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句插题考察句间关系,所以通常情况下句插题的被插入句子都包含指示代词:it, this, that, those, these,such,another等,以及表示因果,转折等关系的过渡词语:如,therefore,so,however,as a result,consequently,on the contrary,however 等;递进扩展词:如,furthermore,also,as well,too,in addition,moreover,besides,even,additionally 等;结构配对词:如,on the one hand…,on the other hand,some…others等,所以搞清楚这些词汇所涉及的信息是解答正确的关键。


Paragraph 2: The systematic study of this art is a relatively new discipline in Australia. Over the past four decades new discoveries have steadily added to the body of knowledge. The most significant data have come from a concentration on three major questions. First, what is the age of Australian rock art? Second, what is its stylistic organization and is it possible to discern a sequence or a pattern of development between styles? Third, is it possible to interpret accurately the subject matter of ancient rock art, bring to bear all available archaeological techniques and the knowledge of present-day Aboriginal informants? ■

Paragraph 3: The age of Australia’s rock art is constantly being revised, and earlier datings have been proposed as the result of new discoveri es. ■Currently, reliable scientific evidence dates the earliest creation of art on rock surfaces in Australia to somewhere between 30,000 and 50,000 years ago. ■This in itself is an almost incomprehensible span of generations, and one that makes Australia’s rock art the oldest continuous art tradition in the world. ■

Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

While a great deal of information exists, the answers to these questions are not yet definitive. (TPO 23-3)

被插入句子里面出现while做让步和代词these questions,代词显然充当了这道题最重要的解题关键,因为被插入句子前面一定要出现questions才能让被插句本身能够说的通,所以观察一下四个备选位置,questions都出现在第一段,所以该句最合适的位置就是第一个黑色方块。


paragraph1: In the Mesa V erde area of the ancient North American Southwest, living patterns changed in the thirteenth century, with large numbers of people moving into large communal dwellings called pueblos, often constructed at the edges of canyons, especially on the sides of cliffs. Abandoning small extended-family households to move into these large pueblos with dozens if not hundreds of other people was probably traumatic. Few of the cultural traditions and

rules that today allow us to deal with dense populations existed for these people accustomed to household autonomy and the ability to move around the landscape almost at will. [■] And besides the awkwardness of having to share walls with neighbors, living in aggregated pueblos introduced other problems. [■] For people in cliff dwellings, hauling water, wood, and food to their homes was a major chore. [■] The stress on local resources, especially in the firewood needed for daily cooking and warmth, was particularly intense, and conditions in aggregated pueblos were not very hygi enic. [■]

Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Performing everyday household tasks required more effort. (TPO 24-3)

被插入句子本身没有代词和逻辑关系词,如果要插入,该句与上下文一定有信息上的关联,所以只要找到信息对应点,题目就能顺利解出。该句谈到Performing everyday household tasks,即做日常家务事,我们用这个信息来找对应点:阅读4个备选位置,看看哪个句子也谈到做日常家务事。通过阅读,发现第二个黑色方块后的句子具体谈到了家务事…hauling water, wood, and food to their homes was a major chore,初步判断应该在这句附近插入,又因为被插句是抽象描述,而第二个黑色方块后的句子是具体例子的呈现,所以该句最合适的位置是第二个黑色方块。
