1.1 蓄电池的定义和作用
1.2 蓄电池的分类
2.1 蓄电池的储存和搬运
2.1.1 储存前的准备
2.1.2 蓄电池的搬运
- 使用合适的工具和装备,以确保安全搬运。
- 避免将蓄电池摔落或碰撞,以防损坏。
- 尽量避免磁性物品和金属物品接触蓄电池。
2.2 蓄电池的安装和连接
2.2.1 安装前的准备
- 确定蓄电池的安装位置和方向,以便于接线和维护。
- 清洁和检查安装位置,确保无积尘和腐蚀物。
2.2.2 连接蓄电池
第一部分:蓄电池的基础知识1. 蓄电池的工作原理:蓄电池由一个或多个电池单元组成,每个电池单元包含正极、负极和电解质。
2. 蓄电池的分类:蓄电池按照化学物质不同可分为铅酸蓄电池、镍镉蓄电池、锂离子蓄电池等。
3. 蓄电池的标识和规格:蓄电池通常有一个标识牌上标明了电压、容量、制造商和其他必要信息。
第二部分:蓄电池的使用指南1. 蓄电池的安全使用:在使用蓄电池时应遵循安全操作规程。
2. 充电和使用蓄电池:在使用之前,确保蓄电池已经充分充电。
3. 蓄电池的维护:定期清洁电池外壳,避免蓄电池接触水分或腐蚀物。
第三部分:常见问题解答1. 蓄电池的寿命是多久?蓄电池的寿命取决于制造商的规格和使用环境。
2. 如何处理蓄电池的废物?蓄电池属于特殊垃圾,不能随意丢弃。
3. 为什么充电时间很长?充电时间取决于电池的容量和充电器的功率。
总高 重量 电流 容量 电流 容量 电流 容量 (kg)
(A) (Ah) (A) (Ah) (A) (Ah)
6 150 260 180 247 252 30 50 150 70 140 130 130 能和电能进行相互直接转化的装置。蓄电池也叫二次电池,可以多次
脱落。② 在较高的极化电压下,正极板的板栅会产生严重的腐蚀,并使板栅变形,脆裂,
⑵ 长期的充电不足,未反应的活性物质会产生不可逆的粗大 PbSO4 晶粒(即不可逆
示灯是否正常在工作。 ⑶ 充电机连接电源端的接口接上 220V 交流电源。 ⑷ 充满电需拔掉充电机时,检查充电机充电指示灯是否显示在充满电状态。显示正
3.2 蓄电池的充电工艺
浮充电电压随温度变化表(以单只 12V 为例)
I3—3h 率放电电流,数值等于 C3/3(A)。
⑺ 更好的一致性:新一代的专利配方,最新的特制加工工艺,保证多格电池串联使
⑻ 绿色环保:有可靠的全密封结构的设计,采用独特的胶体电解质,无漏液及酸雾
2 电动汽车用蓄电池采用的标准
GB/T18332.1-2009 电动道路车辆用铅酸蓄电池
2 蓄电池的充电
蓄电池冲、放电测试仪操作使用说明书一、操作步骤1. 接线:将放电仪与蓄电池放电电源端子连接。
2. 拉开直流充电屏上蓄电池进线开关。
3. 合上放电仪上控制空开,进入放电参数设置:放电电流10A,放电时间9小时,蓄电池组最低电压设置为198V。
4. 合上直流充电屏上放电空开,开始放电。
5. 放电过程中,每1个小时应在集中监控器上查看并记录每只蓄电池电压、电流、温度及整组电池电压;每2个小时用万用表对每只蓄电池及整组电池实测一次电压并记录。
6. 放电结束时,拉开直流充电屏上放电开关;7. 合上直流充电屏上蓄电池进线开关,在控制器中手动修改为均充(菜单—充电机控制—密码:11111,将“一组”的浮充状态改为均充,通过左右方向键修改),蓄电池恢复均充。
二、应急措施及注意事项1. 当单节蓄电池电压≤11V或整组蓄电池电压≤198V,停止放电。
2. 当蓄电池放电仪指示电压下降至200V时,应加强对蓄电池放电的监控,确保蓄电池电压不得低于198V 而过放电。
3. 放电过程中严格观察放电仪风扇是否转动,如不转动应立即停止放电。
4. 放电检测仪和电池连接时,正负不得反接!5. 设备放置在通风良好无接露无腐蚀环境下运行.通风孔不得堵塞保证通风良好!6. 放电仪在正常工作时不得带电连接线,否则会引起连接端子和电路损害。
7. 放电及测试蓄电池电压时应做好安全措施严禁正负极发生短路现象。
8. 蓄电池充、放电过程中,应尽量减少开关操作。
9. 放电过程中,值班人员应加强对直流高频模块(交直流输入输出电压)及直流屏控、合母电压的监控,发现异常时及时进行汇报及处理;编制:质量管理部审核:批准:。
德国Sonnenschein(阳光)胶体阀控式铅酸蓄电池Dryfit A400系列使用维护手册目录第一节前言---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 第二节安全守则---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 第三节产品验货---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 第四节蓄电池的储存---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 第五节蓄电池额定数据------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 第六节蓄电池安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 第七节蓄电池充电方式------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 第八节蓄电池初始充放电---------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 第九节蓄电池使用后的充电方式------------------------------------------------------------------------6 第十节蓄电池使用后的容量测试------------------------------------------------------------------------7 第十一节蓄电池的维护与检查---------------------------------------------------------------------------7 第十二节数据记录------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 第十三节技术数据------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 第十四节蓄电池极柱漏液确认方法---------------------------------------------------------------------9 第十五节关于电池塑性形变的说明---------------------------------------------------------------------9一前言在正常使用时,Sonnenschein(阳光)Dryfit A400系列胶体阀控式固定型铅酸免维护蓄电池(为方便起见,在以下叙述中,若无特殊说明均简称“蓄电池”)不会释放酸雾或泄漏电解液。
阀控免维护铅酸蓄电池选型安装使用维护手册目录一、蓄电池选型二、蓄电池运输、储存三、蓄电池使用环境四、蓄电池使用条件五、蓄电池的安装及使用六、蓄电池的维护七、蓄电池的更换八、注意事项一、蓄电池选型✧ 电池经常充放电循环使用,建议选用适合UPS设备的大容量阀控铅酸免维护电池;✧电池如果需短时间大电流放电,建议选用高功率系列;✧考虑到电池老化,选型时建议给予不低于20%的余量。
(1)计算每单格终止电压:42.0 volts/24 cells=1.75Vpc(2)由此可得出单格性能要求为恒流16A到1.75 Vpc(3)查阅电池放电性能数据表,得到12V-100AH在5h放电到 1.75 Vpc电流是17.6A >16A,满足要求且有10%的余量。
2、按功率选型(需知道系统电压、功率要求、工作时间、终止电压等)UPS选用电池容量计算公式:UPS功率×功率因数/转换效率=电池的总功率例如:某UPS功率是20KV A,直流电压为408V,功率因数为0.8,转换效率是0.85,停电时需要蓄电池组支持2小时,系统低压报警电压357V,客户要求使用12V电池,计算选型。
(1)计算电池总功率需求:20KV A×0.8/0.9=17777.8W(2)平均到每个单格:17777.8W/204 cells=87.1W/cell(3)每单格终止电压:357 volts/204 cells=1.75Vpc(4)由此可得出单格性能要求为恒功率92.3W到1.75 Vpc(5)查阅电池放电性能数据表,发现12V-150AH电池在2h放电到1.75 Vpc功率是106W/ cells >87.1W/cell,满足要求且有15%的余量。
Sealed lead batteries consist of cells that do not need to be filled up with water for their entire working lives. Pressure relief valves function as plugs, and any at -tempt to open them will cause damage.1. Before ServiceBefore being brought into service, all banks should be checked: for mechanical damage; that the pola -rity is correct; and that the connectors are firmly at -tached. The following torque settings apply to screw connectors.2. OperationRefer to EN IEC 62485-2 for operating and installa -tion guidelines for these batteries. The battery should be installed to avoid temperature shifts of > 3K.2.1 DischargeDo not discharge the battery below its cutoff voltage for its designated discharge current. Unless the ma -nufacturer specifies otherwise, do not draw more than the nominal capacity. After discharge – even partial discharge – the battery must be charged immediately (it may be necessary to lift the pole covers). Before charging the battery, make sure the charger is turned off, polarity is correct (positive pole connected to the positive connector) and separate loads are connec -ted to a direct current power source. Turn the charger on and begin charge as follows in point ChargingAll charging procedures where the maximum and minimum values correspond to DIN 41773-1 (IU Kennlinie) may be used. Depending on the make of the charger used and its charging curve, alternating currents superposed to the direct current may flow through the battery (< 0.1 C(A) ripple factor). The su -perposed alternating currents and the contrary action of loads can cause the battery to heat up abnormal -ly and put additional strain on the electrodes – and cause possible damage (see point 2.5). Depending on the battery set-up, the following charging methods can be used (corresponding to VDE 0510-485-2). Batteries are not allowed to be charged upside down!a) Continuous parallel supply and buffer supply. In this case, the loads, direct current source and battery are continuously connected in parallel. At the same time the charging voltage is equal to the batte -ry’s operating voltage and installation voltage. In con -tinuous supply, the direct current source can always supply the maximum load current plus the battery charging current. The battery only supplies electricity if the direct current source fails. The correct charging voltage is 2.275 V ± 0.005 V (25°C) x the number of cells connected in series, measured at the battery’sterminal posts. In the case of buffer charging, the di -rect current source is not able to supply the total load current at any time. There are times when the load current exceeds the nominal current of the direct cur -rent source. During these times, the battery supplies power. It is not always fully-charged, though the float voltage of 2.275 V/cell (25°C) x the number of cells is sufficient to ensure recharge in a series connec -tion. A load-and-cell-quantity-dependent calibration should be provided, in any specific instance, by the manufacturer.b) On-off operationWhilst being charged, the battery is disconnected from its load. T o decrease recharging time, the batte -ry can be charged at 2.35-2.40 V during its first char -ging phase before the charging current is reduced to 0.07 C(A) (t1). The first charging phase lasts until this value is reached. In the second charging phase, a voltage of 2.355-2.40 V/cell is used. The charging duration of this phase should be 50% of the first (t2=0.5T1). If the value of t > t1 + 0.5t1 is exceeded, the charging voltage is reduced to 2.275 V/cell (± 0.005 V) at 25°C.c) Battery operation (charging / discharging cycle) The load is only charged from the battery. The correct charging procedure depends on the user and should be clarified with the manufacturer.2.3 Maintaining full charge (float charging)Appliances fitting the criteria set out in DIN 41773-1 should be used. They should be set up so that the average cell voltage is 2.275 V ± 0.005 V.2.4 Top-up or equalisation chargingT o prolong battery life, it is advisable to do a top-up charge before running the batteries, providing the batteries have been stored for more than 6 months – but not longer than 9 months – with reference to the date of manufacture. The batteries should also have a terminal voltage of less than 2.1 V/cell. The top-up charge should be carried out using the values speci -fied. For batteries retrofitted to form a replacement battery bank for standard float charging, no equalisa -tion charging is needed to bring the terminal voltage in line with the other batteries.2.5 Superposed alternating currentsIn the case of the operating scenarios outlined in point 2.2, the effective value of the alternating current can temporarily rise to 0.1 C(A) whilst being rechar -ged at up to 2.4 V/cell. After recharging and ongoing charging (float charging) in a continuous battery pow -er supply or float battery supply, the effective value of the alternating current should not exceed a nominal capacity of 2 A / 100 AH.2.6 Charging currentsIn continuous battery supplies and float battery sup -plies, there is no charging current limit if there is no recharging stage. The charging current should be 10 to 20 A for every 100 AH of nominal capacity (Bench -mark).2.7 TemperatureThe recommended operating temperature range for lead batteries is 10°C to 30°C. The ideal temperature range is 20°C ±5 (according to EUROBAT). Higher• Nominal voltage U N : 2 V Cells 6 V Blocks 12 V Blocks • Nominal capacity C2020 hr discharge • Nominal temperature T N :25°C• Reduction factors:as per EN IEC 62485-2• Nominal discharge: I N = I 20C N /20hBattery manufacturer: SUN Battery Type: SUNAssembled by:on:Installation by:on:Safety markings by:on:Nominal values M5M6M8M102-3 Nm4-5,5 Nm5-6 Nm14-22 Nm●●Refer to the instruction manual and keep it in a visible place near to the batteries!Only carry out works to a battery under supervision from qualified staff!●Smoking prohibited! To avoid the risk of fire and explosions, keep naked flames, sparks and burning/glowing materials away from the battery!●●When working on batteries, wear safety goggles and protective clothing!Take note of the accident prevention regulations, such as EN IEC 62485-2!●If acid sprays onto the eye or skin, rinse it off with plenty of clean water. Then contact a doctor immediately. Wash any clothing that has come into contact with acid in water!●Risk of fire and explosions! Avoid short circuits! Attention! A battery’s metal parts are subject to constant voltage, so do not put foreign objects or tools on the battery!●Electrolyte is highly corrosive! In normal operating conditions, there is almost no risk of coming into contact with the electrolyte. If you do come into contact with the electrolyte, contact a doctor immediately!●Battery blocks / cells are heavy, even when empty! Make sure they are solidly installed!●●Only use suitable means of transport.The guarantee is void if the instruction manual is not observed, if non-original parts are used for repair, or if you undertake invasive repairs yourself.●Returns to the manufacturer!Used batteries bearing this sign are a recyclable item and must be recycled. Used bat -teries that are not recycled must be disposed of as hazardous waste in full accordance with the regulations.Storage duration in relation to the date of manufacture.Charging voltage per cell at 25°C Charging time Less than 9 months 2,28 V/cell Longer than 72 hours Up to a year 2,35 V/cell 48 to 144 hours 1 to 2 years2,35 V/cell72 to 144 hoursMaintenance-free lead acid batteries in valve regulated lead acid.temperatures decrease battery life. The technical specifications apply to a nominal temperature of 25°C. Lower temperatures decrease available capa-city. Exceeding the maximum allowable temperature from 50°C is prohibited. Persistent operating tempe-ratures above 40°C should be avoided.2.8 Temperature-based float charging voltage and rapid dischargeThe float charging voltage of 2.275 V/cell ± 0.005 V/ cell applies to a temperature of 25°C. A temperatu-re-based recalibration of the float charging voltage is required to avoid over-charging at higher temperatu-res and under-charging at lower temperatures. The recommended recalibration factor is -3 mV/cell/V°C in a float charging situation. T o avoid a “thermal ru-naway”, for temperatures above 40°C the float char-ging voltage must be recalibrated to the temperature.A power-charging procedure can then be used if a rapid recharge is needed. In this case, the charging current should not exceed 0.01 C(A) and constantly decreases until it’s below 0.01 C(A). Once a level of ±0.1 V/cell has been reached, it should be switched to float voltage charging.2.9 ElectrolyteThe electrolyte is diluted sulphuric acid suspended in mats.3. Battery care and inspectionThe battery must always be kept in a clean and dry condition to avoid leakage currents.The battery should be cleaned according to the ZVEI information leaflet “Cleaning of Batteries”. The batte-ry’s plastic parts should only be cleaned using water without additives; using organic cleaning products is not recommended. The following should be checked and recorded at least every 6 months:- Battery voltage- Voltage of some individual cells/battery blocks- Surface temperature of some cells- Battery room temperatureIf the cell voltage differs from the average float char-ging voltage by ±0.1 V/cell, or if the surface tempe-rature of different cells/blocks differ from each other by more than 5 K, please contact customer services. The following must be measured and recorded yearly: - Voltage of all cells/battery blocks- Surface temperature of all cells- Battery room temperature- Leakage resistance according to EN 60896-21Annual visual inspection:- Screw connections. Unfixed screw connections should be checked that they are firmly attached.- The battery rack / storage area- Ventilation (both aeration and extraction) according to EN IEC 62485-24. InspectionsInspections should be carried out according to EN 60896-21. Please also refer to additional guidelines e.g. EN 50172 and VDE 0100-710. Refer to the afo-rementioned EN. In order to ensure a reliable power supply, the whole battery should be replaced once its expected service life – given its operating conditions and temperature – has expired.5. ProblemsIf you identify errors with the battery or the charging set-up, contact customer services without delay. The measurement specifications in point 3 enable easier fault-checking and troubleshooting. A maintenance contract helps with the timely identification of problems.6. Storage and decommissioningIf cells/batteries are put in storage or taken out ofservice for a significant amount of time, they shouldbe kept in a dry, frost-free room. T o avoid damage,maintenance charging should be carried out as spe-cified in point 2.4.7. TransportSun batteries are not hazardous materials as long asthey are secured against short circuits, slipping, fallingover and damage (Hazardous Material Act, GGVS, vo-lume No. 2801a). This applies to transport by road, rail,sea and air, and to IATA rules (Rule A67), ADR (Rule598), IMDG (Rule 238.2), and UN 2800 special provisi-ons. The transported goods should not carry any dan-gerous traces of acid. All sealed lead batteries and cellswhose containers are no longer leak-proof or damagedare subject to the corresponding special provisions.Temperature(°C)ChargingVoltage(V/Z)Float chargingvoltage(V/Z)- 102,532,36 02,482,33 102,452,30 202,402,28 302,372,24 402,342,218. Technical specificationsCapacities (Cn) at various discharge times (tn) until the relevant cutoff voltage (US) at a temperature of 25°C.Description20hr10hr5hr3hr1hrType SUN1,80 V/Z1,80 V/Z1,75 V/Z1,75 V/Z1,60 V/ZSB6-1,21,2 Ah 1,12 Ah 1,01 Ah 0,882 Ah0,728 AhSB6-1212 Ah11,2 Ah10,2 Ah9,2 Ah 7,54 AhMB12-0,80,8 Ah 0,74 Ah 0,67 Ah 0,588 Ah0,486 AhSB12-1,21,2 Ah 1,12 Ah 1,01 Ah 0,882 Ah0,728 AhSB12-2,12,3 Ah 2,14 Ah 1,93 Ah 1,69 Ah 1,40 AhSB12-3,43,4 Ah3,16 Ah 2,89 Ah2,60 Ah2,14 AhSB12-7,27,2 Ah 6,7 Ah 6,12 Ah 5,37 Ah 4,49 AhSB12-7,2L7,2 Ah 6,70 Ah 6,12 Ah 5,37 Ah 4,49 AhSB12-12L12,7 Ah12,0 Ah 10,4 Ah9,48 Ah7,38 AhSB12-1818 Ah16,7 Ah 15,3 Ah 13,4 Ah 11,2 AhSB12-2424 Ah 22,3 Ah 20,4 Ah 18,4 Ah 15,1 AhSB12-2626 Ah 24,2 Ah 22,1 Ah 19,9 Ah 16,3 AhSB12-3838 Ah 36,1 Ah 31,1 Ah 28,2 Ah 22 AhSB12-4545 Ah 42 Ah 36,6 Ah 32,7 Ah 26 AhSB12-6569,6 Ah 65 Ah 56,5 Ah 50,7 Ah 40,3 AhSB12-65S 65.0 Ah61.0 Ah51,5 Ah 46.8 Ah36.6 AhSB12-7578 Ah 75 Ah 64,5 Ah 58,5 Ah 45,8 AhSB12-100100 Ah 93,5 Ah 81,5 Ah 72,9 Ah 57,9 AhSB12-150160,5 Ah 150 Ah 130,5 Ah 117 Ah 93,0 AhSB12-200214 Ah 200 Ah 174,0 Ah156 Ah 124,0 AhHC12-9 T28,8 Ah8,2 Ah7,7 Ah6,6 Ah5,80 AhHC12-13 T212,56 Ah12,3 Ah10,65 Ah9,93 Ah9,17 AhHC12-22 M521,8 Ah21,8 Ah18,7 Ah16,47 Ah13,2 AhHC12-36 M635,0 Ah34,9 Ah31,55 Ah28,05 Ah24,2 AhHC12-50 M649,2 Ah46,7 Ah42,85 Ah36,9 Ah30,9 AhHC12-75 M675,0 Ah74,1 Ah67,0 Ah61,2 Ah49,5 AhHC12-80 M683,8 Ah80,0 Ah70,5 Ah63,0 Ah50,8 AhHC12-100 M8107,0 Ah106,0 Ah87,5 Ah75,0 Ah65,7 AhMB12-5HR6,1 Ah 5 Ah 4,47 Ah 4,05 Ah 3,74 AhMB12-7HR7,8 Ah 7,23 Ah 6,45 Ah 5,67 Ah 5,41 AhSB12-110A FT106 Ah 100 Ah 95,2 Ah 87 Ah 63,7 AhSB12-150A FT158,8 Ah 150 Ah 142,4 Ah 130,5 Ah 95,9 Ah Technical changes reserved.Updated 03/2021Battery-KutterBattery-Kutter GmbH & Co. KGRobert-Koch-Straße 19a · 22851 NorderstedtTelefon: +49 40 - 611 631 0 · Fax: +49 40 - 611 631 79E-Mail:**********************www.battery-kutter.de。
目 录1.概述2.安全规则及注意事项3.国际电气符号4.产品图标及说明5.功能使用说明5-1 蓄电池电压类型选择5-2 蓄电池测试5-3 起动机系统启动负荷测试5-4 最大负载系统测试5-5 充电系统测试5-6 打印测试报告6. 常见问题6-1 此测试仪之测量原理?6-2 车上装了逆电流,是否会影响结果?6-3 此产品能准确预知电瓶何时失效吗?6-4 此产品测量出的CCA 值正确吗?6-5 此产品测试法与负载测试法之差异?7. 电瓶规格7-1 JIS码转换表7-2 DIN、EN型号对照表8. 汽车电池知多少8-1 不同类型的电池内阻不同8-2 电瓶的蓄电量多少,无法凭感觉来测量8-3 一常见的电池标准缩写意义 (1) (1) (2) (2)..................................................................3 .........................................................3 .....................................................................3 ...................................................6 ............................................................7 ..................................................................8 (10)........................................................................11 ......................................................11 ....................................11 ....................................11 .............................................11 (11)........................................................................12 ..................................................................12 (14)………………………………………………………15 ……………………………………………15 ……………………………15 …………………………………………161.概述 蓄电池检测仪为启动型铅酸蓄电池性能检测工具,及车辆启动过程,充电过程,用电负荷过程蓄电池性能测试工具,同时具有测试报告打印功能。
二、安全注意事项1. 请勿将蓄电池直接暴露在高温环境下,以避免损坏电池性能。
2. 请勿将蓄电池投入水中或其他液体中,以免引起电池损坏或引发电击危险。
3. 当使用蓄电池时,请注意防止短路,避免金属物品接触电池两极。
4. 请勿将蓄电池与阳光直接接触,以免损坏电池外壳。
5. 如果电池出现损坏、漏液或发生异常情况,请立即停止使用并联系专业人员进行处理。
三、充电须知1. 在首次使用蓄电池之前,请先仔细阅读说明书,并确保了解正确的充电方式。
2. 使用正确的充电器进行充电,切勿使用不符合规定或低质量的充电器。
3. 在充电时,请确保充电器与电源的连接牢固,避免充电过程中出现意外情况。
4. 充电时请保持通风良好的环境,避免过热或过冷的环境。
5. 在充电过程中,如发现异常情况(如电池过热、充电时间过长等),请立即停止充电,并与厂家联系。
四、使用方法1. 在使用蓄电池之前,请先确保电池已充满电。
2. 将蓄电池正确安装在相应的设备或车辆中,确保极性正确连接。
3. 在正常使用过程中,如发现电池性能下降,电量不足等情况,请及时充电或更换电池。
4. 在存储蓄电池时,请避免长时间不使用导致电量耗尽,应定期检查电池的电量并充电。
5. 在长时间不使用蓄电池时,请将电池储存在干燥、通风的环境中,并定期充电以保持电池性能。
五、维护保养1. 定期清洁蓄电池的外壳,并确保其表面干燥。
2. 如果电池外壳有损坏,应及时更换,并避免继续使用,以免引发安全隐患。
3. 请勿拆卸或改装蓄电池,以免损坏电池性能或引发安全风险。
4. 当电池寿命结束时,请咨询专业人员进行处理,切勿随意丢弃。
六、故障排除1. 当蓄电池无法保持充电或电池寿命显著降低时,请联系专业人员进行检修或更换。
目录(一)使用须知及注意事项 (2)(二)使用前旳准备和检查事项 (2)(三)操作 (3)(四)维护和保养 (4)(五)储存 (5)(六)故障及排除 (5)附录一:充电操作规程 (6)附录2:车型、蓄电池、充电机适配表 (10)电动车蓄电池使用维护阐明(一)使用须知及注意事项1、请仔细阅读使用阐明。
ENERSYS 2V 200Ah AGM 蓄电池 使用手册说明书
Operation Guidefor Renewable Energy ApplicationsVisit us at 2ImportantPlease read this manual immediately on receipt of the battery before unpacking and installing. Failure to comply with these instructions will render any warranties null and void.Care for your safetyNo smoking, no naked flames, no sparksReadinstructionsDangerRecycle scrap batteries.Contains lead.Clean all acid splash in eyes or on skin with plenty of clean water. Then seek medical help. Acid on clothing is to be washed with water.Warning: Risk of fire, explosion, or burns. Do notdisassemble, heat above 60°C (140°F), or incinerate. Metallic parts under voltage are present on the battery, avoid short circuit. Do not place tools or items on top of the battery.1. Specific AttributesThe specific attributes of this type of battery, for renewable energy applications, are as follows:• High cycling (one “cycle” consists of a discharge, of any depth, followed by a recharge)• Fast recharge capability • Deep discharge recovery • Low rate of self-discharge• No addition of water required during service lifeSuperSafe ® SBS ® XC are designed for renewable energyapplications where the battery must undergo repeated cycling with daily depths of discharge of up to 35% of capacity C 120 (such as rural settlements, communications systems and lighting systems).2. Monobloc/Cell DesignThe SuperSafe SBS XC monoblocs and cells consist of: • Positive plates - Thin Plate Pure Lead (TPPL) grid technology for long cycle life and efficient recharging• Negative plates - provide a perfect balance with the positive plates to ensure optimum recombination efficiency• Separators – low resistance microporous glass fibre mat separator with high absorption and stability• Containers and lids - in UL94 V-0 rated flame-retardant PC/ABS material, highly resistant to shock and vibration• Electrolyte - high grade dilute sulphuric acid fully absorbed into separator material to prevent spillage in case of accidental damage• Dual-seal terminal design to prevent leakage over the product life• Self-regulating pressure relief valves - prevent ingress of atmospheric oxygen• Flame Arrestors – built into each bloc/cell for operational safety3. Features & Benefits• Excellent deep discharge recovery and cyclability• Up to 6,000 cycles at 20% depth of discharge and 1,500 cycles to 60% Depth of Discharge (DoD)• Vertical or horizontal installation (see SuperSafe SBS XC Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual for further information)• No topping-up required4. General Operation Instructions4.1 CapacityCapacity is the number of ampere hours (Ah) a battery can supply for a specific current and an end of discharge voltage. Capacity varies with the discharge time, discharge rate and temperature.The nominal capacity of SuperSafe SBS XC monoblocs and cells for renewable energy applications is given as follows: Capacity (Ah)Current (A)Discharge Period (Hours)End Voltage(Vpc)C 120l 1201201.85V4.2 Discharge Rate:This is the ratio of discharge current divided by battery capacity.4.3 Depth of Discharge (DoD):This is the capacity removed from the battery compared to total capacity. It is expressed as a percentage. The battery will be sized for solar applications with a DoD < 80% for the autonomy required.34.4 Daily CycleThe battery is normally used with a daily cycle - charge during the day hours and discharge during night hours. Typically, the daily discharge usage is between 2 and 20% DoD.4.5 Effect of Temperature on CapacityIf the ambient temperature deviates from 25°C, a correction factor must be applied to the published rating in order to optimise the service life (see Figure 1 below).Figure 14.6 Operating Temperature RangeThe recommended operating temperature range for optimum life and performance is between 20°C to 25°C. SuperSafe ® SBS ® XC monoblocs/cells can be operated in the temperature range -40°C to +50°C. In order to maintain mechanicalintegrity of the plastic components, the battery temperature in operation should not exceed +50°C. Note, operation ofbatteries at higher temperatures will reduce life expectancy. All technical data relates to the rated temperature of +25°C.4.7 StorageMonoblocs and cells lose capacity when standing on open-circuit because of parasitic chemical reactions. The high purity of the materials used in the construction of SuperSafe SBS XC batteries results in a very low rate of self-discharge, delivering up to 2 years shelf life at 20°C before a refresh charge is required.The self-discharge rate of SuperSafe XC monoblocs and cells is a function of the temperature. See below for the rate of self-discharge at various temperatures:Monthly self-dischargerate1.25%1.76%2.5%5%Batteries should be stored in a cool, dry area. Note that high temperature increases the rate of self-discharge and reduces storage life. The following table gives the maximum storagetime before a refresh charge is required and the recommended OCV audit intervals, at the given average storage ambienttemperature:+15 / +593412+20 / +682412+25 / +77176+30 / +96126+35 / +958.53+40 / +104634.8 Refreshing ChargeBlocs and cells must be given a refreshing charge: 4.8.1 when the OCV approaches 2.10Vpc, or4.8.2 when the maximum storage time is reached, whichever occurs first.Charge the monoblocs or cells at a constant voltage equivalent to 2.40Vpc with minimum 0.1C10 Amps current for a period of 24 hours.4.9 Installation and VentilationThe electrical protective measures and the accommodation and ventilation of the battery installation must be carried out in accordance with IEC 62485-2, and applicable “local/national” standards, rules and regulations.The battery should be installed in a clean, dry area.Whatever your application, SuperSafe SBS XC batteries can be mounted in any orientation except inverted. For the installation of cells in the horizontal position, the instructions below must be complied with.• Do not use terminal posts to lift or handle cells.• Ensure that the stand runners are located under the container rather than the lid and/or lid/container seal.• Always ensure that the arrow on the lid of each unit is pointing in vertical orientation.Effect of Temperature on the 20 hour Discharge PerformanceShown as a Percentage of Normal Capacity @ 25ºCTemperature (ºC)% P e r f o r m a n c e @ 25ºC140120100806040200-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50Avoid placing the battery in a hot place or in front of a window (no direct sunlight). Battery racks are recommended for proper installation.The positive terminal is identified by a “+” symbol on each monobloc/cell. Install the batteries in accordance with the instructions and/or layout drawing, taking care to ensure correct terminal location and polarity.Check that all contact surfaces are clean. Tighten terminal fasteners, taking care to use the correct torque loading. Thefastener torque value is indicated on the product label. Fit thecovers supplied for protection against short circuit.Follow the polarity to avoid short circuiting of monoblocs/cells.A loose connector can cause erratic battery performance andpossible damage to the battery and/or personal injury.4.10 Commissioning ChargeThe initial charge is extremely important as it will condition thebattery service life. So, the battery must be fully recharged toensure that it is in an optimum state of charge.Case 1: Using a constant voltage charger. Cells here will needto be recharged at a constant voltage of between 2.35 and2.40 Vpc (maximum) at 25°C for a minimum of 24 hours with acurrent limited to 0.01C10Amps. Temperature compensation forcharge voltage should be applied at the rates shown below:+10 / +50 2.44+20 / +68 2.40+25 / +77 2.38+30 / +96 2.36+40 / +104 2.32Case 2: With no external source available for recharging.Connect the battery to the solar panel regulator and leave atrest for 1 to 2 weeks. For this charge, set the regulator to thevalues outlined in the charging section.4.11 End-of-Charge ReadingThe table hereafter gives an indication of the state of charge ofblocs and cells from a reading of open circuit voltage.90 2.1580 2.1270 2.105. Cyclic Operation5.1 Cyclic PerformanceThe graph below shows cycling capability of SuperSafe SBSFigure 25.2 DischargingDo not over-discharge the battery. This can be avoided byincluding a Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) switch in the circuitor by disconnecting the battery from the load when the enddischarge voltage is reached. As a rule, installations will beequipped with a regulator whose voltage threshold values willprotect against deep discharge:Alarm 1.96Vpc 1.96Vpc 1.99VpcDisconnectVoltage (LVD) 1.93Vpc 1.93Vpc 1.96Vpc5.3 ChargingThe high charge acceptance of the TPPL technology used inSuperSafe® SBS® XC is suited for applications which requirea fast time to repeat duty. In such applications the voltageregulator should be set at 2.35Vpc to 2.40Vpc at 25°C.Once fully charged the voltage can revert to float voltage withtemperature compensation as required. There are a numberof methods that can be utilised to control the recharge anddetermine, when using fast charge, that full state of charge isobtained such as Current Absorption and Ah Counting.Based on current absorption, the recharge can be stoppedwhen current being absorbed by the battery reaches0.01C10Amps. At this point a timer can be set/activated todeliver an additional 1 hour of charge.10002000300040005000600070008000900010000110001200013000140004050NumberofCyclesDepth of Discharge (%)Depth of Discharge (%)NumberofCycles4Ah counting can be used to control the recharge (i.e.103%of discharged Ah is returned/115% in terms of Wh returned) using a device with accuracy ±1% of the expected current range. However, inaccuracies associated with equipment calibration and/ or controller algorithm accuracy can lead to drift in determining the true state of charge (SoC), meaning that periodic equalisation charge and recalibration of SoC is required.Where Current Absorption Rate or Ah counting is used to control the recharge, the battery voltage can be maintained at a constant of 2.35Vpc to 2.40Vpc provided that the battery temperature is controlled at or below +50°C.Where the voltage cannot be adjusted to values >2.40Vpc to compensate for temperatures below 20°C, the time to full state of charge will increase.The voltage/temperature compensation is +3mV/°C/Cell for a temperature lower than 20°C (77°F) (the reference temperature being 20°C) and -3mV/°C/Cell for a temperature higher than 20°C.6. Service LifeUnder normal operating conditions, the battery lifetime largely depends on the temperature and depths of discharge. The service life in cycling applications is based on the number of years with a daily depth of discharge and can never exceed the design life of 12 years at 20°C.See Number. of Cycles vs DoD graph, Figure 2, and an example of a SuperSafe® SBS®XC battery at 25°C:7. MaintenanceSuperSafe SBS XC monoblocs and cells are VRLA batteries and do not have to be topped up with water.• Do not open the valve. Opening could cause lasting damage to the battery and is prohibited.• The containers and lids should be kept dry and free from dust. Cleaning must be undertaken with a damped cotton cloth without additives and without man-made fibres or addition of cleaning agents, never use abrasives or solvents.• Do NOT use any type of oil, solvent, detergent, petroleum based solvent or ammonia solution to clean the battery containers or lids.• Discharge any possible static electricity from clothes by touching an earth connected part.8. Data RecordingIt is recommended that, as a minimum, the following information is recorded by means of regular data logging, which the user must make available to EnerSys® to validate any warranty claim.1) R ecords of the commission charge.2) T he number of cycles performed and the depth of discharge (DoD) of each cycle.3) T he duration of each charge and discharge cycle, and the Ah in and Ah out, or Wh in and Wh out.4) F ull details of the recharge voltage/current profile for the last 50 cycles.5) A full history of the ambient and battery surface temperatures, recorded at regular intervals throughout battery operation and life.6) T he time and date of each event. An event is defined asthe start/stop of the battery discharge, the start/stop of the battery recharge, the start/stop of any input power source.9. DisposalSuperSafe SBS XC products are recyclable. End of life batteries must be packaged and transported according to prevailing transportation rules and regulations. End of life batteries must be disposed of in compliance with local and national laws by a licensed battery recycler.5-S B S X C -R E -1220。
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环境中氢气浓度超过4%. 遇明火即会发生爆炸。
第五章 蓄电池充电注意事项1请在蓄电池充电前严格按照第六式退回蓄电池检测流程对蓄电池作出判断,符合充电条件后再开始以下充电程序。
1. 在充电设备关闭的状态下,连接蓄电池的端子。
2. 充电机输出的正极(一般为红色)与蓄电池的正极端子相连,输出端负极(蓝线或黑线)与蓄电池的负极端子相连,并确认连接牢固。
3. 开通充电机的充电开关,通过充电机调节器,从小致大缓慢调节充电电压或电流,直到达到要求的设定范围。
4. 按照充电器类型判断充电时间长短和结束条件(参考下页恒压充电器及恒流充电器充电建议)。
5. 充电结束时,须先关闭充电机电源开关,然后断开蓄电池的充电连接线(充电过程中切勿在未断开电源的情况下拆卸充电连接线)。
1. 车载充电受车载电器系统的控制,注意测量车载电器系统充电电压的设定。
●若设定电压高于14.4V 以上时会因过量充电,将使蓄电池内电解液中水强烈分解或导致极板脱粉,严重降低电池的使用寿命,甚至报废。
●低于13.8V 时发电量将不能满足使用要求,造成电池长时间亏电容易产生硫酸盐化。
2. 脱离车体恒压充电维护性均衡充电,宜使用专用充电设备进行。
其电压设置以15V/单只为宜,随充电时间的延续,待充电电流下降0.006C 且稳定3小时以上时,即表明充电量已充足,即可以适时终止充电。
3. 充电电压设置低时,相应因充电电流小难以保证电池的容量值;反之电压设置高,充电电流大,温升快,则易消耗电池内的电解液,严重影响电池的使用寿命。
4. 充电过程中,应将电池置于空阔、干燥的环境中,且保持环境通风良好。
5. 蓄电池在充电使用过程中应注意电池排气孔的通畅、避免火焰、火花及明火的靠近,防止爆炸等意外事故的发生。
蓄电池浮充电使用寿命趋势图30405060708090100110120电池容量(A h %)▲恒压充电机(电池开路电压大于11V使用较好)★最大充电电压:16.0V★最大充电电流:25A★充电时间:取决于电池的亏电程度,一般为4~16小时(参考端电压与充电时间的关系图)。
■充电电流应用举例:如6-QW-60MF即电池标称容量是60Ah,充电电流为60Ah/2h0=3A 。