


2.买方拖欠:90% 3.拒收货物:80%
特殊情况:东欧等少部分国家和地区的商业风险赔 付比例为50%,可视情况予以适当提高
1、为鼓励企业利用政策性出口信用保险扩大 业务,防范风险,安徽省商务厅对于投保 的企业采取保费扶持政策,扶持比例去年 40%,今年60%
第二部分 风险分析及规避
• 利用短期贸易融资,可以减少流动资金贷款,减 少资金沉淀,从而整体降低利息费用
起初银行担心买方风险不敢贷款,后来该公司投保 后,通过出口信用保险分担了买方信用风险,使银 行风险降低而大胆放贷。2005年,该公司出口1.5 亿美元,同比增长约50%。 目前,该企业出口额位居安徽省民营企业首位,进 出口额位居安徽省专业进出口企业前列。
• 金融危机的影响深远 • 贸易保护主义抬头 • 更多的绿色壁垒和技术壁垒
• 规避方法:1、通过渠道及时了解相关信息 2、提高技术标准 3 、转嫁风险
• (一)非证支付方式下: • 1、禁止或限制汇兑 • 2、禁止进口 • 3、撤销进口许可证 • 4、延期付款令 • 5、战争风险 • 6、其他 • (二)信用证支付方式下: • 1、禁止或限制汇兑 • 2、延期付款令 • 3、战争风险 • 4、其他
商业风险之二 非信用证方式
• 1、买家破产或无力偿付债务 • 2、买家拖欠 • 3、买家拒收拒付 当前 尤其关注资金困难、产品价格暴
• DP远期的特殊法律规定 • 指定承运人、货代(FOB) • 记名提单(不凭提单就可以提货 ) • 空运和陆运





一、保险范围1. 甲方在本合同有效期内,以赊销(O/A)、信用证(L/C)等方式出口的货物或服务,因商业风险或政治风险导致的应收账款损失。

2. 商业风险包括:买方破产、拖欠货款、拒绝接受货物等。

3. 政治风险包括:战争、内乱、外汇管制、政府禁令等。





六、理赔条件1. 甲方在发现可能的损失后,应在规定的时间内(通常为__个工作日)向乙方报案,并提供相关的证明文件和资料。

2. 乙方在接到报案和资料后,进行调查和审核,如确属保险责任范围内的损失,按照约定进行赔付。

七、赔偿处理1. 乙方在确定赔偿金额后,在__个工作日内将赔款支付给甲方。

2. 赔偿金额以甲方的实际损失为限,但不超过保险金额。

























特别提示:《客户索赔指南》仅供您投保业务发生风险损失后参 考使用,但不能替代我们之间正式签署的保险合同约定。
一、索赔申请环节 (一)您需要在什么时间向我们申请索赔? 一般情况下,您需要在(买方或者开证行)拖欠风险发生之日起 60 天后,但最晚不超过应付款日后 120 天内或者其他风险(政治风 险、买方/开证行破产、开证行拒绝承兑等)发生之日起 10 个工作日 内,向我们申请索赔。 在涉及货物处理的情况下,在货物全部处理完毕、损失金额确定 前,我公司暂时无法受理您的索赔申请。但为了维护保险双方的权益, 您仍然需要按照上述时限要求向我们提出索赔申请或者通过其他方 式向我们书面通报买方出险信息,在货物处理过程中,请您务必留存 保管好货物转卖合同、商业发票、滞港费、仓储费等全部货物处理差 价和费用损失证明文件,以便在日后向我们申请索赔时提供。 如果您没能按上述时限要求向我们通报出险信息或申请索赔,影 响到我们权益的,将来一旦发生实际损失,我们有权降低赔偿比例或 拒绝承担赔偿责任。 (二)您应该怎样填写《索赔申请书》? 您向我们申请索赔时,需要完整、准确地填写《索赔申请书》中 列明的各项基本信息(详见范例 1),签字并且加盖企业公章之后将 正本提交给我们。如果您已经开通了“信保通”和“电子签名”服务, 您也可以通过“信保通”向我们提交《索赔申请书》(详见范例 2)。 您在填写《索赔申请书》中各项基本信息时,应尽量做到准确无 误,不发生重大遗漏。在参考“范例 1”或者“范例 2”填写《索赔 申请书》的过程中,如果您还有其他疑问需要咨询,可以联络您的客
范例 1:纸质《索赔申请书》填写指南
立 案 号:EC2014XXXX
立案日期: 年 月 日




第二章保险责任第二条对于被保险人在《保险单明细表》列明的商务合同项下已确立债权的应付款,由下列风险引起的直接损失,保险人按本保险单规定承担保险责任:(一)商业风险1. 买方破产或无力偿付;2. 买方违反商务合同项下对被保险人的付款义务且超过应付款日60天仍未付款;3. 买方违反商务合同的约定,致使商务合同提前终止或无法履行。

(二)政治风险1. 买方所在国或地区政府颁布法律、法令、命令、条例或采取行政措施,禁止或限制买方以商务合同约定的货币或其他可自由兑换的货币履行商务合同项下对被保险人的付款义务;2. 买方所在国或地区、项目所在国或地区政府颁布法律、法令、命令、条例或采取行政措施,禁止或限制买方根据商务合同进口货物或服务;3. 买方所在国或地区、项目所在国或地区、付款须经过的第三国颁布延期付款令;4. 买方所在国或地区、项目所在国或地区颁布法律、法令、命令、条例或采取行政措施,撤销已颁发给买方的许可证或者不批准已颁发的进口许可证有效期的展延,致使商务合同部分或全部无法履行;5. 买方所在国或地区、项目所在国或地区发生战争、武装冲突或暴乱,致使商务合同部分或全部无法履行;6. 保险人认定的属于政治风险的其他事件。


银行短期出口信用保险项下押汇管理办法 模版

银行短期出口信用保险项下押汇管理办法 模版














第一章 适保范围第一条 本保险单适用于在中华人民共和国境内注册的企业进行的符合下列条件的贸易,但寄售除外:(一)贸易合同以书面形式订立,且真实、合法、有效;(二)信用期限不超过本保险单约定的最长信用期限。

第二章 保险责任第二条 在本保险单有效期内,被保险人按贸易合同交付货物或提供服务后,且在《保险单明细表》列明的发票开票期限内开具发票,因下列风险引起的直接损失,在被保险人履行本保险单各项约定的条件下,保险人按本保险单的规定承担保险责任:(一)买方破产或无力偿付债务;(二)买方拖欠。

第三章 除外责任第三条 除非本保险单另有规定,保险人对下列损失不承担赔偿责任:(一)通常可由其它财产保险承保的损失;(二)除买方外,包括被保险人在内的任何其他方的破产或无力偿付债务、违约、欺诈或其它违法行为引起的损失;(三)被保险人知道或应当知道买方负面信息以及本条款第二条项下约定的风险已经发生,或交付货物或提供服务前被保险人依照贸易合同或相关法律的规定有权拒绝履行或中止履行交付货物或提供服务义务,仍继续向买方交付货物或提供服务所遭受的损失;(四)因被保险人或买方未能及时获得各种所需许可证或批准书,致使贸易合同无法继续履行而造成的损失;(五)因国家及地方各级国家机关所颁布的法律、法规、规章、其它规范性文件以及发布的命令、决定等导致贸易合同无法继续履行而造成的损失;(六)因不可抗力导致的损失;(七)被保险人与具有关联关系的主体之间贸易项下发生的损失;(八)被保险人依据法律规定或贸易合同约定应向买方收取的利息、罚息和违约金;(九)本保险单保险责任以外的其它损失。

第四章 责任限额第四条 本保险单责任限额包括最高赔偿限额和信用限额。



风险控制 (1)严格签署各类合同文本,在《赔款转让协议》中指定专用 赔款帐户,确保信保公司的赔款直接划入建行指定赔款帐户; (2)审核保单正本及相关批单正本,并留存复印件; (3)与信保公司及时联系、沟通,确保保单信息准确 (4)严格业务审批、核准流程,确保该笔融资项下贸易背景真 实、控制融资余额,实现风险完全覆盖。避免因单据或我行自身 原因造成信保公司的免责。 (5)建立《短期出口信用保险中小企业综合保险项下贷款业务 台帐》和《短期出口信用保险中小企业综合保险项下贷款业务买 方信用限额台帐》,对保险限额进行动态维护、控制;融资业务 台帐与限额台帐相结合,对相应客户融资余额进行双重管理,确 保融资余额不大于信保公司核定的相应赔款限额。
三 、贷款展期:申请展期期限不得超过3个月。 四 、定价与核算 定价: 1、发放币种为人民币:贷款利率、逾期利率、利息收取方 式和浮动规定按照同期同档次流动资金贷款利率规定执行 2、发放币种为外币:贷款利率水平和浮动幅度按照规定执 行同期限LIBOR+BPS。 会计核算: 按照《短期出口信用保险项下贷款业务管理办法》中的会 计核算规定,直接在“出口信用保险项下贷款”科目核算。 贷款逾期应记入逾期贷款,利息按逾期利率计算。
短期出口信用保险中小企业综 合保险项下贷款
一、信保公司主要产品 短期出口信用保险 中长期出口信用保险 投资保险 担保 国内贸易信用保险
1、短期出口信用保险项下融资: 短期出口信用保险项下贷款(客户投保) 短期出口信用保险项下应收帐款买断 (客户投保) 短期出口信用保险中小企业综合保险项下贷款(客户投保) 出口票据保险项下融资 (银行投保) 银行投保短期出口信用保险融资(银行投保) 2、中长期出口信用保险项下融资 出口卖方信贷(客户投保) 出口买方信贷(客户投保) (出口延付合同再融资保险项下)出口信贷再融资(银行投保)


国内贸易信用保险承保企业按照销售合同约定支付货物且买方接受货物后, 因买方破产无力偿付债务或买方拖欠货款所发生的应收帐款损失的风险。适用于 在中华人民共和国境内依法成立的企业法人。货物在中华人民共和国境内(包括 保税区)销售。适保信用销售的信用期限在一年以内。
承保风险 ¾ 因买方破产、无力偿付债务以及买方拖欠货款而产生的商业风险。 损失赔偿 ¾ 对投保企业所遭受的年度最高赔偿限额内的应收帐款损失,中国信保都
2.三重管控体系。在双方合作过程中,中国出口信用保险公司将会根据企 业需求在企业双方交易前进行资信调查、风险评估,帮助企业了解评估买方信用, 提前防范风险;交易中进行行业与买家风险分析、应收账款监控,确保应收账款 安全;风险发生后进行核实赔付、商帐追收,维护企业利益。
3.权威风险管理。中国出口信用保险公司有着丰富的大型项目、国内贸易 信用保险承保经验,技术实力雄厚,在国家外贸风险防范体系和国内信用体系建 设中发挥着关键作用。中国出口信用保险公司拥有覆盖全国的服务机构网络,与 当地政府、银行和企业建立了广泛的联系,拥有国内 500 多万家企业的资信资料, 可获得 50 多万家企业的年度更新财务信息。
China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation Tianjin Branch
产品功能 ¾ 控制经营风险,提升管理水平; ¾ 化解贸易风险,弥补坏账损失: ¾ 灵活结算方式,创造贸易机会; ¾ 管理应收账款,优化报表结构; ¾ 提高信用等级,拓宽融资渠道。 客户利益 ¾ 保障财务安全——保障您应收账款的安全,帮助您规避财务风险。 ¾ 促进业务发展——帮助您从现金交易转向信用结算,提高市场竞争能














请贵公司对我公司自年月日起投保范围内的出口予以审核承保, 并及时通知我公司承保条件及费率。

一、投保人基本情况公司名称(中文):(英文):注册地址:地区:营业地址:组织机构代码:工商注册号:电话:传真:邮编:电子信箱:营业范围:出口开始年份:法定代表人:姓名:职务:电话:委托代理人:姓名:职务:电话:电子信箱:主要联系人:姓名:职务:电话:电子信箱:企业类型(请在适合的框内打“”):国有企业[ ] 民营企业[ ] 外资企业[ ]经营性质(请在适合的框内打“”):贸易公司[ ] 贸易代理[ ] 生产性企业[ ]是否上市公司(请在适合的框内打“”):是[ ] 否[ ]二、投保人内部风险管理状况(请在适合空格内打“√”)1、风险控制责任人有专门风险管理部门和专职风险管理的高级经理公司高级财务经理专职人员负责,但职位较低没有专职风险管理人员(五)过去三年中超过10万美元逾期未收汇情况的细节2、可以近期向外汇管理局报送的逾期未收汇报表复印件代替此表。


)1.全部非信用证支付方式的出口和全部信用证支付方式的出口[ ]2.全部非信用证支付方式的出口[ ]3.全部信用证支付方式的出口[ ]4.全部非信用证支付方式的出口和部分信用证支付方式的出口[ ]5.其他(请在下面列明)[ ](二)投保金额:万美元六、其它需要说明事项(被保险人如有特殊要求,可在此填写):七、随本投保单所附资料清单:八、声明与保证事项:(一)我公司郑重声明已经详读《短期出口信用保险综合保险条款》(3.0修订版),对上述保险条款,尤其是涉及免除或限制保险人责任的黑体字部分的条款内容,中国出口信用保险公司已向我公司进行了明确的提示和说明,我公司也已充分理解并无异议,并在此基础上填写本《投保单》。










学习改变命运,知 识创造未来
商业风险之二 非信用证方式
• 1、买家破产或无力偿付债务 • 2、买家拖欠 • 3、买家拒收拒付 • 当前 尤其关注资金困难、产品价格
学习改变命运,知 识创造未来
• DP远期的特殊法律规定 • 指定承运人、货代(FOB) • 记名提单(不凭提单就可以提货 ) • 空运和陆运
学习改变命运,知 识创造未来
货物能否退运视具体国家或地区而定 (1)欧美等发达地区对货物(特定产品需要协商)退运不
设限。 (2)印度和土耳其的海关对货物退运有严格的规定:
印度港口规定,凡是进口货物,到港后三个月无 人提货,港口只需获得进口方认可,无需征得出口方 同意,即可将货物拍卖。如果办理货物退运手续,必 须凭进口商(提单上的收货人)出具的无异议证明信 (NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE)去海关办理退 运手续。印度索贿受贿严重,办事效率低,如果某个 环节注意不到,就会影响退运手续的办理。
A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2 D1 D2
按不 同的 结算 方式 风险 依次 递增, 因此 费率 也将 依次 递增
注:我公司将世界各贸易国家分为九类,我司目前只承保前八类国家,诸如阿 富汗、伊拉克等第九类国家,我公司暂不承保。
学习改变命运,知 识创造未来

险偿赔 管 损



姓名:边雪梅学号:20080410040120 班级:08国经(1)班中国出口信用保险公司的出口信用保险分为:短期出口信用保险和中长期出口信用保险。













Short Term Export Credit Insurance短期出口信用保险英文条款

Short Term Export Credit Insurance短期出口信用保险英文条款

Short Term Export Credit Insurance - Comprehensive PolicyChapter One Scope of PolicyArticle I.Exports insurable under the Policy are the exports conducted by the entities incorporated under the law and registered within the territory of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter refers to as “China”) who are licensed to handle import-export business provided the following terms and conditions are satisfied.1.Goods are exported from China,2.The Sales Contract, which specifies the transaction essentials including the name, qualitystandard, specification, quantity, price of the goods as well as the time limit forperformance, is issued in written form and come into effect before the export,3.The payment term includes documents against payment (D/P), documents againstacceptance (DA) and open account (OA), etc and the period of payment under which isnot exceeding 180days.Chapter Two CoverageArticle II.The Insurer shall indemnify the Insured, and subject to the payment of premium by the Insured in accordance with the terms and conditions of Article Five, against direct losses resulting from the following event occurring after the exports pursuant to the sales contracts.mercial risk:a.Buyer’s Insolvency and/or Inability to pay the debt due, namely the buyer is declaredto be bankrupt or loose the capability of paying debt;b.Protracted default, which occurs when the buyer has received the goods whilst the debtremains unpaid in whole or in part after expiration of the due date due to thenon-compliance of its contractual duty by the Buyer;c.Buyer’s Refusal to take delivery of the goods, namely the Buyer fails to observe itsduties under the sales contract and refuses to take delivery of the arrived goods.2.Political riska.The operation of any laws, regulations, orders, rules or administrative measures of thebuyer’s country or region which prevents or restricts the transfer of payments due in thecurrency designated in the invoice or in any other freely convertible currency.b.The imposition of any laws, regulations, orders, rules or administrative measures by thebuyer’s country or region which restrains the import of the goods ordered by the buyer.c.The imposition of any laws, regulations, orders, rules or administrative measures by thebuyer’s country or region which revokes the buyer’s previous import license or preventsthe extension of it’s validity;d. A general moratorium decreed by the buyer’s country or by a third country through whichthe payment must be effected;e.The occurrence of war, civil commotion, insurrection, revolution or rebellion, whichprevents the buyer from performing its contractual duty;f.Unless otherwise provided by the Policy, the occurrence of any other events deemed to bepolitical risks by the Insurer, which prevents the buyer from performing its contractualduties.Chapter Three ExclusionsArticle IIINotwithstanding other provisions contained in the Policy, the Insurer shall not be liable forany loss arising from the following events:1. Wear and tear, damage, spoilage, loss or destruction of the goods occurred during thetransportation and/or the storage period and/or the loss which has been insured or can beinsured at the time of export in the customary way by cargo insurance or other similarclass of insurance;2. Exchange rate fluctuations;3. A breach of any duties under the sales contract or any competent law by the Insured orits agent;4. Insolvency, any breach of contract, fraud, violation of law and any similar acts on thepart of the buyer’s agent;5Commercial risks due from export to any Affiliated Company;6 The frustration of the Sales Contract due to the failure of timely obtaining of anynecessary import or export license, approval or authorizations by the Insured or thebuyer;7. The Insured waives its rights to rescind or suspend the contract and carry on to releasethe goods despite the fact that risks listed in Article II of Chapter Two and/or thematerial breach and/or anticipating breach to the sales contract by the defaulting buyershas occurred and the occurrence of which has come into the Insured’s knowledge beforethe export;8. The export to the buyer when at the time of shipment the buyer’s Credit Limit approvedby the insurer is “Zero” or when the Credit Limit has been withdrawn, void or when theDiscretionary Credit Limit has no apply;9. The release of goods by any bank, freight forwarder or carrier without proper authority;10.The loss occurred prior to the export ;11.Ionizing radiations or contamination directly or indirectly caused by radioactivity ofnuclear waste or the combustion of nuclear fuel, and/or radioactive, toxic, explosive orother hazardous properties caused by any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclearcomponents thereof,12.The war(s) between any two or more of the permanent members of the Security Councilof the United Nations;13.Any other losses beyond the scope of Coverage of the Policy.Chapter Four Limit of LiabilityArticle IV.The Maximum Limit of Liability under this Policy is the maximum amount of aggregated loss the Insurer may be liable to pay during the term of the Policy and in respect of the exports declared under the Policy. The Maximum Limit of Liability will be specified in the Policy Schedule. Article V.The Credit Limit includes Discretionary Credit Limit set up by the Insured and Credit Limit approved by the Insurer.1.Unless otherwise provided by the Policy, the Discretionary Credit Limit operates whenthe Maximum Limit of Liability is automatically granted by the Insurer without priorapplication by the insured for exports to a certain buyer in accordance with the termsand conditions specified in the “Insured Country / Region List”. The DiscretionaryCredit Limit will be specified in the Schedule of the Policy. The Insurer will be liable to the exports in line with the Discretionary Credit Limit when the procedure for CreditLimit approval was not triggered. The Amount Payable is however subject to thePercentage of Indemnity specified in the Policy Schedule.2.The Credit Limit approved by the Insurer is the maximum amount of loss that theInsurer may be liable in respect to a certain export to a certain buyer. The amountpayable is however subject to the Percentage of Indemnity specified in the PolicySchedule. The Insured shall apply to the insurer in a written form for a Credit Limit foreach buyer individually. The Credit Limit approved by the Insurer is valid for thecorresponding export made after its effective date. Unless otherwise provided, suchCredit Limit is revolving for the whole period of insurance. The Discretionary CreditLimit becomes void accordingly once the Credit Limit approved by the Insurer cameinto effect.3. The Credit Limit approved by the Insurer in respect of a certain buyer becomes voidautomatically upon the Insured’s filling of “Notification of Like ly Loss” by to that certain buyer.Article VI.The Insurer reserves the right of withdrawing or modifying the Credit Limit, including Discretionary Credit Limit,in respect of a certain buyer or a certain country and inform the Insured in writing for the purpose of risk control, loss prevention and loss reduction. A withdraw or modification as such is valid for the export occurred after the date when the notice of withdraw or modification is served to the Insured or after its effective date specified in the notice.Chapter Five Premium and other chargesArticle VII. Premium1.This Policy is classified as a master Policy. Except for the export where the buyer’s CreditLimit approved by the Insurer is Zero or the Discretionary Credit Limit has no apply, the full premium shall be paid by the Insured for the entire export turnover insurable under the Policy and in line with the rate specified in the Policy Schedule.2.The Insurer will monthly calculate the payable premium on the basis of the invoice v aluedeclared by the Insured in accordance with Article XI of the Policy and at the rate specified in the Policy Schedule. The Insurer will then produce the corresponding Debit Note and send it to the Insured. The premium shall be paid by the Insured in full amount within 10 days when the Debit Note is served. The Insurer shall be released from any liability to the relevant export declared by the Insured in the case the Insured fails to pay the premium within the requisite time limit.3.The acceptance by the Insurer of any declaration and/or receiving of premium does notconstitute the acceptance by the Insurer of any insurance liability. The Insured’s due observes of the terms and condition contained in the Policy is a condition precedent to the Insurer’s liability of settling any claim.4.The Insurer reserves the right of modifying the rate applicable to a certain country or acertain buyer by giving a written notice to the Insured. The modified rate shall take effect as from the effective date stipulated in the notice of modification.Article VIII. Fees for Buyer’s Credit InvestigationFor each buyer that the applied Credit Limit is concerned, the Insurer shall charge the Insured for credit investigation in line with the tariff specified in the Policy Schedule and produce a credit assessment report accordingly. The Insured shall pay to the Insurer the relevant investigation fees within 10 days upon the receipt of the debit note.Chapter Six General ConditionsArticle IX.The full amount of premium shall be paid by the Insured to the Insurer as required by Chapter V of the Policy for the entire export turnover in line with the Scope of Policy, regardless the exportis declared or not. If the Insured intentionally or negligently fails to declare in whole or in part, and as a consequence the undeclared proportion of the premium exceeds 10% of the full payable premium, the Insurer’s obligation for the entire export business under the Policy is relieved in whole or in part and the premium paid to the insurer is not to be refund. The Insurer is further entitled to recover from the Insured any claim payment made before.Article X.The Insured shall provide, in the written form agreed by the Insurer, its declaration of the entire export turnover occurred in the previous month before the 10th date each and every month. The Insurer’s liability is relieved in whole or in part for the undeclared or wrongly declared proportion of the export. The Insured is obliged to declare as soon as possible and in a remedial way notwithstanding the failure to declare within the time frame in the first place. If however the loss has occurred and/or the insuring event has occurred to such un-declared export, the Insurer’s liability for the un-declared proportion of export is relieved.Article XI.The Insured warrants that all the documents and/or declaration provided to the Insurer are adequate and valid. In the case that the above documents or declaration is proved to be fraudulent, deceiving or misleading, the Insurer’s obligation(s) of any form in the Policy, including un-expired policy liability, outstandingly claim liability and un-paid claim liability, is (are) to be fully relieved and the Insured will not be entitled to refund of the paid premium whereas the Insurer is free to rescind the Policy in its sole discretion.Article XII.Without the obtaining of prior written consent from the insurer, the Insured shall not amend the sales contract, including but not limited to the amendment of term of payment or extension of the period of payment. Otherwise the Insurer shall not be liable for loss occurred to the underlying export.Article XIII.Cargo insurance for the declared export goods must be arranged either by the Insured or confirmed to be arranged the buyer. Otherwise, the Insurer shall not be liable for the loss occurred subsequent to the failure to do so.Article XIV.The Insured must take all reasonable care to review and verify the sales contract and the supporting certificate, audit the contract performance frequently and to take all practicable measures to collect the overdue account.Article XV.The Insured must submit in written form “Notification of Likely Loss” in line with the Article XX of the Policy. Failure by the Insured to do so, the Insurer is entitled to decrease the Percentage of Indemnity by 10% for each and every month in delay. Once the overdue amount is received after the submission of the “Notification of Likely Loss”, the Insured shall notify the Insurer in writing within 10 working days upon the receiving of the overdue amount.Article XVI.In the case of occurrence of Political risks covered by the Policy, the Insured shall, to the extend the law allows, require and supervise the buyer to pay the equivalent amount payable in local currency into a bank account named by the Insurer or the Insured with irrevocable instruction of transferring to the Insured.Article XVII.When the Insured become aware of any negative information in regard to the buyer and/or the occurrence or likely occurrence of any insured loss, the Insured shall take all necessary steps promptly to avoid or minimize the loss and shall inform the Insurer by a written notice. In the case that the Issuing Bank is declared to be bankrupt, the Insured is required by the Policy to registerthe relevant claims at the jurisdictional court or other relevant institutes where the buyer locates. Article XVIII.The Insured shall permit the Insurer full access of the relevant books of business, contracts, documents and certificates relevant to the LC, the shuttlecock letters with the Buyer, etc., and provide all assistance deemed necessary for the Insurer’s inspection.Article XIX.Insured must take all the steps to comply with the obligation the Policy may require. The insurer’s duty for payment is relieved in whole or in part when the insurer’s interest is prejudiced by the breach of the insured’s obligation.Chapter Seven Threatening Loss, Claims and Claim SettlingArticle XX. Threatening Loss1.The Insured shall submit the “Notification of Threatening Loss” to the Insurer within 10days upon the knowledge by the Insured of the occurrence of the insuring events under the Article II of the Chapter Two of the Policy including Political risk, the Insolvency of the Buyer and the Buyer’s Refusal to take delivery of the goods. In the case of Protracted Default, t he Insured shall submit the “Notification of Threatening Loss” to the Insurer within 2 months from the date of delay.2.The Insured is required to commence recovery upon the insurer’s direction after thesubmission of the “Notification of Threatening Loss” and the recovery expenses, except for the Attorney Fees, Litigation, Arbitration and the Commission, shall be bear by the Insurer in the first place. In the case of Insure d’s failure to do so, all expenses arising thereof shall be bear by the Insured.Article XXI. Claim1.Insured shall submit the “Letter of Claim” to the Insurer within 4 months following thesubmission of the “Notification of Likely Loss”. Failure to do so shall be viewed andtaken as the waiver by the Insured to claim under the Policy.2. The Insured shall provide all the supporting documents and certificate specified in the“Letter of Claim”,otherwise the Insurer is entitled to reject the file and not to proceed the claim handling process.Article XXII.Whilst in ascertaining losses relating to the contracts with payment guarantee clause or contracts under trade dispute, the following rules will apply:1.In the case of contracts with payment guarantee clause, unless otherwise accepted by theInsurer in a written form and before the guarantor has paid the amount in accordance with the guarantee agreement or that a final judgment enforceable was obtained from the court or arbitration court where the Insured has instituted the legal process, the process for claim handling and the ascertainment of loss will not be commenced2.In the case of buyer’s refusal to pay or to take delivery of goods resulting from tradedispute or antidumping measures, unless otherwise accepted by the Insurer in a written form and before the guarantor has paid the amount in accordance with the guarantee agreement or that the a final judgment enforceable was obtained from the court or arbitration court where the Insured has instituted the legal process, the process for claim handling and the ascertainment of loss will not be commenced3.The litigation fees and arbitration fees incurred under clause 1and clause 2 of this Articleshall be paid in advance by the Insured. Only if it is determined that the Insured has wonthe suit and that the loss is covered by the Policy, shall the above fees be shared between the insurer and the Inured in their respective proportion. Otherwise, all the relevant fees shall be in the Insured’s sole account.Article XXIII.The following items shall be deducted from the sum in calculation of loss amount:1.Items that have been paid, debited, set-off by the buyer or the item of counterclaim which has been agreed by the Insured2.Items that the Insured have recovered from other recourses, including but not limited toitems obtained by reselling the goods and/or disposing the pledge and/or sums paid by guarantor.3.The deducted or the waived part of the debt agreed by the Insured without prior consentof the Insurer.4.Interest or penalties which the Insured is entitled to under the sales contracts;5.Other items or interests belonging to the buyer that has been obtained or confirmed to beobtained by the Insured.6.Items beyond reasonable.Article XXIV.Notwithstanding the other provisions contained in the policy, in the case of B uyer’s refusal to take delivery of goods, the process for claim handling and the ascertainment of loss will not be commenced unless the Insured has finished the disposal work of the refused goods.Article XXV.In receipt of the “Letter of Claim” together with all of the relevant documents submitted by the Insured in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Policy, the Insurer shall investigate and verify the cause of loss within 4 months and inform the Insured in a written form of its decision. The Insurer shall pay the claims covered by the Policy by applying the Percentage of Indemnity specified in the Policy Schedule. The payment by the Insurer to the Insured shall not exceed the Credit Limit approved by the Insurer or the Discretionary Credit Limit multiplied with the above Percentage of Indemnity.Article XXVI.The total indemnity paid by the Insurer shall not exceed the invoice value of the export good in all events.Chapter Eight RecoveryArticle XXVIIIn the case of Insurer’s recovery appointed by the Insured, and it is ascertained that the Insured’s loss is covered by the Policy, the recovery expenses shall be shared between the Insurer and Insured in their respective proportion. If it is ascertained that the Insured’s loss is not covered by the Policy, the recovery expenses shall be in the Insured’s sole account.Article XXVIIIFollowing the payment by the Insurer, all the interests and rights relating to the respective sales contract shall be assigned to the Insurer.Article XXIXFollowing the payment by the Insurer, the Insured remains obligated to assist the Insurer in the recovery process against the buyer. Once the amount due is recovered from the buyer, the recovery amount and the expenses incurred shall be shared between the Insurer and the Insured in their respective proportion under the Policy. Any debt recovered or received by the Insured or its agent shall be viewed and taken as entrusted by the Insurer before proper disposal between Insurer and the Insured.Article XXXIn the case of the following events, the Insured shall refund the claim payment plus interests to the Insurer within 10 working days subsequent to the request of refund by the Insurer:1.The failure of the Insured to adhere to the Utmost Good Faith principle, conductfraudulent act and/or conspiratorial transaction with the buyer2.Upon the receive of insurance payment, Illegally accept the returned goods , allowdiscount and/or reach into agreement with buyer in debt collection or reconciliationChapter Nine CurrencyArticle XXXIExcept the fees for buyer’s credit investigation is paid in Renminbi, the currency under the Policy is USD (United State Dollar).Chapter Ten The Policy PeriodArticle XXXIIThe Policy Period is one year. The Insurer shall provide the Insured with “Notification of Policy Renewal” one month prior to the expiry of the Policy Period. If renewal is agreed by the Insured, the reply shall be returned to the Insurer ten days prior to the expiry of Policy Period and the Policy to be renewed accordingly under the terms specified in the Policy Schedule, Otherwise, the Policy shall be terminated upon the expiry date of the Policy Period. The Termination of the Policy shall not affect the liability accepted by the Insurer.Article XXXIIIIn the case of cancellation on the part of the Insured, the Insured shall inform the Insurer in writing and the Policy is terminated from the date the notice is delivered to the Insurer. The insurer’s liability under the Policy is fully terminated hereinafter.Article XXXIVIn the case of delay of premium payment for more than 2 months, the Insurer is entitled to cancel the Policy and inform the Insured in writing accordingly. The premium under the Policy paid beforehand shall not be refund.Chapter Eleven The Assignment of InterestArticle XXXVWithout obtaining prior agreement from the Insurer in writing, the Insurer shall not be bound by any disposing act of the underlying interest of the Policy, including assignment, mortgage, pledge, pawn and any other similar measures.Chapter Twelve Governing Law and Dispute ResolutionArticle XXXVI(The Policy is issued in both Chinese and English version and in case of conflict) The Chinese version shall prevail. The governing law of the Policy is the laws of China.Article XXXVIIAll disputes arising out of the Policy between Insurer and the Insured will be settled through friendly negotiation. Should no agreement be reached, the dispute shall be handled in the way(s) specified in the Policy Schedule.Chapter Thirteen DefinitionArticle XXXVIIIUnless otherwise specified in the Policy, the terms shall be construed in the way specified as below:1 The Policy“The Policy” means Short Term Export Credit Insurance – Comprehensive Policy (Number: see policy number in the Schedule), is consist of “Insured’s Declaration”, “Proposal Form or Application Form”, “Policy Schedule”,“Policy Wording”, “Insured Country (Region) List of Specification ”, “Application Form for Credit Limit”, “Approval Form of Credit Limit”, “Notification of the Withdraw/Decrease of Credit Limit”, “Declaration Form of ExportBusiness”, “Endorsement” and other relevant documents.2 The Insurer“The Insurer” means China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation, locates in No.5Fuchengmen North Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P.R.China3 The Insured“The Insured” is the one specified in the No.2 Item of the Policy Schedule4 Export“Export” means the cargo has been declared to custom and been passed over to carrier or directly been passed over to buyer.5 Affiliated Company"Affiliate Company " of the Insured means any company who, through ownership of voting stock or otherwise, directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under commoncontrol with the Insured.6 D/P“D/P – documents against payment ”, including D/P and other similar measures, means it is precedent upon the buyer to pay the contract sum in advance before the buyer is entitled to possess the shipping documents.7 D/A“D/A – documents against acceptance ”, including D/A and other similar measures, means it is precedent upon the buyer to accept bills of exchange before the buyer is entitled to possess the shipping documents8 OA“OA – open account” including OA, air transportation, overland transportation, sendingsome shipping documents directly to the buyer and other similar measures, means the buyer is entitled to possess the shipping documents directly without having to pay the contract sum or to accept bills of exchange.9 Recovery Fee“Recovery Fee” means the total expenses occurred during the recovery process, including investigation fee paid in advance and expenses and fees paid for litigation, arbitration,lawyers, public notary, evidence certifying and execution of the judgment, as well ascommissions payable to the recovery company or law office for the successful recovery of debt.。













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