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பைடு நூலகம்
Mr. Wakker had a website. On it, people could sign up to give him food, places to sleep, and electricity for his car. Mr. Wakker drove to where his supporters were. Along the way, he gave talks and made friends.
On March 15, 2016, Mr. Wakker left Amsterdam, the Netherlands in his electric car.
Mr. Wakker planned to drive to Sydney. But he didn’t know how he would get there and how he would pay for the trip. He left all of that up to his supporters.
Complete each sentence with one word in its proper form. arrive, kind, decide, something
1. There’s _s_o_m_e_t_h_in__g_ under the table. 2. They will ___a_rr_i_v_e___ in New York at noon. 3. It’s difficult to __d_e_c_i_d_e___ between the two. 4. I’ll never forget the __k_i_n_d_n_e_s_s _ of the nurses.
2019—2020学年 第1期
01 Pre-reading
02 While reading
Reading tasks
Language points
03 After reading
1. Do you love traveling and how do you often travel?
Mr. Wakker says the thing he’ll remember most is the kindness of all the people he met along the way.
Answer the following questions.
1. How did Mr. Wakker travel? In an electric car.
2. What is your longest trip ever?
This April, Wiebe Wakker made history. He finished the longest trip ever in an electric car. He drove from the Netherlands to Sydney, Australia.
After driving 95,000 kilometers and stopping in 33 countries, Mr. Wakker finally arrived in Sydney on April 7.
Needless to say, it was hard work. And Mr. Wakker suffered a lot. But he was always able to find people to help him. At the end of his trip, over 1,600 people helped him out.
2. He thought driving an electric car to the other side of the world might catch people’s eye. catch有“接住;抓住”的意思,catch one’s eye字面意 思为“抓住某人的眼睛”,引申为“引人注意”。 e.g. 他手里的书吸引了我的目光。 (翻译) The book in his hand caught my eye.
Choose the correct answer. ( )1. What do we know about Mr. Wakker?
A. He is from Australia. B. He is a fan of electric cars. C. He often travels to other countries. ( )2. Who decided on Mr. Wakker’s travel route (路线)? A. His parents. B. His classmates. C. His supporters.
Mr. Wakker is from the Netherlands. As a fan of electric cars, he wanted to do something to promote them. He thought driving an electric car to the other side of the world might catch people’s eye.
Translate the following sentences with the given
words or phrases from the article. 1. 他打算从这开车去上海。(drive)
He plans to drive from here to Shanghai. 2. 我们应该学会和自己做朋友。(make friends)
We should learn to make friends with ourselves. 3. 在那些困难的月份里他们帮了我们很多忙。 (help …
out) They helped us out a lot during those difficult months.
What do you think of Mr. Wakker’s car trip? Write about 60 words about your idea.
2. When and where did Mr. Wakker start his trip? In Amsterdam on March 15, 2016.
3. What will Mr. Wakker remember most about his trip? The kindness of all the people he met on his way.
1. This April, Wiebe Wakker made history. make history意为“创造历史”。 e.g. 今晚我们创造了历史—— 不是为自己而是为这个时 代。 (翻译) We made history tonight — not for ourselves but for this age.
3. He left all of that up to his supporters. leave有“留下”的意思,up to …意为“是……的职责; 由……决定”,因而,leave sth. up to sb.意为“把 某事交由某人”,up可省略。 e.g. 我将这些留给你自己来完成。(翻译) I will leave this (up) to you.
( )3. How long did it take Mr. Wakker to finish his trip? A. About one year. B. About two years. C. About three years.
( )4. What does the underlined word “suffer” mean in Chinese? A. 受难 B. 抗争 C. 反思
4. Needless to say, it was hard work. -less为形容词后缀,表否定,needless意为“不必要的; 不需要的”。needless to say为固定用法,意为“不用 说”。 e.g. 不用说,他再也没来过。(翻译) Needless to say, he never came again.