHardly/Scarcelyhadsb/sthdone…whensb/sthdidNosoonerhadsb/sthdone…thansb/sthdid达成协议make/reach/arriveat/cometo/workoutanagreement,maketerms,cometoterms充分利用makefulluseof,makethemostof,takeadvantageof,makethebest(use)of除此以外inaddition(to),besides,apartfrom,what'smore,moreover,furthermore,ontopof,but,except,oth erthan留下印象impresssthonsb,impresssbwithwith,make/leaveadeepimpressiononsb.全神贯注centre/focus/concentrateon,fixone'sattentionon,putone'sheartinto,beabsorbed/buried/lost/engaged/occupiedin与…有联系 beassociated/linked/connectedwith,berelatedto,havesth.todowith做事有难度havedifficulty/trouble(in)doingsth.,havetrouble/difficultywithsth.担心;焦虑beworriedabout,beconcernedabout,beanxiousabout耗尽,用光 usesthup,runoutofsth.sthgiveout,exhaust越小心越好can'tbetoocareful/morecareful/carefulenough满足…的需要meet/satisfy/suit/fulfill/catertoone'sneed与…保持联系keep/stayintouch/contactwith,keeptrackof怀有…的希望inhope(s)of,inthehopeof,inthehopethat.,摆脱…的习惯kick/break/getoutof/falloutofthehabitofdoingsth.促进…的发展accelerate/promote/stimulate/advancethedevelopmentofsth.提高…的意识raise/increase/sharpen/strengthen/awake/arousepeople'sawarenessof养成…的习惯form/fallinto/getinto/pickup/develop/slideintothehabitofdoingsth.与…和谐相处liveinharmonywith,beatpeacewith,liveinpeacewith,geton/alongwellwith随着时间的推移astimegoeson/by,withtimegoingon/by面临、遭遇困难befacedwith/face/confront/encounterdifficulty.一个名叫杰克的男孩aboynamed/called/withthename/bythenameofJack随着经济的快速发展withtherapidlyeconomicdevelopment,withtherapiddevelopmentofeconomy,witheconomydevelo pingrapidly。

- 动词:go out/go off, look for/search for, look after/take care of
- 名词:book/novel, class/lesson, table/desk
- 形容词:happy/joyful, big/large, small/little
- 副词:always/often, never/never, sometimes/occasionally

1. appearance=look2. around=about3. appreciate=be thankful to =be grateful to4. pass by = go past5. ahead of time= in advance6. ahead of sb=in front of sb=do better than7. at a price =with a lot of hard work8. persuade=succeed in making sb agree to do sth.9. valuable=worth a lot of money10. freeze= stop moving suddenly11. hear from=receive/get a letter from12. despite=in spite of13. do well in = be good at14. as well as = and15. as well = too= also16. be keen on =be interested in17. repair=mend =fix18. lately=recently19. error= mistake20. unusual=not common21. the rest= the part left22. at a time= once23. at times= sometimes24. elderly=old25. divide=separate sth into two or more parts.26. achieve=get=gain=succeed in27. except for=not including28. celebrate=do sth special for an important day or event29. add=plus=and30. agree=say yes to31. aim=purpose32. allow=permit=let sb do sth33. one another=each other34. apply for =ask for35. author=writer36. bear= stand37. begin=start38. book=order=arrange to have39. call sb=phone sb=ring sb up40. collect money=raise money41. convenient=make sth easy42. crazy=mad43. create=produce44. daily=everyday45. spoil=damage46. dear=expensive47. defeat sb=beat sb48. describe sth to sb=tell sb what sth is/looks like49. dial a number =call a number50. disappear=not be seen51. what’s the distance=how far is it52. drop in on sb=visit sb=call on sb53. dull=boring54. end=finish=be over=complete55. enter=go into56. escape from=go away from57. except=but58. be expert at =be good at59. express sth=show opinion on sth60. in face=actually=as a matter of fact= in reality61. fall behind =not catch up with62. false=wrong63. gain=get64. in handcuffs=be caught by policeman65. interview sb=talk to sb and ask some questions66. judge=make a decision67. method=way68. multiply=times69. offer=give=provide70. operate=run=make sth work71. own=have72. perform=act73. take pleasure in doing =enjoy doing74. promise=make sure75. properly=in a right way76. publish=come out77. be proud of =take pride in78. realize=understand79. reduce=become smaller80. refuse=not agree81. request =ask for82. require doing sth=need doing sth83. room=place84. rush=move very quickly85. be seated=sit86. seize=catch87. stare at sth/sb=look at sth/sb with great interest88. keep still= don’t move89. supply=give sb sth90. tasty=delicious91. teach oneself=learn sth by oneself92. therefore= so93. thought=idea94. be tired of =be bored with95. tough=difficult96. together=with each other97. whole=all98. wish=hope99. be absent from=don’t attend100. conclude=end=come to an end=be over101. fortunate=lucky102. can / could=be able to103. more than= over104. break down=stop working=go wrong=be dead105. be harmful to =do harm to =be bad for106. pay..for..=spend..on107. how…deal with= what …do with108. do sb a favour=help sb=give sb a hand109. take part in=join in110. be full of =be filled with111. discuss=talk over=talk about112. reply to=answer=respond113. come from=be from114. cross=go across=walk across115. stop sb from doing sth=prevent/keep sb from doing sth116. arrive in/ at=get to=reach117. at last =in the end=finally118. afraid=frightened119. make up one’s mind=decide=make a decision120. behind bars=in prison=in jails121. put pressure on sb to do sth=force sb to do sth 122. illegal= against the law123. hurry to =go to…hurriedly=go to …in a hurry 124. prepare for =get ready for =be prepared for125. pollute=make…dirty126. another ten workers=ten more workers127. nervous=worried and afraid128. I’ll get it=I’ll take it=I’ll buy it129. communicate with sb=keep in touch with sb130. because of =as a result131. be stone deaf=can’t hear anything132. take off=pull off133. lack=don’t have enough=be short of134. switch off=turn off135. prefer…to…=like …better than…136. enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun137. remember to do sth=don’t forget to do sth…138. remember me to sb=give my best wishes to sb139. besides=what’more=in addition besides=including besides= as well as=and140. depend on=be decided by=be dependent on141. be responsible for =be in charge of=take charge of =have the duty forone’s temper=get angry143. go after=follow144. just now=a moment ago145. have to =must146. thanks= with the help of147. can’t catch up with=fall behind148. near=not far=close by149. in aid of=to help150. without hesitation =at once151. be fond of = like152. famous=well-known153. a piece of cake=very easy154. rain cats and dogs=rain heavily/hard155. on top of the world=very happy156. environmentally friendly=green157. have a green thumb= be good at gardening158. be one’s apple=be one’s favourite159. at sixes and sevens=in a mess=messy160. eat one’s world=take back what sb said161. all in =very tired162. be all right=be well163. set off=start164. be at table=be having a meal165. go through=read sth very quickly166. go off=make a sudden noise=ring suddenly167. what’s up=what’s going on?=what’s the matter?=what’s wrong?168. for sale=be sold169. feel like doing sth=want to do sth=would like to do sth170. fall ill=get sick171. die out=not exist172. depend on =rely on173. hold on=wait a minute =don’t hang up174. hurry up=be quick175. in a flash=very quickly=in a short time176. in no time=very soon= at once=right now=right away 177. in the first place=in the beginning178. in total= totally179. make it=succeed180. none of one’s business=it has nothing to do with sb 181. note down=write down182. point of view=opinion183. put on weight=become heavier184. lose weight=become thinner185. spread one’s wings to =fly to186. take …to safety=take sb to safe place 187. all over the world=throughout the world= all around the world188. at all costs=do anything sb can do189. at a price=with a lot of hard work190. offer…to ,,,,=provide…for191. collect sb=take sb away=pick sb up192. partly=in a way193. come along=show up =appear194. miss=fail to do195. business=company=firm196. I don’t know=I have no idea197. assist sb in doing sth=help sb to do sth 198. be unaware of sth= don’t know about sth= don’t realize sth199. continue=go on200. chance=opportunity201. just now=a moment ago202. not the same as=be different from203. improve=make ….better204. argue with sb=have an argument with sb205. so that=in order that206. so as to=in order to207. make fun of sb=laugh at sb=play jokes on sb 208. remind sb of sth =help sb remember sth= make sb think of sb209. hold out=take out210. regard…as=consider …as=think of …as211. let sb down=make …disappointed212. stand for=represent =mean213. apologize=say sorry214. glance at=take a quick look at215. persuade sb =make sb agree216. raise one’s hand=put up one’s hand217. opinion=view=point of view218. whisper=tell/say/speak …in a low voice219. take steps =take actions=take measures220. take shape=develop into a clear form221. a large number of=many=a lot of222. shocked=very surprised=amazed223. cry with joy=cry happily224. present sb with sth=give st sth as a gift225. extremely successful=a great success226. work as=be =act as227. survive=keep alive228. be satisfied with sb=be pleased with sb229. include=contain=have…inside230. hardly ever=almost never=seldom=rarely231. watch out=look out=be careful=take care232. not a little=very233. come true=become real234. instead of=in place of235. by accident =by chance=accidentally236. question sb=ask sb some questions237. lies in=be in=be located in238. up to now=so far=by now239. blind =can’t see240. fit sb=be suitable for=suit sb241. at the moment =at present=now= for the time being 242. turn into=change into243. in the beginning=at first244. alone=by oneself=on one’s own245. leave for=go to=set off for246. consider=think about carefully247. valuable=of great value248. foolish=silly=stupid249. found=set up=start250. come down=become lower251. lose one’s appetite for=make sb lose one’interest in sth = put sb off sth252. tell the truth=not tell lie253. consist of =be made up of254. treat sb badly=be cruel to sb255. learn ..by heart=memorize ..=remember…well256. perfectly=without any mistakes257. gift=present/talent258. succeed in doing sth=manage to do sth259. hunt for=search for260. in a brief way=briefly=in a few words261. around=everywhere=here and there262. increase=become larger263. interrupt sb=stop sb from speaking264. quit=leave=give up265. not keep one’s promise=break one’s promise266. destroy=damaged badly267. rare=unusual268. against=to say no to269. absorb=take in270. not a bit happy=not happy=unhappy271. look forward to doing sth=expect to do sth.272. cause=lead to273. enter=go into274. be connected to=be joined to=be linked to275. sort=type=kind276. in ancient times=many,many years ago277. used to do sth=often did.. in the past278. solve=deal with279. be bored with= be not interested in=be tired of=be fed up with280. forever=for a very long time281. be in trouble with=have trouble with282. mountains of =a lot of= a number of283. operate the machine=run the machine=make the machine work284. for the time being=now =at present285. lead sb to sw=take sb to sw286. copy=do exactly the same as…do287. remove…from=take…out of288. nearby=not far away289. lively=active and happy290. realize=know about=be aware of291. identify with=feel the same way as..292. return=go/come back give back293. all the time=always=all the way294. glad=happy=cheerful295. raise one’s voice=speak more loudly296. touch=put the hand on297. humorous=have a sense of humor=have ability to make others laugh and joke298. missing=lost299. free=available=have time to do sthfree=not cost anything300. innocent=not guilty301. at times=sometimes=from time to time302. go over=examinego over=review303. think of an idea=come up with an idea304. beneath=under305. be short of =lack=don’t have enough306.①prefer…to…= like…better than…喜欢……胜过……②prefer to…rather than…=would rather…than…宁愿……而不愿……307. make/leave a good impression on=give sb. a good impression给某人留下好印象308. be at work=be working在工作309. make eye contact with sb = communicate with sb. with one’s eyes与某人进行目光(眼神)交流310.. at least= not less than至少,不少于311. dry out = make…dry使……变干燥312.. by mistake = wrongly错误地313.. be influenced by = be affected by受……的影响314.. be kind to sb. = be nice to sb. = be friendly to sb.对某人友好/善良315. force sb. to do sth. = make sb. do sth.强迫某人做某事316. marry sb. = be/get married to sb.与……结婚sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb. = give sb. sth. as a pr esent送给某人某物with joy = cry with happiness / cry happily喜极而泣319. burst in = break in闯入320. learn…by heart = remember = know…by heart = keep…in mind 熟记;铭记于心a lecture = make a speech发表演说,做报告a gift for = have a talent for有……的天赋one’s call = call sb. backget back to sb. = call sb. back 回复某人的电话happy with = be pleased with = be satisfied with对……感到开心325 be filled with = be full of = be crowded with充满;装满326. try / do one’s best to do sth. =try as hard as sb. can to do 尽全力做某事true 实现make one’s dream come true = realize one’s dream实现某人的梦想328. as…as sb. can = as…as possible尽可能329. up to now = up till now = so far = by now到现在为止330. raise /collect money for a charity为慈善机构筹钱332. greet sb. cheerfully =say hello to sb. happily333. by chance= by accident334. glance at=have a quick look at335. make contact with= keep in touch with= communicate with336. make a good impression on sb.=give a good impression to sb.337. decide to do sth.=make up one’s mind to do sth.= make a decision to do sth338. without hesitation = at once=immediately339. remind sb. of sth.= remind sb. to do sth. =make sb. re member sth.340. prefer…to…= like sth. better than…341. instead of=in place of342. on one’s own=by oneself=alone343. first of all = at first344. make eye contact with =look directly at …345. care for =look after=take care of346. on top of the world=very happy347. sth. be right for sb.=suit =be suitable for sb348. promise sb to do= make sure349. be free to =needn’t350 have an appointment with=have a date with351. depend on=rely on = be decided by352. advise to do= advise that sb.=suggest (sb) doing 353. dry out your hair=make your hair dry354. look forward to doing=expect to do=hope to do 355. places of interest =interesting places356. take shape=develop into a clear form357. natural scenery= natural view358. look like = be like359. be great fun=be very interesting360. be attracted by sth. =be very interested in sth. 361. in the centre of= in the middle of362. return tickets=round-trip ticket363. refer to=stand for364. learn about=know about365. in advance= ahead of time366. describe sb.= tell sb something about367. leave for=start for368. behave oneself=have a good behaviour369. by mistake= by error370. if necessary=if you need to371. jump into a conclusion =draw a conclusionsb. to do=make sb agree to do sth.=convince sb. to do sth.373. five minutes to go =five minutes left374. feel nervous=feel very afraid and worried375. prepare for =get ready forbe unprepared= be not ready376. ahead of (time) =in font of =doing better than=in advance377. six more= another six378. win a big prize= get a big prize379. keep doing sth.= go on with sth.380. excellent= do very well= terrific381. hurry to do sth.= go to do sth. in a hurry382. hard work =difficult job383. believe sb.=believe what sb. said384. rush into =burst into闯入385. food for thought=be worth thinking aboutone’s appetite for sth. = put sb off sth. =make sb lose interest i n…387. put on weight=become heavier / fatter388. lose weight=become thinner389. be influenced by…=be affected by390. instead of=in place of=do sth, don’t do sth.391. live in tiny spaces=live in very small spaces392. bits of = a little393. increase=become bigger= go up394. a lack of …= short of…395. have an argument=argue396. contain = have397. keep an animal = raise an animal398. didn’t pass the exam=failed the exam399. force sb. to do sth.= make sb do sth.400. fall in love (with ) = be in love (with) 401. be good at =do well in =be excellent on402. agree to marry sb.=agree to become the wife of sb. 403. teach sb. how to do=teach sb. how sb. could do 404. put sb. in a prison=send sb. in a jail405. pull off his mask=take off the mask406. be shocked at =be very surprised at407. feel sorry for sb.=feel guilty for sb.408. cry with joy=cry happily/joyfully409. burst in =rush in=break in410. at that moment=just then411. disappeared=was out of sight412. present sb. with sth.=give sb. sth. as a gift 413. Let sb. go/away=set sb. free414 come up with= think of415. was jealous of=envied416. act as =act like417. regard…as = consider...as=think of…as418. attempt to do sth.=try to do sth.419. have a sense of humor=be humorous420. work out = solve=deal with421. work= operate =run422. let sb down = disappoint sb. = make sb. disappointed423. What is the distance= How far is it424. perfectly=without any mistake425. be pleased with sth =be satisfied withIt’s a pleasure (for sb) to do sth426. learn sth. by heart= know sth. by heart =remember=memorize427. lead sb to =take sb tolead to sth.= cause sth.428. find out=discover429. be in trouble in doing sth.= have difficulty in doing sth.430. In fact=Actually =As a matter of factsth. to sb=offer sb,sth.=supply sb. with sth. =supply sth. to s b. =provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.432. join in the applause=take part in the applause433. in reply to sth.= to answer sth.434. be a great success=be very successful=be extremely successful435. survive =still live=be still alive436 up to now=so far437. in order to do = so as to do438. be put in prison= be behind bars439. cultivate = grow=plant440. give up= stop doing sth441. be rare = be uncommon rarely= seldom=hardly ever442. despite = in spite of +短语= although+句443. take place = happen444. encourage sb to do = support sb to do445. run away from = escape from446. as a result of …=because of447. change one’s view = change one’s mind/ idea448. fall over = fall down= slip up449. all day long = the whole day450. on the contrary = conversely= oppositely451. at the same time= whilecopied all over the world= be copied in every part of the wor ld453. in nature= in fact =actually454. for sale = on sale455. be afraid of=be frightened of456. be delighted=be happy / pleased457. appear=seem/be 好像是、显得458. appear=show up 出现;459. make full use of= make good use of 460. be proud of sb. = take pride in sb. 461. ambition=dream462. argument =quarrel463. around=here and there=everywhere464. business=company465. at present=nowadays466. at a time=each time467. by boat=by water468. besides=what’s more469. in addition=what’s more470. in hot water=in trouble471. in pieces=make into several parts472. on earth=in the world473. on the Internet=online474. throughout=all over475. amusing-funny476. accurate=correct477. jobless=out of work478. rarely=hardly479. sometimes=now and then=at times480. whatever=no matter what481. seldom=not often482. attend=take part in483. absorb=take in484. afford=get enough money485. arrest=in handcuffs486. catch=understand487. conclude=come to and end488. create=produce489. die=pass away490. enjoy=take pleasure in491. found=set up492. freeze=stop moving493. queue=stand in line494. quit=give up=leave495. replace=take the place of496. review=go over497. reduce=cut down498. be dead=don’t work499. break down=go wrong500. build sb up=make sb stronger 501. contain sth=have sth inside it 502. get lost=lose one’s way503. go off=make a sudden loud noise504. make it=be successful505. put it right=correct it506. put it right=correct it507. run out of =use up=have no508. take one’s time=do it slowly509. take it easy=don’t worry510. however=but511. otherwise=or512. lie=be=be located513. at all costs=do everything possible514. identify with sb=be popular with sb=feel the same way as so meone else515. by mistake=wrongly=without noticing it516. young viewers=young audiences517. closely=carefully518. fortunately=luckily519. fit=healthy520. further more=in addition 此外。

同义词词组比如说:take care of=look after常用答语比如说:good idea、you are welcome等一般会出现在选择题,选择题是个问句什么的然后选项让你选答语。
have a good time=have fun=enjoy oneself.1·问候good morning/afternoon/evening.早上、下午、晚上好!hello! hi!你好!how are you?你好吗?fine,thank you.and you?我很好,谢谢,你呢?very well,thank you.很好,谢谢。
2·告别I think it's time for us to leave now.我认为现在是我们离开的时间了。
goodbye!再见!see you later/tomorrow.(see you.)回头见、明天见!3·打电话hello!may i speak to...?你好,我可以和......讲话吗?hold on,please.请等一会儿。
he/she isn't here right now.他现在不在这里can i take a message for you?我能替你捎个口信吗?i'm calling to tell/ask you...我正打电话告诉/问你......goodbye.再见。
4·感谢和应答thank you very much.非常感谢thanks a lot.多谢many thanks.多谢thanks for...谢谢你......not at all.不用谢that's all right.没关系!不用谢you are welcome.不用谢I can never thank you enough.我对您永远感激不尽It's very king of you.您太好了Don't mention it.不用客气no trouble at all.没什么It's a pleasure./My pleasure.我很乐意that's ok.这没什么5·祝愿·祝贺·应答good luck!祝你好运best wishes to you.给你最美好的祝愿!have a good time.祝你过得愉快!{congratulations!}祝贺你!(这句话经常见,所以很重要!!)all the best.祝你万事如意the best of luck.祝你好运。

一、初中常见的同义词或同义词组1.be friendly to each other =get on /along well with …2.all right =OK3.alone =on one’s own=by oneself4.a little +n. = a bit of + n.5.at the moment =now6.be a Russia = come from Russia = be from Russia7.be good at =do well in8.be OK=be all right9.be working =be at work10.be weak in =be bad at11.be busy with =be busy doing12.be proud of= take pride in…13.but =except (除外)14.do one’s best to do sth. =try one’s best to do sth.15.each other =one another16.everywhere=here and there17.fall asleep =go to sleep18.fly to…=go to…by plane/air19.get to=arrive at/in = reach20.have a good time =enjoy oneself=have fun21.have enough money for…=afford to buy …22.just now=a moment ago23.learn …by oneself=teach oneself24.leave…=be away from25.look after =take care of26.mean…=the meaning of27. more than=over28. not again=no more=not any more29. prefer sth. to sth.=like sth. better than sth.30. receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb.31. ring (up)sb.=call (up)sb.=phone sb.=make a phone call to sb.32. say no to sb.=refuse sb.33. sleep well=have a good sleep34. see a film=go to the cinema35. start(开始)=begin36. start(出发)=set out37. take a car to go to sp.=go to sp. by car38.take part in=be in39. visit sp. =pay/ have a visit to sp.40. catch the bus=take the bus二、反义词或反义词组的替换1. after=before2. (A) borrow …from (B) -(B) lend…to…(A)3. catch up with-fall behind4. catch the bus-miss the bus5. early-late6. easy-difficult7. find-lose8. get off-get on9. in front of-behind10. miss=catch11. near -far away from12. remember-forget13. something/anything-nothing14. switch off-switch on /turn on15. the same as-different from16. write to sb. -hear from sb.三、形容词、副词比较级的不同形式的替换1.He is as tall as I . =He is the same height as I .2. He is as old as I .=He is the same age as I .3. This box is as heavy (long,wide,deep)as that one.= This box is the same weight(length, width, depth) as that one.4. Bill did better than Lin Tao.=Lin Tao did not do so well as Bill.5. I haven’t as many story-books as he.=He has more story-books than I .6. Japanese is not so popular as English.=Japanese is less popular than English.7. It’s so important a match that we must see it.==It’s such an important match that we can't miss it.常见形容词/副词/的句型1. as +形容词/副词+asthe same+名词+as2. not so (as) +形容词/副词+as形容词/副词比较级+thanless +形容词/副词比较级+than3. such a/an +形容词+名词so+形容词+a/an+名词四、合并句子1. too+形容词to do / so…thatHe is very young . He can't carry the box.-He is too young to carry the box.-He is so young that he can't carry the box.2. 形容词/副词+enogh to do…Edison was very clever. He could invent a lot of things. Edison was clever enough to invent a lot of things.3. either…or…You can do this before class, and you can also do it after class.You can do this either before class or after class.4. neither…nor…There is no air on the moon. There is no water on the moon.There is neither air nor water on the moon.5. neither of…Your answer is wrong. My answer is wrong, either. Neither of our answers is right.6. none ofTom hasn't passed the exam. Peter and Ken haven’t passed the exam, eihter.None of the three boys has passed the exam.7. both…and…He knows English. His wife knows English,too.Both he and his wife knows English.8. not only…but also…Mrs. Smith is my teacher. She is also my good friends. Mrs. Smith is not only my teacher,but also my good friend.9.so…that…How fast the little boy is running! I can't catch up with him.The little boy is running so fast that I can't catch up with him.10. without…I won’t work well if you don't help me.I wo n’t work well without your help.11. exceptAll are here, but our English teacher isn't .Everyone is here except our English teacher.12. It is +adj. of sb. to do sth.You help me a lot. You are really nice.It’s really nice of you to help me a lot.13. …if(条件状语从句)The weather won’t be fine tomorrow. We’ll have to stay at home.We’ll have to stay at home tomorrow if the weather won’t be fine.Start before 4 o’clock. Or you may miss your plane. You may miss your plane if you don't start before 4 o’clock.五、单句与复句互换1. so…that…(从句)…too…to do……enough to do…The room is so small that my family can't live in.-The room isn't big enough for my family to live in.-The room is too small for my family to live in.2. find that(从句)find sb. +宾语补语We found (that) he is a good pupil.We found him a good pupil.3. …what/where/when/how(从句)…what/where/when/how to do…-Please tell me where we show our tickets. -I am not sure what I should do next.-Please tell me where to show our tickets. -I am not sure what to do next.4. hope that (从句)hope to do …I hope that I can see you soon.I hope to see you soon.5. It is …(some time) since (从句)did…some time agoSb. has been…for some time-It is ten years since his grandfather died. -It is five years since she became a nurse. -His father died ten years ago.-She has been a nurse for five years.6. It seems (seemed) that (句子)Sb. seems(seemed) to do sth.It seemed that they won the match.They seemed to win the match.7. It took sb. + some time + to do sth.Sb. spent+some time+(in) doing sth.It took me two hours to buy the book yesterday.I spent two hours reading the book yesterday.8. sb. spend + some money +on/doing sth.Sb. pay+some money +for sth.Sth. cost +sb. +some moneyHe spent 180 yuan on that toy.-He paid 180 yuan for the toy.-The toy cost him 180 yuan.9. If…, you’ll…Do…, or…If you don't hurry up, you’ll miss the train.Hurry up, or you’ll miss the train.10. It is +形容词+of sb. to do sth.Sb. is +形容词to do sth.It is very kind of you to help me with my maths. You are kind to help me with my maths.六、意思相同或相近的句型的替换-What’s the weather like today?- How is the weather today?- What do you think of Shenzhen?-How do you like Shenzhen?七、改写句子专项训练I.同义句或同义词组的替换训练题1.I don't have enough money to buy the dress.=I can't afford (to buy) the dress.2. Lily learned Chinese all by herself.=Lily taught herself English.3. Did you sleep well last night?=Did you have a good sleep last night?4. She lived alone.=She lived by herself/ on her own.5. I said no to him.=I refused him.6. I did my best to study English.=I tried my best to study English.7. I don't know the meaning of this word.=I don’t know what this word means.8. I am going to fly to Beijing next week.=I am going to Beijing by air/plane next week.9. They often go to see a film on Sunday evenings.=They often go to the cinema/ the movies on Sunday evening.10. Which sport are you in today?=Which sport do you take part in today?11. He usually goes to work by bike.=He usually rides to work.12. I won’t do it again.=I am not going to do it any more.13. He is a Russian.=He is from Russia.14. He is looking for his pen everywhere?=He is trying to find his pen here and there.15. The man reached Beijing yesterday.=The man arrived in Beijing yesterday.16. Every day, Yao Ming receives letters from thousands of baketball fans.=Every day, Y ao Ming hears from thousands of basketball fans.17.The foreigners have visited the Great Wall.=The foreigners have been to the Great Wall.18. Mr. Brown left London six years ago.=Mr. Brown has been away from London for six years.=It is six years since Mr. Brown left London.19. Mr. Smith is working.=Mr. Smith is at work.20. Lin Feng is weak in English.==Lin Feng is bad at English.==Lin Feng isn’t good at English.21. The boy will be OK if I do one small operation on him.=The boy will be all right if I do one small operation on him.22. Jim rang you up a moment ago.=Jim called you just now.=Jim made a phone call to you just now.23. They are playing football now.=They are playing football at the moment.24. Did your parents have a good time in Shenzhen?=Did your parents enjoy themselves in Shenzhen?25. Jane prefers English to maths.=Jane likes English better than maths.26. The Smiths flew to London for their holiday yesterday afternoon.=The smiths left for London by air for their holiday yesterday afternoon.27.Jim went to see me last week.=Jim visited me last week.28. The nurse looks after the baby carefully.=The nurse takes care of the baby carefully.29. Can you look after my dogs when I’m away?=Can you take care of my dogs when I’m not here /at home?30. The boy wanted a little milk to drink.=The boy needed a little milk to drink.=The boy wanted to drink a little milk.31. Mother was busy with some housework when I got home.=Mother was busy doing some housework when I got home.32. The boy’s teacher was very proud of him.=The boy’s teacher took pride in him.=The boy was the pride of his teacher.33. He couldn't fall asleep all night.=He wasn’t able to go to sleep all night.34. My mother went to Guangzhou last week, and she is there now.=My mother has been in Guangzhou since last week.35. The children are wearing beautiful clothes.=The children are in beautiful clothes.II.反义词或反义词组训练1. Her parents haven’t written to their daughter for a long time.=The daughter hasn’t heard from her parents for a long time.2. Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.=Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave the room.3. I think it is different from Chinese names.=I don’t think it is the same as Chinese names.4. If you don't hurry up, you’ll miss the early bus.=Hurry up, and you’ll catch the early bus.5. Can I borrow a knife from you?=Can you lend a knife to me?=Can you lend me a knife?6. The runner couldn't catch up with the others in the race.=The runner fell behind the others in the race.7. He can't hear anything.=He can hear nothing.8. The station is near the bus stop.=The station is not far from the bus stop.9. They knew something about it only after you told them.=They knew nothing about it before you told them. 10. The tree is behind the house.==The house is in front of the tree.11. Summer comes after spring.=Spring comes before summer.12. I think he is wrong.=I don’t think he is right.13. Remember me to your parents.=Don’t forget me to your parents.=Give my regards to your parents.14. May I borrow your bike?=Can you lend your bike to me?15. My computer is not the same as yours.=My computer is different from yours.16. Lily didn't go to school yesterday, Lucy didn't go to school, either.=Neither Lily nor Lucy went to school yesterday.III.形容词、副词比较级的训练题1.The earth is bigger than the moon.=The moon is smaller than the earth.2. Jim is not so careful as Bob.=Jim is more careless than Bob.=Bob is more careful than Jim.3. Jim runs faster than any other student in his class. =Jim runs the fastest in his class.4. I don't think history is as interesting as art.=I think history is less interesting as art.=I think art is more interesting as history.5 .Jim runs faster than the other students in his class. =Jim runs the fastest in his class.=Jim runs faster than any other student in his class.IV. 合并句子训练题1 . I don't want any meat. I want some vegetables.=I want some vegetables instead of meat.2 . This shirt doesn't look nice. That shirt doesn't look nice, either.=Neither of these two shirts looks nice.3. He hasn't been to France. She hasn't been to France, either.=Neither she nor she has been to France.4 . The old woman was angry. She couldn't say a word.=The woman was too angry to say a word.=The woman was so angry that she couldn’t say a word.5 . Jane prefers English to maths. So does Ann.=Both Jane and Ann like English better than maths. 6. I am a League member. He is a League member, too. =Both he and I are League members.7 . She is very short. She can't reach the apples on the tree.=She is too short to reach the apples on the tree.=She is so short that she can’t reach the apples on the tree.8 . The room isn't very big. It can't hold a lot of people.=The room is not big enough to hold a lot of people. 9. I don't know Russian. He doesn't know Russian, either.=Neither he nor I knows Russian.10. The hat is too big for me, and that one is too small for me.=The two hats are either too big or too small for me.11. We can't finish the work if you don't help us.=We can’t finish the work without your help.12. Hurry up, or we’ll miss th e early bus.=If we don’t hurry, we won’t catch up with the early bus.1 3 . You may answer my question in English, or you may answer it in Chinese.=You may answer my question either in English or in Chinese.1 4 . Mr. White is a teacher. He is also a musician.=Mr. White is not only a teacher, but also a musician.1 5 . He was very careful in the exam. Then he made few mistakes.=He was so careful in the exam that he didn’t make any mistakes.1 6 . He’s too young to go to school.=He is not old enough to go to school.1 7 . When he was young, he could not read. And he could not write, either.=He could neither read nor write when he was young.1 8 . He heard a boy crying for help outside, then he rushed out of the room.=He rushed out of the room as soon as he heard a boy shouting for help outside.1 9 . I have something to tell you. It’s interesting.=I have something interesting to tell you.2 0. Her father can't help her with her lessons, and her mother can't , either.=Neither her father nor her mother can help her with her lessons.V. 单句与复句的互换训练题1. I don’t know what I should say at the meeting.=I don’t know what to say at the meeting.2. Lucy took a basket and went out of the house.=Lucy went out of the house with a basket.3. Could you tell me how to get to the post office?=Could you tell me how I can get to the post office?4. The teacher told us that we would not meet at the school gate.=The teacher told us not to meet at the school gate.5. He told me that I should not make any noise in the library.=He told me not to make any noise in the library.VI.意思相同或相近的句型的替换训练题1.How do you like our city?=What do you think of our city?2. How is the weather today?=What’s the weather like today?3. What’s wrong with you?=What’s the matter with you?4. It is time for class.=It is time to have class.5. What a cold day it is today!=How cold it is today!6. He went to bed after his father came back.=He didn’t go to bed until his father came back.=He didn’t go to bed before his father came back.7. Lucy gave Jim the flower at once when she got it. =Lucy gave the flower to Jim as soon as she got it. 8. Mr. Smith has been in China for over ten years.=It is more than ten years since Mr. Smith came to China.9. It took me three hours to finish writing the article. =I spent three hours finishing writing the article.10. I paid over 100 yuan for this dictionary.=I spent 100 yuan on the dictionary.=The dictionary cost me 100 yuan.11. He bought the book two weeks ago.=He has had the book for two weeks.=It is two weeks since he bought the book.12. He can finish the work easily.=It is easy for him to finish the work.13. It’s good for your health to take exercise often.=To take exercise often is good for your health.14. Not all of the people in the USA are rich.=Only some of the people in the USA are rich.15. Maybe they will tidy the garden today.=They may tidy the garden today.16. What’s wrong with you?=What’s the matter with you?17. We had a good time at the party.=We enjoyed ourselves at the party.18. We got to the school at half past seven.=We arrived at school at half past seven.19. Why don’t you do it by yourself?=Why not do it on your own?20. When he was ten years old, the boy died.=The boy died at the age of ten.21. He is as tall as I .=He is the same height as I .22. I spent 60 yuan (in) buying the ticket.=I paid 60 yuan for the ticket.23. Thank you very much for your coming.=It is very kind of you of you to come here.24. I found the film was interesting.=I found the film interesting.25. The teacher told the students that they should not play in the street.=The teacher told the students not to play in the street.26. She didn’t go to work because she was ill.=She didn’t go to work because of his illness.=She was ill, so she didn’t go to work.27. The box is too heavy for me to carry.=The box is not light enough for me to carry.=The box is so heavy that I can’t carry it.28. The boy is only ten, but he speaks English very well.=Although the boy is only ten, he speaks English very well.29. There are three buildings in the school.=The school has three buildings30. The leaves became yellow.=The leaves turned yellow.31. Don’t forget me to your parents.=Remember me to your parents.32. You are right to do so.=It’s right for you to do so.33. We had a good time.=We enjoyed ourselves.34. He plays tennis well. She plays it well, too.=Both he and she play tennis well.35. I don’t speak Japanese and he doesn’t speakJapanese, either.Neither he nor I speak Japanese.36. He did not go until night.He left at night.37. I was too excited to go to sleep.I was so excited that I couldn’t go to sleep.38. If you don’t get up early, you’ll be late.Get up early, or you’ll be late.39. I forgot I had locked the door.I forgot locking the door.40. He paid 20 dollars for the dictionary.-He spent 20 dollars on the dictionary.-The dictionary cost him 20 dollars.41. English is not so difficult as maths.-English is less difficult than maths.-Maths is more difficult than English.42. It’s dangerous to climb that tall tree.To climb that tall tree is not safe.43. Miss Zhao went to look after the man hurriedly. -Miss Zhao went to take care of the man in a hurry.44. The snow was heavy last night.It snowed heavily last night.45. How old are you?What is your age?46. Our teacher left the lab after he had got everything ready.Our teacher didn’t leave the lab until he had got everything ready.47. It took us two days to prepare for the English evening.We spent two days getting ready for the English evening.48. We came home when it was six o’clock.We came home at six o’clock.49. The dictionary cost me 106 yuan.I paid 106 yuan for the dictionary.50. He went on reading the book.-He didn’t stop reading the book.。

绝对有用的"词语辨析"elder 与elderly两者都为“年老的”,但有细微的差别。
elderly 指中年与暮年之间的年龄,表示人已过中年,因此,这词常用来代替old。
如:an elderly gentleman. 一位年长的绅士。
如:Tom is the elder of the two. 汤姆是两个孩子中较大的一个。
regret to do 和regret doingregret doing 表示“做了某事而感到遗憾或后悔”,v-ing 动作发生在regret 之前。
如:I regretted missing the train. 我为没有赶上火车而感到很懊恼。
regret to do 指“当时或现在遗憾地做什么”。
如:I regret to tell you that we can \'t stay here any longer. 我遗憾地告诉你,我们不能在这儿多呆了。
day by day 和day after day两词组意思很近,但有区别:day by day 只用作状语,表示“一天天地”, 有逐渐转变的意思。
如:Day by day she seems to grow a little taller.她似乎一天天地长高了。
day after day 可作主语,宾语等,亦可作状语,表示“一天又一天”,强调动作的重复,表示时间的长久。
如:We do the same work day after day. 每天我们做着同样的事情。
/ Day after day went by , and I still don\'t receive her letter. 一天天过去了,我还是没有收到她的来信。
boring 与dull , tiresome三词都为“令人厌烦的”,但有区别:boring 概念最广,尤指引起人厌倦、枯燥的谈话文章,也指令人生厌的人。


初中英语同义词/词组/句子转换,单选、完形、写作都能用到一.同义词互相转换1 alone=by oneself2 actually=in fact3 also=too=as well4 another=one more5 arrive in(at)/=get to=reach7 continue/go on8 cost=spend=take=pay9 cross=go across10 sometimes/=at times11 die/=lose one’s life12 now/at the moment13 else=other14 then=at that moment/at that time15 like/love/enjoy/be fond of/be interested in/care for16 will/be going to/be about to17 want/would like18 can/be able to/have the ability to do19 visit/call on20 favorite/like best21 happen/take place22 decide/make a decision/make up one’s mind23 found/establish/set up24 finally/at last/in the end25 leave/be away26 return/give back27 why/what for/how come28 over/more than29 whatever/no matter what30 whenever/no matter when31 walk/ go…on foot32 should/ought to/be supposed to33 population/people34 quit/stop/drop/give up35 maybe/perhaps/may be二.同义词组互相转换1 a lot of/lots of2 all over the world/around the world3 not as(so)…as/less than4 as…as possible/as…as sb can5 at risk/in danger/in trouble6 at the age of…/when sb.+be+…years old7 because of/due to/as a result of/with one’s help/thanks to8 be careful/look out/take care9 be worried about/worry about10 both…and…/not only…but also…11 be good at/do well in12 be proud of/take pride in13 come up with/think of/have an idea14 ride a bike/go…by bike15 come from/be from16 have a good time/enjoy oneself/ play happily17 have a pain in head/have a headache18 hear from/receive(get) a letter from19 had better do/It’s best to do20 how about/what about21 in order to/in order that/to do/so that22 keep off/keep away from23 in/wearShe is in/wears a white dress today.24 keep sb. from doing/stop sb. (from) doing/prevent sb. (from) doing25 learn …by oneself/ teach oneself26 like …better than/prefer…to…/prefer to do…rather than do …27 long, long ago/once upon a time28 look after well/take good care of29 no longer/not …any longer30 shall we/Let’s..31 take part in/join in/participate in32 too…to/so…that…/enough to…三.同义句型互相转换1 运用两种时态(一般过去时和现在完成时互相转换)(1) He left last year.(2) He has been away for one year.(3) He has been away since a year ago.(4) It is a year since he left.(5) One year has passed since he left.2 最高级和比较级的互相转换(1) He is the tallest student in his class.(2) He is taller than any other student in his class.(3) He is taller than the other students in his class.(4) No one else is taller than him in his class.3 运用两种语态(主动语态和被动语态互相转换)I clean my room every day./My room is cleaned every day.4 感叹句的两种句型之间互相转换What a careful girl she is!/How careful the girl is!5 运用关联词语合并句子(1) Amy can’t dance. Susan can’t, either.Neither Amy nor Susan can dance.(2) I has eaten breakfast and my mother has eaten it, too.Both my mother and I have eaten breakfast.6 运用复合句和不定式互相转换(1) I hope that I can visit the moon one day./I hope to visit the moon one day.(2) He told me how he could use a computer./He told me how to use a computer.7 运用不同的句式结构互相转换(1)She wants to go shopping and her friends want to go shopping, too./She wants to go shopping, and so do her friends.(2) He went to bed after he finished his homework./He went to bed after finishing his homework./He didn’t goto bed until he finished his homework.(3) Come on, or we’ll miss the early bus./If we don’t hurry, we’ll miss the early bus.(4) The man gave us a talk last week, and he will give us another talk this week./The man who gaveus a talk last week will give us another talk this week.8 用it做形式主语互相转换(1) He can finish the work easily./It is easy for him to finish the work.(2) We found it hard to shake./We found it was hard to skate.。

记住100组同义词1. 一……就……as soon asthe moment,the minute,immediately,the instant,instantly2. 尽可能as … as possibleas…as you can3.乐意做……be glad to do sth。
be pleased to do sth。
be happy to do sth。
be delighted to do sth。
have pleasure to do sth。
4.准备做……get ready for sth。
get sth. readybe ready for sth。
be ready to do sth。
prepare for sth。
prepare oneself for sth。
prepare to do sth。
prepare sth. for sb。
be prepared for sth。
5. “邀请”与“请求”Would you like to do sth.? Would you like sth.? Would you please do…? (回答:I’d love to 。
)6.“没用”It is no use (in)doing sth。
There is no use doing sth。
It is useless to do sth。
It is no good (in) doing sth。
7. “结果”so …that…enough to do sth。
too …to…8. “花费”sb. spends some time/money on sthsb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth。
sb. pays some money for sth。
sb. buy sth. for some money。
(sb sells sth. for some money。

高中英语同义词替换词汇动词词组&替换词1.经历:undergo, experience, go through2.感激:appreciate, be grateful/thankful to3.认为,宣称:believe, insist, maintain, hold, argue, assert, declare, claim4.容纳:admit, accommodate, contain, hold, seat5.适合:be suited to, be suitable for, be fit for6.处理:deal with, do with, cope with, handle7.记住:bear sth. in mind, learn sth. by heart8.充当:act as, serve as, work as, function as9.确保:see to it that, make sure that, ensure that10.当心:watch out, look out, take care, be careful11.表明:indicate, suggest, show, imply, make clear12.依靠:depend on, rely on, be dependent on, count on13.总计:total to, come to, amount to, add up to, reach14.熬夜:stay up, sit up, be up late/ far/ deep into the night15.考虑:take account of, take sth. intoaccount/consideration16.建立:establish, found, build, create, set up, put up17.说服:persuade sb. into doing sth., persuade sb. to do sth18.厌烦:be bored with, be fed up with, be tired of, be sick of19.发生:happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, break out20.控制:bring sth .under control, take control of, have power over21.替代:replace, stand for, substitute for, take the place of, represent22.区分:identify, distinguish…from…, distinguish the difference between…and…23.完成:fulfill, accomplish, finish, complete, get through with sth, go through with sth.24.重视:pay more attention to, lay emphasis on, attach importance/significance to25.反对:be against, oppose, object to, be opposed to, argue against, make a stand against26.参加:take, join in, take part in, get involved in, participate in, go in for27.赞成:be for, favor, in favor of, approve of, be on one’s side, argue for, take a stand for28.导致:cause, lead to, result in, bring about, contribute to, account for, give birth to, give rise to29.喜欢:be fond of, enjoy, take pleasure in, be interested in, take interest in, be keen on, be addiction to, be hooked on, have a passion for, have a great enthusiasm for, have a preference for30.做调查:conduct/carry out a survey/ an investigation31.有害于:do damage to, be harmful to, be bad for32.致力于:bend/ devote/apply/commit/offer oneself to doing sth.33.有益于:do good to, benefit, be of benefit to, be beneficial to34.开始做:go about doing, set about doing, get down to doing, set out to do35.尽全力:do one’s best, spare no effort, make every effort, do everything that sb. can, go all out, strain every nerve36.高度评价:speak highly of, sing high praise for37.解决问题:solve/settle/fix/work out the problem38.由…组成:consist of, be made up of, be composed of39.照顾:care for, take care of, look after, attend to, tend to40.对…有影响:affect, influence, have animpact/effect/influence on/upon41.提出问题:bring forward/put forward/raise/come upwith/bring up a problem42.有吸引力:attract, appeal to, be appealing to, be attractive to, be attracted to43.对…负责:be in charge of, take charge of, be responsible for, take responsibility for44.把…当成:see/view/regard/treat/consider/think of…as…45.达成协议:make/reach/arrive at/come to/work out an agreement, make terms, come to terms46.充分利用:make full use of, make the most of, take advantage of, make the best of47.留下印象:impress sth. on sb., impress sb with, make/leavea deep impression on sb.48.全神贯注:center/focus/ concentrate on, fix one’s attention on, put one’s heart into, beabsorbed/buried/lost/engaged/occupied in49.与…有联系:be associated/linked/connected with, be related to, have sth. to do with50.做事有困难:have difficulty/trouble(in)doing sth., have trouble/difficulty with sth.51.担心:be worried about, be concerned about, be anxious about52.耗尽:use sth, up, run out of sth, sth give out, exhaust53.满足需求:meet/satisfy/suit/fulfill/cater to one’s need54.摆脱…的习惯:kick/break/get out of/fall out of the habit of doing sth.55.促进…的发展:accelerate/promote/stimulate/advance the development of sth.56.提高…的意识:raise/increase/sharpen/strengthen/awake/arouse people’s awareness of57.养成…的习惯:form/fall into/ get into/pickup/develop/slide into the habit of doing sth.58.与…和谐相处:live in harmony with, be at peace with, live in peace with, get on/along well with59.面临困难:be faced with, face, confront, encounter difficulty60.坚持:stick, adhere, cling61.忽视;忽略:neglect,ignore62.追求;寻求:pursue, seek63.责备;归咎于:blame,condemn64.侮辱;辱骂:insult,humiliate65.抱怨:complain, grumble66.解除;减轻:relieve,alleviate67.促使;强迫:force,compel68.避开;避免:avoid,shun, escape69.毁灭;毁坏:ruin, devastate70.使震惊;使惊奇:surprise,startle, astound, astonish形容词词组&替换词71.重要的: important, significant, vital, key72.古代的;陈旧的:ancient, archaic, antique, aged73.充足的,丰富的: adequate, abundant, sufficient74.明显的: obvious, apparent, remarkable75.消极的: harmful, negative, damaging, detrimental76.大量的: a host of, a vast number of, a vast amount of,a great deal of77.共同的;通用的:common, universal78.邻近的:near, adjacent, adjoin79.精确的:accurate, precise, exact80.最高的;最优的:top, peak, summit81.初级的;基本的:primary, radical, fundamental82.勤勉的: hard-working, industrious83.费力的: difficult, arduous84.贫瘠的: poor, barren, infertile85.易碎的;易受攻击的:fragile,vulnerable86.公平的:fair, impartial87.永久的:forever, perpetual, immutable88.沉闷的;乏味的:boring=tedious89.危险的:dangerous, perilous90.湿润的;潮湿的:wet, moist, damp, humid91.特别的;具体的:typical, characteristic, distinctive,representative92.小心的:careful, cautious93.奇怪的;古怪的:strange,eccentric94.怀疑的:dubious, skeptical, doubtful, questionable95.吸引人的:attractive, appealing, absorbing96.常见的,普遍的: usual, common, regular, widespread, typical, universal, prevalent名词词组&替换词97.好处:advantages, strengths, merits98.坏处: disadvantages, weaknesses, the weak points99.原因: reason, factor, cause100.发展: development, progress, growth, advancement101.能力: ability, power, skill, capacity, competence102.多样性: diversity, difference, variety, range103.方法;方式:method, means, way, process104.压力: stress, burden, pressure, tension, strain105.竞争;比赛:competition, rival, opponent106.名声;名望:fame, prestige, reputation107.热情:enthusiasm, zeal, fervency108.结果;影响:result,consequence109.领域;区间:field, domain110.无秩序;混乱:disorder,disarray, chaos111.职业: job, career, employment, vocation, position, profession, occupation112.观点:opinion, perspective, standpoint副词词组&替换词113.急剧地:dramatically, sharply, hugely, markedly, drastically, significantly114.平稳地: steadily, smoothly, gradually, moderately115.大约: about, almost, nearly, roughly, approximately 116.毫无疑问地: doubtlessly, undoubtedly, unquestionably, beyond any shadow of the doubt117.一直;总是:always,invariably118.最近:nowadays,currently119.只有;仅仅;唯一:only,unique, distinctive 120.相当;非常:quite,fairly。

形容词、副词及动词的近义词或意思相近都是程度、频度上的区别(托福词汇)同义词组整理习惯(be/become/get) accustomed to习惯于get used to习惯于habituated to习惯make a habit of sth./doing sth.使...形成一种习惯be used to doing sth.习惯于许多,大量,富于a (great/wide) range of广泛的;许多的a cloud of一大群;一大片a crowd of许多;一大群a good/great deal (of)许多,大量a great many许多a heap of一大堆a host of一大群;许多a large amount & large amounts of许多,大量a multitude of一大批;大量a myriad of大量的,无数的a number of许多;一些a pile of一堆;很多a wealth of丰富的,大量的Aabound in充满,富于all kinds of许多;大量(金钱)an array of显眼的一系列;整齐的一大批;大量be abundant in富于,丰富by the dozens数目很多地;大量地for the most part主要地;大多数情况下have (sth.) to spare有多余的...head and shoulders above大大超出,水平高很多in abundance大量地in quantity大量地,大批地on a large scale大批量;大规模plenty of丰富,大量quite a bit/few/little/lot相当多,有相当多的数目rich in sth.富于...safety in numbers人多保险,势众scores of许多teem with有很多...,充满...the majority of大多数varied fare多样化的饮食well attended参加的人多各种a (great/wide) variety of种种,各种all sorts of各种各样的of sorts不怎样的;各种各样的缺乏,稀少absent from缺席;不在defect in ...的缺点;有...缺陷empty of缺乏,无in the absnece of缺少,缺乏lacking in缺乏leave out遗漏,缺漏;排除low in贫乏的much less更不用说;更少;不及not nearly相差很远,远远少于one in a million非常稀罕的东西;百里挑一的东西out of stock没有库存,缺货rare breed凤毛麟角,稀罕,难得short of sth.不足;缺乏without further ado言归正传,闲话少说一点a bite to eat (随便吃的)一点儿东西,一口a grain of truth一点儿可信的东西;一丝真理by inches一点一点地far from一点儿也不;根本不是I'll say.一点也没错.in no way决不,一点也不not at all一点儿也不;没关系,别客气You can say that again! & You said it!一点没错,说得对极了! 至多at best充其量,至多at most & at the most最多,充其量(不超过)至少at least1.最低限度;至少2.起码增add sth. to sth.增加,添加build up积累;增长more and more越来越多pile up堆积;增多,积累scale up按比例增加,相应提高speed up使加速,增加速度step up使增加;使加快减cut back on削减,缩减cut corners节省开支;节省气力cut down1.砍倒(树木),砍伐2.减少...的量;缩减deduct from从...中扣除;从...中减去die away (风、声音)逐渐消失;减少或减弱fade away逐渐凋谢; (声音)慢慢减弱,逐渐消失let up减小,渐渐停止lose weight体重减轻;减肥reduce to变少;使处于,使成为(某种情况或状态) slow down减速,慢下来;松弛突然,突发a fit of突发一阵,阵发break away (from)突然离开,脱离;放弃(传统等)break off折断;突然中断或停止break out爆发;突然发生burst out突然说出;突然(哭、笑、叫)起来cross one's mind突然想起;突然从脑海中掠过,想起来jump out at突然出现;一下子吸引住on short notice在很短的时间内(突如其来,无充分的准备时间) pop up突然出现spring up突然出现;迅速生长突破break out of突破,摆脱break through sth.突围;取得突破性进展by leaps and bounds迅速地,突飞猛进地冲突collide with与...相碰撞;与...冲突conflict with倾轧,冲突爱;喜欢a standing ovation起立欢呼acquire a taste for sth.对...有兴趣,开始喜欢attach to1.依附在...上;系在...上2.依恋;喜爱3.认为...有重要性be fond of喜欢;偏爱care for1.照顾,照看2.喜欢,喜爱catch on1.理解,领会2.逐渐流行,逐渐受欢迎do one's thing做拿手的并且喜欢做的事endear to (使)受到喜爱enthusiasm for热衷;热爱fall in love with爱上...;喜欢上... keen on喜爱;热衷于love affair恋爱;风流韵事make sb. welcome表示欢迎prefer to1.宁愿...,更喜爱2.喜爱A甚于B;选择A而不选择Btake care of1.负责,处理2.照顾,照应;爱护welcome back欢迎回来恨;厌恶abhorrent to厌恶allergic to对...极厌恶;对...过敏averse to讨厌...be/get tired of厌倦...disapprove of不赞同,不喜欢fed up with对...感到厌烦;腻了go against the grain不合(某人)(性情、意愿等);令人讨厌或不高兴grudge against怨恨...sick of ...对...厌烦,厌倦think little of不喜欢,认为不好以前,刚才a while back不久以前,刚才at birth刚出生at one time1.曾经,一度2.每次,一次emerge from从...出来,出现;曾经一度遭到...just now刚才the other day前几天,最近现在,迄今as yet迄今为止at present现在,目前by far到目前为止;最even now即使在现在ever since从那时起一直到现在for the moment暂时;目前for the time being暂时,眼下not yet尚未(到目前为止某事没有发生) on the spot在现场,当场;立即so far迄今为止;到目前为止to date到目前为止,迄今马上,立刻at once马上,立刻in a hurry匆忙;立即,很快地in a little while不久,立刻in a moment立即,立刻in no time马上,立即jump at急忙接受;立即抓住no sooner ... than一...就...;马上,立即right away立即,马上以后,将来about to正要,即将after hours办公(营业)时间以后before long不久以后;很快by and by不久以后,过一段时间;逐渐地from now on今后;从现在起in the near future在不远的将来look beyond朝比...更远的地方看;考虑...以后(更大)的问题在...时候as long as1.既然;在...的时候(指时间)2.只要(指条件)at a time在某个时刻;每次at all times一直,在任何时候at any time/moment在任何时候,随时at the height of sth.在...的最鼎盛时at the peak of在...高峰期; (在事业)登峰造极之时by the time到...的时候cram for死记硬背;临时抱佛脚in due time & in time及时地,在适当的时候in surgery正在做手术in the act of doing sth.做...时in the meantime在...期间;同时in the middle of doing sth.正在做某事It's high time是...的时候了just as1.正像,正如2.正当...的时候on one's own time自己的时间;非工作时间on short notice在很短的时间内(突如其来,无充分的准备时间) order of the day某一时间内必须做或通常做的事under warranty在保修期内...时间或时期at maturity (动物)成熟期baby boom生育高峰时期reproductive cycle繁殖周期rush hour交通高峰时间spare time业余时间time off空闲时间时代from generation to generation世代相传Ice Age冰川期,冰河时代keep up with the times跟上时代过时behind the time/times落伍,过时out of date过时及时,准时in due time & in time及时地,在适当的时候in season当令,应季;及时on schedule按照预定时间,准时on the dot准时;正点on time按时,准时right ontime及时,准时时常,偶尔at intervals1.到处2.时常;每隔...时间at times有时,不时every once in a while偶尔every now and then有时;时时every so often偶尔,有时from time to time时常,有时more often than not通常;时常now and then时而,不时off and on & on and off断断续续地,不时地on occasion间或,有时once in a while & every once in a while偶尔随时be at one's service随时提供服务,随时效劳同时at the same time1.同时2.然而,不过coincide with (在空间、时间方面)巧合;同时发生;与...一致in the meantime在...期间;同时> >> >> >> >> >用时fit in1.放/嵌进去2.为...安排时间fool around闲荡,浪费时间get around to doing sth. (做完其他事后)终于能做某事;找出时间做某事get time off (from ...)从...中抽出时间go by1.走过; (时间)逝去,过去2.依...做,按...判断keep up with the times跟上时代laze about/around轻松愉快地打发时间pass through穿过,经历(一段时间)put off推迟,使延期run out of time用完全部时间,没有时间了take up (one's) time占用(某人的)时间tell time报时暂时for a time & for a while暂时;一段for the moment暂时;目前for the time being暂时,眼下沉溺于abandon oneself to沉溺于be addicted to沉溺于;使上瘾indulge in沉溺于,尽情享受睡,睡着at rest静止;安眠drop off1.顺路捎带2.让...下车3.不知不觉睡着fall asleep入睡,睡着go to sleep入睡,睡着nod off打盹,打瞌睡roll over (睡时)翻身,反侧;使打滚take a nap小睡一下;睡午觉醒,提醒awake sb. to sth. (使)意识到, (使)觉醒come to life苏醒过来remind of提醒,使某人回想起toss and turn辗转反侧,无法入眠wake up醒,醒来;唤醒warn sb. of sth.提醒某人(有危险的或有不良后果的事);预先通知wide awake完全清醒的熬夜be up & stay up熬夜,晚睡burn the midnight oil熬夜用功;开夜车make a night of it熬夜,工作或玩一整夜stay up不睡觉,熬夜首先,初始above all首先;最重要的是ahead of领先;在...前面at first起先at the outset最初,开始begin with以...开始;首先first and foremost首要地,首先first of all首先,第一for one thing首先;一则(用以引出某事的理由) in the first place最初;首先second to none首屈一指lead off开始,开头;率先最后,终究after all1.到底,终究2.毕竟as it turn(s) out最终证明为at last终于,最后at the end of the day最终,考虑所有情况之后once and for all最后一次;干脆自始至终all along自始至终;从头到尾consist in ...是始终如一的from start to finish自始至终开始acquire a taste for sth.对...有兴趣,开始喜欢come from开始于...;起源于...;出生于... comesintoseffect开始生效,开始实行come on (劝说等)来吧;开始get busy开始工作get cracking开始; (尤指)大干起来get down to开始认真做...get going开始,着手get off on the wrong foot开始就不顺利;一开始就犯了个错误get off the ground (指活动、事业等)顺利开始get set准备好开始get the ball rolling开始某种活动,开始get to work (on)开始工作;开始做...go ahead先请;请开始吧;继续go off爆炸; (闹钟、雷)开始响起来start out开始时打算,本来想要;动身take up1.开始从事2.提出3.接纳,吸收结束,完成all over 1.全部结束;完蛋be finished with完成bring an end to ... & bring ... to an end使...终止bring off救出;圆满完成come out1.出版,刊出2.结束;结果是come to an end告终,结束;完结culminate in达到高潮,顶点;以...告终dash off迅速写(或画);迅速完成draw to a close结束,终结drink up喝干净,喝完end in结束于,以...告终end up1.结束,停止2.到达某处或某种状态,结果,到头来finish up彻底完成,结束get (sth.) over with结束(不愉快的事)get out of the way解决,完成;除去get over1.从(疾病、震惊等)中恢复过来2.做完,结束(不愉快但必须做的事)get through1.读(写、做)完2.打通电话go/be through with结束;完成go through1.穿过2.完成;用光,耗尽各处,到处put an end to停止,结束;摧毁run out (of)用完,没有了;耗尽run out of time用完全部时间,没有时间了rush through快速地做,匆忙完成turn in交,缴(完成的工作)wind up1.以...为结尾,落得...的结果2.结束,完成wrap up完成(任务), (圆满)结束因为,由于as a result of作为...的结果,由于...by reason of由于,因为by virtue of由于...;因为...的缘故due to由于,因为for one's sake & for the sake of sb.看在...的份上;为了...的缘故in view of考虑到;由于now that既然;由于on account of1.因为,由于2.定于...owing to由于,因为thanks to由于;多亏,幸亏归因,归咎accuse (sb.) of (sth.)控告;指责,把...归咎于ascribe to把...归因于;认为...属于attribute to把...归因于;把...归功于boil down (to)熬浓;摘要;归结为factor in ...的因素impute to把...归咎/归因于...responsible for对...负责;作为...的原因,应归咎或归功于rooted in sth.起源于;起因于因...而...arise from由...而引起,由...而产生be known for因...而众所周知come down with因患...而病倒;染上...distinguished for因...而著称famous for以...著称,因为...而出名hold against因某事对某人抱有意见on business因公,出公差proud of以...而自豪rain out因下雨阻碍result from因...而产生;是...的结果stem from起源于;由...造成thrive on靠...健壮成长;因...蓬勃发展结果arrive at1.到达(目的地)2.达到,做出(结果、结论等)as a result of作为...的结果,由于... bear fruit1.结出果实2.奏效come out1.出版,刊出2.结束;结果是do the trick起作用,管事;达到理想的结果end up1.结束,停止2.到达某处或某种状态,结果,到头来result from因...而产生;是...的结果turn out to be & turn out that & as it turns out结果是,证明是wind up1.以...为结尾,落得...的结果2.结束,完成结论come to a conclusion得出结论draw a conclusion得出结论jump to the conclusion匆匆做出结论但是and yet可是at the same time 1.同时2.然而,不过仅仅nothing more than仅仅,只不过,只能算是不但,而且and that而且(用来代替前面语句的全部或部分以加强语气,一般置句尾)as well as不但...而且...;和...一样;也do more than ...不仅仅(做)...就...来说/而言as ... go(es)就...来说as far as 1.远到...,直到...2.就...而言,从...来看;尽...所能by and large总的来说,一般来说in general通常,一般而言;大体上in short简而言之in terms of ...从...立场;就...而言on the part of就...而言;代表...;由...做出的on the whole总之,总的来说when it comes to一谈到...;就...而论with respect to就...而言;在...方面不是...而是...none other than不是别人而正是rather than而不是宁愿prefer to 1.宁愿...,更喜爱2.喜爱A甚于B;选择A而不选择Bwould rather宁愿,宁可would rather ... than宁愿...而不愿也;又;还as well也;又;还as well as不但...而且...;和...一样;也as with正如,与...一样dispense with省掉;没有...也行;无需do without没有...也行,没有...而设法对付过去far from一点儿也不;根本不是go without没有...也行,将就had better do sth.最好还是;应该have had it已经受够了;再也没有耐心了I'll say.一点也没错.in no way决不,一点也不not at all一点儿也不;没关系,别客气once more再一次,又一次You are telling me. [口]这还用你说!这还用说!Your guess is as good as mine.我也不知道.再all over again再一次,重新any longer/more再;仍再(一般用于否定句中,表示"不再") come again再来once more再一次,又一次over again再一次over and over一再地,再三地更be better off doing sth.日子更好过,处境更加佳have more to do with与...更有关look beyond朝比...更远的地方看;考虑...以后(更大)的问题much less更不用说;更少;不及narrow down缩小或限制范围(使更确切)not to mention更别提...,更不必说...pave the way for为铺平道路;使...更易prefer to 1.宁愿...,更喜爱2.喜爱A甚于B;选择A而不选择B至于;关于as for至于;关于as to至于;关于in relation to和...有关,关于...in the way of sth.在...方面;至于...pertain to有关,关于with regard to关于其实as a matter of fact事实上,其实as it is实际上;其实是for that matter其实(用以指出所说的两件事中,后说的与先说的性质一样) in effect事实上,实际上in fact其实,实际上in reality实际上,事实上除了all but几乎,差不多;除了among other除了别的...以外anything but1.根本不2.单单除...之外,除...以外任何事物apart from除...之外aside from除...以外except for除...之外in addition to除...之外(还有)make an exception把...作为例外other than除...之外over and above sth.此外;除了with the exception of除...以外另外add on另外加上去by the way顺便提一下,另外等等and so forth & and so on等等and the like等等,以及诸如此类无论by any means无论如何can't for the life of sb.无论如何也不能come what may无论如何,不管发生什么事for all the world无论如何;不管付出什么代价in any event不管怎样,无论如何no matter what/who/where/which etc.无论,不管under no circumstances决不可能;无论如何都不whether or not是否;无论既然as long as1.既然;在...的时候(指时间)2.只要(指条件)now that 既然;由于即使even if即使,纵然even now即使在现在如果if I were you如果我是你的话(表建议)if it were not for要不是(与现在事实相反的假设)if necessary如果必要的话if not如果不这样的话;否则if only要是...就好了(用以表示对现时或未来的愿望) in case of sth.如果;万一on condition that如果...;在...条件下如同as follows如下所述as usual像往常一样,照常as with正如,与...一样consist in ...是始终如一的feel like sth.摸起来如同...;有...的感觉It’s about time!早就该这样,早该如此just as1.正像,正如2.正当...的时候mad as a hornet像黄蜂一样愤怒(意指非常生气、愤怒) treat ... as把...待如;把...看作例如case in point例证,证明for example例如for instance例如,比如,举例说差不多,几乎,大约a matter of (表示数量)近似量;几分钟(几块钱)的事all but几乎,差不多;除了hardly ever几乎从不just about差不多,几乎know next to nothing of几乎一无所知make no difference (to sb.)没有差别;没关系more or less或多或少;大约next to nothing几乎没有or so大约,差不多差得远a far cry from同...有很大的差异,大相径庭not nearly相差很远,远远少于nowhere near肯定不;离得远,差得远也许,可能as the case might be或许likely to可能threaten to威胁;预示...可能来临不可能be the last person (某人)是最不可能...的人out of question不可能的,不予考虑的under no circumstances决不可能;无论如何都不在...程度上in a large part在很大程度上in a way & in some ways在某种程度上in part (of)在某种程度上;部分地to some extent在某种/一定/很大程度上尤其,特别in particular尤其,特别of special note特别显著;特别重要作为as a means of作为...的一种手段、方法as a result of作为...的结果,由于...as a whole作为一个整体;总的说来design to do sth.计划;打算将...用作liken to把...比作...make as if & make believe假装,装作make an exception把...作为例外responsible for对...负责;作为...的原因,应归咎或归功于serve as/for充当;用作,满足(需要)当作,以为,持confuse sb. with sb.把...误当作...;混淆have a bias towards对...持偏见look on the bright side of things对事物持乐观态度pass down把...传给后世,把...当作遗产给予read .将本来没有的意思加进去解释,自以为有某种含义take a dim view of sth.不赞成...,对...持怀疑态度;对...持悲观态度think of ... as ...把...看作是,以为...是treat ... as把...待如;把...看作viewed as被看作是引起,导致arise from由...而引起,由...而产生bring about导致;引起bring forth引起,使产生;生(孩子)call forth唤起;引起fatal to对...是致命的getsintostrouble陷入困境;招致麻烦give birth to1.生(孩子)2.使诞生,引起give rise to引起,导致lead to通向;引导,影响某人的言行;导致,引起lead up to引导;导致(于某事之先准备、引进或进行) result in导致,造成stem from起源于;由...造成too good to be true太好以致于不现实,令人难以置信顺便by the way顺便提一下,另外drop by & drop in on顺道拜访,偶然来访drop off1.顺路捎带2.让...下车3.不知不觉睡着have/take a look at (顺便)看一看stop by顺便到...,顺便拜访当然,确实all right1.好(与OK的用法相同);良好2.毫无疑问地,显然be certain of确信,肯定by all means一定; (表示答应)好的,当然可以for sure确实,毫无疑问地I bet.我确信,我想一定会.make sure确定,确实put one’s finger on确切地指出see to it that...一定注意到...;务必sure thing当然;确定take sth. for granted视...为理所当然Would I ever!我当然愿意!You bet I am/would当然;确实是这样必须attendance required要求参加,必须参加be a must必须做的事be bound to do sth.一定会...,必然...bread and butter生活必需品;衣、食和住,生计have got to必须,不得不if necessary如果必要的话indispensable for/to对...绝对必要的make a point of doing sth.认为某事重要;认为某事完全有必要;一定要做某事no doubt无疑地,必定order of the day某一时间内必须做或通常做的事prerequisite for ...是必须的, ...是先决条件see to it that...一定注意到...;务必vital to对...(的存在、成功或运作)极重要的,必不可少的未必,不必in midair在半空中;不确定not necessarily未必,不一定not to mention更别提...,更不必说...save (one’s) breath少费口舌,不必白费口舌Why bother何必呢到处all over1.全部结束;完蛋2.各处,到处all over the place到处at intervals1.到处2.时常;每隔...时间go around四处活动;散布,传播here and there到处look about/around/round到处寻找;到处看看model oneself after模仿...,以...为榜样处处仿效scatter about撒,使散布在各处up and down来回地;到处来回地处于...at risk处于危险中;冒险at ware处于交战状态be better off doing sth.日子更好过,处境更加佳gain the upper hand占上风,处于有利地位get (sb.)sintoshot water使(某人)处于困境in flux处于不断变化之中;动荡不定in shape1.在外形上2.处于良好状态,健康in the spotlight处于公众注意的中心in trouble处在不幸/苦恼/困境中reduce to变少;使处于,使成为(某种情况或状态) ...之处check-out counter结账处dwelling place住处end up1.结束,停止2.到达某处或某种状态,结果,到头来for the good of为了对...有好处;为了...的利益glean sth. from从...处搜集(消息、资料、情报等)have (sth.) in common有共同之处in the forefront (of sth.)在...的最前沿;在...最重要之处parking lot停车处pay off1.证明是成功的;做...是有好处的或值得的2.还清(债款)put back把...放回原处send in将...寄至某处进行处理share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物;与...共有或合用某物; 在...方面有共同之处stay behind (别人走后)在某处留下不走(尤指暂不回家)stick around逗留/停留在某处或附近,不走远the housing office房管处按照,根据according to根据,依照;据...所载act on/upon按照...行事;对...起作用as far as I know/as far as anyone knows据我所知;众所周知as far as I’m concerned依我看as such照此;以这种资格/身份,理应...as usual像往常一样,照常contrast with和...形成对照,对比door-to-door挨家挨户地,按户送地go by1.走过; (时间)逝去,过去2.依...做,按...判断in one’s opinion依某人的看法live up to按照...行事;符合;不辜负(期望等)on schedule按照预定时间,准时on the strength of sth.基于...,根据...refer to谈到;关系到;参照rest on依赖,依据scale up按比例增加,相应提高为了for one’s sake & for the sake o f sb.看在...的份上;为了...的缘故for the good of为了对...有好处;为了...的利益in an effort to ...为了on behalf of代表...;为了...往be bound for在去...的路上;开往commuter train市郊往返列车double back把...对折;往回跑go up to前往leave for动身前往(某地)tie back往后扎(用绳、带等)turn back使停止往前,往回走While some/many/a considerable/enormous/tremendous/infinite/astronomical number of people who think/believe/hold/argue/maintain/insist/assert/propose the idea/view/viewpoint/standpoint that … claim that …, in my opinion, / as for me, /I am convinced that … because of …, …, and …。
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1. 一……就……as soon as;the moment;the minute;immediately;the instant;instantly2. 尽可能as … as possible;as…as you can3.乐意做……be glad to do sth。
be pleased to do sth。
be happy to do sth。
be delighted to do sth。
have pleasure to do sth。
4.准备做……get ready for sth;get sth. Ready;be ready for sth;be ready to do sth;prepare for sth;prepare oneself for sth;prepare to do sth;prepare sth. for sb;be prepared for sth。
5. “邀请”与“请求”Would you like to do sth.? Would you like sth.?Would you please do…?(回答:I’d love to 。
)6.“没用”It is no use (in)doing sth。
There is no use doing sth。
It is useless to do sth。
It is no good (in) doing sth。
7. “结果”so …that…; enough to do sth;too … to…8. “花费”sb. spends some time/money on sthsb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth。
sb. pays some money for sth。
sb. buy sth. for some money。
(sb sells sth. for some money。
)sth. costs sb. some time/moneyIt costs sb. some money/time to do sth。
It takes sb. some time/money to do sth。
It takes some time/money for sb. to do sth。
9. “为了”so that (引导目的状语从句)in order that (引导目的状语从句)so as to do sth. (引导目的状语,只位于句尾)in order to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)to do sth. (引导目的状语,可首可尾)10. “以至于不”too…to…;so …… that…not…。
.not…enough to…11. “习惯”be used to doing sth。
be accustomed to doing sth。
12. 表示建议的表达What about sth./doing sth.? How about sth./doing sth.? Why not do sth.?13. “出什么毛病了”Wha t’s the matter with…?What’s wrong with…?What’s the trouble with…?What happens to…?14. “为什么不”Why not do sth.? Why don’t you do sth?15. “不但……而且……”not only…but also;not only…but…;not only…but …as w ell16.“劝阻”“阻止”stop sb. from doing; keep sb. from doing;prevent sb. from doing; discourage sb. from doing sth;dissuade sb. from doing sth。
17. “相处”get on with sb。
get on well with sb。
get along with sb。
get along well with sb。
mix with sb。
mix well with sb。
18. “因为”thanks to ; due to; because of;as a result of; owing to19.“形式”It’s + adj. (for/of sb. ) to do sth. (形式主语)find/think/feel it + adj. + to do sth. (形式宾语)20. stress 句型汇总be stressed out; be under a lot of stresstake\stand the stress 忍受压力 put stress on sth. 强调21. “弥补”make up for compensate for22. “在…看来”in one’s opinion;to one’s mind;in one’s view;in one’s eye; according to sb.23. “丢”be lost ; be missing; be gone24. “著名”be famous for sth.; be famous to sb.;be famous as + 职位; be famous to sb. as+ 职位be known for sth.; be known to sb.be known as+ 职位; be known to sb. as+ 职位25. “满意”be satisfied with; be pleased withbe happy with; be delighted with26. “为……而高兴”be pleased for sb; be happy for sb.;be glad for sb.; be delighted for sth.27. “祝贺”congratulate sb. on sth.; congratulations to sb. on sth. 28. “道歉”apologize to sb. for sth.; make an apology to sb. for sth.29. “玩得高兴”have a good time; have fun (doing sth.); enjoy oneself 30. “决定”decide to do sth.; make a decision to do sth.;determine to do sth.; be determined to do sth.make a determination to do sth; resolve to do sth.make a resolution to do sth.;make up one’s mind to do sth.set one’s mind to do sth.31. “使役”make sb. do sth.; let sb. do sth.; have sb. do sth.get sb. to do sth.; set sb. to do sth.32. to表示“的”the key to the door; the key/answer to the question;the solution to a problem; the way to sp.;the entrance to sp.; be on a visit to sp.;pay a visit to sp.; a trip to sp.a ticket to sp. (a ticket for + 比赛名称)33. “花了”pay some money for sth.; spend some money on sth.buy sth. for some money.; cost sb. some money34. “怎么样”怎么样表达?What do you think of sth.? How do you like sth.?What’s your view on sth.? How do you feel sth.?What’s your opinion about sth?35. 对……的态度:be kind to sb. be nice to sb. be friendly to sb.be amiable to sb. be polite to sb. be respectful to sb.be impolite to sb. be rude to sb. be mean to sb.be patient with sb. be impatient with sb.be angry with sb. at sth. be mad with sth.be strict with sb. in sth.36. 疑问词+动词不定式what to do how to do sth. where to do sth.when to do sth. whether to do sth.37. “刚……就……”hardly…when…; no sooner… than…; be about to do sth. when…38. like句型汇总like sth./sb. like doing sth like to do sth.would like to do sth. would like sth.feel like doing sth. feel like sth.look like… what’s … like…39. need句型汇总need sth/sb. need to do sth. need sb. to do sth.need doing sth. = need to be done needn’t do sth.Need…do sth.?(need 作情态动词时常用于否与疑)in need of = in want of in great need of meet the needs of40. “到达”get to sp. arrive in/at sp. reach sp.41. interest句型汇总be interested in sth. have interest in sth./doing sth interest sb. in sth./doing sth. lose interest in sth/doing sth It’s interesting (for sb.)to do sth. a place of interest42. tell句型汇总tell sb. sth. tell sth. to sb. tell sb. about sth.tell sb. to do sth. tell sb. not to do sth.tell A from B tell the difference between A and B43. “相同”be the same as look like be similar to44. “拜访”call at sp call on sb. drop in at sp.drop in on sb. 注意call on 还有“号召”的意思,句型为call on sb. to do sth.45. hope与wish句型汇总hope to do sth. hope that……wish to do sth. wish sb. to do sth.wish that… hope sb. to do sth. (╳)46. “翻译”translate … into… turn … into… change … into…47. suggest句型汇总suggest that……(虚拟语气) suggest to sb. that……suggest that……(表明 ) suggest doing sth.suggest sb. to do sth. (╳)48. advise句型汇总advise sb. against sth/doing sth advise sb. to do sth.advise sb. not to do sth.49. …to doing sth汇总look forward to doing sth. devote oneself to doing sth. devote one’s life to doing sth. pay attention to doing sth. be used to doing sth. be accustomed to doingstick to doing sth. 坚持做…… adapt to doing sth.admit to doing sth. apply to doing sth.be addicted to doing sth. be dedicated to doing sth. 致力于;献身于be indifferent to doing sth. be opposed to diong sth.be similar to doing sth. get down to doing sth.give one’s mind to doing sth. give rise to doing sth.lead to doing sth. object to doing sth.prefer doing A to doing B respond to doing sth.take to doing sth. 喜欢上;从事;养成…的习惯;沉湎于…turn to doing sth.求助;转而从事于 in addition to doing sth. 50. “容忍”put up with stand bear tolerate endure 51. “对……厌烦”be tired of be fed up withbe sick of be bored with52. tired句型概览be tired of对…厌倦,对……烦be tired with/from sth./doing sth. 因…感到疲劳be tired out 精疲力竭 (=be exhausted)53. “擅长”do well in sth.\doing sth. be good at sth.\doing sth.be expert at sth.\doing sth. be clever at sth.\doing sth.be great at sth.\doing sth. be excellent at sth.\doing sth. be skilled at sth.\doing sth. be adept at sth.\doing sth. 54. “弱”be weak in be bad at be poor at55. 感叹句句型汇总what + a/an + adj + [C] + 主+ 谓!What + adj+ pl./[u] +主+ 谓!How + adj/ adv + 主+ 谓! How + 句子!56. “双宾语”总揽show sb. sth →→ show sth. to sb.pass sb. sth. →→ pass sth. to sb.post sb. sth. →→ post sth. to sb.give sb. sth →→ give sth. to sb.take sb. sth. →→ take sth. to sb.lend sb sth. →→ lend sth. to sb.throw sb. sth. →→ throw sth. to sb.do sb. harm →→ do harm to sb.offer sb. sth. →→ offer sth. to sb.wave sb. sth. →→ wave sth. to sb.tell sb. sth. →→ tell sth. to sb.send sb. sth. →→ send sth.to sb.wish sb. sth. →→ wish sth. to sb.read sb. sth. →→ read sth. to sb.teach sb. sth. →→ teach sth. to sb.telegraph sb. sth. →→ telegraph sth. to sb.sing sb. sth. →→ sing sth. to/for sb.write sb. sth. →→ write sth. to sb.save sb. sth. →→ save sth. for sb.order sb. sth. →→ order sth. for sb.pour sb. sth. →→ pour sth. for sb.make sb. sth. →→ make sth. for sb.buy sb. sth. →→ buy sth. for sb.cook sb. sth. →→ cook sth for sb.get sb. sth. →→ get sth. for sb.win sb. sth. →→ win sth. for sb.His hard work won him a lot of praise.His hard work won a lot of praise for him.leave sb. sth. →→ leave sth. for sb.57. “毛病”there is sth. wrong with sth./sb. sth. is wrong with ……→58. doing与to do,意思别模糊forget doing sth. 做了忘了forget to do sth. 忘了做了remember doing sth. 记得已做remember to do sth. 记住要做stop doing sth. 停止做stop to do sth. 停下来去做watch/see/hear sb. doing sth. 看/听见在做watch/see/hear sb. do sth. 看/听见做go on doing sth. 继续做(同一件事)go on to do sth. 继续做(另一件事)try doing sth. 努力做try to do sth. 尝试做mean doing sth. 意味着…mean to do sth. 打算做learn doing sth. 学过… (不一定会)learn to do sth. 学会做59. “告别”wave sb off 挥手告别 wave goodbye to sb.say goodbye to sb. see sb. off60.给某人打电话call sb ring sb. call up sb.ring up sb. phone sb phone sb. to do sth.give sb a phone give sb. a callcall sb. at+电话号码 dial +电话号码61. “吃惊”be surprised atbe amazed atbe astonished atbe astounded atbe shocked at 对……很震惊62. “生气” 的句型be angry with sb.be angry about sth.be angry at sb./sth.be angry with/at sb. about sth.be angry that……be mad at sb.be annoyed with sb.63.“严格”三句型be strict with sb.be strict in sth.be strict with sb. in sth.64. “根据”base A. on/upon BA be based on/upon B65.“尽力”句型汇总try to do sth.try one’s best to do sth.do one’s best to do sth.do one’s upmost to do sth.put one’s effort into sth./doing sth spare no effort to do sth. 全力以赴做…endeavor to do sth. 竭尽全力做……go out of one’s way to do sth. 66. “哪儿残疾”be blind in…be deaf in…be lame in67. “视而不见”与“充耳不闻”be blind toclose one’s eyes to sth.be deaf to68.“洗耳恭听”与“目不转睛”be all earsbe all eyes69. “与某人做生意”do business with sb.make a deal with sb.70. “surprise”句型汇总in surpriseto one’s surprisebe surprised at sth./doing sth. with a surprised look71.“call”句型汇总call sb.call sb.upcall on sb. 拜访某人call on sb. to do sth. 号召某人做…drop in on sb 拜访某人call at sp.call sb. at + 电话号码call off sth/dong sth. = cancel sth/dong sth. put off sth./doing sth. = postpone sth/dong sth.72. “care”句型汇总care sth. 在意…care for sth./sb. 喜欢…; 照顾…care about sth./sb.关心…;担心…;对…感兴趣take care oftake good care oftake care to do sth.take care not to do sth.be under the care ofbe careful about/of…be car eless about/of…It’s careless of sb. to do sth.73. “如何打、抓人”catch sb. by the +身体部位grasp sb by the +身体部位hit sb. on/in the +身体部位tap sb. on the back/shoulder74. 关于“up with” 的句型catch up with 追赶keep up with 与…保持一致put up with 容忍come up with 提出be fed up with 厌恶75. “choose”句型总汇choose to do sthchoose sb as +职位choose A before B 选择A而非B choose sb. sth.choose sth. for sb76. “把……视为”take A as Blook on A as Bregard A as Btreat A as Bconsider A as Bcount A as Bview A as Bthink of A as B77. “充满”be filled withbe full ofbe crowed withbe flooded withbe peopled with 78. “in”句型汇总in dangerin troublein surprisein black and white in briefin casein case ofin that casein charge ofin the charge ofin commonin depthin factin effectin favor ofin futurein generalin handin orderin order to do sth.in order that…in other wordsin pairsin personin privatein publicin progressin ragsin realityin returnin shortin spiritin spite of = despite in sumin store for sb.in terms ofin the air=in the sky in the endin truthin turnin vainin view ofin want ofin need ofinterest sb. in sth.\doing sth.be interested in sth.\doing sth. have difficulty in doing sth. succeed in doing sth.spend some time in doing sth.be weak in sth.\doing sth.do well in sth.\doing sth.in stitches 笑破肚皮,笑得前仰后合The play had us in stitches.in (full) bloom 盛开in blossom 盛开in ruinsin roughin that 在于in the blink of an eye 眨眼间,瞬间in pawn 典押in camera 秘密地79.“decide”句型汇总decide to do sth,decide sb. to do sth.decide on sth.You decide. = It depends on you.80. “dream”句型汇总make one’s dream come truedream of doing sth.follow one’s dream81. “鼓励”与“泄气”句型encourage sb. to do sth.discourage sb. from doing sth.82. 五“照顾、照看”look after sb.take care of sb.attend to sb.wait on sb.care for sb.keep an eye on sth./sb.have an eye for sth.83. fail的句型fail (in)sth.fail to do sth.fail sb. = make sb. disappointed84. 从“做成”到“做败”succeed in doing sth.manage to do sth.attempt to do sth.fail to do sth.85.feel句型总汇feel + adj.feel like doing sthfeel it + adj. + to do sthfeel for sth. 摸索…feel sb. do sth.feel sth. to be86. “适合做……”,“有资格做……”be fit forbe suitable forbe great forbe responsible forbe qualified forbe eligible for87. fit句型总汇fit sb. for sth.fit sb to do sth.be fit to sth.It is fit for sb. to do sth.88. free句型总汇be free fromfree sb.\sth fromset sb. free89. fun句型总汇have fun doing sth.I t’s great fun doing sth. make fun of sb.90. “尊重”与“鄙视”look up to sb.respect sb.look down upon sb. despise sb.91.如何与人“结/离婚”marry sb.get married to sb.be married to sb.divorce sb.one’s marriage with sb. one’s divorce from s b.92. 过去分词短语做宾补have sth doneget sth. donewant sth donewith sth done93. 两“放弃”give up sth./doing sth. drop sth.94. 两“检查”look over sb./sth.examine sb./sth95. good句型汇总be good to sb.be good for sb./sth.be good at sth.be good with sb./sth.do sb. goodIt’s good of sb. to do sth.It’s no good doing sth.It’s no good one’s doing sth.96. 四“感谢”be grateful to sb. for sth./doing sth. be thankful to sb. for sth./doing sth. thank sb. for sth./doing sth.thanks for sth./doing sth.97. 如何“猜”guess sb./sth to bemake a guess at sth.98. harm句型总汇There is no harm in doing sth.It does no harm to do sth.do sb./sth. harmdo harm to sb./sth.99. 四“渴望”be eager to do sth.long forbe hungry for sth.be thirsty for sth.100. plan句型汇总have a plan for sth.have a plan to do sth.plan to do sth.plan out 精心安排Plan out your route before you go.出发前要精心设计你的路线。