谅解备忘录示 (中文范本)日期:[日期]双方:[双方姓名]1. 背景本备忘录旨在记录双方在 [日期] 达成的谅解协议,并进行归档和备忘。
2. 目的本谅解备忘录的目的是:•确定双方的合作意愿和目标;•确定双方的权益和责任;•阐明双方的沟通和合作方式。
3. 范围本谅解备忘录适用于双方在 [日期] 及以后的合作项目,包括但不限于方面:•项目范围和目标•合作方式和程序•资源分配和责任划分•沟通和汇报机制•双方协作和决策流程•合作期限和终止条件4. 确定的条款根据双方的共识,条款在本谅解备忘录中得以确定:4.1 项目范围和目标双方将合作开展 [项目名称] 项目,项目旨在 [项目目标和预期成果]。
4.2 合作方式和程序双方将根据项目的具体要求,制定合作方式和工作程序,包括但不限于如下方面:•确定项目管理和执行团队•制定合作计划和时间表•确定评估和追踪进展的方式4.3 资源分配和责任划分双方将根据项目需求,共同决定资源分配和责任划分的原则和方法,并明确双方的权益和责任。
4.4 沟通和汇报机制双方将建立定期沟通和汇报的机制,以确保双方之间的信息流通和沟通顺畅。
4.5 双方协作和决策流程双方将建立协作和决策流程,明确双方在决策和问题解决过程中的角色和职责。
4.6 合作期限和终止条件双方将确定合作项目的期限和终止条件,包括但不限于项目完成、协议终止等情况。
5. 保密和法律责任双方确认,在项目过程中可能涉及到敏感信息和商业机密,双方将采取一切必要措施保护双方的权益,并严格按照相关法律法规的要求行事。
6. 其他事项双方同意,在合作期间如有其他事项需要协商和商议的,将及时进行沟通和解决。
[双方签名] 日期:[日期]。
谅解备忘录英语作文英文回答:A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a written agreement between two or more parties that outlines their mutual understanding of a specific issue or project. It is not a legally binding contract, but it does serve as a record of the parties' intentions and expectations.MOUs are often used in international relations, business, and other areas where parties need to collaborate on a project or issue. They can be used to establish the scope of a project, define the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved, and set out a timeline for its completion.MOUs are typically drafted by lawyers and are reviewed by all parties before they are signed. Once signed, they become a binding agreement between the parties.中文回答:谅解备忘录(MOU)是一种书面协议,由两方或多方之间就特定问题或项目达成相互理解而制定。
谅解备忘录示(中文范本)[公司名称]谅解备忘录日期:[日期]致:[收信人名称]抄送:[抄送人名称]主题:[主题]尊敬的[收信人名称]:首先,我们在此向您表示我们的谅解请求,并希望能达成以下共识,以保持我们之间的良好关系和合作:1. 背景介绍:[在这里提供问题或纠纷的详细背景信息。
]2. 问题评估:[在这里对问题进行评估,说明相关的影响、风险以及紧急程度。
]3. 解决方案:[在这里详细描述解决方案,包括各方的责任和义务。
]4. 时间安排:[在这里列出各个解决步骤的时间安排,确保双方明确各个阶段和完成日期。
]5. 实施方式:[在这里说明解决方案的具体实施方式,包括所需资源、相关流程以及监督机制等。
]6. 结果评估:[在完成解决方案后,对解决方案的效果进行评估,包括预期结果与实际结果的对比。
]7. 机密性:[在这里提醒各方对此备忘录内容的机密性,并就信息的保密和传播进行约定。
]8. 共同合作:[在这里表达双方合作的愿望和承诺,以及愿意为解决问题所做的努力。
]9. 需要进一步商讨的事项:[在这里列出双方需要进一步商讨和解决的事项,如有需要可以提供具体连系人和连系方士。
谢谢您的理解和合作!此致[您的公司名称]附件:1. [所涉及的附件,如合同、文件等。
]法律名词及注释:1. [所涉及的法律名词及其注释。
]解决办法:1. [可能遇到的困难,并提供相应的解决办法。
[您的连系信息]谢谢![您的名字] [您的职位] [日期]。
1. 目的本谅解备忘录旨在明确双方的合作方向和责任,推进项目的有序开展,确保项目顺利推进。
2. 合作项目(在此处填写合作项目名称)3. 合作内容(1)合作方式:(在此处填写合作方式)(2)合作期限:(在此处填写合作期限)(3)合作方式:(在此处填写合作方式)(4)双方责任:双方分工明确,合作愉快,共同推进项目。
4. 合同条款本谅解备忘录不代替正式的合同,正式合同将在后期签署。
5. 保密条款本谅解备忘录所涉及的所有信息和资料均属于机密信息,双方都应保守机密性,不得泄露。
6. 知识产权合作项目所产生的所有知识产权归双方共同所有。
7. 违约责任若双方未能按照本谅解备忘录所规定的内容执行,则应负相应的违约责任。
8. 争议解决双方在签署正式合同之前,若在执行本谅解备忘录过程中发生争议,则应通过友好谈判解决。
9. 生效与终止本谅解备忘录自签署之日起生效。
简要注释如下:1. 目的:说明本谅解备忘录的目的与意义。
2. 合作项目:说明本次合作的具体项目。
3. 合作内容:具体阐述双方的合作方式、期限等内容。
4. 合同条款:说明本谅解备忘录与正式合同之间的关系与协作。
5. 保密条款:保护本次合作所涉及的机密信息。
6. 知识产权:规定本次合作所产生的所有知识产权的归属。
7. 违约责任:阐述违约责任的相关内容。
8. 争议解决:说明如何解决本次合作中可能浮现的争议。
9. 生效与终止:说明本谅解备忘录的生效与终止条件。
谅解备忘录 MOU
![谅解备忘录 MOU](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3a53fb680b1c59eef8c7b48c.png)
谅解备忘录 MOU
谅解备忘录是国际协议一种通常的叫法,“谅解备忘录”相应的英文表达为“memorandum of understanding”,有时也可写成“memo of understanding”或“MOU”。
此外,与其搭配的词组有engagement memorandum(业务备忘录),audit memorandum(查帐备忘录)。
1、合作机会 The Potential Cooperation
2、保密 Confidentiality
3、协议语言 Language
4、协议期限 Duration
5、不可变更 Modification
6、终止 Termination
7、法律适用 Governing Law
8、其他细节 Other Conditions
在谅解备忘录中,除保密(Confidentiality)、终止(Termination)、法律适用(Governing Law)、费用分摊、排他性谈判、争议解决条款之外,其余的条款对双方都不具备法律约束力。
谅解备忘录MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING甲方:________________________________乙方:________________________________签订日期:_______ 年______ 月______ 日甲方:Patty A:乙方:Party B:鉴于:WHERERAS:1、2 _____________ ,甲方与宁波双林汽车部件股份有限公司签订了一份编号为:________ 的《先期选点目标协议》(项目名称:__________________ ),建立业务合作关系;1. Party A and Nin gbo Shua ngli n Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. have established bus in ess part nership,pursua nt to the terms of the Sourc ing Nomin ati on letter(Project Name/Code: ) numbered dated entered into between the Parties; whereafter, Ningbo Shuanglin Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. have changed into NingboXin che ng Radio Comp onents Co.丄td. i n accorda nee with the law.2、因不可归责于甲乙双方过错的原因,甲乙双方建立的上述合作关系无法继续进行;2. The above bus in ess partn ership cannot contin ue, due to a reas on not attributable to either Party.3、甲方同意对乙方履行上述合同付岀的必要成本进行适当补偿;3. Party A agrees to appropriately compe nsate Party B for the n ecessary expe nses for performi ng the Con tract.现甲乙双方经协商一致,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规的规定,甲、乙双方本着平等、自愿、互谅互让的原则,就双方终止上述协议及项目合作的相关事宜达成谅解备忘条款如下:The parties hereby, in accorda nee with the Con tract Law of the People's Republic of China and other releva nt laws and regulati ons, through frie ndly con sultati ons and un der the pri nciple of equality, volu ntari ness and mutual un dersta nding, about term in ati ng theabove con tract and project cooperati on, agree as follows:1、甲、乙双方同意,解除双方__________________ 签订的编号为:________________ 的《_______ 》(项目名称: _______________ )及其相关合同文本,基于该合同及其附件所产生的一切权利义务亦全部终结,任何一方均无权基于该合同向另一方提岀任何主张。
谅解备忘录英语作文(中英文版)Memo of UnderstandingTo Whom It May Concern,This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into between [Party A] and [Party B], collectively referred to as "the Parties", on this [Date] in [Location].The purpose of this MOU is to establish a framework for cooperation and collaboration in [Area of Collaboration].鉴于各方共同关心的事宜,特此谅解备忘录(以下简称“备忘录”)由甲方与乙方于[日期]在[地点]共同签署。
The Parties agree to work together in good faith to achieve the following objectives:1.To exchange information and expertise for mutual benefit.2.To conduct joint research and development activities.3.To organize and participate in workshops, seminars, and other collaborative events.双方同意本着诚意合作,共同实现以下目标:1.交换信息和专业知识,实现互利共赢。
This MOU shall remain in effect for a period of [Duration], unlessterminated earlier by mutual consent of the Parties or extended by written agreement.本备忘录有效期为[期限],除非双方提前终止或以书面形式延长。
谅解备忘录(中英文)This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a legal agreement een Party A and Party B。
entered into on [date]。
Party A is a Chinese entity。
established under the laws of China。
withits legal address at [address]。
Party B is an entity organized and existing under the laws of [Party B n of n]。
with its legal addressat [address]。
Party A and Party B will be referred to as a "Party" individually and as the "Parties" collectively.The purpose of this MOU is to ___ Party A and Party B ___。
referred to as the "Project." This MOU is not intended to createany binding ns een the Parties。
but rather to ___.Party A is a [n of Party A]。
while Party B is a [n of Party B]。
The contemplated n involves [n of contemplated ___]。
The Parties acknowledge that this MOU is not intended to create any bindingns een them。
谅解备忘录及中英文对照四篇篇一:谅解备忘录本谅解备忘录由以下双方于 ___年___月___日签订:[插入甲方名称]是一家根据[国家]法律成立及存续的[公司]﹐其法定地址为[地址](下称“甲方”)﹔及[插入乙方名称]是一家根据[国家]法律成立及存续的[公司]﹐其法定地址为[地址](下称“乙方”)。
鉴于A.甲乙双方经多次协商后﹐就关于 [简略描述合资/其它合作项目](“项目”)的合作原则达成协议:B. [列出协议的原则—例如﹐在合资公司的情况下﹐列出双方各自的出资﹑合资公司的业务范围﹑期限﹑董事及高级管理层﹑利润分配等]。
4.签署正式合同双方应尽其最大努力在 [日期]之前就项目签署一份有法律约束力的正式合同 [及章程](“正式文件“)而其应反映(尤其)载于第1条的协定原则。
甲方应指派 ______为其在工作小组的首席代表﹔乙方应指派 ______为其在工作小组的首席代表。
合作谅解备忘录英文作文Memorandum of Understanding for CooperationThis Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as "MOU") is entered into on [Date] by and between [Party A], a [description of Party A, e.g., a renowned technology company specializing in the development of advanced software solutions] headquartered at [Address of Party A], and [Party B], a [description of Party B, e.g., a prestigious academic institution renowned for its research in the field of artificial intelligence], located at [Address of Party B].I. Purpose and Scope of CooperationThe parties hereby agree to establish a framework of cooperation aimed at promoting mutual interests and advancing common goals in the field of [specific area of cooperation, e.g., technology development, research collaboration, etc.]. This MOU sets forth the general terms and conditions governing the cooperation between the parties, while the specific details and implementations shall be determined through subsequent agreements and arrangements.II. Areas of CollaborationThe parties agree to collaborate in the following areas:(a) Joint Research and DevelopmentThe parties shall jointly conduct research and development activities in the field of [specific area, e.g., artificial intelligence, data analytics, etc.], with the objective of developing innovative solutions and technologies that address industry challenges and promote sustainable development.(b) Exchange of Expertise and KnowledgeThe parties shall exchange expertise, knowledge, and best practices in their respective fields, through workshops, seminars, and other forms of knowledge sharing, to enhance mutual understanding and foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.(c) Technology Transfer and CommercializationThe parties shall explore opportunities for technology transfer and commercialization of research outcomes, with the aim of bringing innovative solutions to market and driving economic growth.III. Rights and Obligations of the Parties(a) RightsEach party shall have the right to participate in and contribute to the collaboration activities specified in this MOU, and to benefit from the results and outcomes of the collaboration.(b) ObligationsEach party shall be obligated to:Provide the necessary resources, expertise, and support to ensure the successful implementation of the collaboration activities;Respect the intellectual property rights of the other party and abide by any confidentiality agreements entered into between the parties;Promptly communicate and consult with the other party in matters related to the collaboration;Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards in the conduct of the collaboration activities.IV. Intellectual Property Rights(a) Ownership of Intellectual PropertyUnless otherwise agreed in writing, any intellectual property created or developed during the collaboration activities under this MOU shall be jointly owned by the parties. The parties shall jointly determine the use, exploitation, and protection of such intellectual property.(b) Protection and EnforcementThe parties shall take all necessary measures to protect and enforce their respective intellectual property rights, including seeking legal protection against any infringement or unauthorized use.V. ConfidentialityThe parties recognize that during the course of their collaboration, they may have access to confidential information belonging to the other party. Therefore, each party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of such information and not to disclose it to any third party without the express written consent of the other party. VI. Term and Termination(a) TermThis MOU shall remain in effect for a period of [duration, e.g., three years] from the date of signing, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this section.(b) TerminationThis MOU may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or by any party upon the occurrence of certain events specified in this MOU, such as breach of obligations by the other party. In the event of termination, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve any outstanding issues and ensure a smooth transition.VII. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from or in connection with this MOU shall be resolved through friendly consultation and negotiation between the parties. If no agreement can be reached through consultation, the parties may seek alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation or arbitration, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.VIII. General Provisions(a) AmendmentsThis MOU may be amended or modified by mutual agreement of the parties in writing.(b) Governing LawThis MOU shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction, e.g., the United States of America].(c) SeverabilityIf any provision of this MOU is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.(d) Entire AgreementThis MOU constitutes the entire agreement between the parties regarding the matters specified here。
DATED 日期][PARTY A NAME]甲方名称]AND与[PARTY B NAME][乙方名称]MEMORANDUM OF UNDERST ANDING谅解备忘录This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is entered into on [date] by and between [Party A name], [Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), and [Party B name], [Party B entity form] organized and existing under the laws of [Party B jurisdiction of incorporation] with its legal address at [address] (hereinafter referre d to as “Party B”). Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”.本谅解备忘录(“本备忘录”)于[日期]由以下双方签订:[甲方名称],一家根据中国法律成立并存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址位于[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”):与[乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律成立并存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址位于[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。
一、背景1.1 本备忘录的目的是为了明确双方在[议题]方面的共同理解和责任分工,以便更好地实施合作项目。
1.2 本备忘录适用于在[合作项目名称]中的所有参与方,并将与任何附加协议一起构成合作协议的一部分。
2.1 [定义1]:[解释]2.2 [定义2]:[解释]2.3 [定义3]:[解释]三、范围与目标3.1 本备忘录的范围包括但不限于以下事项:[具体描述]3.2 本备忘录的目标是确保各参与方按照协议规定的方式执行合同,并达到预期的成果。
四、责任与义务4.1 合作方 A 的责任和义务:- [责任/义务1]- [责任/义务2]- [责任/义务3]4.2 合作方 B 的责任和义务:- [责任/义务1]- [责任/义务2]- [责任/义务3]五、合作实施计划5.1 合作方 A 和合作方 B 将按照以下计划实施合作项目:- [计划1]- [计划2]- [计划3]5.2 合作方 A 和合作方 B 将共同监督合作项目的进展,并定期召开会议以讨论和解决任何问题。
六、知识产权和保密6.1 双方同意在合作项目期间保护并尊重对方的知识产权,并不得向任何第三方透露机密信息,除非获得双方书面同意。
七、合作项目的更改和终止7.1 若任何一方希望对合作项目进行更改或终止,应提前通知另一方,并共同商定适当的解决方案。
八、纠纷解决8.1 如双方之间发生任何纠纷或争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。
九、本备忘录的生效与附件9.1 本备忘录自双方签署之日起生效。
9.2 本备忘录包括以下附件:- 附件 1:[具体附件内容]- 附件 2:[具体附件内容]- ...十、法律名词及注释以下是本备忘录中涉及的法律名词及其注释:- [法律名词1]:[注释]- [法律名词2]:[注释]- [法律名词3]:[注释]十一、困难与解决办法以下是本备忘录在实际执行过程中可能遇到的困难及解决办法:- [困难1]:[解决办法]- [困难2]:[解决办法]- [困难3]:[解决办法]十二、其他条款12.1 双方同意本备忘录的任何修改或补充应以书面形式进行,并经双方授权代表签字确认。
所涉及附件如下:1. ________________________________2. ________________________________3. ________________________________(按需)所涉及的法律名词及注释如下:1. ________________________________:注释说明。
英文谅解备忘录范文English: As we seek to establish better relationships with our English-speaking counterparts, it is crucial for us to understand the cultural nuances that may impact communication.Chinese: 当我们努力建立与英语母语人士更好的关系时,了解可能影响沟通的文化细微差别至关重要。
English: In the business world, misunderstandings can arise from differences in communication styles, body language, and even non-verbal cues. These misunderstandings can hinder progress and lead to strained relationships.Chinese: 在商业世界中,沟通风格、身体语言乃至非语言提示等方面的差异可能会导致误解。
English: By taking the time to learn about English-speaking cultures and their communication norms, we demonstrate respect and openness to our counterparts. This effort can lead to smoother interactions and foster trust and mutual understanding.Chinese: 通过花时间了解英语母语人士的文化及其沟通规范,我们表现出对对方的尊重和开放。
DATED[日期][PARTY A NAME][甲方名称]AND与[PARTY B NAME][乙方名称]MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING谅解备忘录This Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) is entered into on [date] by and between [Party Aname], [Party A entity form] established and existing under the laws of China, with its legaladdress at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party A”), a nd [Party B name], [Party B entityform] organized and existing under the laws of [Party B jurisdiction of incorporation] with itsleg al address at [address] (hereinafter referred to as “Party B”). P arty A and Party B shallhereinafter be referred to individually as a “Party ” and collectively as the “Parties”本谅解备忘录(“本备忘录”)于[日期]由以下双方签订:[甲方名称],一家根据中国法律成立并存续的[甲方组织形式],法定地址位于[甲方法定地址](以下简称“甲方”):与[乙方名称],一家根据[乙方所在国]法律成立并存续的[乙方组织形式],法定地址位于[乙方法定地址](以下简称“乙方”)。
PRELIMINARY STATEMENT前言(A)[Description of Party A].[甲方情况简介](B)[Description of Party B].[乙方情况简介](C)[Description of contemplated transaction](“Project”).[双方拟从事的交易情况简介](“本项目”)(D)The Parties agree that before any implementation of the Project, the Parties are required toContracts”), procure corporate approvals and to enter into formal binding contracts (the “the terms of which are to be discussed and agreed to between the Parties.双方同意,在本项目实话前,双方需各自取得公司内部批准以签订具有约束力的合同(“合同”)。
1. 存在问题的事项:描述问题的准确细节,包括日期和相关背景信息。
2. 影响范围:确定问题产生的影响范围,特别是对双方的利益以及组织或团队的正常运作。
3. 双方的焦点:列出双方在解决该问题上所关注的主要方面。
4. 目标:明确所希望实现的具体目标和预期结果。
5. 解决方案:提出解决该问题的具体方案或行动计划。
6. 时限:为实施解决方案设定明确的时间表。
7. 责任分配:明确每个人的责任和角色,确保解决方案得以有效实施。
8. 沟通机制:确定双方之间的沟通方式和频率,以确保问题的实时跟进和信息交流。
9. 评估与监控:确定评估解决方案有效性的标准和定期监控的方法。
10. 签署:双方签署备忘录以表示对这些谅解事项的认可和接受。
[收件人姓名] [日期]。
谅解备忘录示(中文范本)谅解备忘录发起人: [发起人姓名]接收人: [接收人姓名]日期: [备忘录发出日期]尊敬的 [接收人姓名],首先,感谢您抽出时间阅读并考虑本备忘录的内容。
1. 缘起及意图本备忘录是为了澄清双方之间的沟通问题,旨在建立一个良好的沟通渠道,以便双方能更好地合作和解决问题。
2. 相关背景在双方的合作中,我们注意到了一些沟通上的问题和歧义。
3. 声明双方在此明确以下声明:3.1 [发起人姓名]声明:3.1.1 [声明内容1]3.1.2 [声明内容2]...3.2 [接收人姓名]声明:3.2.1 [声明内容1]3.2.2 [声明内容2]...4. 双方的责任和义务4.1 [发起人姓名]的责任和义务:4.1.1 [责任/义务1]4.1.2 [责任/义务2]...4.2 [接收人姓名]的责任和义务:4.2.1 [责任/义务1]4.2.2 [责任/义务2]...5. 沟通方式和频率为了确保双方之间的高效沟通,我们提议以下沟通方式和频率:5.1 沟通方式:5.1.1 [沟通方式1]5.1.2 [沟通方式2]...5.2 沟通频率:5.2.1 [沟通频率1]5.2.2 [沟通频率2]...6. 生效日期和期限本备忘录自双方签字确认之日起生效,并持续有效,直至双方达成新的协议或终止合作关系。
7. 签署双方确认对上述事项达成一致意见,并签署本备忘录作为双方的共识。
发起人签名:日期:接收人签名:日期:附件:1. [附件1名称]2. [附件2名称]...法律名词及注释:1. [法律名词1]:[注释]2. [法律名词2]:[注释]...实际执行中可能遇到的困难及解决办法:1. [困难1]:[解决办法]2. [困难2]:[解决办法]...所涉及附件如下:1. [附件1名称]2. [附件2名称]...所涉及的法律名词及注释如下:1. [法律名词1]:[注释]2. [法律名词2]:[注释]...在实际执行过程中可能遇到的困难及解决办法如下:1. [困难1]:[解决办法]2. [困难2]:[解决办法]...谢谢您的时间和合作!如有任何问题或需要进一步讨论,请随时与我联系。
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Patty A:
Party B:
1. Party A and Ningbo Shuanglin Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. have established business partnership, pursuant to the terms of the Sourcing Nomination letter(Project Name/Code: _____________________) numbered_____________dated______________entered into between the Parties; whereafter, Ningbo Shuanglin Auto Parts Co.,Ltd. have changed into Ningbo Xincheng Radio Components Co.,Ltd. in accordance with the law.
2. The above business partnership cannot continue, due to a reason not attributable to either Party.
3. Party A agrees to appropriately compensate Party B for the necessary expenses for performing the Contract.
The parties hereby, in accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, through friendly consultations and under the principle of equality, voluntariness and mutual understanding, about terminating the above contract and project cooperation, agree as follows:
1. Both Parties agree that the Sourcing Nomination letter(Project Name/Code: ______________) numbered _______dated______________and relevant contracts are
terminated and all rights and obligations under the contract and its appendices are discharged. Neither party shall be entitled to make any claim to the other party upon the contract.
Both Parties acknowledge that Party A shall compensate Party B ¥_______, without paying any other fees.
3. Businesses of either party of______________Project based on the above contract and its appendices become independent from the effective date of this MOU. But the two parties should ensure that other ongoing cooperation projects are not affected, Party B commitment to strictly fulfill the obligations of the production and supply in accordance with the contracts of other cooperation projects. Otherwise Party B shall bear the corresponding liability for breach.
After signature of this MOU, Party B shall return all technology, information and outcome relating to Party A based on ______________________Project. The Parties shall abide by the principle of good faith and hold in confidence all commercial secrets in the business partnership and not do anything harmful to the reputation and economic interests of the other Party.Otherwise, the violator shall be liable for making compensation in full.
5、Within 15 days following the signature of this MOU, Party B shall ship to Party A all products in stock base on _____________________ Project, and bear the freight and handling charges.Upon the acceptance of the above products by Party A, Party A shall pay to Party B the 50% balance of the amount under Section 2 in this MOU and make compensation of the rest before____________.。