外研社版英语选修八Module 1课文翻译
最新-八年级英语上册 模块1和2课文翻译 全册重点句子 外研版 精品


必修8Module 1Deep SouthAntarctica: the Last ContinentAntarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It’s also the driest. With annual rainfall close to zero, Antarctica is technically a desert. Covering about 14 million square kilometers around the South Pole, it is the fifth largest continent in the world. A high mountain range, the Trans-Antarctic range, runs from east to west, cutting the continent in two. There are volcanoes too, but they are not very active. Antarctica holds 90% of the world’s ice, and most of its fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state, of course. 98% of the surface is covered permanently in the ice cap. On average it is two kilometers thick, but in some places it reaches a depth of five kilometers. Strong winds driven by gravity blow from the pole to the coastline, while other winds blow round the coast. It is difficult to imagine a more inhospitable place.Yet Antarctica is full wildlife, which has adapt ed to its extreme conditions. There are different types of penguins, flying birds, seals, and whales. But the long Antarctic winter night, which lasts for 182 days (the longest period of continuous darkness on earth), as wellas the extreme cold and lack of rainfall, means that few types of plants can survive there. Only two types of flowering plants are found, while there are no trees on the large continent. The rest of the plants are made up of mosses, algae and lichen. Some forms of algae have adapted to grow on ice.Most of the ice has been there for thousands of years. As a result, it has become a window on the past, and can give researchers lots of useful information. Gases and minerals, in the form of volcanic dust trapped in the ice, can tell us a lot about what the world’s climate was like in past ages. Antarctic rocks are also very important for research. Most of them are meteorites from outer space. One rock, known as the “Alien” rock, may contain evidence of extra-terrestrial life.Since most Antarctic rocks are dark in colour, they stand out against the white background and are easy to identify and collect.Antarctica was the last continent to be discovered. But more than two thousand years ago Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south which balance d the land in the north. They called it Anti-Arktikos, or Antarcica: the opposite of Arcitc. When Europeans discovered the continent of America in 15th century, the great age of exploration began. However, progress to the South ole was slow. Not until the late 18th century did theBritish explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land. Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland. The race to the pole had begun. It was finally reached on 11th December, 1911 by the Norwegian Roald Amundsen.Today scientists from many countries travel to Antarctica to study its resources. A spirit of international friendship has replaced the rivalry that existed between many of the earlier explorers. In 1961, a treaty signed by 12 countries, including Britain, France, and the USA made Antarctica the world’s biggest nature reserve. The aim of the treaty is to prevent the commercial and military use of the continent. In particular, it aims to keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste; to promote international scientific projects; and to end arguments about who owns the land. Today countries representing 80% of the world’s population have signed the treaty. Antarctica has become perhaps the most successful symbol of man’s efforts to work together for progress and peace.How Failure Became SuccessOn 8th August, 1914, 27 men who had replied to an advertisement in The Times boarded a ship leaving for the Antarctic. The name ofthe ship was the Endurance and the captain was an Irishman called Ernest Shackleton.The aim of the journey was to cross the frozen continent via the South Pole –journey of 1,800 miles. Shackleton thought the journey would last six months.But when land came into sight, the Endurance became trapped in the ice and began to break up. Shackleton and his men watched the Endurance sink into the icy sea. They then head ed north, pulling three lifeboats behind them.After six days, bad weather force d them to give up and the men set up camp on a sheet of ice which began slowly moving across the Antarctic Circle.They survived on the ice for five months. Then, on 16th April, 1915, Shackleton saw land. It was Elephant Island – large rock with nothing growing on it, but much better than a floating piece of ice. When they reached the island, Shackleton came up with an idea –it was a risk but he would have to take it. He and five men would take one of the lifeboats, and sail 800 miles to South Georgia, where there was a permanent camp. They could then return to rescue the rest of the men.It took Shackleton 17 days to rach South Georgia. Unfortunately he landed on the wrong side of the island, and had towalk 36 hours over mountains to reach the camp. The whale hunters all the camp couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the six men walking down from the mountains.Shackleton kept his promise. More than three months later, he returned to Elephant Island to rescue the crew he had been forced to abandon. He had failed to reach the pole –but he had saved the lives of all his men.Welcome to the South Poles!South Poles? How many are there?In fact, there are three South Poles: a ceremonial Pole, which is on the moving glacier, a geographical or true Pole, and a magnetic Pole which changes its position according to the movement of the Earth.Is it safe?Because the South Pole is a high altitude site, the glare of the sunlight here is very intense. It’s also reflected by the snow, so if you go outside, remember to wear sunglasses and use suncream. If you don’t there’s severe risk that you’ll damage your eyesight or get badly sunburnt.Is it cold?Yes! Be very careful out in the open air! The temperature isbetween minus 21°C in the summer and minus 78°C in the winter, and you can become numb with cold without realizing. There’s heavy frost even on the warmest summer days, and if it’s quiet you can hear your breath freeze. So if you leave the station, dress warmly and carry dry clothing and a portable radio.Is there anything good about the weather?The air is very pure, and it doesn’t snow very much – only about four millimeters a year. There’s very little wind and the sky is usually clear. It’s possibly the calmest place on Earth.What’s it like to live here?Life is quite abnormal. Sunrise and sunset come once every six months, and in the winter the total absence of daylight can be tiresome, and for some, depressing. We’re totally isolated except for radio and electronic communications, as no aircraft can fly here for about eight months.Where do we live?The South Pole scientific station is situated on a platform of ice, 3,000-4,000 metres high, but under only a few millimetres of snow. We have a minimum of 28 people living here in the winter and a maximum of 125 in the summer. The living quarters are modest, with few luxuries, but cosy. There’s a comfortable dormitory for sleeping, the canteen serve great food, and there’s a well-stockedlibrary of DVDs and videos. But showers and laundry are limited, because water is very valuable. We discourage you from smoking except in specific areas. Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency.Any other advice?Remember that conventional equipment doesn’t always work as it should do. If you use an electric drill, the power cord will snap. Photography is tricky too, as film is fragile and the camera battery doesn’t work in the cold.Don’t leave any rubbish, and don’t forget that the ecology of Antarctica is very delicate, so don’t take any souvenirs home with you, and be careful to leave nothing but footprints.Finally, remember that we’re all visitors to the South Pole. It’s a privilege, not a right to come to this extraordinary place.The Travels of Marco PoloThe year is 1271 AD. Imagine a 17-year-old boy from Venice Italy, well-educated and trained for life as a rich trader. He sets off with his father and uncle on a 25-year journey to mysterious, distant lands that most people in Europe have never heard of. While on their journey buying and selling spices, silks and jewels,they befriend one of the most powerful men on Earth, Kubla Khan.The boy’s name was Marco Polo and many years later a book about his travels was published which made him famous. Marco Polo told his fantastic stories to a writer named Rustichello who wrote them down for him. This man was well-known for his stories and romantic tales of the legendary English King Arthur, but so many people doubted the reliability of his book the Travels of Marco Polo. However, Chinese historians have found obscure names and facts in the book that could only have been known to someone intimate with the country.Many of Marco’s stories were about China and its people. He told stories about the towns, cities and populations in great detail. He described the amazing things he saw in China such as paper money and black stone that burned (coal). With very little contact between China and the West, it is not surprising that people in a rich powerful place like Venice could not believe his stories, nor in the idea of huge, rich city states inhabited by millions of people. There could surely be no comparison with Venice?A general myth has grown up around Marco Polo that he introduced such things as spaghetti and ice cream from China to the West. There is no truth to any of these claims and actually they are not mentioned in Marco Polo’s book.However, Marco Polo’s book is still a unique insight for its age.Most importantly it was a great influence for many future travelers. Christopher Columbus left behind a well-worn copy that he read as inspiration on his own voyages to America.Module 2 The RenaissanceThe RenaissanceFor many people, the Renaissance means 14th to 16th century Italy, and the developments in art and architecture, music and literature which took place there all that time. But there is one work which, perhaps more than any other, expresses the spirit of the Renaissance: the Mona Lisa. It is believed to be the best example of a new lifelike style of painting that amazed people when it was first used. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the years 1503-1506, the Mona Lisa is a mysterious masterpiece. People want to know who Mona Lisa is, and why she is smiling. Even if people do not know much about the Renaissance, they have heard of this painting.But the Renaissance is, of course, more than just Mona Lisa. Renaissance is a French word which means “rebirth”and it first appeared in English in the 19th century. The word was used to describe a period in European history which began with the arrivalof the first Europeans in America, and age of exploration, and the beginning of the modern world. It was as if Europe was waking up after the long sleep of the Middle Ages. From Italy, the ideas of the Renaissance rapidly spread northwards to France, Germany, England, and the rest of Europe.Trade with other parts of the world meant that Europe was getting richer, too. This meant that people had money to spend on the arts; and it became easier for artists to find people who could afford to buy their works or employ them. Leonardo worked for important people such as the Duke of Milan, and, towards the end of his life, the King of France.Renaissance artists found new ideas for their work in classical Greece and Rome. But they looked forward, too, by opening new frontiers in the arts. Painters discovered how to use perspective and the effects of light; composers put different voices together and created polyphony “many voices”; architects preferred designing buildings with more light which contrasted with the heaviness of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages.The sense of exploration which motiveated the artists went had in hand with a new type of philosophy. After centuries of accepting a medieval world view in which human life was considered of little value compared with the greatness of God,philosophers began asking questions like “What is a person?”or “Why am I here?”For the first time, they put people, not religion, at the centre of the universe.The Renaissance was a time of scientific invention, too. Leonardo, as well as being one of the greatest painters the world has ever known, was also a skilled inventor. Wherever he went, he carried a notebook around with him, in which he wrote down his ideas. They included detailed drawings of the human body, plans for engineers to build canals and bridges, and astonishing drawings of machines which were not to be built until hundreds of years later, such as aeroplanes, parachutes, submarines and tanks. Towards the end of his life he was employed by the King of France to do scientific research, and he did not have a lot of time for painting.In short, Leonardo was an extraordinary genius, an example of what has been described as “Renaissance man”: someone interested in everything and with many different talents. But even if his only contribution to history had been the Mona Lisa, it would have been genius enough for all time.ThursdayWe arrived on the overnight ferry to the Hook of Holland and took a train to Amsterdam Central Station. It was only a short ride. It’s noteasy to find your way around the town. A lot of the roads follow the canals which aren’t straight but are shaped like horseshoes. So you can walk along a street for half an hour of so and end up five minutes from where you started. However, most people don’t walk –there are three million bikes in town and a good bus and tram system. There are boats, too. About half of them are for tourists, the others are houseboats with people living on them. We spent the whole day walking. Tomorrow we’re going to rent bikes.FridayWe spent today looking at houses. The architecture is astonishing, quite different from other European countries we’ve been to. The houses are tall and thin, and many of them have a fantastically ornate Renaissance appearance. In the Middle Ages the houses were made of wood. Then, at the end of the 15th century there was a huge fire and about three quarters of the town was destroyed. After that, houses were made of brick. Unlike other places in Europe, where house owners were taxed on the size of their windows, here the taxes depended on the width of the house – so they kept them narrow, but built them tall. Well, that’s what Claire says, and she read it in the guidebook.SaturdayWe visited the Van Gogh Museum, instead of the more famousRijksmuseum. It was astonishing. I hadn’t really looked at any of Van Gogh’s paintings before. He seems to have re-invented the art. It doesn’t matter whether he is doing a portrait of a landscape –he’s a genius. In the last 70 days of his life before he short himself he produced 70 paintings, and I reckon they’re almost all masterpieces. Yet in all his life Van Gogh only ever sold one painting! We must have spent three hours in that museum. When we came out I told Claire I thought Van Gogh was the greatest painter in history. She reminded me that we were leaving for Paris tomorrow, where we were going to see the most famous painting in the world …The puzzle of the Mona LisaThe Mona Lisa is the subject of many stories, but there is one anecdote which remains a puzzle. Is the painting in the Louvre the authentic work by Leonardo da Vinci … or just a copy?The story began one day in 1911 when someone noticed the Mona Lisa was missing. A spokesman said, “The burglar left the antique frame and the glass behind. He must have gone through the basement to the main courtyard. A passerby saw a man with a moustache, carrying a parcel under his arm, dash over the street crossing, along to the crossroads. He then fled down a sideroad.We’re appealing to anyone who saw the suspect to contact us.”So we stole the Mona Lisa? And why? News about the loss of the Mona Lisa was circulated in all the French newspapers, and there was a widespread search for the burglar all over the country. He police said, “we don’t think the burglar was working alone. We’re seeking a gang of criminals.”Two years later, a man with a moustache went to an art dealer in Florence in Italy and made a tentative attempt to sell the Mona Lisa. The art dealer checked it, agreed it was authentic …and then called the police.Why did the burglar, Vincenzo Perugia, wait so long? Perugia had stolen the Mona Lisa on behalf of the chief organizer of the crime, Eduardo de Valifierno. But Perugia made a fundamental mistake. He trusted da Valfierno to pay him for tha painting. The drawback for Perugia was that de Valfierno didn’t in fact need the painting, only the news of the theft. De Valfierno made six superb copies and sold them, claiming that each one was the authentic stolen painting. Of course, the fact that there were six substitutes was confidential. The six buyers didn’t know about the other paintings. What’s more, de Valfierno didn’t need to pay his debt to Perugia.After two years, Perugia got tired of waiting to be paid, andtried to sell the painting. When the real Mona Lisa turned up in Florence, de Valfierno simply told his buyers that it was merely a copy.The outcome of the story is that Perugia got the blame for the crime and went to prison. De Valfierno remained at liberty for the rest of his life.But there is still a puzzle. There were a number of precise copies of the Mona Lisa painted by gifted students of Leonardo da Vinci. Part of the painting’s fascination is whether the one in the Louvre was authentic … even before it was stolen. And if Perugia stole a copy … who has the authentic Mona Lisa?PrintingPrinting is the process of making many copies of a single document using movable characters or letters. In China, printing was known as early as in the 7th century, during the Tang Dynasty; in Europe, it was an important part of the Renaissance. Printing answered a need because people were thirsty for knowledge.Before printing was invented, copies of a manuscript had to be made by hand, usually on animal skins. This was a difficult task that could take many years, and which made books very expensive.Printing made it possible to produce more copies in a few weeks than could have been produced in a lifetime written out by hand.It is believed that a German, Johann Gutenberg, made the first printing press in Europe. He adapted it from the machines farmers used to squeeze oil from olives. It used paper, which was more suitable for printing (and cheaper) than animal skins. Paper, like printing, had been invented much earlier in China and it had found its way to Europe, via southeast Asia and then India. By the 10th century AD, paper was being produced in Baghdad. The first paper mill in Europe was built at the end of the 12th century.The first book that Gutenberg produced was a Bible. But as the ideas of the Renaissance developed, so did the demand for the Greek and Latin classics, which had been largely ignored for up to 2,000 years. People also wanted books in their own languages. The invention of printing meant that this desire could be satisfied.Soon there were printing presses all over northern Europe. In 1476 William Caxton set up his own press in London, and England became one of the most important centres of the printing industry. This spread of printed books led to a renewed passion for artistic expression. Without the development of the printing press, the Renaissance may never have happened. Without inexpensive printing to make books available to a large section of society, theson of John Shakespeare, a government official in rural England in the mid-1500s, may never have been inspired to take up writing as a profession. What western civilization gained from Gutenberg’s contribution is impossible to calculate.Module 3 Foreign FoodPassage 1Chinese people think a lot about food. In fact, I think that they are sometimes obsessed with it. My first experience of this aspect of Chinese culture came at a banquet during a trip to Beijing in 1998. I had eaten Chinese food often, but I could not have imagined how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be. The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the table, with plates dangerously balanced one on top of another. I thought this vast wave of food was the total number of dishes to be served, and I started eating greedily. Everyone else just tasted a bit of each dish and then put their chopsticks down, continuing to chat. “They can’t have very big appetites,” I thought.To my surprise, more dishes arrived, plus soups, side dishes, and desserts. There was enough to feed a whole army.No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish; they knew what was still to come. But I was already so full that I could only watch as the banquet continued.Another aspect of “food culture” is that the Chinese seem to eat almost every part of every animal – much to the horror of many westerners. Stomach, intestines, ears, tongue, tail, hoof, and lungs are all likely to end up on the dinner table in front of you. The first time I saw a three-year-old kid cheerfully chewing a chicken’s head I had bad dream for weeks.These days I enjoy that sort of food myself. On a recent trip to the United States I suddenly felt like some Chinese delicacies, and asked the guy at the meat counter of a supermarket, “Do you have pigs’ ears?”“No,” he said, pulling at his own ear, “Just these ordinary ones.”He must have thought I was joking.However, there are other kinds of foods that have taken longer for me to accept. The infamous choudoufu is an example. (the name says it all: “stinky tofu”.) Just when I got used to it, I found another variety on a trip to Hunan: deep-fried choudoufu, a horrible black substance that looked and smelled about as appetizing as a burnt tennis shoe. Maybe I’ll get used to that, too – someday.Passage 2The first time I ate British food I was in the canteen of a London publisher. Some people just sat down on the sofa to eat. I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there feeling somewhat confused by the food. At the counter there were colourful mixtures in eight or nine big boxes. It was quite hard to make out hat they contained. The waiter put these foods inside bread or potatoes according to people’s requirements. I still remember what I ate: a tuna fish and cheese sandwich. It didn’t actually taste bad, but to me the cold fish, cold cheese, and even the bread from the fridge, was a meal that would make you feel cold inside. Later, I found out that British people like cold food. Their salad, for example, is made from vegetables which are only washed before serving, while Chinese food is prepared more carefully. The Chinese have a fixed phrase “cold leftovers”. Cold food means poverty –you don’t give it to a guest! No wonder westerners like Chinese food.I also learned that the English like to mix food before serving it at the table. I once ordered mushroom soup in a restaurant and was astonished when it was brought to thetable. It seemed to be just a bowl of grey liquid and it was only after I had tasted it that I knew it was actually cooked with mushrooms. The things inside sandwiches and baked potatoes are also various kinds of mashed food, like the fillings of jiaozi in Beijing. The food here goes against the Chinese sense of beauty and style at the dinner table. Chinese dishes can be photographed and have a nice appearance. We would never mash food into an unrecognizable shape.What’s more, the names of many kinds of English food are hard to remember. In fact, they often use French or Italian words. But one thing I do admire is the polite manner in which British people eat, even if it is just a potato.An Embarrassing MomentThe perfect host is the one who saves his guest from embarrassment whatever the cost. When Edward VII became King of England in 1901, he was already nearly 60 years old. He liked traveling, meeting people, and eating well. In short, he liked having a good time.One evening he was entertaining the ruler of a small island in the Pacific. The menu included asparagus, which his guest had never eaten before. Asparagus is by nature tenderand tasty at one end. Usually people leave the part which is difficult to eat on their plates.As soon as the Polynesian guest tasted the asparagus he remarked how delicious it was. However, when he realised that he could not eat the tough part, he simply threw it over his shoulder onto the floor behind him. The other guests were astonished, but went on eating. The King said nothing. However, when he had finished his asparagus, he too threw the piece that was left over his shoulder.Before long everybody else at the dinner was following his example, casually throwing the asparagus onto the floor, while the conversation continued in a friendly and relaxed manner. At the end of the meal the carpet was rather dirty. The cleaners weren’t very happy, but in the end most people had to agree that the King had been a perfect host, saving his guest and everybody else from the embarrassment which came from a misunderstanding of table manners.Food in AustraliaNot so long ago, food in Australia meant porridge with milk and sugar, and eggs and bacon for breakfast, then roast lamb or beef for lunch or dinner. During the 1980s each person consumed about39 kilograms of meat a year, and the butcher in the local High Street was one of the most important people in town. Australia is a country where the cattle and sheep outnumber the people, and it has always been justifiably famous for its lamb (no one would even think of eating mutton, which is the meat from the older animal). The consequence was that many people were overweight. Today there are still many Australians who eat huge amounts of meat. But recently, we have seen a gradual trend towards healthier food.Modern Australian cooking is often referred to as fusion cuisine, and the recipes include ingredients and cooking styles from the East and the West. Today, Australians enjoy Japanese food with bean curd, seaweed, and raw fish, as well as Greek, Italian and Lebanese food such as pasta, olives, tomatoes, eggplant and lemons. Cantonese and Beijing-style food is always popular, especially dim sum. French cooking can be seen in the Australians’love of the French-style bakery, with its delicious cakes and long loaves of bread. There are few or no artificial ingredients in fusion cooking, only the purest and freshest of produce.Even in the suburbs there are Oriental grocery stores where customers can buy everything from a Chinese frying pan (a wok) and chilli powder, cocoa from Brazil for drinking or for cakes, American chocolate-chip cookies, Canadian maple syrup or Frenchhoney to pour over your breakfast pancakes, to crisp Indian samosas and Lemon grass for fragrant Thai dishes, dairy products such as yoghurt and cream, as well as abundant homegrown fruit, especially ripe peaches, grapes, melons and oranges.Most Australian homes will have a stove on which your fry or steam vegetables, and there’s usually a microwave oven as well, for reheating food quickly. But perhaps the most important piece of equipment is not in the kitchen but in the garden –the famous barbecue, where, on a charcoal fire, they grill meat, such as slices of beef steak, chicken breasts or lamb cutlets. There’s usually a buffet of salads and vegetables to accompany it, and pints of Australian beer to drink, because the breweries which make the beer are among the finest in the world. Altogether, with its ample amount of food and drink and its relaxed way of cooking and serving, the barbecue is not just a piece of cooking and serving, the barbecue is not just a piece of cooking equipment but the word the Australians use for a popular way of entertaining friends.The Willow Pattern PlateOne of the best-known designs on British plates is the “Willow Pattern”. In many homes, the willow pattern plates (named after the willow tree in the centre of the design) are kept for special。

外研版八年级下册英语Module8Unit1课文翻译外研版八年级下册英语Module8 Unit1课文翻译1Look at the photo and listen.部分翻译Look at the photo and listen. What is the conversation about?看照片,听录音。
对话是关于什么的?2Listen again and choose the correct answer.部分翻译1 Tony has/hasn't heard about Beihai Park.托尼听说过/没听说过北海公园。
2 Tony guesses that the park is very popular/ not very popular.托尼猜测这个公园很受欢迎/不受欢迎。
3 Lingling suggests that they spend the day there/Daming and Betty come too. 玲玲建议他们在那儿度过一天/大明和贝蒂也来。
4 Lingling thinks/doesn't think the park will be busy.玲玲认为这个公园会/不会人山人海。
3Listen and read.部分翻译Lingling: Here we are. Welcome to Beihai Park.玲玲:我们到了。
Tony:Wow! It's so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing!I can believe we're jn the city centre.托尼:哇!这里如此安静以至于我甚至能听见鸟儿在歌唱!我几乎不能相信我们在市中心。
Lingling:This park is famous for its lake, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill. The lake takes up over half of the park area. Let's walk along the lake,cross the bridge and climb up the hill, Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you.玲玲:这个公园因为它的湖、桥和山上的古建筑而闻名。
外研社版英语选修八Module 1课文翻译

外研社版英语选修八M o d u l e1课文翻译-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Book 8 Module 1 Deep South教学案ReadingI. Words企鹅__________ 探险者__________ 极地的__________ 每年的__________降水量__________ 深度__________ 重力__________ 极端的__________使适应__________ 块,团__________ 使平衡__________ 勘察__________条约__________ 商业的__________ 核的__________ 试验__________促进__________ 使陷入困境_________ 救生船_________ 旅行__________II. ReadingA.Antarctica’s annual rainfall is close to_______.B.Antarctica is the________largest continent in the world.C.Antarctica is covering____________square kilometres around the South Pole.D.Antarctica holds________of the world’s ice.E.On average the ice cap of Antarctica’s surface is________metres thick.2. Read paragraph2 and fill in the blanks:Antarctica is full of_________,which has adapted to its extreme__________.There are different________of penguins,_____________,seals,and whales.______types of plants can________there because of the cold weather ,the lack of________and the long___________winter night.The________of the plants are ______ up of mosses,algae and lichen. 3. Read paragraph 3 and check the true statements:( ) ① Most of the ice has been in Antarctica for hundreds of years.( ) ②Gas and minerals,which are in the form of coal,are trapped in the ice.( ) ③ Most of the Antarctica rocks are meteorites from outer space.( ) ④ There are lots of useful white rocks in Antarctica.4. Read paragraph4 and put the following sentences into right order:( ) ① Norwegian Carstens Borchgrevink set foot on the Antarctic mainland.( ) ② The British explorer James Cook crossed the Antarctic Circle.( ) ③ Europeans discovered the continent of America.( ) ④ Norwegian Roald Amundsen reached Antarctica.( ) ⑤ Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass.5. Read paragraph 5 and answer the questions① What has replaced the rivalry that existed between many of the earlier explorers?② How many countries signed the Antarctica Treaty? List some of them.③ What is the aim of the treaty?参考译文南极洲:最后(一块被发现)的大洲1.南极洲是地球上最冷的地方,同时也是最干燥的地方。
module 1高中英语外研版选修八

1. With annual rainfall close to zero, Antarctica is technically a desert.close to 接近于, 几乎It took place close to 100 years ago.那事发生在将近一百年前。
2. A high mountain range, the Trans- Antarctic range, runs from east to west, cutting the continent in two.run v.(道路等)延伸,延续The road runs for many miles by the sea.A fence runs round the house.3. Yet Antarctica is full of wildlife, which has adapted to its extreme conditions.adapt to 适应The young men quickly adapted to camp life.4. The rest of the plants are made up of mosses,algae and lichen.be made up of 由……构成/组成e.g. What are the qualities that ideally should make up a man’s character?The audience was made up of very young children. 5. Gases and minerals, in the form of volcanic dust trapped in the ice, can tell us a lot about what the world’s climate was like in past ages.in the form of 以……的形式The child’s grandpa made a suggestion in the form of a question.trap阅读下列各句,并试着总结trap的含义及用法。

高中英语外研版选修八B8 M11.adj. 极地的2.n. 企鹅3.n. 探险者4.n. 南极洲5.adj. 每年的6.n. 降水量;降雨量7.n. 状态;状况8.n. 深度9.n. 重力,地心引力10.adj. 荒凉的,不适宜居住的11.adj. 极端的,极度的12.v. 开花13.n. 藓;苔藓14.n. 藻类(植物)15.n. 地衣16.使)适应17.v. 储存,留存18.n. 陨石19.adj. 天外的,地球外的20.n. 块,堆,团21.v. 使平衡22.n. (对某地区的)勘查23.进入,到达24.n. (不断的)竞争25.n. (国家或政府间的)条约,公约26.adj. 商业的27.adj. 核的,核能的28.n. 试验29.adj. (具有)放射性的30.v. 促进,增进31.prep. 经由,取道32.v. 使陷入困境33.n. 救生船34.n. (全体)船员35.n. (乘船的)旅行,航行36.v. 漂流,漂泊37.adj. 正式的38.n. 冰川;冰河39.adj. 磁的,磁性的,磁场的40.n. 刺眼的光41.adj. 强烈的42.n. 太阳镜;墨镜43.n. 防晒霜44.adj. 艰难的,艰巨的45.n. 视力;目力46.adj. 晒伤的47.prep. 零下48.adj. 麻木的;失去知觉的49.n. 霜;霜冻50.n. 衣服;(尤指)某种服装51.adj. 轻便的;便携的52.adj. 干净的;不含有害物质的53.n. 毫米;千分之一米54.adj. 不正常的,反常的55.n. 日出56.n. 日落57.n. 缺乏;没有58.n. 日光;白天59.adj. 烦人的,令人讨厌的60.adj. 令人沮丧的;令人抑郁的61.adj. 孤单的,孤立的62.n. 飞机;飞行器63.n. 平台64.n. 粉;粉末65.adj. 最少量;最小数66.adj. 不很昂贵的;适中的67.n. 奢侈品68.adj. 温暖舒适的69.n. 宿舍;寝室70.n. (工厂学校等的)食堂,餐71.v. 储存,储备72.n. 待洗的衣物73.v. 阻止;打消……的念头74.如果;假使75.n. 紧急情况;突发事情76.adj. 常规的;普通的77.n. 钻;钻机78.v. 崩溃,支持不住79.adj. 困难的,棘手的80.adj. 脆弱的;易碎的81.n. 电池82.n. 生态;生态学83.adj. 娇气的,纤弱的84.n. 荣幸85.n. 商人;买卖人;经商者86.n. 香料87.n. 宝石88.v. 对待……如朋友89.n. 传说;故事90.adj. 传说中的91.n. 可靠性92.adj. 难理解的,晦涩的93.adj. 亲密的94.v. 居住95.n. 意大利面条96.n. 洞察力,眼光97.n. 鼓舞;启示;灵感B8 M21.n. (文艺的)复兴2.adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的3.n. (绘画,摄影等的)主题4.adj. 枯燥的;沉闷的5.adv. 基本上,本质上,大致说来6.n. 作品7.n. 效果;作用8.n. (图画等中的)阴影;阴暗部分9.adj. 中世纪的10.adj. 哥特式的,哥特风格的(指12至16世纪流行于西欧的建筑风格)11.n. 新领域12.n. 透视(画)法;透视效果;透视感13.n. 复调音乐(作品)14.n. 大教堂15.v. 激发,激励16.adj. 有技巧的,熟练的17.n. 降落伞18.n. 潜艇19.n. 坦克20.adj. 持续整夜的21.n. 渡船22.n. 马掌;马蹄铁23.adj. 华丽的24.v. 对……征税,向……课税25.依靠,依赖;取决于(条件、情况)26.v. 认为27.历史上28.出发去某地29.n. 趣闻,轶事30.adj. (书画、文件、书籍等)原作的31.n. 发言人;代言人32.n. 窃贼,小偷33.把……抛在后面34.adj. 古时制造的,古董的35.n. 地下室;地下层36.n. 庭院,院子37.n. (过)路人38.n. 小胡子39.n. (小)包裹40.v. 猛冲41.n. 十字路口;交叉口42.n. 十字路口43.v. 逃跑,逃掉44.n. 旁路,旁侧路45.v. 恳求;呼吁46.n. (犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子47.n. 丢失;丧失48.v. 流传;传播49.v. 寻找;寻求50.n. (犯人的)一群,一帮51.adj. 不确定的;试探性的52.n. 方面;利益53.代表……54.adj. 最重要的;首要的55.adj. 根本的;基本的56.n. 不利因素57.adj. 极好的;超级的58.n. 代替物;代替品59.adj. 秘密的,机密的60.n. 债务;人情债61.厌倦做某事;厌烦做某事62.adv. 仅仅;只不过63.n. 结果;后果64.n. (对错事或坏事应付的)责任65.n. 自由;自由权66.获得自由的67.adj. 有天赋的;有才华的68.adj. 活动的,可移动的69.n. 底稿;手稿70.n. 印刷机71.v. 榨出;挤出;压出(液体)72.n. 橄榄73.n. 工厂,制造厂74.n. 圣经75.到(某个数量)76.导致,通向,通往77.n. 激情,热爱78.n. 官员,高级职员79.adj. 农村的,乡村的80.v. 鼓舞,激励81.从事,开始做(某项工作)82.n. 职业83.v. 计算B8 M31.v. 应给予2.n. 毒药3.n. 烹饪法,烹饪术4.n. 味道5.v. 使着迷6.n. 宴会7.n. 一道菜8.adv. 贪婪地9.n. (常复)筷子10.n. 甜食11.难怪12.n. (常复)肠13.n. 舌头14.n. (猪、牛等的)蹄15.结束16.v. 咀嚼17.n. 佳肴,珍馐18.adj. 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的19.adj. 开胃的,增进食欲的20.n. 方式;方法21.看出,理解22.n. 要求23.n. 金枪鱼24.adj. 固定的25.n. 蘑菇26.v. 捣烂,捣成泥状27.n. 馅28.adj. 无法辨认的29.与……有共同点30.n. 客人31.n. 叉子32.总之;简言之33.v. 招待,款待;请客34.n. 菜单35.n. 芦笋36.adj. 嫩的37.adj. 波利尼西亚的38.v. 谈到,说起39.adv. 随意地40.n. 赞美41.n. 标点符号42.n. 燕麦(麦片)粥;粥43.n. (通常切成薄片的)咸猪肉;熏猪肉44.adj. 烤好的;烤制的45.n. 羔羊;羔羊肉46.v. (正式)吃;喝47.n. 屠夫;屠户48.n. 牛(指菜牛或奶牛)49.v. 在数量上胜过……,比……多50.adv. 有正当理由地51.n. 羊肉52.n. 后果53.adj. 逐渐的;逐步的54.n. 趋势,趋向55.n. 合并;合成56.n. 烹饪,烹饪术;菜肴,饭菜57.n. 烹饪法;食谱58.n. 豆腐59.n. 海藻;海草60.adj. 生的61.n. 茄子62.n. 柠檬63.n. 面包店64.n. (条型)面包65.adj. 人造的;人工的66.n. 食品杂货店67.n. 顾客68.n. 平底锅69.n. 可可粉70.n. 小甜饼;甜饼干71.n. 槭树;枫树72.n. 糖浆73.n. 蜂蜜74.adj. 松脆的75.n. 萨莫萨炸三角饺76.adj. 香的,芳香的77.n. 牛奶场78.n. 酸乳酪;酸奶79.adj. 丰富的;充裕的80.adj. (水果或庄稼)成熟的81.n. 桃子82.n. 瓜83.n. 炉子84.v. 煎;炸;炒85.n. 微波86.v. 重新加热87.n. 烧烤野餐88.v. 烧烤;烤制89.n. 薄片;切片90.n. 胸脯肉91.n. (供烤或煎的)肉片,肉排92.n. 自助餐93.n. 品脱(美国和英国的液量单位)94.n. 啤酒厂95.v. 总的说来;总而言之96.adj. 充足的;充裕的97.n. 柳树98.n. 图案99.n. 栅栏,围栏;篱笆100.n. (图片或照片的)前景101.n. 鸣禽102.adv. 在头顶上;在空中103.放火烧……104.n. (简陋的)小屋;棚屋;茅舍105.v. 转化,转变B8 M41.adv. 立即,马上2.adj. 能辨认的,能认出的3.n. 方言,地方话4.n. 伦敦东区土话5.区分开6.v. 重要,要紧;有关系7.只要8.v. 很重要;很有价值9.n. 痕迹,踪迹10.adj. 独一无二的;独特的11.在于12.n. 语调13.n. 作家,作者14.n. 祖先,前辈15.n. 表示所有格的撇号16.n. 联系17.n. 节奏;韵律18.adj. 双语的,会讲两种语言的19.n. 讨论;辩论20.v. 抱怨;不满21.n. 电报22.n. 新闻媒体,传媒23.n. 革命24.v. 调查25.n. 特点,特色;情调26.v. 得到,获得27.adj. 确信的,信服的28.n. (常复)电信29.总之30.adv. 此外,而且31.大量的32.adj. 极好的;优秀的33.adj. 简单的,易懂的34.n. 联系35.adj. 歧义的;含糊的36.n. 进退两难的境地;困难的抉择37.adj. 清楚明白的;易于理解的38.adj. 比喻的;借喻的39.adj. 有关的;切题的40.adj. 荒谬的,荒唐的41.v. 传达,传递42.n. 概念;观念43.adv. 因此;因而44.开始做某事45.v. 弄明白;澄清46.n. 趋向;倾向47.adj. 杂乱无章的48.adj. 不明确的;含糊的49.adj. 笨拙的50.v. 挑选,选择51.adj. 隐喻的;暗喻的52.n. 意义;含义53.v. 收回;撤销(说过的话)54.v. 拒绝接受55.adj. 潜在的;可能的56.v. 辱骂;恶语57.n. 得罪;使伤感情58.n. 政治家59.v. 对……不忠60.使某人失望61.v. 征服;战胜62.n. 祈祷文;悼词63.v. 反对64.n. 偏见;歧视65.n. 反抗;抵抗66.n. 抵触;冲突67.n. 寓意;教育意义68.adj. 更好的;更强的69.n. 地位70.v. 将……分类71.n. 性别72.n. 赞许;赞成73.n. 好奇心74.n. 着迷,迷恋;吸引力75.n. 语气;音调76.adv. 起初77.n. 投考者,应考人78.n. 附带的结果;副产品B8 M51.n. 飞跃,跳跃2.adj. 共同的;联合的3.n. 火星4.n. 木星5.n. 毕宿五,金牛座中的红色巨星6.n. 宇宙探测器,航天探测器7.n. 土星8.adj. 习惯的9.n. 航天飞机10.adj. 历史性的,有重大历史意义的11.v. 收看(电视);收听(广播)12.v. 目击,亲眼看见;亲身经历13.v. 假定,假设14.n. 耐心15.不管16.adj. 高级的,先进的17.在……一开始的时候18.v. 爆炸19.v. 依靠;取决于20.n. 行星21.v. 看,观察22.adj. 紫外线的23.土卫九24.土卫六(土星卫星中最大的一颗)25.n. 十年26.一系列的;一连串的27.v. 承认;认为28.adj. 任意的;随机的29.adv. 向后地;倒退地30.n. 行为31.n. 骑士,武士32.n. 紧张关系33.adj. 自治的;有自治权的34.n. 失败35.n. 权力;权威36.v. 指责37.指责某人某事38.v. 起誓保证39.v. 替……报仇,报复40.n. 悲伤;悲痛41.n. (刚提及的两个人或物之中的)后一个,第二个42.n. 控制43.n. 安慰;宽慰44.n. 光荣;荣誉45.n. 部分46.n. (某个国家的)领空47.n. 祖国48.adj. 抽象的49.v. 预知;预见50.n. 命运;天命51.n. 帮助52.adj. 丰富的;广泛的53.n. 同情;同情心54.n. 忠诚;奉献55.v. 应当;应该56.adj. 一致的;吻合的57.n. 宗教信仰58.adj. 理智的;合理的59.n. 尊贵;尊严60.n. 忠诚61.v. 祷告;祈祷62.祈望;祈求63.adj. (有关)上帝的;神圣的64.adj. 剧烈的;激烈的65.与……相似的66.adj. 稳定的;安定的67.人68.adj. 最高超的;最优的69.n. (文或英)学生70.v. 咨询;请教71.adv. 有争议地72.adj. 给人深刻印象的;戏剧性的73.n. 入侵74.n. 外星人75.n. 影响,作用76.n. 观察;监视77.adj. 不可避免的78.n. 假定,假设79.n. 先头部队80.使某事开始81.adj. 在进行中的82.n. 歇斯底里83.n. 新闻快讯84.adj. 越来越强烈的85.adv. 蓄意地,故意地86.开始做;着手进行。

单词1.trap v.储存,留存,使(某物)留在某处;使……陷入困境n.陷阱;捕捉动物的器具;圈套,诡计;埋伏归纳拓展(1)be trapped in被困在……trap sb.into sth./doing sth.用计捕捉某人或使某人上当(2)set/lay a trap for...对……设下圈套,布好陷阱be caught in a trap of落入陷阱;陷入……的困境a mousetrap/flytrap老鼠夹/捕蝇器例句:They were trapped in the burning house.他们被困在燃烧着的房子里了。
I was trapped into telling the police all I knew.我中计了,把所知道的一切全都告诉了警察。
We set traps in the attic for the mice.我们在阁楼里设下了老鼠夹子。
【链接训练】①Chinese news reported today that a woman in Hongbai had been rescued after________in a tunnel for nine days. A.trapping B.being trapped C.having trapped D.to be trapped【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。
the woman与trap之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,排除A、C项;根据题意可知,被困这一动作已经发生,故排除表示将来的to be trapped。
【答案】 B②When we arrived at the building,we found the man________in the fire.A.trapping B.trapC.trapped D.to trap【解析】“某人被困于……中”常译作sb.be trapped in...,故句中空白处应用过去分词trapped作宾补,选C。

Module 1Deep SouthAntarctica: the Last ContinentAntarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It’s also the driest. With annual rainfall close to zero, Antarctica is technically a desert. Covering about 14 million square kilometers around the South Pole, it is the fifth largest continent in the world. A high mountain range, the Trans-Antarctic range, runs from east to west, cutting the continent in two. There are volcanoes too, but they are not very active. Antarctica holds 90% of the world’s ice, and most of its fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state, of course. 98% of the surface is covered permanently in the ice cap. On average it is two kilometers thick, but in some places it reaches a depth of five kilometers. Strong winds driven by gravity blow from the pole to the coastline, while other winds blow round the coast. It is difficult to imagine a more inhospitable place.Yet Antarctica is full wildlife, which has adapt ed to its extreme conditions. There are different types of penguins, flying birds, seals, and whales. But the long Antarctic winter night, whichlasts for 182 days (the longest period of continuous darkness onearth), as well as the extreme cold and lack of rainfall, means that few types of plants can survive there. Only two types of flowering plants are found, while there are no trees on the large continent. The rest of the plants are made up of mosses, algae and lichen. Some forms of algae have adapted to grow on ice.Most of the ice has been there for thousands of years. As a result, it has become a window on the past, and can give researchers lots of useful information. Gases and minerals, in the form of volcanic dust trapped in the ice, can tell us a lot about what the world’s climate was like in past ages. Antarctic rocks are also very important for research. Most of them are meteorites from outer space. One rock, known as the “Alien” rock, may contain evidence of extra-terrestrial life.Since most Antarctic rocks are dark in colour, they stand out against the white background and are easy to identify and collect.Antarctica was the last continent to be discovered. But more than two thousand years ago Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass in the south which balance d the land in the north. They called it Anti-Arktikos, or Antarcica: the opposite of Arcitc. When Europeans discovered the continent of America in 15th century, the great age of exploration began. However,progress to the South ole was slow. Not until the late 18th centurydid the British explorer James Cook cross the Antarctic Circle, but he never saw land. Then in 1895, a Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevink became the first man to set foot on the Antarctic mainland. The race to the pole had begun. It was finally reached on 11th December, 1911 by the Norwegian Roald Amundsen.Today scientists from many countries travel to Antarctica to study its resources. A spirit of international friendship has replaced the rivalry that existed between many of the earlier explorers. In 1961, a treaty signed by 12 countries, including Britain, France, and the USA made Antarctica the world’s biggest nature reserve. The aim of the treaty is to prevent the commercial and military use of the continent. In particular, it aims to keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste; to promote international scientific projects; and to end arguments about who owns the land. Today countries representing 80% of the world’s population have signed the treaty. Antarctica has become perhaps the most successful symbol of man’s efforts to work together for progress and peace.How Failure Became SuccessOn 8th August, 1914, 27 men who had replied to an advertisementin The Times boarded a ship leaving for the Antarctic. The name ofthe ship was the Endurance and the captain was an Irishman called Ernest Shackleton.The aim of the journey was to cross the frozen continent via the South Pole – journey of 1,800 miles. Shackleton thought the journey would last six months.But when land came into sight, the Endurance became trapped in the ice and began to break up. Shackleton and his men watched the Endurance sink into the icy sea. They then head ed north, pulling three lifeboats behind them.After six days, bad weather force d them to give up and the men set up camp on a sheet of ice which began slowly moving across the Antarctic Circle.They survived on the ice for five months. Then, on 16th April, 1915, Shackleton saw land. It was Elephant Island – large rock with nothing growing on it, but much better than a floating piece of ice. When they reached the island, Shackleton came up with an idea – it was a risk but he would have to take it. He and five men would take one of the lifeboats, and sail 800 miles to South Georgia, where there was a permanent camp. They could then return to rescue the rest of the men.It took Shackleton 17 days to rach South Georgia.Unfortunately he landed on the wrong side of the island, and had towalk 36 hours over mountains to reach the camp. The whale hunters all the camp couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the six men walking down from the mountains.Shackleton kept his promise. More than three months later, he returned to Elephant Island to rescue the crew he had been forced to abandon. He had failed to reach the pole – but he had saved the lives of all his men.Welcome to the South Poles!South Poles? How many are there?In fact, there are three South Poles: a ceremonial Pole, which is on the moving glacier, a geographical or true Pole, and a magnetic Pole which changes its position according to the movement of the Earth.Is it safe?Because the South Pole is a high altitude site, the glare of the sunlight here is very intense. It’s also reflected by the snow, so if you go outside, remember to wear sunglasses and use suncream. If you don’t there’s severe risk that you’ll damage your eyesight or get badly sunburnt.Is it cold?Yes! Be very careful out in the open air! The temperature isbetween minus 21°C in the summer and minus 78°C in the winter, and you can become numb with cold without realizing. There’s heavy frost even on the warmest summer days, and if it’s quiet you can hear your breath freeze. So if you leave the station, dress warmly and carry dry clothing and a portable radio.Is there anything good about the weather?The air is very pure, and it doesn’t snow very much – only about four millimeters a year. There’s very little wind and the sky is usually clear. It’s possibly the calmest place on Earth.What’s it like to live here?Life is quite abnormal. Sunrise and sunset come once every six months, and in the winter the total absence of daylight can be tiresome, and for some, depressing. We’re totally isolated except for radio and electronic communications, as no aircraft can fly here for about eight months.Where do we live?The South Pole scientific station is situated on a platform of ice, 3,000-4,000 metres high, but under only a few millimetres of snow. We have a minimum of 28 people living here in the winter and a maximum of 125 in the summer. The living quarters are modest, with few luxuries, but cosy. There’s a comfortable dormitory forsleeping, the canteen serve great food, and there’s a well-stockedlibrary of DVDs and videos. But showers and laundry are limited, because water is very valuable. We discourage you from smoking except in specific areas. Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency.Any other advice?Remember that conventional equipment doesn’t always work as it should do. If you use an electric drill, the power cord will snap. Photography is tricky too, as film is fragile and the camera battery doesn’t work in the cold.Don’t leave any rubbish, and don’t forget that the ecology of Antarctica is very delicate, so don’t take any souvenirs home with you, and be careful to leave nothing but footprints.Finally, remember that we’re all visitors to the South Pole. It’s a privilege, not a right to come to this extraordinary place.The Travels of Marco PoloThe year is 1271 AD. Imagine a 17-year-old boy from Venice Italy, well-educated and trained for life as a rich trader. He sets off with his father and uncle on a 25-year journey to mysterious, distant lands that most people in Europe have never heard of. While on their journey buying and selling spices, silks and jewels,theybefriend one of the most powerful men on Earth, Kubla Khan.The boy’s name was Marco Polo and many years later a book about his travels was published which made him famous. Marco Polo told his fantastic stories to a writer named Rustichello who wrote them down for him. This man was well-known for his stories and romantic tales of the legendary English King Arthur, but so many people doubted the reliability of his book the Travels of Marco Polo. However, Chinese historians have found obscure names and facts in the book that could only have been known to someone intimate with the country.Many of Marco’s stories were about China and its people. He told stories about the towns, cities and populations in great detail. He described the amazing things he saw in China such as paper money and black stone that burned (coal). With very little contact between China and the West, it is not surprising that people in a rich powerful place like Venice could not believe his stories, nor in the idea of huge, rich city states inhabited by millions of people. There could surely be no comparison with Venice?A general myth has grown up around Marco Polo that he introduced such things as spaghetti and ice cream from China to the West. There is no truth to any of these claims and actually they are not mentioned in Marco Polo’s book.However, Marco Polo’s book is still a unique insight for its age.Most importantly it was a great influence for many future travelers. Christopher Columbus left behind a well-worn copy that he read as inspiration on his own voyages to America.Module 2 The RenaissanceThe RenaissanceFor many people, the Renaissance means 14th to 16th century Italy, and the developments in art and architecture, music and literature which took place there all that time. But there is one work which, perhaps more than any other, expresses the spirit of the Renaissance: the Mona Lisa. It is believed to be the best example of a new lifelike style of painting that amazed people when it was first used. Painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the years 1503-1506, the Mona Lisa is a mysterious masterpiece. People want to know who Mona Lisa is, and why she is smiling. Even if people do not know much about the Renaissance, they have heard of this painting.But the Renaissance is, of course, more than just Mona Lisa. Renaissance is a French word which means “rebirth” and it first appeared in English in the 19th century. The word was used todescribe a period in European history which began with the arrivalof the first Europeans in America, and age of exploration, and the beginning of the modern world. It was as if Europe was waking up after the long sleep of the Middle Ages. From Italy, the ideas of the Renaissance rapidly spread northwards to France, Germany, England, and the rest of Europe.Trade with other parts of the world meant that Europe was getting richer, too. This meant that people had money to spend on the arts; and it became easier for artists to find people who could afford to buy their works or employ them. Leonardo worked for important people such as the Duke of Milan, and, towards the end of his life, the King of France.Renaissance artists found new ideas for their work in classical Greece and Rome. But they looked forward, too, by opening new frontiers in the arts. Painters discovered how to use perspective and the effects of light; composers put different voices together and created polyphony “many voices”; architects preferred designing buildings with more light which contrasted with the heaviness of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages.The sense of exploration which motiveated the artists went had in hand with a new type of philosophy. After centuries of accepting a medieval world view in which human life wasconsidered of little value compared with the greatness of God,philosophers began asking questions like “What is a person?” or “Why am I here?” For the first time, they put people, not religion, at the centre of the universe.The Renaissance was a time of scientific invention, too. Leonardo, as well as being one of the greatest painters the world has ever known, was also a skilled inventor. Wherever he went, he carried a notebook around with him, in which he wrote down his ideas. They included detailed drawings of the human body, plans for engineers to build canals and bridges, and astonishing drawings of machines which were not to be built until hundreds of years later, such as aeroplanes, parachutes, submarines and tanks. Towards the end of his life he was employed by the King of France to do scientific research, and he did not have a lot of time for painting.In short, Leonardo was an extraordinary genius, an example of what has been described as “Renaissance man”: someone interested in everything and with many different talents. But even if his only contribution to history had been the Mona Lisa, it would have been genius enough for all time.ThursdayWe arrived on the overnight ferry to the Hook of Holland and took atrain to Amsterdam Central Station. It was only a short ride. It’s noteasy to find your way around the town. A lot of the roads follow the canals which aren’t straight but are shaped like horseshoes. So you can walk along a street for half an hour of so and end up five minutes from where you started. However, most people don’t walk – there are three million bikes in town and a good bus and tram system. There are boats, too. About half of them are for tourists, the others are houseboats with people living on them. We spent the whole day walking. Tomorrow we’re going to rent bikes.FridayWe spent today looking at houses. The architecture is astonishing, quite different from other European countries we’ve been to. The houses are tall and thin, and many of them have a fantastically ornate Renaissance appearance. In the Middle Ages the houses were made of wood. Then, at the end of the 15th century there was a huge fire and about three quarters of the town was destroyed. After that, houses were made of brick. Unlike other places in Europe, where house owners were taxed on the size of their windows, here the taxes depended on the width of the house – so they kept them narrow, but built them tall. Well, that’s what Claire says, and she read it in the guidebook.SaturdayWe visited the Van Gogh Museum, instead of the more famousRijksmuseum. It was astonishing. I hadn’t really looked at any of Van Gogh’s paintings before. He seems to have re-invented the art. It doesn’t matter whether he is doing a portrait of a landscape – he’s a genius. In the last 70 days of his life before he short himself he produced 70 paintings, and I reckon they’re almost all masterpieces. Yet in all his life Van Gogh only ever sold one painting! We must have spent three hours in that museum. When we came out I told Claire I thought Van Gogh was the greatest painter in history. She reminded me that we were leaving for Paris tomorrow, where we were going to see the most famous painting in the world …The puzzle of the Mona LisaThe Mona Lisa is the subject of many stories, but there is one anecdote which remains a puzzle. Is the painting in the Louvre the authentic work by Leonardo da Vinci … or just a copy?The story began one day in 1911 when someone noticed the Mona Lisa was missing. A spokesman said, “The burglar left the antique frame and the glass behind. He must have gone through the basement to the main courtyard. A passerby saw a man with a moustache, carrying a parcel under his arm, dash over the streetcrossing, along to the crossroads. He then fled down a sideroad.We’re appealing to anyone who saw the suspect to contact us.”So we stole the Mona Lisa? And why? News about the loss of the Mona Lisa was circulated in all the French newspapers, and there was a widespread search for the burglar all over the country. He police said, “we don’t think the burglar was working alone. We’re seeking a gang of criminals.”Two years later, a man with a moustache went to an art dealer in Florence in Italy and made a tentative attempt to sell the Mona Lisa. The art dealer checked it, agreed it was authentic … and then called the police.Why did the burglar, Vincenzo Perugia, wait so long? Perugia had stolen the Mona Lisa on behalf of the chief organizer of the crime, Eduardo de Valifierno. But Perugia made a fundamental mistake. He trusted da Valfierno to pay him for tha painting. The drawback for Perugia was that de Valfierno didn’t in fact need the painting, only the news of the theft. De Valfierno made six superb copies and sold them, claiming that each one was the authentic stolen painting. Of course, the fact that there were six substitutes was confidential. The six buyers didn’t know about the other paintings. What’s more, de Valfierno didn’t need to pay his debt to Perugia.After two years, Perugia got tired of waiting to be paid, andtried to sell the painting. When the real Mona Lisa turned up in Florence, de Valfierno simply told his buyers that it was merely a copy.The outcome of the story is that Perugia got the blame for the crime and went to prison. De Valfierno remained at liberty for the rest of his life.But there is still a puzzle. There were a number of precise copies of the Mona Lisa painted by gifted students of Leonardo da Vinci. Part of the painting’s fascination is whether the one in the Louvre was authentic … even before it was stolen. And if Perugia stole a copy … who has the authentic Mona Lisa?PrintingPrinting is the process of making many copies of a single document using movable characters or letters. In China, printing was known as early as in the 7th century, during the Tang Dynasty; in Europe, it was an important part of the Renaissance. Printing answered a need because people were thirsty for knowledge.Before printing was invented, copies of a manuscript had to be made by hand, usually on animal skins. This was a difficult taskthat could take many years, and which made books very expensive.Printing made it possible to produce more copies in a few weeks than could have been produced in a lifetime written out by hand.It is believed that a German, Johann Gutenberg, made the first printing press in Europe. He adapted it from the machines farmers used to squeeze oil from olives. It used paper, which was more suitable for printing (and cheaper) than animal skins. Paper, like printing, had been invented much earlier in China and it had found its way to Europe, via southeast Asia and then India. By the 10th century AD, paper was being produced in Baghdad. The first paper mill in Europe was built at the end of the 12th century.The first book that Gutenberg produced was a Bible. But as the ideas of the Renaissance developed, so did the demand for the Greek and Latin classics, which had been largely ignored for up to 2,000 years. People also wanted books in their own languages. The invention of printing meant that this desire could be satisfied.Soon there were printing presses all over northern Europe. In 1476 William Caxton set up his own press in London, and England became one of the most important centres of the printing industry. This spread of printed books led to a renewed passion for artistic expression. Without the development of the printing press, the Renaissance may never have happened. Without inexpensiveprinting to make books available to a large section of society, theson of John Shakespeare, a government official in rural England in the mid-1500s, may never have been inspired to take up writing as a profession. What western civilization gained from Gutenberg’s contribution is impossible to calculate.Module 3 Foreign FoodPassage 1Chinese people think a lot about food. In fact, I think that they are sometimes obsessed with it. My first experience of this aspect of Chinese culture came at a banquet during a trip to Beijing in 1998. I had eaten Chinese food often, but I could not have imagined how fabulous a real Chinese banquet could be. The first six or seven dishes seemed to fill the table, with plates dangerously balanced one on top of another. I thought this vast wave of food was the total number of dishes to be served, and I started eating greedily. Everyone else just tasted a bit of each dish and then put their chopsticks down, continuing to chat. “They can’t have very big appetites,” I thought.To my surprise, more dishes arrived, plus soups, sidedishes, and desserts. There was enough to feed a whole army.No wonder my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish; they knew what was still to come. But I was already so full that I could only watch as the banquet continued.Another aspect of “food culture” is that the Chinese seem to eat almost every part of every animal – much to the horror of many westerners. Stomach, intestines, ears, tongue, tail, hoof, and lungs are all likely to end up on the dinner table in front of you. The first time I saw a three-year-old kid cheerfully chewing a chicken’s head I had bad dream for weeks.These days I enjoy that sort of food myself. On a recent trip to the United States I suddenly felt like some Chinese delicacies, and asked the guy at the meat counter of a supermarket, “Do you have pigs’ ears?” “No,” he said, pulling at his own ear, “Just these ordinary ones.” He must have thought I was joking.However, there are other kinds of foods that have taken longer for me to accept. The infamous choudoufu is an example. (the name says it all: “stinky tofu”.) Just when I gotchoudoufu, a horrible black substance that looked and smelled about as appetizing as a burnt tennis shoe. Maybe I’ll get usedto that, too – someday.Passage 2The first time I ate British food I was in the canteen of a London publisher. Some people just sat down on the sofa to eat. I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there feeling somewhat confused by the food. At the counter there were colourful mixtures in eight or nine big boxes. It was quite hard to make out hat they contained. The waiter put these foods inside bread or potatoes according to people’s requirements. I still remember what I ate: a tuna fish and cheese sandwich. It didn’t actually taste bad, but to me the cold fish, cold cheese, and even the bread from the fridge, was a meal that would make you feel cold inside. Later, I found out that British people like cold food. Their salad, for example, is made from vegetables which are only washed before serving, while Chinese food is prepared more carefully. The Chinese have a fixed phrase “cold leftovers”. Cold food means poverty – you don’t give it to a guest! No wonder westerners like Chinese food.I also learned that the English like to mix food before serving it at the table. I once ordered mushroom soup in arestaurant and was astonished when it was brought to thetable. It seemed to be just a bowl of grey liquid and it was only after I had tasted it that I knew it was actually cooked with mushrooms. The things inside sandwiches and baked potatoes are also various kinds of mashed food, like the fillings of jiaozi in Beijing. The food here goes against the Chinese sense of beauty and style at the dinner table. Chinese dishes can be photographed and have a nice appearance. We would never mash food into an unrecognizable shape.What’s more, the names of many kinds of English food are hard to remember. In fact, they often use French or Italian words. But one thing I do admire is the polite manner in which British people eat, even if it is just a potato.An Embarrassing MomentThe perfect host is the one who saves his guest from embarrassment whatever the cost. When Edward VII became King of England in 1901, he was already nearly 60 years old. He liked traveling, meeting people, and eating well. In short, he liked having a good time.One evening he was entertaining the ruler of a small island in the Pacific. The menu included asparagus, which hisguest had never eaten before. Asparagus is by nature tenderand tasty at one end. Usually people leave the part which is difficult to eat on their plates.As soon as the Polynesian guest tasted the asparagus he remarked how delicious it was. However, when he realised that he could not eat the tough part, he simply threw it over his shoulder onto the floor behind him. The other guests were astonished, but went on eating. The King said nothing. However, when he had finished his asparagus, he too threw the piece that was left over his shoulder.Before long everybody else at the dinner was following his example, casually throwing the asparagus onto the floor, while the conversation continued in a friendly and relaxed manner. At the end of the meal the carpet was rather dirty. The cleaners weren’t very happy, but in the end most people had to agree that the King had been a perfect host, saving his guest and everybody else from the embarrassment which came from a misunderstanding of table manners.Food in AustraliaNot so long ago, food in Australia meant porridge with milk and sugar, and eggs and bacon for breakfast, then roast lamb or beeffor lunch or dinner. During the 1980s each person consumed about39 kilograms of meat a year, and the butcher in the local High Street was one of the most important people in town. Australia is a country where the cattle and sheep outnumber the people, and it has always been justifiably famous for its lamb (no one would even think of eating mutton, which is the meat from the older animal). The consequence was that many people were overweight. Today there are still many Australians who eat huge amounts of meat. But recently, we have seen a gradual trend towards healthier food.Modern Australian cooking is often referred to as fusion cuisine, and the recipes include ingredients and cooking styles from the East and the West. Today, Australians enjoy Japanese food with bean curd, seaweed, and raw fish, as well as Greek, Italian and Lebanese food such as pasta, olives, tomatoes, eggplant and lemons. Cantonese and Beijing-style food is always popular, especially dim sum. French cooking can be seen in the Australians’ love of the French-style bakery, with its delicious cakes and long loaves of bread. There are few or no artificial ingredients in fusion cooking, only the purest and freshest of produce.Even in the suburbs there are Oriental grocery stores where customers can buy everything from a Chinese frying pan (a wok) and chilli powder, cocoa from Brazil for drinking or for cakes,American chocolate-chip cookies, Canadian maple syrup or Frenchhoney to pour over your breakfast pancakes, to crisp Indian samosas and Lemon grass for fragrant Thai dishes, dairy products such as yoghurt and cream, as well as abundant homegrown fruit, especially ripe peaches, grapes, melons and oranges.Most Australian homes will have a stove on which your fry or steam vegetables, and there’s usually a microwave oven as well, for reheating food quickly. But perhaps the most important piece of equipment is not in the kitchen but in the garden – the famous barbecue, where, on a charcoal fire, they grill meat, such as slices of beef steak, chicken breasts or lamb cutlets. There’s usually a buffet of salads and vegetables to accompany it, and pints of Australian beer to drink, because the breweries which make the beer are among the finest in the world. Altogether, with its ample amount of food and drink and its relaxed way of cooking and serving, the barbecue is not just a piece of cooking and serving, the barbecue is not just a piece of cooking equipment but the word the Australians use for a popular way of entertaining friends.The Willow Pattern PlateOne of the best-known designs on British plates is the “Willow Pattern”. In many homes, the willow pattern plates (named after thewillow tree in the centre of the design) are kept for special。

外研版英语八上课文翻译第一篇:外研版英语八上课文翻译Module 1 Unit 1詹姆斯老师:同学们,欢迎大家返校学习。
Unit 2问与答把你的问题发给语言医生黛安娜。
Module 2 Unit l托尼:嗨,大明,周末过得怎样?大明:挺不错!我去了深圳。
高中英语外研版 选修8 Module 1 Deep South

南部深处核心词汇. ..’ .. ..(最低的) -℃..(紧急情况)..(荣幸) ..(缺乏) ..,(促进) ..,’ .(). .();;;高频短语.如果;假使.特别,尤其.信守诺言.进入,到达.进入视野;看得见.劝某人不要做某事.冒险.(使)适应.平均.引人注目;突出.分裂;分解.想出;提议.’ .重点句式., .南极洲覆盖了南极圈周围约万平方公里的面积,是世界第五大洲。
., .直到世纪末,英国探险家詹姆斯·库克才穿越了南极圈,但他却从未发现任何陆地。
., .后来到了年,一个叫卡斯腾·博克格雷温克的挪威人成为第一个踏上南极大陆的人。
. .沙克尔顿花了天的时间到达了南佐治亚州。
. .除了在专门的区域,我们劝你不要吸烟。
;;知识详解①.使适应;改编,改写(回归课本) , .但南极洲仍然栖息着很多野生生物,它们已经适应了那里极其恶劣的条件。
【归纳总结】【例句探源】① .小孩子往往很快就能适应新环境。
② .每个人都要采取措施来适应社会经济的变化。
③’ .狄更斯的许多书都已改编成电影。
【即境活用】., .....解析:选。
.完成句子?这些昆虫怎样使自己适应新的环境?答案:②.(使)平衡;(使)平稳;权衡,比较.平衡,均衡;天平(回归课本) .但是多年以前,希腊的地理学家认为地球南边有一块陆地与北边的陆地保持平衡。
【归纳总结】【例句探源】① .这所学校在时间安排上力争做到文理并重。
② .他在墙头上用胳膊保持平衡。
③, .如果人类继续破坏森林,他们将打破生态平衡。
④ .观光客常常破坏岛上微妙的自然生态平衡。
⑤(牛津) .节目公平地反映了冲突双方的情况。
【即境活用】.,’ .....解析:选。

英语选修八全部课文翻译单位 1 A 不同的土地-阅读加州加州是在美国的第三大的州但是有最大的人口。
本国的 AMERCANS完全地当第一的个人在我们现在知道当做加州的到达,没有人真的知道。
在 16 世纪内,在欧洲人的抵达,本国的人遭受很大之后。
西班牙人在 18 世纪内,加州被西班牙统治了。
西班牙军人在 16 世纪初期内首先抵达南美洲了,当他们对抗了本国的人而且拿他们的土地。
在 1821 年,墨西哥人们得到了他们自西班牙独立。
在 1846 美国宣布墨西哥战争,在被美国嬴得的战争之后,墨西哥必须把加州给美国。
那是今天超过加州人中的 40 为什么说西班牙语为第一或第二种语言。
俄国人在 1800 年代早期,俄国猎人,本来去安拉斯加州,开始了在加州定居。
今天旧金山周围地区有大约 25000 俄国人-美国人住。
淘金者在 1848 年,不在美国人-墨西哥的战争之后长久地,黄金在加州被发现。
英语选修8 unit1 词汇汉译英及课文翻译

Module 8Unit 1 A land of diversity (词汇识记·汉译英)教案序号:23-24 备课人:审核人:2016/4/271.vt. 说明;阐明2.adj. 清晰的;明显的;明确的3.n. 差别;区分;卓著4.n. (从外国移入的)移民5.继续存在;继续生存6.n. 海峡7.adj. 北极的;北极区的8.n. 手段;方法9.用……办法;借助……10.adj. 史前的11.n. 大多数;大半12.n.(政府的)部;(全体)牧师;牧师的职责13.n. 冒险家14.习惯于新的生活方式、工作等15.prep. 尽管;不管16.n. 苦难;困苦17.vt. 选择;决定做某事;选举某人18.adj. 联邦制的;联邦政府的19.n. 铁路;扶手;(护栏的)横条20.n. 百分比;百分率21.坚持;维持;沿袭(风俗、传统等)22.n. (人口、贸易的)繁荣vi. 处于经济迅速发展时期23.n. 飞行器;航空器;飞机24.vi. 移入(外国定居)25.n. 移民;移居入境26.adj. 人种的;种族的27.n. 横渡;横越;十字路口;人行横道28.n. & adj. 代理;副职29.n. 侄子;外甥30.n. 地极;电极;磁极31.n. 申请人32.n. 海关;关税;进口税33.n. 社会主义者;社会党人adj. 社会主义者的34.n. 社会主义35.vi. 发生;出现36.n. 牛(总称)班级37.vt. 指出;指示;表明;暗示38.背靠背39.n. 行李40.vt. & vi.刮;剃41.n. 缆绳;绳索;电缆42.缆车;(美)有轨缆车43.n. (有轨)电车44.adj. 显而易见的;显然的;表面上的45.adv. 显然地;显而易见地46.n. 闸;刹车;制动器Vi. & vt. 刹(车);用制动器减速47.n. (公车)售票员;列车员;(乐队)指挥48.vi. 滑动;滑行;滑跤n.滑动;滑倒49.n. 码头50.n. 面包房;面包厂51.n. 渡船;渡口vt.摆渡;渡运52.与……合作或一起工作53.vt. & n. 租用;雇用54.adj. 迷人的;吸引人的姓名55.划线;标出……界线56.n. 海鸥57.包括;吸收58.n. 角;角度59.许多;很多60.申请;请示得到61.adv. 无处;到处都无62.adj. 痛苦的;悲惨的63.n. 处罚;惩罚64.n. 公正;公平65.vt. & vi. 哀悼;悼念;表示悲痛66.adj. 公民的;国内的;民间的67.n. 权威;权力(pl)当局;官方68.vt. & vi. 改革;革新n.改革;改造;改良69.vt. & n. 抓住;抓紧;掌握;领会70.adj. 关切的;体贴的;深思的71.adj. 感激的;感谢的72.vt. 插入;嵌入选修8 Unit 1 课文对照翻译Reading Two 乔治的日记6月12日星期一清晨乘公共汽车抵达,直赴饭店,放下行李,洗澡、刮脸,即去观光。
高中英语外研版选修8Module 1 Section Ⅰ Introduction

Ship tourism to Antarctica is on the rise:More than 35,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctica this summer. In 1992-1993, 6,750 tourists visited Antarctica,according to the Antarctica Treaty. All of this tourism, however, is putting both tourists and the environment ingreat danger.Among the tourist ships that visit the continent, the Explorer, a Canadian ship, was one of the first.Put to use in 1969, it was built to carry tourists to Antarctica. Last week, however, it became the first commercial (商业) passenger ship to sink beneath the waters. Fortunately, all of the passengers and crew members were rescued from the ship. However, the sunken ship endangered the Antarctic's fragile (脆弱的) environment. The ship was estimated to be holding 48,000 gallons of fuel.As a natural frontier, Antarctica is in a messy legal situation. There are no obvious answers as to who is responsible for dealing with the threat that tourist may cause to human life and the environment.There is no coast guard for Antarctica. Do we want it to become Disneyland, or do we need some controls?Section_ⅠIntroduction_&_Reading_—_Pre-reading[原文呈现]Antarctica①:the Last ContinentAntarctica is the coldest place on Earth. It's also the driest. With annual②rainfall③ close to④ zero⑤,Antarctica is technically a desert. Covering about 14 million square kilometres around the South Pole⑥,it is the fifth largest⑦continent in the world. A high mountain range, the Trans-Antarctic range⑧,runs from east to west, cutting the continent in two⑨. There are volcanoes too, but they are not very active. Antarctica holds⑩ 90% of the world's ice, and most of its fresh water (70%) is in a frozen state⑪,of course. 98% of the surface is ⑫covered permanently⑬in the ice cap. On average⑭it is two kilometres thick, but in some places it reaches a depth⑮of five kilometres. Strong winds⑯driven by gravity⑰blow from the pole to the coastline, while other winds blow round the coast. It is difficult to imagine a more inhospitable⑱place.[读文清障]①Antarctica/æn'tɑːkt Ikə/n.南极洲②annual/'ænjuəl/adj.每年的n.年刊,年鉴③rainfall/'reI nˌfɔːl/n.降水量;降雨量④close to靠近,接近,几乎⑤with复合结构作原因状语。
外研版英语八年级下Module 1 Unit1 Unit2 课文翻译

Module 2 Friendship模块二友谊Unit 1 can you tell me where you’re from?第一单元你能告诉我你来自哪吗?3 听录音并读一读陈欢:你知道萨莉麦克斯威尔到了没有?接待员:那就是麦克斯威尔小姐。
顺便问一下,为什么不把你们的朋友都带到北京电台来做客呢?或许下周的某个时间?玲玲和萨莉:好的,谢谢!Unit 2 No one know who I was.第二单元没有人知道我是谁。

(word完整版)外研社高中英语必修1-8课文原文(翻译)必修一Module 1 My First Day at Senior HighMy name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing. It is the capital city of Hebei Province.T oday is my first day at Senior High school and I’m writing down my thoughts about it.My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen.The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them.The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. They’re brilliant! The English class is really intere sting. The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.We’re using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like the teachers at my Junior High school. She thinks that reading comprehension is important, but we speak a lot in clas s, too. And we have fun.I don’t think I will be bored in Ms Shen’s class! Today we introduced ourselves to each other. We did this in groups. Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice. Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves. Ms Shen wants to help us improve our spelling and handwriting. We do this in a fun way, with spelling games and other activities. I like her attitude very much, and the behaviour of the other students shows that they like her, too. There are sixty-five students in my class — more than my previous class in Junior High. Forty-nine of them are girls. In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. They say that girls are usually more hard-workingthan boys, but in this class, everyone is hard-working. For our homework tonight, we have to write a description of the street where we live.I’m looking forward to doing it!My After-school Activities .As the students of modern times, we have colorful school life. Everyday, we learn plenty of knowledge on different subjects in class. And our school organizes many extracurricular activities in order to help us put what we have learned into practice. After class, we take part in various activities, like playing football, basketball, badminton, etc. They are good for our health. Besides, we are able to join in the lectures organized by literature association, music group, art group, where you can enjoy famous works, learn to play instruments or draw pictures.Also, there are chances for us to use computers in the laboratory and talk with some foreign teachers about anything we are interested in at the English corner. Now, most of us may operate computers freely and have a good command of spoken English.In addition to the after-class activities mentioned here, there are still many others such as sports meeting, debate, social investigation, etc. All those activities make our school life attractive and interesting. We will take advantages of the experience in the future.Moudle 2My New TeachersThey say that first impressions are very important. My first impression of Mrs. Li was that she was nervous and shy.人们常说第一印象很重要。

Module 1 How to learn EnglishUnit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible让我们尽可能多地讲英语Welcome back, everyone!同学们,欢迎回来!Today, we’re going to talk about good ways to learn English.今天,我们打算谈论一下学习英语的好方法。
Ready?准备好了吗?Who has some advice?谁有一些建议?We should always speak English in class.在课堂上我们应该总是讲英语。
Good! Let’s try to speak English as much as possible.好!让我们尽可能多地讲英语。
Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks?为什么不在我们的笔记本上记下错误呢?That’s a good idea. And don’t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. What else?那是个好主意,而且不要忘记在错误旁边写上正确的答案。
还有其他的什么吗?It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.每天大声拼读生词是一个好主意。
Thanks a lot, Lingling. How about listening to the radio?非常感谢你,玲玲。
听广播怎么样?Yes, that’s good for our pronunciation too. But there are so many new words.是的,那也有益于我们的发音。
英语选修8 unit1 词汇英译汉及课文翻译

Module 8Unit 1 A land of diversity (词汇识记·英译汉)教案序号:21-22 备课人:审核人:2016/4/221.illustrate vt.2.distinct adj.3.distinction n.4.immigrant n.5.live on6.strait n.7.Arctic adj.8.means n.9.by means of…10.prehistoric adj.11.majority n.12.ministry n.13.adventurer n.14.make a life15.despite prep.16.hardship n.17.elect vt.18.federal adj.19.rail n.20.percentage n.21.keep up22.boom n.. vi.23.aircraft n.24.immigrate vi.25.immigration n.26.racial adj.27.crossing n.28.vice n. & adj.29.nephew n.30.pole n.31.applicant n.32.customs n.33.socialist n. adj.34.socialism n.35.occur vi.36.cattle n. 37.indicate vt.38.back to back39.luggage n.40.shave vt. & vi.41.cable n.42.cable car43.tram n.44.apparent adj.45.apparently adv.46.brake n. Vi. & vt.47.conductor n.48.slip vi. n.49.wharf n.50.bakery n.51.ferry n. vt.52.team up with53.hire vt. & n.54.fascinating adj.55.mark out56.seagull n.57.take in58.angle n.59.a great/good many60.apply for61.nowhere adv.62.miserable adj.63.punishment n.64.justice n.65.mourn vt. & vi.66.civil adj.67.authority n.68.reform vt. & vi. n.69.grasp vt. & n.70.thoughtful adj.71.thankful adj.72.insert vt.班级姓名选修8 Unit 1 课文对照翻译Reading One 加利福尼亚加州是美国第三大州,而且是人口最多的州。

外研版八年级英语上册课文翻译:Module 1Module 1 Unit 1欢迎回来,每个人!现在因为是新学期,我将要给你们一些建议,为什么你们不把它记下来呢?准备好了么?是的,J女士!你们应该在课上一直讲英语,应该在你们的笔记本上写下你们的错误,为什么你不记下正确的拼写和语法在错误的附近,还有什么每天检查你的单词本是个好主意这是个好主意,谢谢玲玲,怎样听收音机或读报纸在英语的环境下?但是不要尝试翻译每一个单词。
Module 1 Unit 2问和答把你的问题发给语言博士,邮件地址:nse@.很多学生问及提高英语水平的建议,问题主要反映在以下三个方面:第一个是关于真实英语的问题。
外研社英语选修八8所有单词 附中文

Module 4
instantly 立即马上 recognisable 能辨认的 伦敦东区土话 tell apart 区分开 matter 紧要要紧有关系 as long as 只要count 很重要很有价值 trace踪迹痕迹 nuique独一无二的独特的lie in 在于 intonation 语调 author 作者作家 ancestor 祖先前辈 apostrophe 表示所有格的撇号 link 联系 rhythm 节奏韵律 bilingual双语的会讲两种语言的 debate讨论辩论 complain 抱怨不满 telegraph 电报 media 新闻媒体 传媒 revolution 革命 investigate 调查 flavour 特点特色情调 acquire 得到获得 convinced 确信的信服的 telecommunication 电信 in conclusion 总之 furthermore 此外而且 a huge number of大量的 splendid 极好的优秀的 straightforward 简单易懂的 association 联系 ambiguous歧义的模糊的 dilemma 进退两难的境地 困难的抉择 explicit 清楚明白的 易于理解的 figurative 比喻的借喻的 relevant 有关的 切题的 absurd 荒谬的荒唐的 convey 传达 传递 concept 概念观念 thus 因此因而 get down to sth. 开始做某事 clarify 弄明白澄清 tendency 趋向倾向 disorganised 杂乱无章的 vague 不明确的含糊的 clumsy 笨拙的 select 挑选选择 metaphorical 隐喻的 暗喻的 significance意义含义 withdraw 收回撤销 reject 拒绝接受 potential 潜在的可能的 abuse 辱骂恶语 offence 得罪使伤感情 statesman政治家 betray 对……不忠 let sb down 使某人失望 overcome 征服战胜 prayer 祈祷文悼词 oppose 发对 prejudice 偏见歧视 resist 反抗抵抗 conflict 抵触 冲突 moral寓意教育意义superior 更好的更强的 status 地位 classify 将……分类 sex 性别 approval 赞许赞成 curiosity好奇心 fascination 着迷迷恋吸引力 tone 语气语调 initially 起初 candidate 投靠者应考人 spin-off 附带的结果 副产品
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Book 8 Module 1 Deep South教学案
I. Words
企鹅__________ 探险者__________ 极地的__________ 每年的__________ 降水量__________ 深度__________ 重力__________ 极端的__________
使适应__________ 块,团__________ 使平衡__________ 勘察__________
条约__________ 商业的__________ 核的__________ 试验__________
促进__________ 使陷入困境_________ 救生船_________ 旅行__________
II. Reading
A.Antarctica’s annual rainfall is close to_______.
B.Antarctica is the________largest continent in the world.
C.Antarctica is covering____________square kilometres around the South Pole.
D.Antarctica holds________of the world’s ice.
E.On average the ice cap of Antarctica’s surface is________metres thick.
2. Read paragraph2 and fill in the blanks:
Antarctica is full of_________,which has adapted to its extreme__________.There are different________of penguins,_____________,seals,and whales.______types of plants can________there because of the cold weather ,the lack of________and the long___________
winter night.The________of the plants are ______ up of mosses,algae and lichen. 3. Read paragraph 3 and check the true statements:
( )①Most of the ice has been in Antarctica for hundreds of years.
( )②Gas and minerals,which are in the form of coal,are trapped in the ice. ( ) ③Most of the Antarctica rocks are meteorites from outer space.
( )④There are lots of useful white rocks in Antarctica.
4. Read paragraph4 and put the following sentences into right order:
( ) ①Norwegian Carstens Borchgrevink set foot on the Antarctic mainland. ( ) ②The British explorer James Cook crossed the Antarctic Circle.
( ) ③Europeans discovered the continent of America.
( ) ④Norwegian Roald Amundsen reached Antarctica.
( ) ⑤Greek geographers believed that there was a large land mass.
5. Read paragraph 5 and answer the questions
①What has replaced the rivalry that existed between many of the earlier explorers?
②How many countries signed the Antarctica Treaty? List some of them.
③What is the aim of the treaty?