2017年12月份商务沟通 ( 第2次 )

(6)怎样传递信息(语言和风格)?(3)有礼貌(Courteous);(6)完整(Complete) o 第一模块 交流过程 综合练习题答案提示%1. 名词解释:1. 商务交流一一指在商务环境中,交流的双方彼此把白己拥冇的信息提供给对方,使两方能连通的过程。
2. NVC ------- 是英文Non-verbal Communication 的缩写,译为非语言交流。
3. 附加交流——是指语言Z 外的交流,包括在使用语言进行交流时伴随的行为举止和语气等其他形式的交流。
4・言外之意——是通过声音的变化得到的某种印象,即用语调强调的话外Z 意。
6. 面 谈 ——指任何有计计划的和受控制的、在两个人(或更多人)之间进行的、参与者屮至少冇一个是有冃的的,并口在进行过程中双方互有听和说的谈话。
7. 人体动作学一一是研究在没有声音语言时或者除语言之外身体动作所表达的信息。
二、 简答题:1、 交流过程模式包括哪些主要元素?试画出一个完整的交流过程。
提示:交流过程模式应包括下列几个主要元素:(1) 发出者:向对方提供信息的人 (2)编码:把意见、想法转换成符号形式的过程 (3)渠道或媒介:信息从 沟通者到接收者的流通所需耍的载(4)译码:接收者对所收到的信息赋予意义的活动 (5)接收者:从对方接 收信息的人 (6)反馈:接收者对沟通者的反向沟通 (7):干扰。
2、 简要说明什么是交流的目标?如何实现交流的目标?有效交流对企业管理的重要意义。
提示:A :当我们从出某种具体交流活动时,无论写作还是讲话,町能试图达到劝导、传递、解释、说服和教育 等不同目的。
概括地讲,交流一般有四个主耍口标:(1)被对方接收(2)被对方理解(3)被对方 接受(4)引起对方反应。

2017年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试商务交流(二) 试卷(课程代码00892)本试卷共4页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。
1.保证良好倾听最简单的方法是A.倾听主要观点 B.记笔记 C.集中注意力 D.保持开放的心态2.最好由群体执行的工作是A.需要创造性的工作 B.需要智力技能的工作C.记忆和回忆信息并不重要的工作 D.判断的对象意义明确的工作3.面谈这种交流方式比较适用于A.个人之间交流,访问客户 B.小组讨论,介绍情况C.长距离交流 D.需要即时讨论或解决问题4.下列属于不可控变量的是A.成员满意度 B.群体生产率 C.群体规模 D.群体对任务的激励5.在处理顾客的投诉电话时应做到的是A.在顾客生气时尽量解释原因B.将责任转到供应商身上以寻求同情C.如果还有进一步的问题,总要先给顾客打电话,不要冒再次惹恼顾客的风险D.未征求上级主管意见之前,先同意顾客提出的某种解决问题的办法6.随着群体规模的扩大,可能产生的后果是A.采取一致同意的决议减少 B.对小问题敏感性提高C.完成任务花费的时间增加 D.成员表达思想变化较少7.假如你要向你的主管传递一条信息,从理解到接受阶段,可能发生的障碍是A.本人信心不足 B.接收者带有偏见C.知识背景差异 D.噪音干扰8.关于领导风格,表述正确的是A.民主风格的群体生产率通常不高B.无论哪一种领导风格都是为了实现群体目标C.民主风格有明显的优点,适用于任何时候D.自由放任的风格几乎完全不关心目标的实现9.在群体交流中,进行特殊辩护的成员所扮演的角色是A.任务角色 B.群体建设和维持角色C.任务和维持双重角色 D.无功能行为的类型10.人们在使用语言交流的同时,不可避免地伴随其他形式的交流,这些语言之外的交流统称为A.身体语言 B.附加交流C.言外之意 D.行为举止11.下列属于秘书或记录员在会议期间的职责的是A.发送会议通知或议程B.记录进程C.从以前的记录或新的信息源收集资料D.起草备忘录12.通常管理者与员工讲话时应保持的距离是A.社会距离的近状态 B.社会距离的远状态C.公共距离的远状态 D.公共距离的近状态13.在召开电话会议时,参与者不妥当的做法是A.不要和别人同时讲话B.发言前稍等片刻,以确认别人真正讲完了C.当提出问题时,明确提问对象D.若没有现成的答案,不要总是应答别人的提问14.面谈时,为引出更多细节的提问类型是A.提示性提问 B.另有用意的提问C.引导性提问 D.深入调查的提问15,清楚、灵活,有时可能会挡住视线的视觉辅助手段是A.粘贴物品 B.模型和试验C.投影仪 D.幻灯机16,两个人谈话时,交流往往以3种形式进行,据统计各部分所占比例为A.语言交流占l0%,语气和声调占67%,其他非语言交流占23%B.语言交流占l0%,语气和声调占23%,其他非语言交流占67%C.语言交流占23%,语气和声调占l0%,其他非语言交流占67%D.语言交流占67%,语气和声调占l0%,其他非语言交流占23%17.下列属于肯定式写作风格的信函类型是A.订单确认 B.请求信C.推销信 D.申请工作信18.为保证群体交流的有效性,合适的群体规模是A.4人及以下 B.5一l0人C.11—15人 D.16.20人19.下列对于条形图描述正确的是A.用来表示和传递不同种类事物连续信息的B.条形的宽度可以不统一C.可以像直方图那样融为一体D.为了强调信息的分立性,条形间都要分隔开20.公务信件适用于A.与外单位传递信息 B.低成本的内部交流C.针对特定读者陈述事实 D.提供明确步骤的实时指导第二部分非选择题(共80分)二、简答题(本大题共5小题,共30分)21.简要说明计划一次交流时需要考虑的六个基本问题。

2. 说话人怎样使演讲更具说服力,想办法得到听众的赞同,把你的热忱传递给听众,以友善的态度对待听众能在听话人方面产生更具感染力的效果。
4. 性格是指人对现实的稳定度以及与之相适应的习惯化了的行为方式。
5. 书、互联网、视听是数据主要来源的三个渠道。
6. 非正式会议有两个主要特点:及时召开、形式是随意的。
二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 当好一名与会者,首先是指你应该认真记录会议主持人的话,并按其要求去做。
(X )2. 召开会议的目的是为了集中与会者的智慧和想法。
(√)3. 解决问题的会议重点是放在应该采取何种行动上。
(X )4.当你确定讲话的目的后,下一步该做的是作听众分析。
(√)5. 手势有两大作用:一是能表示某种形象,二是表达某种意念和感情。
(X )7.当你还未来得及考虑你该说些什么而就被点名时,你应迅速把自己放在说话人的位置上。
(X )8. 讲话的目的通常是由你所处的地位及企业的要求而定。
(√)9. 沉默的本质特征是在对方期待做出回答或回应的时候默不作声。
(X )三、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个不是电话沟通的缺点( C )A.缺乏有效的反馈方式B.错误的第一印象C.节约时间D. 浪费时间2.(A )是征服听众的根本性条件。
2017年12月份商务沟通 ( 第3次 )

第3次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 20 小题,每小题 2 分)1. 下面选项中是符号的是()。
A. 路标 B. 汽车长鸣 C. 乌云 D. “+”2. 我国发射第一颗同步通讯卫星是在()。
A. 1957年 B. 1962年 C. 1965年 D. 1984年3. 根据马斯洛需求层次理论,最高层的需要是()。
A. 社交 B. 安全 C. 生理 D. 自我实现4. 我们语言文字中的同义词和多义词的存在,是由于语言文字作为符号具有()。
A. 表意性 B. 任意性 C. 传承性 D. 组合性5. 下列不属于自我表露原则的是()。
A. 真实原则 B. 程度原则 C. 对等原则 D. 性质原则6. 以下哪项不是语言符号学显示的作用()。
A. 对信息的指代和显示作用B. 对信息的表意和认识作用C. 沟通和自律作用D. 社会网络中的联系媒介7. 下列不属于谈判误区的特点的是()。
A. 唯我独尊 B. 对方优先 C. 开门见山 D. 急于求成8. 以下不属于人的基本情感的是()。
A. 成就感 B. 美感 C. 道德感 D. 理智感9. 心理学家马斯洛认为人的需求层次共分为几个阶段()。
A. 五 B. 六 C.七 D. 八10. 网络媒介为人类传播活动提供了()的网络传播。
A. “对话式” B. “交互式” C. “独白式” D. “车轮式”11. 最早对符号进行分类的的学者是()。
A. 皮尔士B. 索绪尔C. J•迪D. 施拉姆12. 符号和信号传播沟通时代,人类将彼此理解的()作为信息的信号或符号进行传播。
A. 声音和身体语言B. 声音和图形C. 图形和身体语言D. 图形13. 在对“沟通”这一概念的解释中,共享派强调信息传递的()。
A. 有效性B. 真实性C. 双向性D. 反馈性14. 下列那个角度不适用于对作品形式的鉴赏中()。
A. 情致 B. 体裁 C. 结构 D. 表现手法15. 红色在哪个国家是禁忌?()。
2017商务管理综合应用 第二讲

How? When?
第六页,编辑于星期二:十一点 二十一分。
•先获得接受者的注意 •接受者的观念/需要/情绪
第七页,编辑于星期二:十一点 二十一分。
1、单向沟通 信息向一个方向流动,而且不要求接收者的回应。
下达命令,最好一次一个为原则。 下达指令,要循正常管道(组织程序)。 态度和蔼,语气自然亲切。
谈话要「清楚、简单、明确」。 不要认为部属很了解你的话,如有可能,请他覆诵一遍。 如有必要,可以「亲自示范」给他看。 细节部分,如有必要,最好「详加说明」。
第十六页,编辑于星期二:十一点 二十一分。
了解 上级要充分了解下级的需求、情感、价值观,以及个人的问题。 主动 要主动放下架子去和下级分享信息和主动接近下级。 参与 决策前多征询下级的意见,让他们有机会表达看法、想法。 激励 传达命令和意见,不要忘了激励因素。
第十五页,编辑于星期二:十一点 二十一分。
当你向下沟通时,通常是指你用口头向你的属下下达命令 指正或指导他们怎样做事。
第四十四页,编辑于星期二:十一点 二十一分。
会议议程: 属于正式会议,同一位主席主持会议,一位秘书负 责会议记录。 要素:公司名称、与会人员、会议时间、会议地点
第四十五页,编辑于星期二:十一点 二十一分。
会议时间:X年X月X日在XX举行 会议议程: 缺席致歉 对上次会议记录的确认 由上次会议记录提出的问是正式沟通 系统中的主要构成部分,其目的是给出明确的指令,提供 程序和实践信息。

20XX年12月考试商务沟通第一次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共80分,共 40 小题,每小题 2 分)1. 符号学语言学大师索绪尔是最早对符号进行分类的学者,他讲符号系统分为语言符号和非语言符号()。
A. 正确B. 错误2. 关于制定面谈计划,美国著名学者哈罗德·拉斯维尔的“五W”模式中“Whom”是指()A. 谁B. 通过什么渠道C. 对谁D. 产生什么效果3. 人格表现是“教诲”与“权威”,是使自己在人际沟通中处于一种绝对的统治的态度和行为。
这是哪种人格状态的表现()A. “父母”自我人格状态B. “儿童”自我人格状态C. “成人”自我人格状态4. 倾听障碍不包括()A. 心理定势障碍B. 反馈不当C. 身体不好D. 环境障碍5. “你认为这几个人中,哪个最为严重?”这属于()A. 深入性提问B. 假设性提问C. 直接性提问D. .引导性提问6. 目前,报刊图书网络的基本形式主要有电子版、网络版和独立网站三种形式()。
A. 正确B. 错误7. 人际关系类型主要:包容—排斥、控制—追随、喜爱—憎恨这三种()A. 正确B. 错误8. 信息论、控制论和系统论被称为“三论”,或称为“系统科学”或“信息科学” ()A. 正确B. 错误9. 心理定势障碍指现有的心理状态和拥有的知识对以后的心理和行为将要产生的影响,心理定势直接影响人际信息传播()A. 正确B. 错误10. 主张不分亲疏厚薄地“兼爱”,提倡“饥者得食,寒者得衣,劳者得息”的是()A. 法家学派B. 墨家学派C. 道家学派D. 儒家学派11. 心理式沟通属于情感型沟通()A. 正确B. 错误12. 符号与象征没有差别,符号就是象征。
()A. 正确B. 错误13. 林和范·德·维恩于1994年提出了组织信息沟通模式认为组织之间的关系发展要经历协调发展、承诺阶段和执行阶段这三个阶段的信息沟通。
()A. 正确B. 错误14. 为了表示自己的亲切,对初次见面的朋友也要无话不谈,双方不存在隐私()。



public relation
advertising customer satisfaction
Business Communication
Internal Communication
External Communication
Implement the changes and closely monitor performance.
Tell them why you want to make the changes, explain the Discuss the proposed changes with them and ask for their Leave the group to work out for itself what it needs to do to meet its targets.
unpredictability cross-level involvement thrived by active “messengers” highly selective speediness
moderately good before you were appointed, but it has dropped now, so you want to introduce some changes in work procedures and assignments. Your staff have been uncooperative, muttering about how things were better under their old boss. What would you do?
商务沟通 ( 第2次 )

第2次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共30分,共 10 小题,每小题 3 分)1. 心理学家马斯洛认为人的需求层次共分为几个阶段()。
A. 五 B. 六 C.七 D. 八2. 网络媒介为人类传播活动提供了()的网络传播。
A. “对话式” B.“交互式” C. “独白式” D. “车轮式”3. 以下不属于经济管理类文体的材料与文学体裁需要的材料有不同特点的()。
A. 经济性 B. 规定性 C. 计划性 D. 可操作性4. 只客观说明需要说明的企业事实、产品事实,如记录事件发生、发展的过程和结果等,这属于()。
A. 事实报道 B. 专题报道 C. 分析报道 D. 现场报道5. 信西方社交礼仪中,在户外与熟识的人相遇时,一般用()。
A. 拥抱礼B. 亲吻礼C. 脱帽礼D. 碰杯礼6. “你不认为那是自由散漫,不遵守工作时间吗?”这属于()。
A. 无限制性提问 B. 重复性提问 C. 引导性提问 D. 提示性提问7. 自我沟通的目的在于说服自己,而人际沟通的目的在于与他人达成共识,这属于际沟通与自我沟通的()。
A. 主客体差异 B. 目的差异 C. 过程差异 D.媒介差异8. 信息传播效果分析中的“枪弹论”产生于20世纪()。
A. 10-20年代 B.20-30年代 C. 30-40年代 D. 40-50年代9. 下列哪个选项不属于自我沟通中的主要障碍()。
A. 缺乏自我认知 B.人生没有目标 C. 缺少沟通的知识 D. 疏于理性思考10. 美国传播学家威尔伯•施拉姆在其论文()中,提出了施拉姆互动模式。
A. 《传播如何得以有效进行》B. 《控制论——动物与机器中的通信和控制问题》 C. 《传播在社会中的结构与功能》 D. 《传播的效果控制》二、多项选择题(本大题共40分,共 10 小题,每小题 4 分)1. 下列说法正确的是()。
A. 汉字是表意文字符号体系,同表音文字符号体系有本质的区别 B. 汉字一般是表示单音节的语素,但不是音节文字 C. 汉字不是直接表示音位或音节的字母,而是用不同笔画构成的大量表音符号来记录汉语的多音节语素 D. 汉语一个音节可以用许多汉字符号来记录2. 下列属于网络媒介为人类传播活动提供的电子“交互式”的网络传播的()。


正确答案: B,D
解题方案: 参见学习内容“印刷传媒的特点和作用”。
5. 商务沟通的类型包括( )。 (本题分数:3 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、自我沟通 B、人际沟通 C、组织内外沟通 D、大众沟通
题目信息 难度: 正确答案:
依照工商管理中信息沟通特点和商务信息传播者与受传者的关系和 信息受传者的属类,以及商务信息传播的方式、过程、渠道、媒介 的选择等诸多因素,可以将商务沟通分为四种类型:自我沟通、人 际沟通、组织内外沟通、大众沟通。
正确答案: B
墨家学派提倡:“兼爱”“非攻”的哲学思想和义利合一的价值 解题方案:
16. 时空结构的内容不包括( )。 (本题分数:2 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、纵式结构 B、横式结构 C、纵横式结构 D、网状结构
正确答案: D
解题方案: 参见学习内容“写作表达力”。
正确答案: A,B,C,D,E
解题方案: 参见学习内容“影视商务节目”。
8. 人的基本情感大致可分为( )。 (本题分数:3 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、成就感 B、美感 C、道德感 D、理智感
正确答案: B,C,D
情感的种类十分复杂,是人所特有的由人的生物性和社会性的需要 而引起的。人的基本情感大致可分为三种:美感、道德感、理智 感。
解题方案: 参见学习内容“跨文化沟通的障碍与策略”。
2. 下列属于组织外部信息沟通的是( )。 (本题分数:3 分,本题得分:0 分。) A、与下游企业的沟通 B、与顾客的沟通 C、与股东的沟通 D、与社区的沟通 E、与媒体的沟通
全套电子课件:商务沟通 第二套

项目可行性研究报告中,项目重点要素的分析评估是研 究的核心和关键。分析评估具有风险评估的特质。针对存 在的劣势或风险,要提出合理可行的应对策略、方案及措 施。
对要素的优势分析中二,、要商采务纳会、议引用政府有关管理部门、 本行业研究机构或专家提供的结论性理论观点、数据作为 论证依据和支撑,对观点、数据要进行多方面的核实、验 证。
(一)标题 标题由项目名称和文种组成。 (二)正文 可行性研究报告的正文一般有项目概述、项目方案可行性分 析、结论和建议、附件二、、落商款务几会部议分组成。
(二)正文 1.项目概要 2.项目方案的可行性分析 项目方案的可行性分析一般包括: 1)市场分析 二、商务会议 2)政策环境分析 3)技术和装备分析 4)SWOT(项目优势和劣势)分析 5)项目投资及收益分析
商务沟通就是指商务组织或个人在商务交往活动中,一方借助媒介 (载体)将商务信息传递给另一方,使对方认知、理解并加以有效利用, 实现其经营目标的过程。
第一节 沟通与商务沟通 二、沟通的过程
实现商务组 织经营战略 和管理目标 的工具
内外部危机的 渠道
织社会形象 的途径
1.召开“中国移动4G业务进校园”活动项目组会议,进行项目组成员责任分 工,布置各小组工作任务;
2.与项目活动相关负责人进行个别面谈,分别拟定与齐亮及两个演出团队负 责人的面谈提纲;
3.要求路演组编写路演策划案(提纲); 4.编制项目组活动经费预算表(总经费5000元整); 5.拟定“动力舞团危机”应对方案(提纲)。
第二节 商务沟通的类型

A.员工的私下交谈B.公司会议C.公司管理制度的下达D.公司部门的工作报告4.多媒体是计算机和视频技术的结合,它实际包含两个媒体,即声音和()o A.代码B.文字C.图像D.数字5.下列不属于商务谈判的特点的是()。
A.社会联系B.社会变动C. 信息D.信息传播7.下列哪个选项不属于面谈或网上交谈的目的()。
A.五B.六C. 七D.八10.以下不属于研制控制论沟通过程模式的代表学者的是()。
A.梅尔文• 徳弗勒B.威尔伯•施拉姆C.韦斯特利•布鲁斯D.哈罗徳•拉斯维尔11・符号和信号传播沟通时代,人类将彼此理解的()作为信息的信号或符号进行传播。
A. 社会性B.物理性C.概括性D.时间性13.在对“沟通”这一概念的解释中,共享派强调信息传递的()。

商务沟通(第2次)第2次作业一、多项选择题(本大题共90分,共 30 小题,每小题 3 分)1. 大众传播媒介具有()的特点。
A. 速度快 B. 范围广 C. 真实程度高 D. 影响大2. 以下哪些选项有助于人们进行情绪自控和自我调适()。
A. 认识自我,正确评价自我 B. 认识环境,顺应环境 C. 换位思考、宽以待人D. 学习沟通技巧及知识3. 修辞的作用主要包括()。
A. 有助于提高语言表达能力、阅读欣赏能力B. 有助于提高语言修养和语言美的能力C. 有助于信息沟通中更准确的传播信息D. 有助于接受者更加理性的理解信息4. 基本人际关系类型包括()。
A. 包容——排斥 B. 控制——追随 C. 喜爱——憎恨 D. 亲密——疏远5. 符号的两大类别是()。
A. 意指性符号 B. 实指性符号 C. 语言符号 D. 非语言符号6. 下列跨文化沟通的策略的是()。
A. 承认文化差异 B. 了解文化差异 C. 认同文化差异 D. 融合文化差异7. 下列属于组织外部信息沟通的是()。
A. 与下游企业的沟通 B. 与顾客的沟通 C. 与股东的沟通 D. 与社区的沟通 E. 与媒体的沟通8. 下列属于大众商务沟通的功能的是()。
A. 报道信息 B. 舆论导向 C. 教育大众 D. 提供娱乐9. 就其沟通目的和形式而言,商务信函可以分为()。
A. 肯定性信函 B. 说明性信函 C. 负面性信函 D. 劝说性信函10. 下列人际冲突中的沟通策略的是()。
A. 冲突激化策略 B. 拖延冲突策略 C. 避免冲突策略 D. 减少冲突的策略11. 印刷媒介的作用主要表现在()。
A. 总结信息 B. 保存信息 C. 解释信息 D. 传播信息12. 自我认知是对自我的理解,包括()。
A. 态度 B. 价值 C. 观念 D. 优势 E. 弱势13. 下列属于影视商务节目的形式的是()。
A. 口播新闻 B. 图片新闻 C. 影像新闻 D. 报刊、电视或网上谈话14. 下列属于成功演讲的特点的是()。

第二模块群体交流综合练习题答案提示一、 名词解释1 •可控变量:是指那些可以改变以使之适应于改进群体的生产率和成员满意度的因素。
2 •不可控变量:是指群体被指定承担某项任务,个人对他们可能与谁一起工作,自己执行怎样的任务,以及活动的环境等无法选择和控制。
3 •隐密议程:在群体交流中,大多数人的参与所带着的不同于群体目标的个人目标。
4 •电话会议:小组之间通过电话进行的跨地区交流。
5 •电视会议:通过图像传播进行跨地区的群体之间交流。
二、 问答题1. 为什么需要群体交流(工作)?提示:(1)有需要分工协作的工作;(2)有需要手工而不是智力技能的工作;(3) 有需要创造性的工作;(4)有需要凭记忆和过去信息完成的工作。
2 •请说明群体(交流)的优点与不足。
提示:优点:①群体可以作岀更多的承诺;②有利于更好的决策;③有更多可利用的信息; ④有更多更好的建议;⑤可以做更大胆的决策;⑥有更高的效率。
不足:①容易造成时间的浪费;②由于从众心理, 容易作岀乎庸的决策;③群体讨论的多, 付诸行动的少3 •影响群体效率的因素有哪些?如何影响?提示:(1)凝聚力。
(2) 群体生产率和群体成员的满意程度。
①不可控变量包括:群体规模、环境因素和任务因素;② 可控变量包括:领导风格和群体的相互影响与角色,4 •随群体规模的扩大、人数的增多,可能会产生哪些后果?提示:(1)在群体中有突岀贡献者与群体中的其他人的鸿沟加大(2) 群体领导者不得不进行更多的协调活动;(3) 完成任务花费的时间减少;(4)群体可能对小问题降低了敏感性;(5)采取一致同意的决议减少,独裁式的决断增加; 5•安排会议应做哪些准备工作?(2)选择合适的会议地点;(3)收集和准备必要的会议资料;邀请与会者,并给出具体的到会路线。
6 •说明会议主席的主要职责。
商务沟通 2

• Roles are often determined by____.
• Roles are often determined by status.
• • • • • • • Personal attractiveness Competence in a particular field Past successes Education Age Social background Organizational position
(1)Express understanding
• You might say, “I can understand that this change might be difficult, and if I were in your position, I might be reluctant myself.”
Learning Objectives:
6.Clarify the functions of nonverbal communication.
7.List three categories of business etiquette and give brief examples of each.
The outcomes of conflicts:
• Lose-lose strategy • Win-lose strategy • Win-win strategy
When you face irrational resistance, try to remain calm and detached so that you can avoid destructive confrontations and present your position in a convincing manner:

《商务沟通》课程平时作业题目: How to Create an Effective Business Report成绩考核表作业内容模块承担者姓名承担者专业班级承担者学号作业集体成绩作业个人成绩作业总成绩(=50%集体成绩小计+50%个人成绩)Content 1(10分)吴京啸电商1501 201517050128Content 2(10分)王娟娟电商1501 201517050122Content 3(20分)何甜电商1501 201517050126Content 4(20分)张倩电商1501 201517050127Content 5(20分)楚文静电商1501 201517050123Content 6(10分)周林慧电商1501 201517050124Layout/Typeset(10分)谢舒华电商1501 201517050121集体成绩小计:2017-10-26How to Create an Effective Business ReportContents in Brief1) The signification of creating effective business reports(10分)2) The basic types of business report(10分)3) The effective process of conducting business research(20分)4) The techniques of composing the text of a report (20分)5) The two most common logical approaches to organize the recommendations ina report(20分)6) The components of a formal report(10分)+ Layout/typesetting (10分)Establishing effective business report is an important problem in business communication. Business report is the key to finding investors. Consequently,in such a trend,we need to master the skills of writing an effective business report ,and then,we first need to understand what it is and how it can be used.The signification of creating effective business reportsThe most important report you may ever get the chance to write is the business plan for a new company with the development of the economy and technology.1.A business report can bring convenience to all participantsA comprehensive business plan forces you to think about personnel, marketing fa cilities,suppliers, distribution , and a host of other issues vital to your success .if you are starting out on a small scale and using your own money, your business plan may be relatively informal. but at a minimum, you should describe the basic conc ept of the business and outline its specific goals, objectives, and resource requirement s.2.Effective business report is very important in the contemporary eraAt present Chinese enterprises in international financing success rate is not high, not the project itself is not a bad project return on investment is not high, but square hasty written business plan and project planning ability let investors were disappointed. Business plan drafting and entrepreneurship itself is a complicated system engineering, not only should the full study on the industry, market, but also have good writing ability.For a developing enterprise, professional business plan is looking for investment, a necessary material, but also on their present situation and future development strategy of comprehensive thinking and the process of relocation.A complete business plan obviously requires a considerable amount of work. however, by thinking your we all these issues, you'll enjoy a smoother launch and a gr lance of success in your new adventure.3.The effective and convenient business reports can save time and produce a more forceful reportOf course, strong organization is only part of what makes information reports effective. they must also be audience-centered, logical, focused, and easy to follow with generous use of previews and summaries. they are complete, without being necessarily long or detailed. one of the tasks your audience expects you to do is to sort out the details and separate major points from minor points. in other words, readers expect you to put in all the thought and effort it takes to make the best use of their time. in addition, effective reports are honest and objective, but without being unduly harsh whenever negative information must be conveyed.4.Five points for effective business reports1) ClearIf you’re having difficul ty conveying an idea in words, see if a visual element can do the job better.2) CompleteVisuals, particularly tables,can be a great way to provide the supporting details for your main idea or recommendation.3) Conciseyou've probably heard the phrase " a picture is worth a thousand words. " if a particular section of your message seems to require extensive description or explanation, see whether there's a way to convey this information visually.4) Connecteda key purpose of many business messages is showing connections of somesort-similarities or differences, correlations, cause-and-effect relationships, and so on. whenever you want readers to see such a connection, see whether a chart diagram, or other illustration can help.5) Compellingyour readers live in a highly visual world. Will one or more illustrations make your message more persuasive, more interesting, more likely to get read? you never want to insert visuals simply for decorative purposes, but even if a particular point can be expressed equally well via text or visuals, consider adding the visual in order to make your report or presentation more compelling.Mastering these five points to write a business report will make your presentation more descriptive and persuasive.Effective business reporting should not only consider all aspects of the situation, but also need reliable and clear views and opinions. Effective business report is of great significance to the development of an enterprise. If the quality of the business report is not high, it will have a bad impact on the development of the enterprise.The basic types of business reportAs we know, workers should explain or summarize the work by reports in the business. Reports play a significant role in business success, as they careers of all business professionals. In a general way, reports can be classified as information reports, analytical reports, and proposals.1. Information reportsTo sum up, information reports offer data, fact, feedback, and other types of information without analysis or recommendations.This term of report is used in everyday language to refer to many different types of factual texts. Such as news reports, business reports, weather reports. An information report serves to classify and describe the phenomena according to words, pictures, charts, or diagram of our world. Therefore, we can make conclusion that data is the steel that forges the supporting structure of information report.2. Analytical reportsAnalysis reports offer both information and analysis, and they can also include recommendations. Comparing t information reports, capability of analysis is put into the high level. Your statement of purpose for an analysis report often needs to be more prehensive.For instance, a man want to do an analysis report, he have to go beyond merely collecting data and have to pay more attention to the data analysis so that get conclusions and make recommendations. By the way, in order to analyze data correctly, it is necessary to use some tools.3.ProposalsProposals offer structured persuasion for internal or external audiences. The writer has to clarify the problem or opportunity at hand, define your purpose, and develop an audience profile. Proposals must also be guided by a clear statement of purpose, it demands you understand the audiences’ needs and evoke your audiences’ interest by choosing the direct and indirect approach. It is significant that be sure that you statement of purpose and your audience’s needs.We can apply the three-steps writing process for reports and proposal. They all need analysis the situation, gather information, select the right medium, organize the information, adapt to you audience, compose the massage, revise and produce the report, proofread and distribute the repot. In some cases you will follow a strict guideline, but in others the organization and format will be up to you.The nature of these reports varies widely. From one-page trip reports that follow a standard format to detailed business plans and proposals that can run hundreds of pages. No matter what the circumstances, we all try to view every business report as an opportunity to demonstrate yours understanding of your audience’s challenges and your ability to contribute to your organization’s success.The effective process of conducting business researchEffective business research is a vital condition to improve Working ability, Therefore, clarifying how to launch effective commerce surveys is a necessary prerequisite for people to learn business communication. After referring materials and lumping relevant information together, I think the following aspects are included to raise the usefulness of the research.1.Analyze the situationThe complexity of many reports and the amount of work involved put a premium on carefully analyzing the situation before you begin to write. AS a result , pay attention to statement of purpose, which explains why you are preparing the researchand what you plan to deliver in the research.A detailed work plan often produces more effective research consisting of the following factors. The statement of the problem or opportunity, statement of the purpose and scope of your investigation, as we all known, is essential.Of course, we need discuss the tasks that need to be accomplished in order to complete the report, review project assignments, schedules, resource requirements, and plan for following up after delivering the report too.2.Gather information, select the right medium and organize the informationThe sheer volume of information needed for many researches and proposals requires careful planning–and may even require a separate research project just to acquire the date and information we need.After collecting the information, the correct media can be used to maximize the value of the investigation. Because the best medium for any business research might be anything from a professionally printed and bound document to an online executive dashboard that displays nothing but research highlight.Organizing information is a step of conducting business research. The direct approach is by far the most popular and convenient for business reports, it saves time, makes the rest of the report easier to fellow, and produces a more forceful report. Using informative headlines will not only help you plan more effective but will also facilitate collaborative writing.3.Support our messages with reliable informationNo matter what the subject of your report, audience except you to support your message with solid research. It includes planning your research, locating the data and information you need, processing the data and information you located, applying your finding, managing information efficiently.4.Plan our researchThere is no plan that wastes time and usually produces an unsatisfactory result. We don't have enough time or money to answer every question that needs to be considered, so setting priorities is a must. To avoid ethical lapses, keep the following points in mind. It includes not forcing a specific outcome by skewing your research, respecting the privacy of your research participants, documenting source and giving appropriate credit, respecting the intellectual property and digital rights of your sources, not extracting more from your sources.Then, we need locate data and information. In that a good plan and careful prioritization tell you what you need to know and why you need to know it. Primary research involves information that you gather specifically for a new research project; secondary research involves information that others have gathered. In every project, we have the responsibility to figure out the quality of the resources you use. We must to carefully assess the resources you use to avoid embarrassment and potential damaging errors. We also take actions to conduct secondary research. We will want to start most projects by conducting secondary research first. There are many sources of information, mainly newspapers and periodicals, Business books, directories, almanacs and statistical resources, government publications, electronic databases.Certainly,Looking for information on the web is an excellent ways to discovervalid data. The Internet can be a tremendous source of business information, provided you know where to look and how to use the tools available. Then, we need to conduct surveys and interviews. A carefully prepared and conducted survey can provide invaluable insights, but only if it is reliable and valid. As for interviews, getting in–depth information straight from an expert can be a great method for collecting primary information.e our research results applying them to practiceThis step is able to involve analyzing numerical data; quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing textual material; drawing conclusions; and making recommendations. Before using the findings, we need to analyze the data, cite the summary information, draw conclusions, and make recommendations.Business research often produces numerical data–everything from sales figures to population statistics to survey answers. By themselves, these numbers might not provide the insights you or your audience require. Consequently, we have to build the survey on the basis of big data and carefully analyze what you really need.A conclusion is a logical interpretation of the facts and other information in your report. A sound conclusion is not only logical but flows from the information included in your report, meaning that it should be based on the information included in the report and should not rely on information that is not in the report. It's the meaning of the research for correct conclusion.In brief, the effective process of conducting business research comprises the analysis of social situation, the processing and application of collected data, and the conclusion of the study. Only by proper means of action can we maximize the value of our research.The techniques of composing the text of a report1.three piece of advice about The techniques of composing the text of a reportComposing the text of a report belongs to the second step of preparing a report. There are three piece of advice in this area. Firstly, you are supposed to adapt to your audience. Secondly, drafting effective report content is very important. Last but not least, an excellent report needs a complete structure.1) Adapt to your audienceYou should be sensitive to audience needs which include adopting the “you” attitude, maintaining a strong sense of etiquette, emphasizing the positive and using bias-free language. Reports are highly technical, complex, or lengthy can put heavy demands on your readers, so the “you” attitude takes on even greater importance with these long messages. Your reports may continue to be read for months or years after you write them, as a result, you must choose your content and language with care and make sure you are aware of these preferences before you start writing. Besides, a more formal tone is appropriate for longer reports, especially those dealing with controversial or complex information. When you are communicating with othercultures often calls for more formality because of different culture.2)Drafting effective report content is very importantDraft effective content requires your report content to be accurate, complete, balanced, clear and logical. In addition, it must be documented properly. The reasons for doing like this can be concluded as follows. First, why should it be accurate? If an audience ever gets the inkling that your information is shaky, they will start to view all your work with a skeptical eye. Second, why should it be complete? Its aim is to help colleagues or supervisors make informed decision, include everything necessary for readers to understand the situation, problem, or proposal. Third, why it should it be balanced? Omitting relevant information or facts can bias your report. Fourth, why it should be clear and logical? To do so can save your readers time by easily moving from one point to another, what’s more, it is good for readers to understand. Fifth, why it should be documented properly? It is better to apply if you use primary and secondary sources for your report and give credit to your sources.3) an excellent report needs a complete structureA complete structure of an excellent report consists of three main sections and a lot of techniques. An introduction, a body and a close are necessary for a report. The content and length of each section varies with the type and purpose of the document, the document’s organizational structure, the length and depth of the material, document’s degree of formality, and your relationship with your audience.2.The things and the topics should be contained in the effective introductionThe introduction is the first section in the text of any report. An effective introduction accomplishes at least four things: put the report in context for the reader, introduce the subject, preview main ideas and establish the tone of the document. Besides, it should contain the following topics:1) AuthorizationWhen, how and by whom the report was authorized; who wrote it; and when it was submitted. This material is especially important when you don’t use a letter of transmittal to accompany the report.2) Problem/ opportunity/ purposeThe reason the report was written and what is to accomplished as a result of you having written it.3) ScopeThe scope indicates the report’s size and complexity, it also helps with the critical job of setting the audience’s expectations.4) BackgroundThe historical conditions or factors that led up to the report enables readers to understand how the problem, situation, or opportunity developed and what has be done about it so far.5) Sources and methodsThis section explains how samples were selected, how questionnaires were conducted, what follow-up was done, and so on.6)DefinitionsIt is unnecessary if readers are familiar with the terms you have used in your report.7) LimitationsFactors beyond your control that affect report quality, such as budgets, schedule constraints, or limited access to information or people.8) Report organizationIt is a road map that helps readers understand what is coming at each turn of the report and why.The body can require some tough decisions about which elements to include and how much detail to offer. For analytical reports using the direct organizational approach, you will use the body to provide your evidence and support .Otherwise, you will likely use the body to discuss your logic and reserve your conclusions or recommendations until the very end. Generally, the topics commonly covered in a report body include●Explanations of a problem or opportunity●Facts, statistical evidence, and trends●Results of studies or investigationsDiscussion and analyses of potential courses of action●Advantages, disadvantages, costs, and benefits of a particular course ofaction●Procedures or steps in a process●Methods and approach●Criteria for evaluating alternatives and options●Conclusions and recommendations●Supporting reasons for conclusions or recommendationsThe content and length of your report close depend on your choice of direct or indirect order, among other variables. If you are using a direct approach, you can end with a summary of key points. If you are using an indirect approach, you can use the close to present your conclusions or recom mendations if you didn’t end the body with them. If your report is intended to prompt others to action, use the ending to spell out exactly what should happen next. In a short report, the close may be only a paragraph or two. However, for long reports, you may need to divide your close into separate sections for conclusions, recommendations, and actions.The two most common logical approaches to organize the recommendations in a report1.practical methodsIf you want your report is accepted,it is necessary to improve communication skills.The better you are at intercultural communication,the more successful you will be in today’s business environment.You can improve your intercultural skills throughout you entire career.Here are some practical methods.1) Studying other culturesEffectively adapting your communication efforts to another culture requires not only knowledge about the culture but also both the ability and the motivation to change your personal habits as needed.Trying to approach situations with an open mind and a healthy sense of humor.Recognize that everybody who tries to communicate across cultures makes mistakes.In addition,you can understand social customs,learn about clothing and food preferences,assess political patterns,understand religious and folk beliefs,learn about economic and business institutions,appraise the nature of ethics,values,and laws and so on.2) Writing clearlyTo help you prepare effective written communication for multicultural audiences,follow these recommendations.2.1) Use simple,clear language.Use precise words that don’t have the potential to confuse with multiple meanings.2.2)Be brief.Use simple sentences and short paragraphs,breaking information into smaller chunks that are easier for your reader to capture and translate.2.3) Use transitional elements.Help readers follow your train of thought by using transitional words and phrase.Precede related points with expressions such as in addition and first,second,and third.2.4) Address international correspondence properly.Refer to Table 1-2 in Appendix A for an explanation of different address elements and salutations commonly used in certain foreign countries,2.5) Cite numbers and dates carefully.Similarly,1000 means one with three decimal places in the United States and Great Britain,but it means one thousand in many European countries.3) Helping Others Adapt to Your CultureRemember that speaking and listening are usually much harder in a second language than writing and reading.Oral communication requires participants to process sound in addition to meaning,and it doesn’t provide any time to go back and reread or rewrite.Whatever assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.Smart business-people recognize the value of intercultural communication skills.Moreover,chances are that while you’re helping others,you’ll learn something about other cultures,too.2.Building Strong Relationship with Your AudienceWith audiences who don’t know you,however,you need to establish credibili ty before they’ll listen fully to your message.Whether you’re working to build credibility with a new audience,to maintain credibility with an existing audience,or even to restore credibility after a mistake, emphasizing the following characteristics:1) HonestyNo matter how famous,important,charming,or attractive you are,if you don’t tell the truth most people will eventually lose faith in you. Honesty is the cornerstone of credibility.2) ObjectivityAudiences appreciate the ability to distance yourself from emotional situations and to look at all sides of an issue.They want to believe that you have their interests in mind,not just you own.3) Awareness of audience needsLet your audience known that you understand what’s important to them.If you’re d one a thorough audience analysis,you’ll know what your audience cares about and their specific issues and concerns in a particular situation.4) Being Sensitive to Audience’s NeedsEven in simple message intended merely to share information,it’s possib le to use all the right words and still not be sensitive to your audience and their needs.5) Using the ‘You’ AttitudeYou are already becoming familiar with the audience-centered approach,trying to see a subject through your audience eyes.6) Maintaining Standards of EtiquetteAnother good way to demonstrate interest in your audience and to earn their respect is to demonstrate etiquette in your messages.You know how it feels to be treated inconsiderately,when that happens,you probably react emotionally and then pay less attention to the offending message.By being courteous to members of your audience,you show consideration for then and foster a more successful environment for communication.7) Choosing Strong WordsEffective messages depend on carefully chosen words,whether you select them during your first draft or edit them in later.First,pay close attention to correctness.The ‘’rules’’ of grammar and usage are constantly changing to reflect changes in the way people speak.Even editors and grammarians occasionally have questions about correct usage,and they sometimes disagree about the answers.The Components of a Formal ReportMany Scholars passed on the basis of investigation and research .they think that the components of a formal report are as follows:1.Prefatory partsPrefatory parts are front-end materials that provide key preliminary information so that readers can decide whether and how to read the report. Prefatory includes about nine parts: Synopsis or executive summary; List of illustrations; Table of contents; Letter of transmittal; Letter of acceptance; Letter of authorization; Title page; Title fly; Cover.1) Synopsis or executive summaryA synopsis is a brief overview of a report’s most important points, designed to give readers a q uick preview of the contents. It’s often included in long information reports dealing with technical, professional, or academic subjects and can also be called an abstract.2) List of illustrationsIf we have more than a handful of illustrations in our report, or we want to call attention to our illustrations, include a list of illustrations after the table of contents. If we have enough space on a single page, include the list of illustrations directly beneath the table of contents.3) Table of contentsThe table of contents indicates in outline from the coverage, sequence, andrelative importance of the information in the report. The heading used in text of the report are the basis for the table of contents.4) Letter of transmittalA specialized form of a cover letter, introduces our report to our audience. The letter of transmittal says what you’d say if you were heading the report directly to the person who authorized it, so the style is less formal than the rest of the report.5) Letter of acceptance and Letter of authorizationThe letter of authorization is a document we received, asking or directing we to prepare the report. If we wrote a letter of acceptance in response to that communication, accepting the assignment and clarifying any conditions or limitations, we might also include that letter here in the report’s prefatory parts.6)Title page and Title flyThe title fly is a plain sheet of paper with only the title of the report on it. We don’t really need one, but it adds a touch of form ality. The title page include four blocks of information: the title of report; the name, title, and address of the person, group, or organization that authorized the report; the name, title, and address of the person, group, or organization that prepared the report; and the date on which the report was submitted.7)CoverLook for a cover that is attractive, convenient, and appropriate to the subject matter. Also, make sure it can be labeled with the report title, the writer’s name, and the submission date. A business report is not a mystery novel, so give our readers all the information they need: the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the subject.2.Text partsThe heart of a report is always composed of three main parts: an introduce, a body, and a close. The length and content of each of these parts varies with the length and type of report, the organizational structure, and reader’s familiarity with the topic. Following is brief review of the three major parts of report text.1)IntroductionA good introduction prepares our readers to follow and comprehend the information that follows. It invites the audience to continue reading by telling them what the report is about, why they should be concerned, and how the report is organized.2)BodyThis section contains the information that supports our conclusions and。
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一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 20 小题,每小题 2 分)
1. 根据马斯洛需求层次理论,属于人的社交需要的是()。
A. 医疗 B. 爱
情 C. 交往 D. 探索
2. 在大约()前,人类开始有了说话能力。
A. 3万年
B. 4万年
C. 5万年
D. 6万年
3. 属于非正式沟通的是()。
A. 员工的私下交谈 B. 公司会议 C. 公司管
理制度的下达 D. 公司部门的工作报告
4. 多媒体是计算机和视频技术的结合,它实际包含两个媒体,即声音和
A. 代码 B. 文字 C. 图像 D. 数字
5. 下列不属于商务谈判的特点的是()。
A. 谈判内容的交易性 B. 谈判主
体的多样性 C. 谈判利益的导向性 D. 谈判过程的激烈性
6. 下列不属于舆论产生的基本条件的是()。
A. 社会联系 B. 社会变动 C. 信息 D. 信息传播
7. 下列哪个选项不属于面谈或网上交谈的目的()。
A. 传播信息 B. 加强
了解 C. 解决问题 D. 寻求改变
8. 针对商品销售展开的广告宣传,目的在于扩大商品的销售量,吸引潜在的消费者,这属于()。
A. 商品广告 B. 招商广告 C. 企业广告 D. 公益广告
9. 心理学家马斯洛认为人的需求层次共分为几个阶段()。
A. 五 B. 六 C.
七 D. 八
10. 以下不属于研制控制论沟通过程模式的代表学者的是()。
A. 梅尔文•
德弗勒 B. 威尔伯•施拉姆 C. 韦斯特利•布鲁斯 D. 哈罗德•拉斯维尔
11. 符号和信号传播沟通时代,人类将彼此理解的()作为信息的信号或符号进行传播。
A. 声音和身体语言
B. 声音和图形
C. 图形和身体语言
D. 图形
12. 语音具有音色、音长、音强、音高这四要素,说明语言符号具有()。
A. 社会性 B. 物理性 C. 概括性 D. 时间性
13. 在对“沟通”这一概念的解释中,共享派强调信息传递的()。
A. 有效性
B. 真实性
C. 双向性
D. 反馈性
14. 修饰的含义不包括()。
A. 运用语言的方法、技巧和规律 B. 进行写作和说话时积极调动语言符号的行为,即所从事的修饰活动 C. 以加强表达效果
的方法、规律为研究对象的修辞学 D. 对信息进行加工
15. 媒介即人的延伸:任何媒介都不外乎人的感觉和感官的扩展或延伸。
A. 视觉能力 B. 听觉能力 C. 触觉能力 D. 以上都是
16. 下列不属于大众沟通的特征的是()。
A. 针对性 B. 广泛性 C. 单向性
D. 组织性
17. 信息传播效果分析中的“枪弹论”产生于20世纪()。
A. 10-20年代
B. 20-30年代
C. 30-40年代
D. 40-50年代
18. 由于自我沟通过程中,发送者和接受者是同一个人,所以信息发出、接收以及反馈几乎同时发生,没有明显的时间间隔。
A. 主客体差异 B. 目的差异 C. 过程差异 D. 媒介差异
19. 人际信息传播,达到沟通效应,使人际关系良性发展过程是分阶段组建进行的,主要经历的阶段是()。
A. 注意阶段——适应阶段——吸引阶段——依附阶段——稳定阶段 B. 注意阶段——适应阶段——依附阶段——吸引阶段——稳定阶段 C. 注意阶段——吸引阶段——适应阶段——依附阶段——稳定阶段 D. 注意阶段——吸引阶段——依附阶段——适应阶段——稳定阶段20. 表露自我表露中,表露性质及其过程一般应是()。
A. 中性——消极——积极 B. 中性——积极——消极 C. 消极——中性——积极 D. 积极——中性——消极
二、简答题(本大题共40分,共 4 小题,每小题 10 分)
1. 传播媒介对商务沟通的影响?
2. 有效组织会议的策略包括哪些?
3. 非语言符号包括哪些类型?
4. 简述成功演讲的特点?
三、论述题(本大题共20分,共 1 小题,每小题 20 分)
一、单项选择题(40分,共 20 题,每小题 2 分)
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. A 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. D 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. D
二、简答题(40分,共 4 题,每小题 10 分)
三、论述题(20分,共 1 题,每小题 20 分)