

1)---- Are you feeling ____?

---- Yes,I'm fine now.

A. any well

B. any better

C. quite good

D. quite better

答案:B. any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better.

2)The experiment was____ easier than we had expected.


B.much more


D.more much


3)If there were no examinations, we should have ___ at school.

A. the happiest time

B. a more happier time

C. much happiest time

D. a much happier time


4)Your house is ______ bigger than ours.

A. Two time

B. Second time

C. Two times

D.Second times


( C ) 1 Your room is _______ than mine.

A. three time big

B. three times big

C. three times bigger

D. bigger three times

( C ) 2 When spring comes, it gets_______.

A. warm and warm

B. colder and colder

C. warmer and warmer

D. shorter and shorter

( C )3 ______ he read the book, _______ he got in it.

A. The more; the more interesting

B. The less; the more interesting

C. The more; the more interested

D. More; more interested

( A)4 I like______ one of the two books.

A. the older

B. oldest

C. the oldest

D. older

( B ) 5 Which do you like _______, tea or coffee?

A. well

B. better

C. best

D. most

1.I’m shortsighted and I can’t see the words on the notice board ____. A, clear B, clearly C, carefully D, good

2.Jean works hard but she doesn’t work ____ Mary.

A, as harder than B, as hard than C, as harder as D, as hard as

3.This is ____ book in our library.

A, the most interesting B, most interesting C, the more interesting D, more interesting

4.Do you think maths is ____ important than English?

A, very B, as C, more D, quite

5.They got a Christmas tree and it was ____ ours.

A, so tall as B, so taller as C, as tall as D, as taller as



形容词和副词比较级的用法 形容词和副词的用法 1. 形容词是用来描写或修饰名词或代词的一类词。 在句中主要做定语和表语等成分。做定语时修饰名词或代词(一般为不定代词),修饰名词时常放于名词前,修饰不定代词时常放于不定代词后,做表语时和系动词(简称系词)连用,构成一个系表结构。例如: Can you hear the loud noise? (定语)你听见大的吵闹声了吗? The noise is very loud . (表语)吵声很大 The quiet girl is my sister. (定语)那个安静的女孩是我妹妹。 My sister looks very quiet . (表语)我妹妹看起来很安静。 He lives a happy life. (定语)他过着幸福生活。 He feels happy. (表语)他感觉很快乐。 There is something wrong with the car. (定语)这个小车出毛病了。 I have nothing new to tell you. (定语)我没什么新东西告诉你。 Do you have anything interesting to tell us? (定语)你有一些有趣的东西告诉我们吗? 2. 常和形容词连用构成系表结构的连系动词有: look (看起来,看上去),feel (感觉),taste (尝起来),smell (闻起来),get (变得),turn(变),become(成为,变得),sound (听起来)等。 例如:The weather gets warmer and the trees turn green in spring. 春天天气变暖和了,树变绿了。 The flowers smell sweet. 这些花闻起来很香。 The soup taste nice. 这汤尝上去很好吃。 You look fine. 你看起来气色很好。 3. 副词是用以修饰动词,形容词,其他副词以及全句的词例如: The men and the women walk quickly. 这些男女走得很快。 The children walk slowly. 孩子们走得很慢。 They often laugh loudly. 他们经常大声地笑。 1.原级的构成和用法 l)构成:形容词,副词的原级形式是形容词,副词的原形. 2)用法:表示双方在程度,性质,特征等某方面相等时,用“as 十原级形容词或副词十as”的结构;表示双方不相等时,用“not so (as)十原级形容词或副词十as”的结构;表示一方是另一方的若干倍时,用“倍数十as 十原级形容词或副词十as”的结构. 例如:This building looks not so (as) high as that one. Ms.Sun speaks English as fluently as you. This room is three times as large as that one. 2.比较级的构成和用法 1)比较级和最高级的构成: ①单音节形容词以及少数以- er,- ow结尾的形容词和副词加“er”, great greater narrow narrower fast faster clever cleverer ②以e结尾的单音节形容词和副词后以及少数以- ble,- ple结尾的双音节形容词和副词后,加“r”,. large larger able abler simple simpler ③以一个辅音结尾的单音节形容词,其前的元音字母发短元音时,该辅音字母要双写,然后加“er”,“. hot hotter ④以辅音加y结尾的形容词和少数不是形容词加ly构成的副词要将y改为i,再加“er”, easy easier early earlier happy happier ⑤一般双音节词、多音节形容词和副词在原级前加more


8、 9、 Exercise (比较级和副词 ) 一. A. 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级 1. near 2. warm high clever__ _ 3. white 4. nice _ 5. safe blue gentle__ _ wide 6. close _ 7. heavy 8. early _ 9. busy _ 10. easy 11. windy 12. thin _ long__ sunny dry __ happy angry little _ fat ___ 13. hot 14. wet 15. bad big _ good well 16. badly __ 17. much ___ 18. important _ 19. dangerous 20 beautiful __ 21. difficult ___ many__ far 22. brightly ____________ 23. strongly _________________________ 24. expensive ___________ 25. quietly _________________________ B. 写出下列形容词的副词形式 1. bad _________ 2. clever ______ 3. heavy _______ 4. gentle ______ 5. close _______ nic e easy angry ___ wide beautiful _ busy happy ___ safe 6. deep 7. fast _ 、用括号内词语的正确形式填空 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 lat e high good earl y near The flowers are very _________________ . (beautiful) The girls are sitting there __________________________________________ .(quie t) They ' re talking very ____________ . (loud) We can get there ______________ . (easy) They ' re getting ready for the sports meeting __ They ' re living a _____________ life(.happy) The wind is blowing ______________ . (strong) He plays the piano __________ .(bad) The river runs ______________ down the hill. (gentle) . (bright) 10、 The sun is shining . (busy)


形容词和副词的比较等级复习案 一、大多数的形容词、副词有三个等级:原级、_______和_______。 1. 原级的用法(填空并举例) 1) 表示双方程度相同或不同时。肯定式用__________________表示。 否定式用_________________表示。 2) as...as possible (表示_______________),如: 3) too + ___________________ + to do sth “太......而不能......” 4) _______________+ enough + to do sth “足够......去做......” 5) 当so...that句型中主句和从句的主语不一致时,转换成too...to do sth和......enough to do sth时,在不定式前需加_________________做不定式的逻辑主语。 2. 比较级和最高级的构成(填空并举例) 1) 单音节词和部分双音节词: ①一般在原级词尾加_______ 或_______构成。 ②以e结尾只加_______或_______构成。 ③以重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母,先_______写这个辅音字母再加 _______ 或_______构成。 ④以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,变y为_______再加_______或_______构成。 2) 多音节词: 在原级前加_________或____________构成。 3) 部分不规则变化。 3. 比较级的用法(填空并举例) 1) 两者进行比较时,用____________表示。 注意:than 之后的人称代词在口语中可以用宾格。如果人称代词之后跟着谓语时,则只能用__________格。 2) than之后常常省去在意义上和主句相同的谓语成分。 Jim is younger than Ben ( is ). 吉姆比本年龄小。 3) 当than前后使用的动词相同时,通常用助动词代替后面的动词,该动词或助动词还可以省略。 4) What / Which / Who ...better, A or B? 4. 使用比较级时应注意的问题: 1) 比较级前可以使用程度副词,如:_______________________等,或使用数量词或短语修饰,表示“......得多" "甚至......","更......一些(一点)"。 2) 比较级的惯用结构: ①“__________ + and + _________”或“more and more + ___________”,译为“越来越……”。 ②“the + __________ +……,the + _________ +……”,译为“越……,就越……”。 ③“比较级+ than any other + ____________”,译为“比其他任何......都......”,表示________级的含义。 3) 形容词比较级也可以用句型“the + ________ + of the two”, 译为“两个中比较......”。 4) 选择疑问句可用比较级形式。 5. 最高级的用法: _______者或_______者以上相比,用最高级。____词的最高级前不加冠词。 1) 表示比较范围的介词短语:一般由_________或________引导。


Name _____________ Date _____________ III 圈出正确的选项 1.Snow White is a (beautiful, beautifully) girl. 2. The dog is dancing (happy, happily). 3.He is (angry, angrily) with me. 4 Listen (careful, carefully). 5.Don’t drive so (quick, quickly). 6 He looks (tired, tiredly) today. IV翻译 (1)比较级的常用句型: 比较级+ than。 如I am taller than you. /I work harder than you./Who is richer, Ma Yun or Wang Jianlin? 1.海豚比鲸鱼游得快。_____________________________________________________________ 2.我比我爹起得早。_______________________________________________________________

3.Messi的足球踢得比Beckham好。_________________________________________________ 4.张老师和范冰冰谁更漂亮?_______________________________________________________ 5.语文和数学,哪科更容易?_________________________________________________________ (2)最高级常用句型: the + 最高级。 如Who is the richest man in the world? Bob is the tallest boy in our class. 6.世界上最小的鸟是什么鸟?_________________________________________________________ 7.大象是最大的陆地动物。_____________________________________________________________ 8.八月份是一年中最热的季节。_________________________________________________________ 9.我的画是全班最难看的了。____________________________________________________________ 10.我最擅长吃、睡、玩。________________________________________________________________ (3)同级比较常用句型:as … as 如Her hair is as black as ebony. Her lips are as red as blood. Her skin is as white as snow. So she is called Snow White. (她的头发像乌木一样黑,她的嘴唇像血一样红,她的皮肤像雪一样白。所以她叫白雪公主) 11.Tom和Jack一样高。________________________________________________________________ 12.Fred和May跑得一样快。______________________________________________________________ 13.我每天像蜜蜂一样忙碌。_____________________________________________________________


形容词、副词 一般来说,中文意思是“……的”的词是形容词,而中文意思是“……地”的词是副词。 一、形容词概念 形容是用来修饰物体的形状,大小,长度,属性,特点等,位于名词的前面。 如: 1.He is a hard-working student.(努力的→特点) 2.Our English teacher has long hair.(长的→长度) 3.The elephants are very big, and the mice are very small.(大的、小的→大小) 二.形容词、副词的等级。 1)英语中大多数形容词、副词是可以分等级的,一般有三个等级:原级,比较级和最高级。形容词、副词的本来形式就是形容词、副词形容词的原级。如:John is a tall boy.两者间进行比较用到形容词比较级。如:Jim is taller than John.三者或者三者以上进行比较用形容词的最高级。Mike is the tallest of the three boys.(形容词最高级前面要加定冠词the) 三、形容词、副词比较级的用法 表示两者间的比较用比较级。其常见句式有: 1.“A + be +形容词比较级+ than + B”意思为“A比B更……”。 如:This tree is taller than that one. 这棵树比那棵树高。 注意: ①在含有连词than的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。 ②在比较级前面使用much,表示程度程度“强得多”。 如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple. ③very, quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。 2.“become + 形容词比较级+ and + 形容词比较级”是“变得越来越……”的意思,and连接同一个形容词的比较级。 如:It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes. 春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。 注:表示“越来越……”时,若比较级是“原级+ er”构成的,则常用“比较级+ and + 比较级”形式;若比较级是“more + 原级”构成的,需用“more and more + 原级形式”。

形容词和副词讲解和习题练习 含答案

高中英语——形容词和副词 一、考点、热点回顾 形容词 1、形容词的一般用法 (1).作定语,一般放在所修饰词的前面。 It’s a cold and windy day. (2.)作表语,放在系动词的后面。(look, feel, smell, sound….) He looks happy today. (3.)形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定代词时,须放在其后。Would you like something hot to drink? (4.)表示长、宽、高、深及年龄的形容词,应放在相应的名词之后。 How long is the river?It’s about two hundred metres long. (5.)只能作表语的形容词:afraid;alone;asleep;awake;alive;well健康的;ill;frightened The man is ill.(正) The ill man is my uncle.(误) (6.)只能作定语的形容词:little小的;only唯一的;wooden木质的;woolen羊毛质的;elder年长的 My elder brother is in Beijing.(正) My brother is elder. (误) (7).貌似副词的形容词:lonely;friendly;lively;lovely 2、形容词常用句型 (1).“It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样”。=Sb +be +adj+to do sth 注意:这一句型中常用描述行为者的性格、品质的形容词,如good,kind,nice,polite ,clever ,foolish ,lazy ,careful,careless,right(正确的),wrong等。 It’s very kind of you to help me.(=You are very kind to help me.) (2).“It’s+adj.+for+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”。=To do sth is adj for sb . 注意:这一句型中常用的形容词有important,necessary,difficult,easy,hard,dangerous,safe,useful,pleasant,interesting,impossible等。 It’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language.(=To learn a foreign language is not easy for them.)(3).表示感情或情绪的形容词,如glad,pleased,sad,thankful等常接不定式。 I’m very sad to hear the bad news. (4.)表示能力和意志的形容词,如ready(乐意的,有准备的),able(有能力的),sure(一定),certain (一定)等常接不定式。 Lei Feng is always ready to help others. He is sure to get to school on time. 副词 1、副词的分类 副词按词汇意义可分为: 方式副词:well,fast,slowly,carefully,quickly 程度副词:very,much,enough,almost,rather,quite


形容词和副词比较级的变化规则 兴隆庄镇桲椤树小学董广 1.一般单音节词和少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后面加-er,最高级在后面加-est; (1)单音节词 如:small→smaller→smallest short→shorter→shortest tall→taller→tallest great→greater→greatest (2)双音节词 如:clever→cleverer→cleverest narrow→narrower→narrowest 2.以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st; 如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest able→abler→ablest

3.在重读闭音节(即:辅音+元音+辅音)中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; 如:big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest fat→fatter→fattest 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; 如:easy→easier→easiest heavy→heavier→heaviest busy→busier→busiest happy→happier→happiest 5.其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most; 如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful different→more different→most different easily→more easily→most easily 注意:(1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。 例句: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.


人教版小学形容词副词专题 一、形容词 1.形容词的分类。 (1)简单形容词 品质形容词:quiet, good…… 颜色形容词:yellow, red, green, purple..... 类属形容词:free, open ...... 强调形容词:real, true ...... (2)复合形容词 复合形容词一般是由两个及两个以上的词构成。 Eg:hard- working, warm-hearted 2.形容词的用法 (1)作定语,一般放在所修饰词的前面 Eg:She is a nice girl. 她是个好女孩。 (2)作表语,放在系动词(am, is, are, feel, taste....)后面。 Eg:My uncle looks young. 我叔叔看起来很年轻。 (3)作宾语补足语,一般紧跟在宾语后面。 Eg:The new present makes me happy. 新礼物让我高兴。 (4)修饰something, anything, nothing, everything等复合不定代词时,形容词通常放在他们后面。 Eg:I would like something hot to drink. 我想喝些热饮料。 (5)表示长宽高深及年龄的形容词,放在相应的名词后面。 Eg:My uncle is 1.8 meters tall. 我叔叔身高1.8米。 (6)有的形容词只能作表语,如afraid, alone, asleep, awake, alive, well, ill, frightened. Eg: —What’s the matter? 怎么了? —I’m ill. 我生病了。 (7)有的形容词只能作定语,如little, only, wooden, woolen, elder. Eg: I’m the only child in my family. 我是家里的独子。 (8)有的形容词加上定冠词the可以泛指一类人或整体,谓语动词用复数。 Eg:We shouldn’t laugh at the poor. 我们不应该嘲笑穷人。 3.形容词的排列顺序 多个形容词修饰一个名词时,其排列顺序则由它们和被修饰的名词之间的密切程度而定。与被修饰名词关系越密切的、描述越具体的形容词越靠近被修饰词。一般情况下顺序为:限定词(冠词,人称代词,指示代词,形容词性物主代词,数词等)→描绘词(大小,长短,形状,新旧或年龄,颜色)→来源或出处→材料性质→类别→名词。 Eg:My small old blue bag. 我的旧的蓝书包。 二、副词 1.副词的分类 副词大体上分为时间副词(yesterday, now, tonight),地点副词(here, there, back),


1. It was _____ opportunity to miss. A. too good an B. a too good C. too a good D. too good 2. I don’t like it at all. It can’t be _____. A. better B. worse C. best D. worst 3. There was nothing special about this film — it was only ______. A. particular B. average C. interesting D. strange 4. She looks very _____ but I can’t remember her name. A. similar B. familiar C. friendly D. strange 5. He said he would return the money, and I was ______. A. fool enough to believe him B. enough fool to believe him C. fool enough believing him D. enough fool believing him 6. “This book is ______ more useful for us students.”“Yes, but it is _______ too difficult.” A. quite, quite B. much, rather C. rather, quite D. quite, much 7. The children all looked _____ at the broken model plane and felt quite _____. A. sad, sad B. sadly, sadly C. sad, sadly D. sadly, sad 8. The child dreamed that he had once lived in a _______ house in the forest. A. wooden pretty little B. little pretty wooden C. pretty little wooden D. wooden little pretty 9. He wanted to read more, so he asked his friends if there was _______ to read. A. something easy enough B. something enough easy C. enough easy something D. easy enough something 10. The doctor assured the patient that there was ______ with her, but she could not help worrying. A. seriously wrong nothing B. nothing serious wrong C. nothing seriously wrong D. serious nothing wrong 11. —How is your father? —He’s fine. He’s______ to play tennis every Sunday. A. enough active still B. enough still active C. still active enough D. still enough active



总结为“两好,两坏,两多,一少,一老,一远”不规则。 注意:healthy--healthier----healthiest friendly---friendlier---friendliest crowded---more crowded---most crowded 二.形容词、副词比较级的用法 1.形容词的比较级可以单独使用: Be more careful next time. 下次小心点。 Which book is better? 哪本书更好? 2.也可以和than连用,表示两者相比,than后可以跟:

a. 名词或代词: He is older than me / I . 他年龄比我大。 b. 动名词: Skiing is more exciting than skating. 滑雪比滑冰更刺激。 c. 从句: I was a better singer than he was. 我唱歌比他好。 句型1:as+形容词原形+as This jacket is as beautiful as that one. 句型2. not as+形容词原形+as=not so+形容词原形+as 前者不及/不如后者 This school is not as beautiful as that one. 表达前者不如后者还可以用:less +原级+than This school is less beautiful than that one。 句型3 :1)表示“是......的几倍时” ......倍数+as 原级as....... This garden is ten times as large as that one。 这个花园是那个的九倍大。


六年级英语总复习 形容词、副词的比较级和最高级 一般来说,中文意思是“……的”的词是形容词,而中文意思是“……地”的词是副词。 一、形容词概念 形容是用来修饰物体的形状,大小,长度,属性,特点等,位于名词的前面。 如: 1.He is a hard-working student.(努力的→特点) 2.Our English teacher has long hair.(长的→长度) 3.The elephants are very big, and the mice are very small.(大的、小的→大小) 二、形容词、副词比较级和最高级的意义 英语中的形容词和副词,在句子里表示“比较……”、“最……”时,要用特别的形式,即:比较级和最高级。原来的形式称为原级。 如:long longer longest 原级比较级最高级 1.The black pen is very long. 黑色的钢笔很长。 2.The blue pen is longer than the black one. 蓝色的钢笔比黑色的长。 3.The red pen is the longest of the three. 红色的钢笔是三支中最长的。 三、形容词、副词比较级的用法 表示两者间的比较用比较级。其常见句式有: 1.“A + be +形容词比较级+ than + B”意思为“A比B更……”。 如:This tree is taller than that one. 这棵树比那棵树高。 注意: ①在含有连词than的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。 ②在比较级前面使用much,表示程度程度“强得多”。 如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple. ③very, quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。


Exercise (比较级和副词) 一. A. 写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级 1. near ____________ ____________ high___________ ___________ 2. warm _______ _________ clever__________ ___________ 3. white ___________ ____________ blue __________ __________ 4. nice________ ________ gentle___________ ___________ 5.safe__________ _______ wide____________ ___________ 6. close ___________ _____________ long____________ ___________ 7.heavy_____ _________ sunny___________ ____________ 8. early ___________ ______________ dry ____________ ___________ 9. busy ___________ _____________ happy ___________ ___________ 10. easy ___________ _____________ angry ___________ ____________ 11. windy _________ ______________

little __________ ____________ 12. thin ___________ ______________ ` fat ______________ ___________ 13. hot ___________ _______________ big ______________ ___________ 14.wet ___________ ____________ ` good____________ ___________ 15. bad ___________ ______________ well __________ _____________ 16.badly_________ ______ many____________ ___________ 17. much _________ ______________ far ______________ ___________ 18. important ____________ _____________ 19. dangerous _____________ _______________ 20 beautiful _____________ _________________ 21. difficult ___________ ______________ 22. brightly ____________ ________________ 23. strongly ____________ ________________ 24. expensive__________ _______________ 25. quietly ______________ _____________ B. 写出下列形容词的副词形式 1. bad ________nice _____ beautiful_________


形容词与副词的比较级 一)形容词与副词 形容词常用于修饰名词,说明该词的性质、特征等。它在句中主要用作定语、表语、宾语补足语和状语,如: The primitive language of signs is not always very clear.(定语)原始语言手势的意思并非总是很清楚的。 Groups of new,modern buildings have sprung up along the river.(定语)一群群新的现代建筑沿江拔地而起。 The football game was marvelous.(表语)足球赛精彩极了。 I'm sorry that I'm late.(表语)对不起,我迟到了。 Don't leave the door open,please.(宾补)请不要将门敞着。 He spent three days in the snow,cold and hungry.(状语) 他又冷又饿地在风雪中过了两天。 这里我们先讨论在使用形容词和副词时应注意什么,以免犯那些常见的错误。 1.有些形相似、义相别的词如: alone(独自地)lonely(孤独的) alive(活的)living(活生生的)lively(活跃的) blooming(花正开的)booming(繁荣的) credible(可靠的)creditable(高贵的) considerable(应考虑的;相当多的)considerate(体贴人的) desirous(想望的)desirable(合意的) efficient(有效力的)sufficient(足够的) exhaustive(彻底的)exhausting(使人筋疲力尽的) healthy(健壮的)healthful(有益健康的)healthily(旺盛地;相当大地)honorable(荣誉的)honorary(名誉的) historic(历史性的)historical(历史上的) imaginative(富于想象力的)imaginable可想象到的)imaginary(想象的)


形容词和副词 一.形容词 1.修饰名词,描述其性质、品质、特征等的词。一般“…的”的词都是形容词。 如:She is a beautiful girl. (漂亮的) 2.在句中作定语、表语、宾语补足语。 如:I have an interesting book. (interesting有趣的,修饰book,在句中作定语) We are happy today. (happy快乐的,在句中作表语) Students should keep their classroom clean and tidy.(clean干净的,tidy整洁的,在句中都作宾 语补足语) 3.多个形容词同时修饰一个名词时的排列顺序 限定词+外观类+形状+年龄+颜色+国籍+材料+名词(简记:县官行令色国才) 如:a tall 17-year-old black American boy. 一个17岁的高个子黑皮肤美国男孩。 the big round red wooden table. 又大又圆的红色木质饭桌。 二.副词: 1.通常修饰动词,表示动作的程度、方式等。还可修饰形容词、副词,有时修饰整个句子,在句中 作状语。一般“…地”的词都是副词。 如:You must listen to the teacher carefully.(仔细地,认真地) 2.副词的分类 1) 时间副词: now, today等 2)频度副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never 2) 地点副词:here, there, upstairs, downstairs等 3) 方式副词:carefully, fast, well, politely等 4) 程度副词: much, little, quite等 5) 疑问副词: how, when, where, why等 三.形容词转化成副词 1.一般在形容词后加ly, 如:quick-quickly 2.以辅音字母+y结尾的形容词,变y为i, 加ly, 如:happy-happily 3.以ue 结尾的形容词,去e加ly, 如:true-truly 注:有些词兼有形容词和副词的词性,如:fast, hard, high, late, far等,它们的词性只有通过具体语境来判断。另外,有些以ly结尾的词不是副词,而是形容词,如:friendly, lovely lonely, lively等。四.形容词和副词的比较级、最高级构成


形容词和副词(练习题+答案) 1. The modern machine proved ______ in heart surgery. B A. high valuable B. highly valuable C. valuable high D. valuable highly 2. Mr. Johnson and his ______ daughter do not always understand each other. C A. older B. the oldest C. eldest D. the eldest 3. They ______ thought that the truth would be finally discovered. A A. little B. not C. small D. bit 4. They hardly believe that the apartment which costs them $ 4,000 is ______. A A. so small B. such little C. so little D. such small 5. If a claim is kept ______, it is more likely to be recognized. C A. live B. lived C. alive D. living 6. On his way to school he met a ______, so he sent him to hospital. D A. very ill man B. much sick man C. serious ill man D. very sick man 7. She was operated a month ago but now she was ______. B A. very good B. very well C. healthy D. good conditioned


(转)常用形容词副词的比较级和最高级 1. abrupt more abrupt most abrupt 2. absorbent more absorbent most absorbent 3. absurd more absurd most absurd 4. acceptable more acceptable most acceptable 5. accurate more accurate most accurate 6. accustomed more accustomed most accustomed 7. adaptable more adaptable most adaptable 8. adequate more adequate most adequate 9. admirable more admirable most admirable 10. advanced more advanced most advanced 11. advantageous more advantageous most advantageous 12. adventurous more adventurous most adventurous 13. affluent more affluent most affluent 14. affordable more affordable most affordable 15. afraid more afraid most afraid 16. aggressive more aggressive most aggressive 17. agreeable more agreeable most agreeable 18. alarmed more alarmed most alarmed 19. alarming more alarming most alarming 20. alcoholic more alcoholic most alcoholic 21. alert more alert most alert 22. alike more alike most alike 23. amazed more
