热力膨胀阀 电子膨胀阀及各类控制器 电磁阀及线圈 压力调节阀 截止阀 系统保护装置 油路管理系统 压力控制器 制冷剂饱和温度 / 压力表
1-43 44-67 68-82 83-88 89-91 92-110 111-121 122-130 131
ACP 系列热气旁通阀
电子膨胀阀及 各类控制器
B 系列热力膨胀阀
B 系列是平衡阀口的热力膨胀阀。一般用于小型空调、热泵系统。B 系列 热力膨胀阀在不同的蒸发温度和变化的蒸发负荷下仍能保持稳定和较精确 的运行及控制。
• 不锈钢动力头杜绝了腐蚀造成的影响,延长阀的使用寿命 • 全封闭结构,有效的防止泄漏 • 紧凑型外形,节省安装及维护空间 • 双向流通能力,在热泵系统中,使用一个 B 阀既能控制制冷也能控
B 系列
5 FT
3/8x1/2 ODF S/T
阀的系列 A= 过热度 E= 外平衡 名义制 制冷剂
毛细管长度 接管规格 ODF= S/T=
平衡阀口 可调 ( 空白 )= 内平衡 冷量
5 英尺 /1.5 米 入口 x 出口 焊接 直通
全封闭结构 N= 过热度
( 冷吨 ) H=R22 C= 普通充注
A 系列
5FT 3/8x1/2 ODF S/T
阀的系列 A= 过热度可调 E= 外平衡 名义制 制冷剂
充注 毛细管长度 接管规格 SAE= S/T=
艾默生Del V中文
EMERSON Process Management – Educational Services
Course 7009 - Rev 7 - 2/1/04
Copyrighted Material / Duplication Prohibited
下面列出PLANT_AREA_B的控制模块: LIC-20X FIC-20X MTR-203 LEV2-SIM PLM-SHUTDOWN — 为自动关闭设备设置的逻辑模块阶段 Operator Display(操作显示) — 图片命名为 Tank201
在窗口内容中,AREA1突出显示。键入新的名字 PLANT_AREA_B按下 ENTER(回车)键确认。
EMERSON Process Management – Educational Services
Course 7009 - Rev 7 - 2/1/04
Copyrighted Material / Duplication Prohibited
FIC-301 LIC-301 XV-301 MTR-301
EMERSON Process Management – Educational Services
Course 7009 - Rev 7 - 2/1/04
Copyrighted Material / Duplication Prohibited
Workshop – 配置DSTs
EMERSON Process Management – Educational Services
Course 7009 - Rev 7 - 2/1/04
可存储200多条历史事件记录,配置RS485接口,通信协议采用信息产业部标准通信协议,控制器面包那如图1所示图1 控制器面板2、操作键功能说明控制器有5个操作键,分别是开/关键、退出键、上移键、下移键和回车键。
功能见下表:表1 操作键功能说明33.1 主界面图2 主界面界面上包含三类机组工作图标,分别是动画运行状态图标、锁定状态图标和开关机主备状态图标,这些图标告知操作员机组正在何种运行模式下运行。
图3 图标含义3.2 密码界面在主界面下按回车键,显示输入密码界面,如图4所示。
图4 密码输入界面进入菜单界面的密码分3个等级,需要密码打开的菜单在它的标题后标有菜单级别[1]、[2]、[3],以表示所需密码的级别。
图5 密码等级注意:操作者输入不同等级的密码,可获得相应等级的密码权限。
3.3 通讯设置在系统设置界面图6中,课选择进入到通讯设置菜单,如图7所示,通讯设置子菜单包括:通讯协议、通讯地址和波特率。
艾默生CT-Unidrive M700中文彩页
使用合适的编码器技术实现最佳性能和最大的可选择性 Unidrive M700 有助于您基于具体应用的性能和成本选择合适 的编码器技术。板载反馈接口具备多通道的高性能连接,并 支持几乎任何标准编码器反馈技术,包括 Resolver、BISS 和 EnDat 等设备。
• 永磁电机
• 伺服电机 • 同步磁阻电机
M700 通过精确的电机控制、板载实时以太网 (IEEE 1588 V2 精确时间协议)、先进的运动控制以及用于位置捕捉的高速 I/O 实现机器最高生产率, 让机器制造商可以轻松地制造更复 杂和灵活的机器。
Unidrive M700 亮点
通过客户选择的电机实现机器最高生产率 凭借对几乎任何类型的工业电机的超卓控制性能,Unidrive M 可实现机器最高生产率:
➮ 250μs 循环时间 ➮ 运动曲线生成器 ➮ 电子齿轮 ➮ CAM 插补 ➮ 寻原点功能 ➮ 高速位置捕捉 • 高性能 MCi200 和 MCi210 机器控制模块(有助于获取更多的 控制性能)
Unidrive M700 的板载实时以太网(使用 IEEE 1588 V2)通过快速灵活的通信改善了机器控 制。可在 1 µs 内于整个网络中实现同步,数 据更新率可快达 250 µs (具有几乎无限的节 点数)。
功能 断点 上传/下载源代码 在线更改 三角函数 64 位数据类型 实时任务 可定制的驱动器菜单 变量跟踪
Unidrive M 板载 否 否 否 否 否
是(最短时间为 4ms) 是(菜单 30) 否
1 个轮循任务、1 个分时任务
MCi 模块 是 是 是 是 是
是(最短时间为 125 µs) 是(菜单 27、28 及 29)
PowerMaster智能高频开关电力操作电源系统合作生产技术指导书资料版本归档日期2008-10-17BOM 编码艾默生网络能源有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近的艾默生网络能源有限公司办事处或客户服务中心联系,也可直接与公司总部联系。
艾默生网络能源有限公司地址:深圳市南山区科技工业园科发路一号邮编:518057公司网址:客户服务投诉热线:0E-mail第一章充电模块(必选件)1.1 HD22010-3系列1.1.1 模块简介HD22010-3系列充电模块是电力电源最主要的配置模块,广泛应用于35kV到330kV的变电站电力电源中。
表1-1 订货信息工作原理概述以HD22010-3模块的工作原理框图如下图所示。
图1-1 HD22010-3充电模块原理图HD22010-3充电模块由三相无源PFC和DC/DC两个功率部分组成。
前级三相无源PFC电路由输入EMI和三相无源PFC组成,用以实现交流输入的整流滤波和输入电流的校正,使输入电路的功率因素大于,以满足DL/T781-2001中三相谐波标准和GB/T 中相关EMI、EMC标准。
艾默生 PACSafe可配置安全控制器 数据表
PACSafe 可配置安全控制器直观、集成、快速的机器安全产品PACSafe 可配置安全控制器00813-0106-0148数据表2020年12月PACSafe 可配置安全控制器是为原始设备制造商及其终端用户设计的,非常适合于需要集成SIL3机器安全与多个协调安全传感器的机器自动化应用,适用于包装、食品和饮料、生命科学和制造业等各种行业。
PACSafe 可配置安全控制器可以轻松地从小型机器扩展到复杂的机器,并提供直观的基于图形的配置和编程界面,快速的安全状态反应时间,通过工业以太网轻松集成到Emerson 的 PACSystems 和 VersaMax 控制器。
这些特点使开发和调试时间减少 ⸺提高生产力和盈利能力。
广泛的TÜV 认证的SIL3功能块库允许快速集成电子止动器、联锁门、光学传感器,双手控制,安全垫和更多的安全装置。
综合安全解决方案PACSafe 可配置安全控制器的开发工具集成在我们的PAC(PME)开发套件中。
内置以太网,支持PROFINET 和Modbus/TCP 协议,以及新的标准PLC 集成功能块,可以实现无缝监控并与艾默生工业控制组合的其他部分集成。
这确保了您可以轻松地将机器安全集成到新的设计或您现有的PACSystems 或VersaMax 架构中。
快速到达安全状态的时间PACSafe 可配置安全控制器结合了可扩展设计的优势和不可配置继电器的快速性能。
可扩展的安全解决方案通过10点和26点集成的安全输入模块和可选的扩展安全I/O 模块,PACSafe 用户可以灵活地将其解决方案扩展到多达154个安全I/O 点。
六种不同类型的扩展I/O 模块提供各种安全功能,包括安全输入、固态安全输出和安全继电器输出。
DeltaV 由艾默生过程控制有限公司于1996年推出的用于过程控制的软件。
DeltaV 系统提供强大易用的设计和操作过程控制软件。
DeltaV 采用标准Windows特征来提供熟悉的用户界面。
DeltaV 包括以下应用:1先进控制Advanced control:InSight监察识别;Neural神经网络;redict预测控制;redictPro专家预测控制;SimulatePro仿真专家;Tune with Insight应用识别整定;2 工程应用;3设置与安装;4操作员应用;5批量应用;6DeltaV自学引导;DeltaV系统不但拥有BPCS而且拥有集成的SIS。
DeltaV系统只在v4和v8中出现过汉化版,但汉化的内容也只限于帮助手册Books Online和操作界面Operator Interface,其它的应用程序以及产品手册(Product Data Sheet)和帮助说明,白皮书等都是英文的。
有些用语也非常难以翻译,找不到中文恰当的说法,例如Decommission a controller,各位如有读过DeltaV的中文手册,就会发现这样的问题不在少数。
不过自2002年DeltaV v7.2后DeltaV迁移到了WinXP和Win Server 2003平台上,利用Windows的Terminal Serveice所形成的DeltaV Remote Client功能更为强大且使用方便,Web发布已没有太多的意义。
v Read the manual carefully before the device isinstalled.v Only qualified staff is allowed to perform theinstallation.v Connect the relay as per the wiring diagram inthe manual.v Before connecting the relay check the supplyvoltage.v Please check whether the CT is connected atthe Main Incomer.v Connect the CT when the relay is in OFFcondition. Use suitable size cable for the CT.v Do not disturb the connection when the relay isON.v Please ensure the discharge time interval ofcapacitor.v Disconnect the device if it does not work duringcommissioning.v Do not install the device if it is in damagedcondition.OPERATION & INSTRUCTIONMANUALØSuitable for Thyristor switched Capacitor panel.ØVarious possibilities for bank selection. Including user defined bank values in KVAR. ØInput sensing line-to-line voltage.ØSelectable current input range. 1Amp and 5Amp. (CT input)ØProtection against Over/Under voltage, Over/Under ØCompensation on fundamental waveform, KVAR calculation and also the effects of supply frequency and voltage.ØØStandard 144 X 144 mm panel flush mountingarrangement. Max depth 60mm. Recommended cutout for panel front door is 138x138 mm.Features:ØMeasurement Voltage (L-L): 415 Volt + 10 %.ØInput Measurement Current: 1A / 5 A.ØContact rating for output suitable for 1Amp, 440V ØMeasurement accuracy: Class-1ØOperating temperature: 0 to 55°C. ØStorage temperature: -10 to +75°C ØOutput commands models for 8,12 and 16 output.Specifications:POWER FACTOR CONTROLLERThe Display is LCD and the factory set (Default) condition shows the PF, which is power factor, sensed from the load sensing CT i.e. the Transformer/supply grid. The screen also shows “ IND” for Inductive Power Factor & “ CAP” forCapacitive Power Factor. The last digit on the upper line of display shows the operation mode i.e. 'A 'for auto mode and 'M' for Manual mode. The bottom line of the LCD display shows capacitor bank status.Display in other Parameters:To observing other system related parameters Scroll up/down keys. Following is the sequence of the parameters displayed on LCD screen.Display Overall Values : Displays the Overall values(average) like voltage, current, Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent power, Frequency.Display Power : Displays the power related Parameters like P .F., kW, kVA, and kVAr.Display Step kVAr : Displays the values of kVAr output i.e. measured for every step.Display Auxiliary Functions .Display:Fault Finding Guidelines:Fault TypeProbable ReasonAction to TakeUnit Does not turn ON. LCD is blank with no Backlit.q Input supply not coming.q Input side fuses blownü Check the input supply to restore ü Check fuses in the unit for OK.Unit not turning ON any capacitor banks, immediately after Power on.This is perfectly OK if unit is powered up, there is a delay of correction timethat is provided in the unit only after which units can turn on outputs.As this is normal action, need not take any action. Unit will start performing normally after the stipulated time delay.With whatever capacitor banks ON,SPF does not indicate the PF asimproved.Check connection as per controlwiring diagram. Check that Load CT put is in correct phase Correct the wiring as per the scheme requirements and the CT positioning.Relay shows Capacitive PF whilethere is No Capacitive Load Phase Sequence of CTCheck the KW in the Relay if it is negative Interchange the CT polarity.Main Energy Meter PF reading &Relay PF reading is not matched q CT position & ratingq Excessive Distance betweenRelay & Energy Meterü Check the CT position & correct it as per given in Scheme 1 or 2.ü CT wiring should be up to 10mtr.Thyristor controlled by this unit is/are not turning ON/OFF even if front LCD indication shows correct.q Wiring to the command wiring isopen circuitq Card control circuit fuses areblown Relays in SPF module faultyü Check the continuity for any open ckt.ü Check the Common terminal of relay.ü Replace the fuses in control circuit.ü If above all is in OK condition replace the SPF relay new one.Lots of faults that are seen as faults are due to wrong parameter setting. It is recommend going through the details on Parameter setting explanation part of this manual and setting them correctly.SPF relay keyboard has 7 keys,ENT - key is at center and there are UP , DOWN - for scrolling the display windows, MODE and SAVE -keys are placed at right and left side of DOWN key.MODE -key is used to have access in different mode of relay operations and also used for . For editingany parameter in the relay, press mode switch the Password window will be displayed, if password is enabled. (By default it is disabled). Enter password by using arrow keys then press ENT. Using UP & DOWN key, select one of the following mode. Ø EDIT PARAMETERS Ø AUTO OPERATION Ø MANUAL OPERATIONThen press ENT switch to enter the specific mode . (During commissioning edit the required parameters by setting in the EDIT PARAMETER mode, then follow the AUTO or MANUAL mode selection).Method for Keyboard/Display Editing:Automatic Power Factor ControllerENTMODESAVEOutput of relay contacts available up to 08 steps.Load etcediting data in the memory :For enquiry contact : 09422031641SPF-08TRefer wiring diagram in the back side of controller test certificate. Displays the unit ID,utilization counter and internal temperature TX - Transformer modeGX - Generator modeDisplay Harmonics :Displays voltage and current harmonicsEXT -PT RATIO : 0001.0CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000IS TO CHANGE CT PRIMARY ?CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000ENT2 TIMESNOCUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 000 CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 004 ENTPF UP Lim : Mains [IND : 1] : 0.990YESIS TO CHANGE UP LIMIT ?NOPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990IND : 1CAP : OPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990ENTENTENTENTSAVEPF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.990PF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.999PF LOW Lim : Mains [IND :1] : 0.970PF LOW Lim : Mains[IND :1] : 0.970DISPLAY SHOWS________________DISPLAY SHOWSMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERENTSTEP CONNECTED : 08IS TO CHANGESTEPS ?NOYESENTSTEP CONNECTED : 07ENT8STEP CONNECTED : 0DEFAULT MODE AUTO : 0COMPENSATION KVAR MEAN :1CAP BANK VOLTAGE ( L-L) : 440VCORRECTION TIME SEC : 00020IS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESENTCORRECTED TIME SEC : 00020CORRECTED TIME SEC : 000 2CORRECTED TIME SEC: 000 01ENTDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 0007 ENTIS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 00070DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 07 DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 06ENTENTCORRECTION TYPEUnequal :IS TO CHANGE TYPE ?10Unequal BANK [1] KVAR :10IS TOCHANGE BANK KVAR?YESENTUnequal bank (1) KVAR : 1Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15YES5Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 0ENTUnequal bank (2) KVAR 0015:Unequal bank (2) KVAR 0025:DISPLAY SHOWSNow the initial settings of relay is completed12345109876Easy programming to start the relay SPF-04/08/12/16YES4 TIMESFIXED -BANK SETTINGEXT FIXED KWAR :25ENTSWITCH ON SUPPLY DISPLAY SHOW= 0.976 IND A OKMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERSTARTCONNECT 415 V AC SUPPLYL2 - Y Phase Input L1 - R phase InputS1CONNECT THE CT TERMINALS2-S1 (1A) : B phase C.T. For 1A SecondaryS2-S1 (5A) : B Phase C.T. For 5 A SecondaryCONNECT THE OUT PUT TERMINALSTO FIRING CARD S1S2L1L25A 1A COM C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8COMEasy programming to start the relay SPF-08TSAVEP.F= 0.976 IND A OKP.F= 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F GEN SUPPLYPNNC : NO CONNECTIONv Read the manual carefully before the device isinstalled.v Only qualified staff is allowed to perform theinstallation.v Connect the relay as per the wiring diagram inthe manual.v Before connecting the relay check the supplyvoltage.v Please check whether the CT is connected atthe Main Incomer.v Connect the CT when the relay is in OFFcondition. Use suitable size cable for the CT.v Do not disturb the connection when the relay isON.v Please ensure the discharge time interval ofcapacitor.v Disconnect the device if it does not work duringcommissioning.v Do not install the device if it is in damagedcondition.OPERATION & INSTRUCTIONMANUALØØVarious possibilities for bank selection. Including user defined bank values in KVAR. ØInput sensing line-to-line voltage.ØSelectable current input range. 1Amp and 5Amp. (CT input)ØProtection against Over/Under voltage, Over/Under ØCompensation on fundamental waveform, KVAR calculation and also the effects of supply frequency and voltage.ØØStandard 144 X 144 mm panel flush mountingarrangement. Max depth 60mm. Recommended cutout for panel front door is 138x138 mm.Features:ØMeasurement Voltage (L-L): 415 Volt + 10 %.ØInput Measurement Current: 1A / 5 A.ØContact rating for output suitable for 1Amp, 440V ØMeasurement accuracy: Class-1ØOperating temperature: 0 to 55°C. ØStorage temperature: -10 to +75°C ØOutput commands models for 8,12 and 16 output.Specifications:POWER FACTOR CONTROLLERControl Wiring Diagram :The Display is LCD and the factory set (Default) condition shows the PF, which is power factor, sensed from the load sensing CT i.e. the Transformer/supply grid. The screen also shows “ IND” for Inductive Power Factor & “ CAP” forCapacitive Power Factor. The last digit on the upper line of display shows the operation mode i.e. 'A 'for auto mode and 'M' for Manual mode. The bottom line of the LCD display shows capacitor bank status.Display in other Parameters:To observing other system related parameters Scroll up/down keys. Following is the sequence of the parameters displayed on LCD screen.Display Overall Values : Displays the Overall values(average) like voltage, current, Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent power, Frequency.Display Power : Displays the power related Parameters like P .F., kW, kVA, and kVAr.Display Step kVAr : Displays the values of kVAr output i.e. measured for every step.Display Auxiliary Functions .Display:Fault Finding Guidelines:Fault TypeProbable ReasonAction to TakeUnit Does not turn ON. LCD is blank with no Backlit.q Input supply not coming.q Input side fuses blownü Check the input supply to restore ü Check fuses in the unit for OK.Unit not turning ON any capacitor banks, immediately after Power on.This is perfectly OK if unit is powered up, there is a delay of correction timethat is provided in the unit only after which units can turn on outputs.As this is normal action, need not take any action. Unit will start performing normally after the stipulated time delay.With whatever capacitor banks ON,SPF does not indicate the PF asimproved.Check connection as per controlwiring diagram. Check that Load CT put is in correct phase Correct the wiring as per the scheme requirements and the CT positioning.Relay shows Capacitive PF whilethere is No Capacitive Load Phase Sequence of CTCheck the KW in the Relay if it is negative Interchange the CT polarity.Main Energy Meter PF reading &Relay PF reading is not matched q CT position & ratingq Excessive Distance betweenRelay & Energy Meterü Check the CT position & correct it as per given in Scheme 1 or 2.ü CT wiring should be up to 10mtr.Thyristor controlled by this unit is/are not turning ON/OFF even if front LCD indication shows correct.q Wiring to the command wiring isopen circuitq Card control circuit fuses areblown Relays in SPF module faultyü Check the continuity for any open ckt.ü Check the Common terminal of relay.ü Replace the fuses in control circuit.ü If above all is in OK condition replace the SPF relay new one.Lots of faults that are seen as faults are due to wrong parameter setting. It is recommend going through the details on Parameter setting explanation part of this manual and setting them correctly.SPF relay keyboard has 7 keys,ENT - key is at center and there are UP , DOWN - for scrolling the display windows, MODE and SAVE -keys are placed at right and left side of DOWN key.MODE -key is used to have access in different mode of relay operations and also used for . For editing anyparameter in the relay, press mode switch the Password window will be displayed, if password is enabled. (By default it is disabled). Enter password by using arrow keys then press ENT. Using UP & DOWN key, select one of the following mode. Ø EDIT PARAMETERS Ø AUTO OPERATION Ø MANUAL OPERATIONThen press ENT switch to enter the specific mode . (During commissioning edit the required parameters by setting in the EDIT PARAMETER mode, then follow the AUTO or MANUAL mode selection).Method for Keyboard/Display Editing:Automatic Power Factor ControllerENTMODESAVEOutput of relay contacts available up to 04 steps.Load etcediting data in the memory :.Suitable for Thyristor switched Capacitor panel.SPF-16TRefer wiring diagram in the back side of controller test certificate. TX - Transformer modeGX - Generator modeDisplays the unit ID,utilization counter and internal temperature Display Harmonics :Displays voltage and current harmonics For enquiry contact : 09422031641STARTCONNECT 415 V AC SUPPLYL2 - Y Phase Input L1 - R phase InputS1CONNECT THE CT TERMINALS2-S1 (1A) : B phase C.T. For 1A SecondaryS2-S1 (5A) : B Phase C.T. For 5 A SecondaryS1S2L1L2CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 000 CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 004 ENTPF UP Lim : Mains [IND : 1] : 0.990YESIS TOCHANGE UP LIMIT ?NOPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990IND : 1CAP : OPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990ENTENTENTENTSAVEPF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.990PF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.999PF LOW Lim : Mains [IND :1] : 0.970PF LOW Lim : Mains[IND :1] : 0.970DISPLAY SHOWS________________DISPLAY SHOWSMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERENTSTEP CONNECTED : 04STEP CONNECTED : 07ENT8STEP CONNECTED : 0DEFAULT MODE AUTO : 0COMPENSATION KVAR MEAN :1CAP BANK VOLTAGE ( L-L) : 440VCORRECTION TIME SEC : 00020IS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESENTCORRECTED TIME SEC : 00020CORRECTED TIME SEC : 000 2CORRECTED TIME SEC: 000 01ENTDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 0007 ENTIS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 00070DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 07 DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 06ENTENTCORRECTION TYPEUnequal :IS TO CHANGE TYPE ?10Unequal BANK [1] KVAR :10IS TO CHANGE BANK KVAR?YESENTUnequal bank (1) KVAR : 1Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15YES5Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 0ENTUnequal bank (2) KVAR 0015:Unequal bank (2) KVAR 0025:DISPLAY SHOWSNow the initial settings of relay is completed12345109876Easy programming to start the relay SPF-04/08/12/164 TIMESFIXED -BANK SETTINGEXT FIXED KWAR :25ENT5A 1A COM EXT -PT RATIO : 0001.0CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000IS TO CHANGE CT PRIMARY ?CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000ENT2 TIMESNOYESSWITCH ON SUPPLY DISPLAY SHOWMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERNC : NO CONNECTIONGEN SUPPLYPNEasy programming to start the relay SPF-16TSAVEIS TO CHANGESTEPS ?NOYESENT= 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F 43C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8COMC151C16CONNECT THE OUT PUT TERMINALSTO FIRING CARDv Read the manual carefully before the device isinstalled.v Only qualified staff is allowed to perform theinstallation.v Connect the relay as per the wiring diagram inthe manual.v Before connecting the relay check the supplyvoltage.v Please check whether the CT is connected atthe Main Incomer.v Connect the CT when the relay is in OFFcondition. Use suitable size cable for the CT.v Do not disturb the connection when the relay isON.v Please ensure the discharge time interval ofcapacitor.v Disconnect the device if it does not work duringcommissioning.v Do not install the device if it is in damagedcondition.OPERATION & INSTRUCTIONMANUALØSuitable for Thyristor switched Capacitor panel.ØVarious possibilities for bank selection. Including user defined bank values in KVAR. ØInput sensing line-to-line voltage.ØSelectable current input range. 1Amp and 5Amp. (CT input)ØProtection against Over/Under voltage, Over/Under ØCompensation on fundamental waveform, KVAR calculation and also the effects of supply frequency and voltage.ØØStandard 144 X 144 mm panel flush mountingarrangement. Max depth 60mm. Recommended cutout for panel front door is 138x138 mm.Features:ØMeasurement Voltage (L-L): 415 Volt + 10 %.ØInput Measurement Current: 1A / 5 A.ØContact rating for output suitable for 1Amp, 440V ØMeasurement accuracy: Class-1ØOperating temperature: 0 to 55°C. ØStorage temperature: -10 to +75°C ØOutput commands models for 8,12 and 16 output.Specifications:POWER FACTOR CONTROLLERThe Display is LCD and the factory set (Default) condition shows the PF, which is power factor, sensed from the load sensing CT i.e. the Transformer/supply grid. The screen also shows “ IND” for Inductive Power Factor & “ CAP” forCapacitive Power Factor. The last digit on the upper line of display shows the operation mode i.e. 'A 'for auto mode and 'M' for Manual mode. The bottom line of the LCD display shows capacitor bank status.Display in other Parameters:To observing other system related parameters Scroll up/down keys. Following is the sequence of the parameters displayed on LCD screen.Display Overall Values : Displays the Overall values(average) like voltage, current, Active Power, Reactive Power, Apparent power, Frequency.Display Power : Displays the power related Parameters like P .F., kW, kVA, and kVAr.Display Step kVAr : Displays the values of kVAr output i.e. measured for every step.Display Auxiliary Functions Display:Fault Finding Guidelines:Fault TypeProbable ReasonAction to TakeUnit Does not turn ON. LCD is blank with no Backlit.q Input supply not coming.q Input side fuses blownü Check the input supply to restore ü Check fuses in the unit for OK.Unit not turning ON any capacitor banks, immediately after Power on.This is perfectly OK if unit is powered up, there is a delay of correction timethat is provided in the unit only after which units can turn on outputs.As this is normal action, need not take any action. Unit will start performing normally after the stipulated time delay.With whatever capacitor banks ON,SPF does not indicate the PF asimproved.Check connection as per controlwiring diagram. Check that Load CT put is in correct phase Correct the wiring as per the scheme requirements and the CT positioning.Relay shows Capacitive PF whilethere is No Capacitive Load Phase Sequence of CTCheck the KW in the Relay if it is negative Interchange the CT polarity.Main Energy Meter PF reading &Relay PF reading is not matched q CT position & ratingq Excessive Distance betweenRelay & Energy Meterü Check the CT position & correct it as per given in Scheme 1 or 2.ü CT wiring should be up to 10mtr.Thyristor controlled by this unit is/are not turning ON/OFF even if front LCD indication shows correct.q Wiring to the command wiring isopen circuitq Card control circuit fuses areblown Relays in SPF module faultyü Check the continuity for any open ckt.ü Check the Common terminal of relay.ü Replace the fuses in control circuit.ü If above all is in OK condition replace the SPF relay new one.Lots of faults that are seen as faults are due to wrong parameter setting. It is recommend going through the details on Parameter setting explanation part of this manual and setting them correctly.SPF relay keyboard has 7 keys,ENT - key is at center and there are UP , DOWN - for scrolling the display windows, MODE and SAVE -keys are placed at right and left side of DOWN key.MODE -key is used to have access in different mode of relay operations and also used for . Forediting any parameter in the relay, press mode switch the Password window will be displayed, if password is enabled. (By default it is disabled). Enter password by using arrow keys then press ENT. Using UP & DOWN key, select one of the following mode. Ø EDIT PARAMETERS Ø AUTO OPERATION Ø MANUAL OPERATIONThen press ENT switch to enter the specific mode . (During commissioning edit the required parameters by setting in the EDIT PARAMETER mode, then follow the AUTO or MANUAL mode selection).Method for Keyboard/Display Editing:Automatic Power Factor ControllerENTMODESAVEOutput of relay contacts available up to 12 steps.Load etcediting data in the memory ...:SPF-12TRefer wiring diagram in the back side of controller test certificate. Display Harmonics : Displays voltage and current harmonicsTX - Transformer modeGX - Generator modeDisplays the unit ID,utilization counter and internal temperature For enquiry contact : 09422031641STARTCONNECT 415 V AC SUPPLYL2 - Y Phase Input L1 - R phase InputS1CONNECT THE CT TERMINALS2-S1 (1A) : B phase C.T. For 1A SecondaryS2-S1 (5A) : B Phase C.T. For 5 A SecondaryS1S2L1L2CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 000 CUT CT PRIMARY MAINS:1 004 ENTPF UP Lim : Mains [IND : 1] : 0.990YESIS TO CHANGE UP LIMIT ?NOPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990IND : 1CAP : OPF Up Lim : MaIns: 0.990ENTENTENTENTSAVEPF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.990PF Up Lim : Mains CAP : 0 : 0.999PF LOW Lim : Mains [IND :1] : 0.970PF LOW Lim : Mains[IND :1] : 0.970DISPLAY SHOWS________________DISPLAY SHOWSMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETERENTSTEP CONNECTED : 08IS TO CHANGESTEPS ?NOYESENTSTEP CONNECTED : 07ENT8STEP CONNECTED : 0DEFAULT MODE AUTO : 0COMPENSATION KVAR MEAN :1CAP BANK VOLTAGE ( L-L) : 440VCORRECTION TIME SEC : 00020IS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESENTCORRECTED TIME SEC : 00020CORRECTED TIME SEC : 000 2CORRECTED TIME SEC: 000 01ENTDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 0007 ENTIS TOCHANGE TIME ?YESDISCHARGE TIME SEC : 00070DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 07 DISCHARGE TIME SEC : 000 06ENTENTCORRECTION TYPEUnequal :IS TO CHANGE TYPE ?10Unequal BANK [1] KVAR :10IS TO CHANGE BANK KVAR?YESENTUnequal bank (1) KVAR : 1Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15YES5Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 15Unequal bank (1) KVAR : 0ENTUnequal bank (2) KVAR 0015:Unequal bank (2) KVAR 0025:DISPLAY SHOWSNow the initial settings of relay is completed123451098764 TIMESFIXED -BANK SETTINGEXT FIXED KWAR :25ENT5A 1A COM C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8COMC9C10C11C12EXT -PT RATIO : 0001.0CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000IS TO CHANGE CT PRIMARY ?CUR CT PRIMARY MAINS :1000ENT2 TIMESNOYESSWITCH ON SUPPLY DISPLAY SHOWMODESELECTEDIT PARAMETEREasy programming to start the relay SPF-12TSAVE= 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F = 0.976 IND A OKP.F CONNECT THE OUT PUT TERMINALSTO FIRING CARDGEN SUPPLYPNNC : NO CONNECTION。
艾默生iTrust UL33 UPS产品说明1.艾默生UPS性能简介a. 简介iTrust UL33系列UPS系统是连接在输入电源和负载之间,为重要负载提供不受电网干扰、稳压、稳频的电力供应的电源设备,在市电掉电后,UPS可将电池能量逆变给负载,继续提供一段时间供电。
b. 基本组成UL33系列UPS系统主要包括由整流模块(REC和逆变模块(INV组成的AC-DC-AC变换主回路、由反向并联的可控硅组成的旁路静态开关、维修旁路空开Q3BP、输出隔离变压器和逆变静态开关、蓄电池组以及输入Q1/输出空开Q5等。
c. 工作原理UL33系列UPS单机系统主电路如图1-2所示。
艾默生 HAT700 系列双电源自动切换控制器用户手册说明书
HAT700系列(HAT700/HAT700I/HAT700B/HAT700BI/HAT700S)双电源自动切换控制器用户手册目次前言 (4)1概述 (5)2命名规范及型号对比 (5)2.1命名规范 (5)2.2型号对比 (5)3性能和特点 (6)4规格 (7)5测量和显示数据 (8)6操作 (9)6.1指示灯 (9)6.2按键功能描述 (10)7屏幕显示 (11)7.1主界面 (11)7.2状态描述 (13)7.3主菜单 (16)8发电机组开停机操作 (17)8.1手动模式开停机 (17)8.1.1面板开停机 (17)8.1.2通讯遥控开停机 (17)8.2自动模式开停机 (17)8.2.1输入口开停机操作 (17)8.2.2S1发电S2发电开停机 (18)8.2.3定时开机 (18)8.2.4定时不开机 (19)9参数配置 (20)9.1说明 (20)9.2参数配置表 (20)9.3开关量输入/输出口功能描述 (27)9.3.1输入口功能描述 (27)9.3.2输出口功能描述 (28)9.3.3自定义组合输出 (30)9.4过流定时限与反时限设置 (30)10历史记录 (31)11开关操作运行 (33)11.1手动操作运行 (33)11.2自动操作运行 (33)11.3同步合闸 (33)12ATS供电电源 (35)13非重要负载NEL控制 (36)13.1说明 (36)13.2自动操作 (36)13.3手动操作 (36)14通信配置及连接 (37)15端口定义 (37)16典型应用图 (39)17安装尺寸 (47)18故障排除 (47)前言是众智的中文商标是众智的英文商标SmartGen ― Smart的意思是灵巧的、智能的、聪明的,Gen是generator(发电机组)的缩写,两个单词合起来的意思是让发电机组变得更加智能、更加人性化、更好的为人类服务!不经过本公司的允许,本文档的任何部分不能被复制(包括图片及图标)。
过程 PID控制功能的框图如下所示。图中,P为比例增益,Ti为积分时间,Td为微分时间。
使用内置过程 PID功能,用EV3000变频器构成的压力控制系统如下图所示。
零伺服功能框图如下。在零伺服指令有效时,当频率指令为零,且电机速度小于零伺服阈值,位置控制环路便 投入工作。此时的电机位置被记忆,对电机施加负载或释放负载后,电机最终会保持在已记忆的位置上。
30Vdc/1A 电压范围:8~24Vdc 与CME、PE隔离 内部与主回路端子PE相连
通讯端口 485+ 485PE 备注:
模拟输入 AI1:0-10V AI2:0-10V/4-20mA AI3:-10~+10V 支持多模拟量运算
模拟输出 AO1 AO2
EV3000系列变频器是高品质、多功能、低噪音的矢量控制通用变频器。通过对电机磁通电流和转矩电流的解耦 控制,实现了对转矩的快速响应和准确控制,能以很高的控制精度进行宽范围的调速运行和转矩控制。
■ 高速造纸 ■ 拉丝设备 ■ 注塑设备 ■ 机床设备 ■ 化纤装置
■ 起重设备 ■ 提升机 ■ 立体车库 ■ 电梯
端子功能说明 可编程数字输入1-6 可编程数字输入7 可编程数字输入8 正转/停止 反转/停止 脉冲频率输出 编码器供电电源 编码器A相信号 编码器B相信号 集电极开路输出1 集电极开路输出2 可编程继电器输出 故障继电器输出 输入端子,由用户提供电源 公共地 屏蔽层隔离端子
报警 设定温度 实际温度
制冷 化霜
再按 F5---进入设置界面
C1 总体信息
C2 设定点
F4 查找
F4 查找
控制界面介绍---认识控制内容 室外湿度值
制冰机 (压缩机, 阀件, 电机)
因为 技术, 可靠性, 服务及售后支持而被接受
艾默生环境优化技术公司 零售业服务分部
冷藏控制 调节阀
冷冻压缩机 空调压缩机
艾默生网 络能源
Clive Samuels & Associates 零售业服务
UltraSite™ 远程用户软件
z 基于Windows™ 的远程访问 软件
z /实时显示系统状况和警报 z 远程设定点设定和调节 z 图表化显示方便店内设备故
z 为CPC控制器提供额外的界 面
z 图表化显示店内设备方便快 速进行设定,警报接收以及 故障诊断
z 集成声音系统
UltraSite™ 用户软件
应用 解决方案
Ovation 介绍中文版
Ovation 采用适用于实时过程控制的通讯网络,具有最快的速度和最大的容量。
采用全冗余容错技术的Ovation Control Network 严格遵循IEEE的标准。
其采用的硬件极易在市场上购得,而且取消了对特殊网关和接口的要求,能够与企业内部 LAN,WAN 和 Intranet 的完全连通。
Ovation 的网络不使用常见的过程控制系统中数据高速公路与厂区内 LAN 连接所需的复杂网桥。
用户可用 Ovation 的统一网络,在确保过程安全的前提下,把过程控制同企业信息系统结合起来。
网络标准Ovation 能够把控制机制和信息整体结合起来,是实现投资目标的有效途径。
Ovation 网络软件使用 ISO/OSI 可以在任何一个标准物理网络层中通讯,具有所有网络的特性:冗余、同步、确定和令牌传输。
因为Ovation系统在控制系统网络术上的突破,最终用户为了在局域和广域范围内(LAN 和WAN)构建信息系统,可以合成多个网络系统。
Ovation 系统设计原则是将从上到下的所有标准都合成一个完全开放的环境,所以Ovation 允许最终用户在系统中集成其它厂商的产品。
直流电源系统 太阳能光电互补系统 户外能源系统 动力环境与业务软件
交流电源系统(20KVA以上) 数据机房高压直流电源系统 精密制冷系统 服务器电源管理系统 谐波治理系统 交流电源系统(20KVA以下) 服务器机柜&管理系统 Avocent IT管控系统 Trellis™ 动态基础设施优化平台
RDU-A监控单元 RDU-SIC卡 传感器
可提供全方位的 高效可靠服务
Control Room
DCS Instrum,
Fire & Gas detection 工业专用交流不间断电源UPS 工业环境空调AC
Motors, Pumps
DC Motors
Remote Telecontrol Unit
Industrial Telecom
Safety Lighting
09 直流电源系统 26 太阳能光电互补系统 28 户外能源系统 34 动力环境与业务软件
直接用Web通过网口实现实时远程监控 8组干接点输出,可自由配置 4个用户数字量输入接口,可自由配置 可存储历史告警400条,电池测试日志10条,系统日志300条,控制日志2000条 智能化电池管理,提高电池使用寿命,保证网络安全 遥控、遥测、遥信、遥调 可以本地或远程升级软件 无损伤热插拔
艾默生 EC10 系列可编程控制器 说明书
EC10系列可编程控制器用户手册资料版本V1.0归档日期2006-06-26BOM 编码 31011281艾默生网络能源有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近的艾默生网络能源有限公司办事处或客户服务中心联系,也可直接与公司总部联系。
艾默生网络能源有限公司地址:深圳市南山区科技工业园科发路一号邮编:518057公司网址:客户服务热线: 800-820-6510手机及未开通800地区请拨打:021-********客户服务投诉热线:0755-********E-mail:info@安全注意事项在开始操作之前,请仔细阅读操作指示、注意事项,以减少意外的发生。
相 对 湿 度
推荐的标定气体 :0.4% O2,背景气为氮气;8% O2,背景气为氮气(参见标气工具 #6296A27G01) 标 气 流 量 :5 标准立方英尺/小时(2.5 升/分钟)
参比气流量(选择项):清洁干燥的仪表风(20.95% O2),压力 5psi(34KPa),流量 2 标准立方英尺/小时 (2.5 升/分钟) 电 子 单 元 电 气 噪 音 :NEMA 4X,IP66,在参比气排放口有接头和短管,其将干净的参比气直排大气 :满足 EN50082-2 电磁兼容通用抗干扰标准第二部分的要求,其中包括 ENG1000 4-R 有关静电放 电要求,接触 4KV,在空气中 8KV。选择项可以满足 ENG1000 4-R 增强型 NAMUR 要求,接触 8KV,在空气中 16KV。此外,仪器还满足 IEC801-4 的要求,电源电压瞬时值可以达到 2KV。 防 爆 选 择 电 源 电 压 :1 级 1 区 B、C、D 组(美国 NRTL 标准);EExd II B + H2 T2(欧洲 CENELEC 标准) :通用电源 90-250VAC,48-62Hz,无需切换开关或跨接片。电源进线孔 3/4″-14 NPT
型号:Oxymitter 4000
Oxymitter 4000 将氧化锆锆头和电子变送单元集成到一个独立的、结构紧凑的外壳内。在实际应用中,锆头 可以直接插入烟道,测量烟气中的氧含量,无需另配采样系统。
Oxymitter 4000变送器外壳的防护等级为NEMA 4X(IP66),其直接安装在氧化锆锆头上,外壳内部装有电子 变送单元。这种一体化的结构设计取代了传统氧化锆氧量分析仪分体安装的复杂结构,减少了仪器的安装成本, 如取消了氧化锆专用电缆、电缆穿线管和独立安装的电子单元。Oxymitter 4000电子单元工作时的电源损耗比常规 氧化锆分析仪低 95%,因此,该变送器元器件的工作寿命更长。
艾默生 Rosemount 3490 控制器 说明书
产品说明书00813-0106-4843, Rev AD2023 年 12 月Rosemount™ 3490 控制器■现场安装控制器带物理按钮和清晰的彩色显示屏■流行的用户居中界面设计,侧重便捷设置与使用■接受 4–20 mA 或 HART®输入■监测明渠流量、泵控制与液位、储罐容积和差压液位简介给排水应用的综合控制功能Rosemount 3490 控制器是罗斯蒙特给排水领域产品的一部分,用于 Rosemount 1208 液位和流量变送器。
Rosemount 3490 还可以记录测量值,并通过 web 服务器轻松访问与共享。
提供最多两个传感器输入连接 4-20 mA 或 HART ® 变送器。
虽然该控制器专为给排水行业开发,但其丰富的功能也适用于使用 4-20 mA 或 HART 变送器的其他行业。
简单、用户友好的组态向导Rosemount 3490 提供分步骤向导,指导用户完成常见应用的组态与设置。
图 1:显示在控制器显示屏上的向导选择直观的用户界面和方便导航的菜单结构控制器的用户界面设计简单直观,包含彩色 LCD 显示屏和导航软件应用程序的物理键盘按钮。
内容简介.......................................................................................................................................................................................................2订购信息.. (6)一般技术规格........................................................................................................................................................................................7电气规格...............................................................................................................................................................................................9机械规格.............................................................................................................................................................................................11环境规格.............................................................................................................................................................................................12产品认证.............................................................................................................................................................................................13尺寸图. (14)Rosemount 34902023 年 12 月Modbus® TCP/IP 主机通信Modbus TCP/IP 与主机系统可通过以太网端口连接。
爱默生 XR01CX 电子温度控制器产品说明书
quick reference.• The instrument shall not be used for purposes different from those described hereunder. It cannot be used as a safety device.• Check the application limits before proceeding.• Emerson Srl reserves the right to change the composition of its products, even without notice, ensuring the same and unchanged functionality.1.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS• Check the supply voltage is correct before connecting the instrument.•Do not expose to water or moisture: use the controller only within the operating limits avoiding sudden temperature changes with high atmospheric humidity to prevent formation of condensation.• Warning: disconnect all electrical connections before any kind of maintenance.• Fit the probe where it is not accessible by the End User. The instrument must not be opened.• In case of failure or faulty operation send the instrument back to the distributor or to “Dixell S.r.l.” (see address) with a detailed description of the fault.• Consider the maximum current which can be applied to each relay (see Technical Data).• Ensure that the wires for probes, loads and the power supply are separated and far enough from each other, without crossing or intertwining.• In case of applications in industrial environments, the use of mains filters (our mod. FT1) in parallel with inductive loads could be useful.5. GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XR06CX, format 32x74x60 mm , is microprocessor based controller, suitable for applications on medium or low temperature ventilated refrigerating units. It has three relay outputs to control compressor, fan, and defrost, which can be either electrical or reverse cycle (hot gas). It is also provided with 2 NTC probe inputs, the first one for temperature control, the second one, to be located onto the evaporator, to control the defrost termination temperature and to managed the fan and it's provided with a configurable digital input. With the HOTKEY it's possible to program the instrument in a quick and easy way.6.2 COOLING APPLICATIONSThe regulation is performed according to the temperature measured by probe. The instrument is provided with the CH programmable parameter wich enables the user to set the regulation both for heating or cooling applications:• CH=cL ‑‑> cooling applications;• CH=Ht ‑‑> heating applications.The regulation is performed according to the temperature measured by the thermostat probe with a positive differential from the set point: if the temperature increases and reaches set point plus differential the compressor is started and then turned off when the temperature reaches the set point value again.6.3 HEATING APPLICATIONS (Only XR01CX)The Hy value is automatically subtracted to the SET POINT. If the temperature decreases and reaches set point minus differential the output is started and then turned off when the temperature reaches set point value again.XR02CX ‑ XR03CX : Defrost is performed through a simple stop of the compressor. Parameter i d controls the interval between defrost cycles, while its length is controlled by parameter Md .XR04CX ‑ XR06CX : Two defrost modes are available through the td parameter:• td=EL defrost through electrical heater (compressor OFF);• td=in hot gas defrost (compressor ON). Other parameters are used to control the interval between defrost cycles (id ), its maximum length (Md ) and two defrost modes: timed or controlled by the evaporator's probe. A t the end of defrost dripping time is started, its length is set in the dt parameter. With dt=0 the dripping time is disabled.The free voltage digital input is programmable in different configurations by the iF parameter.11.1 DOOR SWITCH (iF=do)11.2 EXTERNAL ALARM (iF=EA)As soon as the digital input is activated the unit will wait for di time delay before signalling the EA alarm message. The outputs status don't change. The alarm stops just after the digital input is de‑activated.11.3 SERIOUS ALARM (iF=bA)When the digital input is activated, the unit will wait for di delay before signalling the CA alarm message. The relay outputs are switched OFF. The alarm will stop as soon as the digital input is de‑activated.11.5 START DEFROST (iF=dF)It starts a defrost if there are the right conditions. After the defrost is finished, the normal regulation will restart only if the digital input is disabled otherwise the instrument will wait until the Md safety time is expired.11.6 INVERSION OF THE KIND OF ACTION: HEATING ‑ COOLING (iF=Hc)This function allows to invert the regulation of the controller: from cooling to heating and viceversa.The instruments are provided with screw terminal block to connect cables with a cross section up to 2,5 mm. Before connecting cables make sure the power supply complies with the instrument's requirements. Separate the probe cables from the power supply cables, from the outputs and the power connections. Do not exceed the maximum current allowed on each relay, in case of heavier loads use a suitable external relay.13.1 PROBES The probes shall be mounted with the bulb upwards to prevent damages due to casual liquid infiltration. It is recommended to place the thermostat probe away from air streams to correctly measure the average room temperature. Place the defrost termination probe among the evaporator fins in the coldest place, where most ice is formed, far from heaters or from the warmest place during defrost, to prevent premature defrost termination.With FC parameter it can be selected the fans functioning:• FC=cn will switch ON and OFF with the compressor and not run during defrost• FC=on fans will run even if the compressor is off, and not run during defrostAfter defrost, there is a timed fan delay allowing for drip time, set by means of the Fd parameter.• FC=cy fans will switch ON and OFF with the compressor and run during defrost • FC=oY fans will run continuously also during defrost.An additional parameter FS provides the setting of temperature, detected by the evaporator probe, above which the fans are always OFF. This is used to make sure circulation of air only if his temperature is lower than set in FS .Instruments shall be mounted on vertical panel, in a 29x71 mm hole, and fixed using the special bracket supplied.The temperature range allowed for correct operation is 0÷60°C. Avoid places subject to strong vibrations, corrosive gases, excessive dirt or humidity. The same recommendations apply to probes. Let air circulate by the cooling holes.10.1 HOW TO SEE THE SET POINT1. Push and immediately release the SET key, the set point will be showed;2. Push and immediately release the SET key or wait about 5s to return to normal visualisation.10.2 HOW TO CHANGE THE SETPOINT1. Push the SET key for more than 2 seconds to change the Set point value;2. The value of the set point will be displayed and starts blinking;3. To change the SET value push the o or n arrows within 10s;4. To memorise the new set point value push the SET key again or wait 15s.10.3 HOW TO START A MANUAL DEFROST10.4 HOW TO CHANGE A PARAMETER VALUE To change the parameter's value operate as follows: 1. Enter the Programming mode by pressing the SET + keys for 3s;2. Select the required parameter. 3. Press the SET key to display its value (set value starts to blink);4. Use or to change its value;5. Press SET to store the new value and move to the following parameter.To exit : Press SET + or wait 15s without pressing a key.NOTE : the set value is stored even when the procedure is exited by waiting the time‑out to expire. Please restart the controller after change the parameters10.5 HOW TO RESET TO THE FACTORY PARAMETER VALUE(Option)In the first 60s after controller power‑on, it allows user to reset to the factory parameter through key combination with steps below:1. Start pressing DEF key and for 5s;2. Then release just but keep DEF key another 5s. Then parameter reset successfully by controller re‑start automatically.NOTE:• The Parameters Factory Reset function shall be accessible in the first 60 seconds from the device power‑on. The default configuration will initiate the loading, during this time all regulation will be interrupted, relays will be powered off, and the controllers is reset.•It allows user to reset to a customized parameter map through Hotkey, to download the parameters into the controller firstly, then execute the above 2 steps. Here is the setps to update to customized paraleter into the controller.1.Save your own parameter map into a Hotkey2.Plug‑in the hotkey into the controller, power off the controller3.Then power on the controller, the parameter into Hotkey will be downloaded into the controller automatically with display showing 'En' label.NOTE: After reset to user parameter, it will be impossible to reset to Emerson parameter anymore.10.7 TO LOCK THE KEYBOARD Keep pressed for more than 3s the keys.The PF message will be displayed and the keyboard will be locked. If a key is pressed more than 3s the PF message will be displayed.10.8 TO UNLOCK THE KEYBOARDKeep pressed together for more than 3s the keys till the Pn message will be displayed.Push the DEF key for more than 2 seconds and a manual defrost will start, the pre‑condition is evaporator probe temp lower than dE .14.2 HOW TO PROGRAM AN INSTRUMENT USING HOT KEY (DOWNLOAD)Probe alarms P1 and P2 start some seconds after the fault in the related probe; they automatically stop some seconds after the probe restarts normal operation. Check connections before replacing the probe. Temperature alarms HA and LA automatically stop as soon as the temperature returns to normal values.Alarms EA and CA (with iF=bL) recover as soon as the digital input is disabled.15.1 ALARM RECOVERY6.1 THE REGULATION OUTPUT (Only for XR01CX)11.4 SWITCHING SECOND RELAY ON (iF=Au) (Only XR03CX)When o1=Au it switches on and off the second relay.It signals the door status and the corresponding relay output status through the dC parameter: no = normal (any change); Fn = Fan OFF; CP = Compressor OFF; FC = Compressor and fan OFF. Since the door is opened, after the delay time set through parameter di , the door alarm is enabled, the display shows the message dA and the regulation restarts if rd = y. The alarm stops as soon as the external digital input is disabled again. With the door open, the high and low temperature alarms are disabled.1. Turn OFF the instrument;2. Insert a programmed Hot Key into the 5 PIN receptacle and then turn the Controller ON;3. Automatically the parameter list of the Hot Key is downloaded into the Controller memory, successfully followed by appear En l abel;4. A fter 10 seconds the instrument will restart working with the new parameters;5. Remove the Hot Key.NOTE : the Er message is displayed for failed programming. Check the Hotkey connection, check the data into Hotkey and repeat the actions above..8.1 FANS AND DIGITAL INPUT When the digital input is configured as door switch iF=do , fans and compressor status depends on the dC parameter value: dC=no normal regulation;dC=Fn fans OFF;dC=cP compressor OFF; dC=Fc compressor and fans OFF.When rd=y , the regulation restart with door open alarm.3. DIMENSIONS AND CUT OUT 4. CONNECTIONS2. FRONT PANEL 6. REGULATION 8. FANS (Only XR06CX)7. DEFROST 11. DIGITAL INPUTS 13. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 12. INSTALLATION AND MOUNTING 16. TECHNICAL DATAXR01CX ‑ XR02CX ‑ XR03CX ‑ XR04CX ‑ XR06CX To display target set point, in programming mode it selects a parameter or confirm an operationTo start a manual defrost In programming mode it browses the parameter codes or increases the displayed valueIn programming mode it browses the parameter codes or decreases the displayed valueKEYS COMBINATIONTo lock or unlock the keyboardTo enter in programming mode10. FRONT PANEL COMMANDS 10.6 HIDDEN MENU 9. VOLTAGE PROTECTION (Option)The HLVD function provides an alarm if the voltage of the power supply out of the normal range vU and vL .Parameters vc enable this function. vU and vL define the limitation threshold of the power, and if the voltage out of the range, the alarm will be triggered. Then the system will go to the dedicate action according to the parameter vr . • vr=n the regulation not stop • vr=y the regulation stop When the power back to the normal range, then alarm disappeared, the system will start to run the normal regulation.The hidden menu includes all the parameters of the instrument.HOW TO ENTER THE HIDDEN MENU1. Enter the Programming mode by pressing the SET + keys for 3s (Set value starts blinking);2. Released the keys, then push again the SET + keys for more than 7s. The L2 label will be displayed immediately followed from the Hy parameter. NOW YOU ARE IN THE HIDDEN MENU.3. Select the required parameter;4. Press the SET key to display its value;5. Use or to change its value;6. Press SET to store the new value and move to the following parameter.To exit : Press SET + or wait 15s without pressing a key.NOTE1: if none parameter is present in L1, after 3s the nP message is displayed. Keep the keys pushed till the L2 message is displayed. NOTE2: the set value is stored even when the procedure is exited by waiting the time‑out to expire.HOW TO MOVE A PARAMETER FROM THE HIDDEN MENU TO THE FIRST LEVEL AND VICEVERSA.Each parameter present in the HIDDEN MENU can be removed or put into “THE FIRST LEVEL” (user level) by pressing SET + . In HIDDEN MENU when a parameter is present in First Level the decimal point is on.1. Program one controller with the front keypad;2. When the controller is ON, insert the Hot key and push key; the uP message appears followed a by flashing En ;3. Push SET key and the En will stop flashing;4. Turn OFF the instrument remove the Hot Key, then turn it ON again.NOTE : the Er message is displayed for failed programming. In this case push again key if you want to restart the upload again or remove the Hot key to abort the operation.14.1 HOW TO PROGRAM THE HOT KEY FROM THE INSTRUMENT (UPLOAD)14. HOW TO USE THE HOT KEY Model XR01CX , in 32x74x50 mm short format , is a single stage temperature thermostat suitable for applications in the field of refrigeration or heating. It provides a relay output to drive the compressor. It is also provided with 1 NTC probe input and one digital input. The instrument is fully configurable through special parameters that can be easily programmed through the keyboard or by the HOTKEY.Model XR02CX , in 32x74x50 mm short format , is a digital controller with off cycle defrost designed for refrigeration applications at normal temperature. It provides a relay output to drive the compressor. It is also provided with 1 NTC probe input and one the digital input. The instrument is fully configurable through special parameters that can be easily programmed through the keyboard or by the HOTKEY.The XR03CX , in 32x74x50 mm short format , is microprocessor based controller suitable for applications on normal temperature refrigerating units. It provides two relay output: one for compressor and the other one for alarm signalling or as auxiliary output. It provides an NTC probe input and a digital input for alarm signalling, for switching the auxiliary output or for start defrost. The instrument is fully configurable through special parameters that can be easily programmed through the keyboard or the by HOTKEY.The XR04CX , in 32x74x50 mm short format , is microprocessor based controller suitable for applications on normal or low temperature refrigerating units. It provides two relay output: one for compressor and the other one for defrost. It provides two NTC probe inputs, one for room temperature and other one to control defrost termination. The instrument is fully configurable through special parameters that can be easily programmed through the keyboard or by the HOTKEY.Purpose of Control Operating ControlConstruction of Control Incorporated control intended to be used within Class I and Class II equipmentHousingSelf extinguishing PCCase Frontal 32×74mm; depth 50 or 60mm Mounting Panel mounting in a 71×29mm panel cut‑out Protection Rear: IP20 (EN60529) Frontal: IP65(EN60529), type 1 enclosure (UL 50e)Connections Screw terminal blocks 2,5mm2 wiring Power Supply According to the model: 12Vac/dc, ±10%; 230Vac 10%, 50/60Hz, 115Vac 10%, 50/60HzPower Absorption 3,5 V AmaxDisplay 2 digits, red LED, 14,2 mm high Digital Input Free voltage contact Data Storing on the non‑volatile memory (EEPROM)Type of Action 1.B Pollution Degree 2Software Class ARate Impulsive Voltage 2500V for 115Vac and 230Vac Models 500V for 12V models Over voltage Category II Operation T emperature 0÷60 °C (IEC/EN 60730‑1), ‑20÷60 °C (UL 60730‑1 – CAN/CSA E60730‑1)Storage Temperature ‑20÷60 °C (UL 60730‑1).Relative Humidity 20÷85% (no condensing).Measuring and Regulation RangeNTC ‑40÷110°C (‑40÷230°F), resolution 0,1 °C or 1°C or 1 °F (selectable).Accuracy (Ambient temp. 25°C): ±0,7 °C ±1 digit.Relay Outputs Tel:****************************************•请将说明书放在温控器附近,以便在需要时能够尽快查阅。
艾默生 GULDE 3800SA 智能定位器 说明书
GULDE 3800SA 智能定位器智能定位器产品样本2023年9月GULDE 3800SA 智能定位器外形小巧、易于安装且简单易用。
它将 4-20 mA 输入信号转换为气动输出信号,以此驱动控制阀执行机构。
参数设置通过按钮和液晶显示屏 ( LCD ) 界面来进行。
GULDE3800SA 支持中文界面。
GULDE 3800SA 采用二级式定位器设计。
GULDE 3800SA 的使用十分简便。
GULDE 3800SA 智能定位器的一个基本功能就是为用户提供一个本地用户界面,允许用户对仪表进行组态、校验和整定。
如果安装了 I/O 选项包用户可以校验 4-20 mA 的阀位变送器,并设定限位开关的动作。
产品特点简单易用性能优越图1 – 3800SA智能阀门定位器GULDE 3800SA 定位器G3800B0CN本地用户界面: GULDE 3800SA 仪表的标准配置有一个液晶显示屏。
F-35-703March 20201FEATURES•Safe start with DETECT-A-FLAME ® flame sensing technology•Custom pre-purge and inter-purge timings •Single or three trials for ignition •System diagnostic LED•Local or remote flame sensing •Automatic reset•Open board, potted or enclosureAPPLICATIONS•Commercial cooking •Gas furnaces •Unit heaters •Water heaters•Other gas-fired appliancesDESCRIPTIONThe 35-703 is a 120 VAC intermittent pilot (IP) control designed for use in all types of gas-fired appliances. The control uses a microprocessor circuit to provide precise, repeatable timing and operating sequences. On-board diagnostics with LED output makes troubleshooting easy and ensures safe and efficient operation.Export Information (USA)Jurisdiction: EAR ECCN: EAR99Agency CertificationsSPECIFICATIONSRecognized under the UL component program, UL 372. Software certified to ANSI/UL 1998. UL File MH8817Design Certified to ANSI Z21.20,CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 199-M89Input Power 102 to 138 VAC, 50/60 Hz Input Current350 mA @120 VAC with main and pilot gas valve relays energized (control only)Main Gas Valve 1.5A max @ 120 VAC Pilot Gas Valve 1.5A max @ 120 VAC Operating Temperature -40°F to +160°F (-40°C to +71°C)Storage Temperature -40°F to +185°F (-40°C to +85°C)Flame Sensitivity 1.0 µA minimum Flame Failure Response 0.8 seconds maximum Flame Detector Self-check Rate Once per second minimum Gas Types Natural, LP , or manufactured Spark Rate:Remote Local 50/60 sparks/sec 25/30 sparks/sec Size (LxWxH)with enclosure 5.11 x 3.55 x 2.00 inches (12.98 x 9.02 x 5.08 cm)Moisture ResistanceConformal coated to operate non-condensing to 95% R.H. Module should not be exposed to water Ingress Protection Not rated, protection provided by appliance in which it is installed Tries for Ignition One or three try versions available Trial for Ignition Periods15, 30, 60, 90 seconds availablePre-purge and Inter-purge Timings 0, 15, 30, 45 seconds or 4 minutes availableSERIES 35-703120 VAC Microprocessor-BasedIntermittent Pilot Ignition ControlSEQUENCE OF OPERATION / FLAME RECOVERY / SAFETY LOCKOUTStart Up - Heat ModeWhen a call for heat is received from the thermostat supplying 120VAC to L1, the control will reset, perform a self-check routine, flash the diagnostic LED and begin a pre-purge delay. Following the pre-purge period, the pilot gas valve is energized and sparking commences for the Trial For Ignition (TFI) period. When flame is detected during the TFI, the sparking process is terminated and the main gas valve is energized. The thermostat and pilot burner flame are constantly monitored to assure proper system operation. When the thermostat is satisfied and the demand for heat ends, the pilot and main valves are immediately de-energized.Failure to Light - LockoutSINGLE TRIAL MODELShould the pilot burner fail to light, or the pilot flame is not detected during the TFI period, the pilot gas valve will de-energize and the control will go into lockout. The LED will indicate the fault code for ignition lockout.MULTI TRIAL MODELShould the pilot burner fail to light or the pilot flame is not detected during the TFI period, the pilot gas valve will de-energize. The control will then go through an inter-purge delay before an additional ignition attempt. The control attempts two additional ignition trials before de-energizing the pilot gas valve and entering lockout. The LED will indicate the fault code for ignition lockout.FLAME FAILURE - RE-IGNITION MODEIf the established pilot flame signal is lost while the burner is operating, the control will respond within 0.8 seconds by de-energizing the main gas valve and energizing the spark for the TFI period in an attempt to relight the flame. If the burner does not light within the TFI, the pilot gas valve will immediately de-energize and single try models will enter lockout. On multi-try models, a new TFI sequence will begin after an inter-purge delay. Multi-try models perform two additional attempts to light the burner before de-energizing the gas valves and entering lockout. If the pilot burner relights, normal operation resumes. FLAME FAILURE-RECYCLE MODEWith the “Recycle After Loss of Flame" option, upon loss of flame, the pilot and main gas valves are de-energized and the control proceeds to inter-purge before attempting to relight the flame. Multi-try models permit three tries for ignition including inter-purges. If the pilot burner relights, normal operation resumes. If the pilot burner does not relight, the control will enter lockout.Lockout RecoveryRecovery from lockout requires a manual reset by either resetting the thermostat, or removing 120 VAC for a period of 5 seconds. On models with automatic reset, if the thermostat is still calling for heat after one hour, then the control will automatically reset and attempt to ignite the burner.MOUNTING AND WIRINGThe Series 35-703 control is not position sensitive and can be mounted vertically or horizontally. The control may be mounted on any surface and fastened with #6 sheet metal screws. Secure the control in an area that will experience a minimum of vibration and remain below the maximum ambient temperature of 160°F (71°C).All connections should be made with UL Approved, 105°C rated, 18 gauge, stranded, .054” thick insulated wire. Refer to the appropriate wiring diagram when connecting the 35-703 to other components in the system.CAUTIONAll wiring must be performed in accordance withboth local and national electrical codes. CAUTIONLabel all wires prior to disconnection whenservicing controls. Wiring errors may causeimproper and dangerous operation. A functionalcheckout of a replacement control should alwaysbe performed.WARNINGThis product uses voltages of shock hazardpotential. Wiring and initial operation must beperformed by a qualified service technician. WARNINGOperation outside specifications could result infailure of the Fenwal Controls product and otherequipment with potential for injury to people andproperty.Terminal DesignationsTerminal DescriptionQuickConnect(inch)PV1Pilot Valve Power3/16”L2120 VAC (Neutral)3/16”L2120 VAC (Neutral)3/16”V2Valve Neutral3/16”L1120 VAC Input (Hot)1/4”MV1Main Valve Power1/4”B. GND Burner Ground3/16”S1Remote FlameSensor1/4”Effective: March 2020F-35-7033Wiring Diagrams - 35-703Figure 1. Local SenseFigure 2. Remote SenseInternal Control FailureIf the control detects a software or hardware error, all outputs are turned off and the LED displays a Steady On condition. If this condition persists after an attempt to restart, then the control must be replaced.Proper Electrode LocationProper location of electrode assembly is important for optimum system performance. The electrode assembly should be located so that the tips are inside the flame envelope and about 1/2-inch (1.2 cm) above the base of the flame as shown:Notes:•Ceramic insulators must not be in or close to the flame.•Electrode assemblies must not be adjusted or disassembled. Electrodes are NOT field adjustable.•Electrodes should have a gap spacing of 0.125± 0.031 in (3.12± 0.81 mm), unless otherwise specified by the appliance manufacturer. If spacing is not correct, the assembly must be replaced.•Exceeding temperature limits can cause nuisance lockouts and premature electrode failure.•Electrodes must be located where they are not exposed during normal operation.TROUBLESHOOTINGNote:During a fault condition, the LED will flash on for 1/4 second and off for 1/4 second as needed to indicate the fault code. The code will repeat every 3 seconds. Removing power from the control willclear the fault code.Troubleshooting Guide SymptomRecommended Actions 1. Control does not startA. MiswiredB. No 120VAC at L1C. Fuse or circuit breaker faultD. Faulty control, check LED for fault codes 2. Thermostat on - no sparkA. MiswiredB. Faulty thermostat, no voltage at terminal L1C. Faulty control, check LED for fault codes 3. Valve on - no spark during TFIA. Shorted electrode - establish 1/8-inch gapB. Check high voltage cableC. Miswired4. Spark on - valve offA. Valve coil openB. Valve wire disconnectedC. Faulty control, check voltage at gas valveterminals PV1 or MV1 and V25. Flame okay during TFI - no flame sense after TFIA. Check electrode positionB. Check high voltage wireC. Poor ground at burnerD. Poor flame, check flame currentFault Conditions LED Indication Fault ModeSteady On Internal Control Failure 2 Flashes Pilot Flame without call for heat 3 FlashesIgnition LockoutFlame Current MeasurementFlame current is the current that passes through the flame from sensor to ground. A good burner ground that matches the control ground is critical for reliable flame sensing.LOCAL FLAME SENSEWith power off, connect a DC microamp meter as shown in the figure below. During the TFI, the meter should be protected from high voltage surge which could damage the meter. Ajumper wire must be installed across the terminals of the meter. Once the flame is established, and sparking terminates, remove the jumper wire to measure flame current. The flame sense current must be 0.7 uA minimum for proper operation.REMOTE FLAME SENSEWith power off, remove sense wire from S1 terminal, and install a DC microamp meter between the S1 terminal and sense wire. Establish flame, then measure flame current. The flame sense current must be 0.7 uA minimum for proper operation.DIMENSIONSFigure 4. EnclosureFigure 5. PottedFigure 6. Integral StandoffNote: All dimensions are in inchesThis literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes no responsibility for the prod-uct’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be properly applied to work correctly. If you need more informa-tion on this product, or if you have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC., Ashland, MA 01721.© 2020 Kidde-Fenwal Inc. P/N F-35-703 Rev AFFenwal Controls, Kidde-Fenwal Inc.400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721Tel: 800-FENWAL-1Fax: 508-881-7619 DETECT-A-FLAME is a registered trademark of Kidde-Fenwal, Inc., or its parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates.PART NUMBER CONFIGURATION。
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一步的数据采集功能,通过定义的I / O数据基础。
连续( PID控制)的控制
在Ovation控制器,它的英特尔处理器,能够同时执行多达5个过程控制任务,在闭环速度从10毫秒到30 seconds.each控制任务组成的I / O processpoint输入扫描时,控制计划的执行,然后由一个输出扫描。
除了以更高的解析度时间标签,国企点是可在管制计划,像任何其他I / O点,其中包括限制检查和令人震惊。
基于每个过程点数据库定义,Ovation控制器进行所有的限制,并报警处理功能,通常与数据采集系统( DAS )。
在Ovation控制器,可以提供additionalcapabilities与附加软件许可证的SIM控制器,先进的控制器,或both.another持牌控制器类型,是Ovation虚拟控制器主要用于Ovation 模拟器系统中的SIM控制器是一个标准的控制器,有能力针对使用模拟输入/输出,而非事实上的硬件输入/输出系统中的能力,使管制计划,要与界面的一个过程模型或模拟。
卡控制器的能力,也可以被用来与其他富达模式,如高逼真度的过程模型提供了一个Ovation 模拟器系统。
这些领有牌照的算法包括吹灰,神经网络,模糊逻辑,多用途储值卡,产品代言人,以及其他先进的算法,可以利用多余的可靠的执行环境,提供了Ovation控制器Ovation虚拟控制器是一个软件许可能力,其中再现了Ovation硬件控制器实时操作系统在Windows PC平台。
虚拟控制器有大部分的接口属性的一个标准, SIM卡或先进控制器除了硬件输入/输出支持。
远程I / O传播媒体
其他模块提供的接口向本地及远程Ovation 和Q线路输入/输出,再加上内部供电。
每个功能处理器在冗余一双执行相同的应用程序,虽然只有一个信道的I / O和运行,在控制方式上一段时间。
它已直接进入了I / O读,写,并同时执行数据采集及控制功能。
备份处理器保持着不断更新的数据,由投票站控制处理器的数据库存储和接收的所有信息控制处理器发出超过了Ovation 网络,其中包括:过程点值,算法调谐常数,和可变点属性。
备份处理器,然后控制该I /
I / O接口失败