化工单元操作英文教材-流体流动现象Fluid-flow phenomena
§1.4 流体流动现象
(3)选择 =3个物理量作为基本物理量 )选择r= 个物理量作为基本物理量 如选d、 及 如选 、u及 ρ (4)将其余 -r=4-3=1个物理量逐一与基本物理量组 )将其余n- = - = 个物理量逐一与基本物理量组 成无因次数群。 成无因次数群。 其余1个物理量是: µ 其余 个物理量是: 个物理量是
比例系数, 比例系数,称为 流体的粘度或动 力粘度, 力粘度,Pa·s
牛顿粘性定律 Newton’s Viscous Law
Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)
§1.4 流体流动现象
y ∆u/∆y表示速度沿法线方向上 ∆ 表示速度沿法线方向上 的变化率或速度梯度。 的变化率或速度梯度。 u ⊿y 实际流体在管内的速度分布 ⊿u u=0 x
什么叫因次? 什么叫因次?
因次:是物理量(测量)单位的种类。 因次:是物理量(测量)单位的种类。 基本因次: 量的单位。 基本因次:这些基本量组成了所有物理 量的单位。如,在 流体力学中, [L]、[M]、[T]; 流体力学中, [L]、[M]、[T]; 导出因次:由基本因次经公式推导而出,称为导出量。 导出因次:由基本因次经公式推导而出,称为导出量。
§1.4 流体流动现象
三、湍流的脉动现象和时均化 构成质点在主运动之外还有附加的脉动。 构成质点在主运动之外还有附加的脉动。 即瞬时速度围绕某一平均值而上下波动。 即瞬时速度围绕某一平均值而上下波动。 质点的脉动是湍流运动的最基本特点。 质点的脉动是湍流运动的最基本特点。
时均化速度: 时均化速度:
1 T u = ∫ udt T 0
瞬时速度: 瞬时速度:
第 一 章 流体流动fluid flow
第一章流体流动fluid flow本章要点★ 学习流体力学原理的目的在于分析与解决化工生产中大量存在的流体流动问题,并为各单元操作的学习提供理论基础。
★ 与位能基准一样,静压强也有基准。
★ U形测压管或U形压差计的依据是流体静力学原理。
真空度 = 大气压强 — 绝对压强(真空表度量)
为 kPa;另一设备的真空度为300mmHg,
为101.33 kPa)
答案:201.33 kPa ,460mmHg
p A' p 2 gm 0 gR
p A p A'
p1 g (m R ) p2 gБайду номын сангаас 0 gR
p1 p2 ( 0 ) gR
pM m m RT
M m M A yA M B yB ... M n yn
y —摩尔分数
1.1.2 流体的黏度 (Fluid Viscosity)
流体的典型特征是具有流动性 粘性( Viscosity):和流动性形成对立,在运动状态 下,流体还具有的一种抗拒内在的向前运动的特性 流体不管在静止还是在流动状态下,都具有粘性, 但只有在流体流动时才能显示出来。随流体状态的
重点 着重讨论流体流动过程的基本原理及在管 内的流动规律,并应用这些原理和规律去分 析和解决流体的输送问题。
1.1.1 流体的密度(density)
流体的密度ρ:单位体积流体所具有的质量 单位 kg/m3
m V
当ΔV→0时,Δm/ΔV 的极限值称为流体内部的 某点密度 m lim V 对一定的流体,其密度是压力和温度的函数,即 f ( p, T )
i i i i
i 1 2
第一章 流体流动
水平面的垂直距离分别为 Z1 和 Z2,以 p1 与 p2 分别表示高度为 Z1 及 Z2 处的压 力。
下底面所受之向上总压力为 p2A; 上底面所受之向下总压力为 p1A; 整个液柱之 G=ρgA(Z1-Z2)。 在静止液体中,上述三力之合力应为零,即
p2A-p1A-ρgA(Z1-Z2)=0 此式中向上的力用正号,向下的力用负号。化简并消去 A,得
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ比容
单位质量流体的体积,称为流体的比容,用符号 v 表示,单位为 m3/kg,则
v=V = 1 mρ
内蒙古农业大学食品科学与工程系《化工原理》课程讲稿 第一章-§1
亦即流体的比容是密度的倒数。 例 1-1 已知硫酸与水的密度分别为 1830kg/m3 与 998kg/m3,试求含硫酸为
内蒙古农业大学食品科学与工程系《化工原理》课程讲稿 第一章-§1
的能量。该式可理解为对 1m3 流体而言,静压能和位能之和是一定的。 (5) 式(1—14)中各项的单位为 m,亦可写成 J/N,每项可视为 1N 重量流
体的能量。也可以视为将各能量得大小化为液柱高度。在工程上将 p 称为静压 ρg
头,z 称为位压头。该式表明,两种压头在静止流体中处处相等。 (6)上述各式是根据 由上式可知: 当液面上方的压力一定时,在静止液体内任一点压力的大小,与液体本身
(2)式(1—11)表明,处于重力场中的流体的静压 p 的大小与流体本身的密度
一液体中,处在同一水平位置上 的各点的压力都相等。
单元操作Unit operation单元操作是化学工业和其他过程工业中进行的物料粉碎、输送、加热、冷却、混合和分离等一系列使物料发生预期的物理变化的基本操作的总称。
Unit operation is a general term for a series of material handling, transportation, heating, cooling, mixing and separation of materials in the chemical industry and other process industries. The study of these operations is an important branch of chemical engineering. Various unit operations according to different physical and chemical principles, the application of the corresponding equipment, to achieve the purpose of their respective processes. Such as distillation according to the difference of the volatile capacity of the liquid mixture, can achieve the purpose of separation of components in liquid mixture or a group of purification. Based on the theory of physical chemistry, transfer process and chemicalthermodynamics, the research on the operation of the unit has focused on the process and equipment of realizing the operation of each unit, so the unit operation is also called the chemical process and equipment. Application of unit operation in chemical industry, metallurgy, energy, food, light industry, nuclear energy and environmental protection departments, the production of these departments and the modernization of large-scale play an important role.单元操作沿革Unit operation evolution单元操作在化学工业的发展过程中,人们最初以具体产品为对象,分别进行各种产品的生产过程和设备的研究。
FLUID FLOW化工原理英文 单元操作 流体
Total Friction in the Bernoulli equation
Metering of fluid use bernoulli eqution :
Ptiot tube :
p1 p1
Orifice meter:
Rotameter meter:
2 m 1
2 m 2
Dividing the equation by qm,gives
u p1 u p2 gz1 H e gz2 hf 2 2
2 1
2 2
Skin friction and form friction
• Friction generated in unseparated boundary layers is called skin friction • When boundary layers separate and form wakes, additional energy dissipation appears within the wake, and friction of this type is called form friction.
Friction of Straight Pipe: We get:
Because of the balance the direction of X :
then :
be the factor of friction:
天大化工原理-英文版课件-Chapter 3-11流体流动现象
Quicksand 流 沙 and some sand-filled emulsions乳状液
3. Time-dependent flow
• Thixotropic(触变性) liquids break down under continued shear and on mixing give lower shear stress for a given shear rate; that is, their apparent viscosity decreases with time.
2. Laminar flow层流
• At low velocities fluids tend to flow without lateral mixing, and adjacent layers slide past one another as playing cards do. There are neither cross-currents nor eddies. This regime is called laminar flow. (p45)
• • • • 1. Ideal fluid and actual fluid(viscous fluid ) 2. Potential flow 势流 3. Viscous flow 粘性流 4. Velocity field 速度场
1. Ideal fluid and actual fluid(viscous fluid )
2. Potential flow(or irrotational flow) 势流(或无漩流)
• (1) Neither circulations nor eddies can form within the stream, so that potential flow is also called irrotational flow; • (2) friction cannot develop, so that there is no dissipation of mechanical energy into heat. •理想流体的无漩流动
化工原理英文教材流动伯努利方程Measurement of flowing fluids
The continuity relation can be written, since the
density is constant, as
da db
ub 2ub
ua is estimated from Eq(8-31) and Eq(8-32)
1 4
2 pa pb
Venturi coefficient
Eq(8-33) applies strictly to the frictionless flow of non-compressible fluids. To account for the small friction loss between locations a and b, Eq(8-33) is corrected by introducing an empirical factor Cv and writing
The annular chamber and the small holes have the function of averaging individual pressure, it is called piezometer ring.
The average pressure is transmitted through the upstream pressure connection.
1 4
2 pa (pb8-34)
When db is less than da/4, the approach velocity and the term β can be neglected, since the error is less than 0.2 percent.
第三节流体的流动现象Fluid-flow Phenomena化工生产中的许多过程都与流体的流动现象密切相关,流动现象是个极为复杂的问题,涉及面广,本节只作简要的介绍。
3-1 牛顿粘性定律与流体的粘度一、牛顿粘性定律流体具有两个特性:(1)流动性:即没有固定形状,在外力作用下其内部产生相对运动。
实验证明,对于一定的液体,内摩擦力F与两流体层的速度差Δu成正比,与两层之间的垂直距离Δy 成反比;与两层间的接触面积S 成正比,,即:S yu F ∆∆∝ 若把上式写成等式,就需引进—个比例系数μ即:S yu F ∆∆=μ 式中的内摩擦力F 与作用面S 平行。
化工原理第一章 流体流动-学习要点
1.3 流体动力学 ( Fluid dynamics )
1.3.3 伯努利方程 ( Bernoulli equation ) 机械能的形式
位能: 流体在重力场中, 位能: 流体在重力场中,相对于基准水平面所具有的能量 动能: 动能: 流体由于流动所具有的能量 静压能:流体由于克服静压强流动所具有的能量 静压能: 能量损失: 能量损失:流体克服流动阻力损失的机械能 外加功:流体输送机械向流体传递的能量 外加功:
ε r :=
2ε 18.7 ) = 1.74 − 2 ⋅ lg( + d Re λ λ
Re :=
0.005 × 10
ε r = 2.857 × 10
1.1 流体性质 ( Properties of fluid )
1.1.2 压强 ( pressure )
表 压=绝对压力-大气压力 绝对压力真空度= 真空度=-表压强 真空度=大气压力真空度=大气压力-绝对压力 压强表:读数为表压强, 压强表:读数为表压强,用于被测体系绝对压强高于环境 大气压 真空表:读数为真空度, 真空表:读数为真空度,用于被测体系绝对压强低于环境 大气压 说明:(1)表压于当地大气压强有关 说明:(1)表压于当地大气压强有关 (2)绝压、表压、真空度, (2)绝压、表压、真空度,一定要标注 绝压 (3)压力相除运算时, (3)压力相除运算时,一定要用绝压 压力相除运算时 压力加减运算时,都可以,但要统一并注明 压力加减运算时,都可以,
1.4 流体流动现象 ( Fluid-flow phenomena )
1.4.1 流动类型 (The types of fluid flow)
Re = duρ
Reynolds number is a dimensionless group .
流体流动 Fluid Flow
a b
p1 p2 R 01 02 g
( 1-8)
对一定的压差 p,R 值的大小与所用的指示剂密 度有关,密度差越小,R 值就越大,读数精度也越高。
绝对压强,表压强, 真空度之间的关系见图1-2。
熟悉压力的各种计量单位与基准及换算关系,对于以后的学习和 实际工程计算是十分重要的。 流体压强的特性
流体压强具有以下两个重要特性: ①流体压力处处与它的作用面垂直,并且总是指 向流体的作用面; ②流体中任一点压力的大小与所选定的作用面在 空间的方位无关。
①垂直于表面的力p,称为压力(法向力)。 单位面积上所受的压力称为压强p。 ② 平行于表面的力F,称为剪力(切力)。 单位面积上所受的剪力称为应力τ。
1.2.流体静力学基本方程( Basic equations of fluid
statics )
* 本节主要内容 流体的密度和压强的概念、单位及换算等; 在重力场中的静止流体内部压强的变化规律及其 工程应用。 * 本节的重点 重点掌握流体静力学基本方程式的适用条件 及工程应用实例。 * 本节的难点 本节点无难点。
图1-3流体静力学 基本方程推导方程式推导
(1)向上作用于薄层下底的总压力,PA (2)向下作用于薄层上底的总压力,(P+dp)A (3)向下作用的重力, 由于流体处于静止,其 gAdz 垂直方向所受到的各力代数 和应等于零,简化可得:
Laminar flow and Turbulence
It has long been known that a fluid can flow through a pipe or conduit in two different ways.
Reynolds found that,at low rates,the jet of colored water flowed intact along with mainstream and no cross mixing occurred.
在低流速下,流体中的压力降直接随着流速的增加而增加,流体趋向于没有横向 混合和就像玩牌那样的相邻层间的滑动,
There are neither cross—currents nor eddies,this regime is called laminar flow.
1904年,Prandtl首次提出流体力学的一个基本准则,即 除了流体流动速度很慢或者拥有高黏度以外,固体边界层对流体流动的影响 仅局限于临近于固体边界的流体层。
This layer is called the boundary layer,and shear forces are confined to this part of the fluid.Outside the boundary layer,potential flow survives.
密度—D e n s it y重度—He a v in e s s p e r u n it v o lu m e比重(相对密度)—S p e c if ic G r a v it y比容—S p e c if ic Vo lu m e压强—P r e s s ur e绝对压强—Ab s o lu t e P r e s s ur e表压—G a u g e P r e s s ur e真空度—Va c u u m大气压强—a t m o s p h e r ic p r es s ur e当地大气压—lo c a l a t m o s p h e r ic P r e s s ur e流量—F lo w Ra t e体积流量—Vo lu m e t r ic F lo w Ra t e质量流量—Ma s s F lo w Ra t e流速Ve lo c it y牛顿粘性定律—N e w t o n’s Vis c o s it y La w流速分布—Ve lo c it y D is t r ib u t io n垂直距离—v e r t ic a l d is t a n c e速度差—v e lo c it y d if f e r e n c e内摩擦力—in t e r n a l f r ic t io n f o r c e 接触面积—t o u c h a r e a剪应力—s h e a r st r e ss、s h e a r f o rc e 速度梯度—v e lo c it y g r a d i e n t粘度—v is c o s it y动力粘度—d y n a m ic v is c o s it y运动黏度—k in e m a t ic a l v is c o s it y比例系数—p r o p o r t io n a l c o e f f ic ie n t动量通量—m o m e n t u m f lu x牛顿型流体—N e w t o n ia n F lu id非牛顿型流体—N o n-N e w t o n ia n F lu id塑性流体—P la s t ic F lu id假塑性流体—P s e u d o p la s t ic F lu id涨塑性流体—D i la t a n t F lu id粘性力—v is c o s e f o rc e流体阻力—f lo w in g r e s is t a n c e流体流动类型—Ty p e s of F lu id F lo w in g层流(滞流)—la m in a r f lo w过渡流—t r a n s it io n a l f lo w湍流—t u r b u le n t f lo w 流动边界层—Bo u n d a r y la y e r o f lo w主流区—Bu lk f lo w滞流边界层—La m in a r f lo w in b o u n d a r y la y e r湍流边界层—T u r b u le n t f lo w in b o u n d a r y la y e r滞流内层—La m in a r s u b la y e r边界层厚度—T h ic k n e s s o f b o u n d a r y la y e r边界层的发展—D e v e lo p m e n t o f b o u n d a r y-la y e r边界层的分离—S e p a r a t io n o f b o u n d a r y-la y e r雷诺准数—Re y n o ld s n u m b e r无因次准数—d im e n s io n le s s n u m b e r平均速度—m e a n v e lo c it y最大流速—m a x im u m v e lo c it y半径—r a d iu s直径—d ia m e t e r稳定流动—s t e a d y f lo w in g质量衡算—Ma s s Ba la n c e连续性方程—Co n t in u it y Eq u a t io n 不可压缩流体—u nc o m p r es s ib le f lu id能量衡算—En e r g y Ba la n c e柏努利方程—Be r n o u l l i Eq u a t io n截面—c r os s-s ec t io n机械能—m e c h a n ic a l e n e r g y位能—p o t e n t ia l e n e r g y静压能—s t a t ic p r es s u r e e n e r g y动能—K in e t ic En e r g y能量损失—e n e r g y lo s s热能—He a t En e r g y有效功—e f f ic ie n t w o r k基准面—r e f e r e nc e p la n e、d a t u m p la n e理想流体—id e a l f lu id流体静力学方程—s t a t ic s e q u a t io n o f f lu id流体动力学方程d y n a m ic e q u a t io n o f f lu id柏努利方程—Be r n o u l l i Eq u a t io nU型管压差计—U-b e n d m a n o m e t e r s倾斜液柱压差计—I n c l in e d Ma n o m e t e r微差压差计—D if f e r e n t ia l Ma n o m e t e r连接管—c o n n e c t io n t u b e真空规—v a c u u m g a u g e高位槽—u p p e r t r o u g h管子出口内侧—in t e r n a l s id e o f t h e t u b e o u t le t流体流动阻力—F lo w in g D r a g F o r c e圆形直管—S t r a ig h t P ip e l in e直管阻力—r e s is t a n c e f o r s t r a ig h t p ip e管内壁—in n e r w a ll o f t u b e位压头—p o t e n t ia l h e a d动压头—k in e t ic h e a d静压头—s t a t ic h e a d压头损失—h e a d lo s s有效压头—e f f ic ie n t h e a d乌氏粘度计—Wu’s v is c o m e t e r毛细管c a p il la r y因次分析法—D im e n s io n a l An a ly s is摩擦系数—f r ic t io n c o e ff ic ie n t管径—p ip e d ia m e t e r流速—v e lo c it y密度—d e n s it y黏度—v is c o s it y管壁粗糙度—r o u g h n e s s o f w a ll o f p ip e幂指数形式—t h e f o r m of p ow e r f u n c t io n相对粗糙程度r e la t iv e r o u g h n e s s光滑管—S m o o t h P ip e粗糙管—Ro u g h P ip e局部阻力—Lo c a l r e s is t a n c e非圆形截面的当量直径—e q u iv a le n t d ia m e t e r o f a n o n-c ir c u la r c r os s-s ec t io n当量长度法—e q u iv a le n t le n g t h m e t h o d 阻力系数法—r e s is t a n c e c o e f f ic ie n t m e t h o d入口管的局部阻力系数—lo c a l r e s is t a n c e c o ef f ic ie n t f o r in le t o f p ip e出口管的局部阻力系数—lo c a l r e s is t a n c e c o e f f ic ie n t f or o u t le t o f p ip e管路计算—Ca lc u la t io n o f P ip e l in e 简单管路—S im p le P ip e l in e试差法求解e r r o r a n d t r a il m e t h o d 初值—in it ia l iz a t io n v a lu e低粘度液体—lo w v is c o s it y liq u id 高粘度液体—h ig h v is c o s it y l iq u id 饱和蒸气—S a t u r a t e d S t e a m并联管道—P a r a l le l p ip e l in e总管—m a in p ip e支管—b r a n c h p ip e汇合点—c o n f lu e n t p o in t分支管路—Br a n c h p ip e l in e分支点—d if f lu e n t p o in t流量测量—Me a s u r e m e n t o f F lo w Ra t e孔板流量计—h o le-p l a t e f lo w-m e t e r孔流系数—o r if ic e c o e f f ic ie n t转子流量计—Ro t a-m e t e r倒锥形玻璃管—in v e r t e d c o n e-s h a p e d g la s s转子—m e t e r in g f lo a t环隙面积—a n n u la r a r e a转子流量系数—f lo w c o e f f ic ie n t牛顿粘度定律:对于一定流体,内摩擦力F’与接触面积A成正比,与速度差d u成反比。
化工原理英文教材流体流动的基本方程Basic equations of fluid flow
F Mb Ma
The momentum flow rate M of a fluid tream having a mass flow rate m and all moving at a velocity u equals mu
F mub ua
It is true if the velocity u is an average velocity at the cross section.
Ma a
Mb b
Assuming that the flow is steady and flows in the x direction.
The sum of forces acting in the x direction equals the difference between the momentum leaving with the fluid per unit time and that brought in per unit time by the fluid or
If u varies from point to point in the cross section of stream, however, the total momentum flow does not equal the product of mass flow rate and average velocity
the component of the gravity in the direction of flow
Fg cos A 0
From this equation, noting that A=bL and Fg=ρrLbg
专业英语unit 13 化学工程中的单元操作
Unit13Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering 第十三单元化学工程中的单元操作化学工程由不同顺序的步骤组成,这些步骤的原理与被操作的物料以及该特殊体系的其他特征无关。
这一原理,在美国化学工业发展期间先驱者来说是明显的,首先由 A.D.Lttle于1915年明确提出:任何化学过程,不管所进行的规模如何,均可分解为(be resolved into)一系列的相同的单元操作,如:粉碎、混合、加热、烘烤、吸收、压缩、沉淀、结晶、过滤、溶解、电解等等。
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Bingham plastic
The rheological behavior of liquids called non-Newtonian.
Figure 3 Shear stress versus velocity gradient for non-Newtonian fluids.
turbulent flow: The fluid moves erratically in form of crosscurrents and eddies.
Gas :
kinematic viscosities increase more rapidly with temperature than does the absolute viscosity.
It has long been known that a fluid can flow through a pipe or conduit in two different ways:
One-dimensional flow
Velocity is a vector, but only one velocity component is required. This simple situation is called Onedimensional flow.
Example: steady flow through straight pipe.
The assumptions of steady one-dimensional flow is the basis of following discussion. All we will talk about in this course belong to one dimensional steady flow
Gases and most liquids are Newtonian fluids
non-Newtonian fluids
plots of shear stress vs.
rate of shear are not
a straight line passing through the origin.
viscosities increase with temperature, but almost independent of pressure . (If at very high pressure the viscosities of gases increase with pressure. )
The relationships between the shear stress and shear rate in real fluids.
Bingham plastic
Dilatanthe curves are plots of shear stress vs. rate of shear
Viscosities of gases and liquids
The viscosity of Newtonian fluid depends primarily on the temperature and molecular structure and minor on pressure, except at very high pressures.
pseudo-plastic fluid and dilatant
The curve for pseudo-
plastic fluid passes
through the origin, is concave downward at low shear.
Pseudo-plastic Dilatant
Velocity gradient and rate of shear
Consider the steady one-dimensional laminar flow along a solid plane surface. Figure 3.1a shows the velocity profile for such a stream.
The curve for dilatant fluid passes through the origin, is concave upward at low shear.
Figure 4 Shear stress versus velocity gradient for non-Newtonian fluids.
化工原理 Principles of Chemical Industry
Fluid-flow phenomena
Ideal fluid
which has zero viscosity. Without friction or resistance when fluid flows through the channel.
Laminar flow & turbulent flow
laminar flow: The fluid flows in parallel straight lines, without lateral mixing,
and there are neither cross-currents and eddies.
Figure 2 Shear stress versus velocity gradient
For Newtonian
Newtonian fluid
the shear stress is proportional to the rate
(the proportionality constant μ is called the viscosity)
1)At low flow rates the pressure drop in the fluid increases directly with the fluid velocity.
2)At high rates it increases much more rapidly, roughly as the square of the velocity.
(2) friction cannot develop, so that there is no dissipation of mechanical energy into heat.
Potential flow can exist at distances not far from a solid boundary.
Fig.3.1 b
The shear stress
In one-dimensional flow the shear force acts parallel to the plane of the shear.
The force per unit area of the shear plane is called the shear stress and denoted by τ
Kinematic viscosity(μ /ρ )
The ratio of the absolute viscosity to the density of a fluid, μ /ρ, is called kinematic viscosity.
kinematic viscosities vary with temperature over a narrower range than absolute viscosities.
Newtonian fluids
The simplest behavior is
a straight line passing through the origin.
Fluids following this
simple linearity are
called Newtonian fluids. o
Boundary layer
The effect of the solid boundary on the flow is confined to a layer of the fluid immediately adjacent to the solid wall, except for fluids moving at low velocities or pressing high viscosities.
Shear rate and shear forces are confined to this part of the fluid. Outside the boundary layer, potential flow survives.
The velocity field
If the wall is at rest in the reference frame, the velocity of the fluid at the interface is zero, but there’re variations in velocity from point to point in the flowing stream at distances away from the solid .
the viscosities of liquids increase with molecular weight and decrease significantly when the temperature rises, but just have significant effects at pressure more than 40 atm.