



0951农业推广095108 渔业初试:337农业知识综合二:《动物遗传学》,刘祖洞主编《遗传学》(第2版),高等教育出版社,2001;《动物营养学与饲料学》,李爱杰主编《水产动物营养与饲料学》,中国农业出版社;《动物繁殖学》,王武主编《鱼类增养殖学》,中国农业出版社,2000;835渔业领域技术综合复试:《渔业经济学》,胡笑波主编,中国农业出版社加试:鱼类学,《鱼类学与海水鱼类养殖》苏锦祥主编,中国农业出版社。

095110农村与区域发展初试:339农业知识综合四:《农村社会学》,李守经主编,高等教育出版社,2000年版;《农业经济学》,雷海章主编《现代农业经济学》,中国农业出版社,2003年版;《管理学》,周三多,高等教育出版社; 836农村与区域发展技术综合复试:《农村政策学》,谭向勇主编,中国农业出版社。

095113食品加工与安全初试:338农业知识综合三:《食品卫生学》,轻工业出版社,2007;食品安全管理与法规:《食品法律法规与标准》,吴晓彤、王尔茂,科学出版社,2010年;食品分析与检验技术:《食品分析与检验》,康臻著,中国轻工业出版 2006;837食品加工与安全技术综合:《食品安全性与分析检测》许牡丹,化学工业出版社,2003。


0254国际商务初试: 434国际商务专业基础加试:《西方经济学》(上、下册)高鸿业主编,中国人民大学出版社,第四版。


0451 教育045101教育管理初试:吴志宏冯大鸣魏志春:《新编教育管理学》,华东师范大学出版社,2008;1、全国十二所重点师范大学联合编写:《教育学基础》,教育科学出版社2006年。




第七,加强课堂管理,值日领导加强课上巡视,加大对旷课的处罚力度,旷一节课扣 150 元,请
假包括病假每节课扣 40 元。
宁波大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 824 总分值: 150 科目名称:
一、名词解释(每题 5 分,共 30 分)
2.教育行政管理体制 3.学校组织结构
二、简答题(每题 8 分,共 40 分)
宁波大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 824 总分值: 150 科目名称:



2019年宁波大学硕士研究生招生考试初试科目考试大纲科目代码、名称: 840学前教育史一、考试形式与试卷结构(一)试卷满分及考试时间本试卷满分为150分,考试时间为180分钟。






宁波大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
科目代码: 821 总分值: 150 科目名称:
综合课 2
一、概念辨析题(每题 6 分,共 30 分)
1.身份行为和财产行为 2.按份之债与可分之债 3.保证人的代位权与债权人代位权 4.法人作品和职务作品 5.行为保全与财产保全
等,应当认定为物权法第六章所称专有部分的组成部分。 本条第一款所称房屋,包括整栋建筑物。 第三条 除法律、行政法规规定的共有部分外,建筑区划内的以下部分,也应当认定为物权法
第六章所称的共有部分: (一)建筑物的基础、承重结构、外墙、屋顶等基本结构部分,通道、楼梯、大堂等公共通
行部分,消防、公共照明等附属设施、设备,避难层、设备层或者设备间等结构部分; (二)其他不属于业主专有部分,也不属于市政公用部分或者其他权利人所有的场所及设施
等。 建筑区划内的土地,依法由业主共同享有建设用地使用权,但属于业主专有的整栋建筑物的
规划占地或者城镇公共道路、绿地占地除外。 中华人民共和国国务院《物业管理条例》 第二十七条 业主依法享有的物业共用部位、共用设施设备的所有权或者使用权,建设单位不
得擅自处分。 第三十条 建设单位应当按照规定在物业管理区域内配置必要的物业管理用房。 问:(1)结合本案,建筑物区分所有权中属于共有(共用)的客体是哪些?(4 分)
宁波大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
科目代码: 821 总分值: 150 科目名称:
综合课 2
于繁华路 7 号建筑面积 313.38 平方米的房屋作为物业管理用房无偿使用。厚实公司对九林居小区 提供自 2008 年 11 月 1 日至 2011 年 11 月 1 日止的物业服务。现为九林居小区提供物业服务的系 昭德公司,西铁区繁华路 7 号 1 门房屋部分用于业主活动及西铁业委会办公,部分用于物业管理; 西铁区繁华路 3-1 号 4-1-2 的房屋用于物业员工宿舍、仓库及物业取用水场所。



以梦为马 二、简答题(每题 10 分,共 70 分) 1.简述教师职业的基本特征。 2.简述程序性知识的教学策略。 不负韶华 3.简述夸美纽斯教育适应自然的原则。 4.简述文艺复兴时期人文主义教育的基本特征。 5.简述埃里克森的心理社会发展理论。 6.发现学习有哪些特点? 7.简述加涅对学习的分类。
三、论述题(每题 25 分,共 50 分)
1.陈鹤琴的“活教育”思想体系及其启示。 2.试论学生评价理论与实践的变革及其对我国基础教育改革的影响。
第1页共1页 第
宁波大学 2019 年硕士研究生招生考试初试试题(B 卷)
科目代码: 333 总分值: 150 科目名称:
一、名词解释(每题 5 分,共 30 分)
1.班集体 2.单轨学制 3.最近发展区 4.《学记》 5.结构主义教育 6.《普通教育学》
























序号政治外语业务课一业务课二1 (101)思想政治理论(204)英语二(333)教育综合(848)实践英语2 (101)思想政治理论(202)俄语(333)教育综合(848)实践英语3 (101)思想政治理论(203)日语(333)教育综合(848)实践英语2.查询结果为:(10166)沈阳师范大学/(009)教育硕士研究生院/(045108)(专业学位)学科教学(英语)/(00)不区分研究方向专业的考试范围。

序号政治外语业务课一业务课二1 (101)思想政治理论(241)二外日语(333)教育综合(833)语言教学2 (101)思想政治理论(242)二外俄语(333)教育综合(833)语言教学3 (101)思想政治理论(243)二外法语(333)教育综合(833)语言教学4 (101)思想政治理论(244)二外德语(333)教育综合(833)语言教学3.查询结果为:(10167)渤海大学/(005)外国语学院/(045108)(专业学位)学科教学(英语)/(00)不区分研究方向专业的考试范围。

序号政治外语业务课一业务课二1 (101)思想政治理论(203)日语(333)教育综合(905)英语语言与教学2 (101)思想政治理论(204)英语二(333)教育综合(905)英语语言与教学4.查询结果为:(10184)延边大学/(007)外国语学院/(045108)(专业学位)学科教学(英语)/(00)不区分研究方向专业的考试范围。

序号政治外语业务课一业务课二1 (101)思想政治理论(204)英语二(333)教育综合(846)英语语言学及应用语言学5.查询结果为:(10200)东北师范大学/(106)外国语学院/(045108)(专业学位)学科教学(英语)/(00)不区分研究方向专业的考试范围。

序号政治外语业务课一业务课二1 (101)思想政治理论(204)英语二(333)教育综合(888)英语教学专业基础的考试范围。



宁波大学年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题(A卷)(答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目: 英语教学论科目代码:837 适用专业: 学科教学(英语)1.Traditional language teaching methods and communicative language teaching approach: dichotomyor continuum? (20 points)2.What is communicative competence(CC)? How to develop the learners’CC according to yourteaching or learning experience? (20 points)3.How do you assume the post-method era? Does it indicate we can abandon the language teachingmethods or approaches? (20 points)4.In terms of task-based language teaching and learning, Nunan, Feez(1998), Ellis gave differentaccounts. Please define the concept of TBLT according to Nunan and list some basic principles of. You can also show your own opinions.task-based language teaching according to Feez’s claims(20 points)5.如何理解“强任务”(strong version)和“弱任务”(weak version)。




宁波大学历年考研专业课初试真题硕士研究生入学考试专业课初试真题(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:837 总分值:150 科目名称:英语教学论第 1 页共2 页(答案必须写在考点提供的答题纸上)科目代码:837 总分值:150 科目名称:英语教学论入学考试试题(B卷) (答案必须写在答题纸上)考试科目:英语教学论科目代码:837 适用专业: 学科教学(英语)1.In 1963, Edward Anthony proposed three hierarchical levels of language teaching methodology,approach, method and technique. Later on, Richards modified his model into approach, design and procedure. Please analyze the two models of language teaching methodology in three levels. Which one do you prefer? Give your accounts. (Written in English only)(30%)2.Task-based language teaching and total physical response are often used as language teachingmethods, but some linguists claim they are different in terms of approach, method and technique.Please show your ideas on TBLT and TPR: are t hey all methods, all approaches or…? ( Written in English only)(30%)3.According to Finocchiaro and Brumfit, please list at least 8 major features of communicativelanguage teaching. (Written in English only)(20%)4.如何理解广义任务派和狭义任务派。



2019年浙江宁波大学基础英语考研真题Part I Vocabulary & Structure (60 points)Directions: There are 60 sentences in this part. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.1. Liverpool’s first game of the season had to be __________ because of bad weather.A. determinedB. scheduledC. attendedD. postponed2. The new government policy places far greater __________ on recycling and energy-efficiency.A. influenceB. inquiryC. embarrassmentD. emphasis3. Throughout his life Kelvin remained __________ to his fundamental political principles.A. interestedB. faithfulC. confidentD. sensitive4. He paused, drank a glass of wine, reflected a moment, and __________.A. assumedB. presumedC. consumedD. resumed5. The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to __________ a large population.A. compromiseB. compoundC. sustainD. survive6. Andrew was so __________ in the research that he had not time left for recreational activities.A. absorbedB. devotedC. attractedD. concentrated7. Some people are in favor of __________ capital punishment for murder.A. proposingB. assigningC. restoringD. committing8. Language problems __________ when families moved to live in other countries.A. raisedB. roseC. aroseD. aroused9. This __________ girl is Mary’s cousin.A. pretty little SwedishB. Swedish little prettyC. Swedish pretty littleD. little pretty Swedish10. A __________ person is one who pays too much respect to social status and wealth or one who looks down on people of a lower social position.A. modestB. humbleC. snobbishD. elegant11. Many businesses provide a kind of ___________ which is paid until the death of the former employee.A. patentB. subsidyC. bargainD. pension12. In British law, you are __________ innocent until you are proved guilty.A. rangedB. baptizedC. mentionedD. presumed13. In no mirror of those times could you see your __________ as it actually was.A. complexB. completionC. complexionD. comparison14. She felt __________ by her son’s bad behaviors at university.A. hospitableB. humbleC. humiliatedD. hostile15. We tend to __________ our real names from our online friends in case we lose the safe sense of distance.A. concedeB. concealC. conceiveD. condense16. Literature is my favorite because it shows me sides of human nature and __________ my mind.A. cultivatesB. correctsC. concentratesD. connects17. The teacher encouraged her students__________ to an English pen-friend.A. should writeB. writeC. wroteD. to write18. Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t __________ so much noise.A. resistB. tolerateC. permitD. sustain19. Every man in the country has the right to live where he wants to, __________ the color of his skin.A. regardless ofB. with the exception ofC. in the light ofD. by virtue of20. The government is trying to do something to __________ better understanding between the two countries.A. raiseB. promoteC. heightenD. increase21. He is such a(n) __________ person; you never know where he is when you want him.A. impressiveB. pervasiveC. elusiveD. inclusive22. They are always __________ the noise made by the passing planes.A. indicated byB. suffered fromC. afflicted withD. resulted in23. A university is a more comprehensive and complex institution than any other kind of higher education __________.A. settlementB. establishmentC. expenditureD. structure24. Actually I’m concerned about the whole world—there are no safe __________ from the global economic storm.A. segmentsB. havensC. areasD. fields25. Tom and Sarah had been living together for years, but finally went through the marriage ceremony __________ their children.A. for the sake ofB. in support ofC. in relation toD. in view of26. Nothing would stop me from __________ my ambition.A. approachingB. completingC. achievingD. experiencing27. To travel by jet plane, which used to be __________ by some people as a ridiculous idea, is now an everyday phenomenon.A. smiled atB. glared atC. peered atD. sneered at28. There is not enough __________ between the management and the workers.A. sensationB. interactionC. expectationD. administration29. When the night falls, the land is __________ in silver moonlight.A. soakedB. cloakedC. bathedD. coated30. He lived under constant __________of being robbed by the criminals.A. intensityB. faithC. beliefD. menace31. Hotel rooms must be ________ by noon, but luggage may be left with the porter.A. departedB. abandonedC. displacedD. vacated32. The new government policy places far greater __________ on recycling and energy-efficiency.A. influenceB. inquiryC. embarrassmentD. emphasis33. Roger’s manager __________ to make him stay late if he hadn’t finished the work.A. insistedB. warnedC. threatenedD. announced34. By the time he has finished his week’s work, John has hardly__________ energy left for the weekend.A. anyB. muchC. noD. same35. As the game ___________ to a close, disappointed spectators started to leave.A. ledB. nearedC. approachedD. drew36. I don’t remember__________ the front door when I left home this morning.A. to lockB. lockingC. lockedD. to have locked37. I__________ to other people borrowing my books: they always forget to return them.A. disagreeB. avoidC. dislikeD. object38. Andrew’s attempts to get into the swimming team have not__________ with much success.A. associatedB. concludedC. joinedD. met39.Although Harry had obviously read the newspaper article carefully, he didn’t seem to have__________ the main point.A. graspedB. clutchedC. claspedD. gripped40. A lot of the views put forward in the documentary were open to__________.A. enquiryB. queryC. questionD. wonder41. Don’t you think the so-called belief in fate is a ________ excuse for avoiding responsibility for what happens in your life?A. laneB. limpC. limeD. lame42 Evidence came up ________ specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six months old.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. whose43. Acute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people ________. A. do B. hear C.do them D. hearing it44. This is an illness that can result in total blindness ________ left untreated.A. whileB. ifC. thoughD. unless45. The central provinces have floods in some years and _________.A. drought in other yearsB. droughts are othersC. while other droughtsD. others in drought46. Do help yourself to some fruit, ________ you?A. can’tB. don’tC. wouldn’tD. won’t47. There ________ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.A. to beB. to have beenC. beingD. be48. I was very much put ________ by Mark’s rude behavior; it really annoyed me.A. overB. offC. upD. by49. You ________ Jim anything about it. It was none of his business.A. needn’t have toldB. needn’t tellC. mustn’t have toldD. mustn’ttell50. All of us would have enjoyed the party much more if there ________ quite sucha crowd of people there.A. weren’tB. hasn’t beenC. hadn’t beenD. won’t be51.__________ , I do not like him as a man.A. I admire him as much as a writerB. As I admire him as a writerC. Much as I admire him as a writerD. As much I admire as a writer52.__________ from Michael, all the group arrived on time.A. ExceptB. OtherC. BesidesD. Apart53. Shirley enjoys science lessons, but all her experiments seem to __________ wrong.A. turnB. comeC. endD. go54. The students were supposed to __________ their assignment by now.A. finishB. have finishedC. finishingD. having finished55. She __________ her neighbor’s children for the broken window.A. accusedB. complainedC. blamedD. denied56.__________, Gerald would have been a rich man.A. Was he to enter businessB. If he was to enter businesC. Was he entered businessD. Had he entered business57. The students in the dormitories were forbidden __________ after 11 p.m. unless they had special passes.A. staying outB. by staying outC. to stay outD. from staying out58. As I had missed the history lesson, my friend went __________ the homework with me.A.byB. afterC. overD. on59. Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it __________ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.A. is to be analyzedB. has been analyzedC. be analyzedD. should have been analyzed60. Whether she’s a good actress or not is a __________ of opinion.A. matterB. subjectC. pointD. casePart II Cloze (20 points)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Write your answers on the answer sheet. Although most people return from package holidays reasonably satisfied, this is not always the 61 . Take, for example, the nightmare experience of a Frenchman who went on 62 to Colombia. The hotel in the same Caribbean port was overbooked. He was 63 round the streets, looking for 64 and breakfast place, when he was arrested for vagrancy. He was 65 , where he told the judge that it was the hotel’s 66 . The judge was the hotel-owner’s brother, and he charged the tourist 67 making false accusations and sent him to prison for eight days.By the time of his 68 , his return flight had left. He had insufficient funds to buy a return ticket, 69 went to the Post Office to send a telegram to his home in Montpellier, asking for money. He was 70 before he could send it. This time he was charged with illegal 71 . It was explained that, having missed his return 72 , he could no longer be classified as a tourist. He now needed a work 73 , but he didn’t have one. He was fined $500 for this 74 . And a further $500 when he again blamed the hotel for overbooking. His 75 was confiscated because he couldn’t pay the fines. He hitchhiked to Bogotar 76 the consulate finally arranged to send him.All things 77 , I would prefer to plan my holiday independently. 78 my view,it is safer to “do it yourself!” And the advantages of planning your holiday yourself are 79 . If it is well-planned, an independent holiday can usually be good 80 for money.61. A. occurrence B. situation C. state D. case62. A. package B. holiday C. festival D. celebration63. A. strolling B. stepping C. wandering D. patrolling64. A. accommodation B. hotel C. bed D. lodging65. A. taken to court B. brought to the police stationC. taken to the reform schoolD. sent to prison66. A. fault B. blame C. duty D. responsibility67. A. beyond B. with C. between D. against68. A. freedom B. departure C. release D. independence69. A. and B. though C. but D. so70. A. fined B. re-arrested C. convicted D. punished71. A. citizenship B. naturalization C. migration D. immigration72. A. trip B. ticket C. flight D. journey73. A. license B. allowance C. load D. permit74. A. crime B. offence C. fault D. error75. A. luggage B. belongings C. thing D. possession76. A. when B. after C. where D. while77. A. considered B. being considered C. were considered D. considering78. A. To B. In C. By D. With79. A. considerable B. thinkable C. considerate D. imaginable80. A. bargain B. buy C. sale D. valuePart III Reading Comprehension (20 points)Directions: In this section there are 3 passages, each followed by several questions or unfinished statements and with four suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. Write your answers on the answer sheet. Passage 1By far the most common snake in Britain is the adder. In Scotland, in fact, there are no other snakes at all. The adder is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite. It can be found almost anywhere, but prefers sunny hillsides and rough opencountry, including high ground.Most people regard snakebites as a fatal misfortune, but not all bites are serious, and very few are fatal. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment turn out to be more dangerous than the bite itself, with amateurs heroically, but mistakenly, trying do-it-yourself surgery and other unnecessary measures.All snakes have small teeth, so it follows that all snakes can bite, but only the bite of the adder presents any danger. British snakes are shy animals and are far more frightened of you than you could possibly be of them. The adder will attack only if it feels threatened, as can happen if you take it by surprise and step on it accidentally or if you try to catch it or pick it up, which it dislikes intensely. If it hears you coming, it will normally get out of the way as quickly as it can, but adders cannot move very rapidly and may attack before moving if you are very close.The effect of a bite varies considerably. It depends upon several things, one of which is the body-weight of the person bitten. The bigger the person, the less harmful the bite is likely to be, which is why children suffer far more seriously from snake bites than adults. A healthy person will also have better resistance against the poison.Very few people actually die from snakebites in Britain, and though these bites can make some people very ill, there are probably just as many cases of bites having little or no effect, as there are of serious illness.81. Adders are most likely to be found ___________.A. in wilder parts of Britain and IrelandB. in Scotland and nowhere elseC. on uncultivated land throughout BritainD. in shady fields in England82. We are told that British snakes are ___________.A. afraid of human beingsB. poisonous including the adderC. dangerous except the adderD. friendly towards human beings83. When will the adder NOT attacking you?A. When you try to catch it.B. When you are some distance away from it.C. When you happen to step on it.D. When you try to pick it up.84. If an adder hears you coming, it will usually __________.A. attack you immediatelyB. move very quicklyC. wait to frighten youD. get out of the way85. According to the passage, a snake bite is __________.A. less harmful to a sick man than to a healthy manB. more harmful to a child than to an adultC. much more dangerous than any serious illnessD. always fatal in BritainPassage 2Around the world, people gather to explore their emotions through dance. The dances are created as part of celebrations, as religious services, as preparation for challenging hunts and warfare and to express sorrow (less often than the other situations). Indeed, dance does play an important role within a culture and revealsa wide range of information about the characteristics of a culture. Three of the most revealing aspects of dance are the nature of the culture's symbols and art forms revealed in costumes and equipment, the body language (moves and gestures) which give information about social contact behaviors and frequently the style of preferred music for the culture.Ethnic dances, and certainly popular dancing, anywhere around the world have associated preferences for costumes and special clothing. Through dancing, the participants are able to reveal and express their chosen role in the garments they choose; social roles in the dance are shown public ally to the observers as well as the other dancers. Frequently dancers utilize objects like swords or sticks or hoops or musical instruments to further reveal information about their role in the social story portrayed in the dance. Items such as special headwear and jewelry are further examples of the garments that in general express preferences and culturally significant details about the particular culture.Dancers, by the very nature of the activity, physically express beliefs and attitudes associated with their specific culture. In many dances the participants are modeling typical activities of their culture and thus imparting instructions and historical information to the audience. In other dances, one can see expressions of deep emotion: love, worship, grief, strength, anger, etc. and thus obtain clues about the inner feelings of the culture's individuals. Dance provides an opportunity for others to witness some of the special behaviors associated with activities in the culture. Also, dance is a (usually) public statement so that observers can see how members of the culture treat those who are older members of the opposite sex, more respected members, etc.The third aspect of dance that reveals much about a culture is the music or singing that is typically a part of the event. Observers can see evidence of the types of instruments characteristics of the culture, and who plays these instruments as well as how they are used -- instruments may be associated only with special events and thus transmit valuable cultural information. Frequently singing is part of a dance program, and again an observer has an opportunity to observe who is singing and the nature of the voices. I found this aspect of dance particularly fascinating during a brief time I spent in a rural village in Zimbabwe a few years ago.Dancing is indeed a very important aspect of any culture. It provides a communal opportunity for members of the culture to artistically express emotions while acting out typical activities and concerns in their world. For outsider observers, many valuable details about the culture are revealed.86. People around the world use dance for the following purposes EXCEPT __________.A. as part of celebrationB. as part of religious servicesC. to express sorrowD. to build one’s body87. Which of the following statement is NOT true of ethnic dance?A. Ethnic dances have been associated with special costumes and clothing.B. Dancers usually wear ornamental objects to indicate their social role in theportrayed story.C. Ethnic dances are always symbols of oncoming warfare.D. Dancers’ special headwear and jewelry are cultural ly significant details about the particular culture.88. Through dancing, dancers can __________.A. show their respect to other members of their societyB. fall in love with his/her partnerC. exercise their musclesD. exhibit their body89. Which of the following aspects is NOT true about the music or singing?A. The types of instruments used are typical of the culture.B. The ways that the types of instruments are used reveals cultural information.C. The music or singing is only found in remote rural villages.D. The instruments may be associated only with special events.90. From the last paragraph we can infer that __________.A.dances are not important in a nation’s cultureB.few people like to observing ethnic dancesC.ethnic dances are one of the ways of communicating between culturesD.there are people who dance just for funPassage 3Rose Saxon, the Queen of Romance Comics, was at her drawing board in the garage of her house in Bloomtown, New York.Miss Saxon was at work on the text of a new story, which she intended to begin laying out that night after her son went to bed. It would be the lead story for the June issue of Kiss Comics. She planned to call it “The Bomb Destroyed My Marriage.” The story would be based on an article that she had read in Redbook about the humorous difficulties of being married to a nuclear physicist employed by the government at a top-secret facility in the middle of the New Mexico desert. She was not writing so much as planning out her panels, one by one, at the typewriter. Over the years, Sammy’s scripts had grown no less detailed but looser; he never bothered with telling an artist what to draw. Rosa couldn’t operate that way; she hated working from Sammy’s scripts. She needed to have everything figured out in advance—storyboarded, they called it in Hollywood—shot by shot, as it were. Rosa had gotten her start in comics soon after Sammy’s return to the business, after the war. Upon taking over the editor’s desk at Gold Star. Sammy’s first move had been to clear out many of the subcompetents who littered the staff there. It was a bold and necessary step, but it left him with an acute shortage of artists, in particular of inkers.Tommy had started kindergarten, and Rosa was just beginning to understand the true horror of her destiny, the arrant purposelessness of her life whenever her son was not around, one day when Sammy came home at lunch, harried and frantic, with anarmload of Bristol board, a bottle of Higgins ink, and a bunch of 3 brushes, and begged Rosa to help him by doing what she could. She had stayed up all night with the pages— it was some dreadful Gold Star superhero strip, The Human Grenade or The Phantom Stallion —and had the job finished by the time Sammy left for work the next morning. The reign of the Queen had commenced.Rose Saxon had emerged slowly, lending her ink brush at first only now and then, unsigned and uncredited, to a story or a cover that she would spread out on the dinette table in the kitchen.Rosa had always had a steady hand, a strong line, a good sense of shadow. It was work done in a kind of unreflective crisis mode—whenever Sammy was in a jam or shorthanded—but after a while, she realized that she had begun to crave intensely the days when Sammy had something for her to do.Then one night, as they lay in bed, talking in the dark, Sammy told her that her brushwork already far exceeded that of the best people he could afford to hire at lowly Gold Star. He asked her if she had ever given any thought to penciling; to layouts; to actually writing and drawing comic book stories. He explained to her that Simon and Kirby were just then having considerable success with a new kind of feature they’d cooked up, based partly on teen features like Archie and A Date with Judy and partly on the old true- romance pulps (the last of the old pulp genres to be exhumed and given new life in the comics).It was called Young Romance. It was aimed at women, and the stories it told were centered on women. Women had been neglected until now as readers of comic books; it seemed to Sammy that they might enjoy one that had actually been written and drawn by one of their own. Rosa had accepted Sammy’s proposal at once, with a flush of gratitude whose power was undiminished even now.91. Which choice best summarizes the passage?A. A successful artist thinks back on the beginning of her career.B. A comic book geared toward women becomes a popular best seller.C. An owner of a comic book company develops a new kind of comic book.D. A woman helps her husband build a successful comic book company.92. The author includes the information in the first paragraph most likely toA. reveal specific information about Rosa’s conflict later in the passage.B. provide a brief introduction to the women’s comic book industry.C. reveal key details about the main character and setting of the passage.D. provide a flashback to Rosa’s life before she became a wife and mother.93. As used in Para 2, Line 7, “looser” most nearly meansA. RoomierB. More informalC. More carelessD. Weaker94. The main purpose of including the information about Sammy taking over as the editor at Gold Star is toA. provide context for the reason Rosa started working for Sammy.B. explain why many people stopped purchasing Gold Star comics.C. reveal how Sammy was so successful in his career at such a young age.D. illustrate Rosa’s gratitude for a job opportunity at Gold Star.95. According to the passage, why was Sammy so desperate for Rosa to help him?A. He had no artists with comic book experience.B. He was not confident that he would be able to do the work himself.C. He had a shortage of artists at Gold Star after firing many members of the staff.D. He felt it would be beneficial for Rosa to spend time working on a project.96. Based on the passage, helping Sammy ink comics was especially important to Rosa because sheA. had a passion for comic books.B. was feeling an emptiness in her life.C. liked to support her husband’s goals.D. wanted to find an interesting hobby.97. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?A. Para.2, line 3-5 (“The story...desert”)B. Para. 4, line1-4 (“Tommy...could”)C. Para. 7, line 2-3 (“He asked...stories”)D. Para.7, line 7 (“It was called...Romance”)98. The author uses the term “Queen” in Para.1, Line 1 and Para. 4, Line 7 most likely toA. stress how successful Rosa has become at creating comic books.B. describe a new character that Sammy is developing at Gold Star.C. show how Rosa views the women who read her comics.D. explain why Rosa uses a different name while working for Gold Star.99. With which idea about comic books would Rosa most likely agree?A. Drawing for comic books is harder than drawing for other art forms.B. Mastering comic book sketching takes years of formal training.C. Developing comic books requires a range of skills.D. Creating comic books is easiest when there is not too much structure.100. Which choice best supports the idea that Rosa is thrilled to be writing and drawing her own comics?A. Para. 2, line 5-6 (“She was...typewriter”)B. Para. 4, line 4-6 (“She had...Stallion”)C. Para. 6, line 1-4 (“It was...to do”)D. Para. 7, line 10-11 (“Rosa...even now”)Part IV Writing. (50 points)Directions: Based on the information given below, please write an essay in no less than 400 words on the Answer Sheet. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above directions may result in a loss of marks.Some people argue that universities and colleges should teach only “academic” subjects, while “non-academic” subjects (such as physical education, music and art) should be removed from the course calendar. Do you agree with the idea? Why or why not?Suggested Title: Non-academic Subjects in the CurriculumYou may use your own title if you like.。

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