福特嘉年华维修手册 (21)




303-01-34 拆卸和安装
2. 材料: 硅脂密封剂
发动机 — 1.3L (Z6)/1.5L (Z6)
2008.75 Fiesta 12/2008
303-01-35 拆卸和安装
发动机 — 1.3L (Z6)/1.5L (Z6)
20. 参阅:前副车架 (502-00 单体车身、副车架和安 装系统, 拆卸和安装).
24. 警告: 确保发动机和变速器总成放置于木 块上并用合适的带子固定。
通用设备: 安装台
22. 专用工具: 308-237
303-01-2A7-PDF Split DEMO : Pur发ch动as机e fr—om1w.3wLw(.ZA6-P)/D1.F5.Lco(mZ6t)o remove the waterma3r0k3-01-27 拆卸和安装
油泵(21 714 0)
注意: 该步骤中的拆卸步骤可能包括安装的详细 信息。
303-01-31 拆卸和安装
发动机 — 1.3L (Z6)/1.5L (Z6)
10 9
小心: 使用末端开口扳手固定住凸轮轴的
扭矩: 55 Nm
5. 2. 卸下螺栓。

嘉年华 维修手册 303-03

嘉年华 维修手册 303-03

1.3L 发动机
名称 水泵 节温器
1.6L 发动机
编号 1 2 3



501-29-9 拆卸和安装
材料 名称
挡风玻璃粘合剂套装 通用设备 点焊钻头
规格 WSK-M11P57-A1
通用设备 热风枪 6 mm钻头 电阻点焊设备 金属熔化惰性气体保护焊装备
2008.75 Fiesta 7/2009
G1133576zhLeabharlann 501-29-10 拆卸和安装
7. 通用设备: 金属熔化惰性气体保护焊装备
2008.75 Fiesta 7/2009
501-29-8 拆卸和安装
8. 挡风玻璃
参阅:挡风玻璃 (501-11 玻璃、车架和机械, 拆卸和安装).
参阅:前车门定位 (501-03 车身封闭, 一般步 骤).
501-29-28 拆卸和安装
5. 参阅:A柱组件 (501-29 侧围板金属板维修, 拆卸和安装).
参阅:A柱外侧板 (501-29 侧围板金属板维 修, 拆卸和安装).
踏脚板 车门绞链 前后车门 前轮罩拱饰板 后轮装饰件 A- B- 和 C- 柱饰板 参阅:A柱装饰板 (501-05 车内装饰, 拆卸和
参阅:车身维修工具和设备 (501-25 车身维修 常规信息, 说明和操作).
2. 注意: 密封胶和胶带不能用于焊接区域。 然后 结合部或密封区域需要彻底密封。
参阅:密封物、车底保护材料和粘合剂 (501-25 车身维修 - 常规信息, 说明和操作).


速度等值)或 • 被完全禁止。
警告: 对于把转向管柱将从转向齿轮上分离 出来的维修操作,毫无例外,方向盘必须首先 居中,然后方向盘锁啮合(请参阅当前维修文 献)。
背景: 通过钟式弹簧,向电动转向马达中的转向 扭矩传感器供电。 钟式弹簧的长度总共限制为六 转。 如果安装转向管柱时偏离中心位置,下次钟 式弹簧会被撕裂,使方向盘移至全锁位置。
8. 小心: 为防止转向连杆损坏,转动方向盘, 将转向连杆移向转向锁止。
转动方向盘,将转向连杆置于紧靠左侧转向锁 止。
9. 注意: 为隔离转向齿轮设计间隙,将转向器打 到左锁止位置,检查左侧连杆。
在其他技术人员的协助下,将转向器打到左锁止 位置,牢牢握住并摇动左侧车轮,检查拉杆有否 自由行程。
29 Nm
项目 D 转向柱 E PSC模块 F 电动转向马达
本车采用电动转向 马达。 电动转向马达与转向管柱结合。
只要转动方向盘,电动马达(电动转向马达)就可 以协助转向运动。 使用涡轮,使马达的旋转运动 直接转移到转向轴。
2008.75 Fiesta 12/2008
11. 如果拉杆内部球接头有自由行程,安装新的横拉 杆。
参阅:横拉杆 (211-03 转向传动杆系, 拆卸和安 装).
2. 检查转向管柱轴万向接头是否移动流畅。 1. 抓住转向管柱轴万向接头轴轭。 2. 将轴 在 个方向移动。 如果移动不流畅或感到阻力,请安装新的转 向管柱轴。
参阅:转向柱轴 (211-04 转向柱, 拆卸和安 装).
从限制器到限制器的距离大约需要转动方向盘 2.6 圈(从中心位置到任一边需要 1.3 圈)。



© 2018 Ford Motor Company
Right Part. Priced Right.
Motorcraft® is a registered trademark of Ford Motor Company December 2017
Any vehicle with cooled seats will use this seat filter
Consult your Owner’s Manual for the appropriate maintenance schedule based upon your driving habits Consult Parts Catalog for most current information
Seat Filter
Applications sorted by Motorcraft Part Number
Expedition F-150 F-250 Lincoln Blackwood Navigator Lincoln Continental Lincoln Continental Freestar/Monterey Windstar
2017-2018 2017-2018 1999-2000 1999-2002 2002-2003 1998-2002 1995-1997 2017 2000-2002 2003-2006 2010-2016 2010-2018 2007-2015 2016-2018 2016-2018 2015-2018 2010-2012 2013-2018 2013-2018 2001-2006 2008-2012 2006 2010-2011 2010-2011 2004-2007 1999-2000 1996-2000 1998-2002 2018 2013-2018 1996-2005




进入方式:1. 要进入仪表的自我诊断模式,必需同时按住旅程表 RESET (归零) 按钮并将点火开关从位置 0 转到位置 II。

2. 当里程表的旅程液晶显示屏 (LCD) 中显示 TEST 时,表示进入到自我诊断模式的确认。

在开始显示 TEST的三秒钟内必需放开旅程归零按钮不然仪表将会跳出自我诊断模式。

3. 要操控或跳过任何的仪表自我诊断模式测试时,只要按下旅程表的 RESET (归零) 按钮。


4. 当点火开关被转到 OFF 位置或侦测到蓄电池电压太低时,自我诊断模式即被取消。

5. 若是输入到仪表的数据不完整或无效时,那么旅程表 LCD ‘会显示 ---- 。

6. 若是无法进入自我诊断模式,那么利用 WDS 来诊断仪表。


说明:1.自我诊断进入TEST仪表成立自我诊断模式2. 仪表摆动 GAUGE 转速表、速度表、温度与燃油所有的仪表摆到最顶端位置然后指针缓慢的往下摆动检查。

指针必需于 3 秒钟之内摆到最顶端的位置而且于3 秒钟之内摆到归零的位置。

3. 里程表 LCD 888888 里程表 LCD 在 LCD 的里程显示屏中填入里程。

4. 指示灯 LED LeD 指示灯与警告指示灯点亮所有 LED 警告指示灯都是由仪表所操纵。

5. ROM 品级 r XXXX / FAIL 仪表只读取经历(ROM) 显示仪表 ROM 品级与型式。

6. 无需求ErXXXX - 无需求7. 无需求E XX / FAIL - 无需求8. 制造日期dtXXXX 仪表制造日期显示仪表制造日期。

9. 诊断故障代码(DTC) dtc then XXXnonE DTCs 以距离一秒钟的时刻别离显示DTC。

嘉年华 维修手册 501_29

嘉年华 维修手册 501_29

501-29 章节侧金属蒙皮修理适用车型: 2003.50 嘉年华目录页码拆卸和安装A柱外蒙皮部份和加强板............................................................................... (44 331 5) 501-29-1 弯刀形蒙皮 ................................................................................................ (44 447 0) 501-29-4弯刀形蒙皮部份 .......................................................................................... (44 475 0) 501-29-5弯刀形蒙皮前部份 ....................................................................................... (44 475 4) 501-29-6弯刀形蒙皮后部份 ....................................................................................... (44 475 5) 501-29-7 B柱加强板 ................................................................................................. (44 584 2) 501-29-8A柱外蒙皮部份和加强板(44 331 5)名称规格A柱外蒙皮A柱底部加强蒙皮A柱顶部加强蒙皮A柱内蒙皮翼子板加强板通风道支撑蒙皮挡泥板支承蒙皮拆卸1. 综述•挡泥板、车门、发动机盖、前挡风玻璃和车门胶条在修理前必须拆卸。



1GeneralInformation2Table of ContentsGeneral Maintenance Information ...............3What Maintenance Schedule Do You Follow?. (5)Normal Schedule (6)Severe Duty Schedule (18)Owner Maintenance Checks ........................36Maintenance Schedule andRecordGeneral Maintenance Information The required Scheduled Maintenance Services listed in this booklet are considered essential to the proper operation,safety and performance of your Ford Motor Company vehicle.We recommend that you also perform the Owner Maintenance Checks listed.These services are matters of day-to-day care that are also important to the proper operation of your vehicle.The recommended lubricants,fluids and service parts conforming to Ford Specifications are available from your dealer.This booklet gives you a place to record the services that are performed on your vehicle so that you can keep a record of when parts should be checked or replaced.Give your Maintenance Schedule and Record booklet to the dealer service manager.Maintenance Schedule and Record34Maintenance:An investmentAn investment which will pay dividends in the form of improved reliability,durability,and resale value.To assure the durability of your vehicle and its emission control systems,it is necessary that scheduled maintenance be performed at the designated intervals.Ford strongly recommends the use of genuine Ford replacement parts.If other than Ford or Motorcraft parts or Ford authorized remanufactured parts are used for maintenance replacements or for the service of components affecting emission control,such non-Ford parts should be equivalent to genuine Ford Motor Company parts in performance and durability.It is the owner’s responsibility to determine the equivalency of such parts.Please consult your warranty booklet for complete warranty information.No Cost PCV Valve ReplacementTHE PCV VALVE IS A CRITICAL EMISSION COMPONENT.YOUR DEALER WILL REPLACE THE VALVE AT NO COST AT 60,000MILES/96,000KILOMETERS (EXCEPT CANADA AND CALIFORNIA VEHICLES).PRE-DELIVERY CHECKu Pre-Delivery Service InspectionCompletedWhat Maintenance Schedule Do You Follow?NormalScheduleFollow the Normal Schedule for most normal everyday driving conditions.Severe DutyScheduleFollow the Severe Duty Schedule if your driving habits FREQUENTLY include one or more of the following conditions:u Towing a trailer.u Operating in severe dust conditions.u Extensive idling,such as police,taxi or door-to-door delivery service.u Short trips of less than10miles(16km) when outside temperatures remain below0˚F (-18˚C).56Normal ScheduleNormal ScheduleNOTE:Items for Emission Control Service are shown in this type and style.For items marked with a number in parentheses such as (1),see footnote at the end of this section.NOTE:Rear axle lube quantities must be replaced every 100,000miles (160,000km)or if the axle has been submerged in water.Otherwise,the lube should not be checked or changed unless a leak is suspected or repair required.Regular Maintenance Intervals for the Normal Schedule 5,000MILES (8,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).uRotate tires and adjust air pressure.Normal Schedule 710,000MILES (16,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles(8,000km).15,000MILES (24,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (24,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.20,000MILES (32,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles(8,000km).8Normal Schedule 25,000MILES (40,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.30,000MILES (48,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Replace air cleaner filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (24,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Change automatic transmission fluid.u Inspect exhaustheat shield(s).Normal Schedule 935,000MILES (56,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).uRotate tires and adjust air pressure.40,000MILES (64,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by liftingpedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).45,000MILES (72,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (24,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires and adjust air pressure.10Normal Schedule 50,000MILES (80,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Change engine coolant initially at 50,000miles (80,000km)or 48months.Thereafter,change engine coolant every 30,000miles (48,000km)or 36months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles(8,000km).55,000MILES (88,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires and adjustair pressure.Normal Schedule 1160,000MILES (96,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect accessory drive belts —3.8L and 4.6L (2V)engines only.u Replace air cleaner filter.u Replace PCV valve.(2)u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (24,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Change automatic transmission fluid.u Inspect exhaust heat shield(s).u Inspect front and rearbrakes.(1)65,000MILES (104,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires and adjustair pressure.12Normal Schedule 70,000MILES (112,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles(8,000km).75,000MILES (120,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (24,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires and adjustair pressure.Normal Schedule 1380,000MILES (128,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Change engine coolant every 30,000miles (48,000km)or 36months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).85,000MILES (136,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.14Normal Schedule 90,000MILES (144,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect accessory drive belts —3.8L and 4.6L (2V)engines only.u Replace air cleaner filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (24,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Change automatic transmission fluid.u Inspect exhaust heat shield(s).u Inspect front and rearbrakes.(1)95,000MILES (152,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires and adjustair pressure.Normal Schedule 15100,000MILES (160,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect accessory drive belt(s)—4.6L (4V)engines only.u Replace spark plugs.u Replace rear axle lubricant.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles(8,000km).105,000MILES (168,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (24,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.16Normal Schedule 110,000MILES (176,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Change engine coolant every 30,000miles (48,000km)or 36months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).115,000MILES (184,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.Normal Schedule 17120,000MILES (192,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect accessory drive belts —3.8L and 4.6L (2V)engines only.u Replace air cleaner filter.u Replace PCV valve.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (24,000km)or 12months.u Check clutch pedal operation (if equipped).u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 5,000miles (8,000km).u Change automatic transmission fluid.u Inspect exhaust heat shield(s).u Inspect front and rear brakes.(1)(1)If your driving habits include continuous stop-and-godriving or driving in hilly areas,more frequent intervals may be required.(2)At 60,000miles (96,000km)your dealer will replace thePCV valve at no cost except on Canada and California vehicles.Severe Duty ScheduleNOTE:Items for Emission Control Service are shown in this type and style.For items marked with a number in parentheses such as(1),see footnote at the end of this section.NOTE:The Severe Duty Schedule provides maintenance intervals for replacingyour air cleaner filter if you drive insevere dust conditions.However,theconditions you drive in may requireeven more frequent air cleanerreplacement intervals than thoseshown.Check with your dealer. NOTE:Rear axle lube quantities must bereplaced every100,000miles(165,000km)or if the axle has beensubmerged in water.Otherwise,thelube should not be checked or changedunless a leak is suspected or repairrequired.18Severe Duty ScheduleSevere Duty Schedule 19Maintenance Intervals for Severe Duty Schedule 3,000MILES (5,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).6,000MILES (10,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.20Severe Duty Schedule 9,000MILES (15,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).12,000MILES (20,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).15,000MILES (25,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (25,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires and adjustair pressure.Severe Duty Schedule 2118,000MILES (30,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).21,000MILES (35,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Changeautomatic transmission fluid.24,000MILES (40,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.22Severe Duty Schedule 27,000MILES (45,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).30,000MILES (50,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Replace air cleaner filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (25,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Inspect exhaust heat shield(s).u Inspect front and rearbrakes.(1)Severe Duty Schedule 2333,000MILES (55,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.36,000MILES (60,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).39,000MILES (65,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).24Severe Duty Schedule 42,000MILES (70,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Change automatic transmission fluid.u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.45,000MILES (75,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (25,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).Severe Duty Schedule 2548,000MILES (80,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Change engine coolant initially at 48,000miles (80,000km)or 48months.Thereafter,change engine coolant every 30,000miles (50,000km)or 36months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).51,000MILES (85,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.54,000MILES (90,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).26Severe Duty Schedule 57,000MILES (95,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).60,000MILES (100,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Replace spark plugs.u Inspect accessory drive belts —3.8L and 4.6L (2V)engines only.u Replace air cleaner filter.u Replace PCV valve.(2)u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (25,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Inspect exhaust heat shield(s).u Inspect front and rear brakes.(1)u Rotate tires and adjustair pressure.Severe Duty Schedule 2763,000MILES (105,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Change automatictransmission fluid.66,000MILES (110,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).69,000MILES (115,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.28Severe Duty Schedule 72,000MILES (120,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).75,000MILES (125,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (25,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).Severe Duty Schedule 2978,000MILES (130,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Change engine coolant every 30,000miles (50,000km)or 36months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires and adjustair pressure.81,000MILES (135,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).84,000MILES (140,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Change automatictransmission fluid.30Severe Duty Schedule 87,000MILES (145,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.90,000MILES (150,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect accessory drive belts —3.8L and 4.6L (2V)engines only.u Replace air cleaner filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (25,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Inspect exhaust heat shield(s).u Inspect front and rearbrakes.(1)Severe Duty Schedule 3193,000MILES (155,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).96,000MILES (160,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires andadjust air pressure.99,000MILES (165,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).32Severe Duty Schedule 100,000MILES (165,000Kilometers)u Inspect accessory drive belt(s)—4.6L (4V)engine.uReplace rear axle lubricant.102,000MILES (170,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every3,000miles (5,000km).105,000MILES (175,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (25,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Change automatic transmission fluid.uRotate tires and adjust air pressure.Severe Duty Schedule 33108,000MILES (180,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Change engine coolant every 30,000miles (50,000km)or 36months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles(5,000km).111,000MILES (185,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).114,000MILES (190,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Rotate tires and adjust air pressure.34Severe Duty Schedule 117,000MILES (195,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).120,000MILES (200,000Kilometers)u Change engine oil and replace oil filter.u Replace spark plug.u Inspect accessory drive belts —3.8L and 4.6L (2V)engines only.u Replace air cleaner filter.u Replace PCV valve.u Inspect engine cooling system,hoses,and clamps;and check coolant strength every 15,000miles (25,000km)or 12months.u Adjust clutch by lifting pedal every 3,000miles (5,000km).u Inspect exhaust heat shield(s).uInspect front and rear brakes.(1)(1)If your driving habits include continuous stop-and-godriving or driving in hilly areas,more frequent intervals may be required.(2)At60,000miles(96,000km)your dealer will replace thePCV valve at no cost except on Canada and Californiavehicles.Severe Duty Schedule35Owner Maintenance ChecksThe following lists are vehicle checks and inspections that should be performed by the owner or qualified service technician at the frequencies indicated to help ensure safe, dependable operation of your vehicle.Any adverse conditions should be brought to the attention of your dealer or qualified service technician for service advice as soon as possible. These Owner Maintenance Checks are generally not covered by warranties and you may be charged for labor,parts and lubricants used.When You Stop for Fuel:u Check the engine oil level.u Check coolant level in the coolant recovery reservoir.u Check the windshield washer fluid level.u Look for low or under-inflated tires.36Owner Maintenance ChecksWhile Operating Your Vehicle:u Note any changes in the sound of the exhaust or any smell of exhaust fumes in the vehicle. u Check for vibrations in the steering wheel.Notice any increased steering effort orlooseness in the steering wheel.u Notice if your vehicle constantly turns slightly or“pulls”to one side of the road.u When stopping,listen and check for strange sounds,pulling to one side,increased brake pedal travel or“hard to push”brake pedal.u If any slipping or changes in the operation of your transmission occur,check thetransmission fluid level.u Check automatic transmission P(Park) function.u Check parking brake.u Check for fluid leaks under your vehicle (water dripping from the air conditioningsystem after use is normal).u Check warning lights and gauges.At least monthly:u Check the tire pressure—check tires when cold,not after a long drive.u Check coolant level in the coolant recovery reservoir.u Check the operation of all exterior lamps, including the brakelamps,turn signals andhazard warning flashers.Owner Maintenance Checks37At least twice a year:(i.e.,every Spring and Fall)u Check radiator,heater and air-conditioning hoses for leaks or damage.u Check the power steering fluid level.u Check windshield washer spray and wiper operation.Clean wiper blades with cleancloth dampened with washer fluid.u Check for worn tires and loose wheel lug nuts.u Check muffler,exhaust pipes,shields and clamps.u Check headlamp alignment.u Check the lap-shoulder belts for wear and function.u Check air pressure in spare tire.u Lubricate all hinges,checks,latches and all outside key locks.38Owner Maintenance ChecksAt least once a year:u Check engine cooling system,hoses and clamps and check coolant strength.u Lubricate door rubber weatherstrips.u Clean the body water drain holes.u Check the air conditioning system before the warm weather season.u Check the brake fluid level.u Clean the battery connections.u Lubricate the transmission controls and linkage.u Check manual transmission fluid.If any of these conditions are noted,bring them to the attention of your dealer or qualified service technician as soon as possible.Owner Maintenance Checks39。



308-00 章节手动变速器/变速驱动桥和离合器–概述适用车型: 2003.50 嘉年华目录页码规格规格.................................................................................................................................................... 308-00-2说明与操作手动变速驱动桥和离合器................................................................................................................... 308-00-3诊断和测试手动变速驱动桥和离合器................................................................................................................... 308-00-4检查和确认 - 离合器 ........................................................................................................................ 308-00-4检查和确认 - 手动变速驱动桥.......................................................................................................... 308-00-4故障现象表......................................................................................................................................... 308-00-5定点测试 ............................................................................................................................................ 308-00-9一般程序离合器摩擦片检查............................................................................................................... 308-00-15离合器总泵检查 .................................................................................................................. 308-00-16离合器压盘检查 .................................................................................................................. 308-00-17离合器分泵检查 ................................................................................................................................. 308-00-18离合器系统排气 .............................................................................................. (16 843 0) 308-00-19换档连杆机构调节........................................................................................... (16 513 0) 308-00-22规格说明与操作手动变速驱动桥和离合器离合器相关信息参见 308-01章节。



Index141Customer assistanceGETTING ROADSIDE ASSISTANCETo fully assist you should you have a vehicle concern,Ford Motor Company has a complimentary roadside assistance service hotline.The service is available:•24-hours,seven days a week•through the warranty period of three years or60,000km(36,000 miles),whichever comes firstTo purchase roadside assistance coverage beyond this period through the Ford Auto Club,contact your Ford or Lincoln-Mercury dealer.Roadside assistance will:•mount the spare if you have a flat tire•jump-start the battery if it becomes discharged•unlock the vehicle if you are locked out•bring fuel if you run out•tow the vehicle if you are stranded.Even non-warranty related tows, like accidents or getting stuck in the mud or snow,are covered(some exclusions apply,such as impound towing or repossession).Daily rental units are not eligible for roadside assistance.Additional roadside assistance coverage is unavailable in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.Using roadside assistanceComplete the roadside assistance identification card(found in the Owner Guide portfolio in the glove compartment)and place it in your wallet for quick reference.To receive roadside assistance,call1-800-241-FORD.Should you need to arrange assistance for yourself,Ford Motor Company will reimburse a reasonable amount.To obtain information about reimbursement,call1-800-241-FORD.FORD EXTENDED SERVICE PLANYou can get more protection for your new car or light truck by purchasing a Ford Extended Service Plan(Ford ESP).Ford ESP is the only extended service program with the Ford name on it and the only service backed by Ford Motor Company.2Customer assistance Ford ESP is an optional service contract,backed and administered by Ford.It provides:•protection against repair costs after your Bumper to Bumper Warranty expires;and•other benefits during the warranty period(such as:reimbursement for rentals;coverage for certain manintenance and wear items).You may purchase Ford ESP from any participating Ford Motor Company dealer.There are several Ford ESP plans available in varioustime-and-mileage combinations.Each plan can be tailored to fit your own driving needs,including reimbursement benefits for towing and rental. (In Hawaii,rules vary.See you dealer for details.)When you buy Ford ESP,you receive peace-of-mind protection throughout the United States and Canada,provided by a network of more the5,100participating Ford Motor Company dealers.Repairs performed outside the United States and Canada are not eligible for ESP coverage.This information is subject to change.Ask your dealer for complete details about Ford ESP coverage.GETTING THE SERVICE YOU NEEDAt homeFord Motor Company has authorized Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealerships to service your vehicle.Ford strongly recommends taking your vehicle to the selling dealership because they have a vested interest in your continued satisfaction.You may,however,take your vehicle to any authorized Ford or Lincoln-Mercury dealer.Your dealer has factory-trained technicians and the latest diagnostic equipment to ensure your new vehicle is serviced properly.Ford and Lincoln-Mercury dealerships also carry genuine Ford parts and accessories,providing you with original equipment reliability.If you are not satisfied with the service you receive at the dealership, speak with the service manager.If you are still not satisfied,speak with the owner or general manager of the dealership.In most cases,your concern will be resolved at this level.3Contacting the Dispute Settlement BoardAway from homeIf you are away from home when your vehicle needs service,or if you need more help than the dealership could provide,contact the Ford Customer Assistance Center to find an authorized dealership to help you:Ford Motor CompanyCustomer Assistance Center300Renaissance CenterP.O.Box43360Detroit,Michigan482431-800-392-3673(FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired:1-800-232-5952)Please have the following information available when contacting Ford Customer Assistance:•your telephone number(home and business)•the name of the dealer and the city where the dealership is located •the year and make of your vehicle•the date of vehicle purchase•the current kilometers(mileage)of your vehicle•the vehicle identification number(VIN)listed on your vehicle ownership licenseIf you still have a complaint involving a warranty dispute,you may wish to contact the Dispute Settlement Board.A warranty dispute must be submitted to the Dispute Settlement Board before taking action under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act,or to the extent allowed by state law,before pursuing replacement or repurchase remedies provided by certain state laws.This dispute handling procedure is not required prior to enforcing state created rights or other rights which are independent of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act or state replacement or repurchase laws.THE DISPUTE SETTLEMENT BOARDThe Dispute Settlement Board is:•an independent,third-party arbitration program for warranty disputes •available free to owners and lessees of qualifying Ford Motor Company vehicles4Contacting the Dispute Settlement Board The Dispute Settlement Board may not be available in all states.Ford Motor Company reserves the right to change eligibility limitations,modify procedures and/or discontinue this service without notice and without incurring obligations.What kinds of cases does the Board review?The Board reviews all warranty performance complaints on Ford, Mercury and Lincoln cars and Ford and Mercury light trucks under the new vehicle limited warranty that have not been resolved by either a dealer or Ford Motor Company,except those involving:•a non-Ford product•a non-Ford dealership•a vehicle sales transaction•request for reimbursement of consequential expenses.Expenses incidental to the warranty complaint being reviewed are eligible for consideration•items not covered by the new vehicle limited warranty•items covered by a service contract•alleged liability claims•property damage where the damage is significant when compared to the economic loss alleged under the warranty dispute•cases currently in litigation•vehicles not used primarily for family,personal or household purposes (except in states where the Dispute Settlement Board is required to review commercial vehicles)Complaints involving vehicles in which applicable new vehicle limited warranties have expired at receipt of your application are not eligible. Eligibility may differ according to state law.For example,see the unique brochure for California and Wisconsin purchasers/lessees.How does the Board work?The Board consists of:•three consumer representatives•a Ford or Lincoln/Mercury dealer5Contacting the Dispute Settlement BoardConsumer candidates for Board membership are recruited and trained by an independent consulting firm.Dealers are chosen because of their business leadership qualities.What the Board needsTo have your case reviewed you must complete the application in the DSB brochure and mail it to the address provided on the application form.Your application is reviewed and,if it is determined to be eligible,you will receive an acknowledgment indicating:•the file number assigned to your application•the toll-free phone number of the DSB’s independent administrator Your dealership and a Ford Motor Company representative are asked to submit statements at this time.To review your case properly,the Board needs the following information:•legible copies of all documents and maintenance or repair ordersrelevant to the case•the year,make,model,and Vehicle Identification Number(VIN)listed on your vehicle ownership license•the date of repair(s)and kilometers(mileage)at the time of occurrence(s)•the current kilometers(mileage)•the name of the dealer who sold or serviced the vehicle•a brief description of your unresolved concern•a brief summary of the action taken with the dealer and Ford Motor Company•the names(if known)of all the people you contacted at the dealership •a description of the action you expect to resolve your concernShould your case NOT qualify for review,a letter of explanation will be mailed to you.Oral presentationsIf the involved vehicle is within36months and36,000miles of the warranty start date,you have the right to make an oral presentation before the Board.Indicate your choice to do so on the application.Oral presentations may also be requested by the Board.6Customer assistanceMaking a decisionBoard members will review all available information related to the complaint,including oral presentations,if necessary.They then arrive at a fair and impartial decision,decided by a simple majority vote. Because the Board usually meets only once a month,some cases may take longer than30days to be reviewed.The Board makes every effort to resolve each case within40days of receiving the consumer application form.After a case is reviewed,the Board mails you its decision letter.The Board also provides a form on which to accept or reject the Board’s decision.The decisions of the Board are binding on the dealer and Ford, but not on consumers who may elect to pursue other remedies available to them under state and federal law.Decisions of the Board may be presented as evidence by any party in subsequent legal proceedings that may be initiated,where allowed by law.To Request a DSB Brochure/ApplicationFor a brochure/application,speak to your dealer or write to the Board at the following address:Dispute Settlement BoardPO Box5120Southfield,MI48086-5120GETTING ASSISTANCE OUTSIDE OF THE U.S.Before exporting your vehicle to a foreign country,contact the appropriate foreign embassy or consulate.These officials can inform you of local vehicle registration regulations and where to find unleaded fuel. If you cannot find unleaded fuel or can only get fuel with an anti-knock index lower than is recommended for your vehicle,contact a district or owner relations office before you leave the U.S.The use of leaded fuel in your vehicle without proper conversion may damage the effectiveness of your emission control system and may cause engine knocking or serious engine damage.Ford Motor Company is not responsible for any damage caused by using improper fuel.Using leaded fuel may also result in difficulty importing your vehicle back into the U.S.If your vehicle must be serviced while you are traveling or living in Central or South America,the Caribbean,or the Middle East,contact the7Customer assistancenearest Ford dealership.If the dealership cannot help you,write or call:FORD MOTOR COMPANYWORLDWIDE EXPORT OPERATIONS1555Fairlane DriveFairlane Business Park#3Allen Park,Michigan48101U.S.A.Telephone:(313)594-4857FAX:(313)390-0804If you are in another foreign country,contact the nearest Ford dealership.If the dealership employees cannot help you,they can direct you to the nearest Ford affiliate office.If you buy your vehicle in North America and then relocate outside of the U.S.or Canada,register your vehicle identification number(VIN)and new address with Ford Motor Company Export Operations.8Customer assistance FOR INFORMATION ON ORDERING SERVICEPUBLICATIONS,CONTACT:U.S.RESIDENTSCALLHELM,INCORPORATED1-800-782-4356Monday-Friday8:00A.M.-6:30P.M.ESTFor Credit Card Holder Orders OnlyCANADIAN RESIDENTSCALLFord Motor Company of Canada,Ltd.1-800-387-4966Monday-Friday8:00A.M.-6:30P.M.ESTFor Credit Card Holder Orders Only9AccessoriesFORD ACCESSORIES FOR YOUR VEHICLEFord has many quality products available from your dealer to clean your vehicle and protect its finishes.For best results,use the following or products of equivalent quality:Ford Custom Clearcoat PolishFord Custom Silicone Gloss PolishFord Custom Vinyl ProtectantFord Deluxe Leather and Vinyl CleanerFord Extra Strength Tar and Road Oil RemoverFord Extra Strength Upholstery CleanerFord Metal Surface CleanerFord Multi-Purpose CleanerFord Premium Car Wash ConcentrateFord Triple CleanFord Ultra-Clear Spray Glass CleanerA wide selection of accessories is available through your local authorized Ford or Lincoln-Mercury dealer.These quality accessories have been specifically engineered to fulfill your automotive needs;they are custom designed to complement the style and aerodynamic appearance of your vehicle.In addition,each accessory is made from high quality materials and meets or exceeds Ford’s rigid engineering and safety specifications. See your dealer for complete warranty information and availability.Not all accessories are available for all models.SafetyAnti-theft wheel lug-nutsRemote keyless entryStyled wheel protector locksVehicle security systemComfort and convenienceAir conditionerCargo liner(soft)Cargo netCargo shadeDoor edge guardsEngine block heater10AccessoriesTravel equipmentConsoleConsole armrestFour seasons base rackFour seasons rack adapters•Bike adapter•Ski adapter(three pair)Heavy-duty batteryMulti-sport removeable rackMulti-sport rack adapters•Bike adapter•Ski/snowboard adapter(4pair)•Ski/snowboard adapter(6pair)•Watersport adapterSpeed controlSoft luggage coverTrunk mount luggage rackProtection and appearanceequipmentCarpet floor matsChemicals and paintsCleaners,waxes,and polishesFlat splash guardsFull front end coversLubricants and oilsMini-maskMolded splash guardsMolded vinyl floor matsRear decklid spoilerSide window air deflectors11AccessoriesStep/sill platesSuper seal rustproofing(unavailable in Canada)Super seal undercoating(unavailable in Canada)Super seal fabric protector(unavailable in Canada)Touch-up paintFor maximum vehicle performance,keep the following information in mind when adding accessories or equipment to your vehicle:•When adding accessories,equipment,passengers,and luggage to your vehicle,do not exceed the total weight capacity of the vehicle or of the front or rear axle(GVWR or GAWR as indicated on theSafety compliance certification label).Consult your dealer forspecific weight information.•The Federal Communications Commission(FCC)regulates the use of mobile communications systems—such as two-way radios,telephones,and theft alarms—that are equipped with radiotransmitters.Any such equipment installed in your vehicle shouldcomply with FCC or CRTC regulations and should be installed only by a qualified service technician.•Mobile communications systems may harm the operation of your vehicle,particularly if they are not properly designed for automotive use or are not properly installed.When operated,such systems may cause the engine to stumble or stall.In addition,such systems may be damaged or their performance may be affected by operating your vehicle.(Citizens band[CB]transceivers,garage door openers,and other transmitters with outputs of five watts or less will notordinarily affect your vehicle’s operation.)•Ford cannot assume responsibility for any adverse effects or damage that may result from the use of such equipment.12Ordering additional publicationsORDERING ADDITIONAL OWNER’S LITERATURETo order the publications in this portfolio:Make checks payable to:HELM,INCORPORATEDP.O.Box07150Detroit,Michigan48207or order toll free:1-800-782-4356Monday-Friday8:00a.m.-6:00p.m.EST,for credit card holder orders only13Accessories (10)Customer assistanceaway from home (4)Customer Assistance Center,Ford(U.S.) (4)Dispute Settlement Board...........4Extended Service Plan,Ford. (2)Ford Dispute Settlement Board..4 Order forms,service information (9)Roadside assistance (2)Index 14。



303-01-1 .
发动机 — 1.3L (Z6)/1.5L (Z6)
节 303-01 发动机 — 1.3L (Z6)/1.5L (Z6)
车辆应用:2008.75 Fiesta 内容
规 格 ......................................................................................... 发动机数据................................................................................ 机油容量.................................................................................. 气 缸 盖 .................................................................................... 油压....................................................................................... 机 油 泵 ....................................................................................
211-05-2 211-05-3 211-05-4
211-05-2 拆卸和安装
注意: 该步骤中的拆卸步骤可能包括安装的详细 信息。



节413-13驻车辅助车辆应用:2008.75Fiesta 页码内容诊断和测试413-13-2驻车辅助.....................................................................................413-13-2检验和确认..................................................................................413-13-2自我诊断模式................................................................................413-13-2组件测试....................................................................................拆卸和安装413-13-5驻车辅助模块................................................................................413-13-6前驻车辅助扬声器...........................................................................413-13-7后驻车辅助扬声器—5门...................................................................413-13-10后驻车辅助传感器...........................................................................413-13-1停车助手413-13-1驻车辅助参阅线路图章节413-13,示意图和连接器信息通用设备中的诊断标签检验和确认1.核实客户的问题。



206-09-2 206-09-3 206-09-3 206-09-4 206-09-4 206-09-4 206-09-5
防抱死制动系统控制装置................................................................... 206-09-10 检验和确认.................................................................................. 206-09-10
紧急制动辅助(EBA):在紧急制动情况下,紧急 制动辅助通过向制动器自动施加可能的最大制动 力,以此来协助驾驶员。
206-09-11 206-09-13 206-09-16 206-09-18
206-09-2 说明和操作
防抱死制动系统控制装置 部件位置
1 2
项目 1 电子设备 2 液压
2008.75 Fiesta 12/2008
206-09-3 说明和操作
206-09-5 说明和操作
防抱死制动系统控制装置 系统操作和部件说明
6 7
13 12
14 17
15 16

嘉年华 维修手册

嘉年华 维修手册




二、安全注意事项1. 在进行维修前,请确保车辆已经停妥,并拉起紧急刹车。

2. 在进行维修时,务必佩戴安全手套和护目镜,以避免因意外事故造成人身伤害。

3. 如果对某些维修操作不熟悉,请至专业的维修中心进行处理。

4. 在维修过程中,严禁吸烟或者使用明火等可能引发火灾的物品。

三、常见故障及解决方案1. 车辆无法启动可能原因:电池电量低解决方案:使用充电器对电池进行充电,或者更换电池。


2. 发动机异响可能原因:引擎油不足解决方案:检查发动机油量,如不足及时添加正确型号的机油。


3. 刹车失灵可能原因:制动液不足解决方案:检查制动液量,如不足需补充制动液。


4. 空调不制冷可能原因:制冷剂泄漏解决方案:检查空调系统是否有泄漏,如果有泄漏需要修复,并添加适量的制冷剂。


五、维修保养计划为了保证嘉年华汽车的正常使用和延长车辆寿命,推荐按照如下的维修保养计划进行操作:1. 每隔5000公里进行一次发动机机油更换和滤清器更换。

2. 每隔1万公里进行一次刹车片检查和更换,同时检查刹车油的液位。

3. 每隔1万公里进行一次变速器油更换,并检查离合器的使用情况。

4. 每隔2万公里进行一次火花塞更换。

5. 每隔5万公里进行一次正时皮带更换。


福特系列检修专辑:第八章 第二节 嘉年华防盗系统

福特系列检修专辑:第八章 第二节 嘉年华防盗系统

第二节嘉年华防盗系统一、防盗控制系统元件说明名称序号名称序号1 中央安全模块 (CSM2 防盗警告喇叭3 防盗警告限制开关4 行李箱微开开关5 遥控发射器6 车门微开开关7 钥匙激活设定/重新设定开关8 发光二极管(LED)9 引擎盖开关二、防盗警告系统警告系统只能通过汽车钥匙或遥控发射器锁止车前门来进行设定,不可能从车门内把手或行李箱锁来进行设定。







而 CSM可利用WDS进行诊断,以辨别和处理防盗警告系统中所发现的问题。

在下列情况下,防盗警告系统将发出声音和视觉警告:• 发现有人未经授权而进入车内。

• 在防盗警告系统处于警戒状态时,音响装置的电器连接器被断开。

• 在防盗警告系统处于警戒状态时,点火开关被转到II 或 III位置。


当发现有人未经授权进入汽车时,CSM 将接通转向灯的电源。


当警告系统被触发时, CSM将接通警告喇叭的电源。


当防盗警告系统被触动时, CSM将使得转向灯闪烁大约5分钟,并且警告喇叭持续响30秒种,然后警告系统重新进入警戒状态。




















特此通知!!![原创]DIY菜鸟实践手册(09年10月30日更新)【前记】从淘宝上淘到52元曼牌JJ专用空气滤(不知贵与否,更不知道如何验真假)已经到货好几天,准备动手DIY,但由于自己处于DIY 菜鸟级,因此拼命学习了若干天,把JJ的内部结构大致弄个明白,现上图为其他菜鸟门做个参考。


2014-2020 Ford 品牌汽车产品维修手册说明书

2014-2020 Ford 品牌汽车产品维修手册说明书


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Fuel Tank Filler Hose

Fuel Tube

High Pressure Fuel Pump
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Intake Manifold

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Exhaust Manifold (Right Hand)

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211-05 章节转向柱开关
适用车型: 2003.50 嘉年华
转向柱开关......................................................................................................................... 211-05-2多功能开关......................................................................................................................... 211-05-3点火开关 ............................................................................................................................ 211-05-3拆卸和安装
转向柱多功能开关 ........................................................................................... (33 612 0) 211-05-4点火开关 ........................................................................................................ (36 424 0) 211-05-5
1 多功能开关
2 点火钥匙锁芯
3 点火开关




转向柱多功能开关 (33 612 0)
1. 拆开蓄电池接地线。


2. 拆卸转向柱上下护板
3. 拆卸多功能开关
1. 拆开多功能开关电线接头。

2. 拆下固定螺丝。

3. 卸下多功能开关。

1. 按与拆卸步骤相反的顺序安装。

点火开关 (36 424 0) 拆卸
1. 拆开蓄电池接地线。


3. 拆下点火开关电线插头
4. 拆卸点火开关
• 松开固定夹。

1. 按与拆卸步骤相反的顺序安装。
