超实用高考英语专题复习:名 词 性 从句50题-(思维导图+仿真模拟+阅读障碍词汇) 解析版
专题19 名词性从句50题(思维导图+仿真模拟+阅读障碍词汇) 解析版距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。
1.【2023届山东省济南市高三一模】Nanhan has a long history of producing ____38____have been widely recognized as fine crafts (工艺品) at home and abroad.1. what。
第52讲椭圆的几何性质一、课程标准1、掌握椭圆的性质,能够正确求出椭圆的性质2、掌握求椭圆的离心率的值以及离心率的范围3、掌握直线与椭圆的位置关系二、基础知识回顾1、椭圆的标准方程和几何性质2、焦半径:椭圆上的点P(x0,y0)与左(下)焦点F1与右(上)焦点F2之间的线段的长度叫做椭圆的焦半径,分别记作r1=|PF1|,r2=|PF2|.(1)x2a2+y2b2=1(a>b>0),r1=a+ex0,r2=a-ex0;(2)y2a2+x2b2=1(a>b>0),r1=a+ey0,r2=a-ey0;(3)焦半径中以长轴为端点的焦半径最大和最小(近日点与远日点).3、焦点三角形:椭圆上的点P(x0,y0)与两焦点构成的△PF1F2叫做焦点三角形,∠F1PF2=θ,△PF1F2的面积为S,则在椭圆x2a2+y2b2=1(a>b>0)中(1)当P为短轴端点时,θ最大.(2)S =12|PF 1||PF 2|·sin θ=b 2tan θ2=c |y 0|,当|y 0|=b 时,即点P 为短轴端点时,S 取最大值,最大值为bc . (3)焦点三角形的周长为2(a +c ).4、.AB 为椭圆x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的弦,A (x 1,y 1),B (x 2,y 2),弦中点M (x 0,y 0),则 (1)弦长l =1+k 2|x 1-x 2|=1+1k 2|y 1-y 2|;(2)直线AB 的斜率k AB =-b 2x 0a 2y 0.5、直线与椭圆的关系将直线方程与椭圆方程联立,消去一个变量得到关于x(或y)的一元二次方程ax 2+bx +c =0(或ay 2+by +c =0).再求一元二次方程的判别式Δ,当: ①Δ>0⇔直线与椭圆相交; ②Δ=0⇔直线与椭圆相切; ③Δ<0⇔直线与椭圆相离.6、设直线l 与椭圆的交点坐标为A(x 1,y 1),B(x 2,y 2),k 为直线l 斜率,则AB =(1+k 2)|x 1-x 2|.三、自主热身、归纳总结1、直线y =kx -k +1(k 为实数)与椭圆x 29+y 24=1的位置关系为( )A . 相交B . 相切C . 相离D . 相交、相切、相离都有可能 【答案】A【解析】 直线y =kx -k +1=k(x -1)+1恒过定点(1,1).∵点(1,1)在椭圆内部,∴直线与椭圆相交.故选A .第2题图2、如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知A ,B 1,B 2分别为椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a>b>0)的右、下、上顶点,F是椭圆C 的右焦点.若B 2F ⊥AB 1,则椭圆C 的离心率是____. 【答案】5-12【解析】 ∵kB 2F ·kAB 1=-1,-b c ·b a =-1,b 2=ac ,即a 2-c 2=ac ,∴e =ca =5-12.3、中心为原点,一个焦点为F (0,52)的椭圆,截直线y =3x -2所得弦中点的横坐标为12,则该椭圆的方程是____________. 【答案】:x 225+y 275=1【解析】:由题设知c =52,设椭圆方程为x 2a 2-50+y 2a2=1,联立方程⎩⎨⎧x 2a 2-50+y 2a2=1,y =3x -2,消去y ,整理得(10a 2-450)x 2-12(a 2-50)x +4(a 2-50)-a 2(a 2-50)=0,由根与系数的关系得x 1+x 2=12(a 2-50)10a 2-450=1,解得a 2=75,所以椭圆方程为x 225+y 275=1. 4、已知直线y =-x +1与椭圆x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)相交于A ,B 两点,若椭圆的离心率为22,焦距为2,则线段AB 的长是( )A.223B.423C. 2 D .2【答案】B【解析】由条件知c =1,e =c a =22,所以a =2,b =1,椭圆方程为x 22+y 2=1,联立直线方程与椭圆方程可得交点坐标为(0,1),⎝⎛⎭⎫43,-13,所以|AB |=423. 5、(一题两空)已知点F 1,F 2分别是椭圆x 225+y 29=1的左、右焦点,点P 在此椭圆上,则椭圆离心率为________,△PF 1F 2的周长为________. 【答案】4518【解析】由椭圆方程知a =5,b =3,c =4,所以其离心率e =c a =45.△PF 1F 2的周长为2a +2c =10+8=18.四、例题选讲考点一 椭圆的离心率的值例1 (1)如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知椭圆x 2a 2+y 2b2=1(a >b >0)的左顶点为A ,左焦点为F ,第(1)题图上顶点为B ,若∠BAO +∠BFO =90°,则椭圆的离心率是____.(2)已知O 为坐标原点,F 是椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a>b>0)的左焦点,A ,B 分别为椭圆C 的左、右顶点.P为椭圆C 上一点,且PF ⊥x 轴.过点A 的直线l 与线段PF 交于点M ,与y 轴交于点E.若直线BM 经过OE 的中点,则C 的离心率为____. 【答案】(1) 5-12 (2)13【解析】 (1)由∠BAO +∠BFO =90°,∠BAO +∠ABO =90°,得∠BFO =∠ABO.又∠AOB =∠AOB ,∴△ABO ∽△BFO ,∴OB OF =AO BO ,即b c =a b,得ac =b 2=a 2-c 2,变形得e 2+e -1=0,解得e =5-12或-5-12(舍),∴椭圆的离心率为5-12. (2)设M(-c ,m),则E(0,am a -c ),OE 的中点为D ,则D(0,am 2(a -c )),又B ,D ,M 三点共线,∴m2(a -c )=m a +c,解得a =3c ,∴e =13.变式1、(1)已知F 1,F 2是椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的左、右焦点,A 是C 的左顶点,点P 在过A 且斜率为36的直线上,△PF 1F 2为等腰三角形,∠F 1F 2P =120°,则C 的离心率为( )A.23 B.12 C.13 D.14【答案】 D变式2、(四川省乐山一中2019届质检)设F 是椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0)的一个焦点,P 是椭圆C 上的点,圆x 2+y 2=a 29与线段PF 交于A ,B 两点,若A ,B 三等分线段PF ,则椭圆C 的离心率为( ) A.33B.53C.104D.175 【答案】D【解析】如图,取线段PF 的中点H ,连接OH ,OA .设椭圆另一个焦点为E ,连接PE .∵A ,B 三等分线段PF ,∴H 也是线段AB 的中点,即OH ⊥AB .设|OH |=d ,则|PE |=2d ,|PF |=2a -2d ,|AH |=a -d3.在Rt △OHA 中,|OA |2=|OH |2+|AH |2,解得a =5d . 在Rt △OHF 中,|FH |=45a ,|OH |=a5,|OF |=c . 由|OF |2=|OH |2+|FH |2, 化简得17a 2=25c 2,c a =175. 即椭圆C 的离心率为175.故选D.变式3、焦点在x 轴上的椭圆方程为x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a >b >0),短轴的一个端点和两个焦点相连构成一个三角形,该三角形内切圆的半径为b3,则椭圆的离心率为( )A.14B.13C.12D.23 【答案】C【解析】由短轴的一个端点和两个焦点相连构成一个三角形,又由三角形面积公式得12×2c ×b =12(2a +2c )×b3,得a =2c ,即e =c a =12,故选C.变式4、(2017苏北四市一模) 如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知A ,B 1,B 2分别为椭圆C :x 2a 2+y 2b 2=1(a>b >0)的右、下、上顶点,F 是椭圆C 的右焦点.若B 2F ⊥AB 1,则椭圆C 的离心率是________.【答案】5-12【解析】因为F (c,0),B 2(0,b ),B 1(0,-b ),A (a,0),所以B 2F →=(c ,-b ),B 1A →=(a ,b ).因为FB 2⊥AB 1,所以ac -b 2=0,即c 2+ac -a 2=0,故e 2+e -1=0,解得e =-1+52(负值舍去).方法总结:求离心率的值关键是找到等式关系,解出a 与c 的关系,进而求出离心率。
1.How will the speakers go to the movies?A.B y taxi.B.B y under g round.2.How much·should the woman p a y?A.$10.B.$15.3.Who is in charge of the p roject?A.Dan.B.Gary.4.What does the man say about the restaurant?A.The waiters were nois y.B.The food was not his thing.C.The atmos p here was friendl y.5.What are the s p eakers talking about?C.B y bus.C.$25.C.Mary.A.An adventure.B. A book. C A. vacation p lan.英语试卷第1页(共14页)第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
2020届江苏省南通市高三下学期高考适应性考试英语试卷★祝考试顺利★(解析版)第一部分听力 (共两节,满分20分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。
1.Where does the woman suggest the key might be?A. Under the mat.B. Above the door.C. Under the flower pot.【答案】B【原文】M: Do you know where our apartment key is? It’s not under the mat where it usually is.W: Try looking above the door.M: I found it! It was under the flower pot.2.What makes the girl study harder?A. To get a toyB. To work as a designer.C. To earn money for a car.【答案】C【原文】W: Look at my new car!M: That’s not a car. It’s a toy, and you’re still taking the bus to school.W: Well, it’s a model of the car I’m going to buy w hen I get my first job. It helps me want to work harder.3.What did the notice say about Tom?A. He has finished his research.B. He has been promoted to manager.C. He is going to work in the research center.【答案】C【原文】W: I heard the manager made a notice this morning. Do you know what it was about?M: It’s about Tom. He’s being switched to the research center.4.What will the speakers probably do next?A. Use a flashlight.B. Light a candle.C. Buy a book.【答案】B【原文】W: Oh, no. The lights went out again. I wish we had a flashlight or a candle. M: The flashlight is out of batteries, but I have a candle and matches right here. W: Great! Now I can finish reading this book.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The man’s job.B. The man’s marriage.C. The man’s relationship with his assistant.【答案】C【原文】W: Do you invite your assistant to events outside of work?M: Absolutely. Kelly and I are very close, and my wife and I know her husband very well, too.。
2023年江苏高考英语一轮复习语法填空模拟题精练考点14 定语从句含详解
考点14 定语从句--练模拟-熟能生巧(江苏模拟)1.【江苏省扬州中学2021-2022学年高三下学期4月月考】In the past four years, local education departments have trained about 40,000 football teachers, 8,000 of____44____have obtained coaching certificates.2.【江苏省泰州市2022届高三第四次调研】Langwosha is an area of about 400 hectares ____42____ strong winds blow hard all year round.3. 【2022届江苏省南京市南京一中高三下学期高考适应性考试】The tractor can detect obstacles _62_ might damage the attached tiller. And, he says, it can run around the clock, saving time and labor, and improving productivity by as much as 20%.4. 【2022届江苏省南京市南京一中高三下学期高考适应性考试】Seven thematic tourism routes will be launched to attract more visitors to travel to Hainan, ___44___ will stimulate tourism and facilitate the construction of an international tourism consumption center.5.【2022届江苏省如皋中学高三下学期5月阶段性考试】The name “Go” comes from its name in Japan. Like many Japanese traditions it was adopted from China during the Tang dynasty ____39____Chinese influence was at its peak.6.【2022届江苏省徐州市第七中学高三下学期考前模拟二】阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.Flower arrangement is the combination of several elements to produce visually pleasing display of fresh, silk, or dried flowers. General design principles include unbalance, and harmony, ____36____ often involves the use of light, space, and accent.7.【2022届江苏省徐州市第七中学高三下学期考前模拟(一)】Cao believes the Lu we know today emerged around the Ming dynasty,____40____ private agricultural businesses and food markets sprang up in China.8.【2022届江苏省连云港市高三第二次调研】For instance, TCM uses about 1,000 plant and 36 animal species, including the tiger, rhinoceros, and sea horse, _____65_____ are all in danger.9.【2022届江苏省南通市等苏北七市高三第三次模拟考试考前适应卷】It has about 6 million articles in 300 languages and is visited by billions of people each day,______60______ want to find information on just about anything science, math, languages, art, culture, and company histories.10.【2022届江苏省决胜新高考高三4月大联考】Today, there are about 17,000,000 people with visual impairment in China, over 8,000,000 of ___41___ are blind.11.【2022届江苏省苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(二)】Her mother was the only figure ____38____ providedfor her and kept her on the right track.12.【江苏省南通如皋市2022届高三4月第二次适应性考试】She found out her daughter had been sleeping on the floor in a house ___37___ dogs and cats moved around, and she worried that older babies might step on her.13.【2022届江苏省南京市、盐城市高三下学期第二次模拟】Will low-cost weddings become the new norm? It’s reported ____42____ few couples complained when the Covid-19 forced Saudi Arabia to place some limitations. 14.【2022届江苏省南京市、盐城市高三下学期第二次模拟】Some couples are opting for a simple party, ____44____ places little pressure on either side.15.【2022届江苏省(南通、泰州、扬州、淮安、宿迁、徐州、连云港)七市二模联考】The day of the Spring Equinox is ___58___ the sun is directly above the equator.16.【江苏省镇江市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中】During the Tang Dynasty, around 850 A.D., an enterprising alchemist created a mixture, _______ had no obvious effects on lengthening life, but did explode with a flash and a bang when exposed to an open flame.17.【江苏省盐城市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中】Wang said she was pleased to see pupils 65.lacked colored paper painting the white paper red and green as an exchange art form.18.【江苏省徐州市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中】They definitely deserve the highest honor,without 41.contributions, our country wouldn't have taken on a new dimension.19.【江苏省无锡市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试】Yunnan province is canceling electricity price discounts for some manufacturing factories 40.made power costs about 16-22 percent cheaper than industry average.20.【江苏省苏州中学2021-2022学年高三上学期10月学业质量评估】“The story of this turtle family attempting to get home in the damaged and changing ocean is a reality for many ocean creatures that are having their habitats destroyed due to human activity,” says actress Olivia Colman, _______ voices a character in the film.21.【江苏省如皋市2021-2022学年高三英语第一学期教学质量调研(一)】Her day starts at 5:30am cleaning the cages, refreshing water bowls, and preparing a salad mix _______ includes various vegetables and fruits such as sweet potatoes, carrots and apples.22.【江苏省海门中学、淮阴中学、姜堰中学2021-2022学年高三上学期11月阶段测试(期中)】Perhaps the most notable difference 43.set a poem apart is that it's often not as long-winded as a passage from a book might be.23.【江苏省常州市2021-2022学年高三上学期期中】Between 70-72 C.E., the Colosseum was commissioned by Emperor Vespasian, 60.aim was to gain popularity by staging deadly combats of gladiators(角斗士)and wildanimal for public viewing.24.【江苏省高邮市2022届高三上学期期初学情调研】Chinese TV drama Awakening Age, which narrates the story of how the Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded in 1921, ended several months ago, but it remains a hot topic on social media, 37.discussion shows that it has played a positive role in educating young people about China’s revolutionary history.考点14 定语从句--练模拟-熟能生巧(江苏模拟)1.【江苏省扬州中学2021-2022学年高三下学期4月月考】In the past four years, local education departments have trained about 40,000 football teachers, 8,000 of____44____have obtained coaching certificates.【答案】whom【解析】考查定语从句。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分)
第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)
第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题,每题 1 分,满分 15 分)
请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的 A, B, C, D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。
——-Not______my dear dog is allowed to accompany me。
A. ifB. untilC. unlessD。 when
【详解】考查条件状语从句。--—你明天去野餐吗?——-如果我的狗不允许陪伴着我的话。原句应该表达为I will not go to the picnic tomorrow if my dog cannot accompany me。此处If not相当于unless“除非”, 只不过这里主句简化成了not,故选C。
例如:You must see the doctor if you are ill。如果你生病了,你必须去看医生.
If you want to go skating,wear warm clothes.如果你想去滑冰,穿上暖和的衣服。
3、主ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้不能用be going to表示将来,只能用wil1。
unless 也可引导条件状语从句,意思是“如果不;除非”,相当于not
2。Jim has been______with his boss since he drove away the company’s biggest customer。
A. out of favorB. out of orderC. out of handD. out of place
江苏省南通市如皋市2024届高三下学期2月适应性考试(一)英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解Each US university and college sets its own admission standards and decides which applicants meet those standards. But the steps are the same for each. Here are some of the major steps you will follow:TimingUniversities and colleges in the US usually offer two main academic terms: Spring terms run from January to May, and fall terms run from mid-August or September to December. While each US university and college will have different dates for applying to programs, application submissions are usually open and accepted 10months before the program starts.ApplicationEach institution has its own application form, and all US universities which accept international students give you the option to apply online. Keep in mind that many US institutions have an application fee.Take admissions testsStudents applying to universities and colleges in the US must take certain examinations (SAT, ACT, GMAT, etc. ) that measure achievement. International students must also take a test that measures English language excellence. These tests are given at test centers around the world. They are “standardized”, so that students take the same test at every test center. Your scores give the admissions office a uniform international standard for measuring your ability in comparison with other students.Receive acceptance lettersAfter the application deadline, you will begin receiving letters from your chosen schools. Some universities inform candidates of their acceptance soon after their documents have arrived in the admissio ns office; this is called ”rolling admissions”. Other schools, however, wait several months and inform all candidates at one time.1.What can we learn about application?A. There is a standard application form.B. One will be charged for his/her application.C. It is still available when the program starts.D. It has to be submitted in person ahead of time.2.What should a Japanese student do if he/she wants to apply to US colleges?A. Sit the test in USB. Speak well Japanese.C. Excel in English.D. V olunteer at test centers.3.Which section of a newspaper is this text most likely taken from?A. Culture.B. Travelling.C. Entertainment.D. Campus.“I am so sorry,” I tearfully said to my principal investigator (PI), explaining I would not be able to return to work as originally planned. Before I became a parent, I had assumed a baby would fit right into my academic plans. But now, as the end of my leave approached, I realized I couldn’t simply carry on as I always had. I was worried this decision might signa l the end of my academic career-but I felt I had no other choice.Thankfully, my PI had more foresight. He told me I didn’t need to resign and that he could offer me a contract that would allow me to contribute to our project from afar. It proved to be an absolute career lifeline tailored to me.Then five years after stepping back from academia, I felt ready to re-enter more fully. Because I had been able to keep my hand in during my time away, the prospect was muchallowed me to slowly ease back in, focusing on teaching and scholarship with research taking a back seat. And when, 4 years on, a senior lectureship position came up in the very group I had left a deca de earlier, the timing was right. With both of my children in “big school,” I was ready to really put my foot down on the career accelerator. I got the job.Now, 6 months into my new role, I am happy to be right where it all began, with involvement in so many interesting projects. But what truly made the difference for me was the offer of what I needed during that time away. I hope more institutions and PIs can come up with creative provisions for those in their workforce who don’t want to give up their careers but want-or-need to take extended periods of leave. And to those who are taking such breaks, or considering it, know that returning is possible. Above all, on both sides: Please do not discount extended leavers. We have a lot to offer — if we are given the chance. 4.What can we learn about the author from the first paragraph?A. She chose to sacrifice her family for her career.B. Her path to PI began when she became a parent.C. She struck a balance between work and family.D. She had intended to stick to her academic plans.5.What does the underlined word “daunting” in paragraph 2 mean?A. Realistic.B. Scary.C. Unlikely.D. Attractive.6.What contributed most to her success according to the author?A. Supportive work environment.B. Academic researches.C. Involvement in engaging projects.D. Interest in the projects.7.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?A. To analyze.B. To entertain.C. To promote.D. To report.Phonics, which involves sounding out words syllable (音节) by syllable, is the best way to teach children to read. But in many classrooms, this can be a dirty word. So much so that some teachers have had to take phonics teaching materials secretly into the classroom. Most American children are taught to read in a way that study after study has found to be wrong.The consequences of this are striking. Less than half of all American adults were efficient readers in 2017. American fourth graders rank 15th on the Progress in International Literacy Study, an international exam.America is stuck in a debate about teaching children to read that has been going on for decades. Some advocate teaching symbol sound relationships (the sound k can be spelled as c, k, ck, or ch) known as phonics Others support an immersive approach (using pictures of cat to learn the word cat), known as “whole language”. Most teachers today, almost three out of four according to a survey by EdWeek Research Centre in 2019, use a mix of the two methods called “balanced literacy”.“A little phonics is far from enough.” says Tenette Smith, executive director of elementary education and reding at Mississippi’s education department. “It has to be systematic and explicitly taught.”Mississippi, often behind in social policy, has set an example here. In a state once blamed for its low reading scores, the Mississippi state legislature passed new literacy standards in 2013.Since then Mississippi has seen remarkable gains., Its fourth graders have moved from 49th (out of 50 states) to 20th on the National assessment of Educational Progress, a nationwide exam.Mississippi’s success is attributed to application of reading methods supported by a body of research known as the science of reading. In 1997 experts from the Department of Education ended the “reading war” and summed up the evidence. They found that phonics, along with explicit instruction in phonemic (音位的) awareness, fluency and comprehension, worked best.Yet over two decades on, “balanced literacy” is still being taught in classrooms. But advances in statistics and brain imaging have disproved the whole-language method. To the teacher who is an efficient reader, literacy seem like a natural process that requires educated guessing, rather than the deliberate process emphasized by phonics. Teachers can imagine that they learned to read through osmosis(潜移默化) when they were children. Without proper training, they bring this to classrooms.8.What do we learn about phonics in many American classrooms?A. It is ill reputed.B. It is mostly misapplied.C. It is totally ignored.D. It is seemingly contradictory.9.What has America been witnessing?A. A burning passion for improving teaching methods.B. A lasting debate over how to teach children to read.C. An increasing concern with children’s inadequacy in literacy.D. A forceful advocacy of a combined method for teaching reading.10.What’s Tenette Smith’s attitude towards “balanced literacy”?A. Tolerant.B. Enthusiastic.C. Unclear.D. Disapproving. 11.According to the author what contributed to Mississippi’s success?A. Focusing on the natural process rather than deliberate training.B. Obtaining support from other states to upgrade teaching methods.C. Adopting scientifically grounded approaches to teaching reading.D. Placing sufficient emphasis upon both fluency and comprehension.Mark Temple, a medical molecular (分子的) biologist, used to spend a lot of time in his lab researching new drugs for cancer treatments. He would extract DNA from cells and then add a drug to see where it was binding (结合) along the chemical sequence(序列). Before he introduced the drug, he’d look at DNA combination on a screen to see what might work best for the experiment, but the visual readout of the sequences was often unimaginably large.So Temple wondered if there was an easier way to detect favorable patterns. I realized I wanted to hear the sequence,” says Temple, who is also a musician. He started his own system of assigning notes to the different elements of DNA — human DNA is made of four distinct bases, so it was easy to start off with four notes — and made a little tune out of his materials. This trick indeed helped him better spot patterns in the sequences, which allowed him to make better choices about which DNA combinations to use.Temple isn’t the first person to turn scientific da ta into sound. In the past 40 years,researchers have gone from exploring this trick as a fun way to spot patterns in their studies tousing it as a guide to discovery. And the scientific community has come to realize that there’s some long-term value in this type of work. Temple, who from that first experiment has created his own algorithmic software to turn data into sound, believes the resulting music can be used to improve research and science communication.So Temple decided to add layers of sound to make the sonification (可听化) into songs. He sees a clear difference between “sonification” and “musification”. Using sound to represent data is scientific, but very different from using creative input to make songs. The musical notes from DNA may be melodic to the human ear, but they don’t sound like a song you’d listen to on the radio. So when he tried to sonify the virus, he added layers of drums and guitar, and had some musician friends add their own music to turn the virus into a full-blown post-rock song.Temple sees this work as an effective communication tool that will help a general audience understand complex systems in biology. He has performed his songs in public at concert halls in Australia.12.What is Mark Temple’s purpose in turning DNA data int o sound?A. To help him fight boredom.B. To develop his creative ability.C. To make his drug more powerful.D. To aid the process of his experiments. 13.What can we learn about Temple’s system?A. Its effect remains to be seen.B. It failed to work as expected.C. It is too complicated to operate.D. It has produced satisfying results.14.Why did Temple try to make the virus sound like real music when sonifying it?A. To get rid of public fear of the virus.B. To show h1s talent in producing music.C. To facilitate people’s understanding of science.D. To remind people or the roe or Science in art creation.15.What does the text mainly talk about?A. Why scientists are turning molecules into music.B. How scientists help the public understand science.C. Why music can be the best way to present science.D. How music helps scientists conduct their research.二、七选五16.The fear of elevators is actually one of the most common phobias (恐惧症) experienced today. ① _________When combined with other conditions, the fear of elevatorsis very frequent.② _________Some may be frightened of being up so high. Others may be afraid of the enclosed space. Still others are afraid to be close to other people. Since so many people suffer from the fear of elevators, there may be support groups in some areas. These are most common in cities with lots of tall buildings where riding an elevator is almost impossible to avoid in day-to-day life.③ _________Usually, the fear of elevators can be treated. Let sufferers visualize riding an elevator and picture the aspects which are frightening. Then they may be required to involve themselves in the part that scares them most. For example, someone who is afraid of heights may start by climbing a ladder over and over again. ④ _________Next, they move on to a greater height, such as climbing a tree. As they experience greater and greater levels, their fear may become lessened. Finally, they will be able to enter an elevator.Sometimes just stepping into it is a start. At other times, they will be asked to ride up a few flights. ⑤_________ But they can use methods which work when accomplishing smaller goals. Finally, after many attempts, riding an elevator may not cause anxiety at all.A. Many aspects may cause fear in sufferers.B. By now, you have identified what scares you most.C. This will likely still cause anxiety the first few timesD. Sufferers usually force themselves to face their fears.E. They can stop this process when it causes little anxiety.F. In these locations, the fear of elevators can affect everyday activities.G. It may present itself with another fear, such as the fear of limited spaces.三、完形填空(15空)My brother and I were driving home together and started talking. Because of thiswaste of $4.pulled over to the side of the road. A young guy was standing nearby trying to phoneMy brother helped him change the flat. We started getting to know the young man had ahe pulled out $20 to give us. “No,” I said. “We were never supposed to even get on that17.A. distraction B. recreation C. participation D. introduction18.A. Inefficiently B. Unnecessarily C. Impractically D. Unfortunately19.A. pretend B. pay C. struggle D. wait20.A. needless B. unreasonable C. abnormal D. irregular21.A. powered B. repaired C. started D. spotted22.A. discovered B. relaxed C. stopped D. phoned23.A. front B. flat C. used D. spare24.A. problem B. discovery C. ignorance D. decision25.A. sacrifice B. breath C. journey D. dream26.A. hurt B. lost C. tired D. stuck27.A. bus B. picture C. turn D. seat28.A. assist B. instruct C. sponsor D. approach29.A. rule B. chance C. plan D. belief30.A. changed B. shocked C. impressed D. encouraged31.A. thought B. relationship C. situation D. effect四、短文填空32.China Mobile, the world’s largest telecom carrier by mobile subscribers, has successfully launched the world’s first satellite to test 6G architecture,① _________ (mark) a milestone in its efforts to explore integrated space and ground communication technology.The low-earth orbit test satellite is the world’s first to employ 6G design architecture, and it②_________ (launch) on Saturday along with another satellite that comes with China Mobile’s 5G technology.The 6G test satellite ③ _________ (host) a distributed autonomous architecture for 6G, which was jointly developed by China Mobile and the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Innovation Academy for Microsatellites. The system, using domestic software and hardware, supports in-orbit software reconstruction, flexible deployment of core network functions④_________automated management, enhancing the efficiency and⑤ _________ (reliable) of the in-orbit operation of the satellite core network, China Mobile said.Set at an orbit height of approximately 500 kilometers, these experimental satellites offer advantages such as low latency and high data transfer rates⑥_________ (compare) with high-orbit satellites ⑦ _________ travel at 36,000 kilometers.Positioned as ⑧_________ crucial platform for future integrated space and ground networks, low-earth orbit satellites can address telecom signal coverage gaps in terrestrial mobile networks, providing higher bandwidth satellite internet services⑨_________ (systematic), according to China Mobile.China Mobile said ⑩ _________ plans to conduct in-orbit experiments based on these test satellites, accelerating the integration and development of space-to-ground technology industries.五、书面表达33.假如你是李华,你校将举办十八岁成人仪式,请代表学生会出一则通知,内容包括:1. 活动时间、地点;2. 活动流程;3. 注意事项。
江苏省南通市、泰州市2020届高三第一次调研测试 英语
1.What will the man probably drink?A.Real coffee.B.Instant coffee.C.Hot chocolate.2.What will the man do first?A.Pick up lunch.B.Visit the bank.C.Go to the post office.3.What did the woman fail to see?A.A disabled person.B.A sign.C.A parking lot.4.Why does the boy like sharks?A.They are great swimmers.B.They make funny sounds.C.They are very smart.5.What is the time?A.6:00 p.m.B.9:00 p.m.C.10:00 p.m.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What kind of coffee does the man usually have?A.Italian.B.Brazilian.C.French.7.Where are the speakers?A.In an office.B.In a restaurant.C.In a coffee shop.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
67ຫໍສະໝຸດ 891011
此套试卷 80 算合格,104 算高分。
答案: 21-25 BACCA 26-30 DBCBA 31-35 BDDAA
第 21 题 倒装句用法和时态语态 第 22 题 词义辨析 第 23 题 非谓语 第 24 题 逻辑连词 第 25 题 动词短语 第 26 题 介词短语 第 27 题 时态语态 第 28 题 从句类型判断 第 29 题 虚拟语气
第 39 题 D. disciplined 守纪律的。我搬家到加勒比后,事情发生了转折,it turned out to be a good experience 说明我在学校的表现有所改正。
第 40 题 A. successfully 成功地。我在加勒比的经历警醒着我,使我的学习态度变好了, 所以我回国后成功申请到了大学得以学习。
第 27 题 B. 考察时态语态。——你看了昨晚龙湖农民的成功事迹的新闻了吗?——看 了。通过使用网络商业平台,他的水果生意已经做到全国了。根据时态关系,已经做到了 全国范围,对现在造成了影响,且现在这个生意依旧在进行,故用现在完成时,故选 B
第 28 题 C. 考察从句判断。这个应届毕业生和他的朋友们已经开了不少微小型企业,且这 些企业都管理运作的很好。根据从句内容可知,先行词是企业,这是非限,故用 which, 故选 C
第 30 题 非谓语 第 31 题 词义辨析 第 32 题 词义辨析 第 33 题 名词性从句 第 34 题 时态语态 第 35 题 谚语俗语
第 21 题 B. 考察倒装句用法。当我们中国人在国外需要帮助的时候,记得我们身后永远站 着我们强大的祖国。正常语序:a strong motherland stands at our back。并且该句为 陈述事实,故用一般现在时。故选 B,注意,全部倒装没有进行时。
2025届江苏省南通市崇川区高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题一、阅读理解Eiffel Tower Tour by the LiftStanding tall at 1,063 feet, the Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris. Being a popular tourist destination, thousands of people come to explore the beauty of the Eiffel Tower every day.The day of your visitEach e - ticket bears the name of its owner. Remember to bring ID for all of your group, including children. We may ask to see your ID, as well as any supporting documents for reduced rates (disability registration).Make sure you check the time on your e - ticket. This is the time when you need to be on the esplanade, in a queue for “visitors with tickets”. We recommend arriving 15 minutes in advance so that you have time to make it through the security checks at the entrance.Eiffel tower ticket pricesCarry minimal belongingsThe Eiffel Tower does not have a locker room, so you will have to carry your belongings with you during the entirety of your visit. When you are caught in awe, it’s easy for eagle-eyed opportunists to do their tricks. Be mindful and carry minimal belongings such as your wallet,tickets, ID proof, and a water bottle. There is no left-luggage facility for non-permitted items, like wheeled suitcases, large luggage, non-folding buggies (童车) at the Eiffel Tower.1.Which of the following may not be shown on the e- ticket?A.The visitor’s name.B.The visiting time.C.The reduced rate.D.The ticket price.2.What’s the charge for a couple with twins aged 8 who take the lift to the top?A.42.30€.B.47.00€.C.66.20€.D.73.60€.3.What should you know when visiting the Eiffel Tower?A.Caution can help avoid theft.B.Drinks can’t be taken in the lift.C.Your bag can be kept in a locker.D.Folding buggies are not allowed.As the first African American woman to receive a medical degree in America, Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler challenged the prejudice that prevented African Americans and women from following medical careers.Born in 1831 in Christiana, Delaware, Crumpler spent her childhood in Pennsylvania with an aunt, who frequently cared for sick neighbors, and Crumpler went with her on these trips. In her book published in 1883, Crumpler wrote, “Having been raised by a kind aunt, whose usefulness to the sick was continually sought, I early developed a liking for medicine, and sought every opportunity to be in a position to relieve the sufferings of others.”In 1852, Crumpler moved to Charlestown, Massachusetts, to begin her medical career as a nurse. In the early 1850s, there was no formal school where one could become licensed to practice nursing. Even so, Crumpler assisted several doctors in Boston for eight years. They in turn supported her application to the New England Female Medical College, where she was awarded a state- funded scholarship.Crumpler worked hard at her studies but had to take a leave of absence after two years to attend to her sick husband, who unfortunately passed away in 1863. Months later, Crumpler returned to complete her final term but was nearly refused after some faculty members (教员) expressed worry regarding the amount of time it was taking her to complete her coursework andwere hesitant to let her come back. Luckily, with several of the school’s sponsors supporting her, Crumpler finally received a “Doctress of Medicine” from college, and began seeing patients in and around her house, treating them regardless of their ability to pay.In 1883, Dr. Crumpler published a book based on journal notes she kept during her years of practice. A Book of Medical Discourses, specifically aimed at women and the care of their children, is believed to be the first medical text written by an African American author. Scientific American describes it as the forerunner of the famous What to Expect When You’ re Expecting (1984). 4.What inspired Crumpler to take up medicine?A.The influence of her aunt.B.The desire to help the poor.C.Her family’s encouragement.D.The doctors’ financial support.5.Which of the following can best describe Crumpler?A.Humorous and easygoing.B.Caring and determined.C.Adventurous and sensitive.D.Optimistic and honest.6.Why did some teachers attempt to reject Crumpler’s returning to school?A.Her family couldn’t afford her education.B.She failed to follow the school regulations.C.They felt negative about her determination.D.They doubted her ability to finish her study.7.What do people think of Crumpler’s book according to the last paragraph?A.Inspiring but unrealistic.B.Accessible and interesting.C.Educational but complicated.D.Groundbreaking and practical.The estimated number of monarch butterflies migrating (迁徙) to Mexico for winter has reached its second - lowest level ever for the 2023 to 2024 overwintering season. The estimate, based on the size of the butterflies’ hibernating forest area, has dropped by about 59% from the previous year, according to officials.Experts are pointing to extensive heat and drought as well as climate change for the major decline. Now monarch butterflies face three primary threats, including habitat loss for their breeding and overwintering; the use of pesticides, which can be toxic (有毒的) to the butterflies or can kill their food source, milkweed; and climate change, which can shift their migratory patterns. By the 2022 to 2023 overwintering season, World Wildlife Fund reported a 22% drop in theamount of overwintering monarch butterflies in Mexico.According to WWF, monarch butterflies once covered about 45 acres of forested land in Mexico during their 1996 to 1997 overwintering season. Last year, they covered 5.5 acres. With the 59% decline, the 2023 overwintering season saw the butterflies covering just 2.2 acres, The Associated Press reported. The lowest coverage ever recorded was 1.65 acres from 2013 to 2014. The largest amount of butterflies observed for the current overwintering season were around the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve.“This is not the first time we’ve observed changes in the locations of the largest monarch colonies,” Jorge Rickards, general director of WWF Mexico, said in a statement. “It’s telling us that we need to strengthen conservation and restoration measures not only in the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve, but also outside of it.” According to the Center for Biological Diversity, monarch butterflies have declined by 85% in the past 20 years. The eastern monarch butterflies migrate from Canada and the U. S. to Mexico for overwintering. Western monarchs, which overwinter in California, have declined 99% in the past two decades.In 2020, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service noted that these butterflies do warrant protections under the Endangered Species Act, but there were higher-priority species to consider for listing. Biologist Ryan Drum, who works with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, told The Associated Press that the latest count would be considered this year when officials consider whether to list migratory monarch butterflies as threatened or even endangered.8.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?A.More butterflies are migrating to Mexico.B.The number of butterflies is getting larger.C.The size of forest area is decreasing faster.D.Monarch butterflies are facing survival crisis.9.How does the author show us the gravity of the problem concerning monarch butterflies?A.By listing concrete numbers.B.By describing typical scenes.C.By interviewing some scientists.D.By making reasonable predictions.10.What does Jorge Rickards suggest people do?A.Increase the number of the butterfly reserves.B.Observe the changing number of the butterflies.C.Take more actions to protect the butterflies.D.Distinguish eastern butterflies from western ones.11.What does the underlined word “warrant” mean in the last paragraph?A.Resist.B.Need.C.Support.D.Provide.A modern problem of the outdoor lifestyle is how to keep your devices powered. Battery packs are one option, but they have limited use and can be rather heavy. The team at Aurea Technologies has come to the rescue with the Shine Turbine, a lightweight wind-powered turbine (涡轮机) that offers renewable energy to outdoor enthusiasts who need to re charge electronic devices.Last year, the Shine Turbine launched a campaign that was fully funded in a matter of hours, highlighting the level of interest in this innovative product. Designed in Nova Scotia, Canada, the turbine weighs in at just three pounds and is about the size of a water bottle for easy pack-and-go accessibility. While out backpacking or working remotely, the Shine Turbine takes just a few minutes to set up. There are no loose pieces to worry about losing while you f old out the high-efficiency blades and place the turbine on the retractable stand (可伸缩支架). Everything you need is stored inside the container.This clean energy option also has battery storage, so you can charge your devices as the wind blows. Then you can take it with you for more charging later. It can also be pre - charged before you head out using a standard wall outlet.“Wind is the second-largest producer of clean energy in the world, yet most people don’t have direct access to it. As a team of outdoor enthusiasts with backgrounds in science and engineering, we set out to create a wind power product that gives users the freedom to produce their own clean energy day or night, rain, cloud, or shine,” said Cat Adalay, CEO and founder of Aurea Technologies.The portable design makes it convenient to use for day trip s to the beach or mountains, camping trips or as an emergency backup. “To live sustainably (可持续地), we need to rethink the ways in which we create and use energy,” added Adalay. “The simplicity of our design,two-minute setup, and ability to rapidly generate and store power, does just that. It’s a game-changer in allowing people to access wind energy in the wind.”12.What can we learn about the Shine Turbine from the text?A.It is intelligent and works efficiently.B.It is user- friendly but expensive to buy.C.It is sustainable and convenient to carry.D.It is cost- effective but breaks down easily. 13.What kind of people might need the Shine Turbine most according to the text?A.Emergency rescuers.B.Sea surfboarders.C.Rock- climbing lovers.D.Geological explorers.14.Why do the researchers create the Shine Turbine?A.Their product obtains financial support.B.They want to gain direct access to wind.C.They attempt to prevent global warming.D.Their desired life promotes green rethink. 15.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.Wind: the world’s second clean energy.B.Aurea Technologies: innovative pioneers C.The Shine Turbine: a green power product D.Outdoor lovers: environmentcampaignersGetting information out of a teenage boy can be difficult. The communication at this age features short answers to every question, a complete lack of eye contact. 16 Here are some ways for parents and other caregivers to learn how to talk to boys about their mental health.Many male teens don’t often show as much emotion or even give as many clues through body language. This requires parents and care providers to be much more attentive to facial expressions, and to the few words that they say. As parents, you need to talk less and listen more. Active listening will help earn his trust. 1718 Negative messages such as “Grow up.” or “Be a man.” send a message that being weak is wrong or that it’s not okay to feel what they are feeling. These types of messages keep boys from sharing their feelings.As a parent, a good way for any kind of personal or emotional question is to ask twice, but not too many times. The first time lets him know that you are interested; the second time shows that you care. 19 The bonds between parents and teenagers are proven to reduce anxiety and depression.Moreover, when a teen boy is willing to communicate, don’t interrupt. If you don’t let him finish talking, he may stop talking altogether. 20 When he’s ready to listen to you, let him know you will be with him together.A.Frank communication requires acceptance.B.Over time, he will be more likely to open up.C.Even if what you’ re hearing is scary, stay calm.D.Their eyes roll when you ask them about their life.E.Parents need to know more about male mental health.F.Communication is effective in the process of exercising.G.Showing concern and respect for personal space allows close ties.二、完形填空Last week I attended my aunt’s funeral (葬礼). There were some things about it that I thought were worth 21 . My Aunt Sue’s funeral was a 22 of how to live.What struck me the most about my aunt’s service was how many 23 were there. She was 87 years old when she died and she filled the 24 . Of course, her large family of siblings, children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews took a few long wooden benches, but it was some of them and her friends who 25 to remember my great aunt.At eighty, my aunt took up Spanish so that she could be a better 26 at many places she devoted her time to. Her Spanish teacher offered to 27 the funeral reception not because she was a great student but because she was a great helper. It was her purpose to have a sense of community and 28 . She never stopped 29 or learning.There is the only thing that may be forgotten but I will 30 it here. My aunt got up at 5 a. m. every day and 31 long before it was popular and her 32 to her health was beyond inspiring. My aunt knew that you cannot 33 anyone if you haven’t taken care of yourself. She made health and exercise a 34 .While I will dearly miss my Aunt Sue, I am really 35 for the legacy (遗产) she left us in how to live.21.A.purchasing B.discussing C.sharing D.researching22.A.warning B.challenge C.composition D.reminder 23.A.people B.gifts C.possessions D.cars 24.A.store B.church C.community D.street 25.A.turned out B.took up C.set out D.showed up 26.A.teacher B.volunteer C.worker D.leader 27.A.fund B.visit C.host D.outline 28.A.direction B.connection C.competition D.existence 29.A.giving B.taking C.teaching D.arguing 30.A.clarify B.describe C.mention D.doubt 31.A.worked B.exercised C.cooked D.studied 32.A.commitment B.tendency C.attachment D.contribution 33.A.label B.assign C.punish D.love 34.A.priority B.qualification C.discrimination D.discount 35.A.guilty B.astonished C.grateful D.regretful三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
2020届江苏省南通市高三第一次调研英语试题一、单项选择1. When we Chinese need help in a foreign land, at our back ____ a strong motherland.A will standB standsC is standingD stood2. When I am faced with any illegal behaviour, my ____ will not allow me to sit there in silence.A conscienceB assessmentC dilemmaD privilege3. The scientist found a cure for the disease, ____ approximately 600 clinical cases.A studyingB to studyC having studiedD to have studied4. New employees, ____ they are skilled, will get more opportunities for personal development.A thoughB sinceC onceD unless5. Although there are many uncertainties in our life ahead, our pioneering spirit will help us ____.A pull throughB catch onC fold upD split off6. A range of green campaigns have been launched globally ____ the gravity of the climate crisis.A in contrast toB in terms ofC in defence of.D in response to7. - -Did you watch the news about the success story of a farmer in Longhu last night? Yes. By using an e-commerce platform, his fruit business ____ nationwide.A is expandingB has expandedC would expandD was expanding8. The new graduate has started several micro-enterprises with his friends, all of ____ are well managed and organized.A whomB thoseC whichD them9. Pity that I missed the Women's Volleyball Match on Thursday. If only I ____ the ticket in advance!A bookedB had bookedC would bookD have booked10. ____ with global vision and the spirit of innovation is crucial to China's young generation.A Being equippedB EquippingC EquippedD Having equipped11. —I hope we have opportunities to see each other in the future.—Is it a ____ way of telling us you are to leave?A controversialB roundaboutC confidentialD ridiculous12. In the New Year speech ____ by our headmaster, he summarized the progress we made in 2019.A clarifiedB restoredC underlinedD delivered13. ____ volunteer service at the museum can better cater to visitors in future will be discussed at the seminar.A ThatB WhyC WhenD How14. —What about your trip to Nantong Printed Blue Nankeen Museum?—It displays traditional Chinese art and craft and we ____ a great time there.A hadB haveC would haveD had had15. —The development of gene-editing has released huge innovation potential.—But if used illegally, such a promising technology could become ____.A a Pandora’s boxB a dark horseC a child's playD a Herculean task二、完形填空16. I had a rocky start to life. My mum brought me up as a single parent. School was a ____ experience. I was troublesome and ____ teachers in lessons.At 14, I was ____ out of school. My mum took me to the Caribbean, where my grandparents lived. It turned out to be a good experience for me: I returned to school and became ____ It was a kick up the backside (警醒)to see a different culture. I returned to the UK after two years and ____ applied to study in a college.It was then that I knew I really had to ____ and avoid getting into trouble. One day, a college tutor told me he felt I had ____ and told me not to waste it. He was the first teacher to ____ me. He gave me a self-development book that explored ____ From there I started reading all sorts of self -development books and watching ____ speakers.I ____ studying business and marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University. I realised I could stay out of ____ and make money, and it made me ____ to start my own business.I received a ____ of £2,000 and business support from the Prince's Trust to help me set up a sportswear business. I also ____ We Shine Together, a social enterprise that provides training programmes to help people from ____ communities gain qualifications. Tm also a motivational speaker and regularly ____ my story at schools and colleges around Birmingham.I like to ____ in myself and regularly buy self -development books and go on courses. I feel like I've ____ my life massively. ____ I was kicked out of school, I knew what I wanted in life. I always had that kind of courage and determination in me.(1)A pleasantB sharedC negativeD rewarding(2)A assistedB challengedC defendedD monitored(3)A kickedB helpedC freedD scared(4)A arbitraryB intelligentC aggressiveD disciplined(5)A successfullyB temporarilyC previouslyD unrealistically(6)A relaxB focusC hideD suffer(7)A moneyB timeC sympathyD potential(8)A doubtB trustC blessD warn(9)A natureB cultureC businessD education(10)A fragileB desperateC trickyD inspiring(11)A ended upB gave upC objected toD stuck to(12)A orderB sightC troubleD hand(13)A hesitantB disappointedC determinedD reluctant(14)A depositB pensionC revenueD grant(15)A praiseB avoidC runD shut(16)A wealthyB civilizedC disadvantagedD harmonious(17)A publishB shareC readD invent(18)A investB takeC tradeD interfere(19)A shrank fromB turned aroundC broke downD messed up(20)A BeforeB UnlessC As ifD Even though三、阅读选择17.About The Postal MuseumThere's nothing ordinary about the story of the post. From five ﹣wheeled cycles and rockets to a lioness and flintlock pistols (手枪), the award﹣winning Postal Museum offers a surprising and entertaining half day out for all ages.See a restored Mail Coach that thundered across 1800s Britain, get up close to the only existing sheets of the world′s first postage stamp, the Penny Black, and explore Mail Rail﹣one of London's hidden gems﹣with a 15﹣minute ride through the underground tunnels of the Post Office′s own 100﹣year﹣old railway.Forget what you think you know about the post and visit one of London's newest museums to discover just what it took to keep us all in touch.Know Before You Go• Mail Rail is a miniature railway designed to carry post, not people. As such, it's not suitable for everyone and were unfortunately unable to accommodate wheelchair users on the ride itself.• The Postal Museum is open 10am﹣5pm every day (closed at Christmas).• Please ensure you arrive at least 15 minutes before the end of the one﹣hour Mail Rail timeslot shown on your ticket. Failure to arrive on time may result in being unable to ride Mail Rail.• Re﹣entry is permitted any time between 10am and 4: 30pm on the date stated on the ticket.(1)A visitor to the Postal Museum will have the chance to________.A take the restored Mail CoachB ride Mail Rail for 15 minutesC get a copy of the Penny BlackD hear an unusual story of the post.(2)From the advertisement, we can know that________.A re﹣entry is not permitted during the opening hoursB the museum reduces the opening hours at ChristmasC unpunctual visitors may not get the most out of thetour D wheelchair users cannot ride Mail Rail without attendance.18. According to new health guidelines, even a minute or two of physical exercise is better than nothing: just walking upstairs and down again, before continuing your otherwise entirely sofa﹣based afternoon of crisps and television, makes for a healthier life than if you hadn't bothered. The previous recommendation was for a 10﹣minute minimum, but for years' the general direction of research has been toward the conclusion that there is no minimum at all. This doesn't just go for exercise, either. Five minutes in nature can boost your mental health; and while one daily serving of vegetables may be too few, it's definitely preferable to zero. If you are wondering whether or not some tiny but healthful activity isworth it, the answer almost always, is yes.It's a little strange actually, that this is even a topic of debate. Of course anything is better than nothing. For one thing, it's a good start for building habits. For another, tiny actions are valuable in themselves. Human bodies aren't digital devices, and health generally isn't a matter of reaching fixed thresholds (门槛); what is good for the organism in large quantities is usually good in smaller ones, too.The real reason for the debate is not that the facts are in dispute (争议).It's that information is dangerous. When public bodies recommend^ say, a 10﹣minute minimum, it's because they worry that if they don't, people who might otherwise have exercised for 10 minutes will stop after two.Even this column risks making things worse. If you had truly been planning to spend all day on the sofa, perhaps I have inspired you to take a five﹣minute walk; but if there is a chance that you would have gone to the gym for an hour, reading these words might persuade you to settle for the stroll (散步)instead.Ideally, we would stop thinking about healthy behaviours in terms of minimums: within reason, you should be doing as much exercise as you can, not as little as you can get away with﹣while remembering that nothing is too minor to be not worth the bother. This is a sensible approach to much of life, I would say, from being a good friend or paying attention to your kids, to saving money or reducing your environmental impact. However much you do, it will never be enough. But that is not a reason to do nothing﹣on the contrary, it' s a reason to do something.(1)Tiny healthy actions are worthwhile because________.A they contribute to good habits and healthB they provide abundant choices for fitnessC they add a new dimension to people's livesD they are easily conducted in people's daily lives.(2)Why don public bodies recommend a minimum time for exercise?________A People have their own concept of time.B It contradicts with new health guidelines.C There is a lack of scientific research on it.D People may misinterpret its real intentions..(3)What does the writer want to stress in the passage?________A Life lies in movement.B All roads lead to Rome.C Actions speak louder than words.D Anything is better than nothing.19. We like to think that the human mind is special. One sign of our superiority is self﹣awareness, which is generally seen as the peak of consciousness. Only a select group of species has passed the test of being able to recognise themselves in amirror. Most, including elephants, apes and dolphins, are smart. But now a littlefish, the cleaner wrasse has become the first fish ever to pass the mirror test﹣﹣a classic experiment used to judge self﹣awareness in animals. What are we to make of this?Admittedly, the mirror test is a questionable way of probing (探究)the minds of other animals. But the finding does fit with a new idea that the ability to recognise oneself is more related to an animal's lifestyle than to its brain size. Self﹣awareness is likely to occurin creatures whose survival is dependent on reading the minds of others. In fact, by this way of thinking, it is nothing more than an accidental by﹣product of evolution a simulation (模拟)created by the brain, or even just a hall of mirrors giving the illusion of complexity. The cleaner wrasse lives on coral reefs and provides a service by biting parasites (寄生虫)off the scales of bigger fish gently, a delicate relationship that may require insight into the minds of its clients. Such "theory of mind" has long been seen as another cornerstone of human mental superiority. The possibility that fish possess it is not, however, the only threat to our human exceptionalism (例外).It may not be long before computers________, too.Researchers have created a set of tests to look for theory of mind in artificial intelligence﹣and some systems are on the point of passing. No AIs have passed the tests yet, but one got extremely close. We probably don't need to worry about robots that can recognise themselves in mirrors. But we might want to be more open to the idea that human intelligence isn't quite as special as we like to think.(1)What can we learn from the mirror test?________A Mammals have a more adaptive body system.B A species of fish is capable of self﹣recognition.C The human mind is just as special as expected.D Humans have reached the peak of consciousness..(2)According to the passage, self﹣awareness________.A is formed during evolution by chanceB isn't a hall of mirrors but asimulation D reflects the typical mental complexity.(3)The underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably means "________".A bring us huge profitsB cost us a lot of moneyC have great control overus D challenge our exceptionalism.(4)What's the main idea of the passage?________A Fish possess no level of intelligence.B Humans are not unique inintelligence. C AIs will be able to understand our thoughts. D Self﹣awareness isa big mystery of the mind..20.When I went home to the little country town after my dad's death, I found myself wondering how kids could ever repay all their parents have done for them.After Dad's funeral a woman came up to me and said, "I just got to tell you how much your daddy meant to our family. He kept my two boys out of jail.",Then she burst into tears. Dad was an officer of the police force and there wasn't a more loved man anywhere. He would make about $12 a week, and he was always giving away some of that. With Dad giving away his money we never had much cash around the house. Mother didn't complain—she justwent to work. She got a job as a waitress in a restaurant 14 hours a day, seven days a week. But Mother was glad to do it because she had a dream. "Your daddy and I want you young ones to make something of yourselves," she'd say to me and to my two sisters.So when I graduated, I had a debt to pay. I was starting out with love and sacrifice behind me. To make it all worth their while, I was determined to accomplish great things. But it didn't work out that way. I had hoped for a job in advertising. So I packed a suitcase, borrowed a few dollars and moved to New York to start my career. I never once got past the receptionist's desk. I tried everything I could think of to be with less shyness and country. I bought myself some clothes like the gray uniform I saw everywhere. I had my hair cut city-style. I even worked at perfecting an eastern accent. But it didn't do any good. I ended up with a job as a typist.I was almost 30 and I'd achieved exactly zero. It was the low point of my life, as far as self-confidence went. And yet, strangely enough, that time was a high point too. I learned to put a name on a feeling I'd struggled with so many years. It was guilt because I had not repaid my parents' investment in me. I came to understand we repay our parents not by "succeeding", but by becoming the completed persons who they intend us to be. The day I put them in the center of my life was the day I took that first step toward becoming a whole person.Then a funny thing happened. When I stopped trying so hard to win success, I relaxed and became plain Jim Nabors from a little country town in Alabama. I dropped the eastern accent.I dressed the way I wanted. I began doing some of the crazy things I'd always wanted to do, like going to an amateur show nights after work and putting on a little comedy. Hometown folks used to say I had a good singing voice so in my comedy I had this country boy suddenly sing in Grand Opera. The audience had as much fun as I did. Then one night Andy Griffith was sitting out front. After the show he asked me to read for a part on his TV program, and I have been in show business ever since.The person least impressed at this change is Mother. She comes out to California, off and on, to cook for me. She's glad I'm steadily employed, of course, but she still puts the money I sent her in a special bank account in my name, "just in case". It's a good precaution. In Hollywood they say you've arrived when they name a sandwich after you. Sure enough, there's a Jim Nabors' Special for sale. But I notice that my name on the menu board is pasted over the name of another actor who "arrived" just a few years ago, and I'm sure someday someone else's name will be pasted over mine.(1)Which of the following does the writer agree with according to the second paragraph?A His father used his power to stop the woman's sons from being punished.B His father spared twelve dollars every week to help the poor ones in need.C His mother worked hard without complaint for the children's future success.D His mother quarreled with his father about the cash and housework frequently.(2)From the passage, we can know the writer NEVER worked as a(n) ______.A advertiserB typistC actorD singer(3)The turning point made the writer understand ______.A failure made people discouragedB failure was the mother of successC a wholeperson was the best return to his parents D the best reward to parents was to earn much money(4)What contributed to the writer's success according to the passage?A His appearance.B His personality.C His accent.D His rich experiences.(5)The writer mentioned "a sandwich" in the last paragraph to show us that ______.A his mother took good care of himB his success came and might go quicklyC his mother saved every penny for himD his favorite was a special sandwich(6)The primary purpose of the passage is to tell us ______.A the best way to repay our parents for their sacrificesB being ourselves is the key to achieving success in lifeC it is parents' love not our success that cannotchange D why we should give our thanks to our parents sincerely四、任务型阅读21.The things we can really learn from booksIt's believed that everything you need to know you can find in a book. People have always received life﹣guiding wisdom from certain types of non﹣fiction, often from "self﹣ help" books. But actually all sorts of books can carry this kind of wisdom. A random sentence in a thriller will give you unexpected insight.It is also believed that there is no book so bad that you can't find something of interest in it. That, actually, is a paraphrase (释义)from the Roman lawyer Pliny the Younger,a viewpoint later adopted by Miguel de Cervantes in Don Quixote. Admittedly, neither Pliny nor Cervantes were subject to some of the weakest "sex and shopping$^{"}$ books from the 1980s, but people still think it mostly holds true. You can learn something from the very worst books﹣even if it is just how crass (粗鲁的)and base, or boring and petty (琐碎的),or cruel and intolerant the human race can be.There is a proud tradition of extracting (摘录)lines from poetry and songs and using them in this way. But not everyone is a fan of cherry﹣picking odd passages from random books and using them to direct your life. Some people argue that lines from novels and plays are dependent on what surrounds them﹣that it's improper and self﹣serving to grab the odd line here and there. Others don't buy this. It ignores the way that your brain collects,refracts^ sorts and combines information. We can find meaning in everything﹣﹣ and everything is fair game.We overschedule our days and complain constantly about being too busy; we keep up with hundreds of acquaintances but rarely see our best friends; we bombard ourselves with video clips and emails and instant messages; we even interrupt our interruptions.Books are uniquely suited to helping us change our relationship to the rhythms and habits of daily life in this world. We can't interrupt them; we can only interrupt ourselves while reading them. They speak to us, thoughtfully, one at a time. They demand attention ﹣they demand that we briefly put aside our work at hand and listen to someone else. Youcan rant (咆哮)against a book, scribble (涂鸦)in the margin, or even throw it outthe window. Still, you won't change the words on the page.We all ask each other a lot of questions: "How did you sleep?$^{\operatorname{""}}$Where did you go on your holidays?$^{"}$ But there's one question we should ask of one another a lot more often, and that is: "What are you reading?" When we ask one another that, we sometimes discover the ways we are similar;sometimes the ways that we are different. "What are you reading?$^{"}$isn't a simple question when asked with genuine curiosity; it' s really a way of finding out, "Who areyou now and who are you becoming?"五、读写任务22. 请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章.Is youth lingo ruining the Chinese language?Young people often create their own language that goes beyond rigid linguistic rules. This year's latest slang (俚语) terms add a further simplification: the use of pinyin acronyms (首字母缩略词). "Awsl," in pinyin, for instance,means "Ah, wo si le" (Oh, I'm gonna die), and is used if something is too cute or adorable to bear. "Pyq" stands for$^{"}$pengyou quan",the social feed on the popular Chinese social media app WeChat,and "nsdd" stands for "ni shuo de dui" (you're right).Teens want to be different from their parents, so it's natural for them to create and usetheir own linguistic terms to show that. In doing so, young people are indeed driving linguistic change. They aren't the only factor influencing language development, but they can indeed transform how future generations communicate.Critics fear that Chinese internet slang will have the potential to negatively influence broader linguistic trends of Mandarin Chinese, in particular, the gradual taking over of pinyin. As pinyin gets widely used when texting or writing on mobile phone or computer,while less and less people write characters by hand, people gradually forget how to write them. The phenomenon has got a name in China: Character amnesia (健忘症)【写作内容】1.用约30个单词概述上文年轻人使用网络语言的现象;2.用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:谈谈你的看法,并用2〜3个理由或论据支撑你的看法.【写作要求】1.写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3.不必写标题.内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当.2020届江苏省南通市高三第一次调研英语试题答案1. B2. A3. C4. C5. A6. D7. B8. C9. B10. A11. B12. D13. D14. A15. A16. CBADABDBCDACCDCCBABD17. BC18. ADD19. BADB20. CACBBA21. source,helps/attracts,attitudes/reactions,contexts,handle,involved/lost,Advantages/Ben efits,focused,handle,identity22. 略。
1. What will the man probably drink?A. Real coffee.B. Instant coffee.C. Hot chocolate.2. What will the man do first?A. Pick up lunch.B. Visit the bank.C.Go to the post office.3. What did the woman fail to see?A. A disabled person.B.A sign.C.A parking lot.4. Why does the boy like sharks?A. They are great swimmers.B. They make funny sounds.C.They are very smart.5. What is the time?A. 6:00 p.m.B. 9:00 p.m.C.10:00 p.m.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What kind of coffee does the man usually have?A. Italian.B.Brazilian.C.French.7. Where are the speakers?A. In an office.B.In a restaurant.C.In a coffee shop.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
专题03 充分、必要、充要问题的研究(解析版)
专题03 充分、必要、充要问题的研究一、题型选讲题型一 、充分、不要条件的判断充分、必要条件的三种判断方法:(1)定义法:直接判断“若p 则q ”、“若q 则p ”的真假.并注意和图示相结合,例如“p⇒q ”为真,则p 是q 的充分条件.(2)等价法:利用p⇒q 与非q⇒非p ,q⇒p 与非p⇒非q ,p⇔q 与非q⇔非p 的等价关系,对于条件或结论是否定式的命题,一般运用等价法.(3)集合法:若A⊆B ,则A 是B 的充分条件或B 是A 的必要条件;若A =B ,则A 是B 的充要条件. 例1、【2020年高考天津】设a ∈R ,则“1a >”是“2a a >”的A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A【解析】首先求解二次不等式,然后结合不等式的解集即可确定充分性和必要性是否成立即可. 求解二次不等式2a a >可得:1a >或0a <, 据此可知:1a >是2a a >的充分不必要条件. 故选A .1-1、【2019年高考天津理数】设x ∈R ,则“250x x -<”是“|1|1x -<”的 A .充分而不必要条件 B .必要而不充分条件 C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】B【解析】由250x x -<可得05x <<,由|1|1x -<可得02x <<, 易知由05x <<推不出02x <<, 由02x <<能推出05x <<,故05x <<是02x <<的必要而不充分条件, 即“250x x -<”是“|1|1x -<”的必要而不充分条件. 故选B.1-2、(2020届浙江省台州市温岭中学3月模拟)已知,x y 是非零实数,则“x y >”是“11x y<”的 A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】D 【解析】 因为11x y <,所以00x y x y xy xy >⎧->⇒⎨>⎩或0x y xy <⎧⎨<⎩ ,所以x y >是“11x y <”的既不充分也不必要条件,选D 1-3、(2020·浙江省温州市新力量联盟高三上期末)已知0a >且1a ≠,则“()log 1a a b ->”是“()10a b -⋅<”成立的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A【解析】由()log 1a a b ->当1a >时,a b a ->得0b <,推出()10a b -<, 当01a <<时,0a b a <-<得0b >,推出()10a b -<, 则()log 1a a b ->是()10a b -<的充分条件,但当()10a b -<时不一定能推出()log 1a a b ->(比如:01a <<,1b >,这时0a b -<无意义) 则()log 1a a b ->是()10a b -<的不必要条件, 故选:A.1-4、(2020届浙江省温丽联盟高三第一次联考)已知m 为非零实数,则“11m<-”是“1m >-”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】A 【解析】由11m <-,得10m m +<,解得10m -<<,故“11m<-”是“1m >-”的充分不必要条件.故选A.例2、【2020年高考浙江】已知空间中不过同一点的三条直线l ,m ,n .“l ,m ,n 共面”是“l ,m ,n 两两相交”的A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】B【解析】将两个条件相互推导,根据能否推导的结果判断充分必要条件. 依题意,,,m n l 是空间不过同一点的三条直线,当,,m n l 在同一平面时,可能////m n l ,故不能得出,,m n l 两两相交.当,,m n l 两两相交时,设,,m n A m l B n l C ⋂=⋂=⋂=,根据公理2可知,m n 确定一个平面α,而,B m C n αα∈⊂∈⊂,根据公理1可知,直线BC 即l α⊂,所以,,m n l 在同一平面.综上所述,“,,m n l 在同一平面”是“,,m n l 两两相交”的必要不充分条件. 故选B.2-1、(2020·浙江学军中学高三3月月考)已知直线a ,b 分别在两个不同的平面α,β内.则“直线a 和直线b 相交”是“平面α和平面β相交”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A【解析】当“直线a 和直线b 相交”时,平面α和平面β必有公共点,即平面α和平面β相交,充分性成立; 当“平面α和平面β相交”,则 “直线a 和直线b 可以没有公共点”,即必要性不成立. 故选A.例3、【2020年高考北京】已知,αβ∈R ,则“存在k ∈Z 使得π(1)k k αβ=+-”是“sin sin αβ=”的A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C【解析】(1)当存在k ∈Z 使得π(1)kk αβ=+-时,若k 为偶数,则()sin sin πsin k αββ=+=;若k 为奇数,则()()()sin sin πsin 1ππsin πsin k k αββββ=-=-+-=-=⎡⎤⎣⎦;(2)当sin sin αβ=时,2πm αβ=+或π2πm αβ+=+,m ∈Z ,即()()π12kk k m αβ=+-=或()()π121kk k m αβ=+-=+,亦即存在k ∈Z 使得π(1)kk αβ=+-.所以,“存在k ∈Z 使得π(1)kk αβ=+-”是“sin sin αβ=”的充要条件.故选C .3-1、(2020届浙江省宁波市余姚中学高考模拟)在ABC ∆中,“tan tan 1B C >”是“ABC ∆为钝角三角形”的( )A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C【解析】由题意可得,在ABC ∆中,因为tan tan 1A B >, 所以sin sin 1cos cos A BA B>,因为0,0A B ππ<<<<,所以sin sin 0A B >,cos cos 0A B >,结合三角形内角的条件,故A,B 同为锐角,因为sin sin cos cos A B A B >, 所以cos cos sin sin 0A B A B -<,即cos()0A B +<,所以2A B ππ<+<,因此02C <<π,所以ABC ∆是锐角三角形,不是钝角三角形,所以充分性不满足,反之,若ABC ∆是钝角三角形,也推不出“tan tan 1B C >,故必要性不成立, 所以为既不充分也不必要条件,故选D.3-2、(2020·浙江温州中学3月高考模拟)“”αβ≠是”cos cos αβ≠的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】B 【解析】cos cos αβαβ=⇒=所以cos cos αβαβ≠⇒≠ (逆否命题)必要性成立当cos cos αβαβ=-⇒=,不充分 故是必要不充分条件,答案选B3-3、(江苏省南通市通州区2019-2020学年高三第一次调研抽测)将函数()sin 4f x x π⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭的图象向右平移ϕ个单位,得到函数y g x =()的图象.则“34πϕ=”是“函数()g x 为偶函数”的________条件,(从“充分不必要”、“必要不充分”、“充要”和“既不充分也不必要”中选填一个) 【答案】充分不必要【解析】由题意,将函数()sin 4f x x π⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭的图象向右平移ϕ个单位,可得sin 4()=πϕ⎛⎫+- ⎪⎝⎭gx x 的图像, 当34πϕ=时,可得3sin sin cos 442()=πππ⎛⎫⎛⎫+-=-=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭gx x x x ,显然()g x 为偶函数, 所以“34πϕ=”是“函数()g x 为偶函数”的充分条件; 若函数()g x 为偶函数,则,42ππϕπ-=+∈k k Z ,即,4πϕπ=--∈k k Z ,不能推出34πϕ=, 所以“34πϕ=”不是“函数()g x 为偶函数”的必要条件, 因此“34πϕ=”是“函数()g x 为偶函数”的充分不必要条件. 故答案为:充分不必要例4、【2019年高考北京理数】设点A ,B ,C 不共线,则“AB 与AC 的夹角为锐角”是“||||AB AC BC +>”的A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C【解析】∵A 、B 、C 三点不共线,∴|AB +AC |>|BC |⇔|AB +AC |>|AC -AB |⇔|AB +AC |2>|AC -AB |2AB ⇔·AC >0AB ⇔与AC 的夹角为锐角,故“AB 与AC 的夹角为锐角”是“|AB +AC |>|BC |”的充分必要条件. 故选C.4-1、(2020届山东省日照市高三上期末联考)设,a b 是非零向量,则2a b =是a abb =成立的( )A .充要条件B .充分不必要条件C .必要不充分条件D .既不充分又不必要条件【答案】B 【解析】由2a b =可知:a b , 方向相同,a ba b , 表示 a b , 方向上的单位向量所以a b a b=成立;反之不成立. 故选B例5、(2020届浙江省嘉兴市高三5月模拟)已知,R a b ∈,则“1a =”是“直线10ax y +-=和直线2(2)10x a y +--=垂直”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A【解析】直线10ax y +-=和直线2(2)10x a y +--=垂直, 则()220a a +-=,解得2a =-或1a =,所以,由“1a =”可以推出“直线10ax y +-=和直线2(2)10x a y +--=垂直”,由 “直线10ax y +-=和直线2(2)10x a y +--=垂直”不能推出“1a =”,故“1a =”是“直线10ax y +-=和直线2(2)10x a y +--=垂直”的充分不必要条件, 故选:A.5-1、(2020·浙江温州中学高三3月月考)“直线()1330m x y +-+=与直线220x my -+=平行”的充要条件是m =( ) A .-3 B .2 C .-3或2 D .3或2【答案】A【解析】当0m =或1m =-时,显然直线不平行, 由132m m+=,解得:3m =-或2m =, 3m =-时,直线分别为:2330x y --+=和2320x y ++=,平行, 2m =时,直线分别为:3330x y -+=和2220x y -+=,重合,故3m =-, 故选:A .例6、(2020届浙江省宁波市鄞州中学高三下期初)已知等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,则“10a >”是“990S >”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】C 【解析】设等比数列{}n a 公比为q ,当1q =时,19910990a S a >⇔=>,当1q ≠时,999999111,011q q S a q q --=⋅>--, 19900a S >⇔>∴,所以“10a >”是“990S >”的充要条件. 故选:C.6-1、(2020·浙江高三)等差数列{a n }的公差为d ,a 1≠0,S n 为数列{a n }的前n 项和,则“d =0”是“2nnS S ∈Z ”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充分必要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件【答案】A 【解析】等差数列{a n }的公差为d ,a 1≠0,S n 为数列{a n }的前n 项和,若d =0,则{a n }为常数列,故a n =1a , 即2112,n n S na S na ==⇒“2nnS S ∈Z ”,当2nnS S ∈Z 时,d 不一定为0, 例如,数列1,3,5,7,9,11中,631357911135S S +++++==++4,d =2, 故d =0是2nnS S ∈Z 的充分不必要条件. 故选:A .题型二、根据充分、必要条件判断含参的问题解决此类问题要注意以下两点:(1)把充分、不要条件转化为集合之间的关系;(2)根据集合之间的关系列出关于参数的不等式。
绝密★启用前2020届江苏省南通市高三第一次调研英语试题试卷副标题注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 一、单项选择1.When we Chinese need help in a foreign land, at our back ____ a strong motherland. A .will standB .standsC .is standingD .stood2.When I am faced with any illegal behaviour, my ____ will not allow me to sit there in silence. A .conscienceB .assessmentC .dilemmaD .privilege3.The scientist found a cure for the disease, ____ approximately 600 clinical cases. A .studyingB .to studyC .having studiedD .to have studied4.New employees, ____ they are skilled, will get more opportunities for personal development. A .thoughB .sinceC .onceD .unless5.Although there are many uncertainties in our life ahead, our pioneering spirit will help us ____.A .pull throughB .catch onC .fold upD .split off6.A range of green campaigns have been launched globally ____ the gravity of the climate crisis.A .in contrast toB .in terms ofC .in defence of.D .in response to7.- -Did you watch the news about the success story of a farmer in Longhu last night? Yes. By using an e-commerce platform, his fruit business ____ nationwide. A .is expandingB .has expandedC .would expandD .was expanding试卷第2页,总13页8.The new graduate has started several micro-enterprises with his friends, all of ____ are well managed and organized. A .whomB .thoseC .whichD .them9.Pity that I missed the Women's V olleyball Match on Thursday. If only I ____ the ticket in advance! A .bookedB .had bookedC .would bookD .have booked10.____ with global vision and the spirit of innovation is crucial to China's young generation. A .Being equipped B .EquippingC .EquippedD .Havingequipped11.—I hope we have opportunities to see each other in the future. —Is it a ____ way of telling us you are to leave? A .controversialB .roundaboutC .confidentialD .ridiculous12.In the New Year speech ____ by our headmaster, he summarized the progress we made in 2019. A .clarifiedB .restoredC .underlinedD .delivered13.____ volunteer service at the museum can better cater to visitors in future will be discussed at the seminar. A .ThatB .WhyC .WhenD .How14.—What about your trip to Nantong Printed Blue Nankeen Museum? —It displays traditional Chinese art and craft and we ____ a great time there. A .hadB .haveC .would haveD .had had15.—The development of gene-editing has released huge innovation potential. —But if used illegally, such a promising technology could become ____. A .a Pandora’s box B .a dark horse C .a child's play D .a Herculean task二、完形填空I had a rocky start to life. My mum brought me up as a single parent. School was a 16 experience. I was troublesome and 17 teachers in lessons.At 14, I was 18 out of school. My mum took me to the Caribbean, where my grandparents lived. It turned out to be a good experience for me: I returned to school and became 19 It was a kick up the backside (警醒)to see a different culture. I returnedto the UK after two years and 20 applied to study in a college.It was then that I knew I really had to 21 and avoid getting into trouble. One day, a college tutor told me he felt I had 22 and told me not to waste it. He was the first teacher to 23 me. He gave me a self-development book that explored 24 From there I started reading all sorts of self -development books and watching 25 speakers.I 26 studying business and marketing at Manchester Metropolitan University. I realised I could stay out of 27 and make money, and it made me 28 to start my own business.I received a 29 of £2,000 and business support from the Prince's Trust to help me set up a sportswear business. I also 30 We Shine Together, a social enterprise that provides training programmes to help people from 31 communities gain qualifications. Tm also a motivational speaker and regularly 32 my story at schools and colleges around Birmingham.I like to 33 in myself and regularly buy self -development books and go on courses. I feel like I've 34 my life massively. 35 I was kicked out of school, I knew what I wanted in life. I always had that kind of courage and determination in me. 16.A.pleasant B.shared C.negative D.rewarding 17.A.assisted B.challenged C.defended D.monitored 18.A.kicked B.helped C.freed D.scared 19.A.arbitrary B.intelligent C.aggressive D.disciplined 20.A.successfully B.temporarily C.previously D.unrealistically 21.A.relax B.focus C.hide D.suffer 22.A.money B.time C.sympathy D.potential 23.A.doubt B.trust C.bless D.warn 24.A.nature B.culture C.business D.education 25.A.fragile B.desperate C.tricky D.inspiring 26.A.ended up B.gave up C.objected to D.stuck to 27.A.order B.sight C.trouble D.hand 28.A.hesitant B.disappointed C.determined D.reluctant 29.A.deposit B.pension C.revenue D.grant 30.A.praise B.avoid C.run D.shut31.A.wealthy B.civilized C.disadvantaged D.harmonious试卷第4页,总13页…………○……答※※题※※…………○……32.A.publish B.share C.read D.invent 33.A.invest B.take C.trade D.interfere 34.A.shrank from B.turned around C.broke down D.messed up 35.A.Before B.Unless C.As if D.Even though三、阅读理解About The Postal MuseumThere’ s nothing ordinary about the story of the post. From five -wheeled cycles and rockets to a lioness and flintlock pistols (手枪),the award-winning Postal Museum offers a surprising and entertaining half day out for all ages.See a restored Mail Coach that thundered across 1800s Britain, get up close to the only existing sheets of the world5 s first postage stamp, the Penny Black, and explore Mail Rail—one of London's hidden gems—with a 15-minute ride through the underground tunnels of the Post Office5 s own 100-year-old railway.Forget what you think you know about the post and visit one of London's newest museums to discover just what it took to keep us all in touch.Know Before You Go• Mail Rail is a miniature railway designed to carry post, not peopl e. As such, it's not suitable for everyone and we^re unfortunately unable to accommodate wheelchair users on the ride itself.• The Postal Museum is open 10am-5pm every day (closed at Christmas).• Please ensure you arrive at least 15 minutes before the en d of the one-hour Mail Rail timeslot shown on your ticket. Failure to arrive on time may result in being unable to ride Mail Rail.• Re-entry is permitted any time between 10am and 4:30pm on the date stated on the ticket.36.A visitor to the Postal Museum will have the chance to .A.take the restored Mail CoachB.ride Mail Rail for 15 minutesC.get a copy of the Penny BlackD.hear an unusual story of the post37.From the advertisement, we can know that .A.re-entry is not permitted during the opening hoursB.the museum reduces the opening hours at ChristmasC.unpunctual visitors may not get the most out of the tourD.wheelchair users cannot ride Mail Rail without attendanceAccording to new health guidelines, even a minute or two of physical exercise is better than nothing: just walking upstairs and down again, before continuing your otherwise entirely sofa-based afternoon of crisps and television, makes for a healthier life than if you hadn' t bothered. The previous recommendation was for a 10-minute minimum, but for years’ the general direction of research has been toward the conclusion that there is no minimum at all. This doesn51 just go for exercise^ either. Five minutes in nature can boost your mental health; and while one daily serving of vegetables may be too few, it's definitely preferable to zero. If you are wondering whether or not some tiny but healthful activity is worth it, the answer^ almost always, is yes.It' s a little strange actually, that this is even a topic of debate. Of course anything is better than nothing. For one thing, it's a good start for building habits. For another, tiny actions are valuable in themselves. Human bodies aren't digital devices, and health generally isn't a matter of reaching fixed thresholds (门槛);what is good for the organism in large quantities is usually good in smaller ones, too.The real reason for the debate is not that the facts are in dispute (争议).It's that information is dangerous. When public bodies recommend^ say, a 10-minute minimum, it's because they worry that if they don't, people who might otherwise have exercised for 10 minutes will stop after two.Even this column risks making things worse. If you had truly been planning to spend all day on the sofa, perhaps I have inspired you to take a five-minute walk; but if there is a chancethat you would have gone to the gym for an hour, reading these words might persuade you to试卷第6页,总13页settle for the stroll (散步)instead.Ideally, we would stop thinking about healthy behaviours in terms of minimums: within reason, you should be doing as much exercise as you can, not as little as you can get away with —while remembering that nothing is too minor to be not worth the bother. This is a sensible approach to much of life, I would say, from being a good friend or paying attention to your kids, to saving money or reducing your environmental impact. However much you do9 it will never be enough. But that is not a reason to do nothing —on the contrary^ it' s a reason to do something.38.Tiny healthy actions are worthwhile because • A .they contribute to good habits and health B .they provide abundant choices for fitness C .they add a new dimension to people , s lives D .they are easily conducted in people 5 s daily lives39.Why don public bodies recommend a minimum time for exercise? A .People have their own concept of time. B .It contradicts with new health guidelines. C .There is a lack of scientific research on it. D .People may misinterpret its real intentions. 40.What does the writer want to stress in the passage? A .Life lies in movement. B .All roads lead to Rome. C .Actions speak louder than words. D .Anything is better than nothing.We like to think that the human mind is special. One sign of our superiority is self-awareness, which is generally seen as the peak of consciousness. Only a select group of species has passed the test of being able to recognise themselves in a mirror. Most, including elephants, apes and dolphins, are smart. But now a little fish, the cleaner wrasse has become the first fish ever to pass the mirror test ——a classic experiment used to judge self-awareness in animals. What are we to make of this?…………○………………○……Admittedly^ the mirror test is a questionable way of probing (探究)the minds of other animals. But the finding does fit with a new idea that the ability to recognise oneself is more related to an animal’s lifestyle than to its brain size. Self -awareness is likely to occur in creatures whose survival is dependent on reading the minds of others. In fact, by this way of thinking, it is nothing more than an accidental by-product of evolution^ a simulation (模拟)created by the brain, or even just a hall of mirrors giving the illusion of complexity.The cleaner wrasse lives on coral reefs and provides a service by biting parasites (寄 生虫)off the scales of bigger fish gently, a delicate relationship that may require insight into the minds of its clients. Such “theory of mind” has long been seen as anoth er cornerstone of human mental superiority. The possibility that fish possess it is not, however, the only threat to our human exceptionalism (例外).It may not be long before computers give us a run for our money , too.Researchers have created a set of tests to look for theory of mind in artificialintelligence — and some systems are on the point of passing. No AIs have passed the tests yet, but one got extremely close. We probably don't need to worry about robots that can recognise themselves in mirrors. But we might want to be more open to the idea that human intelligence isn't quite as special as we like to think. 41.What can we learn from the mirror test? A .Mammals have a more adaptive body system. B .A species of fish is capable of self-recognition. C .The human mind is just as special as expected. D .Humans have reached the peak of consciousness. 42.According to the passage, self-awareness . A .is formed during evolution by chance B .corresponds with the size of the brain C .isn't a hall of mirrors but a simulationD .reflects the typical mental complexity43.The underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably means " A .bring us huge profits B .cost us a lot of money试卷第8页,总13页C .have great control over usD .challenge our exceptionalism 44.What' s the main idea of the passage? A .Fish possess no level of intelligence. B .Humans are not unique in intelligence. C .AIs will be able to understand our thoughts. D .Self-awareness is a big mystery of the mind.For me, Christmas was always complicated. As a child, it was joyful, yet a bit bittersweet. On the one hand, there was my Scottish mother, who went all -out for tradition. On the other hand, there was my Bengali (孟加拉)father. He was a reluctant participant in our Christmas celebration.To five-year-old me, the idea that someone might not love Christmas was unbelievable. It was years before I realised that my father’ s own childhood had been a Santa -free zone. I was vaguely aware of the Bengali equivalent (等同物)to Christmas. Every September or October, airmail parcels would arrive, and ambitious plans were hatched to acquire syrupycottage-cheese dumplings. But for me this was an addition to 25 December^ not a substitution.Matters were further complicated by my father 's job. After going to medical school in Kolkata, he had got a posting as a junior doctor at a hospital in Glasgow, where he met my mother, a nurse.(She gave up work after having children.) He often had to work on Christmas Day, which would make Mum angry. My sister and I were largely unaware of this tension, thrilled to go to work with Dad and see actual Santa visiting sick children on the wards.As the years went by, though, my father began to accept Christmas. He was promoted to consultant, so he didn't have to work on the day. Everyone was joyful. Somehow, the more Dad engaged with Christmas, the more I disliked it. It was as if happy atmosphere was one of the infectious diseases he specialised in —I had caught a terminal case” while he had gone on to make a full recovery.Things probably became worse in adulthood by the fact that bad events had a habit of happening to me at Christmas: losing a job, a breakup, a health emergency. My symptoms worsened and I gave up on sending cards or putting up decorations.But then, one day everything changed. In October 2012, my father died. He had been in good health; nothing could have prepared us for such a loss. I have no memory of Christmasthat year, except that it was the worst of my life.During that period,one of the only things that kept me sane (理智的)was weekly choir (唱诗班)practice. However, as anyone who has ever been in a choir knows, Christmas is non-negotiable.So I dragged myself out on that freezing night. The lights were sparkling; London had never looked so beautiful. I was totally lost in the music, so I started dancing, laughing and doing jazz hands, carrying on like the naughty 15-year-old chorister I had been at school.It was then that a woman approached me. "Hi,” she faltered (支吾),“You were wonderful up there—I wanted to thank you.” I made a joke about how we did n't sound as out of tune as normal, but she shook her head. “No, I wanted to thank you." I couldn't think what she meant. "Things aren't so good for me at the moment,” she told me.I looked at her more closely. What I saw in the woman5 s watery blue eyes was grief. It dawned on me then that while I missed my father very much, the loss had come after 48 years of his devoted attention. What I had was a rare gift. Because of it, I would find my way back to myself. Not everyone was that lucky.But the woman was still talking. “Seeing you up there having such a good time, it made me realise I've forgotten how to enjoy myself.” She made a show of jazz hands: "I'm going to remember to do this.”Six years on, I am the one buying wrapping paper in July and making my own Christmas cards. It might sound strange, but that generous conversation somehow gave me permission to get back to the serious business of enjoying life——and Christmas. Not only was it what my father would have wanted, but doing so could have a positive impact on others—even perfect strangers.45.Christmas was complicated for the author as a child because .A.it was celebrated at a different timeB.her parents couldn't afford decorationsC.her parents had their own social customsD.it was reduced to being abandoned in his family46.What was to blame for the author s tense parental relationship at Christmas?A.Mum's loss of job.B.A junior doctor's workload.C.Dad's absence from Christmas.试卷第10页,总13页D .Children ' s curiosity about Santa.47.Why did the author have a negative feeling towards Christmas in her youth? A .Her father' s change touched her. B .She matured and lost interest in it. C .She was infected with an incurable disease. D .Her misfortunes always came with Christmas.48.What does the author mean by saying "Christmas is non-negotiable ” in Paragraph 7? A .She changed her attitude towards Christmas. B .She was fascinated with the merry atmosphere. C .Her father ’ s sudden death was a heavy blow to her. D .She had to join in the celebration as a choir member. 49.Why was the woman grateful to the author? A .She was inspired by the author. B .The author made her feel lucky. C .The author taught her how to dance. D .They were both in the same situation. 50.What can be learned from the last paragraph?A .The woman' s remarks helped the author regain passion for life.B .The author makes Christmas gifts with paper to make a living.C .The author fails to live up to her father ' s high expectations.D .Positive mind made little difference to people's well-being.第II 卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II 卷的文字说明 四、任务型阅读请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当 的单词。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.In the past few years, we’ve seen works by Ch inese sci-fi writers winning international ______.A.conclusion B.standardC.potential D.recognition2.— Helen,are you going Io the airport to pick up Jack the day after tomorrow?— ________ tomorrow night.I would go.A.Were he to come back B.If he was about to come backC.Had he come back D.If he would come back3.Air pollution, together with littering, ____ many problems in our large industrial cities today.A.causes B.cause C.caused D.causing4.We’ll go early.,we may not get a seat.A.Otherwise B.Meanwhile C.However D.Besides5.We strongly advise you ______ eating your meal so late. It’s not healthy.A.on B.against C.from D.over6.Nowadays with the development of science, more and more new technology____ to the fields of IT.A.has introduced B.was introducedC.will introduce D.is being introduced7.I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn’t receive ______.A.it B.one C.that D.the one8.The ordinary people all look at the intelligent man with admiration because under no circumstances ________ to cope with emergencies.A.he will fail B.is he failingC.he is failing D.will he fail9.It is reported that the ______ in Libya is hotting up.A.strength B.violence C.power D.activity10.She ________ to someone on the phone, so I just nodded to her and went away.A.talked B.has talkedC.had talked D.was talking11.It’s nearly four years since I worked in that firm. I ________ a band with other fellows.A.operated B.had been operatingC.was operating D.am operating12.––Cathy is not coming to your birthday party tonight.––But she ______!A.promised B.promisesC.will promise D.had promised13.lt was in December, 2018 ________ Chairman Xi and President Trump met in Argentina.A.when B.thatC.before D.since14.When I was small, my mom ________read me stories at night.A.could B.shouldC.might D.would15.This house is almost ________ to the one where I lived as a child.A.identical B.manualC.chilly D.enthusiastic16.When in trouble,remember to stay calm,and everything will well.A.turn back B.turn up C.turn down D.turn out17.—“Do you mind if I look at your notes?”—“Of course not. _______.”A.No problem B.Be my guest C.With pleasure D.Not at all18.Generally speaking, ________according to the directions, the medicine has no side effect.A.when taken B.when taking C.when to take D.when to be taken19.What made them miss the deadline was not their lack of funding, but ________ their lack of planning.A.even B.stillC.rather D.ever20.More wild tigers have been seen in the forest around this area, ____ there used to be very few.A.when B.where C.what D.which第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
第11讲 非谓语动词:动词不定式(练习)(教师版) 2025年高考英语一轮复习讲练测(新教材新高考)
第13讲动词不定式题型一不定式作状语的考查1.(江苏省连云港外国语学校2023-2024学年高三试题)For thousands of years, people have told fables (寓言) ___ (teach) a lesson or to pass on wisdom.分析句子可知,此处为动词不定式to do表示“为了……”作目的状语,满足句意要求。
故填to assist。
3.(福建省宁德第一中学2023-2024学年高三检测试题)He used the ancient mortise and tenon technique (construct) the Turret of Palace Museum at a 1:81 mini-scale.【答案】to instruct【解析】考查非谓语动词。
故填to instruct。
4.(福建省宁德第一中学2023-2024学年高三检测试题)He used the ancient mortise and tenon technique ________ (construct) the Turret of Palace Museum at a 1:81 mini-scale.【答案】to instruct【解析】考查非谓语动词。
故填to instruct。
故填to improve。
(take)for our decision and action.【答案】to take【解析】考查非谓语动词。
I’ve always known that I'm very quick wit my hands. If someone throws something, I catch it almost before I'm aware it has been thrown. When I was young, I had no idea how useful this skill would bee.Last week, I was going to visit a friend with her newborn and was on my way to a toy store to buy a gift. I’d once lived in the neighbourhood and I decided to head back to my old cupcake shop for a coffee. Sitting alone at a table outside with my drink, I was approached by an older man, who in a calm and very matteroffact way told me to call 911, because there was a baby on a fire escape.I jumped up to see where the baby was. I was so surprised to see it, wearing a little onesie (连体衣) and lying on the fire escape railings between the second and third storeys. I was nervous, so the baby boy became my only priority.As I was on the phone to the emergency services, I made eye contact with the child, keeping him calm, telling him to stay there. Some people were going up the stairs to find the parents, who were apparently sleeping through the whole drama.I just wanted the child to feel safe.I hoped he’d stay there until somebody could rescue him. Apparently he had slipped through pieces of cardboard placed next to an air conditioning unit in the window, and without bars to protect him he'd crawled out and up the fire escape towards the next storey. He was only 16 months old. For him to even climb up and balance in that position was incredible.Then he slipped. Instinctively (本能), he grabbed on the railing as he fell, hanging by his arms. I knew he couldn't hold on, 25 feet above the street, for long. I sensed people had gathered behind, but my attention was purely focused on my intention to catch the baby.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
专题15 复数的四则运算(解析版)
专题15 复数的四则运算一、单选题1.若复数Z 满足()·1 2z i i -=(i 是虚数部位),则下列说法正确的是 A .z 的虚部是-i B .Z 是实数C .z =D .2z z i +=【试题来源】江苏省盐城市滨海中学2020-2021学年高三上学期迎八省联考考前热身 【答案】C【分析】首先根据题意化简得到1z i =-,再依次判断选项即可.【解析】()()()22122211112i i i i iz i i i i ++====---+-. 对选项A ,z 的虚部是1-,故A 错误. 对选项B ,1z i =-为虚数,故B 错误.对选项C ,z ==C 正确.对选项D ,112z z i i +=-++=,故D 错误.故选C 2.已知复数1z i =+(i 为虚数单位),则1z在复平面内对应的点在 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】安徽省六安市示范高中2020-2021学年高三上学期教学质量检测(文) 【答案】D【分析】由复数的运算化简1z,再判断复平面内对应的点所在象限. 【解析】因为()()11111122i i z i i -==-+-,所以1z 在复平面内对应的点11 ,22⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭在第四象限.故选D3.已知复数1z i =+(i 为虚数单位),则1z在复平面内对应的点在 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】安徽省六安市示范高中2020-2021学年高三上学期教学质量检测(理)【答案】D 【分析】化简复数1z,利用复数的几何意义可得出结论. 【解析】因为()()11111112i i z i i i --===++-,所以1z在复平面内对应的点的坐标为11,22⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,在第四象限.故选D . 4.设复数z 满足11zi z+=-,则z = A .i B .i - C .1D .1i +【试题来源】山东省威海市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末 【答案】B【分析】利用除法法则求出z ,再求出其共轭复数即可【解析】11zi z+=-得()11z i z +=-,即()()()()111111i i i z i i i i ---===++-,z i =-,故选B. 5.(1)(4)i i -+= A .35i + B .35i - C .53i +D .53i -【试题来源】安徽省皖西南联盟2020-2021学年高三上学期期末(文) 【答案】D【分析】根据复数的乘法公式,计算结果.【解析】2(1)(4)4453i i i i i i -+=-+-=-.故选D 6.设复数z 满足()11z i i -=+,则z 的虚部为. A .1- B .1 C .iD .i -【试题来源】安徽省芜湖市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末(文) 【答案】B【分析】利用复数的除法化简复数z ,由此可得出复数z 的虚部.【解析】()11z i i -=+,()()()211111i iz i i i i ++∴===--+, 因此,复数z 的虚部为1.故选B . 7.若复数z 满足21zi i=+,则z = A .22i + B .22i - C .22i --D .22i -+【试题来源】安徽省芜湖市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末(理) 【答案】C【分析】求出()2122z i i i =+=-+,再求解z 即可. 【解析】()2122z i i i =+=-+,故22z i =--,故选C. 8.将下列各式的运算结果在复平面中表示,在第四象限的为A .1ii + B .1ii +- C .1i i-D .1i i--【试题来源】河南省湘豫名校2020-2021学年高三上学期1月月考(文) 【答案】A【分析】对A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项分别化简,可得. 【解析】由11ii i+=-在第四象限.故选A . 【名师点睛】(1)复数的代数形式的运算主要有加、减、乘、除及求低次方根; (2)复数除法实际上是分母实数化的过程.9.若复数z 满足()z 1i i +=- (其中i 为虚数单位)则复数z 的虚部为A .12-B .12C .12i -D .12i【试题来源】安徽省马鞍山市2020-2021学年高三上学期第一次教学质量监测(文) 【答案】A【分析】先由已知条件利用复数的除法运算求出复数z ,再求其虚部即可. 【解析】由()z 1i i +=-可得()()()111111222i i i z i i i ----===--+-,所以复数z 的虚部为12-,故选A 10.复数z 满足()212()z i i -⋅+=(i 为虚数单位),则复数z 在复平面内对应的点在 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】宁夏吴忠市2021届高三一轮联考(文) 【答案】D【分析】先计算复数221z i i=++,再求其共轭复数,即可求出共轭复数对应的点,进而可得在复平面内对应的点所在的象限. 【解析】由()()212z i i -⋅+=得()()()()21212211112i i z i i i i i ---====-++-, 所以1z i =+,1z i =-.所以复数z 在复平面内对应的点为()1,1-, 位于第四象限,故选D .11.已知复数z 满足(2)z i i -=(i 为虚数单位),则z = A .125i-+ B .125i-- C .125i- D .125i+ 【试题来源】安徽省名校2020-2021学年高三上学期期末联考(文) 【答案】A【分析】由已知可得2iz i=-,再根据复数的除法运算可得答案. 【解析】因为(2)z i i -=,所以()()()2122225i i i i z i i i +-+===--+.故选A . 12.已知复数3iz i-=,则z =A .4 BCD .2【试题来源】江西省吉安市“省重点中学五校协作体”2021届高三第一次联考(文) 【答案】B【分析】利用复数代数形式的乘除运算化简,再由复数模的计算公式求解. 【解析】因为()()()3331131i i i i z i i i i -⋅----====--⋅-,所以z ==B .【名师点睛】本题考查复数代数形式的乘除运算,考查复数模的求法,属于基础题. 13.复数z 满足:()11i z i -=+,其中i 为虚数单位,则z 的共轭复数在复平面对应的点的坐标为 A .0,1 B .0,1 C .1,0D .()1,0【试题来源】江西宜春市2021届高三上学期数学(理)期末试题 【答案】A【分析】先由()11i z i -=+求出复数z ,从而可求出其共轭复数,进而可得答案【解析】由()11i z i -=+,得21i (1i)2ii 1i (1i)(1+i)2z ++====--, 所以z i =-,所以其在复平面对应的点为0,1,故选A 14.已知复数312iz i+=-,则z =A .1 BCD .2【试题来源】湖南省岳阳市平江县第一中学2020-2021学年高二上学期1月阶段性检测 【答案】B【分析】利用复数的除法法则化简复数z ,利用复数的模长公式可求得z .【解析】()()()()2312337217121212555i i i i i z i i i i +++++====+--+,因此,z ==B . 15.设复1iz i=+(其中i 为虚数单位),则复数z 在复平面内对应的点位于A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】江苏省南通市如皋市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末 【答案】A【分析】利用复数的除法化简复数z ,利用复数的几何意义可得出结论. 【解析】()()()1111111222i i i i z i i i i -+====+++-,因此,复数z 在复平面内对应的点位于第一象限.故选A .16.已知(1)35z i i +=-,则z = A .14i - B .14i -- C .14i -+D .14i +【试题来源】江苏省盐城市一中、大丰高级中学等四校2020-2021学年高二上学期期末联考 【答案】B【分析】由复数的除法求解.【解析】由题意235(35)(1)3355141(1)(1)2i i i i i i z i i i i -----+====--++-.故选B 17.复数(2)i i +的实部为 A .1- B .1 C .2-D .2【试题来源】浙江省绍兴市上虞区2020-2021学年高三上学期期末 【答案】A【分析】将(2)i i +化简即可求解.【解析】(2)12i i i +=-+的实部为1-,故选A .18.已知i 是虚数单位,(1)2z i i +=,则复数z 所对应的点位于 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】山东省德州市2019-2020学年高一下学期期末 【答案】D【分析】利用复数的运算法则求解复数z ,再利用共轭复数的性质求z ,进而确定z 所对应的点的位置.【解析】由(1)2z i i +=,得()()()()2121211112i i i i z i i i i -+====+++-, 所以1z i =-,所以复数z 所对应的点为()1,1-,在第四象限,故选D .【名师点睛】对于复数的乘法,类似于多项式的四则运算,可将含有虚数单位i 的看作一类同类项,不含i 的看作另一类同类项,分别合并即可;对于复数的除法,关键是分子分母同乘以分母的共轭复数,解题中要注意把i 的幂写成最简形式. 19.若复数2iz i=+,其中i 为虚数单位,则z =A B C .25D .15【试题来源】重庆市南开中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末 【答案】B【分析】先利用复数的除法运算法则化简复数2iz i=+,再利用复数模的公式求解即可. 【解析】因为()()()21212222555i i i i z i i i i -+====+++-,所以z ==,故选B . 20.52i i-= A .152i--B .52i-- C .152i- D .152i+ 【试题来源】江西省吉安市2021届高三上学期期末(文) 【答案】A【分析】根据复数的除法的运算法则,准确运算,即可求解. 【解析】由复数的运算法则,可得()5515222i i i ii i i ----==⨯.故选A .21.设复数z 满足()1z i i R +-∈,则z 的虚部为 A .1 B .-1 C .iD .i -【试题来源】湖北省2020-2021学年高三上学期高考模拟演练 【答案】B【分析】根据复数的运算,化简得到()11(1)z i i a b i +-=+++,根据题意,求得1b =-,即可求得z 的虚部,得到答案.【解析】设复数,(,)z a bi a b R =+∈,则()11(1)z i i a b i +-=+++,因为()1z i i R +-∈,可得10b +=,解得1b =-,所以复数z 的虚部为1-.故选B . 22.若复数151iz i-+=+,其中i 为虚数单位,则z 的虚部是 A .3 B .3- C .2D .2-【试题来源】安徽省淮南市2020-2021学年高三上学期第一次模拟(文) 【答案】A【分析】先利用复数的除法运算,化简复数z ,再利用复数的概念求解.【解析】因为复数()()()()1511523111i i i z i i i i -+--+===+++-, 所以z 的虚部是3,故选A. 23.若m n R ∈、且4334im ni i+=+-(其中i 为虚数单位),则m n -= A .125- B .1- C .1D .0【试题来源】湖北省部分重点中学2020-2021学年高三上学期期末联考 【答案】B【分析】对已知进行化简,根据复数相等可得答案.【解析】因为()()()()433443121225343434916i i i ii m ni i i i +++-+====+--++, 根据复数相等,所以0,1m n ==,所以011m n -=-=-.故选B .24.若复数z满足()36z =-(i 是虚数单位),则复数z =A.32-B.32- C.322+D.322-- 【试题来源】湖北省荆州中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末 【答案】A【分析】由()36z =-,得z =,利用复数除法运算法则即可得到结果.【解析】复数z满足()36z +=-,6332z --=====-∴+,故选A .25.若复数2i()2i+=∈-R a z a 是纯虚数,则z = A .2i - B .2i C .i -D .i【试题来源】河南省驻马店市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末考试(理) 【答案】D【分析】由复数的除法运算和复数的分类可得结果. 【解析】因为2i (2i)(2i)22(4)i2i (2i)(2i)5+++-++===-+-a a a a z 是纯虚数, 所以22040a a -=⎧⎨+≠⎩,则1a =,i =z .故选D .26.复数12z i =+,213z i =-,其中i 为虚数单位,则12z z z =⋅在复平面内的对应点位于 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】江苏省G4(苏州中学、常州中学、盐城中学、扬州中学)2020-2021学年高三上学期期末联考 【答案】D【分析】根据复数的乘法法则,求得55z i =-,即可求得答案. 【解析】由题意得122(2)(13)25355i i i i i z z z =+-=-==--⋅, 所以12z z z =⋅在复平面内的对应点为(5,-5)位于第四象限,故选D27.复数2()2+∈-R a ia i 的虚部为 A .225+aB .45a - C .225a -D .45a +【试题来源】河南省驻马店市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末考试(文) 【答案】D【分析】由得数除法运算化为代数形式后可得. 【解析】因为2i (2i)(2i)22(4)i 2i (2i)(2i)5+++-++==-+-a a a a ,所以其虚部为45a +.故选D . 28.复数z 满足()12z i i ⋅+=,则2z i -=ABCD .2【试题来源】安徽省蚌埠市2020-2021学年高三上学期第二次教学质量检查(文) 【答案】A【分析】先利用除法化简计算z ,然后代入模长公式计算.【解析】()1i 2i z ⋅+=变形得22222221112-+====++-i i i i z i i i ,所以2121-=+-=-==z i i i i A .29.i 是虚数单位,若()17,2ia bi ab R i-=+∈+,则ab 的值是 A .15- B .3- C .3D .15【试题来源】山东省菏泽市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末 【答案】C【分析】根据复数除法法则化简得数后,由复数相等的定义得出,a b ,即可得结论.【解析】17(17)(2)2147132(2)(2)5i i i i i i i i i ------===--++-, 所以1,3a b =-=-,3ab =.故选C . 30.复数3121iz i -=+的虚部为 A .12i -B .12i C .12-D .12【试题来源】江西省赣州市2021届高三上学期期末考试(理) 【答案】C【分析】由复数的乘除法运算法则化简为代数形式,然后可得虚部.【解析】231212(12)(1)1223111(1)(1)222i i i i i i i z i i i i i ---++--=====-+--+, 虚部为12-.故选C . 31.若复数z 满足(1)2i z i -=,i 是虚数单位,则z z ⋅=AB .2C .12D .2【试题来源】内蒙古赤峰市2021届高三模拟考试(理) 【答案】B【分析】由除法法则求出z ,再由乘法法则计算.【解析】由题意222(1)2()11(1)(1)2i i i i i z i i i i ++====-+--+, 所以(1)(1)2z z i i ⋅=-+--=.故选B . 32.若23z z i +=-,则||z =A .1 BCD .2【试题来源】河南省(天一)大联考2020-2021学年高三上学期期末考试(理) 【答案】B【分析】设(,)z a bi a b R =+∈,代入已知等式求得,a b 后再由得数的模的定义计算. 【解析】设(,)z a bi a b R =+∈,则22()33z z a bi a bi a bi i +=++-=-=-,所以以331a b =⎧⎨-=-⎩,解得11a b =⎧⎨=⎩,所以==z B .33.复数z 满足(2)(1)2z i i -⋅+=(i 为虚数单位),则z = A .1 B .2CD 【试题来源】宁夏吴忠市2021届高三一轮联考(理) 【答案】C【分析】先将复数化成z a bi =+形式,再求模. 【解析】由(2)(1)2z i i -⋅+=得2211z i i i-==-+,所以1z i =+,z ==C .34.已知a R ∈,若()()224ai a i i +-=-(i 为虚数单位),则a = A .-1 B .0 C .1D .2【试题来源】浙江省杭州市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末教学质量检测 【答案】B【分析】将()()22ai a i +-展开可得答案.【解析】()()()222444ai a i a a i i +-=+-=-,所以0a =,故选B.35.已知i 为虚数单位,且复数3412ii z+=-,则复数z 的共轭复数为 A .12i -+ B .12i -- C .12i +D .1 2i -【试题来源】湖北省孝感市应城市第一高级中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末【答案】D【分析】根据复数模的计算公式,以及复数的除法运算,求出z ,即可得出其共轭复数. 【解析】因为3412i i z+=-,所以512z i =-,则()()()512512121212i z i i i i +===+--+, 因此复数z 的共轭复数为1 2i -.故选D . 36.已知复数i()1ia z a +=∈+R 是纯虚数,则z 的值为 A .1 B .2 C .12D .-1【试题来源】江西省赣州市2021届高三上学期期末考试(文) 【答案】A【分析】根据复数除法运算化简z ,根据纯虚数定义求得a ,再求模长. 【解析】()()()()11121122a i i a i a a z i i i i +-++-===+++-是纯虚数,102102a a +⎧=⎪⎪∴⎨-⎪≠⎪⎩,解得1a =-,所以z i ,1z =.故选A . 37.设复数11iz i,那么在复平面内复数31z -对应的点位于 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】陕西省咸阳市2020-2021学年高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)(理) 【答案】C【分析】利用复数的除法法则化简复数z ,再将复数31z -化为一般形式,即可得出结论.【解析】()()()21121112i ii z i i i i ---====-++-,3113z i ∴-=--, 因此,复数31z -在复平面内对应的点位于第三象限.故选C . 38.已知复数13iz i-=+(i 为虚数单位),则z 在复平面内对应的点位于 A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】江西省南昌市新建区第一中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试(理) 【答案】D【分析】将复数化简成z a bi =+形式,则在复平面内对应的点的坐标为(),a b ,从而得到答案.【解析】因为1(1)(3)24123(3)(3)1055i i i i z i i i i ----====-++-, 所以z 在复平面内对应的点12(,)55-位于第四象限,故选D.39.若复数2(1)34i z i+=+,则z =A .45 B .35C .25D 【试题来源】成都市蓉城名校联盟2020-2021学年高三上学期(2018级)第二次联考 【答案】C 【分析】先求出8625iz -=,再求出||z 得解. 【解析】由题得()()()()212342863434343425i i i i iz i i i i +-+====+++-,所以102255z ===.故选C. 40.设复数11iz i,那么在复平面内复数1z -对应的点位于 A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限D .第四象限【试题来源】陕西省咸阳市2020-2021学年高三上学期高考模拟检测(一)(文) 【答案】C【分析】先求出z i =-,11z i -=--,即得解.【解析】由题得21(1)21(1)(1)2i i iz i i i i ---====-++-, 所以11z i -=--,它对应的点的坐标为(1,1)--, 所以在复平面内复数1z -对应的点位于第三象限.故选C. 二、多选题1.已知m ∈R ,若6()64m mi i +=-,则m =A .B .1-CD .1【试题来源】2021年高考一轮数学(理)单元复习一遍过 【答案】AC【分析】将6()m mi +直接展开运算即可.【解析】因为()()66661864m mi m i im i +=+=-=-,所以68m =,所以m =故选AC . 2.设复数z 满足1z i z+=,则下列说法错误的是 A .z 为纯虚数B .z 的虚部为12i -C .在复平面内,z 对应的点位于第三象限D .2z = 【试题来源】2021年新高考数学一轮复习学与练 【答案】AB【分析】先由复数除法运算可得1122z i =--,再逐一分析选项,即可得答案. 【解析】由题意得1z zi +=,即111122z i i -==---, 所以z 不是纯虚数,故A 错误;复数z 的虚部为12-,故B 错误;在复平面内,z 对应的点为11(,)22--,在第三象限,故C 正确;2z ==,故D 正确.故选AB 【名师点睛】本题考查复数的除法运算,纯虚数、虚部的概念,复平面内点所在象限、复数求模的运算等知识,考查计算求值的能力,属基础题.3.已知复数122z =-,则下列结论正确的有 A .1z z ⋅=B .2z z =C .31z =-D .202012z =-+ 【试题来源】山东新高考质量测评联盟2020-2021学年高三上学期10月联考 【答案】ACD【分析】分别计算各选项的值,然后判断是否正确,计算D 选项的时候注意利用复数乘方的性质.【解析】因为111312244z z ⎛⎫⎛⎫-+=+= ⎪⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭⎭=⎝⋅,所以A 正确;因为221122z ⎛⎫=-⎪⎪⎝⎭=,122z =+,所以2z z ≠,所以B 错误;因为3211122z z z ⎛⎫⎛⎫=⋅=-=- ⎪⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,所以C 正确;因为6331z z z =⋅=,所以()202063364431112222zzz z z ⨯+⎛⎫===⋅=-⋅-=-+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,所以D 正确,故选ACD .【名师点睛】本题考查复数乘法与乘方的计算,其中还涉及到了共轭复数的计算,难度较易. 4.下面是关于复数21iz =-+的四个命题,其中真命题是A .||z =B .22z i =C .z 的共轭复数为1i -+D .z 的虚部为1-【试题来源】福建省龙海市第二中学2019-2020学年高二下学期期末考试 【答案】ABCD【分析】先根据复数的除法运算计算出z ,再依次判断各选项. 【解析】()()()2121111i z i i i i --===---+-+--,z ∴==,故A 正确;()2212z i i =--=,故B 正确;z 的共轭复数为1i -+,故C 正确;z 的虚部为1-,故D 正确;故选ABCD .【名师点睛】本题考查复数的除法运算,以及对复数概念的理解,属于基础题. 5.若复数351iz i-=-,则A .z =B .z 的实部与虚部之差为3C .4z i =+D .z 在复平面内对应的点位于第四象限 【试题来源】2021年新高考数学一轮复习学与练 【答案】AD【分析】根据复数的运算先求出复数z ,再根据定义、模、几何意义即可求出. 【解析】()()()()351358241112i i i iz i i i i -+--====---+,z ∴==,z 的实部为4,虚部为1-,则相差5,z 对应的坐标为()41-,,故z 在复平面内对应的点位于第四象限,所以AD 正确,故选AD .6.已知复数202011i z i+=-(i 为虚数单位),则下列说法错误的是A .z 的实部为2B .z 的虚部为1C .z i =D .||z =【试题来源】2021年新高考数学一轮复习学与练 【答案】AC【分析】根据复数的运算及复数的概念即可求解.【解析】因为复数2020450511()22(1)11112i i i z i i i i +++=====+---,所以z 的虚部为1,||z =,故AC 错误,BD 正确.故选AC. 7.已知复数cos sin 22z i ππθθθ⎛⎫=+-<< ⎪⎝⎭(其中i 为虚数单位)下列说法正确的是A .复数z 在复平面上对应的点可能落在第二象限B .z 可能为实数C .1z =D .1z的虚部为sin θ 【试题来源】湖北省六校(恩施高中、郧阳中学、沙市中学、十堰一中、随州二中、襄阳三中)2020-2021学年高三上学期11月联考 【答案】BC【分析】分02θπ-<<、0θ=、02πθ<<三种情况讨论,可判断AB 选项的正误;利用复数的模长公式可判断C 选项的正误;化简复数1z,利用复数的概念可判断D 选项的正误.【解析】对于AB 选项,当02θπ-<<时,cos 0θ>,sin 0θ<,此时复数z 在复平面内的点在第四象限;当0θ=时,1z R =-∈; 当02πθ<<时,cos 0θ>,sin 0θ>,此时复数z 在复平面内的点在第一象限.A 选项错误,B 选项正确; 对于C 选项,22cos sin 1z θθ=+=,C 选项正确;对于D 选项,()()11cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin cos sin i i z i i i θθθθθθθθθθ-===-++⋅-, 所以,复数1z的虚部为sin θ-,D 选项错误.故选BC . 8.已知非零复数1z ,2z 满足12z z R ∈,则下列判断一定正确的是 A .12z z R +∈B .12z z R ∈C .12z R z ∈D .12z R z ∈【试题来源】重庆市南开中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期中 【答案】BD【分析】设12,(,,,)z a bi z c di a b c d R =+=+∈,结合选项逐个计算、判定,即可求解. 【解析】设12,(,,,)z a bi z c di a b c d R =+=+∈,则()()12()()z z a bi c di ac bd ad bc i =++=-++,则0ad bc +=,对于A 中,12()()z z a bi c di a c b d i +=+++=+++,则12z z R +∈不一定成立,所以不正确;对于B 中,12()()ac bd ad bc z R i z =-+∈-一定成立,所以B 正确; 对于C 中,()()()()2122()()a bi c di a bi ac bd ad bc i R c di c di c z di z c d+-++--==∈++-+=不一定成立,所以不正确;对于D 中,()()()()2122()()a bi c di a bi ac bd ad bc iR c di c di c z di z c d ++++++==∈--++=一定成立,所以正确.故选BD .9.已知复数()()()32=-+∈z a i i a R 的实部为1-,则下列说法正确的是 A .复数z 的虚部为5- B .复数z 的共轭复数15=-z i C.z =D .z 在复平面内对应的点位于第三象限【试题来源】辽宁省六校2020-2021学年高三上学期期中联考 【答案】ACD【分析】首先化简复数z ,根据实部为-1,求a ,再根据复数的概念,判断选项. 【解析】()()()()23232323223z a i i a ai i i a a i =-+=+--=++-,因为复数的实部是-1,所以321a +=-,解得1a =-, 所以15z i =--,A .复数z 的虚部是-5,正确;B .复数z 的共轭复数15z i =-+,不正确;C .z ==D .z 在复平面内对应的点是()1,5--,位于第三象限,正确.故选ACD 10.已知复数cos sin 22z i ππθθθ⎛⎫=+-<< ⎪⎝⎭(其中i 为虚数单位),下列说法正确的是() A .复数z 在复平面上对应的点可能落在第二象限 B .cos z θ=C .1z z ⋅=D .1z z+为实数 【试题来源】山东省菏泽市2021届第一学期高三期中考试数学(B )试题 【答案】CD【分析】利用复数对应点,结合三角函数值的范围判断A ;复数的模判断B ;复数的乘法判断C ;复数的解法与除法,判断D . 【解析】复数cos sin ()22z i ππθθθ=+-<<(其中i 为虚数单位),复数z 在复平面上对应的点(cos ,sin )θθ不可能落在第二象限,所以A 不正确;1z ==,所以B 不正确;22·(cos sin )(cos sin )cos sin 1z z i i θθθθθθ=+-=+=.所以C 正确;11cos sin cos sin cos()sin()2cos cos sin z i i i z i θθθθθθθθθ+=++=++-+-=+为实数,所以D 正确;故选CD11.已知i 为虚数单位,下面四个命题中是真命题的是 A .342i i +>+B .24(2)()a a i a R -++∈为纯虚数的充要条件为2a =C .()2(1)12z i i =++的共轭复数对应的点为第三象限内的点D .12i z i +=+的虚部为15i 【试题来源】2020-2021年新高考高中数学一轮复习对点练 【答案】BC【分析】根据复数的相关概念可判断A ,B 是否正确,将()2(1)12z i i =++展开化简可判断C 选项是否正确;利用复数的除法法则化简12iz i+=+,判断D 选项是否正确. 【解析】对于A ,因为虚数不能比较大小,故A 错误;对于B ,若()242a a i ++-为纯虚数,则24020a a ⎧-=⎨+≠⎩,解得2a =,故B 正确;对于C ,()()()211221242z i i i i i =++=+=-+,所以42z i =--对应的点为()4,2--位于第三象限内,故C 正确;对于D ,()()()()12132225i i i i z i i i +-++===++-,虚部为15,故D 错误.故选BC . 12.已知复数(12)5z i i +=,则下列结论正确的是A .|z |B .复数z 在复平面内对应的点在第二象限C .2z i =-+D .234z i =+【试题来源】河北省邯郸市2021届高三上学期期末质量检测【答案】AD【分析】利用复数的四则运算可得2z i =+,再由复数的几何意义以及复数模的运算即可求解.【解析】5512122121212()()()()i i i z i i i i i i -===-=+++-,22,||34z i z z i =-==+ 复数z 在复平面内对应的点在第一象限,故AD 正确.故选AD13.已知i 是虚数单位,复数12i z i -=(z 的共轭复数为z ),则下列说法中正确的是 A .z 的虚部为1B .3z z ⋅=C .z =D .4z z +=【试题来源】山东省山东师大附中2019-2020学年高一下学期5月月考【答案】AC 【分析】利用复数的乘法运算求出122i z i i-==--,再根据复数的概念、复数的运算以及复数模的求法即可求解. 【解析】()()()12122i i i z i i i i ---===---,所以2z i =-+, 对于A ,z 的虚部为1,故A 正确;对于B ,()2225z z i ⋅=--=,故B 不正确;对于C ,z =C 正确;对于D ,4z z +=-,故D 不正确.故选AC14.早在古巴比伦时期,人们就会解一元二次方程.16世纪上半叶,数学家得到了一元三次、一元四次方程的解法.此后数学家发现一元n 次方程有n 个复数根(重根按重数计).下列选项中属于方程310z -=的根的是A.12 B.12-+ C.122-- D .1【试题来源】江苏省苏州市2020-2021学年高二上学期1月学业质量阳光指标调研【答案】BCD【分析】逐项代入验证是否满足310z -=即可.【解析】对A,当122z =+时, 31z -31122i ⎛⎫+- ⎪ ⎪⎭=⎝21112222⎛⎫⎛⎫+⋅+- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭=21121344i ⎛⎫=++⋅ ⎪⎛⎫+- ⎪ ⎝ ⎭⎭⎪⎪⎝12112⎛⎫=-+⋅⎛⎫+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎪ ⎪⎝⎭2114⎫=-+-⎪⎪⎝⎭ 13144=--- 2=-,故3120z -=-≠,A 错误; 对B,当12z =-时,31z -3112⎛⎫-+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭=211122⎛⎫⎛⎫-⋅-- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭=2113124242i ⎛⎫=-+⋅ ⎪ ⎪⎛⎫-+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭1221122⎛⎫-⎛⎫=--⋅ ⎪+ - ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎝⎭21142⎛⎫=-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ 13144=+- 0=,故310z -=,B 正确; 对C,当12z =-时,31z-31122⎛⎫--- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭=21112222⎛⎫⎛⎫--⋅--- ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭=21131442i ⎛⎫=++⋅ ⎪ ⎪⎛⎫--- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭12112⎛⎫-⎛⎫=-+⋅ ⎪- - ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎝⎭2114⎫=--⎪⎪⎝⎭13144=+-0=,故310z -=,C 正确; 对D ,显然1z =时,满足31z =,故D 正确.故选BCD .15.已知复数()()122z i i =+-,z 为z 的共轭复数,则下列结论正确的是A .z 的虚部为3iB .5z =C .4z -为纯虚数D .z 在复平面上对应的点在第四象限【试题来源】湖南师范大学附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末【答案】BCD【分析】先根据复数的乘法运算计算出z ,然后进行逐项判断即可.【解析】因为()()12243z i i i =+-=+,则z 的虚部为3,5z z ===,43z i -=为纯虚数,z 对应的点()4,3-在第四象限,故选BCD .三、填空题1.已知复数z 满足(1)1z i i ⋅-=+(i 为虚数单位),则z =_________.【试题来源】上海市松江区2021届高三上学期期末(一模)【答案】1【分析】把已知等式变形,利用复数代数形式的乘除运算化简,再由复数模的计算公式求解.【解析】由(1)1z i i ⋅-=+,得21(1)1(1)(1)i i z i i i i ++===--+,所以1z =.故答案为1. 2.i 是虚数单位,复数1312i i-+=+_________. 【试题来源】天津市七校2020-2021学年高三上学期期末联考【答案】1i +【分析】分子分母同时乘以分母的共轭复数12i -,再利用乘法运算法则计算即可. 【解析】()()()()22131213156551121212145i i i i i i i i i i i -+--+-+-+====+++--.故答案为1i +. 3.若复数z 满足方程240z +=,则z =_________.【试题来源】上海市复旦大学附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末【答案】2i ±【分析】首先设z a bi =+,再计算2z ,根据实部和虚部的数值,列式求复数..【解析】设z a bi =+,则22224z a b abi =-+=-,则2240a b ab ⎧-=-⎨=⎩,解得02a b =⎧⎨=±⎩,所以2z i =±,故答案为2i ±. 4.复数21i-的虚部为_________. 【试题来源】上海市上海交通大学附属中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末【答案】1【分析】根据分母实数化,将分子分母同乘以分母的共轭复数1i +,然后即可判断出复数的虚部. 【解析】因为()()()2121111i i i i i +==+--+,所以复数的虚部为1,故答案为1. 5.若复数z 满足(12)1i z i +=-,则复数z 的虚部为_________.【试题来源】山东省山东师大附中2019-2020学年高一下学期5月月考 【答案】35【分析】根据复数的除法运算法则,求出z ,即可得出结果.【解析】因为(12)1i z i +=-,所以()()()()112113213121212555i i i i z i i i i -----====--++-, 因此其虚部为35.故答案为35. 6.复数34i i+=_________. 【试题来源】北京市东城区2021届高三上学期期末考试【答案】43i -【分析】分子和分母同乘以分母的共轭复数,整理后得到最简形式即可. 【解析】由复数除法运算法则可得, ()343434431i i i i i i i i +⋅+-===-⋅-,故答案为43i -. 7.已知复数(1)z i i =⋅+,则||z =_________.【试题来源】北京市西城区2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试【分析】根据复数的运算法则,化简复数为1z i =-+,进而求得复数的模,得到答案.【解析】由题意,复数(1)1z i i i =⋅+=-+,所以z == 8.i 是虚数单位,复数73i i-=+_________. 【试题来源】宁夏银川一中2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试(文)【答案】2i -【分析】根据复数除法运算法则直接计算即可. 【解析】()()()()27372110233310i i i i i i i i i ----+===-++-.故答案为2i -. 9.设复数z 的共轭复数是z ,若复数143i z i -+=,2z t i =+,且12z z ⋅为实数,则实数t 的值为_________.【试题来源】宁夏银川一中2020-2021学年高二上学期期末考试(理) 【答案】34【分析】先求出12,z z ,再计算12z z ⋅即得解. 【解析】由题得14334i z i i-+==+,2z t i =-, 所以12(34)()34(43)z z i t i t t i ⋅=+-=++-为实数, 所以3430,4t t -=∴=.故答案为34【名师点睛】复数(,)a bi a b R +∈等价于0b =,不需要限制a .10.函数()n nf x i i -=⋅(n N ∈,i 是虚数单位)的值域可用集合表示为_________. 【试题来源】上海市上海中学2020-2021学年高二上学期期末【答案】{}1【分析】根据复数的运算性质可函数的值域.【解析】()()1111nn n n n n n n f x i i i i i i i i --⎛⎫=⋅⋅⋅⋅= ⎪⎝=⎭==,故答案为{}1. 11.已知()20212i z i +=(i 为虚数单位),则z =_________.【试题来源】河南省豫南九校2021届高三11月联考教学指导卷二(理)【分析】由i n 的周期性,计算出2021i i =,再求出z ,求出z .【解析】因为41i =,所以2021i i =,所以i 12i 2i 55z ==++,所以z z == 【名师点睛】复数的计算常见题型:(1) 复数的四则运算直接利用四则运算法则;(2) 求共轭复数是实部不变,虚部相反;(3) 复数的模的计算直接根据模的定义即可.12.若31z i =-(i 为虚数单位),则z 的虚部为_________. 【试题来源】江西省上饶市2021届高三第一次高考模拟考试(文) 【答案】32-【分析】利用复数的除法化简复数z ,由此可得出复数z 的虚部. 【解析】()()()313333111122i z i i i i i +==-=-=-----+,因此,复数z 的虚部为32-. 故答案为32-. 13.设i 为虚数单位,若复数z 满足()21z i -⋅=,则z =_________. 【试题来源】江西省上饶市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末(文)【答案】2i +【分析】利用复数的四则运算可求得z ,利用共轭复数的定义可求得复数z .【解析】()21z i -⋅=,122z i i ∴=+=-,因此,2z i =+.故答案为2i +. 14.已知i 是虚数单位,则11i i+=-_________. 【试题来源】湖北省宜昌市2020-2021学年高三上学期2月联考【答案】1【分析】利用复数的除法法则化简复数11i i +-,利用复数的模长公式可求得结果. 【解析】()()()21121112i i i i i i i ++===--+,因此,111i i i +==-.故答案为1. 15.i 是虚数单位,复数103i i=+____________. 【试题来源】天津市南开中学2020-2021学年高三上学期第四次月考【答案】13i +【分析】根据复数的除法运算算出答案即可.【解析】()()()()10310313333i i i i i i i i i -==-=+++-,故答案为13i +. 16.在复平面内,复数()z i a i =+对应的点在直线0x y +=上,则实数a =_________.【试题来源】北京市丰台区2021届高三上学期期末练习【答案】1【分析】由复数的运算法则和复数的几何意义直接计算即可得解.【解析】2()1z i a i ai i ai =+=+=-+,其在复平面内对应点的坐标为()1,a -, 由题意有:10a -+=,则1a =.故答案为1.17.已知复数z 满足()1234i z i +=+(i 为虚数单位),则复数z 的模为_________.【试题来源】江苏省苏州市2020-2021学年高二上学期1月学业质量阳光指标调研【分析】求出z 后可得复数z 的模.【解析】()()3412341121255i i i i z i +-+-===+,5z == 18.复数1i i-(i 是虚数单位)的虚部是_________. 【试题来源】北京通州区2021届高三上学期数学摸底(期末)考试【答案】1-【分析】先化简复数得1i 1i i-=--,进而得虚部是1-【解析】因为()()221i i 1i i i 1i i i--==--=--, 所以复数1i i-(i 是虚数单位)的虚部是1-.故答案为1-. 19.已知i 是虚数单位,复数11z i i =+-,则z =_________. 【试题来源】山东省青岛市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末【答案】2【分析】根据复数的除法运算,化简复数为1122z i =-+,再结合复数模的计算公式,即可求解. 【解析】由题意,复数()()111111122i z i i i i i i --=+=+=-+----,所以2z ==.故答案为2. 20.计算12z ==_______. 【试题来源】2021年高考一轮数学(理)单元复习一遍过【答案】-511【分析】利用复数的运算公式,化简求值.【解析】原式1212369100121511()i ==+=-+=--. 【名师点睛】本题考查复数的n次幂的运算,注意31122⎛⎫-+= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,()212i i +=, 以及()()612211i i ⎡⎤+=+⎣⎦,等公式化简求值. 四、双空题1.设32i i 1ia b =++(其中i 为虚数单位,a ,b ∈R ),则a =_________,b =_________. 【试题来源】浙江省绍兴市嵊州市2020-2021学年高三上学期期末【答案】1- 1- 【分析】利用复数的除法运算化简32i 1i 1i=--+,利用复数相等的定义得到a ,b 的值,即得解. 【解析】322(1)2211(1)(1)2i i i i i a bi i i i ----===--=+++-,1,1a b ∴=-=-. 故答案为-1;-1.2.已知k ∈Z , i 为虚数单位,复数z 满足:21k i z i =-,则当k 为奇数时,z =_________;当k ∈Z 时,|z +1+i |=_________.【试题来源】2020-2021学年【补习教材寒假作业】高二数学(苏教版)【答案】1i -+ 2【分析】由复数的运算及模的定义即可得解.【解析】当k 为奇数时,()()2211k k k i i ==-=-, 所以1z i -=-即1z i =-+,122z i i ++==; 当k 为偶数时,()()2211k k k i i ==-=,所以1z i =-,122z i ++==;所以12z i ++=.故答案为1i -+;2.3.若复数()211z m m i =-++为纯虚数,则实数m =_________,11z=+_________. 【试题来源】浙江省金华市义乌市2020-2021学年高三上学期第一次模拟考试【答案】1 1255i - 【分析】由题可得21010m m ⎧-=⎨+≠⎩,即可求出m ,再由复数的除法运算即可求出.【解析】复数()211z m m i =-++为纯虚数,21010m m ⎧-=∴⎨+≠⎩,解得1m =,。
1.What will the man probably drink?A.Real coffee.B. Instant coffee.C. Hot chocolate.2.What will the man do first?A.Pick up lunch.B. Visit the bank.C.Go to the post office.3.What did the woman fail to see?A. A disabled person.B.A sign.C.A parking lot.4.Why does the boy like sharks?A.They are great swimmers.B. They make funny sounds.C.They are very smart.5.What is the time?A.6:00 p.m.B. 9:00 p.m.C.10:00 p.m.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What kind of coffee does the man usually have?A.Italian.B.Brazilian.C.French.7.Where are the speakers?A.In an office.B.In a restaurant.C.In a coffee shop.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。