
听课记录:新2024秋季人教版九年级英语全一册Unit 11 Sad Movies Made Me Cry一、教学目标(核心素养)1.语言能力:学生能够理解和运用描述情感反应的词汇和句型,提升阅读理解和口头表达能力。
三、教学过程教师行为:•词汇与句型讲解:介绍并讲解描述情感反应的词汇和句型,如“made me cry”, “brought tears to my eyes”, “moved me deeply”等,通过例句加深理解。

七年级下册人教英语听课记录In the second semester of seventh grade, students continue to learn English with the People's Education Press textbook. This article will provide a detailed record of the listening class for the second semester of seventh grade.The listening class for the second semester of seventh grade covers various topics, including daily routines, hobbies, school life, and travel experiences. The purpose of these lessons is to improve students' listening skills and expand their vocabulary.In the first lesson, students learn about daily routines. They listen to a dialogue between two friends discussing their daily schedules. Through this dialogue, students learn how to ask and answer questions about daily routines. The teacher plays the dialogue several times, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and sentence structures used in the conversation.In the following lessons, students explore different hobbies. They listen to conversations between classmates discussing their hobbies and interests. Through these conversations, students learn how to express their own preferences and ask about others' hobbies. They also learn new vocabulary related to hobbies, such as playing musical instruments, painting, and playing sports.School life is another topic covered in the listening class. Students listen to dialogues and monologues about school activities, such as sports day, school trips, and class presentations. Through these listening exercises, students learn how to describe past events, express opinions, and make suggestions. They also learn new vocabulary related to school life, such as extracurricular activities, competitions, and performances.In the final lessons of the semester, students listen to travel experiences. They listen to dialogues and monologues about different travel destinations and activities. Through these listening exercises, students learn how to describe places, talk about their travel experiences, and give recommendations. They also learn new vocabulary related to travel, such as landmarks, attractions, and transportation.Throughout the listening class, students are encouraged to actively participate and practice their listening skills. The teacher provides opportunities for students to ask questions, engage in pair or group discussions, and complete listening comprehension exercises. This interactive approach helps students improve their listening comprehension and oral communication skills.In conclusion, the listening class for the second semester of seventh grade focuses on daily routines, hobbies, school life, and travel experiences. Through various listening exercises, students learn new vocabulary, improve their listening skills, and enhance their ability to express themselves in English. The interactive nature of the class encourages active participation and fosters a positive learning environment. By the end of the semester, students are expected to have a better understanding of the topics covered and be more confident in their English abilities.。
初中英语听课记录 (2)

初中英语听课记录1. 第一节课:英语的基本单词和发音在这节课上,老师主要教我们一些基本的英语单词和它们的发音。
2. 第二节课:日常生活用语这节课上,老师教我们一些常用的日常生活用语,比如问候语、道歉、感谢等。
3. 第三节课:英语听力训练在这节课上,老师给我们播放了一段简短的英语对话,并让我们在听完对话后回答相关的问题。
4. 第四节课:英语口语练习这节课上,老师让我们进行了口语练习。
5. 第五节课:阅读理解训练这节课上,老师给我们发放了一些英语阅读材料,并让我们阅读后回答相关问题。
6. 第六节课:写作技巧和练习在这节课上,老师讲解了一些英语写作的基本技巧,包括如何构思、如何组织文章、如何运用词汇和语法等。

主题:人教版九年级英语教师第1单元听课记录一、背景介绍1.1 单元内容:本单元是九年级英语的第一个单元,主要内容包括介绍自己、家人和朋友的基本信息以及谈论爱好和喜好。
1.2 教学目标:通过本单元的教学,学生应能够掌握一些基本的英语交流技能,包括自我介绍、询问他人信息以及谈论自己的爱好。
二、听课情况记录2.1 时间地点:2021年10月15日上午,在人教版九年级英语教室内进行。
2.2 参与人员:本次听课活动共有30名九年级学生和1名教师参与。
2.3 教学步骤:2.3.1 自我介绍:教师首先对自己进行简单的介绍,包括尊称、国籍、爱好等信息,引出本单元的教学内容。
2.3.2 课堂互动:教师引导学生进行自我介绍,并指导他们使用正确的语言表达自己的基本信息。
2.3.3 练习演讲:学生进行小组活动,互相介绍并练习演讲,培养他们的口语表达能力。
2.3.4 情景对话:教师设计了一些情景对话,帮助学生学会如何在不同场合进行交流。
三、听课情况分析3.1 教学内容覆盖全面:教师在课堂上通过自我介绍的方式很好地引出了本单元的教学内容,让学生对本单元的学习目标有了更清晰的认识。
3.2 互动性强:教师在课堂上引导学生进行多种形式的互动,包括小组活动和情景对话,帮助学生更好地掌握所学内容。
3.3 学生参与度高:学生在课堂上表现活跃,积极参与各种活动,充分发挥了他们的语言表达能力。
四、听课中发现的问题与建议4.1 词汇掌握程度不够:部分学生在自我介绍和情景对话中出现了词汇错误,需要加强词汇的积累和应用。
4.2 口语表达欠缺:一些学生在进行演讲时表达欠流畅,需要加强口语练习和训练。
4.3 课堂纪律不够:部分学生在课堂上表现得不够专注,需要加强对课堂纪律的管理。
五、教学反思与改进措施5.1 加强词汇训练:针对学生词汇掌握不够的问题,教师可以设计一些词汇练习活动,帮助学生加强词汇的积累和运用。
5.2 口语练习加强:教师可以设计更多的口语练习活动,例如角色扮演、情景对话等,帮助学生提高口语表达能力。

初二英语听课记录30篇初二英语听课记录30篇第1篇一、教师自身的良好素质是上好一堂课的重要前提和根本保证.在听课中,我发现优秀的教师都有几个共同特点:1、口语流利,发音准确.只有做到这一点,才能保证孩子对课程的理解,才能保证孩子学到正确的知识,地道的语言;2、善于利用多种手段辅助教学,使孩子接触到的知识更立体,更直观,更生动;3、教态亲切,表情丰富,在课堂上能轻松,活泼,潇洒地进行授课,富有艺术性;4、有扎实的英语根底知识作为后盾,词汇丰富,课堂充实.二、调动学生积极性,让学生真正成为课堂的主人.这是新课标的重要特点,也是素质教育的要求.通过听课我发现教师的教学理念都发生了转变,都树立了以学生为主体的教学理念.把整个课堂还给了学生,注重学生能力的培养,注重主体参与,教学中互动模式多样,多采用小组竞赛的模式或创造一个语境,让学生展开联想,激起了学生们对英语学习的兴趣,营造了宽松,民主,和谐的教与学的气氛,让学生真正成为了课堂的主人.三、课前互动是一个很关键的环节在这次听课中我发现课前老师和学生互动的较好的,课堂都比拟成功,老师们大多数从自身的生活着手活泼课堂气氛,得学生们的喜欢..我认为大多数的老师在这一点上做得很到位.课程开始后,从单词的讲解,到听力练习,再到对话讨论,一环扣一环可以说衔接得非常自然,学生们都能很好的理解,并且在每一环节和环节之间的过渡中都在反复应用本节课的语法重点,很多老师还打破常规,大胆创新,改变课本原有的思路,取得了较好的效果.通过这次听课,我开阔了眼界,让我深切的体会到了紧迫感,认识到了自己的局限.同时我对自己也提出了许多问题去思考,怎样让自己的语言更优美?怎样让学生喜欢上课?怎样培养学生的能力?相信通过自己的不断努力,一定能拉近距离,不断进步.这为我们英语教师的业务素质的提高提供了一次不可多得的学习时机.通过这次听课,我觉得在教育教学方面收获很多.虽然这13节优质课的水平不一,风格各异,但每一节课都有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西.一、调动学生积极性,让学生真正成为课堂的主人.这是新课标的重要特点,也是素质教育的要求.注重学生能力的培养,注重主体参与,教学中互动模式多样,多采用小组竞赛的模式或创造一个语境,让学生展开联想,激起了同学们对英语学习的兴趣.营造了宽松,民主,和谐的教与学的气氛.平时我们在这一方面做得不够好.因此,听课时我特别注意了各地老师不同的调动学生的方式.学生积极性调动起来以后,怎样保持下去也很重要.老师在每个教学环节中对孩子的要求一定要清楚明确,难易适中.只有孩子清楚的知道自己应该干什么时,才有可能干好这件事;而问题太难孩子会无从下手,太易又不用思考,这都会打击孩子的积极性.二、教师自身的良好素质是上好一堂课的重要前提和根本保证.在这几天的听课中我发现优秀的教师都有几个共同特点:1、口语流利,发音准确.只有做到这一点,才能保证孩子对课程的理解,才能保证孩子学到正确的知识,地道的语言;2、善于利用多媒体等多种手段辅助教学,使孩子接触到的知识更立体,更直观,更生动;3、教态亲切,表情丰富,在课堂上能轻松,活泼,潇洒地进行授课,富有艺术性;4、有扎实的英语根底知识作为后盾,词汇丰富,课堂充实.通过这次听课,我开阔了眼界,看到了自己的缺乏,以及自己与省优的差距.同时我对自己也提出了许多问题去思考,怎样让自己的语言更优美?怎样然孩子喜欢上课?怎样培养孩子的能力?相信通过自己的不断努力,一定能拉近距离,不断进步.初二英语听课记录30篇第2篇课前板书1.Do you like festival?2.What kinds of festivals do you know in China?3.Which festival do you like best? Why?4.What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? Teaching procedure Before classRead the words in Module 2 During class:1.Read the words and expressions in Module 22.Have a dictation of the words in Module 23.Ask and answer:Do you like festivals?What kinds of festivals do you know in China? Which festival do you like best? Why?What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival?4.Group workDivide the students into nine groups and the topic for them to discuss is: What does your family do to get ready for Spring Festival?5.Talk about the pictures.6.Match the phrases and the pictures.7.Listen and read.8.Finish Part 3 --- Choose the correct answer.9.Homework评课意见:1、课前进教室,提前板书相关内容,为课堂教学顺利进行打下根底,并能有效的节省时间;2、教学环节设计安排清晰明了,过渡自然.3、能结合学校分组分享教学法和英语教学的学科特点,有效开展分组活动.如全班学生分成九个小组,共同讨论分享What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? 在这一环节中学生能够积极参与,并能充分运用所学语言知识进行英语表达;初二英语听课记录30篇第3篇上午,来到**中学参加初三英语教研活动.参加本次活动的市镇中心英语教研组的成员和全镇初三英语老师.本次活动首先听了六峰中学朱杰红老师的一杰初三教研课,然后,大家开展了积极的教研讨论活动,最后,曾衍明主任就初三英语复习工作做了一些工作部署. 下面是这节课的听课记录和听后随感.Teaching procedure1.课前朗读,复习单词2.Greetings ---- Whats the weather like today? Sunny.紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词..教师问:Whats the weather will be like if its rainy? 然后学生答复说:Itll be wet.感慨句的表达形式.How fine the day is! 当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过What a fineday it is ! 启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的句子:How fine it is! 接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出以下单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然后说:He isa hard-working student.Ill learn from him.4.朗读Lesson 60 课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多.如:首先,我们见到图画中有什么?像这样的句子完全可以直接用英语组织进行.教师通过幻灯片呈现故事,在故事的呈现中渗透语言知识,形式很好.如果能就图片提出一些目的性更强、有效性更高的问题就好了.)接着,教师继续由图片、话题引出.The dog is our best friend.We should take good care of it.这两句话可否连起来呢?让学生说出:The dog is our best friend and we should take good care of it.5.检查上次作文情况并步入正题----初三升中专题复习----书面表达在这一环节中,让学生做老师,阅读并修改作文,谈谈他们的好与不好到底何在,应当如何修改.6.朗读范文听课意见与随想总体感觉:朱老师在课堂教学中表现出了扎实的教学根本功和丰富的教学经验,并展示出了教师关爱学生、循循善诱等方面的教学特点.特别是在知识的引入过程中,十分注重启发学生思维,并在这一过程中努力提高学生的想象力和益友语言知识的运用能力.随想与建议:1.书面表达是语言学习过程中语言输出的.局部.它不是被动的语言输入,而是积极的主动输出.可以说,书面表达对于初三的同学来说,是最难的一个能力工程了.2.思考:如何提高学生作文或书面表达能力呢?我觉得:第一,应当给与学生足够正确的语言输入;第二,应当专设书面表达作文课.在作文课上教师亲自示范,并和学生一起作文.比方说在看图过程中,可以更好的启发学生如何看图、如何说图.(这样可以更好的深入到学生的思维内核.)当说图训练充分之后,在开展进行书面表达.第三,注意要点的把握.如时态准确、选字恰当、长短句问题、连接词问题等.第四,学生作文优秀的拿出示范,不佳的进行错误分析.在修改作文时需要考虑我们修改的标准是什么?显性和隐性的标准何在?同时,还可以结合考试标准中对书面表达的专门阐述,有所侧重地开展教学活动.3.从教学环节安排来看,个人觉得各环节小任务明确,但是,各个小任务与大任务的目标一致性方面还有待加强.4.关于口语语言输出的工作,有一个教学活动是否可以考虑:那就是课前给学生6-8个单词或短语,让他们用这些词语说出一段英语故事.然后,在每节课上课开始的前三分钟可以让学生展示.在一定程度上对学生语言的输入会有所帮助.5.从这节课中的作文材料来看,随想到一个问题:那就是路见不平、拔刀相助的问题.这不是一个英语知识问题.需要考虑的是:当我们路见不平的时候,要不要拔刀相助,如何相助? He knew what was happening.He threw the bottle hard and quickly to the man.-------We should help people in trouble.----But how? 也许,就这样的话题,可以用英语开展更加深入地讨论(语言输出).『初二英语听课记录30篇』由nozhao分享,本页面最后一次更新时间为2021-06-25,仅供参考,下载后可根据需要自行编辑修改.。

人教版初中英语12月听课记录一、背景介绍1. 人教版初中英语课程介绍人教版初中英语教材是我国普通中学英语教学的主要教材之一,广泛应用于初中各年级的英语教学。
2. 教师听课记录的重要性教师听课记录是对教学过程的一种观察,可以帮助教师发现自身教学中存在的问题并及时进行改进。
二、听课记录内容1. 教师基本信息教师尊称:XXX所在学校:XXX中学授课年级:初二授课内容:Unit 3 A day out2. 课堂教学过程a. 教学内容安排本节课主要介绍了一家旅游社的宣传广告以及学习了一些旅游的基本词汇和短语。
b. 教学方法教师采用了多媒体教学的方式,通过图片和视频让学生身临其境地感受不同的旅游场景,增强了学生的学习兴趣。
c. 学生表现大部分学生积极参与课堂互动,表现出对学习英语的浓厚兴趣。
3. 教师教学特点a. 语言表达流畅教师在课堂上表达清晰,语言组织严谨,表达能力较强,能够有效地向学生传达知识。
b. 教学氛围营造教师在课堂上营造了良好的学习氛围,通过调查问答、小组讨论等形式激发学生的学习热情。
c. 学生互动引导教师在课堂上引导学生积极参与互动,鼓励学生多表达自己的看法,促进学生之间的交流和合作。
三、听课记录反思1. 教师教学过程中的问题a. 学生参与度不够高部分学生在课堂上表现出较低的参与度,需要教师对学生进行更多的引导和激励。
b. 学生口语表达能力差个别学生在口语表达能力上存在明显的不足,需要教师通过更多的口语练习来提高学生的口语表达能力。
2. 教师今后改进方案a. 提高课堂互动教师在今后的教学中,可以通过设计更多的小组合作活动和互动环节来提高学生的课堂参与度。
b. 加强口语训练教师可以通过增加口语练习的时间和强化口语训练,使学生的口语表达能力得到有效提高。

听课记录:新2024秋季人教版九年级英语全一册中考英语复习《阅读策略指导》1. 教学目标(核心素养)1.1 教学目标•语言能力:学生能够掌握并熟练运用多种阅读策略,提高阅读速度和理解能力。
2. 导入2.1 教师行为•教师首先展示一篇中考英语阅读样题,简要介绍文章背景,但不直接给出答案。
•提问:“你们认为在阅读这样的文章时,应该采用哪些策略来更快更准确地获取信息?”2.2 学生活动•学生观察文章标题和插图,猜测文章内容。
2.3 过程点评•导入环节通过展示实际样题,迅速吸引了学生的注意力,激发了他们的思考兴趣。
3. 教学过程3.1 教师行为•策略讲解:逐一介绍常见的阅读策略,如预测、略读、寻读、精读等,并解释每种策略的使用场景和优势。
3.2 学生活动•认真听讲,记录教师讲解的阅读策略和技巧。
3.3 过程点评•教学过程注重理论与实践相结合,通过策略讲解、示例分析和实战演练,帮助学生全面掌握阅读策略。

本堂课一开始,教师就用多媒体图片导入新课,图文并茂,使学生的注意力在最短的时间里被激活,而且使学生学会了怎样制作“banana milk shake”。

二、教学内容1. 语音教学:通过模仿和练习,让学生掌握正确的英语发音,了解英语语音的基本规则。
2. 词汇教学:通过多种方式帮助学生记忆单词,如分类记忆、联想记忆等,同时注重词汇的实际运用。
3. 语法教学:让学生了解英语的基本语法规则,学会正确使用英语时态、语态、语气等。
4. 口语教学:通过模拟情景对话、角色扮演等形式,提高学生的口语表达能力。
5. 阅读与写作教学:通过阅读英文文章和写作练习,提高学生的阅读理解能力和写作水平。
三、教学方法1. 互动式教学:采用小组讨论、互动问答等形式,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的学习参与度。
2. 情境式教学:通过创设情境,让学生在实际运用中学习英语,加深对知识的理解和记忆。
3. 游戏式教学:利用游戏的方式进行英语教学,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。
4. 任务式教学:通过布置任务,让学生自主探究、合作学习,培养学生的学习能力和团队协作精神。
四、教学评价1. 过程性评价:在教学过程中及时给予学生反馈,指导学生改进学习方法,提高学习效率。
2. 终结性评价:通过期末考试等形式,全面评估学生的学习成果,为学生提供反馈和指导。

人教版初中英语听课笔记范文10篇Lesson Note 1: Unit 1 Lesson 1 - GreetingsIn this lesson students will learn basic greetings in English such as "Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", and "Good evening". The teacher will start the class by greeting the students and having them respond with the appropriate greeting. Students will then practice greeting each other in pairs. The teacher will model different scenarios such as meeting a friend, meeting a teacher, and meeting a stranger, and have students role play these situations. To wrap up the lesson, the teacher will have a few students come to the front of the class and greet the rest of the class. This will allow the teacher to assess the students' understanding and provide feedback. Overall, this lesson focuses on familiarizing students with common English greetings and providing them opportunities to practice using them in simple conversational situations.Lesson Note 2: Unit 1 Lesson 2 - Introducing YourselfIn this lesson students will learn how to introduce themselves in English. The teacher will begin by modeling a self-introduction, including name, age, where they are from, and one interesting factabout themselves. Students will then practice introducing themselves to the class. The teacher will provide a sentence frame to guide the students "Hello my name is ___ I am ___ years old I am from ___ and I like ___." After the individual introductions, the teacher will have students introduce their classmates to the rest of the class. This will allow students to practice both introducing themselves and others. To wrap up, the teacher may have a small group activity where students have to interview each other and then introduce their partner to the class. This lesson focuses on giving students confidence in presenting personal information about themselves in English.Lesson Note 3: Unit 2 Lesson 1 - Talking about FamilyIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to family members and practice describing their own families. The teacher will begin by presenting flashcards with different family member vocabulary words and having students repeat after them. The teacher will then model describing their own family, including the names and ages of family members. Students will then work in pairs to interview each other about their families and prepare to introduce their partner's family to the class. As a wrap up activity, the teacher will call on random students to come to the front and introduce their partner's family to the class. This lesson aims to build students' confidence in using family-related vocabulary and describing their personal family situations in English.Lesson Note 4: Unit 2 Lesson 2 - Talking about PetsIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to common pets and practice describing the pets they have at home. The teacher will begin by showing images of different pets and having students name them in English. The teacher will then model describing their own pet, including the pet's name, type, color, and a few personality traits. Students will then work in small groups to discuss the pets they have at home and prepare to introduce one of their group member's pets to the class. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random groups to come to the front and introduce one of their group member's pets to the class. This lesson focuses on expanding students' pet-related vocabulary and giving them opportunities to practice describing the pets in their lives.Lesson Note 5: Unit 3 Lesson 1 - Talking about Daily RoutinesIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to daily routines and practice describing their own daily schedules. The teacher will begin by presenting a list of common daily activities and having students repeat them. The teacher will then model describing their own daily routine using sequencing words like "first", "then", "after that", and "finally". Students will then work individually to write out their own daily schedules and prepare to present them to the class. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random students to come to the front and describe their daily routines to the class. This lessonaims to build students' ability to talk about their daily lives and use sequencing language in English.Lesson Note 6: Unit 3 Lesson 2 - Telling TimeIn this lesson students will learn how to tell time in English. The teacher will begin by presenting analog and digital clock images and having students practice saying the time shown. The teacher will then model phrases for asking and telling the time, such as "What time is it?" and "It's 3:15." Students will then work in pairs to practice asking and telling the time. As a wrap up, the teacher may have a classroom clock that they use to call out different times and have students write down the time in their notebooks. This lesson focuses on giving students the language skills to communicate about the time in English.Lesson Note 7: Unit 4 Lesson 1 - Talking about HobbiesIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to common hobbies and practice describing their own interests. The teacher will begin by presenting images of different hobbies and having students name them in English. The teacher will then model describing their own hobbies, including why they enjoy those activities. Students will then work individually to write about their top 3 hobbies. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random students to share one of their hobbies with the class. This lesson aims to build students' confidence in using hobby-related vocabulary and discussing their personalinterests in English.Lesson Note 8: Unit 4 Lesson 2 - Talking about Likes and DislikesIn this lesson students will learn how to express likes and dislikes in English. The teacher will begin by presenting a list of common likes and dislikes, such as "I like playing basketball" and "I don't like spicy food", and having students repeat after them. The teacher will then model having a conversation about likes and dislikes with a volunteer student. Students will then work in pairs to interview each other about their likes and dislikes. As a wrap up, the teacher may have students share one thing they like and one thing they dislike with the class. This lesson focuses on giving students the language skills to communicate their personal preferences in English.Lesson Note 9: Unit 5 Lesson 1 - Talking about the WeatherIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to weather and practice describing the current weather conditions. The teacher will begin by presenting images of different weather phenomena and having students name them in English. The teacher will then model describing the weather, using phrases like "It's sunny", "It's raining", and "It's cold outside." Students will then work in small groups to discuss the current weather and prepare to present a weather report to the class. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random groups to come to the front and deliver a short weather report to the class. This lesson aims to build students' ability to discuss weather-relatedtopics in English.Lesson Note 10: Unit 5 Lesson 2 - Talking about SeasonsIn this lesson students will learn vocabulary related to the four seasons and practice describing the characteristics of each season. The teacher will begin by presenting images of the four seasons and having students name them in English. The teacher will then model describing the weather, activities, and clothing associated with each season. Students will then work individually to write a short paragraph describing their favorite season. As a wrap up, the teacher will call on random students to share their paragraphs with the class. This lesson focuses on expanding students' seasonal vocabulary and giving them opportunities to describe seasonal changes in English.。
听课记录(人教版新目标七年级英语UNIT2 This is my sister)

听课记录(人教版新目标七年级英语UNIT2 This is my sister)人教版新目标七年级::|分类:教学|举报|字号大中小订阅授课人:何忠辉年级:七科目:英语课题:教学过程:一:,:::二三四小组讨论的图片,教师个别指导小组讨论完成的联系,齐读部分个单词两遍,强调的发音,播放两遍,一遍听,第二遍核对查漏补缺。

1. 听课日期:[具体日期]2. 授课教师:[教师姓名]3. 授课班级:七年级[X]班。
4. 授课内容:Unit [X] Section A。
(一)导入(5分钟)1. 教师通过展示一些与本节课话题相关的图片(如家庭成员的照片),引起学生的兴趣。
- 教师问:“What can you see in these pictures?”引导学生用简单的英语单词回答,如“father”“mother”等。
- 大部分学生积极参与回答,课堂气氛活跃起来。
2. 教师接着播放了一段简短的关于家庭介绍的视频片段,视频中有简单的英语对话。
- 播放完视频后,教师提问:“What did you hear in the video?”有部分学生能够说出一些视频中的单词,如“family”“love”等。
(二)知识讲解(20分钟)1. 词汇学习。
- 教师在黑板上列出了本节课的重点词汇,如“grandfather”“grandmother”“parent”“sister”“brother”等。
- 教师先领读每个单词,读得清晰、缓慢,并且强调了单词的重音和发音规则。
- 然后让学生跟读,采用全班跟读、小组跟读、个别学生跟读的方式,确保每个学生都有机会练习发音。
- 为了帮助学生记忆单词,教师采用了一些记忆方法。
如对于“parent”,教师解释说“p - a - r - e - n - t,它可以表示父亲或者母亲,是父母双亲中的一个”。
2. 句型讲解。
- 教师引出本节课的重点句型“This is my...”和“These are my...”。
- 在黑板上写出例句“This is my father.”和“These are my parents.”,并详细讲解了“this”和“these”的用法区别。

1. Unit 1 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to introduce ourselves and say hello to others.2. Unit 1 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to ask and answer questions about personal information, such as name, age, and nationality.3. Unit 2 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to talk about daily routines and express preferences for different activities.4. Unit 2 Lesson 25. Unit 3 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe people's appearance and personality traits using adjectives.6. Unit 3 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about people's hobbies and interests and discuss their likes and dislikes.7. Unit 4 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe past events using the past simple tense and talk about our personal experiences.8. Unit 4 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about historical events and famous figures and discuss their significance.9. Unit 5 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe places and talk about the activities we can do there.10. Unit 5 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about past and future travel experiences and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation.11. Unit 6 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe objects and their functions and discuss their importance in our daily lives.12. Unit 6 Lesson 213. Unit 7 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe animals and their habitats and discuss the importance of wildlife conservation.14. Unit 7 Lesson 2species and the measures taken to protect them.15. Unit 8 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different weather conditions and discuss their effects on our daily lives.16. Unit 8 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about natural disasters and the measures taken to prevent and respond to them.17. Unit 9 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different sports and discuss the benefits of participating in physical activities.18. Unit 9 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about sports events and discuss our favorite athletes and teams.19. Unit 10 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe differentfestivals and celebrations and discuss their cultural significance.20. Unit 10 Lesson 2customs and traditions in different countries and discuss the similarities and differences between them.21. Unit 11 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different jobs and professions and discuss their requirements and responsibilities.22. Unit 11 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about future career plans and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different professions.23. Unit 12 Lesson 124. Unit 12 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about the impact of technology on our daily lives and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using electronic devices.25. Unit 13 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different types of music and express our preferences for them.26. Unit 13 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to describe different musical instruments and discuss their roles in an orchestra.27. Unit 14 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different forms of art and express our opinions about them.28. Unit 14 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to describe different art exhibitions and discuss the significance of art in our society.29. Unit 15 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of books and discuss their benefits and drawbacks.30. Unit 15 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different authors and their works and discuss the impact of literature on our lives.31. Unit 16 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of movies and discuss our favorite genres.32. Unit 16 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different film festivals and discuss the influence of movies on society.In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of food and discuss our favorite dishes.34. Unit 17 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different cuisines and discuss the cultural significance of food.35. Unit 18 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different means of transportation and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.36. Unit 18 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about different travel destinations and discuss the factors to consider when planning a trip.37. Unit 19 Lesson 1In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of pollution and discuss the impact of human activities on the environment.38. Unit 19 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about environmental issues and express our opinions about them.In this lesson, we learned how to describe different types of celebrations and discuss the importance of celebrating special occasions.40. Unit 20 Lesson 2In this lesson, we learned how to talk about holiday traditions and discuss the similarities and differences between different cultures.。

Teaching procedure 1. 课前朗读,复习单词2. Greetings ---- What's the weather like today? Sunny.紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词。
cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, fine, etc. 然后,启发学生说出另外一些表示天气的单词:warm, cold, cool, hot, etc.启发的方法是通过师生问答开展的。
教师问:What's the weather will be like if it's rainy? 然后学生回答说:It'll be wet. 3. 由It's a fine day. 复习感叹句的表达形式。
How fine the day is! 当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过What a fine day it is ! 启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的句子:How fine it is!接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出下列单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然后说:He is a hard-working student. I'll learn from him.4. 朗读Lesson 60 课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多。

人教版初中七年级英语听课记录及评析范文The English lesson I observed in a 7th grade classroom was a valuable learning experience for me as a student teacher. The teacher's approach and the students' engagement provided insights into effective English language instruction at the middle school level. Throughout the lesson, I noted several key elements that contributed to its success.Firstly, the teacher demonstrated a strong command of the subject matter. Her thorough knowledge of the curriculum and the target language allowed her to guide the students through the lesson seamlessly. She confidently explained new vocabulary, grammar concepts, and cultural references, ensuring that the students had a solid foundation to build upon.One aspect that particularly impressed me was the teacher's ability to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment. From the moment the class began, she made a concerted effort to engage all students, regardless of their proficiency levels. She frequently checked for understanding, encouraged participation, and providedpositive reinforcement to boost the students' confidence.The lesson's structure was also well-planned and organized. The teacher began by reviewing the previous lesson's content, which helped the students connect new information to their existing knowledge. She then introduced the day's topic, providing a clear learning objective and outlining the key points to be covered.Throughout the lesson, the teacher employed a variety of instructional strategies to cater to different learning styles. She utilized visual aids, such as PowerPoint presentations and handouts, to enhance the students' understanding of the material. Additionally, she incorporated interactive activities, such as pair work and group discussions, to encourage active learning and foster collaboration among the students.One particularly effective strategy the teacher used was the integration of authentic materials. By incorporating real-world examples, such as news articles and short videos, she made the content more relatable and engaging for the students. This approach not only improved their comprehension but also exposed them to the practical applications of the English language.The teacher's use of the target language throughout the lesson was also noteworthy. She consistently spoke in English, encouraging thestudents to do the same. This immersive approach allowed the students to develop their listening and speaking skills, as they were constantly exposed to natural language use.Furthermore, the teacher's attention to detail and classroom management skills were commendable. She seamlessly transitioned between activities, maintained a positive and energetic demeanor, and effectively addressed any disruptions or questions that arose.Perhaps the most impressive aspect of the lesson was the level of student engagement. The students were actively participating, asking questions, and demonstrating a genuine interest in the subject matter. This level of engagement can be attributed to the teacher's ability to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment.In conclusion, the English lesson I observed in the 7th grade classroom was a testament to the power of effective teaching. The teacher's subject matter expertise, instructional strategies, and classroom management skills all contributed to the students' learning experience. As a future educator, I will strive to emulate the best practices I witnessed, with the goal of creating similar engaging and meaningful learning opportunities for my own students.。

人教版八下英语unit8听课记录30篇人教版八下英语Unit 8听课记录30篇简介•本文记录了人教版八下英语Unit 8的听课笔记,总计30篇。
John’s School Bag•John’s school bag is very heavy.•He carries books, notebooks, and stationery in his bag. •John’s school bag is red in color and has many pockets. Mary’s Daily Routine•Mary’s daily routine is quite busy.•She wakes up at 6:30 AM every morning.•She brushes her teeth, washes her face, and gets dressed. •Then she eats breakfast and goes to school.To m’s Hobby•Tom loves playing basketball.•He plays basketball at the school playground every afternoon.•Tom’s favorite basketball player is Michael Jordan.•He dreams of becoming a professional basketball player one day.Sally’s Summer Vacation•Sally’s summer vacation was fun.•She went to the beach with her family.•They swam in the sea, built sandcastles, and had picnics. •Sally had a great time and made lots of memories. David’s Dream House•David’s dream house is a huge mansion.•It has a swimming pool, a garden, and a tennis court. •David imagines living in a luxurious house like this in the future.•He hopes to work hard and make his dream come true.The Great Wall•The Great Wall is a famous tourist attraction in China.•It stretches thousands of kilometers across several provinces.•The Great Wall was built to protect China from invasions. •It is a symbol of China’s rich history and cultural heritage.The Pyramids of Egypt•The Pyramids of Egypt are ancient structures.•They were built as tombs for pharaohs and their families. •The largest pyramid is the Great Pyramid of Giza. •People from all over the world visit Egypt to see these magnificent wonders.The Eiffel Tower•The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris, France. •It was built in 1889 for the World’s Fair.•The Eiffel Tower is made of iron and stands at 324 meters tall.•It offers a stunning view of the city and attracts millions of tourists every year.The Statue of Liberty•The Statue of Liberty is located in New York, USA.•It was a gift from France to commemorate the friendship between the two countries.•The statue represents freedom and democracy.•Visitors can climb to the top of the statue and enjoy a panoramic view of New York City.The Taj Mahal•The Taj Mahal is a masterpiece of architecture in India. •It was built by Emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his wife.•The Taj Mahal is made of white marble and adorned with precious stones.•It is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Amazon Rainforest•The Amazon Rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world.•It is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species.•The rainforest is vital for maintaining the Earth’s ecological balance.•It is facing threats such as deforestation and climate change.The Sahara Desert•The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in the world. •It covers much of North Africa.•The Sahara is known for its vast stretches of sand and extreme temperatures.•Nomadic tribes and various animal species have adapted to survive in this harsh environment.The Great Barrier Reef•The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world.•It is located off the coast of Australia.•The reef is home to a stunning array of marine life, including colorful coral and tropical fish.•However, it is facing threats from climate change and pollution.The Grand Canyon•The Grand Canyon is a massive gorge in the United States. •It was formed by the Colorado River over millions of years.•The canyon offers breathtaking views and is a popular destination for hiking and camping.•It is a testament to the power of nature and the beauty of the Earth’s geological processes.The Mount Everest•Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.•It is located in the Himalayas, on the border of Nepal and China.•Climbing Mount Everest is a challenging and dangerous feat.•Only experienced mountaineers with proper equipment and training attempt to reach its summit.The Internet•The Internet is a global network that connects computers and electronic devices.•It allows people to communicate, share information, and access a vast amount of resources.•The Internet has revolutionized many aspects of modern life.•However, it also raises concerns about privacy, cybersecurity, and digital divide.Social Media•Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become increasingly popular.•They allow users to connect with friends and family, share photos and videos, and express their opinions. •However, they also pose risks such as cyberbullying and addiction.•It is important to use social media responsibly and protect one’s online privacy.Online Shopping•Online shopping has become a convenient and popular way to purchase goods and services.•It allows people to shop from the comfort of their own homes and have items delivered to their doorstep.•However, there are concerns about the quality of products, online scams, and the impact on localbusinesses.•It is important to be cautious and make informed decisions when shopping online.Artificial Intelligence•Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that would normally requirehuman intelligence.•AI technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing are advancing rapidly.•They have the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, transportation, and finance.•However, there are ethical and social implications that need to be considered as AI continues to develop. Virtual Reality•Virtual reality (VR) technology creates a simulated environment that can be similar to or completelydifferent from the real world.•It is used in various applications such as gaming, education, and training.•VR provides immersive and interactive experiences, but it also raises concerns about its impact on mentalhealth and social interactions.•As VR technology advances, it is important to use it responsibly and consider its potential benefits anddrawbacks.结语•以上是人教版八下英语Unit 8的30篇听课记录。
初中英语听课记录 (2)

三、教学过程1. 导入与预习教师用一段有趣的视频或图片导入本堂课的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣和好奇心。
2. 听力训练教师播放一段短对话或文章并停顿,让学生根据听到的内容回答相关问题。
3. 拓展讨论教师展示一组图片或演示一段视频,让学生根据所给的提示问题进行讨论。
4. 角色扮演教师给学生分发一份小对话剧本,学生根据剧本内容进行角色扮演。
5. 小结与反思教师引导学生回顾本堂课所学的知识和技能,并对学生的表现进行肯定和指导。

二、活动内容1. 听课本次听评课活动共安排了两位英语教师进行公开课展示,分别是八年级的《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a movie?》和九年级的《Unit 7 Will people have robots?》。
2. 评课听课结束后,教研组成员对两位教师的课堂教学进行了评课。
三、听课记录1. 八年级英语《Unit 5 Do you want to watch a movie?》授课教师:张老师教学内容:本节课主要围绕电影话题展开,通过听、说、读、写等活动,帮助学生掌握电影相关词汇和句型,提高学生的英语交际能力。
2. 九年级英语《Unit 7 Will people have robots?》授课教师:李老师教学内容:本节课主要围绕机器人话题展开,通过讨论、辩论等活动,引导学生思考科技发展对人类生活的影响,提高学生的英语思维能力和表达能力。

Teaching procedure
What's the weather like today?Sunny.
教师问:hat's the weather山be1 ike if it's rainy?然后学生国答说:ItI1beet
3.由It's a fine day,复习感叹句的表达形式,
llow fine the day is!当这句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过hat:fine day1tis!启发,并最终让学生顺利说出
下面的句子:llow fine it1s!。

听课记录:新2024秋季人教版九年级英语全一册期中考试《记叙文阅读与指导》1. 教学目标(核心素养)1.1 教学目标•语言能力:学生能够理解并分析记叙文的基本要素(如时间、地点、人物、事件等),提升阅读理解能力。
2. 导入2.1 教师行为•教师展示一幅与即将阅读记叙文主题相关的图片或短视频,如“一次难忘的旅行”场景,引起学生兴趣。
•提问:“What do you think this picture/video is about? Have you ever experienced something similar?” 引导学生分享个人经历,激活相关背景知识。
2.2 学生活动•学生认真观察图片/视频,积极思考教师的问题,并尝试用英语表达自己的想法和经历。
2.3 过程点评•导入环节生动有趣,通过视觉材料激发学生兴趣,同时引导学生将个人经历与即将学习的内容相联系,为后续的记叙文阅读做好了铺垫。
3. 教学过程3.1 教师行为•讲解记叙文要素:教师简要介绍记叙文的基本要素,并通过实例(如文章段落)进行分析,帮助学生理解。
3.2 学生活动•学生认真阅读教师提供的记叙文材料,按照指导步骤进行阅读和分析。
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Teaching procedure 1. 课前朗读,复习单词2. Greetings ---- What's the weather like today? Sunny.紧接着复习其他表示天气的单词。
cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, fine, etc. 然后,启发学生说出另外一些表示天气的单词:warm, cold, cool, hot, etc.启发的方法是通过师生问答开展的。
教师问:What's the weather will be like if it's rainy? 然后学生回答说:It'll be wet. 3. 由It's a fine day. 复习感叹句的表达形式。
How fine the day is! 当这一句话学生表述存在问题的时候,教师及时通过What a fine day it is ! 启发,并最终让学生顺利说出下面的句子:How fine it is!接着,进一步问道:如何赞扬一个人呢?引出下列单词:clever, smart, careful, hard, hard-working, 然后说:He is a hard-working student. I'll learn from him.4. 朗读Lesson 60 课文内容,之后,通过看幻灯片,谈论图片内容;(感觉在这一过程中,教师中文组织教学太多。
The dog is our best friend. We should take good care of it. 这两句话可否连起来呢?让学生说出:The dog is our best friend and we should take good care of it. 5. 检查上次作文情况并步入正题----初三升中专题复习----书面表达在这一环节中,让学生做老师,阅读并修改作文,谈谈他们的好与不好到底何在,应当如何修改。
6. 朗读范文听课意见与随想总体感觉:朱老师在课堂教学中表现出了扎实的教学基本功和丰富的教学经验,并展示出了教师关爱学生、循循善诱等方面的教学特点。
随想与建议:1. 书面表达是语言学习过程中语言输出的部分。
2. 思考:如何提高学生作文或书面表达能力呢?我觉得:第一,应当给与学生足够正确的语言输入;第二,应当专设书面表达作文课。
3. 从教学环节安排来看,个人觉得各环节小任务明确,但是,各个小任务与大任务的目标一致性方面还有待加强。
4. 关于口语语言输出的工作,有一个教学活动是否可以考虑:那就是课前给学生6-8个单词或短语,让他们用这些词语说出一段英语故事。
5. 从这节课中的作文材料来看,随想到一个问题:那就是路见不平、拔刀相助的问题。
需要考虑的是:当我们路见不平的时候,要不要拔刀相助,如何相助?He knew what was happening. He threw the bottle hard and quickly to the man. --------------- We should help people in trouble. --------------But how? 也许,就这样的话题,可以用英语开展更加深入地讨论(语言输出)。
初一听课记录田湘军授课教师:谢潘学生:初一(3)班授课内容:Module 2 Spring Festival 授课时间:2007年3月9日上午第一节课前板书1. Do you like festival?2. What kinds of festivals do you know in China?3. Which festival do you like best? Why?4. What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? Teaching procedure Before classRead the words in Module 2 During class:1. Read the words and expressions in Module 22. Have a dictation of the words in Module 23. Ask and answer:? Do you like festivals?? What kinds of festivals do you know in China? ? Which festival do you like best? Why?? What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? 4. Group workDivide the students into nine groups and the topic for them to discuss is: What does your family do to get ready for Spring Festival?5. Talk about the pictures.6. Match the phrases and the pictures.7. Listen and read.8. Finish Part 3 --- Choose the correct answer. 9. Homework 评课意见:1、课前进教室,提前板书相关内容,为课堂教学顺利进行打下基础,并能有效的节省时间;2、教学环节设计安排清晰明了,过渡自然。
如全班学生分成九个小组,共同讨论分享—What does your family usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? 在这一环节中学生能够积极参与,并能充分运用所学语言知识进行英语表达;4、合理运用教学资源方面做得比较好。
教师能组织学生开展talk about the pictures 的教学活动。
如分组分享活动的任务是---Talk about what your family usually does to get ready for Spring Festival. 又如Listen and Match 的任务是听录音材料,将相关短语划线;再如Listen and read 部分,任务是回答下面问题。
? What are Lingling and her family doing? ? What are the boys doing? ? What is Lingling doing? ? What is Lingling’s mother doing? 建议:1、各个环节的时间安排值得考虑比如说复习阶段。
结合自己前两天的课堂教学情况进行思考,觉得? 复习阶段是每一堂课的常规环节,应当常抓不懈;? 复习阶段的内容选择应当有的放矢,充分结合新授课内容;? 复习环节的时间分配不应当喧宾夺主;? 复习的形式应该是多种多样的。
还如:第八页的第一个环节Match the pictures and the phrases 结束的时间是8:14。
从上面几个环节来看,课堂教学的重要部分Listen and read 目前只剩下10来分钟的时间了。
不论是挂图的“挂”,还是talk about the pictures,都还有很大的空间可为;3、教师课堂英语组织教学方面,可是适当多些英语,少些汉语。