开题报告 浅析汉译英中的中式英语现象






重 点 学 习 的 第二 语 言

中 国 自加入 世 界 贸易 组 织 以 来

与 世界
( 一 ) 本 土 文 化 与西方 文 化 的 差 异
的 交流 沟 通 越 来 越 频 繁
英 语作 为 各 国 沟 通的 工 具 也 被我 国 列
作 重 要 的 科 目 学 习 但 是 由 于 中 西 文化 思 想 思 维 方 式 汉 英 语 言 的 表 达 习 惯 的 诸 多不 同 使 得 一 直 以 来说 汉语 的 中 国 人 学
, , , , , , ,
在各个 国 家有 着普遍 的 影 响 力 越 来 越 多 的 国 家 将英语 当成 自 己 国 家 的 母 语 越 来 越 多 的 国 家 将英语 看 成 自 己 的 第二语 言
, ,

在 尚不 适应 或 是不 了 解 英语 的语言 习 惯 语言 习 溃和 思维 方 式 带 入到英语 的 学 习 中 去 了 影响
惯 染
语言是人 类传递信息 的 工具 有共 性 的 同 时 又 因 为不 同 的 民 族文化 有 着各自迥异 的 个性 本土语言 长期 受 本土文化 的 浸

, , ,
近几十年来 全 球 趋 于 稳定 经 济 随 和 平 与 发 展 的 国 际 环 境也迅速 发 展起 来 全 球 范 围 内 国 家 与 国 家 之 间 的 联 系 越 来 越 密切 经 济 往来 也越 来 越 频 繁 语言在沟通各 国 的 过程 中起 到 了至 关 重要 的 作 用 而英语作为在 全 球 范 围 内几乎通用 的语 言












(1)硬译(rigid translation)硬译就是按照原文逐字逐句地直译。


Egl:刘三姐A Third sister LiuB Liu sanjie(The Third Sister of the Liu Family)刘三姐,是民间传说的壮族人物,古代民间的传说歌手。











关键词:中式英语;思维模式差异;母语的干扰Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation and Possible SolutionsAbstract: With China‟s reform and opening-up policy and economic globalization, Chinese people are communicating with foreign countries in every aspect. English has developed as a widely used language to fulfill international communication, and translation has become a necessary method. However, a phenomenon exists commonly in Chinese- English translation, that is, Chinglish. The translators just rigidly stick to original words, and their translations turn out to be obscure and not consistent with English habits or rules but with Chinese characteristics, which cannot be accepted by English native speakers. Consequently, Chinglish seriously affects the translation quality and our communication with the world, and the international status of our country.This paper is an attempt to study Chinglish in Chinese-English translation. It consists of three parts. Part one describes Chinglish with interlanguage and analyzes the basic causes of Chinglish that are thought pattern difference between Chinese and English and interference of mother tongue. From the aspects of six sorts of errors, part two demonstrates main manifestations of Chinglish in C-E translation with a large number of examples. Part three offers some possible solutions with an aim to reduce or evade Chinglish in Chinese-English translation to the largest extent.Key words: Chinglish; thought pattern difference; mother tongue interferenceTable of ContentsI. Introduction (1)II. Chinglish (1)A. Definition of Chinglish (1)B. Manifestations of Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation (2)1. Unnecessary Words (2)2. Rigid Translation (4)3. Misuse of Words (4)4. Incorrect Word Order (6)5. Incorrect Subject (7)6. Incorrect Negation (8)III. Basic Causes of Chinglish (9)A. Thought Patterns Differences (9)B. Mother Tongue Interference (11)IV. Possible Solutions to Chinglish in Chinese-English Translation (12)A. Knowing More about English Thought Patterns (12)B. Accumulating Chinglish Examples (13)C. Doing More Translation Practice (14)D. Adapting good ways in using dictionaries (14)E. Watching more English movies and TV drama programs (15)V. Conclusion (15)I. IntroductionSince English has developed as an international language, study on various English versions on the linguistics, culture and cognition has become an important subject in the international language study field.Scholars home and abroad have been devoting themselves to studying Chinglish for years. Li Wenzhong distinguished Chinglish from Chinese English. He thought that Chinese English was not a hypothesis but an objective phenomenon with expansive prospect and study value, while Chinese English was distorted English and would be gradually reduced or eliminated along with the wide use of English and Chinese English learners‟. On the basis of interlanguage, both Chinese English and Chinglish were interlanguage variations produced by Chinese and affected by Chinese culture, and they were inevitable. There are two causes of Chinglish. First, the misunderstanding of the original and for the second was being not familiar with English characteristics and adopting Chinese collocations and structures. Joan Pinkham, an American professional translator, systematically classified Chinglish manifestations and corrected them with specific analysis.The author of this paper agrees that Chinglish is objective and unavoidable for Chinese English learners but needs improvement. This paper studies Chinglish in Chinese-English translation, discussing its definition, causes and solutions with a large number of examples.II. ChinglishChinglish has existed for a long history, even since Chinese began to study and use English. In the early 1980s, some foreign experts pointed out that some phrases or structures in some published Chinese magazines and newspapers did not conform to Standard English actually. Because it manifests Chinese feature, they called this kind of English “Chinglish” (Ma Xuehong 79).A. Definition of ChinglishChinglish is defined by Joan Pinkham who is an American language expert in her book The Translator’s Guide to Chinglish: “Chinglish, of course, is that misshapen, neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as …English with Chinese characteristics”. It does not conform to Standard English and cannot be understood or accepted by English native speakers, so it is playing a negative role in communicating with English people.In the strict sense, Chinglish is the interlanguage of Chinese learners between Chinese and English. Two of the characteristics of interlanguage are cited: (Pinkham 32) (1)It is dynamic, and full of errors, and is in the process of constant change towards astandard target language system.(2)The learner‟s competence is transitional. It is subject to constant revision, passes through a number of stages, and forms the “interlanguage continuum”.Another feature is fossilization which is defined as a process occurring from time to time in which incorrect linguistic features become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes a language.Being Chinese, we generally cannot reach the same level of competence as English natives. Our “final state”grammar is not standard English grammar. Thus, certain rules and items “fossilize”. Typical errors are “he have…”and “she go to school yesterday”, etc.According to the definitions of Chinglish and interlanguage and the characteristics of interlanguage,a conclusion can be drawn that Chinglish is an interlanguage of Chinese learners of English, and is neither Chinese nor English but stands between them.B. Manifestations of Chinglish in Chinese-English TranslationIt has been discussed in chapter one that thought is the basis of language, so the thought pattern difference will affect the transformation of the languages. Translation is a language activity that reexpresses the thought of language by another language accurately and entirely. In this sense, translation should not be merely viewed as the transformation of languages, but also the transformation of thought patterns. Besides, the structure difference between the two languages will also affect the translation. When translating, many Chinese English learners only pay attention to the language replacement, neglecting the differences of thought patterns and structures. Consequently, Chinglish appears. For a clearer cognition of this phenomenon, this chapter classifies it to six sorts of errors that are rigid translation, unnecessary words, and misuse of words, incorrect word order, incorrect subject and incorrect negation.1. Unnecessary WordsA sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentence. It is said that any words which perform no function in the sentence—that is, which add nothing to the meaning—should be edited out.However, almost every text translated from Chinese into English contains unnecessary words. Namely, unnecessary words appear in a large number of phrases and sentences. Unnecessary words are thehallmark of Chinglish. Let‟s see the following examples.(1) 确保中美两国之间紧密的合作关系。



等 。因此 ,在 英语教 学 中 ,教 师
在 教 课 过 程 中 除 了 讲 授 英 语 词 汇 、语 法 ,还 要 结 合 课 文 向 学 生
规 则和 习惯 ,在英 语交 际 中出现 的不合规 范英语 或不合英 语文 化 习惯 的畸形英语 。我 国清代 翻译
家 严 复 提 出 翻 译 的 标 准 应 做 到
思路 混乱 ,语 言支离 破碎 ,根本
的原 因 在 于 没 有 走 出 中式 思 维 模 式 造 成 的 误 区 , 经 常 出 现 类 似
“Go o d g o o d s t ud y , da y d a y
历 史和文化 的结 晶。任何一 种语 言都 与文化密 不可分 。文化 的共 性 使翻译成 为可能 ,但其语 言文
2 0 1 4. 0 4文 学 教 育
汉英翻泽 蛉 或英语现象及原因分新
回 刮晓飞
近 年 来 , 随着 各 类 英 语 考 试 对 书 面 表 达 能 力 的 要 求 不 断 提
学过程 中,教师可 以借 “ d o g ”这 个单词像 学生介 绍 中西 文化 的差
高 ,英语 翻译教 学越 来越 受到广
人在一个外语 的环境里 面! 英语
思 维 是 许 多 英 语 学 习 者 都 希 望 达 到的一种境 界 ,因为这是 用英语 流 畅 地 表 达 思 想 的 基 础 。 由于 东
( 一 ) 中西 方 文化 的差 异
语言是 社会 的产物 ,是人类
囝 圜 囝
亚 和欧美 的差 异很 大 ,英 语和 汉 语是 两种区别很大 的语 系, 源语 言 和 目标语 言很难达成完全 的一致, 对 于一个 生活在 非英语 环境 中的 中国学生来 说 ,要做 到部 分或全

开题报告 汉英翻译中的中式英语现象研究

开题报告 汉英翻译中的中式英语现象研究

























一、中式英语产生的原因1. 母语的负迁移迁移指在学习新知识时,学习者以前所掌握的知识、经验对新知识学习的影响。





“I go to school.”母语与目的语的结构相似,学习者能够较好地掌握这一句型。


比如,英语中有存在句型,“there be”句型。

















Rod Ellis指出,中国人在学习英语时,学习者的母语会对学习和使用英语产生消极影响,尤其是对初学者。









开题报告 浅析汉译英中的中式英语现象

开题报告 浅析汉译英中的中式英语现象
Zhejiang University,2007.
Nida, E.A. Language, Culture,and Translating [M].Shanghai:Shanghai ForeignLanguage
Education Press,1993
Nord, Christian. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches
Seaton, B.A.Handbook of English Language Teaching Terms and Practice .London:The
Macmillan Press,1982.
Yang weiguang. Phenomenon and analysis of chinglish in Chinese-English translation.



OutlineThesis statement: With the further development of economy and globalization, more and more people concentrate their attention on the English translation teaching. Translation as an important device to push forward communication activities, it greatly promotes the exchange between different nations. Chinglish occurs among intercultural communication, which may arouses misinterpret so that severely influences the communication effect. In this thesis, the author attempts to analyze the reasons of this phenomenon, and provides the best possible solutions to the problem.I. IntroductionII. Character2.1 The understanding of source text2.2 The word level2.3 The sentence levelIII. The causes of chinglish in C-E translation3.1 Difference between thinking way3.2 Difference between cultures3.3 Difference between usages3.4 The learning method3.5 The teaching strategyIV. The solutions of chinglish in C-E translationV. ConclusionThe Brief Analysis of the Chinglish inChinese-English Translation[Abstract] Translation is the foundation of English, which is indispensable learning resources and tools to us and is the supporter of communication.With the development of culture, Chinese-English translation is changed to keep abreast with the time. The analysis of the chinglish in the Chinese-English translation has been brought into focus among the teachers and researchers. This is a study of the analysis of the chinglish in the Chinese-English translation by referring to the following five aspects: a brief introduction, character, causes, solutions, and the conclusion. Based on these five aspects, the paper mainly discusses the characters of chinglish from three perspectives: understanding of source text; sentence level; word level. Towards the end of the paper, some suggestions will be raised upon the existing situation regarding this research.[Key Words] analysis; chinglish; Chinese-English translation1.IntroductionWith the further development of economy and globalization, English is the most signicant material for students’ learning and thinking, and it is the vehicle through which knowledge is transmitted. It plays a key role to assure the quality of communication. In recent years, more and more people concentrate their attention on the English translation teaching. Russian news released the world's most popular ten words list 2005, chinglish ranked fourth. As we all know, chinglish or Chinese English is widespread. But it cannot be accepted by English people. Even worse, the misunderstanding severely influences the communication. Faced with diverse chinglish, it’s necessary for us teachers to assess and analyze these characters systematically and suitably in order to make rational decisions in Chinese-English translation. We need to analyze the causes and solutions for chinglish translation so that we can make better use of English.2. Character2.1 The understanding of source textDifferent people have different understandings about text. Text is best seen as a resource in achieving aims and objectives that have already been set in terms of learner needs. Text tend to reflect that how the language may be most properly taught or delivered to learners, and how the language may be effectively worked upon during learning. The basis of translation is truth, which expresses the author’s opinions, emotion, idea, style and so on. As Tytler said, that thetranslation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original. The greatest translator of modern china, Yanfu has a share in his translation experience xin-da-ya. The most manifestation of chinglish in Chinese-English translation is that misunderstand source text that can’t translate the original meaning correctly. Or someone can’t use accurate literate form to translate Chinese into English because misread text. As a result, chinglish will be naturally in the translation and is hard to be removed.2.2 The word level“Unnecessary words are the hallmark,”(Pinkham,2000:2)“Almost every text translated into English from Chinese,(or that has been written directly in English by a native speaker of Chinese) contains unnecessary words.”(Pinkham, 2000:1) There are both formal and informal of context. Misuse of words constitutes most chinglish in Chinese –English translation. Without real understanding of their inner senses, the translator do translating according to the specficial meaning of words and what’s more, they ignore the differences between Chinese and English .Different nations have different thinking modes and cultural backgrounds, and different language have different rules expression. In the Chinese and English languages, there are many expressions in which the words are arranged in different order. The inversion of word order is an important factor to correct chinglish translation.2.3 The sentence levelIn an English sentence, it is acknowledged that the reason should be placed at the end of a sentence. As we know that the result should be stated at the end of a Chinese sentence. So you should use inverse translation that you need to adjust the original sentence structure and expression. Such as, they cancelled the outing because of the rain in English. Because of the rain, they cancelled the outing. The last sentence is a little chinglish. Strunk and white (str unk and white, 1979:23) think of this as a general principle:“The proper place in the sentence for the word of group of words the writer desires to make most prominent is usually the end. ”In Chinese-English translation, some translators misplaced the emphasis of Chinese version in English because of the interference from Chinese. “Chinglish is an awkward mixture in which ideas conceived in Chinese are ungrammatically expression in English.”(He mingzhu, 2000)3.The causes of chinglish in C-E translation3.1 Difference between thinking wayLanguage and thought are closely related. Language influences thought, in turn, thought decides the structure language. The thinking way of western people belongs to analytical type.Chinese people, however, incline to take consider specific details. Although along with the further communication, the distance is shorter and shorter for these two modes, while the essential part of each will not change easily. In Chinese-English translation, the discrepancy should be taken into account so as to reduce chinglish.3.2 Difference between culturesThe generality of the culture made it possible to translate, while the character of its language obstructs the translation. The Chinese students are nurtured by the long-term Chinese language and culture, lacking of understanding for the character of different language and culture, leading to poor information in cross-cultural communication; it is easy to appear chinglish. Take dog for example, it is just a animal in Chinese. However, it means a loyal friend in English. It is clear that Chinese culture and English culture all retain their own trait. So Chinese people and English people living in different areas may have different view of things. Among Chinese-English translation, people have different understanding on same thing to make chinglish.3.3 Difference between usagesUsage is the use of the conventional express, sometime like a Chinese idiom. As foreign language learners are deeply ingrained in the brain for their mother tongue, which may has negative impact on knowledge of foreign languages. And interferes with the correct and authentic foreign language .In generally, we say “study knowledge”in Chinese, while get knowledge in English.3.4 The learning methodWriting, to a large extent, is based on reading. It is said that wide reading and imitation can contribute to the native-like writing. Lacking of background knowledge and accumulation, learners can’t find the corresponding correct English expression to express their thoughts. They have formed the habit of trying to write in English what they would in Chinese and in this case, chinglish is likely to occur.3.5 The teaching strategyIt is evident that good translation takes place only when the learner has access to second language input and the opportunity to interact with the input. The teachers main concern is whether the students will pass the national college English test, so that they don’t shape students’habit to translate, and the way of thinking. They don’t usually create English-Englishenvironment to inflect students.4.The solutions of chinglish in C-E translationFirstly, In English teaching, teaching should be combined with the text to the students on the social conventions of western culture, historical background knowledge, strengthen students' understanding of English language characteristics, improve the students' English level, and reduce the students' pragmatic failures in the teaching process in addition to the teaching of vocabulary, grammar.Many English learners hope to achieve a kind of state that thinking in English. However, the learners Chinese thinking modes have deeply impact on the way the learners writing English and result in the chinglish. In peacetime memories, therefore, learners should understand the meaning of the words deeply, pay attention to English interpretation, make better use of a variety of ways to understand the true meanings of words.Reading more and wide is the most efficient way to reduce chinglish. On one hand, learners can jump out of the habit of writing in English but thinking in Chinese, and shape a good habit that the English ways of thinking. On the other hand, reading more about English western countries can weak the influence of the mother tongue so that they may choose the right words to express.Teachers should encourage student use an English –English dictionary. Keeping a good dictionary at hand seems to be a good remedy for the misuse of words.5. ConclusionThe study reported here is clearly a very small step in the task of unraveling mysteries of the analysis of chinglish in Chinese-English translation. The study might be useful to teachers to design teaching plan and spare no efforts to adapt the students’ minds into the ways of thinking. The thesis is expected to serve as a guide to the Chinese to English translation and ultimately to benefit translation in quality. Admittedly, what we have discussed in this study is far from complete. Some improvements we want to make in our further research include interviewing teachers and students, comparing the difference between Chinese and western English countries, and conducting a survey, which can make the study more adequate.ReferencesHe mingzhu. writing English the English way- a study of the causes of chinglish . Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000Kovecses,nguage,Mind and Culture.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2006.Nida, E.A. Language, Culture,and Translating [M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1993Nord, Christian. Translating as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalist Approaches Explained [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.Ou, Weihong. Understanding Chinese-English Bilingual Teaching. Beijing: Peking University Press,2009.Pinkham Joan.The translator’s guid to chinglish. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.Strunk and white. The element of style. New York: Macmillan Inc,1979.Seaton, B.A.Handbook of English Language Teaching Terms and Practice .London: The Macmillan Press,1982.Yang weiguang. Phenomenon and analysis of chinglish in Chinese-English translation. Zhejiang University,2007.邓炎昌、刘润清.《语言与文化——英汉语言文化对比》.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1989.连淑能.《论中西思维方式》.外语与外语教学,2002.叶子南.《高级英汉翻译理论与实践(第二版)》..北京:清华大学出版社,2008庄凌.《母语负迁移与翻译学习》.安徽广播电视大学学报,2002.Eggins, S, Slade, D. Analysing Casual Conversation, 2004.Eggins, Suzanne. An Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics, 2004.Halliday.M.A.K. An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 2008.Halliday, M. A. K. Linguistic Studies of Text and Discourse, 2007.Herman, Vimala. Dramatic Discourse:Dialogue as interaction in plays, 2005.Hood,Susan.Appraising Research:Taking a Stance in Academic Writing, 2004.Hutchings, William. Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot:a reference guide, 2005.Martin JR, White PRR. The language of evaluation: appraisal in English, 2005. Thompson, Geoff. Introducing Functional Grammar, 2008.佟茹娜(Dong Runa).《等待终局》.上海外国语大学, 2006.何云(He Yun).《无望中诞生希望》.天津师范大学, 2007.李丹霞(Li Danxia).《混沌的建构》.湖南师范大学, 2011.刘海杰(Liu Haijie).《“等待戈多”中的不确定性》.中南大学, 2011.鲁易(Lu Yi).《“等待戈多”与中国戏剧之剧场身体的流变》.华东师范大学, 2013. 金英(Jin Ying).《相同的等待,不同的结果》.延边大学, 2008.邵宗宝(Shao Zongbao).《荒诞派戏剧”等待戈多”中沉默现象的语用研究》.江南大学, 2013.王晓华(Wang Xiaohua).《无望等待中守候到希望》.南昌大学, 2012.杨婷婷(Yang Tingting).《被间离的人—塞缪尔·贝克特主要戏剧作品研究》.华东师范大学, 2007.。




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在中央编译局和外文出版社做过八年译文修改工作的美国翻译专家Joan Pinkham在《中式英语之鉴》中曾对中式英语下过定义:“所谓的中式英语就是那种畸形的、混合的、既非英语又非汉语的语言文字,也可称其为‘具有汉语特色的英语’。




例如,将“人们的生活水平”译成“living standards for the people”就是典型的中式英语。

因为“living standards”只适用于人类。


Eugene Nida认为,不少母语为非英语的译者译出的东西即使单词、语法都是正确的,但他所译出的某些词语组合在英语中也是不被接受的。
























美国职业翻译琼?平卡姆女士(Joan Pinkham)在其著作《中式英语之鉴》对中式英语下了一个比较全面的定义,认为中式英语就是一种畸形的、混合的、既非英语又非中文的语言文字,也可称其为“具有中文特色的英语”。


















i hes n” n t u 。
23 子 层 面 上 的 中 式 英 语 -句
“ 抽 烟 ” 是 学 某 种 技 巧 . 会 不 会 抽 烟 ” 际上 指 的 是 学 不 “ 实 有 没 有 抽 烟 的 习惯 . 以可 以把 译 文 改 为 “f o o o s k , 所 Iy u t mo e d n yu d e e t oi” 此 , 感 觉 把 汉 语 的 词 语 生 搬 硬译 成 o ’ t r o d .因 b t n t 凭 看 上 去 似 乎 同义 的 英 语 词 语 , 易 造 成 译 文 晦 涩 难懂 , 容 即产 生 中式 英语 。由于 文化 背 景 的 不 同 , 的褒 贬 色 彩 、 情 色 彩 、 词 感 文 化 内涵都 不相 同 , 的 联想 意义 也 不 尽 相 同 , 以在 翻 译 的 过 词 所 程 中要 考 虑到 这 些 因素 .就 不 会 在 汉 译 英 过 程 中进 行 词 对 词 的翻 译 了 。实 际上 。 汉词 义 的走 向也 不 相 同 , 内涵 和 外 延 英 其 在 多 数 情 况下 都 不 是 单 一 的 对 应 关 系 , 语 一 词 多 义 , 义 灵 英 词 活抽 象 , 汉语 词 义 则 比较 单 一 、 固定 、 体 。 以 在 翻译 时应 考 具 所 虑到 这 些 因素 。 免 出现 中式 英 语 。 避
y u’ e tr o a n o d b t t ol r . en t e
在 汉 英 翻 译过 程 中容 易 犯 的 另 一 类 搭 配 上 的错 误 是 介 词 与其 他 词 的搭 配 , 词 是 英 文 中重 要 的一 类 功 能 词 , 以用 来 介 可 表示 词 与 词 之 间 的语 法 关 系 。是 组 成 英 语 句 子 的重 要 纽 带 之 英 语 介 词组 合 能 力 很 强 , 与名 词 、 容词 、 词 、 词 及 可 形 副 动 分词 组 合 而 表 达 十分 丰 富 的词 汇 意 思 。而 汉 语 的介 词 是 由动 词演 变 而 来 , 量 及使 用 远 不 及 英语 。 数 因此 , 汉译 英 时 , 般 在 一 要根 据 上 下 文 和英 语 介 词 短 语 的 固定 搭 配 极 其 习惯 用 法 进 行 翻译 。如 “ 在 阳 光下 ” 是 “iigu d r h n 而 是 “ i n 坐 不 s t n e te u ” tn s s ig n
























目录摘要2关键词2引言1一、中式英语与中国英语1(一)何为中式英语1(二)中国英语与中式英语的区别2二、中式英语的相关理论论述及成因2(一)中式英语相关语言理论论述31.中介语(interlanguage)理论32.语言迁移(language transfer)理论33.错误分析(EA)理论3(二)中式英语的成因4三、跨文化及思维模式影响4四、交际策略的运用6五、中式英语特征在写作中的主要表现7(一)词法方面7(二)用词不当7(三)词汇搭配不当8(四)累赘词的使用81.多余名词92.多余动词93.多余修饰语10(五)句法方面111.词序错误112.语态错误123.句式结构问题124.语篇方面13六、避免写作中出现中式英语的方法14(一)有效借助词典等辅助工具14(二)注重句式结构,正确使用被动语态14(三)吸收西方文化元素,摆脱汉语思维模式14总结15参考文献15致谢16浅析英语写作中常见中式英语现象摘要:"中式英语"(Chinglish)是中国大学生英语写作中非常容易出现的现象,同时也是困扰中国大学生英语写作的难题。


关键词:中式英语,大学生,英语写作中的错误Analysis of the phenomenon of Chinglish in English WritingAbstract:"Chinglish" (Chinglish) is very easy to appear China in College English writing phenomenon, also is troubled by the problem China college students English writing. In this paper, based on the China students English Corpus (CLEC), College English position studies draw out from the analysis of the, students in English writing errors, the results based on the analysis of the formation cause of "Chinglish", and then use the relevant writing theories, put forward the teaching principle of our university English writing teaching and eliminate "Chinglish" countermeasures. Keywords: Chinese English, college students, English writing errors引言现今,随着我国社会的日趋进步以及与国际交流的日益频繁,英语作为主要国际通用语言之一,在人们的日常学习、生活、工作交往中普遍使用。


中式 英 语 中国式英语现象是 中国学生学英 语过 程中产生 的一

同学译为 “ ecnb i eas m o et ” 正确 的 H a es dt b t pcl c r. a o a l o 译文应是 “ ei sm ti f a pcl c r” “ H o e n o s m oet . 把 不三 s h g at o
l y w n su y E gi l ,y u mu tp ti a l me al a tt td n l h wel o s u t f i o s n oot
笔者在教学过程 中搜集 了学生的作业和考试 中的汉 英翻译的句子 , 发现学生 的 中式英语表 现形式 大多体现
在 以下 方 面 。 1 词 汇方 面 。 .
() 1 多余的修饰 成分 。 中式英 语 在 词汇 选 择方 面 常 常表 现为 冗 余 累赘 。 如 , 毕竟 , “ 健康对每个人来说都是最重要 的。 ”有 的同学
译为 “Atr l hat i o evr t s ipr n et f l e h s fh eyu tm o ac e a , l t mo t o eeyoy ”句子中的 “ e ”是 多余 的因为 “ t s 已 vrbd. vr y u t mo ” 经是最高级 了。另外如 :加快经 济改革 速度 ” “ 常被学 生 译 为 “ oacl a epc f cnm crf m” 而 事实 T ce rt t aeo eoo i e r . e eh o 上 , acl ae 本身就包 含 “nraetesedo”的意 “ cee t” r ices pe f h 思, 所以此 句应译 为“ oaclr eeoo i r om” T ce a cnmc e r .在 et f 汉语 中, 我们经 常用很强 的副词修饰动词和形容词 , 用形








如英语中 big 就是汉语的"大",所以当要用英语翻译"一大早"时,他们就翻译成 a big morning,而没有顺应英语中很早的含义,从而做出相应的变化译成 early in the morning。

还有诸如马路译成horse road 等典型中式英语现象。

在词汇方面一词多译现象很多,但实际上含义不尽等同,如英语中的 look,see,watch 等都译成汉语的"看",学习者在翻译看书时就成了look a book。






例如,一本书是 a book,而两本书就是 twobooks。




这一 过程 中 , 我们 的内心活动十分复杂 , 我们 在不停 的比较两种语 言 , 改正 表达 , 从 而得到 最终 的结果 。在这 个过程 中 , 理解是 为表达服 务 的, 也就是最终 目的是表达 出来 。这不仅仅要求译者英语表达能力强 , 还必须有较高的汉语素养。 2 . 从 语 义 结 构 看 翻译 个 句子的理解是从 句子表面结构获得 句子的深层意义 , 从而获 得 句子的真正意义 , 即句子要表达 的真实意思 。有学者进行 了这方面 的研 究, 他们认 为句子有表层结构 和深层意思之分 , 深层意义需要研究 分析 。我们 可以模拟这样一个 翻译 的过程 , 翻译开始后 , 译者首先看到 的是句子 的表层结 构 , 然后通过分 析研 究获得 了句子 真正要表达 的深 层 意义, 最后通 过英语 表达 出来 。我们 同样 以上述 “ 提高经济发展 的速 度” 为例 , 这 句话 中的修饰成分 和被 修饰成分 , 修饰成 分表现 出的 内容 实际上就是这个 句子的中心。假 如我们去掉 “ 经济发展 的” , 那么 “ 提高 速度” 就是一个没有 实际意义的动词短语 。而去掉 “ 的速度 ” , 我们 同样 能够从“ 提高 经济发展” 中获得他所 表达的意义 。同样 的 , 如果我们理 清“ i m p r o v e ” 中带 有s p e e d o f 的含义 , 那么对两语翻译 的质量提 高有重要 的作用。 又如 , h a r v e s t 在词典 中 的解 释是 “ 在农 业 中的丰 收” , 那 么在 “ t h e f a r me r g e t h a r v e s t s i n a g r i c u l t u r e ” 这句话中 , 虽然结构清 晰, 也容 易看懂 , 但是 i n a g r i c u l t u r e 就显 得重复 , 因为 h a r v e s t 不可能是 其它方面 的收获 。 从这个例 句可以看 出, 译 者在对 中文句子 的理 解过程 中是没有 问题 存 在的 , 但是在把 中文转化为英文的过程中 , 盲 目的把汉语的表层句子结 构用对应的英文词 语表现出来就 出现 了很大的问题。 在翻译 工作 中 , 当中文 的句子结构与英文 句子结构的表层结 构与 深层含 义相统一或非常接 近时 , 译文 的质量 就相对较高含义 时 , 翻译就会使得 中英两语 想要表达 的意思出现差异 , 译 文的质量也会 出现相应 的差异 , 译文的质量也会 出 现 问题 。所 以 , 中式英语在很多情况 下是出现在两语 的语 义结构不一 且有 深层含 义 , 而译者 却没 有理 清这一 点就直 接套用 中文 句法 的情 况 。比如有一个英文词汇 w e a l " , 我们一般 只能想到 的对应 中文意思只 有“ 穿、 戴” , 却很难想 到“ 系领带 、 化妆 ” 也可以用 w e a r 。很 多的翻译者 在想不 出用什么词的时候 , 往往想到的是“ 有 道” 等电子词典 , 这样就导 致 了译文 中的众 多错误 。 3 . 针对句子结构对 中英文进行的对比 般说来 , 汉语 中的句子结构和英语 有很 大的不 同。比如说 , 英语 中的定语 和状语的位置有一 定的区别 。在英语 中 , 当短语 和句子作定 语 的时候 , 一般是放在被修饰词的后面 , 而汉语的定语 常常被放在被修 饰词 的前面 。汉语的状语一般放在句首或行 为动词 的前 面 , 很 固定 , 而 英语 的状语则非常灵活 , 但是 大多数情况放在句尾 。有些状语 , 比如 : s o m e t i m e s , h o w e v e 等相对 比较灵 活 , 句首 , 句 中, 旬 尾都 可以放 。但是 , 通 过对 比分析我们还可 以发现 , 英语和汉语 在句型结构上有很多 相似 的部分 。英语的六种基本句型如下 : 主语+谓语 ; 主语十谓语+ 宾语 ; 主 语+ 谓 语+宾语 +宾补 ; 主语+谓语 +间接宾语 +直接宾语 ; 主语 +系 词+ 表语 ; T h e r e b e 句型。 由上述可知 , 英语 中存在的句型 , 除t h e r e b e以外 , 汉语中都是存在 的。而且 有时旬 中各部分 的顺序 ( 除状语 以外 ) 在大多数情况下还是相 同的。所 以, 在大 多数情况下 , 译者在翻译的时候还是能够参照汉语句 型的直译就行 。但 是有一部分情况要根 据语言 自身特点和 习惯性 的 , 在遇到这种情况 的时候就需要我们多 了解 英语 的语言背景 , 避 免出现 翻译的误差 。相对 汉语而言 , 英语 的语 言结构更为灵活 , 特别 是状语 , 所以译者在 翻译 的时候也需灵活掌握不 同语言的不 同表达方 式 , 从而 减少中式英语 的现象 。












if you can not smoke,you’d better not to learn.“学抽烟”不是学某种技巧,“会不会抽烟”实际上指的是有没有抽烟的习惯,所以可以把译文改为“if you do not smoke,you’d better not do it.”因此,凭感觉把汉语的词语生搬硬译成看上去似乎同义的英语词语,容易造成译文晦涩难懂,即产生中式英语。


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