
设备由以下几个主要部件组成:1. 风轮:负责捕捉风能并转化为机械能。
2. 发电机:将机械能转化为电能。
3. 控制系统:监测设备运行状态并确保设备的高效运转。
三、安全须知在操作风力发电设备之前,请务必阅读并理解以下安全须知:1. 请在设备正常运行状态下进行操作,确保设备处于关机状态后再进行维护和保养。
2. 在操作维护设备之前,请戴上个人防护装备,如手套、护目镜等,确保自身安全。
3. 请确保设备周围没有其他人或物体,确保操作区域的安全性。
4. 在操作设备时,请遵循严格的操作流程,并按照说明书中的步骤进行操作。
四、设备操作步骤1. 启动设备a) 确保发电设备与电网连接良好,无异常情况。
b) 打开设备总电源开关,并等待设备启动。
c) 监测设备运行状态,确保设备正常运行。
2. 监控设备运行a) 定期检查设备运行状态,关注机械部件是否存在异常磨损或松动。
b) 检查发电机的电气连接是否稳固。
c) 监测设备输出电压、频率等参数是否正常。
3. 停止设备a) 关闭设备总电源开关,切断电源供给。
b) 等待设备完全停止运行后,方可进行后续维护工作。
五、设备维护与保养为确保设备的正常运行和延长设备的使用寿命,请定期进行以下维护保养工作:1. 清洁设备:定期对设备进行清洁,清除积尘和杂物。
2. 润滑部件:对设备的润滑系统进行维护,确保各部件正常润滑。
3. 检查电气部件:定期检查电气连接是否稳固,排除异常情况。
4. 定期检查:定期请专业技术人员进行设备的检查和维护,确保设备处于最佳状态。
以下是常见故障及其排除方法:1. 设备无法启动a) 检查电源连接是否正常。
风王牌 20kw系列风力发电机 产品说明书

风王业绩风王业绩系列风力发电机产品说明书 20KW系列风力发电机产品说明书前言风王牌风力发电机 ,是适合于无电或缺电,并具有一定风力资源的农村、牧区、山区及海岛使用的风力发电机设备,是电灯、电视等家用电器的理想电源。
3.风速、风向传感将数字信号输送给控制器实现智能控制,超风速,过电压自动停机技术指标三、技术指标FD1--20KW型FD1a.风轮直径:11Mb.调速方式:自动调整迎风角度c.额定风速:10M/Sd.额定电压:380Ve.额定功率:20KWf.发电机:三相永磁发电机g额定转速:120R/MINh停机风速:25M/SI 开机风速:3 M/SJ超速保护:自动调整迎风角度,不会超过额定转速。
K调向方式:风速 风向传感器检测,转速检测控制器输出偏转信号L塔架高度:18米M停机:电压450V,温度100度,风速超过25米/秒自动停机。

编号:FT000320-IT R00目录1.责任与义务2.安全和防护设备2.1 必备设备2.2 用于特殊操作的设备2.2.1 用于紧急下降的设备2.2.2 其它特殊操作3.基本安装注意事项3.1 概述3.2 对风力发电机的操作3.3 在风力发电机附近逗留及活动3.4 访问控制单元和面板3.5 访问变压器平台4.安全设备4.1 紧急停止4.2 与电网断开4.3 过速保护设备(VOG)4.4 机械安全设备4.4.1 啮合锁4.4.2 活动元件的保护罩4.4.3 机舱顶的栏杆4.4.4 机舱后门的栏杆5.在风力发电机内部检查或工作6.对风力发电机的设备的操作6.1 使用绞盘6.2 使用紧急下降器7.风力发电机的固定8.急救9.应急计划10.发生火灾时的应急措施11.发生事故时的措施1.责任与义务Gamesa Eólica将安全与健康方向的考虑放在首位并一以贯之,因此在我们生产的风力发电机的设计中体现了防护的需要。
因此,只要风力发电机的安装、维护和使用遵照Gamesa Eólica的设计,就不会出现这方向的问题。

Studies on the Screening Method of the Outliers of Wind Power inWind Power GenerationFeng GangElectric Power Dispatching Center State Grid ZhouShan Power Supply CompanyZhejiang, ChinaLiu YaoFaculty of Science Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing, Chinae-mail:*****************Li HongjieFaculty of Science Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing, Chinae-mail:******************Liu LihuaFaculty of Science Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing, Chinae-mail:****************Fei JianpingElectric Power Dispatching Center State Grid ZhouShan Power Supply CompanyZhejiang, ChinaWang DongElectric Power Dispatching Center State Grid ZhouShan Power Supply CompanyZhejiang, ChinaYi LeiFaculty of Science Beijing Forestry University Beijing, Chinae-mail:***************Wang HongqingFaculty of Science Beijing Forestry UniversityBeijing, Chinae-mail:*******************Abstract—Through the analysis of wind power, reasonably adjusting the power is the key to stable operation of wind power generation. In this paper, first the wind power curve is studied on the basis of the least square method, so that the variation rules of wind power can be determined, and on the basis of a given reasonable threshold, the outliers and abnormal coefficient can be identified.secondly, we expand the data dimension and calculating the 15-day average of every time . Thus there is a new data set , and using the same method above can quickly locate the outliers existing range. Finally, time series iteration method is used to establish outliers identification model, and the points of wind power are found. Finally, the actual value on the abnormal point based on the outlier fitting model is estimated. Thus effective regulation of wind power can be achieved.Keywords-The least square method; time series iteration method; outlier identification;The outlier fitting model; MATLABI.I NTRODUCTIONThe development and utilization of wind energy began in the 1970's,Some developed countries, such as America and Western Europe had to find new energy to substitute fossil energy under the pressure of oil crisis. They began to build wind farms and grid generation from 1980's, and then the wind energy became a new power energy. From the middle of 1980's, the wind power technology has made rapid development in the world. Wind power can not only reduce emissions of the main greenhouse gas, but also meet the growing global demand for energy[1].The running data of wind farm is collected through the SCADA system. It may be interfered during the data collection, transmission or conversion, and because of the scheduling mechanism control, maintenance and other factors will also result in abnormal actual power of wind farm. Due to scheduling instruction, fan operation and other auxiliary information is difficult to obtain, the abnormal data cannot be effectively screened. Thus, choosing suitable methods and effectively eliminating the outliers in the data can make the wind power play to the best effect.At present, research on the accuracy of wind power system data is roughly divided into two kinds:(1)a data validation method based on Neural Network[2],using parameter prediction model predict parameters; But theInternational Conference on Logistics Engineering, Management and Computer Science (LEMCS 2014)neural network method always turns the feature of problems to digital, all reasoning to numerical calculation ,and the result is bound to the loss of information. (2)Outlier detection based on wavelet analysis, in Literature [3] the high frequency components and low frequency components of the continuous data stream are separated, then the outliers in the data are found by combining with clustering method; however, once the wavelet function is selected, the property is fixed in the wavelet analysis, then it's difficult to accurately approximate the local features of the signal at different scales, there may be loss of original time domain features. In this paper, the least square method to fit the data of wind power is used to determine the abnormal data and abnormal coefficient by formulating a reasonable threshold; in addition, a new method ——the iterative algorithm in the time series analysis is used to distinguish the abnormal values. It does not only keep the time and domain characteristics and the hidden information of the original data, but also increases the fitting degree, improves the accuracy, and reduces the searching time of abnormal values. II.DATA FITTING BASED ON LEAST SQUAREMETHODSupposing that the error ),,...,1,0()(*m i y x S i i i =-=δTm ),...,,(21δδδδ=,and )(),...,(),(10x x x n ϕϕϕ islinearly independent functions in ],[b a C ,then we canfind a function)(*x S in )}(),...,(),({10x x x span n ϕϕϕϕ=,and the )(*x S meets the condition of∑∑∑=∈==-=-==mi iix S mi i i mi i y x S y x S 02)(02*222)1(])([min])([ϕδδWhere .)()(...)()()(1100m n x a x a x a x S n n <+++=ϕϕϕ This is the method of least squares in curve fitting [4]. A. Establish ModelWe take a data set ),...,2,1,10)(,(m i y x i i =, containing m+1 elements, in which i x is time and i y ispower. Thenweusethepolynomialofn n n x a x a x a a x p ++++=...)(2210, the approximatingfunction)(i i x f y =. The approximating method is tomake the distance minimum based on the discrete norm of ∑=-=mi i n i n x p y a a a d 0210))((),...,,(. Therefore we get thelinear equation about n a a a ,...,,10:nn n n n n n n n t a s a s a s t a s a s a s t a s a s a s =+++=+++=+++++211011*********....................................Where n i x y t n i x s mi k i i km i k i k ≤≤=≤≤=∑∑==0,;20,0. Supposing thatthe threshold we set before is σ,then we decide i y is outlier ifi y satisfiesσ>-i j Y x p )(.B. Prove and AnalysisThe data originates from the Jiangsu coastal wind power plants, a total of 34848 groups of wind monitoring data from December 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009, provided by the Electric Power Research Institute. Due to the large amount of data, we use the grouping method to simplifying the process, and also improve the accuracy of the model. The specific steps are as follows:(1)Take 150 data to fit in turn, that is, the first group is the data from 1st to the 150th , the second group is from the 151th to the 200th , and the third one is from the 101th to the 250th , and so on .There are 233 groups.(2)Use least square method to construct 9 times polynomial approximation on the 150 data we take, where m=9, n=9.(3)Because the middle part of the curve is fitted the best, we take the middle 50 data of the first group (that is 51-100) and the middle 50 data of the second group (that is 101-150) end to end ,and so on ; (4)As that, until the end of the data.After that we use matlabR2010a ,operate all data by adopting the method above ,the following is partly fitting results (Fig .1):Figure 1. 1-150 data fitting imageAt the same time, we get the coefficient matrix of the step function, thus the final 9 order approximation polynomial is:98765432)1436.1()1295.8()0940.2()0734.3()0556.2(0011.00209.01665.02756.19332.64x E x E x E x E x E x x x x y -+--+-+---+-+-+=The residuals chart of the original data and fitting data:Figure 2.Due to the large amount of data (all data is 34848),we intercept the fitting image of the 5000th to the 7000th ,as following :Figure 3.Analysis :Using the 9 order polynomial fitting achieves the best effect, which is more than 90%.By the residuals chart of the data, we can find the residual curve fluctuates around 0, and the relative data fluctuation is very small. This can also illustrate that the fitting degree is very good.III. INSPECTION OF OUTLIERS BASED ONLEAST SQUARE METHOD Using all of the original data to search the outliers is a method based on one-dimensional space. We expand the dimension of the data. We use the average of 5 days (15 days) data instead of the original data at each time to form a new dataset. Then using the above method can be more quickly to determine the interval of the outliers.In this case, we suppose that for data of each time, the arithmetic average of five data: the two data prior to this data, the two data next to this data and this data take place of the original data of each time. For example, we render the data of 100th time 100y a new value 100Y ,1009899100101102()/5Y y y y y y =++++to replacethe original data. Then, apply previous Least Square Method to analyze new data, where in the same way, denote σ as threshold value and assume that if i Y satisfies ()j i p x Y σ->, there are outliersbetween2112,,,,i i i i i y y y y y --++.In the same way, we can use the arithmetic average of fifteen data to replace the original data. And in this case, if i Y satisfies ()j i p x Y σ->, we assume that there are outliers between these fifteen data which are near i Y , and this is the range of outliers that we find.Applying this method, inspect data 101st -250th. Figure 4 shows the figure of new data and fitting curve. Table 1 shows the outliers where we assume that σ=0.1 and use arithmetic average of fifteen data to replace the original data.Figure 4.The figure and table show that the abnormal coefficients of time 178th to 184th are much big, which means that it is very possible that outliers exist between their overlap parts. On the other, the abnormal coefficients of 127th to 129th are also big, which means it is also possible that outliers exist between their overlap parts.IV. INSPESTION OF OUTLIERS BASED ONITERATION METHOD [5] Before you begin to format your paper, first write and save the content as a separate text file. Keep your text and graphic files separate until after the text has been formatted and styled. Do not use hard tabs, and limit use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add any kind of pagination anywhere in the paper. Do not number text heads-the template will do that for you.Finally, complete content and organizational editing before formatting. Please take note of the following items when proofreading spelling and grammar:A. Mathematic Model of OutliersAmong the on-line monitoring data of wind power, according to their properties and generating mechanisms, outliers can be classified into 2 kinds [6]. 1) Additional outliersThis kind of outliers is isolated. Normally, these outliers generate because equipments have been interfered externally or disturbed by themselves. Their appearance won’t affect adjacent observed data. As for time series which is based on on-line monitoring value, this kind of outliers is nonessential and they are not related to internal structure of time series.2) New Informational OutliersThis kind of outliers will appear aggregated because they will affect a series of observed data through correlation of time series. And the generating mechanism of this kind of outliers is that the structure of dynamical system has changed so that the internal structure of time series will change abnormally and generate these outliers.t Z is observed series, and t X is a series without outliers 。

二、产品概述1. 产品名称:风力发电机组2. 产品型号:...3. 技术参数:...4. 产品组成:本发电机组由以下主要部件组成:4.1 风轮:...4.2 主轴:...4.3 发电机:...4.4 控制系统:...三、使用环境要求在使用风力发电机组之前,请确保以下环境满足要求:1. 风力资源:确保所处地区具备足够的风力资源以产生电能。
2. 场地条件:选择适宜的场地进行安装,确保周围无障碍物遮挡,以保证风力的有效捕捉。
四、安装步骤1. 场地选择:选择适宜的场地进行安装,确保地基坚固、平整,并远离高压输电线路等潜在危险。
2. 地基施工:根据风力发电机组的安装需求,进行地基的施工,确保稳定性和可靠性。
3. 部件安装:按照安装顺序,将风轮、主轴、发电机等部件逐一安装到指定位置并紧固。
4. 电缆布线:连接风力发电机组与电网,确保电能的传输与利用。
五、操作与维护1. 启动与关闭:1.1 启动操作:根据操作面板上的指示,按照正确的顺序启动风力发电机组。
1.2 关闭操作:根据操作面板上的指示,按照正确的顺序关闭风力发电机组。
2. 日常维护:2.1 清洁保养:定期对风轮、主轴等部件进行清洁和保养,确保其表面光洁,减少摩擦阻力。
2.2 零部件检查:定期检查发电机组各零部件的紧固情况,如有松动应及时紧固。
2.3 润滑添加:根据操作手册指引,对发电机组内部需要添加润滑油脂的部位进行定期添加。
2.4 故障排除:在发现异常情况时,应及时排查故障原因并采取相应的修复措施。
六、安全提示1. 请勿接近旋转部件:在发电机组运行期间,切勿接近风轮、主轴等旋转部件,以免发生危险。
2. 注意防护措施:在进行操作、维护时,请戴好防护手套、护目镜等必要的个人防护装备,以确保人身安全。

目录Cataloge第一部分The first part1ﻩ一、概述:outline2ﻩ二、机组技术参数:theunit technical parameter2ﻩ三、结构组成:thestructure composes3ﻩ四、开箱检查:open thecase and check out4ﻩ五、选择安装地点choose installation site5ﻩ六、地基施工指导the ground construction instruct5ﻩ七、机组安装:install the unit (6)八、注意事项:attention matters (8)九、日常维护routinemaintenance (9)十、故障排除trouble shooting (9)0ﻩ第二部分The Second part 使用说明书Operating instruction manual (11)第一部分The first part感谢您购买“日普昇”牌RPS系列小型风力发电机,安装使用前,请仔细阅读本用户使用手册,有助于保证产品的安全、正常运行并充分发挥其优越性能。
愿您尽情享受RPS系列风力发电机带给您的光明与快乐!本手册内所指风机即为RPS 系列小型风力发电机。
Thank you for buying the RPSseriesof small wind power generati ons , before you usingit,please readthe users manualserious, it ishelpful in the guarantee product security、thenormal operation and displays its highperformance fully. Hope you canenjoy the bright andhappy taking by the RPS serieswind power generations. 一、概述:outline风力发电机,是一种将风能转变为机械能,再转变为电能的机电设备,利用风力发电,向蓄电池充电蓄存电能,还可以把蓄存的电能转变为220V(380V)/50HZ的交流电源,风力发电不需燃料,无污染、无噪音。

ATTACHMENT 1WIND TURBINE SAFETY CONSIDERATIONSVestas is one of the leading wind turbine manufacturers, with approximately 70% market share worldwide. Based on its prominence in the world market, the Vestas Safety Manual (32 pages) is a credible source of safety information. Nordex is another well know manufacturer of wind turbines. Its Safety Manual (130 pages) likewise is considered a credible source of information on the subject of safety.On page 3 of the Vestas Safety Regulations for Operators and Technicians Manual, point # 2. – Stay and Traffic by the Turbine, Vestas personnel are instructed to stay away from a turbine by 400 m (1312 ft) unless it is necessary. Taken in context, this distance would apply to normal operating conditions. (See Exhibit 1)Under abnormal operating conditions, Vestas expands this distance in consideration of the safety of its employees. This is evidenced by the Vestas Confidential Health and Safety Instruction manual for a Falmouth MA wind farm. Page 10 of this manual addresses the situation of a free spinning “runaway turbine”. In that manual, instructions are for no one to be allowed within a 1640 feet (500 m) radius. (See Exhibit 2)The Nordex Safety Manual also addresses safety in the context of a fire. On page 52, under section 9.3 Fire, it states:DANGER FALLING TURBINE PARTS In case of a fire in the nacelle or on the rotor, parts may fall off the wind turbine. In case of a fire, nobody is permitted within a radius of 500 m from the turbine. (See Exhibit 3)Given that these standards apply to employees who are familiar with the safety implications of wind turbines and are equipped to deal with abnormal conditions, it is indefensible, from a safety perspective alone, to specify in a wind ordinance designed to protect the public health, safety and welfare a setback that is less than 1640 feet.Item no.: 960314.R5 Date 2006-09-11Issued by: Technology Class: IIType: MAN Page 3 of 32Safety Regulations for Operators and TechniciansV90 – 3.0MW/V100 – 2.75MWVestas Wind Systems A/S · Alsvej 21 · 8900 Randers · Denmark · 1. IntroductionA turbine connected to the grid implies certain elements of danger if it is handled without exercising proper caution.For safety reasons, at least two persons have to be present during a work procedure. The work must be properly carried out in accordance with this manual and other related manuals. This implies, among other things that personnel must be instructed in and familiar with relevant partsof this manual.Furthermore, personnel must be familiar with the contents of the “Substances and Materials” regulations.Caution must especially be exerted in situations where measurement and work is done in junction boxes that can be connected to power.Consequently the following safety regulations must be observed.2. Stay and Traffic by the TurbineDo not stay within a radius of 400m (1300ft) from the turbine unless it is necessary. If you have to inspect an operating turbine from the ground, do not stay under the rotor plane but observe the rotor from the front.Make sure that children do not stay by or play nearby the turbine. If necessary, fence the foundation. The access door to the turbine must be locked in order to prevent unauthorized persons from stopping or damaging the turbine due to mal-operation of the controller.3. Address and Phone Number of the TurbineNote the address and the access road of the turbine in case an emergency situation should arise. Theaddress of the turbine can often be found in the service reports in the ring binders next to the groundcontroller. Find the phone number of the local life-saving service.Vestas advises to “evacuate by running upwind …access to the surrounding area in a radius of at least 500 meters [1640 ft.] must berestricted.”Revision 04 / 2011-07-18 Safety ManualThe WT itself is adequately protected against damage by comprehensive lightning protection measures. However, persons inside or in the proximity of a WT are still at risk. ■ Initially, proceed as in a grid failure ■ Leave and lock the WT ■ Wait at a safe distance from the WT until the thunderstorm has passed Do not re-enter the WT until the thunderstorm has passed.9.3FireDANGERFALLING TURBINE PARTSIn case of a fire in the nacelle or on the rotor, parts may fall off the wind turbine. In case of a fire, nobody is permitted within a radius of 500 m from the turbine.NOTE The WT is equipped with ABC powder fire extinguishers for fighting incipient fires. At least one fire extinguisher is located in the tower base near the door and another in the nacelle near the Topbox. This makes it possible to extinguish burning solids and liquids, as well as fires in electrical systems of up to 1,000 V. These fire extinguishers are not suitable for extinguishing a fire on the high-voltage elements, see Chapter 9.3.2 "Fire in medium- voltage switchgear or transformer".9.3.1 Fire in the WT■ R emove any persons from the danger area ■ If possible, disconnect the burning object from the gri d ■ Fight the fire with available means if there is any chance of success ■ If the fire cannot be extinguished or if there is no chance of success, call the fire department ■ Inform the responsible Remote MonitoringPage 52 of 130 NALL01_011010_EN Fire。

常用的转速控制方法包括以下几种:1. 常速控制:将风轮转速保持在固定的恒定值。
2. 变桨角控制:通过调整桨叶的角度来控制风轮受力情况,从而控制转速。
3. 变频控制:通过改变发电机的电磁场频率来控制风力发电机的转速。
三、转速控制操作指南为了确保风力发电机的正常运行,以下是转速控制的一些建议:1. 在常速控制模式下,需要根据风速的变化调整风轮的转速。
2. 在变桨角控制模式下,需要根据风速变化及转速要求调整桨叶的角度。
3. 在变频控制模式下,操作人员需根据风速和发电机转速的设定值,进行相应的频率调节。
4. 定期检查发电机设备及控制系统的运行情况,确保转速控制装置的正常工作。
四、安全注意事项在使用风力发电机的过程中,需要注意以下安全事项:1. 操作人员应该熟悉发电机的工作原理、性能和操作规程,并进行相应的培训。
2. 在进行转速控制操作前,应确保风力发电机处于安全状态,并切断相关电源。
3. 操作过程中,应遵循操作规程,不得擅自改动设备参数或超负荷操作。


二、安全使用须知1. 在使用风力发电机之前,请确保已详细阅读并理解本使用说明书。
2. 在操作风力发电机时,请保持仪表盘及其周围的清洁,防止灰尘、油污等杂质对设备产生不利影响。
3. 在连接发电机电源之前,务必切断外部电源,并确保风速不低于3级。
4. 为了保证人身安全,请穿戴工作服、安全帽等相关防护用具,并严禁擅自改动设备结构或私自拆卸零部件。
5. 在设备运行期间,不得将手或其他物体伸入风轮转动范围内,以免造成伤害。
三、设备安装与调试1. 在安装风力发电机时,需选择开阔、无遮挡的场地,并确保其离建筑物、电线杆等障碍物的距离符合国家标准。
2. 确保风轮叶片安装正确,叶片之间保持一定间隙,以免叶片受到相互碰撞而受损。
3. 连接电源之前,请先检查所有接线是否牢固可靠,并严禁接反或短路,以免导致设备故障或事故发生。
4. 在全部安装完成后,可进行风力发电机的初次调试。
四、设备维护与保养1. 定期检查发电机的外观及连接螺丝是否松动,如有发现问题请及时修复。
2. 清洁叶片和机壳等部件,防止积尘和杂物影响设备运行效果。
3. 检查设备的电缆和电源是否正常,以确保电源连接畅通无误。
4. 如发现机械部分或电气元件出现故障或损坏,应立即停止使用,并联系厂家或售后服务进行维修。
五、故障排除1. 故障现象:发电机无法启动。

风力发电机说明书风力发电机说明书1.产品介绍1.1 产品概述本文档旨在提供关于风力发电机的详细技术说明和使用指南。
1.2 产品特点●高效能:本产品采用先进的风轮设计和优化的发电机结构,提高了发电机的效率和输出功率。
2.安装要求2.1 安装位置要求风力发电机需要安装在开阔无遮挡的地方,远离高建筑物、树木、或其他阻挡风力的障碍物。
2.2 安装基础要求安装基础需要具备一定的强度和稳定性,可以承受风力发电机的重量和风力引起的振动。
2.3 安装步骤●选择合适的安装位置,确保没有障碍物遮挡风力。
3.使用方法3.1 启停机操作●启动:将风力发电机连接电网后,按下启动按钮,机器即可自动运行并开始发电。
3.2 监控和维护●定期检查机器运行状态,确保发电机正常工作。
4.安全注意事项4.1 高压安全风力发电机涉及高压电流,操作人员在维修和保养过程中必须戴好防护设备,确保人身安全。
4.2 防雷防护风力发电机安装过程中,需安装防雷装置,防止雷击损坏发电机及相关设备。
4.3 防风安全在风力较大的情况下,风力发电机可能产生较大的振动和噪声,使用人员需保持安全距离,避免受伤。

发行日期:2007年5月1 安全注意为了确保风力发电机安全无危险地运行,必须仔细阅读此操作规程。
1.2 基本的安全注意事项风力发电机是依据国际及国家技术标准和规定建造和安装的,尽管这样,误操作也会产生危及人身安全的危险状况,并且会导致风机损坏。
1.3 安全标志此操作规程中,使用如下标志。
SIEMENS 风力发电机SWT-2.3-93 说明书

2009发行与版权所有:西门子股份公司能源业务领域Freyeslebenstrasse 191058埃尔兰根,德国西门子风力发电A/SBorupvej 167330 Brande,丹麦/wind西门子(中国)有限公司能源业务领域可再生能源集团北京市朝阳区望京中环南路7号邮编:100102电话:+ 86 (0)10 6476 3166订单号:E50001-D310-A102-X-5DCN本印刷品采用无氯漂白纸张。
卓越的效率西门子风力发电机SWT-2.3-93 /energy Answers for energy.杰出的效率拥有超过25年的领先设计与工程经验,无论在内陆,还是海上,几乎适合所有类型的应用。
叶片B45叶片采用了西门子专利的一体化叶片(IntegralBlade ®)制造工艺,由玻璃纤维增强环氧树脂制成。

二、系统结构风速控制系统主要由以下几个组成部分构成:1. 风速传感器:用于检测风速的传感器,通常安装在风力发电机的顶部或附近,并与控制系统进行连接。
2. 控制器:接收并处理来自风速传感器的信号,根据风速的变化来调整风力发电机的转速,以达到最佳的工作状态。
3. 电机驱动器:根据控制器的指令,控制风力发电机的转速,确保其在各种风速下都能稳定运行。
三、工作原理风速控制系统的工作原理如下:1. 风速传感器检测风速,并将所得的数据传输给控制器。
2. 控制器根据接收到的风速数据,与预设的工作参数进行比较,从而确定风力发电机需要调整的转速。
3. 控制器将转速调整的指令发送给电机驱动器。
4. 电机驱动器根据控制器发送的指令,调整风力发电机的转速。
5. 风力发电机根据电机驱动器的控制,调整叶片的角度和转速,以最大程度地转化风能为电能。
四、使用和维护为了确保风力发电机的风速控制系统能够稳定运行并保持高效性,以下是一些建议的使用和维护事项:1. 使用前,请确保系统的所有部件都安装正确,并进行必要的校准和测试。
2. 定期检查风速传感器的工作状态,如有问题及时更换或维修。
3. 避免在恶劣的天气条件下长时间使用风力发电机,以免对系统造成损坏或损失。
4. 定期对控制器进行系统升级,并确保使用最新版本的软件。
5. 风力发电机运行期间,及时检查控制器和驱动器的温度,如有过热迹象,请立即停机检修。
6. 在风力发电机需要进行维护或保养时,务必按照制造商的指导进行操作,切勿擅自拆卸或更改系统的任何部件。
7. 风力发电机停机时,请切断电源,并确保系统处于安全状态。

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FD2.0-150W 、FD2.2-200W、FD2.6-300W、FD2.8-600W 、FD3.2-1000W 、FD4.0-2000W、FD5.0-3000W、FD6.0-5000W、FD8.0-10000W、FD12.0-20KW、FD12.5-30KW型风力发电机,是一种风能转变为机械能,再转变为电能的机电设备,利用风力发电,向蓄电池充电蓄存电能,还可以把蓄存的电能转变为220V/50Z 的交流电源,风力发电不需燃料,无污染、无噪音。
1 、机器型式:水平轴迎风向/垂直轴
2 、叶片型式:螺旋桨型
3 、叶片数目:3 片
4 、风轮直径:2.6 米、2.8 米、3.8 米、5.0米、7.0米、8.0米
5 、额定转速:400 转/ 分、200转/分、150转/分
6 、额定功率:300W 、500W 、1KW、2KW、3KW、5KW、10KW、20KW、30KW
7 、工作电压:24V 、48V 、96V 、108V、220V、380V
8 、配蓄电池:24V 、48V 、96V、108V、216V、360V
9 、起动风速:3米/ 秒
10 、设计风速:8 米/ 秒
11 、工作范围:3~ 20 米/ 秒
12 、旋转方向:顺时针(面向风轮)
13 、风能利用系数:0.4
14 、高速比:6 :1~8 :1
15 、调速方式:自动调偏风
16 、立架高度:6~12米
1 、地点选择:
A 、如需在障碍物附近安装风机,在条件许可的情况下应机尽可能地远离障碍物,以充分利用风能,离障碍物的极距离要求。
B、如在障碍物之上架设风机,风机的安装高度应使风轮的下缘至少高出障碍物的最高点2 米。
2 、安装规程:
风机的安装是项紧张、细致、认真的工作,故在现场安装时,须遵守有关安全操作规程,且竖立风机的工作只能在风速不超过8 米/ 秒(四级风)的情况下进行。
基础硬化后,放倒立杆,用高约1 米的简易支架,支撑在立杆上端部,发电机安装步骤如下:
A 、在地上挖一土坑,把装好的底座平置坑内,浇灌碎石混凝土。
B 、以土坑为中心量5.0 米半径以90 度均分四点挖拉线坑将地锚置入坑内,浇灌混凝土。
C 、立杆内穿入电缆线,上立杆、下立杆、底座分别插接。
A 、在立轴下方放置垫圈,立轴和回转体套内涂抹黄油。
B 、将电机回转体套入立轴,注意上下不得装反(标牌向上),锁卡簧,放置理由帽,电缆线从立轴中穿出,和电机输出线交接。
C 、暴露在机外的电缆线,应包扎防晒,立轴帽上方包扎,防止下坠使电缆破皮短路。
D、尾杆和尾舵板连接,视尾板和尾杆平行一致,旋紧M16 螺母,尾杆首端置入回转体内,插销轴,旋紧M20 螺母。
E 、组装叶片轮毂,叶片凹面迎风,凸面对电机,不得装反,装好叶片总成置入电机轴,放置垫圈,旋紧M20 螺母。
F 、电气箱的红色接线柱和电池组的“十”极俩界,黑色接线柱与“一”极相接,且勿接错。
G 、风机安装完毕,检查各处连接无误,拉起风机。
A 、如发现电机工作不正常,抖动,或有异常声音,应停机检查。
B 、风机告诉旋转时,风轮旋转平面方向,不要站人和进行其它工作,以防叶片飞出伤人。
C 、电池要保持干燥清洁,电池组上下不要放置金属物品,防止造成电池短路。
D 、电气箱负极搭铁和单配的逆变器不要放置在一起,以免短路。
E 、线的紧线器遇大风后会自动松动,可用铁丝锁住,每次大风过后,检查拉线是否松动,如有松动机时排除。
F 、风力发电机应单独布线,不可与其它线路混用,建议照明用直流电源,家用电器可使用逆变器输出的交流电源。
G 、箱接线时,先接通蓄电池再发电机输出线,分解时先分解发电机输出线再断开蓄电池组接线。
H 、电气箱的停机开关,通常在开机位置,在蓄电池充足电或在防御灾害性强风暴吹袭作临时关机用,只有风轮缓慢运行拨到关机位置,不允许在高速旋转拨动开关。