

1 总则1.1 编制目的为进一步彰显南京城市空间特色,提高城市设计编制质量,规范城市设计编制技术要求,加强城市公共空间的设计和管理,特制定本导则。
1.2 指导思想城市设计理念和方法应贯穿于城市规划全过程,围绕“建设现代化国际性人文绿都”的目标定位,坚持“绿色、人文、智慧、集约”的发展导向,突出南京“山水城林”的空间特色。
1.3 适用范围本《导则》适用于全市各层次城市设计的编制工作,重在明确和规范各层次城市设计内容和设计成果要求。


DB3201 南京市地方技术规范DB 3201/T 256—2015 城市道路交通管理设施设置规范2015-08-25发布2015-09-01实施南京市质量技术监督局发布DB3201/T 256—2015目次前言 (VII)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 术语和定义 (2)4 一般要求 (5)5 交通标志 (5)5.1 一般要求 (5)5.2 警告标志 (6)5.2.1 注意儿童标志 (6)5.2.2 注意行人标志 (7)5.3 禁令标志 (7)5.3.1 限制速度标志 (7)5.3.2 限制速度和禁止停车组合标志 (8)5.3.3 禁止掉头标志 (8)5.3.4 禁止驶入类和限制类禁令标志 (8)5.4 指示标志 (9)5.4.1 车道行驶方向标志 (9)5.4.2 允许掉头标志 (10)5.4.3 停车位标志 (10)5.5 指路标志 (11)5.5.1 功能定位 (11)5.5.2 一般要求 (11)5.5.3 标志颜色 (12)5.5.4 信息分层 (12)5.5.5 快速路指路标志 (12) 指路标志系统构成 (12) 信息选取 (12) 标志设置 (13) 入口预告标志 (13) 入口处地点方向标志 (14) 地点距离标志 (15) 出口预告标志 (15) 出口标志 (16) 下一出口预告标志 (16) 出口处地点方向标志 (16)5.5.6 一般城市道路指路标志 (17)IDB3201/T 256—2015II 指路标志系统构成 (17) 信息选取 (17) 信息含义 (17) 标志设置 (18) 交叉口告知标志 (19) 地点距离标志 (20) 地点方向标志 (20)5.5.7 停车场标志 (21)5.5.8 板面尺寸 (21)5.5.9 版面文字 (22)5.5.10 进出城指路标志 (24) 一般要求 (25) 放射线方向进出城指路标志 (25) 环线方向指路标志 (27)5.6 辅助标志 (28)5.7 标志制作 (29)5.7.1 使用寿命 (29)5.7.2 板面尺寸 (29)5.7.3 构件制作 (30)5.7.4 标记 (32)5.8 支撑方式 (32)5.9 标志安装 (33)5.10 标志基础 (34)5.11 标志验收与维护 (34)6 交通标线 (35)6.1 一般要求 (35)6.2 指示标线 (35)6.2.1 交叉口导流标线 (35) 路口导向线 (35) 机动车左弯待转区线 (35) 非机动车左弯待转区线 (36) 非机动车右转通行区线 (36)6.2.2 人行横道线 (37) 人行横道线宽度 (37) 设置位置 (37) 无信号灯控制的人行横道线 (37) 重点区域的人行横道线 (37) 行人二次过街安全岛 (38) 停靠站处的人行横道线 (39)6.2.3 路内停车位标线 (40)6.2.4 路边式停靠站标线 (40)6.2.5 导向箭头和导向车道线 (41)DB3201/T 256—20156.2.6 路面文字标记 (42)6.2.7 非机动车道路面标记 (43)6.3 禁止标线 (44)6.3.1 禁止停车线 (45)6.3.2 禁止长时停车线 (45)6.3.3 网状线 (45)6.3.4 停止线 (46)6.3.5 公交专用车道标线 (46)6.4 主要标线技术参数 (48)表23 (续) (49)6.5 标线施工 (49)6.6 标线验收与维护 (49)7 交通隔离设施 (49)7.1 车行道隔离设施 (49)7.1.1 设置要求 (49)7.1.2 设施要求 (50)7.2 机非隔离设施 (50)7.2.1 设置要求 (50)7.2.2 设施要求 (50)7.3 人行道隔离设施 (50)7.3.1 设置要求 (50)7.3.2 设施要求 (51)7.4 阻车桩 (51)7.4.1 阻车桩设置要求 (51)7.4.2 设施要求 (51)8 交通防撞设施 (51)8.1 防撞桶 (51)8.1.1 设置要求 (51)8.1.2 设施要求 (51)9 交通信号灯 (52)9.1 一般要求 (52)9.2 信号灯设置 (52)9.2.1 一般要求 (52)9.2.2 机动车信号灯 (53)9.2.3 非机动车信号灯 (53)9.2.4 人行横道信号灯 (53)9.3 信号灯具 (53)9.4 信号灯杆件 (53)9.4.1 指导机动车通行信号灯杆 (53)9.4.2 非机动车道信号灯杆 (54)9.4.3 人行横道信号灯杆 (54)IIIDB3201/T 256—20159.5 信号灯安装 (54)10 交通闭路电视监控设备 (54)10.1 设置要求 (54)10.2 设备安装 (54)11 交通违法抓拍设备 (55)11.1 设置要求 (55)11.2 设备安装 (55)12 可变信息情报板和光带式路网信息标志 (56)12.1 设置要求 (56)12.2 设备安装 (56)13 作业区交通管理设施 (56)13.1 一般要求 (56)13.2 作业区交通管理与安全设施 (57)13.2.1 道路作业区标志 (57)13.2.2 渠化设施 (59)13.2.3 路栏 (60)13.2.4 施工警示灯 (60)13.3 作业区交通管理设施布置 (60)13.3.1 作业区区段划分 (60)13.3.2 作业区区段长度 (62)13.3.3 警告区 (62)13.3.4 上游过渡区 (62)13.3.5 缓冲区 (63)13.3.6 工作区 (63)13.4 作业区交通管理设施设置示例 (63)13.4.1 双向交通共用单车道 (63)13.4.2 绕行标志设置 (64)13.4.3 交叉口作业区 (65) 作业区位于进口道 (65) 作业区位于出口道 (66) 作业区位于交叉口内 (67)14 学校区交通管理设施 (67)14.1 必设设施 (67)14.2 可设设施 (67)14.3 交通管理设施设置要求 (68)14.3.1 限制速度标志和注意儿童警告标志 (68)14.3.2 停车位标线 (68)14.3.3 人行横道线 (68)14.3.4 停止线 (68)14.3.5 交通信号灯 (68)IVDB3201/T 256—201514.3.6 隔离护栏、示警桩和阻车桩 (68)14.4 设置示例 (69)15 医院区交通管理设施 (70)15.1 一般要求 (70)15.2 设置示例 (70)附录A(资料性附录)交通标志常用名词中英文对照 (73)附录B(资料性附录)信息分级表 (76)附录C(资料性附录)一般城市道路指路标志设置示例 (84)附录D(资料性附录)一般城市道路指路标志尺寸 (87)附录E(资料性附录)进出城指路标志设置示例 (90)附录F(资料性附录)城市道路车道宽度 (91)VDB3201/T 256—2015VI 前言本规范按照GB/T 1.1-2009给出的规则起草。

南京市城市道路交通工程设计与建设管理导则(试行)南京市建设委员会二○○七年三月五日目录1总则........................... . (1)2道路建设项目管理程序及交通设计.... (1)道路建设项目基本建设程序... (1)道路建设项目设计程序.... (1)道路建设项目设计审批管理.. (2)道路建设项目建设过程管理.. (2)道路建设项目后期管理.... (3)道路建设项目的一般工作程序 (3)道路详细规划.. (4)工程方案设计.. (4)工程初步设计.. (4)工程施工图设计. .............. . (4)交通工程设计的编制..... (4)无阻碍设备设计的编制.... (5)3道路交通设计技术引导... .................... . (5)道路功能分类及交通剖析.............. . (5)道路分类与分级... . (5)交通剖析 (6)道路交通工程设计内容. .............. . (8)路段交通工程设计内容...... (8)交织口交通工程设计内容.... (8)其余设备交通设计. .............. . (8)道路交通工程设计技术指标...... (8)道路交通工程设计控制因素... (8)路段交通工程设计技术指标... (9)道路交织口交通工程设计.... (24)道路交通信号设计........................ . (48)交通信号灯的设置. .............. . (48)交通信号控制设计. .............. . (48)其余配套设备设计要求. .............. . (52)道路管线设计......................... . (52)道路交通景观设计. .............. . (53)施工期间交通组织........................ . (54)一般要求 (54)交通组织方案设计. .............. . (54)4附则........... ....... (55)附录 1术语......... ....... (56)附录 2道路交通工程设计报告文件编制深度 (58)附录 3文本一致说明 (61)1总则为贯彻落实科学发展观,适应南京城市道路建设工程的规划、设计、实施与管理要求,一致道路交通工程规划、设计、建设标准和管理程序,提升工作的规范化、科学化和法制化水平,编制本导则。
南京市城市道路设施管理条例(Nanjing city road facilities management regulations)

南京市城市道路设施管理条例(Nanjing city road facilities management regulations)南京市城市道路设施管理条例(Nanjing city road facilitiesmanagement regulations)The standing committee of nanjing municipal people's congress19941230 (date of promulgation)19950401 (implementation time)Nanjing city road facilities management regulations(on September 29, 1994, jiangsu province, nanjing 11 session of the tenth people's congress standing committee meeting set on December 30, 1994, jiangsu province, the eighth session of the 12th meeting of the standing committee of the people's congress for approval to take effect on April 1, 1995)Chapter I general provisionsChapter ii occupation managementChapter iii mining managementChapter iv maintenance managementChapter v legal responsibilityChapter vi supplementary provisionsChapter I general provisionsArticle 1 in order to strengthen the management of the urban road facilities, give full play to its function, promote the economic and social development, according to the relevant laws and regulations, combined with the actual, these regulations are formulated.Article 2 these regulations shall apply to urban road facilities within the administrative region of this municipality. Except for public Spaces in urban road facilities.Urban road facilities in these regulations means the city road planning red line within the scope of the roadway, sidewalks, isolation belt, square, Bridges, tunnels, highways, pedestrian overpass, underground passage and affiliated municipal facilities, etc.Article 3 the municipal public administration bureau of nanjing municipality is the administrative department of the city's urban road facilities and is responsible for the administration, maintenance and supervision of urban road facilities in this municipality.The administrative departments of urban road facilities in the districts and counties shall be responsible for the management and maintenance of urban road facilities according to the prescribed scope and division of labor.The departments of construction, planning, public security, industrial and commercial administration, gardens, land and municipal capacity shall, within the scope of their respectivefunctions and responsibilities, work together with the competent authorities to manage the urban road facilities.Article 4 the construction, renovation and maintenance of urban road facilities shall be in accordance with the overall plan of the city, reasonable layout and supporting implementation. New construction, reconstruction and expansion of urban road facilities should strictly implement construction procedures and quality standards, adhere to the principles of underground and post-earth, and plan and coordinate the construction.Within three months after the completion of the urban road facilities project, the construction unit shall declare acceptance and transfer to the administrative department of urban road facilities in accordance with the provisions.The special roads connected with urban roads, which meet the standards of urban roads, can be transferred to the administrative department of urban road facilities for management and maintenance.Article 5 any unit and individual shall have the obligation to protect the urban road facilities and shall have the right to report and prosecute any violations of these regulations.Units and individuals who have made outstanding achievements in the protection of urban road facilities shall be commended or rewarded by the administrative department of urban road facilities.Chapter ii occupation managementArticle 6 no unit or individual shall arbitrarily occupy the urban road facilities. Is really necessary, the temporary occupation shall apply to the competent administrative department for urban road facilities, and with the approval of the public security traffic management department for examination and approval, go through the formalities for examination and approval of appropriate urban road facilities, pay ZhanDaoFei, the urban road occupancy licence.Area of urban road facilities the competent administrative department for review by the municipal urban road facilities designated by the administrative department of the important sections and regulations temporary occupation area of the urban road facilities, shall be submitted to the municipal administrative department of city road facilities for approval.Article 7 the following areas are strictly prohibited:(1) the bridge deck and the location that is dangerous to traffic;(2) bus station;(3) gate valves, inspection Wells, rainwater Wells, well use and operation ranges of underground pipelines.Article 8 the following construction projects due to the need of construction of temporary occupation of urban roadfacilities, construction units and individuals shall hold a construction project planning permit, apply for to deal with formalities of temporary occupy urban road facilities:(1) construction, reconstruction or expansion of municipal projects;(2) building new, rebuilding and expanding houses along the street;(3) mining projects beyond the scope of excavation approval.Article 9. Strictly control the occupation of urban road facilities to set up various markets. If necessary, it shall be submitted to the municipal people's government for approval after the examination and approval of the administrative department of urban road facilities and the public security traffic management department.The urban road facilities shall be used for the establishment and operation of kiosks, advertisements, signs and pavilions, and the procedures for the temporary occupancy of urban road facilities shall be dealt with, and other procedures shall be dealt with.Article 10 strictly control the use of urban road facilities to set up various parking Spaces. If the city road facilities are to be used to set up parking lots, the measures for examination and approval and management shall be separately prescribed by the municipal people's government.Article 11 strictly control the temporary occupation of pavements. The temporary occupation of pavements shall not be more than half of the width of the sidewalk, and it shall be more than one meter wide to ensure the safety of pedestrians.The maintenance and maintenance of road works in urban road facilities shall not exceed the road surface and the 1.5m wide surface of the road between the designated safe island.Article 12 the temporary occupy urban road facilities, units and individuals shall, in accordance with the approved scope and time, shall not alter occupancy, expanding the scope of the footprint, and extend the elapsed time, are not allowed to be rent transfer.During the period of occupation due to the need for urban construction, the occupying units and individuals shall promptly dismantle all kinds of buildings and facilities that occupy the urban road facilities.Article 13 no occupation unit or individual may damage the urban road facilities. Any unit or individual that damages the urban road facilities shall be liable for compensation.The site must be kept in a fence or partition and kept clean.Do not prefabricate cement products, mixing mortar and rinsing gravel in the occupation area.Article 14 the expiration of temporary occupy urban road facilities, take up the units and individuals shall be at thescene of the occupancy period to clear, submitted to the competent administrative department for urban road facilities and public security traffic management department to acceptance, hand in city road occupancy licence.Article 15 ZhanDaoFei in accordance with the standard approved by province finance, commodity price department, administrative department by the municipal urban road facilities unified collection and implement fiscal revenue storage, used in urban road facilities maintenance, maintenance and management.Chapter iii mining managementArticle 16 the construction units and individuals need to excavate urban road facilities, and related drawings shall hold a construction project planning permit, apply to the competent administrative department for urban road facilities, go through the formalities for examination and approval of urban road facilities, mining, pay repair fees, and after approval by the public security traffic management department, to the competent administrative department for urban road facilities for urban road mining license, before construction.District urban road facilities the competent administrative department for review by the municipal urban road facilities designated by the administrative department of the important sections and prescribed scope of urban road facilities of digging, and across the primary and secondary trunk road excavation, shall be submitted to the municipal administrative department of city road facilities for approval.To excavate and repair the recovery fee to implement the charging standard set by the administrative department of provincial construction.Article 17 the roads within five years of the new construction or reconstruction of urban roads, and the construction of a large scale construction road within three years, as well as the road of cement concrete motor vehicles shall not be excavated. If the excavation is indeed required, it shall be submitted to the municipal people's government for approval after the examination and approval of the administrative department of urban road facilities and the public security traffic management department, and shall be charged for the recovery of 1 to 3 times.Article 18 electric power, telecom, gas, water, drainage, street lamps, etc underground pipeline buried engineering construction unit, shall be submitted to the competent administrative department for construction, planning, urban road facilities and public security traffic management department to submit the annual implementation plan. The maintenance and maintenance units of urban road facilities shall submit their monthly maintenance plans to the administrative departments of urban road facilities and the public security traffic management departments.The construction units of the high rise buildings along the street shall submit the plans for the comprehensive implementation of pipeline project construction to the administrative departments of urban road facilities and thepublic security traffic management departments.If the underground pipeline fails to take emergency repair, it may be repaired in advance, but the examination and approval procedures for the urban road facilities shall be completed within 24 hours.Article 19 mining units and individuals shall, in accordance with the scope and time of approval, make construction work and shall not arbitrarily expand the scope of excavation and extend the excavation time.Article 20 the approved excavation works shall not obstruct traffic and shall comply with the following provisions:(1) underground pipelines shall be constructed in the top of the pipe, and the construction shall not be covered by the pipe.(2) to excavate the construction site, set up safety signs and protective containment facilities, and keep the site clean and tidy;(3) in case of any conflict between the excavation and other underground facilities, the construction shall be stopped immediately and shall be reported to the relevant departments;(4) the backfilling earthwork should be compacted in accordance with the regulations, and the main, secondary trunk road and the road crossing road to dig trench shall be returned with fine stone materials to ensure the quality;(5) the excavation of asphalt concrete pavement of cement concrete pavement and main and secondary highways shall be cut with machine tools and grooved edges;(6) the excavation and restoration of the main road surface shall be completed within five days, and the restoration of other roads shall be completed within seven days.Article 21 the excavation is completed, should clean up the scene at the same time, report to the competent administrative department for urban road facilities and public security traffic management department to acceptance, hand in city road mining license.Chapter iv maintenance managementArticle 22 the urban road facilities maintenance maintenance units shall, in accordance with the national, provincial road bridge maintenance procedures and technical standards issued by the routine maintenance, to ensure the urban road facilities in good condition.Article 23 the following ACTS are prohibited within the limits of urban road facilities:(1) to discharge corrosive sewage into the road surface and to conduct various operations on pavement that are harmful to the road surface;(2) parking and driving motor vehicles on the sidewalk without authorization;(3) test the brakes on non-designated road sections without authorization;Taking up the bridge without authorization.Within the scope of safety protection of the bridge, no pipeline or excavation shall be allowed.Article 24 the need by caterpillar vehicles on urban road facilities, ChaoChongChe and other beneath the road machinery, shall be submitted to the urban road facilities apply administrative departments and the public security traffic management department, after approved and take protective measures, according to the specific time and route.Article 25 the residential district construction, real estate development needs for urban road facilities, the construction unit shall pay for the same area of the road, unable to make up the road area, shall pay the compensation to the competent administrative department for urban road facilities.Article 26 the roads built in the city, shall, in accordance with the standard by the transport department of the city road and urban construction department, and handed over to the competent administrative department for urban road facilities maintenance and management.Chapter v legal responsibilityArticle 27 for violation of these regulations, the competentadministrative department for urban road facilities depending on the seriousness, shall be ordered to shut down, ordered deadline to correct, confiscation of machines and tools that engage in illegal activities, fines and other penalties.The administrative department of urban road facilities shall issue a receipt for confiscation of fines and confiscation of illegal proceeds. The fines shall be handed over to the financial department.Article 28 violation of the provisions of article 7 and article 8, article 9 of the second paragraph of article 11, article 12, the first paragraph (4) of article 23, ordered to make corrections within a time limit and the unit can be a fine of more than 500 yuan and 3000 yuan, for the individual to a fine of more than 200 yuan and 1000 yuan.Article 29 in violation of the third paragraph of article 13 of these regulations, the provisions of article 14 of the, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit, and the unit can be a fine of more than 500 yuan and 2000 yuan, for the individual to a fine of more than 200 yuan and 500 yuan.Article 30 a violation of the provisions of paragraph 1 of article 16 paragraph 2 of article 23, shall be ordered to shut down or confiscation of machines and tools that engage in illegal activities, and impose a fine ranging from mining and repair 1 to 3 times.Article 31 where a violation of the provisions of article 19 of the first (1) of article 20, the first item (3), the firstitem (4), the first item (5), the provisions of article 21 of ordered to make corrections within a time limit and unit can be a fine of more than 1000 yuan and 5000 yuan, to individuals a fine of more than 500 yuan to 2000 yuan.Article 32 a fine of less than 500 yuan shall be imposed for violation of the provisions of paragraph (1), item (2), item (3) and article 24 of article 23 of these regulations.Article 33 in violation of the provisions of these regulations, causing the urban road facilities damaged, the competent administrative department for urban road facilities in addition to the given administrative punishment, shall have the right to order them to repair or compensate for the losses.Article 34. The public security organs shall punish those who damage or steal urban road facilities by the public security organs in accordance with the relevant provisions of the regulations on the administration of public security of the People's Republic of China. If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.Article 35 where a city road facility manager abuses his power, neglects his duty or engages in malpractices for personal gain, he shall be given an administrative sanction by his unit or the competent department at a higher level. If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with the law.Article 36 if any party concerned refuses to accept theadministrative punishment decision, in accordance with the regulations on the administrative reconsideration and the relevant regulations of the administrative procedure law of the People's Republic of China to apply for review or to lodge a complaint. If a party fails to apply for reconsideration or bring a suit before a people's court, and fails to carry out the punishment decision, the organ that made the decision shall apply to the people's court for compulsory execution.Chapter vi supplementary provisionsArticle 37 these regulations shall be interpreted by the people's government of nanjing.Article 38 these regulations shall come into force as of April 1, 1995.Local regulations (categories)Y (logo)1 (level)。

1 总则1.1 编制目的为进一步彰显南京城市空间特色,提高城市设计编制质量,规范城市设计编制技术要求,加强城市公共空间的设计和管理,特制定本导则。
1.2 指导思想城市设计理念和方法应贯穿于城市规划全过程,围绕“建设现代化国际性人文绿都”的目标定位,坚持“绿色、人文、智慧、集约”的发展导向,突出南京“山水城林”的空间特色。
1.3 适用范围本《导则》适用于全市各层次城市设计的编制工作,重在明确和规范各层次城市设计内容和设计成果要求。
1.4 基本原则1.4.1 以人为本从市民角度出发,由满足人的基本功能需求转向满足审美、认知及体验需求,促进公共资源合理使用,引导慢行交通出行,营造高质量的人居环境。
1.4.2 特色美观在南京特有山水环境、人文背景下,建立城市空间秩序,突出城市整体空间形象,彰显城市空间特色,美化城市景观环境。
1.4.3 生态低碳围绕能源消耗、经济转型、环境改善等方面,将低碳目标与生态理念相融合,强化城市空间的安全性、舒适性以及方便性,实现“人—城市—自然环境”和谐共生。
1.4.4 综合协调各层次城市设计应相互衔接,空间特色要素控制应相互协调,加强多种功能融合及各类空间要素关联,加强地上地下空间一体化设计。

1 总则1.1 编制目的为进一步彰显南京城市空间特色,提高城市设计编制质量,规范城市设计编制技术要求,加强城市公共空间的设计和管理,特制定本导则。
1.2 指导思想城市设计理念和方法应贯穿于城市规划全过程,围绕“建设现代化国际性人文绿都”的目标定位,坚持“绿色、人文、智慧、集约”的发展导向,突出南京“山水城林”的空间特色。
1.3 适用范围本《导则》适用于全市各层次城市设计的编制工作,重在明确和规范各层次城市设计内容和设计成果要求。
1.4 基本原则1.4.1 以人为本从市民角度出发,由满足人的基本功能需求转向满足审美、认知及体验需求,促进公共资源合理使用,引导慢行交通出行,营造高质量的人居环境。
1.4.2 特色美观在南京特有山水环境、人文背景下,建立城市空间秩序,突出城市整体空间形象,彰显城市空间特色,美化城市景观环境。
1.4.3 生态低碳围绕能源消耗、经济转型、环境改善等方面,将低碳目标与生态理念相融合,强化城市空间的安全性、舒适性以及方便性,实现“人—城市—自然环境”和谐共生。
1.4.4 综合协调各层次城市设计应相互衔接,空间特色要素控制应相互协调,加强多种功能融合及各类空间要素关联,加强地上地下空间一体化设计。

1 总则1.1 编制目的为进一步彰显南京城市空间特色,提高城市设计编制质量,规范城市设计编制技术要求,加强城市公共空间的设计和管理,特制定本导则。
1.2 指导思想城市设计理念和方法应贯穿于城市规划全过程,围绕“建设现代化国际性人文绿都”的目标定位,坚持“绿色、人文、智慧、集约”的发展导向,突出南京“山水城林”的空间特色。
1.3 适用范围本《导则》适用于全市各层次城市设计的编制工作,重在明确和规范各层次城市设计内容和设计成果要求。
1.4 基本原则1.4.1 以人为本从市民角度出发,由满足人的基本功能需求转向满足审美、认知及体验需求,促进公共资源合理使用,引导慢行交通出行,营造高质量的人居环境。
1.4.2 特色美观在南京特有山水环境、人文背景下,建立城市空间秩序,突出城市整体空间形象,彰显城市空间特色,美化城市景观环境。
1.4.3 生态低碳围绕能源消耗、经济转型、环境改善等方面,将低碳目标与生态理念相融合,强化城市空间的安全性、舒适性以及方便性,实现“人—城市—自然环境”和谐共生。
1.4.4 综合协调各层次城市设计应相互衔接,空间特色要素控制应相互协调,加强多种功能融合及各类空间要素关联,加强地上地下空间一体化设计。

南京市绿化园林局2018年2月目录1总则3 2基本原则42.1生态性原则 (4)2.2系统性原则 (4)2.3人本性原则 (4)2.4特色性原则 (4)2.5实用性原则 (4)3绿道的分级分类53.1绿道的分级 (5)3.2绿道的分类 (5)3.3绿道的构成 (6)4绿道的选线84.1规划选线的基本原则 (8)4.2绿道选线分类指导 (8)5绿道构成要素配置要求105.1慢行道路 (10)5.2绿化景观 (12)5.3服务设施 (14)5.4标识系统 (17)6附件196.1标识系统 (19)6.2绿道标线 (32)6.3慢行道路色彩 (33)6.4绿道规划设计案例 (33)1总则1.1为充分发挥绿道的休闲、健身功能及生态作用,展现南京绿道生态化、人性化、多样化的特点,有效指导南京绿道的规划设计,提升绿道设计质量,制定本导则。

DB3201 南京市地方技术规范DB 3201/T 256—2015 城市道路交通管理设施设置规范2015-08-25发布2015-09-01实施南京市质量技术监督局发布DB3201/T 256—2015目次前言 (VII)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 术语和定义 (2)4 一般要求 (5)5 交通标志 (5)5.1 一般要求 (5)5.2 警告标志 (6)5.2.1 注意儿童标志 (6)5.2.2 注意行人标志 (7)5.3 禁令标志 (7)5.3.1 限制速度标志 (7)5.3.2 限制速度和禁止停车组合标志 (8)5.3.3 禁止掉头标志 (8)5.3.4 禁止驶入类和限制类禁令标志 (8)5.4 指示标志 (9)5.4.1 车道行驶方向标志 (9)5.4.2 允许掉头标志 (10)5.4.3 停车位标志 (10)5.5 指路标志 (11)5.5.1 功能定位 (11)5.5.2 一般要求 (11)5.5.3 标志颜色 (12)5.5.4 信息分层 (12)5.5.5 快速路指路标志 (12) 指路标志系统构成 (12) 信息选取 (12) 标志设置 (13) 入口预告标志 (13) 入口处地点方向标志 (14) 地点距离标志 (15) 出口预告标志 (15) 出口标志 (16) 下一出口预告标志 (16) 出口处地点方向标志 (16)5.5.6 一般城市道路指路标志 (17)IDB3201/T 256—2015II 指路标志系统构成 (17) 信息选取 (17) 信息含义 (17) 标志设置 (18) 交叉口告知标志 (19) 地点距离标志 (20) 地点方向标志 (20)5.5.7 停车场标志 (21)5.5.8 板面尺寸 (21)5.5.9 版面文字 (22)5.5.10 进出城指路标志 (24) 一般要求 (25) 放射线方向进出城指路标志 (25) 环线方向指路标志 (27)5.6 辅助标志 (28)5.7 标志制作 (29)5.7.1 使用寿命 (29)5.7.2 板面尺寸 (29)5.7.3 构件制作 (30)5.7.4 标记 (32)5.8 支撑方式 (32)5.9 标志安装 (33)5.10 标志基础 (34)5.11 标志验收与维护 (34)6 交通标线 (35)6.1 一般要求 (35)6.2 指示标线 (35)6.2.1 交叉口导流标线 (35) 路口导向线 (35) 机动车左弯待转区线 (35) 非机动车左弯待转区线 (36) 非机动车右转通行区线 (36)6.2.2 人行横道线 (37) 人行横道线宽度 (37) 设置位置 (37) 无信号灯控制的人行横道线 (37) 重点区域的人行横道线 (37) 行人二次过街安全岛 (38) 停靠站处的人行横道线 (39)6.2.3 路内停车位标线 (40)6.2.4 路边式停靠站标线 (40)6.2.5 导向箭头和导向车道线 (41)DB3201/T 256—20156.2.6 路面文字标记 (42)6.2.7 非机动车道路面标记 (43)6.3 禁止标线 (44)6.3.1 禁止停车线 (45)6.3.2 禁止长时停车线 (45)6.3.3 网状线 (45)6.3.4 停止线 (46)6.3.5 公交专用车道标线 (46)6.4 主要标线技术参数 (48)表23 (续) (49)6.5 标线施工 (49)6.6 标线验收与维护 (49)7 交通隔离设施 (49)7.1 车行道隔离设施 (49)7.1.1 设置要求 (49)7.1.2 设施要求 (50)7.2 机非隔离设施 (50)7.2.1 设置要求 (50)7.2.2 设施要求 (50)7.3 人行道隔离设施 (50)7.3.1 设置要求 (50)7.3.2 设施要求 (51)7.4 阻车桩 (51)7.4.1 阻车桩设置要求 (51)7.4.2 设施要求 (51)8 交通防撞设施 (51)8.1 防撞桶 (51)8.1.1 设置要求 (51)8.1.2 设施要求 (51)9 交通信号灯 (52)9.1 一般要求 (52)9.2 信号灯设置 (52)9.2.1 一般要求 (52)9.2.2 机动车信号灯 (53)9.2.3 非机动车信号灯 (53)9.2.4 人行横道信号灯 (53)9.3 信号灯具 (53)9.4 信号灯杆件 (53)9.4.1 指导机动车通行信号灯杆 (53)9.4.2 非机动车道信号灯杆 (54)9.4.3 人行横道信号灯杆 (54)IIIDB3201/T 256—20159.5 信号灯安装 (54)10 交通闭路电视监控设备 (54)10.1 设置要求 (54)10.2 设备安装 (54)11 交通违法抓拍设备 (55)11.1 设置要求 (55)11.2 设备安装 (55)12 可变信息情报板和光带式路网信息标志 (56)12.1 设置要求 (56)12.2 设备安装 (56)13 作业区交通管理设施 (56)13.1 一般要求 (56)13.2 作业区交通管理与安全设施 (57)13.2.1 道路作业区标志 (57)13.2.2 渠化设施 (59)13.2.3 路栏 (60)13.2.4 施工警示灯 (60)13.3 作业区交通管理设施布置 (60)13.3.1 作业区区段划分 (60)13.3.2 作业区区段长度 (62)13.3.3 警告区 (62)13.3.4 上游过渡区 (62)13.3.5 缓冲区 (63)13.3.6 工作区 (63)13.4 作业区交通管理设施设置示例 (63)13.4.1 双向交通共用单车道 (63)13.4.2 绕行标志设置 (64)13.4.3 交叉口作业区 (65) 作业区位于进口道 (65) 作业区位于出口道 (66) 作业区位于交叉口内 (67)14 学校区交通管理设施 (67)14.1 必设设施 (67)14.2 可设设施 (67)14.3 交通管理设施设置要求 (68)14.3.1 限制速度标志和注意儿童警告标志 (68)14.3.2 停车位标线 (68)14.3.3 人行横道线 (68)14.3.4 停止线 (68)14.3.5 交通信号灯 (68)IVDB3201/T 256—201514.3.6 隔离护栏、示警桩和阻车桩 (68)14.4 设置示例 (69)15 医院区交通管理设施 (70)15.1 一般要求 (70)15.2 设置示例 (70)附录A(资料性附录)交通标志常用名词中英文对照 (73)附录B(资料性附录)信息分级表 (76)附录C(资料性附录)一般城市道路指路标志设置示例 (84)附录D(资料性附录)一般城市道路指路标志尺寸 (87)附录E(资料性附录)进出城指路标志设置示例 (90)附录F(资料性附录)城市道路车道宽度 (91)VDB3201/T 256—2015VI 前言本规范按照GB/T 1.1-2009给出的规则起草。

江苏省城市综合交通规划导则JIANG SU SHENG CHENG SHI ZONG HE JIAO TONG GUI HUA DAO ZE江苏省建设厅江苏人民出版社组织单位江苏省建设厅主办单位南京市交通规划研究所有限责任公司参编单位江苏省城市规划协会城市交通专业委员会美国W&S交通工程公司主编张泉副主编张杨涛技术负责杨涛主要参编人员杨涛张王国晓於昊孙俊杨明凌小静参加编写人员何惠仪钱林波何宁王兴海翁范勇孙武陆新亚王轼余刚技术顾问徐吉谦杨佩昆黄良会黄富民过秀成邱颖李新桂任颐张海达序2002年省委、省政府召开城市工作会议以后,江苏省开始实施城市化战略,城市化率以每年超过1个百分点的速度增长,2004年底已经达到48%,城市人口迅速增加,城市规模迅速扩大。
目录第一章总则 (1)一、目的 (1)二、地位 (1)三、规划依据 (1)四、期限与范围 (1)五、总体要求 (2)六、主要内容 (2)七、成果要求 (2)第二章规划编制组织与审批 (4)一、规划编制工作程序 (4)二、编制组织与审批 (4)三、规划修改 (4)第三章规划文本大纲 (5)一、总论 (5)二、规划目标 (5)三、交通发展战略与政策 (5)四、对外交通 (5)五、城市道路 (5)六、公共交通 (5)七、自行车与步行交通 (5)八、停车 (5)九、客运换乘枢纽 (6)十、物流与货运交通 (6)十一、近期建设规划 (6)第四章规划编制技术指引 (7)一、规划愿景与目标 (7)二、城市综合交通调查(详见附录二) (9)三、城市发展背景与条件 (9)四、城市综合交通系统现状分析与评价 (9)五、交通需求分析与测试(详见附录三) (11)六、城市综合交通发展战略 (11)七、对外交通系统规划 (12)八、城市道路网规划 (14)九、公共交通规划 (19)十、停车规划 (25)十一、客运枢纽交通 (27)十二、物流与货运交通 (31)十三、近期建设规划 (33)附录一我省城市交通问题及发展对策 (35)附录二综合交通调查 (40)附录三交通需求分析与测试 (43)第一章总则一、目的为指导全省各城市科学、合理地编制城市综合交通规划,切实有效地解决城市交通问题,结合江苏实际情况,制定本《导则》。

1.2 应用指南
加强街道设计、建设是一项从观念到实践的系统性工作。《南京市街道设计导则》旨在 明确街道的概念、设计理念和基本设计要求,形成全社会对街道的理解与共识,统筹协调 各类相关要素,促进各相关部门和团体的通力合作,对规划、设计、建设与管理进行引导, 推动街道的人性化转型。
表 2-2 街道功能类型
13 南京市街道设计导则
第 二 章
案例:南京中山路、长江路地段街道的交通等级 和功能类型
主干路 次干路 城市支路 步行道路
主主干路路 次次干路路 支城市支路路
交通性街道 太平北路
景观街道:是指具有突出的景观风貌特色的街道。主要包括景观休闲道、林荫大道、滨 水街道等。景观休闲街道是景观良好,沿线设置集中,且具备成规模休闲活动设施的街道; 林荫大道是沿街行道树形成连续的树冠覆盖,非机动车道和人行道的绿化覆盖率达到 90% 的街道历史风貌的街道,包括历史文化街区、历史风 貌区和各类历史地段周边的街道。
城市道路按照其在道路网络中的地位及其所承担的交通功能,分为快速路、主干路、次 干路和支路四个等级。这种分类主要考虑的是机动车交通特征的差异,每种类型对应于不 同的设计车速、道路红线宽度、车道数量,并形成相应的设计标准和规范。

南京市城市道路交通工程设计与建设管理导则(试行)目录1 总则 (1)2 道路建设项目管理程序及交通设计 (1)2.0.1 道路建设项目基本建设程序 (1)2.0.2道路建设项目设计程序 (1)2.0.3道路建设项目设计审批管理 (2)2.0.4道路建设项目建设过程管理 (2)2.0.5道路建设项目后期管理 (3)2.0.6道路建设项目的一般工作程序 (3)2.0.7道路具体规划 (4)2.0.8工程方案设计 (4)2.0.9工程初步设计 (4)2.0.10工程施工图设计 (4)2.0.11交通工程设计的编制 (4)2.0.12无障碍设施设计的编制 (5)3道路交通设计技术指引 (5)3.1道路功能分类及交通分析 (5)3.1.1 道路分类与分级 (5)3.1.2 交通分析 (6)3.2道路交通工程设计内容 (8)3.2.1路段交通工程设计内容 (8)3.2.2交叉口交通工程设计内容 (8)3.2.3其它设施交通设计 (8)3.3道路交通工程设计技术指标 (8)3.3.1 道路交通工程设计控制要素 (8)3.3.2路段交通工程设计技术指标 (9)3.3.3 道路交叉口交通工程设计 (24)3.4道路交通信号设计 (48)3.4.1交通信号灯的设置 (48)3.4.2交通信号控制设计 (48)3.5其它配套设施设计要求 (52)3.5.1道路管线设计 (52)3.5.2 道路交通景观设计 (53)3.6施工期间交通组织 (54)3.6.1 一般要求 (54)3.6.2交通组织方案设计 (54)4附则 (55)附录1术语 (56)附录2道路交通工程设计报告文件编制深度 (58)附录3文本统一注释 (61)1 总则1.0.1为贯彻落实科学发展观,适应南京城市道路建设工程的规划、设计、实施与管理要求,统一道路交通工程规划、设计、建设标准和管理程序,提高工作的规范化、科学化和法制化水平,编制本导则。

沿线业主和市民:沿线业主和市民是街道的使用主体和利益相关者,本导则为街道的使 用和沿线物业的建设和运营提供了规范性的引导。
1.2 应用指南
加强街道设计、建设是一项从观念到实践的系统性工作。《南京市街道设计导则》旨在 明确街道的概念、设计理念和基本设计要求,形成全社会对街道的理解与共识,统筹协调 各类相关要素,促进各相关部门和团体的通力合作,对规划、设计、建设与管理进行引导, 推动街道的人性化转型。
面向不同对象,导则的编制采用了条文、条文说明、案例解释相结合的方式,通过不同 颜色、大小和字体的文字进行区分。设计师和管理者应以条文和条文说明作为开展相关工 作的依据。
本导则的读者对象包括所有与街道相关的设计师、决策者、管理者、沿线业主和市民。 设计师:设计师是街道设计工作的主体,街道设计需要包括规划师、城市设计师、建筑师、 道路工程设计师、景观设计师等在内的设计师的共同参与,本导则为街道相关设计工作的 开展提供了从规划到具体物质空间要素的不同层面的指引。

Accor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unifie d arrangement s, units main le d to for cadre s workers S hang a times party lecture, due to himse lf level limited, only put thi s stage concentrated lear ning of experience today and everyone common wit h learni ng excha nge, purpose is let we furt her de ep understanding mass li ne of connotation, insisted party of mass line, do masses w ork, following main from four a a spe cts tol d: a, a nd full aware ness party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities of major mea ning Party's 18 major distinct proposed to focus on the party's a dvanced nature and purity, i n the party, with "pragmati c and clea n for the pe opl e" as the main content of the party's mass line and educational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Jinping a s party Ge neral Secretary a nd a dhere t o strictly admi nistering t he party, strengthen the party's major de cision is i n line wit h the publ ic expe ctations and strengt heni ng the construction of learni ng-oriente d service innovation of Marxist party's major de ployme nt, is the important measure to adva nce t he great ca use of sociali sm with Chine se characteri stics. First, carry out the party's mass li ne in e ducation practi ce, was carrying 18 of the party spirit, summon a powerful for ce for realizi ng the great rejuve nation of the Chine se nati on the Chi nese dream of urgent needs. Party's 18 to pr omote strategic depl oyment to building soci alism with Chine se characteristi cs, present s two 100-year goal, namel y, by 2020 Chi na's gross domestic product and per ca pita income of ur ban a nd r ural residents in 2010 on the basi s of doubl e com plete the buil ding of a well-off society; the middle of this cent ury into a prosperous, democratic, ci vilized and harm oni ous S ociali st moder n countr y, and on this basis, the Chine se dream of realizing the great rejuvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the party, Comrade XI Jinping re peatedly ex pounded the Chi nese dream. The basi c connotation of the Chine se dream, i s the national prosperity, national revitalization, the happine ss of the people, China importa nt to follow is t o keep China Road, carry forward the spirit a nd cohe sion strength of Chi na, dream dreams of the people of China, but determined confide nce, e nha nce self-awarene ss, a chiev e self-relia nce, to build a str onger China, civili zation, harmony, beaut y, China, Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of Chi na was 18 the spirit of the e nrichment and devel opme nt of the part y, conscie ntiously study the Chinese dre am, leadi ng pe ople to hard to reali ze the Chine se dream, mass educati on a ctivities in dept h the fundamental starting point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the party's mass line, hel ps to train t he collective consciousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chinese dre am ideol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Ze dong stre sse d that parties shoul d have "comm on lang uage" so cialist countries must have "unity of will". History has南京市城市道路整治工程技术管理规定roved that a people a nd a nati on, if it does not have its own spiritual pilla r, there i s no unity of spiritual support, it m eans that no soul, will lose cohesion a nd vitalit y. Figuratively speaki ng, a sa ck of potat oes, quantity cannot be too a team, form a joi nt force; only like granite, so closely United t o form invincible, no difficult means of strength. National rejuvenati on of Chine se dream, not only embodie s the common i nterests and pursuit s, and covers a variety of groups an d cla sses, has a wi de a ppli cability a nd i ncl usive, wit h a strong integrating force a nd lea d the force. She em bodies the aspi rations of several ge nerations of Chine se, reflecti ng today ... Into sex and purit y, and the i nevitable re quireme nt of constantly im proving the party's gover ning capa city. Stre ngthe ning the construction of the adva nce d nat ure and purit y, the core probl em is always maintai ning the party's flesh-a nd-blood tie s with the masses, so t hat our party will always be the most wholehearte d support of the masses. Must take the fundamental i nterests of the overwhelming majority of the pe ople a s the party all the starting point a nd e ndi ng point, t he party ha s always been a common fate with the masse s, thi s is the magi c weapon for our party to alway s maintain the advance d nature a nd purity. Strengthe ning t he constr uction of party's a dvanced nature and purity and enhancing the party's ruli ng ability will event ually be im plemente d to realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundamental i nterests of the over w helming majority of the pe ople. All the w ork merits this is a mea sure of the party's fundamental standar ds, i s a measure of the party's adva nce d nat ure and purity standar ds. Believe w ho, depending on w ho, w ho, sta ndi ng on the position of the overw helmi ng majority of the people are always, al ways realize, safeguard a nd develop the fundame ntal interests of the overw helming majority of the pe ople, it is a touchstone of the Marxist party of judgeme nt, is also sign of Marxist party is different from other political pa rties. Marxist political party has a clear political positi on a nd histori cal missi on: for t he interests of the vast majorit y of pe opl e, committed to the fundamental i nterests of the overwhelming majority of the pe ople. From the day of the establishment of the Chi nese Communi st Party, alway s adhere to basic principle s of hist orical materialism, for the interests of the most pe opl e as their g oal, always serving as its fundame ntal purpose a nd value s. Fully trust the masse s, cl osely rely on the masses m ai ntain flesh-a nd-bl ood ties with t he masses i s always the source of our party full of vigor and vitality, is always the most determi ned i n the development of our party and our countr y. Conscienti ously accept supervi sion by the masses, pay attention to listen t o the masse s ' asse ssment, w hich itself was the party's adva nce d nature and purity int o practi cal acti on t o realize the fundame ntal interests of the overw helming majority of the people. At prese nt, the party committees a nd lea ding ca dres a nd the Gover nment generally value the close relations wit h the masses, do a lot of pr oductive w ork, but there are still some南京市城市道路整治工程技术管理规定为进一步加强和规范本市城市道路整治工程设计、施工与验收管理,依据国家《城镇道路工程施工与质量验收规范》(CJJ1-2008),以及国家、省、市相关技术标准和文件要求,结合本市实际,对城市道路整治工程设计、施工与验收管理规定如下:1、本规定适用于原有城市道路整治出新工程。

南京市城市道路交通工程设计与建设管理导则南京市城市道路交通工程设计与建设管理导则1 总则1.0.1为贯彻落实科学发展观,适应南京城市道路建设工程的规划、设计、实施与管理要求,统一道路交通工程规划、设计、建设标准和管理程序,提高工作的规范化、科学化和法制化水平,编制本导则。
1.0.3 本导则的技术规定以国标为依据,结合南京具体情况和城建实践多年经验编制而成。
2 道路建设项目管理程序及交通设计2.0.1 道路建设项目基本建设程序道路建设项目应遵循国家规定的“七阶段”基建程序,按序开展项目建议书、可行性研究(道路规划)、工程勘察设计(含地质勘察、方案设计、初步设计及施工图设计)、建设准备(各类基建手续办理、现场“三通一平”等)、工程建设、竣工验收、后评估等七个阶段。
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市城市道路交通工程设计与建设管理导则1 总则1.0.1为贯彻落实科学发展观,适应城市道路建设工程的规划、设计、实施与管理要求,统一道路交通工程规划、设计、建设标准和管理程序,提高工作的规化、科学化和法制化水平,编制本导则。
1.0.3 本导则的技术规定以国标为依据,结合具体情况和城建实践多年经验编制而成。
2 道路建设项目管理程序及交通设计2.0.1 道路建设项目基本建设程序道路建设项目应遵循国家规定的“七阶段”基建程序,按序开展项目建议书、可行性研究(道路规划)、工程勘察设计(含地质勘察、方案设计、初步设计及施工图设计)、建设准备(各类基建手续办理、现场“三通一平”等)、工程建设、竣工验收、后评估等七个阶段。
2.0.6道路建设项目的一般工作程序(表2.0.6)表2.0.6 道路建设项目的一般工作程序2.0.7道路具体规划道路具体规划是城市总体规划中道路网络规划、城市交通规划等容的细化深化。
3 道路交通设计技术指引3.1 道路功能分类及交通分析3.1.1 道路分类与分级3.1.1.1 道路分类按照道路在道路网络中的作用、功能及对沿线建筑物的服务性质等,城市道路分为快速路、主干路、次干路、支路四个等级。
支路主要是为地区或地块的出入交通或通达交通服务的。 道路分级各类道路按其功能、区位、特殊限制条件及设计交通量等细分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ级,见表3.1.1.2。
表3.1.1.2 城市道路分级表注:①Ⅰ级快速路为全封闭形式;Ⅱ级快速路为半封闭形式。
3.1.2 交通分析对于新建道路,对可能存在的问题应有一定的预见性,以交通需求结论作为交通设计的主要依据。
表3.1.2-1 道路交通调查容2.交通预测交通预测容分道路路段和交叉口分别进行,同时应确定预测的年限,一般近期为3~5年,远期为10~15年。
表3.1.2-2 交通预测容3.问题分析通过上述交通调查和交通预测结论,对道路现状出现的问题或可能出现的问题进行详细的分析,并应提出相应的改善措施,并根据本导则的技术指标对道路进行交通设计。
3.2 道路交通工程设计容3.2.1 路段交通工程设计容应包括道路宽度、道路平面线形、纵断面线形、横断面分配、路段进出交通、行人过街设施、路边临时停车、公交中途停靠站、公交专用道(路)、出租车临时停靠点、交通管理设施(标志、标线、信号控制)等技术要求及指标。
3.2.2 交叉口交通工程设计容应包括交叉口缘石转弯半径、进出口道设计;公交停靠站、公交专用道设置;行人过街设施、非机动车交通设施;交通管理设施(标志、标线、信号控制)等技术要求及指标。
3.2.3 其它设施交通设计包括道路绿化、美化、照明、管线等配套设施建设的设计要求。
3.3 道路交通工程设计技术指标3.3.1 道路交通工程设计控制要素3.3.1.1 计算行车速度计算行车速度的规定见表3.3.1.1。
表3.3.1.1 各类各级道路计算行车速度交叉口的计算行车速度应按各级道路计算行车速度的0.5~0.7倍计算,直行车取大值,转弯车取小值。 设计车辆尺寸机动车设计车辆外廓尺寸见表3.3.1.2。
表3.3.1.2 机动车设计车辆外廓尺寸(m) 道路建筑限界城市道路建筑限界最小净高见表3.3.1.3,顶角抹角高度为50cm;顶角抹角宽度非机动车道为50cm,机动车道同外车道侧向净宽。